Transcript for:
Overcoming Demons and Maintaining Faith

foreign years after the departure of Jesus the Christ [Laughter] the prophets are back to teach the real Jews the 12 tribes of Israel their true nationality [Music] this is their campaign [Music] Holy Father we given you praise and honor Lord and your holy Sabbath father God Of Heaven the creation of the universe look out for us Lord we move from us all evil thoughts we move from us the thing that we think that we can have in this captivity that we could not have but because of our lust we move their Lust For demon on us Lord in the name of your son Jesus the Christ continue bless our UIC continue open the doors continue send your angels to goddess and protect us throughout the way in the name of your son Jesus Christ let the whole congregation say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father healed the sick that is Among Us heal them quickly and speedily and your son name we thank you for the wine also for the drinking Christ we pray for the bread amen men of Israel sons of God patience Saints sons of God and salute most high Christ bless salute down face sisters into the mothers and daughters of the nation of Israel we say shalom bless you all man I don't know about your we had a good time fisa Tabernacle man if he was not in a uh Alabama not Oklahoma Alabama I got to get it right not Oklahoma Alabama I mean we was up in there doing our thing you understand all Push To The Moon side man we got the bishop with us we I mean I don't know how Bishop do it man that was from Twitter that was like wherever I was sitting now every day sometime 14 hours I don't know how you do it but upwards to the Lord man the Lord put their Spirit on you you was doing your thing yeah we was teaching from 12 noon to like like one sometimes two in the morning I was exhausted yes you got the energy man you do see yeah man you still 100 Bishop well all Praises I apologize for being late brothers and sisters traffic hit us So today we're just going to get it in some of y'all gonna be happy some of y'all gonna be mad but it's all right yeah Bishop I thought this uh uh cap was too slow to drive you no no there was traffic there was traffic that Captain zip was a good drive hope we see the most side man all right we're gonna talk about when Satan enters in Satan enters into us I did a class some time ago maybe a couple years ago that said basically everybody in here everyone listening has the potential to be coming a Judas Iscariot whether you agree with that statement or not everyone has the potential we saw 2018 a major setback it wasn't even a setback because we grew more and more after that okay I understand that write this down write this down write this down uh Satan shakes the foundation of our character to see if what we believe and value is really what will stand for right there there I know y'all didn't get it so I'll just repeat it again Satan shakes the foundation of our character to see if what we believe and value is really what will stand for we saw in 2018 a lot of brothers and sisters did not stand for what they claimed they believed in okay imma take you through the scriptures um beginning with our for parents and show you how they reacted when Satan entered the scene all right let's open up with Adam and Eve I saw uh all the classes from uh yesterday I saw uh deaconabielle's Deacon ASAP uh Deacon lava who came after you Bishop can I uh all the classes were excellent we're great um we're gonna start with at Genesis 3. who's reading for me I am Bishop okay let's start at verse one okay the Book of Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1. now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field now when it talks about the serpent being more subtle than any beast of the field we notice not talking about a snake it's talking about the spirit of Satan when you give me the precept in Corinthians uh second Corinthians 11 the three thank you it's not talking about a snake like Bishop can I said you will not get this in Sunday School they don't have the understanding the book of second Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 3 but I fear less by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his sceptility so your mind should be corrupted from the Simplicity that is in Christ jump over to uh the part that says even Satan himself it's right there 14 14. come on y'all and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of Light that's what I wanted verse 14 and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of Light he did not come down as a snake if that's mythology he came down as an angel of Light beguiled her trick to deceived her and this is why Paul said get Galatians chapter one this is why he said in verse 8. the book of Galatians chapter 1 and verse 8 but though we are an angel from heaven preach enough preach any of the Gospel unto you then that which we have preached unto you let him be accursor so what's he making reference to about an angel coming down uh speaking another gospel he's talking about Genesis with Adam and Eve that's what he's talking about okay he didn't come down as no snake he came down as an angel of Light and beguiled her deceived her back to Genesis 3 please the Book of Genesis chapter 3 and verse 1. now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea have God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the Trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it lest ye die come on and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die so now he comes alive you shall not surely die go ahead for God doth know that in the day you eat thereof then your eyes shall be open and ye shall be as Gods knowing good and evil notice it says Gods Adam was already a God he was offering Eve the possibility of being equal with her husband it's the God we're back in the Garden today with the black woman who says I'm equal to my man 50 50. this is a partnership I wasn't made from you you came from me it's the same scenario very few sisters understand that let me tell you men that right now very few sisters understand we're replaying the garden the white man says you can be a feminist you can do what you could be the head of the house she goes yes NASA and she don't see it's the same thing that Satan did with Eve it's the same scenario we don't and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she could be wise based on this wisdom okay she took of the fruit thereof and did eat the fruit is talking about his sin it's not talking about an apple a pear or banana it's talking about Sin she ate the sin she broke the law go ahead and gave also unto her husband with her and she told her husband when you read wisdom of Solomon uh Believers chapter 14 it tells you give me that real quick because some of you may be new you may not know what what I'm talking about wisdom of Solomon is it 12 the one about beginning to end uh bear with me a second I'm looking 14 27. The Book of wisdom of Solomon Chapter 14 and verse 27. so you want to know what the sin was that Eve did here it is for the worshiping of idol for the worshiping of Idols go ahead not to be named is the beginning it's the beginning the beginning the beginnings the beginnings the beginning God the cause and the end of all evil the Bible tells you what the beginning sin was that's idolatry idolatry come out of the Christian Church they don't know a damn thing go back to Genesis 3 what verse you was that uh verse 7. we did it again verse 7. okay I rate I read six I'll read 16. okay all right book of Genesis chapter three and verse six and when a woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did and Adam got weak and followed his woman this is why a lot of you brothers that follow your wife we have no respect for you society as a matter of fact well I'm gonna say that because you've got LGBT respect you but everybody else don't respect men that follow women it's pathetic what I want to know historically when did women lead a movement and overthrow a society where is this historically you got black lives matter to women leading the charge that's all lesbians out there and homosexuals that's gonna fail like you said Family Guy black lives matter oh no you had a woman what's her name Joan of all that led uh a rebellion during the Middle Ages why did anybody know what happened to her they burned her alive at the stake for putting on men's armor and trying to go to war I can do it too I could oh she got burned alive then all these are like Game of Thrones they got out now they gotta what's this other one the new one house of dragons House of dragons where all the women are wearing look at it a lot of women wearing pants that's historically inaccurate but they're putting it in not your minds their minds that's acceptable that's the way it was yeah yeah yeah we dressed like that no the women did not dress like that they was burned for dressing like men That's History but some of you you know you go home your wife put on her trousers you know who you are what verse we at verse seven come on and the eyes of them both were open and they knew that they were naked when it says they knew that they were naked it means they knew that they were sinful in the midst of sin okay and they sold fig leaves together and made themselves April what does that mean get that in Job 31 33 The Book of Job chapter 31 verse 33 if I covered my transgressions as Adam by hiding my iniquity in my bosom if I covered my transgressions as Adam that's what means he sold figlies he tried to hide okay by hiding my iniquity in my bosom so what we're looking at is how Satan came to Eve she gave in it Satan could not go to Adam Satan went to Eve Eve is the one that whispered in Adam's ear and most high cursed all three of them okay but if y'all get a chance look at Bishop can I's class about that he went over he touched on it more in depth get Romans 5 14. so the first one we addressed just now when Satan enters in was Adam and Eve oh Eve Eve failed okay Adam failed because of listening to her Romans 5 14 The Book of Romans chapter 5 and verse 14. nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression see that even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression what do you mean idolatry but that that sin nature passed down from Adam and went through everybody read it again nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression who is in the figure of him that was to come who is the figure of him that was to come which is Christ give me a second Exodus 3 21. second Israel I'm still dealing with Adam and Eve I'm dealing with Satan enters in and I'm dealing with Adam and Eve right now second address 3 21. the book of second Ezra chapter 3 and verse 21 for the first Adam notice what it says for the first Adam hmm good bearing a wicked heart transgress oh bearing a wicked heart transgress wait give me that precept um I believe it's Romans 8. Romans 8 or says the creature it's not subject um willingly you know what it's about let me let me look at it verse 20. and we're going to come back to second address The Book of Romans chapter 8 and verse 20. for the creature was made subject to vanity the creature is man talking about Adam for the creature was made subject to vanity meaning sin go ahead not willingly not willingly but by reason of him who have subjected the same in hope the most high made Adam like that he his plan was always to bring in Christ his plan was always to usher in the Kingdom of Heaven but he had to start somewhere he said I got a story I'm gonna start with this man Adam right here but Adam's perfect he won't fall on imma make him a little way he's gonna you're gonna listen to that woman he gonna fall right there then I'm gonna bring in my plan to bring in the Son of God to rule of Earth that was his whole plan now back to Second measures 3 21. the book of ezres chapter 3 verse 21 for the first Adam bearing a wicked heart transgressed and was overcome and so be all they that are born of him and so be all they that are born of him give me chat same book chapter 4 verse 30. the book of second Ezra's chapter 4 and verse 30. for the grain of evil seed hath been sown in the heart of Adam from the beginning see that is Ezra's the Angels telling Ezra for the grain of evil seed hath been sown in the heart of Adam from the beginning okay and how much ungodliness has it brought up until this time and how much shall it yet bring forth until the time of threshing come the time of thrushing is when Christ returned he said his the angels will let you know there's going to be more wickedness on this planet than we could ever imagine okay from there give me first Timothy 2 14. the book of First Timothy chapter 2 and verse 14. and Adam was not deceived oh you see that part right there Adam was not deceived so what was Adam's sin presumptuous he was Adam was not tricked Adam's sin was presumptuous he loved his wife he listened to his wife read it again and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived but the woman was the one deceived she was literally deceived that was in the transgression was in the transgression why she didn't want to listen to her husband she didn't listen to the word of God it's the same problem today well sister your husband I don't want to hear what he said well the Bible how do I hear what the Bible said what white man say white man say I listen to what white man say it's the same problem very few sisters can see that enactment again today very few if there's 10 if you get 10 sisters in a room maybe three understand it the other seven will not have a clue they will railroad you argue with you fight with I'm gonna show you what happened to fetus uh Feast of uh uh Tabernacles don't let me forget that in case I slipped my mind I'm gonna show what these women did uh where are we at uh 214. go ahead now you know what that thing I wish that [ __ ] hurry up and die don't worry but before I go I got a message for you okay notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing the Bible says the only way she's going to be saved is in childbury what does that mean give me somebody come up to the mic who got a clue this mic right here nobody got a clue in here y'all ain't training these young men up nobody know nothing what the hell is going on here saved in childbearing who are you Soldier Simon cut the mic on Soldier Simon Shalom Simon I'm bringing for children I don't understand that so a lot of these women are single we got single baby mamas all across America and they hate their husbands they don't do a damn thing about they being saved is that what you're saying no so what are you saying Simon Says come on you you have a clue I know you got a clue hey get Genesis 3 6. you stay right there get Genesis 360. I'm gonna see if you figure it out the Book of Genesis chapter 3 and verse 16. unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow thou shall bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee God you're on Simon oh that's a little he just read the answer to you read it again for him unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception what does that talk that's about childbearing right right okay but there's more to the child bearing go ahead in sorrow Thou shalt bring forth children bring forth children that's what you said right go ahead and died and thy desire shall be to thy husband what that means that desire shall be to your husband that you should uh submit to your husband right what whatever you desire you get it from your husband go ahead and he shall rule over thee what that mean that he controls you he rules over you right that's how she's going to go back to first thank you Simon go back to that's what that first sentence is talking about it ain't talking about these baby mamas walking around with it self go ahead read that the book of First Timothy Chapter 2 and verse 15. notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing so the childbearing deals with her submitting to her husband having all of that that we just read in Genesis 3 16. it ain't just popping out babies go ahead if they continue and then it says if you see those two those two letters if if they what continue in faith and charity and charity and Holiness and Holiness with sobriety which I mean she got to be keeping the Commandments everybody understand that that's the that is the stipulation for women being saved not just cause they're sitting in here with a head covering fringes and a board of blue wait till I show your face timing now you're gonna see what these women with fringes and Border blue them did where we at now ecclesiastic 25 24 though foreign not the women here in New York I'm not talking about New York here I'm talking about the Southern Sisters they the southern Bells hey bishop he can't blame the Southern Sisters because we asked this is from New York and all over that converts yeah oh that's I'm gonna talk about them too you know I can't know man I can't do that to myself some of them snuck down to Alabama we gonna get y'all today where are we at ecclesiasticus 25 24. the book of sirach chapter 25 and verse 24 of the woman came the beginning of sin and through her we all die you do you Brothers hear that I want the simp Brothers read that again this is for you simply you beta males that of the woman came the beginning of sin and through her we all die that's God speaking God is telling you that stop listening to her she got us into the Only Hell we're here now because of Adam listened to her and now look who yet in captivity catching hell I know what's the law is playing I anyway now we're going to move on and talk about job's wife and what happened with job's wife when Satan entered in so I remember why I'm going over this a lot of times we think Satan can't enter us that's a lie Satan will whisper in our ear enter us make all man of evil pop out of us I'm telling you read that Job chapter uh two and five The Book of Job chapter 2 and verse 5. but put forth thine hand now and touch his bone and his flesh this is job talking to the Lord I'm not job it's gonna be Satan talking to the most high excuse me read it again but put forth thine hand now and touch his bone and his flesh and he will curse thee to thy face so this is where Satan says to the Lord we start at four as a matter of fact all right verse four and Satan answered the Lord and said skin for skin yea all that a man hath will he give for his life right but put forth thine hand now and touch his bone and his flesh and he will curse thee to thy face now watch this jump down to verse 9 verse 9 then said his wife unto him thus thou still retain thine Integrity Curse God and die whatever she said where did she get that from anybody know where she got that from anybody know where she got we just read it Brothers come on I need to know that y'all picking up in the spirit come on come to the mic man come on I need to know we are not wasting our time on you Brothers read I mean go ahead uh Satan entered into her when he touched um his flesh his bone in his flesh how do you know Satan entered into her because she said uh Curse God and die and who said who said that originally it was Satan universe exactly very good the same thing Satan said is what uh job's wife said Satan entered into her okay cursed God and die so don't think Satan can't jump on y'all oh yeah it's very possible we saw the big thing of that in 2018. from there give me first Samuel 15. I'm gonna talk about King Saul we talk about him a lot he was an anointed king the first anointed king over the nation of Israel first Samuel 15 I want verse 22 and 23. all right book of First Samuel chapter 15 and verse 22 and Samuel said have the Lord as great delight and burnt offering