Transcript for:
Understanding Human Behavior and Intention

foreign [Music] serves a positive intention for the person doing it what do I mean by that what I mean by that is the following we're going to play a little game okay the game works like this guys the guy the game works like this you're only allowed to go left or right I hope you packed in your offense shoes here is a stadium of 10 000 people okay you are standing right here you've got it oh that's not what I wanted to do foreign you are standing right here [Music] you have a lever to decide where the train is going to go is the train going to go left or is the train going to go right okay guys it's simple left all right that is the only two options you have okay Michelle we can't wave at the train telling him to slow down we can't shout we can't it's a simple game okay it's just a game it's just a game okay we're gonna go left we're gonna go right simple we have 10 000 people sitting on this Stadium looking at you and what the decision is you make they do not have any idea and context of who the people are involved but they can just see the people you guys with me so they can see the people and everything that's going on but they have no context of oh the people are okay you understand what I mean so it's simple either left or right if I ask you left or right and you do this this is not an answer okay this left or right is an answer [Music] standing to the left hand side is a guy working on the train track and he's he quotes uh he got stuck yo sorry let me just do that he got stuck on stuck on train track whatever the case might be where do we take the train simple right we don't want to kill the poor guy standing to the right hand side is the person in your life that you love the most it might be your mom your dad your brother your sister your spouse your child or one of the people you love the most in your life the train comes you need to make a decision where are we going going Ruth are we going to go left or are we going to kill our family member who goes who goes right killing their own beloved person who goes left James where are you going left left left there's no such thing and the best of all is I'm like no Michelle you know if you can't start the drown I'm gonna stop the train where are you going left um obviously okay standing to the left-hand side is three people working on the train you've never met them you don't know who they are to the right is your firstborn child your husband your wife your Dad Mom whoever the case might be the person you love the most or one of the people you love the most in your life where do we take the train who goes right right you'd rather kill your own firstborn well let's just say both of the most dark I'm just saying the scenario okay okay we'll go left okay we're all going left is that right standing to the left is five people [Music] still left agree upon the fact that all of us will still go left although There is five people even ten even 20. Ernest you also go left okay now these people are looking at you 10 000 people imagine 10 000 people they look at you okay so you've got 20 000 eyeballs on you well ten thousand if you really want to be and they're all looking at you they see five people they see one person and you are killing five people instead of one person but they have no idea what's going on right because I can guarantee you 99.99999 of the people would also would have gone left if they were in the same position we sit on the stadium we look at people and we look at the train track and this guy or lady or woman or whoever the case might be kills five people instead of one person and we ask them or him or her are you stupid how can you kill five people instead of one person are you mad meanwhile we have no idea what's going on we have no idea what the context of this situation is because we just proven would have done the exact same thing but without context we have no idea what's going on a guy once asked me on the radio Franco if you can describe life in one word what would that be and I told him perspective and he asked me what do you mean by perspective and I said context and intent if you have the right intention for the right State of Mind intention when you're in a specific in a specific context you will have the right perspective on life my friend is working for a quite a big accounting company which you guys will know he says some of the guys are there every day like just moaning the whole time moaning moaning moaning and everything that he comes back and he tells me what's the new stuff he learned throughout the day and oh I learned how to do this and this and this and we audited this company and you can't believe what they did there and he's intention in that context of his work sets his perspective to go in with the perspective of learning every single day which reflects in his life another person goes through the exact same job exact same thing he's like oh we need to do this we need to do that we need to do that which sets the intention with for the context of work they're going in with an intention of oh I'm not in the mood for this I don't want to do this I'm really not in the mood for this and what happens it sets their perspective in their life which reflects in their life so every single Behavior serves a positive intention for the person doing it for us standing right here wanting to save our family member everything in life is about two things for me it is about context and intention because in different contexts you're gonna have different intentions so I shouldn't be judgmental of a rapist you shouldn't that is that is exactly what I'm saying we don't judge the behavior we judge the intention now please no his intention is most probably that I have been molested myself when I was younger and my only way of me feeling that I'm alive or me feeling something is to do a specific action which is out of the norm of what should be done but because my life has been so miserable and in so many different directions and certain things that this is now to the extent