Lecture Notes on Gameplay Analysis and Strategy

Jul 30, 2024

Lecture Notes on Gameplay Analysis and Strategy


  • A situation in gaming:
    • Scenario Examples:
      • 40 life vs 41 damage → certain death.
      • 40 life vs either 38 or 42 damage → decision-making involved.
      • There's a distinction between greedy (risk-taking) vs. safe (risk-averse) playstyles.

Core Gameplay Mechanics

  • Importance of uncertainty in gameplay:
    • Engagement: Players must make judgment calls based on potential outcomes.
    • Example in professional gaming:
      • A Blade Master with a Critical Strike Level 3 can deal high damage, forcing choices for opponents.
      • Decision-making is visible to all (players and spectators), adding excitement.

Comparison of Games

  • Starcraft vs. Warcraft 3:
    • Starcraft:
      • Follows mathematical extremes in terms of damage and player decisions.
      • Players rely on known upgrade impacts (e.g., Zerlings vs. Zealots).
    • Warcraft 3:
      • More ambiguity in damage numbers and outcomes.
      • Players develop a sense of how much risk they can afford.

Undead Gameplay Mechanics

  • Undead (UND) Advantages:
    • Can build on their own terrain, enhancing defense and resource management.
    • Ability to regenerate life.
    • Blight: Undead units regenerate faster on their own terrain (with certain conditions for units).

Game Breakdown

  • Discussion of a particular match and strategy used:
    • Dreadlord with Tier One Fast Expansion:
      • Placement of expansion affects strategy (cross-map challenges).
      • Counter Strategies:
        • Orc players can choose different hero types (Blade or Far Seer) and specific unit compositions.
    • Identified missteps in opponent's strategy and build order.

Key Strategy Points

  • Advantages in Warcraft 3:
    • Four types of advantages impact gameplay:
      1. Economy Advantage
      2. Tech Advantage
      3. Hero Advantage
      4. Army Size Advantage
  • Importance of balancing advantages:
    • If an economic advantage is gained, the player must find ways to mitigate or leverage other aspects (like tech or hero levels).
    • Delays experienced by opponents can force them to make unwise decisions, such as delaying expansion or skipping essential unit production.


  • Understanding advantages and risk management is crucial in developing gameplay strategies.
  • Observed decision-making processes highlight differences in playstyle and the impact of high-stakes choices.