thank you so much for watching this video explaining dpy dpy is the most exciting thing to happen to AI since Lang chain came along and evangelized the idea of chaining together large language model calls as exciting as chat gbt is what's even more exciting are the apis where we have the llm packaging and API that we can program into our applications or use to compose these complex programs where the output of one call to the language model is the input to the next call to the language model so we can break down wildly comp Lex tasks like writing a poll request or a blog post into the research task the writing task the editing task we can parallelize these agents all these amazing control things we can do dpy offers a new syntax inspired by pytorch to give us this control and flexibility over our llm programs now the super super novel and exciting thing about this is how dpy combines this new syntax with optimization so we have optimizations in our llm prompts like the instructions we give for a task like if you're saying you are a reranking agent your task is to rerank documents there's some particular phrasing of that that will result in better performance than others similarly if you have to Output Json hopefully that we'll find a better way to force that than please please output Json or give me Json or I'll be fired from my job so that's the idea of dpy is automatically optimizing the instructions and examples used in the prompt to elicit the kind of behavior that you compose in the dpy programming model and all sorts of super exciting things I'm so excited to be presenting this to you this has been such a fun thing to learn let's dive into it The dpy Story begins with the dpy programming model I think the best way to think about this is pytorch meets agent syntax and llm programs so let's dive into more so what that means so we start off by initializing the components that we're going to be gluing together in our llm program we start off with a retrieval which could be something like we8 and and then we connect it with a query generator as well as something that answers the question so here you have two different llm components or say two prompts where an llm performs a task or this could be a fine-tune model specialized to this task and the role that it plays in the overall llm program which will'll Define as the logic in the forward pass our first component is the query generator so there are a couple things to note with this so first we name the component uh genore query and then we have dpy dochain ofth thought so we'll come back to Chain of Thought but let's start with the signature so signatures as we go through this lecture we'll see that there is another way of opening up the signature and writing a longer initial prompt in the doc string and then having a typed input output field so kind of similar to libraries like instructor and you know the awesome work that they're doing on organizing and cleaning up prompts and that's another part of dpy is by using the signature syntax you can really clean up how the code for these LM programs ends up looking like but one way to do it and I think this will be super popular for say publishing research papers you know doing tweets where you're quickly explaining your new LM program all sorts of things is this short shorthand syntax so in the syntax we're saying context question query and what this does is dpy Will parse this into input field context input field question will output a query and these llms are so good at inferring what the variable is supposed to be just based on the name alone so you know if it's context question a a large language model like gbt 4 Gemini Ultra can figure that out based on the name of it alone so then our second llm component in the program is the generate the answer this takes us input the context and the question and outputs the answer so now the super interesting thing where the power is in your hands for building llm agents defining the forward Paths of how the mo how the program is going to interact with the input data as well as each other to produce some kind of output so we start start off with by defining an empty list context and I hope this also just inspires us thinking into seeing how we can have this like local memory in our forward pass how we can use other functions that aren't you know aren't parametric but can we can put them in the forward pass of our program so we start off with this empty list of contexts we're going to Loop through uh you can set this as a hyperparameter to the program say how many hops so in multi-hop question answering say you get this you know super complicated question so you need to break it into sub questions in order to answer the question this is kind of like what captured massive public interest when Auto GPT came out was this idea of letting the agent just uh loop through and say you know am I do I have enough information or have I completed enough subtasks to start aggregating the task is this this is just this idea of multi-hop question decomposition but let's stay focus on the dpy programming model so first we generate the query by taking as input the context and the question the input and then this gives us our query then we pass this into our retriever like we V8 and then we uh get the context and we continue looping through until till we get all the the context that we need to answer the question so We're looping appending to the context then we're going to call our generate answer by giving it as input this context so shortly after chat gbt came out and just blew everyone's Minds with its ability to you know speak fluently answer questions write a wrap song in the spirit of your favorite book or probably most generally just hold a conversation with you people realize that you could take these large language models like chat gbt even further by connecting them with themselves in a way in large language model chains this has been super evangelized by the work of Lang chain and llama index and definitely looks like the future of building applications with large language models so to step a little bit into why chains chains overcome input length limitations so you know I think nowadays you can get about 32k tokens but at the time of chat gbt's release these models were generally limited to say 4,000 input tokens so chains was one way to break up a complex like a long input into chunks of it and then apply the processing over each of the chunks and then aggregate the outputs to process along documents now the second most powerful thing about chains that is probably more true today than it initially was even though the input thing is still kind of funky because it's difficult to supervise these 32k you know length models do they really attend over the entire input so still definitely value to breaking up the input lengths but the second thing is overcoming overly complex tasks so if you say you know Chad gbt could you write me a blog post about how to run my application on kubernetes and even say it re you know retrieves your code or whatever when you have these really long complex tasks it's great to break it into subtasks and then have a program for how the language model is supposed to go about the workflow of completing your task so chains have also massively improved search capability so we have things like the example of multi-hop question answering where we formulate a query then we