this is a Harvard University course taught by Dr David Meen and we are proud to bring it to the freeo camp YouTube channel throughout a series of lectures Dr men will teach you how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently and make sure to check the description for a lot of extra resources that go along with the [Music] course [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this is cs50 Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual Enterprises of computer science and the Arts of programming my name is David man and I actually took this course myself back in 1996 I was a sophomore at the time I was actually concentrating in government because a year prior as a first year I'd come into Harvard thinking that I liked high stre and constitutional law and sort of similar classes in high school and so when I got here I rather gravitated toward that which was familiar I figured if I liked and if I were good at that particular subject in high school then that's presumably who I'm supposed to be here but it wasn't until sophomore year that I got up the nerve to step foot in the cs50 classroom and even then it was only out of curiosity like I had no intention of studying computer science of even taking cs50 when I got to campus but people were talking about it and there was a lot of like beware and it was it perhaps for the initiated only and I didn't really know ultimately what computer science was but for me the sort of light bulb went off and I found that contrary to what I had seen in high school where I saw friends of mine like programming away in the computer lab heads down sort of anti-socially just doing whatever it was they were doing it really wasn't that once I got to this particular class in this particular place it was much more about problem solving more generally and just learning how to express yourself in code in different languages so that you can actually solve problems of interest to you even if you have no intention of being a computer scientist or an engineer but just want to be able to solve problems analyze data do interesting things in the Arts Humanity social sciences physical sciences or really any other field and indeed this particular path led me to computer science but the hope for cs50 more generally is that indeed you just find your way to applying principles that you'll learn over the coming months to whatever field is of interest to you with that said it was definitely a lot of work and not without its frustrations for me but there was no better feel then like banging your head proverbial against the wall for some number of hours even days trying to fix a bug a mistake in your code and then oh my God the rush of emotion of accomplishment of pride of exhaustion when you finally solve some problem that's really been weighing on you it's just so incredibly gratifying but also empowering because unlike a lot of fields the computer science was built by humans themselves and so if a human built this surely you another human can understand it as well and so even though there's going to be some distractions along the way you're going going to see what looks incredibly cryptic if you've never programmed before over time and with practice everything just starts to make more sense and with time and with practice you just get better at this particular field and indeed really the key to success in programming in general is just to allow yourself enough time and so at least thankfully I quickly got into the habit of starting early in the week for instance when writing actual code why because you're going to like run up against a wall you're not going to see some bug something's not going to jump out at you and that's fine that's when you sort of call it a day take a break move move on to something else and then just come back to it and that's what keeps programming fund for me even all of these years later whether it's teaching or actually applying it but there's uh down the road a history of uh an MIT hack and it looked a little something like this in yester year and there was a little sign the MIT students when they made this hack uh on the wall that says getting an education from MIT is like drinking from a fire hose which indeed they have connected to what should have been otherwise just a water fountain and that's going to be what it feels like sometimes not just in computer science per se but just in UNAM familiar field if you're not from stem if you're not from CS that's fine but so much of it ultimately is going to be absorbed by you and going to be uh within your grasp by term Zen so just keep in mind that's that's very much the intent but you'll be amazed what you're able to create to accomplish uh just three or so months hence indeed 2third of you contrary to what you might think or assume have never taken a CS class before so it's absolutely not the case that the person to the left and to the right surely must know more than you indeed it's quite the opposite and as you'll see in the coming weeks as you write your own code and solve your own problems what ultimately matters in this course is not so much where you end up relative to your classmates but where you end up relative to yourself when you began and it really is all about that Delta whether you've programmed or not just getting something out of a class like this and and if it does take time and if you do feel those frustrations but you simultaneously eventually feel that sense of accomplishment that just means it's all working and indeed hopefully all the more worthwhile and gratifying ultimately as a result so what are we going to do in the coming week so here we are in week zero we'll soon see why computers and computer scientists start counting if you will from zero but week zero is which is one in which we explore computational thinking sort of thinking like a computer and starting to clean up your thought processes getting you to think to solve problems more methodically and then ultimately Translating that into code and some of you might recognize this environment here AKA scratch coincidentally also from MIT you might have used it in in grade school we'll use it today and a little bit this weekend in the course's first homework assignment or problem set but not so much to kind of play around in a way that you might have if you did use it in yester year but to explore ideas of computer science and programming that we're going to use and reuse every week Hereafter as well uh thereafter we're going to transition just next week to week one so to speak whereby we'll introduce you to a more traditional language a lower level language an older language called C and in C you're going to use your keyboard not so much your mouse and pointing and clicking but you're going to write code that soon is going to look a little something like this and if you programmed before can probably glean what this is going to do if you've never programmed before which is the case for most of you this too will soon make sense but this is the most canonical program that most any programmer ever writes called hello world and indeed that and all of the surrounding syntax above and below just that sentence hello world will soon make all the more sense you'll learn how to use industry standard tools so to speak pictured here something called Visual Studio code or vs code you'll use a cloud-based version of it initially so you don't have to suffer with any technical difficulties or headaches like that it'll just work right off the bat but we'll use that tool and others ultimately to then explore ideas in computer science principles that you can apply and we'll take a look underneath the hood so to speak of your computer at your memory or Ram Random Access Memory where all of the data is ultimately going to be stored we'll also take a look thereafter at bugs a bug is a mistake in a program here is an actual bug in an actual computer in yester year but we'll teach you how to debug programs find your own mistakes find others mistakes and improve that code as well we'll transition then to algorithm step-by-step instructions for solving some problems which we'll touch on today too and if you picture here this is actually a pretty representative problems odds are you haven't had to deal with something like this but it's representative sorting for instance if you think of each of these small bars as being a small number each of the bigger bars as being a bigger number you might wonder well how is you could do as a human sort all of these bars like get all the short bars over here all the big bars over there well odds are if you're like me you would probably kind of eyeball it and if you could physically interact you might just start grabbing the smallest elements first put them over on the left maybe grab the biggest elements put them over on the right but what's your algorithm there like how would you teach someone younger than you who's never done that before how to do it how would you compel your Mac or PC or phone to do something like that you can't just kind of wave your hand and say oh you know figure it out move things around you have to express yourself more methodically so we'll translate even ideas like this into code to and that's what the Googles and others of the world are doing constantly as they sort and organize the world's information we'll use metaphors along the way if it helps we'll talk about your computer's memory is kind of being like a postal address like every mailbox in the world has some form of postal address Street city state country and the like and it turns out that's how your Mac your PC and your phone also work you've got a whole bunch of memory like the picture before but you can think of it really as individual mailboxes and you can put anything you want in those mailboxes and you can go to a mailbox to grab information that from it so at the end of the day that's really all your computer's doing with information it's just kind of organizing it not into mailboxes per se but a term you probably know called bites for instance instead we'll talk about problems that arise even nowadays in fact most of you are familiar with your Mac PC even phone like spontaneously rebooting sometimes crashing the little Annoying spinning beach ball or Hourglass Icon that Happ like what is with that well those are just bugs in programs that humans at Apple and Google and Microsoft and others they screwed up and they wrote buggy code and your computer when it encounters those mistakes doesn't know what to do and so nine times out of 10 so to speak it just crashes or freezes or the like but that kind of stuff will make more sense so even the real world will make sense and pictured here or some lower level terms will eventually get to Mid semester but generally speaking when something is going this way as per this arrow and something is going this way as per this Arrow like that does not end well and that often is what happens when your computer crashes someone's using memory up here but someone else is using memory down here here and then they're not really talking left hand and right hand so that is just a high level overview of some of the problems we'll encounter but we'll focus to on data ultimately so picture here is something fairly technical called a hash table it's an amalgam of something we're going to soon call an array and also something we call a linked list and these are just fancy terms for describing how you can organize information even more flexibly than just putting individual ma values in mailboxes like how could you build structures like actual data structures so to speak speak two-dimensional structures at that and so what you're seeing here is a glimpse uh as some of you might have recognized of some Harry Potter Universe names but they're organized somewhat alphabetically and notice that anytime there's multiple people with a name that starts with H like hermion Harry and Hagrid well they can't all fit in that mailbox if each of these squares along the left is that same mailbox so you have to kind of chain them together well you'll learn how to do that in code so that even if you get more data than you expect if your business is booming and you're some web-based business how do you keep adding and adding information to your software to actually keep up with it but this again is what codee's going to soon look like as soon as next week in week one this here being C but we'll transition in a few weeks to a more uh modern higher level language so to speak called python indeed the course Very deliberately back in my day and now this introduces you first to C which funny enough most many people don't tend to program and certainly every day I you see generally September October November December when teaching C is 50 itself but it's everywhere nonetheless in fact even today's other languages with which you might be familiar like Python and Java and uh yet others still you see this same primitive language underneath the hood because it's so darn fast and as you'll learn over the coming weeks it really gives you access to and an understanding of what's going on conceptually down here so that thereafter after cs50 when you're writing code you can sort of think at a very high level what's actually going on so in fact in just a few weeks what looks like this C is going to look instead like this in Python and you'll better understand what's going on underneath the hood and odds are after this class you'll reach for a language like python more frequently than C but you're going to benefit from that bottom up understanding thereof thereafter and toward terms end we'll introduce you to a few other ideas like where do you put large amounts of data in things called databases not things like spreadsheets like here but actual databases where using those same kinds of data structures you lay things out in an interesting way in memory thereafter will transition to a very familiar environment that you and I use every day the web like the web has become rather the user interface or UI that we use everywhere on the uh laptops desktops and even mobile devices nowadays well pictured here is a language called HTML it's not a programming language it's a markup language and some of you might have made homepages or portfolios in the past but you'll understand what's going on here but more powerfully you'll understand how the computer sees that same kind of code builds up a hierarchical family tree type structure in memory and then you can manipulate that tree with code to actually add more and more information chat messages anything on the screen that you like and finally we'll tie all of this together by introducing what are called Frameworks and libraries third-party code that makes it a lot easier to solve problems of interest to you and so in particular here this is the very first web app that I myself made back in like 1997 I was part of the first year intramural sports program not as an athlete but as the programmer and I was teaching myself how to build web applications I only knew C and maybe a little bit of something else at the time but this became for Harvard at least the very first website for the first year uh intramural sports program and it wasn't just a static website with links and images and the like it was interactive you could register for sports we could input exactly who is in a tournament bracket or the leg and it could actually automatically keep track of this data so there two after just three months of a class like this you'll go from writing quite simply this week in next hello world to building things like this for whether it's web mobile uh or other platforms as well if you so choose but we'll get you off of the courses infrastructure by the end of the term you won't be using any toy environments along the way will Empower you ultimately to write code after cs50 especially if this is the only CS class you ever take on your own Mac or PC using the same software but not the cloud-based version thereof but all of this software is itself free and can be used by you uh powerfully after the course's own end but along the way as you may know uh is there this tradition within the class particularly in healthy times of a number of events that really brings people get together not just collaboratively academically but to just solve problems and generally uh engage with each other as well coming up first cs50 puzzle day which is meant to be not jigsaw puzzles but logic puzzles that require no prior experience with computer science or programming but it's just an opportunity to sort of quietly work on a packet of puzzles with some number of friends for for prizes and more later the semester once you tackle your final projects the Capstone of the course where we don't give you a homework to write you yourself come up with something to build we'll get together generally around 7 a uh 700 p.m. in the evening uh wrap up around 7 a.m. if you so choose and it's an evening a 12-hour opportunity to collaborate with classmates on your very own final project in a large space on campus uh that ends if you're awake with us at 5:00 a.m. uh we can hop on some cs50 shuttles and go down the road for some pancakes at IHOP around 6 uh of course uh of course this is 6 7 a.m. at that point but it's an opportunity finally to lead into What's called the cs50 fair which is an end of semester celebration an exhibition of everything that you'll accomplish over the coming months and in fact pictured here are some of your predecessors and healthy times um the cs50 fair allows you to come with your laptop or phone and exhibit a students faculty and staff across campus put together something in person and on video that people can Delight in seeing as you exhibit what it is you create in what you learned over the course of the several weeks and ultimately a chance to just share and Inspire others as well um and you'll all walk home ultimately with your own I to cs50 t-shirt saying as much as well so with that highlevel overview of the course I propose that we begin to take a look at what computer science itself is and what it is we're going to be doing over the next several weeks at this lower level than two so what is computer science right if you're maybe like me or new people like my friends and High School you probably assume that it means programming and that's absolutely a big part of it for a lot of people because with code you can write you can express ideas and solve actual problems especially involving data but computer science itself is really the study of information if you will how do you represent it and how do you actually process it and in that sense computational thinking is just the application of ideas from computer science a course like this to problems of interest to you again in the Arts Humanities Sciences social sciences whatever the domain interest is to you so with that if computer science is all about information and with it the solving of problems well what does it actually mean to solve a problem let's see if we can't propose a model into which all of the Lessons Learned will ultimately follow and I'd propose that this is problem solving you've got some input which is like the problem you want to solve the goal is to solve it so that's the so-called output and then somewhere in here the proverbial black box is some kind of Secret Sauce that gets the work done and in the coming months have to decide well how are we going to represent these inputs and outputs and really how do we code up how do we write solutions for what it is that's solving the problem of interest to us so when it comes to representation of information like there's a lot of ways we can do this and for instance if the problem at hand quite simply is to like take attendance at the beginning of class on the first day of school well how could we go about doing this well we could actually use a system called unary well what is that well that's a fancy way of saying 1 2 3 4 5 maybe 6 7 8 9 10 and I can use my digits pun intended on my fingers to actually count everyone up and eventually you need toes and whatnot if you have to count so high but unary is a very simple system of using a single symbol a human finger in this case to just solve some problem like counting the number of people in the room let's make this slightly more technical for a moment a little more mathy that's just called base one where the base under which you're operating has one digit in it like literally a human finger and maybe multiple such fingers if you need to count higher but of course of course all most of you if not all of you generally vaguely know that computers use something other than unary and even you and I probably don't use this that often they use what language or alphabet instead yeah so binary so binary is indeed the system that computers somehow use so in this case by implying two and so computers have two digits it turns out at their dispos one in fact if you've ever heard the technical term bit which is like a smaller version of a bite more on that soon well a binary digit is the origin of that term bit because if you get rid of some of the letters and you're left from binary digit with just bit thus is a bit a bit is just a zero and one it's two more digits than you might have on your own finger and of course it's fewer though than you and I have you and I typically use as humans the decimal system deck meaning 10 because you and I generally use zero through nine so on the one hand another pun intended you've got unary computers use binary we humans generally think and talk in terms of De but at the end of the day these are fundamentally going to be the same thing which is to say that it's all pretty accessible to us even if you're not a computer person I dare say you're about to be so what is a bit well a bit then is a zero or a one that is a so-called binary digit but how do computers only speak in binary how do they solve problems represent information using only binary well at the end of the day if they want to represent zero and one we need to do so physically somehow and I dare say that maybe the simplest way to think about a bit a zero or one is like a light bulb and so by human convention let's just assume that if you are a computer be it a laptop desktop phone or the like and you want to represent the number zero you know what you just keep a light switch off you keep a light bulb off if by contrast you're that same computer and you want to represent the number one you take that same switch that same light bulb and just turn it on so a light bulb that's on represents a one and a light bulb that's off represents a zero so why is this relevant into computers well at the end of the day you and I are charging our laptops or phones at night so there's some like physical resource being replenished there whether you're on battery or some power cord and so a inside of a computer are just thousands millions of tiny little switches nowadays you can think of them metaphorically as light bulbs but they don't yet it's actually shine light but there are tiny tiny little switches and those switches if you've ever heard the term are just called transistors so like computers have millions of transistors that can either be flipped on to represent ones or flipped off to represent zeros and from that very simple mechanism electricity is there or it's not a one or a zero computers can actually count obviously from zero to one but it turns out even higher if they use a little more electricity as well so how might I do this well let me go ahead and propose that I just grab one of our own light bulbs here on stage this one's off so for instance If This Were miniaturized inside of your Mac PC or phone this would be a transistor and indeed here's the little switch on the bottom and if your computer wants to represent a zero it just leaves the switch off and the light is not shining if you want to represent a one well now I've counted as high as one because the switch is now on I've grabbed a little electricity I'm holding on to it inside of the computer and so now I see that this is a one all right but unfortunately with just one switch one light bulb I can only count from zero to one how do I count out higher might you think intuitively say again yeah so more light bulbs so let me do this let me just put grab something to put these on so I can use a few of them at a time and let me propose that here instead of having just one light bulb let me give myself maybe three in total so all of them are initially off and if you think of this in miniature form in your mind's eye this is like a computer with three transistors three switches representing now the number you and I know as zero why they're just all off so how does a computer go about representing the number one well it turns on one of these light bulbs and how does the computer represent the number two well you might think if I by may you just turn on a second light bul and if you might think how does a computer represent three you just turn on the third light bulb and so as such with three bits a computer would seem to be able to count from zero on up to 1 two three but it turns out if I'm a little smarter here I can actually count higher than that why well I'm just considering like the combination of bulbs being on here what if I do something like this this is still zero I will claim but what if I propose now that this will be how a computer represents one on on off off this though will be how the computer represents two notice I didn't turn on the same two I'm just turning on the one in the middle this I now claim will be how a computer represents three this is going to be in just a second how a computer represents the number we know as four and yet I'm still only using three bulbs this is going to be the number the computer represents as five this is going to be how the computer represents the number six and then lastly it turns out with three light bulbs if you're smart about it you can count it seems as high as seven now even if you kind of lost track of like what I was turning on and Y I claimed there were eight different patterns from all of them off to all of them on but notice that I started to permute them I took into account which ones were on and which ones were off why though do these represent the numbers we know as 0 through 7even well let me go ahead and maybe let's let's do this instead of just considering there to be light bulbs let's assign some special significance to each of them based on where it is and maybe for this could we get uh maybe three volunteers three volunteer okay yeah who's you're being volunteered okay come on up if you want to go over to the stage there yeah you want to come on up as well and over here as well so there's some stairs on either end maybe a round of applause for our first volunteers of term all right so you want to be you are number one and if you want want to go ahead and stand roughly right here how about you want to be number two okay come on over and right uh to the right of here and you'll be number four it turns out and if you want to come over here on this end let's give you all a moment to uh introduce yourselves uh briefly to your classmates if you'd like hi I'm Ellie I'm a senior nice to meet I'm rahana and I'm a first year welcome hi I'm Joseph and I am a first year welcome all right so so glad to have all three of you up here thank you let me propose now that we'd like you you three to represent how about the number zero and I claim now that if each of you now represents a switch you have sort of fancier light bulbs now one is a one one is a two one is a four but each of you still just has a switch on the bottom in fact of your plastic devices I claim these three volunteers are representing the number zero let me ask you all now how might you represent the number one how should you cooperate here okay so so we would have on off off which I think is matches what I did with my three light bulbs as well if you want to go ahead and turn yours off how might you three represent the number two okay so off on off now from right to left how would you3 represent the number three ah so that's why my two light bulbs went on at the end how would you three represent the number four perfect number five number six and number seven all right and give us one more how would you represent eight okay you can't uh how about then one more volunteer one more volunteer okay come on up all right what's your name my name is Moen if you want to say it there my name is Moen all right Moen you're GNA be number eight and if now you all actually let's make this uh how would you represent number eight all collectively as four bits or four switches okay eight and now lastly give me 15 everyone's awkwardly doing arithmetic in their head oh using unar hey yeah is everyone yes okay Round of Applause okay thank you all if you want to leave your numbers over here we have a 650 stress ball for you but thank you for volunteer you can turn those numbers off and leave them over here so thank you so how do we go about how do we go from there to uh creating these patterns well even though we still had three bits initially and three switches later four bits and four switches ultimately we still used it used the same approach fundamentally to actually representing information and now why were they those patterns and why did I very deliberately have our volum volunteers line up in that way well I wanted them using base 2 AKA binary but with binary there come certain rules and even if you're not familiar with binary beyond that it exists and relates somehow to computers it's actually pretty much identical to the system you and I use every day known as base 10 AKA decimal so let's consider if you will by rewinding to primary school for just a moment like how decimal works and you'll see that even if you're not a computer person you actually are you just have to tweak your mental model ever so slightly so here is the number that you're probably viewing as 123 but why is that well it's not really 123 these are just uh this is just a pattern of three symbols on the screen 1 2 three and your mind is sort of rapidly assigning mathematical meaning to them 123 but why is that well if you're like me you probably learned back in the day when you have a three-digit number like this the rightmost number is in the ones place the middle digit is the 10 place the leftmost digit is in the hundreds place and why is that relevant well if you then quickly do some mental math as you and I just do uh instantly nowadays that just means 100 * 1 plus 10 * 2 plus 1 * 3 of course 100 + 20 + 3 gives us the number you and I know as 123 but beyond that how do we get to just two digits instead of as many as nine in the decimal system well let's generalize this in the decimal system you and I know if we've got three digits represented by these hashes here yes it's the ones place T Place hundreds place and if we keep going thousands 10 thousands and so forth but why is that well base terminology is now a little more gerine that's technically the 10 to the zero column the 10 to the 1 10 to the two so these are powers of 10 where 10 is your base computers just simplify things a little bit because computers at the end of the day only have access to electricity on or off they don't have access to like 10 different types of electricity just two on or off if you will well they just use a different base and the rightmost digit would be in the so-called 2 to the zero then the middle digit is 2 to the one the leftmost is 2 to the 2 AKA one's Place two's Place Four's place and as we kept going 8 and if we keep going 16 32 64 128 and so forth but the idea is fundamentally the same so why is this how the computer represents the number you and I know is zero well off off off from right to left or in this case left to right is just zero why CU that's 4 * 0 + 2 * 0 + 1 time 0 is of course 0o this is why 0 01 represents one this is why 0 1 0 represents two and three and four and five and six and seven on up and why did we need a fourth bit to represent eight well we kind of needed to carry the one so to speak using our human familiar uh familiar human terminology but for that we need a fourth bit another transistor and this now represents the number eight and that's why we ended with on from left to right off off off so I keep saying on and off or the light bulb is on or off but really I just mean one or zero and so computers and we humans think of things digitally as just being zeros and ones but mechanically you can think of it indeed as these light bulbs now a bit not very useful even three bits four bits not that useful you can count to seven or 15 generally speaking bites are a more useful unit of measure and anyone familiar how many bits is in a bite yeah so eight bits are in a bite can think of it as an octet equivalently uh in some context there are nuances there but think of a bite as just being eight bits and that's just a more useful measure so what does this mean in real terms well if you've ever downloaded like a music file or a photograph or a a video those are measured in bytes probably not small numbers of bytes probably kilobytes for thousands of bytes megabytes for millions of bytes gigabytes for billions of bytes especially for video that just means you have a lot of patterns of 8 Bits some combination of zeros and ones on your computer's hard drive here then with a bite of bits eight bits is how a computer would typically represent the number zero and if that same computer uses all eight of its bits it's full bite to rep uh to change it to one anyone who's quick with math or have seen this before how high can a computer count with eight bits or one yeah 255 why is that well we're not going to turn this into a constant math exercise indeed after today we're not really going to think about or talk about bits at this low level but this is the ones place 2os 4S 8 16 32 64 128 and if I do all of that math from left to right that indeed gives me 255 it ignores how we might represent negative numbers but perhaps more on those some other day but computers of course do so much more than numbers and math and all this lowlevel stuff we send text messages right documents emails and the like so how might a computer represent something like the letter A I claim at the end of the day your Mac your PC your phone just has lots of transistors lots of switches that it can use in units of eight in units of bytes how though if it's already using those patterns of zeros and ones apparently to represent numbers from zero on up how do you go about representing letters of the alphabet might you think yeah okay so we could assign a number to every letter okay so let me just conjecture well let's just call a0 for Simplicity B1 1 C2 and now let me play Devil's Advocate okay how do I now represent zero or one or two well we've maybe created a problem for oursel if now we have to steal some numbers to represent letters we kind of have to pick a lane but there's a solution to that too that we'll see and it turns out the world is not quite as simple as a being zero a typically is represented by computers everywhere phones everywhere with the number 65 the decimal number 65 using 8 Bits if we turn some of the zeros to ones let me just stipulate you can represent the letter A Using eight bits by turning certain ones on and certain ones off but we will try not to focus on the that binary level too much so if a is 65 it turns out that b is going to be 66 and C is going to be 67 and so forth and so where does that get us well it turns out there's a whole system that Maps uh numbers to letters and here uh as I alluded to verbally a moment ago is the pattern of zeros and ones via which you'd represent 65 and just quick check here we won't constantly do math uh one's place that's easy 2os Four's 8 16 32 64's place so 64 + 1 gives us 65 so once I do that how do I get to all of the others well it turns out a bunch of Americans years ago came up with this asky the American Standard code for information interchange now what does that mean well it's just an acronym describing what really you proposed a mapping between numbers and letters not not quite as simple as 012 starts at 65 66 67 for capital letters but here are most of the letters in use today at least with this system so this is just a big chart from online and you'll see it in the middle of this chart here here's my 65a here's my 66 b c and let's see 72 is H 73 is I and so forth so there's a mapping at least for English between all of these numbers and all of these letters and if we focus here those are the beginning of our up case alphabet so suppose then that today tomorrow you receive a text message from someone and underneath the hood now that you're a computer person you figure out a way to see what pattern of zeros and ones was sent in this case it's wireless as opposed to wired but it's still some pattern of zeros and ones and your phone is turning some switches of its own on and off to represent that message from a friend suppose that the three patterns you received were these three btes from left to right spelling out a three-letter word well if if we do out the math one's Place two's place and so forth I'll spoil it for you suppose that you received a text message that doesn't literally say 72 73 33 but you've received a pattern of 8 plus 8 plus 8 24 bits that if you do out the math represent the decimal number 72 73 33 anyone recall what message you might have received from the green and white charts yeah hi but yes hi is the message but 7273 gives H and I what's 33 any any guesses to 33 yeah over here yeah so it's an exclamation point how would you know that well you really do need some kind of cheat sheet AKA aski in this case and if we look elsewhere let me highlight the left of the chart you can see that next to 33 in decimal is indeed the exclamation point so back in the day a bunch of humans got in a room decided that hey when we start building PCS and later Macs and phones we all just have to agree on this form of representation of letters of the the English alphabet in this case we just need to agree on this mapping but somewhat curiously notice this it turns out that once you paint yourself into this corner and start using 65 for a 66 for B well how do you represent 65 the number and 66 the number if you want to do math or use Excel or something like that does anyone kind of see the solution perhaps how do you represent the number one in asy yeah in the middle yeah so this is getting a little maybe Inception or something but you could represent numbers with other numbers and so if you want to represent the number you and I know as one like when you type it on your keyboard turns out the computer stores that as the decimal number 49 if you hit two on your keyboard the computer is not storing two per se it's storing the decimal number 50 now thankfully the the uh the uh the the Paradox kind of stops there we just have a mapping now of numbers to to numbers but really at the end of the day and you're going to learn this when we start writing code in that other language C next week it's just context dependent at the end of the day inside of your Mac PC and phone there's just all of these permutations of bits all of these patterns of zeros and ones and generally speaking when you open up a text message that you've received from someone it's zeros and ones but obviously if it's a text message the whole point of text messages is to send text and so those patterns of zeros and ones by default will typically be interpreted as letters of the alphabet so you won't see zeros and ones you won't see decimal numbers you'll see the English message that your friend intended by contrast if you open up something like Excel that same pattern of zeros and ones might indeed work out to be 6 uh 72 73 33 you might see cells in your spreadsheet with literally those three numbers why because spreadsheets are all about numbers and number crunching and math uh in many cases if by contrast you open up Photoshop and try to look at that same pattern of zeros and ones it's not going to be 727 73 33 it's not going to be zeros and ones it's not going to be high it's going to be some color of the rainbow you're going to use those patterns of zeros and ones it turns out too to represent colors and indeed so long as you and I just agree as humans long have what these patterns are going to be all of our systems many of our systems nowadays are indeed interoperable but I'm being very biased here and indeed the a in ASI is very American Centric what do you not see in this chart if you speak any other language in English odds are you're not seeing characters you know and love and need every day to type or send messages well there's a huge character set that's not supported here whether it's accented characters and a lot of Asian alphabets you have many more symbols than can fit even on this screen here and so humans kind of painted themselves into a corner early on or really Americans did but on a typical keyboard us English keyboard yeah you have A's and B's and C's uppercase and lowercase but you also have accented characters here and nowadays not sure if this is maybe necessary but nowadays you have other characters on your keyboard like these and these are kind of a playful incarnation of what's actually a technical solution to this problem if I claim for the moment that ASI historically used seven bits to represent letters and let's just round that up to a bite eight bits to represent letters aski can represent as many as 255 or really 256 total characters why 256 well if you have them all zero that's zero and the highest number I claimed a moment AG go was 255 so that's 256 total possibilities that's not many letters it's fine for English but not a lot of human languages so what might the intuitive solution be if you want to represent accented characters um Asian characters Emoji even like these which are just keys on a keyboard nowadays what's the intuitive solution if a bite's too few yeah yeah so add another digit just like we had a fourth volunteer come on up to give us a fourth bid let's just throw throw Hardware at the problem and use a few more bits so maybe instead of one bite let's use two or heck let's use three or four bytes even though it's getting a little expensive we're going from 8 to 16 to 24 or 32 bits that's how computers do things these days and thankfully we have so much memory inside of our computers and phones we can certainly spare a few to represent these things and the solution then to aski is what we'll call Unicode so Unicode is also just a mapping of letters to num of numbers to letters but in many many different languages and indeed the Unicode Consortium is a bunch of people from all different companies and and uh and a lot of different uh companies and countries and cultures whose mission as an organization is to capture digitally all forms of human language in this case and to ensure that especially smaller demographics of humans speaking lesser known languages are nonetheless represented and preserve digitally using some mapping of these zeros and ones it turns out though if you start using 32 bits as many as 32 bits to represent characters on a keyboard that's 4 billion possible permutations of zeros and ones that's way more than we need for most human languages so there's a little bit of room in there for some of those more playful things like those Emoji so for instance suppose you got a text message with this pattern of zeros and ones or if we do out the math suppose you receive a text message that if you do out the math in decimal is 4 B 36 m991 106 anyone know what emoji you're looking at this would be weird if you do but what is this Well turns out that as of this past year this is the most popular Emoji to be sent uh by many measures face with tears of joy so that is the pattern that a bunch of humans in the Unicode Consortium decided would represent this but you'll notice some many of you might have iPhones some of you might have Android devices too and sometimes these don't actually look quite the same this happens to be the current version of face with tears of joy on iOS on Android it tends to look a little something more like this and here's kind of a curiosity even though you and I look at these things and they look like images they're not images they're characters at least as we've defined them now in Unicode and a IOS and Android and Windows and Facebook and other companies and uh apps nowadays really just have different fonts if you will so just like fonts with English and other languages can give you different F characters with seraps or not emoji are themselves yes drawings that someone made but they're really just a font and so that same pattern of zeros and ones might just render slightly differently on someone's phone or another if you've ever gotten like an icon on your phone that's broken and you've been sent an emoji but it's like a square or something arbitrary and not sensical sensible it might just mean that you have not updated to the latest version of iOS or Android which just updates the font of supported Emoji because those Folks at Unicode pretty much every year nowadays are adding more and more Emoji to that that particular character said now I went down the rabbit hole figuring out the other day just which are the most popular Emoji these days on Twitter specifically this past year the most popular Emoji by contrast uh was loudly crying face I don't know if that says more about 20121 or about Twitter but you'll see different Trends certainly in how these are used but even humans themselves didn't necessarily think two steps ahead and now a lot of the Emoji are the sort of default yellow color but there's a lot of emoji that aren't sort of these cartoon characters but they're meant to represent humans in various professions or gestures or the like and nowadays too you've probably noticed on your phone and Macs and PCs there are different skin tones that you can assign to certain emojis if it's supported by the company and by Unicode you can actually like touch and hold on a certain emoji and then you can choose the appropriate skin tone to represent yourself or someone else and that then modifies the display well let's just think for a moment here how did Apple and Google and Microsoft and others go about implementing support for emoji with different skin tones how could you do this if you want to represent some smiling Emoji but in five in this case different skin tones you could come up with what five different patterns that are identical structurally except for the skin tone used in places in that image but that's a little inefficient right to kind of just do copy paste paste paste paste and like change the color in Photoshop if you will that's going to use more bits more information than you might need to how else if you now start to think a little bit more like a computer scientist if at the end of the day all you have are zeros and ones how else could you implement skin tones might you think yeah okay so RGB and we'll come to that in just a moment that stands for red green blue that's one way in this case though I'm seeking an alternative to just using five different patterns of zeros and ones to represent the same Emoji but different skin tones so not quite RGB yeah okay so store one copy of the Emoji and then store different variants of the color that you want to assign to that emoji yeah so this is actually an example of do you want to elaborate okay so you can use a loop to actually output these things more on that in a moment let me go down this this road for just a moment this would be in some sense sort of a a better design if you will uh but why yeah filter okay so filter if we think sort of in the Instagram sense you can sort of change the color of something and that could be related here too could it be oh interesting so maybe it could be just a completely different font and you have five different fonts that are almost identical except for the various interpretations of skin tone for those same Emoji let me spoil I think if we go down this one particular Road the way the uh the Unicode folks decided to do this some years ago were the first uh bite or bites that you receive via text or email just represent like the structure of the Emoji the default Yellow Version thereof but if it's immediately followed by a certain pattern of bits that these humans standardize to represent each of these different shades of skin tone then the phone the Mac the PC will change that default color yellow in most cases to whatever the more apt human tone is so you just use twice as many bits but you don't use five times as many bits so what do I mean you don't have uh five completely distinct patterns per se uh for each of these possible variants you have a representation of just the Emoji itself structurally and then uh reusable pattern patterns for those five skin tones un um unfortunately that wasn't quite versatile enough for other features that were in the pipeline and nowadays too and there's a double meaning now to representation emojis had tended to focus on certain professions and early on too were certain professions associated with certain genders and vice versa and you couldn't necessarily be one gender or another in a certain profession or another there were these combinatorics that just weren't possible but nowadays as you might have seen you can have couples in love for instance that actually look a a little more like three emojis but just kind of combined into one and indeed this is just one key press on your phone and you can combine different emoji on the left and in the right with the Emoji in the middle and so it turns out how computers nowadays represent these patterns are one set of bits for the character on the left one set of bits for a character on the right one set of bits for whatever Emoji you want in the middle and then you assemble more complicated compositions of emoji by just reusing those same patterns and bits and bits Emoji doesn't the Unicode folks don't have to come up with a whole new representation for some very specific Incarnation they can create one for person for male for female for other uh characters that you might want to display and reuse those same patterns of zeros and ones and so here you see sort of the imperfection of or lack of foresight of humans for building a system early on that was entirely American Centric no characters Emoji or the like that's evolved too and so that's an important detail in Computing nowadays um it too is evolved in and the languages you're about to learn in the coming days those twoo are evolving as well and new features are getting added and even programming languages have version numbers you might have a different version of an app on your phone programming languages too have different versions as well questions then thus far and how information is represented using asy or Unicode or anything in between yeah so you can use a string of a good question so to recap why can't you just um well let me summarize that as why can't you similarly use different patterns to change the context of what these patterns of bits represent whether it's a number or a letter or a graphic in actuality that's kind of what's Happening underneath the hood it's not standardized in quite the same way but starting next week when we transition from scratch to C you'll learn about types data types where the onus initially is going to be on you the programmer to tell the program whether or not this pattern of bit should be interpreted as a number or as a letter or as a color or something else nowadays though in toward the end of the semester you'll use languages like python where the computer just figures it out for you by context which makes it even easier and faster to program as well other questions on Unicode asky or the like all right well how about just a few other forms of information RGB was called out earlier red green blue How do images get represented in computers well in fact it's typically an assembly of some amount of red some amount of green some amount of blue but there are other representations if you're a graphic designer you might know them but RGB is still pretty common what does this mean this means to represent every dot on your phone or every dot on your TV or your laptop or desktop there is a number representing how much red that dot should show a number representing how much green and a number representing how much blue it should show red green blue respectively so for instance if a DOT on your screen were using these three numbers these three values or bytes 72 73 33 in a text message email that would be interpreted as I claimed high but in Photoshop or in some graphical program that same pattern would be repres would be interpreted as let's call it a medium amount of red a medium amount of green and a little bit of blue and why medium and little turns out that each of these are bites the smallest value you can have in a bite we said is zero the largest value you can have in a bite is 255 so I'm just kind of spitballing here this is like medium medium and a low amount of red green blue uh specifically those three colors um like uh wavelengths of light are combined in such a way that you would have this dot on the screen a sort of murky shade of yellow or brown that is how a computer would store precisely that color and in fact we've seen this color when you type in face with tears of joy generally on your screen it looks like this typically much smaller but let's zoom in or let's zoom in a little more what do you starting to see if you know the term so pixels it's getting very pixelated a pixel is just a DOT on the screen and if you really zoom in on it you can literally see all of the dots that compose in emoji in this case on iOS in the font that Apple's using to represent this particular pattern of zeros and ones so one of those yellow dots and there's many of them all that kind of blend together here each dot on the screen I claim is three bytes how much red green blue for this dot how much red green blue for this dot how much red green blue for this Dot and you'll notice too that when it gets to be sort of brownish here the dots really stand out the three values the three bytes AKA 24 bits are just slightly different and so underneath the hood this is why images photographs that you take or GIFs that you download get so darn big potentially because you have a number representing every dot on the screen well if this I claim is indeed how images are typically represented using pattern of bits that are assigned to some amount of red green or blue how do you get video what is a video if at the end of the day all we have are zeros and ones what's a video perhaps yeah oh let's go here weighing back yeah pixel's really changing values over time and do you want to confirm or deny the hand that went up here yeah or equivalently a sequence of images that over time are changing on the screen so both of those are valid interpretations and you know just for fun if you uh grew up with these sort of picture books you might remember a little something like this if we could dim the [Music] lights [Music] so that's sort of the old school analog way to implement a video in the sense that um that artist wrote out like hundreds of pieces of paper with almost identical images but where the ink from their pencil or pen was slightly moving and if you digitize that such that each of those Strokes are represented with dots instead that's really what you're seeing as a sequence of all these images flying across the screen and if we dive into the the real world if you've ever watched a film a Hollywood movie is typically 24 FPS frames per second that really means you're seeing 24 images per second or on TV or in soap operas it's often 30 frames per second that makes things look a little more smooth so it's not actual motion picture if you will it sequences of pictures and your brain and mind are kind of interpolating that oh this is smooth movement even though we're just seeing a lot of pictures really fast now that gets really big and we'll talk later in the semester how you can compress information so that you're not using way more bits than you actually need to and there's fancy algorithms that folks have developed but at the end of the day that's really all a video might be is a sequence of images conversely if you want to represent the music that accompanies that or something else if any of you play an instrument and can read sheet music How Could You digitize this like how could you represent musical notes in a computer you and I hear them when we play files but what's really going on underneath the hood any any musicians piano players anyone yeah Val okay so Hertz value so some frequency so sound is some frequency and it's kind of hitting your eardrum and that's what makes it sound low or high or somewhere in between so maybe we could assign just like there's letters a through G here maybe we could assign specific frequency values which are just going to be numbers measured in something called Hertz something per second and maybe we could have a few other numbers for each of these notes not just the note or the frequency maybe we could represent the loudness of it like how hard or how softly a human might equivalently press it maybe a third number like duration like how long is their finger on the keyboard so you could imagine quantizing something like music that in the real world is perfectly continuous as something more discret by representing each note over time as just some sequence of values and there's so many different ways to do this midi if you've heard uh MP3s AAC I mean almost all the file extensions you see on your Mac or PC if you see them at all ultimately just mean there's a different form of representation for in this case something like sound so let me just stipulate there are these and many more ways to represent inputs and outputs and thankfully humans have standardized a lot of this they don't always dis agree and this is why we have different file formats for Apple numbers and Microsoft Excel and Google spreadsheets and sort of stupid incompatibilities like that but generally speaking humans have standardized how we represent the inputs and outputs to and from problems but let's now focus on this black box so to speak in the middle this abstraction so abstraction is technically a term that you'll see all over the place in computer science and really problem solving that just refers to the simplification of something so that you don't focus on the lower level implementation details you really just focus on the high level goals or the process itself uh Therefore your car if youve uh if you have a license and have driven or have been in a car a car so far as you're concerned is probably an abstraction most of us if you're like me probably don't really know or care how the engine works and all the parts that are moving to you it's just a way of getting from point A to point B it's an abstraction but someone hopefully the mechanic does know those lower level implementation details if you had to understand how a car works every time you want to go to school or to the store it's probably going to be a pretty slow process you just want to think and operate at this higher level of abstraction and we're going to do this all the time when writing code and solving problems so what then is in this black box this abstraction at the moment well generally it's what a computer scientist would call an algorithm stepbystep instructions for solving some problem now let's consider the implementation details that is to say how you might solve certain problems and let's take a a sort of old school example but in modern form this icon if you have an iPhone is of course for your contacts application and if you've got a whole bunch of family members or friends or colleagues in your phone book you have some kind of contacts pictured here here and it's alphabetized typically by first name and last name and odds are you and I are in the habit if they're not already a favorite of like clicking on search and then using autocomplete and what happens when you start typing autocomplete well if you type in the letter H you'll see only presumably Hagrid Harry Hermione and so forth if you type in ha that shows you only Hagrid and Harry and it all happens super fast so how is that happening well typically you could just start at the top and look to the bottom searching for all the hes or all of the ha but for larger data sets that's going to get slow for the Googles of the world that's going to get really slow and even on our phones when you have hundreds thousands of contacts eventually even that kind of approach that algorithm step by step but it might be slow so how might we go about searching for someone in a phone book like this uh like say uh John Harvard well here's an old school incarnation of this and uh odds are you might not have had occasion to even physically use this thing nowadays and in fact this is a bit of a white lie cuz this is the Yellow Pages which means this is a book of companies not people uh but for this is all you can find and at that it's even hard to find this but this is the same thing in analog form physical form so if I wanted to search for someone like John Harvard how could I do that well I could start on page one and I could start searching for page two page three page four page five little hard to do physically especially since no one's used this phone book in a lot of years but uh is this algorithm correct Turning Page by Page very inelegantly is this correct will I find John Harvard if if he's in here all right so yes I mean this is a little stupidly tedious because if there's like a thousand Pages he might be a few hundred pages into this but it's correct at some point I will find him and if he's on the page I'll be able to call why because presumably the names are alphabetized in here and there's no like cheat sheet on the edge so I have to search for John Harvard from left to right searching for H if it's alphabetized by last name well what would be marginally better well how about two pages at a time it's hard to do with a 20-year-old old phone book where the pages are kind of uh grown together but 2 4 6 8 10 12 this algorithm is this correct all right so no why yeah so I'm skipping every other page so if I don't consider that and I find myself in like the I section or the J section well I might accidentally conclude nope I haven't found John Harvard yet just because I skipped them because it was sandwiched between two pages now I can fix this I think if I do hit the I section well let me just double back one page just in case he was in that last page so it's recoverable but it's almost twice as fast minus that that hiccup there but what most of us would do and what your phones are doing albeit digitally is they open up roughly to the middle of the phone book and they look down and they say oh I'm in roughly the M section so I'm roughly halfway through this thousand page phone book but what do I now know about John Harvard where is he to my left or to my right all right so alphabetically he's presumably to my left and so here I get can both uh met uh metaphorically and physically tear the problem in half you don't need to be impressed it's really easy down the the spine that way but uh I know that John Harvard is to the left here but now I can throw unnecessarily dramatically half and page one out of the way and what do I now know I've gone from a thousand pages to like 500 I can kind of repeat roughly the same algorithm go to the half of this and so this time I went back a little too far I'm in now the um e section so what do I know is John Harvard to my left or to my right to my right so I can again tear the problem in half throw this half away and now I'm really flying I'm toing it verbally slowly but that went from a th000 pages to 500 to now 250 and now I can do it again 125 i' do it again roughly like 67 and keep doing it again and again and again until I get left with hopefully just one single page or in this case an ad for ironically a mechanic okay so what is the implication for our performance well let's just do this sort of in the abstract if you will if that first algorithm were to be plotted just quickly on a chart without even numbers here's my x-axis size of problem on the x-axis so the bigger the problem the farther out that way time to solve the problem the tire you go up on the y- axis the uh more time you're taking to solve it how would we draw the running time The amount of time taken to run that first algorithm well it's going to be a straight line why cuz if you add one more page next year because more people move to Cambridge you're going to add one more page turn potentially so one more second one more unit of time so it's a straight line and we'll abstract it away as n if there's n pages in the phone book the slope of this line is essentially n the second algorithm wherein I was doing two pages at a time was twice as fast but it's still a straight line and in fact let me just draw some dotted lines here if the phone book is this big with my first algorithm it might take this many step this many units of time this many steps this many page turns but with that that second algorithm notice that the intersection is with much lower on the yellow line than on the red so n/2 means there's half as many pages here if n is the number of pages so indeed that algorithm the second one is twice as fast minus the little hiccup that I have to double back one page but that's not a big deal if I'm still doing things twice as fast but the third algorithm looks fundamentally different it looks like this logarithms if you recall from high school or prior if you don't that's fine too it's just a fundamentally different function a different shape and notice that the green line is going up and up and up but a much slower rate of increase which means crazy things are possible if two towns in Massachusetts like Cambridge and Austin across the river merge next year for instance in terms of their phone book their phone book just got twice as big for the first algorithm that's going to take me twice as many steps to go through the second algorithm almost Twi it's going to take me 50% more steps to go through two at a time but the third algorithm that I ended with tearing things again and again divid and conquering if you will in half and in half and in half how many more steps will my third algorithm take if Cambridge and Austin merge into a phone book that's twice as big just one more step right no big deal you just take a really big bite out of the problem once you decide if John Harvard is to the left or to the right and so you've made much faster progress and so this in essence is what your computer your phone is probably doing underneath the hood when searching for Harry or Hermione or Hagrid or anyone else because it's that much faster especially when you have large data if you don't have that many contacts probably doesn't matter if you search from top to bottom or more uh more in the form of this divide and conquer algorithm but if you're the Googles of the world or you're analyzing large data sets indeed this is going to add up quite quickly so where do we go with this well we're going to introduce next something called pseudo code how can I translate what I did verbally there sort of intuitively to actual code well this won't be scratch this won't be C or python just yet it's just going to be an english-like syntax and this is how many programmers would start solving a problem they don't start typing out code in C or python or the like they use English or whatever their human language is to jot down an outline for their ideas my first step really was picking up the phone book my second step was opening to the middle of the phone book my third step was somewhat different look at the page because why my fourth step was if person I'm looking for is on the page I then do what never happened in my example but I call the person so I'm done else if the person is earlier in the book alphabetically as John Harvard was in the case of my H then I should search to the middle of the left of the phone book and then I should go back to step three step three is look at the page thereby repeating the same process again and again step nine though might be else if the person is later in the book then let's go ahead and open to the middle of the right half of the book and then go back to line three else there's a fourth scenario we should probably consider lest my search process freeze or crash or give me one of those spinning beach balls with a bug yeah yeah what if John Harvard isn't in the phone book I'd prefer that my algorithm my phone not just reboot or freeze I should handle that with some kind of catchall else so to speak let's just quit the program so there's welldefined behavior for every possible scenario of the four now let's call out a few of these Salient terms it turns out if I highlight in yellow here there's a pattern to what I've been doing here these are all of my English verbs and we're in a moment we're going to start calling those verbs functions when you program or write code and you want the program or the computer to do something for you some action or verb we're going to refer to those actions or verbs as these things called functions like those here by contrast I've just highlighted instead my if my El if my Els if and Els this is going to represent what we're going to start calling a conditional a proverbial fork in the road where you can either go this way or that way do this thing or this other thing and you're going to decide which of those things to do based on what I've now highlighted here which are going to be called Boolean Expressions bull referring to a mathematician last named bull a Boolean expression is just a question with a yes no a true false a one or a zero answer if you will and it governs whether you do this thing or this thing or this thing or that the indentation in this case is important the fact that I've indented line five implies by convention in programming that I should only do line five if the answer to line four is a yes or true and same for these other indented lines as well and the last characteristic here is this here uh someone called this out earlier in fact these lines eight and 11 are now highlighted and represent what what might we call these in code if you've done that yeah so these are Loops some kind of cycles that result in my doing the same thing again and again but there's a key detail with this algorithm in pseudo code even though it's telling me to go back to line three why is this algorithm event going to stop why do I not constantly keep looking for John Harvard Forever by nature of these Loops telling me to keep going back to line three good eventually he'll be on the page or or to your point earlier he won't be at all and we're out of pages and so we just quit and that's the key about going to the left half or the right half it doesn't matter if you do the same thing again and again you're not going to get stuck in a so-called infinite Loop so long as you keep dividing the problem and shrinking it into something small smaller smaller eventually there's going to be no problem left to solve so even if you don't think of yourself as a computer person even if you've never written code what you'll find in the coming days is that these ideas that we've just kind of harnessed from real life are at your fingertips already and a lot of the process of learning to code is yes it's going to be a bumpy Ro uh some bumps in the road because you can't quite see the new syntax in a familiar way but you'll find that the ideas in fact are going to be more familiar than you might otherwise think and so we'll see in a bit and we'll take a break in a moment uh to take a breather that you will see these same ideas in a moment in the context of scratch an actual programming language via which we drag and drop puzzle pieces to make actual code work we'll see some variant of these ideas things called arguments and return values and variables but we'll ultimately convert it into this somehow anyone want to wager what this program will do if fed to your Mac or PC or phone here's just a massive pattern of zeros and ones it will indeed say rather disappoint ly apparently just hello world and indeed baked into all of these zeros and ones are not just the h l l o but also the verbs the action of printing something to the screen and there's other stuff too so that the program knows how to start and how to stop a lot of stuff that we won't have to worry about that whoever designed the computer or the language did but at the end of the day you're never going to be writing these zeros and ones yourselves though our ancestors Once Upon a Time did in some form we'll be using a much higher l level language like this in C or better yet in just a moment like in scratch like this and indeed this is why today we focus with focus on and begin with scratch this graphical programming language so we have a way of expressing ourselves with functions conditionals loops and more but in a way that doesn't have stupid parentheses and curly braces and all these visual distractions in the way and we'll translate that thereafter to this lower level language but for now that was a lot that was definitely a fire hose let's go ahead and take a 10-minute break feel free to get up or stay here and we'll resume in a bit with some actual code uh so this then is scratch a graphical programming language from a friends down the road at mit's media lab that indeed some of you might have used in grade score the like for playing and writing code and the like but you maybe didn't necessarily think about how some of these Primitives ultimately worked and in fact everything you've done if you've used scratch before and everything you'll see today is going to apply to all of the weeks to come as we explore these things called functions and loops and conditionals Boolean expressions and more with scratch because it's so graphical and animated can create can you create animations like this one interactive art and software more generally but you'll do so by dragging and dropping puzzle pieces that only lock together if it makes logical sense to do so and what you won't have to deal with in this first week of class is Curly braces parentheses all of the weird symbology that you might recall seeing when we just wanted to say hello world now this particular program um riging men was written by a former cs50 teaching fellow Andrew bar who's actually now the general manager of the Cleveland Browns the American football team and so these are just some of the programs that some of your predecessors in the class have created and you'll see in the remainder of class here a couple of others as well and more in the course's first assignment namely problem set zero so how do we get there well first a quick tour of what it is we're going to do this in scratch is perhaps the simplest program you can write and even if you've never seen scratch or any programming language before can probably guess that this just says on the screen somehow hello world but what you don't have to do is type esoteric commands and weird syntax those curly braces and parentheses I keep alluding to you just drag this yellow puzzle piece you drag this purple puzzle piece let them magnetically lock together so to speak click a button and boom with those same building blocks and several others can you make what exactly the sorts of things that Andrew brought to life as well so here's what we're about to see at is a cloud-based programming environment on MIT servers you can also download it offline on your own Mac or PC and it gives you an interface like this on the left hand side of the screen you'll see a blocks pette these puzzle pieces AKA blocks come in different colors which rather categorize them so pictured here for instance in blue are a whole bunch of motion related blocks so Andrew used a whole bunch of those to have the singer and the men moving around on the screen um in synchronicity with the song that was playing in the background meanwhile in the middle of this interface is going to be the code area and this is where Andrew and sunu will drag and drop some of those puzzle pieces and other colors as well and lock them together to get your character soon to be invented to do something on the screen indeed at the bottom right here will you see ultimately a Sprite area where a Sprite is a technical term for like a character in a video game or a programming environment like this by default historically scratch uh is the cat the mascot if you will for this programming environment and so here we see by default just one Sprite selected because on the top right of the screen is the stage for that Sprite and you can click in Click and zoom in to make it full screen but this is the world in which Scratch by default the cat will live but you can change scratch's costume so that it looks like a singer or a man falling from the sky or the like or anything else either creating the art yourself or importing some of the things that come with it or elsewhere online so what is this world that scratch rather lives in well generally speaking we won't have to care too much about numbers because we'll be able to ask questions like intera active ones like is scratch the cat or any character otherwise touching the edge of the screen touching something else but scratch does exist in this two-dimensional uh coordinate system world so when the cat or any character is dead center in the middle that would be XY location 0 comma 0 if you will meanwhile over here is 240 pixels or dots all the way to the right so this would be 240 comma 0 where Y is z because it's right on that midline so it's neither up or below over here to the left of course would be 240 and 0 above the cat would be xal 0 cuz it's right on that vertical midline and 180 and then down here as you might guess would be 0 comma netive 180 generally speaking we don't have to care about those precise pixel coordinates but it's helpful ultimately if you do want the cat to move up down left or right having some sense of direction according to the x- axis and y AIS as well can help you express your ideas ultimately so what might some of those ideas be well let's do this I'm going to go ahead and create on just an empty screen like this one here and so this is the exact same interface but now I'm in my browser uh full screen so that I can start writing some code and let's get that cat to say something actually on the screen now this takes a little bit of practice but honestly just by scrolling through these puzzle pieces can you quickly get a sense of what's possible not just categorically but specifically and I'll jump around because I've done this of course but I'm going to go to events in yellow first and I'm going to drag and drop this first block called when green flag clicked and I've zoomed in there just to make it a little more legible and notice that the shape of this green flag just so happens to mirror this green flag here at top next to this red stop sign of sorts and the green flag is going to mean go and the red stop sign's going to mean stop to start or stop our program next week you're going to be writing a textual command at your keyboard to do the exact same idea but for now it's a button so when green flag clicked what do I want scratch to do well how about we have scratch just initially say something like Hello World which indeed historically is the first program that most any programmer might write so anything related to what the cat looks like it's doing is actually going to be under looks here in purple so I'm going to drag over say hello and you'll notice something curious and different about this purple block it says of course say in purple but then there's this white oval and some text that by default is hello cuz MIT just decided that by default the placeholder will be hello but anytime you see this white oval it's an opportunity to provide an input into the function called say and so here I'm borrowing terminology from before problem solving again is all about inputs producing outputs and in between there is some algorithm in a moment we're going to start referring to algorithms quite frequently as functions why because it's the implementation of some algorithm so let me override the default with hello comma World I'll zoom out and now if I go to the top right of the screen and click the green flag we'll see hopefully my very first program in code now it wasn't a huge lift right it only was a matter of dragging and dropping puzzle pieces but what has now happened well it turns out that two things have happened when I the human clicked on that green flag I triggered what we're going to start calling now an event an event is generally something graphical or interactive that just happens in a computer program you and I trigger events on our phones all day long whenever you tap or drag or long press or pinch or any of those gestures in Vogue nowadays on phones you are triggering events and people at Apple and Google and elsewhere have written code that listen for those events and do something when that event happens that's what I just did when green flag is clicked I want something to happen namely I want this purple function this verb this action called say to do something what do I want it to do I want it to say what this input is and I'm going to introduce another vocabulary term the white ovals here are yes inputs very generically but in the programmer's terminology they're called arguments otherwise known as parameters and that just means an input to a function that modifies Its Behavior in some way when I click stop that's just another event and that one is just built into scratch scratch knows that when you click the green stop sign uh everything should just stop automatically I don't have to write code to support that feature so that's all fine and good hello world but if I keep doing stop and start and stop and start it's going to do the same thing again and again and it's really not that interesting at the end of the day maybe gratifying once but it'd be nice if this were a little more interactive so it turns out that we can do that too but we need a different mental model instead so in this case here when we think about this function say in this input hello world this actually Maps pretty cleanly to this model earlier that I propose is problem solving is computer science if you will the input to the current problem is going to be in white here hello world the algorithm is the say algorithm now I don't know how MIT got it to print out the little pretty speech bubble on the screen but they wrote those underlying low-level implementation details and they gave me and you a purple function called say that just does that for you you and I don't have to reinvent that wheel the output of SE is another technical term now called a side effect a side effect is usually something visual that happens like as a side effect of you calling a function and so the side effect here is that the cat has this speech bubble magically appear inside of which is hello world so we have an input we have an output we have an algorithm but now we're talking about these ideas in the context of programming so now the input is an argument the algorithm is a function and the output in this case is a side effect terminology that you'll just hear more and more and it'll eventually sink in but not to worry if the terminology doesn't come naturally early on so what more might I do with this let me go back to scratch here and make this maybe perhaps more interactive and actually get the cat to say something a little more dynamically so instead of hello world why don't I get it to say hello to me or to you or anyone else so let me do this let me go under say uh let me get rid of this first and you'll notice this neat trick as soon as you start dragging on a block if it gets close to it it kind of goes gray and it can be magnetically snapped together you don't have to do it very precisely conversely if I want to get rid of a puzzle piece I just drag it anywhere on the left let go and that deletes it or you can right click or control click in a little menu will let you delete it as well well let me do this instead under sensing which I know is there because I've done this before are a whole bunch of things related to sensing whereby the cat can kind of feel out its World in some sense it can do things like ask this question am I touching the mouse pointer like the user's cursor am I touching a specific color that you can override to be anything you want is the distance to the mouse pointer some specific value but for now I'm going to focus this on this this blue puzzle piece that asks a question which itself is this white oval that I can apparently change and then it's going to wait for a response but this puzzle piece is a little different it's a little special it comes with a freebie it comes with what we're going to call technically a return value so some functions don't just do something on the screen they hand you back so to speak a value that you can do anything that you want with nothing happens immediately unless you do something with that so-called return value so let me go ahead and drag this thing over here ask what's your name and I'll use the default question that seems a reasonable place to start I'm not going to override that default and now let me go ahead and zoom out let me go back to looks let me go to say and let me just form the English sentence I want so let me zoom in here and type in hello maybe comma space I could do David but that's that's obviously not right because I'm asking for a name and then I'm like in advance hardcoding my name that's not what I want I just want hello comma and now let me zoom out and grab one more say block Let Me Maybe say here okay I don't want to say hello hello I I don't want to just type in my own name CU again then what's the point of asking the user for their name but notice this if I go back to the sensing block this is where that oval that's blue called answer is useful this will be the so-called return value of that function so I'm just going to go ahead and do this and drag and drop even though it's not the right size it is the right shape and so scratch will be smart about it and grow to fill that puzzle piece for you let me zoom out now and now let me click the green flag you'll see that scratch is indeed prompting me with the speech bubble what's your name notice the little text box below the cat is asking what's your name so I'm going to type in da a v d and hit enter or I can click the blue check enter okay it's a little weird I wanted him to say hello not just my name so let me stop let me start it again all right hello what's your name da a v enter huh kind of rude uh why is there this bug like I wanted to say hello David not just David and and yet twice it has failed to do so uh yeah yeah the computer is processing my directions my actions really quickly and so it actually is doing it it's just you and I in the room are just way too slow to notice that it said hello David it just seems to have just said David so all right how can I fix this well here's where you start to poke around and think about how you might solve this let me go back under looks maybe there's a smarter way to do this maybe I could do okay I could do this how about instead of just say hello there's apparently another puzzle piece where I can time it so I can maybe slow things down a little bit so let me do this let me throw away all of this let me drag a say hello for two seconds let me drag another say hello for two seconds let me change the first one to indeed hello comma and then let me go back to sensing let me grab that same answer because I threw it away a second ago and I'll just change it I don't even have to delete hello I can just overwrite it like this so now I think we'll kind of pump the brakes and see things more slowly let me stop let me start da ID enter hello David okay so it's better like it seems to be working I think your hypothesis was right just looks kind of stupid right like the fact that it's saying hello David like we can do better and like literally every piece of software on your phone or Mac or PC is better than that it adds words together in the user interfaces you and I are familiar with so let's go a little more fishing here let me throw away these let me go back to look and just get the simpler say I want this to say hello comma name where name comes from that answer return value so how can I do this well let me go under operations which we haven't been before there's a lot of stuff in here some of it's mathematically related adding subtracting and so forth you can Generate random numbers which might be useful and if I keep scrolling down there's this join apple and banana but that's just placeholder text you can join one piece of text with another piece of text by default apple and banana but let's change it to hello and my name name so this to wrong size but right shape so let me let it snap into place let me go ahead now and do hello comma and now I think I just want to go grab that answer return value let me drag the same oval as before clobber that is overwrite banana so now I'm kind of composing functions the output of one function join is going to be the input of another function say so let's see what happens now that they're kind of stacked on top of each other or nested so to speak click the Green Arrow a green flag DAV ID enter hello David all right that was pretty fast let's just just do it once more stop start here we go daavid enter okay right it's not the most exciting program in the world but it's more correct it's better design just because that's what you would kind of expect the software to do and not be some kind of lame user interface that's just inserting random delays to just make it kind of work like that's a workaround a hack if you will but there's some cool things you can do with scratch and we won't really go down the rabbit hole of all of the fun and familyfriendly features that it has but there is one that's kind of cool here let me go into the extensions button at the bottom left of my screen and this one's kind of cool let me go to text to speech and you'll notice that this one requires internet because it's cloud-based but this just gave me some new puzzle pieces in a new category text to speech and these green ones do exactly what they say so let me do this let me zoom out again let me keep the join block and I'm just going to temporarily toss it over here it's not going to delete itself cuz I didn't drag it over to the other side but I'm going to get rid of the say block in purple I'm going to do the speak block here in green and let it snap into place and then I'm going to drag and drop this onto the input to speak and now perhaps a little more adorably let's try this green flag what's your name d ID enter and hello David okay it's a little it's a little robotic but at least now it has synthesized speech and I've kind of got my own like Siri or Google assistant or Alexa thing going on here now where it's now recognized whatever text it is and it's played it well let's make this an actual cat that doesn't talk in that weird human voice let me go ahead and get rid of most of this stuff and let's get the cat to actually meow like a cat tends to and let me go under the sounds block now MIT gives you a few sounds for free because it's designed around a cap by default and I'm going to go ahead and grab this one play sound meow until done and now and we saw I heard a teaser for this earlier in the crowd it's a little piercing admittedly we can lower the volume a little bit there but notice if I want the cat to meow a second time I'll just click it again okay and over there too I hear okay all right so it's kind of cute now right so it's just meow okay yes echo echo so it's meowing now every time I hit the green flag now that's great but even a kid is probably going to like would prefer that it just meow perhaps like again and again without having to keep hitting the button so well how might we do this all right well if I want it to meow multiple times why don't I just like grab it another time and another time alternatively you can right click or control click a puzzle piece and just duplicate it from a little menu that drops down so here we go three meows all right that's not really a happy cat it sounds maybe hungry so can we slow that down well maybe in fact if I poke around let me go under control looks like there's a weight block wait 1 second by default and notice scratch will be pretty accommodating if you just hover in between blocks it will grow to fill that too so I could change it to one or two or anything seconds I'll just leave it at the default for now one and now I'll go ahead and do this okay so cuter and less hungry and just more friendly but this isn't the best design it is correct and let's use that as a term of art correct means the code does what you want it to do I want the cat to meow three times slow slly and it did so iager this is correct but it's not the best design and this is where things get more subjective right like you could write accurate sentences in an essay for an English class but otherwise just it's just completely a mess like your arguments here and there and you don't say anything wrong but you don't say it well in the context of code we can do better than this and copy paste or repeating yourself again and again tends to be bad practice why suppose that you want to change the weight to two seconds instead of one it's aditt not a big deal F I click there I change it to two I click there I change it to two but what if you Ma five times 10 times now I have to change the weight like in five 10 different places like that's just stupid it's taking unnecessary human time and you're going to screw up eventually especially if your program is getting longer you're going to miss one of the inputs you're going to leave the number wrong and you're that's a bug so just based on what you've seen already or if you've programmed before which a few of you have what's the term of art here that will solve this how can we design this better I heard it here here yeah so a loop a loop some kind of cycle that says do that again do that again not infinitely many times necessarily but some finite number well you can perhaps see a spoiler on the screen under the same uh orange control category is a repeat block and by default it's proposing 10 but we can change that so let me do this I'm going to throw away most of this copy paste as redundant I'm going to detach this temporarily just to make room for something else and I'm going to drag a repeat block over here and let that snap into place and I'm going to change it for now just to be three for consistency and this is the correct shape even though it's too small but scratch will accommodate that for us and now same uh same output but arguably better designed why because if I want to change the number of meows I change it in one place no copy paste messiness if I want to change the waiting one place I don't have to change it in multiple places and not screw up so let me hit the green flag all right so nice now it would have been nice if MIT had just given us a meow block that just automates all of this for us let me wager they gave us the low-level implementation details they gave us the play sound meow but I had to implement like a decent number of blocks just to get a cat to meow again and again I feel like we should have gotten that for free from MIT well they don't have to be the only ones that invent blocks for us to use you can write your own functions your own verbs or actions so how can we do this let's make our own puzzle piece called now that uses this code but creates it in such a way that it's reusable elsewhere so let me do this under my blocks in pink here I'm going to go ahead and click literally make a block now here's an interface via which I can give the block a name Meo W will be the name of this block and I'm just going to go ahead and quickly click okay that just gives me a very generic pink puzzle piece that starts with the word Define because scratch is asking me to Define that is implement or create this new puzzle piece for me well what does it mean to meow I'm going to claim that it means to do these two steps to play the sound meow and then just wait for one second but what's powerful about this idea is look at this up top now that I've made a block it exists in scratch D MIT didn't need to create this for me I created it for myself and even you if we end up sharing code so I can now drag meow up in here and what's nice about meow is that itself is yes a function but it's also an abstraction like never again do I or even you need to worry or care about what it means to meow or implement it I can sort of drag it out of the way I didn't delete it drag it out of the way out of sight out of mind why because my code is now even better designed in some sense because it's more readable what is it doing when the green flag is clicked repeat three times meow it just says what it means and so it's a lot easier to read it and it's a lot easier to think about it especially if you're using Meow in other uh projects too now let me go ahead and right hit click play same thing so it's not really fundamentally any different but I can make this custom puzzle piece this own function of M meow even more powerful let me kind of rewind a bit and go to my meow puzzle piece and I am going to control click or right click on my pink puzzle piece and I'm going to edit it so I kind of regret making meow so simple wouldn't it be nice if meow took an input AKA an argument that tells meow how many times to meow then I can get rid of that Loop and just tell meow how many meows I actually want so I'm going to click on another button here called literally add an input and it's going to have placeholder here so I'm just going to put a placeholder there I keep using n for number which is a go-to in computer scientist terms um and I'm going to add some descriptive text just so that it's a little more self-explanatory I'm just going to say meow n times but there's only one oval times is just going to be explanatory text and now notice what has happened now my puzzle piece takes an input AKA an argument that will tell that function to meow some number of times but it's not just going to going to work magically I need to implement that lower level detail so let me zoom out I have to remind myself what this function was so I'm going to drag it higher up just so they're on the screen at the same time I'm going to go ahead now and temporarily move this over here I'm going to temporarily detach this over here why because what I think I want to do is move my Loop into the function itself move the play and the weight into the loop but I don't want to hardcode three notice that n here is its own oval I can drag a copy of N and just let it go there so now I have a new version of meow that takes an argument in that tells meow how many times to meow and now let me again drag this out of sight out of mind because who cares how I implemented it once it's implemented it's sort of done now my program is even better designed in some sense why because now it really just says what it means there's no Loop there's no repeat no like implementation details when green flag clicked meow three times and so functions indeed let you implement algorithms like they're just code that do something for you but they're also themselves abstractions why because once a function exists it has a name and you can think about it in that term and you can use it by its name you don't have to care or remember how the function itself was built whether it's by you or even MIT so again here I'll click the green flag it's the same thing so still correct but better and better designed and so anytime here and out with scratch or soon C and eventually python when you find yourself doing anything resembling copy paste or again and again grabbing the same code probably an opportunity to say wait a minute let me refactor this so to speak that is rip out the code that seems to be repeated again and again and put it in its own function so you can give it a descriptive name and use and reuse it any questions just yet on now saying or these Loops or these functions that we're using yeah [Music] how did I make it so it meows three times so I originally only had a puzzle piece called meow and I decided to improve it so I held down control and I right clicked or control clicked on the pink puzzle piece at top left and I clicked edit and that brought back the original interface that lets me add some arguments to the puzzle piece itself and I clicked add an input on the left here and then I clicked on add a label over here so that just lets you customize it even further all right so we've done this let's add one of those