and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord so Samuel said the Lord wants obedience rather than sacrifice go ahead behold to obey is better than sacrifice see that obedience is better than you sacrificing okay and to Hawken than the fat of Rams for Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft Rebellion anytime you have a rebellious brother or a rebellious sister the Bible says that's as the sin of Witchcraft go ahead and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry and that's stubborn soul is as iniquity and idolatry okay because thou has rejected the word of the Lord why because ultimately you have rejected the word of the Lord okay he has also rejected thee from being King he has rejected thee from being King so Saul was rebellious like we have some brothers and some sisters who are walking in the same footsteps footsteps of rebellion jump over to chapter 16 and verse 14. watch this book of First Samuel chapter 16 and verse 14 but the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him y'all see that you see what Rebellion causes you see what stubbornness causes the spirit of the Lord will leave that Holy Spirit Will depart from you and an evil spirit will enter in we sought a big thing in 2018 with the weasels and all them clowns okay read it again but the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him you'll meet Brothers you'll meet sisters who come in they gotta seem like they got a good spirit but there'll be something in God's law that they just don't like whether it's a her submitting to her husband or B uh you could man getting a job I don't know I'm just off the top of the head there'll be something you just can't get with and all of a sudden that Spirit of rebellion comes on you and that good spirit you had at one time read it again but the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him and an evil spirit from the Lord will trouble you now we're looking at you in a corner sitting by yourself you don't socialize the way you used to socialize you you are a different Spirit now you're not the same brother or the same sister we once knew why the spirit of rebellion and now Satan has entered the room okay from there King David First Chronicles 21-1 hey bishop and they think we don't see when when the evil spirit enter into them right right hey as a matter of fact give me that and uh Jude uh these are sensual these are they to separate themselves that one that one this goes with that just popped in my head the book of Jude verse 19. These be they who separate themselves see that the brother or the sister will be the one in the beginning he or she was always around he or she was always helpful he or she loved to study he or she loved to hear the scriptures but what happened with it again these be they who separate themselves so sometime later you start to separate yourself okay sensual sensual mean that word central when you're looking up in a biblical definition means emotional damage that's what that means sensual means emotional right having not the spirit having oh see that part having not the spirit the spirit of the Lord has left the room now Satan has entered in was that it yes sir read again these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit I thought it said something like devilish she didn't say nothing like that in there because I'm not looking at it you don't say no no okay maybe I'm thinking another verse okay from there first Chronicles 21 1. the book of First Chronicles chapter 21 and verse 1. and Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel so David was the second anointed king notice it said and Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel remember we were not a that was against God's law we were only only ones we numbered was 20 and up that went to war that was it okay but Satan provoked David to do it and as we read that I'm not going to read all the way down you can read down to verse 15 on your own okay well actually let me just jump down just for a moment let me look jump down to verse 14 verse 14. uh uh we jumped down to 11. verse 11. no jump to ten I like ten verse 10. no jump to nine I'm sorry nine nine verse 9 and the Lord spake unto God David see it the word see it means uh Prophet right go and tell David saying thus say of the Lord I offer thee three things this is where they get that you haven't seen the movies that get the genie gives you three wishes right the Lord said I offer you three things you have to pick one though go ahead choose the one of them that I may do it unto thee so God came to David and said unto him thus save the Lord choose thee either three is famine or three months to be destroyed before thy foes while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee or else three days the sword of the Lord even the pestilence in the land and the angel of the Lord destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel now therefore advise thyself what word I shall bring again to him that sent me so you got three things to choose from David let's see what David chooses go ahead and David said unto God I am in a great Strait let me fall now into the hand of the Lord for very great are his mercies but let me not fall into the hand of man right that's the foes the hand of man was the foes part the hand of the Lord is the part that says um or else three days the sword of the Lord even the pestilence in the land and the angel of the Lord destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel that's the hand of the Lord you know so the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel and their fell of Israel seventy thousand men and God sent an angel unto Jerusalem to destroy it and as he was destroying the Lord be held and he repented him of the evil David knew that thing he said if I fall into the hands of the Lord chances are the Lord gonna have mercy on me go ahead and said and said to the angel that destroyed it is enough stay now thine hand and the angel of the Lord stood by the threshing floor of awning the jebusite and you know what this also shows us that when Satan um provokes you to do evil the whole nation can suffer as a result that's the white man they figured out in all his church all are evil that their presidents do they don't realize that their people are going to suffer as a result of many of those judgments or wrong judgments that they have passed over us watch what the Lord do with them if we suffer for the because our King did one he he numbered Israel what about their kings what about their kings what about their people watch what happens okay from there from there give me Psalms 51 11. so Satan provoked King David Satan entered the room I'm showing you no matter how great you are Satan can get on you Satan uh Psalms 51 and 11 The Book of Psalms chapter 51 and verse 11. cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me see what David said cast me not away from thy presence because remember that's happened to Soul the Lord casts all away so David says here cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me that's something you got to do quick you got to ask the Lord for that thing you got to get on your knees beg cry and plead because once that Spirit gone and Satan enters into you you finish that's what happened to Saul he was finished okay from there wisdom of Solomon one in five foreign book of wisdom of Solomon Chapter 1 and verse 5. for the Holy Spirit of discipline the Holy Spirit of discipline is God's law God's laws read it again for the Holy Spirit of discipline will flee deceit will flee deceit right and remove from thoughts that are without understanding and will remove from thoughts that are without understanding so if brothers or sisters just sitting among us being deceitful you're a super powerful Israelite when we're face to face with you but at home you're that derelict Israelite you're that uh give me some terms some words you're that whoremonger brother or horse sister okay you know what you do that's deceit and the Holy Spirit of discipline will flee deceit that good spirit that's on you will leave read it again for the Holy Spirit of discipline will flee deceit and remove from thoughts that are without understanding right thoughts that are without understanding you can't judge right and wrong okay you don't know the difference between right and wrong give me Zechariah 3. let's talk about doing a Persian captivity there was Joshua the high priest this is during the Persian Mead captivity sorry [ __ ] Zechariah Zechariah chapter three let's start at verse one now let me fill you in anybody know what happened during the time of um Joshua the high priest anybody know anybody remember you guys Aruba Bell you had Joshua that job was to do something nobody knows uh you with the glasses yes you I forgot your name I remember you from years ago Shalom ultimatitis officer metatized so what happened so they have to build a temple who had somebody had the building and Joshua zerubba Bell and Joshua and what happened so when they were trying to build the temple they had uh adversaries attacking them preventing them not to build a temple and whatever so it delayed from them during the temple that's it um that's what I remember okay thank you uh not only is it a delay they stopped when you read haggai real quick um haggai chapter one um verse one and two this is what happened it was right in front of Zechariah wasn't here one page went right we're right back okay haga chapter one and verse one we're going one in the second year of Darius the king in the sixth month in the first day of the month came the word of the Lord by haggai the prophet so haggar was the how I got a prophet was who the Lord chose let's see what he was chosen to do okay haggai the prophet unto zerubbabel the son of shiatio governor of Judah and to Joshua the son of josephdek the high priest saying thus speak of the Lord of hosts saying this people say the time is not come the time that the Lord's House should be built so zerubbabel and Joshua said because of all the trouble they got from building the Temple I said this ain't the time to build the Lord's House this ain't the time read then came the word of the Lord by haggai the prophet saying so now the Lord sent haggai says Aruba Bell and Joshua the high priest to tell him what is it time for you oh ye to dwell in your sealed houses and this house life wastes so haggai got on zarubabelle and Joshua the high priest said you busy building your own house but God's house lies weights Waits what is wrong with you who raised you go ahead now therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts consider your way Hagg I told him you better consider your ways God you have sown much in bringing little ye eat but you have not off you drink but ye are not filled with drink you eat clothe you but there is none warm and he that Earnest wages earneth wages to put into a bag with hope so haggai was getting on the two greatest men at that time because they got fearful maybe this ain't the time to build the Lord's House with all this trouble we got the Lord said hey God I want you to get on them too so that they gonna do what I commanded them to do now go back to Zechariah chapter three and one the book of Zechariah Chapter 3 and verse 1 and he showed me Joshua with a high priest standing before the angel of the Lord and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him y'all see that right there who was standing at his right hand Satan standing at his right hand to resist him because whatever John what Joshua the high priest wanted to do he got a lot of pushback then he just gave up that's what was going on go ahead and the Lord said unto Satan the Lord rebuked thee o Satan even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem for beauty is not this a brand plucked out of the fire meaning what he said Joshua was chosen I chose Joshua the high priest come on now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments and stood before the angel and he answered and spake unto those that stood before him saying take away the filthy garments from him so the Lord is saying to the angels take away Joshua's filthy garments God and unto him he said behold I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee and I will clothe thee with change of Raymond you see that behold I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee and I will clothe thee with change of arraignment so the Lord was forgiven Joshua okay good and I said let them set a fair meetry upon his head so so they set a fearmetry upon his head and clothed him with garments and the angel of the Lord stood by and the angel of the Lord protested unto Joshua was saying thus saith the Lord of hosts if thou will walk in my my ways this is what the angel said to Joshua he's reminding him if thou will walk in my ways go ahead and if thou will keep my charge then thou shall also judge my house and shall also keep my courts and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by meaning what I'm going to give you a seat in the Kingdom just do what I said good here now oh Joshua the high priest thou and thy fellows that sit before thee for they are men wandered at for behold I will bring forth my servant the bread now when you read on we'll go to this another time let's talk about Christ coming out of the line of zerubbabel okay that's the servant the brands so what I'm showing you is that even Joshua the high priest had Satan standing at his right hand so never think Satan can't get in your head when you got when you bitter you got grudges against brothers and sisters against your spouse that's Satan on you okay you just gotta catch it before it gets worse and worse from there let's talk about the Apostle Peter Luke 22 31. The Book of Luke chapter 22 and verse 31 and the Lord said Simon Simon behold Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat see what Christ said before Peter Satan has desired to have you so what if Christ I saw in the spirit Satan wants to destroy you Peter and desire to sift you like wheat go ahead but I have prayed for this Christ said but I have prayed for thee Peter go ahead that thy failed that that thy faith failed not he said Peter I'm praying for you that your faith fell not good and when thou art converted when thou art converted strength tonight Brethren now let's pause there for a second Peter was walking with Christ's three years now Christ says to him when you are converted strengthen your breath wait wait stop wait a minute I thought I was converted when I first came in no you're in Sunday School no you're not converted in a few minutes no show you do your prayers you ask for mercy and forgiveness conversion takes years it takes time why because there's a lot of things in all of us we have to purge out of us and in order to purge it out of us we have to look at it face to face okay some brothers don't know their bum you gotta see you a bum and say you know what I'm a bum I gotta fix this situation you know what I do hate my my brother I gotta fix this situation I do hate my spouse I gotta fix this situation I do love porn and pornography I gotta fix this situation that takes years it does not take a few minutes come out of the church come out of Sunday school wake up read it again and the Lord said Simon Simon behold Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted strengthen thy Brethren Christ said when you're converted Peter I want you to strengthen your brethren why because Peter was a disciple had Apostle but he wasn't converted yet at this time he thought he was but no he wasn't give me from there Matthew 16 23. The Book of Matthew chapter 16 and verse 23 but he turned and said unto Peter get thee behind me Satan Thou Art an offense unto me for thou savior is not the things that be of God but those that be of men let's start at 20 um 22. no instead of 21. before we get the full thought verse 21 from that time fourth began Jesus to show unto his disciples how that he must go unto Jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised again the third day then Peter took him and began to rebuke him saying be it far from the Lord this shall not be unto thee see what Peter said he's trying to protect the Lord he said Lord I won't let nothing happen to you I won't know won't let nobody kill you look at Christ's response but he turned and said unto Peter get thee behind me say oh Christ called Peter Satan why'd he call him Satan Christ knew Peter didn't know that he had to die so that the nation of Israel could be redeemed Peter didn't see that he couldn't understand it so what he in his mind I'm going to protect you Lord Peter saw it I mean Christ saw that said no that's Satan in you because Satan in you is trying to make you think you're doing a good thing but what you're doing will get the whole nation of Israel destroyed so get behind me Satan read it again but he turned and said unto Peter get thee behind me Satan Thou Art an offense unto me for thou savior is not the things that be of God but those that be of men right what you thinking is man's thoughts man so I'm gonna protect you I'm gonna make sure nothing happened to you Christ Christ already told him I have to die I have to be a sacrifice Peter's like no no no so you got the devil on you Peter from there John 18 10. I'm showing you how Satan can enter into us all The Book of John chapter 18 and verse 10 then Simon Peter having a sword drew it and smote the high priest servant and cut off his right ear the servant's name was malcus let's start up uh at nine that's when it came to get Christ verse 9 that the saying might be fulfilled which he spake of them which thou gavest me have I lost none then Simon Peter having a sword drew it and smote the high priest servant so he still didn't get it Peter still didn't even Christ told him I have to die Peterson I'm going to protect you go ahead and cut off is right here the servant's name was malcus then said Jesus unto Peter put up thy sword into the sheath the cup which my father hath given me shall I not drink it Christ had to correct him again the cup that the lord gave to me shall I not drink it I am destined to be a sacrifice for the nation of Israel Peter what don't you understand you got the devil on you stop it that's what he's telling him so sometimes it may appear that we're doing something good but it's against the Lord there's another one it just popped in my mind with King Josiah when the Lord sent the king of was it Egypt I believe it was Egypt to go against Babylon and King Josiah went to fight against the king of Egypt and the king of Egypt said hey mind your business the Lord sent me to do this and Josiah said no I'm going to fight you and got put to death sometimes you interfere and you're in God's business and you get jacked the hell up okay now let's talk about one of the most famous um guys that Satan entered into them to Judas Iscariot Luke 22 and verse 1. we had a lot of Judas iscaris back in 2018 and and he's still talking smack to no avail these guys are losers they're nothing they have not stopped this gospel at all Luke 22 and verse 1. The Book of Luke chapter 22 and verse 1. now the Feast of unleavened bread Drew Nai which is called the Passover always remember the Feast of unleavened bread is called the past it's the same holiday it has two different names go ahead and the chief priests and scribes saw it how they make kill him for they feared the people then entered Satan into Judas surname is scary uh oh read that again verse three then entered Satan into Judas surname discard read it again then entered Satan into Judas sir named is scary being of the number of the twelve so Satan entered into Judas iscari you got to recognize what Satan enters into you you know you think something wicked you got to build