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right we're going to read about the neans and we're going to stop at unknown amount all right unknown amount naans the naans are natin natine Aramaic vocalized as let me jump down where an ancient Arab people who inhabited Northern Arabia and the southern Levant their settlements most prominently the assumed capital city of Ragu present day Petra Jordan gave the name natine to the to the Arabian Borderland that stretched from the eup IES to the Red Sea the natin the naans emerged as a distinct civilization and political entity between the fourth and second centuries BC With Their Kingdoms centered around a Loosely controlled trading Network that brought considerable wealth and influence across the ancient world described as fiercely Independent by contemporary Greco Roman accounts the neans were annexed into the Roman Empire by Emperor Tran in 106 uh common error nabatian individual culture easy identified by their characteristic finely potted painted ceric ceramic sorry was adopted into the larger Greco Roman culture they converted to Christianity during a later Roman era they have been described as one of the most gifted peoples of the ancient world and one of the most unjustly forgotten go to history where does it say um unknown amount let me see where can you find that in the page please unknown amount so no I'm not reading something reading the wrong thing okay here we go go back up then go back up so you can know all right right here okay the neans were allies of the first hasmoneans in their struggles against the soluset monarch they then became Rivals of the Judean uh Dynasty and a chief element in the disorders that invited pompei's intervention in Judea in 65 BC you had General Pompei that invaded and took over Jerusalem that's how that's how they managed to take Rome managed to possess Jerusalem by that time under during Pompei the the maans helped the Romans basically help us to overthrow or take over Judea the Romans go ahead according to a popular historian Paul Johnson many NE baans were fortunately converted to Judaism by haonan King Alexander J uh Janus because the the beans and the [ __ ] pretty much resided together if not next door when um John nanus took over his him and his children start to basically take over the land and say listen you either going to take either going to give us the land and convert or we just destroy you so they they converted also some of them converted also go ahead it was this king who after putting down in local Rebellion invaded and occupied the nabatian towns of Moab and Gilead and imposed a tribute of an unknown amount so you see it says that it was a it was this King uh Alexander Janus of the ammonian family who after putting down a local Rebellion invaded and occupied the netian towns of Moab and Gilead so Ishmael Moab and [ __ ] were all neighbors and they had like Co they had know cohabitations among themselves all right that's all I want now get me uh second mccabes chapter 5 verse 6 so it's still the big three he mentioned Moab there ish and Moab and then and and the thebans resided in Petra which is the land of Edom but Edom was there first right then and Ishmael came in living in there afterwards cuz they try to say oh those uh big rock castles you see that resemble the White House the the bans built those no no no no built those and then the baans came up in there and took over most of it because um Babylon when Babylon came up and he conquered the Nations he con he displaced some Nations and so the bans moved right up in there around that time they moved up in there okay and they Co pretty much co- inhabited that land right this this thing right here this uh go oh the baans built this there's no way Edom Edom built this all right they have a thing called the eagle of Petra you can find that real fast it's called the eagle of Petra and that's from Edom Edom put that there and Deacon you see the resemblance today of how Esau builds their build their um buildings today yeah see the same resemblance yeah the the US the the um in Washington DC New York here in Philly Philly they got the same architecture it's the same thing it's a caveman yeah caveman no damn Arabs putting that there Edom that's the right here you see a picture the eagle of Petra right here that's their symbol look familiar to you looks very very familiar to me wow wow got the dollar bill right that's the eagle of Petra going back to the Romans going back to them being the Greeks the same symbol man OB OB get that real [ __ ] me OB real quick let's just get it real quick OB I'm sidebar for a moment I'm trying to stay on thism but e makes me sick but I got I gotta get on thism real quick obad I don't want to I don't want to kill my time but I I have to I have to just bring it out real quick cuz that lie is being perpetuated oh yeah you know Ed the thebans built that no they did not Eden built that and then the betin moved in and became the new renters that's all read that Obadiah chapter 1 and verse one the vision of Obadiah thus sayith the Lord God concerning Edom we have heard a rumor from the Lord and an ambassador is sent among the Heathen arise ye and let us rise up against her in battle fr the last days go ahead behold I have made thee small among the Heathen because not only is Edom a minority he's not the majority that they lie to us and say he's a minority and he is surrounded by dark Nations that outnumber him and he's despised especially in over there in Israel he is despised go ahead and here in America go ahead Thou Art greatly despised exactly read on the pride of thine heart hath deceived the but the pride of his heart has deceived him go ahead thou that dwellest in the Cliffs of the C go in the Cliffs of the rock goes back to that thing right there Petra Edom idia okay ahead whose habitation is high cuz there a mountain it's a mountain range it's right there go ahead see Mountain let go ahead that saith in his heart who shall bring me down to the ground to make that statement would mean you have to gain a a significant amount of power to make a statement that way which is going into the last days read on well him coming well the Greeks and Romans go ahead though thou exalt thyself as the eagle again do do I do what though thou exalt thyself as the eagle though thou exalt thyself as the eagle the eagle the eagle go ahead though thou exalt thyself as the eagle has always been their symbol Spain Eagle Portugal Eagle Britain Eagle Spain Eagle Greece Eagle Rome Eagle always the eagle always and what's funny is God God make will make them do it they'll read it and say I'm not going to do that and they'll still do it cuz God said so damn send they Spirit they could you could have used the dove well used the dove instead of the E so throw throw people off no no the most high said n you going you going to use Eagle anybody going to know who you are hey de also here for the emblem for the United States they were talking about using the turkey yeah but still they went and still still ended up using the eagle yep they got to Hon they got to honor that first Beast they got to honor Rome they have to honor Rome go ahead and though thou set thyself Among the Stars that's going into that's their space travel some of yall say the moon and never happened that's fine they are in space though that's why your GPS Works cuz they were in space go ahead and though thou set thy Nest Among the Stars Then will I bring thee down sayth the Lord will I bring thee down this coin right here that's a that's a bad coin that's Susan be Anthony that's a sus be Anthony coin on one side and that's the Eagle Landing on the other that this coin was Meed the year of the moon landing I believe and the reason why they have sou be Anthony on one side and the eagle on the other is because suab be Anthony represents confusion and feminism feminism and the um them um landing on the moon it all goes back to it's all goes back to exalting confusion and evil all goes back to the same and when the truth start coming out they got rid of the coin CU it shows the eagle landing on the moon it's okay give it that coin CU these [ __ ] is teaching in the street about that Moon and a get rid of that cuz they said it resembled the quarter too much okay why make it then right so let's go back but back to the AR back to Israel again back to the Arabs those of you who are listening right now who come who may have come across this show someone may have recommended it to you and you're a Muslim if you're upset after this after this show um you are a near Eastern house [ __ ] I'm going just tell you straight to your face uh you're a [ __ ] for the Arab man the Arab I'm so understand this lesson is not attacking black Muslims it's attacking The Man Behind the religion itself and the people behind the religion itself that the Bible speaks against over and over again okay I'm going show you why I have a a heavy disdain for Islam CU I touched on Christianity years ago y so they had their turn now it's time for Islam Islam has to have its turn because it's those are the two greatest biggest religions the largest religions on the planet and I have to address both so now we're done with ishra Now The Big Three Christianity was one Edom ishel is number two I got to deal with it in that order then the Moab eventually Moab is not really you know Hinduism Buddhism it's not really you know insignificant yeah it's not really a problem you know I don't care about that so and they still have a hole in our community too yeah the araban yeah that religion is really kind of destroying our community as well yeah but I'm going show how Moab ties into this and so just how they know better I'mma show that so uh let's go to second mccabes 5 Verse 6 uh to 8 the book of second mccabes chapter 5 and verse 6 but Jason slew his own citizens without Mercy Jason's going into this evil negro that was uh that that that um he was responsible for trying to assimilate well he did assimilate our people into Greco into Greek society he was a [ __ ] he was the worst of the worst black men on Earth one of the the worst men ever you read about in the scriptures Jason go ahead not considering that to get the day of them of his own Nation would be a most unhappy day for him but thinking they had been his enemies and not his countrymen whom he who he conquered so Jason hated his own kind he thought of them as his enemies rather than his own people like a lot of you black people today a lot of you celebrities today you despise your people you you speak down to your people a lot of y'all especially a lot the black folks that are because Jo Jason gained status under the king of of the of the Greeks whenever black folks gain status and we talk about things like slavery or um our oppression you got black folks saying oh that's racial idolatry you [ __ ] you Negroes are the worst I'm trying to say niggga as much as as I want to because it makes makes me feel good when I say it I think the word negro and [ __ ] does not come off as powerful as [ __ ] I like to say niggga more than anything else makes my teeth white and I say it but you you Negroes that gain status in society you talk down on us and we mentioned about slavery and so forth as if slavery was a thousand years ago you do understand that we gained civil rights like 60 years ago right you understand that you understand that that that sharecropping ended in 1960 it went on for years under four presidents covertly sharecropping ended in 1960 100 years after our enslavement ended and in Saudi Arabia it ended in 1964 four or two and in morania it ended in 1980 and in and in Brazil it ended in 1888 this is not like hundreds of years ago Thousand Years million we're talking about less uh what old person ago old person grow old that's that long it's not that long ago 60 years ago is we got right 70 years 60 years ago I'm I'm guesstimating but around 60 70 years ago we had we were not consider human beings right at all and then then before that we was getting hung and we're still being killed today and hung women our sisters going missing getting chapped up getting thrown in the river being hung from trees they have Sundown towns even to this day you can't drive you got to drive them things real quick but oh you're they said you're you're being you're playing victim no we are descendants of