other Primitives too to do something optionally so how about we make the cat meow only if it's being petted by a human as by moving the mouse to hover over the cat like a human would pet a cat well let me go ahead and throw uh away the meowing uh for now and let me simplify it by just using a sound I'm going to go ahead and do this I'm going to go ahead and have a control block that says if because I want to implement the idea of if the cursor is touching the Cal then play sound meow or I could use my same pink puzzle piece but I'm going to throw that away and focus only now on the sounds and I'm going to do this uh if uh touching Mouse pointer so I need to sense something about the world and we saw this earlier so if touching Mouse pointer so notice this shape here way too big but it is the right shape so if I hover just right it'll snap into place and this now in blue is my Boolean expression a yes no question true false uh if is a conditional and what do I want to do well if the Cat is being uh is touching the mouse pointer I want to go ahead and play sound meow until done so let's do this I'm going to hit green flag click now nothing's happened yet because it's a conditional right it's only supposed to do something if I'm touching the cat let me move the cursor over to the cat and and and wait for it h another bug why is the cat not meowing even though I very explicitly said if touch in Mouse pointer meow yeah in the middle yeah this is again my computers are so darn fast like yours I click the green flag it asked the question am I touching the mouse pointer well no cuz my cursor was up there not touching the cat it's too late the cat's out of the bag and so we have to instead solve this some other mean by some other means how can we fix this how do we fix that sort of race yeah yeah so why don't we just keep asking the question until I eventually am I'm not actually petting the cat so let me detach this temporarily let me go under control let me go under instead of repeat some finite number of times let's just do it forever so sometimes Loops that do work forever are a good thing like the clock on your phone that's in a loop forever because you want it to always tell time and not stop at the end of the day so sometimes you do want code to Loop forever as in this case so let me go ahead and drag and drop it there let me again click the green flag nothing's happening yet but notice the program's still running and so if if I move my cursor move my cursor move my cursor and okay so maybe we could add some waiting but the cat does not want to be pet in this case but it's indeed conditional so there we have an incarnation in scratch of doing something conditionally now we can make this really cool really fast if you will let me stop this version let me go ahead and do this uh let me go ahead and throw all of this away let me go into my little uh extensions Bucket over here and let me do video sensing since most uh laptops or phones these days have cameras and there indeed I am with Sanders behind me and let me do this um when video motion and let me get out of the way when video motion is greater than some value so 10 is the default this is just a number that measures how much motion there is or isn't so small number is like no motion big number is lots of motion so I'm going to choose 50 somewhat arbitrarily here so 50 this is not normal to program off to the side but I'm now going to say this when video motion is 50 go ahead and play sound meow like this so the cat is still in that world I'm going to stop the program and rerun it so here we go green flag and now here come all right this is a little creepy the way I'm petting the cat but and ah okay there we go okay so 50 was too big of a number I have to pet the cat faster whereas this if I don't know yeah so okay so you can make things even more interactive in this way by just assembling different puzzle pieces and honestly there are so many different puzzle pieces in here we're not going to even scratch the surface of a lot of them but they generally just do what they say and indeed when you see on the screen here um this pallet of puzzle pieces really a lot of programming especially early on when learning a language is just trying different things and try and fail and if it doesn't work quite look for doesn't work quite right look for an alternative solution there too as even I just had to do a moment ago well let's go ahead and use actually how about another example of something a predecessor of yours made let me go ahead and grab a program I opened in advance here uh called wacka um might we get a brave volunteer to come up who is willing to whack a mole with their head virtually maybe okay let's see how about in way back you want to come on down all right come on down and in just a sure Round of Applause for our volunteer all right so here we have come on down there what's your name I'm Josh oh actually say it into the microphone hi I'm Josh okay nice welcome Josh come on over all right so same idea here I'll take the mic back you can you'll have to stand in front of the camera in just a moment you're going to have to position your head in a box that your classmate from yester year created and we'll start with beginner okay so line your head up in the Box in a moment all right all [Music] [Applause] right [Music] nice 12 seconds 5 Seconds notice the score is up to 18 already pretty good all right a round of applause for Josh if you can so notice how using some fairly simple Primitives things do get interesting pretty fast and how was that implemented well there were probably at least four Sprites so you're not re confined to just one cat you can create more and more Sprites change what they look like so they actually look like a mole in this case there's probably some conditionals in there Some Loops for 30 seconds that's checking if Josh's head's movement is exceeding some value over this way or over this way then increment something called a variable we'll see those two just like in algebra you might have X and Y and Z storing values like numbers so can computer programs have variables called X or Y or Z or more descriptively called score as in this case at top right or another variable called countdown typically one word in code but in this case two words that just store some value so there's probably some math going on in there whereby the author of this program just is incrementing that is adding one in one every time it detected that uh a mole had been whacked in this case with movement so back in the day I myself actually implemented my very first program in scratch when I was at a graduate student actually at MIT um cost registered at MIT taking a class from mit's media lab specifically the lifelong kindergarten Group which is the group that created scratch itself and the program I wrote all those years ago and still rather cling to is a little something here called Oscar time that I thought I'd play just a quick excerpt of my myself here so in this case consider as the music starts playing how this program which is much more sophisticated certainly than the earliest say hello examples we just did might also be implemented let me go ahead now and click the green flag so some trash is moving presumably in some kind of loop from the Top If I'm touching the mouse cursor it follows me if I hover over the trash can it responds if I let go in some kind of loop Oscar pops out creates a variable with the current score and it happens again pretty easy at first but I don't need to keep playing this up on stage in front of everyone so my score is already now up to some six or so but in a moment two you'll see that it's going to escalate so I'm taking into account some time apparently so now so more and more Sprites are suddenly appearing and notice that each time they're appearing from a different part of the screen that's an illusion perhaps do that pick a random number between X and Y so you can actually pick some range of values to have the game constantly changing and indeed I'm going to go ahead and click stop since i' spent like 8 hours plus years ago making this and I can never listen to the song again not that I should be anyway at this point in my life but this song is uh synchronized in with a lot of the actions that's happening and ultimately there's just a lot of building blocks but I didn't sit down and Implement Oscar time as I called it all at once I really did take baby steps so to speak and I figured out well how could I decompose this Vision I had at the time to create this game ultimately and how do I bite off maybe the easiest Parts first and honestly the first thing I did was I found this image and I just like dragged and dropped it into scratch okay done like lamp post is installed it doesn't do anything it's not interactive but I at least set the stage so to speak for the program then what else might I have done well let me do this let me go ahead and open up uh in another editor here a early incarnation of Oscar Time by doing this let me go into Oscar time here let me full screen this and here you have let me hide the trash for just a moment is what I might call the second uh version of my program wherein at the top right of the stage here I had the lamp post which I just dragged and dropped and got going but then I added an actual Sprite and it has to be a Sprite if you wanted to do things interactively the lamp post not a Sprite it's just an image a costume if you will for the whole stage itself a backdrop but this thing is indeed a Sprite because it needs to respond to code and events like dragging and dropping so what might I have done early on with that code well maybe the first version would have been something like this where by my very first version of Oscar time might have said something like oh this how about let me control the program as before or rather events when the green flag is clicked what do I want to do well I want to go ahead and forever do something like this uh forever so I want the lid to open up if I touch it so if the cursor gets near the lid I want the lid to open up and then if I move away I want it to close so how can I do that I want an if but I just don't want one question I really want two a fork in the road that goes left or right so to speak and let me grab this puzzle piece here as I did long ago so notice it grows to fill what's the question I want to ask well under sensing I'm going to go ahead here and say if this trash can is touching the mouse pointer what do I want to do well I want to change what the trash can looks like and this part I did in advance of class if you go up here to costumes this is where all the graphical stuff happens and you'll see that I imported a whole bunch of different costumes that effectively much like a video when you play them quickly creates the illusion of movement some animation but it's really just dot dot dot dot dot different images showing on the screen well some of these costumes are called like Oscar 1 Oscar 2 Oscar 1 is closed Oscar 2 is open so let's just deal with those first so if I'm touching the mouse pointer let me go under how about looks and we didn't use this before but there's this block switch costume to something else I'm going to drag and drop this inside of the if and notice it's a little bit indented I'm going to change it not to Oscar 8 but Oscar 2 otherwise if not touching the mouse pointer this is the other direction in the fork and the road let's go ahead and switch the costume back to what I described as Oscar 1 so let me run this program and not much of interest is happening yet but notice if I move the cursor up down but how is that working it's just changing the costume that's being overlaid on the Sprite so it looks like interactivity but you're really just changing the Aesthetics and we humans are just kind of you know assuming oh it's opening up well no it's just changing a costume so here's the difference the high level abstraction trash can opening the lower level implementation detail costume changing creating that illusion and if I wanted to look prettier I could just have many other costumes and go boom boom boom boom boom to create more frames per second if you will so I need to do um one other thing maybe if I accidentally leave the trash can open let me make one change here let me make sure that the very first thing I do when the green flag is clicked is always start with the trash can closed because otherwise you might accidentally leave it open so this gets me into some default state so now it's always closed until I manually hover over it instead well what might I have done next well if I wanted to introduce something like the trash I need a second Sprite and here in advance I grabb the image already let me pretend that this never happened let me drag this away here and now I have nothing in my code area for this piece of trash but it is a second Sprite and all I did was I clicked on the little cat plus icon here created a second Sprite I named it trash I added an costume for it sort of the aesthetic stuff I did in advance but here I'll do now the code how do I want to do this well how about when the green flag is clicked for the trash can I want the trash can in parallel to do or I want the trash the piece of trash to do its own thing so what I wanted to do is maybe let's do motion how about and let's go to a specific coordinate now there's a lot of options here there's turning go to a random position go to x comma y Glide more elegantly there's a lot of different ways to implement movement I just wanted to go to a very specific location first so I'm just going to go to x comma y first and I'm going to say x how about will be um uh let's not hardcode this let's just have it be well let's do it at zero initially and then 240 so whoops let's do 0 comma 240 so that this piece of trash always starts at the top middle of the screen if you think back to that coordinate system 0 0 is in the middle 240 is straight above it all right now after I do that what do I want to do well how about I control this thing by forever falling now how do I make the trash move we haven't seen this puzzle piece yet but under motion the very first thing is called move some number of steps by default it's 10 but we'll do it more simply let me go ahead and move uh oh sorry move is going to move it uh in whatever Direction it's facing I only want it to move down so here even I'm getting confused as to how many different ways there are to do things what I think I want to do is this let me only change my y AIS as follows so here's another puzzle piece called change y so again Y is the vertical so let me just change y by one pixel downward at a time so Nega one one pixel at a time so it's kind of slow and I think now I think that's it let me hit stop notice that my trash can is still going to be interactive I haven't changed or deleted that code I've just added now code for my trash piece of trash if I click the green flag notice that after I enable it let me start that again I had it hidden for before class but let me enable it now green flag notice it starts dead center at xal 0 y = 240 and it's dropping one pixel at a time if that seems a little boring we can change it to negative 10 pixels at a time and boom it's done so that's how you might change the speed of a program but I'm going to leave it more simply as negative 1 and honestly it would be nice if it doesn't always start from the top otherwise this game is not going to be very interactive I'm literally going to be grabbing the trash from the same place every time so why don't I instead stop this let me go under operators and let's pick our random number so let me change the hardcoded the manually inputed zero and let's make X be somewhere between zero so in the middle and all the way over to uh what was it one oh I got my numbers wrong 240 and my y will be 180 sorry I got my X and my my y confused so let me play this again and now we have a game that's more like games you might have played growing up or even now like there's some Randomness to it so the CPU so to speak is doing something more interesting let me run it again now it's a little to the left let me run it again now it's a little more to the left again now it's back to the right so Randomness just makes games more interesting and this is why when you play any video game if different things are happening there's probably just some Randomness and it's quantized is just a simple number now I think I just need one final flourish here if I may let me go ahead and add this how about uh events or rather yes events when green flag is clicked I can do multiple things within the same Sprite they don't all have to be attached to the same one let me go ahead and forever go ahead and do something else how about whenever the trash is how about touching the trash can so forever if let's see I need a sensing block so how about is touching uh not the mouse pointer this time but touching Oscar himself there now let's see what happens all right so let's go ahead and click the green flag now I go down over here and let go okay that's I kind of want it to go into the trash can how do I make it go into the trash can how can we take this high level idea put trash into the trash can and make it seem to disappear logically what could we do yeah okay so when it touches it let's have it disappear so I could hide it or honestly if the game's going to be ongoing like it was letting me Mo drop more and more trash let me just have it go ahead and pick a new random location so let me do this let me go ahead and copy this puzzle piece up here and duplicate and I don't want the whole thing sorry let me get rid of this let me just do this let me go back to some random location at the top so now notice what happens if I click and drag on it here it goes and I let go it looks like it's going into the trash can because it snaps back up to some random location now the only thing I'm not doing really is keeping track of any kind of score and it turns out if I full screen this it's not going to be draggable by default so just as a corner case so to speak something that you might trip over otherwise let me go ahead and under uh let's see uh sensing it turns out I also need this for the piece of trash there's this way of setting and scratch a puzzle a Sprite to be draggable or not draggable I need to explicitly make it draggable so that when I do full screen this thing now it Still Remains draggable and someone like myself can play it again and again well how about we supplement this with one final flourish why don't we keep track now of the user score so how about when the user actually drags the piece of trash to the trash can let me go under variables here where in advance I've already made myself a variable called score I could have called it X or Y or Z or ABC but that's not very descriptive in programming you typically give things a more descriptive English or some other language name so I called this one score so how do I want to do this in my score well let me go ahead and initially set this game score to zero at the very top of one of these Scripts or one of these programs up here and then anytime my cursor my piece of trash is touching Oscar let's not just jump to the top let's change the score by one up here so now notice if touching Oscar change the score that is add one to the score and then pick a new random location and now green flag let's do this slowly here it goes it's the trash can opens I let go and now notice at the top left of my program notice the score is now two notice the score if I do this again is about to become three and so here we have building blocks literally of making this program better and better and better and so indeed that's how you generally approach solving any large program uh any problem with code be it in scratch or C or python or some other you take this Vision you might have or some Vision you've been assigned in a homework assignment and try to break it down into these constituent parts and just pluck off the easy ones first put the lamp post there first and at least feel like you're making some progress then pluck off something like the trash can and just make it do a little thing and it doesn't have to be in some same order here I could have done this in a million different ways but figure out what the small pieces are that ultimately like a few of the problems we've solved today assemble into a greater solution there too uh so that you have now a mental model for these types of blocks and others let's return for a moment to this we saw a moment ago that when I started saying hello David and nesting those puzzle pieces we had a whole different Paradigm Al together my input for that second version of hello world was to now pass in for instance what's your name into my function called ask that gave me not a side effect but what I called again a return value called answer by default in scratch and now notice and recall when I had that same output become the input to my next block it looked a little something like this say so how does this type of block and this nesting the stacking of blocks fit into the same mental model well same idea my input for that part of the story is now taking in not one input but two two arguments hello and the answer from before the function in this case is that new block called join the output thereof is hello David which itself became if we sort of animate this the input to my final function which indeed was still say and this is only to say no pun intended that almost everything that that you do with these puzzle pieces be in the context of Oscar time or the mole whacking or even just something simple like hello world will ultimately fit into that relatively simple mental model there now I thought we'd End by taking a look at just a couple final examples these ones two made by some of your predecessors and for this I thought we would not write code together but read it instead and so allow me to open up one other example here that will show us a few different versions of a program that a predecessor made give me just a moment here and we'll see how we might build up to something even more interactive and in just a moment we'll see something they called Ivy's uh hardest game focused here on these particular mechanics so here is version zero so to speak of this program where in the goal is to create a game where you have to like get out of some kind of Maze and you have to get out in this case the Harvard Crest from this maze let me go ahead and just hit play on this green flag so you can see what what the first building block for this program might have been notice that my hand here is actually on the arrow keys of my keyboard and it seems that by moving up down left or right this little Crest on the screen responds in exactly that way now let's hypothesize for just a moment even though we've not done anything quite like this before how might this code be implemented how do you get a Sprite be it a cat or a Crest to respond to keys on a keyboard might you think intuitively yeah there could be something that's sensing what key you're pressing on yeah there could be something sensing what key you're pressing on and if you do it again in a forever Loop you'll just constantly be listening for keystrokes and this is how like every piece of software nowadays works it's constantly waiting for your phone to be tapped or something to be typed on the screen so let me go ahead and look inside of this existing program here and there's more going on but we'll take a quick glance what's actually going on well up here at top left notice we just have go to x equals 0 and Y equals 0 that means put the Harvard Crest dead center in the middle of the stage then we have forever two functions that we made in advance as custom functions uh listen for keyboard feel for walls so it's doing two things at once it's forever listening for the keyboard up down left right and feeling for the walls in the sense that if I get too far to the left I don't want it to keep moving past that black wall and if it moves too far to the right I don't want it to blow through that wall either so it's going to do two things constantly listening for keyboard and feeling for walls so to speak and how are those implemented well this one's a bit long but on the left here is listen for keyboard so this pink puzzle piece listen for keyboard first checks if the key up arrow is pressed question mark Boolean expression in a conditional change y by one that means move it up one else if the key down arrow is pressed then change y by negative one and similar for left Arrow similar for right arrow and even though there's not a loop in this pink function there is where I'm using it so it's constantly being asked again and again how about feeling for walls well over here to the right it's a little cut off but here you have if touching left wall change X by one so if you hit the wall it's too late you're kind of blowing through it already so I want to move it wh one pixel so it's no longer touching that wall similarly if it's touching the right wall I want to back it up one pixel so it's no longer touching that wall so it's kind of like bouncing off ever so slightly so that it doesn't slip through that actual wall and what are those walls well noce down here it's just a simple Sprite with a black line that I've oriented hor vertically instead of horizontally and that's just so that I can ask questions of these other two Sprites now that gives me that form of interactivity what more can I now do well what if we make things a little more interactive here let me go ahead and see inside version one our second and let me propose what's going to happen here well how might we add a little something like Yale into the mix well what's Yale going to do when I I hit the green flag now based on this code any hunches here is the code for my Yale Sprite yeah yeah it's kind of got to be an adversary by blocking my path theoretically if I keep writing more code so why it to goes to the middle of the screen it points in Direction 90 de so similarly there's a whole degree system as well and it forever asks this if touching the left wall or notice the green block touching the right wall then just turn around 180° and in if you think this through logically that just means you're bouncing this way and this way by just flipping yourself around 180° for just this Yale Sprite so if I go ahead and zoom in on this and click the green flag I can still move up and down but Yale is just kind of doing this all day long back and forth and back and forth forever nothing bad happens if I try to go through it but we could add that certainly to the mix in fact let's add one final feature before we play this particular game and let me go ahead and open up the final version of these building blocks that adds MIT to the mix so here's MIT someone want to explain what this code does and this is what we're doing this itself is a skill reading someone else's code and understanding it is half of the part of programming besides writing yeah yeah it's chasing down the Harvard logo outline so this is apparently the name of the costume that this student made Harvard logo outline outline and apparently it goes to a random position first but then it forever points to Har so no matter where I'm moving it up down left or right MIT is being a little more strategic than Yale bouncing back and forth like this so let's go ahead and play this one in full screen and here we have a green flag so if I move up MIT rather strategically is following me no matter where I go all right so still nothing bad happens but and now it's struggling right it's going up down up down it's trying to uh follow me even though I'm not moving so we need some final flourishes and so I think for this we need perhaps one final volunteer after this cake awaits for everyone outside as is an end of first lecture cs50 tradition would you like to come up and be our our vinyl of volunteer all right and so this will be the actual version bit written by one of your predecessors that I'll full screen here it's going to stitch together all of these same Primitives in more but add the notion of score and lives so that there's actually a goal which in this case is to move the Harvard Crest to constantly pursue the character on the right hand side so that your Sprite touches that one would you like to introduce yourself uh hi my name is Muhammad all right wonderful welcome aboard and here we come with some instructions and final flourish if we want to keep the lights up but perhaps increase the music [Music] e [Music] [Music] you [Music] all right this is cs50 and this is week one wherein we continue programming but we do it in a different language because recall last time we focused on this graphical language called scratch but we use scratch uh not only because it's sort of fun and accessible but because it allows us to explore a lot of these Concepts here Nam functions and conditionals Boolean Expressions Loops variables and more and so indeed even if today's syntax as we transition to this new language called C feels a little bit cryptic maybe a little intimidating at first and you don't quite see all of the meaning of the symbols beyond the syntax itself realized that the ideas are ultimately going to be the same in fact as we transition from what was last week a hello world program that looked a little something like this this week of course it's going to now look a little more cryptic it's going to look a little something like this and now even if you can't quite distinguish what all of the various symbols mean in this code turns out that at the end of the day it's indeed going to do what you expect it's just going to say hello world on the screen just like we did in scratch so let's start to apply some terminology to these to these uh tokens first so what we're about to see what we're about to write henceforth we're going to start calling source code code that you the human programmer write is just henceforth called source code doesn't matter if it's scratch doesn't matter if it's C doesn't matter if it's python before source code is the general term for really what you and I as human programmers will ultimately write of course computers don't understand source code it turns out computers don't understand scratch and puzzle pieces per se or C code like we're about to see they only understand this which we called what last week yeah so this is binary zeros and ones but really it's just information represented in binary and in fact the technical term now for patterns of zeros and ones that a computer not only understands understands how to interpret as letters or numbers or colors or images or more but knows how to execute as well henceforth is going to be called machine code to contrast it with source code so whereas you and I the humans write source code it's the computer that ultimately only understands machine code and even though we won't get into the details of exactly what pattern of symbols means what you'll see that in this kind of pattern of zeros and ones there's going to be numbers there's going to be letters but there's also going to be instructions because indeed computers are really good at doing things addition subtraction moving things in and out of memory and suffice it to say that the Macs the PCS the other computers of the world have just decided as a society what certain patterns of zeros and ones mean when it comes to operations as well so not just data but instructions but those patterns are not something we're going to focus on in a class like this we're going to focus on the higher level software side of things simply assuming that we need to somehow output machine code so it turns out then that this problem we have to solve getting from source code to machine code actually fits into the same Paradigm as last time but the input in this case is going to be source code on the one hand like that's what you and I ideally will write so that we don't have to write zeros and ones but we need to somehow output machine code because that's what your Macs PCS phones are actually going to understand well it turns out there's special programs in life whose purpose is to do exactly this conversion convert the source code you and I write to the machine code that our phones and computers understand and that type of program is going to be called a compiler so indeed today we'll introduce you to another piece of software and these come in many forms we'll use a popular one here that allows you to convert source code in C to machine code in uh zeros and ones now you didn't have to do this with scratch in the world of scratch it was as simple as clicking the green flag because essentially MIT did all of the heavy lifting there figuring out how to convert these graphical puzzle pieces to the underlying machine code but now starting today as we begin to study programming and computer science proper now that power moves to you and it's up to you now to do that kind of conversion but thankfully the fact that these compilers exist means that you and I don't have to program in machine code like our ancestors Once Upon a Time did be it virtually or with physical Punch Cards like pieces of paper with holes in them you and I get to focus uh on our keyboard as such but it's not just going to be a matter today of like writing code it's going to be a matter ultimately today onward of good code as well and this is the kind of thing that you don't just learn overnight it takes time it takes practice just like writing an essay in any subject might take time and practice and iteration over time but in a programming class like cs50 we're going to Aspire to evaluate the quality of code along these three axes generally is it correct first and foremost like does the code do what it's supposed to do after all if it doesn't well what was the point of writing it in the first place so it sort of goes without saying that you want code you write to be correct and it's obviously not always again anytime you're Mac or PC or phone has crashed some human somewhere wrote buggy that is code with mistakes but C correctness is going to be the first and foremost goal but then there's a more subjective goal we'll see in time a matter of design and we saw a little bit of this last week when I proposed that we could design even scratch programs better maybe by using Loops instead of just by copying and pasting the same blocks again and again so design is more subjective it's more of a a learned art whereby two people might ultimately disagree as to which version of a program is better designed but we'll give you building blocks and principles over the coming weeks so that you can have a better sense for yourself if your own code is well designed and why is that valuable well the better design your code is often the faster it's going to run the more maintainable it's going to be by you or colleagues if you're working with others in the real world so good design is a good thing it helps you communicate your ideas just like an typical English essay and then lastly we'll talk this week onward about style and this is really just the Aesthetics of your code it turns out that computers often don't care how sloppy your actual code is um where uh in the world of code it turns out that you don't really need to indent things in a beautiful way you don't need to paginate things like you might in an essay the computer generally does not care but the human does the teaching assistant does you will care the next day when you're just trying to understand what your code does so we'll focus lastly on Style the Aesthetics of the code that you're writing so where are we going to write code where are we going to compile code so for this class not only with C but the other languages we use later in the term we're going to use a free text editor that is program called Visual Studio code AKA vs code it's super popular nowadays not just for C but for C++ and Python and Java and any number of other languages it's a text editor in the sense that it lets you edit text and that all that's all code is going to be now strictly speaking you could write code on paper pencil in fact in high school if you took a class you might have done that one or more times as sort of an in-class exercise you can't run it on paper of course but you could write it certainly you could use something like Microsoft Word or notepad.exe or text edit on the Mac but none of those programs are really designed to format the code in the best way for you nor are they designed to let you compile and run the code so VSS code is going to be a tool via which you can do all that and more write the code compile the code run the code so that you all don't have to wrestle with stupid technical support headaches at the beginning of the course by installing this software and that on your Macs or PCS we'll use a cloud based version of VSS code at code. cs50. and that's going to be the exact same tool and the goal then is by the end of the semester to sort of uh migrate you off of that cloud-based environment to your own Mac and PC so that even if cs50 is the only CS class you ever take you're 100% equipped to continue writing code after the class using not something that's even cs50 specific but a de facto industry standard at least for some time so what's this program VSS code going to look like be it on your Mac PC or initially in your browser and it's going to look a little something like this and there's going to be several different regions to the screen and picture here is that very same code I keep proposing is the simplest program you can write in C and what are these different regions of the screen well there's essentially these four here so first highlighted up top is going to be one or more tabs where you're going to actually write code so much like in Google Docs or Microsoft Word you can have tabs open with files similarly in VSS code or really any programming environment do generally nowadays have tabs of some sort and this is going to be a tab containing a file it seems called hello.c and that's going to be the very first file we write in just a moment uh down here though is going to be an interface that many of you might not know this is what's called a terminal window and a terminal window provides what's generally called a commandline interface or CLI and this is in contrast with a graphical user interface or guey now you and I every day are using guies on our phones on our PCS and a guy is literally graphical so menus and buttons and icons and you generally use your finger or a trackpad or a mouse or something like that to interact with it but it turns out that many programmers dare say most programmers at least over time come to prefer not a guey but a CLI a command line interface where you actually do everything somewhat uh somewhat arcely via keyboard alone why well it turns out there's just more features built in to most computers if you can access them with a keyboard turns out you can most of us can type faster than you can point and click and so that ends up being an efficient gain over time so in time will you get comfortable using this terminal window to do things like compile your code or make your program as well as run it so you won't be in the habit initially of just double clicking icons like we do in our typical real world you'll do it sort of the programmer's way but it's not to the exclusion of adding icons and clickability and more on the left hand side of vs code there's going to be a somewhat familiar file explorer some kind of hierarchical tree like on your Mac or PC where you can see all of the files in your account pictured here for instance is just hello.c which I'll create myself in a moment and then far away on the left is the so-called activity bar and this is where you just get a lot of traditional menus and buttons so VSS code itself gives you both a guey and a CLI but it's within the CLI the terminal window the bottom region of the screen that we're actually going to type most of our commands and in general in class I'm going to hide all of the graphical stuff that's just not of all that uh that much interest so with that said let me actually change over to a live version of vs code and I've indeed HD in the activity bar I've indeed hid in the file explorer so what I have here for visibility sake is a really big area for writing code and a really big terminal window at the bottom you'll see in the terminal window there's a dollar sign and this doesn't mean any form of currency this is just the standard symbol that represents type commands here so the fact that there's just a dollar sign in a cursor means eventually that's where I'm going to type commands but first i'm going to actually create some code so how might I program using vs code be it on my Mac PC or in this cloud-based environment that you'll get set up for problem set one go about writing my first file well perhaps the easiest way is this literally run the command code and then the name of the file you want to create notice that I deliberately end the file with C in lowercase notice that I've deliberately lowercased the whole file name and these are just conventions you could use a capital H you kind of could use a Capital C but just don't do that follow best practices so that it's consistent with what most everyone else would do when I hit enter I just get an empty tab just like the screenshot a moment ago and it's in this tab where I can now write my very first program in C unfortunately it's not quite as user friendly as scratch where you drag and drop a couple of puzzle pieces and boom it's done so I'm going to do this for memory but this too will become familiar to you over time I'm going to include something called standard io. I'm going to type int main void and parentheses on a new line I'm going to insert some curly braces as we'll call them and then I'm going to type print F and then some parentheses and then in quotes hello comma world then a backslash then a lowercase n then a close quote and then a semicolon at the very end of the line so all I've done is recreate just from memory that very first program in a little bit we'll make clear what most of this does but for now let's just actually run this thing and just like I click the green flag last week for the first time let's actually compile and run this program if it were your Mac PC and Google or Microsoft or someone else had made the software at this point in the story we'd be double clicking an icon but we can't do that yet this is still source code so I'm going to click back down in my terminal window notice I have a second dollar sign below the first which just means it's ready for a second command and now the command via which to make this an actual program to compile it from source code to machine code is going to be quite simply make and then the name of the program I want to make slight subtlety I'm omitting deliberately. C because the program I want to make I just want to call hello so don't write make hello. C just write make hello and this program make is essentially our compiler technically speaking it's a program that automates the compilation of my program for me but it is going to see that I've typed the word hello it's going to automatically look now for a file on the hard drive called hello.c and convert it from source code in C to machine code in zeros and ones so if I didn't make any typos enter nothing seems to happen and that's a good thing almost always if nothing gets outputed on the screen like you did good like you didn't make any mistakes you didn't get yelled at there's no error messages so this is actually a good thing how do I now run this program well notice I've got a third dollar sign which just means I'm ready for a third command and now I'm going to go ahead and run dot slash hello and this is admittedly a little weird that you have to do dot slash but for now just take on faith that this is how you run a program called hello in your current folder in your current directory in this cloud-based environment all right crossing my fingers again hitting enter and voila my very first program in see hello world and now let me go ahead and reveal the file explorer that I proposed exist earlier I'm just going to use a keyboard shortcut to reveal that and generally I keep it close because I don't really need to know constantly what files are in my account but you'll see now in the file explorer similar INSP to a Mac or PC but graphically a little different here's my file hello.c it's highlighted because I have that tab open but now there's a second file here called just hello that's the name of my program so if you were on a Mac or PC you would ideally double click that thing you can't do that in a command line environment you have to run it down here but that's all we've done we've created a file called hello.c and then my compiler made the program from that let me pause here and see if there's any questions because it's a lot of magical phrases yeah yeah so if you're currently following along uh playing along at home and you're getting some kind of error message part of today will be for me to deliberately induce some of those error messages for now let me just propose that if you literally did what I did you must have made a typo somewhere and notice that it's indeed standard IO stdio.h uh maybe you type studio. okay super common mistake if I don't if I could call you out um like it is not studio. it is standard io. so common but this is exactly representative of like the kind of stupid headaches you're going to run into this week probably for a few weeks probably honestly for a few years but you start to see past these sort of stupid mistakes over time and it just gets easier and easier because the computer is going to be so regimented like you it will only do what you tell it to do and if you say because it's verbally sounds like studio. it's not going to know what the file is so actually thank you for tripping over that so early that's super common to happen yeah have two hello so I why do I have two hello files so why do I have two hello files one is the one I created as the human called hello.c and it's pictured right here but then when I ran make hello that process compiled my source code into machine code so this second file just called hello is the file that contains all of those zeros and ones that the server actually understands all right so yeah question if you try clicking on the Hello file you'll see in this environment of vs code quote unquote the file is not displayed in the editor because it is either binary AKA zeros and ones or uses an unsupported text encoding in this case it's binary it's zeros and ones now you could use software to see those zeros and ones it won't be intellectually enlightening to most any human so VSS code just takes the choice of not showing it to you at all so that would be a common mistake too clicking on a file you don't intend but the source code is indeed going to be editable by us all right all right so I've written this program it seems to sort of magically work at least with some effort if you get every single keystroke right well what is it that's going on and how is this working well first of all notice that even without my highlighting things or choosing buttons from menus notice that it's already kind of colorcoded and yet I wasn't highlighting along the way in sort of Google doc style changing the color certainly well it turns out what VSS code and most programming environments nowadays do for you automatically is syntax highlighting so syntax highlighting is just this feature of typical text editors nowadays that analyzes the code that you've typed and when it notices certain types of keystrokes things that represent functions or conditionals or Loops or variables a lot of the vocab from last week it just highlights it ever so differently for you so main for instance which we'll soon see is in purple here int and void and include are in red hello world is in blue my parentheses are in green this will totally vary by programmer too in fact if you do want to change these colors for problem set one for your own environment you can poke around vs code settings via the gear icon you can change a different a change to a different color theme syntax highlighting isn't some specific color scheme like it is in scratch it just generally is to each human their own preference but that's all that's happening here is this notion of syntax highlighting at the moment well what more is going on in this code before I run it but rather write it well it looks a little something like this if I take away all of the colors and then just for discussion sake let me ahead and color it a little more like scratch recall that our very first scratch program that just said hello world on the screen had a when green flag clicked icon uh puzzle piece roughly an orange and then a purple uh sa block beneath it so whereas this is the C version if we rewind to last week this was the same program in scratch but what's happening now is exactly the same so if you think back to last week and you've got some function like the say function in purple that might take one or more arguments like inputs that influences what it says on the screen and then functions recall can sometimes have side effects right like the speech bubble appears on the screen so last week when we used the sa block and we passed in an argument of hello world at left we got this visual side effect on the screen that says now hello world in the speech bubble and that's exactly what just happened in VSS code but much much more textually and let's look a little closer now at the code itself let me wave my hand at the equivalent of the when green flag clicked part of my code and let's focus only on the say block in scratch and the corresponding function in C so if I step through this and I wanted to convert what we did last week with the say block to C I would first use the print function although that's actually a bit of a white lie it's actually the print F function print f means formatted and it's just a function that allows you to format text on the screen There Is No Sa function in C there's a print F function what MIT did down the road years ago go was they took what existed historically as print F and they simplified it for a broader audience by just calling it essentially say instead but notice that now if I want to convert the scratch code at left to C code at right it's sort of the same shape so MIT deliberately used this white oval if only because it kind of conjures these uh this idea of having parentheses too so on the right if I want to pass an argument or an input to the print F function I use an open parenthesis and a CL parenthesis in those parentheses I then type whatever it is I want to print on the screen in this case hello comma world but notice I've deliberately left some room because you need some extra keystrokes in the world of C anytime you type out some text otherwise known as a string of text to use computer science jargon you need to quote it in this case with double quotes double quote at the left double quote at the right and notice to I'm going to include some slightly cryptic symbol here too back sln which I also typed and said verbally earlier and then one last nuisance at the end of this which is a semicolon so suffice it to say this is why we start with scratch this drag and drop you're good to go in a language like C print F parenthesis double quotes the text you want backs slash and semicolon at the end there's just so much syntactic overhead but at the end of the day it's just a function and you'll get used to these sort of nuisances like the parentheses the quotes the semicolon and the like but things can very easily go wrong and it's very easy to make mistakes even with lines of code like this so let me do this let me go back to vs code where I have the exact same code notice that on line five is exactly that line of code so this is the equivalent of the sa block and let's consider what mistakes I may make early on or even now 20 years later after learning this that are quite common um in general suppose I forget the semicolon there so easy to do you will do this eventually let's see what happens now when I go back to my terminal window and try to compile my code again just to keep things tidy I'm going to clear my screen but that's just for lecture sake so that we can focus only on the most recent command but I'm going to go ahead now and rerun make Hello this will ensure that my program is recompiled and this is a manual process I changed my code the zeros and ones on the hard drive have not changed I need to recompile it to Output the latest machine code so here we go I'm going to hit enter crossing my fingers as before but again I remove the semicolon by accident oh my God there's like more lines of Errors now than there are of actual code and this too takes them getting used to um the programs we're using were not necessarily written with the least comfortable audience in mind but really professional programmers back in the day but through practice and through experience and through mistakes you'll start to notice patterns here too so here's what I typed make hello after the dollar sign prompt now I get yelled at with as follows hello.c colon 529 well what's that referring to I've screwed up somewhere on line five on the 29th character on that line generally the specific character is not that useful unless you actually want to count it out but line five is a good clue why it means I screwed up somewhere on line five here all right well what is the error expected a semicolon after expression and this error is actually pretty obvious now that I see it and I realize oh wait a minute all right here's my line of code here in sort of asky art so to speak textual uh text representing Graphics it wants me to put in green here this semicolon at the end of that line one error generated built in so some esoteric stuff there but my program did not compile when you see an error like this it means it did not work so what's the fix well obviously the fix is to go back up here put the semicolon there and now if I recompile my code with make hello I won't clear my screen just yet just to show you the difference now it just worked so we're back in business as before all right let me pause here though and ask if there's any questions about what I just did [Music] these error messages will become frequent initially yeah really good question do you need a semicolon after every line or just some it turns out just some uh this is something you'll learn through practice through demonstrations and examples today generally you put a semicolon after a statement so to speak and this is the technical term for this line of code it's a statement and think of it is it's kind of the code equivalent of like an English sentence so the semi colon and code is sort of like a period in English when you're done with that particular thought you don't need semicolons for now anywhere else and we'll see examples of where else you put them but it usually is at the end of a line of code that hasn't that isn't purely syntactic like uh curly braces instead other questions on the mistake I just fixed and created for myself [Music] yeah uh correct so line five is where the error is most likely character 29 means it's sort of 29 characters that way and then it's actually in this case giving me a suggestion the compiler won't always know how to advise me especially if I've made a real mess of my code but often it will do its best to give you the answer like this yeah ah so how come I first typed code space hello.c and now I'm typing make hello two different processes so when I typed code space hello.c that was because I wanted to open vs code and create a new new file called hello.c it's like going to file new in in a a Mac or PC thereafter though once the file exists and is actually open here and it does autosave you don't need to hit command s or control s all the time I can now compile it with make hello again and again so theoretically I should never need to type code space hello.c again unless I want to create a brand new file called the same thing all right so what about this other piece of syntax here let me clear my terminal window here you can also hit control L just to throw everything away just to clean it up aesthetically suppose that I omit whatever this sequence of symbols is back sln since I'm not really sure at first glance why that's even there does anyone want to conjecture especially if you've never programmed before what might happen now if I recompile and rerun this version of the program I left the semicolon but I took away the backs slash n any instincts all right well yeah will the next dollar sign appear straight after your it will the next dollar sign will appear right after my hello world but what makes you think that back creates a line exactly back sln is actually a special sequence of symbols that creates a new line and so to your point if I recompile this program make hello enter no syntax error so it did compile this time so you don't need the backs slash in you do need the semicolon but if you don't have the back sln watch what happens when I do/ hello this time now indeed I see hello comma world and then a weird dollar sign and this is still a prompt I can still type commands at it like clear and everything gets cleaned up but it just looks kind of stupid if I run it again here with hello you know it's just not very user friendly it is convention that when you're done running your program you should ideally clean things up move the cursor to the next line for the user and so the backs slash n is simply the special symbol otherwise known as an escape sequence that c knows means move the cursor to the next line in other languages python among them uses the same symbology as well now if I go back to the code here and for instance I try to do this differently like suppose I don't put the backs slash N I just hit enter like a normal person would in Google Docs or Microsoft Word let me go ahead and try compiling this program and this you would hope would work right you would hope this would print out hello world and then a blank line because I move the cursor to the next line but no if I run make hello now and try to compile that c does not like this now I get a different error still on line five this time starting at character 12 uh error missing terminating double quote character and then some other esoteric stuff and then this does not sound good fatal error this time too many errors admitted stopping now so I really screwed up here so why can't I do this just because like the humans who designed C decided that if you have a string of text it must stay on the same line it can get really long it can soft wrap that is without you hitting enter but you can't hit enter to create a new line if you deliberately want a new line you have to indeed use this back slash and Escape character so let me go ahead and do this let me put it back let me go back to my terminal window I'll clear the screen again let me go ahead now and do make Hello to recompile to that version do/ hello and voila we're back in business with uh hello all right so now let's tease apart some some other aspects of this code because there's a lot going on just to get us to say hello world on the screen for today we're largely going to ignore this int main void and these curly braces here we'll come back to that before long as to why it's there but for now just think of int main void and these curly braces here as really being the C equivalent of when green flag clicked like why you just need it there that's how you get your program going and Maine is indeed going to be some special function but more on that another time but why do I have this line of code here the cor spelling is indeed standard io. stdio.h and they're angled brackets this time so that's a little new there's a hash and then an include keyword you know if you don't know what something is you know there's not really that much harm in just getting rid of it and see what happens so let me delete that line let me go back to my terminal window clear the screen and then run make hello again and let's try compiling this program now without that first line why I don't understand it so let's see what happens all right here's yet another error but let's see how hello. C line five character 5 so it's pretty early on error implicitly declaring Library function printf with type int and then dot dot dot so implicitly declaring Library function print F so this is very cryptic sounding you'll get better at understanding phrases like these but apparently I do need the include line for standard i.h but why based on this symptom what might Your Instinct be for what that first line of code is doing for us in the first place why intuitively must it be there exactly it's like importing a library so that you can do things like print things out on the screen now in scratch you didn't have to do this for most of the puzzle pieces but you might recall that partway in through week zero I went to the extensions button at the bottom left of the scratch screen and I imported some extra puzzle pieces for text to speech that gave us the sort of creepy uh humanized voice that actually came out of the cat's mouth well that was like adding a library code that someone else wrote in that case it was a third party then but I gave myself access to it same here turns out that you don't really get printf automatically in C you have to include a so-called header file that declares that function to exist now the reason for this historically is just efficiency back in the day when computers were really slower and resource constrained you don't want to just give yourself access to the entire kitchen sync of functionality you only want to include only the functions you actually care about nowadays it's sort of a sort of a a copy paste step because you almost always want to print something out on the screen at least when writing programs like these but these so-called header files contain enough information about all of the functions in What's called the standard IO library and standard IO just means standard input in output and that's appropriate right because printing is pretty basic output turns out there's other functions for getting input from the human's keyboard more on that in a bit but anytime you want to print something on the screen and see you indeed need to include this header file at the top of your code and that's going to essentially inform the compiler hey compiler I want to use functionality from the standard IO Library including printf in this case and if you omit the header file by accident it's just not going to work because it doesn't know what print f is it's sort of some unrecognized symbol in that case all right questions then about this line of code this line of code here or what these header files are all right you might wonder well how do you know what functions exist how do you know what files you might indeed want to include well it turns out that c is a many-year old language and it has ample documentation a caveat is that its documentation isn't necessarily all that userfriendly but what we have for the course is a simplified version of the official documentation for C at this URL here manual. cs50. so in the world of c and other languages too there are what are called manual pages and these are just like text-based documentation that honestly is typically written in a voice that you kind of have to be an experienced programmer to understand some of it so what we've done it this version of the same documentation is we've imported all of the original official documentation but we've added sort of less comfortable translations in English for a lot of the functionality that you might use in class just to help onboard you so at the end of the day you don't need this documentation long term but just to get started we'll translate it into terminology uh that you might appreciate from a teaching assistant for instance as opposed to the original author of these documents and so for instance if you were interested in reading up on what functions exist in the standard io. um header file well you could go to a URL like this or you could search for it at manual. cs50. that would show you a list of all of the available functions in that library and print F indeed would be one of them and then you could click further on that reaching a URL like this that's just going to give you all of the documentation for how to use print def it turns out you can do even more than it uh than just printing out hello world and we'll scratch the surface of that today but it turns out that the documentation will always be your authoritative Source ultimately for questions like what can I do and how can I do it meanwhile it turns out that cs50 has its own library in A Accessible via header file called cs50.h it turns out in C that output is actually pretty easy relatively speaking once you get used to all the curly braces parentheses quote marks and the like but input is a little more difficult and if you have programmed before input's not that hard to do in Python it's not that hard to do in Java it's more difficult to do in C and we'll see why in a couple of weeks but for the first couple of weeks of the class we actually provide you with some training wheels of sorts whereby we have a number of functions that are declared in this file cs50.h it lives its documentation at a URL like this this and in a moment we'll use a few of these you'll see that cs50 provides you with some functions like get Char forget a single character from the user's keyboard uh get int to get an integer from the user's keyboard uh get string to get a sequence of text from the user's keyboard and a bunch of others as well so let's actually use some of these functions how about by revisiting really the second program we wrote in scratch last time which adds some input to the output so first version of scratch was just hello world said the same thing every time you click the green flag version two recall though did this it asked the user what's your name and then that somehow gave it back a a return variable return value we called it and we then joined hello in that name to say something a little more interesting on the screen so what did that model look like same thing as before we've got a function in the Middle where function is like the code implementation of our algorithm that takes in one or more arguments like what is it you want to uh say on the the screen ultimately and return value in this case is going to be actually a value that comes back so in the case of getting input we can consider this ask block again like last week the input to it is whatever words of English you want to ask the user and then it returns a value and this was called by default in mit's World answer that we'll see and see you can call these return values anything you want ultimately in variables but this is different from a side effect a side effect is just something visual often that happens on the screen like the speech bubble or hello world a return value is actually a value you get back from a function that you can use or reuse so how do we convert this scratch block from last week to C code this week well if you want to ask the user for something like their name you can do this you use a cs50 function called get string and you use the parentheses to represent here comes the inputs there too you can then put the sentence you want to ask the user quote unquote what's your name but you do indeed need the quotes literally in C so I'll go ahead and add those as well well subtle but I've deliberately included a space after the question mark but before the double quote just so that the cursor moves one step over because in this case we're not going to get a special speech box like we did in scratch it's just going to leave the cursor where it is so we'll see that aesthetically this just moves the blinking cursor one space after the sentence on the screen all right but the catch is with scratch we just automatically got back the answer from the user in a special variable called answer in C you're going to have to be a little more specific in C if you want to get back a return value from a function like get string you have to use an equal sign and then the name of a variable on the left the choice of variables is up to you I could have called this anything X YZ I'm going to more descriptively call it answer for parody with what MIT did with scratch but notice that this doesn't represent equality per se this is assignment in this case so in C when you use a single equal sign that means means copy the value on the right over to the value on the left from right to left so what does this do for us well if get string is a function that prompts the user with quote unquote what's your name and it has I claim a return value that means it kind of hands me back some value but it's up to me in C to do something with that value so if I want to copy that value into a variable that I can use and reuse I use an equal sign and I invent on the left hand side of that equal sign any variable name I want there's certain rules certain conventions but generally if you use a single word with all lowercase you're in good shape but C is a little more pedantic than that and those of you who have have programmed before might not be used to this for instance in Python which is a world we'll get to in a few weeks you also have to tell see what type of value you're storing so if I do want a string of text from the user so not an integer not a single character I want a whole string of text like a phrase a sentence a name in this this case I have to tell C that this variable is of type string so it's a little wordy but you get used to it and you just have to be precise you're informing the computer what type of value is going in this variable all right it's so close to being correct but I have omitted something that's annoyingly important still what's missing still yeah so semicolon this is a statement this is like a a a full thought if you will in code I do need to end It ultimately with the semicolon at the end there all right so this was more of a mouthful but let's try using this in now my code let me go back to vs code where I have version zero of my code here let me go ahead and include one other file at the top of hello.c namely include cs50.h so that I have access now to get string and anything else I might want now let me go ahead and add a line of cod here inside of these curly braces and let me go ahead and do this string answer equals get string quote unquote what's your name question mark I'm going to add an extra space before the double quote I'm going to indeed end my thought with a semicolon and now let me deliberately make a mistake just to make a point here let me now try changing hello world to hello comma answer all right now perhaps even though this is some new lines of code you can see where I've aired already but let me try making this program now so far so good so no error messages so that's a good thing let me go ahead and run /hello and you'll see the prompt what's your name question mark and notice the cursor indeed one space to the right just because I thought it would look prettier to put a little Blank Space there as opposed to leaving it right after the question mark let me type my name but even if you've never programmed before I have screwed up here what are we going to see on the screen when I hit enter yeah hello answer most likely why cuz the computer is going to take me literally and if I say quote unquote hello answer that is the string of text followed by a new line that's going to be outputed to the screen so we need some way of actually plugging answer into this line of code it's not quite as simple as scratch where you could just grab like a second say block and drag and drop the variable there we actually need a new syntax and it's going to look weird at first but it is everywhere in software nowadays especially in the world of c and certain other languages so let me go ahead and propose that I solve it as follows well back when we did this in scratch remember that the most elegant solution was this here we used the say block still which is going to be analogous to print F today but I use the join puzzle piece in scratch to combine hello comma space and then the name of the human so how do we translate this code to C well it's going to look a little different now I'm going to start with print f with some parth C's and a semicolon representing the say block but how do I now do this joining this is where the puzzle pieces don't quite translate perfectly this would be the way to do this you put hello comma and then a placeholder so this is what's known as a format code in C specifically for printf and it just means this is a placeholder for a string again a string is just text so this means hey computer print out literally hello comma space and then not literally percent s percent s is uh treated specially to mean plug in some value here all right so what else do I still need well this is still some text so I'm still going going to surround the whole thing with double quotes I'm still going to include my back sln just to keep things tidy and move the cursor to the next line so the last step here in C is to somehow join the answer with that word hello and the way you do this is with printf passing it not one argument which is what I keep doing I keep passing it one string of text quote unquote I'm going to now add a comma and then the name of the value that I want want printf to go back and plug into that percent s and printf is just smart about this if you have 1% s and one additional argument after a comma it just does from right to left it plugs it in if you have two percent S's and two variables after the comma that's okay too if you separate them with commas it'll plug the first into the first percent s and the second variable into the second percent s so it's just left to right order of operations it's not as pretty or as uh simple as this but this is how it's done in C all right let me pause because this is a lot of symbology any questions on this technique here [Music] yeah yeah really good question why did I exclude the backslash n a moment ago really just my sense of Aesthetics if you will No Good Reason beyond that so if I look back at my code you quite rightly noticed that I didn't have a backslash in there that's just because for whatever sense of style that I have I wanted the name to be typed right after the question I totally could have added a back sln there instead of a space that would have just allowed me to type down here totally fine just wanted to show you something different good good catch yeah can I show an example with 2% s's surely so let me uh in vs code do this let me clear my terminal window to clean things up and let me do this instead of calling the variable answer all over the place let me call it uh first and I'll ask two questions what's your first name and now let me do string last equals get string quot whoops capitalization matters so let me fix my capital S there quote unquote what's your last name question mark semicolon and now we'll plug in one percent s and a second percent s and now I'm going to plug in first first and last last coincidentally and now I'm going to go back to the terminal window make hello crossing my fingers all good/ hello here's my first question David here's my second question me and again hello David Ma so it just inserts them left to right all I was doing for parody with scratch though and let me go ahead and undo this again I'll go back to answer like this I'll go back to just asking for the person's name I'm going to delete mention of last I'm going to delete mention of the second perc s and now if I recompile this simpler version I did screw up didn't intend it what did I do wrong yeah so just newbie mistakes so I changed my variable back to answer just to be consistent with week zero but I didn't change it here so I have an use of Undeclared identifier first it's Undeclared in the sense that I declared answer align prior I didn't declare first so indeed intuitively I want to just change that to that let me now do make hello again /hello type in just my first name this time and there it is hello David questions on this then syntax with print F yeah uh the placeholder I'll zoom in is just a single percent and then an S so inside of my string here is percent s and then I have a comma outside the quotes and then the name of the variable whose value I want to plug in for that percent s and now notice there's technically two commas in side of these parentheses on line seven and yet I claim that printf at the moment is only taking in two arguments why is there then two commas but only two arguments if there were two commas you would think there would be three arguments right exactly the comma in between the quotes is just an English thing it's separating the hello from the name so that's why indeed it's not only in quotes that that's also why programs like VSS code tend to syntax highlight it a little differently just so that it sort of jumps out as different to you even though in this case it's a little subtle a light blue versus white but indeed it's trying its best other questions now on this placeholder yeah ah good question if I wanted to add an exclamation point after the name would I have to add another placeholder and so forth I could actually do that much more simply I can just put the exclamation point right after the percent sign I don't need an additional placeholder per se if I zoom out now and run make hello again/ hello and type in just my name no exclamation point now you'll see more excitedly hello comma David So print f is smart it will figure out where the percent s is and then go and replace it now let me propose that a common thing in programming is that as soon as we make a decision as to how to design something we often paint ourselves into a corner and sort of regret a decision can anyone think of a problem that arises from using percent S as a placeholder in this string to print F what could go wrong if we're using percent in this special way yeah if you literally want to say for whatever weird reason percent s on the screen or honestly even just a single percent it turns out that a percent sign is treated specially inside of of print F strings so what's the solution here there's different uh patterns of solutions to problems like these but suppose you wanted to say uh I got 100% for instance let me let me go ahead and change this completely so I got 100% on your test or whatever all right let me go ahead and run make hello enter all right so invalid conversion specifier I mean I have no idea what this means but it's underlining the percent sign is problematic well it turns out that humans years ago decided all right damn it we already Ed percent well 2% signs will mean 1% literally so now if I rerun make hello aha hello I got 100% so there's going to be things like that honestly that you have to ask someone you have to Google you have to look it up in the documentation but there's always a solution to those kinds of problems and thankfully they don't come up all that often yeah oh just poting other questions [Music] yeah if you have multiple variables it is in the Left Right order so print F will analyze the first string of text that you pass in between quotes and whatever the first percent is the next the first variable that's passed in after a comma gets plugged in there and then the second gets plugged into the second third and to the third and so forth so it's just based on left to right yeah it's just a placeholder it's called a format code and it just means colloquially plug in some value here and printf the like the humans who wrote printf decades ago decided to treat percent s special why just because they needed some placeholder they decided that eh no one's ever going to really want to type percent s and if they do they can just do percent percent s so they decided to implement printf in such a way that they have code that look analyzes whatever text comes in looks for percent s and then somehow plugs in the subsequent values into that placeholder and just this H question [Music] sorry ah so what if you wanted to do single characters like initials like DM or djm for first middle last absolutely and that too is a perfect segue from the two of you to what in general are going to be called data types in C so it turns out in C there's not only strings as text and we'll see in more detail in over the next couple of weeks what a string really is underneath the hood but strings of text are not the only thing that programs can output they can indeed output single characters as for initials they can output integers as well turns out that printf has different format codes for all sorts of different data types and just some of the data types we'll see in the coming weeks will be this list here which you'll notice it almost perfectly lines up with the cs50 functions that I rattled off earlier like get Char get int get string the reason we called those functions that is because each of them is designed to return to you a different type of value we've used get string already in this example here we'll soon see get in and we'll see opportunities to use others but these indeed are the menu of available data types plus others dot dot dot that you can use when writing a program in C the onus therefore is on you to decide in advance do I want to store an INT in this variable or a string or heck when writing fancier code an image or a sound or a video even those can all be different data types dot dot dot but for now we'll focus really on just these Primitives that was a lot let's go ahead and take a 5minute break here no cookies yet but in 5 minutes we'll come back dive into more detail and our second break today we'll have cookies all right we are back and so if you have been playing along at home but hitting some bumps in the road that's totally normal and indeed the goals of lecture generally will be to give you a sense uh conceptually of where we'll be going during the course of the week but it's indeed through the Hands-On labs and problem sets that you'll really have an opportunity at your own pace to work through uh some of those same bumps in the road but for today let me give you a few more building blocks and these two will translate from scratch initially namely like conditionals like how now and see after knowing now how we can use functions at least uh get string and print F and we can use variables like the string I created earlier how can I now add to the mix things like decisionmaking and conditionals at that well with conditionals in scratch we had this kind of syntax on the left here in scratch is how you might Express if two variables X and Y have this relationship if x is less than y then say on the screen X is less than y well let me translate that to the right now in C code so in C the corresponding code is going to look like this assuming X and Y already exist more on that later and notice a pattern we're going to see again and again there is going to be parentheses around the X and less than y so parentheses around the Boolean expression recall the Boolean expression is the true false the yes no answer that a question that you're trying to ask in order to decide whether or not to do something so you use parentheses there so similar in functions where we Ed parentheses for printf and parentheses for get string and this is just a weird inconsistency stylistically when using the keyword if you should as a matter of better best practice put a space after the word if when using a function like print F or get string you shouldn't both will work but you'll find that these are conventions stylistically that most people adhere to so space when using an if here all right now inside of the curly braces is where the actual code goes that you want to execute conditionally so if you want to print out X is less than y only if x is actually less than y in C you use this open curly brace which up until now you've probably rarely used on your keyboard and the Clos curly brace down here and those are kind of hugging if you will the one or more lines of code underneath the if very similar in spirit to how the orange block here kind of hugs the purple puzzle piece here so there's no Graphics in C it's all text so you can think of those curly braces as really representing the same idea as a side note if you only have one line of code inside of the if condition if you will you strictly speaking don't need the curly braces but as a matter of good style do include them it will make more obvious what your intent is how about in scratch if you wanted to express this two ways in the road that you might go left or right so to speak well if x is less than y I want to say x is less than y else I want want to say the opposite X is not less than y in this case so I'm making a decision based on that Boolean expression in C it's almost the same but you're adding to the mix the keyword Els so MIT borrowed for scratch the same keyword there and a second pair of curly braces open and close respectively and you might guess now what goes inside of those well you print out X's less than y or you print out X's not less than y all right what if there's a three-way fork in the road in scratch this actually gets a little unwieldy graphically if you will but notice that in scratch this is how we could express if x is less than y say x is less than y else if x is greater than y say x is greater than y else if x equals y then say x is equal to Y now minor inconsistency here just a little bit ago I claimed in C that a equal sign represents what operation assignment from right to left left in so far as scratch is really meant for kids and they didn't really want to get into the weeds of this kind of uh semantic equal sign in scratch means equality however we're going to need to fix this in C in just a moment in c equal sign means assignment right to left in scratch it literally means what you would expect all right let's translate this code then to C on the right this code would correspond really to this and you can perhaps see somewhat goofy what the solution was not unlike the percent percent solution earlier when hum painted themselves into one other corner you say if you say else if and you say else if and how did we resolve the use of a single equal sign already in C when you want to repr when you want to express equality is the thing on the left equal to the thing on the right you literally use two equal signs right next to each other no space in between them but now this code would be correct on both the left and the right whether you're doing this in scratch or C respectively but now we can kind of nitpick our code specifically the the design thereof logically can anyone critique the design of this code either in scratch or C like I feel like we could do better how about in back perfect logically it's got to be the case that X is less than y or X is greater than y or by conclusion it's got to be equal to Y so why are you wasting my time or the computer's time asking a third question you don't need to ask this final else if because logically as you knowe it should go without saying so it's a minor tweak like you're doing extra work potentially in cases where x equals y so we can just refine that and just like in scratch you could just use an else block similarly in C could we simplify this code to just an else a sort of catchall logically that just handles the reality that of course that's going to be the final situation instead all right so we have this ability now to express conditionals with Boolean expressions let's actually do something with this next here so let me go back to vs code I've closed hello.c and I want to create a second file for the sake of some demos now recall that you can create new files by typing code space and then the name of the file you want to create uh for instance I might do compare. c I want to write a program that's going to start comparing some values for demonstration sake but before I do that let me just show you by opening the file explorer at right this is similar in spirit to a Mac or PC like you can go up here and click on an icon and you can click on the plus icon and you'll get a blue box and I can type in compare. C and I can just manually create it that way notice that opens the tab even without my having typed code so again on the left you have a guey a graphical user interface albeit a simplistic one on the right and at the bottom here you have a command line interface but they're one and the same what's nice though is that if I close this file accidentally intentionally whatnot I can reopen it without creating a new one by just running that same command code space compare. c so code is a vs code thing it's just a userfriendly shortcut but it's just creating a file or opening an existing file like that I'm going to hide the file explorer just to make more room for code here and let's go ahead and do this let's write a program that compares two values that the human inputs but not strings this time let's use some actual integers all right I'm going to go ahead and include the cs-50 librar header file at top cs50.h I'm going to also include standard io. why one gives me userfriendly input via get string get int and so forth one gives me user friendly output via printf in the case of standard i.h now I'm just going to kind of blindly type this line of code which we'll come back to in future weeks but for now that's analogous to the when green flag clicked code in scratch and now let's go ahead and do this let me go ahead and get an INT from the user and ask the user what's X question mark I'm not going to bother with a new line I want to keep it all in one line just for Aesthetics sake but when I get back an INT just like I get back a string I get back a return value so if I want to store the result of get int somewhere I had better put it in a variable and I can call the variable anything I want previously I used answer or first or last now I'm going to use x but there's still two things left to do here logically even though we haven't technically done this yet what do I still need to do so I need the semicolon at the end and the in at the beginning you the programmer starting today kind of need to decide what you're going to be storing in your variables and you just need to tell the computer that so that it knows now as a teaser for languages like python more modern languages turns out humans realize well gee this is stupid like why can't the computer just figure out that I'm putting an INT there why do I have to tell it proactively so in some languages nowadays like python we'll get rid of some of this syntax we'll get rid of the semicolons but for now we're looking at really the origins of how this all worked all right so I've done this one line ending with semicolon let me do one other and let me get a second int asking the user what's why question mark so almost identical but different responses from the user hopefully and let me just ask simply if x is less than y in parentheses then some curly braces let me go ahead and print out quote unquote X is less than y back sln and now just as a side note I I seem to be typing kind of fast some of that is because vs code is helping me let me go back to this first line with the if hit enter and now I'm only on my keyboard going to type the open curly brace this is a feature of many text editors nowadays it finishes part of your thought why just to save yourself a keystroke to make sure you don't accidentally forget the closing one so you'll notice sometimes that things are happening that you didn't type it's just vs code or future programs you use trying to be helpful for you I'll go ahead and manually type out now printf uh X is less than y back slend close quote semicolon so let me go ahead now and try to run this and we'll see let's see so make not hello but make compare because this file is called compare. C hitting enter okay no output is good because it means I haven't messed up let me do dot SL compare instead of/ hello enter what's X how about one what's Y how about two x is less than y well let's try it again and here I'll save you some keystrokes too let me clear my screen instead of constantly typing dot slash this and Dot slash that you can also use your keyboard's arrow keys in vs code to scroll back through time so if I hit up once there's the last command I wrote If I write uh do it up twice there's the second to last command I wrote so sometimes if you see me doing things fast it's just because I'm kind of cheating and going through my history like that all right let me go ahead though and rerun compare enter let's reverse it this time two for x one for y and now of course there's no no output all right well that's logically to be expected because we didn't have an else here so let's add that else now let's open my curly braces letting vs code do one of them for me print F quote unquote X is not less than y back sln semicolon let me go ahead and try this again/ compare enter again two for x one for y and we should see huh what did I do wrong why am I not seeing any else output yeah exactly you got to get into the Habit after you change your code of recompiling it otherwise the zeros and ones in the server are the old ones until you manually compile so let's fix this make compare enter no error messages that's good do/ compare 2 1 and now I get back the output so X is not less than y how about if I go and add in the third condition well we can do this either efficiently or inefficiently let me go ahead head and refine this so else if x is greater than y let's literally say x is greater than y and now I could do X else if x equals equals y but I think we already claim that that's unnecessarily inefficient so let's just have our catchall and here I'm going to say quote unquote X is equal 2 y back sln close quote there so I think now with this code we've handled all three scenarios let me go ahead and recompile it properly compare do/ compare and now 1 and 2 x is less than y let me run it again 2 and One X is greater than y and lastly one and one and X is equal to Y so for the most part our code's getting longer we're up to like 21 lines of code though some of them are just single characters on the screen almost everything else is the same I'm using the cs50 libraries header file for my get int function standard i.h for my print F function and the rest of this is just now new syntax for conditionals as well questions then on this C implementation of just some basic comparisons like this any questions [Music] yeah good question do the opening brackets need to be on a separate line in cs50 yes what you'll see is that as part of the submission process We compare your code against a style guide which is the norm in Industry a company would have its own sense of style and how its code should look and there's generally automated tools within a company that help uh give feedback on the code or stylize it as such there are alternative Styles than what we use in the class we deliberately keep and ask that you keep the curly braces on their own line if only because it rather resembles like the hugging nature of scratches blocks and just makes clear that they're balanced open and closed however another common Paradigm in some languages and with some programmers is to do something like this uh on each of them so you have the opening curly brace on the same line as here we do not recommend this this is invogue in the JavaScript world and some others um but ultimately in the real world it's up to each individual programmer Andor the company they're working for if applicable to decide on those things all right so beyond then these conditionals what if we want to do something that's maybe pretty common so almost every piece of software or website nowadays that you use has you like agree to some terms and conditions by typing like yes or no or just y for yes and N for no so how could we Implement some kind of Agreement System well let me do this let me create a new program a third one called agree. C so I'm going to write code agree. C just to give myself a new tab I'm going to start as always now include cs50.h let's include standard i.h and then let me do my int main void which again for today's purposes we'll take it face value is just copy paste and if I just want to get y or n for instance instead of yes or no we can just use a simpler variable here how about just a Char a character A Single Character so I can use get Char to ask the user for instance do you agree question mark but before as before I need to store this somewhere so I don't want a string because it's a single Char I don't want an INT I just want a Char and it's literally CH h a r and then I could call this thing anything I want it's conventional if you have a simple program with just a single variable and it's of type Char call it C if it's an INT call it I if it's a string call it s for now I'm just going to keep it simple and call it C and now I'm going to ask a question so if C equals equals how about quote unquote y then let me go ahead and print out uh agreed back sln as though they agreed to my terms and conditions uh otherwise let's see else if the character equals equals quote unquote n then let me go ahead and print out uh say not agreed as though they didn't quote unquote and let's leave it at that I think here initially now you'll notice one curiosity one inconsistency perhaps does anyone want to call it out though it's somewhat subtle I've done something ever so slightly differently without explaining it yet do you see it single single yeah so I've suddenly used single quotation marks for my single characters and double quotes for my actual strings of text this is a necessity in C when you're dealing with strings like strings of text like someone's name a sentence a paragraph anything really more than one character you typically use uh double quotes and indeed you must when dealing with deliberately single characters like I am here for y or n you must use single quotes instead why because that makes sure that the computer knows that it's indeed a Char and not a string so double quotes are for Strings single quotes are for chars so with that said let me go ahead and zoom out let me go ahead in my terminal window run make agree enter seems to work okay so let me go ahead and do/ agree uh let me go ahead now and type in y here we go enter huh uh let me try that again rerun do/ agree how about no enter why is it not behaving as I would have expected uh because you the capital Y yeah I kind of cheated there and I hit the caps lock key just as I started typing in input why because I deliberately wanted to type in uppercase instead of lowercase which is kind of reasonable right it's a little obnoxious if you force the user to toggle their caps lock key on or off when you just need a simple answer that's not the best user experience or ux but it would work if I cooperated let me run this again without caps lock on y lowercase for yes ah that worked and uh lowercase for no that work worked but how could I get it to work for both well how about this let me go ahead and just add two possibilities so else if C equals equals quote unquote capital Y then also do printf agreed back sln and down here else if C equals equals uh single quote uh capital N then go ahead and print out again not agreed okay this I will claim now is correct and I'll do make agree real fast do slash agree and I'll use Capital it now works I'll use uh Capital it again works but this is perhaps not the best design let me hide the terminal window and pull this up on the screen all at once why might this arguably not be the best design even though it's correct there's another term of art we can toss here like something smells kind of funky about this code this is an actual term of art like there's code smell here like something smells a little off why what do you [Music] [Music] think yeah there's the same output again and again I mean I manually typed it but honestly I might as well have just copied and pasted most of my original code to do it again and again for the C two capital letters so if line 10 and 14 are the same and line 18 and 22 are the same and then the rest of these if and Els ifs are almost the same like like there's some code smell there like it's not well-designed why because if I want to change things now just like last week in scratch I might have to change my code in multiple places or copy paste is never a good thing and go God forbid I want to add support for yes and no as full words it's really going to get long so how can we solve this well it turns out like we can combine some of these thoughts so let me try to improve the yeses first it turns out if I delete that Clause I can actually or things together in scratch there's a couple puzzle pieces if you didn't discover them that literally have the