Transcript for:
Exploring Mukbang Culture and Social Dynamics

Two steps ahead. I am always two steps ahead. This has been the greatest social experiment for my entire life. It's alluring. It's compelling.

It's gripping to observe all these unwell. Disoriented beings roam the internet in search of stories, ideas, rivalries, where they feel encouraged and engaged, where they involve themselves with... the stories and become a product of influence. Thirsty for a distraction from time unspent, spoiling their minds, yet stimulating them at the same time.

It's brilliant, and it's dangerous. I feel as if I'm monitoring ants on an ant farm. One follows another, follows another, follows another.

It's mesmerizing. It's spellbinding. All these little consumers.

All of these lost and bored people. People consuming anything that they're told to consume. So I am the villain. Because I've made myself one. And you will continue to consume these stories about me year after year after year for as long as I tell the internet that I am the villain.

Stories that permeate and linger and infect the minds of the ants. Influence the ants. Brainwash the ants.

You are the ants. Today I woke up from a very long dream. And I also woke up having lost 250 pounds off of my body.

Yet just yesterday, people were calling me fat and sick and boring and irrelevant. People. People are the most messed up creatures on the entire planet.

And yet I've still managed to stay two steps ahead. Everyone, the joke's on you. Mr. Noodle, you're so cute.

Oh, you're so... Yeah! Oh, you're so cute!

Yeah, you look like that. You look like a big green ball. Yeah, you look like a big green avocado. Which is my favorite fruit ever.

Yeah. Oh, you're a good bird. Oh, Mr. Noodle.

I knew you liked that. You missed me so much. You missed me so much.

I know. It was eight years separate. Or longer. I know.

How many years was it? How many years? Tell me. How many years were we separate for? Too many.

Yeah. I know, my baby. I had no choice.

I had no choice. But daddy's back. We're back home. Shibidoo. We're home, hello.

We're back home, shibidoo. And I'm back here without all of you. And it was a long eight years, wasn't it? It was a long eight years. And I didn't think that It would have gone this long, but it did.

And it was like a bad dream that... Yeah, it was like a really bad dream that we were waiting for it to be over. And... It's over. It was just a dream.

It was just a dream, Mr. Noodle, wasn't it? Yeah. It feels like a bad dream.

Um... But we woke up. We woke up. Yeah. We're so excited.

We woke up. Yay! We woke up from the bad dream.

And, um, I'm back. And Mr. Noodle is back. And here we are. We're back home, shooby-doo.

Say good morning, Mr. Noodle. Hey, how's it going? Welcome to my studio. For the second time. They don't know that we did this yesterday.

But I'm actually going to tell them we did this yesterday. We are redoing the video because my file got corrupted. I don't know how.

And it had like an error mark on it when I was editing it. I'm like, oh my god. But this is the universe telling me I have to eat more. Right?

Right, Mr. Noodle? You are so cute. How's it going, Mr. Noodle? Did you miss me? Did you miss all the peasants?

Hey, it's been like eight years. Are you going to say hi? I might put little pieces here and there when I'm editing this for you guys to kind of see what we did yesterday Which was black bean noodles, but we're gonna do it again for a second time. These are my favorite Spicy noodles of all time. If I had to choose one, it would be black bean noodles and Mr. Noodle.

I love them. They're so good. And these come from a Chinese-Korean place and they make them hand-pulled and they stretch them out by hand.

You can see them in the restaurant going like this. They're super chewy. They're very chewy.

Very, very long. I actually think they cut them to make it easier for you to slurp them. The spicy black noodles, they are. Oh, baby, I love you. I really missed you.

I missed you a lot, Mr. Noodle. It was a long dream. As I said, that dream has come to an end. It was just a dream, thank God.

It's all over, we were just dreaming. I just took off the fat suit, went. Yeah, I just took it off and here I am. And I noticed yesterday when I ate it, it had a lot of onion, a lot of like vegetables and pork and potato.

It was so good. And we're going to do it again. And I'm really excited.

And yeah, it's kind of crazy doing this again, but that's life. We just placed the order, so we'll pick it up. And we're going to have some black bean noodles, aren't we, Mr. Noodle? Yeah. Yeah.

Mr. Noodle. I think Mr. Noodle really likes being in here. What's that, Noodle? What's that?

Oh, so you get a taste test before I do. This is like, kinda not fair. Mr. Noodle. Oh my god. Here, let me give you your mushy...

well, here. Try some of this. Oh my god. This is the life. This is the life.

Oh my gosh, this looks incredible. Mr. Noodle. Oh, I gotta have...

