Transcript for:
Legend of Gor Mahia's Supernatural Powers

[Music] [Music] the waters Hummer as the orange Twilight rays of the Setting Sun dance at top the waves of the Great naml Lake Victoria Lu fishermen on the beach sought the days catch as the Pelican and the king fisher FL Li Above This is where the great gor Mahia was born in the late 18th century here the gentle breeze whistled through the Papyrus Reeds on the swampy beaches of the lake g was raised as a normal child alongside his siblings his birth name was G oonga inherited from his foref fathers gor's father was called aalu from kamaa and his mother was aado from kanada G was a only son of a talker in OG's polygamous family Gore's mother died early it is said that it was difficult to distinguish whether God was a spirit or a human being Legend has it that he inherited his Supernatural powers from his grandfather ogal one day his grandfather summoned all the children of a to bless them Gore was still a young boy a ceremonial bull was slaughtered and ogalo started BL ing each child with the meat from the bowl when it was gor's turn oal did something different choosing instead to give him his mother's ashes to bury in her heart this experience became the origin of God's Powers the miraculous things that he did and him the name Mahia meaning strange and lethal growing up God possessed magical powers as well as the powers of Prophecy his most notable prophecy was manifested in a vision where he saw baby likee creatures who were as Unstoppable as locusts with this he traveled to karungu to caution Warriors against confronting this group Crees despite the fact that the warriors were famous of conquering all enemies these people are different they are not like our usual enemies God want them that should they attempt to do so they would all be defeated because these creatures had guns we must be careful they have sticks that speed fire they can finish us all this was just but an ounce of the powers or possessed most of his powers are shrouded in mystery to this day other sources say that God once died and was brought to life by a mysterious woman known as anango daughter of the [Music] lake gaya's magic was so powerful that today hav visit his grave to partake of those Powers however people are warned against picking leaves of the plants and even Stones around his grave with without permission from Gore's living descendants any contact with Gore's grave is rumored to disturb his spirits and those who do so are sa to fall sick and sometimes die today the great gaha is celebrated in the form of gaha FC a prominent football club in Kenya whose press has been unmatched indeed the powers of gaha leads [Applause] [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] God oh God oh God [Music] oh God