word or and the word and on them which allow you to combine Boolean Expressions so that either this or this is true or this and this is true in C you can't just say the word or you instead use two vertical bars and vertical bars together mean or logically and so I can say C equals equals quote unquote capital Y agreed and now I can get rid of this code down here and let me go ahead and say vertical vertical bar twice C equals uh quote unquote n in all caps and now my program's like you know roughly a third uh smaller which is good there's less redundancy and if I reopen my terminal window rerun make of agree SL agree now I can type little y or Big Y and same thing for lowercase and uppercase n any questions then on this syntax whereby now you can combine thoughts and just kind of tighten things up and there'll be other such tricks too yeah a really good question is there not a function to just ignore the case short answer there is and we'll see how to do that in actually just about a week's time and in other languages there's even more ways to just canonicalize the user's input throwing away any space characters they might have accidentally hit forcing everything to lower case in C it's going to be a little more work on our part to do that but in fact as early as next week we'll see how we can do that but for now we're comparing indeed just these literal values other [Music] questions really good question so we are assuming with this program in all of my last ones that the human's cooperating when I asked for their name they typed in David and not one two three or in this case they typed in a single character and not a full word so this is one of the features often of using a library so for instance if I run agree again and I say something like sure enter it rejects it alt together why because s e is a string of characters it's not a single character now I could just say something like X which is neither y nor n of course but it tolerates that because it's a single character but built into cs50's library is some built-in rejections of inputs that's not expected so if you use get int and the user types in not the number one or two but cat C A it will just prompt them again prompt them again and this is where too if you were to do this manually in C you end up writing this much code just to check for all of these errors that's why we use these training wheels for a few weeks just to make the code more robust but in a few weeks time we'll take the library away and you'll see and understand how it's doing all it's indeed doing all that all right so how about this let's now transition to something a little more scratch like literally uh by creating how about another program here called meow so meow. C we won't have any audio capabilities for this one will just rely on print and suppose that I wanted to write a program in C that just simulates like a cat meowing so I don't need any user input just yet so I'm just going to use standard i.h I'm going to do my usual int main void up here and then I'm just going to go ahead and do printf meow back sln and let's have this C meow three times like last week so I'm going to do meow meow meow notice as an aside whenever you highlight the lines you'll see little dots appear this is just a visual cue to you to let you figure out how many spaces you've indented vs code like a lot of editors will automatically indent your code for you I've not been hitting the space bar four times every time I've not even been hitting tab however in C the convention is indeed to indent lines where appropriate by four spaces so not three not five and these dots help you see things so that they just line up as a matter of good style all right so this program I'm just going to stipulate right now is indeed going to work make meow which is kind of cute and now meow there three times correct it's meowing three times but of course this is not well designed it wasn't well designed in scratch last week why what should I be doing differently yeah yeah it's a perfect like opportunity for a loop why because if you wanted to change maybe the capitalization of these words you wanted to change the sound to like woof or a dog or something like you'd have to change it one two three places and that's just kind of stupid right in code you should ideally change things in one place so how might I do that well we could introduce a loop yes but we're going to need another building block as well that we had in scratch namely those things called variables so we're call that a variable like in algebra x y z whatever can store a value for you and a variable in scratch might have looked like this you use this orange puzzle piece to set a variable of any name not just X Y or Z but you could call it something more descriptive like counter and you can set it equal to some value in C the way to do this is similar to to Spirit to some of the syntax we've seen thus far you start by saying the name of the variable you want a single equal sign and then the value you want to initialize it to copying therefore from right to left why because the equal sign denotes again assignment from right to left this isn't enough though you might have the intuition already what's missing probably from this line of code just to create a variable so we need int to make sure the computer knows that this is indeed an INT and then lastly semicolon as well and that now completes the thought so a little more annoying than scratch but we're starting to see patterns here so not every piece of syntax will be new all right if you wanted to increment the counter by one scratch uses the verb change and they mean add the value to counter so if I want to increment an existing variable called counter this syntax is a little more interesting it turns out the code looks like this which almost seems like a paradox like how can counter equal counter plus one like that's not how math works but again a single equal sign is assignment from right to left so this is saying take whatever the value of counter is add one to it and copy that value from right to left into counter itself you still need the semicolon but I claim you do not need to mention the keyword int when updating an existing variable so only when you create a variable in C do you use the word string or the word int or any of the others will eventually see only when creating it or initializing It For the First Time thereafter if you want to change it it just exists it's the word you gave it the computer's smart enough to at least remember what type it is so this line is now complete turns out in code as we'll see it's pretty common to want to add things together increase increment Things by One so there's actually different Syntax for the same idea the term of art here is syntactic sugar like there's often in code many ways to do the same thing even though at the end of the day they do exactly the same functionality so for instance if after a few days of cs50 you find this a little tedious to keep typing and some program you can simplify it to just this this is the syntactic sugar you can use plus equals and only mention the variable name once on the left and it just knows that that means the previous thing it's just slightly uh more uh more succinct this to is such a common thing to add one to a value and it doesn't have to be one but in this case it is but if it is indeed one you can further tighten the code up to just do this counter Plus+ so anytime in C you see plus plus it means literally adding one to that particular variable there's other ways to do this in the other direction if you want to subtract one from a variable you can use any of the previous syntax using a minus sign instead of Plus or you can more succinctly do counter minus minus this is the way a typical C programmer would do this all right so if we have now variables let's go and solve the meowing with loops so in scratch we saw Loops like this this of course had the cat meow three times how do we do this in C now this this is where things get a little more uh involved codewise but if you understand each and every line it will follow logically what's going on so here I claim is one way to implement a loop that iterates three times in C and this is kind of ridiculous right like we went from two super simple puzzle pieces like this to my God like it's 1 2 3 four five six lines of code all of which are pretty involved so like that escalated quickly but what's each line doing and we'll see other ways to do this more simply so we're izing a variable called counter to three just like before why well what does it mean to Loop or to repeat something three times well it's kind of like doing something three times and then do it and then count down and then do it and then count down and then do it until you're all out of counts so this is declaring a variable called counter setting it equal to three then I'm inducing a loop in C which is similar in spirit to repeat three but you have to do more of the math yourself so I'm asking the question in parentheses while counter is greater than zero what do I want to do well Pur the indentation inside the curly braces I want to meow one time and then to be clear what's this last line of code doing if counter starts off at three this makes it two by subtracting one from it then what happens by nature of a loop just like in scratch it kind of knows to go back and forth even though there's nice pretty arrow in scratch and there isn't here C knows to do this again and again and again con stantly asking this question and then updating this value at the end so if I highlight just a few of these steps the variable starts off at three and actually let me simplify two I claimed earlier that uh when using single variables people very often just call it I for INT or c for Char or s for string unless you have multiple variables so let me tighten the code up and this already makes it look a little more tolerable let me actually tighten it up further and one more step so now this is about as tight as succinct as you can make this code at the moment so what's actually going to happen here well the first line of code executes and that initializes I to 3 then we check the condition while I is greater than zero is I greater than zero we'll per my three fingers obviously so we print out meow on the screen then we subtract one from I at which point now we have two as the value of I then the code goes back to the condition and notice the condition there is in parentheses that's another Boolean expression so Loops can use Boolean Expressions just like conditionals use Boolean Expressions to make decis ision the loop though is deciding not whether to do this thing or that but whether to do the same thing again and again and again and as it ticks through the code one line after the other it's ultimately going to get down to uh one and then zero and then stop so put another way came with some props here so suppose uh this bowl here is your variable and you initialize it to three with like three stress balls you can do something three times right if I want to give out three stress balls here's your chance for free stress ball without having to answer any questions any okay there we go so here we go subtracting one from my variable I'm left with two uh oh my God all right uh don't tell Sounders oh I'm sorry oh okay that ended poorly apologies all right but now the educational point though is that my variable has been uh decremented further to just have I'm not throwing that far again I can't do this in here we go all right here we go and one final subtraction and now our variable is left so we have three stress balls there and that's all a variable is right it's some kind of storage it's actually of course implemented in the computer's memory but metaphorically it's really just like a bow with some values and every time you add or in this case subtract you're just changing the value of that variable and then the code meanwhile of course in parenthesis is just checking is the bow empty is the bowl empty is the bowl empty AKA is I greater than zero or not any questions on how we've implemented Loops in this way and I I'll you a stress ball after class questions on Loops all right so it turns out this is kind of ugly and like this really starts to take the fun out of programming uh when you have to like write out this uh sequence of steps so it turns out there's other ways to do this but first let's see logically how else you might Express this because it's a little weird that we keep using zero so the one other way to do this would be to invert the logic you could absolutely start with your variable call it I equal to one and then you ask the question is I less than or equal to three and notice a bit of new syntax here on your uh typical keyboard there is no less than or equal sign or greater than or equal sign like you would write in math class with one over the other and so in C you use two characters less than followed by an equal sign or if appropriate greater than followed by an equal sign and that logically captures that idea so notice that I'm kind of changing my questions I'm initializing I to one and then I'm going to increment It ultimately to two and then three but because I'm doing less than or equal to it's still going to go from 1 to three so that works too we could similarly do this yet another way we could initialize I to zero and then we could say well I is less than three and keep incrementing it and I showed this last form is actually the most canonical like it might be the most humanlike to think in terms of 1 to three it might be the most stress ball like to think in terms of three to zero counting down but Ty typically the go-to Syntax for most programmers once you get comfortable counting from zero is to always start counting from zero and count up to less than the value you're counting up to so it would be incorrect why to change this to less than or equal to three here what would happen if I Chang the less than to less than or equal to it'll me out twice yeah it'll out an extra a fourth time in fact total right because you'll start at zero then one then two then three and less than or equal to three sorry three will give you the fourth time so we do want it indeed to be just a single less than all right so now that we have those options let me just give you one other and this one takes a little more getting used to as well but it's probably the more common way to write this let me go ahead and propose that we implement this as follows let me go back to my code here let me go into my several printfs getting rid of all but one of them ultimately and let's implement this in code so let's do in I get that's zero how about then while I is less than three then let's go ahead and say print F quote unquote meow uh mellow meow back sln and then we have to do I minus minus or plus plus so plus plus because we're starting at zero and going up two but not through three so let me go ahead now and make meow after clearing my terminal SL meow and it's still just as correct but it's a little more uh it's a little better designed why because now if I want to change it from three to 30 times for instance I can change it there I can recompile my code I can do/ meow and done I don't have to copy and paste it 27 more times to get that effect and I can even change what the word is by changing it in just one location but it turns out there's other ways to do this too and let me propose that we introduce you to what's called a for loop as well so if you want to repeat something three times you can absolutely take the while Loop approach that we just saw or you can do this and this one's a little takes a little more getting used to but it kind of consolidates into one line all of the same logic so notice we have the keyword four here and four is just a a preposition in this case that generally implies here comes a loop inside of parenthesis here is not just a Boolean expression and this where things get a little weird there's three things to the left of the semicolon in the middle of the two semicolons and to the right of the semicolon this is really the only other context we'll see semicolons and it's weird normally it's been at the end of the line now it's two of them in the middle of the line but this is the way humans decided years ago to do it so what is this doing almost the same thing it is going to initialize a variable called I to zero it's going to then check if it's less than three it's then going to do what's ever in the curly braces is and it's lastly going to increment I and repeat so just highlighting in turn at first I is initialized to zero just like before then this condition is checked this is a Boolean expression yes or no true or false will be its answer and if I is less than three which it should be once it starts at zero well then we're going to go ahead and print out meow then I is going to get incremented so it starts at zero it goes now to one at that point the Boolean expression is checked again so you don't keep changing I back to zero that first step happens only once but now you repeat through those three other highlights I check if I is less than three it is so I print out meow it then increments I I check if I now two is less than three it is I print out meow I gets incremented I now check is I less than three no it's not because three is not less than three and so the whole thing stops and whatever code is below this curly brace if any starts executing instead just like in scratch you break out of the loop and the the puzzle piece being hugged questions then about this alternative Syntax for Loops AKA a four Loop sorry say again yeah can I explain again why it doesn't reset to zero honestly just because like this was the syntax they chose this first part before the first semicolon is only executed once just because that's how it's designed everything else Cycles again and again and this is just an alternative syntax to to using the slightly more lines of code it was like six lines of code using the while loop logically it's the same thing programmers once they get more comfortable tend to prefer this because it just expresses all your same thoughts more succinctly that's all yeah okay so let's just work this into my meow example let me go back to the code here and notice indeed if I highlight all these lines I think we can tighten this up let me get rid of all of those and instead do four in I equals 0 and I'm saying equals most programmers would say gets so in I gets zero means assignment the word get now I'm going to do I is less than three i+ plus now in here I'm going to do my print F quote unquote meow back sln and so it's indeed a little tighter I mean two of the lines are just curly braces there's really only two juicy lines of code now let me go ahead and do make meow meow and again we're back in business with three of them printing only all right there's one last structure we should explore just cuz it's sometimes useful this was a forever block and this would be a little weird in scratch to just say meow Forever at least without waiting but there is indeed a forever Block in scratch which means do the following forever and I proposed I think verbally last week's at least one example where this is useful meowing forever little annoying but can you think of common cases where you might want to write code or use a program that Loops forever yeah yeah playing music like Spotify playlist just repeating again and again would be some kind of loop for collisions checking for collisions and scratch so seeing if something's bouncing off the wall or another Sprite yeah checking for input so yeah get string is essentially just waiting there forever for me to type in some input until I do the time checking the time and actually maintaining like human time like a wall clock behind you was that the same okay checking the time and one more detecting a key press too like in scratch just waiting for some kind of event to happen just like on a phone or a browser and so there's so many examples where you might want to do something forever just so you've seen the corresponding C building block it's a little weird but this is probably the most canonical way to do it in C if you want to print meow forever which would be a little crazy because it literally print and take over your computer printing forever meow you would generally do it like this why well a while loop expects in parentheses a Boolean expression and a Boolean expression is again a yes no a true false question but if you want the answer to that question always to be yes or really always to be true turns out in C in a lot of languages well then just say true because true T R is never going to change magically to false I mean it's just a special word in the programming language so by saying while true it just means do the following forever another common Paradigm before true and false became common place would be to do uh this instead change uh while one you might see in online examples and texts and the like while one is really the same thing any value that is zero is generally interpreted as false by a computer any value that is one or any other nonzero value is generally interpreted as true and so this too would have the same effect saying while true or while one generally speaking while true is perhaps a little clearer these days now meowing forever is not a good thing but suppose I did that by intent or by accident well let's try this so here I'll go into my code I'm going to get rid of my for Loop and change my while loop to uh how about true um and in this case here well we'll keep it let's do this make meow enter and you'll see this use of Undeclared identifier or true this is actually hinting at my mention that the old way was zero and one nowadays you could say true or false but true and false are themselves special words that you have to include and it turns out if you want to use special Boolean values like this there's another header file we haven't seen called standard bu that essentially creates true and false as keywords alternatively cs50 includes that same file so it's more common in cs50 to see it like this now if I clear my terminal window and do make meow and then do/ meow and hit enter well unfortunately this isn't the best thing to do uh infinitely when you're in the cloud using a browser this is indeed a a browser full screened here um this means I'm sending millions of meows over the internet to my computer here uh so this will happen to you at some point probably not with meow but you'll lose control over your terminal window why because you screwed up and like you have an infinite Loop you didn't really intend it or maybe you did you were curious to see what happens what do you do like when when does the meowing stop what recourse do we have here all right well control c will be your friend sometimes you have to hit it a bunch in a cloud environment but control C for cancel with will interrupt a program that's running and I promise that almost all of you will at some point accidentally introduce an infinite Loop because you're math is slightly off when in doubt click in the terminal window and hit contrl C sometimes multiple times and that will indeed cancel whatever is happening there in this case I might have intended it but sometimes it's not in fact intended all right so we've been taking for granted this whole graphical user interface for some time and indeed uh the uh commands that I'm typing and the buttons I'm clicking and let me just give you a better sense of what it is we are using underneath the hood this whole time um namely an operating system called Linux so I keep alluding verbally of course to Macs and PCs because almost all of us are running Mac OS or Windows on our desktops or laptops nowadays but there's lots of other operating systems out there and one of the most popular one is called Linux and Linux is very often used on servers nowadays companies that host email companies that host websites or apps more generally um certain computer scientists or computer science students often like to brag that they run Linux just because that's a thing um but it is really just an alternative to Mac OS or windows that provides you with both a guey if you want it but also and especially a command line environment now fun fact Windows and Mac OS do have terminal windows or the equivalent thereof and eventually you might uh use it on your own Mac or PC to solve some problem but Linux is really known for along with other operating systems it's command line environment which again I distinguished earlier from Guy as a command line interface or CLI and that refers really to the terminal window so if I go back to VSS code here and let me in fact go ahead and close my tab and focus entirely on the terminal window this terminal window is really just your command line interface to your very own server in the cloud the term of art here is you each will have your own container in the cloud which is like your own computer running somewhere on the internet with your own username and password to which you have access and your own hard drive if you will your own home folder that has all of your files for the class and it's only accessible to you unless you enable live sharing thereof so when you're typing commands here it looks like you're typing them of course on your own Mac or PC but they're actually being sent over the browser to uh some server in the cloud where you are controlling really your own account therein so it turns out that there are other commands that are worth knowing and we'll give you just a few of these today and over the coming weeks will you have opport ities to play with others as well but these are kind of some of the basics and they're all incredibly succinct because indeed for things you're typing at the command line humans generally have not wanted to type out long commands so a lot of these are abbreviations here now perhaps the most common one I'll start with first is LS a lowercase l and a lowercase s that stands for succinctly list so if I go to my terminal window now where up until now I've only typed code which is a vs code thing for creating and opening files and make which triggers the compil ation of my code what if I now type LS this will list all of the files in my current folder my hard drive in the cloud if you will so if I hit enter you'll see a whole bunch of results now they're color-coded too the white ones here and in. c those are the source code files I've written during class today agree. C compare. C hello.c and meow. C and you can perhaps guess the green ones here that just by convention have an asterisk on the end to denote that they're special represent what what are the four others yeah yeah the machine code so those are my actual programs that are identically named minus the C extension and the asterisk means that they're executable that is in the world of Mac OS or Windows you would double click but in the world of a command line environment that means you do dot slash and then the name without the asterisk to execute or run the code therein so if I open up my file explorer and I'm hitting command B on my computer here just as a keyboard shortcut you'll see the exact same thing so LS is the command line interface for listing the files in your account but here because I'm using vs code or any program like it I also get a graphical user interface as well so it's just two different places to be you're welcome to use whatever you're comfortable with but over time will you naturally get more comfortable and capable with the terminal window alone well what else is on this this list here well during the break I saw that at least one of you for instance had created a file called hello instead of hello. so you were in a situation where you did this accidentally and hit enter and then you went ahead and typed in all of your code like this and then down in your terminal window you were trying to do make hello enter and this now didn't actually do anything like I can't I'm hitting um I'm trying to run the command I got permission denied as at least one of you did now why is that well let's just do a quick check if I do LS I see now hello but hello has no asteris next to it which means it's not executable that's my code why well notice the top of my tab confirms oh I screwed up I didn't name my file hello.c which it just has to be so what do you do well you could very hackish like copy this create a new file paste it in or no no no like we know how to rename things now here because that's one of our options let me do this let me do MV for move hello and then hello.c and hit enter you'll see the tab closes cuz hello no longer exists but if I now now type LS you'll see ah there is hello.c and if I open that file now there's all of my same code and now if I do make hello make hello now I do get an executable file wherein the world is restored so MV is just a command not just for renaming but it also turns out eventually for moving files as well you can also create directories or folders so for instance if I go into vs code again and suppose I hover over here and click not on the plus file icon but plus folder I can create a folder called for instance like pset one for problem set one in the class and you'll see now that it's empty CU all of my other files are in the default folder of my account but I could also go in there like this and I could click on file and now I can create a new file called like mario.c which is uh one of the first problems for instance but you'll notice now that mario.c is inside of the pet one folder so if I zoom out and I type LS at my terminal window I won't see mario. C anywhere but I do see a pet one folder and it's in light blue followed by a slash which you don't have to type it just indicates that's a folder now I can visually at top left obviously see pet one contains mario.c but if I try to do something like make Mario here no rule to make Target Mario like it just doesn't seem to exist and that's because you're in the wrong directory so in a command line interface it's not quite as simple as just clicking on a folder and voila it opens you have to change into the directory or folder and CD is going to be the command there so if I want to actually change into that directory I can do CD space pet one enter and now you'll see my prompt changes and this is just a common convention but it's not the only one out there now I still have a dollar sign which indicates where I can type commands but before it I see a reminder constantly what folder I'm in and we put that there deliberately like a lot of Linux users do just to remind themselves where they are cuz unlike Mac OS where you or Windows where you have a nice big window telling you where you are at the command line you kind of need to be reminded textually but now if I type LS and hit enter what should I see yeah mario.c and now if I want to open it uh if I want to uh actually compile it I can run make Mario in this directory once I actually type out all the code rest assured that in problem sets in Labs we almost always certainly in the first weeks of the class give you exactly the commands to type odds are because it's new to many of you view you will accidentally type the wrong commands no big deal just remember that you have different ways to solve these problems you've got like the graphical file explorer which should feel a little more familiar but in time you'll start to know and honestly probably prefer commands like these so CD for change directory CP for copy a file uh LS for list MK dirt to make a directory create a new folder at the command line instead of with the button MV for move or rename RM for remove so be careful with that one RM dur remove directory and there's dozens hundreds of other commands you won't need many of them but we'll start to scratch the surface all the more over time but ultimately this command line interface is going to be a more powerful mechanism a more capable mechanism and ultimately a more efficient mechanism for writing code running commands uh solving problems analyzing data more generally even though no there's going to be some uh some Growing Pains early on just because it's probably so new for many of you so with that said we have some problems still to solve but we promised cookies today so let's go ahead and take a 10-minute break cookies are now served in the transcept and we'll be back here in 10 all right we are back and up until now each of the code examples in C we've done if been kind of designed to show one specific topic but we thought we'd try to take a step back and solve a more General problem and give you a sense of when given a problem set for instance or just a programming problem more generally like where you even begin and how you go about approaching it when it's not obvious what the point of the exercise is so one of my favorite games from yester year is this one here Super Mario Brothers that has come in so many different forms since but in this original uh two-dimensional Sid scroller game there was a lot of artwork like this so for instance up here in the sky were four question marks and we'll find that in C in a lot of programming languages initially it's a lot easier a lot more accessible to focus really on black and white type interactive programs textually as opposed to full-fledged graphics and the like but more on the more Gra graphical acoustic uh type of programs before long but for now let me go over and propose that we try to just Implement an asy art aski again being the code that Maps numbers to letters at least for English um into a textual version of these four question marks in the sky so for this let me go over to vs code I'll create my own version of mario.c that will be different from the one you're challenged with in problem set one indeed in problem set one you'll be challenged to build a little something like this albeit with hashtags uh for asky art instead of graphics and in mario.c I want to just solve this simple problem first so it's all involving output so I'll do include standard i.h so I can use printf I'll do my int main void more on why we keep doing that in future weeks and I'm just going to do something simple initially like 1 2 3 4 back sln this is about the simplest way I can Implement four question marks in the sky like these here using pure text like this so let me go ahead and do make Mario / Mario and voila we have those four question marks but we've seen of course that there are better ways to do this and if you wanted to generalize this to be five question marks six 60 different question marks you know Loop was always the answer for not repeating ourselves so maybe I should rewrite this a little bit more flexibly and say something like this four in I gets zero I less than four I plus plus and then inside of the for Loop now I can just do a single question mark But I don't think what I've just done is correct anyone spot the aesthetic bug already yeah why is this why is this wrong if I want to print the same thing [Music] yeah yeah so I don't think I want to backs slash in after every question mark because the goal is again this like row of question marks in the sky so if I now recompile this make Mario Mario okay it's almost there but now I have that regression to where the dollar sign's not on its own line so I think I need a new line but I don't think I want it here cuz that was not going to end well where do I want it instead any Instinct yeah yeah so outside the for Loop so indeed I can just go below line eight and above line nine creating a new one and now there's it's totally fine to just print a new line like that you don't have to print anything else with it it's indeed a character unto itself so let's do make Mario one last time/ Mario okay so now we're back in business there well what if we wanted to do some other scene from Mario uh such as this one here where there's a lot of vertical obstacles like the These Bricks here if I wanted to print out now a column of three bricks and I'll use hashtags for these instead of anything graphical well I think we're almost there right like I think I can now it's almost maybe a little easier I can go back here change the question mark to something that looks more like a brick like this hash symbol and I think now I do want the new line character because when I now do make Mario Mario okay there's my wall of four oh but wait I didn't want four I wanted to be consistent just with this particular scene here so I just want three so I can still change it in one place and here again is that Paradigm even whether you're using four or three if you get into the habit of starting counting from zero you go on up to but not through the value you want to count up to so that's why I'm using less than instead of less than or equals to there so this would be the common Paradigm though you could certainly count it like we saw earlier in different ways but what if things escalate one level further and when you're in the underground version of Super Mario Brothers there's a lot of these underground obstructions including like grids of bricks like this and let me conjecture that if you slice this up it's roughly a 3X3 grid of bricks that all interlock uh prettily to give us just one big large brick like this so if I want to print out a 3X3 grid now things are getting a little more interesting because up until now I printed either one row horizontally or one column vertically but we haven't really seen any code where I'm sort of printing or living in two different dimensions like the game would imply but let me propose that we could do this let me go ahead and say all right suppose I want to print a 3X3 grid of bricks it's really that I want to print what three rows of bricks like a grid is three rows so if I take the highle idea and reduce it to something a little simpler how do I do that well let me get rid of the print for a moment as I did and let me just stipulate that this for Loop even though it doesn't do anything useful yet will do something how many times just by Design all right three times right this for Loop is good to go it will do something three times by just using I to do the counting all right well if I want to print out now a row of three bricks all on the same line that's pretty similar to what we did earlier when I just wanted to print out four question marks in the sky so we've kind of seen a solution there and I dare say we can compose one into the other so if I want to print out a row of bricks I could just do this four in I gets zero I less than three I ++ and then inside of this inner loop if you will let me print out a single brick like this and then I I don't like where this is going yet but I think I've taken two ideas and I've combined them but what might be problematic about lines five and seven at the moment what might be bad here uh yeah and back yeah I'm using the same integer ey which I feel like could get me into trouble right if I'm sort of trying to count three things here but then I'm hijacking this variable and using it inside of the loop like I feel like I should avoid this this Collision of names and so what's a good alternative to I well a programmer if nesting Loops in this way would pretty commonly go with J you could certainly change this to be like rows and columns if you want more descriptive variables but I and J is pretty canonical so I'm going to go ahead and do this j++ instead of i++ everywhere and let me try compiling this so make Mario enter Mario okay so a couple of things are wrong here this is not a 3X3 grid but if you count these things how many did I indeed print at least can probably just guess logically yeah there's nine hashes there unfortunately they're all on the same line instead of on three different lines so where logically can I fix this I'm definitely printing all the bricks they're just not on the right levels yeah yeah so put a new line after the first Loop this inner loop if you will the nested Loop if you will so let me go ahead and print out just a back slash n here and what's this doing well I think that's going to solve it by just moving the cursor to the next line after you've done one row so let me go ahead and do make Mario enter SL Mario and now we're in business so it's a very simplistic version of the same graphic but I'm leveraging two different ideas now the same or the same idea twice rather now I'm using one Loop to kind of control my cursor going row by row by row but then within that Loop I'm doing left to right do do dot dot dot with printing out each of these individual bricks like this now there's a little sloppiness here still like if I want this to always be a square just because that's what it looks like in the game well I could change it to be a 4x4 uh Square by doing this or a 5x5 grid whoops by doing this why is this perhaps not the best design to just keep changing the numbers when I want to change the size where could this go AR yeah yeah if it's always going to be a square and height is going to be the same as width I'm just inviting trouble here right eventually I'm going to screw up I'm going to change one but not the other then it's going to come out to be a rectangle instead of a proper Square so I should probably solve this a little differently so let me do that at the top of my main function here let me go ahead and give myself a variable called maybe uh n for the number of bricks I want horizontally and vertically and I'll just initialize that to three initially and instead of putting three here I'll literally just use n but I'll do it in both places so that now henceforth if I ever want to change this and change it to four or five or anything else like I'm all done like it's better designed because there's a lower probability of mistakes but I could technically SK still screw up somehow I could technically accidentally write line of code like n++ or you know I could just change the value of that variable even though I don't want it to ever change and maybe it's because I'm a bad programmer I copy pasted wrong I'm working with someone who doesn't know what n represents I can defend myself and my code against human error like that by going up here to line five and instead of just declaring a simple variable like we did in scratch I can further Harden my code so to speak by declaring it to be a constant using the keyword const now this is just a feature of c and some other languages to protect you against Yourself by proactively saying N is a constant specifically the number five or previously the number three you cannot accidentally write code elsewhere that changes it the computer will throw an error and catch that error so it's just a way of programming a little more defensively um some languages have this some languages don't but in general it's a good practice it makes your code better designed because it just is less vulnerable to Mistakes by you colleagues or anyone else using the code so let me change this back to three just to be our default but now I'm using n in both places and if I do make mario. Mario we're back to where we originally started but the code's a little more better design and let me note this too all this time I've been mentioning that uh there's correctness is important design is important there was also this matter of style I've been very deliberately writing pretty code if you will not just the syntax highlighting which is automatic but notice that I keep indenting everything nicely anytime I have curly braces like on lines 4 and 14 everything is indented one level when I have additional curly braces on line 7 and 13 everything is nicely indented uh as well technically speaking the computer does not care about that kind of white space so to speak and you could really make a mess of things like this because you have a strange sense of style or just because you're being a little sloppy but this code is actually still correct if I recompile it let me open up my terminal window make uh Mario no errors Mario it works perfectly fine but you can imagine just how annoying this now is to read like certainly for a TA U but certainly for you the next day certainly for a colleague who has to read your code this is just bad style like it still works and it's welld designed in that like you're uh writing code defensively you're using a constant but my God the style is atrocious now you'll often find that there's tools that can help you format your code for you in a manner consistent with a courses or a company's uh style but this is the kind of muscle memory you'll want to develop over time to take vs code suggestions as it's outputting lines of code for you because it's trying to format your code in a readable way and oh my God if and when you do have bugs in your code and things aren't even indented properly there's no way you the human are going to be able to wrap your mind around what's happening and where like you're just making the problem harder for yourself so do get into this habit too of manifesting good style as well all right well let me propose that we don't only want a 3X3 grid we want this to be a little more Dynamic so suppose we moved away from a constant to just using an integer called n and let's ask the user for the size of this grid as by prompting them with get int as we've done before and I'll store it in N here and then I can go ahead and more dynamically run make Mario to compile it whoops oh I screwed up accidentally what is it in suggesting I do albeit cryptically yeah I forgot to include the cs50 header file up top and that's why it doesn't know that get int is in fact valid so that's an easy fix U I'm just going to go up here and include cs50.h now I'm going to clear my terminal and rerun make Mario now we're good Mario and now notice I'm prompted for size so if I type in three it's the same as before if I type in 10 it's even bigger but it happens all now automatically but there are some things that we're not detecting for instance suppose I type in cat well that's handled by the get it function as I claimed earlier that's one of the features of using a library you don't have to deal with erroneous input but we only designed a function called get int to get you an integer we don't know if you want it to be positive negative zero or some combination thereof and it's kind of weird to allow the user to type in like negative one for the size of the Grid or you know ne3 for the size of the grid and indeed your code does nothing so at least it's not crashing but that's kind of stupid right like it'd be nice to force the user if they want a grid to give us a positive value so how could we do this well I could go up here and I could say something like if n is less than one so if it's zero or negative which I don't want what could I do well I could say well prompt the user again for the size and now notice I'm not declaring and again because once it exists you don't have to mention the data type again we said that earlier but this is kind of stupid why because now when You' given the user a second chance okay now maybe I'll do all right if this version of n is less than one well let's just go and prompt the user a third time I mean you can kind of see where this is stupidly going like this can't be the right solution to keep typing recursively the same thing again and again like where would it stop you'd have to give them a finite number of chances or just you know make a mess of your code so what would be intuitively a better solution here yeah so some kind of loop we've seen a while loop we've seen a four Loop so maybe one of those so let me try this let me delete this messiness and just go back to the first question and let me do this so while n is less than one so while the number is not what we want let's just prompt the user in a loop this time for the size again now here too this is better because it's only two requests for information but clearly line six and N are pretty much identical other than the int and if I went in and changed the size you know uh if I add this if I change the wording here change it to a different language like I have to change it in two places that's bad copy paste bad so what might be better well it turns out there's another Paradigm in C that you can use that gets around this problem this duplication of code it would be much nicer if I just write this code once and I can do that using a third type of loop called a do while loop so it turns out in C you can do this if you want to get the value of a variable like n first just decree create the variable without an initial value so int n semicolon means it we don't know what value it has yes but that's okay we're going to add a value to it eventually then I'm going to say this do literally I'm going to open my curly braces and what do I want to do I want to assign to n the return value of get in prompting the user for size well when do you want to do that I want to do that while n is less than one and this code now achieves the exact same goal but by never repeating myself why well notice on these lines of code now I'm literally saying on line six give me a variable called n of type integer it doesn't have a value initially but that's fine you can do that line seven says do the following what do you want to do get int prompting the user with the word size and just store that value in N but because code runs top to bottom left to right now it's reasonable on line 11 to ask that question okay is the current value of n which it definitely got on line a less than one and if the user didn't cooperate they typed in zero or Nega 1 or3 what's going to happen it's going to go back up here and repeat repeat repeat everything in the do while loop so a do while loop in C which is not something some other languages have like python if you know it does not have a do while loop this is perhaps the cleanest way to achieve this even though it's a little weird that you have to declare your variable create your variable up top and then check it down below but other wise it's similar to a while loop it just flips the order in which you're asking the question any questions on this construct and Doh in general is super useful when you want to get input from the user and make sure it meets certain requirements all right so now that we have this building block after that interlude how can I go about cleaning up this code and then let's conclude by taking a look at things that our code can't do or can't do very well or correctly let me propose that in a final version of Mario let me just add what are called now some comments so it turns out in code in C you can Define what are called comments which are just notes to self some of you discovered these in scratch there's little yellow sticky notes you can use to add citations or explanations in C there's a couple of ways to write comments and in general comments are notes for yourself for your ta for your colleague as to what your code is doing and why or how it's a little explanatory note in English or whatever your human language might be so for instance what I might do here in my implementation of this version of Mario I might first ask myself a question like I I might first make a note to S like this on a new line above this first block of code uh get size of Grid it's just an explanatory remark in any tur English that generally explains the next six or so lines the next chunk or block of code if you will it would be a little excessive to comment every single line at some point the programmer should know what individual lines of code do but it's nice to be able to kind kind of glance at this comment on line six that starts with two slashes and it gets gray out because of syntax highlighting it's not logic it's just a note to self it generally gives me a little cheat sheet as to what the following lines of code should be doing and or why and then down here well there's a second block of code that's a bunch of lines but together this just what prints uh grid of bricks and so it's another comment to myself that just makes it a little more understandable what these 20 some odd lines of code are doing by adding some English explanations thereof but now that I have these you know wouldn't it be nice if I could kind of abstract these pieces of functionality away this getting of the size and this printing of the Grid in other words suppose that you didn't know where to begin with this problem and the problem at hand were literally Implement a program that prints a grid of bricks of some variable size three or four or five or whatever the human types in if you have really no idea where to start comments are actually a good way of getting started because comments can be a approximation of what we called last week pseudo code pseudo code is tur English that kind of gets your point across like for the uh phone book searching like last time so if you didn't really know where to begin you could do something like this I could for instance just say get size of grid as my first step and then print grid of bricks as my second step and that's it for my program thus far this is now implemented in pseudo code I have some massive placeholders there like I still have work to be done but at least I have a highle solution to the problem in comments and now I can even go this far I could say well let's suppose that there's just a function already that exists called get size I could do something like this I could do Inn equals get size and now I just have to assume for the moment that some abstraction called get size exists it doesn't this does not come with the cs-50 library but I could invent it I bet how else might I proceed well let's just assume for the moment that there's also a function called print grid that just prints that a grid of that size n so here too is an abstraction these puzzle pieces don't exist these functions don't yet exist but in C just like in scratch I can create my own functions how do I do that well let me go down later in the file and by convention you generally want to leave main at the top of your code why because it's the main function and it's just where the human eye is going to look to see what some file of code does and let me do this I want to create a function of my own called get size whose purpose in life is to get the size that the user wants I want this function to return an integer and the Syntax for doing that is this write similar to a variable the data type that this function returns I don't need this function to take any inputs and so I'm going to use a new keyword that we've actually been using thus far more on it another time just called void which just means this get size function does not take any inputs it does have an output it outputs an INT and this is just a weird order in which you write it you write the output format the name of the function and then the inputs if any inside of parentheses and now I can Implement get size but I've already implemented get size or at least now at this point in the story I at least know concretely what to do and I could figure out eventually with some trial and error perhaps all right if I declare a variable and I do the following n equals get in prompting the user for size and I keep doing that while n is less than one once that block of code is done here is a new keyword in C where you can return that value n so I keep referring to these values that some functions return as return values in C there's literally a keyword called return that will hand back to any function that uses that function the value in question so in a nutshell between lines 15 and 21 now here is some code identical to our solution earlier that gets a value n from the user that is positive it's one or two or higher it's not zero or it's not less than one and as soon as we've got that value we hand it back as a return value notice how I'm using this function on line 7even just like with get int just like with get string I'm calling the function nothing in the parenthesis in this case but then I'm using the assignment operator to copy whatever its return value is into my variable n and so now I have a function that didn't used to exist called get size that gets me a positive integer no matter what and now for the grid how do I do this how do I invent a function called print grid that takes a single argument a number and prints a grid of that size well let's go down here I'm going to write the name of this function print grid this function just needs to print it has a side effect as we keep saying so I'm just going to say it has no return value it's just void it doesn't have an output per se it's just an aesthetic side effect but it does take an an argument an argument is an input and the Syntax for this in C is to name the type of the input it takes and the name of the variable and I could call this anything I want I'll call it size I could call it n and it's okay to use the same variable in different functions but I'll call it size just to be distinct and then in this function I'm just going to copy from memory the same code as before for in I get zero I less than size instead of three I ++ inside of this four uh int J gets zero J is less than size j++ and inside of that print print out with print f a single hash print out after that Loop a single new line and that's it now I did this fast admittedly but it's the same code that I wrote earlier but now just like I did with scratch let me just arbitrarily hit enter a bunch of times to like move the code out of sight out of mind now I have abstractions I have puzzle pieces that now exist called get size and print grid Syntax for which takes some getting used to but they now just exist except I do need to do one thing because C is a little naive if I try to do make Mario now and hit enter implicit Declaration of function get size is invalid and we've seen that before when I hadn't included a file right when I hadn't included cs50 Library get in didn't work but that's not the issue here because this is not from a library I just invented this C kind of takes you literally and if you define these functions at the bottom of your file they don't exist on line seven or 10 so I could do this I could all right fine well let me just kind of highlight all of this cut with to my clipboard and paste it up here this would solve the problem I could just move all of those functions at the top of my file that's kind of annoying because now main is like the bottom of the file you're not it's going to take longer to find it it's just that's not a clean solution so let me put it back where it was at the bottom and let me do this this is the only time in cs50 and really in C programming where copy paste is reasonable if you copy and paste the first line of code from each function and then end it with a semicolon you can tease the compiler by giving it just enough of a hint at the top of the file that okay these functions don't exist till down later but here's a hint that they will exist this is how you can uh convince the compiler to trust you so those other functions can still be lower in the file below main but now when I do make Mario oh damn it oh I said print instead of print F that's my bad print f so if I do make Mario Mario now I can type in three and we're back in business now this was a very heavy-handed way and long way to get to a much more complicated solution but this solution in some sense is better designed why because now especially without the comments I mean look how short my code is my main function is literally two lines of code why well I kind of factored out the juicy stuff into its own functions and now especially if I'm working with colleagues or others you could imagine splitting up up large programs into smaller parts having different people Implement different parts so long as you all agree in advance on what those inputs and those outputs actually are all right so let's now consider what computers can do well and not so well C indeed supports a whole bunch of operators mathematically via which we can do addition and subtraction multiplication division and even calculate the remainder when you divide one number by another in fact why don't we go ahead and use these in a very simple program and make our very own calculator so let me go over here here to vs code let me go ahead and create a new file called calculator. C and in this file let's go ahead and first include a couple of now familiar header files cs50.h as well as standard i.h let's go ahead then and declare main with int main void and then inside of main let's do something relatively simple let's declare an INT and call it X and set it equal to whatever the return value is of get int prompting the user for a value for x let's then give ourselves a second variable we'll call it say y set that equal to the return value of another call to get int prompting the user this time for that value Y and then let's very simply go ahead at the very end and just print out say the sum of X Plus y a super simple calculator so I'll use print F quote unquote percent I for integer back sln to give me the new line then I'm going to go ahead and do x + y to indeed print out the sum let me go down to my terminal window now let me do make calculator in order to compile the C no error messages so that's good let me do/ calulator and let's do something like 2 + 2 which of course should equal 4 and it does but it turns out that sometimes there are going to be limitations that we bump up against and let me get a little more ambitious here let me clear my terminal window and let me go ahead and rerun calculator again and this time let's type in O2 billion for x and let's type in the same for y and of course now the answer of 2 billion plus 2 billion should have of course be 4 billion and yet it's not so curiously we see of all things a negative number here which suggests that somehow the plus operator doesn't quite work as well as we might like now why might this actually be well it turns out that inside of your computer is of course memory or Ram random access memory and depending on the size of your computer and the type of computer it might very well look a little something like this a little circuit board with these black little modules on it that actually contain all of the btes of your computer's memory unfortunately you and I only have a finite amount of this memory inside of our computers which means no matter how high we want to count there's ultimately going to be a limitation on high how we can count because we only have a finite amount of memory we don't have an infinite number of zeros and ones to play with we have to actually be bounded ultimately so what's the implication of this well it turns out that computers typically use as many as 32 bits zeros or ones to represent something like an integer or in C an INT so for instance the smallest number we could represent using 32 ins of course using 32 bits of course would be zero 32 zeros like this here and the biggest number we could represent is by changing all of those zeros to ones which in this case will ideally give us a number that equals roughly 4 billion in total it's actually 4 billion 294 mil 967 295 maximally if you set all 32 of those bits to ones and then do out the actual math the catch though is that we humans and Compu in general also sometimes want to and need to be able to represent negative numbers so if you want to represent negative numbers as well as positive numbers in zero you can't really just start counting at zero and go all the way up to roughly four billion you got to kind of split the difference and maybe allocate half of those patterns of zeros and ones to negative numbers and the other half roughly to positive numbers so in fact in practice when you're using even as many as 32 bits the highest most computers could count certainly in a program like this in C using an INT would be roughly 2 billion that is 2 b47 m 483,000 flow where you want to use more bits than you have available and as a result you sort of overflow the available space what does this mean in fact in real terms well let's suppose that you only have three bits but I'm going to gray out a fourth bit just to convey where we'd like to uh put an additional bit ultimately if this of course is zero per week zero discussion this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 now ideally in binary if you want to add one more to this value seven you're going to have to carry the one mathematically and that would ideally give you 1 0 0 0 but if you don't have four bits and your computer's only sophisticated enough to have three bits not even 32 but three the implication is that you're effectively representing not one0 0 but rather 0 z0 there's just no room to store that fourth bit that I've gray out here which is to say that your integer might overflow and as soon as you get to seven the next number once you add one is actually going to be zero or worse as we've seen here in my code a negative value instead so what could we do to perhaps address this kind of concern well C does not have just integers or ins it also has Longs which as the name suggest or just longer integers which means they have more bits available to them so let me go back into my code here I'll clear the terminal window and let me go ahead and change my integers to literally long here long here I'm going to have to change my function in uh cs50's library to be not get in but get long and that's indeed another function we provide in the library let me change this get in to get long as well I'll keep my variable names the same but I do need to make one other change it turns out that print F also support supports other format codes so not just percent I for integers or percent s for Strings but also for instance percent Li for a long integer as well as percent f for floating Point values with decimals so with that said let's go ahead and change my print F line to be not perc I but percent Li I now let me go ahead and do make calculator again enter no apparent errors now do/ calulator and 2 + 2 still equals 4 as before but now if I do calculator again and let's do two billion again as well as 2 billion for y previously we overflowed the size of an integer and got some weird negative number because the pattern was misinterpreted if you will as a negative number instead but along instead of using using 32 bits conventionally uses 64 bits which means we have more than enough spare bits to go when we add 2 billion plus 2 billion and now in fact we get the correct answer of four billion which does fit inside of the size of a long now along can count up quite high and in fact it can count as high as this nine quintilian and so that will give us quite a bit more Runway but of course it too is ultimately going to be finite so if you have numbers that need to go bigger than that you might still very well have a problem now there's another problem that we might run into as well and we can see it in the context of even this simple calculator computers also suffer from potentially what's called truncation where especially when you're doing math involving floating Point values that is numbers with decimals you might accidentally unknowingly truncate the value that is lose everything after the decimal point so in fact let me go back to vs code here I'll clear my terminal window and let's still use Longs but let's go ahead and use division instead of addition here so let me change this plus to a divide operator let me go ahead and recompile the code down here with make calculator let me go ahead and run/ calculator and let me go ahead and do something like 14x and 3 for y and we'll see that well wait a minute 1 divided 3 I learned should be 13 but in a floating point value that should be point0 it should be 0.33333 you know maybe with a little line over in grade school but really an infinite number of Threes And yet we seem to have lost even one of those threes after the decimal point because the answer is coming back here as just zero so why might that be well if I know that two integers when divided one by the other is supposed to give me a fraction a floating point value with a decimal point I can't continue to use integers or even in this case Longs which do not have support for decimal points so let me go ahead and change this format code here from percent Li I to percent F which is again going to represent a floating point value instead of a long integer or even an integer and let me go ahead further and Define maybe a third variable Z as a float itself so I'll give myself a variable Z equals x / Y and now rather than print X ided Y let's just go ahead and print Z so now I'm operating in a world of floating Point values because I know proactively that an long or an INT divided by another such value if it's meant to have a fraction needs to be stored in a floating point value something with a decimal point well let me go down to my terminal window here and rerun make of calculator seems to work okay/ calulator and let's do 1 / 3 again and still here we see all zeros well so we do at least see a decimal point so we've made some progress thanks to the percent F in the float but it seems that we've already truncated the value 1 / 3 so how do we actually get around this issue well if you the program know that you're dealing in a world that's going to give you floating Point values with decimal points you might very well need to use what's called a feature known as typ casting that is convert one data type to another by explicitly telling the compiler that you want to do so now how do I do this well let's go back to my code here and if the issue fundamentally is that c is still treating X and Y as integers or technically Longs with no decimal point and dividing one by the other therefore has no room so to speak for any numbers after a decimal point why don't I proactively do this let me using a slightly new syntax with parenthesis specify that I want to convert X proactively from a long to a float let me specify proactively that I want to convert y from a long to a float as well and now let me go ahead and trust that in Z should be the result of dividing not a long by a long or an INT by an INT but rather a float by a float Let Me Clear My terminal window run make calculator again seems to work okay/ calulator and now 1 3 and hopefully now we actually see that my code has outputed 0.333 333 and I think if we kept showing more numbers after the decimal point we'd theoretically see as many of those threes as we want but there is still one more catch and especially when we're manipulating numbers in this way in a computer using a finite amount of memory another challenge we might run up against besides integer overflow besides truncation is this known as floating point in Precision just as we can't represent as big of an integer as we want using int or long alone because there is going to be an upper bound they're similarly going to be a boundary on just how precise our numbers can be and indeed let's go back to vs code here I'll clear my terminal window yet again and this time let me use some slightly unley syntax to specify that I don't want to see the default number of numbers after the the decimal point which percent F gives us automatically let's go ahead and show me 20 decimal point numbers after the decimal point and the weird Syntax for this is to do not percent F but percent period to zero to indicate to see that I want to see 20 digits not the default after now the decimal point let me rerun make calculator let me do dot calculat again and let's do one let's do three and now this is even weirder right from grade school you presumably learned that 1 divided 3 is of course 1/3 but that should be 0.33333 infinitely many times or on paper with a little line over it but the computer is just doing some weird approximation here it's a whole bunch of Threes And then 43 267 44 079 590 well what's really happening under the hood well again is this issue of floating point in Precision if you only have a finite number of bits and in turn a finite amount of memory the computer can really only be so precise intuitively alter Converse or equivalently the computer has decided on some way of representing floating Point values but the catch is per grade school math there's an infinite number of numbers out there and an infinite number of floating Point values because you can keep adding more and more digits if you want so the computer given the way it's implementing these floating Point values is essentially giving us the closest approximation that it can now how can we go about improving the situation well there is one alternative instead of using float I can use something called a double which as the name suggests uses twice as many bits as a float so instead of 32 typically it will use 64 and that's just like the difference between a long and an INT which gave us more bits but in this case this will be used for more Precision let's go ahead and Cast X to a double let's cast y to a double and now let's go ahead and using the same format code percent 2f is still okay for doubles let me do make calculator let me do do slash calculator and now let me do 1 / 3 and we still have some of that in precision and we'd see even more of it if we looked at more than just 20 digits but now we have more threes after the decimal point so it's at least more more more precise but it's not perfect but it it's at least more precise so these kinds of issues then are going to be necessary to keep in mind anytime you do something numerically scientifically at least with a language like C where you're going to bump up against these real world limitations of hardware and intern language now later in the semester we'll transition to a language called Python and that's actually going to solve at least one of these problems for us but just automatically giving us more bits so to speak as we need them at least for integers but even the issue of floating point in Precision is going to remain now just how real world are these issues well back in the year 1999 we got a taste of this when the world realized in the Years leading up to that date that it might not have been the best idea to implement computers and software therein by storing years using just two digits like instead of storing 1999 to represent the year 1999 a lot of computers for reasons of space and cost were in the habit of kind of cutting a corner and just using two digits to keep track of the year the problem with that is that if systems were not updated by the year 1999 to support the year 2000 2001 and so forth is that just like before with integer overflow some computers might add one to the year in their memory 99 it should be the year 2000 but if they're only using two digits to represent years they might mistake the year as some systems may very well have for the year 1900 instead taking literally a big step backwards if you will now you'd like to think that kind of issue is behind us especially as we understand all the more about the limitations of code and Computing but we're actually going to run up against this very same type of issue again in just a few years on January 19th in the year 2038 we will have run out of bits in most computers right now to keep track of time it turns out years ago humans decided to use a 32-bit integer to keep track of how many seconds had elapsed over time they chose a somewhat arbitrary date in the past January 1st 1970 and they just started counting seconds from there on out and so if a computer stores some number of seconds that tells the computer how many seconds have passed since that particular date January 1st 1970 unfortunately using a 32-bit integer as we've seen you can only count so high at which point you overflow the size of that variable and so potentially if we don't get ahead of this as humans as a society as computer scientist on the date January 19th 2038 that bit might flip over there by overflowing the size of those integers bringing us back computationally to December 13th 1901 so this is to say now with all of this computational ability and code comes a responsibility to actually write correct code next week we'll peel back some of these layers but for now this was week one and best of luck on problem set [Music] [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this is cs50 and this is this is week two wherein we're going to take a look at a lower level at how things work and indeed among the goals of the course isn't this bottom up understanding so that in a couple of weeks time even a few years time when you encounter some new technology you'll be able to think back hopefully on some of this week's and this courses basic building blocks and Primitives and really just deduce how tomorrow's Technologies work but along the way it's going to seem it's going to be a little hard perhaps to see the forest for the tree so to speak and so the goal at the end of the day still is going to be problem solving and so we thought we'd begin today with a look at some of the problems we'll talk about or solve this coming week uh and for that we have some Brave volunteers who have already come up if we could turn on some dramatic lighting and meet today's volunteers so on my left here we have hi my name is Alex I'm a first year at the college and I'm from Chapo North Carolina Welcome to Alex and to Alex's right um I'm Sarah I'm from Toronto Canada and I'm also a first year student at the college wonderful well welcome to both Al and Sarah so one of the problems you'll perhaps solve this week for problem set two is to analyze the reading level of a body of text whether someone reads at a first grade level second grade level third grade level all the way up to 12 or 13 or Beyond but you've perhaps never quite thought about certainly in terms of code like how you would analyze some text some book and figure out what reading level is it at and yet surely our teachers growing up kind of knew or had an intuitive sense of this so let's consider some sample text for instance Alex what have you been reading lately um One Fish Two Fish Red F Fish Blue Fish wonderful so given that what grade level would you say Alex is currently reading at feel free to just shout it out first first so indeed you'll see this week if you run your code on Alex's text it actually turns out he reads below a first grade reading level but but why might that be what might your intuition be for why we've uh why we've accused Alex of reading at this level feel free to shout out yeah so very few syllables short words short sentences and so there's some puristic perhaps we can infer from that short text that that probably means that it's best for younger children now Sarah by contrast what have you been reading Mr and Miss dersley of number four privet Drive were proud to say that they were perfectly normal thank you very much they were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious ious because they just didn't hold with much nonsense all right now irrespective of what grade you were in when you might have read that text what grade level does Sarah seem to be reading at so eighth grade second grade okay so hearing a bit of everything so that at least according to code would actually be seventh grade and what might the intuition there be why is that a higher grade level even though we might disagree exactly which grade it is comp yeah so complicated sentences longer sentences so indeed a lot more more words were being spoken by Sarah because there was so much more there on the page so we'll translate these ideas this coming week and problem set two if you tackle this one to code so that you can ultimately infer things of these quantitatively but to do so we're going to have to understand text so let's first thank our volunteers and then we'll dive in to that lower level stress balls sure you can keep those yeah all right so besides that let's consider one another body of text perhaps that you might see this week which is namely a little something like this what I have here on the screen is what we'll start calling today Cipher text it's the result of encrypting some piece of information and encryption or more generally the Art and Science of cryptography is all around us it's what you're using on the web on your phones with your Banks and anything that tries to keep data secure is using encryption but there's going to be different levels of encryption strong encryption weak encryption and what you see here on the screen isn't all that strong but we'll see later today how we might decrypt this and actually reveal what the plain text is that corresponds to that Cipher text but in order to do so we have to start taking off some training wheels so to speak and believe it or not even though your time with C this past week for the first time probably might have been rather in the weeds and much more complicated seemingly than C it turns out that along the way we have been providing and will continue to provide certain training wheels for instance the cs50 library is one of them and even some of the explanations give up topics for now in these early weeks will be somewhat simplified abstracted away if you will but the goal ultimately is for you to understand each and every one of those details so that after cs50 you really can stand on your own and understand and wrap your mind around any future Technologies as well so let's consider first the very first program with which we began last week which was this one so hello world and C at the end of the day it was really the print a function that was doing the interesting part of the work but there was a lot of technical stuff above and below it the the curly braces the parentheses words like void and include and then of course the angled brackets and more but at the end of the day we needed to convert that source code in C to machine code the zeros and ones in binary that the computer understood and to do that of course we ran we compiled the code we ran make and then we were able to actually run that code there so let me actually go over here to VSS code and really quickly recreate that hello.c pretty much by transcribing the same so I have here uh include standard i.h uh int main void and then in here I had quite simply hello comma world with my back slend quotes and more now last time to compile this I indeed ran make hello followed by enter hopefully you see no errors and that's a good thing and if you do do/ hello you see in fact the results of that program but it turns out that make is not actually a compiler as I alluded to last week it's a program that clearly makes your program but it itself just automates the process of using an actual compiler and there's lots of different compilers out there and the one that it's actually using underneath the hood is a little something called clang for C language and clang is a pretty popular compiler nowadays there's another one that's been around for ages called GCC but these are just specific names for types of compilers that different people different companies different groups have actually created but if you use in week one a compiler yourself manually you have to know you have to understand a little more about what's going on because it's even more cryptic than with just make a loan so in fact let me go back to my terminal window here let me go ahead and clear the screen a little bit and just run really the raw compiler command so what make is automating for me let me actually do this manually for just a moment so if I want to compile uh hello.c into an executable program I can run I can do this uh clang space hello C and then enter and now there's no output which is a good thing in this case no errors but notice this if I go ahead and type LS it turns out there's a uh a file that's been created suddenly in my current folder weirdly called a.out that stands for assembler output and long story short that's actually the default name of a program that's created when you just run C by itself now that's a pretty uh bad name for a program because it doesn't describe what it said does so better would be here to perhaps do well instead of a.out which yes still prints hello. world but isn't really a a clearly named program it'd be nice to name this hello so what could I do I could do like we learned last week well I could rename a.out to Hello by using linux's MV command so I'm going to move a. out to become hello but that too seems kind of tedious now I have three steps like write my code compile my code and then rename it before I can even run it like we can do better than that and so it turns out that certain commands like clang support what we're going to start today calling commandline arguments a commandline argument unlike an argument to a function is just an additional word or key phrase that you type after a command at your prompt in your terminal window that just modifies the behavior of that command it configures it a little more specifically so what you're seeing here on the screen is a summary of a better command with which to run clang so that now I can specify the output of this command this- o so what do I mean by that well let me go ahead and clear my terminal window again and more explicitly type clang d o hello hello. C and then enter nothing again appears to happen but that's a good thing when you see no errors and now the program I just created is indeed called hello so it achieves really the same exact effect as make did but what I don't have to do with make is type and remember something as long as this command and this too is a bit of a white lie it turns out we have preconfigured vs code in the cloud for you to also use some other features of clang that would be even more tedious for you to write yourselves and so really this is why we distill this as ultimately just running make so let me pause here to see first if there's any questions on what I've done by taking my very first program in C and just now compiling it first with make but then starting over and now manually compiling it with clang with what we'll call command line arguments - o space hello and then the name of the file yeah yeah so a.out is a historical name it refers to assembler output more on that soon and it's just the default file name that you get automatically if you just run the compiler on any file so that you have just a standard name for it but it's not a very well-named program instead of running Microsoft Word on your Mac or PC it would like be like double clicking on a.out so instead with these command line arguments you can customize the output of clang and call it hello or anything you want other questions on what I've done here with clang itself the compiler yeah so- o and you would only know this from reading the manual taking a class means output so- o means change clangs output to be a file called hello instead of the default which is a.out and this too is again a detail you would have to uh look it up on a web page read the manual hear someone like me tell you about it and in fact there's even more than these options but we'll just scratch the surface here all right so if we now know this what more is actually happening underneath the hood well let's take a a closer look at not just this version of my code but my slightly more complicated version last week which looked a little something like this wherein I added in some Dynamic input from the user so I could say not Hello World to everyone but hello David or hello to whoever actually runs this program so in fact let me go ahead and change my code here in vs code just to match that same code from last week so no new code yet I'm just going to in a moment compile it in a slightly different way so I did last week string uh I think answer equals get string quote unquote what's your name just like in scratch and then down here instead of doing world I initially wrote answer but that didn't go well what did I ultimately do instead to print out hello David or hello so and so yeah sorry a little louder yeah so percent s the so-called format code that printf just knows how to deal with and I had to add one other thing someone else besides percent F yeah the name of the variable that I want to plug into that placeholder percent s and in this case it's answer now let me make one refinement only because now we're in week two and we're going to start writing more lines of code even though scratch called the return value of the ask puzzle piece answer always and see we have full control over what our variables are called and now it's probably good not to just generically always call my variable answer if I'm using get string let's call it what it is so this is now just a matter of style if you will let me change the variable to be name just so that it's a little clear to me to you to a TF or ta exactly what that variable represents instead of more generically answer all right so that said let me go down to my terminal window and last week again I ran make to compile this exact same program now though let me go ahead and just use clang so clang d o I'll still call this version hello space hello.c so exact same command as before the only thing that's different is I've added a couple of more lines of code to get the user's input let me hit enter and now darn it our first error so output from clang and make is not a good thing and here we're seeing something particularly cryptic uh so something in function main undefined reference to get string and then Linker command failed with exit code one so there's actually a lot of jargon in there that will tease apart today but my hint is that clearly my problem's in Maine although that's not surprising because there's nothing else going on here get string is an issue and the uh issue is that it's an undefined reference and yet notice I was pretty good I added the cs50 header file and I said last week that that's enough to teach the compiler that functions exist but the problem is that even though this does in fact teach clang that get string exists it is not sufficient information for clang to go find on the hard drive of the computer the zeros and ones that actually Implement get string itself so in other words this include line per last week is a little bit of a hint it's a teaser to CLA that you're about to see and use this function somewhere but if you actually want to use the zeros and ones that cs50 wrote some time ago and bake those into your program so your program actually knows how to get input from the user well then I'm going to have to go ahead and run a slightly different command so let me do this let me clear my terminal window just to get rid of that distraction and let me propose now that we run this command instead almost the same as before clang - o space hello then hello. C but with one additional command line argument at the end and this is a-h L not a number one so- L cs50 with no space in between those two now the L is going to result in all of those zeros and ones that actually were written by cs50 being linked into your code your few lines of code or mine here but that's the second step that the compiler requires in order to know how to actually execute and rather compile your code and cs50's and cs50 is not the only one that does this if you use any third-party library in C that doesn't come with the language you would do- L such and such where whoever however they've named their own library but you don't have to do it for built-in things like uh like we've been using thus far all right so let me go ahead and try this I'll go back to vs code here and let me go ahead now and run clang - o hello then hello. C and now instead of just hitting enter - L cs50 with no space between the L and the cs50 enter now nothing bad happens and now I can do/ hello what's your name I'll type in David enter and now we see hello David now honestly this is where we're really getting into the weeds and now this is taking this is really just adding new to the process of compiling and running your code and so the reality is even though this is indeed what is happening this is why we used last week and we're going to continue using this week onward make because it just automates that whole process for you but it's ideal to understand what's going wrong because any of the error messages you saw for problem set one any of the error messages you see for the next few weeks probably aren't coming from make they're coming from clang underneath the hood because make is just automating the process but with make you literally just write make and then the name of the program you don't have to worry about any of those command line arguments questions then on compiling with- l cs50 or anything else yeah sorry what is the benefit of what is the benefit of using clang manually none really in fact all main is doing is just sa make is doing is saving us some keystrokes um if you prefer though and you just like to be more in control you can totally run clang manually if you remember the various command line arguments yeah exp exactly why did I have to explain that is provide a hint to cs50 with the cs50.h henter file but I didn't have to do that with standard i.h just because standard i.h comes with C just like a few other libraries come with C that we'll start seeing today um cs50 though is not built into C everywhere and so you do have to explicitly add that one there yeah a command line argument is a a word or phrase that you type at the command line AKA your terminal in order to influence the behavior of a program for whatever you're doing yeah it changes the defaults right in our guey World graphical user interface you and I would probably click some boxes we would select some menu options to configure a program to behave in the same way at a command line interface you have to just say everything all at once and that's why we have command line arguments yeah no make is not just for cs50 it's used globally in any project really nowadays using C C++ even other languages as well in fact most every command you see in this class unless it has 5 zero at the end of it is globally used only those suffix with 50 are indeed course specific and even those will gradually take training wheels off of so that you know exactly what those commands are doing as well all right so what is it that we've just done everything we've just done of course I keep calling compiling but let's just go down one Rabbit Hole so that you understand that when you compile code there's actually a whole bunch of steps happening and this is going to enable uh a lot of features like companies can write code and then convert it to run it on Macs and PCs alike or phones or the like so it's not just a matter of converting source code to machine code there's actually four steps involved in what you and I as of last week know as compiling and these aren't terms that you'll have to keep in mind constantly because again we're going to abstract a lot of this away but just so we've gone down the rabbit hole once let's consider each of these four steps that have been happening for you for a week automatically uh the first of which is called pre-processing so what is this mean well let's consider that same program as before notice that a two of the lines of code start with a hash mark that is a special symbol in C and it's a so-called pre-processor directive you don't need to memorize terms like that but it just means that it's a little different from every other line and anything with a hash symbol here should be pre-processed that is analyzed initially before anything else happens so let's consider these two lines up top what exactly is happening well it turns out with these two lines you have two header files of course cs50.h and standard. i.h where are those files because they've never been in VSS code for you seemingly if you type LS if you open up the file explorer in the GUI you have never seen probably cs50.h or standard i.h they just work but that's because there's a folder somewhere on the uh the hard drive that you're using on your Mac or PC or somewhere in the cloud as in our case and inside of this folder traditionally called sluser SL include and user is deliberately misspelled it's just slightly more succinct although it's a little weird why we drop that one letter but user SL include is just a folder on the server that contains cs50.h standard i.h and a bunch of other things as well so in fact if you type in uh VSS code in your terminal window uh when you're using Code spaces in the cloud and type LS space SL user include you can can see all of the files in that folder but we've pre-installed all of that stuff for you so let's consider what's actually in those files here where if I highlight these two lines up top that start with hash include well I kind of hinted last week that what's in that first file is a hint as to what functions cs50 wrote for you so you can kind of think of these include lines as being temporary placeholders for what's going to become like a global find and replace that is the first thing clang is going to do it's pre-process this file it's going to look for any line that starts with hash include and if it sees that it's going to essentially go into that file like cs50.h and then just copy and paste the contents of that file magically there for you you don't see it visually on the screen but it's happening behind the scenes and so really what's happening with this first line is that somewhere in cs50.h is the Declaration of get string like we talked last week and it probably looks a little something like this and we didn't spend much time on this yet this past week but we will in time more notice that this is how the a function is declared that is it is decreed to exist the name of the function of course is get string inside of the parenthesis are its arguments in this case there's one argument to get string I claim today but you've known this implicitly and it's a prompt it's the prompt that the human sees when you use get string what is that prompt well it's a string of text like quote unquote what's your name or anything else that I asked last week mean meanwhile get string as we know from last week has a return value it returns something to you and that too is a string so again this is also called a functions prototype it's the thing toward the end of last week that I just copied and pasted from the bottom of my file to the top just so that it was like this teaser for clang as to what would exist later so you can think then of these include lines as just kind of uh combining all of those function declarations in some separate file called cs50.h so that you yourself don't have to type them every time you use the library or worse so that you yourself don't have to copy and paste those lines this is what clang is doing for you in its first step of pre-processing second and last in this example what happens when clang pre-processes this second include line well the only other function we care about in this story is printf of course which comes with C so essentially you can think of printf's prototype or Declaration as just being this print f is the name of the function it takes a string that you want to format like hello comma world or hello comma percent s and then with dot dot dot this actually has technical meaning it means of course that you can plug in zero variables one variable two or 10 so dot dot dot means some number of variables now we haven't talked about this yet and we won't really in general print F actually returns a value a number that is an integer but more on that perhaps another time it's generally not something the programmer tends to look at but that's all we mean by pre-processing so that the the end of this process even though there's more lines of code in cs50.h and standard i.h what's really just happening is that clang in pre-processing the file copies and pastes the contents of those files into your code so that now your code knows about everything get string printf and anything else any questions then on that first step pre-processing yes good question when you include a file does it only include what you need or Does it include everything think of it as including everything so if it's a big file that's a lot of code at the very top and that's why if you think back to all of the zeros and ones I showed a little bit ago as well as last week there's a lot of zeros and ones that end up on the screen as a result of just writing hello world a lot of those zeros and ones are perhaps coming from code that you didn't actually necessarily need but some of it is perhaps there but there are ways to optimize that as well all right so step two of compiling is confusingly called compiling it's just this is the term that most everyone uses to describe the whole process instead of just this one step but once a program has been pre-processed uh behind the scenes by the compiler for you it looks now a little something like this and I've put dot dot dots just to imply that yes to your question there's more stuff above it there's more stuff below it it's just not interesting right now for us so now we have just C code there's no more pre-processor directives at this point all of the hash symbols and those lines of code have been pre-processed and convert it to something else and so now and this is where things get