Beginner's Guide to Java Programming

Aug 7, 2024

Introduction to Java Programming


  • Java is one of the top three most popular programming languages worldwide.
  • Flexible and widely used in business enterprises, Android apps, games, etc.
  • Entry-level Java developers earn an average starting salary of $70,000 (according to Glassdoor).

Basics of Programming Languages

  • Computer languages range from high level to low level.
  • Machines understand binary (machine code).
  • Humans write in source code, which is then compiled to machine code.
  • Java source code files end with .java extension.
  • Compiling transforms source code to machine code.
  • Machine code is machine-specific.
  • Java solves this issue with bytecode which is cross-platform and ends with .class extension.
  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM) translates bytecode to machine code.
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) contains tools to code, including JVM and Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Setting Up Java Environment

  1. Download JDK from Java SE Downloads.
    • Choose the appropriate file for your OS.
  2. Install JDK (follow prompts).
  3. Download and install an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA.
  4. Create a desktop shortcut for your IDE.
  5. Configure JRE within the IDE.
    • Navigate to Configure JREs and add the latest JDK.

Writing and Running Java Programs

  • Create a new Java project in the IDE.
  • Add a class to the project.
  • The class should contain a main method (public static void main(String[] args)).
  • Use System.out.println to print to the console.
  • Compile and run the program using the IDE.
  • Difference between print and println:
    • println adds a new line after printing.
    • print does not add a new line.

Comments and Code Formatting

  • Single-line comments: // This is a comment
  • Multi-line comments: /* This is a multi-line comment */
  • Use comments to explain code.
  • IDE features like syntax highlighting and auto-completion help in writing code.

Variables in Java

  • Variables are placeholders for values.
  • Data types in Java:
    • boolean: true or false
    • byte: Small integer (-128 to 127)
    • short: Medium-sized integer (-32,768 to 32,767)
    • int: Large integer (-2^31 to 2^31-1)
    • long: Very large integer (-2^63 to 2^63-1)
    • float: Fractional number with 6-7 decimal digits
    • double: Fractional number with 15 decimal digits
    • char: Single character
    • String: Sequence of characters
  • Difference between primitive and reference data types:
    • Primitives store data directly.
    • References store addresses pointing to data.

Accepting User Input

  • Use Scanner class to accept user input.
  • Import the Scanner class: import java.util.Scanner;
  • Create Scanner object to read input.
  • Read different types of input using various methods (nextLine, nextInt, nextDouble).
  • Handle edge cases where input type does not match expected data type.

Expressions and Operators

  • Combination of operands and operators.
  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, % (modulus).
  • Increment ++ and decrement -- operators.
  • Integer division truncates the decimal portion.
  • Use casting to retain decimal portion (e.g., (double) before the expression).

Creating GUI Applications

  • Use JOptionPane class for simple GUIs.
  • Import JOptionPane: import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
  • Create input dialogs with JOptionPane.showInputDialog.
  • Create message dialogs with JOptionPane.showMessageDialog.

Math Class Methods

  • Useful methods: Math.max, Math.min, Math.abs, Math.sqrt, Math.round, Math.ceil, Math.floor.
  • Example: Calculate the hypotenuse using Pythagorean theorem.
  • Use Math.sqrt to compute the square root.

Generating Random Values

  • Use Random class to generate random values.
  • Import Random: import java.util.Random;
  • Create Random object to generate random integers, doubles, and booleans.
  • Example: Generate random numbers for simulating dice rolls.

Closing Remarks

  • Importance of practicing and applying concepts learned.
  • Encouragement to like, comment, and subscribe to support the tutorial series.