Islamic Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Liberalism, Feminism, and LGBTQ+ Ideology

Jul 11, 2024

Lecture Notes on Islamic Perspectives on Contemporary Issues

Welcome and Introduction

Recitation and Introduction

  • Recitation of Quranic verses by Muhammad Hijab.
  • Dr. Muhammad Khan (IPCI Chairman) welcomes the guests and thanks the organizers and attendees.

Introduction of Speakers

  • Muhammad Hijab: Multiple degrees (History, Islamic Studies, Philosophy, Politics) and pursuing PhD in Philosophy. Involved in traditional Islamic studies, famous debates.
  • Hamza Tzortzis: Postgraduate qualifications in Philosophy, studying for PhD, author of “The Divine Reality”, former CEO of iERA, co-founder of Sapiens Institute.

Structure of the Program

  • Multiple speakers followed by Q&A session.
  • Tea and desserts at 8:30 PM, Isha prayer at 9:00 PM next door.

Main Presentation by Speaker

Topics: Liberalism, Feminism, LGBTQ+ Ideology

Introduction to LGBTQ+ Ideology

  • Objective: Unpack five major assumptions of LGBTQ+ ideology to show its faults.

Ethical Position in Islam

  • Ideological enemies should not be treated with violence or discrimination.
  • Quranic principle: Deal kindly and fairly (Chapter 60, Verse 8).

Assumptions of LGBTQ+ Ideology

  1. Human ownership: Humans own their own bodies;
  2. Fundamental right: Same-sex intercourse and gender fluidity;
  3. No immorality: Not immoral;
  4. Identity: Sexuality and desires form one’s identity;
  5. Social construct: Sexuality and gender are social constructs.

Rejection of Assumptions

  1. Human Ownership: In Islam, bodies are owned by Allah, not the individual.
  2. Fundamental Right: Rights in Islam are derived from divine commands, not liberal assumptions.
  3. No Immorality: Islamic ethics based on Divine Command Theory; what Allah commands is inherently good.
  4. Identity: Primary identity is being a worshipper of Allah, not one’s desires.
  5. Social Construct: Biological and traditional markers are essential in Islam for gender and sexuality.

Supporting Points

  • Divine Wisdom: Commands from Allah are a perfect fit for human moral and societal well-being.
  • Rejecting Secular Ethical Theories: Utilitarianism, Deontological ethics, and ethical egoism are insufficient compared to Divine Command Theory.

Practicality and Modern Context

  • Addressing LGBTQ+ claims through coherent Islamic principles and challenging the secular assumptions with rational evidence and Islamic teachings.

Further Exploration: Case Study on Prophetic Guidance

Story of Lut (AS)

  • Interaction with his people on homosexuality presented in Surah Al-A'raf (Chapter 7, Verse 80).
  • Key points: The approach of Lut (AS) and the arrogance of his people despite clear guidance.
  • Relevant for understanding contemporary LGBTQ+ discourse and Islamic stance against immorality.

Feminism and Liberalism Examined in Islamic Context

Addressing Feminism

  • Core Argument: Islam upholds the well-being of individuals within divine boundaries, regardless of external pressure for gender equality, which often leads to societal harm.
  • Natural Roles: Reject post-modern and feminist assumptions that ignore gender differences and advocate unrealistic equality measures.

Broader Ethical Concerns

  • Liberalism: Islam's fine-tuned ethical system vs. the hedonistic and harm principle of liberalism.
  • Quranic Wisdom: Truth and divine guidance are essential for societal stability and ethical consistency.

Practical Implications and Case Studies

  • Examination of societal changes brought by accepting LGBTQ+ and feminist ideologies, leading to absurdities and societal harm (transgender movement, child identification issues, etc.).
  • Transgender Issues: Islamic principle, “Male is not the same as female” (Quran).
  • Use rational and ethical analysis to highlight pitfalls of adopting these ideologies.

Question & Answer Session

Addressing Controversial Issues

  1. Age of Aisha (RA):
    • Addressing the criticism by explaining the Islamic moral and legal principles regarding marriage.
    • Emphasis on context, harm prevention, and earth (social custom).
  2. Slavery in Islam:
    • Explanation of Islamic perspective on emancipation and just treatment of slaves.
    • Historical context and gradual, ethical abolition compared to abrupt and harmful methods.

Practicality and Social Interactions

  • Relations with non-Muslim individuals, especially those identifying as LGBTQ+:
    • Centralize the relationship around Da'wah and guiding them to truth.
    • Maintain moral boundaries and avoid situations that might lead to compromising Islamic principles.

Interfaith Collaborations

  • Approach with caution focusing on shared ethical principles.
  • Maintain self-sufficiency and prioritize Islamic values in cooperation.


  • Stay firm in Islamic principles while addressing contemporary ideological challenges.
  • Importance of Da'wah: Always bring people back to the truth of Islam, emphasizing rational, emotional, and spiritual guidance.