Computer Science Degree: A Reality Check

Jun 25, 2024

Computer Science Degree: The Reality Check and What You Actually Need


  • Misconception: Completing a computer science degree guarantees a high-paying software developer job.
  • Reality: The degree alone isn't enough; additional skills are necessary.
  • Objective: Provide a reality check and outline essential skills required for landing a software developer job.

The Unfortunate Reality

  • Limited Application of Curriculum: Only about 25% of the curriculum is useful for a job.
  • Coding Ability: Degree does not necessarily correlate to coding proficiency.
  • Industry Perception: Companies recognize the weak correlation between a computer science degree and job readiness.
  • Constant Learning: Most job-relevant skills are learned outside the degree due to rapidly changing technologies.
  • Soft Skills: Personality and work ethic are crucial factors.

What You Actually Need to Learn

1. Ability to Build Independently

  • Understand front-end, back-end, APIs, and data flow in an application.
  • Importance of explaining and rationalizing project decisions.
  • Key Skills: Problem-solving, decision-making, and independent project development.

2. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

  • Ability to persevere through problems using various resources.
  • Companies value inherent problem-solving skills over specific coding skills.

3. Writing Clean and Maintainable Code

  • Importance of code style, variable names, and structure.
  • Focus on writing efficient and optimal code.
  • Understanding algorithmic complexity and making informed choices.

4. Teamwork and Version Control

  • Experience with GitHub and managing code repositories.
  • Ability to make pull requests and work in a team environment.

Specialization in a Particular Role

  • Focus on Job Requirements: Identify common requirements in job postings.
  • Specialized Skills: Gain expertise in specific tools, languages, and frameworks for the targeted role.
  • Example: Front-end developers should master React, JavaScript, CSS, HTML.

Steps to Specialize

  1. Research: Look at job listings to understand required skills and tools.
  2. Learn: Deep dive into the specialized area, mastering the relevant technologies.
  3. Experience: Build projects that demonstrate your expertise in the chosen specialization.

Proving Your Credibility

1. Confidence in Interviews

  • Importance of speaking confidently and presenting yourself well.
  • Fake It Till You Make It: Appear confident even if you're not completely sure.

2. Strong Portfolio

  • Three Solid Projects: Focus on a few in-depth projects rather than many mediocre ones.
  • Highlight decision-making, architecture, and problem-solving in your portfolio.

3. Presentation Skills

  • Proper grammar, spelling, and formatting in resumes and applications.
  • Professional appearance and communication skills during interviews.
  • Perception Is Reality: How you present yourself affects the interviewer's judgment.


  • Degree Is Just the Beginning: More effort and learning are required to meet industry demands.
  • Emphasis on Continuous Learning: Stay up-to-date with industry changes and gain practical experience.
  • Final Advice: Work on additional skills, focus on specialization, and improve portfolio to be job-ready.

Additional Resources

  • Mention of available courses and guides for further skill enhancement.