Battling Enemies of the Mind

Jun 2, 2024

Battling Enemies of the Mind in Summer


  • Pessimism tries to make you see only the negative side.
  • Life has both negative and positive sides (e.g., a glass is both half empty and half full).
  • Educate pessimism: it’s not just half empty; it’s also half full.
  • Key Message: Be in charge of your mind and destiny.

Learn from Parental Roles

  • Love like a mother: Be nurturing and caring.
  • Fight like a father: Protect what’s valuable, take a stand against threats.
  • Example: Story of a man chased by a Mama Bear for taking a flash picture.
  • Lesson: Nourish values, family, organization, and customers.
  • Balance nourishing and fighting to protect those values.

Protect and Fight

  • Use the metaphor of the bloodstream:
    • Red Corpuscles: Nourish, like a mother.
    • White Corpuscles: Fight infections, like a father.
  • Engage in negative thinking to identify and eliminate threats.
  • Key Message: Protect your family, future, and values by taking a stand against anything that threatens them.

The Harvest Time

  • Take full responsibility for your harvest
    • Do not complain about the results; it’s your crop.
  • Accept the outcomes of your actions (calls made, letters written, consistency).
  • Key Message: Own your results and don’t apologize for your success.
  • Winners should return to their communities with pride, knowing they have made positive impacts on many lives.