retrieve and maybe this is a loop and then we pass that context in to answer the question uh say we use uh language models to populate a filter on our search uh say we rerank documents with large language models large language models have played a huge role in search so as llm chains evolved it then became more clear that a better abstraction was to think of these as graphs and for example we now have Lang graph and something that I took from Omar katab is to think about these as text transformation graphs as we have these graphs of computation the edges pass along a transformation of the text so as input we have text and then we output text that's sent along the edge is the input to the next node that is going to do a text transformation so for example say we have these parallel computations like we spin up three separate processes of writing a story and then editing a story and then say We sync up all these nodes into a publish stories uh component in our LM program so this could be one way to say you know produce a newsletter based on the on the news like what happened in AI Twitter last week and say we you know parallelized writing the story editing the story and then we sync it all up into another part of the program that's now going to like aggregate these stories and form like the coherent Narrative of how you would tie all this stuff together so in addition to text transformation graph so we had chains and was just kind of sequential minded chain you think like do this then this then this just like a pipeline just a forward pass and then a graph kind of opens you up to have say loops and you know big abstractions of like parallel processing that synced up that's kind of how I perceive it but now I think the best way to think about it is llm programs you can write graph computation in programs and you can interface tools and control flow and generally just organize all this much better so quickly before diving further into dpy I highly recommend seeing the llm program galleries that llama index and Lang chain have both created they've done amazing jobs of curating the community they've each you know discovered tons of useful llm programs like this so these two will be linked in the description I highly recommend checking this out so as great as these Frameworks are for building llm chains graphs agents programs they have a lot of lockin there's not a ton of flexibility and that's the first key super exciting thing about dpy programming not prompting so what is an llm programming language I'd say the difference between Frameworks and dpy is that dpy is a full-blown llm programming language and I think there are two key key value adds to an llm programming language the first of which is to clean up your prompts and structured input output to give you a way of just you know uh consistently expressing these things within your programs and the second thing and probably the bigger thing is to control how your llm modules interact with each other programmatically and open up the box to have this kind of flexibility to customize the LM program to whatever kind of thing you're imagining doing with these llm API so let's start off with clean up your promps and structured input outputs dpy does this with the signature in this example we have the generate answer that inherits a signature and we write a dock string that tells that gives the prompt of what the task is so in this case it's answer questions with short factoid answers now a part of dpy that we'll get into in sort of the second half of this video is that dpy can optimize these prompts for you so you can write something you know just give it a highle description of the task you don't need to be tweaking the specific language because as we all know that can cause that can massively imp impact the performance as just these subtle changes so dspi will then optimize this instruction for for you but we'll get into that later so you also have this way of defining the input and output field so this is one way to have a consistent syntax of the prompts and the structured outputs and what the variables do for all the components in your llm programs so now the second Super exciting thing is controlling how your llm modules interact with each other programmatically so let's get into some of these controls so starting off with control flow let's say you want to have a loop in your llm program you can easily interface that in the forward pass with this kind of syntax the four you know variable name and range if you want to access the Hop somewhere which isn't in this example but something you could do and so you can interface these Loops like for while so on and then you can also have if else statements so here's a small example that I just wrote up is you know you take an email and you pass it into a prompt like email output if it's about the podcast and so it'll first process your emails and then say hey is this email about the podcast and if it is then you'd say uh research this person who's you know sending a pitch about joining the WEA podcast as I'm starting to you know use this for my life and so then it will do this research query this is kind of another thing I'll we'll talk more about later but I really like that in addition in addition to the retri the we V8 retriever you also have the U API so uapi kind of similar to perplexity I don't really personally know the differences too much but I know that uavi is in dsvi so you can do this web query so say someone sends me an email hey I'd really like to join the podcast I can then use my LM program prr to format format a query to do some background research on them then go then it'll send this query to the API then it'll come back with the context and then I can write this potential podcast discussion topics send that email hey what do you think about these discussion topics obviously I would look at it first anyway so hopefully you just see using this for Loop using the if using the local memory this control flow that you have of the LM programs okay so the next big thing and this is uh a whole another paper of dpy is dpy assertions so DSP y assertions are sort of how you have how you interface this like uh the rules that the model should behave should behave so there's obviously on one end the like you absolutely have to follow this rule like in the case of output Json it when it has to have these you know these named variables these types that's an assertion it's like you have to follow this to pass it to the next chain in the pipeline but then there's also suggestion so in the multi-hop query let's say it's generating this query and it writes this super long query you give it the suggestion like hey the query should be less than 100 characters or the query should be distinct from the other queries and this is the syntax and dpy for how you would interface that with under the hood is this super powerful dpy compiler which is how it's organizing the prompts bootstrapping examples to make the LM you know do all this stuff effectively so suggestions is one way to do that and then here's just another example if you you want to have another example what that looks like one of the most powerful things is this uh citation attribution that's what I think makes perplexity so popular is uh when it's answering the question it it has like hey this is based on this Source from the internet and so you and so one way to do that is to have