a little spooky looking uh here now is what happens when clang or any compiler literally compiles code like this it converts it from this in C to this in assembly code so this is among the scarier languages I myself don't really have fond memories this is not language that many people program in if you take a subsequent class in computer science in systems uh a higher level class you might actually learn this or some variant there of but there's at least a few people out there that need to know this stuff because this is closer to what the computers themselves nowadays understand like the Intel CPUs or the AMD CPUs the brains of today's computers and phones understand stuff that looks more like this and less like C now it's completely uh esoteric but let me just highlight a few phrases there's some stuff that's a little familiar there is mention of Maine at the top there in yellow there is mention of get string toward the bottom there is mention of prf down below so this is just another programming language called Assembly Language that decades ago humans myself included in school did write code in and absolutely some people still write this code especially since you can write very very efficient code but it's a lot more uh Arcane it's a lot more uh lot less user friendly so you'll see in Yello now the these are the so-called instructions that a computer's brain or CPU understands pushing values around moving them subtracting values uh calling functions and move move move so really the low-level operations that computers understand tend to be arithmetic operations subtraction addition and the like moving things in and out of memory it's just a lot more tedious for folks like us to write code like this this is why you and I tend to write stuff like this and ideally still people like you and I tend to drag and drop puzzle pieces that sort of abstract all of that away further but for now this is again called Assembly Language it is what happens when the compiler literally compiles your code but of course this still not zeros and ones so we got two steps to go so when a compiler proceeds to step three this is where things get converted to machine code and when a compiler assembles your code for you it converts what we just saw on the screen here to actual zeros and ones the so-called machine code that your phone or your computer understands but it's worth noting that these are not necessarily all of the zeros and ones of your program yes they re uh they are the zeros and ones that correspond to your hello program or printf and get string and the like but notice that here we need one final step in those zeros and ones are only your lines of code but what about cs50's lines of code that we wrote to Implement get string what about the lines of code that humans wrote decades ago to implement printf those are somewhere on this hard drive like on my Mac my PC or somewhere in the cloud but we need to combine all of those zeros and ones together and Link My code with cs50's code with uh standard io's code all together and so what happens in the last step ultimately is that if we have my code here in yellow and then the code that cs50 wrote and the code that the authors of C itself wrote what really is happening is that somewhere we have not only hello.c which obviously I wrote and wrote with us live here there's also let's assume somewhere on the computer a cs50.c file that coincidentally I and cs50 staff wrote years ago and also somewhere on the computer there's another file Let Me oversimplify by just calling it standard io. C in practice it's probably specifically called print F.C but there's somewhere these two other files and so this last step called linking takes my zeros and ones from the code I just wrote namely this code on the screen here it then grabs the zeros and ones that cs50 wrote and it grabs the zeros and ones that the authors of C wrote In order to implement the standard IO library and lastly voila links them all together and this is the same blob of zeros and ones that we saw earlier it's just now the result of pre-processing your code compiling your code assembling your code linking your code and my God it's at this point like if there were any fun in programming for you yet we've just taken it all away we just call this whole process compiling why because now that we know those steps exist and smart people solve that problem for us you and I can kind of operate at this level of abstraction and just assume that compiling converts source code to machine code questions though on any of these intermediate steps yeah a good question so where are all of these zeros in one store because you and I we've been using a browser at code. cs50. of course is this web-based user interface but again recall from last week even though you're using a web browser to access VSS code that web-based version of vs code is connected to an actual server somewhere in the cloud and on that server you have your own account and your own file and really your own hard drive virtually in the cloud think of it a little like Dropbox or box or Google drive or one drive or something like that so you have a hard drive somewhere out there that we've provisioned for you and it's on that hard drive that we have uh your code that you just wrote or I just wrote cs50.c standard I.C and all of the other code that implements the math functions and everything else that c supports good question yeah c good question that uh hash includes cs50.h line at the top of my code if I just replace that with the contents of cs50.c would that work short answer yes that would work you could copy all of the code there however there's some order of operations that might come into play and so it's probably not quite as simple as copy paste but conceptually yes that's what what's happening now with that said in cs50.h are only the prototypes of the functions the hints as to how the functions look what their return type is what their name is and what their arguments are it's in the C file that actual code tends to be written and this is a little confusing now because you and I have only written code in C files but in the next few weeks you'll actually start writing some of your own files as well just like cs50 just like standard iio but in essence that line of code just makes it easier to use and reuse code that's already been written and that's the whole point of a library I say that little louder yes does linking happen when you compile your code yes when you run make as we have been doing the past week now all four of these steps are happening pre-processing converts the hash include lines to something else compiling technically converts it to assembly code which the Mac the PC the server more closely understands assembly converts that language to Binary machine code that this computer actually understands and then linking combines everything together and in fact if you think back a few minutes ago to when I did this- L cs50 the reason I had to add that and the reason my code did not compile at first was because I forgot to tell clang to link in cs50's zeros and ones per that last step I don't need to do- L standard IO because it comes with c so that would just be tedious for everyone in the world but cs50 does not come with C so we link that in and to be clear too we won't always use cs50's Library that'll be yet another pair of training wheels we take off in the coming weeks but for now it makes a few things simpler yeah short answer yes so what do the zeros and ones the machine code translate to yes there is a one toone relationship between the machine code and the assembly code assembly code it's not really English but at least it's symbols I recognize it's not zeros and ones machine code of course is just zeros and ones so back in the day before c existed people were programming only in assembly code before assembly code existed people were coding in zeros and ones and you can imagine just how painful that was and so each of these languages makes life for us sort of easier and easier in a few weeks we'll transition to python which will in turn make C even uh simpler or coding in general simpler to do to all right so with that said what now can we uh what could go wrong with this well it turns out that besides compiling technically speaking there's decompiling and we've not done this and we won't do this but it's worth considering for just a moment uh if you were to not compile your code but decompile it as the word suggests this just means reversing the process converting it ideally from machine code zeros and ones maybe back to C now this would be cool perhaps if all you have is a program you can convert it and see the actual source code what might a downside be if if anyone on the Internet is able to decompile code on their machine yeah okay so it's easier to find bugs in the code that oh to exploit so it might be easier to uh hack into the software by finding mistakes you and I made because literally they're staring at you in code worries the zeros and ones make it way less obvious other downsides of what I call decompiling yeah yeah yeah if your code your work is your intellectual property copyrighted or otherwise you know that's kind of obnoxious that someone can just like run a command and boom they can see the original code that you wrote now it turns out it's not quite as simple as that and so even though yes you could take a program like hello or even Microsoft Word and convert it from zeros and ones back to some form of source code be it in C or Java or python or something else whatever it was originally written in odds are it's going to be an utter mess to look look at why because things like variable names are not retained in the zeros and ones typically function names might not be retained in the zeros and ones the code is the logic is but the computer doesn't care what pretty variables you chose and how nicely named your uh functions were it just needs to know them as Z in ones moreover if you think about last week we introduced things like loops and c and besides four Loops there's what other kind of loop for instance so a while loop and even though they look different and you have to write different code they achieve exactly the same functionality which is to say when you compile a for Loop or you compile a while loop if they logically do the same thing they might end up looking identical as zeros and ones and so therefore it's not necessarily predictable that you'll get back the original code why cuz because the zeros and ones might not know so to speak whether it was a for Loop or a while loop so maybe decompiling will show you one or the other and honestly decompiling while possible and it's one way of reverse engineering someone's product odds are if you're good enough to start reading code that's been decompiled and reading through the messiness of it odds are you have the talent probably to just write that same program from scratch yourself now that's an overstatement perhaps but it's not quite as easy or threatening um as you might first think so in general once codee is piled it's pretty challenging timec consuming costly to reverse engineer it um much like it would be in the real world right like all of us have some kind of phone probably nowadays in our pocket there's nothing stopping you from opening it up somehow poking around recreating what's there that's a huge amount of effort most likely and at that point maybe you should just invent the phone instead of trying to reverse engineer it so same kind of idea in the physical world any questions then on compiling or even decompiling in these forms all right so odds are at this point not only I but you have made mistakes and you've written buggy code a bug in a code is just a mistake a logical error or otherwise where the code just does not behave correctly as you intend and up until now odds are your debugging techniques have been to maybe look back at what I did in class maybe ask a question online or in person but ultimately it'd be nice if you had some tools of your own with which to debug code and this honestly is a lifelong skill you're going to emerge from cs50 and even 20 years from now you're not going to be writing if you're writing code at all correct code all of the time like all of us on the staff continue to write bugs hopefully they get a little more sophisticated and not sort of like oops I missed a semicolon but even those kinds of mistakes we make too but there's tools out there and techniques that can make your life easier when it comes to solving those problems now the term bug has actually been around for decades but a fun story to tell is that the first documented actual bug was actually somehow connected to Harvard in fact this is the log book relating to the Harvard Mark 2 computer from 1947 whereby if you read the notes here and if I zoom in this was an actual moth discovered inside of this big Mainframe computer that was causing some kind of problems and the engineers at the time actually thought it was funny that wow physical bug actually explains the issue and it's been forever uh taped to the sheet of paper which I believe now is on display in the Smithsonian uh with that said this is just represented two of a logical bug and that story is actually uh that story was often retold by a famous mathematician then computer scientist really uh Dr Grace Hopper who actually worked not only on the Harvard Mark 2 computer but its predecessor the Harvard Mark 1 and if you ever spent time yet in the engineering building across the river here you can actually see much of this computer which is along the wall when you first walk into the science and engineering complex and indeed as you've probably heard growing up this is a Mainframe computer like this is what Macs and PCs so to speak looked like back in the day with very physical things that essentially implemented the zeros and ones that you and I take for granted now being miniaturized in our laptops and phones so there's a piece of history there if you visit campus that side of Campus sometime do take a look but let's consider then how we solve not of course physical bugs but logical bugs and let's consider something like this from last week whereby we were trying very simply to print like this uh column of three bricks using hashtags of sorts so let me go over here in just a moment to VSS code and I'm going to go ahead and open a program I wrote in advance and I'm bringing it to class because there's a bug in it and I'd like to figure out how to solve this bug so let me open up uh buggy z.c which is version zero of my code and let's just take a quick peek at what's here it's pretty short it includes only standard i.h it uses printf it uses a for Loop and the goal quite simply is to print out that column of three bricks now it's short enough that some of you if you're getting comfy already with see you might already see The Logical bug it's not a syntax error like it will compile and run but there's a bug there and suppose that I'm very new to see I'm very uncomfortable with C it's 2 a.m. and I just can't see the bug what are my recourses here for actually finding a mistake like this well first let's look at the symptom let me go down to my terminal window I'm going to use make buggy zero because again the file is called buggy zero. C I'm not going to use clang in fact I'm never really going to use clang manually here and out I'm just going to use make because it makes our lives easier it does compile no errors so it's not syntax it's not something silly like a missing semicolon but when I runbuggy Z I of course see 1 2 3 4 and this of course does not match the zero the one two three bricks that I actually intended for that column and yet I'm starting counting at zero as I usually do I've got three I'm going up to three so where is my logical error if it hasn't obviously jumped out at you already well how can I solve this well first and foremost perhaps the best technique for solving bugs at least early on is just use printf like thus far we've used printf to say hello and other things on the screen but print def is just a function for printing anything and there's no reason you can't temporarily use print def to like print out the contents of variables what's going on inside of your program just to figure out where your mistake is and then you can delete that line of code later it doesn't have to stay there forever so let me do this instead of just printing out in vs code the hash symbol let me do a little safety check here and print out the value of I so let me go ahead and say something like I is now I want to say I is this but of course this is not how I print out the value of I if I want to print out the value of I what should I put here so percent I for integer instead of percent s for string so they're still placeholders but we use percent s for integers and now if I want to print out I I just need the comma as the second argument and then I all right let me go ahead and back to vs uh to my terminal window let me recompile the program because I've changed it that still works fine do/ bugy Z and now let me increase the size of my terminal window here you just see some diagnostic information if you will like this is not the goal this is not what you should be submitting for this homework problem we're at one uh but it is helping us diagnostically know that okay when I is zero here's a hash when I is one here's a hash when I is two here's a hash when I is three here's a hash well wait a minute that's one two three four so clearly I'm printing it one too many times so let me look back at the code here by shrinking my terminal window and let me just ask the group where is in fact the mistake or what equivalently would be the solution yeah in the middle yeah instead of less than or equal to use just less than so you got to kind of pick a lane here like if you're going to start counting from zero you generally use less than and go up to but not through the value or if you prefer like in the human world counting from one on up you can use great less than or equal to but you have to be consistent and in general as a programmer just always start counting from zero if you're doing something canonical like this but the solution is indeed just to change this by changing the greater less than or equal to to less than if I re compile this program with make buggy zero and then do buggy zero again and let me increase the size of my terminal window now you see okay almost the same output but indeed I starts at zero goes up two but not through three all right so printf in short should be can be your first uh diagnostic tool instead of just staring at the screen or raising your hand I mean use printf to see literally what's going on inside of your program by just printing out things of interest and then once you've solved the problem you can go back into your code AS I'll do here by shrinking my terminal window I'll delete the print F line and now I'm ready to share this program with the world or submit it as homework or the like it's just meant there to be temporary any questions on printf as a debugging tool no all right well that only gets us so far and honestly as your programs grow and grow and grow it's going to actually get really annoying to start going in and adding printfs then removing them and figuring out if you've got multiple printfs well which one printed what like it just gets messy eventually to rely on printf alone so being a computer scientist computer scientists have written software to make it easier to debug code that software is what we would generally call a debugger which would be the second tool of the trade that you can use to actually solve problems in your code now in the world of VSS code there's actually a debugger built in so the graphical user interface you're about to see in VSS code isn't specific to cs50 it actually comes with vs code and it supports C and C++ and Java and Python and lots of other languages too but it's admittedly a little complicated to just start using the debugger you have to like create a configuration file and do like some annoying steps that just get in the way of solving real problems so we have automated the process for you of just starting the debugger and thereafter it's sort of Industry standard how you use it but we save you the headache of having to create those configuration files so suppose I want to do this suppose I want to try to debug this program step by step using special software well how can I do that well let me propose that if I revert this back to the original version where I was less than or equal to three I'm pretty sure that I was printing to hashes so I'm going to do this and you might have done this accidentally or never at all but notice if you hover over the gutter so to speak in vs code the part of it all the way to the left of the editor you see this sort of grayed out uh Red Dot if you click there it becomes a brighter Red Dot and this represents what we're going to call a break point and this is just a visual indicator that you've put like a stop sign equivalent there and you're telling the debugger in a moment stop running my code there why because I prefer to step through my code at sort of a human speed and not as computer speed where it runs all at once so I've set my breakpoint which is step one and then step two is quite simply this instead of running the program itself run a command called debug 50 and then do/ bugy Z and now this will start your program but inside of the debugger which is a special program that smart people wrote that will Empower you to now step through your code line by line at again at your own Comfort Pace I'm going to hit enter some stuff's going to happen on the screen whoops uh notice this is a common mistake that I made accidentally here looks like I've changed my code I did because I went in and changed the less than or equal to sign so let me go ahead and rerun make buggy zero enter good now let me rerun debug 50 enter and now some stuff just happened on the screen and it takes a moment to get started but once it's started you'll see this you'll still see your code but you'll see this yellow highlight which you've probably not seen before and notice that it's specifically highlighted in the same line that I set a breakpoint on why that just means the program has EXE the debugger has executed all of these lines except for line seven it has broken at not in a bad way but it has paused execution on line seven so it hasn't yet printed any hashes and you can see that no hashes in the terminal window yet it's paused execution but what's interesting with the debugger is the stuff over here on the left hand side in the debugger here you'll see under variables all of your so-called local variables and we haven't really made a distinction between local and something called Global but for now local variables just means all of the variables that exist in your function so I currently has a value of zero okay and that makes sense so now how do I step through my code and see what it's doing well at the top of the screen here you'll see some playback icons kind of like a video player but they have special meaning this first one will just play the rest of your program all the way to the end so you only click that if you sort of solved a problem and you just want to run run it to completion like before but the next three or next two really are really the juiciest the second one here if you hover over it eventually you'll see that it's called step over step over means that the debugger will run this currently highlighted line of code but it's not going to dive into it so if it's a function like print F it's not going to start stepping through print F line by line why because I can pretty much assume print F written decades ago is correct problems probably with me but this next line if I did really want to step in into the printf code to figure out how it works or find some problem in it all these years later you can step into printf and then the screen would change and you'd see each of the lines for print F line by line at least if you have the source code for print F installed all right I'm going to use the first one step over and watch as the yellow highlight moves and watch as in the terminal window there's a hash symbol here we go there's one hash now notice line five is highlighted that means it has paused on line five line five has not yet been exec executed so what does that mean the value of I per the top left hand corner is still zero but as soon as I click step over again Watch What Happens at the top left where I is a variable on the screen now I and it flashed briefly has a value of one and now if I step over again watch the terminal window there's my second hash now let me click step over on the for Loop watch the variable at top left now one goes to two now let me click it again third hash and Here's Where The Logical error is perhaps revealed let me go ahead and step over the loop now I is three wait a minute I'm still going to print out a hash there it is there's the fourth hash and at this point hopefully the light bulb proverbially has gone off I realize oh I screwed up I can either stop the program Al together with the red square or I can just let it run all the way to the end which just terminates everything at this point I just want to get back into my code and start fixing things and you can close for instance as I will here the file explorer just to hide the panel that open so that's debug 50 but it's not a cs50 thing that just starts the debugger for you which is something you'd find in most any programming environment nowadays questions on debugging questions yeah good question where does it tell you where it went wrong so sadly it does not tell you any of that the onus is still on you the human to use this tool productively to walk through your code at a a saner pace but your brain is is the one that still needs to solve it and I don't doubt down the line with artificial intelligence and more programs like this will get all the more helpful and start answering questions like that for us and there are other tools we'll introduce you this semester that are even more powerful than this but for now it's just a tool really to slow things down and not have to change your code the fact that I had that panel on the left that just showed me eyes changing value is just an alternative to print F and I can step through it a little more slowly other questions on debugging now let me show you one final example with this debugger here and this one too I wrote in advance let me close buggy z.c and let me open up buggy1.c my second version thereof let me close my terminal window for a second and give you a quick tour of this program which similarly has a mistake now at the top of this program some familiar includes cs50.h and standard i.h this is not something we've seen before it's specific to this example a function called get Negative int takes no arguments and it returns an integer what does it do it literally gets a negative integer ideally from the user fun fact though it doesn't correctly that's the bug get Negative int is broken at the moment so what does Maine do well main just calls this function passing in nothing in parenthesis no inputs and it stores the return value in I and then it just prints out I on the screen so honestly just by eyeballing this you know I feel comfortable enough with programming and see I think main is correct let me just stipulate main is correct but there is going to be a bug down here now what's the bug down here here well let me look at get Negative in implementation notice this first line 12 is identical to the Prototype up here the Prototype is sort of stupidly required up here because C reads things top to bottom left to right the compiler technically does so if you reference get Negative in here but you don't implement it until down here and you haven't told C in advance that it will exist again you get the error we saw last week all right so how does get Negative int work we declare a variable called n we've got a do while loop that does what it uses get int which comes with the cs50 library per last week it prompts the user for negative integer quote unquote and stores the value in n i then do all of this while n is less than zero right remember we used a do while loop last week to make sure the human cooperates and doesn't give us the wrong type of value be it positive or negative or something else and then we return n and there's some subtleties anyone recall or have an intuition for why I've declared clared in on line 14 instead of on line 17 this is a c specific thing exactly there's this notion of scope in see and we'll continue to see this over time whereby a variable only exists inside of the most recent curly braces that you've opened so if I've declared and here on line 14 I can use it anywhere between lines 13 and 21 because those are the nearest curly Braes if by contrast as you note if I instead said this int n equals get int and so forth and didn't have the current line 14 well n would exist inside of these curly braces but not here which is too late and definitely not here so you just have to declare it first and then use and reuse it as such now let me just show you how I can debug this but let me show you the symptoms first let me open my terminal window let me run make buggy one compiles okay so it's not something silly like a semicolon dots SL buggy one and I'm asked for a negative integer all right let me give it negative one enter well the main function supposed to print out what I typed but it clearly didn't it's prompting me again all right so maybe it'll like -2 no maybe -3 50 okay so it's definitely broken right it kind of seems logically to be doing the opposite now you can perhaps see why this is happening already these are deliberately simple programs by uh for demonstration sake but let's do this let me go ahead and set a break point in main even though I'm pretty sure main is correct but it just helps me start my thought process start with Main and then take it from there let me run now uh debug 50 bugy one enter and let's see with that breakpoint now the the goey is going to reconfigure itself it's going to pause on line eight because that's the first interesting line inside of Maine so I could have just put the breakpoint on line eight too it's smart enough to know that if I set it on six eh you really mean line eight because that's the first actual line of code and watch when now what happens if I step over this line notice that I which at the moment seems to have a default value of zero more on that another time but if I click step over like before I'm prompted for a negative integer let me type negative 1 enter and now notice there's no additional yellow highlight why where am I currently stuck logically yeah just logically I must be in that D while Loop and even if you don't understand it like that's the only explanation if you keep getting prompted surely there's a loop going on there's only one Loop in my code so there's probably a problem there so okay I can't just set a breakpoint in Main and then wait for this to work so let me just uh let me stop this with the red square and let me think all right instead of I can still set my break point in main but let me rerun the debugger instead and this time not step over that line of code let me step into that line of code so Watch What Happens now instead of clicking the second icon here let me click the third whose name is indeed step into and watch as the yellow highlight does not move to line n it dives into line8 the function on line eight thereby bringing me whoosh down to line 17 it's kind of going down into that next function now it didn't bother pausing on line 12 or 13 or 14 because there's nothing intellectually interesting there happening yet the juicy part really starts it would seem in line 17 so now notice n is my variable at the top left if I click I don't want to click step into now though what what would go wrong if I click on step into or what would it do that I don't think I want to do yeah yeah it would step into get int but I'd like to think that the staff's version of get in is correct and that's not our problem today so I want to step over it and watch now at top left that nothing happens yet to the value of n until I go to the terminal window now and type in something like Nega 1 now notice it jumps to line 19 which is the next interesting line top left n indeed is1 and here's where I can now pause as a human and think all right so while n is less than zero all right n per the top left corner is negative 1 so all right while negative 1 is less than zero well obviously that's true mathematically so what's going to happen it's a do while loop so when I click on step over again it's going to go to this line cuz it's at the end of the inside of that Loop and now here it's looping through again and again all right let me do this once more I'm going to step over all right I'm going to type in -2 and it's the exact same thing now is my chance on the yellow line okay wait a minute -2 is obviously less than zero let me try this one more time click it once here and now all right let me give it 50 and now okay while 50 is less than zero that's not true so the loop is over because it's not going to do it while 50 is less than zero that's not true so now watch when I click step over once more it then finishes the loop even though there's nothing more to do it's now about to return n it jumps back up to main where I left off on line nine it now prints in my terminal window the number 50 and hopefully at this point to your question earlier my human brain has realized oh I'm an idiot like I flipped my my sign there so I probably let me stop this I probably want to do something like this if the goal is to get a negative integer I probably want to say well n is for instance greater than or equal to zero would work so while n is greater than or equal to zero keep doing this and that's the logic I wanted to express so the debugger just saves me from staring at the screen raising a hand sort of asking someone else at least in this case it allows me to go through it at a healthier Pace questions now on debug 50 which should be your new friend even if it's not your first instinct after printf any questions on debug 50 no all right all right well there's one last Technique we can equip you with here um and that is in addition to printf and a debugger no joke um a rubber duck is actually a reasonably recommended uh solution to finding bugs in your code to your question earlier the duck two is not going to solve the problem for you but if you've wondered why this little guy has been here for so long um there's this technique has its own Wikipedia article of called rubber duck debugging the idea of which is that if you're home in your dorm room wrestling with some bug in your code printf didn't quite reveal the source to you debugger isn't really helping honestly maybe it would help to just sound out what problem you're having similar to going to office hours talking to a a TA or a professor just walking through your problems because in sort of talking to the duck about you know the fact that you're doing this while uh n is less than zero and then if it is I wait a minute I'm an idiot not just for talking to the rubber duck you realize hopefully in expressing yourself literally verbally you probably will hear with non-zero probability like some illogic in your statement and just by sounding things out you'll realize like oh that's my problem and so frankly if you have roommates you can also use a roommate for this but the rubber duck is just sort of a go-to when your roommates have no interest in your you know C problem set talking something through that um as follow as such and this is an invaluable technique I admittedly tend not to do it so much with a rubber duck but ideally with colleagues human colleagues but just talking through things often will help you just realize oh I said something logical now I can go back to the code so don't solve problems by staring at your screen endlessly for minutes for hours at that point it's time for a break time to walk away time to talk to the duck if you've already exhausted some of those other tools um as an aside on your way out today at the end of class we have H clearly plenty of rubber ducks uh for you um and uh it's become a thing over the years at least among some uh to bring the duck with them when they travel and send us photos here for instance is uh cs50's rubber duck debugger AKA ddb for duck debugger which is a pun on a geekier program called GDB the ganu debugger which is an actual piece of software for debugging this is cs50's debugger uh in the hills of Puerto Rico uh also here on the sea uh he made its way to San Francisco here uh also down by Fisherman's dwarf by the sea lions if familiar uh here at Stanford where there's a William Gates computer science building for computer science uh down the road in SF at Google uh and this is the Tre fountain in Rome and lastly uh the Coliseum so we'll be curious to see in the coming years where your duck two travels so that then was quite a bit why don't we go ahead here and take a short five minute break no snacks yet you're welcome to get up or sit down we'll return in about five all right so we are back and if the goal ultimately today is to have a better understanding of things like strings so that we can solve problems with text let's consider some simpler types of data first how we might represent those and then see if that doesn't lead us to a discovery as to like how strings in just today's modern software is using things like that so when we talked on week zero about representation of data we had different ways of doing it in terms of binary and decimal and uh unary even when we started talking about the same last week in code we started talking about uh data types instead and these data types were a way of telling the computer like do you want an integer do you want a character do you want a floating point value like a real number or even a string as we've seen but it turns out that computers of course only have finite amounts of resources your computer only has a fixed amount of memory or RAM and that actually has very real world implications so for instance here are some of the data types we've seen thus far and it turns out that each of these in C has a specific number of bits allocated to it now admittedly this can vary by System it's not so much the case nowaday days but for many years for decades computers were getting better and better the earliest computers might have used fewer bits for some of these data types more modern computers might use more bits so the numbers you're about to see are pretty much where we are present day so when it comes to these data types A bu which is true or false somewhat curiously uses a whole bite even though that's way Overkill because for a bull true or false you of course only need one bit but it turns out even though it's wasteful to use eight bits or one bite just to represent true or false it's just easier for computers so a bull tends to be one bite an INT which we've been using a lot uses four bytes typically or 32 bits and if I do some quick math from week zero with 32 bits you have four billion possible values roughly but if you want to represent positive and negative that means you can represent roughly -2 billion all the way up to positive2 billion so that's the range typically within if that's to few numbers for you turns out there's things called Longs and longs use 64 bits which allow you to have like a quintilian number of possibilities which is a lot certainly a lot more than 4 billion so sometimes you might use a long but even that's finite and so uh as we discussed at the end of last week bad things can happen if you make certain assumptions as the data because of things like Inger overflow or the like where things wrap around then there's a float which is a real number something with a decimal point by convention it's four bytes or 32 bits which gives you in short only a specific amount of precision it doesn't necessarily dictate how many numbers to the left or to the right in the aggregate ultimately you have though uh three uh 4 billion possible permutations still if you need more Precision for scientific for medical for financial applications you might use eight bytes AKA a double which just gives you more digits of precision they eventually get imprecise per the example we looked at last week but it at least gets you further down the line as an aside in really really important applications in finance and medicine and Military operations and the like where you really can't have rounding errors long story short humans have developed libraries in C and other languages that use more even than 8 bytes so there are solutions to these problems but they're always finite you have to pick uh an upper bound then there's Char which we saw briefly last week when I asked the user for y or n for yes or no and then there's string which I'm going to propose as a question mark because a string totally depends like high h i exclamation point would seem to be three bytes d a ID would seem to be five so strings clearly are variable based on what you or the human type in so we'll see what this means though in just a bit this though is the thing inside of your Mac your PC your phone might not look exactly like this but this is a a memory module for a modern computer and let's go ahead and use this really as just representative of the finite amount of memory that any computer indeed has let's zoom in on one of these little black chips on the uh uh circuit board here zoom in and let me propose that this rectangle really represents some number of bytes like tucked inside of this little black uh circuit on the board is maybe I don't know a gigabyte a billion bytes maybe it's a 100 btes some number of bytes it totally depends on the computer and how much you paid for the Stick of memory but if there's a finite number of bytes physically implemented somehow digitally inside of this Hardware well then it stands to reason that we could number those bytes we can just arbitrarily decide that the top left corner is bite number one or really bite number zero the one next to it is number one then number two number three dot dot dot number two billion or whatever it is however big this this memory is so if you are use a variable in a c program that's only one bite like a Char it might literally be stored in that top left hand corner of the memory like in practice you don't care where physically it is but really the artist rendition would be this a Char might use one of those single btes somewhere in the computer's memory if you use an INT which is four bytes it would give you four bytes contiguous that is left to right top to bottom but all 32 bits would be next to each other so the computer knows that those indeed all belong to the same int if you need a long or a double for that matter then you might use a full eight bytes in this case and you just keep using and using this memory kind of like a a canvas you know almost in Photoshop or a spreadsheet where you can just move uh pixels or you can move data around that's really what your computer's memory is a canvas for storing uh information in units of bytes or 8 Bits now we don't need to keep looking at these circuit boards can abstract it away as we often do and let's go ahead and zoom in on this grid just to consider some very specific variables so let me zoom in and now I see fewer but larger uh boxes on the screen Each of which again represents a bite and now let me propose that we play with some actual code so here in C albeit without a full program or three ins score one score two score three I have coincidentally given myself two uh uh two scores at around 72 and 73 and then a pretty low score at 33 of course course last week or two weeks ago this would have been high but now we're dealing with actual integers so these are three so so scores on my quizzes or tests or the like so let me go to vs code here and let's make a program called scores. C so I'm going to write code scores. C that's going to give me my new file and let me go ahead and Implement something like this include standard i.h int main void and then inside of here let me do int score one will be 72 uh int score two be 73 and int score three will be 33 and then let me just do something like write a program to average my three test scores together something like that so let me do print F quote unquote my average is and I'm going to go ahead and do say percent I back sln and now let me plug in the results and this is kind of grade school math now how do I compute the average of three values well just like in on paper I can do score one plus score two plus score three in parentheses because of order of operations divided by three since there's three total scores all right so I think this checks out and indeed you can use parentheses and operators like plus and your code like this in C let me go ahead now and do make scores no syntax error so that's good nothing missing there and now let me do dot scores and see what my test average is all right you know it's not great but I I I think I still passed and indeed my average here is is 59 is it precisely 59 though well let's see let's let's actually instead of using an INT how about we go ahead and use something like a floating point value here and let me go ahead and do this so let me recompile my code make scores huh all right I've got an issue let me zoom in on my terminal window we've not seen this one necessarily before but error on line nine format specifies type double which is a lot of precision but the argument has Type in so what does this mean well it's showing me with these green squigglies that something's bad between the percent F and this thing over here well on the left I'm implying a float or a double for that matter on the right though what data type are score one score two score three all right so they're ins so Cent does not like this the compiler just doesn't like that I'm using ins on the right but I want floats on the left so there's going to be different ways of solving this one way would be to just ignore the problem like I originally did and just go back to percent I or as an aside percent D is often an alternative to percent I for a decimal number but we use perc I cuz it sounds like int so percent I is fine here too but I don't want to just avoid the problem I want to actually display a floating point value so how can I fix this well it turns out I can solve this in a few different ways the simplest is just to make sure that at least one number on the right is a floating point value like 3.0 instead of just three now I think clang will be happier let me do make scores enter and indeed it's okay why as soon as you have at least one more precise data data type on the right it just treats everything at that point as floating point value so that the math works out so/ scores enter and now there we go right you know uh some of us might really want that third of a point our average was not 59 it's 59 and a third as in this case here all right so we've solved that there as an aside though there's one other technique to uh to show here if you didn't want to change it to 3.0 because that's a little weird because I there were literally three scores it's not like that needs to have a decimal point you could also explicitly convert the three to a float by saying in parentheses float this is what's called type casting and this will just convert the thing right after it to that data type if it's possible so if I do this again make scores no errors now do/ scores and I get in fact the same result there's a bit of a rounding issue here but we know the rounding relates to the imprecision from last week for now let me just be happy with my 59.3 something I'll take that for now but this is you know is close to um a good enough correct answer for me now but how do I think about now what's going on inside of the computer's memory well let's consider here's that same grid of memory each box represents a bite where are score one score two and score three in my memory well score one let me just propose is at the top left but it's taking up four boxes for four bytes score two probably ends up right next to it in memory though this isn't always going to be the case but I've chosen simple examples 73 is next to it also taking up four bytes and then lastly 33 is in score three uh down there underneath now if we don't if we really look at the computer's memory look at it with some kind of microscope or the like there's actually 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits in each of those four uh groups of four bytes representing those values but again for today's purposes onwards we don't really need to think again and again in binary it's just indeed these decimal numbers being stored there but I claim now this isn't the best design even if if you have never programmed before cs50 what you're looking at here on the screen as an excerpt in what sense is this perhaps bad design even though it's a correct way of storing three test scores what's kind of bad here yeah yeah always do exactly what you did extrapolate to four scores five scores 50 scores this can't be that welld designed because now you're going to have four lines of code five lines of code 50 lines of code that are almost identical except for this like arbitrary number that we're updating at the end of the variable so indeed there's probably going to be a better way even though at least in C we haven't yet seen that technique but the solution today onward is going to be something called an array an array is a uh way of storing your data back to back to back in the computer's memory in such a way that you can access each individual member easily put another way with an array you can instead do something like this instead of saying int score one int score 2 in score three giving each a value you can first tell the computer please give me a variable called scores plural that you can call it anything you want of size three Each of which will be an integer that is to say this is how you declare an array in C that will have enough room to store three integers put another way this is the technical way of telling the computer please give me uh 12 bytes in total 3 * 4 each for an inch so give me 12 bytes in total and what the computer will do is guarantee that they're back to back to back in the computer's memory and that'll be useful in just a moment so let me go ahead and do something useful with this let me store three actual scores here's how I could now store those same numeric scores in this array syntax is a little different but there's one variable called scores but if you want to go to its first location starting today you use square brackets and go to location zero first which because things in C are zero indexed uh so to speak you start counting at zero the first int is at bracket zero second int is at bracket 1 third int is at bracket two so it's not 1 two three it's literally 0 one2 and this is not something you have control over you must start at zero so these lines now create an array of size three and then insert one two three values into that array but the upside now is that you only have one name of the variable to remember it's just called scores yes you need to go into the array to get individual values you need to index into it using those square brackets but at least you don't have this hackish approach of declaring a separate variable for each and every one of these values so let me go back to scores do c here and let me propose that I do this let me just kind of use that same idea to do the following let me get rid of these three separate integers let me give myself an INT scores array of size three and then scores bracket Z will as before be 72 scores bracket 1 will be 73 and scores bracket 2 will be 33 and let me get rid of the Little Dot there all right so now if I go ahead and run this again with make uh scores enter huh what did I do wrong here I think I got a little too ahead of myself let me increase my terminal window let's focus on line 10 here first error use of Undeclared identifier score one what did I do here that was dumb yeah right so I didn't declare score one I've got old code right so I just kind of honestly got ahead of myself here not even intentionally so let me go ahead and Shrink my terminal window again I need to finish my thought here so let me clear my terminal and let me change this now to be scores brackets zero plus scores bracket 1 plus scores bracket two so it's a little more verbose because I've got these these um square brackets so to speak but I think now my code is consistent so let me make scores now now compiles do/ scores gives me indeed the same rough average with those same values all right so let me go ahead and maybe um tidy enhance this a little bit it's a little silly to have to write a special program just to check your average of three test scores like 72 73 33 why don't I actually make the program Dynamic and ask the human for that average uh for those scores so instead let me do do this how about we get rid of the 72 and change this to get int and I'll just prompt the user for a score let me get rid of the 33 and change 73 and get this to be get int score quote unquote and then lastly get rid of the 33 and replace it with get int quote unquote score get int is a cs50 thing for now so I need to include cs50.h as always but I think now it's sort of a better program because now I can compile it once I can even share it with my friends and now any of us can average three scores on some classes test they don't need to know the code or rewrite the code just to T type in their scores so make scores worked scores now I can type anything I want maybe it's a 72 73 33 still get the same answer or maybe I'm having a better semester 100 100 maybe 99 and now we get still a pretty high score there but now it's Dynamic now you don't need the source code you don't need to recompile the program it's just going to work work again and again but this too let me propose that this code is correct if I want to get three scores from the user but these highlighted lines now 6 through n are they welld designed would you say yeah yeah right this is we can use a loop is the spoiler here why I mean my God it's like the same code again and again and again the only thing that's changing is the number and you it should have kind of had some code smell again because if I keep typing the same thing again again and again like that's clearly an opportunity to better design something so let me do this let me go ahead and still create my ver my array of size three and but let me use our old friend the for Loop for in I equals z i Less Than 3 I ++ and then in here let me do scores bracket we haven't seen this before but any intuition scores bracket I because that will use whatever I is be it Z or one or two in iteration and then I can get an INT asking the user for score without having to repeat myself again and again so hopefully if I didn't make any typos make scores all good do/ score 72 73 33 and we're back in business but the code is arguably now better designed because now I haven't actually uh I haven't actually hardcoded the scores and I haven't actually copied and pasted any of that code well if we consider now what's going on inside of the computer's memory it's pretty much the same in terms of the values but instead of the variables being literally score one score two score three there's just one variable it's an array called scores but you can index into its three locations by using scores bracket Z to get the first scores bracket one to get the second scores bracket two to get the third but this is key the memory is contiguous it's only the screen is only so large so it wraps around but physically digitally the memory is contiguous top to bottom left to right and that's important why because the brackets indicate 0 1 2 that each of these integers is just one integer away from the next it can't be randomly down here all of a sudden it's got to be back to back to back all right now equipped with that Paradigm what more could we actually do here well it turns out it's worth knowing that it's possible in code to even pass arrays around as arguments and let me just whip this program up somewhat quickly just so you've seen it before long but let me go ahead and do this let me propose that I create a function that does this averaging for me so I'm going to create a function called average that returns a float uh and the arguments this thing is going to take uh let's see it's going to be the array so it turns out if you want to take in an array of numbers you can call it anything you want this is how you tell C that a function takes not an integer but in Array of integers and you don't have to call it array I'm doing that just for the sake of discussion it can be called X it can be numbers it can be anything else I'm just calling an array to be super explicit as to what it is there now how do I change my code down here what I think I'm going to do for the moment is just this I'm going to get rid of this code here where I manually computed the average and let me just call the average function here by passing in the whole array of scores so this is just an example of abstraction like now I have a fun function called average I don't care I don't have to remember how it works once I implement it it just kind of tightens up my main code a little bit but I do still have to implement this so later in my file let me repeat myself before the only time it's okay and see to repeat yourself again and again by typing out again average and then int array Open Bracket but now not a semicolon now I have to implement this thing and I can implement this in a bunch of different ways uh but I don't know huh in advance I can't just do this I can't just do array bracket 0 plus array bracket 1 plus array bracket 2 unless unless this program is only ever going to work on three numbers so huh let me let me go ahead and do this let me first propose that there's a poor design here in my main function what value have I repeated twice among the highlighted lines what jumps out at use twice L of the array yeah the length of the array is just three now it's not a huge deal that I type the number three on line eight on line nine but this is exactly the kind of like shortcut that's going to get you in trouble eventually why because eventually you or someone else is going to go in make the array bigger or smaller and you're not going to realize that magically that same number is in two places and indeed this is what a programmer would often call a magic number a magic number is one that just kind of appears magically and you're on the honor System to change it here if you change it here and then you change it over here like that's not going to end well if it the onus is on the programmer to remember where they hardcoded that is rote out three explicitly so anytime you reuse a value like this you know what we should probably do what we did last week which was to declare a variable uh perhaps at the very top of my program so it's super obvious what it is called maybe n and set that equal to three better yet what did I do last week to make sure that I Can't Screw Up and accidentally change that value yeah constant and the keyword there was just const for short and now I have a global variable Global in the sense that I can access it anywhere that is called n it's an INT and it's always going to be three and now I can improve my main function a little bit by just changing the threes to n so now if I if a colleague realize oh wait a minute there's four tests this year you change n to four recompile the code and it just works everywhere else except in my average function let me change it back to three just for consistency this is not going to fly now to just uh sum up things like this for instance and then return this divided three why will this not work now as I've defined it yeah okay I might be in returning an integer value when I intend to return a float per this but I think I'm okay CU I Ed that little trick where I made sure that at least one of the numbers in my my arithmetic expression is in fact a floating point value and just by adding the point zero make sure that everything gets treated as a float so I think that's okay sorry a little ladder exactly so left hand's not talking to the right hand here and that my current implementation of average is still assuming that there's only going to be three tests or whatever but wait a minute I just went through the trouble of modifying this to be n generically and if I change this to four I'm not going to be happy perhaps with my average because now I'm going to ignore one of my test scores Al together so let me change this back to three and unfortunately if it's a variable now n and therefore I have literally a variable number of scores how do I take the average of a variable number of things I mean what's my building block there yeah yeah why don't I use a loop that goes through the array and adds things up as you go I mean kind of like grade school as you take the average on your calculator or paper pencil you just keep adding the numbers together and then you divide at the End by the total number of things so how can I do this well let me change my implementation of average to First declare a a variable called sum or whatever set it equal to zero so this is like me on my piece of paper getting ready to count or my calculator of course when you turn it on typically defaults to zero and now let me do four in I equals z i is less than a VAR I no I didn't do that n i is less than n i++ and now in here let me go ahead and add to the current sum uh whatever is in the arrays location I and then down here I think I can just return sum divided by 3 nope not 3.0 n perhaps here and actually I think I'm going to get let's make sure it's a float let's use the the type casting trick just to make sure I don't accidentally Short change someone and uh throw away everything after the decimal point so it just escalated quickly right like average just got a lot more involved it's just not just a single one line of code but now it's Dynamic I initialize a variable called sum to zero in this loop I go through and just keep adding to sum which is initially zero whatever is in Array bracket I or specifically array bracket zero array bracket one array bracket two that gives me a total sum that I return divided by the total number of things now this I can tighten slightly recall that this is syntactic sugar for just adding things I can't use plus plus because that only literally adds one but I can use here plus equals questions on this implementation here really the only takeaway or the most important takeaway is that this is the Syntax for how you tell a function that to it expects a whole array not a single variable like an INT or the like you literally use square brackets but you don't specify the length inside there yeah what about the variable at the top good question what do I have it defined as at the top this variable n it must be an integer if you're going to uh use it inside of in arrays square brackets here so this line 10 notice no longer says three it says n and so whatever n is three or four or something else that's how many integers I will get in that array and it must be by definition of an array an integer that goes in those square brackets and here's a common source of confusion when you create the array that is declare it you use square brackets like this where you put the total number of elements you want when you subsequently use the array like I'm doing here you don't mention int again just like you don't mention in again and again once a variable exists you use the square bracket still but you don't use n you use zero or one or two or generically here I so when C was designed they sometimes use the same Syntax for two different ideas or contexts yeah good question do I have to include line six short answer yes because of the reason we ran into last week C or clang really reads your code top to bottom left to right and so if the compiler sees some mention of this function average on line 16 but you haven't told the compiler that average exists you're going to get an error on the screen so the conventional way to do that is you just copy paste the one first line of code from the function it's so-called prototype or Declaration yeah really good question uh in a perfect segue is there a library you can use if you don't know the size of the array no and so if any of you have programmed in uh in uh Java or python or other Lang languages you can actually just ask the array like how big is it in C you and I the programmers have to remember it and so short answer no there's no function that will just automatically do this for us and in fact let me make a more subtle claim that it's fine to use Global variables like this if they're really for configuration options why it's just convenient to put them at the very top of the file because everyone you your colleagues your Tas are going to see them at the top of the code but you really shouldn't be using them everywhere throughout your code it'd be better if the average function itself we're independent of that special variable so by that I mean this you know what I should really do if I really want to be welld designed I should pass in the length of the array to the average function I should give the average function a second argument I'll call it length for instance but I could call it anything I want and so rather than putting n all the way down here at the bottom of my file let me just dynamically say length instead and this is a subtlety and no need need to get too tripped up over this but this now is just an example of how the same function can take not one but two arguments but indeed in C you must remember yourself what the length of an array is you can't just ask the array via some syntax like you can those of you who've programmed before in Java or python yeah good question would it be better to write a function that computes the size short answer can't do that in C as soon as you pass an array into a function in C you cannot figure out its size if it's a generic array like that of integers there are special cases that uh you can do that but in general no it's just not possible in see and if that's some frustration honestly this is why more modern languages add that feature why because it was really annoying um as I'm alluding here to not having that information now just to make sure I didn't screw up anywhere let me compile this final version of scores suspense all good/ scores 72 73 33 and we're still back in business so this version is more complicated and as always we'll have this version on the course's website for reference but the point really is that arrays not only can be used as containers to store multiple values three or more in this case um you can also even pass them around as arguments as such all right now besides that let's let's simplify for just a moment and consider now the world of chars if we've just got single bites where uh where does this lead us and how does this get us ultimately to strings to solve problems like readability and cryptography and the like well here for instance are three lines of code out of context that simply store three chars and you can already see where this is going having three variables called C1 C2 C3 is clearly going to end up being bad design because of all the silly redundancy here but notice I'm using single quotes like last week because these are single chars what does this look like in the computer's memory well it looks a little something like this if we clear out the old memory C1 C2 C3 probably will end up here maybe not literally in the top leftand Corner this is just an artist rendition but C1 C2 C3 will probably end up like that now what's really there it's really those same three numbers 72 73 33 but how many bits does a bite have just eight so if we were to look at the binary representation of these characters it would only be eight bits each that's enough to store small numbers like 72 73 33 we're not dealing with Unicode and emoji and the like but the point is the same you don't have to use four bytes to store these numbers you can use a different data type like chars and underneath the hood it's indeed going to use just single bytes for each but this is sort of like a this isn't really how we Implement strings right when you wanted to say hi last week or this we use double quotes and we wrote all of the things together and used one variable not three right when I typed in David I didn't have a variable for d a v i d i had one variable called name that stored the whole thing so in C we keep talking about these things called strings we'll see eventually that strings are not necessarily what they seem to be but for now the key thing about strings is that they're variable length uh so to speak right they might be three characters high or five characters David or anything uh smaller or larger so how do we go about implementing strings if all we have at the end of the day is my memory well here is an example of just creating uh declaring and defining a string called s s because it's just a simple string and quote unquote high in double quotes what does this look like in the computer's memory well let's clear it again and here now because it's technically stored in one variable s here is how I might draw it as an artist it's three bytes in total H exclamation point but there's no C1 C2 C3 it's just the whole thing is uh s but it turns out that a string fun fact is really just what underneath the hood kind of leading up to this what is a string if this is how it's laid out in memory literally it's just an array of characters and we didn't have to know about arrays last week to use strings this is where again the training wheels are starting to come off but a string is just an array of characters Hi exclamation point for instance so technically an array a string called s is really a variable called s that allows you to get at the first character with s bracket zero if you want s bracket 1 s bracket2 you can literally get individual characters just by treating S as though it's an array which it really is underneath the hood in this case but there's a catch how do you know where strings end in the past when I drew some integers on the screen I know I claim they always take up four bytes if I had drawn a long it always takes up eight bytes if I drawn a a character it always takes up one bite but how many bites does a string take up yeah I mean that's kind of the right answer in this case three it would seem but if it's David that's a good five characters but where do we put the number three where do you put the number five right this is literally all that's into your computer this is all our building blocks in front of us so how can we where does the three go where does the five go well it turns out you can solve this in a couple of different ways but the way humans decided to implement strings years ago is indeed an array but they added one extra bite at the end of every such string array just to make clear with a so-called Sentinel value that the string ends here why so that if you have two strings in the computer's memory like hi and by you know where the barrier is between like the exclamation point of one and the letter B in the next right you need some kind of delimiter and so what really is underneath the hood is this when you store a string in memory when you type in a string as the user if you type in three characters it's it's going to use 3 + 1 = 4 bytes in total if you type in David it's going to use 5 + 1al 6 bytes in total why because C automatically adds this special zero at the end of the string I've drawn it with back SL Zer because this is how you represent zero as a Char as a character but this is literally just zero as we'll soon see so anytime there's a string in memory it always takes up one more bite than you yourself as the programmer or human typed in in fact if we convert this again just for discussion sake to those integers what's literally stored in the computer's memory is going to be 72 73 33 and now a zero and the computer because of c and how it was invented it's just smart enough to know that when you print out a string it prints out every character until it sees a zero and then it just stops printing in particular printf knows how this works and this is why print F knows when to stop printing decimal numbers are not that enlightening we'll generally write the characters like this and again back back sl0 is just special symbology like it's what the programmer types to make clear that you're not saying hi zero you're saying hi and then it's a special zero specifically it is eight zero bits that indicate that it's the end of the string technically that back sl0 if you want to be fancy it's called null NL and it turns out you've seen this before that we didn't call it out here's that same asky chart from the past couple of weeks if I highlight this what is decimal number zero mapping to n which is just programmer speak for the special null character all zero bits that means the string ends here this all happens automatically for you you do not need to create these null characters or these zeros any questions then on this implementation thus far any questions here no well let me do this let me go back to vs code in a second and let's actually corroborate this with some code let me go ahead and create a small program called high. C and how about we do this let me include standard i.h let me include uh let me type out int main void as always and now let me do something simple and kind of bad but Char C1 equals quote unquote H in single quotes Char C2 equals quote unquote I in single quotes and lastly Char C3 equals exclamation point in single quotes and now let me just print this out I can't use percent s cuz that is not a string that's literally three chars cuz that's the design decision I made but I could do this percent C percent C percent C which we haven't seen before but percent s is string percent I is int percent C is indeed uh Char so let me put a back sln at the end for cleanliness and now do C1 C2 C3 so this is like a Char based version of printing string so let me make high and then let me do/ high and it looks like I use print f with percent s but I did things very manually by printing out each individual character what's cool now though is that once you know that characters are just numbers and strings are just characters you can kind of poke around let me change all three placeholders to percent i instead and this is totally fine too let me rerun this make High um actually let me make one change just so we can see this let me add spaces just for Aesthetics sake let me do make high do SL High enter and voila like now you can actually see the numbers that I claimed back in week zero were in fact happening underneath the hood well this is not how you would make strings it'd be incredibly tedious to have three variables for threel Words five variables for five letter words we've been using of course strings since last week so let's do that instead uh string uh s equals quote unquote double quotes high for this no because of these training wheels I need to include the cs50 library but we'll come back to that in the coming week but for now I'm going to go ahead and create a string s called quote unquote high and now I'm going to change this to be my familiar percent s and now just print out s itself this of course is the same thing as last week high gives me the exact same thing but now we're dealing of course with strings but how can we see a little beyond that well how about this let's poke around further with today's Primitives even though s is a string I could technically print out its first character with percent C by doing s bracket z i could technically print out its second character with percent C by doing s bracket one I could print out its third character with percent C and printing out s bracket 2 so again this just derives logically from my understanding now of that strings or arrays as you note let me do make let me do make high SL high and no visual change but I'm just kind of now tinkering around and in fact if you're really curious let me do this let me change these back to I back to I I oops back to I and let me add a fourth one because if I'm really curious now let's see it what's S braet 3 this is the fourth bite and even though the string itself is hi I think we can corroborate this whole null thing make high SL High enter and there it is you could have done this last week if you really wanted to geek out on strings but like for now it's just revealing what's going on underneath the hood questions then on what these strings are yeah why do we need the bracket uh uh why do you not need brackets good question why do I not need brackets on line six uh to because uh s is a string we'll see in a couple of weeks that s is essentially implemented underneath the hood indeed as an array but that happens automatically for you you can treat S as just a variable name without square brackets you will use square brackets when you have arrays of ins or you manually create arrays of chars or doubles or Floats or anything else but strings are special why I mean every program you write seems to use strings text in some form we're humans we like text not just numbers and and such so this is just treated a little specially in C and many other languages as well other questions on this here no let's add then one other string to the mix so instead of just saying hi why don't we consider version of the program that says both high and by and I claim now that that back sl0 that null character is going to be ever more important now if we've got two strings in memory so that c knows how to distinguish one from the other so let me go ahead and just get rid of these two lines for the moment let me recreate string s equals quote unquote double quotes High Let me give myself another one and because I'm just playing around I'll choose very short variable names string T equals quote unquote by exclamation point and then let me just print them both out uh let me go ahead and print out percent s back sln comma s and then print F percent s uh back sln and then T so very simple demonstration of just these two variables make high do SL high and of course it prints out two lines one after the other what's actually going on underneath the hood well let's go back to the computer's memory High I think it's going to be I claim pretty much the same so s I'll claim is in the top left followed by the back sl0 and that's important now because by probably is going to end up there and Visually it wraps just by nature of how I've drawn this grid of bytes but it's continuous B ye exclamation point null AKA back0 this is Now helpful to print F because now printf knows where one begins and ends by way of that special null character but we can poke around now too what else can I do here how about this how about I go into my code here back to BS code and let me go ahead and say something like well if I've got two of these uh strings you know let's put them in an array let's kind of do this sort of arrays in arrays sort of inception style here so string words bracket two so give me an array of two strings is what I'm saying here in code even though we've not done it with strings yet we only did it with ins and now let me do this the first word AKA words bracket zero will equal as before high and now words bracket one will equal quote unquote by bite so by and now I've done the exact same thing but again I'm just avoiding having s t QR and like all these different variables in my code I just now I'm treating them as one single array of strings how do I change my code down here well if I want to print the first word I do words bracket zero and if I want to print the second word I do words bracket one this is not a useful exercise at the moment because I'm just making my code more complicated but again it allows us to post poke around and see what's going on because there is that high and by but watch this if I really want to be cool I can do this let's print out percent C percent C percent C back sln and then here percent C percent C percent C percent C so four of those and now here's where things get interesting words is an array of strings but again if I may what's a string an array of characters so just use the same logic if words is an array of strings you get at the first string with words bracket zero how do you get at the first character in the first string bracket Zer words bracket Z bracket one and lastly words bracket Z bracket two and now down here words bracket one but the first character is there words bracket one the second character is here words bracket one the third character is here whoops third character is here and words bracket one one the fourth character is here like this is not how people program this is only for demonstration sake my God it's so tedious and verbose already but if I make high now do SL high now I'm like manually Reinventing percent s if I forgot it existed using percent C alone but you can indeed manipulate arrays in this way but because strings are arrays of characters you can manipulate strings uh in this way too any question now on this syntax any questions here no no all right well let's go ahead and propose that we solve a couple of other problems we might not have as before but first a quick visual of what's been going on underneath the hood here if here again is where we left off on the screen high and by uh back to back here is really how I just treated these things s bracket 0123 and then t0 1 2 3 4 but really once I put them in an array the picture becomes this words Z is the whole High words bracket one is the whole by but if I really get into the weeds and start indexing into individual characters in those strings all I'm using is new syntax in order to represent these same values here questions then on these representations before we Forge ahead no yeah does the new line character say that one more ah really good question does the new line character take up any space uh it does when so far as printf is concerned but I'm not storing the back slash n in my strings printf is being manually handed that thing instead all right so let's go ahead then and consider how we might solve some problems that have Arisen now with these strings as follows here suppose I let's do this let me go back to VSS code here and let me go ahead and open up a new file called how about uh length uh. C and let's consider for a moment how I might actually figure out what the length of a string is which is distinct from the length of an array I claimed earlier you cannot figure out dynamically what the length of an array is but I can figure out the length of a string specifically because of this implementation detail of that null character so let me go ahead and do this let me include cs50.h in this second program here let me include standard i.h as before and let me do this int main void and in the first thing I'll do is just get a string from the user I'll ask the user as always for their name so I'll call get string and say what's your name question mark as always and then down here if I want to figure out the length of this string and print the name the print the length out on the screen well I can kind of do this similar in spirit to the average where I'm accumulating something let me go ahead and initialize n to zero let me give myself huh it's not not a for Loop because I don't have a I don't know in advance how long it is but what if I do this while the value at name bracket n does not equal single quote back sl0 crazy syntax at the moment but it's just the culmination of these various building blocks let me just finish the thought here n++ and then down here let's just print out with print F and percent I that value of n so I claim this is going to show me the length of any string I type in whether it's high or by or David or anything else I initialize a variable to zero and that's good because that's where you start counting in general while name bracket 0 does not equal back0 what is this saying well if name is the string the user typed in and name is just an array as you noted then name bracket zero is going to be the first character and I'm asking the question well does the first character not equal back0 and if I type in David D is it's not so I keep going and I add one to n then I'm going to check name bracket one well if I typed in David name bracket one is going to be a a does not equal back0 and so it's going to go again and again and again but five steps in total later it's going to get to the bite after David realize wait a minute that is a back slash n the Loop finishes and I print out the total length arrays in general do not have this null character however strings do again strings are special versus all of the other data types we've talked about thus far but how could I for instance uh do this differently well let's actually Factor this out as a function as I've I've commonly done but rather than implement it myself you know what it turns out what's nice about strings being so common there are many other people who have solved these problems before and in fact there's a whole string library in C it is used by way of a header file called string.h and what string H is is a library of string related functions in fact you can see in cs50's manual pages for C uh the string.h functions at least those that we recommend as most useful and in particular if you poke around there you'll see that there's a function called Sterling means string length it was named very succinctly just because it's a little easier to type than string length but Sterling tells you the length of a string so how might I use this in my code here well it turns out I can simplify this quite a bit let me get rid of my Loop get rid of my uh my counting manually and do something like this int n equals Sterling of the human's name name and now I'll just use print f as before with percent I back sln and output the value of n but but there's a bug at the moment what have I forgotten to do yeah I have to include the header file at the top of the screen so let me at the top of the code so let me also include string.h at the top of my file so that c knows that in fact sterl exists let me go ahead and make length as before length uh or actually really for the first time what's your name David and hopefully I'm going to see in fact five by contrast if I run it again and type in high exclamation point now I see three so Sterling is just one of the functions in that library and there's so many more in fact yet another library that might be useful moving forward is this one C which relates to C data types and lots of functions therein that can be useful for instance if you review its documentation in the manual pages online you'll see that there are functions via which we can solve problems like this let me go ahead and propose here let me see let's do um example here involving how about uh checking if something is uppercase or lowercase and converting it uh to uppercase only let me go back to vs code and code a program called uppercase Doc in this file I'm going to start by including now as always cs50.h I'm going to include standard i.h and I'm going to add one other to the mix which is string.h now2 so I can access the length of things as needed int main void comes next and then within my main function I'm going to go ahead and declare a string called s I'm going to call get string as before and I'm going to go head and just ask the user for a string called before I want to do it before and after whatever the user types in is before but I want to force everything to uppercase thereafter let me now in this Loop here do this let me print F quote unquote after just so we can see this on the screen and let me do four in I gets zero I is less than stir Lang of s I ++ what am I about to do I'm about to iterate over every every character in the string from left to right from zero on up two but not through the length of s and how do I check if something is lowercase so that I can actually force it to uppercase well it turns out I could do this literally if the character in s at location I is greater than or equal to Capital a Ampersand Ampersand which means and instead of or which we saw in the past s braet i is less than or equal to little Z that means logically in English that this is indeed a lowercase how do I now convert it to uppercase this character well I could just literally print out the same character but that would not be the answer here because that's not changing the value but what could I do instead well let me actually pull up here real fast the asky chart as before and let's see if we can't glean some insight if I pull up the same ask each chart and suppose the human has typed in a lowercase a that's 97 what letter I want to convert it to uppercase a so what number do I want to convert the 97 to per week zero so 65 we keep coming back to that one what if the user types in lowercase B I want to change the 98 value to 66 and so forth and any quick math how far part of those so it's always 32 like uppercase to lower case is always wonderfully good design 32 away one from the other so what does this mean well I think we saw earlier that underneath the hood a Char is just a number you can certainly do arithmetic on it and here again if you understand these lower level Primitives what if I do this whatever s bracket I is if I know on line 13 that it's up that it's lowercase do I want to add or subtract 32 so I want to subtract because I want to go from like 97 to 65 or 98 to 66 so indeed if you do some quick math that gives you 32 so it suffices to just treat chars as numbers subtract the 32 and printing it with percent C I think will just convert lowercase to uppercase if you now fast forward to like the real world Microsoft Word or Google Docs if you've ever chosen the menu option that forces things to uppercase or lowercase on occasion literally that's what Microsoft and Google have done they iterate over every character in the document check if it's lowercase and if so they subtract 32 from it and show you the new value what if though it is not a lowercase letter I think I can keep it easy and just print out the current letter unchanged if my goal is to Simply Force things to all uppercase and that letter then would be S bracket I so let me go ahead now and make uppercase hopefully no errors do/ uppercase and I'll now now type in David with an uppercase D but lowercase everything else but now the after version is David an aesthetic bug notice here I forgot to include just for prettiness sake about back sln at the end no problem I'll add that let me fix my mistake make uppercase SL uppercase enter daid enter and voila and I I deliberately added another space after the after just so they would line up pretty even though before and after have different numbers of letters questions then on this implementation of forcing something to uppercase which in and of itself is not all that enlightening but is representative now of how you can leverage these low-level Primitives question now all right well this honestly is tedious my God like does Microsoft Google everyone you have to literally write out this code just to do something simple well no that's again why we have things like libraries and increasingly now for problem sets projects and Beyond well you just use libraries more often off the shelf so as to solve problems that surely other people have had before you so how can I now use this uh Library ctype.h well let me go back into my code let me include this among my header files here I tend just so I can skim things easily I tend to alphabetize my headers but that's not strictly necessary but it allows me at a glance to realize did I or did I not include something I need now let me go ahead and do this it turns out if you read the documentation for the ctype library there is a function wonderfully called if is lower that takes in a character as its argument essentially so s bracket I and if that returns true a Boolean value if you will well I'm going to force it to lowercase but I don't have to do this this math anymore turns out in the ctype library there's also a function called two upper that takes a character as input like s bracket I and it just does the math for you so that you can abstract away the 32 thing and just know that someone else has solved that problem for you otherwise I can leave my code unchanged down below because I'm not changing anything else so if I do make uppercase now and then do SL uppercase daavid with just a capital D and now it still works but if you read the documentation further it turns out that two upper is smart if you pass in a character to two upper that's lowercase it obviously converts its uppercase by doing that math but if you pass in a character to to Upper that's already uppercase the documentation you would see tells you that it leaves it unchanged so I can tighten all of this up I can get rid of the whole else I can get rid of the whole if and arguably now Implement a program that's just as correct but better designed why fewer lines of code easier to read Le lower probability of mistakes assuming the library is correct it just makes it easier and faster for me now to write code so if I now do one last time make uppercase enter uppercase and type in my name still working but now notice we've whittel this down to far fewer lines of code albeit using now this additional Library questions then on how we did this no well even even though this code I dare say is correct it's not necessarily welld designed just yet in fact there's one line of code one function call in this current implementation that's more inefficient than it needs to be and allow me to draw our attention to this here line 10 wherein we're calling Sterling but we're calling it inside of this for Loop specifically inside of the condition and why might that not necessarily be the best idea well is the length of the string s changing ever I mean certainly not within the span of this Loop and so here we are within our for loop on line 10 11 12 and 13 asking on every iteration that same question what's the length of s what's the length of s what's the length of s and in turn we're calling Sterling every time even though we're getting back the same answer so I dare say a better solution here would be to maybe figure out the length of s earlier on in my code and maybe declare a variable or perhaps do something that's syntactically a little more elegant and in fact a very common design in Loop like this would be to declare not just one variable like I but to actually declare a second variable called n for instance where n is just some number Set n equal to the length of s but thereafter inside of this condition instead of calling Sterling of s again and again and again what might I now do I could instead just compare I against n itself because n now will only be calculated once when it's initialized just as I is initialized to zero and thereafter we're going to be compar comparing I which is changing against n which will not be so it's going to be marginally more efficient by Design now with that said a good compiler could also recognize that there was this optimization possibility and maybe do it for us but for now best to get into the Habit best to develop the muscle memory for making those better design decisions yourselves questions then on how we did this no all right a few final building blocks for the day so we started by talking about those command line arguments that clang uses whereby anything after the command that you type at a prompt be it make or clang or even CD in Linux any word thereafter or something cryptic like- O is a commandline argument it's an input to the command it's different from a function argument because a function argument of course is an input to a function but it's the same idea it's just different syntax after the dollar sign at the prompt well it turns out that command line arguments are something you can now use in your own programs by accessing uh words after the prompt and let me propose that we invent we invent this as follows let me propose that we switch back to vs code here and I'll open a new file here called greet doc so in greet Doc is going to be a program that very simply greets the user had we written this last week we would have done this include cs50.h and then include uh standard i.h and then int main void and then we might do something simple like string name equals get string quote unquote what's your name question mark and then we would have printed out as always hello comma percent s and then plugging in that name so this is the same program we've implemented many times just to make sure it works although nope that's not quite the same program semicolon in the wrong place this now is the same program so make greet /g greet and I'll type in my own name hello David so we're back there now what's arguably a little Annoying about this program if I type in something else like Carter enter you know I have to run the program wait for the prompt type in my name hit enter and that's fine but imagine if every program worked like this like make suppose you could only type make then you wait for a prompt then you type the name of the program you want to make then you hit enter or worse in Linux when you have to change directories as you might have for problem set one what if you had to type CD enter now type the name of the folder you want to change into enter I mean it just slows life down and so it just gets annoying quickly so commandline arguments just let you express your whole thought all at once so how can I do this well if I want to express the notion of command line arguments in my code I could do something like this I could for the very first time go up and get rid of this void which as of today means this program takes no command line arguments and I can change it to exactly this int ARG C string argv with brackets now it's cryptic admittedly and let me zoom in but I think we can perhaps infer now what's going on if main Now does not have void as its input which means it takes no arguments surely the spoiler here is that now main will take command line argument somehow any guesses as to what argv is or will be what might this represent it's an array of strings right by way of the syntax yeah exactly it will be all of the characters or really all of the words that you type at the prompt argc as an INT any guess argument count is what it generally stands for though technically you could call these things any anything but this is the convention because I claimed earlier that arrays don't keep track of their own length if you want to know how many words the human typed at the prompt after your program's name you have to be told not just the array of the words but the length of that array the strings you can figure out the length of using Sterling but you can't figure out the length of the array of strings the collection of words that the human typed in so how can I now use this well let me go ahead and do this let me go ahead and change this program now just to be print F quote unquote hello comma uh percent s back sln then Arvy bracket 1 so this is not the best version of my code yet but it's my first make greet and now let me dog greet David all at once enter hello David now let me run it again dogre Carter enter hello Carter you know it's a marginal Improvement but I don't have to wait for get string to prompt me to hit enter it's just speeding things up you know is fast one less command to type in but I deliberately did bracket one but where what's the beginning of arv it would be bracket zero well what's that this is sometimes useful though for now it's not suppose I recompile my code and run this program now greet David anyone want to guess what's in argv Z say again greet enter hello. SLG greet so if you want sort of inception style your program to figure out what its own name is or at least how it was executed at the command line at the terminal you can look at ARG v0 in general probably not that useful probably better to start looking at bracket one which was the first word after the program name and if there were more I could do this how about RV bracket 2 let me add in a second percent s let me recompile greet let me do greet David maen enter and that two now works taking in two words at the prompt if I really want to be smart at this now I could do something like this though how about if the count of arguments AKA AR C equals equals 2 then assume that the human typed in only their first name and do print F uh hello comma percent s back sln and then uh argv bracket 1 else if the human did not provide exactly two arguments the name of the program and their own name let's just print out a default value L they forgot