victims right and that and that and that victimhood that trauma that thing SE into our genetics that's that is it's been proven that the slavery of our forefathers was so severe that it altered our DNA that's how bad it was you stupid Rich [ __ ] out here talking your mess victim you got you making six figures you wait till this place starts falling apart we going to see where your victimhood talk is then get on verse seven how be it for all this he obtained not the principality but at the last received shame for the reward of his treason for the reward of his treason against his people cuz Jason was not a patriot our forefathers are patriots to their own people right this guy committed treason against his own kind go ahead like y'all be doing go ahead and fled again into the country of the ammonites so he ran to the ancient Japanese at the time read on and the end therefore he had an unhappy return being accused before aretus the king of the Arabians this aretus is aretus the first he was the king of the Arabians or the aans he was an atian King aretus the first go ahead fleeing from City to City pursued of all men hated as a forsaker of the laws and being had an Abomination as an open enemy of his country and his countrymen he was cast out into Egypt Oh Praise he was exiled into Egypt but he ran to that Arabian king aretus the first he ran to him first now get me 2 Corinthians 11:32 2 Corinthians 11:32 now last week I read about um Herod I believe it was antip or Herod or antipa or antip antipater married a um a woman named cypros and she was the cousin of aretus III okay Herod I believe um antipater who was the father of the herodian dynasty married an aan woman named cypros and she was the cousin of aretus III 2 Corinthians 11:32 second Corinthians 11:32 and Damascus the governor under aretus the governor under who aretus under aretus this is aretus I fourth this is King aretus of the Arabians the fourth go ahead the king kept the city of the de Damian with the gin damaskin Damas that's Syria go ahead with a Garrison desirous to apprehend me this dude had a put out a APB for Paul he had the place surrounded and Paul still escaped the Lord had him Escape anyway but King aretus this is King aretus the fourth of the Arabians so macbes mentions the first antipater the father of the herodians was was cousin or married into the family of the third one uh and and um Jason ran to the first one for help and then the the one of the fourth one the one the fourth he tried to have Paul taken out I think the fourth is philopatric I don't know that's the four okay okay so this is uh ettus what the fourth Philip patc Philip patus okay so he's the fourth all right you see and antier thank you antier married cypros an atian Noble woman uh go down go down go down I said his name go down go down go down right there read uh it says uh read it right there antier married Cyprus a nabatian noble woman on which helped endear the nabatian to him uh-huh their marriage helped bring about a close friendship between him and king aretus that's the third go ahead called by Josephus aretus Arabian go ahead to whom cypros was related cousins so the [ __ ] and Israelites intermarried and this intermarriage led into what you call today ottoman Turks Turkish people Turks Turks are Edom and Arabs mingled together if you look at that picture but get some images of them I'm going show you how they look some of them are Dark with blue eyes gray eyes black eye got that that that Israelite tan but Edomite features these are the guys that under Islam took over Egypt they took over uh um Libya those are Turks when Kevin Hart said that that Egypt is Africa they got mad at him why because he's are Edomite these are I call them Edom Arabs these are Edom Arabs mingled together and they they oh we were always in Egypt no you were not always there he wasn't but Edom does that Edom will conquer a people and then Professor have always been there and be those people that's why you watch the movie The Mummy how that guy looked that guy shouldn't look like that at all the Mummy he should have been a straight negro playing that role or him might play that role this is them here you see the um the two girl put the uh the two girls there they click down let me see them real fast blow up blow up let me see them so you see the Edomite features one looks more Arab one looks more not Arab arabish arabish edomi features those are Turks okay we got that book about the Turks who they are that book you you pull that up real fast about the Turks wasn't Herod Antipas married to AR's the fourth daughter who he divorced and then married his uh brother's wife I forgot I forgot mingling that's when John got beheaded I think that was uh aretes the fourth little patra's daughter that he was married to and to pass oh oh Herod anpus yeah yes yes yes yes he was married to her arrest is a for daughter the force daughter yes Herod anus is married to arrest the fourth's daughter and he got rid of us to marry herodias when yeah get that real Qui John real fast get that and then you know John got behead John got headed because of that yes he left his wife for this one for this chick here even in Genesis Esau was Maran yeah I bought that out last week Esau um is Esau married the Israelite naay sister that was the beginning of them intermingling and over time they became Turks that not all of them Israel had 12 sons but certain families of Ishmael in Edom inter mared that'sa Turks where's it at um John get beheaded with herodias dancer for him and all that so John John hold on Matthew um go to Mark Mark chapter 6 Mark chapter 6 verse uh 17 start at start at 14 Mark 64 in Matthew to right I think it's in yes sir I mean depend on it don't matter it don't matter which where you from as long as you read it Matthew 14 Matthew 14 I knew was I was close to there The Book of Mark chapter 6 and verse1 14 and King Herod heard of him for his name was spread abroad and he said that John the Baptist was risen from the dead and therefore Mighty Works do sh forth to themselves in him others said that it is Elias no if John is dead is no don't one get Matthew 14 he's dead already Matthew 14 no no you keep reading oh it's more okay keep reading verse 15 others said that it is Elias and others jump to the point get to verse 16 verse 16 but when Herod heard thereof he said it is John whom I beheaded he is risen from the dead right go ahead for Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold on upon John and bound him in prison for herodia sake his brother Philip's wife right because he was originally married to um arus the for's um daughter but he wanted his brother's wife and John checked them for it and herodias got mad and had him beheaded so that's so they all their families always had ties together they had ties and a lot a lot of believe it or not I guarantee you behind closed doors a lot of those Elite Arabs that got money and them Elite Israelis that got money they they talking that's why they're not making no moves cuz they traders to their own people they that money but a lot of these those people over there in uh those Turkish people over there and Egypt and so forth those are Edom Arabs now which order it is Arab Arab Edom or Edom Arab it don't make a difference they all mingled together when come when it comes to the Turks it's either one or the other look at this those supposed to be Turks look like Kelly and Amber right there Kelly and Amber the Olen twins yeah the the Arabic the Arabic Olen twins the hon twins Theon twins um you got that book or no with the the Turks or no OB I can't you have that with the Turks teing talking about with teing the Turks that book you pull before with the Turks being teaming oh yeah I'll bring it up yeah but so I'll talk in the meantime so basically I'm we're going to show y'all in a book basically that um the Turks are Edom pretty much but they mingle with mingled with ishma all right I'm we're gonna show you that now which child of Ishmael they inter married with you know I don't know could be naat as well a de M and in verse 14 and 15 when Herod was saying it's Christ or it's Elias that showed you that Edom understands the prophecy of certain prophets coming back to do something yeah yeah cuz they they had to read our book mean which means guess what they read Obadiah they read Malachi they read Isaiah 34 they read Isaiah 63 they read they read they read did demise hey remember the one remember the one book um he they said uh Edom uh the book of oadi is the favorite study yeah of the modern Jews of the modern Jews yeah in the Watson dictionary why are they looking at that mm cuz they know that's their fate they read it yeah over and over again cuz that was Herod study that's why that was Herod study so where we at um we can read down if you want you can read just read down a little bit more goad verse 17 for Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John now I'm sorry y'all can fact check us but I'm telling you that's went he was married to aretus the fourth's daughter and he he left he got rid of her to go and take his brother Philip's wife herodias look ahead and bound him in prison for herodia sake his brother Philip's wife for he had married her for John had said unto Herod it is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife that's adultery shouldn't do that go ahead therefore herodias had a quarrel against him she had beat for junga she basically said he was sea blocking go ahead and would have killed him but she could not but she couldn't so she said okay well I'll dance for you but give me one request he was like what give me his head in the platter so she so he had to oblige her demon man they the worst the worst herodias was a Edomite woman so the same hatred the men have the the women have it too okay the women have it too there has nothing changed it's the same in fact is brought out that a lot of the chains that brought us over here in ships the women made them chains their white women made those chains damn yeah and them hoods that they wore the white women sold them hoods Jango show that oh I can't see M Mur the hoes too small no man you you make you make your own damn hoodie land since you don't like the hoodie my wife made for all y'all ungrateful sons of [ __ ] jingle man I ripped it oh man I done ripped it more than God damn it Biff and th you guys are the worst man that name Mortimer why I can't Biff and Mortimer just that name is new now I use that now was Biff now I'm stuck on Mortimer now something gonna come that fits a little better yeah Mortimer right Mortimer Gilligan damn it Gilligan told you these names man it's hillbilly name yeah B names man Mortimer Mortimer [Applause] huh there's one more name I'm trying to think of it's some my can't think of it right now somebody hey I got to figure out I'm I'm going say when it comes to my mind I'm G say it pman Billy Bob not Billy Billy Bob P Herman not P not P Herman no no no no no no that's that's that's a TV name another one oh uh yeah we talking about these hillbilly Hill names damn not Mor Hills have eyeses all right what we got uh Dusty of America HS have eyes the score to the page all right uh the destiny go bro can I read um I was going to SK past it so we all right you read it the destiny of America with an appendix who are the Japanese by Road building what's the year go down it's it's it's on the next oh it's on next page next page this's see year oh year 1921 y still okay so at this point you know this book is not accessible to us 1921 we want no civil rights go ahead blow it up still white eyes on yeah still white eyes only y the Edomite family named Tean in Hebrew is Taman and linguistically identical with tan mm alaman aan Osman or otaman otaman aan Aon is the ottoman Turks that conquered um the Holy Roman Empire in 14 in 1453 go ahead Osman otoman or adman is an Edomite family name Edomite family name that mingle with Ishmael go ahead the historian Gibbon in his 47th chapter gives the original form of the name of Amman the son of atoru as Thon now Tean or more strictly theman was a grandson of Esau grandson of Esau a Duke ottomans are Dukes Israelis are Dukes R was a Duke Greeks were a Duke you understand Russia was a Duke all Duke all the elite families of Edom took these lands in possession so the Turks are Edom and Ishmael mingled together primarily Eden