this oh no no no no that's not me that's Satan get this Lord get these thoughts out of my head y'all you men you women you got to be able to catch it some of you can some you don't you entertain the evil like Judas did here we don't and he went his way and commune with the chief priests and captains how he might betray him unto death see that how he might betray him unto them okay and they were glad and covered and covenanted to give him money and he promised and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the absence of the multitude then see that see that that covetousness for money some of y'all got that Spirit on give me that precept in first Timothy 6 might be six through eight something on the For the Love of Money that one because you look at Judas who betrayed Christ for money and go I could never do that if you was ever in a rat game you will betray your people for money if you were seven in the NBA uh NBA what's that a sport the football whatever NFL uh if you was ever um in the drug World selling drugs you will betray for some money read that the book of First Timothy chapter 6 and verse 9. you can fool some of the people some of the time but you ain't fooling the Lord go ahead but they that will be rich fall into temptation but they that will be rich fall into what Temptation and a snare Temptation and a snare traps okay and into many foolish and hurtful lusts and into many foolish and hurtful lusts I saw a video the other day some of y'all may have seen it some do I don't know these rappers I think his name is called smart he's in a barber shop and he's talking about the rap world and he says that you go to a party and they give you a drink and they um drug you he said this one rapper he didn't name his name got drugged up five dudes booty raped him in a room and they videotaped it the next day they went to sign the record contract and it was a terrible contract and he didn't like to contract he said yo this is a terrible contract and it brought the video out said if you don't sign it we gonna put this video out so what do you think he did he signed a contract okay so y'all can look at the video it's on YouTube I didn't make it up where we at read again but they that will be rich fall into temptation energy that will be rich fall into temptation go ahead and it's a many foolish and hurtful life and into many foolish and hurtful lusts right which drowned men in destruction I need you to read slow which drowned men in destruction which drowned men in destruction and Perdition and Perdition means hell go ahead For the Love of Money For the Love of Money is the root of all evil is the root of that's where betrayal comes from money is your god money is your idol was that the whole verse no sir okay which while some coveted after which like Jude is Coveted after some of you coveted after they have heard they have heard from the faith and pierced themselves through with many Sorrows see that now that describes Judas iscari but Paul is talking about all of us have that potential to what we just read right there when money is your God okay you're not content ain't nobody's saying you cannot improve your situation that's good but read the part about be content it's right there somewhere I'm not looking at it but godliness with contentment is great gain godliness with contentment is great gain so somebody'll ask me well I work I'm a bag Checker at Walmart I don't make no dag on money suicide got to be content with that well to be content means of course a you can improve your situation but if you get into lying stealing you're not content that's what it's talking about we dead again but godliness with contentment is great gain be content with where at where you're at and you can improve your situation but if you decide I'm going to lie steal betray murder you're not content read for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out right so I hope everybody you you especially you men I know some of you want to get married you're you're examining your living situation your financial situation you can do better but not being content means I will steal I will lie I will sell drugs I will kill people that's not being content okay where we at now Matthew's you know back to Luke 22 yes back to Luke 22. all right we're at verse 33. no no no no no no we was at we read down to what oh we read down we read 31 and 32. Luke 22. we read one through five you messing me yeah oh oh okay okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry Eddie we have verse six all right three five again read five again and they were glad and Covenant to give him covenanted to give him money to Covenant to give him money okay and he promised and sought opportunity to portray him unto them in the absence of the multi so when money is your god there's nothing you won't do you betray mothers fathers sisters brothers because money is your God we see it here with Judas Paul expounded on it in the book of Timothy we see it we we've seen it here now you I see when money is your god what you want the lengths of Satan you won't go to you'll sit down with the white man who you know is trying to destroy Israel and sit down and say we're a hate group we want to kill people and do this and that that's how far you'll go and think you'll say I've done nothing wrong you got the devil on you and it's the devil is going to stay on you too Mark 14 21. The Book of Mark chapter 14 and verse 21. the son of man indeed goeth as it is written of him but woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed good word for that man if he had never been born good word for that man if he had never been born Christ said it would have been better if Judas Iscariot had never been born that's how the Son of God feels about betrayal I'm gonna say it again that's how the Son of God feels about betrayal okay we had a situation in um England The Joy Morgan case where a sister in iuic stood up went into the court gave the arrangements of the room gave the names of the officers and tried to say that we had something to do with the death of Joy Morgan it would have been better if that sister had never been born than to lie and betray like that you had a brother from that refurbished up PK did the same thing rant a coin yeah Iowa City they Wicked it sat in court and testified how evil he was in America he's in the UK we in America and we had something to do with the death of our sister Joy Morgan it would have been better if he had never been born go tell that that's what read it again so you understand that's what Christ said the son of man indeed goeth as it is written of him but woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed good word for that man if he had never been born and it always say this an attack on a king's men is an attack on the king Christ who's the king Christ he is the king bro I'm gonna show it when we get to Matthew 25 don't let me forget that I'm gonna show you that thing right there because black people don't get it it's been better for a lot of you not been born Matthew a bishop but they might say they might say listen I betrayed these [ __ ] I ain't betrayed Christ remind me that I'm going to show them that in Matthew 25. uh where we at now verse 22. no no no give me Matthew 24 10. okay questions The Book of Matthew chapter 24 and verse 10. and then shall many be offended then shall many be offended at this gospel at this truth and shall betray one of them oh Christ is prophesying right there he says and shall betray one another that was a prophecy for that time and it's a prophecy for today I'm gonna say it again it was a prophecy for back then and it's a prophecy for these end times read again and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another betray and hate was that it yes sir read it again and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another from there that was uh 24 10 right yes sir give me 18 and 6 Matthew 18 and 6. The Book of Matthew chapter 18 and verse 6 but whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me so if you offend one of these little ones the little ones are the Believers no matter how old you are we are the little ones read again but whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he would drowned in the depth of the Sea Christ what is he saying it would have been better if you kill yourself than to offend one of these that believe in me to offend one of these that believe in it means what you are betraying them you're putting a stumbling block of sin in their way trying to cause them to fall Christ said it'd be better if you drop dead and die that's the Son of God they don't read that in church read it again but whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he would drowned in the depth of the sea that's the Son of God speaking better that you go kill yourself that's what Christ is saying that's your bezel Mark cairos the Chinese boy what's his not even know his name no more exactly that guy it but Christ have it better that you kill yourself than to betray to offend us than to offend one of the little ones that's what to see you reading oh I don't know if I should say that that's why we know some of y'all gonna betray this truth the Bible say I don't agree what Christ said there to hell with you and your mama we don't give a damn about you or your mama we're gonna tell you what the Bible says go drop dead and die okay from there give me Matthew 25 now that's what I'm talking about an attack on the King's Men cool you little nasty Negroes and Hispanics to hell with you Matthew 25 31 The Book of Matthew chapter 25 and verse 31 when the son of man shall come in his glory and all the Holy Angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a Shepherd divided his sheep from the goat say that part right there as a Shepherd divided his sheep from the goats when it says all nations let me help you all out there it's talking about Israelites coming out of all Nations can I prove that give me Ezekiel 34. and I want verse one then we're going to jump to 17. this is not talking about uh Israel and you got Moab and Ammon it's not talking about that it is uh somebody's Israelites with their stupid breakdowns I don't know what the hell are they talking about The Book of Ezekiel chapter 34 and verse one uh-huh and the word of the Lord came unto me saying you want to go to 17 one read oh you read one yeah you wanted to we wanted to all right and the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man prophesy against the Shepherds of Israel prophesy and say unto them thus saith the Lord God unto the Shepherds woe be to the Shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves should not the Shepherds feed the flock So it's talking about the Israelites now the Shepherds of Israel the leaders jump down to verse 17 verse 17. and as for you oh my flop the save the Lord God behold I judge between cattle and cattle between the Rams and the he goats Sima did a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of the pastures and to have drunk up the Deep Waters but ye must foul foul the residue with your feet and as for my flock they eat that which he have trodden with your feet and they drink that which he have fouled with your feet therefore thus say if the Lord God unto them behold I even I will judge between the fat cattle and between the lean cattle so that's what it's talking about that is the precept go back to uh Matthew 25. 25 and verse 32 Again The Book of Matthew chapter 25 and verse 32 and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them from one from another as a Shepherd divided his sheep from the goat so the sheep and the goats is what we just read in Ezekiel the 34th chapter talking about the Israelites these sheep among us there's goats Among Us good and he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on the left he's going to break it down exactly what he's talking about go ahead then shall the king say unto them then shall the king the who the king the who the king okay go ahead say unto them on his right hand Come Ye blessed of my father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world for I was a hungered and you gave me me I was thirsty and you gave me drink I was a stranger and you took me in naked and he clothed me I was sick and you visited me I was in prison and ye came unto me then shall the righteous answer then shall the righteous so the Sheep here are the Righteous go ahead saying Lord when so we thee a hunger and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink when so we thee a stranger and took thee in or naked and clothed him why does it when it says a stranger because remember we grew up as African-Americans Puerto Ricans Dominicans uh liberians whatever those are strangers now we say no you're not a stranger you're an Israelite that's what it's talking about okay or when so we sick or when so we thee sick or in prison and came unto thee and the King shall answer and say unto them verily I say unto you and as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me you see that when you did it to the least of these my brethren you've done that to me go ahead then shall he say also unto them on the left hand now he's going to talk to the goats it was on the left hand go ahead depart from me ye cursed into Everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels for I was a hunger and you gave me no meat I was thirsty and you gave me no drink I was a stranger and ye took me not in naked and he clothed me not sick and imprisoned and you visited me not then shall they also answer him saying Lord when saw we Veer hungered or thirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not Minister unto thee then shall he answer them saying verily I say unto you and as much as he did it not to one of the least of these you did it not to me okay these shall go away into Everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal that's why I always say the way we deal with one another is how we deal with the Lord so when I say an attack on a king's men is an attack on the king that's what this is saying everybody understand that you can't do evil to the little ones that believe on him and think I didn't do that to the Lord I did it to you [ __ ] no no you did it to the Lord that shows when people don't understand the Bible at all they don't know what they're reading they don't know what they're into Bishop can I prove it the scripture go to John chapter 16 verse 1. this is proof that you can't say I'm attacking you [ __ ] I'm not attacking the most high this is proof this is why Christ warned this The Book of John chapter 16 and verse 1. these things have I spoken unto you that ye should not be offended because when the attack comes some people get offended so Christ says I'm telling you this in advance so you don't get mad when this happens which is this read on they shall put you out of the synagogue how are they trying to put us out of the synagogue the places of learning for Israel they're recording conversations they're going to uh law enforcement they're going to the media to try and destroy the place of learning Christ warned that you magnet was set up to teach that people will attack you and try to destroy you to get you out of the place of learning for Israel read on yay the time cometh that whosoever killeth you some have lied on us so that the public could attack us remember they shot up a member's car when the joy Morgan's thing was going on there were other Israelite counts saying go and shoot up the school go and attack them posting our address everywhere we live so there were a man behind the scenes trying to get us killed read on we'll think that he doeth God's service and they said they were doing it in the name of Yahweh Hashem y'all don't remember that there was Black Hebrew Israelite counts trying to lead an attack on us and threaten us and put addresses and put names talk about our families post pictures up record conversations y'all all forgot that because they wanted to cause harm to us right and the cowards that they are they won't do it themselves they'll just put it out on the internet and hope there's some idiot listening to do it that's because they themselves are cowards every last one of them they won't step to nobody raise a hand nothing they won't do it from there let's talk about Christ now Christ being tempted give me that Matthew 4-1 The Book of Matthew chapter 4 and verse one then was Jesus led up this led up of the spirit Into the Wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was afterward a hunger and when the tempter came to him he said if thou be the Son of God command that these Stones be made bread so Satan's thoughts tempted him with food God but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God so he didn't give in to Satan's uh Temptation he came with the scriptures he's showing us how to war when we when those lusts come on us when those Temptations come on us use the word of God is sharper than any two-ed sword read then the devil taketh him up into the holy city and saidth him in a instead of him on a pinnacle of the temple and saith unto him if thou be the Son of God cast thyself down for what is written he shall give his angels charge concerning thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest that any time thou Dash thy foot against a stone now this is uh written in Psalms 91. he's noticed what Satan said if thou be the Son of God so he's trying to put doubt in Christ's head you ain't who you think you are but if you if you jump off because the scriptures say the angels will bear thee up go ahead Jesus said unto him it is written again thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God so he comes back with the scripture that's Deuteronomy 6 16. read again the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them so Satan shows Christ all the kingdoms of the world at that time and in the future okay and sayeth unto him all these things will I give thee if thou will fall down and worship me he said if you worship me I'll give you all the wealth and power you want okay then say if Jesus unto him get the hand Satan for it is written Thou shalt Worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve then the devil leaveth him and behold Angels Came and ministered unto him so the devil left and another scripture says Satan left for a season I believe that's in Mark Mark on Luke one of those two we said he left for a season don't think that was the only time Christ was tempted Satan leaves and returns I'm gonna show you that too you might overcome today but he may come back next week and revisit you okay from there give me uh Hebrews 4 15. the book of Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 15. for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are Christ was tempted in all points like as we are notice we only read three types of Temptation food um tempting God jumping off the cliff and uh power only three but the Bible read that part again for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling about with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are y'all don't know that women follow Christ around y'all don't know a woman uh took her hair out and dried his feet you don't think thoughts came to his mind I can imagine I know what I would think if a woman is drying my feet with a hey I know my mind goes left field you don't think these things into Christ it's just not written down but it says read it again but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin yet without sin he was tempted in every way you can imagine every way I want to say something but it might be very offensive so I'll just keep it to myself give me Mark 7. uh how many how many Satan enters in through our lust Satan into them through our