their name or they typed in two names or three names let's just do uh hello comma world as a default and we'll just ignore what the human typed in if I recompile this make greet I can dog greet and David again enter oops uh sorry what am I missing yeah so newbie mistake else all right make greet again dog greet David enter there's my hello David but if I omit my name I just get the generic like a default value and if I get a little curious and I type in both names then I get ignored two why because I just haven't built in support for arxy of three I could do anything I want but now we have access to these kinds of building blocks all right what else might I do here well it turns out there might be some final features for us to now execute um notice though that in C despite what you might see in books or online tutorials nowadays the two official formats for defining a main function are either this which we've been using now for Two Plus weeks or now this whereby you change the void to int argc and then for now string argv and then empty brackets and we'll see that this two is an a simplification some training wheels if you will but for now those are the two forms even though you will see in online tutorials and even books some people use Maine in different ways these are the two now to keep in mind and I'll note that these command line arguments are kind of all over the place didn't probably expect to see this word on the screen here and what does it mean well it turns out that for decades there's actually this program that comes with Linux systems in particular called coway why probably because someone had too much free time once and decided to write a program that creates asy art out of a cow saying something textually on the screen but you use coway Just For Fun by way of command line arguments so for instance let me propose that uh I go back to vs code here not because I want to write any code but I just want to use my terminal window and let me uh maximize my terminal window here and let me go ahead and type in something like how about c space moo so cow is not a program I wrote It's been around for decades but we installed it in vs code for you in the cloud it takes at least one command line argument what do you want the cow to say I can say cow say moo and hit enter and voila there's my asky art of a cow saying moo on the screen it can say multiple words so I can say hello world and enter and now it says hello world so this is just an example of a silly program that uses command line arguments but it takes others too just like clang use this convention of hyphens to change the output of the program Dash something is just a super common convention with commandline arguments when you want a very tur notation for some option like output um in C I read the documentation and it turns out there's a-f command line argument that allows you to change the uh the appearance of the cow if you will so if I do coway dasf duck and then some other word like quack it's no longer a cow that command line argument turns it into a tiny adorable duck instead and then lastly just for fun because I spent way too much time playing with command line arguments uh c-f dragon and then how about like raar enter you can even get this on the screen here so this too is just an example of what you can do with these command line arguments now that we have this building block and there's one final thing we can now do with code there's one last feature today that we'll introduce before we now connect all of these dots to readability and and encryption by talking lastly about something called exit status it turns out that whenever your main function exits it returns a secret integer that you can figure out as the programmer or an advanced user what it was and these exit codes exit statuses are typically used to indicate errors so for instance over over the past couple of years if you us zoom and you ever got some kind of error you might have seen a screen like this it's usually not that helpful maybe tells you to click report problem or contact support but very often in our human world on Macs PCS and phones you see cryptic error codes like literally numbers that probably only Zoom knows or Microsoft or Google or whatever company wrote the software you're using but that number corresponds to a specific error that some human somewhere knows might very well happen these are used similar L although under a different name that we'll talk about later in the term uh on the web as well have you ever seen this maybe not character but number so 404 means what so error yes but really not found so why I mean this is the most Arcane thing and we'll talk in a few weeks about like what this and other numbers mean but numbers are all around us in technology and they very often mean something to the technical people who wrote the software less so to humans like you and me why so many of us recognize 404 is kind of weird that like that's been around long enough that we all know it but it really is just a special number that represents an error of some sort so it turns out the last thing we'll reveal today about what we've been taking for granted for two weeks is what the int is in Maine we've seen just a moment ago that the thing in the parentheses which up until now has been void which means no command line arguments now in Arc string arv brackets just means yes command line arguments and we've seen how to access them so the last piece of the puzzle honestly of all the cryptic syntax the past two weeks is just what int means int is always there for Maine and it indicates that Maine will always return an integer even though you and I have never done so explicitly usually Maine returns Zero by default but it would be weird if you saw an error message saying zero so zero is just hidden you would never see it on the screen but it's happening automatically by way of how C is designed so let me write one final program here I'll call it for instance status . C to show you these exit statuses code of status. c and then up here let me do something simple like include cs50.h then include standard i.h and then int main uh let's do actually let's use a command line argument in argc string argv so that's copy paste but now let's do this if argc does not equal to why don't we do something like this let's not just um default to hello world like last time let's yell at the user so let's say something like printf missing command line argument so that they know they screwed up and they need to run the program again correctly else let's go ahead and say print out uh as before hello comma percent s and then plug in argv bracket one so the human's name from The Prompt now at this point let me go ahead and run statusstatus and I'll will type nothing first first I get yelled at this time I'll type it again/ status David and it works properly but now let me show you a somewhat secret cryptic command you can type this at your prompt and it's just a coincidence that there's another dollar sign Echo dollar sign question mark totally Arcane but it allows you to see what exit status your program has ended with so let me run this again the wrong way/ status okay I get the error message what was secretly returned I can't can't see it there's obviously no error screen but by typing Echo dollar sign question mark I can see that oh my program automatically by default return zero however if I run it again correctly status David enter this is the correct version but if I run Echo question mark status again it's still entered with zero and long story short this is just a missed opportunity when something goes wrong why don't I return a value other than zero zero by default means success and it's always there automatically but but you can control this I can go into my code here and return one else if something works fine I can return zero by default and honestly if I omit the return zero again zero automatically is returned so let me go ahead and though be explicit just so I know what's going on make status again/ status and let's do this correctly with David enter hello David Echo question mark uh Echo dollar sign question mark zero so all is well but now if I do/ status and nothing or multiple things but not just David enter I get the error message but now if I do Echo dollar sign question mark waa there now is the one so what does this now mean this is in the graphical world we would just show something like this on the screen which is a little more informative to the user but even in the Linux world we don't have a guey necessarily even for the programs we've written you can check these exit statuses and in fact more comfortable more advanced programmers when they write code that calls programs be it coway or anything else you can encode check what the exit status is of a program and then decide did my program work or did it not and now let's connect the final dots uh before we adjourn for some fruit snacks uh cryptography namely one of the applications this week via which you'll be able to send if you will secret messages and better yet decre secret messages this will be in addition to perhaps analyzing the readability of text using puristic like we identified at the start of class 2 so a cryptography is just the art the science of encrypting information scrambling information so that if you have a secret message to send in so-called plain text you can run it through some algorithm and turn it into what's called Cipher text thereby encrypting it and only someone who knows what algorithm you've used and what input you've used to the algorithm theoretically can decrypt that process and convert it back to the original message so if we use our mental model from last week here is a problem here is an input and output the goal I claim here is to take some plain text like the message you want to send think back to grade school if you ever passed a note to a friend or to your crush saying I love you it's a little awkward if the teacher or someone else intercepts the paper and in English it just says I love you or whatever it is it'd be nice if you had at least encrypted it in some way but the other person needs to know what algorithm you used and what inputs you used to that algorithm so that ultimately they can decode the so-called Cipher text which is the output so what go inside of the box today well an algorithm as it relates to cryptography is called a cipher and a cipher is a fancy name for an algorithm that encrypts text from plain text to Cipher text the catch is there needs to be not just the algorithm there needs to be an input to it and so for instance you might draw the picture like this for the first time today and we've seen this in code you can give multiple inputs or arguments to functions so in this black box can you imagine passing in the message you want to send and then some Secret so for instance suppose that the simplest thing I could think of as a kid was instead of sending the letter A why don't I write the letter b instead of the letter B why don't I write the letter c so I can kind of shift the English alphabet by one space so a becomes b b becomes C dot dot dot Z becomes a you can wrap around at the end and let's assume no punctuation in this part of the story so that's a very simple algorithm add a value to each letter and send the value as the cipher text and now the teacher the classmate they have to know that you use not only this rotational algorithm also known as a Caesar Cipher they also need to know what number you use did you add one to every letter two to every letter 25 to every letter now if they're super smart and probably not the the young age in this story they could also just try all possibilities and that would be an attack on the algorithm this is not a sophisticated algorithm but it's enough to send a message in class so if the two inputs now are high as the plain text message and one as the so-called key the secret number that only you and the other person know you might uh be able to encrypt a message from one way to the other and so in this case for instance high would become i j exclamation point in this version of the algorithm we're not going to bother with numbers or punctuation will only operate on a through z be it uppercase or lowercase so now if you were to receive a a slip of paper in class with i j on it you know you the recipient would know what it is so long as you know that the sender used one because you just reverse the algorithm and you subtract one instead the teacher you know they probably don't know what this means and they're not going to spend time hacking the message so it just looks scrambled to them and that's what we get from encryption someone who intercepts it be it in class or in the real world on the Internet or anywhere else can't actually figure out ideally what it is you have sent the opposite of course is indeed called decryption but the process is the same we now pass in negative one and so how about this why don't we end with a demonstration here u y JT xbt dt50 there's a bit of a tell there if we pass that in and do Nega -1 well how do we get out the plain text originally well if this is the cipher text and we subtract one from each letter I think U becomes t i becomes h j becomes i t becomes s x becomes w b becomes a t becomes s d becomes c t becomes s and this was indeed cs50 have a duck on your way out and some snacks in the [Applause] [Music] lobby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right all right this is cs50 and this is week three already wherein we'll take a look back actually at week zero where we first began and in week zero recall that everything was very intuitive in a sense we talked not just about representation of information but algorithms and we talked about tearing a phone book again and again and that somehow got us to a better solution but today we'll try to start formalizing some of those ideas and capturing some of those same ideas not in pseudo code just yet but in uh actual code as well but we'll also consider the the efficiency of those algorithms like just how good how welld designed our algorithms actually are and if you recall when we did the phone book example where in I first had an algorithm searching one page at a time and then second when two pages at a time and then third started tearing the thing in half recall that we with a wave of the hand kind of analyzed it as follows we proposed that if the x-axis here is the size of the problem like number of pages in a phone book and the y- axis is the time required to solve the problem in seconds minutes page tears whatever your unit of measuring is recall that the first algorithm was this straight line such that if you had n pages in the phone book it might have this slope of N and there's this one toone relationship between pages and tears two pages at a time of course was twice as fast but still really the same shape the yellow line here indicating that yeah it's n / two maybe plus one if you have to double back as we discussed but it's really still fundamentally the same algorithm one or two pages at a time but the third algorithm recall was this one here in green where we called it logarithmic in terms of how fast or how slow it was and indeed the implication of this algorithm was that we could even double the size of the phone book and no big deal one additional page tear and we take yet another thousand page bite out of the phone book so today we'll revisit some of these ideas formalize them a bit but also translate some of them ultimately to code and all of that now is possible because we have this lower level understanding perhaps of like what's actually inside of your computer this of course is your computer's Ram or memory and recall that if we kind of start to abstract this away your compter computer's memory is really just a grid of bites in fact we don't have to look at the hardware anymore and we looked at a grid of bites like this whereby each of these bites could be used to store a Char an INT a long or even an entire string at that but let's focus perhaps just on a subset of this because last week of course we emphasized really arrays storing things in arrays and that allowed us to start storing entire strings sequences of characters and even arrays of integers if we want to have multiple ones and not just multiple variables as well but the catch is that if you look inside of an array in the computer's memory and for instance suppose these integers here are stored it's pretty easy for us humans to glance at this and immediately find the number 50 you sort of have this bird's eye view from where you're seated of everything on the screen and so it's pretty obvious how you get to the number 50 but in the world of computers of course it turns out that this is hardware and computers for today's purposes can only do one thing at a time they can't just take it all in and find instantly some number like 50 so perhaps a decent metaphor is to consider the array of memory inside of your computer really is a sequence of of closed doors and if the computer wants to find some value in an array it has to do the digital equivalent of opening each of these doors one at a time now how can code do that well of course we introduced indices or indexes last week whereby we by convention call the first element of an array location zero the second location one the Third location two and so forth so-called zero indexed and this allowed us to now bridge this conceptual world of like what's going on in memory with actual code because now we had this square bracket syntax via which we could go searching for something if we so choose and it turns out if I now uh paint these red instead of yellow it would seem that we actually have a pretty good physical metaphor here standing in place for what would be a computer's uh array of memory if for instance you're storing some seven numbers like that and so today we begin with a look of a specific type typ of algorithm that is for searching like searching is all over the place all of us have probably gone to or some equivalent like already multiple times per day and getting back answers fast is what companies like Google are really good at so how are they doing that how are they storing information in computers uh memory well let's consider what this really is it's really just a problem as it was back in week zero the input though to the problem for now might be this array of seven lockers so that's the input to the problem inside of which is a number and maybe for Simplicity now we just want a yes no a true false answer a bull that is to say of whether or not some number like 50 is in that array it's not quite as fancy as Google that doesn't just tell you yes we have search results it actually gives you the search results but for now we'll keep it simple and just output as part of this problem yes or no true or false we have found the number we're looking for given an input like that array but it turns out inside of this black box that we keep coming back to there's all sorts of possible algorithms and we talk about this at a high level conceptually in week zero with the phone book but today let's consider it a little more concretely uh by way of a game that some of you might have grown up with namely Monopoly and so behind these doors it turns out we'll be hidden some denominations of Monopoly money but for this we now have two volunteers if you'd like to greet the world hi I'm Jackson yay hi my name is Stephanie Steph and you want to say a little something about yourselves years house first year living in Matthews nice and I'm a first year in Canada nice well Welcome to our two volunteers so why don't we do this would one of you like to volunteer the other to go first all go first okay all right so Stephanie's up first and behind one of these doors here we've hidden the Monopoly money 50 and so we'd like you to find the 50 we'll tell you nothing more about the lockers but we would like you to execute a certain algorithm and in fact I'm going to give you some pseudo code for this and I'm going to give you the name for it it's called linear search and as the name implies you're pretty much going to end up walking in sort of a straight line but how are you going to do this well let me propose that in a moment your first step will be to think kind of like a loop for each door from left to right what do we want you to do on each iteration well if 50 is behind that door then we want to go ahead and have you return true and sort of hold up the 50 proudly if you will for the group otherwise if you get through that whole Loop and you haven't found the number 50 you can just throw up your hands and disappointment false you've not found the number 50 so to be clear step one is going to be for each uh door from left to right how would you like to begin yep oh and then yep there we go yep oh and if you'd like to at least tell oh good good acting here what have you found instead it's not 50 but 20 oh okay so step one was a fail so let's move on to step two inside of the Loop what are you going to do next I'm going to move to the next door okay almost okay almost sort of a 500 instead next Locker I would rather take no okay we're not telling the audience oh okay so keep going this is step three now oh [Music] man five okay few more lockers to check a little sad guys all right second to last step this one kind of close all right and finally the last clearly you've been perhaps set up here let's go all right so the number 50 and Stephanie if I may let me ask you a question here so on the screen this is the pseudo code you just executed suppose though I had done what many of us have gotten into the habit of doing when you have a if condition you often have an else Branch as well suppose that I had done this now and I'm marking it in red to be clear this is wrong but what would have have been bad about this code using an if and an else might you say any instincts um then you would end up like cancelling canceling the code before you found the 50 yeah exactly just be eternally sad indeed when Stephanie had opened the first Locker she had found 20 20 of course is not 50 she would have decreed false but of course she hadn't checked all of the rest of the locker so that would seem to be a key detail that would this implementation of the SoDo coat we actually do go through as we did and only return false not even with an else but just at the end of the loop such that we only reach that line if we don't return truer uh earlier than that well let's go ahead and do this let me take the mic from you if you'd like to take a seat next to Jackson Jackson in just a moment we'll have you come up Carter if you don't mind reorganizing the uh lockers for us but in the meantime let me point out how we might now translate that same idea to code pretty high level pretty English oriented with that pseudo code but really now as of last week we have syntax via which Stephanie and soon Jackson could treat this Locker the set of lockers as really indeed an array using bracket notation so we can now get a little closer in our pseudo code to actual code and the way a computer scientist for instance would translate fairly high level English pseudo code like this to something that's a little closer to C or any language that supports arrays would be a little more cryptically like this but you'll see more of this syntax in the coming days for I from 0 to n minus one this is still pseudo code but that's kind of like the english-like way of expressing what we've known come to know as a for Loop if 50 is behind doors bracket I so I'm assuming for the sake of discussion that doors now is the name of my variable this array of seven doors but then the rest of the logic the rest of the pseudo code really is the same way and so you'll find in time that programmers computer scientists more generally when you start expressing ideas algorithms to someone else instead of maybe operating at this level here you now have in your vocabulary really a new new syntax that you can be a little more specific not getting so into the weeds of writing actual C code but at least now doing something that's a little closer to manipulating an array like this so Jackson would you like to uh stand on up all right yes yes support for Jackson here too nice and here now I'm going to allow you an assumption that Stephanie did not have Stephanie clearly was really doing her best searching from left to right using linear searches we'll Now call it but they were pretty much in random order right there was a 20 over there there was a one over there and then a 50 so we deliberately jumbled things up and did not sort the numbers for her but Carter kindly has just come up to give you a leg up Jackson by sorting the numbers in advance and we'd like you this time much like in week zero to do something again and again but this time using what we'll Now call binary search it's exactly the same algorithm conceptually as we did in week zero but if we translate to the context of this array we might now might say something like this the first step for Jackson might be to ask ask the question if 50 is behind the middle door where presumably he's done some mental math to figure out what the middle is then he's going to just return true and hopefully we'll get lucky and 50 will be right there of course there's two other possibilities at least which would be what 50 is with respect to these doors yeah so to the left or to the right alternatively so if 50 is less than the middle door then presumably Jackson's going to want to go left else if 50 is greater than the middle door he's going to want to go right much like I did uh physically last week with the phone book dividing and conquering left to right but there's actually a a fourth case let's put it on the board first what else might happen here that Jackson should consider yeah oh it's not there it's not there so let me actually go back and amend my my pseudo code here and just say Jackson if we don't hand you any doors at all or eventually as he's dividing and conquering if he's left with no more doors we have to handle that situation so that the def behavior is defined find all right so with that said Jackson do you want to go ahead and find us the number 50 and walk us through verbally what you're doing and finding all right so it looks like this one is the middle door so I'm going to open it but it's 20 not 50 oh sad okay what's going through your head now so now I'm looking because 50 is higher than 20 I want to look to the right good um and look for the new middle door which would be here nice and it's 100 sad um but 50 is less than 100 so now we know to look left which would be here and Tada nice very well done this time around too so thank you first to our volunteers here and in fact um since you're fan of Monopoly as we're so informed we have the Cambridge edition of Monopoly with all your Harvard favorites here you go thank you so thank you to our volunteers for finding us 50 so kind of was more popular than we expected so here we can translate this one more time into something a little closer to code and again still pseudo code but here now might be another formulation of exactly what Jackson just did just using the nomenclature now of arrays where you can be a little more precise with your instructions and still leave it to someone else to translate this finally to code but here we have same question at the beginning if no doors left return false if 50 is behind doors bracket middle so I'm assuming here because this is pseudo code that somewhere I've done the mental math or the actual math to figure out what the index of middle is for instance if these are seven doors in an array this would be location zero 1 2 3 4 5 6 so somehow I've taken the total number of doors seven divided by two to find the middle that's three and a half we have to deal with rounding but suffice it to say there's a well- defined formula for finding the middle index given the total number of lockers divide by two and then round accordingly so that's presumably what Jackson did just by counting in his head to find us door number three not the third door the fourth door but door bracket three so this is just saying if 50 is behind door is bracket middle return true that was not the case he found a $20 bill instead else if 50 is less than the uh doors bracket middle go ahead and now it gets interesting search doors zero through doors middle minus one so it's getting a little more to the Weeds now but if middle is three this one here well we want to now have Jackson search if 50 had been uh if the number had been less we want to start at bracket zero and go up through this one when we deliberately subtract one CU what's the point of looking in the same Locker again we might as well do zero through middle minus one else if 50 is greater than doors bracket middle which it was what did we then do Jackson intuitively searched for doors middle plus one through door n minus one and honestly it gets a little Annoying having the pluses and the minuses here but just think of what it means this is the middle door and Jackson then did proceed to search through doors middle plus one because there's no point in searching this one again and then the last element in any array of size n where n is just our go-to number uh for the size is always going to be n minus one it's not going to be n it's going to be n minus one because we always start counting at Rays at zero so here then we have a translation into pseudo code that's a little closer to C of this exact same idea and here we come full circle to week zero like in week zero is pretty intuitive to imagine dividing and conquering a problem like this but if you now think back to actual your iPhone your Android phone or the like when you're doing autocomplete and searching the list it's possible if you don't have many friends or family or colleagues in the phone you know what linear search just checking every name for the person you're searching for might be perfectly fine but odds are your phones being smarter than that especially if you start to have dozens hundreds thousands of people in your contacts over the years what would be better than linear search well perhaps binary search but but but there's an assumption a requirement which is what why was Jackson ultimately able to find the 50 in just like three steps instead of a full seven like Stephanie because the array was sorted and so this is sort of a teaser for what we'll have to come back to later today well you know how much effort did it take someone like Carter how much effort does it take your phone to sort all of those names and numbers in advance because maybe it's not actually worth the amount of time now someone like Google probably somehow keeps the database of web pages sorted you could imagine it being super slow if when you type in cats or something else into if they searched linearly over their entire data set ideally they're doing something a little smarter than that so we'll formalize now exactly this kind of analysis and it's not going to be so much mathy as it still will be in intuitive but we'll introduce you to some some jargon some terminology that most any programmer or computer scientist might use when analyzing their own algorithms let's formalize now what this kind of analysis is so right right now I claim binary search better than linear search but how much better and why exactly well it all comes back to this kind of graph so this recall is how we analyzed the phone book back in week zero and recall that indeed we had these these formulas rough formulas that describe the running time of those three algorithms one page at a time two pages at a time and then tearing the thing again and again in half and precisely if you count it up the number of pages I was touching or the number of pages I was tearing it's fair to say that the first algorithm in the worst case might have taken n total Pages it didn't because I was searching for John Harvard at the time which is somewhat early in the alphabet but if I were searching with some for someone with the last name of Z I would have had to keep going and going in the worst case through all n Pages not as bad for the second algorithm and that's why we do n divided by two and even that's a bit of a white lie right it's probably n / 2 + 1 in case I have to double back but again I'm sort of doing this more generally to capture the essence of these things and then we really got into the weeds with like log base 2 of n for that third and final algorithm and at the time we claimed anytime you're doing dividing something in half in half in half odds are there's going to be some kind of logarithm involved and we'll see that today but today we're going to actually start using computer science terminology and we're going to sort of formalize this imprecision if you will we are not going to care generally about exactly how many steps some algorithm takes because that's not going to be that enlightening especially if maybe you have a faster computer tomorrow than you did today it wouldn't really be fair to compare numbers too precisely we really kind of want to with a wave of the hand just get a sense of roughly how slow or how fast an algorithm is so the notation here is deliberate that is literally a capital O often italicized referred to as Big O and so the first algorithm is in Big O of n the second algorithm is in Big O of n / two the third algorithm is in Big O of log base 2 of n but even that is kind of unnecessary detail when using Big O notation you really don't care about we'll see the smaller ordered terms right we're not going to care about the divided by two because you know what the shape of these algorithms is almost the same and really the idea the algorithm itself is sort of fundamentally the same okay and instead of one page at a time I'm doing two but if you throw millions of pages billions of pages at me those algorithms are really going to kind of perform the same as n gets really large goes off toward infinity and the same is true for logarithms even if you're a little rusty it turns out that whether you do the math with log base 2 log base 3 log base 10 you can just multiply one by the other to really get the same formula this is only to say a computer scientist would generally say that the first two algorithms are on the order of eps the third algorithm is on the order of log end steps and we don't really care precisely what we mean beyond that and this Big O notation as we'll see and actually let me let me zoom out if you can imagine suddenly making the x- axis much longer so more pages on the screen at once it is indeed going to be the shapes of these curves that matter because imagine in your mind's eye as you zoom out zoom out zoom out zoom out and as n gets much much much bigger on the xaxis the red and the yellow line are essentially going to look the same once n is sufficiently large but the green line is never going to look the same it's going to be a fundamentally different shape and so that's the intuition of bigo to get a sense of these uh rates of performance like this so here then is Big O here is perhaps a cheat sheet of like the common formulas that a computer scientist certainly in an introductory context might use when analyzing algorithms and let's consider for a moment which of our first two algorithms linear search and binary search fall into these categories so I've ordered them from sort of slowest to fastest so order of n s it's not something we've actually seen yet but it tends to be slow because it's quadratic you're doing n * n that's got to add up to a lot of steps better today is going to be n Lin even better is going to be n even better than that is login and best is soall order of one like one step or maybe two steps maybe even a thousand steps but a fixed finite number of steps that never changes no how matter how big n is so given this chart just to be clear linear search let's consider the worst case in the worst case how many steps did it take someone like Stephanie to find the uh solution to the problem assuming not seven doors but n doors yeah so on the order of N and in this case it's exactly n but you know what you know maybe it's arguably too n right because it took Stephanie a couple of steps like she had to lift the latch she had to open the door maybe it's three steps you had to show the money so now it's 3n 2 N but there we don't really care about that level of precision we really just care about the fundamental number of operations so we'll say yes on the order of n so that might be an upper bound we'll call this for linear search and how about binary search in Jackson's case or in general me and week zero if there's end doors how many steps did it take Jackson or me using binary search in this case it was literally three but that's not a formula yeah so it's on the order of log n and indeed if there's seven doors well that's almost eight if you just do a little bit of rounding and indeed if you take log base 2 of eight okay so that does actually give us three so the math actually checks out and if you're not comy with logarithms no big deal just think about it intuitively uh logarithm of base two is just dividing something again and again so on this chart when we consider Big O which to be clear allows you to describe the order of an algorithm's running time like the magnitude of it but it also describes more specifically an upper bound so in the worst case for instance these are pretty good measures of how good uh or rather of how bad linear search and binary search might be why well suppose you're searching a thousand page phone book and the person's name starts with z the algorithm is still going to be on the order of n steps why because it might take you as many as all end steps to find it now that's not necessarily going to be the case in practice if I use Big O as an upper bound well it would be nice if there's sort of a corresponding lower bound especially if you want to consider not just best uh worst cases but maybe best cases so what might we use here well so this is a capital Greek omega symbol so Omega is the symbol that a computer scientist uses generally to describe a lower bound on an algorithm often in the context of best case though not necessarily so a lower bound means how few steps might an algorithm take and here too same formulas and we'll fill in these blanks over time some algorithms might always take a minimum of n squ steps or on the order of n steps some might only take n logn or n or log n or one so something like uh linear search when Stephanie started with linear search she didn't get lucky this time on stage but what if she had and the first door she opened were 50 how much you then describe the lower bound on linear search in this so-called best case using this list of possible answers yeah yeah so Omega of one so in the best case the lower bound on how many steps it might take uh linear search to find something might just be one step why because maybe Stephanie had gotten lucky and we had pre-filled these lockers with the numbers in some other order such that she might have open the first locker and waila the number 50 could have been there so a lower bound arguably could indeed be Omega of one for linear search and how about now for Jackson he used binary search so he dived right into the middle of the problem but what would be a lower bound on binary search using this logic yeah yeah so again Omega of one why because maybe he just gets lucky and indeed right in the middle of the lockers could have been the number 50 it wasn't and so more Germain in Jackson's uh actual practice would have been the Big O discussion but Big O and Omega upper bound and lower bound just allow a computer scientist to kind of wrestle with what could happen maybe in the worst case what can happen in the best case and you can even get even more precise like the average case or the like and this is indeed what Engineers might do at a whiteboard in a company in a university when designing an algorithm and trying to make arguments as to like why their algorithm is better than someone else's by way of these kinds of analyses and just so you've seen it it turns out that if some algorithm happens to have an identical upper bound and lower bound you can actually use a capital Greek Theta as well and this is the last of the the Greek symbols today but a Greek Theta indicates a coinci idents of both upper bound and lower bound that is they are one and the same that was not the case for our discussion a second ago of linear search not the case for binary search but you could use the same kinds of formulas if it turns out that your upper bound and lower bound are the same so for instance if I were to count everyone like literally in this room 1 2 3 4 five six and so forth you could actually say that counting in that way is in Theta of n right because I in the best case it's going to take me end points at the uh people in the audience in the worst case it's going to take me n it's always going to take me end steps if I want to count everyone in the room you can't really do better than that unless you skip people so that would be an example off the cuff of something where Theta is instead germine are any questions now on Big O on Omega or Theta which are now just more formal tools in the toolkit for talking about the design of our algorithms any questions no seeing none yeah oh is this yes no okay so we're good so let's go ahead and translate this perhaps to some some actual code let me go over to vs code here and let's see if we can't now translate some of these ideas to some actual code not so much using new syntax yet we're going to still operate in this world of arrays like last week so let me go ahead and create a program called search. C by executing code space search. c in my terminal and then up here let's go ahead and include our usual so include cs50.h so I can get some input include standard i.h so I can print some output we'll do int main void which the meaning of which we did start to tease apart last week the fact that it's void again today just means no command line arguments and let me go ahead and do this let me go ahead and declare just for discussion's sake a static array like an array that never changes and the Syntax for this is going to be give me an array called numbers using the square bracket not ation and I'm going to immediately initialize it to 20 500 10 5 100 1 and 50 reminiscent of those same denominations as before so this is a slightly new syntax that we've uh perhaps not seen and the curly braces here which are different from for loops and while loops and functions just tell the compiler please give me an array of whatever size this is containing those numbers left to right I could alternatively use last week's syntax of saying something like this let's see one 2 3 4 5 six seven denominations I could alternatively do this and then I could say numbers bracket 0 uh numbers bracket 0 equals 20 numbers bracket 1 equal 500 and I could do this five more times that's just a little tedious if you know the numbers in advance you don't have to tell the compiler how many there are you can just let it figure it out that your numbers are be will be 20 500 10 5 100 1 and 5050 so this is how you statically Define an array all right let me just go ahead and ask the user now for a number we'll call it n by using get int and prompting them for a number so nothing new there and now let me go ahead and Implement linear search and the pseudo code we had for this before used some array like notation let me go ahead then and start similarly four in I and it's you almost always start counting at I by convention so that's perhaps a good starting point I'm going to do this so long as I is less than seven not the best design to hard code the seven but this is just for demonstration sake for now because I know how many numbers I put in there and then I'm going to do i++ so now I have the beginnings of a loop that will just allow me to iterate over the entire array and let me ask this if the current number at location I equals equals n which is the number the human typed in then let's go ahead and do something simple like print F quote unquote found back sln and then per our discussion last week to indicate that this is successful I'm going to going to return zero if I found it and if I don't find it I'm just going to go down here and by default say not found back sln and just for convention whoops just for good measure per convention I'll return one or really any value other than zero zero recall means success and any other integer tends to mean error of some sort irrespective of the number I'm looking for so just to revisit the only thing that's new here is the syntax for creating an array of seven numbers these numbers and then after after that we have really highlighted here an implementation of linear search I mean this is the C version I dare say of what Stephanie did on the board whereas now the array is called numbers instead of doors but I think it's pretty much the same let me go ahead and open my terminal window and run make search seems to compile okay search and let's go ahead and search for a number we'll start with what we did before 50 and it's found let's go ahead and run it again/ search let's search for maybe 20 at the beginning that one too is found let's run it one more time searching for like 1,000 which is not uh in among the uh denominations and that one indeed is not found so we've taken an idea from week zero now formalized in week three and just translated it now to code questions on this implementation of linear search linear search nothing oh so successful so far today okay so let's see if we can't maybe make this a little more interesting and see if we can't trip over a detail that's going to be important in C instead of doing numbers let me go ahead and do this we'll stay on theme with Monopoly and I went down the rabbit hole of reading the wikkipedia article on Monopoly and the original uh pieces or tokens that came with Monopoly and it turns out we can represent those with strings so I'm going to create an array called strings plural of whatever size I defined here and the very first first Monopoly pieces back in the day were a battleship that you could play with a boot a cannon an iron a thimble and a top hat some of which you might know from the game nowadays turns out they've been changing these uh had no idea over the years so here is now an array of strings let me go ahead and prompt the user now not for an integer anymore I want to Now search for one of these strings still using linear search so let me create a string s set it equal to string prompt the user for a string to search for and then I think my code here is almost the same except for one detail I now have an array called strings I now have a variable called s but it turns out for reasons we'll explore in more detail next week this line of code is not going to work and it turns out the reason has to do with what we discussed last week of like what a string really is and what is a string again a string is an array and it turns out though that equals equals is not going to generously compare all of the characters in an array for you just because you use equal equals it turns out it's not going to compare every letter and so thankfully there is in the uh string library that we introduced last week a solution to this problem the reason for the problem we'll explore in more detail next week but for now just know that when you want to compare strings in C especially if you've come into the class knowing a bit of Java or python or some other language you cannot use equals equals even though you could in scratch you cannot in C so what I have to actually do here is this I have to ask the question does the return value of a function called stir compare or stir comp equal zero when passed in the current string and that user input so if you read the documentation for this function called stir compare you'll see that it takes two strings as input first one and second one it then someone decades ago wrote the code that probably uses a four Loop or a while loop to compare every character in each of those strings and it turns out it returns zero if they are in fact equal turns out too it will return a positive number or a negative number in other situations any intuition for why it might actually be useful to have a function that allows you to check if two strings are equal if they're not equal what else might be interesting to know when comparing two strings are if certain values are okay possibly maybe you want to know just how similar they are um and that's indeed an algorithm unto itself but stir compare is a little simpler than that exactly if you're trying to like alphabetize a whole list of strings just like your phone probably is for your context or address book it turns out that stir compare will actually return a positive number or a negative number or a zero based on whether maybe it comes alphabetically first or later or or in fact equal so that can be a useful thing and that's just a teaser for a lower level explanation that we'll see next week so now let me cross my fingers and see if I got this right let me go ahead and do make search did compile okay albeit slowly do/ search and let's search for something like the thimble and we see that that's indeed found otherwise let's search for something that I know isn't there like a race car which was there when I grew up but huh segmentation fault core dumped like and actually some of you have tripped over this error before anyone want to admit seeing this so yeah not something we've talked about and um honestly not something I intended just now but that too we'll see next week any intuition for why my program just broke I didn't really change the logic it's still linear search let me hide the terminal so you can see all of the code at once the only thing I did was switched from integers to Strings and I switched to stir compare here but segmentation fault happened and the teaser is that that somehow relates to the computer's memory yeah yeah and this is subtle but spot on so 1 2 3 4 5 six elements total in this array versus the seven number of Monopoly denominations that we had earlier and this is where see sort of case in point this came back to bite me the fact that I hardcoded this value as to opposed to maybe separating it out as a constant or declaring it higher up kind of bit me here because now I'm iterating over an array of size six but clearly I'm going one step too far because I'm literally going to iterate seven times not six so it's as though I'm looking at memory that's over here and indeed next week we'll focus on memory and that's just a bad thing so odds are not even and seeing your code from this past week if any of you have had segmentation faults odds are you touched memory that you shouldn't have you maybe looped too many times you might have uh used a negative number to get into your array in general you touched memory that you shouldn't have and you touched a segment of memory that you shouldn't have the fix though at least in my case is simple just don't do that so let me go ahead and recompile this make uh search do/ search and I'll search again for uh race car and and now it does not crash but it does tell me it's not found so subtle but something you might yourself have tripped over already questions then on what I just did intentionally or otherwise yeah in front return don't return Z return so what the a really good question so the program will still work even if I don't return zero or return one in fact let me go ahead head and do that and just hide my terminal window for a second let's get rid of the return here let's get rid of the return here however Watch What Happens here uh let me go ahead and recompile this make search Let Me scroll up in my code here let me go ahead and do do/ search and let me go ahead and search for the first thing in the list Battleship so I know that this should be found I hit enter huh interesting so it's saying found not found but do you see why logically in this case exactly so the loop is still running so there's a couple of solutions to this I could for instance somehow break out of the code here but that's going to still result in line 18 executing I could then instead just return here I don't strictly need to return one down at the bottom but I made this claim last week that it tends to be helpful as your programs get more sophisticated to at least signify just like a real world programmer error codes when something goes wrong so returning zero in main is the easiest way to signify my code is done I'm ready to exit successfully that's it but down here I could absolutely still return zero because it's not a huge deal it's not really an error that deserves annoying the user with some kind of popup that something went wrong but return one is just a lower level way of signaling H it didn't really find what I was looking for and remember from last week you can see this as follows if I recompile this again now that I've reverted those changes so make search and if I do uh /search and search for Battleship which is indeed found recall I can execute this magical command Echo dollar sign question mark which you're not going to often execute but it shows you what main returned if I run search again and search for race car which is not found I see not found but I can also run this command again and see that oh it returned one so now if you fast forward a few months a few years when you're actually writing code in a company or for larger projects you might want to be automating software you might not want the human to necessarily be running it manually you might want um code to be automated by some nightly process or something like that using these exit codes can a program determine yes or no that other code succeeded or failed other questions on linear search in this way no all right well let's translate this to one other feature of uh C here by incorporating these ideas now into one other program so I'm going to create a phone book in C by doing code space phone a phone book for an actual name and getting back a number so I'm going to go ahead and quickly include some of the same things cs50.h so we can get input uh standard io. so we can print output and I'm going to preemptively include string.h in case we need that one as well uh int main void no need for uh command line arguments today and let me me give myself now an array of names for this phone book so string names equals and then in curly braces how about Carter will be one person in the phone book and David myself will be the other so we'll keep it short so we don't have to type too many names but this is a phone book with two people thus far suppose now we want to also store Carter's phone number in mind so it's not just saying found or not found it's literally looking up our phone numbers like a proper phone book well at the moment there's really no way to do this I could do something hackish like I could put a number like 617495 1000 after Carter I could maybe do something like 949 uh 468 2750 after me but now you're kind of doing the whole apples and oranges thing right like now it's not strings it's a string int string int all right so maybe I could just make all of these strings but now it's just a conceptual mixing of apples and oranges like yes that's an array of four strings but now you're on the honor System to know that the first string is a name the second string is a number the third string is like you can do it but it's a bit of a hack so to speak so what might be cleaner than this instead of combining our phone numbers into the same array as our names what else might we do that's perhaps a little better say a little Lou a 2d array uh possibly something we could do I'm going to keep it even simpler now because we haven't used those by name even though that is we saw last week technically what argv is what else could I do if I want to store names and numbers yeahp yeah let me go with this suggestion just it's a little simpler rather than complicate things in literally different dimensions let me go ahead and do string well I could do int numbers but you know what so that we can support punctuation like dashes or even parentheses or country codes I'm going to do this instead I'm going to do string numbers so that I can represent Carter's number as quote unquote plus one for the US 617 495 1,000 complete with hyphens as is us convention and then for mine I'll go ahead and do + one 949 how about 468 275 semi colon and now down below let's actually enable the user to search this phone book just like in week zero we did string name equals get string and let's ask the user for a name presumably David or Carter or someone else and now let's re-implement linear search so four in I gets zero I is less than two and do as I say not as I do I think we should beware this coding but we'll keep it simple for now i++ and then in this for loop I think we have all of the ingredients to solve this so if the return value of stir compare of all of the names bracket I comparing against the name that the human typed in if all of that equals equals zero that is all of the characters in those two strings are equal then I think we can go ahead and say found just like last time but you know what let's actually print Carter or my phone number so found percent s and we'll plug in numbers bracket I and then just for consistency I'll return zero here and down here how about I'll say something like uh print F not found just to be clear and then I'll return one as well so just a recap here's all of the code it's almost the same as before except now it's useful I'm not just saying found or not found I found a number in Monopoly or I found a a piece in Monopoly I'm looking up in one array of the strings and then I'm printing from the other array the answer so let me go ahead here and run the compiler make phone book enter okay that's promising no errors do/ phonebook now and let's search for for instance Carter enter all right so we found Carter's number all right let me do that again phone book Let's search for David all right we seem to have found David's number all right let's do it one last time phone book enter and now we'll search for like John Harvard enter not found all right so I dare say albeit with minimal testing this code is correct would anyone now like to critique the design does something rub you the wrong way perhaps about this approach here and as always think about how if the program maybe gets longer more complicated how decisions like this might unfold yeah okay so if I is less than two so technically I if I change the number of people in this phone book I'm going to have to update I and we've already seen that I get myself into trouble so that's bad design goodes yeah so again I'm sort of trusting myself not to screw up if I add John or anyone else to the first array but I forget to add their number to the second array you know eventually things are going to drift and be inconsistent and then the just code will be incorrect at that point so so sort of a poor design setting me up for future failure if you will other thoughts yeah yeah really good we're assuming the same order from left to right the names go and from left to right the numbers go but that's kind of just the honor System like there's literally nothing in code preventing me from reversing the order for whatever reason or maybe sorting the names like they're sorted now and maybe that's deliberate but maybe it's not so this honor System here too is just not good right I could put a comment in here to remind myself to uh you know note to self always update arrays the same way but like that's something's going to happen eventually especially when we have not two but three but 30 300 names and numbers it would be nice to keep all of the related data together and so in fact the one new feature of C we'll introduce today is one that actually allows us to implement our very own data structures you can think of a raay as a very lightweight data structure and that allows you to Cluster related data back to back to back to back and this is how strings are implemented they are a data structure effectively implemented with an array but with c and with other languages it turns out you can invent your own data types whether they're one dimensional two-dimensional even or Beyond and with uh with C can you specifically create your own types that have their own name so for instance wouldn't it have been nice if C came with not just Char and int and float and uh uh long and and others wouldn't it be nice if C came with a data type called person and ideally a person would have a name and a number now that's a little naive and unrealistic like why would they define a person to have just those two Fields certainly people could have disagreed what a person is so they leave it to us like the authors of C gave us all of these Primitives inss and floats and strings and so forth but it's up to us now to use those in a more interesting way so that we can create an array of person variables if you will inside of an array called people just to pluralize it here so how are we going to do this well for now let's just stipulate that a person in the world will have a name and a number that we could argue all day long what else a person should have and that's fine you can invent your own person eventually at the moment I'm using just two variables to define a person's name and number but wouldn't it be nice to encapsulate that is combined these two data types into a new and improved data type called person and the Syntax for that is going to be this so it's a bit of a mouthful but you can perhaps infer what some of this is doing here so it turns out C has a keyword called type def as the name kind of suggests this allows you to Define your own type struct is an indication that it's a structure it's like a a structure that has multiple values inside of it that you are trying to Define and then at the very bottom here outside of the Curve early braces is the name of the type that you want to create so you don't have discretion over using type def or struct in this particular case but you can name the thing whatever you want and you can put anything in the structure that you want as well and as soon as this semicolon is executed at the bottom of the code every line thereafter can now have access to a person data type whether as a single variable or as an entire array so if I want to build on this then let me go ahead and do this let me go back to my C code here and I'm going to go ahead and uh change just a couple of things let's go ahead and do this I'm going to go ahead and first get rid of those two hardcoded arrays and let me go ahead and at the top of my file invent this type so type def struct inside of it will be a string name and then a string number and then the name of this structure will be person and best practice would have me Define at the very top of my file so that any of my functions in fact could use it even though I just have Main in this case now if I want it I could do this like person P1 and person P2 but we know from last week like that already is bad design if you want to have multiple instances of the same type of variable we should probably use what instead and yeah an array so let me not even go down that road let me instead just do this person uh will be the type of the array but I'm going to call it I could call it persons but in English we typically say people so I'll call the array people and I want two people to exist in this array though I could certainly change that number to be anything I want how now do you put a name inside of a person and then put the number inside of that same person well slightly new syntax today I'm going to go ahead and say this people bracket zero just gives me the first person in the array that's not new but if you want to go inside of that person in memory you use a DOT and then you just specify the name of the attribute therein so if I want to set the first person's name to Carter I just use that so-called dot notation and then if I want to set Carter's number using dot notation I would do this plus one 617495 1000 and then if I want to do the same for myself I would now do people bracket 1name equals quote unquote David and then people bracket one still number equals quote unquote + 1 949468 2750 and now at the bottom of my file I think my logic can pretty much stay the same I can still on this line here prompt the user for the name of the person they want to look up for now even though I admit it's not the best design I'm just doing this for demonstration sake I'm going to leave the two there because I know I have two people but down here this is going to have to change I don't want to compare names bracket I anymore what do I want to type here as the first first argument to stir compare what do I want to do here yeah so people i. name yeah so I want to go into the people array at the I location because that's what my Loop is doing it's updating I again and again and then look at name and that's good I think now I need to change this too what do I want to print if the person is found someone else what do I want to print here if I found the person's name yeah say a little louder perfect so people bracket. number if indeed I want to print the corresponding number to this person and then I think the rest of my code can stay the same so let me go ahead and run make phonebook to recompile this version so far so good/ phonebook let's go ahead and type in Carter's name found all right let's go ahead and run it again David's name found let's go ahead and run it one more time type in John Harvard for instance not found in this case so fundamentally the code isn't all that different linear search is still behaving the same way and I admit this is kind of ugly looking like we've kind of made a two-line solution like five lines of code now but if we fast forward a week or two when we start saving information to files uh we'll introduce you to files like CSV value CSV files comma separated values or spreadsheet files which you've surely opened on your Mac or PC at some point in the past suffice it to say We'll soon learn Techni for storing information like names and numbers in files and at that point we're not going to do any of this hackish sort of hardcoding of the number two and manually typing my name and Carter's name and number into our program we'll read the information dynamically from a file and in a few weeks we'll read it dynamically from a database instead but this is for now just syntactically how we can create an array of size two containing one person each we can update the name and number of the first person update the name and the number of the second person and then later search across those names and print out the corresponding numbers and in this sense this is a better design why because my person data type encapsulates now everything that it means to be a person at least in this narrow world and if I want to add something to the notion of a person for instance I could go up to my typed Def and tomorrow add an address to every person and start reading that in as well and now it's not the honor System it's not a names array a numbers array and a addesses array and everything else you might imagine related to a person it's all encapsulated which is a a term of art inside of the same type reminiscent if some of you have programmed before of something called objectoriented programming but we're not there yet C is not that questions on this use of struct or this new syntax the dot operator being really the juicy part here any questions yeah on what line number 16 so yes so syntactically we introduced the square brackets last week so doing people bracket zero just means go to the first person in the array that was like when Stephanie literally opened this door that's uh that's doors bracket zero but this is of course people bracket zero instead today the dot is a new piece of syntax it means go inside of that person in memory and look at the name therein and set it equal to Carter and do the same for number so that's all it's like open the locker door go inside of it and check or set the name and the number yeah attributes is fine uh good question in the struct can you set default values short answer no and this is where C becomes less featurable than more more modern languages like Python and Java and others where you can in fact do that so when we transition to python in a few weeks time we'll see how we can start solving problems like that but for now it's up to you to initialize name and number to something yeah really good question how can we adjust or critique the design of what I'm doing this is one of the few situations where I would say hypocritically do as I say not as I do I am using pretty ugly lines like this just to introduce the syntax but my claim pedagogically today is that eventually when we start storing names and numbers or other things in files or in databases you won't have this redundancy you'll have one line of code or two lines of code that read the information from the file or database and then fill the entire array with that data for now I'm just doing it manually so is to keep our Focus only on the new syntax but that's it so forgive the bad Design By Design today other questions on this all right that's been a lot already why don't we go ahead and take our 10-minute break with snacks first we have some delightful brownies in the lobby all right we are back and up until now it clearly seems to be a good thing if your data is sorted because you can use binary search you know a little more some little something more about the data uh but it turns out that sorting of itself is kind of a problem to solve too and you might think well if sorting is going to be pretty fast we absolutely should do it before we start searching because that'll just speed up all of our searches but if sorting is slow that kind of invites the question well should we bother sorting our data if we're only going to search the data maybe once maybe twice and so here is going to be potentially a trade-off so let's consider what it means really to sort data in our case it's just going to be simple and use numbers but it might in the case of the Googles of the World be actual web pages or persons or the like so here is our typical picture for sorting input uh for solving any problem input at left and output at right the input to our sort problem is going to be uh some unsorted set of values and the output ideally will be the same set of values sorted and if we do this concretely let's suppose that we want to go about sorting this list of numbers 7 2 5 4 1 6 03 so it's all of the numbers from 0 to 7 but they're somehow jumbled up randomly that's going to be the input to the problem and the goal is now to sort those so that you indeed get out 0 1 2 3 4 5 67 instead so it turns out there's lots of different ways we can actually sort numbers like these here um and in fact just to complement our search example earlier could we perhaps quickly get some eight volunteers to come up if you're comfortable appearing on the internet if you want to do one okay uh two three four five 6 7 eight how about all right come on down all right come on over here and I'll give you each a number and if you want to start to organize yourselves in the same order you see the numbers on the board okay so look up on the overhead and organize yourselves from left to right in that same order and let's have the first of you perfect if you want to come uh right over here how about right in line with this all right and a few more numbers all right number two six and perfect just the right number all right no uhoh all right there we go number three all right so let's just do a quick check we have 7 2 5 4 1 603 very good so far do you want to just scooch a little this way just to make a little more of room all right and let's consider now who we have here on stage you want to each say a quick hello to the audience hi my name is Ryan uh I'm a first year from Penny Packer hi my name is Cel I'm a first year at Strauss um hi my name is Lucy I'm a first year from greo hi my name is Shiloh I'm a first year in Wigglesworth hi my name is Jack and I'm a first year in St hi my name is Katherine I'm a first year in stra hi my name is Michael and my first year at Penny Packer hi my name is Muhammad at my first here in massuse nice welcome aboard all right so let's consider now how we might go about sorting Our Kind volunteers here the goal being to get them into order from uh smallest to largest so that presumably then we can use something smarter than just linear search we could actually use binary search assuming that they are already then sorted so let me propose that we first consider an algorithm that actually has a name called selection sort and selection sort is going to be one that literally has me or really you as the programmer selecting the smallest element again and again and then putting them into the appropriate place so let me go ahead and start this here uh starting with the number seven at the moment seven is the smallest number I found so I'm going to make mental note of that with a mental variable if you will I'm going to move on now oh number two is obviously smaller so I'm just going to update my mental reminder that two is now the smallest effectively forgetting for now number seven uh five not smaller four not smaller one smaller and I'm going to make mental note of that six not smaller zero smaller I'll make mental note of that having forgotten now everything else and now number three is not smaller so what's your name again Michael so Michael is number zero he belongs of course way down there but unfortunately you are Ryan Ryan Ryan is in the way so what should we do how should we start to sort this list where should number zero go yeah do you want to say the L yeah so let's just go ahead and swap so if you want to go ahead and zero go on where seven is we need to make room for number seven it would kind of be cheating if maybe everyone kind of politely stepped over to the side why because if we imagine all of our volunteers here to be in Array like that's a crazy amount of work to have every element in the array shift to the left just to make room so we're going to keep it simple and just evict whoever is there now maybe we get lucky and number seven is actually closer to its destination maybe we get unlucky and it goes farther away but we've at least solved one problem if we had n problems at first now we have n minus one because number zero is indeed in the right place so if I continue to act this out let me go ahead and say two okay currently the smallest five no four no one currently the smallest I'll make mental note 6 7 3 and now let me pause one is obviously the now smallest element so did I need to keep going well it turns out at least as I've defined selection sort I do need to keep going because I only claim that I'm using one variable in my mind to remember the then smallest element I'm not smart enough like us humans to remember oh wait a minute one is definitely the smallest now I don't have that whole recollection so I just am keeping track of the now smallest so number one what your name was Jack Jack where should jack go probably there and what's your name itel itel okay so Jack and itel if you want to swap places we've now solved two of the end total problems and now we'll do it a little faster if each of you want to sort of start to swap as I find the right person so five smallest four is smaller two is smaller got to keep checking okay two was smaller all right now I'm going to go back to the beginning all right four is small five is not six is not seven is oh three is small where do you want to go okay good I'm going to go back here and I can be a little smart I don't have to go all the way to the end because I know these folks are already sorted so I can at least optimize slightly so now five is small six is small seven is four four is smaller if you want to go in place there and now here things get interesting I can optimize by not looking at these folks anymore more cuz they're obviously problem solved but now five is small six is not seven is not okay five you can stay where you are now a human in the room is obviously going to question why I'm wasting any more time but with selection sort as I've defined it thus far I still have to now check six is smallest not seven and now my final step okay they're all in place so here too is this dichotomy between what we all have is this bird's eye view of the whole problem where it's obvious where everyone needs to go but a computer implementing this with an array really has to be more methodical and we're actually saving a step here if we were really doing this none of these numbers would be visible all eight of our volunteers would be inside of a locked door and only then could we see them one at a time but we're focusing now just on the Sorting aspect so let me just before we do one other demonstration here proposed that what I really just did here in pseudo code was something like this 4 I from 0er to n minus one keeping in mind that zero is always the left of the array n minus one is always the right end of of the array for I from 0 to N minus1 I found the smallest number between numbers bracket I and numbers bracket n minus one and that's the very geeky way of expressing this optimization I'm always starting from numbers bracket I wherever I am and then everything else to the right and that's what was allowing me to ignore the already sorted volunteers if though my last line says swap smallest number with numbers I I think that implements what our humans were doing by physically walking to another spot all right so that then would what we'll call selection sort let's go ahead and take a second approach here using an algorithm that I'm going to call bubble sort but to do this we need you all to reset to your original locations we have a little cheat sheet on the board if you'd like to go back to this position here and let me take a fundamentally different approach because I'm not really liking selection sort as is because it's kind of a lot of walking back and forth and a lot of walking suggests like a lot of lot of steps again and again so what might I do instead well bubble sort is going to have me focus a little more intuitively on just smaller problems and let's see if this gets me somewhere else so if I just look at this list without looking at everyone else seven and two this is obviously a problem why because you're out of order so let's just solve one tiny problem first so seven and two why don't you swap I know two is in a better place now because she's definitely lower uh less than seven so I think I can now move on seven and five problem so let's solve that seven and four problem let's solve that s and one let's solve that 7 and six let's solve that 7 and zero solve that 7 and three solve that okay done sorted right all obviously not if you just glance at these numbers here but we have fundamentally taken a bite out of the problem seven is indeed in the right place so we maximally have n minus one other problems to solve so how do I do this I think I can just repeat the same logic let me go over here two and five good five and four no five and one no five and six yes 6 and zero no six and three no so so now we've solved two of the problems and what's nice about Bubble sword at least as this glance it's nice and simple it's nice and local and you just keep incrementally solving more and more problems so let's go ahead and do this again and I'll do it we can do it faster two and four we know are good four and one four and five five and zero five and three five and six six and seven good so we go back two and one ah now another problem solve two and four four and zero four and three four and five five and six six and seven and so notice too as per its name the largest elements have bubbled their way up to the top and that's what seems to be happening just as we're fixing some remaining problems so almost done one and two two and zero two and three three and four four and five five and six six and seven almost done obviously to us humans it looks done how do I know as the computer for sure what would be the most Surefire way for me to now oh it's not done sorry uh that's a bug okay one and zero okay one and two two and three three and four three four and five five and six six and seven okay so now it's obviously sorted to the rest of us on stage how could I confirm as much as code right you're doing it with your mind just glancing at this how would the computer the code know for sure that this list is now sorted yeah let's do one more time and look uh draw what conclusion yeah let's do it one more time even though it's a little wasteful but logically if I go through the whole list comparing pairs again again and again and I don't do any work that time now it's obviously logically safe to just stop because otherwise I'm wasting my time doing the same thing again and again if no one's actually moving so I'm afraid we don't have Monopoly games for all of you but we do have eight stress balls and a round of applause if we could for our volunteers if you want to put your numbers on the Shelf there so if we consider for a moment thank you thank you so much sure thank you thanks sure so if we consider now these two algorithms which one is better any intuition for whether selection sort the first is better or worse than bubble sort the second any thoughts yeah okay so bubbl swort seemed like less work especially since I was focusing on those localized problems other intuition selection sort versus bubble sort well let me propose that we try to like quantize this so we can actually analyze it in some way and this is not an exercise we'll do constantly for lots of algorithms but these are pretty representative of algorithms so we can wrap our minds around indeed the performance or the design of these things so here is my pseudo code for selection sort whereby as it's as per its name I just iteratively select the next smallest element El again and again so how can we go about analyzing something like this well we could just do it on paper pencil and count up the number of steps that seem to be implied logically by the code we could literally comp count like the number of steps I was taking again and again left to right we could also just com uh count the number of comparisons I was making with each of the persons involved and I was doing it kind of quickly in selection sort but every time I was looking at a person trying to decide do I want to remember that number is small as that number I was comparing two values with an equals equals or less than or greater than sign at least if we had done this in code so that tends to be the norm when analyzing algorithms like these counting the number of comparisons because it's kind of a global uh it's kind of a global unit of measure we can use to compare different algorithms entirely so think too that in the general case when we have more than eight volunteers more than seven doors we can generalize our our array in general as this is the first element at bracket zero and the end of it is always n minus one so arrays uh or doors in this case or volunteers are always numerically indexed from zero on up to n minus one if there's n of them in total so how do we analyze the code of selection sort well how many steps did it take me to find the first smallest element or more precisely how many comparisons did I need to make when I walked left to right to find our first smallest person which ended up being zero how many comparisons did I do when walking left to right if there were eight people on stage how many total comparisons did I do like if there's eight people I compared these folks then then like this person this person yeah yeah so seven total right because if there's eight people on stage you can only do seven comparisons total because otherwise you'd be comparing one number to itself so it seems like in the general case if you've got n numbers that you're trying to sort finding the smallest element first takes n minus one comparisons maybe n it's total steps left or right but the number of comparisons which I claim is just a useful unit of measure is n minus one how about finding the next smallest person how many steps did it take me to find the next smallest number which ended up being the number one yeah yeah so just n minus two why because I'd already solved one problem someone was already in the right position it would be silly to keep counting them again and again so I can Whittle down my number of comparisons for the next past n minus 2 the third past to find the third smallest number would be n minus 3 and then dot dot dot presumably this story this formula ends when you have just one final pair the people at the end to compare so if this is looking a little reminiscent of some kind of recurrence from high school or high school math or physics or the like let me just stipulate that if you actually do out this math and generalize it that is the same thing as n * nus1 / 2 and if you're Rusty on that no big deal just kind of commit to memory that anytime you add up this kind of series something plus something slightly smaller plus something slightly smaller Each of which differs by one you're going to get this formula n * n -1/ 2 if we of course uh uh multiply that out that's really n^ 2 minus n all divided by two if we keep multiplying it out that's n^2 / 2 minus n /2 and now we have kind of a vocabulary with which we can talk about the efficiency the design of this algorithm but honestly I don't really care about this level of precision like n^2 / 2us n / 2 as n gets really large which of these symbols which of these terms is really going to dominate become the biggest influencer on the total value of steps right it's the square right like it's definitely not n divided by two that's shaving some time off but N squared as n gets big is going to get really big if n is 100 then n squar is bigger if N is a million n squ is really bigger and so at the end of the day when we really just talking about sort of a wave of of the hand analysis and upper bound if you will let's just say that selection sort as analyzed here it's on the order of n s steps it's not precisely n squar steps but you know what n^2 divided two the intuition here might be that well it's half of that you n squ is what really matters as n gets really really large and that's when you start thinking about and trying to solve the Google problems of the world when n gets large that's when you have to be smarter than just sort of naive implementations of any algorithm so where then does this algorithm fall into this categorization here well n^2 it turns out is on the order of n squ steps in the worst case whether it's sorted or not it turns out though lower bound if we consider this same code suppose the best case scenario like our eight volunteers came up on stage and just because they already sorted themselves 0 through seven suppose they just happen to be in that state how many steps would selection store take to sort an already sorted list of volunteers any intuition yeah would it still be n so for the first pass it would still be seven for the first per uh pass across the humans because even though yeah I'm claiming zero is here I don't know that zero is the smallest until I make my way all the way over there doing all seven comparisons okay fine first pass took seven more generally n minus one steps what if I look for the next smallest element and the humans in this story are already sorted 0 through 7 well yes the number one's here and I see them first but I don't know they're the smallest until I compare against everyone else get to the end of the list oh well that was stupid I already had the smallest person in hand then and so this pseudo code this implementation of selection sort is sort of fixed like this there's no special case that says if already sorted quit early it's always going to take n squ steps and so in this case if we borrow our uh jargon from earlier using Omega notation just to be clear selection sword is also going to be in this Incarnation on an Omega of n s because even in the best case where the list is already sorted you're going to waste a huge amount of time essentially verifying as much or discovering as much even though we humans of course could see it right away so selection sort would seem to take both N squared steps in the uh worst case n s steps in the best case and so you know what we can use our Theta terminology for that here would be an algorithm just like counting earlier that always takes N squared steps no matter whether the array is sorted or not from the get-go all right so hopefully we can do better and someone proposed earlier that bubble sort felt like it was using fewer steps well let's consider that next with bubble sort we had this pseudo code I claim whereby let's focus on the inside of the code first down here what was I doing for I from 0 to n minus 2 that's curious we've never seen n minus 2 before but I asked this question if numbers bracket I and numbers bracket I + 1 are out of order swap them so that was when I was pointing at our first two volunteers here I saw that they were out of order so I swapped them how come I'm doing that again and again up to nus 2 though instead of n minus1 which we've always used up until now as our rightmost boundary any intuition for why I'm doing this from 0 to n minus 2 yeah exactly because I'm looking at the E person per this pseudo code here and the E plus one person I better make sure I don't go Step Beyond the at boundaries of my array so if you think of like my left hand when my back was two here pointing at the current person at the first position my right hand for this if conditioner is essentially pointing at the person next to them and you want to iterate with your left hand all through these people but you don't want your left hand to point at the last person you want it to point at the second to last person but we know that the last person is always at n minus one so the second to last person just mathematically is at n minus 2 so it's a subtlety but this is like a Segal waiting to happen if you implemented bubble sort using n minus one you will my right hand would go beyond the boundaries of the array so just bad all right so why am I saying this end times Well we did it very organically with humans but each time someone uh each pass I did through the array someone bubbled their way up to the end number seven then number six then number five so if on each pass through the array of volunteers I was solving at Mo at least one problem it seems like bubble sort can just run n times total to solve all n problems cuz the first pass will get at least one one number into place second pass second number into place you might get lucky and it would do more but worst case this feels like enough just do this blindly end times and they'll all line up together well technically all right now we're getting into the weeds technically you can just repeat it n minus one times because if you solve all n minus one other problems and you're left with one like literally that person's where they need to be just logically if you've already sorted everything else and you've got just the one left it's already bubbled up so how do we analyze this well in bubble sore we might do something like this I'm essentially doing n minus one Things N minus one times now let me back up to the pseudo code because this one's a little less obvious this is where you can actually mathematically infer from your Loop uh how many steps you're taking so this first line literally says repeat the following n minus one times so that's going to translate very straightforwardly to our mathematical formula do something n minus one times this Loop just because I'm using four Loop terminology it's framed a little differently but but if you're iterating from 0 to nus 2 you're iterating a total of nus1 times and again the arithmetic is getting a little annoying but this just means do the following n minus one times so do n minus one Things N minus one times we can now uh run out the math as follows we have the formula n minus1 * n minus1 we do our little foil method here N2 -1 * N - 1 * n + 1 we can combine like terms n^ 2 - 2 n plus one but at this point when n gets really large which term are we really going to care about this is on the order of yeah n s so at least ASM totically ASM totically means as n approaches Infinity gets really large turns out that the upper bounds on selection sort and bubble sort are essentially the same now if we really nitpicked and compared the total number of comparisons they might differ slightly but as n gets large honestly you're barely going to notice the difference it would seem between these two algorithms but what about um the lower bound if the upper bound on Bubble sword is also Big O of n what about the lower bound here well with this pseudo code what would the lower bound be on bubble sort even in the best case when all of the volunteers are sorted any intuition in this pseudo code yeah in the middle good question isn't bubble sorts designed such that you wouldn't need to compare numbers that have already uh bubbled up that's what's happening here in the middle implicitly I'm always going from left to right but remember that even when I screwed up at the end and the last two people were out of order I do always need to restart at the beginning because the big numbers are going that way and the small numbers are coming this way so that is true there are some slight optimizations that I'm kind of glossing over here let me stipulate that it would still end up being on the order of n squ but that would definitely shave off some actual running time here but what if the list is already sorted our our pseudo code at the moment has no allowance for if list is already sorted quit early so we're going to blindly do n minus one Things N minus one times unless we modify our pseudo code as I did verbally earlier I propose this inside of that outer loop if you make a pass across all of the volunteers and your mental counter has made no swaps you have to keep track with some kind of variable well then you might as well stop because if you do a whole pass and make no swaps why would you waste time doing it again expecting different Behavior so to help visualize these whereby now bubble sort can be advantageous if the data is already sorted or mostly sorted why because it does have this short circuit detail at least if we implement it like that how can we go about um visualizing these things a little more clearly well let me go ahead and do this let me pull up here a visualization of exactly these algorithms thanks to a third party tool here that's going to help us visualize these sorting algorithms as follows small bars represent small numbers big bars represent big numbers and so the idea now is when I hit a button here to get all of the small bars this way all of the big bars this way so just like our volunteers but instead of holding lighted numbers its bars representing their magnitude so let's go ahead and start with for instance select sort and you'll see in pink is being highlighted the current number that is being selected and then pulled all the way to the left so this is selection sort and again it's selecting the next smallest element but you can see here all the more visibly that just like my human feet were taking a lot of steps so is this algorithm touching these elements again and again and again and this is why the N squ is really a thing there's got to be some inherent redundancy here like why do we keep looking at the same darn elements again and again we do in terms of our pseudo code need to do so but it's this redundant comparisons that kind of explains why n s is indeed the case so now it's done small bars here big bars there and I had to just keep talking there to kill time because it's relatively slow well let me randomize the array just so we start with a different order and now let me click on bubbl sore and you'll see similar idea but different algorithm so now the two bars in pink are the two that are being compared and fixed potentially if they're out of order and you can see already that the biggest bars are bubbling their way up to the top but now you can also see like this redundancy like we keep swooping through the list again and again just like I kept walking back and forth and this is n squar this is not that many bars what 10 20 there's like 40 or something bars I'm guessing that's pretty slow already just to sort 40 numbers and I think it's going to get tedious if I keep talking over this so let's just assume that this two is relatively slow had I gotten lucky and the list were almost sorted already bubble sort would have been pretty fast but this was a truly random array so we did not get lucky so indeed the worst case might be what's kicking in here so I don't I feel like it'll be anticlimactic like holding in a sneeze if I don't let you see the end of this so here we go nothing interesting is about to happen almost done ah okay done all right so thank you thank you so still somewhat slow though how though can we perhaps do a little better fundamentally so we can do so if we introduce yet another technique and this one isn't so much a function of code as it is concept and it's something that you might have seen in the real world um but perhaps not so obviously so so it turns out in programming recursion refers to the ability of a function to call itself in the world of mathematics if you have a function f if F appears on both the left side and the right side of a formula that would be a recursive function in the math world too whenever f is defined in terms of itself or in our case in Compu in programming anytime a function calls itself that function is said to be recursive and this is actually something we've seen already in class even though we didn't call it as much so for instance consider this pseudo code um from earlier whereby this was the pseudo code for searching via AR search a whole bunch of doors if no doors are left return false that was the the additional conditional we added but then if number behind middle door return true and here's the interesting part if number is less than middle door search the left half else if number is greater than middle door search the right half this pseudo code earlier was itself recursive why because here is an algorithm for searching but what's the algorithm telling us well on this line and this line it's telling us to search something else so even though it's not explicitly defined in code as having a name if this is a search algorithm and yet the search algorithm is using a search algorithm this pseudo code is recursive now that could quickly get you into trouble if a function just calls itself again and again and again but why intuitively is it not problematic that this code this pseudo code calls itself why will the algorithm still stop yeah exactly it has some exit condition like if no do is less and more more importantly anytime you search the left half you're searching a smaller version of the problem anytime you search the right half you're searching a smaller version of the problem literally half the size so this is why in the phone book obviously I couldn't tear the phone book in half uh infinitely many times because it was literally getting smaller each time so recursion is this ability to call yourself if you will it's but what's important is that you do it on a small smaller smaller problem so that eventually you have no more problems to solve or no more data no more doors at all so these two lines here would be the recursive elements here but if we go back to week zero we could have used recursion in some other way so this was our Cudo code for the phone book back in week zero and recall that we described these yellow lines as really representing a loop some kind of cycle again and again but there was a missed opportunity here what if I had reinvent reimplemented this code to do this instead instead of saying open to middle of left half of book and then go back to line three like literally inducing a loop or open to Middle right half a book and go back to line three inducing another loop why don't I just recognize that what I'm staring at now is a algorithm for searching a phone book and if you want to search a smaller phone book like a through M or n through Z we'll just use the same algorithm so I can replace these yellow lines with just this casually speaking search left half a book search right half a book this would be implicitly and now I can shorten the whole thing a recursive implementation of the phone book pseudo code from week zero and it's recursive because if this is a search algorithm and you're saying go search something else that's fine that's recursive but because you're searching half of the phone book it's indeed going to get smaller and smaller even in the real world