but mingle mingle with Ishmael as well let's go back so basically they fighting their own self they fighting their own this this this just ridiculous it's it's it's just a bunch of heathens doing this just running wild the leash the leash is gone Christ come back and put the leash back on they run you know you know how dogs get when they when they run loose you know you got you know get get get the big get the big stick and you know know anyway where we at uh get [Music] me Isaiah 60 ver 7 Isaiah 60 verse 7 the book of Isaiah chapter 60 and verse 7 all the flocks of kedar shall be gathered together unto thee all the flocks of kar this is the time when we're going be when we be we'll be ruling the time will be ring ruling read again all the flocks of kedar shall be gathered together unto thee all the flocks of kedar shall be gathered unto thee together unto thee go ahead the Rams of nabio shall Minister unto thee they shall come up with acceptance on my Altar and I will glorify the house of my glory so Israelites are going to end up honoring the Lord at some point they're they're going to get the chance to redeem themselves of course after the of course after we you know conquer them conquered them of course and they're going to bring forth offerings to the Lord to the true God not the god they made up in their head but the actual god of the Bible that they copied from and pl plagiarized and gave it a Arabic twist that's the G that's their that's their fate Kadar and NAB and all the rest of them now get me Zechariah 12:7 the book of Zechariah 12 and verse 7 the Lord also shall save the tents of Judah first the Lord shall save the tents of Judah first the Lord will doal with Judah first and then all the all the rest go ahead that the glory of the House of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah in that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David David was a god basically a supernatural being on earth a prophet a king a warrior go ahead Mighty go ahead and the House of David shall be as God the House of David shall be as God angels on the earth go ahead as the angel of the Lord before them Christ they're going to be as the Lord himself when that's you going to have Isaiah 60:7 take place they're going to bring upon the altar or face Supernatural Negroes that they enslaved that's going to happen now don't forget Levi is part of the Judah family yeah yeah Judah Judah Judah Judah Benjamin L sir let's just rep I'm sorry if no it's okay it's okay it's okay let's just ignore uh uh then we all come from the waters no no we no yo what's happening we got you got to get a black you got to get a black highlight over that should we got to put a black highlight over that that verse the the Jews a black highlighter y' be all right s y'll be all right oh snap we Liv in jud's about Judah yeah the same Mama y uh song of Solon uh one and one I can never find it not the Proverbs Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes yes sir no Song of Solomon yeah yes sir Song of Solomon Chapter 1 and verse one the song of songs which is Solomon's which is Solomon's song Solomon wrote the song of Solon not a woman a black woman Solon wrote songs read verse one again the song of songs which is Solomon you do understand that Solomon's wise were all morons right he said it himself in Ecclesiastes that among a thousand women he found none wise so none none of them wrote these songs they wrote nothing that's a cut oh women black women no no he wrote the songs about the Rel about the relationship between God and his people it's a a parable regarding the relationship between Christ and His People Israel Christ being the groom Israel being the bride that's a love story between the two in Prophecy now jump to verse five verse five I am black Solomon said I am black put the image up again like that image put it up again that was nice Solon said what I am black this isn't an actual book it's a salmon it says I am black he's depicted as a black man with a crown and the scr go ahead but comely but beautiful mean and cuz but means and and beautiful black and beautiful go ahead oh ye Daughters of Jerusalem oh ye Daughters of Jerusalem go ahead as the tents of kedar he said I am black as the tents of kedar go ahead as the curtains of Solomon give me an image of tents of Kadar give me the image this type in tents of uh of Kadar image let's see what color the tents are let's see if they're white colors or red or pink hey y'all don't have the other images that uh Bishop put up yesterday of uh King Solomon yeah I want that too I got that those are tents of kar now we have brothers in our congregation that reside that reside in Qatar modern day Qatar which goes back to the name Kar I say it again the Moder day um area today known as Qatar q a t a r is Kadar in reference to that son and our brothers today who live there our congregation who live out there they said that the curs of Solomon are black curtains extremely black dark curtains and what does Kadar mean black it means black or dark skin that's exactly what the word means so there's a c there's a tent right here A T of Kadar right here is any more other than that one if that's all they got that's fine yep right there for some more look at that black curtains black with some white design on the side he wasn't he wasn't a zebra so obviously is referring to the black part all right that's the tense of kedar black he is black I am black as the tense of Kadar he was CH so Salon was extremely dark okay you know why you know why he was dark cuz his daddy was dark too David that's and his mama B bur in the furnace Burt the furnace exactly so now give me the Isaiah 2 verse no Isaiah 21:1 Isaiah 21:1 book of Isaiah chapter 21 and verse 11 yeah the burden of dumah he cth to me out of sier Duma is going into um Ishmael I believe Duma ahead Watchmen what of the night Watchmen what of the night 11 get from the top the burden of Dumar isma he calleth to me out of sier go ahead Watchmen what of the night Watchmen what of the night The Watchmen said the morning cometh and also the night if he will inquire inquire ye return come the burden upon Arabia Arabia D go ahead in the forest of in Arabia shall ye Lodge or ye traveling companies of D damim that's that's ishmail too the inhabitants of the land of Timar Isel to brought water to him that was thirsty they prevented with their bread him that fled so it's was going into the um the prophecy against ishma ishmael's prophesied against multiple time and multiple families multiple families of ishel that's why I said earlier Edom inter intermingle with these families so that's why I said I don't know all of the family seem to mingle with but he did mingle with them nabya is one of them all right now get me the Jews and Moors in Spain this book is pretty common so I don't mind sharing the name of it every book I'm not going to share because um Bishop shows books the books end up out of print or or a billion dollars the next day so I'm not we're not doing that too often like remember we first did the show we would show a page and that's it and then Bishop was like this is the this is the the the the author's address and I'm like Bishop stop this is his address his name this is the file you could get it at just you could buy it from I'm like oh Bishop you're killing us man anyway Bishop he didn't care um the Jews and mors in Spain by Rabbi Koff you want page uh 25 really good book uh was published in let me look at it it's pretty old published in 188 87 85 1880s we were slaves no no no we weren't slaves but it was old white eyes only but we were slaves in Brazil I mean South America we was slaves but you know we were still on the plantation we still on Plantation and we still [ __ ] crapping so yeah same thing for the same slave master yep so page 20 I said 25 yes sir 25 read the highlight of Parts the extreme northern part of Africa brought their armies to a sudden halt here they encountered two strong FES first the people called berbers the noble a tall Noble looking race of men active high-spirited and indomitable so these are berbers so about go ahead they had the same patriarchal Hab patriarchal habits they had the same patriarchal habits go ahead the same schemetic features the same shemitic features were equally skilled in the use of arms and the breeding and handling of horses and so the Arabs believe them to be of their own race because they were related because the Israelites and the Israelites are of Abraham that's why it's saying that the berbers were our people the Semitic berbers were you have two groups you had the hamitic berbers or torgs today that were heavily involved in our slavery we're going to get to them later on and you had the Semitic berbers hamitic berbers and Semitic berbers like the sister Queen kahna she was of levitical line she was a Semitic Berber okay read on the northern coast of Africa has been called by the Romans from the dark complexion of its people morania morania or now Morocco same area go ahead and his people were called morisco moriscos go ahead or Moors or Moors so morisco or Moors or or Semitic berbers are the same thing go ahead when the superior force of the Arabians when the superior Force by this time Islam gained a huge following and power go ahead when the superior force of the Arabians compelled the Moors to submit at last when they once the Moors submitted they became moriscos go ahead the conquerors and the conquered KES so so completely that in less than a decade the one could not be distinguished from the other because the Israelites they real ones and the the Israelites look the same they were both black then because them inter mingler with Esau some of them look pale you you don't see dark Arabs like that they don't really show them but they exist they're around you can't distinguish them from us because we have the same Father Abraham so there's similarities with us um let me see go down I want more you read that I might want some more the second foe however who inhabited the northern extremity of go to the Rock built by The Rock built the rock built city of qua was garrisoned by Spanish soldiers and his Brave Commander count Julian defied the Valiant Amir IB Nasir the hero of two continents continents it seemed as if is islamism had reached its limit that he would never set his foot no no no no that's going somewhere else let's take this to the Inquisition I don't want to go there yet I want to spoil the stuff that's when we start conquering Spain take over and start whipping edom's behind all over the place for for 700 years of enslaving and beating them all over the place he went over there anyway we went over there already yeah beating a dead horse give me um a tretis of physical geography I want that one Bishop shows it all the time the books he showed all the time I just call as a sh Tuesday I just you know I'll show I'll show those the books he didn't show I won't show just the page a treaties on physical geography comprising hydrology hydrology Geon yeah's see geology uhhuh uh-huh the whole uh eugenic tree yeah yeah exactly what's the year 1850 slavery we was in straight slavery all right go to uh page uh uh 297 thus the Jews are a people who who have ever according to the prophecy dwelt alone without intermixing with the Nations to this day now the separate race all descended from Brown ancestors Brown this like we read earli about the berbers being dark complexion called marisco or called berbers or Moors and the Israelites refer to them as our as family because we both had Abraham said patri said matriarchal habits Israel had Abraham as their father and we had Abraham as our father so we shared similar habits based upon oral tradition passed on from Abraham to Isaac to Jacob read on until they until they of course until they got involved in Islam go ahead for Abraham Isaac and Jacob must have been as dark as maranan like Solomon was go ahead if not darker if not darker go ahead exhibit every shade of color from the black Jews of Malibar of whom we have such an interesting account by Dr Claudius buan we exhibit every shade of color because every shade of color comes from us in the first place we all different shades even without mixing with white folks we' be high yellow with brown dark jet black blue black that's like that's without mixing God just we can produce that we can