This, this is... This is... This is worth my soul.

This is worth everything in my soul. He seems to like it too. This is why I live life. I love spicy black bean noodles.

By the way, if you're new to my, well, Mr. Noodle can't taste spice. They don't have the receptors for it. And actually, spicy pepper is really good for their immune system. So the vet and people, they always recommend to give.

So I'm just kind of mixing this around since I put those toppings on it. But it's incredible. Now, I'm also going to have to put a little bib on because this is about to get real.

real wild. Oooh. You love your mushy peas. Cheers everybody. To a new era.

We were all just dreaming. Cheers. Mmm.

Mr. Noodle. This is so good. Mmm Perfection It's spicy.

It's savory I'm gonna focus on noodles. Is the camera focused on Mr. Noodle? I want you to like really... See here, put your hair...

Yeah. Put your hair... Mr. Noodle.

I told you they're very long. These Chinese guys, they're like pulling them. Really far in front of you. You can like watch it. It's all open kitchen type of thing.

I think that's part of the appeal. See how long they are? I can't even... I don't even know what to do with this one. How am I gonna eat?

I'm just gonna like have to really slurp. Alright. Cheers! Wanna try some?

Want to try some? Go ahead, try some. Not my chocolate stick. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Noodle, you can't eat my chocolate. Hmm, do you want to go on my shoulder?

Actually, let me put you back. This is so good. Noodle. You're missing out. Okay.

I'm back. And we're just getting started, which is what's really exciting. It feels good to be back.

It feels good to be hanging out with you guys. I'm also going to add a little more sesame seed. I don't even know if it needs much more, but it does add a little flavor. And a little more spring onion.

And let's go. Alright, let's do this. mmmm mmmm it is spicy It's my favorite noodle.

If I ever show up on like one of those quizzes or game shows, what was Nikocado Avocado's favorite noodle? You'll say black bean noodles, spicy black bean noodles. I do like spicy noodles. I like the spicy noodles.

Spicy chicken one. I like all the spicy instant ramen. But the black bean noodles is where my heart is.

It's crazy. It also looks really crazy. Like it looks like tar or something. Cool.

That was a good one. Yeah. Should I be taking smaller bites? I don't know.

I don't really care. I'm just hungry. Mmm-hmm. mmm I just want to give you a look it's so good ah This is not enough. It's probably like 3,000 calories or something.

Oh. Y'all know me. I can eat a lot. Here we go. Mm-hmm.

Oh Yes, that's spicy. Wow Mmm, the onions, see the raw onions that they add are really good. I think it's a Korean thing. Or maybe that's the way the Chinese make made a spit because this is a chi-a Chinese Korean. I'm trying not to like...

You know, pass away over here. Spice! Yeah! This is not enough food! I know the pile was like a mountain, but I could just...

I just can't stop eating this. Okay. I'm ready to see the Lord.

This is all I need. This is my like last meal type of thing. It really is.

Did people know that I like spicy noodles? I mean people knew I like spicy noodles, but the spicy black bean, did people know? I don't know if I ever told like that degree to relay that information.

Look at all the vegetables. And other stuff. God, there's nothing to say to anyone right now. There's nothing to say.

This is my favorite thing in the world. Hopefully these chopsticks aren't like too loud. It's like scrape, scrape, scrape. I'm just gonna shut it down. Mmm.

mmm they don't call me the mukbang king for no reason I know how to...slurp. I can clearly finish my food. Look at all this sauce. I'm back home Shoopy-doo, I'm home.

Hello. I'm back home Shoopy-doo, I'm home. Hello And this is hot and steamy cuz we're eating noodles Excuse me I'm back home That was my first burp of the entire video and I am so sorry I actually said I don't want to be so ridiculous in this video It's gonna be a little ridiculous because how messy this is All right, that's good. I don't have to get every morsel.

I ate all the pasta basically Mmm Wow. I'm patty my lips because they're kind of like all spicy. If I rub them around too much it might hurt.

We did it. Look how red my lips got. Wow.

Thanks for watching my Black Bean Noodle Mukbang and I hope you enjoyed your food if you ate with me which you should have because that's what mukbang is supposed to be. That's what I was originally for and that's what I'm trying to bring back to the Internet. And I love being a mukbanger. I love food.

I like eating food and I like being here so... Let me know what you think. I guess that's it. Bye!

Oh, I'll see you on my other channel. I'm gonna link it. There's a, there's another video out.

Don't miss it. I'm gonna link it down below. I'll see you on over there. Bye.