Panic and Negotiations in the Iliad

Sep 10, 2024

Lecture Notes: Book 9 of the Iliad - Achaean Camp Panic and Negotiations with Achilles

Panic in the Achaean Camp

  • Agamemnon fears defeat and suggests retreat.
  • Diomedes argues against retreat, believing Zeus promised them victory.

Nestor's Proposal

  • Nestor suggests approaching Achilles to rejoin the fight.
  • Agamemnon offers Achilles treasure to return:
    • Return of Briseis
    • Future plunder
    • One of Agamemnon's daughters
    • Seven cities

The Envoys: Odysseus, Ajax, and Phoenix

  • Odysseus appeals to Achilles' sense of responsibility.
    • Achilles refuses, threatening to sail home.
  • Phoenix asks for forgiveness, tells story of an angry prince missing out on honor.
    • Achilles refuses that form of honor.
  • Ajax urges Achilles to earn comrades' love.
    • Achilles responds warmly but remains firm.

Achilles' Response

  • Refuses to fight until Hector threatens their ships.
  • Message shocks Achaeans.
  • Diomedes suggests ignoring Achilles and preparing for battle.

Themes of Pride and Honor

  • Agamemnon admits fault but deflects responsibility; not humbled.
  • Achilles refuses to bend his pride.
  • Odysseus and Ajax omit requests deemed dishonorable by Achilles.
    • No apology from Agamemnon noted by Achilles.
  • Achilles values the honor decreed by Zeus—glorious death.

Achilles' Justification and Godlike Behavior

  • Justified anger over pride insult.
  • Refuses treasure, clinging to pride and anger.
  • Behavior likened to gods such as Hera and Poseidon.

Odysseus' Speech

  • Uses various appeals to sway Achilles, but ultimately unsuccessful.