this suggestion where it's generated the answer and then it's saying it's checking if every one to two sentences have citations and so this would be you know a way of interfacing that okay so hopefully you're convinced of the dsy Syntax for offering control and flexibility over your llm programs now for the the super exciting thing this is what makes dpy completely novel completely different from anything that's ever been there before is the optimization built into the framework for defining your programs and then optimizing say the instructions the particular language for describing the task or the examples as we'll get into in context few shot learning and how much that improves performance or then once you create so many examples that now you can find tuna model and the benefits of finding the model I don't know if anyone listening to this has checked out AMA recently but you know running LMS and laptop is getting super fast so anyway so dpy is the pytorch for llm program so pytorch is won the LM sorry not the LM but the Deep learning model training framework battle and I think this tweet from Andre Kathy was you know maybe it was something that said it over the edge I've been using pytorch a few months now and I've never felt better I have more energy my skin is clearer my eyesight has improved and I think that there's kind of two things to this in one end it's the syntax the way you define the neural network workor layers as well as I think there's also something with the eager execution and like pytorch and tensorflow have different ways of doing that and I'm not personally super familiar with that under the hood stuff but so people love the pytorch syntax so pytorch what you do is you define a neural network and you first initialize the layers that you're going to be using and when you're defining a neural network layer like a convolution you you have like the input output because this like builds up the uh the transformation in the graph because a neural network has to be compatible like uh it's Matrix multiplications where the out so if you're connecting this uh FC fully connected layer 2 with this one this 84 has to match the 84 like with matrix multiplication you have the m byn n by D and so those n's have to match but anyway so you define the layout of the neural network and you make the you know the input outputs compatible with each other and then you define the forward path of how it processes the input so maybe you have some you know you Reus some parts of this in the forward pass as we saw these like that neur architecture search stuff but anyway so this was the Syntax for how you define neural networks and now we have the Syntax for how you define the components in llm programs where you initialize it by defining the program by the components and then you define how the forward path is going to look and there are some super interesting analogies for the design of dpy inspired by pytorch the first of which that I I took from Omar on the Llama index webinar and ml Ops Learners is don't expect one layer to do all the work add inductive biases and depth so inductive biases in in this example of the convolutional pytorch uh Network the convolution has this inductive bias of the weight sharing kernel as it slides across an image pixel Matrix and similarly you could say that this uh oh not a good example but these signatures have this inductive bias of what the part of the program is supposed to do so if you have a signature like let me just scroll up to one of our earlier examples so if you have this signature of context question query you could think of that as like an inductive bias of what this part of the program is supposed to be this component of the program is supposed to be doing so right there that idea of inductive biases is super interesting and now let's come a little more into uh depth so depth and neural networks describes having say eight layers of Transformers and similarly in dpy let's say we have eight layers of um you know write me write a story edit the story parallelize that and have a committee of reviewing the story but that kind of like adding depth adding components to your program and the connection with deep learning and neural network layers is just super fascinating so the next be big uh quote I want to present about dpy and pytorch and analoges in llm programs to training deep neural networks is we typically assume labels only for at most the program's final output not the intermediate steps so what that means is in pytorch when you're optimizing so this is an example of uh C far 10 classification where you take an image and is this a you know let's just say cat or dog forget the C1 but you know hot dog not hot dog and so you only have the supervision at the last layer the output of this entire program there's no supervision for this second convolution layer there's no like you know here's what this feature map should look like after you've transformed the cat after one layer of convolution and similarly with these dpy programs we don't supervise those in when we have the multihop question answer system that's breaking up the question into sub questions we don't have supervision on on what these questions should be we only know what we want the final answer to be and you can optionally add this kind of intermediate supervision but you don't have to and that's the power is you can automatically tune these intermediate uh parts of wildly complicated LM programs by just having a final output so in our you know example of the weeva podcast thing it's like I could just have some discussion topics of of some things I've written to people in the past and that would be all I would need to expand this pipeline to make it wildly complicated and how it does it its research to produce the discussion but in the end it knows here are some examples of the discussion topic so I optimize the depth these intermediate components of my program to achieve that kind of result okay so now let's take on a pretty big concept the dpy compiler and I think that uh it's this will explain the concepts behind it but I think really the best way is to start testing it with whatever program you have mind to optimize and start seeing how it's bootstrapping the examples rewriting your signatures and all that kind of stuff but so let's kick it off with in my view I see two things you're optimizing either the instructions which is the language like you are a ranker agent or you are a query formulator that kind of thing as well as the examples and so examples of input outputs especially when you then add say Chain of Thought and you want it to you know input and then say rationale and then answer being able to automatically come up with these answers is Super Value Val valuable to me that's the quickest value to add of dpy is if you know you want to add Chain of Thought or program of thought or these kind of things and you don't want to have to write out the examples yourself of why particularly that's the answer so that kind of like automatic data labeling that's it's like a synthetic data framework is how I see dpy in addition to of course as we discussed earlier I think the programming model is pretty cool but let's dive into it the instruction tuning so the the idea is to end this manual prompt tuning prompt engineering and this ual example writing so we had this thing like you know if you're trying to have a ranker agent