produce different colors and shades without the need of Edom and a lot of a lot of these features that white folks have black folks had them first you'll see it the straight nose the thin lips that's over in Ethiopia a lot of them and that's us not unmixed so those are European features no they're not those are negro features but Edom come out of negroes so that's why you know they call them European features but Edom come out of us anyway so a lot but a lot of the features that you think come from white folk black folks had them first they just got all the recessive features at once right they got them all at once exactly so read doing to the Rose and Lily complexion of the Jewish on the banks of the AL that's the fake ones go ahead the converts go ahead we need go no further than the Jews of southern Spain than the Jews of what southern Spain than the Jews of southern Spain go ahead and compare them with those of Holland and Northern Germany the the the same Rose um red ones go ahead Rosy Lily is the red ones the [ __ ] go ahead to perceive a very striking difference why because they're not the same they're not the same the Spanish Jews are dark the German ones are white go ahead the Spanish Jew is always dark complexion the Spanish Jew is always dark complexion keep that in mind keep that in mind Spanish is Jew watch go ahead and his hair is uniformally black and Woolly go ahead whilst the German Jew is often as Fair as any German because he's a German go ahead and has lighter red hair with because he's Edom with blue eyes because he's Edom go ahead the various shades of color observable among the Negro our African race tends to the same conclusion watch along the coast of Guinea which is low marshy and hot we find jet black complexions and this is the very country from which American Negroes have been derived what are they saying that the American Negroes are the same as the Spanish Jews that's what they're saying I'm going to prove that too want to prove it now get me the next book do I want go give me go get me uh the Jews by Morris mace fishberg this is also on um sh Tuesday Bishop brings it out I want page 63 remember the Spanish juice page 63 I got the devil on the page uh damn I want 62 shoot do I want it uh go to 64 that's fine read that right there yep read that these Fair haired Jews created a problem the fair haired is the red one the red remember in the last book redhaired blue eyes blonde hair blue remember that read it again these fair-haired Jews now I'm sorry before you before you even go there go back to the cover you have to cover the book go to that book please blow it up please this is a book called the Jews a study of race and environment by Maurice fishberg you know what Berg mean it means the soo put this together not iuic this is in our book my Maurice fishberg okay just so you so there's no confusion about who put it together and and it was published I believe in 1911 1911 all right let's go back this is get that put that disa that disclaimer out there read that these fair-haired Jews create a problem for Anthropologist created a what a problem for Anthropologist why would they create a problem for Anthropologist Anthropologist is a person that studies people yep why why would these people create a problem for anthropologists read on it is a question whence these Indo geric Jews as virtal call them it is a question when when did these indo or white pale Edomite Jews come from go ahead Viro called them have found their way into the midst of a dark complexion race like the Jews how they find themselves among the dark skinned complexion race like race not religion race dark complexion race like the Jews where they come from if the Jews are black who these guys over here huh now get the next page read the top watch this in fact even the Spanish and Portuguese Jews the Safar Saum is the Spanish Jews go watch this who have been considered to be of a much darker complexion than the Eastern European Jews so the Spanish and Portuguese Jews or safam are considered to be of much darker complexion than the white ones jump down to jump down to the bottom oh you want the go goaz go go up askinazi yeah read that what go read that yeah um read read the whole thing again read the top yes sir in fact even the Spanish and Portuguese Jews the safam who have been considered to be a a much darker complexion than the Eastern European Jews the askanazi also have a fair number of blondes among them as can be seen from the following figures so these Eastern European Jews made their way into Bosnia England North Africa Italy various other areas in turkey and they have blondish hair right that's what it's saying um the hair in the eyes it's small percentage now jump down to those are your those those a quesos now jump down to the safam right here the safam go go yeah move it up some watch this the safam who had been reputed to go watch this have preserved the Jewish type more perfectly are also not lacking in a blond element that's thought I want it let me see thought I want it let me see something something hold on it says it so the the the so-call that put this book together he obviously he was creating confusion that's why like yo where did these other Jews come from but remember they these are the Kazar all right back around the 8th Century they the ones that came into Spain we even have a book that show that they even learned from us they went to our schools and so forth read yeah that's it read again read again I misread it read it again that's it at the bottom yeah at zom go to saom again the Saum remember remember go above again go up go up it says theom are um are of a darker complexion than the Eastern right now go down so you talk about the safam the black ones here read that the Safar who have been reputed to have what to have preserved the Jewish type more perfectly stop so the Spanish and Portuguese Jews preserved the Jewish type more perfectly meaning they retained the features of the original Israelites that's what he's saying go ahead are also not lacking in a blonde element because we inter Mar with Edom they're in Portugal and Spain so they have that black folks of blondish hairir but they maintained the black or dark features of the Israelites the original Israelites so that's why they said we confused now because if these guys were always black who the hell are these guys over here and the blonde element the blonde element found among the black ones is rare but it's there because they were in Spain and Portugal marrying in inter Maring with with Portuguese and Spanish women white women now get me sales of hope I want page 174 all right blow it up let me see it CS of Hope the secret mission of Christopher Columbus the secret mission of Christopher Columbus what could this be about the secret Miss by Simon wisenthal know that is wisenthal I didn't write this book page 174 there's a lot in here too I'm just going to read that one page first though cuz I'll mess around and have your heads explod stuff that's in this book do you want to go down to we do know let me look at it let me see where I want you to go just start from there it's under Start From yeah we do know it's fine we do know however that Columbus sent him together with Rodrigo de zeris I don't know why I want this page ti I'll use anyway I don't know why I have it here I think I vot the wrong page now but it's still good go and read it we do know however that Columbus sent them to together with Rigo de zerz on Shore to communicate with the natives yeah he sent mean leis D Tores he sent his his translator read again we do know however that Columbus sent him him is Lewis dorz his translator his Hebrew translator go ahead together with Rodrigo day zerz go ahead on sh to communicate with the natives to communicate with the natives go ahead and so we can conclude the natives is the natives of America the natives of America the natives of America go ahead and so we can conclude that after the landfall in America the first words addressed to the natives were words of Hebrew so the first words addressed to the Native Americans was Hebrew because they spoke it on this side of the world but you gangs Sayers that say northern kingdom is not Native Americans y'all are stupid as hell read on curiously enough Vasco de Gama was to repeat the experiment a few years later in 1497 while the exposion of the Jews from Portugal was underway de Gama took with him on his voyage to India around the Cape of Good Hope an interpreter of Hebrew so he went around South Africa and found an interpreter of Hebrew go ahead Vasco Damas was also Vasco de's man was also a Jew he another Hebrew interpreter go ahead convert go ahead Gile Nunes who like LS D Tores underwent baptism just before the voyage after The Landing in Calicut on the Malibar coast of India on May 21st 1498 he was the first to go on land he too addressed the inhabitants in Hebrew just as Lewis DET Tores had done 5 years earlier the next page watch this Marco po had already mentioned the presence of Jews on the Malibar Coast remember the last book mentioned the Jews of Malibar being dark skinned so they brought translators with them to visit these people to speak Hebrew so they he visited they visited America to to speak to what Hebrew speaking people and they visited India to Speak the Hebrew speaking people which are Israelites on the Americas and isites in India I don't know why I have this page here but I mean I'm sure serves a purpose at some point um go here you do the so-called pepper coast and what is at present the Indian state of carella yeah I don't want that page I don't want this page but it's it's still good stuff I guess little little uh shot for those of you who doubt northern kingdom I guess I don't know why I put that there whatever all right give me uh 2 Chronicles 17 verse1 yeah read the wrong page but it's okay the book of 2 Chronicles chapter 17 and verse one and Jehoshaphat his son reigned in instead and strengthened himself against Israel and he placed forces in all the fence cities of Judah and set garrisons in the land of Judah and in the cities of Ephraim which ASA his father had taken and the Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he walked in the first ways of his father David he was righteous go ahead and sought not unto balam read a little faster but sought to the Lord God of his father and walked in his Commandments and not after the doings of Israel therefore the Lord established the kingdom in his hand and all Judah brought to Jehoshaphat presents and he had riches in honor in abundance and his heart was lifted up in the ways of the Lord moreover he took away the high places and Groves out of Judah so he was doing right by the Lord Jehoshaphat go ahead also in the third year of his Reign he sent to his princes even to benel and to Obadiah and to Zachariah and to nathel and to Micaiah to teach in the cities of Judah goad and with them he sent Levites even shemiah and naani and zebadiah and Azel and shamaro and jehonathan and AD Adar and tobijah and toban denijah Levites and with them Elisha and jham priest and they took and they taught in Judah and had the book of The Law of the Lord with them and went about throughout all the cities of Judah and taught the people they went out there Street teaching you have man out there going on the corner teaching the people go ahead and the fear of the Lord fell upon all the kingdoms of the land that were round about Judah so that there may no so that they made no war against Jehosaphat come on verse 11 also some of the Philistines some of who some of the Philistines some of the Philistines brought Jehoshaphat presents and tribute silver go ahead and the Arabians brought him flocks so the Philistines and the Arabians they brought us tribute go ahead when we was when we were doing good they were subject to us go ahead 7,700 Rams and 7,700 he gos all right so I'm showing you that here when we ruled we were doing right by the Lord these nations were subject to us we were not subject to them so we're going to take a quick break after this and we're going to give you what happens when we started going against the Lord and how that flipped around all right so y'all stay tuned we'll be right back Israel from Corners the countries Gathering the 12 tribes of Israel we going take the world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we