[Music] hello my name is Joaquin Asuka welcome to my youtube channel and welcome to my world this is actually my home and I just wanted to begin this new endeavor of creating a new YouTube video content starting now with with the questions the question that I've been asking myself and that I've been mulling over is about inspiration I've been inspired to ask what is inspiration what is inspiration and so I want to ask you what what is inspiration you know think about that think about it for a few minutes write a comment in the comment section and let me know what you think you know for me inspiration is divinity inspiration is a direct access to the soul direct access to the Bliss that we all contain within inspiration is magic it is pixie dust it was really interesting listening to or not listening to but reading Elizabeth Gilbert recently I've been reading big magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and one of the things that she talks about in big magic is that ideas exist as their own being they are they are separate from us they visit us the inspiration for these ideas come to us but they do not they do not belong to us they arrive at us they make agreements with us they become friends with us we become friendly with the inspiration and so what creativity is is is this relationship between a sovereign being this idea and ourselves and so we become a conduit for for these ideas and I found this utterly profound actually because like many of us I have been drowning in a swimming pool of my own ideas and inspirations for my entire adult life I have had a million ideas a million dreams a million visions ideas of what I want to do this where I want to do that or I want to write this book or I have this idea for this project or I want to create this business or I want to want to do this thing or I want to make an album with this person I want to collaborate on this or whatever it is like there's a million ideas and they're all so incredible you know but inspiration is like the yin to the yang of discipline inspiration is is this serial magical transcendental creature that is like a willand with it is just ephemeral fairy that will float in and float out and it is our task as conduits to capture that ephemeral ecstasy to share it and I have definitely struggled throughout the course of my life with the young to the yin I have struggled with the action the motivation the discipline and I think you know it's it would be easier in some ways to be all dong and to just have like motivation and focus and be driven and yeah you know hope you like really focused and have a lot of discipline and drive but what if you do all of that but you have none of the magic and you have none of the ephemeral and none of the spirit and none of the the like the soul nectar juice they're both important they're both equally important and neither one of them really gets anywhere in terms of creativity without the other right and that's one of the things that Elizabeth Gilbert was talking about in big magic is that inspiration and ideas are these beings that visit you that make that form relationships with you as a conduit but if you don't actually follow through with the work involved if you don't actually show up and make yourself available to start hammering out the details and sitting in front of your computer and working on editing or working on writing or doing the thing if you don't do the thing then the idea will just be like well I'm going to go find somebody else that wants to work with me and actually show up and do the work and hammer it out and be disciplined because you're clearly not going to follow through with the idea and so I'm going to find somebody else and I'll be honest this video this video is me chipping a wall no sorry this video is me choosing a crack a huge crack in the wall of that disconnect between inspiration and discipline between inspiration and motivation I believe that there is infinite potentials and creativity that wants to be burst and you know sometimes it just takes and acts were chiseled or in this case video camera and the ability or the willingness to just kind of show up and see what happens so here I am I'm showing up I'm seeing what happens this is the birth of my new YouTube channel 8k as of circa 2017 and I'm excited to start sharing videos with you so thank you for listening please subscribe to my youtube channel I'm going to be starting to share a lot more content on my youtube channel and I hope to see you again soon thank you much Aloha