or the real virtual world you can see recursive data structures in the wild or at least in Super Mario Brothers like this let me get rid of all the distractions here and focus on this pyramid where you have one block then two then three then four well this itself is technically recursively defined in the sense that well what is a pyramid of height four well it's really what how would you describe a pyramid of height four is actually the same thing as a pyramid of of of height three plus one additional layer well what's a pyramid of height three well it's technically a pyramid of height two plus one additional layer and so even physical structures can be recursive if you can Define them in terms of itself now at some point you have to say that if the pyramid is of height one there's just one block you can't forever say it's defined in terms of a height negative 1 negative2 you would never stop so you have to kind of have a special case there but let's go ahead and translate something like this in fact to code let me go back to uh vs code here and let me Implement a program called iteration that refers to a loop iterating and let me Implement a very simple pyramid like that so let me go ahead and include the cs50 library I'll include our standard i.h in main void no command line arguments today and let's go ahead and do this let's declare a variable called height ask the human for the height of this pyramid and then let's go ahead and draw a pyramid of that height now of course draw does not yet exist so I'm going to need to invent the draw a function let me go ahead and Define a function that doesn't have a return value it's just going to have side effects it's just going to print bricks on the screen call draw and it takes in an integer n as its input and how am I going to implement this well again I want to print one block then two then three then four that's pretty straightforward at least once you're comfortable with loops let me go back to the code here let me go ahead and say 4 into I gets zero I is less than n i ++ and that's going to iterate essentially row by row and on each row I want to print out one then two then three then four bricks but I'm iterating from Z to 1 to two to three so I think that's okay I can just say something like 4 in J gets zero J Let's Be Clever about this is less than I j++ and now let me go ahead and inside of this loop I think I can get away with just printing out a single hash sign but then outside of that Loop similar to last week I'm going to print my new line separately so a little non-obvious at first but this outer loop iterates row by row line by line if you will and then the inner loop just Mak sure that when I equals zero um let's see oh nope there's a bug I need to make sure that it's j is less than I + 1 so when I is zero on my first line of output I'm going to print out one brick when I is one I'm going to print out two bricks and so forth so let me go ahead and run make iteration all right and now seems to compile uhoh huh implicit Declaration of function draw so I'm making week one mistakes again what say again yeah the the Prototype is missing I didn't declare it at the top that's an easy fix and the only time really it's okay and necessary to copy paste let me copy the functions declaration there end it with a semicolon so that clang now knows that draw will exist make iteration now it works thank you / iteration we'll type in something like four and there we have it our pyramid of height 1 2 3 4 that looks pretty similar to this albeit using hashes so that's how we would have implemented this like two weeks ago in week one maybe last week but just using arrays but let me propose that we could do something recursively instead let me close this version of the code and let me go back to VSS code and open up recursion doc just to demonstrate something recursively and I'll do it incorrectly deliberately the first time so let me include cs50.h let me include standard i.h let me do uh int main void and let me just blindly draw a pyramid initially of height one but now in my draw function let me reimplement it a little differently so my draw function this time is still going to take a number n but that's how many hashes it's going to print so let's do four into I gets zero I is less than n i ++ then let's go ahead and print out a single hash mark here and then after that let's print out the end of the line just as before but now this of course is only going to draw a single um row it's going to print out one hash or two hashes or three hashes but only on one line let me now incorrectly but just kind of curiously say all right well if this draws a pyramid of height one let's just use ourself to draw a pyramid of height n plus one so the first time I call draw it will print out one hash then the second time I call draw it will print out two hashes then three then four so we're kind of laying These Bricks down from top to bottom uh make recursion uh oops I screwed up again so let's copy the Prototype here let's put this down over here semicolon let's do this again uh make recursion all right all good/ recursion and now let me increase the size of my terminal window just so you can see more of the output and here we have okay bad but thank you so we have an infinitely tall pyramid and it's just flying across the screen which is why it looks kind of like a mess but I printed out a pyramid of height one and then two and then three and then four and unfortunately what am I lacking any sort of quick condition any kind of condition that says wait a minute when it's too tall stop all together so this is an infinite Loop but it's not a loop it's a recursive call and actually doing this in en is very bad we'll see next week that if you call a function too many times you can actually trigger yet one yet another of those segmentation faults cuz you're using too much memory essentially but for now I haven't triggered that yet control C is your friend to cancel and as an aside if you're playing along at home or play with this code later I actually cheated here we have a special clang configuration feature that prevents you from calling a function like that and creating a problem I overrode it just to for demonstration sake but odds are at home you wouldn't be able to compile this code yourself but let me do a proper version recursively of this code as follows let me go back into the code here let me go ahead and not just blindly start drawing one then two then three layers of bricks let me prompt the human as before for the height of the pyramid they want using our get in function and now let me call draw of height again so now I'm going back to the looplike version but instead of using a loop now this is where recursion gets rather elegant if you will let me go ahead and execute and code uh the draw function as follows per your definition if a pyramid of height four is really just a pyramid of height three plus another row well let's take that literally let me go back to my code and if you want to draw a pyramid of height four well go right ahead and draw a pyramid of height uh three first or more generally n minus one but what's the second step well once you've drawn a pyramid of height three draw an extra row so I at least have to bite off that part of the problem myself so let me just do for in I gets zero I is less than n i++ and let me the programmer of this function print out my hashes and then at the very bottom print out a new line so the cursor moves to the next line but this is kind of elegant now I dare say in that draw is recursive because I'm literally translating from English to code this idea that a pyramid of height four is really just a pyramid of height three so I do that first and I'm sort of trusting that this will work then I just have to lay one more layer of bricks four of them so if n is four this is just a simple for Loop Allah week one that will print out an additional layer but this of course is going to be problematic eventually why it's not done yet this program how many times will draw call itself in this model infinitely many times why yeah there's no there's no equivalent of quit like if you've printed enough already then quit well how do we capture that well I don't think we want this to go negative right it would make no sense to draw a negative height pyramid so I think we can just pluck off as the programmer a an easy case an easy answer a so-called base case and I'm just going to do this at the top of my draw function let me just say if n is less than or heck less than or equal to zero that's it go ahead and just return there's nothing more to do and that simple condition technically known as a base case will ensure that the code doesn't run forever why well suppose that draw uh is called with an argument of four four is of course not less than zero so we don't return but we do draw a pyramid of height three and here's where things get a little mentally tricky you don't move on to line 20 until draw has been called so when draw is called with an argument of three it's as though you're executing from the top of this function again three is not less than zero so what do you do you draw two okay how do you draw two well two is not less than zero so you don't return so you draw one got to be careful here draw one and now we go ahead back to the beginning how do you draw One well one is not less than zero so you don't return you draw height zero how do you draw height zero wait a minute 0o is less than or equal to zero and you return and so it's kind of like this mental stack this to-do list you keep postponing executing these lower lines of code because you keep restarting restarting restarting the draw function until finally one of those function calls says there's nothing to do return and now the whole thing starts to unravel if you will and you pick back up where you left off and this is perhaps the best uh scenario we won't do it in class but if you'd like to wrestle through this on your own using debug 50 to keep stepping into step into step into each of those lines logically you'll see exactly what's actually happening so let me go to my terminal and do make recursion which is now this correct version of the code do/ recursion let's type in a height of four and voila now we have that same pyramid not using iteration per se though admittedly we're using iteration to print the additional layer we're now using draw recursively to print all of the smaller pyramids that need come before it no question is can you only use recursion with a void function no not at all in fact it's very common to have a return value like an integer or something else so that uh you can actually do something constructively with that actual value other questions on this say a little lad when is line 21 getting executed so if you continue to UNR let me uh scroll down a bit more so you can see the top of the code so line 21 will be executed once line 19 is done executing itself now in the story I told we kept calling draw again again again but as soon as one of those function calls where n equals z returns immediately then we don't keep drawing again and again so now if you kind of think of the process as reversing then you continue to line 21 then a line 21 again then line 21 again and as the sort of logic unravels and next week we'll actually paint a picture of what's actually happening in the computer's memory but for now it's just it's very similar to the pseudo code for the phone book you're just searching again and again but you're waiting until the very end to get back the final result uh can Google Now whom I keep mentioning by coincidence today is full of programmers of course um here's a fun exercise let me uh go back to a browser I'm going to go ahead and search for recursion because I want to learn a little something about recursion uh here is kind of an internet meme or joke if I zoom in here the engineers at Google are kind of funny funny see why ah there we go yes yes this is recursion and there's going to be so many memes you'll come across now where recursion like if you've ever pointed a camera at the TV that's showing the camera and you sort of see yourself for the image again and again that's really recursion and in that case it only stops once you hit the base case of a single Pixel um but this is a very funny joke in some circles uh when it comes to recursion uh and Google so how can we actually use Google or rather how can we actually use recursion constructively well let me propose that we actually introduce a third and final algorithm for sorting that hopefully does better than the two sorts thus far we've done selection sort and bubble sort bubble sort we liked a little better at least in so far is in the best case where the list is already sorted bubble sort is at least smarter and it will actually terminate early giving us a better lower Bound in terms of our Omega notation but it turns out that recursion and this is not necessarily a feature of recursion but something we can now leverage it turns out using recursion we can take a fundamentally different approach to sorting a whole bunch of numbers in such a way that we can do far fewer comparisons and ideally speed up our final results so here is the pseudo code for what we're about to see for something called merge sort and it really is this tur sort the left half of numbers sort the right half of numbers merge the sorted halves right this is almost sort of non sensical because I uh if you're asked for an algorithm to sort and you respond with well sort the left half sort the right half like that's being sort of difficult because well I'm asking you for a sorting algorithm you're just telling me to sort the left half and the right half but implicit in that last line merging is a pretty powerful feature of this sort now we do need another base case at the top so let me add this if we find ourselves with a list an array of size one well that array is obviously sorted if there's only one element in it there's no work to be done so that's going to be our base case but allowing us now in just these what uh four six lines of pseudo code to actually sort some elements but let's focus first on just a subset of this let's consider for a moment what it means to merge sorted have so Carter has wonderfully come up to volunteer here just to help us reset these numbers suppose that in the middle of the story we're about to tell we have two sorted halves I've already sorted the left half of these numbers and indeed 2 4 57 is sorted from smallest to largest and the right half appears to be already sorted 0136 already sorted so in my pseudo code we're already done sorting the left half and the right half somehow but we'll see how in a moment well how do I go about merging these two halves well because they're sorted already and you want to merge them in order I think we can flip down we can hide all but the first numbers in each of these subl lists so here we have a half that starts with two and I don't really care what the other numbers are because they're clearly larger than two I can focus only on Two And Z too zero also we know that zero is the smallest there so let's just ignore the numbers that Carter kindly flipped down so how do I merge these two lists into a new sorted larger list well I compare the two on my left with the zero on my right obviously which comes first the zero so let me put this down here and Carter if you want to give us the next element now I have two sorted halves but I've already plucked one off so now I compare the two against the one one obviously comes next so I'm going to take out the one and put it in place here now I'm going to compare the two halves again two and three which do I merge first obviously the two comes next and now notice each time I do this my hands are theoretically making forward progress I'm not doubling back like I kept doing with selection sort or bubble sort back and forth back and forth my fingers are constantly advancing forward and that's going to be a key detail so I compare four and three three obviously I compare three and uh I compare four and six four obviously I compare five five and six five obviously and then I compare seven and six six of course and then lastly we have just one element left and even though I'm kind of moving awkwardly as a human my hands technically were only moving to the right I was never looping back doing something again and again and that's perhaps the intuition and just enough room for the seven so that then is how you would merge two sorted halves we started with left half sorted right half sorted and merging is just like what you would do as a human and Carter just flips the numbers down so our Focus was only on the smallest elements in each any questions before we Forge ahead with what it means then to be merged in this way so now here is an original list we deliberately put it at the top because there's one detail of Mer sort that's key mer sort is technically going to use a little more space and so whereas previously we just kept moving our humans around and swapping people and making sure they stayed ultimately in the original positions with mer sort pretend ends that here's our original array of uh memory I'm going to need at least one other array of memory and I'm going to cheat and I'm going to use even more memory but technically I could actually go back and forth between one array and a secondary array but it isn't going to it is going to take me more space so how do I go about implementing merge sort on this Al on this code well let's consider this here's a array of size eight if only one number quit obviously not applicable so let's focus on the juicy part there sort the left half of the numbers all right how do I sort the left half of the numbers I'm going to just nudge them over just to be clear which is the left half how here is now a sub list of size four how do I sort the left half well do I have an algorithm for sorting yeah what do I do here's a list of size four how do I sort it what's step one sort the left half so I now sort of conceptually in my mind take this sublist of size four and I sort it by first sorting the left half focusing now on the seven and two all right here's a list of size two how do I sort a list of size two sorry I think we just keep following our instruction sort the left half all right here is a list of size one how do I sort a list of size one I'm done like it's done so I leave this alone what was the next step in the story I've just sorted the left half of the left half of the left half what comes next I sort the right half of the left half of the left half and I'm done cuz it's just a list of size one what comes after this merge so this is where it gets a little trippy because you have to remember where we're pausing the story to do things recursively again and again but if I've just sorted the left half and I've just sorted the right half now I merge them together this is a super short list so we don't need um uh Carter's help here as before but I think the first number I take here is the two and then the second number I take because it's the only option is the seven but what's nice now is that notice the left half of the left half is indeed sorted because I trivially sorted the left half of it and the right half of it but then merging is really where the magic happens all right again if you rem if you rewind now in your mind if I've just sorted the left half of the left half what happens next sort the right half of the left half so again you kind of rewind in time so how do I do this I've got a list of size two I sort the left half the just the five done sort the right half four done now the interesting part I merge the left half and the right half of the right half of the left half so what do I do four comes down here five comes down here and now notice what I have left half is sorted right half is sorted if you rewind in time where is my next step three merge the two halves and so this is what Carter helped me do before let's focus only on the smallest elements just so there's less distraction I compare the two and the four two comes first so let's obviously put that here now I compare the new beginning of this list and the old beginning of this list four obviously comes next and now I compare the seven against the five five obviously comes next and now lastly I'm left with one number so now I'm down to the seven so even if you've kind of lost track of some of the nuances here if you just kind of take a step back we have the original right half here still untouched but the left half of the original input is now indeed sorted all by way of doing sorting left half right half left half right half but with those merges in between all right so if we've just sorted the left half we rewind all the way to the beginning what do I now do all right so sort the right half so sort the right half how do I sort a list of size four well I first sort the left half the one and the six how do I sort a list of size two you sort the left half just the number one obviously there's no work to be done done sorting the left half six done sorting the right half now what do I do I merge the left half here with the right half here and that one's pretty straightforward now what do I do I've just merged so now I sorted I've just sorted the left half of the right half so now I sort the right half of the right half so I consider the zero done I consider the three done I now merge these two together zero of course comes first then comes the three and now I'm at the point of the story where I've sorted the left half of the right half and the right half of the right half so step three is merge and I'll do it again like we did with Carter all right one and zero obviously the zero comes first now compare the one and the three obviously the one comes first compare the six and the three obviously the three and then lastly the sixth so now where are we we've taken the left half of the whole thing and sorted the left and sorted it we then took the right half of the whole thing and sorted it so now we're at lastly step three for the last last time what do we do merge and so just to be consistent let me push these down and let's compare left hand to right hand noticing that they only make forward progress none of this back and forth comparisons two and zero of course the zero so we'll put that in place two and one of course the one so we put that in place two and three we merge in of course the two in this case four and three we now merge in the three in this case four and six we now merge of course the four in place and now we compare five and six we keep the five bug okay well pretend that the five is on uh oh this is why all right so now we compare the seven and the six sixth is gone and lastly seven is the last one in place and even though I grant that of all the algorithms this is probably the hardest one to stay on top of especially when I'm doing it as a voiceover realize that what we've just done is only those three steps recursively we started with a list of size eight we sorted the left half we sorted the right half and then we merged the two together but if you go down each of those rabbit holes so to speak sorting the left half involves sorting the left half of the left half and the right half of the left half and so forth but this germ of an idea of really dividing and conquering the problem not such that you're having the problem and only dealing with one half clearly we're sorting one half and the other half and merging them together ultimately it does still lead us to the same solution and if we visualize the remnants of this now if I depict this as follows where on the screen here you see where the numbers originally started in the top row from left to right essentially even though this is in a different order I divided that list of size eight ultimately into eight lists of size one and that's where the base case kicked in and just said okay we're done sorting that and after that logically I then sorted I merged two lists of size one into many lists of size two and those lists of size two into lists of size four and then finally the list of size four into one big list sorted of size eight and so I put forth this picture with the little line indicators here because how many times did I divide divide divide in half or really double double double so exponent is the opposite oh spoiler uh how many times did I divide so three concretely but if there's eight elements total and there's N More generally it really is a matter of dividing and conquering login times you start this and you can divide one two three times login times or conversely you can start here and exponentially uh double double double three times which is log n but on every row every shelf literally I made a fuss about pointing my hands only from the left to the right constantly advancing them such that every time I did those merges I touched every element once and only once there was none of this back and forth back and forth on stage so if I'm doing something log n times if I'm doing rather N Things log n times what would be our Big O formula perhaps N Things log n times yeah so n log n the order of n log n is indeed how we would describe the running time of merge sort and so of all of the sorts thus far we've seen that merge sort here actually is n log n which is strictly better than n squ which is where both merge uh both selection sort and bubble sort landed but it's also slower than linear search for instance but you would rather expect that if you have to do a lot of work up front sorting some elements versus just searching them you're going to have to put in more effort and so the question of whether or not you should just search something blindly with linear search and not bother sorting it really boils down to can you afford to spend this amount of time and if you're the Googles of the world odds are you don't want to be searching their database linearly every time why because you can sort it once and then benefit millions billions of people subsequently using something like binary search or frankly in practice something even fancier and faster than binary search but there's always going to be this tradeoff you can achieve binary search only if the elements are sorted how much does it cost you to sort them well maybe N squared if you use some of the earlier algorithms but it turns out n log n is pretty fast as well so at the end of the day these running times involve tradeoffs and indeed in merge sort 2 I should note that the lower bound on merge sort is also going to be Omega of n log n as such we can describe it in terms of our Theta notation saying that merge short is indeed in Theta of n log n so generally speaking probably better to use something like merge sort or some other algorithm that's in N log n in practice most programmers are not implementing these sorting algorithms themselves odds are they're using a library off the shelf that themselves have made the decision as to which of these algorithms to do but generally speaking and we're seeing now this for the first time if you want to improve time like use less time write faster code you got to pay a price and that might be your human time just takes you more time to code up something more sophisticated more difficult to implement or you need to spend something like space and as these shelves suggest that too is one of the key details of merge sort you can't just have the elements swapping in place you need at least an auxiliary array so that when you do the merging you have a place to put them and this is excessive this amount of memory I could have just gone back and forth between top shelf and bottom shelf but it's a little more interesting to go top down but you do need more space back in the day decades ago space was really expensive and so you know what it might have been better to not use merge sort use bubble sort or uh selection sort even or some other algorithm alog together nowadays space is relatively cheap and so these are more acceptable trade-offs but it totally depends on the application the very last thing we thought we'd do is show you an actual compar comparison of some of these sorting algorithms it's about 60 seconds long and it will compare for you uh selection sort bubble sort and merge sort in parallel simultaneously uh with some fun sorting music showing you ultimately what it really means to be an O of n s or better yet Big O of n Logan selection on the top bubble on the bottom merge in the [Music] middle [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that's it for cs50 we'll see you next [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this is cs50 and this is week four and if you think back a few weeks ago already in week zero we started talking about like what images are and we talked about representation of images as this grid of pixels and each pixel has like some pattern of bits that defines its color well it turns out today we'll take a deeper look underneath the hood at how things like images and so much more is actually implemented using just these zeros and ones and how now as a programmer you can actually harness that for better for worse to better understand and better manipulate what's going on inside of a computer's memory using a language like C in fact even this bowl of stress balls that we keep happening is just a photograph of course but if you think back to week zero if you sort of enhance enhance enhance this image like they do in the movies it actually doesn't work out the way you would think from Hollywood as I keep continue to zoom in and zoom in and zoom in on a screen like this you'll see that yes it gets bigger but if it gets too big what do you start to notice the so-called pixelation and indeed you can see the individual dots so next time you watch some uh show or movie on uh TV that has this sort of notion of enhancing you know there's actually a finite limit there you can only enhance so far as there's actually information there but once you zoom in to a certain level like this like that's all that there you're not going to see the glint of the suspect in some crime drama in their eye just because you've enhanced the image there's only a finite amount of information actually there but we'll see today too that by understanding what's going on inside of a computer's memory we can start to represent and even create and code more interesting things so for instance here is a bit map if you will which is a term of art a bit map is a type of image and it's a map of bits in the sense that you have this coordinate system of up top down left right at least in this artist representation here and suppose that maybe we all defi decide as a as as the world that one shall represent the color white and zero shall represent the color black what might this map of bits this bit map actually be can you see through it yeah it is indeed a smiley face so an amazing eye if I actually turn all of the ones to White just to visualize this you'll see indeed this is what was embedded there but of course on our computer monitors and phones we have this grid of square is this grid of pixels so indeed if you were to actually see on your screen a smiley face like a black and white one at that what's probably going on underneath the hood is just some pattern of zeros and ones and maybe single bits one bit color if you will where one here represents white and zero represents black so if you kind of like this thing it turns out you can do pretty uh pretty beautiful pretty interesting pretty artistically inclined things if you go to this URL at your leisure cs50. lart it'll actually redirect you to a Google spreadsheet that we've made in advance and we've kind of Shrunk the rows and columns to resemble a grid of pixels tiny little squares all of which are white by default not unlike this easel here that we have a couple of volunteers working away at in fact would you guys like to come forward for a moment and say a quick hello before we come back to you uh hello my name is Daniel I'm from Chicago welcome to Daniel and hi everyone I'm Adam and I'm from chindon Tobago nice well welcome to you both thank you you'll see that in their hands are actually a whole bunch of pixels uh Post-it notes that we've handed them in in advance so if you don't mind we'll come back to you in a couple of minutes and see what they've created if you will on this grid of white paper much like you could create on this Google spreadsheet in fact feel free to send us your Creations if so inclined uh via the URL you'll get at cs50. lart now let's come back to week zero where we Define some of the building blocks for images we talked about RGB which is just red green blue and it's just one of the systems a popular system via which you can represent any color of the rainbow using some combination of red and green and blue and if any of you are artistically inclined or have used Photoshop or similar programs you might typically have some means of selecting a color by some grid like this but down here notice there's explicit mentions of the types of color systems in use R GB and in fact here you see 0000 0 and up here under new you see the color black and that implies that if you have no red no green no blue well that indeed would represent by convention the color black by contrast if we play around with Photoshop or similar program if you have a lot of red a lot of green and a lot of blue for instance 255 255 255 like really crank it up to the max value you can represent with eight bits per week zero well then it turns out you get the color white here and we can play with these numbers endlessly for instance if we use 255 of red but zero green and zero blue not surprisingly the square at the top of the screen Becomes Of course red entirely because it's all red and no green no blue if we change it instead to 255 for green but zero for red and blue of course we get green and then lastly if we crank up the blue but leave red and green as zero we of course get blue but all this while down here highlighted is something that maybe some of you have seen before like some combination of numbers and letters if any of you have made personal web pages or use programs like Photoshop you might have used these so-called color codes so indeed the world has this convention whereby using six digits or sometimes three you can represent a little more succinctly some amount of red green blue and you'll see here maybe by inference that if RGB is0 0 255 respectively perhaps where we're going with this is that 0000 FF is just an alternative way of expressing the exact same idea no red no green and a lot of blue but why is that and in fact we'll come full circle here to introducing something that we could have done in week zero but it doesn't really solve a problem then but today as we focus more on images and on memory itself turns out understanding these patterns is pretty useful so back in week zero we talked of course about binary and binary by implying two only gives you two digits zero and one you and I as humans almost always use the decimal system in normal conversation deck meaning 10 so we have 0 through n instead if a human like us wants to count up as high as 10 or 11 or 12 we don't have a digit per se for 10 11 and 12 we start reusing digits so it's 1 0 1 1 1 2 and so forth but in other systems not binary not decimal but systems called heximal hex implying 16 there are actually more digits than these which might come as a surprise um it's not pairs of digits like in decimal single digits and frankly it doesn't really matter what the digits are because at the end of the day these are just symbols that you and I immediately associate with some notion of math but just Strokes on the screen that represent some have represent some actual value so it turns out that by convention when you want more than n 10 digits 0 through 9 you start using letters of the English alphabet A B C D E and F and you can represent them in lower case it's case insensitive so it doesn't really matter you might see it in upper case or lower case but this is how you can count Beyond N9 not using decimal but using indeed something called hexadecimal if we get really technical this is also known as base 16 and it's the same idea as week zero where instead of using base 2 for binary base 10 for decimal use 16 as the base for heximal and so if we run through just some simple examples here in the world of heximal your columns are just powers of 16 16 to the 0er 16 to the 1 16 to the 2 and so forth but in the world of hex we usually at least thus far and today we'll see just pairs of digits like this so here for instance is the ones column and the 16's column if we multiply that out so if you wanted to represent the number you and I know in in uh the real world as zero in heximal it would just be 0 0 if you want to represent the number one it would be 01 and from there we get 02 03 04 0 five 06 07 08 09 now things get potentially interesting in decimal it would obviously become 10 but in heximal it just becomes 0 a and then 0 B which is to say if I rewind after nine comes in heximal if I pronounce it in in decimal this is how you'd represent 10 this is how you'd represent 11 12 13 14 and then lastly in heximal the 16th value is f which is just always going to represent 15 so where to how do we connect this to some of the past math well once you get to Zer F in heximal if f is the highest you can count just like in decimal nine is the highest you can count what comes next if this is 15 I claim how do I represent 16 in heximal with what pattern of symbols what pattern of symbols for heximal yeah so one Z not 10 even though you might read it like that as a typical human but one zero because why well even if this is completely new to you the whole column system the places are exactly the same intuitively so you need a one in the 16's place and a zero in the ones place and we won't count all the way up to 255 but we count if we count a little higher this would be 1 Z AKA 16 in decimal this would be 1 one AKA 17 in decimal and then 18 19 20 and so forth dot dot dot and we can count all the way up to FF CU if f is the biggest digit in hexadecimal FF is indeed as high as we can count and if each F represents 15 well let's just do the math like in week zero so 16 * F + 1 * f is how all of us learned to do uh math in grade school even though not in heximal that's of course 16 * 15 + 1 * 15 multiply that out you get 240 plus 15 and air go you can count as high as 255 using two heximal digits now this is not the kind of thing where like this is going to be an interesting exercise mentally to ever convert in your head generally you'll get used to the fact that after nine comes a and the biggest digit is f and you'll just start to see patterns like this in the worlds of Photoshop web pages in a few weeks and Beyond but like why is heximal useful like why are we complicating the world and adding on top of decimal something else well it turns out that a single decimal digit like f the biggest one for instance is 15 and here let me just propose a bit of Mental Math how many bits do you need to represent the number 15 in binary if you've got the ones place two's Place fours and so forth how many bits total so fewer than five to count this highest 15 I think but close someone else sing in hand yeah so four bits I think suffice because if you want to count as high as F that is to say 15 I think if you have four bits you can do that because if over here is the one's place from week zero for binary this is the two's place this is The Four's place this is the e place do out some quick math so 8 + 4 is 12 + 2 is 14 + 1 is 15 so it turns out that by convenience heximal digits can just be represented consistently with four bits or fewer but four and four of course is half of eight and eight is like everywhere like eight bits is a bite which is again just a convention we've seen and so the reason that you see hexad desmal in the world of Photoshop and eventually web pages is it actually just Maps really nicely to expressing binary numbers more succinctly with a fixed number of digits so for instance anytime you see 11 one one one 1111 in the world as binary you know what that's a little tedious to both say and write you can represent more succinctly any uh group of four one bits more succinctly in heximal as just F so 111 1111 in binary more succinctly and more commonly now in the world of Photoshop memory images and the like is represented more succinctly as FF and that's why because it just Maps really nicely to four bits and so we can be a little more succinct so any questions on heximal which is just another way of representing information but using the same grade school approach yeah good question if you represent 15 with f it would use four bits so base systems are really just a way for us humans on paper or on screens to represent information if F represents the decimal number 15 the computer underneath the hood has to use four bits to represent it so one heximal digit by convention always implies four bits underneath the hood so therefore if you have two heximal digits like 0 0 that means eight zero bits underneath the hood like for red or for green if you see FF now we know that's four one bits and another four one Bits And if we do out the math that's 255 that's why in Photoshop 000000 FF means no red no green and 255 of blue and it's just way more succinct than writing out like what 8 plus 8 plus 8 24 zeros and ones and it's just cleaner than even using decimal when you're using units of eight which again computers just use everywhere so it's just another system it's not one you need to dwell on very much but again it's fundamentally no different from binary or decimal we're just using a slightly different base no all right well we had this blank canvas here and I think uh are you two perhaps ready to reveal for the world what you've created do you want to go ahead and I'll I'll swivel it around for you all right here we go big reveal and today's pixel art a round of applause if we could very nicely done well thank you both if you want to come up after and tear this off and bring it home you're welcome to and keep the Post-it notes too well thank you to our volunteers there let's now translate this to really more technical worlds where we're going to see and consider it more often because in fact sometimes when you've had error messages over the past few weeks from clang the compiler you might have even seen evidence of heximal we didn't call it out it wasn't useful to know at the time but it turns out a lot of programs use and a lot of code uses heximal for those reasons of more prec more representation so for instance where else might we see it well here's that picture we keep pulling up of our computer's memory and each of these squares in this grid represents a bite sort of top left to bottom right in the computer's memory but again just an artist's representation a few weeks ago I claimed that each of these bytes can be numbered of course like this is bite zero at top left then bite one then bite two then bite two billion if you have two gigabytes of memory and so we could just number them like this 0 through 15 on up 16 17 18 and so forth but per the reasons earlier it's just more common in computer systems and in software to actually use hexadecimal just to describe the locations of the addresses of things in memory so instead a typical programmer or computer scientist would call these first 16 bytes 0 through F just because but that's because it's a predictable number of bits so if we keep going beyond that you would get not 10 not 11 not 12 but in heximal 1 0 1 1 1 2 and so forth all the way down on the screen to 1 F and if I you know shrunk this down or had a bigger monitor we would see eventually 255 bytes later from the start 255 as well but there's a potential problem here with using heximal in this way there's an ambiguity can anyone imagine like what can go wrong if we use hex to just simply describe locations in memory like this yeah yeah yeah like one zero might also be 10 and you know maybe if you're you know really thorough okay wait a minute it can't be 10 cuz here's F over here so it's obviously not decimal but why create potential confusion especially when you're collaborating building something with someone we want to avoid that ambiguity and so the convention humans decided on years ago is that if you want to make clear that a number is in hexadecimal just by convention you prefix all of the digits with Zer X the X is not like another character it's not like a 17th character it's just a human conven of putting 0x to imply here comes heximal and now it's unambiguous so now we see 0x10 obviously is not 10 as we know it in decimal but rather it's the number that comes after a single F so it's really the number in decimal 16 so 0x anytime you see it that's just a visual cue that what is ahead is actually heximal so let's now start playing around with this information so here's a super simple line of code from like week one where I'm just declaring ing a variable n and I'm defining it to be the value 50 and this is out of context we probably need a main function and all of that but let's just rewind to week one where we actually saw code like this and do something useful with a line of code like this so let me go over here to VSS code and in vs code I'll create a program called how about addresses since the goal of this uh the goal here is to just play around ultimately with a variable like n and let me go ahead and do this I'll include how about standard i.h I'll do int main void so no command line Arguments for now in N gets 50 and now so that we can do something mildly useful with it let's just go use print F and print out with percent I and then a new line whatever that value of n is so this is not going to be interesting per se it's just week one stuff where I'm defining a variable and printing it out to the screen so let me go down to my terminal window and do make addresses no errors so that's good I'll do do/ addresses and of course I should see the number 50 here now what's going on underneath the hood let's translate now code to really what's going on under under underneath the hood of the computer so if this is our grid of memory I don't necessarily know as the programmer and I definitely don't care as the programmer where exactly it's ending up in memory that's the whole point of using Code let the computer figure this out but at least conceptually I know that by declaring a line of code like that the number 50 ends up somewhere in the computer's memory and it's assigned the name n a symbol n via which I the programmer can refer to it and I very deliberately used four of these squares for what reason what might be the reason for using four squares specifically yeah yeah so an integer is four bytes at least most of the time on Modern systems an integer is four bytes on an older computer it might just use one or maybe even uh two bytes But Here by convention we're almost always going to see four bytes I don't know if it's going to end up here it might end up over here but for now who cares I just know that the computer can store the the information in this way underneath the hood so let's now introduce another feature of C that we haven't had occasion to use just yet that's going to allow us to start poking around the computer's memory For Better or For Worse and this is one of those situations where you're about to learn acquire a a skill a power that can actually come back to bite you because once you know how to start poking around a computer's memory you can do very powerful things and next week we'll see what you can build in a computer's memory but you can also screw up pretty easily and cause more of those segmentation faults that a few of you have already suffered so with that said let's just stipulate that you know what I don't care necessarily where the 50 is in memory but I know it exists at some address in memory and just so I have an easy address to pronounce let's just suppose it lives at ox123 so that's the address in memory in heximal by convention and that just happens to be where it ends up when I write that line of code but it turns out C has some other operators we can use when we've seen the asterisk before the star and we've used it for multiplication but today we're going to use it for something more powerful and we're also going to introduce an Amper sand which allows us to do something as well the Amper sand operator is going to allow us to get the address of a piece of data in memory like by literally putting Ampersand before the name of a variable C will tell us tell you what address that variable lives at maybe it's ox123 maybe it's Ox 456 who knows but that will give you back the answer the Star does the opposite it's sort of means go there so using the star otherwise known as the D reference operator I can actually go to a specific address if I want and we'll see what this means in code so how can I leverage this in some mildly interesting way to start poking around but eventually we'll use this primitive to build more interesting things so let me go back to save vs code here and let me go ahead and do this I'll clear my terminal to start fresh and I'll introduce another format code for printf percent p and for now just take on faith that this it is percent P because but percent p is going to allow me to print the address of a variable if I additionally tell C get the address of n so I'm changing percent I to percent p and that's just something you have to do when printing addresses for now but I need to change an ampersand in front of the variable name so I don't print in the number 50 I print out something like ox123 and it's not going to be as simple as that we'll see on the screen though where it actually ended up in my code spaces memory so here we go uh dot uh down in my terminal make addresses again to recompile and now dot SL addresses should reveal not the value of 50 but the address of 50 and there it is it's pretty long it's not quite as simple and pretty as ox123 but there's the ox meaning here's a hexadecimal address and it's 7f FC c784 a04 C suffice it to say your codes space and even your Macs and PCs nowadays have a lot of memory that's why in part this address is so big not as small as the thing on my slide so this at the moment isn't that useful yet but it introduces us to a concept that we'll Now call pointers and pointers are admittedly one of the more challenging aspects of c and if in future life you tell friends that oh I took a class called cs50 and we learned C like you'll probably get kind of a look at people like why did you learn C or like oh c was hard and it's largely because of this topic which isn't to say that it's that hard to wrap your mind around but it's definitely very different and it's not a feature that you can harness in higher level languages that we'll see in class two like Python and Java and the like C is about as close to the computer's Hardware so to speak that you can get before things get actually scary the so-called Assembly Language we saw in week two when I had a link and compile and assemble and all of that like that gets really lowlevel and you really have to be an expert with the computer's CPU or brain to understand that but with C you can actually poke around the computer's memory and do powerful things with that but again with great power comes responsibility it's very easy to break programs by misusing memory or just having a bug that touches memory in some way that you don't intend so pointers at the end of the day are pretty much what we just saw a pointer is really just a variable that contains the address of some value a pointer is a variable that contains the address of some value or more simply it's fine to think of it as an address a pointer is an address of something in the computer's memory now what might we do to uh to uh actualize this well here's two lines of code it turns out by using our two new operators today I can declare an INT call it n and assign it a value like 50 just like before if I want to store the address of n in a variable and not just print it immediately via printf I can declare a variable for instance called P but I could call it anything I want like any variable but because it's an address it's not int P it has to be int star P so to speak and the star here on the left hand side of the equal sign is just a clue to C that means p is going to be a pointer that is p is going to be the address of what the address of an integer now technically it's still an integer itself right because an address is just a number whether it's 1 2 3 or ox123 so this is really just a semantic difference so in Star p just means that this variable doesn't contain any old number like 50 it specifically contains a number that is the address of something else so how can I now use this well let me go back to VSS code and let me propose that we add a line of code like that so instead of just directly printing out that value let's go ahead and Define a second variable called uh P that's of type in Star P set it equal to Ampersand n and then this time let's not just print out Amper sand n let's actually print out the value of P so the only two new things here if I zoom in are I've used not only the Amper sand on the right to get the address of n I'm now using the star on the Left To Tell C that P is still a still a variable as always but it's a pointer it is the address of some other value like this and I'm still going to print it with the same format code percent P so that doesn't change so let me go ahead and zoom out and do make addresses and slash addresses and there it is exactly the same thing now in and of itself not that useful yet but the fact that you can now access the addresses of things in memory means that we'll be able to build things and construct things and Link things together by knowing where they live so to speak so any questions on this technique thus far [Music] yeah a good question on line six must it be starp and Ampersand and in this case yes because what am I doing on the left and I'll get rid of the equal sign for now this would give me a variable called P that's not an integer per se but that's the address of an integer but without the equal sign I'm not storing anything in that variable so by adding the equal sign and then Ampersand N I am explicitly figuring out with Ampersand what the address of n is which already exists per line five and tucking it away in this new variable called P other questions yeah every time you run good question every time I run the program it uses up a different piece of memory short answer yes computers though long story short also have something called virtual memory so if you run it again and again you might actually see the same addresses on the same Mac or PC or cloud-based server but we'll see in a bit where uh at a high level it's laid out but it will always exist at some address good question yeah some correct Ampersand n is the address of N and in Star p is a pointer called p and honestly in an Ideal World if C were made today and not decades ago when humans were first creating languages you know ideally we would just have a data type called pointer and then this would be a little less complicated because it would literally be what it says you know the humans who invented SE didn't do this but this is the idea so pointer is not a legitimate word in the code it is a term of Art in English but this is really just the idea but the way you express pointer as a data type type is a little more cryptic as int star P here but notice in line seven when I print out p i don't use a star I don't use an ampersand y I literally just want to print the value of p and we've been doing that since week one if you want to print a variable just describe the variable by its name no special syntax any other questions on this thus far uh what's the advantage of using pointers with pointers we'll see today some applications of them really the idea is going to come to fruition next week when we're going to create what are called uh data structures in memory where we can build not just uh for instance uh one-dimensional data structures like an array we'll see next week we can actually create the equivalent of two-dimensional data structures or even threedimensional data structures by using these addresses and sort of linking things together and we'll see the beginnings of that this week but for now focus at least for now on just really the syntax and what these building blocks can do for us um does the poin have to be does the p uh in does the pop pointer have to be an point to an integer short answer no and we'll come back to this for now for the sake of discussion we're only dealing with integers like the number 50 uh you mentioned strings or characters absolutely we're about to go there soon so you can use the address of anything you want in the computer's memory so in fact let's translate this now to just the same picture just to help you wrap your minds around what these two lines of code really fundamentally are doing so if I come back to my grid of memory here let's plop the number 50 in the variable n at the bottom right like it was before so this is that first line of code as before but with the new second line of code as soon as I create P what do I do well first remember that n lives somewhere in the computer's memory usually I don't care precisely where it is but for the sake of discussion let's suppose it's at ox123 which is easier to say than where it actually ended up and now what is p well p is just another variable and variables live in memory too so let me just hypothesize that P lives up here and it turns out that P once you assign it the value of Ampersand N means that c will take a look at the variable n realize oh it lives at ox123 and what goes in the value of p is literally ox123 so again it's still an integer which is confusing but it's technically an integer being used as an address and now just a a prompt here notice that this pointer is pretty darn big it's like eight squares what's the implication of that because I did that deliberately how big must a pointer apparently be in most modern systems would you say okay good computers today are very big you have gigabytes of RAM in your computer you therefore need big pointers to be able to point at memory that's conceptually pretty far away so to be clear how many bytes does a pointer apparently take up well it seems to take up eight in total integers by convention nowadays are usually four pointers though nowadays are typically eight in this case so I'm drawing it in a manner consistent with the reality even though at the end of the day it's not really that interesting what values are in here in fact let's emerge from these weeds I don't really care what else is going on in my computer's memory at the moment because I've only got those two lines of Juicy code defining n and defining P so let's hide all of the other squares and honestly I mean it when I say that programmers need to know that a variable exists somewhere in memory and needs to be able to get that address using like the Ampersand but you're never going to print F like I did the actual address like it's not generally interesting unless you're debugging your code but you're not going to like start typing out crazy Ox numbers in your code to move things around you just need to know that the computer can figure out where things are so frankly by that logic who cares that it's ox123 right tomorrow it could be Ox 456 or something else so one of the ways to think of a pointer is literally as a variable that points at something else and indeed in this case P yeah technically it has an address and yeah technically it's ox123 in the story but honestly who cares I just need to know that you using p i can get to the value n and so what are these addresses and in fact if Carter wouldn't mind joining me up here for a moment what are these addresses well just like in our human world we have mailboxes even though you might not check it very frequently nowadays but to get physical mail every uh home every business has a unique address the uh science and engineering complex is 150 Western Avenue Austin Massachusetts 02134 USA and theoretically that uniquely identifies that building in the world well here we we have two mailboxes um over here we have a value n that happens to live I'll claim it address ox123 and then over here I claim there's another address uh called by name p i don't actually care where it is even though it definitely exists somewhere in the computer's memory but if this is p which is a variable and that's n another variable ideally this mailbox would be twice as big because of the number of btes using but Home Depot only had identical size mailboxes but here is p one variable there is in another variable if I open up this mailbox what should I find inside of it based on our story thus far like what value will I pull out dramatically in just a moment yeah I think ox1 123 Now using this you can kind of think of this as like x marks the spot no pun intended where I can now like walk around the computer's memory and find my way to that location by sort of following the treasure map or if I want it more dramatically uh thanks to our little Yale foam finger here here you can think of it more abstractly as p is just pointing at n okay that's not going over well so let's switch over to the Harvard one so p is pointing so p is pointing at n and so it turns out we will be able to write code now that will do the equivalent of me walking over to n but for now Carter if you want to reveal what's in the mailbox we should see indeed the number 50 so that's really all that's oh I feel Carter's waiting for Applause so like really well nicely done thank you so that's just like a physical metaphor of what's going on here in one variable we have an address and that variable by convention is called a pointer in the other variable per week one we just have a value like n and you can yes follow the map and walk yourself to that particular address and we'll see how to do that in code but what's really interesting is this abstraction that pointers literally or really I guess figuratively point at some other value in memory all right questions then on pointers in this form pointers point to each other can pointers point to each other so yes there's things called double pointers we're not going to see them anytime soon but using star star you can express an address of an address um but we won't see that just yet other questions on pointers yeah in front our array so to summarize our arrays then pointers so short answer there's a relationship and we'll come back to that in a little bit but arrays are technically different from pointers but we we're going to be able to blur the lines a little bit by using one like the other but let me come back to that in just a bit of time all right so if we have now this mental model if you will of like what a pointer is in memory I think we can start to peel back a layer of uh simplification that we've been assuming for the past few weeks since week one so a string recall is a sequence of characters and so if you want to create a string that says Hi in all caps and an next exclamation point we do string s equals quote unquote high and we can hard code it like this or we could use get string but for now just assume that I hardcoded it into my code to always say hi in all caps with an exclamation point well what does that look like in the computer's memory well let's stop looking at the entire memory let's just focus on really what's going on once you create a string called s and store in it hi you know that a couple of things are happening H and I and the exclamation point are ending up in the computer's memory we know from week two that this thing the so-called null character n AKA back slz is also being added for you and it's somewhere in memory at the moment I don't really care where I drew it at the bottom right yes it has an address but for now it just ends up somewhere and in fact here's a little visual cue as to how this happens in C anytime you use double quotes to give you a string you can imagine that the double quotes are like a a clue to not only store Hi exclamation point but also put the null character there for you and this is in contrast to what chars if you want individual characters what syntax did we use instead so single quotes single quotes do not add magically a back SL zero they literally just store one character so again strings have always been a little special you get some extra an extra bite for free so that you know where the string ends and functions like stir compare can then find their way there so in memory it might indeed look a little like this and if we assume that there's going to be somewhere in memory these things are going to be somewhere in memory we can address them per week two by way of the name of the variable so if s is the name of the variable S braet 0 is how you would refer to the first letter s bracket 1 s braet two and if you really want s bracket 3 would get you at the uh null character at the very end but what is s so technically in this line of code here not only is the computer giving you memory for h i exclamation point back sl0 we turns out that s itself must take up some amount of space right because s is the variable and every time we' talked about variables thus far I've given you a rectangle on the screen in which to store its value so let's assume for the sake of discussion that the H is at ox123 and I is at o x124 exclamation points at o x125 and the null characters at ox1 126 well what then is s well s is just going to be some other variable and I'll draw it somewhat abstractly without all the other boxes up here and I'll claim that the name of this variable is s but it turns out what is s really how do strings Really Work Well s is a variable and has been since week one but when you define it what the computer is doing for you automatically is when it knows you want to store Hi exclamation point it puts that somewhere in memory the computer then figures out for you what's the address of the very first character and it stores that address and only that address in the variable you created on the left hand side of the equal sign and that's enough like to represent a string with three letters of the alph alphabet or punctuation you don't need three variables you just need one you just need to know the beginning of the string why why is it sufficient for a variable to Only Store the first byes address and not all of the bytes addresses exactly because of the design of strings per week two we always null terminate them so it suffices to only remember the first bites address because from there you can sort of follow the breadcrumbs bite after bite after bite and until you see the new line Sorry the the null character you know that all of those characters are apparently part of the same string so this is what's been going on in the me computer's memory all since week one and in fact if we abstract this away you can really think of s as being just this really a pointer to that chunk of memory so in fact what do we have here well in the left to recap on the code here on the left hand side string that's what ensures that we'll actually be able to store a string in a variable called s we're going to have on the uh right hand side though the actual value so let me switch back to VSS code here and let me change my code to no longer involve integers alone so I'm going to add the uh cs50 Library just so that I can use some shortcuts in there cs50.h and then in my main function I'm going to go ahead and do this string s equals quote unquote high in all caps exclamation point and then I'm going to go ahead and print out using percent S as always back sln the value of s so this program at the moment not interesting at all it's just week one stuff again/ addresses indeed prints out high but it turns out that now that I know this what's really been going on underneath the hood all this time well here's that same line of code that defines the variable called s and it turns out anyone want to guess what string is actually a synonym for string it turns out is kind of a white lie we've been telling since week one there is no such thing as string as a keyword in in C it's technically a cs50 thing yeah it's a pointer to a character so really all this time we've kind of been lying to you there is no string quote unquote it's actually Char star and if I may it dramatically here go the training wheels like okay that didn't land very well so uh what have we been doing well it turns out that string is a much easier way conceptually to think about what a string of characters is like my God if we had to start in week one by having you type char like yeah you might get past it but like this is just way too much ugly syntax not intellectually interesting at all so we abstract it away what a Char star was in the first week of C by telling you it's actually called string now string is a term of art like C programmers programmers are in any language we'll use the word string to mean a sequence of characters but in C it's not technically a word unto itself it's rather a synonym that we ourselves created in some form so in fact how did we do this well think back to just last week last week I proposed that it'd be really nice if we had a person data type which the creators of C did not think of decades ago but that's okay we can Define it ourselves what did we do here well using syntax like this recall that we defined a person to be what to be this structure this structure using the new keyword last week struct means that a person is just a name and a number and it could have been other things we just kept it simple but how did I associate person with that structure well we claimed that it was this value here type def which as you might expect defines a data type so what did we do as cs50 back in week one without telling you well we could have done something like this like int itself is a little cryptic and maybe we should have to keep things even simpler said hey everyone turns out you can Define integers in C and if you wanted to do this well if you want to create the keyword integer as a data type you can just typ def it to int so typed def creates the word on the far right integer and U creates a synonym for it in this case called int so what did we do in week one without telling you we have a line of code like this in the cs-50 library that Associates quote unquote string with more cryptically charar and this is why in week one onward anytime you use the cs50 library you can write the word string as though it's a real C data type and that's just because we wanted to have this abstraction these training wheels on for the first weeks so we don't have to get weeds of all this crazy memory stuff we can sort of talk about strings at a higher level but that's all they are strings are the address of the first character in that sequence of characters questions now on any of these details yeah strings liar good question what about the strings Library which we have used um unrelated so it does not define the word string everything in there actually relates to char stars and so in fact if you've used the CS5 uh manual uh which is just our userfriendly version of the actual manual pages for the official language C you'll see throughout that now if you start poking around or turning off less comfortable mode you'll actually see that we've changed any mentions of charar in the official documentation for these first weeks to just string to simplify it but underneath the hood C does not know the word string per se as a keyword but it's absolutely a concept that like every program in the world knows about and in fact in other languages in Python for instance there will actually be a proper string although it's not going to be called string it's going to be called stir St Str for short questions on these strings here well let me propose there's one other feature of this syntax that we can now leverage as follows let me propose that if we go back to the previous version of my code here wherein let me switch back to vs code in just a moment I'm going to rewind in vs code to the integer version of my code from before and most recently it looked looked like this before when we were using integers only and not in fact strings at all let me propose that there's this other feature of C that we can use that actually allows us to go to an address so at the moment let me just rewind and do make addresses to remind you what this program do did when it was using integers alone and there's that address why because on line seven notice I'm printing out the value of P which is a pointer so of course it's going to look like an address but let me zoom out now and make one change and instead of printing out P how can I use today's second new operator not the Ampersand but the star to actually go to that address well what I can actually do on this line of code is this if I want to print out the actual integer 50 that's in that variable or equivalently at that address I can go to P here and not print P literally because that's just an address I can now say star p and star p means go there more technically dreference p that is follow the treasure map to the actual address and do what Carter did open the mailbox and print whatever was in the mailbox which recall was the actual number 50 so let me try this let me recompile the code so make addresses okay let me clear my terminal window do/ addresses this time I shouldn't see the ox anything I should see just the number 50 in this case and here to is kind of a unfortunate design decision certainly pedagogically I would say in C if I zoom in on this code star is unfortunately being used in two different ways in an Ideal World they would have used three different symbols to make this more semantically clear but this is what we're stuck with so in line six when you declare a pointer that is a variable that stores an address you put the type of variable that you want to point at then a star just because and then the name of the variable and on the right hand side you actually get the address of whatever using Ampersand but when you want to go to an address you want to dreference a pointer you don't use int again and we've never done that right once you declare a variable you never again mention the data type but in the world of pointers now if you want to not print out P but go to whatever address p is storing you use star P here so a good visual indicator would be when you declare a pointer that is make it exist in your program you have to declare the data type with the star but when you use a pointer you just use the star in an Ideal World this would be a completely different symbol but again this is what we have questions now on that syntax [Music] yeah uh why can't we just do the Amper sand here are you saying it was still a little quiet so strictly speaking we do not need line six so this is really for pedagogical sake that I am um defining a separate variable p and then printing it out at this point though I'm just kind of you know going in circles if you will because more simple would have been what I would have done in week one which would be get rid of P alt together get rid of P here and just print out n right but today we're just giving you this new building block these this new syntax via which you can figure out the address of something and then reverse the process later and actually go to it as well other questions on what we've done here with these pointers all right well let's context switch back to the string now and see what more we can do with this here in the case of our strings here let me uh refine this to zoom out let me delete the integer related code here let me do string s equals quote unquote high in all caps let me go ahead and for the moment include cs50.h at the top so that indeed I can use the keyword s or string rather and let me go ahead now and do something more than I did last time last time I did print F of percent s back sln and then I printed out s and again I'll recompile this just for clarity make addresses addresses that just prints out high so that's again week one stuff but now that we have this other bit of syntax we can do some interesting things too so for instance suppose I want to print out not s itself but what if I want to print out the address of s like at what memory location is s well I can change my percent s to percent P which now we know P is for pointer so percent p means print out the value of a pointer that is an address and here I can actually print out s itself but why that is we'll see in a moment let me do this here go the training wheels string does not technically EX exist but it does if I'm using the cs-50 library but if I get rid of the cs50 library as I'm metaphorically doing by taking off the training wheels I can't use the word string anymore and in fact let me make this mistake deliberately as you might have accidentally in past weeks here is the error message I get if I forget the cs50 library use of Undeclared identifier string did you mean standard in it's trying to be helpful but it's not because I didn't mean standard in so indeed this is confirmation that c does not know the word string exists at least as a keyword exists as a concept but not a keyword so I could fix this by adding back the cs50 library but that's kind of a step backwards educationally is instead of a step forward what could I do instead to fix this now if the training wheels are now off yeah exactly replace string quote unquote with Char star instead so I'm going to go ahead and change this to char technically you can put the literal star here the asterisk or you can put it there or you can put it here by convention is to do what I done from the beginning put the star next to the name of the variable as opposed to anywhere else uh let me go ahead now and or sorry I meant to add the spaces there you could do this too but this would be the most normal convention so now let's do this make addresses compile is okay now do slash addresses what should I see high or something else feel free to just call it out so still high you say someone else memory location a memory location all right so could be one of the two options right either I'm going to see the string or I'm going to see a memory address though I do in fact see a memory address and this one's quite different from the integer one but does anyone now want to explain why you were correct why am I seeing the address down here and not hi it's subtle yeah exactly because I left my percent P there which means hey print F show me a pointer but this is where printf is smart and has been smart since week zero humans who invented printf decades ago uh wrote code that notices that okay percent s means to treat the following value not as just an address per se that gets printed literally but printed as with the mailbox demo is sort of a treasure map that leads you to the address of a character so simply by changing one character percent P to percent s and if I now do make addresses again and slash addresses this now is identical to week one but hopefully makes sense because percent s is just a clue to print f that means go to this address in s print out every character there and thereafter until you see what the null character and then stop printing anything more and this is why hi has printed since week one today we can see the address percent P but this combination of having access to addresses and the null Terminator is all the information printf needs to actually do something more useful by like printing the actual strings any questions now on this approach to percent s yeah in back oh so why is it traditionally being used in this way honestly like the word string has been around for decades it's not a keyword you should be able to type in C unless you're using a library like cs50 um and so percent s just means string so even though it doesn't exist as a keyword percent s connotes string and humans decades ago like today just kind of know what that means so they could have chosen any letter of the alphabet but s sort of makes the most sense all right well let's in back other question good question before let me zoom in I did not use a star before the S why well it's subtle here but printf is was invented years ago to know given an address like in the variable s printf knows to go there so if we looked at the source code that some human wrote years ago for C we would likely see the actual uh asterisk that you're referring to printf is taking on the responsibility for going to S if you were to do uh star s here instead an asterisk and then s that would now be literally a character because if I say p uh star s that means go to the address in s and all you're going to find there is a single character what printf wants to know is not what is the character there what is the address of that character why because printf needs to walk through the rest of those characters looking for the final null character and in fact let me see with a bit more syntax if we can highlight this a bit more let me do this in addition to printing s let's try out our syntax in another way let me print out with percent s how about uh not s here but let's print out some addresses percent s back sln close quote and then let's print out how about this the first character in the string s would be called s bracket Z but how do I get the address of the first character in s well I could technically just use today's new primitive I can just add an ampon that always gives me the address of some value so when I end this thought and clear my terminal window and run make addresses still compiles when I run addresses in just a moment any guesses as to what I will see line by line this will print out two things and you don't have to remember what the actual number was but at a high level what will be printed now the same thing twice why well when I run this what I'm printing here and let me zoom in at the bottom I ined see two really long addresses but they're in fact the same why well that's because again if s is the address of a character as implied Now by either the cs50 word string or the actual phrase Char star well then s is just an address by contrast per week two s bracket 0 is a Char always has been a Char a specific Char but if you want the address of that Char you just add the Ampersand well it turns out that strings per the definition we keep emphasizing is just the address of the first character in a string so of course if you do this you're going to see the exact same thing and if I do this a bit more generally you don't want to copy paste but this is just for uh visualization sake let me print out all the characters so another another another and let me change this to print out the address of bracket 1 bracket two and bracket three so all four characters Hi exclamation point and the null character notice I'm using percent P for all of them so if I now do make addresses and do/ addresses now notice and this is kind of cool the first two are indeed still the same but what's no noteworthy about the other values on the screen yeah they're consecutive each of these is just one bite away even if you're not good at hex yet and there's a crazy number of digits here who cares they're all the same except for the last ones four four and then 5 six seven and this confirms what I've been claiming for weeks is that in an array all of the characters are back to back to back contiguous One Bites away so with just this Ampersand with just this star like it's actually a pretty cool tool in the toolkit to have because you can start to poke around what's actually going on inside of the computer's memory and in fact if we do this I can introduce one other cool trick here if you will let me propose that we can actually now do arithmetic on pointers and you don't have to you'll see a simpler way to do this but now that you have perhaps this underlying understanding of where things are in memory and it's just addresses we can actually do something kind of neat we can do something like this uh let me go back to how about uh the string version of this with high and let me do this instead let me um clean this up a bit get rid of some of these lines of code and let me do this let me print out percent C percent C percent C let me get rid of all these Amper Sands we're going to roll back to like week two stuff just to be clear when I compile and run this version of the program and I'll zoom in what should get printed on the screen this is just week two stuff now no pointers per se yeah mhm just Hi exclamation point one per line because I have all of these back slash ends so let me do that let me go down here make addresses enter okay pretty good/ addresses and indeed Hi exclamation point But now if you're getting a little more comfortable and it's fine if you're not yet today but over the coming week or weeks as you get a little more comfortable with the equivalence of addresses with our definition in the past of arrays and strings and all of this you can start to play around and I can do this instead if I I want to print out the first character in the string I could do like week two s bracket zero like that will always work and you can keep using that that's not a cs50 thing it's just a convenience in C but I could technically print out not s because s is an address but what would be the syntax I could use to say print out the character at s any Instinct how can I say go to the address in s it's one of two possible answers today so of our two new uh uh of our two new operators today we have the Ampersand and the star which one will lead us to what is that an address so the star so in fact if I want to print out what is that address zero at the address S I can just do star s and if you really want to get fancy how do you print out the second character that's immediately to the right of it so to speak well you can go to with the D reference operator and do you want to answer this one s+ one Argo pointer arithmetic like you can do math simple addition subtraction whatever on pointers if you want and you can do this here too so star you want to pluck this one off too how do I print out the last character the third s plus2 right because if you know and understand that like a string is just a sequence of characters every character is just a bite and these bites are back to back to back you can just go wherever you want in the computer's memory and here I can do make addresses again/ addresses and voila we now have high exclamation point so we haven't printed out anything new but again just by using these two new operators the erson and the star you can figure out the address of something and you can go to the address of something okay question in back indeed it ends up being the exact same and so I might have used this term before the Amper sand technique where sorry the square bracket technique where you do s bracket 0o s bracket One S bracket 2 that's actually what we would really call syntactic Sugar like it works and you can use it you should use it it's nice and simple but the square bracket notation underneath the hood is essentially being converted to this which this is not fun right like this is when you want to show off to your friends like you know how to do cool stuff in code but this is not as readable as just s bracket Z and one and two but that's all that's happening underneath the hood and so again this is why in cs50 we spend time on some of these lower level building blocks because if you assume that indeed your computer's memory is just this grid of btes and you have now the code ability in code to get an address and go to an address you can start doing any anything you want and you can poke around a computer's memory at any location and here in lies the danger like I'm kind of on the honor System right now that if my string is high exclamation point it's kind of up to me to go to the first bite the second and the third but I could get kind of crazy now and if I want to see what's going on in the computer's memory I mean there's nothing stopping me from doing like s+ 50 and let's see what's there so make addresses do/ addresses Hi and then okay nothing it seems well how about 5,000 bytes away let's poke around what's inside of the computer's memory so make addresses again uh make addresses addresses enter okay still nothing there let's try 50,000 all right do make addresses do SL addresses okay there we see it so you've probably done this some of you by accident because you probably went too far to the left or to the right in an array touching memory that you shouldn't suffice it to say I should not go blindly touching 50,000 bytes away cuz who knows what's there and indeed in your computer computer when a program is running the computer uh segments it into different segments of memory and if you get a little too greedy and you touch another segment of memory that technically was not allocated to you by Mac OS or Windows or Linux or the operating system bad things happen and you get a segmentation fault and that means it's a bug in your code so you can now do this and this means hackers too can do things like this if they can somehow inject code into your C program maybe they can poke around the computer's memory and indeed this is kind of the technique whereby maybe a really sophisticated hacker can jump to this memory this memory this memory looking for something like your password or your financial information or anything that's in the program but at some other address there's nothing stopping an adversary at least right now from poking around if they can execute code on your computer from doing this kind of thing so there and again is the power of C but also the danger and you'll absolutely suffer more segals in the coming days but ultimately the goal is going to be to help you solve them ultimately uh and fix things um but for now I think that was that was quite a bit so let me propose that we go ahead and take our longer break here maybe 10 minutes and have ourselves some whoopy pies in the transcept we'll be back in 10 all right so we're back and to recap where we left off you now have this new capability in code to do pointer arithmetic like treat addresses as numbers which they really are in heximal or otherwise and like add them together and kind of poke around a computer's memory and it was asked during break actually how we might further harness this in the context of string so I didn't change the code we wrote just before break recall that we last broke the program by checking out bytes 50,000 bytes away but let's not do that and let's actually try printing out not individual characters like I did per the percent C but why don't we try printing out strings and substrings if you will so let me clear my terminal window let me change all of these percent C's to percent s percent s percent s and then let me rewind to what we've been doing since week one with strings which is just print them out for instance with that first line and the only difference at the moment is that now I took off the training wheels I got rid of cs50.h wherein string is typ Def to char star for you got rid of that so now on line five I'm declaring S as being a Char star which just means the address of a character and print f is smart enough to know that the end of a string is wherever that null character is but now that I can do pointer arithmetic notice that I could do something like this if I want to print out s i just print out s suppose I do s+ one here and s+2 here again after changing percent C to percent s any intuition around what this code will now print on the screen line by line yeah thoughts okay reasonable conjecture maybe the memory address of H that of I that of exclamation point but other [Music] thoughts yeah I think it's going to do the latter it's going to print high in the usual way because honestly line five is this rather line six is the same as like week one stuff except we took off the training wheel of string and we're calling it Char star but I think line seven is indeed going to print out I and line eight is just going to print out because it'll be just the exclamation point prti will still be smart enough to know where each of those substrings a portions of the string End by the same logic as always but let me go ahead and zoom out run make addresses enter compiles okay/ addresses and now indeed this is all a string is it's a sequence of characters identified by its first bite if you then start poking around and tell printf to print at what's at the next bite or the next next bite it's going to do its same thing printing out that character and everything after it up until that null character so again even though there's like a lot going on we've introduced these two new operators like there's nothing that's happening today that hasn't been happening for weeks but hopefully through this week uh this week's lecture this week's problem set and Beyond you'll start to realize that now you just have more tools via which to harness those lower level implementation details so last week too recall one other implementation detail I claimed that you could not compare two strings quite as easily as you could compare to uh integers for instance and I told you to use a different function instead that you probably used one or more times with the past problem set how are you supposed to compare strings apparently yeah so string compare stir comp that additional function that we said H you just have to use it for now but you might have a little intuition already as to like why we have to use Stir compare and we can't just use equals equals to compare strings like any intuition for this already why was Stir compare necessary last week equ perfect equals equals would compare literally the two memory addresses instead of the actual strings character by character and unless the memory addresses are literally the same so you compare the that exact same memory address two different strings probably are not going to be considered equal even if to us humans they indeed look equal so let's see this let me go ahead and close addresses. C and actually before I do one last mention one of the powerful things about Pointer arithmetic as an aside is that c and really the compiler is smart enough to know how many bytes to keep adding and adding and by that I mean this right now we got lucky because a string is a sequence of characters and by definition every character is is a single bite you can poke around and do s+ one to get the next bite S Plus 2 to get the uh the third bite however if we weren't dealing with strings suppose we were dealing with integers that were in an array back to back to back if you wanted to get at the next integer you could still do plus one or plus two to get at the next or the next next integer you would not start to get into the weeds of doing plus four and then plus eight you don't have to know or care how big the data types are in the computer C and the compiler will figure that out for you based on the data type in question so keep that in mind if ever doing this on a different data type uh than chars all right so let me go ahead and open up a file that I wrote in advance most of and let me hide my terminal window and show you this so here is a program called compare. C whose purpose in life is to compare two strings I'm back to using the cs50 library because at least for now in probably a couple more weeks it is so much easier to get input from the user using cs50's function get in but we'll conclude today by taking off those training wheels as well so you can see how you can actually get user input with nothing cs50 specific so line six and seven pretty boring week one stuff get an INT called I get an INT called J and store them in two variables I and J respectively if I equals equals J print out the same else print out that they're different let me just stipulate for time sake I'm pretty sure this code is correct this will get two integers from the human it will compare them and tell me correctly if they're the same or different and I'll prove as much by running make compare slash compare and I'll type in 50 for I 50 for J and they're the same and now I'll do how about 50 and say 13 and those are different so let me just stipulate this code is indeed correct would have worked in week one also works now in week four but let me now change it to compare not two integers but as I hinted maybe two strings instead so let me go ahead and change this line of code to maybe be string s equals get string uh asking the user for s s uh then let's change this second line here to be string T just to keep the variable name short for now and T is a good uh Choice after s for something like this get string prompt the human for T and then let's change our I and J here to do the wrong thing per the intuition earlier if s equals equals T then print out the same else print out that they're different now if I want I could take off at least some of the training wheels I could change this to char star I could change this to char star either is fine I still need the Cs library though because I'm using get string because it's actually hard as we'll see today to get strings manually without using a library but I'll keep it using string just for now with the library all right make compare again compare and now let me go ahead and type in for instance Hi exclamation point Enter and Hi exclamation point Enter and they're different all they're obviously not visually but they are underneath the hood and you probably do have the intuition for this already whereby what's going on underneath the hood is that we're comparing accidentally the two memory addresses so in fact let's go there let's consider the memory and let me zoom out now so I can just have more btes to play with so the squares are a little smaller than before just so we can fit more in them and let me propose that when I declare s on what was line six a moment ago it ends up somewhere in memory like the top leftand corner of my picture for discussion sake and when I uh execute that same line of code and get string is called and I type in high exclamation point we know from week one that get string puts it somewhere in the computer's memory and I'll propose that it's in like the bottom left hand corner of the screen here what happens after that well I know even though I don't generally care that Hi exclamation point in the null character exist at some address like ox123 12 4 125 126 for discussion sake and what's in s same as before break 0x1 23 so that's all that's happening again on line six which is pretty much the same as when we were getting an S earlier but notice now with line seven when I get a second variable called T and I call get string again and by coincidence as the human I type the same thing well what happens here T gets its own chunk of memory maybe at the top right uh that second version of high gets somewhere else in memory you know the computer could be smart and notice it's the same but C doesn't generally do that for you it just plops it somewhere else in memory and maybe it's at address Ox 456 457 458 459 or wherever but you can perhaps see where this is going already T now of course contains the address of that first bite and so in my code on line nine when I compare s and t for equality suffice it to say they are not equal because of the way the uh strings are laid out in the computer's memory it's indeed looks the same the same values are there but if we abstract away further you can really see that s and t are not the same themselves and so how did we fix this or really how did we avoid this last week without spilling the beans and going down this Rabbit Hole explaining like why you have to use Stir compare well if I go back to my code here let's do it now the right way let me go ahead and include uh a line of code that says string compare of s comma T both as inputs and then if you recall what does stir compare return when two strings are equal there's three possible return values so zero so one is for if it comes alphabetically or atically first or second but for now I just want zero if I want to use S compare I do need string.h so string.h does exist that's not a cs50 thing there's no keyword string as a data type that's a cs50 thing but string.h does exist so I think now with that change on line 10 if I do make compare and slash compare and then run again uh type again High exclamation point High exclamation point I think now they're the same and just as a uh second check high in L caps maybe high in lowercase those are in fact different why well stir compare which was written by some other human decades ago is just smart enough to know that it should go to S and go to T start comparing them left to right stopping once it hits one or both null characters and return zero only if everything in s and and T are exactly the same are any questions then on this here any questions on why we're using stir compare all right if no yeah oh in the middle yes so so why does why is it not the case with