Temptations our thoughts the demons we struggle with that's how Satan there's a door there uh how many demons would you say you you got on you you yeah you yeah I'm talking to you stand up and go to the mic how many demons would you say you got I don't know I got a lot of demons a lot would you say more than 10 or less than 10. um yeah I don't know yeah okay all right give me that Mark 7 20 when Christ tells you how much the average person how many demons the average person has on them read that The Book of Mark chapter 7 and verse 21 for from within out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts evil thoughts is one that's okay we all got evil thoughts go ahead adulteries adulteries that's two go ahead fornications fornications that's three murders murderous thoughts that's four thefts thefts that's five covetousness covetousness that's six wickedness wickedness that's seven deceit deceit that's eight lasciviousness lasciviousness that's nine and evil eye and evil artists hate towards your brother that's uh where was that I forgot ten go ahead blasphemy blasphemy that's eleven pride pride that's uh 12 foolishness foolishness 13 and all these evil things come from within and defile the man 13 demons we struggle with that's average that's typical average typical man woman got 13 demons to battle it some are stronger than others but now but now what about the sodomite give me that Romans 1 25. because some of you in here may be battling with same-sex uh give me some nice words tendencies okay I like that word that's very nice curiosity that's where I don't know if it's curiosity proclivities proclivities okay I'll go with that one uh where we at Romans chapter 1 25 in verse 25. okay now remember the average man the average woman has 13 demons 13. now we're going to talk about the sodomite let's go the book of Romans chapter 1 and verse 25 who changed the truth of God into a lie who changed the truth of God into a lie you can read about that in Maccabees and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator who worshiped and served the white man more than the Creator who is blessed forever who is blessed forever amen amen come on for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature so women change their natural use of being with a man having a baby into that which is against nature it's about lesbians okay and likewise also the men us likewise the men go ahead you know this is not a movie you can look at on Netflix or I'm without a homosexual scene being in there I I know every every time I got a speed fast forward what the hell is this and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one towards another oh look at John's back oh what the hell is this go ahead men with men work with men working that which is unseen it's unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their era which was meat the word recompense means judgment or payback of their era which was meat meaning good or right go ahead and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge so the sodomite doesn't like to retain God in their mind okay God gave them over to a reprobate mind uh reprobate means void of judgment okay to do those things which are not convenient go ahead being filled with all unrighteousness now the countdown starts unrighteous being filled with all unrighteousness that's one fornication that's two wickedness three covetousness four maliciousness five full of Envy six murder seven debate eight deceit nine malignity ten Whisperers eleven backbiters twelve haters of God thirteen despiteful uh fourteen proud fifteen boasters 16 inventors of evil things 17 disobedient to parents 18 without understanding 19 Covenant Breakers 20 without natural affection 21 implacable 22 unmerciful 23 who knowing the Judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only to do the same but have pleasure in them that do them 23 demons if you're battling the homosexual lifestyle male and female you got 23 to to battle with that's some that's some heavy stuff when you think I'm like he went from 13 with the right average person but that side of my spirit deals with more demonic activity that's why you read about uh Legion when Christ said what is your name and he said Legion for we are many and he had like 500 demons in him okay there's some heavy stuff right there when you think about it when you really sit down and think about it which demonic lust s are activated because let's say some of some of us in here got 13 some of us got 23 but which ones do the demons activate that's my question James 1 and 12. now y'all gonna have to rewind this class and listen to it again and again and again because I'm Gonna Give You Solutions too because I know you're battling I see demon just popping around the room I don't care if you put your head down I see you James 1 and 12. the Book of James chapter 1 and verse 12. blessed is the man that endures Temptation blessed is the man that endureth Temptation right for when he has tried for when he has tried he shall receive the Crown of Life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him right let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither Tempest he any man so God is not saying hey be a homosexual hey use drugs hey hate that [ __ ] right there that's not the Lord that's already in you these are things that are in you whether they um they flourish from a child like many times I always hear sisters say well what about if you got molested as a child okay well demons entered in that way you have to deal with that put it behind you push it out but if you are in your 40s talking about when I was eight years old I got my last that's gonna ruin your chance for a good relationship you need to stay single and die with a dog you ain't wife material every time the husband he touch her ah hey what's wrong you reminded me when I was eight oh shut the hell up with that what's going on here you know some brothers been molested you don't hear nothing about that brothers be like I'm going I'm gonna I'm gonna do on uh uh Bad Boys we're gonna crumble us up put it in the box and throw it into the ocean we're never gonna speak on that again that's how men do not that side of the room oh and that a man got to pay all the rest of his life for being with her it's like dang I can't even get no peace with this woman they know what I'm talking about where we at 14. read but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and entire y'all see that so if you look at her brother's back and you go he got that v-shape going on there somebody's gonna edit that goes yeah you should you should have used a truthful account of people who look at the image we have of Jesus Christ and say how oily his chest is yes that's true yes that's true there is an Israelite camp where one of the leaders look at the image we have of Christ and sit down and they lust after the image right in front of the congregation and the picture ends at the chest and he goes even the ABS are oily and you don't see them so oh drugs I know one brother that he was in a VA uh you know when they give you drugs a lot of time he says yo was my friend he gave me my he gave me it free I said no that's how he hooked you bro the first one is always free to get you hooked on that thing you simple as hell you used to sell and you don't you don't know that you're dumb as a rock okay or you get the the heart up lonely sister she knows she looked like uh laquija what's that Eddie Murphy Norbit and uh raspution that's the name put on the screen put on the screen she nuts listen I always we always say you got to know what you look like know what you're working with so she come on y'all you don't know I don't know rasputation yeah yeah that's all right there you sister you know if you look like this now I'm gonna tell you the game here come a brother he just got out yesterday he's telling you you look like Beyonce you look like give me some more uh Naomi Campbell that's all I could think of that woman Halle Berry okay Halle Berry who else Tyra Tyra Banks she look all right okay Tyra Banks and you know you look like but you go okay now you laying down with him ain't no your food he took over your apartment he just posted up and now you got gonorrhea beat the duties out of you now you got VD or some transmitted disease and you trying to why did God do this to me cause you stupid you did it to yourself when that Temptation comes resist the devil and he will flee you praying for a Godly a good man to love you not some dude that just got out who need a place to stay that needs some food that need to to give me some nice words you know I go within a deep end they need to release can I say that the hell is this so you got you got a brother he got one brother he's sitting up here on the podium I ain't gonna call him out he 110 pounds the sister tells him but can you put up a Shemar Moore put up Shemar Moore s-h-e-m-a-r I think it's e to n I'm not sure m-o-o-r-e I think yeah yeah yep yep right there I want the one on the wait where's the one with the shirt off the one on the left bottom left right there the brother who's in here weighs a buck 20. she says you look just like Shemar Moore and he goes like this yeah like what the hell is this his muscle is like this I said bro stop it that's Satan that Satan you don't look like Shemar Moore stop up hey give me Samuel Jackson uh what's the name of that movie uh uh no not Django snake oh yeah black black snake Black Snake Moan give me that Black Snake Moan he got another brother click that that's what your brother looked like he looked just like this not that one right there and she convincing him you look like Shemar Moore I want to give you some you can't make this stuff up brother stop letting these women gas you up sister stop letting Brothers gas you up you got no no that's a gas light they Gaslight me what the hell is going on here I know I don't look like that the hell then you get caught out to where we at cat where are we at all right 14 again we're in 14 yeah but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed then when lusts have conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death y'all see that so yeah like that's what the scripture says for the wages of sin is death you're working you can work for righteousness for the kingdom or you can work for Death because once that lust conceived you give in now that lust comes sin and that sin leads to death that's what happens and it's happened time and time again give me uh First Corinthians 10. yeah Bishop a lot of times when when the lust it says when Allah says conceived it bringeth forth sin and When sin is conceived it bringeth forth dead meaning there is stages State you know you don't just you don't just um roll over and and and um and fall on it you know you know you don't just fall into it's take stages you got to plan it out and all of that okay so you can't say I don't know what happened it's that the sense start in your mind first that's where it start then then you fulfill that act then you commit that sin but it always starts in the mind that's why Christ tell us listen you all control your mind if you look at a woman you commit adultery already why because you're ready it's already there you say if you hate your brother you commit murder already why because it's sin already here you understand so we gotta kill it here before it meet that other stage where where what wait bring forth sin and then sin bring forth debt you'll understand hey real quick give me that in job uh 25 15. to show you what uh Deacon Malachi was saying sin you gotta you gotta work towards that it's not something that happens accidentally especially sex it don't happen all of a sudden you just don't fall on the penis it don't happen it's planned watch this job 25 15. Joe 25 15 what 24. 24 I'm sorry I apologize The Book of Job chapter 24 and verse 15. the eye also of the adulterer we're talking about the adulterer go ahead wait is for the Twilight see that number one you wait for the Twilight you want to wait till it's dark most people is home okay saying no eyes shall see me saying ain't nobody out here everybody went to sleep and what did they do and disguises his face hey you put on your hat you put on your Shades you even might even borrow your man's call adultery fornication is planned it takes a lot of work a lot of effort just don't happen with the snap of a finger everybody understand that so you work forth towards that you can't I don't know whether you know what happened the hell is this one brother says to us oh I met your sister she want me to teach you the Bible all right brother bring it to the school we'll teach you no no no she want a private lesson no bro stop stop there's no private lesson don't no private lesson now I know in his mind he's saying I'm a grown ass man you don't tell me who I could teach you who I can't teach I said brother we're trying to help you we're trying to help you Satan is knocking at your door so what happens he goes to the house she opens the door and a nightgown a Victoria's Secret nightgown as a matter of fact with the edible underwear y'all know the type anyway the Bible ends up under the bed and they both end up on top of the bed the next day that next Sabbath I don't know what happened bro go get your black line out of here you come back when you're ready get out we told you we warned you the hell is this there are tears is going to manipulate us tears don't work on me it might work on some Deacon ASAP or Deacon a bishop can I who else or the captains they don't work maybe lava two Captain yeah work on cat or Benjamin yeah tears work on that don't work on me but my wife will tell you well don't shut the hell up that don't work on me I'll sit there looking right now oh you crying oh you feel bad I gotta tell you a story I put uh uh uh remind me Feast of Tabernacles The Crying Game The Crying Game don't let me forget where we at uh where job oh First Corinthians 10 13 yes the book of First Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13. they have no temptation taking you but such as is common to man you know what let's start up at 12 I like 12 verse 12. wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall that's you men and women that say Satan could never enter in through one of my lusts you got 13 last scene can enter in through there's 13 Doors he got and if you're a homo you got 23. and that is a hotel here I'm gonna go through this door right here you never expect that you waiting for Satan to enter there's no door no door well most of us ain't got a door that says pork I don't know who really struggles eating pork or shrimp unless you're Norbit's wife but most of us don't struggle with that everything else though singles I'm gonna come through this door today and if you block me on this door I got another door over there he got 13 Doors she got 23. I'ma get through one of them and you ain't gonna see it coming but you gotta catch it when it enters you gotta be see if you if you prayed up studied up prayed up applying the scriptures you're gonna say this is Satan Satan is on me let me shake myself let me get this demon out of me you'll note but if you've been playing and dabbling and saying he's gonna get you unexpected everybody understand what I'm saying okay all right all right give me that where we at now verse 13. yes there have no temptation taking you but such as is common to man no temptation has taken hold on anybody listening but such as is common to man that goes that's what they just said about Christ too he was tempted in all points yet without sin everything we go through whether it's Financial Temptation sexual Temptation drug Temptation uh help me out give me a small tempted what cover chestnuts give me some more Temptations give me some more lust for power that's another one that we rarely mentioned but that's a good one all these things are common to Men read that again and guess what that Spirit jumps on women too The Jezebel spirit has a lust for power right go ahead read that again they have no temptation taking you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able he's not going to allow you to be tempted above what you're able I heard uh Deacon ASAP in his class he was talking about these dumb camps that say the white man is going to hold you down and put a chimpy uh not chimp a chip in you and then God is going to put you to death because the white man forced something in your body he was saying that makes no sense anything would have to be for God to judge us would have to be what voluntary willing willful willful not I'll bust you upside the head and put a piece of pork in your mouth now God's gonna kill you cause you ate the poor that makes no sense it makes no god-given sense bishop and when you ask them so what are you supposed to do if the white man is forcing you they say let him kill you that's the answer so why didn't do that they told the people that with the uh vaccine that was going around right they didn't say that when everybody was couldn't go nowhere they wasn't saying uh given that as a solution that's how stupid they are exactly exactly uh verse 13 readings they have no temptation taking you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with the Temptation also make a way to escape so the way to escape that's why we say study pray apply those three things spot study pray apply not only that fasting comes in takes a part brothers and sisters hey pick up a call pick up a phone let's talk let's go over some scripture let's talk about what you're going through the lord always makes a way for you to escape always that's why we're all here together that's why it says how beautiful it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity let's talk about it okay what's going on what's happening okay let's come to a solution let's fix this okay everybody understand that there's always a way to escape if it's lust you look at you're about to look at some porn then your phone ring y'all know what I'm talking about you're about to hit it and then baby is a brother damn now pick up the fight mostly incredible what's going on hey what you doing bro nothing you know damn well he's about to hit that porn site and the Lord sends somebody to call and interrupt you y'all know what I'm talking about from there give me wisdom of Solomon 4 12. the book wisdom of Solomon Chapter 4 and verse 12 for the bewitching of naughtiness for the bewitching of naughtiness is another word for sin we're Bewitched in society with sin whether it's through the television whether it's through our family members whether it's through the friends we meet or the Associates on our job we are Bewitched with sin it's made to appear um glorious read for the bewitching of naughtiness doth obscure things that are honest it don't obscure to obscure something means it's not clear things that are honest means God's laws like for example thou shall not commit adultery it's clear it's to understand it we understand it but the bewitching of naughtiness says there's nothing wrong with an affair an occasional Affair say they don't call it adultery they change the word they say an affair and you go yeah there's nothing wrong with having a girlfriend or boyfriend you go yeah but the Bible says wife the Bible says husband you go um read it again for the bewitching of naughtiness doth obscure things that are honest the Bible says thou shall not kill they say in abortion you go yeah that's not the same thing it's different read again for the bewitching of naughtiness doth obscure things that are honest the honest is God's law go ahead and the wandering of concupiscence the wandering of sexual sins doth undermine the simple mind those undermine the simple We Are The Simple Minds we're the simple