that I need to go to receive that specific need now please note this does not mean that the person that commits a certain crime like that should not be punished please understand what I'm saying they should be punished severely for their actions but we cannot judge the behavior we've seen this before where people steal from people we've seen these videos man and then these people go to them and actually help them out and because the because they hear the backstory actually behind the reason why they stole whatever they stole and then like I understand why you're doing that now please note guys I'm not condoning any negative behavior please understand this whatever law and whatever thing that you are broken you should suffer the consequence for that but wish but enabled for me to get you at a better place if you want to get help and if you really want to get yourself at a better place but once again personal responsibility the person needs to say hey I want to get help you know if that if a person is at that stage and not maybe not even at that stage but we need to be able to say hey you know what I understand the reason why why you might have taken that action I mean we worked with a guy he came in he's like literally from like well it's not just me like I I beat my wife and often like a few sessions and many questions we got to the conclusion this guy is a high profile High status individual director at a company that all of you guys will know and what happens is when he says something at work everybody just jumps they give him what so he just walks in there and as he's like and what happens is now he goes home his wife shouts and screams at him his wife like um disrespects him his children doesn't listen to him oh the actual thing was his wife like Gus usually like cast at him and what he would do is like before he knew it he would hit his wife now please note he should be punished for that but the intention behind it if he's like bro I need help I need to look from his intention what's the reason you would go to that specific measures to do that why but because something simple needs basic human needs I really want to leave you guys with us because this is when I understood this it really really opened up my eyes the six basic human needs why we would do certain actions and behaviors the very first one is certainty certainty is Guys these are your your six basic human needs okay you can throw it into Maslow's hierarchy you'll get the same result okay certainty absolute certainty once again if you guys weren't 100 certain that this table will hold your weight when you when you write on it what's going to happen you will not write on it if you guys weren't 100 certain that that coffee back back there weren't poisoned you wouldn't drink it so you need almost like a base 11 Baseline level of certainty to even function in this world does that make sense so you can either get certainty in a really empowering Way by getting absolute certainty in your own identity to say you know what I have certainty in myself whatever new project I will take on I will make it happen that is why I am that is what I stand for and that is the person that I will be you know you can get certainty in yourself and your own ability that's an empowering way you can maybe get not not that I'm knocking The Smokers guys or you can get certainty in in like you're 100 certain when you're gonna go out and take a smoke you're gonna feel foreign you're going to feel more relaxed and you can get your certainty in that once again I'm not saying I'm just saying I'm using an example the second thing now God has a sense of humor and saying that our second basic human need is uncertainty when you know what's gonna happen how it's gonna happen with who it's gonna happen when it's going to happen you get bored out of your mind so God gives us our second need which is uncertainty that is why we go to the movies because you are certain you're not gonna die but you don't know what about the character in the movie what about are they going to get back together Michelle are they not are they gonna they're gonna make up or they're not is it easy going to get shot is he going to get killed is he not gonna get killed I don't know I don't know I don't know who have you guys have seen a movie you have already seen if you guys have seen a movie you've already seen okay well first well first of all you have to get a life um you are certain that it's a good movie but you are certain you have forgotten enough so that it's still a new experience to you but you are certain it's going to be a good movie so you are certain it's a good movie you're certain enough that it's gonna be enough that you forgot enough that it will still be something of uncertainty to you but you are certain it's a good movie you get what I'm saying so you can get uncertainty in okay we work out Monday to Thursday Monday to Friday Friday night we just want a bit of uncertainty something else Monday to Friday certainly certainly we just want something else let's go out with the boys let's go have a drink or two nothing wrong with that okay uncertainty let's go out for the let's go the weekend let's go to the bush uncertainty let's go let's just go do something just something else out of the norm or you can get uncertainty by by using a variety of drugs because when you use that your mind goes into different states Altered States and now when you use that it's like uncertainty and you don't know what to expect and it's always like a new experience when you're on a specific drug you can get uncertainty in that does that make sense the third basic Humanity that you have the year is love and connection [Music] love and connection you can get love and connection from being really connected with your spouse you can get love and connection by by having a pet you can get love and connection by by having that a community of friends and you know you're just so connected with your friends you can get love and connection by being in the in the nature and you really feel just connected with