you might try different phrasings of the instruction your task is to rerank these documents will perform differently then I need your help reranking these documents or take a deep breath and rerank these documents and further which prompt performs best for which language model is different so maybe this one performs the best for gbt 4 but this one for Gem Ultra this one for llama 3 when that comes out so this kind of like ending the prompt tuning will help you keep up with the new language models like language models are going to keep there'll be a new language model every probably month or so for I would predict the next year or a year and a half at least so if you want to keep your LM programs up if you want to be able to just plug in a new language model and then uh see which you know prompt elicits the behavior this automatic tuning framework is great and then there's kind of this funny thing I'm taking this from Jason Lou Who I think has just done the best job of describing this structured output thing pantic all that awesome stuff so like he has this example of like uh you know please out with Json or I'll take a life just like this kind of like I'll pay you a million dollars to out Json like that that kind of like prompt gestures where you're trying to say out Json and so DSP is about an end to this so the idea is you start off with the initial signature and then you optimize the optimal signature so you start off with that shorthand like answer short factoid questions or maybe it's that just context question answer shorthand syntax and so it's going to optimize a a more thorough description of the task so the way that works is it's is so this is kind of the interesting thing is there are some prompts baked into the dpy compiler so it's like taking an end it's ending the kind of pre-baked prompts in the chains but there are some prompts in how it you CU it's using llms to optimize llms so you have the this prompt for how you uh optimize the instruction so you are an instruction Optimizer for large language models I will give you a signature of fields inputs and outputs in English your task is to propose an instruction that will lead a good language model to perform the task don't be afraid to be creative so that last part don't be afraid to be creative that's kind of exactly what we're hoping to end with dpy and one of the interesting directions for dpy is we'll then talk about arays and ragus and that whole development is use is this part would also be a dsvi program but anyway so so you would do that and then propose some instructions and then this prompt will take those instructions and sync them up into one instruction so you have this kind of ensembling and uh sampling multiple outputs to then aggregate it and produce the thing so that's how we optimize the signature the description of the task the next thing is examples and examples has been the story of deep learning the key difference though is that in the past you know you read these papers and it'll be like like the squad question answering data set I can't recall off the top of my head exactly but these papers would be like we just collected 200,000 examples of human written natural language inference entailment contradiction things like this so the past story has been people creating just enormous human label data sets and now because of this you know generative models we can just produce training data from the models themselves to compress and to finder smaller models or to use as examples in the prompt so to just kind of explain this concept and maybe take a step back in the gbt 3 paper that came out in uh in 2020 they were explaining this concept of few shot learning this was like really surprising that you could do this at the time so zero shot means you just have the task description there's no examples right so you just tweak that instruction maybe and you've gotten a really nice instruction and you just go zero shot no examples in the input one shot then means you have one example and few shot means you have a few examples so if you're translating English to French here are some examples and then here's the input cheese and then translates that so then graduating from few shot examples where we're taking the examples and putting them in the prompt we then have fullscale fine-tuning where we apply gradient descent updates to the neural network to learn from the examples that we have so fine tuning has made massive strides lately with sparse fine tuning like low rank adaptation and there's all sorts of other methods that's just low rank adaptation is the most popular one but so the difference here is that you're applying gradients to change the parameters of the model compared to just kind of eliciting the behavior with these examples so it's super interesting whether say you know the Llama 2 13 billion parameter model is faster and cheaper than these super large models like gbt 4 Gemini Ultra but then the question is whether you could just fuse shot prompt latu 13B or say 7B or mistol 7B you know so on or whether you want to fine-tune those models and so one part of one thing you'll see in the dpy examples is fine-tuning the T five large 700 million parameter models so a 700 million parameter neural network can run super fast and super cheaply and so that's one of the most exciting parts of this whole dpy framework is you can bootstrap create examples and maybe you can just prompt you know uh you can there's even this interesting scale where of course you can prompt probably gbt 4 and Gemini Ultra but you can also maybe prompt like mistol 7B or llama 2 and you know llama 3 is coming out and I'm certain just at the time of publishing this video there will be a new model so this is the interesting scale is when do you want to fine-tune these models versus fuch shot and that's what dpy is offering you is a framework to just wrap all the complexity of that and you don't personally need to be bothered with it so so that's kind of the idea of examples in deep learning and how it fits in this new llm programming world so the first thing that dpy does is bootstrapping few shot examples so you know you you have a little bit of a data set and the question now is uh which of the examples should I be putting in the prompt so let's say you have 10 examples and you're only going to put three in this example of translating from English to French so that would be one way of interpreting this is which of the 10 should I put in the in the input and another ex another thing about this is uh when you want to have the language model write the examples so I think the quickest value of this is thinking about Chain of Thought where you have not only the um the input output but now you want to also have that uh let's things step by step and then you have a rationale output so say you have like you know you're you're CH chatting with your docs and you have an FAQ on your website this is like the most common thing I've seen and personally the common thing I've used with developing with WEA is you have an FAQ so you have labeled question answer Pairs and you're trying to sync up you're trying to tune your rag system for with that FAQ and now let's you want to add that rationale Chain of Thought you know you've retrieve these contexts from your documentation and you know the answer is the answer because of this reason so you want to add that intermediate example you know that