teach hey what happened let me what happened de you don't want to [Music] know a black brother got mad and tried to attack Deacon Malachi yeah we're leaving it though we're leaving it inside this uh Basilica mhm we inside the Basilica nothing but [ __ ] around the only Israelite there besides us is a brother that's deceived by false image of C was here and he has a picture up there of C boy he's on the ground so we go to take pictures of him so Nick Malachi goes up to him and says hey bro you know Jesus ain't white right excuse me get out don't say that we are blaspheming just got get [Music] away how you Blas the name of Jesus the no get away don't blashe here you don't blashe how dare you come here to blashe the name of Jesus ins no get out how dare you Blas here inside the Tabernacle who are you he's not wife man get away get away he get mad and get up and push D get get mad get angry so we had to jump in between them whole scuffle going on Edomite running out there a they scared deep man deep all pray the most high the spirit was on it man Israel n in Christ from Corners the countries Gathering the 12 tribes of Israel we going to take the world hey most high in Christ bless Israel Bishop some of you call me the general and I appreciate that term but today we're going to find out if I'm a general po not 28 [Music] okay Corin brief cap 10 [Music] and for [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] for [Music] Australia austral Indonesia forom [Music] [Music] brothers and sisters most high in Christ blessed we want to thank you all for following Isaiah 11 Ministry we're here to inform you that the local Sabbath classes will now be available in all languages all of the classes from the Bishops deacons and captains will now be available in all languages as it says in Isaiah 11:12 says that the most high shall set up an end sign for the people the book of Isaiah chapter 11 and verse 11 and it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left from Assyria and from Egypt and from paos and from Kush and from Elam and from Shar and from hamat and from the islands of the sea Australia is one of the islands of the sea you have many other islands near Australia for example you have for natu you have Papa New Guinea you have the Solomon Islands all of these are islands of the sea places where the Israelites in the last days will be scattered why because they are suffering God's judgment because they broke his Commandments [Music] to the 12 tribes which are scattered abroad greetings so the same Mission the disciples had is our mission today our mission is unlike any other Mission throughout the world I want everybody to understand that okay there's no group on Earth who has undertaken the true mission of the Disciples of Christ to re resurrect and gather the 12 tries of Israel which have been scattered abro you may call it the diaspora today the Bible uses other words the scatter okay but it's the same thing our people who suffered during the time of colonialization forc migration subah slave trade transatlantic slave trade and it seems like our people have been forgotten about but you're not forgotten there will come a time when black people wake up and become intellectually independent enough to think for themselves as other humans are intellectually independent enough to think for themselves then the black man will feel for other black people and this new thinking and feeling will cause black people to stick together and then at that point you'll have a situation where when you attack one black man you are attacking all black men [Music] all right we're back we're back we're back we are back um left off of Jehoshaphat being doing right by the Lord and because of him being doing right by the Lord he gained wealth power and had the Israelites and the Philistines bring tribute to him let's go to First so that's us doing well get 1st Chronicles 18 and verse 11 Now 1 Chronicles 18 verse 11 the book of 1 Chronicles chapter 18 and verse 11 them also King David dedicated unto the Lord with the silver and the gold that he brought from all these nations so David wants to war with these nations and brought back go brought back these things from them after conquering them read from Edom he conquered Edom and from Moab conquered Moab and from the children of Ammon Ammon and from the Philistines and from amalec all the all these guys were were involved in ons slaving and conquering all of them all of them but David conquered these nations he subjugate he subjugated them all right he subjugated them now um Get Me 2 Chronicles 9:14 those of y'all who have have any any any questions regarding the class of topic you can call us at 26772 6121 that's 267 702 6121 uh 2 Chronicles 9 and14 2 Chronicles chapter 9 and verse1 14 beside that which Chapman and Merchants brought and all the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon so again we were doing right by the Lord in our righteousness these nations were giving us tribute okay we they were being taxed okay or um get me real quick go back to that book I want war the Jews I mentioned earlier I I'll forget uh I mentioned earlier about the berbers you you had Semitic berbers and hemic berbers some of Y say there's the proof of that there right here it's called The War of the war of the of the afro Asian Jews all right black Jews that's what it means afro Jews of the East Asia go down to for centuries Jews have been living for centuries Jews have been living at peace with the semetic negroid berbers with the Semitic negroid berbers go ahead or htic berbers or htic berbers go ahead in lands we call Morocco Algeria and Tunisia after 1,000 BCE the barber Coast was settled by Phoenicians from Lebanon which is us that was Israelites so we we we're the oldest inhabitant that settled the northern Northwestern regions of Africa the uh it says the Semitic negro berbers or says the Jew the Jews had lived amongst the at peace with the Semitic negro berbers which is their own people or the htic berbers which is is ham that we conquered and pushed there for Joshua so you had htic bers and you had the um Semitic negroid berbers two distinct ones one ham one Shem the Jews was that piece with them because the negroid berbers conquered the htic ones we took over so the Jews is cool the Jews are safe were safe there that's all I want and we have been there since the time of um of Hannibal basically even um da da yeah da yeah exactly um which is around 800 BC yeah all right give me uh 2 Chronicles 21 verse um 1 2 Chronicles 21 and verse1 now Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of David and jehoram his son reigned in his stead here we go and he had Brethren the sons of Jehoshaphat Azariah and jahel and Zachariah and Azariah and Mel and shefah all these were the sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel and their father gave them great gifts of silver and of gold and of precious things with fence cities in Judah but the kingdom gave he to jehoram because he was the firstborn the oldest good but when Jor was risen up to the kingdom of his father he strengthened himself and slew all his Brethren with the sword oh gosh here we go go ahead and diverse also of the princes of Israel little to his father go ahead J was 3 and2 years old when he began to Reign and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem and he walked in the way of the king of Israel like as did the house of Ahab for he had the daughter of Ahab to wife oh he married ahab's um daughter Judah gosh go ahead and he wrought that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord how be it the Lord will not destroy the House of David because of the Covenant that he had made with David and as he promised to give a light to him and to his sons forever and his son and in the days of Ed sorry and in his days the [ __ ] revolted from under the Dominion of Judah this is a time when Edom broke the Yoke they broke and rebelled against Judah once Judah went off they were able to do what Rebel and go and do their own thing and set their own King go ahead and made them themselves a king made themselves a king they became Sovereign now go ahead then jeor went forth with his princes and all his chariots with him and he rose up by night and smot the [ __ ] which compassed him in and they went to war with us go ahead and the and the captains of the Chariots so the [ __ ] revolted from under the hand of Judah until this day mhm the same day also did same time also the same time also did libna Revolt from under his hand here we go because he had forsaken the Lord God of his father Nation gain power we start going off nations gain upper hand go ahead moreover he made high places in the mountains of Judah and caus to inhab caus the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit fornication here we go and compelled Judah thereto and there came a writing to him from Elijah the prophet saying thus sayith the Lord God of David thy father because thou Hast not walked in the ways of Jehosaphat thy father nor in the ways of Asa king of Judah but H has walked in the way of the Kings of Israel and H has made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to go a whoring like to the whoredoms of the House of Ahab and has slain thy Brethren the father thy father's house which were better than thyself damn behold with a Great Plague will the Lord Smite thy people and thy children and thy wives and thy goods and thou shalt have a great Sickness by disease of thy Bow Wow until thy boughs fall out by reason of the sickness day by day yo most high smoked this dude with a plague to have his bows fall out day by day go ahead moreover the Lord stirred up against jehoram the spirit of the Philistines and of the Arabians and of the Arabs now they're starting to revolt against us because we started going off go ahead and sorry there were near that were near the Ethiopians uhhuh and they came up into Judah and break into it they came into Judah these two Philistines and Arabs came into Judah go ahead and break into it broke into our realm our realm go ahead and carried away all the substance that was found in the King's house come on and his sons also son and his wives so that there was never left a son sorry so that there was never a son left him save jeho the youngest of his sons so the Arabs and the hamites got together and raided a Judah territory why am I why are we reading this is this does this sounds very very familiar hamites and Arabs raiding a community of of Judah now let's get uh 22 and verse one 2 Chronicles chapter 22 let me make sure make sure make sure hold on 17 I want I don't want to miss nothing hold on read on read on read on read on yes sir 18 verse 18 and after all this the Lord smoke him with it in it B in his bows with an incurable disease messed him up mess um jeor up go ahead and it came to pass that in the process of time after the end of two years his boughs fell out by reason of his sickness Jes so he died a of sore diseases and his people made no burning for him cuz he was an evil dude go ahead like the burning of his fathers 30 and two years old was he when he began to Reign and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years and departed without being desired he died and no one cared how be it they buried him in the city of David but not in the sers of the king wasn't worthy of being called damn that's a terrible dishonor 22:1 2 Chronicles 22 and verse1 mhm and the inhabitants of Jerusalem made ahaziah his youngest son King in instead one that survived go ahead for the band of men that came with the Arabians to the camp had slain all the elders so ahaziah the son of jehoram King of Judah reigned so one was spared they didn't get so the Arabs and hamites didn't get all of them all right now I'm messing that mic up now uh get me what do I want we get into it give me Nehemiah 2:10 the book of Nehemiah chapter 2 and verse 10 hold on let make sure write that book down I mean I forgotten it I'm have to pull it now hold on hold on nope not not yet not yet not all right go ahead Nehemiah 2 and verse 10 when samalot the horonite and toah the servant the ammonite heard of it it grieved them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel read again I'm sorry read again please read that again he read that thing like I lost my breath oh man Nehemiah 2 verse 10 that's my