integers so it turns out it's not the case with integers with floats with bulls with uh doubles with Longs like literally every other data type works correctly strings though are special they are useful enough in programming and have been for decades that the authors of printf and the authors of stir compare and bunches of other functions Sterling for that matter just kind of treat strings special because they're just useful right we humans interact using language be it English or anything else and so it's just useful to have into the language C just sort of uh first class support for this notion of strings of human text so the short answer is just because like it just uh is necessar strings are different they're implemented with this address and the null character everything else though is just a value but a string again is a white lie it's an address it's not a thing unto itself good question yeah in front oh really good question so in my code here in vs code what if I do this instead of stir compare and instead of if s equals equals T what if I start playing around using star s and star T really interesting case to consider let's go back to our sort of deductive logic here so star the asteris operator today means go there so when I've typed in high once and then high again both uppercase for instance what is at the address s literally someone else what is at the address s yeah uh so not quite at the address not so not what is the address what is at the address ox123 H and what is at the address Ox 456 H also and so here you're kind of cheating like you're comparing the first character of both strings but not every other one now you could be really pedantic and here again this is like a good use of uh codee but you could do this if that and how about this craziness so star s+1 equals equals star t + one and and you could do this for every character manually but that's why stir compare exists it does all of this for you but that's why and that's the intuition so I would encourage you too anytime there's something kind of weird going on there's I realize we might be um straining credibility now we haven't told you that many white lies and so most everything that we've seen thus far can explain pretty much all of the behavior up until now from week one onward in C so let me revert this back to the right way if s compare of S&T equals equals z this now is the right version of the code and now here is again where you can play so let me do this let me um clear my terminal window just to tidy things up let me get rid of all of this comparison stuff and let's just see what's going on as you are welcome to in your own code let's print out for instance as we might have in week one the value of s itself in a new line comma s and then let's just print out T just to make sure it compiles and I'm not doing anything wrong but this is not going to be that interesting and frankly I don't need string.h anymore because I'm not using stir compare so make addresses addresses there's my um oh sorry that's fun okay not percent T percent s here too ignore that let's do this again make a oh and that's the wrong program okay dot SL let's do make compare compare and let's type in high again and high again and and now we just see the two strings I'm not comparing but now we can kind of play around right instead of printing out percent s which prints the string how do I print the address in S I just need to make a slight change if I want to see not what's at s but I want to see s the address yeah perfect so change percent s in both places here to percent P so now printf will treat it literally as an dress it's not going to do any fanciness this with a loop from left to right looking for the null character it's just going to print out S&T so let me clear my terminal run make compare whoops let's do make comparecompare enter type in high type in high again and now you see oh so this is interesting it's not quite as straightforward as the other values which were slight one bite away they're almost the same but this one ends in b0 this one ends in F0 so they're indeed separated by some number of bytes not just one but a few because these strings are indeed longer all right so once you've seen this here how can we now maybe leverage this to solve other problems well let me propose that we do this let me uh zoom out here let me close compare and let me open up another program I wrote part of in advance called copy.c so copy. C in theory makes a copy of a string how on line eight I'm using the same thing as before get string storing in a string or char star and asking the user for it then I'm not asking get string again I'm just making a copy super simply with line 10 here string T equals s now intuitively I think that's how I would copy a variable right that's how we've copied variables every week thus far and see but something's going to go wrong in line 12 in English does someone want to explain what you think line 12 does don't worry about finding any bugs or mistakes but what does line 12 seem to be doing using two upper which which is thanks to the ctype library which I've included the header file for yeah yeah right it's kind of like ugly syntax but this would seem to be capitalizing the first letter of T specifically and just changing it so we have t bracket Zer here because we want to save the change and we're passing to two upper the first character here so this is how we did uppercase in the past and now I print out s and t respectively using percent s so this feels like it should work I copied s and stored it in t on line 10 and then I change T and only t on line 12 but you can perhaps if you're comfy thus far see where this is going if I do make copy copy and let me type in lowercase Hi exclamation point this time just once so I'm going to hit enter and watch what we see for the value of s and t huh the new value of SN T at the end of my program seems to be what it seems to be the same high is capitalized both times so what's the intuition then for this why did this just happen yeah and back yeah I assigned S&T the same memory address so it did copy s into T but C takes this very literally what is s it's an address what is T it's a copy of that address if you want to copy the whole string like a normal human would expect hey you or someone has to do a lot more work you have to go to that address copy this character this one this one this one and copy it to a new location in memory that does not happen automatically here for you in C it does in some other languages those of you who've programmed in certain higher level languages this just works as you would hope and that's one of the benefits of python and other languages that we'll soon see but for now it literally takes at face value what this is copy the address into this address and I'll make that more clear by getting rid of the string keyword which again is just a type def this is technically an address here this is technically an address here so what's being being copied is the value of that address not all of the characters that might very well follow it so I should make one note to here I'm going to start getting more in the habit of trying to avoid segmentation faults because things could go wrong here for instance online 12 previously I was kind of blindly naively dangerously assuming that there will be at least one character in s or t that might not be the case if the user Just Hits enter there's no characters to uppercase and so this is reckless of me and could theoretically create a sigall so I should probably start to be smarter and say something like this if the length of T is greater than zero okay now it's safe to actually capitalize the first letter and that will decrease the probability now of those segmentation faults by just not making any assumptions about what the human does almost always the your programs will crash when you've made a mistake yes but the user gives you an input that you yourself did not expect so what does this all look like in memory well let's go back to the Big Grid this time focusing on the copying of values and let's do this here's S as in this new program just declared to be a Char star uh here is where my lowercase High maybe ended up in the computer's memory that's probably at ox123 12 4 125 whatever something like that and that's of course what ends up in s as a value when I declare T I do get a second variable called T just like before but when I copy s into T what happens it's really just literally ox1 2 3 whatever the value of s is is now also the value of T and so if we abstract this away at a high level get rid of all of those extra squares this is what s and t now are they're indeed copies but copies of each other not copies of the underlying characters and so if you follow those arrows um and try to print them both out after capitalizing one or the other you're going to unfortunately end up capitalizing not just one of them s but both of them s and T because literally it's the same address any questions then on this visualization yeah good question is this pass by reference we haven't um we have not seen in detail an example like that um right now you're copying by value but references will come into play and remind me in a bit if I haven't used that term yet but this is just copying things by could have ended poorly value other questions no all right so with this in mind like how do we actually copy things properly for this we actually need another building block so today we give you two functions one of which is called Malo one of which is called free and these are used all of the time by like every piece of software you and I use on our Macs PCS and phones whether it's written in C or some equivalent other language Malo is for memory allocation it's a function that you can use to ask the operating system Mac OS Linux Windows anything for some number of of bytes one bite 100 bytes a gigabyte of memory you can ask malog for however much memory you want in advance it will return to you the address of the first bite of memory that it found free for you unlike a string it is not null terminated and so the danger with malok is that it's on the honor System if you ask it for one bite or 10 bytes you the programmer in like a variable have to remember how many byes you requested one or 10 or the like strings do that for you not when we're getting now to this low level Mal just going to give you some memory and it's up to you to manage it free does the opposite when you're done with some chunk of memory you can free it by passing in that same address and just hand it back to Mac OS windows or Linux and say I'm done with this you can let me use this for something else later um as an aside if your computer has ever like frozen or hung like the whole thing maybe just spontaneously reboots yet another reason for a bug like that might be if you write a program with a bug that keeps Mal loocking Mal loocking Mal loocking that is asking for more and more and more memory but you make a mistake and you never free it well eventually the computer is going to literally run out of memory and something's going to go wrong and that's often when computers freeze like they're just out of memory it has the memory there but the program was trying to use too much of it endlessly so this too will be a mistake that some of us will surely make in the coming weeks but hopefully you'll now see the solution so let me go back to uh vs code here and let me propose that we do the following I'll hide my terminal window for a moment and I'm going to introduce another header file up here and I promise there's not going to be too many more of these but this one is called standard li. for standard library and in this file are the Declarations the prototypes for malok and free and a bunch of other stuff as well it lets me now manage my own memory so let's focus now on line 11 line 11 is where I went wrong before because conceptually I want to copy the whole string but of course I'm only copying modestly the individual address so how do I copy the whole darn thing well what I need to do is this when when I declare T to be the address of something in memory why don't I set T to be the address of a free chunk of memory so let me ask the operating system give me this many bytes tell me what the address is and I'm going to store that in t initially just so I know where there's free space for me so how do I do that well quite simply I call malok and then I pass in the number of bytes that I need now for Hi exclamation point I think I need three although wait no I really need four because of the null character but I don't think I should be hardcoding numbers like this cuz who knows what the human's going to type in so I can actually use Sterling of s and then plus one this will ask malok then for however many btes corresponds to the number of characters the human typed in plus one for again the null character so it's just being smart and defensive rather than choosing a number myself but now all T is is a pointer if you will to some random chunk of free space so there's nothing there yet or there's you know bits there but who knows what value they are they're certainly not identical to what the human type did in I now have to do this so how can I copy one string into the other well let me do this instead of uh capitalizing something just yet let me do this how about four in I gets zero I is less than the length of s uh and then i++ so I'm going to iterate for the whole length of the string and in here I'm just going to do this the E character in t should be identical to the E character in s so I'm just literally copying from right to left each and every character in s and I can trust that there's enough memory in t why cuz I asked for that many bytes plus one now there's technically a bug here I actually should probably do this I should do plus one here or if you prefer I should do less than or equal to the Sterling but I think it's a little clear to do the plus one why do I for the first time want to go just beyond the boundary of s and copy one more bite yeah yeah I need the null character like I could technically manually add it with some additional line of code but I might as well just copy it because back sl0 is back sl0 so this time and probably only this time it's reasonable and correct to go just beyond the boundary of your string so you copy the null terminating character so that the computer also knows where T ends and now I think what I can do a little more safely is this let me go down here and say t braet 0 equals 2 upper of t uh two upper of T bracket Z so same line of code as before if I actually want to be really safe I should probably do this so if the stir L of T is greater than zero so there's at least one bite there okay now it's safe to blindly capitalize the first character and I think that now puts me in better shape so let me try this now let me uh open up my terminal make uh copy do slash copy I'm going to type in Hi exclamation point in all lowercase crossing my fingers this time and now if I zoom in it indeed capitalized only T and not s in this case so pictorially let me switch over here here is as before the variable s pointing at high in all lowercase when I call malok though that gives me a chunk of memory that I'm going to store the address in t of so if T is some other variable as it is in my code and there's some other available chunk of memory I don't know where it is but let's assume as always it's at Ox 456 4557 4558 N9 so four bytes total what is now happening well T is defined as pointing to that because that's what Malo gives us the address of the first bite of the free memory and now with my for Loop I'm just iterating over it copying the H then the I then the exclamation point and then for good measure the back slash Zer instead questions then on this process here a really good question um if I omitted in my code the uh plus one and I didn't do less than or equal to so that I'm copying the fourth bite odds are in this program because it's so short you wouldn't notice that there's an actual error but what could happen is When I Call printf On T if there's no null bite there it might print h i exclamation point some random value some random value some random value some random value until it gets lucky and there happens to be a zero bite a null bite by chance for instance so if you don't include the back sl0 some way that's going to happen and I say some way I could even do this I could technically just copy the length of the string s and at the very bottom here I could do something like T bracket I uh sorry T bracket um Sterling of T I could do this but this is just not necessary like I could manually add it at the end of the string but again i' claim that it's just simpler to borrow that is copy the one that's already in s because it's the same thing at the end of the day good question other questions on this copying correctly [Music] now all right is there any room for improvement here well let me propose a slight optimization this is kind of a throwback now to week one turns out that arguably my line 13 here wherein I have this for Loop now that I'm doing things in Loops again and again and using a function like Sterling this is correct it will iterate from zero on up to the length of I a length of uh s plus one but it's kind of stupid of me to write this for Loop in this way why well here's my initialization on the left here's my condition in the middle and in general calling a function inside of your condition is probably not very good design like why why is it bad for me to be calling a function like Sterling in this condition in the middle of my for Loop yeah yeah you're just calling it again and again for no reason like the length of s never changes so like why are you wasting everyone's Time by calling Sterling of s again again again again just to check this inequality whether I is less than that value so it turns out if you haven't discovered this already there's a slight optimization we can do here that has nothing to do fundamentally with strings or pointers just with better design I can actually Define two variables at once I could do this let me remove this whole condition and let me add a comma after I equals 0 set n or any variable equal to the stirl of s + 1 and then after the semicolon just ask the question while I is less than n so it's almost the same but notice now my condition in the very middle of this Loop is at least comparing two static values n never change sorry one static value n never changes all that changes is I but I'm not foolishly calling sterling sterling sterling again and again why well how does Sterling work similar in spirit to PR print F Sterling given the name of a string looks at the first character and then starts looking through the entire string looking for the null character and we saw this in week two counting up how many characters are there so it's just a waste of time again and [Music] again totally if you wanted to use n multiple times you could absolutely take it out of the for Loop put it right after s is defined and reuse n and again and again absolutely but in General consider this when designing your for Loops even though modern compilers like cang can actually fix this problem this inefficiency for you good practice would be don't call functions unnecessarily especially if the answer is always going to be the same all right so what else should I perhaps refine here well how about I do one last thing and just comment on what exactly could go wrong here well a couple of things well actually this is just silly too like surely someone before me in the world has had to copy a string before surely there's a function like called stir copy maybe like stir compare like stir Ling and indeed there is so let me propose that we actually get rid of this whole for Loop and we actually just call a function called stir copy no o just St cpy and pass in the destination which is T first and then the source that you want to copy into the destination and that takes the place entirely of that whole Loop so again I demonstrated the loop first just to be very pedantic about it but that's wasting time you're wasting time writing lines of code you don't need to stir copy is what you can use here instead and so this has now always existed and what more can I do well as one final point it turns out that there's actually things that can go wrong in this code even besides the string being too short like if the human Just Hits enter and there are no characters I don't want to blindly capitalize the first character that doesn't exist that's why I added that if condition but there's other things that can go wrong and we introduced those to you today it turns out that functions like get string and functions like Malo return potentially a special value and wonderfully confusingly it's also called null but with two L's all right so left hand and right hand weren't talking so well like decades ago NL is a back SL zero it's a single character as it always has been for a couple of weeks now n is technically a pointer it's an address but it's address zero it's like the top left hand corner if you will of your computer's memory that just nothing is ever supposed to go in by convention so null is a synonym for zero but it's specifically an address now why is this useful well suppose that in my code here something goes wrong with get string suppose you're being a little crazy and you type in way too long of a string it's not just high but it's like an entire essay of text and there's not enough memory in the computer how does get string signal to the programmer whoa like that's way too big of a string I can't fit it in memory well we never told you this but all of this time it turns out that that get string will return this special value called null if something goes wrong so to be really careful now you should do something like this if s equals equals literally null then you better um exit the program entirely and return like one or two or three to signify that something went wrong don't uh go any further similarly with malok it's possible if you ask for way too much memory that could fail especially if you're asking now for double the memory after the human typed something in so if T equals equals null then you know what but let's also return one or some other value to just get out before something crashes or freezes on the human as well so honestly I tend not to do this always in class because the code just gets so bloated and complicated but you absolutely in practice need to start doing this otherwise you will be responsible for the freezes and the crashes and the reboots that users in the real world might actually encounter otherwise of course if we get to the bottom of this program now I should probably return zero explicitly or implicitly to just signify that everything is is successful but there's one other thing I haven't done we introduced malok but what did I claim also existed so free I'm also being a little reckless now here I am not practicing what I'm preaching I'm asking the computer for memory via get string I'm asking the computer for more memory my via malok and I'm never technically handing it back so really what I should be doing at the very bottom of my program to is freeing the memory I've asked for so henceforth it is a rule a law if you will in see whenever you allocate memory with malok or certain other functions as well you the programmer must free it when you're all done with it now this is a bit of an overstatement because technically when programs quit they'll free the memory automatically so you're not going to break someone's Mac or PC because you necessarily have this bug but for programs that are running all the time like someone keeps a chrome their browser open Microsoft Word or the like bad things will happen if over time you never never never call free and the program keeps running so always get into this habit here you you do not need to free memory that comes from get string because the cs50 library automatically frees it for you but you anytime you use malok henceforth as you did or I did here you must free that by just passing in the same address you got back questions now on malok and free questions yeah oh really good question so free just so what does free do so free um just uh lets the computer know that you are done with that chunk of memory which means that if you have a another line of code elsewhere that same memory might be reused and can be used again and again and that's going to be necessary certainly for any long running program you can't ask for memory constantly you'll eventually run out so you need to free it in this way other languages as an aside python you get another motivation in a couple of weeks for it is going to be Python and certain other languages manage all this headache for you but in C the goal here is to really harness these capabilities ourselves all right so it turns out like almost everyone in the room everyone in the room myself included you're going to screw up when it comes to anything memory related if you haven't already segals are in your future but hopefully there's tools via which you can detect these things and fix them proactively and not just use print def uh or debug 50 or rubber duck we actually have another tool we can equip you with now that help you find some mistakes so let me do this let me close copy.c let me open a program I wrote In Advance called memory. C that doesn't do anything really interesting but it's going to have two bugs in it notice that I've included standard i.h as always I've also included standard li. which is necessary now for anything related to malok Andor free and the like line six it's a little weird what I've done here but this is like the manual way of asking for enough memory for an array in week two how do we ask for memory for an array you very simply say int X3 and that gives you an array called X of size three but if you do it manually Now using Malo what you have to do is use syntax like this you call malok you ask for three things times however big an INT is now we know it's four so you could literally write 12 here but this is more generic so three times the size of an integer will give you 12 dynamically and what do Malo return the address of the first bite you get back what do I want to put that well I want to put it in a variable now the variable can't just be int X because that's a number it's not an address per se if I want to store this address in a variable I could call it X I could call it P but in Star X just means that X is now the address of a chunk of memory specifically a chunk of memory that's big enough not for one but for three ins in total all right now I'm just sort of naively putting our old friends 72 73 and 33 at the first second and third locations in memory but perhaps based on week two or week four I'm clearly screwing up up here in a couple of ways someone want to identify at least one bug what did I do wrong yeah like this is now you know amateur uh stuff like I should be zero indexing not one indexing so this has got to be 0 one2 ultimately and other bugs that are maybe more week four specific other bugs it's more subtle yeah I'm not freeing the memory right so I'm not practicing what I'm preaching by freeing this memory now suppose these are non obvious and honestly after like an hour or two of this like this shouldn't be obvious yet it will be over time how could I find these bugs with uh software as opposed to just staring at the thing or asking someone for help well let me propose this let me first go ahead and run make memory to compile the program and it seems to work look fine there's no syntax errors at least dotmemory notice seems to work fine too now this program doesn't do anything interesting there's no printf or anything like that but it didn't crash there's no segmentation fault but that doesn't mean there aren't bugs latent in the software and this is true sadly of all of today's software like Chrome and Microsoft Word and other programs surely have memory related bugs that people at Google and Microsoft haven't yet found but there are tools at least to find the most obvious of those bugs and we're going to introduce you now to a program called valren so valren it's a fairly fancy program but we'll use it for very simple ways we'll look at your code and find memory errors as it's executing and try to help you understand where they are so let me go back to vs code here memory seems to be fine you know I feel like okay I'm going to submit this homework all is good no error messages that's no longer the case now you need to poke a little more at your code to see if maybe there's still some bug there so let me do this valren and then space dotmemory so just like debug 50 you run it on a program you already compiled valren I'm going to run it on a program I already compiled let me uh zoom in on my terminal window so we can see more at once and enter all right the output is crazy cryp IC for no good reason there's lots of numbers and equal signs it's a lot of clutter but there is some juicy information here and let me start from the top down invalid write of size four so write means to change a value read means to like access a value and this is again esoteric like a lot of our error messages are but it looks like uh after a block of size 12 allock and then there's these weird hex notation there's some mention of malok but honestly the juicy part here is memory. C line six that's probably my fault so let's look at line six per that output let me shrink the terminal window look at line six okay 12 is now Germain right if you did the mental math of the size of an INT times three 12 is somehow involved here but line six is now uh happening next year that's where the memory came from what is this let me Zoom back in where is there invalid right of size four like what's perhaps going wrong here invalid right of size four what does that mean it's like a very technical way of explaining the bug is actually one line later on line seven as we already identified yeah indeed and I I misspoke a moment ago the bug actually arises here with line nine so after the allocation of memory I'm somehow writing four bytes incorrectly and unfortunately the onus is kind of on you to sort of think through deductively like what could that mean but I'm clearly touching four bytes of memory in these few lines of code that I shouldn't be and hopefully here is the light bulb already went off ear oh I'm not zero indexing okay that must mean that X bracket 3 as you note is just too far past the chunk of memory so I'm invalidly writing to four bytes that I shouldn't be so again it's not super obvious this is not super userfriendly but at least it does give you a clue as to where that bug is so the fix there is going to be quite simply to change the one to a zero the two to a one and the three to a two that'll fix that but there's still a second error and let me look at the cryptic output again Heap summary some stuff there okay this does not sound good down here 12 bytes in one blocks are definitely lost in Lost record one of one very Arcane output two but clearly related to line six again our allocation of memory now here too it's not obvious what the solution is but memory is lost AKA this is a memory leak and now the deductions kind of up to you why what is leak oh wait I didn't call free and so the second solution here is probably to free x at the very end of the program and if you really want to be you should probably check like I proposed earlier if x is null just get out now while you still can and don't even touch those other lines of code but if you get to the bottom return zero but really the takeaways are I fixed my zero indexing of the array to avoid the invalid right of size four and now I'm freeing the memory that I asked for so there should be no leak lost all right let's try this again make memorymemory no visible errors yet but let me now increase my terminal window again do valren of dotmemory crossing my fingers and now all Heap blocks were freed no leaks are possible I don't see any invalid rights there's still a crazy amount of output but none of it is erroneous it's not bad now I fixed my memory bugs and so now my my ta my TF they're not going to find them either because at least valr has proactively done that for me questions then on valgren generally it's those two types of Errors you might trip over there's not twoo much else in the way of Arcane output questions then on this no all right well what else might be going on so someone alluded to this earlier what happens when you for instance forget the null Terminator or you generally start poking around memory that you yourself didn't ask for or uh looking at values you didn't put there well let me go ahead and open this code of garbage. C in honor of Oscar the Grouch here of sorts and here is a simple program if I hide my terminal window that just does something kind of arbitrary I first declare an array uh called scores uh but I made it crazy big like 1024 like that's a lot of uh integers but so be it and then I iterate over those integers and I print each of those scores out so I'm using week two syntax here but based on this program what have I clearly not done that I did do back in week two I've allocated the array I'm printing the array but but Bute yeah I didn't initialize any values for that array back in week two we didn't do 1024 we did like three and I typed in like three test scores or something like that he here I'm allocating memory even more than that just because I really want to be dramatic with what I'm demonstrating but I'm not initializing those values to anything and so here it turns out in C generally if you do not initialize a variable or you do not initialize an array with explicit values there are going to be garbage values there so to speak remnants of that memory having been used before probably by some other function of yours some Library function or something else while your program is running not a huge deal with a super small program like this but for anything sizable memory is going to be used and unused and used and unused that is macked and freed again and again there's going to be lots of garbage values in the computer's memory by default so if I open my terminal window here uh let me do make garbage uh let me zoom in on my terminal so we can see the output when I runt garbage theoretically I should see 1,24 integers but none of which have been initialized now I'm going to get lucky with some of them and it looks like wow okay a lot of them are initialized to zero and C does in some context initialize memory for you to zero at least at the beginning but not again and again typically but if I start scrolling backwards in time at this array of size 1024 where did these values come from so just random positive and negative numbers interspersed among the zeros well that's because I'm literally poking around a random 1,24 bytes of the computer's memory who knows what's there so the lesson here is that garbage values are indeed this like term of art it means that a variable that you might have uh defined that you might have declared if you don't give it an explicit value who knows what's going to be there and the lesson here is just don't do that always initialize variables to something either yourself or prompting the human for it questions about garbage values you'll see them sometimes if you print things you shouldn't or touch arrays beyond their boundaries all right so maybe to make this a little visual too it turns out that a lot of things can go wrong unfortunately with poers and we've seen some of them and here's another program that's a little contrived it's very simple and it just is about manipulating values it doesn't do anything useful per se except demonstrate some of today's Concepts so in main here let me propose that we declare a pointer called X that's going to store eventually the address of an integer apparently here's another one called y that's going to store the address of an integer as well here now I'm allocating enough memory to fit one integer now technically it's four we know that but size of in just gives me that answer dynamically so it will work on all systems and I'm going to store the address that Malo finds for me in X then I go to x and put the number 42 there all right why it's the sort of meaning of life the universe and everything here but star X again just means go to that address and put a value there so why I don't know but it's just uh correct at this point but what about this line here star y equals 13 unlucky in this case what's bad about this line here star y It's a combination now of today's Primitives and that point here yeah yeah we didn't ask the computer to allocate any space so why was not initialized with an equal sign at any point to anything and so what is inside y so to speak like a garbage value maybe it's zero which isn't bad because at least it's nice and simple but maybe it's some crazy large uh positive number some crazy large negative number either way odds are if I go to this address or that address randomly with star y bad things are going to happen and so let me go ahead and propose well let's not do that let's let's actually do this instead assign y equal to X and we've done that before and then I can go to Y now and change what was a 42 to a 13 again why this is just for educational sake but for now this does not crash because I only dreference y with star y after actually giving it a value albe it a duplicate value similar to our copy example earlier so our friends at Stanford have put together a wonderful visual it's about 2 minutes long allow me to dramatically dim the lights if we could and play with what happens with memory when you do bad things like [Music] this hey Binky wake up it's time for pointer fun what's that learn about pointers Oh goodie well to get started I guess we're going to need a couple pointers okay this code allocates two pointers which can point to integers okay well I see the two pointers but they don't seem to be pointing to anything that's right initially pointers don't point to anything the things they point to are called Pointes and setting them up is a separate step oh right right I knew that the Pointes are separate or so how do you allocate a point e okay well this code allocates a new integer point and this part sets X to point to it hey that looks better so make it do something okay I'll dereference the pointer X to store the number 42 into its Point e for this trick I'll need my magic wand of dereferencing your magic wand of D referencing uh that that's great this is what the code looks like I'll just set up the number and hey look there it goes so doing a d reference on X follows the arrow to access its Point T in this case to store 42 in there hey try using it to store the number 13 through the other pointer why okay I'll just go over here to Y and get the number 13 set up and then take the wand of d referencing and just oh hey that didn't work say uh Binky I don't think de referencing Y is a good idea cuz uh you know setting up the point T is a separate step and uh I don't think we ever did it good point yeah we we allocated the pointer y but we never set it to point to a point T very observant hey you're looking good there Binky can you fix it so that y points to the same point as X sure I'll use my magic wand of pointer assignment is that going to be a problem like before no this doesn't touch the Pointes it just changes one pointer to point to the same thing is another oh I see now y points to the same place as X so so wait now Y is fixed it has a point e so you can try the wand of D referencing again to send the 13 over uh okay here it goes hey look at that now D referencing works on why and because the pointers are sharing that one point e they both see the 13 yeah sharing uh whatever so are we going to switch places now oh look we're out of time but L thanks to Professor Nick parlante of Stanford for spending a huge amount of time doing stop motion animation for that but hopefully now you have a sense of what two can go wrong when you misuse memory in this way but at the end of the day we really only have these four new building blocks today like the star operator the Ampersand operator malok and free and really with that and the underlying understanding of what your computer is doing underneath the hood we have this way now to really manipulate things in memory For Better or For Worse and eventually we'll see how we can build things but we can also now use today's Primitives to better explain some things that we've been asking you to take for granted over the past several weeks so for instance let me propose that we uh do one volunteer up here if we could could we get one volunteer who's you want to come straight up yep right in the middle come on you'll have to take a left right there all right so we have two empty glasses here and two colors of liquid and we have let me give you the mic if you'd like to say hello to the group hello um I'm Moen uh I'm in the and first year all right welcome well well welcome here I'm going to go ahead and fill these two glasses with this colored liquid um purple here on my right let's fill up a glass here yeah don't drink uh and now we'll put some orange in here and what we'd like you to do for the audience if you don't mind is swap the two values we've got a purple value and orange value and I'd like the purple liquid in this glass and the orange liquid in that glass please can I have another glass oh okay good intuition but for the microphone uh can I have another glass so you can and just in fact I brought one here for you why are you asking for this though cuz if I just pour this into this and it'll get mixed up right so obviously we need like a temporary variable if you will so here is your temporary variable and you want yeah there's yeah all right so pouring the value of the orange glass into this temporary variable if you will all right and now pouring the value of the purple glass into the former orange glass and now the temporary value goes back into the original purple glass and now I think we give you a round of applause for having done that very well okay thank you all right so so it should go without saying that in the real world like that's how you do this and in fact in code that's pretty much how you have to do this although ask us some time for a super fancy way of doing it without a temporary variable turns out that is possible using bits but for now let's suppose that indeed this demonstrates what is the reality in code if you want to swap two values you need to have have something like a temporary variable so for instance on the screen here is a uh the beginning of a function called swap whose purpose in life is to as you just did swap two values call it a and b so orange and purple respectively are now just a and b and integers to keep things simple well here is the corresponding code if I may to what you just enacted as a human you declared a temporary variable a called temp in this case which was like me handing you The Empty Glass and you stored the orange liquid in it akaa you then changed the value of the formerly orange glass to be equal to the Purple by pouring one into the other and then you did the opposite there now at the end of this you still have a temporary variable that's now empty so it's temporary in literally that sense like you just don't need it anymore but it was necessary along the way so I dare say this code is correct logically like this will swap two values A and B thanks to the use of that temporary variable unfortunately though if I actually do this in practice let me go over to VSS code here and open a program I wrote in advance called swap. C which does this as follows in here notice I have my prototype for a swap function at the very top and let me scroll down to the very bottom there is that exact same code so I'm uh the same code for swapping two values A and B which I'm claiming for now is correct now if I go back up here what is main going to do for us main is really just meant to be a demonstration of the correctness of your algorithm so here I declare on line seven and eight two variables X and Y being 1 and two arbitrarily respectively I then on line 10 just print out what the value of x is and Y is just so I can see it on the screen I then call the swap function on line 11 and then I literally print the exact same thing again I print X and Y hopefully it'll obviously be the opposite so I think logically swap is indeed correct let me do make Swap and then do/ Swap and I should see X is one y is 2 and then hopefully X is 2 Y is 1 enter but I don't and it did work in the sense that the code compiled the code ran so it's not like some bug in that sense but because I don't quite understand what's going on underneath the hood at least as of right now or prior weeks this code here is indeed buggy in some way but does anyone have an intuition perhaps based on today's discussion is to like why this code while logically correct clearly works in reality apparently does not work in C any intuition yeah perfect and to summarize here's that term of art I prom when you call a function and pass in two arguments Like A and B you're passing those arguments by value so copies of those values effectively and so when swap is actually called here sorry when you pass in X and Y we call them A and B but that's just a convention we could call the parameters anything we want what A and B are are indeed the values of X and Y respectively but copies of the values so this code here is very successfully in vs code 2 swapping the values of a A and B but as you note because I'm passing them in by value literally one literally two and not by another term of art by reference AKA by their addresses swap has no capability in C to go to those locations swap the actual locations just like we did successfully in reality but I think we really have the syntax already for solving this if we consider that really this is just an issue of scope and we've talked a bit about scope in the past whereby scope refers to the context in which a variable lives and generally I've claimed that a variable exists between the most recent curly braces and that's pretty much true for the swap function because a and b i now claim again exist only in the context of these curly braces they have no effect on Main up top which has different variables X and Y but we can consider now what's really going on underneath the hood and here's that same picture of memory as we've seen in the past if we zoom in and see on these little black chips this is a bunch of bites of memory if I create a grid out of it just to kind of highlight that we can address each of these bites throw away the plastic circuit board and focus only on those bites what's going on underneath the hood when functions are called in C which you've been doing for weeks now well this rectangle of memory if we kind of abstract it away further is generally broken up into different regions or segments like I called them earlier and different things get put in different parts of the computer's memory and without getting too into the weeds when you double click a program on your macro PC or when you do/ something on a Linux you are loading your machine code into the computer's memory from the computer's hard drive so all the zeros and ones that compose Microsoft Word or Chrome or whatever are loaded into the computer's memory or RAM and by convention it's put up top in the so-called machine code area and that's how the CPU has access to them quickly at that below that are what are be going to be our globals so Global variables which we haven't used very much in C but you can declare them outside of main at the very top of your files if you have globals they end up up there as well just FYI and then there's this big chunk of memory that we saw valgren mention indirectly earlier called the Heap and it's kind of like Heap literally like it's a heap of memory that you can use as you see fit and the Heap is where malok grabs memory from so initially there's nothing in the Heap it's just a big chunk of free space anytime you call malok Malo kind of carves out from the Heap area more and more bites and Malo keeps track of essentially which bites have already been allocated so initially it looks empty but different bites squares if you will keep getting requested again and again as a program runs thanks to functions like malok and it grows if you will conceptually down so the more and more memory you request from malok it starts up here but then the next chunk you get is down here conceptually the next chunk is down here down here so it kind of fills the available space in the computer's overall memory but there's this other chunk of memory called the stack and just like a stack of trays in like annenburg or a cafeteria kind of grow upward so does the stack of memory and it turns out the stack is where functions have variables and have arguments stored temporarily so whenever you call a function and it has variables inside of it or it has arguments there too this is the chunk of memory and the computer's overall block of memory that are used for functions but anytime you call malok it's memory up here right at the end of the day they just had to pick a direction top bottom and technically it's an artist rendition you could Circle this thing around any orientation you want but you're just using a finite amount of memory in this conventional way Malo Starts Here functions start here now you can kind of see where like bad things can happen and indeed one of the other reasons programs computers can crash is if you ask for way too much memory from the Heap by calling malok many many many times or if you call way too many functions or accidentally per last week you recurse infinitely many times you might have a segmentation fault and that's because you're using too much stack memory so this is bound to be a problem eventually and the onus is on the programmer to just minimize the probability of doing that and really avoid the possibility of doing that by just checking return values like checking if malok or get string return null because you can proactively with conditionals make sure that these two things do not Collide by just making sure that you get back non-null values so let's consider the stack in the context of Swap and what's really happening here and Carter if you wouldn't mind helping me animate the screen here when I call the main function of any program it is allocated a slice of memory called a frame at the bottom of this stack so if Carter you want to go ahead and uh Advance here here's like the First Slice of memory that will always be used by main whether it has commandline arguments or local variables it just ends up here in memory suppose now per our swap. C program that main calls swap well where does the memory for swap end up like right up here so swap had two variable two arguments uh A and B and it also had a temporary variable so all of those end up in here in memory and if you want to go ahead and Advance again Carter once swap is done executing whether it just returns because there's no more lines of code or you explicitly return this memory is just freed up automatically you don't call free you don't undo malok this just all happens automatically and has been since week one now technically it's still there even though we've removed it from the picture and there's your first hint of garbage values right like there's still zeros and ones there and they're left in the original the previous configuration and so the reason you get random values in the memory is because even though we hav't drawn swap here there was stuff there a moment ago it's going to be there the next time you use that same memory now let's go ahead and step through this a little more methodically main has two variables called X and Y one and two so let's advance and represent X is one y is two taking up these two chunks of memory when we call swamp now swamp gets a new slice of memory that then gives us three variables A and B technically the arguments and temp so what happens well because functions automatically pass in values by value or rather pass in arguments by value X gets copied into a y gets copied into B and then once we start executing the algorithm all the watered glasses well what happens here so if I execute the first line of code temp equals a temp gets a copy of a what happens next a equals B so a takes on a copy of B and now we do the final swap in the glasses b equals temp b gets a copy of temp now we don't have to change temp because it's essentially empty although there's the garbage value one is always now going to be there until we reuse that memory the important thing though is that a and b have been swapped but what obviously has not been swapped as is Manifest is when swap returns X and Y are untouched because copies thereof were passed in so we need a solution to this problem and if we advance one more time if you don't mind let me step over here but then call you back in a second this code here is logically correct this is what you did but this is now a detail of C you can't just swap the things by value because you're only changing it in the scope of the swap function function but I think if we change it to this and add some annoying syntax we can solve the problem just like you can declare variables as storing addresses you can declare arguments to functions AKA parameters as taking addresses this new version of swap means that a shall be the address of an integer B shall be the address of an integer and now it gets a little cryptic here temp is the same because it's just an integer like it was in week one nothing special about temp but if you want to get the value at a you do star a and that goes to the address grabs the number one presumably if you want to change the value of a you go to that address you follow the treasure map to the other mailbox and you set it equal to whatever is at the value of B you go to B as well last line you go to B now and change it to be whatever the temporary variable was which happened to be the same as a so that's where the final value gets swapped but here there's a lot more like crisscrossing metaphorically across the stage where you're going to all of these different addresses in the swap function to make these changes so if we advance now to the pictoral version of this here's the same story as before with Maine and X and Y are 1 and two respectively when swap gets called now notice and I'll do it with arrows here a is effectively pointing to X B is effectively pointing to Y if we really get into the weeds these are actually like addresses but who cares about the specifics it's really just the concept here so now what happens in temp gets star a star a means start at a and go there Follow the arrow if you will sort of shoots in ladder Style and then that's one so we put one and 10th all right star a equals star B so let's do it from right to left star b means Follow the arrow it's two and then what do you do Follow the arrow it's now two because you copy one to the other from right to left and then lastly star b gets temp so start at B go to B and now store whatever the value is in temp so just by having this basic new syntax of like ampersands and stars and so forth we can actually now go to places and circumvent what is otherwise a feature of C that these variables are locally scoped but you can still access things in other functions as well so thank you so much for helping step through this so we now have a application of this that explains why now in this version of the C code this would actually now work so in fact let me go back to my swap code here and let me change the function ever so slightly in vs code so let me scroll down leaving main the same and let me change swaps prototype to taking in addresses let me go to a here let me go to a here let me go to B here and let me go to B here as well but nothing else changes this change here in particular is enough of a clue to see that means when you call Swap and pass into values I'm expecting addresses now not integers but now that I've made this change I do need to go up to Main and make one change does anyone have the intuition for what now need change in main so that I pass in X and Y by reference that is by address rather than than by value or copy oh yeah and [Music] back so close so on the swap line it's not star that I want in front of the X and the Y it's instead what's the other one it's the Amper sand why because if I want to enable swap to go somewhere just like Carter and I played this game with the mailboxes I need to inform swap of the address of X and the address of Y and again per the beginning of today's class Ampersand is the text via which we do that so I add an ampersand here to get the address of X Ampersand here to get the address of Y and now this code lines up with the picture that Carter just helped us walk through and so when I run make swap here I have a mistake oh what did I do wrong not intentional but I guess worth pointing out I screwed up here it doesn't like Ampersand X because of something on line three which is way early in the code what did I screw up yeah in the middle yeah so this is why we you should not copy paste even though it's necessary for things like function prototypes if I change swap at the bottom I need to change its prototype so let me add the star there add the star there or just recopy paste it at the top of the file now let me do make swap again let me now do do/ Swap and I should now see X is one y is 2 and hopefully X is 2 Y is 1 which I now do so the logic is the same the algorithm is the same all the weak zero stuff is the same except now and four you just have a bit more expressiveness via which you can tell the computer exactly what you want to manipulate and how any questions then on this technique here no all right well when we fix this there's still going to be problems and just so you've seen some terms of art here this is bad whenever you have two arrows pointing at one another certainly if you might use and reuse more and more memory and it turns out there's some terms of art that might suddenly now make sense especially if you've programmed before bad things Can Happen by this design but there's really only this kind of design because it's a finite amount of memory so at some point bad things are going to happen no matter what if a computer runs out of memory so it's not that this was a poor decision it's just sort of a necessary one given finite amounts of memory in a computer but a heap overflow so to speak is when you actually overflow the Heap and touch memory that you shouldn't up there stack Overflow is when you somehow overflow the stack and touch memory that you shouldn't down there so with that said these are really just problems that can happen and there specific incarnations of what are generally called buffer overflows a buffer like in the YouTube sense is just like a chunk of memory that in the case of YouTube stores like the next few seconds or minutes of video but generally speaking a buffer is just a chunk of memory that the computer is using for some purpose be it the stack be it the Heap be it an array in the computer and so buffer overflows are what happens when you just have logical bugs in your code but with these Primitives now in mind we wanted to conclude with a final Revelations and that's how some functions like these here work the other thing in the cs50 library besides the type def for quote unquote string is of course all of these functions and we give you these functions because honestly in C it is hard it's annoying it's painful it's difficult to get user input correctly it's very easy when you don't know how much how much the humans going to type to write buggy code when it comes to it and indeed it's really hard to store it correctly without accidentally having some kind of buffer overflow so for instance let me show you a program here I'm going to go ahead and write this one from scratch so let me go ahead and open a file called get. C where I'm going to go ahead and mimic the idea of getting integers manually without the cs50 library so I'm going to include standard io. only I'm going to Define main as not taking any command line arguments and then I'm going to do something like this give me a variable x with no value yet and normally I would do something like get int but let me take that away no more training wheels for get int either so let me just Define the int X let me then just print out something like uh a prompt and I'll just do x c just to make it obvious to the human what we're waiting for and now I'm going to use a builtin c function to get user input I'm going to call a function called scan F which sort of scans the user's keyboard for input I'm going to scan it for an integer so just like print F I'm going to use percent I because I expect an INT and then I want to tell scanf where to put the human's integer from the keyboard it is not correct though to say x because if I say x I run into the same swap problem scanf no function can change the value of X unless I pass it not by value but by reference so we're back to our Ampersand friend and now it has like a a treasure map to the actual location of X and can therefore change it and so now at the very end of this program let me do something simple like let's just go ahead and print out with print F uh the value of x using percent I as always plugging in X not Ampersand X this is now week one stuff I want to print the actual integer value of x so the only change here is that instead of using get in I'm now using this new function that as of today exists called scanf so let me go ahead and run get make get to create this program doget and let's go ahead and type in a value for x 50 enter and it just works so it turns out get in is pretty simple to implement however notice what does not work if I type in cat for instance cat gets converted to zero and meanwhile get in recall will reprompt the user if a human not type an actual integer you get automatically reprompt so that's one of the features we for cs50 added to get in just to make your programs more user friendly but otherwise get in is pretty straightforward to re-implement using scanf unfortunately that's not true for Strings because how do you know when you write your code what word the human's going to eventually type in how long they're greeting like high is if it's uh if their name is David or Carter or anything else you just don't know in advance how much memory you need so how might we do this in with string well let me go ahead and declare a string s although you know what there's no cs50 Library so we do Char star s today instead and that gives me not a string per se but a pointer that will Point presumably to a string ideally I would use this get string but again we've taken that training wheel away so now that I have a pointer s suppose I prompt the human for a value for S just like before let me use scan F now and tell the user that I expect to read a string percent s from the keyboard uh and store it in s now this is subtle I don't technically need an Amper sand here even though I did for an INT and I would for a float and a double and a long and a bull and a Char why do I not need an Amper sand in this story to pass by reference because s is it's already an address again strings are just special strings now are always addresses so you don't need to additionally add an Amper sand here that's the only subtle difference here but now if I go ahead and print out at the very end what the value of s is using percent S as before this program looks like it's almost the same as the int version but let's do make get and okay so this is not good all right so it doesn't like an initialized value so let me make it happy I said earlier to always initialize my variable so let's initialize it to null so that at least something is there that's your good default value nowadays now if I do doget now we're good and let me type in something like cat okay cat is not X well let me try another word maybe it's just cat is wrong dog okay let me try David it just doesn't seem to be working moreover it's printing it as a zero what logically though is the bug here scanf worked a moment ago for integers but it's not working for Strings and it seems to be forgetting C A it's forgetting dog it's forgetting David why what's Happening Here think back to our yellow pictures of memory when I yeah it might be reading just the null itself because s is being initialized to null and what step have I forgotten from just like a few minutes ago what did I not actually request of the computer like actual memory to store the C A the dog the d v d right there's nowhere have I asked the computer for some amount of memory and so technically it might be reading it into some garbage location and that's really the problem here S is initialized to null now and so in fact it is printing zero as null but I'm not seeing any of the other letters because there was nowhere to put them C A do D ID because I didn't ask for three bytes four bytes five bytes 100 bytes there's no use of malok there's no use of an array there's no memory allocated for anything other than the pointer itself and this is where honestly life gets hard with scanf like I could solve this problem in a couple of ways let me go ahead and do this instead of declaring s to be a pointer let me declare s to actually be a an array of four chars and now let me go ahead and recompile the code so make get doget and I'll type in cat now that now works why well I'm allocating an explicit array of size four enough for a one two three letters plus a null character here's where to someone's question earlier it turns out then in some context you can treat arrays as though they are Pointers themselves see we'll sort of do the conversion for you but for now just assume that s is just an array of size four and if you pass it into to scanf that's like a treasure map that leads to those four bytes so scanf can now successfully fill it with c a d o but but let's try this again let's type in David and here okay we got lucky but I technically touched memory that I should not and in fact if I typed in a long enough string and I don't think I could do it very easily like by without typing this thousands or hundreds of times still okay but you'll notice that it's forgotten the rest of it now right so somewhere we went beyond the boundary of the array and we just don't have enough storage space for that entire thing so what do you do in your program if you don't know how long the person's name or the the the animal name is going to be what do you do 40 400 4,000 40,000 like at some point you have to draw a line in the sand and that's why like getting user input is so annoying in a language like C and that's why get string exists what we do if you're curious is we look at the user's input and we take baby steps we look at it one character at a time and every time we see another character we actually call malok again and say no I need more than one bite I need two oh wait they typed in three letters I need three instead of two oh I need four instead of two and we have this crazy loop essentially that keeps asking for more and more memory but by taking baby steps and honestly if you all had to do that in week one my God like we couldn't even write hello world anymore and so that's why these training wheels exist at least early on and that's why in higher level languages like in uh python you don't have to do this at all it just works as you'd expect so what more can we do well you'll see in problems set for this coming week if I open up an example like this phone book. C you'll see that you can manipulate files now that you have a vocabulary for pointers it's going to be new quickly but here we have an example of how I have a program using some familiar libraries here but as I claim in my comment this saves names and numbers to a CSV file all of my examples thus far I type in some words I type in some names and some phone numbers and they disappear because we only store them in memory but if you want to store data in like a CSV file comma separated values which is like a simple spreadsheet like Excel and apple numbers and Google Sheets can open you can actually do this yourself so just as a teaser for this week here on line n I'm using a new data type not a cs50 thing this is a c thing called file but if you want to manipulate files you need to use addresses that is pointers so here is me creating a variable called file that's going to point to an actual file on the hard drive on the server or your Mac or PC fop is going to be a new function you'll use that will open open a file and it will return effectively a pointer there to in memory the file name I want to open is phonebook .csv and in this example it's going to be uh a pen mode it will keep allowing me to add more and more names and numbers to this file here's some old get string stuff because I'm not going to reinvent get string with scan F but down here is a slightly new function it's not print F but fprintf and it turns out it's very easy to print things not to the screen but to a file with fprintf and it takes an additional argument instead of starting with the quoted string you'll have to like say what file you want to write to and fr print F we'll figure out how to get the uh the bits into that file passing in something like name comma number so if I run this somewhat quickly here let me do this let me pre-create a file called uh phonebook do CSV and in phone book. CSV I'm going to create a temporary row here name comma number just so that there's something in this file and now let me go ahead and do this and split my screen here if I have and phone book. C on the left let me compile make phonebook which is the C version phonebook and now I'm prompted for a name and a number so I'll type in David and then for instance + one 949 uh what is it 468 275 o enter oh damn it bug uh pretend that didn't happen I forgot to hit enter in the file so let's do this again if I run the program Again David and plus one 94 9 468 2750 enter it's been saved now to the file and if I close this file and I reopen code of or the like and I've actually created an actual CSV file uh if you're smiling because I keep repeating my phone number out loud I would encourage you to call or text that number sometime it might very well well be a an Easter egg of source but via these functions here do we have now the ability to write files uh input and output and among the goals then for this week as we'll see are to actually play with images in the spirit of something like Instagram filters or the like and we'll introduce you for instance to a file format called bmps which to come full circle to the start of class are just maps of bits but more than just single bits for white and black but rather colorful patterns as well and we'll give you images like this of the week's Bridge here across the river at Harvard and you've run after writing your own code in C and understanding how the data stored in the computer's memory you'll be able to apply your own Instagram like filters to make things uh grayscale instead or sepia in this case you can even flip the bits around so that the thing is a mirror image you can blur things further or if you really are feeling more comfortable you can even write code that finds the edges of the image and creates works of art like these so all that in more in problem set four we will see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this is cs50 and this is week five which is going to be our last week in see uh but what that means is that we'll have okay but with this week with last week and really all of the weeks prior have you been hopefully acquiring if slowly and with some challenge like some fundamental building blocks that are still going to underly everything we continue doing in the semester even as we transition to so-called higher level languages next week indeed we'll introduce python a very popular language that does not have pointers does not have memory management at this very low level but that's really just because someone else wrote the code that will do that for you and it's going to make our lives easier because it means when you want to solve a problem concept up here to just get real work done or build something amazing you don't have to really get into the same weeds as we have been deliberately this week and now last but the goal ultimately is that you better understand and can better harness than all that a computer can do even in those higher level languages So today we're going to focus particularly on data structures how you might structure your data in memory which really amounts to building things digitally stitching together ideas and Concepts in memory using this new building block from last week which of course are these pointers pointers allow you to store addresses in memory like in variables but with those simple addresses we can sort of leave these breadcrumbs we can point from here to there and we can conceptually stitch pieces of data together but there's going to be different ways of doing that and today we'll focus first on what's generally known as an abstract data type and similar to a type in C more generally it does actually have some properties in it but the underlying implementation details of an abstract data type are ultimately up to you that is to say an abstract data type can represent one thing and can do something but how you implement it allows you some discretion underneath the hood so for instance in the world of computer science a q is actually a technical term this is a type of data structure that we could theoretically build in code in C or really any other language but a q has properties just like cu's in the real world for instance if you've ever lined up for something to get food in a uh and get food in a restaurant or go into a store or wait for the airport to clear you well you've lined up in a queue Q being some sort of line but what's noteworthy about Q's are specific properties they are first in first out data structures either virtually or in the human world which is to say the first person in the line should ideally be served first at the restaurant or the first person in the line should get through airport security first by contrast if it weren't first in first out you can imagine how frustrated you would be if you have this sort of inherent unfairness in fact if you've ever been in line at a store a supermarket or the like and all of a sudden they maybe open a new line and now the person behind you gets to kind of cut ahead and go forward that's because they've broken the concept of the cube so it has this inherent potential for unfairness unless you maintain this first in first out property this would be true too for like a to-do list just for productivity sake if you're in the habit on paper or virtually making a to-do list ideally you probably want to go through that list top to bottom so that you actually get the first stuff you thought of done first rather than always focusing on your most recent thought now within the world of Q's there's generally two operations two functions if you will that any Q would have either in the real world or in the virtual NQ is usually the technical term to mean adding something to a q but specifically it means adding it to the end of the que so that someone isn't cutting in line for instance to go up front and then DQ is just the opposite when it's time for the first person in line to be served the time for the first person in line to go through security they are dced so to speak so technical concept ultimately as it's implemented in code but it's really just a real world concept and these are in contrast to another abstract data type that we might call a stack and a stack much like a stack of trays in the cafeteria has sort of fundamentally different properties you can still add and remove things from them but consider what happens whenever they clean all the trays in the cafeteria or the dining hall they put one of the trays down here and then the next one on top of it and then the next one on top of it it it and so forth but of course which tray do you presume presumably take as a user of that physical stack the top one presumably right like you're not going to fuss down here and try to pull one out and so that would seem to have an opposite property lifo last in first out is what characterizes something like a stack and that just makes sense certainly in the physical world of stacking all of those cafeteria trays because it just makes more sense to grab the most recently added one the last added one first and at least in that context the trays don't necessarily care what order they're using used in but even then you could imagine that maybe there's some old dirty nasty tray at the very bottom that like never gets used because you're constantly replenishing the stack so there might very well be side effects of these kinds of features um you might be familiar with using Gmail for instance or really any email program what you're looking at in your inbox is technically a stack at least if you've left the defaults configured why you get a new email where does it end up not like five pages of emails later presumably right at the top and the next one's right at the top right at the the top right at the top and so if you're like me you're guilty of eventually losing track of some emails why because you've pushed so many more emails onto the stack that you sort of lose track of the things you got earliest last in first out though is maintained the most recent email you get might very well be the first one you reply to but that's not necessarily good for responsiveness to everyone else out there uh similarly if you store like all of your sweaters in a stack like this uh the uh like a pile of black ones below which is a red and then a blue stack might be perfectly fine for keeping things organized it's sort of the sane way to do it if you just have a shelf in your dorm room or home but what's going to be a side effect of using a stack to store your sweaters if they're these in this way as opposed to a queue yeah it's harder to get the red and blue one so presumably you're going to much more often wear for instance if you will black instead there now the operations for adding things to a stack are similar in spirit but just different vocabulary you push something on top of a stack um even though it's more like in the tray world you sort of place it or rest it but pushing means adding something to the top of the stack and popping means some removing something also from the top of the stack so it's not a matter of enqing at the end and deqing at the beginning with a stack everything's happening on top you're pushing onto the top and then popping off of the top now when it comes to actual code how might we Implement something like this well let's just focus on really how you might implement the data structure itself and we won't Implement any functions you might implement the notion of a stack like this we've seen type def before it just means Define a new type of my own struct means here comes a structure AKA a data structure of one or more variables within and let's suppose like last time we've had we defined already like a person data type using a separate type Def and every person has like a name and a number or whatever let me just stipulate that person exists already so here you might have to implement a stack an array called people of some capacity maybe it's an an array of size 10 or 100 or whatever this is a constant here in this context capacity and every element in that array is a person structure and I now have this to size now this almost seems like a synonym for capacity but maybe intuitively anyone want to propose why I'm apparently maintaining separately the capacity of the stack but also the size of the stack why these two distinctions here yeah perfect the capacity is how high the stack could be like how much room is there for those sweatshirts in my closet for instance whereas size is just literally at this moment in time how many sweatshirts are in the stack it's either capacity or fewer presumably in total there so what is capacity well we could implement this in you know perhaps a familiar way I might just Define a const somewhere else in my code of type int that just defines it to be capacity 50 but what perhaps is going to be the downside of implementing a stack in this way of how using an array inside here like what's a downside now of implementing a stack using an array and this size variable within what's a caveat here perhaps any hands yeah okay so it's going to be harder to reach elements that aren't the last one that is the most recently added one so there could be some sweatshirts so to speak way down below so we've seen that before too but at some point too a limitation of this design is is what it's going to be finite right I can maximally fit in this example 50 sweatshirts or 50 emails or 50 cafeteria Trace which is fine but at least it's indeed finite and at least in the computer's memory it might be nice to use more and more and more maybe as more things are getting added to the computer so maybe I make this 500 or heck why don't I make it 5,000 or 50,000 well what's the tradeoff there if I want to have enough room to grow seems like I should just crank up the value of capacity endlessly but why might I not want to change the 50 to 500 or 5,000 or 50,000 what's the trade-off there perhaps just intuitively yeah okay you don't want to touch memory that you're not supposed to be touching and in this case it wouldn't be that wouldn't be a risk per se unless you indeed overflow the stack but there's a related issue in asking for that much memory what would another downside be yeah okay exactly so if you've got a capacity of 5,000 but you're only using one of those elements it's it's awkward to say it non-technically which is just to say very very wasteful right that's just bad design it's correct it will work for up to 5,000 elements but my gosh you're wasting 4,999 extra spots and that's not going to end well especially if you're using more data structures in memory like your Mac your PC your phone is surely going to run out of memory if you ask for that much so it' be nice if there is a bit more dynamism there whether it's a stack or a CU both of which might be implemented a little similarly in spirit but let's conclude this abstraction by comparing thanks to a friend of ours Professor Shannon Duval of Elon University who kindly put together this graphical animation that's just under 2 minutes long that paints a picture of these two types of abstract data structures and then we'll dive in underneath to how we might Implement uh problems like these if we could dim the lights [Music] dramatically once upon a time there was a guy named Jack when it came to making friends Jack did not have the Knack so Jack went to talk to the most popular guy he knew he went up to Lou and asked what do I do Lou saw that his friend was really distressed well Lou began just look how you're dressed don't you have any clothes with a different look yeah yes said Jack I sure do come to my house and I'll show them to you so they went off to Jacks and Jack showed Lou the box where he kept all his shirts and his pants and his socks L said I see you have all your clothes in a pile why don't you wear some others once in a while Jack said well when I remove clothes and socks I wash them and put them away in the box then comes the next morning and up I hop I go to the box and get my clothes off the top Lou quickly realized the problem with Jack he kept clothes CDs and books in a stack when he reached for something to read or to wear he chose the top book or underwear then when he was done he would put it right back back it would go on top of the stack I know the solution said a triumphant Lou you need to learn to start using a queue Lou took Jack's clothes and hung them in a closet and when he had emptied the box he just tossed it then he said now Jack at the end of the day put your clothes on the left when you put them away then tomorrow morning morning when you see the sun shine get your clothes from the right from the end of the line don't you see said Lou it will be so nice you'll wear everything once before you wear something twice and with everything in cues in his closet and shelf Jack started to feel quite sure of himself all thanks to Lou and his wonderful Q all right so sure so that paints a picture of these two abstract data structures but if we really were to dive underneath the hood we could Implement them in a number of different ways but we really I think need some building blocks via which we could solve problems like those and we'll see today to some others as well so let's rewind back to week two where we imple we introduced you to your very first data structure that is an array and an array of recall was just a chunk of memory whereby elements were stored by Design back to back to back it's an array of contiguous memory specifically so with an array we could certainly store not just one thing but two or three or even more and so for instance if we treat uh my computer's memory as this sort of abstraction here and pictured here are three bytes or some uh uh multiplication thereof suppose we're storing in the computer's memory an array of size three storing the digits one two and three well remember that if we zoom out per last week there's other stuff going on in memory so even if we want to add another number to this array that we didn't think of when we first started the program like the number four ideally we would put it right here next to it otherwise it's no longer an array so by definition if we're using an array it's got to end up right there after the three but what else is going on inside of your computer's memory well assuming your program is of any length and you've got other variables other functions you've been running it for a while there's a lot going on in your memory is being used and reused so for instance somewhere in memory might be immediately adjacent to this like hello comma world back0 the null character just because maybe you have another variable somewhere in there that is storing that particular string alongside your existing array of size three and all of these Oscar the grouches here really just represent what we called last week garbage values like there's obviously bits there because they don't disappear they're always going to be inside of the computer somehow implemented but we don't really know or care what they are they're the remnants of those bytes having been used for other older variables previous function calls or the like but the problem clearly here is that okay 1 two 3 is there but the H is here and unless I want to start uh taking a bite out of my string by overriding the H with a four like we just can't fit it right there and yet even though there's Oscars all over the place those are indeed garbage values and therefore we could use that space because it's technically unused we just don't know or care what the values are so where could I put 1 2 3 4 well my gosh like I have all this memory down here that's unused I could certainly change those garbage values to be 1 2 3 4 but to do that I might need to do a bit of work here right it's not just a matter of just saying boom and it happens now with c and with code I'd have to do this a little more methodically so let me abstract away everything else that's a distraction let me assume that there is indeed at least four bytes available for four numbers just down here though we could have put them in a bunch of different spots what's involved now in moving the one two three to this new chunk of memory so we can add the four well I think conceptually we're going to have to copy the one from old to new copy the two from old to new copy the three from old to new and then ultimately we can get rid of the old memory those three original bites could now look like Oscar the Grouch and just be garbage values for all intents and purposes but now I have room for a fourth bite wherein I can put the number four so this is nice but what's a downside of this approach what's a downside of solving the problem in this way where the problem at hand is just to grow the array so to speak to increase its size to fit one or more numbers seems pretty straightforward but yeah okay maybe it's out of order but I think that's okay because the order is just matters that it's relative so so long it's it's still contiguous back to back to back in a different chunk of memory I think we're okay there it's not like I changed it for 4 3 2 one but a reasonable hunch yeah yeah like I don't really plan ahead here like if I have to add another number like five or anything else well I might have to jump through these hoops again maybe I get lucky and maybe there's space there but not if I have other variables and other things going on that too might be used at some point other thoughts yeah slow efficiency slow effic in slow efficiency why have to again yeah I mean it's just in it's just inefficient it's sort of bad design arguably why because I had to copy all of my original work down here and as you note if I want to add a fifth number I'm going to have to copy it again and again and again and do things end times again and again now maybe that's necessary we'll soon see for sure but it feels like this is not going to end well especially if the array isn't of size three or four but 300 400 your computer ends up spending so much time just spinning its Wheels I mean honestly better might be this like if this is my same array physically incarnated Now 1 two 3 it's literally on the edge of the shelf so there's no room for the number four you know maybe where we could take this story is well let's just find room for the four like let's just put the four for instance over here replacing some available garbage value some spare bite over here but now wait a minute I've broken the definition of an array right it's I can't have one two three and then four over here so maybe there maybe there could be a mechanism if I put this thing on again where when you get to the end of the existing elements maybe I just somehow digitally point to the fourth array and maybe we can kind of stitch together all of these different values in memory so that if you follow the arrows so to speak we can reconstruct exactly what the order is even without having to find or make room here or pick up all of these numbers and move all of them over there so that's perhaps the direction in which we'll go here so let's see how we might get to that spot as follows let me go ahead and open up say VSS code here let me open up a program called list. C in my terminal and let me go ahead and whip up a relatively simple program that just demonstrates what we did back in week two when we introduced arrays as follows let me include uh standard io. so we can print stuff out let me do int main void no command line Arguments for now let me give myself a an array uh called list of size three and I'll just hardcode it to keep it simple for lecture sake Each of which is going to be an integer and now just so we have some specifics to talk about let me put it list bracket zero the number one list bracket one the number two and list bracket two the number three so I'm just translating into codee what we just had uh pictorially on the screen and also physically here with these numbers on the desk now let's just do something mildly useful for this how about we do four in I gets zero I is less than three I ++ let's just print each of these numbers out just to make sure they're indeed in memory as I intended so percent I back sln comma I and then a semicolon and I think that's it for now so nothing interesting no problem solved just yet just a proof of concept so that now when I clear my terminal and run make list no apparent errors at the terminal and so when I now do do/ list I should see hopefully from left to right 1 two 3 but of course if I want to add a fourth number now there's no mechanism for such certainly in the code that I just wrote I could go back in here and change this to a four I could go down here and change lists bracket 3 equals 4 I could just manually change the code recompile the code but of course that doesn't give me any additional run way for the fifth or sixth number so let me try to take a different approach drawing some inspiration from last week if I want to allocate memory dynamically maybe because I don't know when I wrote the program how many bytes I want we have another function as of last week that does not require that you commit in advance to a certain number of bytes via what function can you just ask the operating system for a chunk of memory okay so Malo to allocate memory now an array is just a chunk of memory and even though since week two 've been using this syntactic sugar this convenience of just using square brackets and indexing into it it's just making it easier to manipulate a chunk of memory that's contiguous all together back to back to back so today just like last week we can take those sort of training wheels off and maybe be a little more deliberate in how we allocate memory let me go for instance and do this let me delete my contents of my main function here go back into Main and let me propose now that I declare for instance how about my list no longer as an array but as a pointer so int star list and I'm going to go ahead and initialize this to be how about a chunk of three integers for now so I'm still going to hardcode it but I'm taking a step toward more dynamism for now so let me allocate three times whatever the size is of an INT but it's usually going to be four bytes as we know so this is really going to be 3 * 4al 12 but it's a little more Dynamic and now what can I do down here well this is just a chunk of memory so I can do literally list bracket 0 uh equal 1 list bracket 1 = 2 list bracket 2 equals 3 and voila achieve the exact same effect because again an array is just a chunk of contiguous memory but malok gives you any old chunk of contiguous memory so you can rather treat one like the other here now if you really want to be cool you could do something like this instead you could dreference the address in list and go there you could go down here and dreference list + one and go there but honestly no one really writes code like this it's just too cryptic it's a little too far over the line at least for most people and so I think the syntactic sugar as I keep describing it just the more user friendly square bracket notation does the exact same thing figures out the pointer arithmetic and puts each of these integers in the right chunks therein now just to be super pedantic let me make sure if something went wrong so if list equals equals n that means that something went wrong like my computer is out of memory which we should check for typically so let me just immediately return one signaling anything other than zero which means success typically just to get out of this program because something's wrong but now let me propose that I've had a uh well let's do this for in I gets zero I less than three i++ though a better design would always be to use a con but I'm just doing this for demonstration sake let's print out each of these ins too and just make sure I didn't mess anything up and let me open my terminal window again let me do make list again okay huh implicitly declaring Library function Malo with type void star something something implicitly de declaring is the operative words there what did I mess up yeah yeah I forgot the header file in which malok is declared I remember now okay that's in standard li. and it's fine to look stuff like that up if you forget so let me include standard libh now let me clear my terminal run make list again okay now we're good /list and now what did I do [Music] wrong oh okay not intended but teachable moment what did I do wrong yeah yeah I'm printing the values of i instead of what is at location I in the array so what I actually meant to do was print this out thank you you so now let me recompile make listlist and now okay those are the three values I was expecting not the indices thereof now let me propose that for the sake of discussion that I I regret having only allocated space for three integers and maybe I really should have allocated enough space for four now this is not how you would do this in practice because presumably if you have a change of thought just go back in and correct the code but let me propose that somewhere in here is a more complicated program and time passes dot dot dot there's a lot of other interesting code there but at some point I might want to give myself more memory so how can I do this well let me just ask the operating system now for four new bytes of memory so that we can at least in version one implement the ID on the board where I just copied the three bytes into the new four bytes and then added a fourth value so I'm going to use malok again and I'm going to say here's a new pointer I'll call it temp TMP for short which is quite common when you just need it briefly I'm going to then call malok again I'm going to say give me four integers using size of let me again make sure so if temp equals equals null something went wrong so let me just immediately return one and for good measure before I return one one let me free the original list so that I don't leak memory so I'm not just immediately returning one I'm being a good citizen and remembering well if this Malo call did succeed and indeed I got as far as line 18 but then line 18 failed I should free the memory that I previously macked so again that's the rule of thumb if you allocate it you should be the one to free it even before you're about to quit now once I've done that I think I need to do what we did pictorially on the screen where I need to copy the One the two the three from the old array into the new so how might I do this well let me give myself a loop so for in I gets zero I less than three i++ because the size of the original is still the same let me go ahead and treat the new chunk of memory called 10 temp as an array itself and so I can absolutely use these square brackets just like before it's just a chunk of memory I'm treating it like an array and let me add to that value whatever is at the original list at location I as well so this again is just this exercise of copying from right uh from old to new step by step the one the two and the three but I still need one additional step if my goal at hand now is to have ultimately a fourth value here well I'm just going to hard coose this for demonstration sake and I'm going to go to the very last location of temp which is of size four which means the last element in temp is temp bracket three because it's zero indexed but there's four total spaces there and I'm just going to arbitrarily for the sake of discussion put the number four there and that is what happened when we proposed uh changing the final garbage value there to that four but now I need to do what the slide did for us sort of magically on the screen I should now do a couple of final things I should free the original list which I've not done yet CU I only called free earlier in cases of error and that was just to be safe I can now free the list and now if I want to inform the computer that I want list quote unquote my variable called list to point at not the old chunk like it originally did but the new chunk I think I can just do this list equals TMP and again that's just saying that if list is a pointer which it was cuz look at the very top line here on line eight on line six I declared list to be a pointer uh to a chunk of memory temp meanwhile is a separate pointer to a chunk of memory so down here this line 33 is just a matter of my saying okay now henceforth because I've already freed the old chunk of memory my list variable should Point not at this chunk of three bytes but this chunk of four bytes or really 12 in total now uh or rather 16 now because we have four such bytes questions now on this code the point of which was quite simply to demonstrate how we could Implement and code this idea of Fairly correctly but inefficiently allocating a new array of sufficient size and then populating it with a new fourth value questions on what we've just done here no yeah [Music] good question at this point in the story with line 33 do I not have two different variables pointing at the same chunk of memory short answer yes but here's where the semantics are perhaps compelling list is the variable that I intend to use longer term and keep around in memory and again assume that there's even more code going on here that we just didn't write yet so it's useful to have that that variable temp was just kind of a necessary evil because up here it would not have been correct to do this it would not have been correct to say list on line 18 equals the new chunk of memory because this would have represented a memory leak