exam as you're giving it these examples of how to have Chain of Thought reasoning across the retrieve context from your vector database or however you retrieved it you you can now use dpy to bootstrap that rationale have the llm write the rationale and that leads us to the next question of how do we know the quality of synthetic examples so you're using you know you're using the llm to produce synthetic examples whether it's for the case of putting it in the prompt or if you're fine-tuning the model and how do you know if that that was any good so the answer to that is metrics in dpy so one metric I think is you know a good way to get started is exact match so if you have short factoid questions like what is the atomic number of oxygen and then you have an answer eight this would work pretty well like is it exactly correct but now the problem with that already is you know eight if you wrote it out instead of writing the number that exact match would say you that's not a good answer so there are some ways around this like the F1 score F1 score would be like engr overlab if you have slightly longer answers like um you know if if you're uh writing have a good example off my head but let's say you're saying why is the sky blue and it's I've been looking at the dpy documentation long enough to know this now it's like that Ray scattering light scattering effect and so you know if it has those three words in it you know there's some overlap in the keywords with what whatever the language model did write the answer as with that ground truth of of that Ray life light scattering effect so there are these metrics that you have and then you know now when the dpy Box opens is you might want to use llms as the metric so ragus is a super interesting uh Library which you know similar to Lang chain llama index or you know even the dsy signature optimiz Optimizer has the prompt of the LM judge cooked into the framework it's not like optimizing the how it the prompt for how it judges the metric which gets pretty meta but uh aray is another paper from sad Falcon katab Haria pots which is uh you know using the llms to optimize the metric so plugging in the llms As the metric is another dpy program that will then optimize this other dspi program so it's pretty meta and that's maybe a big part of why I like this so much so so you know the LM metric looks like this kind of like please output a scale a score on a scale of 1 to five whether the answer is grounded in the retriev context question context answer and so that would be a way to have the LM produce the metric so let's connect this back with how how do we know our synthetic examples are high quality so now we have teleprompters so teleprompters describe the optimization Loop where we're exploring different instruction writings and different examples in the prompt with that you know Ascent towards the metric and so that could be blackbox optimization where you just say uh you know random searching or beijan optimization or evolutionary search towards the metric or if you're fine-tuning you can directly optimize for the metric so th this is like the telepromter are like the system that orchestrates uh proposing candidate examples for the LM components as well as you know new signatures and you know seeing if that's improving the metric okay let's kick things off by looking at the code more than anything in this video tutorial I hope that you'll get some experience with writing dpy programs and get some benefit just from the off-the-shelf compilers from say having Chain of Thought examples for your llm programs and generally just starting to learn the syntax let's dive into an example to quickly get our hands dirty and get some experience with the Spy so we're going to do the full end to end but I think to kick things off let's look at what a dpy program looks like so retrieval augmented generation is one of the most popular llm Chains It's you know kind of a simple llm chain where you just retrieve and then generate and the next program we'll look at has this write the query part where you actually do have two llm programs but I think this is just a way to quickly get a sense of the syntax so similar to pytorch we have this initialize the components we're going to be using and then defining how they interact with the input data as well as each other in the forward pass through the llm program so in this llm program of rag we first uh take the question from the user we or you know the question when it's plugged into our app i s to hate that word user but anyways so we we plug this question into our retriever we get the passages and then we pass the passages into the generate answer so in dpy this is a signature that tells us that gives the llm you know a sense of the task it's trying to do it has this kind of shorthand notation of question context to answer but you can also write out signatures as well for when you want to start the model off with a longer prompt so similar to say instructor and these super cool libraries around just like how you organize these these prompts and how you develop the you know how you make the code look nice with say strict typing and you know when you require the output parsing all that kind of stuff so you you also have this longer hand notation where you can write an initial prompt in the doc string and then you can Define say types for the field that's not shown in this example but you can do that and you can also give it some description of uh the input field as well or you can just use this shorthand notation where the language model will infer what the variables are used for based on the semantic names of their type so you know question context answer it can infer what what that that it means in this context so so that's the first thing to know is is using this uh shorthand notation and the shorthand notation is super powerful for I think you know uh writing papers where you're presenting some new language model chain but you would also be able to pass in these longer signatures into the predictors like this where you're passing in this signature in here and then it inherits this one so uh now what we have is the forward pass where we're just you know calling our things anyway so I think you get the gist this is a rag program okay so now maybe you're a little over underwhelmed so let's let's get into a little bit more of a complex uh program that has a bit more of this interesting kind of two two llm programs to be optimizing and that's really the thing here is you have these llm programs where you have multiple components and you're optimizing the language model to do each of the intermediate tasks that it's responsible for for creating some you know some impressive Behavior as a whole system so simplified bailing uh ba is a multihop question answering system from kabad all the idea of multi-hop question answering is that idea where I give you a question that's too complicated to just answer it in one go so you break the question into sub questions so you know the the question from this data said that we're about to look at is how many stories are in the castle that David Gregory inherited so first you would break that question into uh you know what's the castle what's the name of the castle and then you would ask a question of how how many stories are in that castle so this is kind of idea of breaking up the question this is probably one of the most powerful