nature you can get Connection by you know this empowering way some how I usually used to do it when I was smaller you know used to share my problems with everyone so that they will need to listen to me and then now they're listening to me I feel connected you hear what I'm saying but now you are loved and you are connected in it you know everyone yes yes we are so yes Kumbaya now you ask yourself but how am I significant in this whole who am I let's say in a relationship you're so connected with your wife and there's this love and this intimate connection and this is awesome at a certain stage you're going to ask yourself but who is James in this whole situation what and who is James how is James unique from this from this unit how what what makes me unique what makes me different and that gives us our fourth basic human need which is significance that is why you dress the way you dress because it gives you significance significance is is is it it's say again it's a state of feeling unique to the world it's a style of feeling hey no one else does this but me it's a state of it's a state of uniqueness or significance so so significance very often if we look at celebrity celebrities they have so much significance because their whole life is so different to the world they are so their specific Talent OR skill or whatever think about it guys as a celebrity do you know why they call this a celebrity a celebrity they're celebrated so their specific skill or gift or talent that they've developed or so unique in this world that they are standing out so much that they are so significant that they have so much significance they don't have love and connection anymore they don't know who like who's here for me and who's here for my status they like they question like everyone's intentions and motives because everyone just wants something from me so my significance is so much that I don't feel love and connection what do I do I start sniffing Coke I start using drugs just to feel connected to something I start to drink or whatever the case might be you can get significance by breaking all of the other people's buildings down around you or you can get significance by Building the tallest building you decide now the first four needs are really interesting because violence and crime will feed your first four needs instantaneously if I pull out a gun I put it against his head I am 100 certain he is going to respond to me there is uncertainty is there going to be a shootout or not what's going to happen is adrenaline spamping I'm 100 certain there's a connection between me and him I am significant over you because I have the gun if we had to punch it out it would have been a different story I have the gun which can shoot off 100 rounds in flipping 60 seconds whatever the case might be so I'm significant over you my first four needs boom met instantaneously that's why gangs and violence has been there so long and unfortunately in my mind will be there because it meets my first four needs boom instantaneously I see the guys that are all in the cars with the girls with the verse whether that I know I want that boom boom boom boom boom at a very young age boom all of those needs are met but now the foot lost is now guys the first four you can get bios you can get by yourself so you can get it either in an empowering or right this empowering way the second these last two you can only get it by doing it meaning continual growth if you are not growing you are dying if you're not growing you are dying if you are not moving forward you are actually if you stay at the same place you're actually moving backwards there's only three things that can happen in your life guys getting worse staying the same getting better that's it there's only three things that's currently happening in your life right now getting worse staying the same getting better think about this this is actually growth it's actually motion growth is motion think about this does the world ever stop turning does your heart ever stop speeding well but not when so constant motion which if we look at nature if we look at the essence of what's going on in the world like you being alive the world being alive there's constant motion which means growth equals motion so if you're not getting better and better and better you are dying so you can only grow by growing you can't get growth in a disempowered way you can only grow by growing and then the last one year is to contribute do something greater than yourself [Music] to contribute to something greater than yourself that might be a contribution to the church getting involved in your church getting involved in your local community getting involved in your local NGO NPO getting involved in your in your local shelter whatever the case might be the flipping money you give to the guy to the next to the road contribution to something greater than yourself and this is firmly why I believe where there's a certain book that says it's always better to give than to receive contribution to something greater than yourself and in my personal opinion if you can fulfill all these six needs well the first four basic fundamental needs the majority of them in a would look every single second of every single day you are constantly fulfilling these needs right so you are gonna fall you're gonna get certain empowering and it is empowering way every single day but if you can start to get the majority of your actions and behaviors needs met in an empowering way and you can get the opportunity because a lot of people can get the first four done but they can't but their live performance gets stopped because they don't fulfill the last two if you can get all do all these six things that's where I believe will start living a life of purpose meaning and fulfillment when that guy now does something in a certain way and I take that presupposition that every single Behavior serves a positive intention for the person doing it I can now say hey well he just did that because he wanted to serve his own need of significance does that make sense [Music]