favorite program y slipping up it man where n y don't need it's all right y good faor program take a [Laughter] look not living that down not living that down so you know you're not living that down so you know yeah where we at Nehemiah 4 Nehemiah chap 2 and verse 10 yeah read that when samot the horite and tobiah the servant the ammonite heard of it it grieved them exceedingly that Jerusalem was being rebuilt they were upset go ahead that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel Nehemiah go ahead so it came to so I came wait wait wait read on read on read on so I came to Jerusalem and was there three days and I Rose in the night I and some few men with me neither told I any man what M what my God had put in my heart to do Jerusalem neither was there any Beast with me save the Beast that I rode upon and I went out by Night by the gate of the valley even before the dragon well and to the dung port and viewed the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down and the gates thereof were consumed with fire because this is the aftermath of Babylon when Babylon burned Jerusalem down Nehemiah had to come behind jubel and Joshua and repair the walls and the houses that were burned cuz they they repaired the they um went and built the repaired the temple um and Nehemiah had to return and build and Ezra had to go and rebuild the wall and the houses around go ahead verse 14 then I went on to the gate of the fountain and to the king's pool but there was no place for the Beast that was under me to pass then went I up in the Night by the Brook and viewed the wall and turned back and entered by the gate of the valley and so returned jump down to the point which time 18 Verse 18 then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me as also the king's me King's words that he had spoken unto me and they said let us rise up and build rise up and build Jerusalem go ahead so they strengthened their hands for this good work 19 but when samalot the horonite samalot the horonite was in moabit okay samalot was a moabit go ahead and tobiah the servant the ammonite ammonite and gam the Arabian and gam the Arabian go ahead heard it they laughed us to scorn and despised us and said what is this thing that ye do will ye rebel against the king verse 20 then answered I them and and said unto them the god of Heaven he will prosper us therefore we his servants will arise and build watch this but ye have no portion nor right nor Memorial in jerus Jerusalem so why are Arabians in the land Dam they don't belong there they have no right no portion no Memorial in Jerusalem they do not belong in Palestine they don't belong there they have no right to have that land at all they conquered it through Islamic conquest and took it over our forefather said you guys have no right to even be over here now get me Nehemiah 4:6 so it says guess from the Arabian samalot the moit chayah the ammonite give me um nemiah 4 and6 the book of Nehemiah chapter 4 and verse 6 so built we the wall and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof for the people had a mind to work verse seven but it came to pass that when samalot and toia and the Arabians now it's plural samalot the moabit saaya the ammonite go ahead and the Arabians and the Arabians go ahead and the ammonites and more ammonites behind saah and the ashdod ites hamites heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up and that the breaches began to be stopped then they were very raw verse eight and conspired all of them together what and conspired all of them together they conspired all of them together Arabs and hamites and moabites and ammonites conspir together seeing us rebuild our home go ahead to come and to fight against Jerusalem and to hinder it so these nations were always against the rebuilding of our nation the rebuilding of our home the rebuilding of our people they've always been against it they Ops that's they're biblical Ops that's what they are now get me Psalms 90 6 verse4 so it said we can't really conquer them physically because they'll whip out behind so we got to come a different way now we can conquer them but once we conquer them how can they how can we keep how can we keep them in a way where they stay conquered what can we do get Psalms 96 verse um four and five The Book of Psalms chapter 96 and verse4 for the Lord is great and greatly to be praised he is to be feared Above All Gods he to be feared Above All Gods read the next verse for all the gods of the nations are Idols but the Lord made the heavens the all the all the gods of the nations are made up they Fabrications they're not real they do they're not real at all now get me 2 Chronicles 32: 19 see what that says real quick before I move on 2 Chronicles 32:1 19 what that say 2 Chronicles chap 32 and verse 19 and they spake against the god of Jerusalem as Against The Gods of the people of the earth which were the work of the hands of man so the gods of the people of all the Earth of the Earth are the work of the hands of men the gods they are the gods they have are made up they're not real get Isaiah 37:18 what see what that says Isaiah 37:18 Isaiah chapter 37 and verse 18 of a truth Lord the kings of Assyria have laid waste all the nations and their countries watch this and have cast their gods Into the Fire they cast their gods Into the Fire go ahead for they were no gods they were not Gods go ahead but the work of a man's hands but the work of men's hands go ahead wood and stone wood and stone therefore they have destroyed them so their gods are destroyed their gods were nothing they were the work of men's hands all the nations outside of Israel have made up Gods their gods are not real none of them are real check this up what we got here the awkward moment that awkward moment wow that awkward moment when you have to save your God because it cannot save itself and therefore cannot save you either damn damn Jeremiah 10 neither walk yeah can walk it must beans be born you carry your gues across y carry your Gods around hey D that's why that's why in Isaiah he said I will carry you even in your old age the Lord carries us yep give me Isaiah give me Leviticus 26 verse1 The Book of Leviticus chapter 26 and verse one ye shall make no Idols nor Graven image neither rear you up a standing image neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land to bow down unto it for I am the Lord your God hold on a second read it again I I'm try to find something real fast when you're done just to talk or something I'm going find something real quick hey give me um give me Deuteronomy 4 and start at 16 just to show you just to show you that there's nothing they could do about the gods that they have the most high put in a spirit to worship those Idols give me that the book of Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 16 let she corrupt yourselves and make you a Graven image make you a Graven image the cross the Cobblestone go ahead the similitude of any figure the similitude of anything the likeness of anything thing go ahead the likeness of a of male or female the likeness of any Beast that like the likeness of a male you got what um Buddha the likeness of male or female you have Buddha all right you have uh white jesus CES you have uh was it uh Hil Mary oh yeah female hell oh Virgin Mary the likeness of read that part again asov read that part again the likeness of male or female Vishnu Krishna go ahead the likeness of any Beast that is on the Earth the likeness of any Wing foul that fth in the air the likeness of anything that creepeth on the earth like um the uh who is it I think it was Persia Persia they had the um they had the wing not the scar right that was that zian zian thei man I sent to you Manny I sent to you go ahead read on the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the Earth yeah Dagon Deon go ahead and lest thou lift up thine eyes unto Heaven uhh and when thou seest the sun and the moon and the stars even all the host of Heaven should us be driven to worship them should we be driven to worship them go ahead and serve them and and we serve them the Israelites read which the Lord thy God hath divided unto all nations read that part again which the Lord thy God hath divided unto all Nations under the whole heaven so showing you there's nothing they could do about they have to worship idols cuz they they don't have a God the most high divided unto all the nations Idols MH all right read it again the 26:1 again one more time so there's no confusion because when it comes to Islam they say that the prophets are Muslims okay no problem the prophets are the Bible somehow became Muslims even though even though the Bible predates Islam hundreds of years thousands of years somehow all the prophets are Muslims no problem read that please Leviticus 26 and verse one uh-huh ye shall make no Idols nor graving image neither rear you up a standing image a cabba a cube go ahead neither shall ye set up any image of stone image of a stone that in your land in your land to bow down unto it to do what to bow down unto it that's what they're doing in this picture here they're bowing down to a stone millions millions of them in a standing image stand go ahead for I am the Lord your God because I am your God this has been going on long before the cop Now give me that I sent you britanica real fast Botanica get Matthew one about it's about to start it's going to get real bad from here let's get it deep Black Stone of Mecca let's read it Black Stone of Mecca Muslim object of veneration Muslim object of veneration look up veneration please definition can't rep pass that word Muslim object of veneration what do veneration mean read that veneration or veneration of of saints is the act of honoring a saint a person who has been identified as having a high degree of sanctity or Holiness angels are shown similar veneration in many religions definition please that's that's not enough I need well get get venerate get venerate venerate take out i o n put e venerate there we go go down venerate regard with great respect revered synonyms revered Reverend respect worship worship go ahead adate hollow hollow deified deify idolize idolize idolize go ahead hold sacred exalt exalt honor exem look up to thinkk highly of pay homage to pay tribute to adore praise extol agiz lionize hold in awe stand in awe of Marvel at Value put on a pedestal magnify Lord revered respected esteemed honored holy venerate means to worship go back to the definition go back to the word again Banica again read it again now we know what the word means Black Stone of Mecca Muslim object of veneration we're going to take out the word venerate and put warship there Blackstone Blackstone Muslim object of Warship go ahead built into the eastern wall of the cabba uh-huh small Shrine within the great Mosque of Mecca come on and probably dating from the pre-islamic religion of the Arab that stone dates predates Islamic the Islamic religion it predates it I'm going to show you where it was before Islam came about what it was it was an idol I'mma show you read on it now consists of three large pieces and some fragments surrounded by a stone ring and held together with a silver band according to popular Islamic Legends according to what popular Islamic Legend according to popular Islamic Legend no evidence nothing it's just Legend myth go ahead the stone was given to Adam on his Fall From Paradise God gave adam a Rock when he got kicked out of paradise huh Lord knows why he gave him a rock for but read on it was originally white but has become Black by absorbing the sins of the thousands of pilgrims whoa whoa whoa whoa so the stone was white when he gave it to Adam and when man got a hold of it and started it kissing it and humping on it all their sins were absorbed into the Rock and it became black read again please I'm joking about the humping part but still funny read it again the stone was given to Adam on his Fall From Paradise and was originally white but has become Black by absorbing the sins of the thousands of pilgrims who have kissed and touched it stop hey yo so when you kiss so when you kiss the rock that's foreplay go oh not now not now hey yo hey yo go here in the humpster wall yeah I'm like humster stone wall and these guys kissing and L and Li It Anyway the point of anyway the you guys y'all man Nations is something else man anyway