things in rag I I think this multihop question decomposition thing is just going to take rag to the next level is maybe the most exciting thing out there reranking is also cool but I think you'll really appreciate the way that this ties the syntax with this local memory and just how you can build programs like this so again so we start off by initializing the components we're going to be using we're we're kicking it off with so again we wrote a signature for Generate search query so that's where we have the short short description of the task write a simple search query that will help answer a complex question then we give it a short description of context may contain relevant facts question and query we're just going to let it you know figure that out by the name of the variable so uh so what we're doing is we are assigning our modules so we have these generate queries we have a list of the modules so that might be a little bit confusing and honestly I think that um you know I I think we'll have to talk to Omar about this one and maybe he can leave a comment on this one but I think you also could just write it like this so you can just have it self generate query equals DSP Chain of Thought generate search query so maybe the the interesting thing here is if you wanted to have a different program for the first search query compared to the you know the second as we're going to be looping through and generating queries then you can maybe do it like a list and again we'll we'll summon Omar for that one maybe he can shine some light on that but I'm pretty certain you can just write it like this so then we have our retrieval this could be something like we8 and uh so then we have our uh question answer where we're going to answer the question based on the information so now the super interesting thing about this in the forward pass We're looping through the number of hops so say we're only going to let it break our question into two question Max hops equals 2 so we have this Loop where we're going to generate the question where we take as input the current context what we've searched for so far as well as the question then we're going to retrieve these passages then we're going to use a helper function so already note how you can use these helper functions and add them into your forward passes of your llm programs and how you can interface this syntax to write what ever you can imagine with these llm programs so we're going to D duplicate it and then we're going to keep looping so it's going to you know say you ask it this question of how many stories are in the castle that David Gregory inherited it's going to come up with the search query for the first search query maybe that is the idea of the list sorry to be distracting the video with that but so it's going to generate the first query it's going to retrieve some context and then it's going to use that as input when it's saying you know hey what's the next query I'm about to generate so then you aggregate all these contexts and you pass this into the generate answer and it's going to answer the question okay so now before wrapping up let's just go through the entire notebook to bring all the concepts together so I've already set my open AI key and deleted it but first you would need to have your en open AI key whether you're getting it from the environment variable or however you want to do it all right so we import dpy uh then we're connecting to gbt 3.5 turbo uh Colbert is a retrieval model that does this super interesting late interaction thing with the token with the qu document vectors and query vectors but anyway so here's a hosted um Colbert of Wikipedia abstract and so we're configuring dpy by setting the language model and this cobbert retrieval model so you could also plug in your we8 URL and um you can see a a description of how to do that in the weeva uh wva RM in the ds. I'll link that in the video as well okay so anyways all right so we're going to be using the hotot QA data set Hotpot QA is used to Benchmark Benchmark uh multihop question answering so in a second we'll see an example of this but um in the data set so we're going to be using 20 training examples and 50 examples for validation with our metric so that's like just the huge thing that's different about deep learning that compared to what it used to be is we have dsy this new pytorch like framework you know from Stanford and it has 20 examples is all we need to optimize it so this is just like a huge paradigm shift in deep learning and so marching along I had to cut the video and re-record because I was surprised at the first example so uh the first example is the question is at my window was released by which American singer songwriter and I'm not sure that's a multihop question I'm pretty sure that that that that's the author of the song so let's see maybe another question uh which American actor was Candice ke guest start with okay now that's a good one because to do that first you have to ask uh what movies has uh Candace ke been in and then within those movies you would have to say um who are who are the American actors in each of them so that this one's a great example of a question that you you would need to break it up into sub questions in order to answer it so so this is our training data set that we're going to be using using to again optimize the signatures optimize the examples or maybe fine tuna model it and then we have the development set that we're going to be we're never going to touch this touch this during training but this is how we're going to get our metrics out okay so these are just some things about the data sets and how you format data sets in dpy uh so so first we have this is the longer hand for dpy signatures where we have the doc string that we give it you know a description of the task answer questions the short fact toid answers we have the inpoint inut input field where we could give it a description about it but we don't have to we're just going to use the name of the variable and then we have the output field in description of that uh so then in this case we're going to be doing a super simple dpy program where all you do is just you know one layer dpy do predict so another kind of interesting thing about dpy is that you can um inspect the intermediate output so this is kind this is kind of related to Andre Kathy's tweet about how you know my eyesight's improved I'm sleeping better is because um when you want to see intermediate outputs of neural networks pytorch is super great for that and that's one of the key ways that pytorch differentiated itself from tensor flow and you can also do this kind of thing with Dy if you want to you know just run one inference with just one layer you can do it like this so here's an example of the uncompiled dpy what is the nationality of the chef and restaurant restaurator featured in Restaurant Impossible predicted answer American so so right away you're seeing how the you know it the I don't know this particular restaurant all that well but the the story is that uh it's British and you need to break this question up but anyway so back into the dpy building blocks you can do language model. inspect history to see the most recent thing that was put into your language model in dpy framework so you're seeing how it has the instruction again from our signature answer questions with short Factory answers you know input field see how