okay like it says in uh uh Psalms how long a Proverbs how long you simple one Bishop how they normalize abortion now they call it Plan B right right that just means killing your child another way but they put blind Plan B on it so you feel there's nothing wrong with it they obscured it right exactly okay from there wisdom of Solomon 9 15. wisdom of Solomon chapter 9 and verse 15. for the corruptable body presses down to 14. it's not a 14 I like that one verse 14. for the thoughts of mortal men are miserable why because we each got how many demons we got Brothers 13 demons in us for the thoughts of mortal men are miserable okay and our devices are but uncertain uh-huh for the corruptable body presses down the soul the body that we live in this flesh it presses down the soul that's within us okay and the earthy Tabernacle waves down the mind this Earthly Tabernacle weighs down the mind go ahead that Muses upon many things that Muses we think about a lot of things but this Earth this flesh that we're in it weighs us down it causes us it helps cause us to sin and puts us in a sin State that's why the Lord said he's going to change our Stony heart to flesh he's going to change it he has to change us because the body that we're in is prone to sin that's what Romans 7 is so heaven give me that Romans 7 18 to 24 real quick foreign The Book of Romans chapter 7 and verse 18 for I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing that's what we just read that's what we just read in wisdom of Solomon 9. right for to will is present with me to will to do God's will it's always present with me Paul says okay but how to perform that which is good I find not but how to perform that which is good I find out meaning how to walk a hundred percent he said I'm struggling I got a problem okay for the good that I would the good that I would mean in The Commandments I do not I find myself messing up okay but the evil which I would not but the evil that I don't want to do breaking God's Commandments that I do that I end up doing now if I do that I would not it is no more I that do it don't say it ain't me damn it he said I'm sick and it ain't me it's the demons Within Me This I got Satan on me go ahead but sin that dwelleth in me see that but sin that dwelleth remember 13 demons the average person some of y'all got 23. was that it 121 uh uh no that's all I wanted I just wanted to show you that from here give me first Peter 5 and 8. now Paul's battle let me say it in case anybody getting simple Paul's battle was mental he was always fighting spiritually in his mind back and forth back and forth so read that the book of First Peter chapter 5 and verse 8 be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour you see that right there Satan's always looking to see who he may devour when you look at Animal Kingdom for example the lion don't run out generally to the herd they wait to see that one uh well some of them animals called buffaloes or gazelles that one that lingers behind wildebeest okay the one that lingers in the back and you know what that goes with give me that back we read it earlier in Jude the one about uh these are they will separate themselves that's who Satan looks for the book of Jude verse 19. These be they who separate themselves because the lion in The Jungle he's hiding behind the bushes he's just looking he sees a whole herd of wildebeest or gazelles whatever the whole lot of them then he sees that one way over there just walking slow read again these be they who separate themselves sensual Central means emotional okay sensual having not the spirit that one right there doesn't have the spirit imma get that one so that's you brother or you sister that got that that emotional spirit and you you imma separate from them I'm gonna do my own be by myself okay Satan Gonna Get You he's gonna enter in through one of those 13 Doors in your head then you go how did it happen I don't see how Satan got me okay Bishop yes the spirit that they lack is to know that their safety and numbers right okay and a lot of y'all don't understand that and you think that's why you see a lot of people on YouTube that hate the truth they say don't join no Camp be by yourself okay meanwhile they still watching us online but they're by themselves they didn't learn no Truth by themselves but they just got that hateful Spirit of not wanting to be in the body exactly so now we're going to talk about the Feast of Tabernacles everybody had a good time to visit Tabernacles well praises to the Lord let's get along great time you had a great time lava with these have you had a great time we had a great time oh man Bishop yes I keep saying I don't know how you do it sir but you had the energy bro I was an ever-ready bunny rapper what he meant was we woke up every morning to sit down and go over scriptures in peace undisturbed sisters bringing us food Bishop can I make it sure we have breakfast lunch dinner making sure everybody ate just family things you cannot do and filthy disgusting New York we did in the confines of the privacy of family and that's what it felt like family you wake up you see the kids playing you hear in Shalom you seeing everybody with fringes you're not hearing no gunshots you're not seeing those syringes on the floor you're not hearing police sirens just waking up sitting down and going over scriptures on how we can build the kingdom of God that's right thank you hey all Praises all praises now on another note when you get to the book of Jude I think it's Jude give me Jude I want the one that says these are spots verse 12. yes the book of Jude verse 12. I hate to bust your bubble but go ahead these are spots in your Feast of Charity the foul Feast of Charity is the Sabbath and gods of the high holy days those are feasts of Charity these are spots in your Feast of Charity good when they Feast with you uh-huh feeding themselves without fear feeding themselves without fit they don't give a damn you got certain men certain women that don't care about this truth but they're Among Us good clouds they are without water cause they are without water they have no understanding of scripture carried about of wind carried about of Winds of doctrines cut trees whose fruit withered without fruit you don't have the fruits of the spirit twice dead it was dead in the world and you're dead when you come into this Truth Good plucked up by the roots so now I just want to talk about a little bit right there ah during the feasts we had a few spots of liars deceivers and RV burners put the first picture up I put in order I sent it in order it's just uh put it so I can see it I'll tell you if it's the first one uh okay you have nothing in order the way I sent it over put that up oh okay this was a lovely sister you could blow it up big I'll cover the face up pretty much pretty good who registered for Feast of Tabernacles in New Jersey however she didn't go to the Tri-State one she didn't want to be with y'all she decided I could get more money if I drive to Alabama and sell some clothes so she drove almost 17 to 18 hours give me the next picture nope I don't need y'all I need y'all to pay attention when as I'm speaking yeah open the file let me look at it because I see I don't know what you're doing give me the second picture that right next to the one you already clicked okay that's her look she's very nephew very lovely you said you were wow she's a pretty sister Brothers don't be deceived okay give me the video now give me the video so and don't play it yet until put it on the screen no not that when I want the closer one there's another one that was on there it's closer up when I liked it better okay so while we watches that night we hear a strange noise and we hear children scream and we're like what we jump up and Bishop can I grabs his stomach he lifts it and he takes off because he had he had his he had this thing where he was cooking everybody thought that was what happened with stuff so play the video this is what we saw Bishop can I outran everybody afraid nobody's in there so this is the sisters RV that's on fire she had ton of clothes to sell Santa Claus to sell to the people she again she was not supposed to be there she was she registered for Jersey for the Tri-State she figured she could get paid in Alabama so I we asked Deacon lava we asked to get Malik does she have a good report in Israel what'd y'all say no they said she shouldn't even be she don't believe you remember that's the same thing in Passover she did yeah right her boyfriend or her whatever she calls so her RV court so what she so when Brothers asked her how this happened how did fire cat catch her how to catch a fire RV she said incense she said she was lighting incense and it dropped in the RV and as I heard it I'm like up like incense all the time and it falls on the floor and I know that a raging fire like that so the fire truck comes fire truck man fireman says you had wires hooked from your engine to the you know in the what is it called the side thing the electrical thing I forgot what it's called the few this is the fuse box every electrical pole you know every campsite you got that she was jump starting her vehicle with that and the RV went up in flames you can't make this stuff up so go ahead I don't even think y'all understand the extent of the fire I was with uh officer to buyers and officer John Leo about 20 minutes away walking distance because the place was huge so we were on the other side of the water and we were talking and laughing and listening to music and a little kid playing something goes I don't think the fire is supposed to be that high we all turn and we look we jumped in our cars I had security everybody racing over there okay so uh Bishop can I was Bishop uh Nathaniel already told me don't worry it's not uh Bishop can I stop because we thought it was canai stuff because we're thinking that's the only place where we know that there's extensive fire for cooking in full preparation so we jutted across the lake across the pond security we all racing over there only to see is This Woman's merchandise being set on fire and burning you can't make this stuff you can't make it up give me the next picture I want the after effect there we go now that's the front go ahead yeah that's it um go ahead uh yo guys know this back there there's a car that's showing you the Lord keep the fire in one place yep there was a lot of cars around it it stay in one place I'll tell you so when Satan you think Satan can enter oh Satan can enter in when you sister stop being deceitful and dishonest and she didn't even pay to come to the thing everybody putting money down right she didn't pay for Black Wall Street that's what she tried to get into give me the next one was there more was there more I need y'all to help me with more pictures because I'm not looking at it okay this was horrible this is terrible and we think the most high nobody got injured nobody got hurt nobody got killed I'll tell you it was it was it was a scary scene because you see when when your spirit ain't right are you rolling in the wrong spirit and Satan enter into you you could cause people life that's why we read in June these are spots in your face some of you all are spots in in the feast days when we come together and so forth and you all don't supposed to be there you know you don't believe you know you're here just to make some money you understand you know you don't want to be there and the thing about it is that the Lord Gonna Shine the Light On You and some of you are gonna be so stupid enough to not to see it I don't know why this happened right it wasn't my fault listen the Lord shine the light on you something right with you that's how things is operate okay Bishop I'll give him a perfect example how many of you read the story of akan in the Babylonian garment show hands see a lot of you didn't read it you understand that instructions were given to Israel on how to go to war and he broke those instructions and Men started dying okay and when the leaders started to complain to God what's going on you suddenly would have the victory he said there is a thief among you God wouldn't even tell him who the thief was he said you need to search from house to house and figure out who the thief was then they found out it was Aiken they got him to confess and God said the instructions were take him his wife his children his godo all his stuff and stone them with fire and then Stone them and then set them on fire that's how God get down so don't just think that we're all going to come together and everything is going to work sometimes the Lord will allow things to fall apart to allow us to know that we need to tighten things up and this was one of those cases we saw a lot of we were trying to be family and brotherly and loving and overlooking certain things but what do we learn from this we got to tighten things up because you got people trying to come and be around us who don't need to be around us they don't care about Feast of Tabernacles they don't care about the unity and and the camaraderie and what we came there for they're coming to get paid that's all there is they coming to get paid and the Lord don't like that show that next video I think that was closer up foreign there's no sound on it okay so y'all can see this it was a raging fire and the things around it I don't think nothing got burned around it right other vehicles and stuff not got just her just her stuff got burned out burned up all right there were tents everywhere yes there was tense there was families there was everybody's stuff cars everywhere but the fire was controlled there was a spirit in the fire the Angels got the order only burned this right here right are you sure yes Lord well he burned this right again so the next day myself Bishop can I Deacon ASAP were you there we had a meeting it was a bunch of us captains were out there with these women to find out exactly what happened and brothers let me tell y'all when you talk to women what is when they get busted what is the first thing they tend to do yes that's exactly I'm sitting next to Bishop can I you build enough food for this shirt he gonna stop Don't Waste Your Time crying we just don't stop stop it just tell us what happened while I charge this system uh 350 and I charge her 200 and I charge her 150. this one sister got paid or for all the other systems wait sir how much fifteen hundred dollars for six hundred dollar fee you can't make this stuff up and the sisters will say you I paid 350 . it was crazy I'll tell you it was Madness it was a Madness hey let me see the next pictures don't just put it on the screen I want to look at it so you don't mess me up like y'all be messing up uh when ASAP be calling for Stuff Friday Night Roll let me look they always mess I don't know if it's this group hey so who does for you that ain't them whoever I'll be like mad I'm like yo the hell is doing this for asaps class not that one I don't want that one can I look at the pictures myself and I'll tell you because okay what I want to look at is now don't get offended I want the man sitting on the toilet I want the man sitting on the toilet now this ain't us that's not this is just something I saw on Google so I thought I would preface this next story with this picture put it up sisters messing on the toilet Brothers come on sisters I'm going to help you all out here when you're taking a shower but nature calls you leave the shower and you go on the toilet why am I bringing this nasty stuff up give me the next picture of what the sisters did don't mess me up over there oh sisters not Brothers Brothers y'all good you can't make that shop give me the next one give me the next one give me the next one give me the next yes you nasty black evil women some of y'all are disgusting now brothers and the sisters was the one cleaning the women's bathroom the sisters were saying how disgusting the sisters were you Daughters of Sarah I didn't try to stop you nasty sum them up anyway okay take it off the screen take it off the screen then Brothers they want to get married and say I want you to go down on me I put my damn mouth on you you nasty son of them don't take a bath go wash the hell who raised you to do that it's just nasty am I making it up I'm not making nothing up I'm not lying I'm telling y'all you're nasty what else happened up there how do you take a dump in the bathroom shower come on man you showing that you just feel it kind of you like how you do that and this is this is the female bathroom these are nasty you remember how many of you have children how quick you change the power but you love your child but you don't want to smell it you change the power real quick and dispose of it the woman doo-doo right when she's washing her eyes the smell alone should make her say you know what what's the quickest way to dispose of it sit on the toilet flush it but feel to feel comfortable taking a dump right there where you're gonna wash your ass you ain't got no class nasty just nasty now give me the picture of the two cute sisters the two cute girls too cute bear in mind okay okay these were the next two don't no these are teenagers you might be asking well what did these two lovely adorable girls do well I'll help you out a sister gets up from her tent and she goes Hey where's my car where's my my car was right here these two cute little adorable because went on a joy ride and the sister's car you can't make this stuff up me the next let me see what's the next picture let me look at it put it on the screen let me look let me look put it on the screen let me look at it oh oh oh oh oh give me the one with the pretty Sister Sister three I think it says sister three put it on the screen here's another sister Brothers you see this lovely sister here she came from heaven daughter of Sarah she's listening to Deacon Malachi's uh Sabbath class about holy hoes so something in her just really really Satan just came into one of the doors one of the 13 Doors he said I'll go in through this door and she gets cut she gets so upset give me the next one of the leg leg no no give me give me the words I want all the words no lag no leg okay you got it there just leave it there so she gets cut she puts she cuts herself whatever I cut myself last night with my machete and I'm thinking I'm just losing control mentally because though they look not that deep it's still bleeding today and I should just check myself into a mental health yeah your mind because I don't want to hurt myself but this definitely has triggered some old behaviors of my insecurities now Brothers leave that right there I'm gonna tell you something there was a brother who was warned these sisters that come in let them learn he's on FaceTime talking about show me your breasts now show me what you got I'ma show your mind I'm gonna show you mine who little and we we threw we put them out not a sister does this brother you would have been married to this thing right here or in and out of the psych wards if you're on many sisters if y'all on medication take your medication now put the words up take your some of y'all need white man therapy I'm telling y'all I don't know what's wrong with some of y'all give me the words so it says sis I took the names out because I'm not really trying to embarrass anybody since the so-and-so sent messages to Sister Blinky blank stating that she was cut by the Sabbath class holy hoes she took her conviction so far as the cut herself multiple times on her leg with her machete why does she have a machete I don't have a machete anyway this incident was reported to Captain Arya and decalaba who advised that the sister learned from home indefinitely some of y'all need therapy and I'm not making fun of you but it's it's a reality that we