Binary Thinking in Strategic Coach

Jul 5, 2024

Inside Strategic Coach with Dan Sullivan: Binary Thinking


  • Hosts: Shannon Waller and Dan Sullivan
  • Main Topic: Binary Thinking

Key Concepts of Binary Thinking

  • Binary Definition: Relationship of opposites, positive and negative.
  • Electricity Analogy: No charge until there is both a positive and negative.
  • Digital Code: Binary is foundational, operates on 0s and 1s.

Application of Binary Thinking

  • Geopolitical Stance: Pick a side to deepen understanding.
  • Learning Process: Picking sides forces deeper understanding and avoids neutrality, which teaches nothing.
  • Judgment: Having a stance on everything aids learning.
  • Historical Reasons: Looking into the history behind beliefs to understand them deeply.

Practical Tools and Techniques

  • **Strategy Circle:
    • Vision for the future with measurable results and a deadline.
    • Identify obstacles as raw materials.
    • Transform obstacles into strategies.
  • **Impact Filter:
    • Idea: purpose, importance, ideal outcomes, best result, worst result.
    • Evaluate opportunity costs and criteria.
  • Best and Worst Analysis: Identify standards from past experiences.

Emotional Basis of Judgment

  • Emotion Over Intellect: Gut feeling as an emotional and compressed experience.
  • First Impressions: Trusting initial feelings and subconscious perceptions.

Respect and Curiosity

  • Curiosity: Understanding the reasons behind others' thinking without immediate judgment.
  • Respect: Engaging in conversations respectfully even with opposing views.

Personal Experience

  • Political Beliefs: Consistency in political sides in the US and Canada.
  • Reading and Understanding: Deep dive into Marx and other historical thinkers.
  • Life Examples: Personal story about not liking someone emotionally and overriding it intellectually.

Artistic Illustrations of Binary Thinking

  • Johan Sebastian Bach: Contrapuntal technique, tension creating melody lines.
  • Rodan's Sculptures: Strength and tension conveyed through artwork.

Popular Culture Example

  • The Beatles: John Lennon and Paul McCartney's differing styles created tension producing iconic music.


  • Summarization and appreciation for the value of binary thinking.