it's just inferring it from the name of the variable and then you gave it the short description of answer and then the inference it was just faced with okay so now let's come back into again what I believe is the uh key motivating factor of why I would you know encourage people to switch to this ASAP is if you want to add Chain of Thought to your prompts you just change DSP y. predict to dp. Chain of Thought and dpy will come up with the rationals for you to add that prompting and Chain of Thought that like add an explanation it's always going to be better it's always because you know if you want to debug it it's always going to be nice to have that little rationale in there and not only just that it does improve the performance so here's the example of now you have thought so we again we haven't compiled this at all it's just a again just a forward pass and if we want we could also again do um turbo. inspect history n equals 1 and we can see the um now it's adding the reasoning to The Prompt so that's what kind of like the built-in modules do for you is they add this to the prompt and so now we have this intermediate reasoning that's been produced for us let's think step by step and so the language model you know this is just a forward pass again we haven't compiled this but already we see it switches from American to British by just adding that um that thinking step in there so that's already that's something that I think is the quickest value to to Havey had so here's a quick example of connecting to one of the retrievers uh you retrieve with the question and you know here's just like showing you uh like what the in like what the type is of the outputs um let's see so maybe it would help to see it without the formatting so you see you just get like this list of strings the list of strings is what it's expecting from these DSP y. retrievers so for example you're using it with we8 it's expecting a list of strings to come out of wbaa okay so this is just like another example of you know querying our Colbert uh that we're accessing again with the URL okay so now let's uh now let's compile a rag program so we're going to start off by with the generate answer signature answer questions with short fact answers the input field the context um has the description of it might contain relevant facts the question we're just going to get that from the variable name answer often between one and five words okay so now we're writing our rag program so we initialize the components we need retrieve and then generate answer with the Chain of Thought and then passing in this signature into the dpy Chain of Thought so again dpy Chain of Thought is going to add this part the reasoning thing to the prompt and then and then you know when you're doing the inference it'll have the reasoning okay so but this time we're going to compile it so in the forward pass we just you know take the question give it the question take these passages give it you know give it to the question answer and that's how we do it okay so now we're in the teleprompter the optimizer so first we Define our metric so we're going to be using exact match which again is you know if it's British is the answer then it's got to be exactly British uh and then passage match so I think passage match is in this case we have supervision on the retrieval as well but let's just kind of focus on exact match to keep things easy so the teleprompter is going to be bootstrap few shot examples so it's going to be uh looking to add few shot examples into the prompt and that's how it's going to be optimizing so then you have compiled rag equals teleprompt do compile we pass in rag we have our training set and then we just do it so you'll see the optimizing it'll stop once it's you know once it's got a certain amount of performance and maybe this is something that we could something that I think could have a little more documentation on exactly how that works but anyway so now we can see these questions so now that we've compiled our rag we you know compiled our program we can run inference by you know passing in the input so similar to you know pytorch how you would pass in a new input to it and we get this answer to what Castle did David Gregory inherit and all these kind of things so again we can do the turbo inspect history if we want to see the uh when you know we just asked it uh this question of um what Castle did David Gregory inherit and we can you know we can debug like what the last thing that the model S saw was so we see how now you have these um you know these examples in the The Prompt of you know what it means to um to firstly what it means to answer questions with short factoid answers and then what it means to follow the format that we want with the uh with the question the rationale and then you know it has a few examples of the things so this part right here is again and I've said this like a hundred times in this video but this reasoning is what I think is the quickest value of dpy is you you want rag but you don't want to have to write this reasoning part for your uh fa again if you're chatting with your docs and you have an fa Q data set you don't want to have to write this reasoning probably cuz it's just kind of tedious to do especially if especially if you have like all sorts of com imagine you have eight components and you know you're like writing the email thing you don't want to have to write the rationals for each step and so that I think that sells it pretty strongly okay so if you want to inspect the parameters the parameters being the examples this would be how you do that and then uh if you want to use the evaluate so this would be evaluate would be um it's it's going through that data set and you have the metrics and so you know it's just running the forward pass of your program and giving you that like um you know what is the exact match and as well as passes match in this example so uh again in this uh first example you also have supervision on the titles because the hot pot QA data set in addition to the answers it comes with annotations for the the passages that contain the answers okay so while that's running maybe we can just kind of March ahead because you know this will output the whatever the exact match score was of the program so I don't think it'll be too interesting to people listening but okay so now we're looking at multi-hop surch so we're graduating from our rag program which you know was pretty simple and now we're adding now we're going to have two LM components and from there hopefully you can imagine how to generalize that to however many you need um but I guess like the interesting thing about this is you know that idea of you don't need to supervise intermediate layers in deep learning and neural networks and now you don't need to supervise intermediate components it's sort of interesting we'll see how that plays out but but in this in this particular example it's very straightforward how the queries might be like connected to the final answer whereas maybe your like intermediate steps are more abstract than that and now we have like the llm metrics and intermediate so there is definitely a lot to explore but anyways so now we are adding a new component uh oops so here's the output of the um sorry so so just preempting with this finish but this is the evaluation this is the kind of thing you can expect example answer you know the final exact