live in we're gonna say yeah the Hey listen when these scriptures come forth come forth is not to destroy you all is to heal you all those of you all that take it personal and take it as oh you trying to destroy me and then you go hurt yourself listen you come around us with that fool and says I want to hurt him yo you gotta go you stay online you know we gonna go to the hospital and admit yourself or something I'm saying do that you understand for real but but understand when these scriptures come for come forth is to heal you this you know something wrong with you you had saying on you that sister yeah you had Satan and you sister so the scriptures and the class is to make you aware that you're in sin not to find out you're in sin then cut yourself and commit more sin watch this Leviticus chapter 19 verse 28. that's all you did you just had sin unto sin by saying okay I just I'm aware now that I'm a [ __ ] but I'm gonna cut myself some more that makes no sense that's a sin to sit down and mutilate yourself Leviticus 19 28 The Book of Leviticus chapter 19 and verse 28 ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh why were they making cuttings in their flesh back then because they were emotional because of this read on for the dead because sometimes people die you get emotional so you afflict yourself with pain God said that that's unlawful you don't cut yourself mutilate yourselves what they call it self-mutilation and say that you're doing this to bring yourself closer to God you are distancing yourself from God so the scriptures are not working and you have to leave there are some people here we cannot help so you have to leave like the bishop said go go to the hospital uh get treatment from the doctors there the scriptures can't help you you got to go because after you harm yourself you're going to harm somebody else here and then your family is going to say that we made you do it yep yeah man go go go where you belong white men therapy that's what you want since the word of God it come out the brother trying to help you from your stupidity but now look what you do sister so we know the Bible answers all things that's the scripture say but when it when it cannot help you that's because you are of an unbelieving Spirit that's where the problem comes in give me the next picture wait let me look at it put it on the screen so you don't mess me up uh uh give me my best friend best friend from the GMS group put him up on the screen that's not okay this yeah this is this is my best friend his name is Vernon Brown tahar now I didn't put this together I just laughed when I saw it so I thought I'd share it with you since the deacons were going over it last night it says in 20 years as redexica all right in 20 years as leader of GMS tahar Ben Israel has been to over 350 strip clubs now I don't know if he's been to over 350 strip clubs so I won't I can't either affirm or deny that I can't I don't know nothing about that God has built absolutely nothing of significance that is true he also he also spearheaded the doctrine of rape and underage sex that is true tahar will leave behind a legacy that any repentant man would abort now you may be saying to yourself oh you're slandering him he doesn't teach rape his men don't teach rape they don't teach about underage sex give me Deacon abiel's video please from last night and I think the time should be on there to timestamp I want y'all to pay close attention this is this is some evil stuff now and the reason I'm going to this because some of y'all like to Window Shop men and women you all over the place so once we find out that you believe this type of Doctrine we're going to throw you out go ahead Ben I'm telling you we could really go in but we've let stuff go because you know what we're progressing it's a lot it's a whole lot but watch this listen to what these These [ __ ] say exactly be a king mangina next particular snake get that we're about to get give me um Peter man take it back take it back I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know the scriptures I'm sorry at all three things [Applause] man the Lord's gonna kill them man don't forget Nate [ __ ] Satan yeah [Music] give me um Peter man oh take it back y'all hear that a little bit play it two I think it's going yeah two second Peter the second chapter you know your daughter gonna get raped she gonna scream go ahead play it again I'm talking to you let's throw it over this group over there the Negroes is speaking all now if anybody gonna hurt my come to the family come on down I welcome you and you will meet your how about some Yahweh shy that night I'm telling you this there's some things you got to be willing to go to jail for and that's one of them right I will go to jail for you to meet your maker starting with their Elder Taha goodbye what's some other clowns names [Music] the other monkey looking one exactly used to with foam coming out of his mouth when he teach now they're on video saying they want to rape my daughter that's what we're going to just store this video because anything they all if I don't get them pray the Lord there'll be a line of people waiting if you don't get Ambitions if you gotta go for him that just we're not as bad as we say we are okay so you could just sit back and relax we will get taxed all right so take that off the screen take that off the screen give me the next picture and this is why we say you brothers that come from I always tell Captain uh Amazon because he somebody will call and say I'm with this Camp can I come join y'all he's quick to say yeah come on down I say no you don't know what kind of spirit this dude got on them give me the picture of the GMS member that was with us years ago right there read that zakai oh yeah I'm sorry was ordered to watch from home and see a therapist in January 2022 for confessing he was dealing with a rape spirit and porn so okay take it off the screen these brothers from other camps they have spirits on they have demons on them now you want to bring them in here with us yeah don't know what kind of spirits he's losing what's in the back of their head I want a rape her I want to do this stuff I want to do that these Spirits got to go we're teaching a commandment so that you can Purge the demon but some demons can't be purged if you have an unbelieving Spirit you need white man therapy we're gonna have to have you stay home watch online everybody understand that I hope I'm making myself clear hey we we have to take these things very serious Brothers you'll understand because the reason why one of these evil Negroes gonna do something stupid I want to do it stupid who gonna be blamed the ministry that's right okay the ministry gonna be blamed okay so we have brothers take these things serious you see Brothers talking sideways rape murder any kind yo take these things very serious because the scripture said that we should be blameless that the minute should be not blamed but guess what them Spirits those 13 spirits and all them spirits that that our that we all have inside of us guess what say and enter into you and you do some dumb stuff guess what the ministry gonna be blamed you understand always remember that so when you see Brothers come with foolishness talking certain things you got to blow this spot up you have to blow they Spud up Brothers come up with some rape doctrinals or or whatever that's against God lord you all got to bring it up man and that dude got to go we ain't playing with none of you all we are not gonna allow Satan to use y'all to destroy us okay because that's what he's gonna do eventually and he gonna get some of y'all some of your will be used to try to paint a bad image of us because that's what it's going to come to but we ain't gonna make it easy for him we ain't gonna make it easy for Satan and it's every last one of you brother's job every evil negro that is in iuic that ain't trying to change you gotta call him out and let them go man yeah we gonna get rid of every last one of them we don't care about numbers it's not about numbers Brothers you understand we about we want the brothers and sisters that want to do right okay those are you all that those are the ones that we want amongst us okay quality not quantity and a lot of those dudes join GMS for one reason and one reason only they hate the bishop and they hate iuic so anything that that look like I showed you last night if he make up a lie on Monday he'll watch the camps see somebody say something and twist it and then give all his men make videos God is to make videos against us it's a classic Mo of how he operates and like uh the canadio said we got a lot more don't play yourself bro we got a lot more we just leave you alone because he's a nobody when you say stuff like this to incite violence in the weak simple [ __ ] you gotta wrong you that's when you get dragged and your face get fixed that's right from that now the next thing that happened at fisa Tabernacles uh uh Captain Hannah and I knows about it now me I didn't get the report yet but I did hear about it you may know what I'm talking about about the brother I wanted some firewood you're about to firewood was you in California 57 brother from Sacramento wanted some firewood so he goes to get the firewood and security is late at night security says hey what are you doing he takes the wood jumps in his car does a donut and speeds off and crashes into a water pipe you didn't hear about that can't make this stuff up brother We're not gonna let you freeze out there you with us we gonna make sure you warm you don't gotta jump in your car do a donut and crash into the water pipe you can't make this stuff up I'm like Lord have mercy worldly he forgot that he was with the church and they can help him right so Tyrone jumped back on him and said steal it [ __ ] steal it don't ask him y'all have to bring him back take your time stay still Tyrone we're going to give you the wood for free after the angel made him crash his car now your guys know what Moses have to go through get that in Ephesians 4 28 this is for you brothers that may have a door one of your 13 Doors might be stealing you don't have to steal among us we're going to help you Ephesians 4 28 please the book of Ephesians chapter 4. in verse 28 let him that stole steal no more you hear that Brothers if you used to be a thief you don't need to steal no more go ahead but rather let him labor word get a job become an entrepreneur but working with his hands the thing which is good why that he may have to give to him that need it because there may be brothers that and sisters that come behind you that need and you'll be able now to assist them to help them that's our job brother everybody understand that yes sir that is our job now how to overcome how to overcome well the first thing over companies 13 or 23 demons that we have is let's go back to First Corinthians 10 12. I just want to meditate on that just a second the book of First Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 12. wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall see that so that's the first you gotta understand take heed into yourselves okay let's do that thing you said cause you'll be saying I'm good I I keep the Commandments I'm all right in the name of the Lord I'm good but Dennis said what read it again wherefore let him that think if he standeth take it heed lest he fall take heed lest he fall because Satan can enter in any way the place you least expected he could enter in okay give me that in stock uh Corinthians 15 and 3. or I'm sorry second Corinthians 13 and five I'm sorry the book of second Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 5. examine yourself so we brothers and sisters you got to examine yourselves you know some of y'all come up to us and say Bishop what are you seeing me brother sister I only know what you show me how many times I see her maybe once every few weeks I really don't know you okay I may know your name I know your face but I only meet your representative and what I mean by that you might be a grimy evil negro pornography sucking whatever but you don't show me that part you only show me the Shalom most high in Christ blessed that's all I see so read it again examine yourselves whether you be in the faith you brothers and sisters you have to examine yourself you know you better than anybody you know what's in the nappy nappy dappy dug out in the back you know what's back there I don't know what's back there behind the curtain you know what's behind the curtain you know if you got a rape Spirit you battling with a murderous Spirit a lying Spirit a thief Spirit a porn Spirit a side of my spirit a drug Spirit a alcoholic Spirit only you know we did it again examine yourselves whether you be in the faith prove your own self you got to prove your own self what does that mean prove yourself that you believe this Truth by keeping the Commandments now hey hold on give me the one with Philippians I think it's 212 not in my presence only that one we coming back to Corinthians the book of Philippians chapter 2 and verse 12 wherefore my beloved as ye have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence you see that read it again we have four my beloved and ye have always obeyed not as much not in not as in my presence only not in my presence only meaning this what I see right here in iosc this is in my presence only but read but now much more in my absence what about when I'm not around what about when the deacons and the captains are not around you when you're at home alone with you when you're at home with your wife your kids what do you like are you body slamming your wife are you uh uh bunting your child across the room disrespecting leadership disrespectful person told me their spouse was like I don't give a damn if you tell them [ __ ] and they'll be in here talking about multi in Christ blasts but when the spouse said they was going to report the behavior there's like they I don't care do whatever you want to do they don't got their mouth when they're here but when in the house they're like a lion in the house that's why the scriptures say not to be that way in your house you're a monster in your house and you got a whole act when you come up in here trying to run game on us right so that so read it again kept wherefore my beloved as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and Tremor y'all understand that work out your own salvation with fear and tremble I can't do it for you the deacons the captains the Elder women cannot do it for you this is your fight you gotta fight through this uh there's a story I always tell a story and I saw it many many years ago it was um two eggs I think there were Eagles so it was I can't remember what it was but anyway the little it was a little white girl and she wanted to help the the bird come out of the shell and her the farmer said no that the bird needs to struggle the bird needs to fight its way out the shell so the little girl says no I want to help this one so she helps the bird out of the shell the bird that she helped come out of the shell grew up weaker than the one that struggled and fought to get out okay so I ponded on that and that's how this whole life is the most High um we we got these demons on us we gotta fight our way through it and the kids we got to strive to enter the Straight Gate if if if you're always looking for the easy way out you'll never grow into your true character who you truly are in your spirit what are you gonna say you know what's so heavy with that Bishop Paul said the same thing um let me get that schedule we said my strength is made perfect in weakness because Paul wanted to ease a way out Paul went to the Lord and Paul fasted you know and he said Lord just take my demons away from me make it easy for me I don't want to fight you know and let me show you what and let me show you how the Lord dealt with how what the Lord told Paul you know it's going it goes right into what the bishop said the only way you become stronger is by fighting that's the only way you become stronger and a build character you know read that for me the book of second Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 10. sorry verse 9. and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness if we read that again and he said unto me my grace all right uh eight yeah for this thing yeah for this thing I be sought the Lord Thrice that it might depart from me so Paul had had a thorn in the flesh he was dealing with and he went to the Lord three times fast and pray for the Lord to take it away from him that's the easy way the easy the easy way is the Lord just taking away your demons from you okay you ain't got a battle no more we don't and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness so what is the Lord saying here he said listen my grace my mercies that's enough for you me having mercy on you you could repent if you do fall you could repent that's a sufficient for you I'm not going to make it easy you're going to fight okay you're gonna fight until I return that's it okay you understand that brothers did say I'm gonna keep coming for you he gonna be coming over I know he gonna leave are they gonna come back and some demons that you have in you it's not gonna go away I just want you all to understand it's not gonna go away them demons you have to subdue them you understand you cannot give in to them okay it's the same thing Paul was dealing with Satan keep coming for Paul keep coming for him and he keep battling okay that was Satan keep coming for Paul and Paul like damn whack why this is so hard for me Lord take it from me and the Lord said no I ain't taking it from you you won't keep fighting right you know so Brothers keep fighting okay when Satan come for you keep fighting you know hey that's all we can do keep fighting watch this go back to Second Corinthians 13 and 5. book of second Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 5. examine yourselves whether you be in the face so are you brothers and sisters you got to sit down and take stock of yourself what demons am I battle out of these 13 and Mark 7 21-22 that we read about which ones am I dealing with which ones am I battling with if you got to 23 from the sodomite side you got to say which ones am I dealing with which ones is my struggle write it down get scriptures that associate with those particular struggles and meditate and pray and fast okay from there give me uh Mark 9 29. The Book of Mark chapter 9 and verse 29. and he said unto them this kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting so Christ says some demons can only come out by prayer and fasting that's some that's not everything not here on Earth with us okay this type of demon that he was dealing with he said this type because I let you know there's different types of spirits some are stronger than others he said this type only comes out by prayer and fasting everybody understand that so that's why we we have how many times we fast now twice a month now right twice a month in this voluntary you ain't got to do it if you don't want to do it it's to help you though okay and Bishop yes you didn't expound now like the way you expounded at Tabernacle so I just want to add a little thing that you left out now as you're explaining it the bishop gave the analogy of some of you who come into Israel United in Christ new you're suffering Financial hardships you need a place to live you're battling with stuff in your relationships and right away our promise was okay we're going to help you all we're going to help you with this you're going to help with the money that is wrong because you just got here and you got spirits on you and if we help you as soon as you come through the door guess what you'll never do grow