the point is that this Stone basically cleans you of your sins so y'all get y'all get mad at Christians and go how a man die for your sins but a stone absolves you of yours you get you mock Christians for saying a man died for s been turned around and say a rock basically cleanse you of yours what sound both that sound ridiculous a man sound more practical that make more sense but a stone c a stone cleanses your sins read on and 9:30 it was carried away by the Fanatics of the cartian sect and held for ransom about 20 years y'all believe this stuff y'all purly believe this okay now get me baroo 3:16 Now understand I'm not attacking um my people who subscribe who subscribe to this what I'm doing is I'm trying to bring an awareness to the fact that this this religion is was created by Nations outside of us we don't belong in this religion if is if the Israelites want to honor and reverence the stone and honor Muhammad as their prophet and kiss a stone and love it and rub it whatever let them do that I'm trying to pull my people out of that and I'm going to show you as we go on through the lesson I'm going to show you why that religion has nothing to do with you I'mma show you baroo chapter what 3 and 16 baroo chapter 3 and verse 16 where are the princes of the Heathen become and such as R sry skipping where oh come on man come on come on man come on man congratulations [ __ ] BR 3:1 16 where are the princes of the Heathen become and such as rule the beasts upon the Earth context is where the Heathen become read on verse 17 they that had their Pastime with the fowls of the air and they that hoarded up silver and gold wherein men trust and made no end of their greeding Nations do this they come and they go they they're here today gone tomorrow go ahead where's their wealth now they're gone go ahead for they that rought in silver and were so sorry and they that rought in silver and were so careful and whose work are uncurable they are vanished and gone down to the Grave they die they got they they go they conquer they they take wealth and so forth accumulate all this wealth and they die even get behind go ahead and others are come up in their stads young men have seen light young men of heathens have seen light and dwelt upon the Earth come on but the way of knowledge have they not known so heathens gather up wealth and power but they don't but the way of have knowledge they have not known watch this nor understood the paths of thereof nor laid hold of it watch this their children were far off from that way the Nations or their children their descendants were far off from the way of knowledge this Bible watch this and it hath not been heard of in Canaan the way of knowledge was not heard of among the hamites go ahead neither hath it been seen Inon or the ottoman Turks or [ __ ] the Turks or [ __ ] same thing to man they're wise men and ain't heard from them go ahead the agarin that seek wisdom upon Earth the agarin that seek wisdom upon the Earth give me that real quick type in I want you to type in uh who are the the hagarenes yo you good bro yeah see like you trying to read the whole chapter as one verse congrat your brother told us how you be all in the reading and [ __ ] haar that reading [ __ ] is hard son no I mean like it's hard like I mean like yo it's hard yo like I mean like yo know I mean like the books like yo like know I [Laughter] mean all right congratulations negro conratulations congratulate me for reading congratulations [ __ ] that show was good man all right where we at all right you say there read that hagaren the name used interchangeably with isites there you go the hagarenes are Hagar you had Abraham and Hagar Hagar married um ishra married Abraham and the these Arabs or Israelites named themselves after their mother Hagar or Hagar agarin read again the name used interchangeably with ishmaelites go ahead came also to mean any Muslim damn so damn son wow I didn't know that was even there where did you find that an example of his current usage is arani a name used for Bulgarian Muslims and colloquial Bulgarian colloquial Bulgarian cuz the bulgarians were [ __ ] that converted to Islam in the Middle Ages that's why Islam is there bulgarians or bulgars Edomite Arabs I'm sorry [ __ ] that convert to Islam over there in Europe they're called bulgars or bulgarians but they call themselves hagarenes also even though they're not really hagarenes by race but the hagaren by religion so hagarenes is in reference to Israelites or Muslims read bro again baroo chter 3 and verse 23 the agarin that seek wisdom upon Earth the agarin or Muslims the Arabs they seek wisdom upon the Earth go ahead the merchants of Moran and Merchants of Moran are midianites Midian that's curus kids who was or people today called Afghani afghanis that's Midian or bins some bedan tribes are afghanis midianites go ahead and of teeman Tean will be your Edomite or Edomite Arabs over there in Turkey go ahead the authors of fables what are the agarin what are the midianites what are the semites the authors of fable like a legend of a the legend of Adam being cast out of heaven when given a white stone you kiss it and absorbs your sins that's a fable there's no EV where's the evidence of this that Adam was released out of K out of paradise and given a a White Rock where is the evidence of this I want to see it where is it it's BS it's garbage bring it out de so you black folks don't want to follow this religion man I I I am dumb founded I dumb founded by this man I'm dumbfounded by it all right woa Goose anyway read verse 23 verse 23 the agarin that seek wisdom upon Earth Earth the merchants of Moran midan and of Tean Edom the authors of fables the agarin Taman and Midian are authors of fables make things up they make their gods up read on and Searchers out of understanding and they search they seek understanding remember um I'll get to that later on but they sought wisdom of who their ancestors were and the Jews gave it to them your forefathers ishma and they were happy to hear it I'm going get to that later on Lord's roll in time go ahead and the lessons go ahead ahead lessons ahead go ahead none of these have known the way of wisdom none of these have known the way of wisdom none of these know or understand the Bible that's what he's saying or the prophets or Moses read or remember her past or remember her paths they do not have the knowledge that God gave Israelites they don't have it it's not present with them that's why I said before they can have the they can have their Legends they can have the C I have no problem they want to go down there and battle it listen have a have that I have no problem with them ish go over there bow down to it reverence it love it Muhammad is your Prophet cool great I'm talking to the so-called black Hispanic Native Americans and those of the diaspora that subscribe to that I'm talking to you I want you to forsake it that's not doesn't belong to you that God don't belong to you that Prophet don't belong to you their book don't belong to you I'm pulling you out of that let is let the palestin so-called Palestinian let them have that that's what they were made to that's they made the do that's their God that's their Legends that's their Fable let them F behind their fables they're Acclaim they're acclaimed fables it's fine for them but you our people get out of there get out you have but you have your own true God that looks like you come out from among them come out from among them exactly get that get that 2 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 17 wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate this what the Bible says the L the Lord said come out from among them and be ye separate go ahead sayth the Lord and touch not the unclean thing the unclean thing is the idols of these other nations Christianity Islam Buddhism tosm politics all that is all it's all nonsense read and I will receive you and I will receive you go ahead I'll give you understanding that they don't have go ahead and I will be a father unto you I will be a father unto you do y'all know that they don't that that if that they say that Jesus and all the prophets were were Muslim but they're not allowed to call Allah their father they they believe that Allah is the master and they're the servants if you ask them um can you do you call Allah your father they'll say no he's my master so but the B but the prophets called the heavenly father or God who you say Allah they call father all throughout the Bible Christ said father numerous times but he's a Muslim but if if if if the prophets are Muslims why they refer to Allah as y' would say as father but y'all say we can't call him a father because they weren't Muslims yeah that stuff came later on read on and I will be a father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters sayith the Lord Almighty the Lord Almighty now get me real quick um I want Wikipedia hagrites so you have agarin hagarenes and they're also referred to as hagrites all right give me Psalms 83 first I a write that down Psalms 8 think it's in Psalms Psalms 83 verse four real quick we can get get past it that's what the that's what the names these are these are the enemies that conspired against us back in Nehemiah 4:6 to8 Psalms chapter 83 and verse four read verse uh three verse three verse three they have taken crafty counsel against thy people uhhuh and consulted against thy hidden ones these nations got together go ahead hag say h a g um h a g r i t s take out that R Che out the a yes right there read read again they have taken crafty counsel against thy people people and against your people go ahead and consulted against thy hidden ones because because of their counsel we became hidden our identity was hidden from us read on they have said come and let us cut them off from being a nation these nations said come let us cut them off from being a nation the Arabs call us AAL alab that means the people of the scriptures or people of the book AAL popul of people Al the kab the pages or the book they call us that they know we Israelites if you I challenge y'all who watching right now you come across a so-called Arab or turk ask them um according to the Quran um who is your forefather is it Ishmael they're going to say yes yes yes yes yes brother yes yes yes yes they'll be they'll be excited to talk about that oh all Praises all all Praises allam alayum all Praises all Praises let me ask you a question another question sure sure um if Ishmael is the forefather of you who is the forefather of me in the Quran who's my forefather going to give you two answers we're all children of God we're all children of Abraham or it doesn't matter those are the three going to give you those three I I gu I guarantee you put money on it I guarantee you it's gonna be those three answers doesn't matter children of Abraham um or children of God they might give you Isaac they will not say Jacob why read verse four again they have said come and let us cut them off from being a nation why that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance no more in their reme that's why the Anthropologist had a hard time saying where these guys come from we know historically the Jews are black where these ason he come from because our identity is no longer in remembrance in the world most of the world don't know who we are including us read on for they have consulted together with one consent they are Confederate against thee against our God and against us go ahead the Tabernacles of Edom white folk number one Edom and the Israelites Israelites number two Arabs go ahead of Moab Moab this Chinese number three and the hagaren more that's Muslims that's the Arabs again hagarenes Arabs now let's go back cuz not all is not all Israelites are Muslim not all of them are but the the primary but yeah pretty much not all of them are Muslim but some are Christian but the point is that the the Wild Ones is Israelites children also but the hagarenes are Arabs Now read that here hagit the hagrites also spell Hagar or Hagar and called hagarenes let me rephrase that most most Israelites are Muslim yes some are Christian and the ones who are not who are not Muslim get killed by the ones that that are Muslim go ahead and called hagarenes agarin and Sons of agar were associated with the Israelites mentioned in the Hebrew Bible uhhuh the inhabitants