match score and you can see this kind of visualization cool okay so so we have all moving into multi-hop search so write a simple search query that will answer a complex question we have the Bine this is multihop system developed by kabol in 2001 and what it does is it uh starts off with the context it's going to Loop through the max HS which is two it's going to generate a query taking as input the context so far in the question it's going to retrieve passages for the query then it's going to D duplicate these contexts if they're already in the context and then it's going to pass this back in so so um you know say your first question again was it was about um it was like an actress and it was what American actors have been in movies with her and so it will um you know it will first ask that question of uh what movies has she been in it'll get those answers and it'll add that to the context and it will still have the question so it will it will be in its input see the context it has so far when it's producing that next query to keep answering the question so pretty interesting system in my opinion uh and yeah like there's there maybe I'm going out tangent but there's been a lot of like reranking I think this kind of multihop query decomposition is maybe underappreciated this is I definitely am more interested in this after going through the dsy stuff anyways okay so let me make sure I ran that okay so so that's our program our uncompiled program is when we're just you know running a forward pass through it and we can inspect the history to see uh the last input of the uh uncompiled uh program so uncompiled we you know know uh we don't have the examples yet so we just have the prompt and then we have the context and then we have this reasoning but we don't have examples of how to produce the reasoning and maybe you can see that the reasoning so far is like not it's not that thorough of reasoning and yeah so so now we'll give it some examples and see how that improve so so again this is like a supervision on the intermediate Hops and that's something we can maybe dive into in a later video let me know any particular comments you have and I'll I can look into it all right cool so bootstrap F shot metrics we're passing in the metric all right so now we're compiling this and okay so now we've got a pretty interesting thing going where now we're going to be uh we have a teacher model to produce the uh to produce the supervision for the other model uh so I think I actually missed this detail when I first looked at it but from looking at it like for as well as everyone watching it looks like what we're doing is maybe um we have this passages per hop thing so it looks looks like maybe we have a teacher model that only looks at two and then it supervises one with three uh yeah so I'm not sure exact I I personally still need to be running more examples but I hope this the purpose of this video is really just to you know get the concept together and so so yeah so I think hopefully hopefully maybe like yeah concluding so so I think with this example you you hopefully got a sense of how to write the syntax and then yeah like even for me I think like I've you know not even for me but like I've been looking at it a little bit if this is your first time seeing it in this video and I'm still kind of wrapping my head around all the different teleprompters cuz there's definitely a lot of depth to this whole llms optimizing llms but anyways I hope you found this useful awesome so I hope you enjoyed this overview of dpy going through things like the programming model and the compiler and looking through the introduction example showing basic question answering adding uh Chain of Thought reasoning as well as Rag and multihop questions and all these things so let me leave leave you with some reasons I think everyone should start using dpy today so first of all it's a super fun syntax as Andre carpy says you'll you'll sleep better and your eyesight will improve it is fun to write these programs in dspi it's you know it's a really nice abstraction putting you know if you do have longer prompts organizing them as signatures and passing signatures into the program it really organizes this kind of stuff so the next big thing I think the quickest value added and I know I've said it a lot in this video but if you want to use Chain of Thought prompting you know especially with the few shot examples in the prompt you would have to write these rationals yourself and so I think just the getting around needing to write your own rationals is a really cool quick win that you pick up with dsy uh the next thing is you know llms it's like changing every week almost it's like last thing was the mixed R of experts and so you might be switching your rag program from you know gbt 3.5 to that and then say gbt 428k then comes out and then we have Gemini Ultra and you know probably all sorts of language models that we don't know yet are on the horizon say coheres command so the each llm is sensitive to the particular language that you use to get it to do a task which is you know this prompt tuning this like that's been the story is dpy is trying to end this manual tweaking of the prompts to make it work for certain LMS LM so you know I can't tell you what the best LM is going to be in a few months from now but what I can tell you is that if you want to be able to just recompile your program change the prompts to whatever the new language model is writing your prompts into dpy will give you the you know the framework to quickly adapt to these new things the last thing I think is super interesting is olama so AMA is a library for local LM inference built on top of llama C++ and I don't know what's I don't know I'm not familiar with everything that's been happening but when I first tried llama CPP my laptop was like you know it's like about to shut down or something and it was really slow but you know I've tried it last week and AMA is fast and so it you know it's getting really fast and it's just super interesting what these local llms can unlock and generally just like you know if you can run them on CPUs and stuff it's going to make it cheaper and this whole like intermediate program thing it's all just so compelling so I think this idea of using dpy to fine-tune models down into smaller models that are served with things like AMA like you know imagining putting the T5 large or I think T5 has this encoder decoder that might slow down the inference compared to um anyway sorry I'm distracting myself but anyways I think this local llm thing is really exciting and I think dpy also gives you the right framework to you know see if firstly the local LMS can do the job and and then also there's the finetuning angle so just a super interesting thing and so I hope these reasons kind of help motivate starting with Dy today so thank you so much for watching if you want to reach out on X my Twitter handle X handle is Cort and3 and if you want to send me a direct message I'd be more than happy to take a look at anything you're building with dpy and or we8 and you know if you want to just ask ask a question or chat about anything I'm more than happy to do that and also um so it's early with the dpy Discord but if you're interested in dpy and want to have some chats I highly recommend joining it it's been a lot of fun and that'll be linked in the description thank you so much for watching