up some of you come here broken and we right away want to help you Lord this brother don't got a place to live he don't have this here instead of giving you other Alternatives where you got to work it out where your faith will be tested we immediately jump in and interfere with what the most high the conditions he set up for you we ain't doing that no more because some of you who we've helped you're the same ones on YouTube now speaking evil against us and we realize you as a [ __ ] at the door and we picked you up without getting you without letting you get cleaned up by the most high first so the bishop gave established examples it was more extensive the way he explained it when we were a piece of Tabernacle but it resonated with me because now I remember all the people we tried to help that's talking [ __ ] about us now and disrespecting us they never overcame now watch this this is proof go to Luke chapter 22 verse 31. this is proof for you people that's getting offended because someone fight last night when I came to the school they were not friendly to me I know what you want you want that Christian experience everybody hugging you and everybody being your friend and give me your number and I'm gonna call you no sit your ass right there and learn scriptures first that's what you need to do when you come through those doors this is proof Luke chapter 22 31 The Book of Luke chapter 22 verse 31 and the Lord said Simon Simon behold Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as we Satan is going to put you through a trial look what Christ's response was read on but I have prayed for thee y'all don't want to head out when y'all come through the door we're going to send our prayers for you that you're homeless you're going through the uh domestic violence you're going through your financial issues y'all don't want to hear our prayers you want immediate hope the same way Simon wanted to hear from Christ don't worry I'm going to help you no Christ said all I could do is pray for you read on that thy faith fail not because all of you are gonna your faith is gonna be tested and the most high send some of you here homeless no job your financial situation messed up your family attacking you your marriage falling apart and we interfere and then we pay the price so that ain't happening no more the same way Christ said all I could do is pray for you that you fail not read on and when thou art converted then you go through that conversion process because you fought on your own just like the bird that fought to get out the shell on their own the bird was converted and became stronger you become stronger than the trials read on strengthen thy Brethren now you're an asset to the body instead of a liability that's some good stuff I hope y'all pay attention to that but some good stuff right there you might not like it but it's true and necessary for each of us give me Psalms 55 and 17. an essential I.T essential two more pictures so at the end we'll discuss it real quick The Book of Psalms chapter 55 and verse 17. evening and morning and at noon will I pray and cry aloud and he shall hear my voice so that right there evening morning and at noon so myself the Bishops the deacons the captains uh my family and I believe minute security right I think abiel y'all post that also right you know do you know what I'm talking about you look confused yes we're definitely putting ourselves in a habit of praying the three times a day like the scriptures say it's all far benefit it's to help us get through the Demonic stages that we get everybody understand that give me your marks I mean Matthew 6 5 Matthew 6 verse 5. yes what you're missing is the prayer is a sign of what what your faith your faith that things are going wrong you're not thinking about stealing you're not thinking about fighting somebody you're not the first thing you're doing is crying out to the most high you're acknowledging him so that's why you got to get in that Spirit why do we fall because we turn our backs on him we didn't acknowledge Him we went to other gods we want to about sources we went down to Egypt it's written all through the scriptures woe unto them knuckles some of y'all will go to the government some of y'all will go to and I'm not saying if you need the government assistance to uh don't do it but some of y'all will put these things first and tell you about ASA he will disease in his feet and he went to the position before the most high he wasn't conditioned like the bishop just said pray three times a day pray three times a day let's tell you in our Ezekiel woe unto them not go down to Egypt because they have horses they have this they have everything some of you would ask your mindset before you think you know let me take my problem to the most high your lie or go to so that's what the bishop is trying to instill in you it's our acknowledgment and our worship of Our Father which art in heaven I hope y'all get that I hope you'll do get that Matthew 6 The Book of Matthew chapter 6 and verse 5. and when thou praise Thou shalt not be as the Hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men verily I say unto you they have their rewards so they got their reward Christ said praying in the street to be seen like the prayer what's that thing called The Prayer what is [ __ ] like in Brooklyn the prayers with some red tent y'all don't know what I'm talking about right them dudes but thou when thou praise enter into thy closet and when thou has shut thy door pray to thy father which is in secret and thy father would seeth in secret shall reward thee openly come on and when ye pray use not vain repetitions as the Heathen do I remember at the old school we used to pray vain repetition we used to have the Four Corners prayer we would say a prayer towards the towards the east the same prayer towards the west then we pray towards the North and the South it was the same prayer we did that every Sabbath that's vain repetition it's like the Lord wasn't here wasn't there a prayer that I think Aries Ariel used to say for money yes there was a money prayer there was a a prayer about uh evil women who won't give us no but [Applause] the booty prayer I tell you I have no idea okay where we at uh verse seven but when you pray use not vain repetitions as they even do for they think that they shall be heard for their much-speaking be not ye therefore like unto them for your father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask him after this manner therefore pray ye Our Father which are in heaven so you acknowledge the father go ahead which are in heaven Hallowed be thy name is exclaimed that his name is holy God thy kingdom come thy will be done so when it says thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth you're saying you want these kingdoms to fall and you want the Lord's Kingdom to come okay as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread make us content okay and forgive us our debt forgive us our sins forgive us what we owe you Lord as we forgive our debt we forgive those who have sinned or trespass against us okay and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil so that lead us not into temptation why because Satan's going to come through one of those doors us those 13 or 23 doors okay for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen jump down to verse 16 verses so we discuss prayer yeah now look at 16. moreover when ye fast be not as Hypocrites of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast verily I say unto you they have their reward but thou when thou fastest anoint thine head and wash thy face that thou appear not unto men to fast but unto thy father which is in secret and thy father would seeth in secret shall reward thee open so Christ instructed us on prayer and fasting which goes right back to what we read early in Mark 9 29 please we read a few minutes ago this is exactly what he said about certain demons that we have The Book of Mark chapter 9 verse 29 verse 29. and he said unto them this kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fast so for these certain demons to come out we gotta be he instructed us on how to pray and how to fast give me um Isaiah 26 and 3. this is for y'all that that may be on medication mental medications psychosis okay read that the book of Isaiah chapter 26 and verse 3. that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee this is why we say study pray apply the Lord said he will keep you in perfect peace peace of mind if your mind is stayed on him remember what we read earlier hey show me the opposite hold on uh zakai give me the one we read earlier in wisdom of Solomon uh it's either chapter four chapter nine it says the Mind amuses upon many things 9 15. thank you then we're going to go read Isaiah the book wisdom of Solomon chapter 9 and verse 15. come up for the corruptable body presses down the soul so this flesh we got presses down our soul and the earthy Tabernacle weigheth down the mind that Muses upon many things this Earthly Tabernacle does what mute Earth attack wave down the mind that Muses upon many things weighs down the mind that Muses upon many things your mind is everywhere concupiscence lasciviousness adultery stealing theft your mind is not to be musing on everything go back to Isaiah 26 and 3 now the book of Isaiah chapter 26 and verse 3 that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee so our mind and that takes time that's not something you could say overnight and say hey my mind is 100 a Lord that's a lie our mind goes everywhere certain as we look through the room um I'm like nah I can see the room my mind I see a green jacket I see a brother with a hand on his chin my mind goes everywhere but to stay focused takes uh practice and patience everybody understand that it don't come like that that's why Christ said about Peter when you're converted strengthen your brother it takes time it takes years it does not happen like that everybody understand that second Timothy 1 7 I'm still dealing with you psychotic men and women who need white man therapy if you need white man therapy fine because yeah because like I said the Bible helps those with uh faith if you have very little faith or no faith the Bible the words of the Bible ain't gonna help you because you don't believe read that the book of second Timothy chapter 1 and verse 7. for God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind you see that sound mind part that's what I wanted God didn't make us crazy the the our mind musing everywhere we may uh suffer from certain uh psychotic aneurysms or whatever the terminology is I'm not a doctor go to get medication or if it's not there yet sometimes you can use herbs if it's in the early stages you can't wait till you cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and say I'm gonna use herbs now it doesn't work like that herbs are preventative okay what is it not um after you already got it right the herb ain't gonna help you right not a cure am I saying it right yeah yeah you can't wait you can't wait what yeah you can't wait till you sick to start using herbs you have to be active yeah reactive you don't react after the fact okay the herbs are not gonna set in and start healing you after all the damage you've done the herbs are preventative okay like stuff that filter out your blood that open your arteries that prevent plaquing from the brain okay the stuff that God created to stop these things from ever happening so some of you you break your body down to the point where it's toxic it's weak it can't uh perform uh function according to the way the god designed it and then you want to start popping pills and taking herbs and taking medication you'll never fix the problem and that's what you have to do when you do a holistic healing okay there's a lot of stuff that Esau is capitalizing on us because we let things go too far like your mental health but you hear if your diet is cookies and cake and ice cream no lettuce no tomatoes no Ginger no uh thyme no cumin no none of those things that are of the earth then you go to the doctor and they give you a a grim prognosis now all of a sudden you start taking the stuff you already destroyed your body I watched my mother when they told them the beginning of her uh uh pancreatic cancer another doctor told her look this is you can fix this a white man told her nope you're gonna die within such and such years okay they taught change your diet stop eating Chinese food stop go ahead stop doing that she said I'm gonna enjoy my life that's how some people think you don't care about yourself to that point to do things that are preventative so you'll get the prognosis and you'll just eat yourself to death and that's what the bishop is trying to explain be proactive not reactive reacting after the fact you got bad news exactly so if it's if it's too late brothers or systems you Brothers when y'all talking to these women ask them are they do they need medication are they on medication I'm telling y'all we have some horror stories with women that hold it in and they they're so long brother meanwhile back at the ranch these women is so many sisters crazy hey I saw a brother he messed with uh this sister she was um she does with some things in the past I think she had PSD or some some medication she was on and the but and she hit it and after the the brother and the whole life changed Bishop you know whatever D whatever demon she had on us they both became one and the brother Holy Spirit changed he was never the same after that you know when he want to have sex with us she crying you know she's like yo this was a messed up marriage you know and it's so it's so bad that the sister even regrets went back to her lesbianism to her filth so are we saying when you see you got to find out you want to marry these some of these sisters you gotta find all day pass you got to find out if they got any crazy if they are medication for um for PSD or whatever it is traumatic stress automatic stress you know I was raped when I was nine years old you know and I still deal with that you know brother touches why is she like oh I'm telling you crazy stuff like that so y'all be careful man that's right so understand um ask the necessary questions you got to ask these questions and if you need white man's therapy go get it you brothers are dealing with rape Spirits go get that if the Bible can't help you because you don't believe go get the help you need okay we'll pray with you we'll fast with you but sometimes you Brothers you don't really believe and we wasting our time with you okay so if you decided to disobey you'll be overcome by satanic sin give me Matthew 12 45 we're almost done yeah we talked about uh 13 Spirits watch what Christ said about this in Matthew 12 45. The Book of Matthew chapter 12 and verse 45 then go with thee and take it with himself separate read above it I started I'm going to start above it yeah where the beginning it is 43 yes 43 go ahead The Book of Matthew chapter 12 verse 43 when the unclean spirit is going out of a man so an unclean spirit is you battling there may be one major demon you got that's been your hold up your hang up all your life now you coming this truth you repent that demons leaves right he walking through Dry places seeking rest and find if none then he saith I will return into my house from whence I came out meaning you okay and when he has come he find it as empty swept and garnished so this demon that left you now he comes back to pay you a visit okay lack of a spirit of adultery or Spirit of murder or stealing he comes back and he sees that your mind is empty swept and garnished your mind it's like when you go to a house opening or apartment opening and it's all nice like nobody had ever lived there but it's not supposed to look like that give me that precept in Revelation 3 20. watch this here's the precept for that The Book of Revelation chapter 3 and verse 20. behold I stand at the door and knock If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come into him and will sup with him and he with me Christ is supposed to be in your mind see that it's not supposed to be empty like we just go back to Matthew 12. and 44. the Lord is supposed to be in your the demon is supposed to see the Lord in your spirit in your mind read that again verse 44 The Book of Matthew chapter 12 and verse 44. then he saith I will return into my house from whence I came out and when he has come he findeth he findeth it empty swept and garnished then go with he and take it with himself seven other Spirits more wicked than himself now remember you already had 13. now that one leaves comes back and says you know what is Christ saying in here let me get seven more and come back that's what happens read that again then go with he and take it with himself seven other Spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation I see that so 13 and 7 is how many damn you ain't at the sodomite level yet but it's still close it's close from there give me second answer 1674 we almost done so again right now I'm discussing if you decide to disobey you will be overcome by Satan so we gave you how to overcome we went to Mark 9 29 Psalms 55 17 Matthew 6 5-13 Isaiah 26 3 2 Timothy 1 and 7 how to overcome now we're dealing with if you decide to disobey you will be overcome we went to Matthew 12 45 Revelation 3 20. now we're in second measure 16 74-78. the book of second is just chapter 16 verse 74. here oh ye my beloved says the Lord behold the days of trouble are at hand but I will deliver you from the same Be not Afraid neither doubt for God is in is your God God is our God come on and the guide of them who keep my commandment he's only the guide of them that keep his Commandments come on and precepts say if the Lord God watch this let not your sins weigh you down sometimes we got sins that trouble us we're not acting on them they trouble us it says don't let that weigh you down I ain't nobody I can't do it no don't get that don't let that depressed Spirit get on you you can overcome okay understand that thing read that part again let not your sins weigh you down go ahead and let not your iniquities lift up themselves now it says and let not your iniquities lift up themselves meaning I'm going to meddle in it I'm gonna just touch it one more again he said don't do that if you don't we'll be unto them that are bound with their sins because if you let your iniquities lift up themselves you're going to get bound meaning like rope all around you your sins is going to do that to you read that against 77 won't be unto them that are bound with their sins and covered with their iniquities and covered with iniquities what is it like like as a field is covered over with bushes it's like you walk it in the field and it's bushes all over there's no path for you to clearly see for you to walk so you're stepping on bushes and all that go ahead and the path thereof covered with thorns that no man May travel through no man can travel a paths because it's covered with thorns and bushes that's how you are covered with your sins good it is left undressed and is cast Into the Fire to begin assume they're with you see that when it says it is left undressed to be dressed means it's supposed to be trimmed and a path cleared but none of that was done it was not dressed so now it says is cast Into the Fire to be consumed there with so that's for you brothers and sisters that decide you will not obey the steps that we have shared with you on how to overcome first Peters 2 and 8. the book of First Peters chapter 2 and verse 8. and a stone of stumbling Christ is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense he's a rock of offense to those that reject him even to them which stumble at the word even to them