of the region of jitar nefesh and adab lying east of Gilead come on their name is understood to be related to that of the biblical Hagar right they live a nomadic animal hurting lifestyle in sparsely populated land east of the Israelites right so that's that's ishel now get me Jeremiah 2 wait it says stop stop by the vents keep going keep going keep going stop by the vents I don't know why but let's keep going according to wait where's the vents at find the vents so I know where we stop at okay yeah stop stop this go back up read from start there Yep this is good read the whole thing according to 1st Chronicles 5: 18- 22 the reubenites gadites and the half of the tribe of manessa and Gilead brought 44,7 60 to battle with the hagrites and defeated them we went to war ishel go ahead through the battle the Ruben knits captured the hagri land as well as 50,000 camels 250,000 sheep two 2,000 donkeys finally the reubenites capture 100,000 hagrites men women and children and held them as captives according to Theodore uh NCT these numbers are enormously exaggerated no they not read on King David of Israel made jaziz the hagit steward of his flocks but the hagrites are not mentioned in the historical books as a distinct people after the reign of King David watch this in Psalms 83 and6 the hages are included in a list of 10 peoples a list of 10 peoples go ahead that form a coalition that form a coalition to do what to attack Israel watch this for the purpose of wiping it off the map for the purpose of wiping it out of existence watch this because the war described in Psalms 83 watch has not yet occurred historically but it is often designated at a prophetic Psalm describing future events Dam that's prophecy Psalms 83 is all prophecy right didn't happen during David's time didn't happen during salon's time happened later when we were conquered they conspired later and we are we are the walking end result you stupid negro saying we're victims that's the end result there we are the end result of that Coalition that Injustice League of Nations we still crazy now now get me Jeremiah 227 Jeremiah 2:27 fables following fables the book of Jeremiah chapter 2 and verse 27 saying to a stock Thou Art my father this is what Israel does saying to a stock Thou Art my father or Thou Art my master same thing and to a stone thou Hast brought me forth go ahead for they have turned their back unto me and not their face but in the time of their trouble they will say arise and save us cu the Nations that rever or venerate that stone would enslave us and we will be crying to the Lord to save us from them get uh 3:2 Jeremiah chapter 3 and verse two where we where we learn this from verse two they say no three Jeremiah lift up thine eyes unto the high places and see where thou Hast not been lying with always messed around with the other nations in their idolatry or or them physically go ahead and the ways hast thou sat for them sat to learn as the Arabian in the wilderness we sat and learned from the Arabian in the wilderness read on and thou has polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness come to verse nine verse nine and it came to pass through the light likeness of her whoredom that she defiled the land and what and committed adultery with stones and and with stocks with stones and with stocks cuz that cobblestone was an idol it's it's a pre-islamic stone it's one of the idols that they worship they worshiped 360 gods for each day of the year the cabba being one of them and we worshiped those guys over there when we got over there we worshiped them and I dare any Muslim to come out call the show give number again the number put it up that they're watching I challenge you to call the show and to prove me wrong that that that that stone was not an idol before Muhammad made it made it this one 26772 6121 26772 6121 prove to me when you call that that stone was not an idol before it was before it was eventually Allowed by Muhammad to be um putting that you know being honored now get me where we at time we got all right a little bit more time I'm try to stop I'm stop 10 more minutes give me uh 19:35 watch this Stone venerating venerating a stone is not is not new it's not new at all acts 193 33 the book of Acts chapter 19:33 and they drew Alexander out of the multitude the Jews putting him forward and Alexander beckoned with the hand and would have made his defense unto the people but when they knew that he was of a was a Jew all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out great is Diana of the Ephesians great is Diana of the Ephesians great is Diana of the Ephesians go ahead and when the town clerk had appeased the people he calm them down go ahead he said ye men of Ephesus what man is there that thou knowest not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the Great Goddess Diana now you see this image here is asth is ishar well her name is also in the Greek Diana Diana is the same Diana in Justice League you call Wonder Woman today right and your flash is Hermes and your Batman is Hades and your Superman is Zeus and I think cyborg is misto or something like that or some kind of God but these are all gods Queen of Heaven Queen of Heaven Diana Gaia Mother Earth Mother Nature that's her there Isis that's her there EST Easter Yer that's her all right read on she know she's Stone here now read on or that's not Stone that's some kind of what is that what textures what is that that material she's made of ivory Ivory marble yeah marble I said marble we on and of the image which fell down from Jupiter she wait wait wait who Her Image fell down from where from Jupiter Her Image fell from space cuz most say that that's Rock and over there Mecca is a meteorite she fell from heaven read on seeing then that these things cannot spoken against ye ought to be quiet and to do nothing rashly so the deifying of stones and things falling from the sky it's nothing new there's another God I think is called name is the god is cibil C YB L E I think the God cibil she also Rock another rock God that fell from the sky that they reverenced back then as well think is c y try that one try c y Rock God C YB l c YB l e real quick quick I'm just shooting from I'm just shooting from the hip right here this is all this is just you know off top let me see it cble you click cble Wikipedia let me see it go we go down Mo mother yeah mother Mountain mother National deity Feria go down fergan cult go down Greece c m reception and no one equivalent TOA J with warship to go down Rome hold on georan goddess anaas go down Anatolia go down type in stone let me see if it if it mentions what she's she's stone or rock or something try to find in the page stone or Rock try rock yeah rock or stone goddess whatever Rock whatever that let see go up go up there we go yeah click click that find that in there dang I know I wasn't bugging out I knew I was Cil click that and go to that part where it says that there we go read that please regarding civil in the second century ad you want me to get to the point just read to the point yep at pasinos in Feria this is a god Worship in Feria go ahead the mother goddess identif by the Greeks as cibil took the form of an unshaped Stone of black meteoric Iron Dam go ahead it may have it may have been associated with or identical to uh adist adist Panino's Mountain deity this was the aniconic stone that was removed to Rome in 204 black stones are nothing new nothing new D of the Ephesians cibil it's all the same same old was saying I know I wasn't bugging out I said siil man all prais oh gosh get me uh foundations of Islam how much much time I have 3 330 ah number four I'm I'll let it ride I'll let it right chill I'll chill I'll chill I'll chill I'll chill I'm I'm GNA go there i g go in next time next time we're going to go in the foundations of Islam we're going to get some more information about this religion the doctrine that holds um um do I want to pull it do I want to use it save it yeah save it save it save it save it all right all right right let them let let them marinate all what this came out yeah yeah yes sir yeah so hope you guys enjoyed the lesson if you got friends and family who are in Islam I would encourage you to have them watch this have them watch the show if they believe in the Bible as well as most Muslims claim to profess to accept the Bible to to a degree so have them you know follow along you know if they have questions they can call in or text in I have no problem with that as long as it's in ref as long as it's in reference to the show's topic which will be you know the Islamic slave trade Islam all right so hope you guys enjoyed the show and Shalom fall back and shal hey Isel let's give a hand for the Deep all praise the most high great great class V Slayer is bad that's Avenger PR for our read too she tried yeah you got to give him special glasses that thank you that's what I remember that's what I like the most I got something for you Manny all right oh man let's get to these announcements all right remember to subscribe on YouTube and Instagram to our hidden history radio all right make sure you hit the notifications button so you know when we go live you don't want to miss any episode also subscribe to our Philly channels iic Philadelphia and I Philadelphia in the classroom to get the content and latest camp videos from the Deacon and captains and officers of iuic Philly donate to the boot to iuic Philadelphia for our hidden history you can donate on PayPal to i. Philadelphia at israelunite.org in the comment section put ohh you can also donate to the booster club you can donate to the booster Club on PayPal Cletus Cletus I'm sorry Mortimer and Cletus Cletus and Biff and Mortimer Cletus I told I was going to say it but I W forget it Cletus proceed proceed my mind me is Cletus next time write that write that down in the note yeah write that down Cletus and Mortimer Cletus and Mortimer you can donate to the booster club on PayPal bother me I figure it out you can donate on PayPal to the booer club on i.f fundraising at is night.org or subscribe to iyc TV to get exclusive content from the leadership of I oh God this [Music] dude what's wrong with this dude today man this guy got a whole gumd DRFT in his mouth or something he's reading the script your brother told us how you be all in the reading oh let's try again bro I'm sorry I couldn't tell I couldn't help him man you been eing up all day man oh man for me he s the D from boots Almighty remember he's drowning he's drowning s Satan took hold of my lips at the the last minute oh man subscribe subscribe to iic TV and get excl exclusive content from the leadership of iuy we need that as a sound bite yeah and tune in next to Raven and wolves with Deacon malif fire oh man all right next all right for iyc missings persons we we are looking for our sister Anala London McIntyre uh she was she is 12 years old female hair red eye color brown height five five weight 130 all right her last scene uh whereabouts was uh what's that April 20th thank you April 20th and no clothing description is is uh is known all right if you do see it make sure you reach out to your local authorities and let's help find our sisters all right next Shalom we're seeking assistance to enhance our national broadcast kindly spare a minute to provide feedback by answering five brief questions all right so just make sure you you scan that QR code you write down specifics you know sometimes you want to know who actually did that sound bite or who who Who's why is the volume Sol low damn homie we'll be glad to give you their names yeah yeah we can give you the names we name jop over here yeah yeah we definitely do manual is spelled m a n u e l oh man just make sure you spell it right we want to get specific we want to help the people flashlight throwing people on the bus right now that's the name no no no I'm putting them on the bus I'm putting them on but yeah that's it all right so hope you guys enjoyed the show we're going to go in next week Lord's will Lord's will we're going to go in on this Doctrine this Fable we got to do it to pull our people out of these strongholds out of these doctrines to the best of our ability so with that y'all stay tuned hang on it's going to be a crazy ride next week so with that we say shalom most high Christ bless thanks for watching the show bless [Music]