that stumble at the scriptures go watch this being disobedient Here Comes we're unto also they were appointed some people were appointed stumble in the scriptures to never understand that's their lot from the time of Genesis chapter 6. many times as they come back their lot is to never understand okay from there give me second Peter 2 20. the book of second Peter chapter 2 and verse 20. for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that's all of you men and women listening right now you have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ go ahead they are again entangled and then once again you get caught for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through their knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ they are again entangled therein and overcome and what and overcome overcome is what we just read in Ezra's your sins have bound you cause you played with it you kept playing dabbling over and over nobody's gonna know nobody's gonna see me now you had a situation you can't overcome yourself you can't overcome this now go ahead the latter end is worse with them than the beginning you was work you're worse now than when you first came in that's what Peter's saying in the spirit of Christ you're worse now because you dabbled meddled and played with sin okay for it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them you see what you did you turned from the holy commandment you said nah I saw the steps on how to overcome I got this I'm good I don't need what they said in the scriptures I can do this now you overcome your sins have got you don't play with Satan these are age-old demon how old are you 40 years old Satan was created from the very beginning here you go I can beat him you okay okay keep going but it has happened unto them according to the true proverb the dog is turned to his own vomit again and so that was washed and the South that was washed to her wallowing in the mind so you're like the dog that turns to his vomit of dog will vomit then go back and lap it up then it says and the soul that means pig that was washed you washed the pig she returns to her wallowing in the mire that means mud so that's some of you men and women in here I pray not but I see what I see Revelation 14 12. now the final analysis of all that we went over today how to overcome by keeping the Commandments overcoming by keeping the Commandments Revelation 14 12 The Book of Revelation chapter 14 and verse 12. here is the patient of the Saints here are they that keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus these are keys to overcoming what I'm sharing with you revelation 22 14 now The Book of Revelation chapter 22 verse 14 blessed are they that do his Commandments read that again blessed are they that do his Commandments blessed blessed blessed blessed are they that do his Commandments this is something we got to meditate practice and apply read it again blessed are they that do his Commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city I don't know about y'all but I want rights to the tree of life and I'm going to enter New Jerusalem I want to be able to walk through the gates of New Jerusalem that's how all our mindset should be first John 5 and 4 please foreign was done the book of First John chapter 5 and verse 4. for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world to be born of God means to be born again you have changed hold on let me give you an easy scripture uh Romans 12 is it two about be transformed I want that one Romans 12 it's like the book of Romans chapter 12 and verse 2. this is what it means to be born of God and be not conformed to this world don't be conformed to this world don't be conformed to those 13 demons you got why because those 13 demons are glorified in society don't conform to that go ahead but be transformed by the renewing of your mind but be transformed by the renewing of your mind you need a new mentality I remember Patti LaBelle did a song I got a new attitude you gotta change the way you think the way you dress all of that you must change we must change okay you used to walk around with your pants under your butt change that be transformed used to look at women like they [ __ ] and hoes change that way of thinking these are your wives sisters Mothers Daughters change the way you think everybody understand that read that again and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good that acceptable and perfect will of God you know how you prove that this Bible is true when people watch you they're gonna say yo he changed he did a whole 180 is it 180 what he this changed his whole life this dude was a no good Vagabond a bum never had a job hated his wife hated his kids now look at him wow he's given scriptures he's he's helping the kids in the community look what he's doing wow loving wife now wow this is just something to what he's into that read it again and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good that acceptable and perfect will of God you see that that's how you prove that thing right there that's how you prove it hey give me the one in Ephesians real quick uh uh I'm not Fusion I'm sorry second Ezra's 14 the one that says subdue your own thoughts yeah give me that one I ain't got it written down I just thought about it and then then I want Ephesians 4 23. all right the book of second Ezra chapter 14 and verse 34 therefore if so be that you will subdue your own understanding subdue your own understanding your understanding involves sex drugs and rap music that's your understanding the Bible says subdue that way of thinking good and reform your hearts the reformings transform transform your minds transform the way you think and that takes times brother that takes time sister okay you shall be kept alive you shall be kept alive that means you're gonna get eternal life that's what that means go ahead and after death and after death you shall obtain Mercy right because that because this body is meant to die his body is meant to be done away with okay Ephesians 4 23 the book of Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind that's what we all got to do be renewed in the spirit of our minds it takes time it takes years it takes study prayer share an Application Study prayer and application from there we're almost done I keep saying that Revelation um first John 5 and 4 again I'm sorry we're almost done the book of First John chapter 5 and verse 4. for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world so if you're born of God meaning Born Again you've transformed your way of thinking you've renewed your mind it says you overcome the world read it again for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcomes the world okay even our faith indeed our faith read who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the son of God that's the only way you can overcome brother whatever you struggling with you must believe that Christ is the Son of God you must transform your way of thinking that's the only way you overcome what verse was that that was verse five you finished it yes all right from there give me Revelation 3 5. I'm sorry Revelation 2 7 I'm sorry 2 7. The Book of Revelation Chapter 2 and verse 7. he that hath an ear let him hear if you have a mind to understand listen good what the spirit sayeth unto the churches to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life there's a benefit to overcoming there's a benefit to transforming the way you think there's a benefit for Renewing Your Mind God which is in the midst of the paradise of God the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God we'll go over that another lesson not today though jump down to verse 11 just for time's sake verse 11 he that has an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the church the churches are the churches of the Israelites the Assemblies of Israel okay he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death he that overcome shall not be heard of the second death and I'm sure other deacons an official have gone over this with y'all before the second death is what's mentioned in Revelation uh 20. when a father comes on the scene and every soul that ever existed is judged except those that have caught in the first resurrection we don't have to fear that okay from there jump down to verse 17 verse 17 he that has an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches to him that overcome it to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Hidden man the hidden food go ahead and will immediately hidden wisdom that's what that's going into go ahead and we'll give him a white stone and it will give you a white stone watch this and in the stone a new name written he's going to give you a new name written go ahead which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth all the names we'd be arguing about he said listen you got a name that only the Lord knows he gonna this is your name your name that was from the beginning okay I thought my name was uh uh uh uh Rasheeda oh Ray Ray or poop that ain't your name the hell is this from there jump down to verse 26 verse 26 and he to overcometh and keep it keepeth my work and heal you that overcometh and keepeth my words real quick let's get the works second is your 7 24 we coming right back Sakai you're coming right back I just want to explain the works the book of second estrus chapter 7 and verse 24 but his law have they despised and denied his covenants and his statutes have they not been faithful and have not performed his Works see that so the works of the Lord is his Commandments his laws his covenants everybody understand that let's go back now to Revelation Chapter 2 and verse 26 Again The Book of Revelation Chapter 2 and verse 26 and he that overcometh and keepeth my Works which is the Commandments go ahead until the end you see that part on to the ending until you die or the Lord return whichever one come first you keep the Commandments till the end good to him will I give power over the nation to him will I give power over the Nations go ahead and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of apata shall they be broken to Shivers even as I received of my father all right from there real quick Revelation 3 5 3 5 I'm almost done the Book of Revelation chapter 3 and verse 5 he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels see that I don't know about child but I want this thing right there he that overcometh we must overcome the demons we have within we must overcome this world jump down to verse 12 please verse 12 him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God to be a pillar in the temple means you are a leader cause a leader upholds the building that's what you will be a leader go ahead and he shall go no more out you ain't going to go out into captivity no more and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God which is New Jerusalem right which cometh down out of Heaven from my God and I will write upon him my new name he said I got a new name y'all arguing about is it yahoo he said I got a new name and give you what you fighting about Negroes wake up well I'ma argue with you about the name shut up from there what verse was that that was 12. that was 12 jump down to 21. verse 21. to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my Throne that's some heavy stuff right there remember the brothers ask the mother asked Christ can one son sit on your right hand and one sit on your left he said that's not for me to give that's the father he gives that but watch what it says here verse 21 again to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my father in his throne that's some heavy stuff right there uh First Maccabees 261 I'm rushing them because almost done First Maccabees 261. thank you the book of First Maccabees chapter 2 and verse 61 and thus consider he throughout all ages that none that put their trust in him shall be overcome see that none that put their trust in the Lord shall be overcome you brothers and sisters must believe that there's nobody in ages whoever put their trust in the Lord and was overcome we must believe that thing last scripture second answer 6 28. thank you the book of ezres chapter 6 and verse 28. as for Faith it shall flourish corruption shall be overcome see that corruption is destined to be overcome okay and the truth and the truth God's laws which has been so long without fruit which have been so long on this Earth without fruit shall be declared shall be declared all right brother so with that who's the king who's the king [Applause] all Praises with that we say shalom oh I forgot it was one more from Feast of Tabernacles put that up Feast I forgot no the two the buckets this is from Rochester they sent this to me there was two right so there was a bucket here for the cleanup crew do you still have the words there I sent the words I want the words so y'all know it ain't me I want the words put the words up there what do you mean there's no words I'm looking at the words I'm looking at the words on the iuic thing right under the bucket right under right 30 minutes no words I'm looking at the words read it I want y'all to see that this ain't me because I I know you Bishop I was making things up and lie I don't be lying I'm telling y'all the truth some of y'all ain't right go ahead read that thing right there blow it up baby so small gotta read that Shalom Bishop here's one for you at the conclusion of Feast of Tabernacle prior to departing the field two different sisters left buckets behind for the cleanup crew to stumble upon these buckets contained urine feces and menstrual waste I have been informed of who these two sisters are ironically they are both single sisters who are currently proving see that you see your brother see that thing y'all see that's some nasty stuff they proven it might be one of y'all sitting up in here with a nasty some of them anyway go ahead ASAP what we got these people are nasty yeah so once again once again how many all enjoyed piece of Tabernacles how many of y'all did not go to fisa Tabernacle show your hands so we're going to see our next year right Y'all Gonna Be Ready next year next year we're going to do a bigger and better to the letter all right we got any announcements hey hold on let me read this one scripture right here Deuteronomy 23 and 13. no remember Feast of Tabernacles as well we came over to Egypt we was dwelling in Boots right now what we was dwelling when we came out that we was in the wilderness and was dwelling in Boots the don't think what we're dealing with right now Moses didn't have to deal with the same thing okay I want to show you 23 yeah and two I'm 13 13 sir the book of Deuteronomy chapter 23 and verse 13. and thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon and it shall be when thou will ease thy itself abroad when you take in a dump read on Thou shalt dig there with you gotta dig a hole read on and shall turn back and cover that which comes from thee uncover the doodle up you know that was the Lord the Lord Moses have to let the people know when you take a crap dig a hole and cover it up cleansingness cleansing us hey but watch this why did he have to give us those instructions who knows why he had to give us those instructions your hand went up not not that what did he tell us about what we come uh uh when we leave Egypt and we go around the other nations not to do after their works there's a Beach right now where how much 12 a beautiful beach where a photographer went through there uh reporter went through and there's crap all along the beach it's disgusting he bring that picture up that's normal in some people's minds okay just just Google it uh beach with uh feces it's nice white sand and the people just go right there and they just dump right there they've contaminated the beach it's where Ham is I forgot I forgot what you was it Liberia and the people just go men women children everything they just go right there and just dump on the beach the top man I wish I could find the actual uh documentary but the white man was telling them look this line is beautiful and you're destroying it and the guy was like look we're trying to explain it to them but that's their culture the country should just doodle right there and not cover it so that's why Moses said look I don't be like them how am I Nations you bring a paddle with you and when you take a dump you dig a hole and you cover it read the whole thing watch this what it says this is what happens if you think not to do that read the scripture again you left off one thing right and the reason why because ain't nobody want to smell and see it's gonna get deeper than that watch this for you sisters that think that was normal to leave your crap lying around your blood and all that other waste watch what the scripture says read on verse 14 for the Lord read the whole thing watch this the book of Deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 13 and thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon and it shall be when thou Wilt ease thyself abroad Thou shalt dig there with and shall turn back and cover that which cometh from thee this is why he's set to cover it read on for the Lord thy God walketh in the midst of thy Camp so that the Angels the spirit of God does not see your filth he's in the midst of your Camp to do what to deliver this to deliver you from the enemy so if you're filthy and you're nasty the spirit will depart read on and to give up thine enemies before thee watch this therefore shall I can't be holy that he see no unclean thing in thee some of you women think it's normal to just take a dump and leave it there and walk away from it because the spirit of God is not in you you're mentally and spiritually nasty and you'll you'll destroy the whole count with that behavior with that nasty mindset that's why a lot of y'all y'all hear the scriptures y'all come here y'all put the fringes on most high in Christ blessed but you still have filthy souls yo geek you know what that proof you know they always have this saying that cleanliness is Next to Godliness this is what this proves because you say in order for the most side to fight and to defend us we got to be holy we got to be and and telling you what it's talking about don't be crapping all over the place and doing nasty stuff what I mean keep yourself cleansy you know I mean if you want the angels to dwell amongst you and fight for you you know be holy I'm part of being holy is not [ __ ] all over the place and leaving it you know well I work Deacon there was a Edomite lately they came to her apartment to do work and she told the service guy you got to take your shoes off before you come in here he takes his shoes off and this dog doodle all over the carpet so they called us they was like to do is like yeah I'm not doing the work this woman told me to take my shoes off before I come in there but her dog crapped all over the carpet different piles everywhere that's how sick people's minds are but don't do it was fine but you want your dirty shoes from the street don't bring it in here that's how sick people's minds are and I'm sorry to say we just gave proof a lot of y'all need to get your mind right you sick in the head we used to scream Black Power while harung was pushed but at the end of the day nothing's in vain iuic has been given a vision the tense of Judah has risen many has attempted the mission minor murmuring omitting and missing the mark just reading that he had the flame of fire in his eyes gave us the spark we on Paul's mission we out on the road purple and gold from Mexico Cuba hey Sierra Leone 44 000 boots banging concrete crackling these are how women repented at heart scriptures is proof iuic we deliver the truth [Music] foreign [Music]