if I pre uh prematurely change temp to point not at the old chunk but the new chunk at that point no one's pointing at the old chunk and so I've lost those three bites vren for instance would yell at you for having lost as many btes in memory so in this case here I do leave this as temp yes it's duplicative at this point but it's it's not a huge deal if it was just meant semantically to be a temporary value but down here at the risk of one more line of code I still want to to be a good citizen free list and maybe just for good measure return zero explicitly but notice it's not doing it twice per se on line 31 what am I freeing the original address of list the three integer version then I change what list points at so it's pointing at a completely different chunk of memory this one of size four So eventually when I'm all done using this memory for this demonstration I still need to free list but at this point in the story line 40 it's pointing at the new chunk of memory which I similarly need to hand back to the operating system by free yeah when would temp equal null so let me scroll back up slightly this is being a good citizen and a good programmer whenever it comes to using malok malok can return null if the computer's out of memory so this is maybe a much bigger program you've got other things going on in it and so you just don't have enough memory available to be handed malok needs to signal to you that there's some error and so it will by convention per the documentation per the manual pages return null so this is just me being a good citizen otherwise here's another error that might cause your program to crash with a segmentation fault if you get back null but you assume that it's good memory uh going to address zero AKA null will crash your program intentionally [Music] yeah correct if I were to change my final line 40 here to be free temp this would also work as well and here this is really a matter of design it's a very nitpicky thing we could probably debate it but because at this point in the story my main variable for remembering where the list is is called list this is sort of the more responsible way to do it freeing the list just so that my colleagues my ta doesn't sort of wonder why are you freeing temporary ver memory that you already freed like it just is a semantic thing at this point but good Instinct it would also work correct maybe just not good design all right so it turns out that this gets annoying quickly as it did in the picture of doing all of this duplication and even though technically it's necessary to copy those values if you need a newer bigger chunk of memory there is at least a function in C that simplifies a lot of this for us and in fact let me go ahead and do this instead of using malok this second time on line 18 in addition to the first time I used it on line six I'm actually going to try and introduce another function called realloc which as the name suggests tries to reallocate memory for you and it works a little differently from malok realloc expects two arguments the first one is what is the chunk of memory that you want to try to grow or Shrink that is reallocate to be a different size and then you specify what size you would want and indeed in this case I want four times size of int and that will now give me hopefully a new address of a chunk of memory that's big enough to fit all four numbers but what's wonderful about realloc is that it will handle all of the copying for me so in fact I'm going to go down here I'm going to get rid of all of this this extra for Loop and what I'm simply going to do instead is this once I can trust after lines 18 through 23 that rioc worked and it didn't return null because I'm out of memory I can just say okay just immediately remember that the new list points at this new chunk of memory instead and then I can still now do this line but I can tweak the semantics here and just say list bracket 3 the new Final a in uh um the new list is for I don't need to free this here I don't need to do this all I need now at the bottom is the final for Loop to just print out these values so in short even though that was somewhat quick using realloc just moves the entire copying process that I implemented myself a moment ago using a for Loop it just moves it to realloc and lets it deal with the copying for me it's no more efficient but at least means uh I'm writing less code which is more pleasant and hopefully the people who wrote aloc or realloc are smarter than me and they just will introduce bugs with lower probability too all right that was a lot any [Music] questions good question why do you still need to make list equal temp as I did on line 24 so ideally I would do this ideally I would just change this line 18 to be list that is to say call re or actually even better ideally I would just say realloc this list to be of this new size but again things can go wrong when allocating memory you need to check a return value to see if it was successful or not and so we need to use a return value okay so let's not introduce temp let's just use list but here's where a memory leak might happen in the off chance realloc fails and doesn't have enough memory for your four bytes therefore it returns by definition null you can't overwrite the original value of list with null to then check it why because now who remembers where the original Three byes were if you prematurely change the value of list you've lost you've uh leaked memory in that sense and so that's why let me undo this change I declare a temporary pointer for the sole purpose of making sure I can check the return value and then once it's good now I'll update the value of list so it's sort of doing a Switcheroo by making sure first that you have a new value to swap with the old other question on this code yeah indeed realloc automatically frees the previous memory for you and better yet it's even smarter than that if you get lucky and they happens to be space right after your existing chunk of memory so one two three garbage value instead of one two three hello world realloc won't even bother copying things from old to new it will just say okay I'm going to now reserve for you more bites than you originally asked for so it doesn't have to waste time doing that copying and so in that sense this version is now not only still correct it's even better designed because we're not wasting time with that for Loop we might have to resort to it if there is in fact hello world or something else in the way but hopefully we'll get lucky and save those steps other questions on this this manipulation of code here yeah in the middle what if you want to resize a two-dimensional array so very similar in Spirit uh whereby you can use the same trickery let me wave my hand at that for now just because I think that's going to sort of significantly increase the complexity but very same Primitives ultimately a two-dimensional array is essentially just a doubly long or quadratically longer list of memory that using square bracket notation is doing some of that mental math for you but it's fundamentally no different of what's going on underneath the hood all right so with that said and that code under our belt even though that's not going to be something you'll frequently need to code yourself let's propose now how we might go about building some actual data structures ourselves the new ingredient here being this reality that if you want to resize a chunk of memory so is to make room for things we now have that ability memory addresses and pointers just give us the ability to like Point around at things and move things around in memory but now that we have malok and even realloc you can imagine maybe rewinding and you could Implement that stack that Q using not an array per se because you have to commit to an array size in advance but if you implement your stack or your que using a pointer and then malok and realloc and maybe someone else writes all that code for you perhaps now you can imagine that okay now the stack can grow or Shrink by using realloc accordingly you don't have to preact pre um preemptively say give me five bytes or 50 or 500 or 5,000 you can say just give me one initially and if I need more I'll realloc realloc reloc and if you keep popping things off the stack you can realloc in the other direction and ask for fewer and fewer bytes and the operating system can take that memory back as well so we now have this building block let's see what we can do with it so we've had a few pieces of syntax in recent weeks all of which we're going to combine now in just a slightly more clever way so struct is this keyword in C that lets us build our own structure in memory like a collection of two or three or more variables like a person that we've seen before the dot operator recall we've used when you do have a struct like a a person and you want to go inside of it so like uh person. name or person. number we did this a few weeks ago now but the dot Operator just allows you to go inside of a structure and get the individual variables within and then the star operator unfortunately has a lot of uses now one was multiplication like my God that was easy back in the day now it's used to declare pointers it's also used to dreference pointers so to make one exist and then go to that address unfortunately it's the same symbol for all of those but it's all related but with these three symbols it turns out you're going to get one last one today and my God it finally looks like the concept it turns out there's a clever way anytime you want to use the dot and the star together that is to go somewhere and go to an address and then look inside of a structure you can actually literally use an arrow symbol on your keyboard it's not a single keystroke it's a hyphen and then an open angle bracket but at least it looks like an arrow and we'll see indeed in code today the things I was drawing pictorially on the screen last time with yellow arrows you can actually now Express as well in code and so here we have our next data structure called a linked list and this is one of the most useful powerful Concepts in C it's the kind of thing that you can take for granted in Java and Python and higher level languages but today we'll see how we or others can actually build these things just using these same Primitives so a linked list is going to allow us to actually do what we you know used a foam finger for last week allow us to link together for instance these three values maybe with that fourth value over there and then if there's a fifth you know maybe this other foam finger points even farther overway to that fifth value the key being that you can stitch together fancier data structures without having to like pick all of these up and find new space you just have to at least connect the dots somehow we just need to somehow point from one to the other and that's going to make things much more efficient it would seem so how do we get there so here's my computer's memory as always suppose that I'm storing the value one somewhere in there and it's at ox123 address whatever and I'm storing the number two somewhere else in memory Ox 456 and number three at address Ox 789 this is not an array by definition why even though it's the only three things on the screen what makes this not an array it's not contiguous so this violates the definition of an array but you know especially since they're sequential it kind of looks to a human like a list so it would be nice if there were a data type called list and there isn't in C there will be in Python but you know what if I could somehow like Stitch together these three values so I can get from one to the next to the next then I think we could achieve the idea the concept of a list without this really annoying constraint that they all be contiguous as in an array so how do I do that well at the end of the day I only have memory at my disposal right there's no more training wheels to take off here this is what we've got underneath the hood of a computer so if all I have is memory I think the solution to this problem of stitching together those values in a list must be to spend a bit more memory that's literally the only resource we have right now so let me propose that if we want to create a list conceptually out of three values that are in random although pictorially pretty positions in memory let me just add a little bit more memory to the picture so in addition to storing the one I'm going to leave my space myself some room a little scratch pad if you will to use some other bits as well same for the two same for the three and you can perhaps see where this is going based on last week if I want to somehow connect the one to the two any instincts as to what I should write in this box here that would lead me effectively from one to the two what could go here yeah we could store the address of Two And so specifically what would you have me write here perfect ideally I would just put in this box another integer one that happens to be represented in heximal but that's just a base system it's just a human thing for us to look at I'm going to put the value Ox 456 here so let me go ahead and reveal that Ox 456 goes there you can perhaps see further where this is going well if I want to get from the two to the three I think I need to put below the two the address of the three which gives me Ox 789 now if three is the end of the list I don't want to let it be some garbage value because that would imply that it who knows where it's pointing I need some definitive value and just what would your instincts be if I want to make clear with some special Sentinel value that the buck stops here what do I put what my my options be yeah so null not n per se but n l which was the new keyword we introduced last week which just represents an empty pointer if you will technically the address o x0 so literally the zero address and what humans did years ago they just decided you know what nothing should ever live at address zero in memory we're just going to reserve that one special bite to be a special signal a sentinel value such that if you ever see a zero address in a pointer it just means it's it's invalid it does not exist now now we write that though a little more pleasantly for the eyes as just n l in all caps and that's a key word in C as well but of course last week I claimed that who cares where things are in memory and honestly like this quickly gets tedious even worrying about these values so let me abstract this away and propose that if we want to remember where all of these numbers are in memory let's give oursel one final piece of memory that just allows us to start the whole process let me allocate on the left hand side here not room for a number like 1 two 3 just room for a pointer that henceforth I think I'll call list by convention and then store in that one additional pointer a value that just kickstarts the whole process this is the sort of treasure map if you will that you get handed and this has the address of the very first actual node in memory now technically we could just start with this but it turns out we'll see it's just a little cleaner to use a simple single pointer that leads to the things you care about as opposed to just starting with the first element why well if you ever want to get rid of this element it'd be nice if you could at least still hang on to an empty sheet of paper that indicates that the list is empty would be one argument for that so again who cares about these addresses now now with the wave of the hand let's just abstract it away and there are our pointers each of those addresses in the rec uh the squares at the bottom are simply pointing to the next element in the list the jargon to introduce here would be that now that we have these integers 1 2 3 but they're in these like wrappers if you will these structures that have metadata that is additional data that is related to but not the data you actually care about this is data this is metadata this thing here rectangularly we'll call a node n o and it's just a term of art that means it's like a container in code for storing some values this then is a linked list and this then is the sort of graphical incarnation of like one node pointing to the other in this case case they happen to be by chance and by design of this desk contiguous initially but there's no requirement that they be such the one could be over there the two over there the three over there I would just need more foam fingers to point at one to the next questions on this concept of a linked list yeah and [Music] back can you say that again a good question do traditional arrays start with a pointer that's outside of the structure short answer no arrays are special in C and certain other languages and the name of an array is technically a symbol if you will that the computer the program knows maps to a specific location in memory it's just a label a synonym for a memory address it does not take up space so to be clear the name of an array does not take up space like that extra Square on the left but you do need that extra Square on the left when implementing a link list so that you can determine if the list is of size zero there's nothing being pointed at or size three in this case we're sort of taking on more responsibility ourselves yeah how do you point to the next element can you [Music] elaborate ah good question if each of these elements is pointing to the next how is three point to the others short answer it doesn't at least in this design we have more technically what's called a singly linked list and as the arrows imply it only goes in One Direction so if you somehow find incode maybe a for Loop maybe a while loop somehow you're sort of encode over here you have no way in code to go backwards unless we changed this to a doubly link list where I add another box that lets me have arrows in both directions or maybe I just kind of make it uh uh circular and I connect the three back to the one which you can totally do but that tends to you know make life harder because now you have to figure out when you're stuck in a loop in your data structure but it's doable as well but as is it's a dead end by Design other questions on this design here all right well how might we implement this structure in code well let me just connect the dots to something like we've seen before here like this is how a couple of weeks ago we introduced the notion of a a person and we claimed a person might have a name and a number last week of course we took off some of these training wheels and a string is really technically a Char star in both cases but really there's no conceptual difference beyond that but let's use this same Paradigm to implement a node as I described it in that picture so let me get rid of the name and the number because that's related only to a person and let me rename this structure for discussion sake to node that then invites the question well what needs to go inside of a node well minimally an integer but this is now where we need to think a little harder just conceptually even if you have no idea how to type it at the keyboard what else needs to be part of a node based on these rectangular pictures that we've drawn what more do we need yeah yeah we need a pointer to another node so if I don't know how to implement this yet you know it could be something like you know pointer to another node how do I do that well you know what but it turns out you would ideally say this if you know that the next node is itself a node by definition well anytime we've needed a pointer we just use the data type and a star and I'm going to arbitrarily but I think reasonably call this second square at the bottom of those rectangles next as the name of my attribute here but node star just connotes that the next variable is going to be not a node per se but the address of a node and that's exactly what we did you had me put Ox 456 Ox 789 in that box which is the address of another node so the way we would Express this in code would be node star next but we could call the variable anything we want now this is a bit of a white lie but we'll fix this right now this code won't actually compile C takes you pretty literally recall and if you use some term at the top of your file that you don't Define until later in your file you're going to see some error message right we've seen this when I've messed up and forgot to include the function prototypes at the top of my code this is related in spirit I seem here on my 1 two 3 fourth line of code I'm trying to use this new term of art that I invented here in my code called node even though it's a CS term as well but nowhere Above This it would seem did I even Define what a node is it's not a data type and C every computer scientist know what a node is but it doesn't come for free with the language so I need to do something else like I need this word here to come first so that I can use it here and so we have this sort of Catch 22 like how can a structure be self-referential that is point to another version of itself if the word doesn't yet exist so the solution to this in C which we didn't need for a person because there was no notion of listing connecting as a list we need one more keyword here that we didn't need for a person and we reuse that keyword here so kind of an annoying detail but if we preemptively call this whole thing struct node you can now refer to the thing on the inside as a struct node star but then you can shorten the name of the whole thing from struct node to just node sort of an annoying sequence of steps but in short anytime you're building a node a linked list in memory this is just the Paradigm you use type def struct the name of the thing you want to Define like node you use that name on the inside if you want to point from one to another and then you can shorten it down here to just be called node questions then on this code here questions on what we just did well if I rewind just a moment to that final picture what would be the upside to be clear of having jumped through these hoops and added this complexity if you will what problem did we just solve by linking together these three values to be clear [Music] yeah making lists that are that are not contiguous if you will so making lists that are not contiguous in memory the upside of which is that if I want to add the number four to this list it looks like I could choose from any chunks of available memory on the screen I just need to sort of point from the end of the current list to wherever that other one is in memory what I don't need to do to be clear is copy the One the two or the three everything can just stay put which means TimeWise I can do this much more quickly it would seem without copying things again and again and even without using realloc to let it do all of the copying potentially for me all right but as we'll start seeing even more in the coming weeks every time we benefit and solve some problem we pay a price there's a tradeoff what is a downside as you might perceive now of using a linked list instead of an array yeah as much memory yeah I mean we use twice as much memory because now in addition to storing the integers one two three I also need to store a pointer for each of those and honestly even this picture is a bit of uh simplification technically in most systems today each int would be four bytes technically today most pointers though would be eight bytes I just didn't want to draw this weird shape on the board where the bottom square is even bigger than the top square but technically we're using even more than twice as much space for these pointers so there's that trade-off now thankfully decades after SE was invented memory is generally much cheaper nowadays and so it's okay to sort of spend more of it if you need to and it depends on what you want to optimize for but that's absolutely here a downside what's another downside of having transitioned to in a uh link list you can't index into it now I haven't even tried in code but when you have a linked list you can no longer use square bracket notation because why well square bracket notation just assumes the contiguousness of memory location zero is here location one is literally one to the right location two is literally one to the right one to the right these things even though I've drawn it from right to left to just keep things pretty there are gaps here and this is just my interpretation of this these gaps could be big they could be narrow they could be down here up here they could be anywhere so long as we're linking things together in this list the computer can't just use bracket zero bracket 1 bracket two anymore because it can't do simple arithmetic and jump to like the middle and now here's perhaps the worst price we've paid if you don't have square bracket notation or really you don't have contiguousness what algorithm did we just sacrifice for this dynamism if you rewind even back to week zero and we gave it a name in week three what algorithm can we not use now if we can't assume that the memory is back to back to back to back binary search why because binary search just like the phone book back in the first week requires being able to arithmetically jump right to the middle right take the total length of it divide by two and boom you're right there in the Middle with some simple arithmetic here they might be laid out again with these big or small gaps there's no simple math I can do to just jump immediately to the one in the middle and in fact again if this TV were bigger the two could technically be in memory be way down here or even way over here the foam finger could be pointing in any number of directions depending on where malok put the thing there's just no way to do binary search and so it would seem that we've paid another price indeed in terms of it performance we're now talking about linear time again so that's a regression now that's also a lot things like feels like a good time for some muffins and fruit out in the lobby and when we come back we'll try to solve the problem we just created so see you in 10 so we are back and let's see if we can't now take some of these higher level concepts of like stitching together these nodes in memory and translate it to some actual code but we'll do it step by step first before I actually start writing it in vs code so if Carter you wouldn't mind helping me step through with some visuals let me propose that line by line we solve some of the problems that we've just created for ourselves in building this thing in memory so let's go ahead and first consider how we could build a length list containing the numbers indeed one then two then three and let's translate each of those steps to code and then we'll put it all together into something that actually runs so how about first step here will just be this to declare a pointer called list that's initially has no value at least at this point in the story list is the name of the variable node star just means that this is essentially going to be our little square over here that points to the beginning of the list of course it's ideal If It ultimately has a value because when we initially I'll call this line of code it just gives us indeed that square over here on the left but it's got a garbage value because there's no equal sign on the other side there so let's propose that we do one more step here and actually initialize it to null so that if only we know that it's not garbage it at least has some known value and null is a good way of signifying that at this point in the story The List is empty indeed null indicates there's no nodes in the list so that picture would now look like this whereby let's just draw instead of writing null everywhere I'll just leave the squares blank when it's not a garbage value per se it's literally Ox Z or null all right so that's it for building a link list of size zero like we're sort of done then but we want to now add a one and then a two then a three so next step here might be this if I want to allocate the first of my rectangles on our previous picture I'm going to call malok and I'm going to ask for enough memory to fit a whole node now technically I think that's going to be like four bytes for the int and eight bytes for the pointer even though I did not draw it to scale on the board so that's technically going to be what 12 bytes but again size of node just figures out how many bytes I actually need dynamically that's going to return to me the address of that chunk of memory which apparently I'm going to store inside of a temporary variable called n for short for node but let's see what this does pictorially so when this line of code is executed I first get on the left that variable n it's got a garbage value by default because I haven't executed the whole thing from right to left meanwhile on the right hand side of the expression I've got now a node somewhere in memory it happened to be free here this is where malok put it for me but it does have two garbage values initially but because it's a node per my type def earlier every node I proposed is going to have a number and a next pointer so we can see those labeled here but they've got two garbage values initially but all I care about initially is that ultimately n is pointing at that chunk of code so initially if we could back up two steps we have two steps so we have initi one step forward we have this line of code gives us this variable here which has garbage when this side of the expression is executed that allocates the memory and then when we copy from right to left the address of that chunk of memory that's what gives us conceptually this arrow and the garbage goes away because it's a valid pointer now of course there's still two garbage values there because we haven't set this node to store a number like the number one so let's go ahead and execute one other line of code like this which while cryptic looking is just an application of ideas we've seen in week four and prior star N means to start at this variable and go there Follow the arrow is what the star or the D reference operator does for us and then the dot operator recall when we first introduce structs like for a person struct allows us to go at the number field or the next field so if I do star n and then in parentheses to make sure order of operations is preserved do number and then assign it the actual number one which puts the one in the top of that rectangle now admittedly this syntax is not very user friendly it's annoying to remember you have to the parentheses so there's another Syntax for this whenever you're doing two things like this in code dereferencing a pointer that is going to an address and then further using the dot notation to go inside of the structure you find that wonderfully C gives us this syntax whereby you can just change the star and the parentheses and the dot to just be an arrow and again it's not a single character on your keyboard it's a hyphen and then an open angle bracket but I kind of like the semantics of this because this code now pretty much matches the picture n arrow leads you to the value that you want to access or ultimately change in this way there's one step though we've forgotten of course which is that we can't leave this garbage value here because the garbage value is some unknown value that effectively is pointing who knows where and we don't want to accidentally misinterpret that garbage value as being a valid address and risk going there so of course what value should we put here instead our old friend null just to signify that this is indeed the end of the list and we could do that with a line of code like this and again we'll canote as much by just leaving that empty box blank so now we have a list of size one let's go ahead and add the second number to it as with these lines here list equals n allows us to remember that indeed we have this list here so if we can step one step forward here's what the picture now looks like and technically let's go one step further here this is now really what's going on in memory once my list of size exists my main variable called list is pointing at exactly that first node at this point in the story I don't need to know or care about the temporary variable that I called n even though it might very well still be there but indeed this now represents that link list let's now indeed add the number two so with the same line of code as before I'm going to allocate another node size of node ideally I would be checking for null here but we're doing the juicy Parts only on the slides let's now go ahead and depict that so what happens with this this brings back our n pointer which might have been there the whole time but we're doing this step by step it's a garbage value though because we haven't yet copied from right to left Malo of course gives us a second chunk of memory which maybe ends up there with two garbage values by default I've omitted the labels now just because they're still going to be number and next respectively once we copy from right to left the garbage value indeed becomes an arrow Oscar disappears because it's now indeed a valid pointer pointing here now the values themselves number and next are invalid garbage values so here is where we can now start using our new syntax like the arrow notation or the star and the dot if you prefer and we can change the value of n Follow the arrow to number and that becomes two similarly we can do this again and set n arrow next so start at n Follow the arrow access the next field and set that equal to null now we're not quite done yet because we haven't actually linked things together so here's now where things get interesting how do I combine these two well let me me propose this let me propose on our next line here we actually update for Now list equal to n that is to say whatever address this is whatever it's pointing at change list to be the same address that is point at the same thing so if n is pointing here let's change list to point here and go ahead and do that Carter if you could I don't like this can you go one further step this is bad what is wrong about my sequence of operations here where I updated list to point my new node yeah yeah we lost the pointer to the other node so I don't even care about the ordering 21 or one two the bigger problem now as the lack of arrows over there suggests is that I have a memory leak I have orphaned my original node in the sense that nothing is pointing at it anymore now absolutely I could fix this by adding some temporary variables I could add it to the mix but at this point in the story I have not done any such uh recollection thereof so let me back this up and let's go forward in the slides this is where we left off a moment ago I think I need to take into account order of operations and I'm going to keep this simple I'm not going to care about the order of the numbers for now I'm fine with a list that is two and then one so with that said let me go ahead and update I think this box here to point at my original node so let's see how we can do this in code okay n arrow next so n arrow next should equal the current list and this is a little weird again but recall what list is list is this pointer here that just contains the address of the original address of the list or equivalently it contains this Arrow whatever it's pointing at so what this means in this line of code n bracket next means start at n Follow the arrow access the next pointer and set it equal to whatever list equals so if list is pointing here then next should point there as well this I think is safe because now we have redundancy now we've got two pointers pointing at the original list and now I think we can do another step whereby we update list to equal n same line of code before that got us into trouble but I'm doing it second now instead of first when I execute list equals n this now sets list equal to the same thing that n equals and so now I have successfully inserted my new node containing two into the list and in fact if we advance one more we can just clear up the Clutter assume that the temporary variable is gone from the story now we have a linked list where admittedly ordering is wrong it's 21 instead of one two but at least it's linked correctly and I didn't orphan or leak any memory questions on this sequence of steps here yeah in [Music] back yeah spot on so this would fall under that category of a stack if you will although I've not called it that by name because I just pushed the number two onto this data structure if you will and indeed it ended up at the beginning of the list instead of the end and so here's where we see a distinction between an abstract data structure which is where we began a stack is a thing like the pile of sweaters that just has push and pop properties and lifo access like uh last in first out how do you implement something like that in memory well it would seem that you could implement the notion of a stack here not for sweaters but for numbers using a linked list so long as you implement insertion AKA pushing by prepending new values to the list by prepending again and again and if Carter you don't mind hitting the keyboard one more time if I wanted to add the number three now you would could imagine prepending it to the list why well honestly especially as this list gets longer and longer I kind of like the appeal of prepending these elements why because even if this list gets crazy long and way way out here you didn't notice me following all of the arrows earlier to do the insert if I want to insert a fourth number a fifth number a sixth number all I have to do is like insert it here if you will point it at the original uh start of the list then update this pointer and done and I would say that's like two steps give or take it's not going to be end steps as it would be if I had to upend the new nodes to the end of the list now of course we've sacrificed ordering of these numbers they're literally in the opposite order or whatever order they were inserted in but that might very well be okay depending on the goal at hand all right thank you to Carter for stepping through this what if now we wanted to translate this oh sure thank you it's all for you none for me in this example so here we have perhaps a way of translating this now to some actual code and this will be the last of like the sort of intense code here just to give you a sense of how we can translate this idea now to actual step so this is list. C and VSS code here let me go ahead and make a couple of changes up top let me go ahead and how about uh declaring a node using typ def uh struct node using our new framing as before I'm going to give every node a number as I proposed and every node a pointer to the next element which is going to be implemented just as before and I'm going to simplify the whole name as just node so all of that is is the exact same type depth that we proposed earlier now let me go ahead and get rid of all of this code which we wrote earlier and recall that this was the most recent version that was not a linked list this was just in Array that we allocated and then reallocated so this is sort of the old way of doing things but it was inefficient because we might have to lean on a for Loop or lean on realloc to copy everything around we're now going to reimplement the notion of a list as an actual linked list not as an array so my main function now might do something like this and I'm going to really just copy the lines of code that we just stepped through on the board so let me give myself a uh special variable called list that's going to be initialized to null and this is just my pointer the square on the left hand side of the screen that represents the start of the list and if it's null it means the list is empty so done I'm done implementing a linked list of size zero well now how do I want to run this code well let me propose for the sake of discussion that this version of the program will take command line arguments so I want to be able to do something like this I want to run this program ultimately and type in three command line arguments like this 1 2 3 and I want my program in a couple minutes to allocate one two three nodes and Stitch them together just like the visualization on the board uh I could use get int but it's just going to be faster if we use command line arguments so again I'm just borrowing some Concepts from week two but none of that's possible yet until I change my code here so let's do this in argc uh string uh argv but you know what we know that strings are not actually a thing anymore so I can change my command line argument definition to be what it really is it's really charar but it's the exact same thing as in week two just strings are no more at least without the training wheels on anymore like last week and now let me do this uh for in I equal 1 uh I is less than ARG C i++ so what I'm doing with this Loop is I just want to iterate over the command line argument so I have one number at a time from The Prompt um what else do I want to do here uh well let's go ahead and how about do this um let's get a number so in number equals arv braet I so a couple of notes Here one I'm starting my for loop at one instead of zero but I'm going up to RC RC is argument count how many words are at the prompt why am I starting at one instead of zero though given my goal why am I starting at one yeah yeah so the first value in RV is is actually the name of the program that's obviously not a number so I want the second value so I'm going to start iterating over those command line arguments at I equals 1 so that's all I just want to get the actual numbers at the prompt um unfortunately argv bracket I is a string AKA Char star that is not an INT so this line of code won't work but can anyone think back to like week two where we had a function for converting strings to integers anyone yeah so a to I is a function that converts asky to an integer assuming what you give it as an argument looks like a number like one or two or three so let me fix this let me actually do the conversion if I were really being careful I would error check this make sure that there's no digits just like you might have in problem set two but for today's purposes I'm just going to assume the honor System that the user me is going to run the program correctly all right so now that I have a variable containing the number from the command line let's just allocate a node for it so let me do node star n just like we did in the visualization and let's malok enough space for the size of one such node here I now need to just be super safe so if n equals equals null like if I'm out of memory you know what let me go ahead and just immediately return one here otherwise if that's not the case let me go ahead and update the number field of this new node which it line 24 does exist because it did not return null so I did not exit early with return and let me just store whatever number that human typed in first so the return value of a to I which per line 17 is in my variable called number and then let me go ahead and just prepend this to the list let me go ahead and say that um this next field first has a known value null just so that we get rid of that second garbage value and let me go ahead and now prepend it to the list so if I want to prepend it that means this new node must have a next field field that points to the current beginning of the list and again the goal here is to preen Preen Preen so whatever the current list is let's change it so that this new node points to that existing list and now step two as before was to update the actual list to point at this node so recall in red on the screen before I screwed up originally and I only did this line by moving the pointer too early if you will but I fixed that once Carter helped me rewind and we got rid of the red line which indicated error and I just do n arrow next to change the next field of this new node to point to the existing list so I'm not orphaning anything all right at this point in the story I think my code is correct not batting very well though today but I think my code is correct but the program doesn't do anything interesting so it would be nice to kind of now iterate over this link list in memory whatever its order is and print things out well how do we do that well it turns out if you want to iterate over a linked List the general Paradigm is to do something like this to define a temporary variable I could call it temp but another convention that you might as well see is called pointer PTR for short but you can call it anything you want and you can have a temporary variable first point at the first node in the list and then in some kind of loop like a while loop you point it at the second node in the list and then you keep iterating you point it at the last node in the list and then eventually you iterate too far effectively pointing at null at which point your while loop can presumably terminate so how do I Implement that idea of allocating a temporary pointer that just points at each node in the list and lets me print out ultimately each of those numbers well let's go back to my code here and let me do this let me go ahead and declare this temporary pointer which is going to be a node star also why because it's the address of a node the first the second the third and I'm going to set that equal to whatever the beginning of the list is so that is going to be equivalent to this version of the picture here where pointer is just temporarily pointing at the first node in the list it's not pointing at list per se it's pointing at the first node in the list which list is also pointing at itself all right once I've done this I think I can translate this to code that's a little new but it's conceptually familiar perhaps now while that pointer does not equal null so while I have a valid pointer like my finger or that arrow is pointing at an actual node in memory well let me go ahead and print it out so let me print out with percent I back sln whatever is in the current node at the number field within and again this is going to have the effect hopefully of first printing the three and I think I just need to Now update the pointer so that on the next iteration it's pointing at the next value so if this is where the story is how do I update pointer to point at the second element of the list well I want pointer to point at the two and I want pointer to eventually point at the three well how do I do that well the way in code I can follow these arrows is as follows if I currently have pointer pointing at this node but I want to point it at the next node I can borrow this pointer here so whatever this address is in the first node aka the next field I can copy that into pointer because then pointer will point at whatever this is pointing at by just setting one equal to the other so once I've done that the picture will become this and how do I translate that to code it while new syntax is surprisingly straightforward all I need do is say pointer after printing it equals whatever pointer currently is but grab its next field instead and this is a very common Paradigm when iterating over a link list and you're using some temporary variable like pointer you can simply set pointer equal to pointer next and what that means here is as follows if this is pointer pointing from here down to here pointer next is Follow the arrow grab the next field so if you set pointer equal to this thing that's the same thing as pointing this at this same box and indeed if I advance to the next slide even though the arrows are technically pointing at different parts of the rectangles that's just for graphic sake pointer is now pointing at the second node and when I do this again on my next iteration it points at this and then this last step notice when I keep doing pointer equals pointer next this will become eventually this value but what's this value in this link list it's null technically so this Arrow will eventually take on this value when I set pointer equal to pointer next and at that point PTR my temporary pointer is going to be null so it might as well look like this pictorially and what does that mean for my Loop once pointer is null because you've walked off the end of the length list what's going to be true of this Loop here started in line 32 any OB observations here what's going to be true what will happen now as soon as we hit the end of the list yeah sorry the loop is going to break out why because line 32 which is constantly asking well pointer does not equal null well if pointer finally equals null three steps later the four the while loop is now done and so what I can do at the end of this program once I've printed out those values well first let's go ahead and open my terminal window let's make list okay a compile do/ list and let me try the same values one and two and three that's going to again allocate one node two node three nodes by prepending prepending prepending each of those values and it's then going to iterate over them from left to right and so when I hit enter now what should I see on the screen if my code is correct what will I see feel fre to just call it out 321 because I've prepended presumably and here we go I indeed see 321 so the list is is backwards but all of the elements are there now technically if I ran valgrind on this valgren would not be happy because I have never freed any of my memory so I should probably now have a second Loop here that does something like this let me again set pointer equal to list I don't need to redeclare it because I've already created this thing on line 31 I just want to reset it to be the beginning of the list again and now I can do the same kind of thing while PTR not equals null go ahead and do this well I don't want to just do free pointer and then do pointer gets pointer next y my goal is to free all of my memory but I think this is going to get me in trouble pointer equals list just gives me a temporary pointer that points at the three and then eventually the two and then the one how well while pointer not equal null I'm freeing the pointer so this is like saying to Malo free that node free that node free that node but what's the problem with what I've just done here this code is technically Bugg [Music] yeah exactly after you call free on pointer You Are by social contract with c not allowed to touch pointer anymore it is invalid now it's still going to be a number it's still going to be a pattern of bits but it's invalid and you'll very often get a segmentation fault if you tempt fate in that way so I can't free the pointer and then use it literally the next line the solution here kind of like our swapping of the liquids last time was to maybe just have a temporary variable so I can do a Switcheroo and so a common way to solve this problem to get the order of operations right would be to do something like this give yourself a temporary pointer like node star next set it equal to the place you want to go next so one step ahead now you can free pointer and then you can update pointer to be that next value so essentially you need need like two hands now you create on line 41 another pointer that if this is pointing at the first Noe the three your new pointer is pointing at the two temporarily so now you can tell malok via free release this memory but I haven't forgotten where I want to go next and so I can now continue on so a common Paradigm for just iterating over these nodes and then freeing them a couple of observations strictly speaking I could have Consolidated this I don't need two Loops to print the nodes and then free the nodes I could do that all at once but let's assume that there's other stuff of interest in my program and I don't want to just immediately free it there's one other bug that I should probably address here there is still a potential memory leak up here and this one is super subtle the valind would help you find it notice that in this Loop here when I'm calling malok this line of code is fine if the first line of malok fails and returns null because I immediately return and I'm done but what if the second call but not the first or the third call but not the first or second fail this line of code has me returning immediately you really need to to do some garbage collection so to speak whereby you really need to go in and free any nodes that you did allocate successfully earlier honestly that's going to be a pin in the neck we won't do that here but probably what I'd want to do is write a function called free list or something like that and call that function to free any nodes I had previously created so it's not quite at the finish line but the building blocks are indeed here questions on this code and I think it's safe for me to promise that it won't escalate further from that questions on [Music] this no well let me show you one alternative that you might prefer and I'm pretty sure this isn't an escalation it's just an alternative formulation another way you can iterate over nodes in a list could be this instead of a while loop for instance let me actually show you one other piece of syntax here you could technically use a for Loop you could give yourself a node pointer here that initialized is initialized to the list you can then check in your for Loop that it's not equal to null and then you can do your update as usual like this either of these are equivalent even though this one I suspect looks scarier it's doing the exact same thing in one line instead of two but there's no reason we can't use four Loops instead of while Loops to achieve the same idea but I'll leave these two as demonstrations of one approach or the other but that's just like in week one four Loops while Loops whatever looks simpler to you even though admittedly neither of these probably looks super clean all right so let's take the back to things more conceptual here up until now we've been inserting elements into this link list by prepending them let's consider what the running time then is of these operations so if I've got a link list of size three or size N More generally time has passed and I've added a lot of things to it what's going to be the running time for instance of searching a linked list for some value and I'll tell you already it's not login because again binary search is off the table as per before break so what might the running time be of searching a linked list for some value like two or three or 1 or 50 what might the running time be o of I heard it over here o of n and y who was that oh in the middle here why o of [Music] n exactly you're going to have to go through every item in the list starting from the left from the beginning which is how we've been drawing things and connecting the dots and in the worst case the element might very well be at the very end so it's going to be Big O of n what about insertion how many steps in terms of Big O notation has it been taking me to insert elements into the link list using this prepended design yeah so it's technically constant time Big O of one and again one is just representative of any constant it could technically be two steps or three steps or even 10 steps or 100 steps but if it's always finite and fixed then indeed you can say it's in Big O of one now why is that well over again no matter how long this list gets so long as there's memory available for me I can just kind of uh create a little splice at the beginning of the list to put in the new node update the original list and I'm on my way and it keeps getting longer even though it might not be spread out in memory so big O of one is possible with these link lists if I indeed Preen things of course if I Preen things everything's going to get out of order potentially and we're going to have maybe the stack property instead of a q property so we might want to do things slightly differently so instead of doing this whereby we kept prepending prepending prepending suppose we append to the end of the list instead so if we now insert the one the two and the three as we might want to for a q to maintain that fairness property we might start with an empty list we might add the one we might append the two append the three and so it just is sort of laid out differently in memory and again if I can come to you in the middle what's the running time of search again when the link list uses this append implementation yeah still Big O of n because in the worst case you're going to have to go through the whole list just to find it and notice it doesn't matter if you have an intuition now that the bigger numbers might very well be at the end you have no way to jump to the end you have no way to jump to the middle or do anything resembling binary search every search has to start from the left and follow the arrows again and again all right so I don't think we've done any better there and in fact what is insertions running time now in Big O when we're appending to the list in this way as we might to implement a Q instead of a stack what's the running time of inserting a new value Big O of so not Big O of one in this case but Big O of n because if I'm appending by definition I have to start here and Traverse the whole thing looking for the end now this is a bit of an overstatement right you could obviously optimize this slightly by maybe adding another variable that always points to the last element sort of a cheat sheet a shortcut that gets you all the way to to the end that's totally fine it's not doesn't really fit the traditional definition of a singly linked list but there's absolutely smart engineering solutions to these kinds of problems but as designed it would indeed be Big O of end to insert to if you've got to go all the way to the end and you're not using a little extra memory to get yourself there quickly well what if we want to take things one last step and not just a pen blindly because even though I inserted one two three if I inserted them in random order they would end up in random order what if you want to maintain a sorted list from smallest to largest well then you might want to insert numbers like this starting from an empty list we might have a two then we might try inserting a one but we want to keep it sorted so now we're going to prepend in our code but then you might want to insert a four so you would append the four because you're probably going to look for the right spot to insert it then we're going to insert a three and this one's getting a little annoying because now you have to like iterate over the list look for the right spot and then do a little smarter of a splice but it's possible but you don't want to Orphan the four for instance and then ultimately we get back to this question what would the performance be of your linked list if you're trying to maintain sorted order well search I think is going to be Big O of n for the same reasons as before what about insertion big go of what for inserting into a sorted linked list yeah in the worst case yeah it's still Big O ofen so it's no worse than but it's not really any better than a pending but we gain the additional property of maintaining a sorted list which might very well be useful if you're sorting your contacts in your phone or something like that where it just maintain makes sense to maintain sorted order now in the code for online today if you take a look at some of the final versions of code like list 6. C and list 5.c as we'll post on the website you can actually see code that will solve all three of these problems the Preen version that we wrote live the appen version which we talk through as well as this sorted order one but I think I'll avoid showing it live just because I do think that starts to escalate quickly but I think we have enough of a building block if we're comfortable with prepending to at least solve some real world problems with these link lists questions then on link list which we'll now leave behind on their own but now use this technique to solve fancier problems but much less code questions on linked list all right so to C recap we've kind of taken a s side step with link list like we have this dynamism now where we can grow and Shrink our chunks of memory without over allocating or accidentally underallocation as in the world of an array we don't have to worry about copying values endlessly because once you allocate the node it can just stay wherever it is in memory and you can just maintain uh you can just Stitch it together somehow but unfortunately we've sacrificed what we started the class with in week zero which was like binary search divide and conquer which was like gave us that log and running time which was really compelling if you think back to the demonstrations and the the visuals can we get the best of both worlds can we get the sort of uh speed of binary search something logarithmic but the dynamism of something like a link list well we can actually I think if we start to think not in a single Dimension just the x-axis if you will but two Dimensions such that our data structures can maybe now have width and height if you will and so a tree is perhaps the right term here much like a family tree if you have sort of your elders up here in the tree and then the branches below them for their children and grandchildren and the like that's actually what a computer scientist means when they talk about trees not a tree that grows up like this but really one that typically is depicted growing down although this is just an artist's depiction no matter what but there are certain types of trees in the world called binary search trees that are structured on paper and in visually like a uh family tree but they have a special property that lends themselves to exactly that feature binary search so for instance here is an array back from week two and I've sorted a whole bunch of numbers here in from 1 to seven we know we can do binary search on this structure if it's implemented as an array but what feature do arrays to be clear not have that link lists do today's kind of a seesaw like what did we just gain by adding link list that arrays do not allow yeah yeah you can insert more elements without having to copy or moving everything else around like right now in this single Dimension if these values to the left and or right are already used then you have to move everything and that's where we started today's story so arrays kind of paint you into a corner because you have to by definition decide in advance how big they are well couldn't we have some kind of array that can still grow but still is contiguous so we can do binary search in some way well yes if we sort of rethink how we Implement binary search Let Me propose that this I've chosen these seven elements in the array much like the lockers from uh week two to be ordered from smallest to largest I've highlighted now in yellow the middle elements here and if we were telling the story of week two going left or going right let me highlight in red the middle elements of the left half and the right half and then let me further highlight in green the other elements in between those and there's a pattern here as you might notice whereby there's one yellow in the middle and then there's the two red and the four green there's kind of an implicit structure there if you will and what if I do start to think in two dimensions and instead of laying out an array of lockers like this on the x-axis only what if I kind of like Slide the four up and pull the uh the the one the three the five down and kind of draw this in two Dimensions instead well let me do that as by separating these things like this such that now let me propose that each of these squares maybe it doesn't have to be contiguous it can be anywhere in the computer's memory but I can't have these crazy gaps among them how could I perhaps keep these things connected conceptually what should I add to the picture if you will yeah branches say again so branches metaphorically here and more technically in the language of C maybe just some arrows some pointers so I won't bother drawing things as rectangles constantly let me propose that we're now just abstracting away what a node is but let me claim that each of these squares now is a node and a node might have a number but it might also have a pointer heck maybe even two or more pointers and let me draw those now I don't care about addresses like ox1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n anymore let's just draw our pointers with arrows but now let me propose that we could very well think about this as a tree storing what was previous previously array data but now each of these nodes can be anywhere in memory and moreover even though I've kind of painted myself into a corner visually on the screen so long as there's more memory in the computer I could put the number zero over here I could put the number eight over here and I'm if I'm smart I could probably if I want to insert other numbers like 2.5 or 1.5 or values in between you know I bet we could kind of make room by swiveling things around and just kind of hanging things off of these branches slightly differently and so what does this gain me well if I instead start to model my data not single dimensionally but in two dimensions and I connect those nodes with these pointers what can I now do I think I just gave myself back binary search why suppose I'm searching for the number five how do I find it Well just like in a family tree where you might visually start reading from top to bottom I'm always going to start from the so-called root of a binary search tree this is just like the list pointer that kicks off the whole link list process this is the so-called route all right here I am at the number four I want to find the number five what decision can I make when I see that I'm currently at the number four just like the phone book from week zero where is five not it's not to the left and if I were had you know built a little mobile here or something we could very dramatically snip off this Branch this is this is like very lowbudget animation these nodes could like fall to the ground and we're left with half of essentially a tree but what do I now know it's obviously the five to the right so let me go to the right six is obviously not the one I'm looking for but what do I now know about the five well five is less than the sixth so I can sort of snip this off here because I know it's not going to be down there and I can follow the remaining Arrow here and voila I just found it and now without getting into the weeds of the math I've got here what Seven Elements that's roughly eight if I round up and if I do some log base two I actually 1 two three is the key detail here the height of this tree is three because I took a list of size seven and IED it and IED it in order to let it dangle in these two Dimensions plus or minus one for rounding sake so what do I get back I now have binary search but it's not like H the middle of the middle of the middle I now follow these arrows in one of two directions so each of these nodes now has an INT and maybe a left pointer and a right pointer but you can call them anything you want and so I've gotten back binary search and dynamism because if you want to add zero or eight or 9 or 10 we can just dangle them at the bottom of the binary search tree so what would this look like in code but we won't actually implement it line by line well here was previously our definition of a node for a link list which was onedimensional if you will even though it might bounce up and down on the screen it was still just a line if you will well let me get rid of the single pointer in the linked list let me make a little bit of room here in this type death and let me propose that we just add two pointers each of which is a struct node star one will be called left by convention one will be called right by convention and so long as someone not me not today not in class writes the code that stitches together this data structure too handling both the left child and the right child so to speak I think we can indeed stitch together that two-dimensional structure and moreover once you have this in memory you can translate pretty elegantly to code binary search itself using a principle we talked about recently too here is for instance a function that I'll write by just clicking through steps called search whose purpose in life is to return a Boolean true or false the number I'm looking for is in the tree this search function therefore takes two arguments the number I'm looking for called number and then a pointer to the tree the so-called root of the tree now how can I Implement binary search in code will recall our brief discussion of recursion it turns out recursion is a beautiful technique and honestly more obvious technique when you have two dimensional structures which finally after five plus weeks we now do here's maybe my first line of code here if the tree is null then obviously return false you've handed me an empty tree there's nothing going on obviously the number you're looking for is not going to be here so that's my like safe base case to make sure I don't screw up and recurse infinitely well what else might be the case well if the number I'm looking for is less than the tree's own number and now recall that trees a node star so even though I'm calling it a tree it's really the current node that's been passed in so if the number I'm looking for is less than the current nodes number then I must know that the number I'm looking for is to the left so to speak so how can I solve that well this is where the magic of recursion just return whatever the answer is to calling search again but on a sub tree if you will this is the sort of equivalent of snipping off half of the tree pass in the left sub tree if you will with the same number else if the number you're looking for isn't less than the current nodes number but greater than snip off the other subtree instead and just return whatever search says it finds in the right subtree here and then there's a fourth and final case what else could be true logically [Music] yeah perfect if the number you're looking for equals equals the number in this node then I'm just going to return true and you might recall from our recurring discussions of design I don't strictly need to ask that explicitly either there's no node it's to the left it's to the right or you found it so I can just Whittle that down as usual to an else and this now returns my true so here too this is where recursion once you get comfy with it sort of gets pretty elegant and cool in the sense that wow even though there's a lot of lines here I mean there's only a few interesting lines a lot of it's like Curly braces at that which strictly speaking I could get rid of and so recurs lends itself to Elegance when it comes to traversing these two-dimensional data structures as well so that is in code how you might Implement something like search questions then on these trees we have dynamism we can insert more nodes to them they're faster because we get B search back but but but there's got to be a price paid any downsides or question or downside okay let me come back to that in just one sec downside though what price of we paid for this dynamism and for this binary searchability even though I've abstracted it away in the picture say again we're using a lot of memory right I'm kind of misleading you now because I'm just drawing these little squares with the simple numbers but there's actually three things in there a four byte integer an 8 by left pointer a 8 by right pointer so we're already up to 16 20 bytes now to store individual ins that's probably okay though if memory is relatively cheap and voluminous as it nowadays is but these are the kinds of trade-offs and here too you see a hint of why some people still do like and use C and in fact it's so omnipresent because when you have C you can really fine-tune how much memory is being used for Better or For Worse under the hood as we transition soon to python these decisions get made for you and you have much much less control about how many me how much memory is being used by your program because someone else made those designed decisions for you question is it bad if we don't know the parent node uh not necessarily there's no reason why you need to have pointers in both directions however that can lend itself to efficiency by spending more space and having arrows go up too you can actually save more time when searching the tree in other context this though would be the canonical way the typical way to implement it um but absolutely just like a doubly link list that could help you solve other problems too all right so turns out I'm kind of overselling binary search trees there are perversions of them so to speak whereby they won't actually behave as advertised for instance here's a a good situation suppose you've got an empty tree initially and you insert the number two well it's got to go somewhere so it might as well become the root of this binary search tree and let's assume that someone wrote the code to do this now you want to insert the number one and you want to maintain the searchability of this tree well it's important to note that binary search tree is different from tree if you just got a tree in memory there is no social contract with where the numbers need to go they can be completely random all over the place binary search tree means that you can do binary search means that any node here is going to be greater than every node here and less than every node here and that's a definition it's a recursive structural definition that must be true to be a binary search tree or BST so if we maintain that property ourselves let me insert two let me insert one one belongs there by that definition let me insert three three belongs there by that definition but I kind of got lucky in that I in the story inserted two and then one and then three let me propose a sort of perversion of the algorithm whereby we just get unlucky let me propose that we insert in uh insert one first and then we insert two well where does two go well logically it goes to the right because it's larger all right now the user inserts three where does it go okay it goes there logically and how does this story un fold the user inserts four five six it's wonderfully sorted in advance by luck but this is a perversion of the structure in what sense it's still technically a binary search tree but what does it look more like it really is devolving if you will into a linked list and so if you the programmer don't Implement a binary search tree with some kind of repairs going on such that as soon as something gets whoa a little too long in stringy I think I can fix this it's going to be an annoying line number of lines of code which we're not going to write here or or in a pet but we could kind of pivot this thing right and we could just rejigger things so that the two becomes the new root the one becomes the left child the three becomes the right child but that's what like two three plus lines of code it's possible it's doable but it's it's extra work it's extra code so unless you write that code though and maintain balance of these trees just because it's a binary search tree does not mean its height is going to be log base 2 of n the height could be log it could be n in which case you don't get those properties so when it comes to looking up in a balanced binary search tree yes it's log in but if it's unbalanced if you don't add that additional logic and those repairs so to speak you could it could devolve into Big O of N and this is a whole category of algorithms and fanciness that you would explore in a higher level course on algorithms and data structures there's lots of way to do that sort of fixing that I'm alluding to in the picture there on the screen screen all right a few other data structures if you will toward an end of a sort of computer science Holy Grail so log in is repeatedly a really good place to end up we started in week zero when we got log in we lost it this earlier today by introducing link list but we just got it back albeit at the price of spending more space but the Holy Grail so to speak when it comes to algorithms would not be Big O of n certainly definitely not n squar like our mer like our bubble sorts and selection sorts and not even Big O of Logan what's better than all of those big O of one constant time right that's the Holy Grail because if we could store huge amounts of data but find it instantly in one step or two steps or heck even 10 or 20 steps but independent of the size of the data structure that's pretty powerful I mean that's the secret sauce of the Googles and the twitters of the world trying to get back results really really fast well it turns out another abstract data type or abstract data structure might be something called a dictionary just like the maram Webster Oxford English dictionaries that you might know which associate say words with definitions well you can think of a dictionary really abstractly as this like two columns maybe on a spreadsheet of sorts where the left column represents something and the right column represents something else like the word is on the left and its definition is on the right and that's almost literally what a dictionary is on paper you've got all the words and all the definitions right next to it but more generally in Computing a dictionary really just has not words and definitions per se but key value pairs this is a term of Art and we're going to see this again and again especially as we transition to web programming keys and values key is what you use to look for something the value is what you find ultimately via that key so that's the generic term there we've seen key value pairs really in the past in week zero we talked about your contacts in your iPhone or Android phone uh being an app that has a whole bunch of contexts presumably alphabetized by first name or last name or the like well one one of those contact cards ultimately has someone's number for instance like John Harvard in this case so in that type of application the keys is the name like John Harvard that you use to find information and the value is the number that you find there or if there's more information like where he lives and uh email address and the like the whole contact card could be the value thereof the key is what you use to look up John Harvard now back in week zero oh and rather the corresponding table then if we draw this in two columns wouldn't be word and definition or key value generically it would be name and number for instance so we're just slapping some new terminology on this old contact problem well this is the picture we drew way back in week zero whereby I claimed that log of n was really really good and indeed it was and has been since but the Holy Grail would indeed be something more like this in this dashed Green Line constant time and maybe not literally one step but a fixed number of steps that even as the problem gets huge and you go way way out on the right of the X AIS the problem does not depend on the side the uh the uh the time to solve the problem does not depend at all on the size of the problem itself you can have a thousand contacts or 100,000 contacts constant time means it takes the same number of steps no matter what well how can we get to that point well there's a couple of final building blocks today and there's one called hashing and this is something that will recur a few times but for now hashing is all about taking as input some value and outputting a simpler version thereof so for instance here's a a gratuitously large deck of cards which are all the more visible as a result and in a deck of cards typically you've got like what 52 cards plus maybe the Jokers and whatnot and each of those cards has a number of sorts and a suit on it and here are literally four buckets on the stage and how might I go about sorting these cards not just by number but also by suit well you could certainly like spread them all out and sort of make a mess of things and just kind of reason your way through it and get everything in order according to suit and corded by number but most of us even if you don't have four buckets at home probably are going to do something a little more intuitive feels like an optimization where if I find like the nine of Hearts I'm going to put that into the hearts bucket the King of Spades I'm going to put that into the Spades bucket the jack of diamonds over here and I'll do this with the Queen of Diamonds and uh the Ace of clubs here and the three here and the 10 here and even though it's still going to be 52 steps why am I and maybe at home like why would you perhaps do this step first what's the value of bucketization reduces the probability of errors or the like and what I'm doing here to give it a technical term is that I'm hashing the values I'm taking as input a card like this and I'm reducing it more simply from a larger domain to a much smaller range if you will so here's a domain of like 52 possibilities I want to map that to a range of four possible outcomes the Diamonds the clubs the carts or the Spades here and by doing that I'm just shrinking the size of the problem so hashing does that it's like literally an F ofx type Arrangement whereby you pass something in and you get back a simpler known value well a hash function more technically is the algorithm or even the math or even the code that implements that idea converting something bigger to something smaller to this indeed finite range of values and it turns out that hash tables are a wonderful application of arrays and length lists to try to Leverage The Best of Both Worlds the goal being theoretically to achieve that Holy Grail of constant time and that's going to be a bit of an overstatement because you're not always going to achieve it exactly but at least we can get a little closer there too so with hash tables you have something that looks like this this is just an array this is an artist rendition of drawing it vertically instead of horizontally but that's just a a detail graphically and this array for instance maybe uh is of size 26 and where am I going with this well how does Apple how does Google Store your contexts alphabetically in your phone and search for things quickly well they might they probably alphabetize at least in English according to a through z or if we convert that to numbers it's like what 65 through whatever or really 0 through 25 suffices if we're using an array of size 26 we start counting at zero and we count up to 25 but let's abstract that away as just letters of the alphabet so maybe what Google and apple are doing in your phone is storing all of the A's up there all of the Z's down there and everything else in between and so this works pretty well if you start adding your friends and your family so for instance and I'll get rid of the letter so it's to not distract uh alvus might go in that first spot because a you subtract the 65 maps to zero so we put him in the first bucket the a bucket uh maybe Zacharias ends up all the way at the end there and then in the middle might here be Hermione and if we do this dot dot dot you keep adding all of your classmates you might get a uh contact database that has all of this data here in now each of these nodes they're drawn differently because this is just another artist rendition these rectangles these long rectangles represent a contact card like John Harvard's that's got the name maybe email definitely phone number and things like that so this seems great why how can I find Albus well I go to the a bucket how do I find Zacharias I go to the Z bucket how do I find Hermione I go to the H bucket but but but I've done this very deliberately what problem will arise eventually assuming you have enough classmates yeah there'll be too many people too many contacts for all of the available spaces in the array there's still some room here but I'm pretty sure if I think back to this particular class uh we've got not hermy but also Harry who's also an H Hagrid who's also an H so where do I put them I could just put them arbitrarily in any of the open spots but then you lose the immediacy of jumping right to the H right to the a right to the Z but now that we have link lists we can kind of combine these ideas right use an array to get to the first letter of the name you care about and then if you have a collision so to speak whereby someone's already there you don't do something stupid like put Harry down here just because it's available or maybe Hagrid down here just because it's available because then you're losing the immediacy of the lookup why don't you just kind of stitch them together in a linked list now what does this mean this means for most of the characters here you have constant time lookup you look up alvas boom you're done Zacharias boom you're done okay Harry Hermione Hagrid it might be one two or three steps so that's actually devolving into something linear but here we make a distinction today between theoretical running times which we keep talking about and honestly a clock on the wall running times that actual humans care about this is way faster than a linked list because you don't have to search every name it's even faster than a an array because you don't need to do binary search you can literally for most of the names find them in constant time one step and again it's not theoretically constant because these if you only befriend people who have H names it's going to be a crazy long link list anyway so again it really kind of depends on what the nature of the data is here but this is pretty close to constant time and in fact how could we get even closer how could we reduce the probability of collisions for the H's or any other letters how could we avoid putting too many H names together say a little L okay yeah so we could add another dimension if you will but let's not add a third dimension per se but let's indeed look at not just the first letter of everyone's name but the first and the second and in fact let's see if that gets us a little uh further along so let me go ahead and propose if you go through the whole Harry Potter Universe there's actually a lot of collisions if we keep going and so we've got the L's here the RS the S's and so forth well let's clean this up here Hermione originally went to the H location but let's decrease the probability of collisions there and everywhere else instead of putting hermion Harry and Hagrid Al together let's go ahead and do this instead instead of labeling these buckets A through Z let's just give ourselves more buckets so in fact this might be H well instead of H maybe this should be ha and then this should be HB HC HD h e HF now some of those are a little nonsensical cuz I can't think of names that match most of those but it's deterministic at least we know the bucket will be there which is important even if it's empty and now we can put Hermione here we can put Harry here but uhoh we didn't do this perfectly well Hagrid still Collide so let me come back to you how can we reduce the probability of Harry and Hagrid colliding yeah so we could look at the third letter okay so let me try that instead of ha let's look at haa ha ha C dot dot dot haq dot dot dot h h e q h e r hes and so forth and now I think those names and probably all the others we saw are now much more cleanly distributed there's much lower probability of collisions unless two people have like almost the same names or one is like a prefix of the other but but but even though we're now closer than ever to constant time because the odds that we hit a collision and have to devolve to a link list or much lower what's the downside that's not completely obvious from how I've depicted this on screen what's the price I'm paying here yeah this is a huge amount of memory the number of cells here in the array is now what 26 * 26 * 26 for the first the second and the third possible characters all combinatorically combined here that's a lot I didn't even draw them I have the dot dot dot to evoke that instead that's a huge amount of memory this is a very sparse data set now and odds are you're going to waste so much memory even for the names like Hae ha like HQ like I can't even think of names so many of those buckets are going to be empty not to mention the AAA and the zzz and everything else in between so it's a trade-off and it might be too expensive a trade-off and so you might have to tolerate something like the collisions we had earlier whereby even though they might very well happen at least you uh are decreasing the probability by perhaps having more buckets like this and in fact if I rewind now to where we might have gone with this here here's how we might represent these nodes in the tree previously in the past we've had a person who had a string name and a string number AKA now Char star and so here now might be how in this hash table we represent someone's name and number as well as a pointer to the next element in the list we let me rewind just to the picture here we keep drawing different shapes because again these are abstractions who really cares if they're to scale now we've got enough room for the person's name not pictured on the screen is herm's number that's somewhere in this rectangle but yes pictured here in this little square is a pointer to the next node in the list so by storing name and number maybe her address maybe her mailing address whatever in addition to a pointer allows each of these nodes to be connectable just like the nodes in a linked list but where they're starting is in an array so the array gets us like 126 of or gets us um Narrows the problem from size 26 to one gets us to the link list in question hopefully it's a single person or perhaps it has more than that meanwhile what is the hash table itself the hash table the whole thing is literally just an array I've hardcoded the simplest version of size 26 but what do each of those boxes in the vertical array represent just a pointer to potentially a node a node in a length list and if there's no one there if there's no one in location y or X or the like in that Universe well it's just a null pointer signifying there's no uh one there but if there is it's going to be a pointer to a valid node from which we can get to any of the others as well and that so-called hash function just like the one I did with the greeting cards well it's just an a black box if you will but implemented somewhere in code like in C and so if you pass in Albus what is the hash value of Albus well in the first version of the story with 26 buckets it should be a zero if you pass in Zacharias it should be 25 and so just as my cards were being hashed to one of 1 2 3 four values now these names are being hashed to one of 26 possibilities or 26 time 26 or 26 to the 3 power if you have more and more granularity than that questions on this implementation now of this idea of a hash [Music] table if uh if you say that again with the [Music] null oh a good question so if there's so much spareness there's all of these empty cells in the array couldn't you just go in and free them or delete them or just kind of shrink the array and not have a a AA and aab and a a only have the prefixes two or three characters that you need you absolutely could do that but now what you you lose is the arithmetic benefit of being able to map each letter to a number if you start uh freeing up unused space you don't know that Zacharias is necessarily at location 25 Albus is still going to be at location zero but if you've deleted some of the elements in the middle Zacharias could be at 24 if you've deleted one 23 if you've deleted another and so you don't have that arithmetic immediacy that you need in order to index into the array with constant time and the same is going to be true if it's uh two letters or three letters you need to be able to trust that you can do some quick math and jump to the right index in constant time and that's again the appeal of these arrays so when it comes to the running time of a hash table inserting values into it searching for values therein at the end of the day it technically is Big O of n because in the craziest case you might have a huge fancy hash table but everyone in the universe has a name starting with h and then it just evolves into a really long link list just like a binary search tree could do the same but if you choose a smarter hash function maybe you mitigate that and you don't rely only on the first letter but on the second or the third as well or some other combination of that input and make your hash function smarter odds are if you get a good hash function you want it get it to be more of like order of n divided by K where K means constant mathematically and so K is the number of buckets so ideally you want like a uniform distribution you want like this many people here this many people here you don't want there to be some or no people you want a uniform statistical distribution and maybe you get that from Human names maybe you don't but that's kind of the challenge of a hash function of course Big O of n over K is not a thing because we always throw away constants like K so it's still Big O of n but again the distinction today is that okay yes academically you learned in cs50 that sure it's Big O ofin but my God it's 26 times faster if you do the hash function well and you spread everyone out over the hash table and that's the appeal of these kinds of structures and we've got one more for you if I may something now known as a try so it turns out that a try is even cooler if you like this kind of thing in that it does not devolve into Big O of n it is truly constant time but there's going to be a price there's going to be a gotcha a try is sort of a fancier tree and it's short for retrieval but pronounced try for weird historical reasons but a try is a tree each of whose nodes is an array right so this is all like crazy mashups now people started inventing data structures just by combining different ones unfortunately a lot of the good ideas are taken but you just have benefits from certain aspects of those data structures and combining them ideally gives you the best of both worlds so to speak so here might be the root of a try it's literally a big node a big rectangle but it's actually an array so there's like 26 locations in this picture here and here's how you use a try for instance to store names just like the hash table it you treat each of the elements of that array in that node as like a letter of the alphabet so a through z or 0 through 25 and if you want to store someone's name in here you do so as follows if you want to store like uh an H you index into the H location and if you want to store the second letter of someone's name like an a well you add another node below it and such one is connected to the other and you then identify the a in that array and then you go on and maybe put a g if the goal is to store spoiler now Hagrid in this data structure and then the r and the I and then the D but when you get to the D the end of the name you have to somehow flag that this is the end of a name that we've embedded into this data structure so whereas all of these are called out in white just to make obvious what we're connecting to what green has to be like a bull that's true that just indicates like the buck stops here like d is the last letter in someone's actual name and what's kind of cool now about a try is that we can repeat this for other names as well so for instance here is where we might put Harry as well and notice they share a common prefix ha for Hagrid ha for Harry so we're reusing some of these nodes some of these arrays we can even slip Hermione in here too borrowing only the H but she gets the H then the E then r r m i o n e and so forth and we Mark at the end of her name too that she's in there now what's the takeaway here well what is the running time of a try how many steps does it take to find someone in this data structure and let me zoom out so that it sort of suddenly becomes a massive data structure with even more in it uh maybe it looks sorry no I'll keep it on this one maybe it looks a little something like this with just these three names but how many steps does it take to find Hagrid or Harry or Hermione no matter how many names are in this data structure there's three at the moment but it takes what h a g r i d so six steps to find Hagrid uh h a r r y five steps to find Harry h e r m i o n e eight steps to find Hermione but notice that those steps are only dependent on what the lengths of the human's names and let's assume that no one's going to have a infinitely long name it's going to max out at what like eight no maybe eight 18 maybe 20 30 there's actually some pretty long human names out there but it's going to be finite you know it's abounded whereas most contexts n could grow forever so what's compelling here is if you assume that the longest name is I don't know 50 for the sake of a theme here then you know that finding anyone in this data structure will take you no more than 50 steps 50 is thus a constant which means you have big O of one running time it doesn't matter if there's a million people in this phone book or a billion people in this phone book that's going to definitely add more nodes to it but it's still going to take you h a r uh sorry h a g r i d six steps to find Hagrid h a r r y five steps to find Harry even if there's a billion other people in that data structure so now we actually do seem to have constant time if you assume that there's going to be a bound on the length of the name why don't we use tries for everything then what's the price we're paying for this data structure even though we've represented just three characters here yeah it's a lot of memory yeah and you can see it even with these three names most of the squares on the screen are empty like bites and bits that are there and are allocated and they need to be there because you need to be able to do that arithmetic thing of this being zero this being 25 so you can jump from boom boom boom boom based on each of the letters but it's a hugely sparse data structure which means it takes up a crazy amount of memory now maybe that's tolerable especially for short names but that's going to be the trade-off as well and this is such a tension in Computing almost any time you want to improve time you want to speed up the efficiency the speed of your algorithm you're going to spend space if by contrast you want to decrease the amount of space you might very well have to increase the running time it is indeed this seesaw back and forth and you your colleagues your company need to decide what resource is the most precious heck it might be much harder to code one of these data structures than another you're a human your time is valuable do you really want to spend hours implementing a try when you know hey in 30 minutes I can bang out an array nowadays or a linked list even there too development time is going to be yet another resource and why sometimes there's good code or bad code it depends on what you're prioritizing so what do each of these nodes look like in a try well we can keep calling it a node this is a very generic term for just a container in these data structures in this story though let me claim that everyone has a number like a phone number a string akhr star every every node has 26 children or technically an array of size 26 that can point to more of these nodes notice that I don't need to store the name of someone in a try because it's implicit in the path that you take to find them so that's a minor optimization but it saves us some space but this would be just a different data structure we could use to actually solve this problem as well albeit at a very expensive cost and what do we need our variable to be that stores the try just like four we just need a single pointer that hangs on to the root of this structure that's null if it's empty or non-null if it's actually pointing at something any questions then on tries and if it's feeling like a lot the fire the the fire hydrant it is we started with arrays then link list then tries but questions on how we've just assembled from these basic building blocks [Music] yeah a good question why is this not uh size 26 uh it's just like with the try just like with the link list before it just tends to be en code convenient to have a separate additional pointer that's small that just points to the beginning of the data structure because that way it can be null thereby clearly indicating there are no nodes the whole structure is empty if you allocated one of those nodes you absolutely could but then you'd be just wasting space even if it's empty and it creates an ambiguity so just having a single pointer linked to the beginnings of all of these things is a good thing other questions now on tries or trees or hash tables or arrays so what problems might arise well here's a counter example what names are manifest in this try here feel free to just call it out what do you see Danielle and Danielle so presumably if these are two uh names here one of which is a prefix of another notice that the data structure still works and I chose you know a friend's name and then appended a couple of more characters to it that's also a name because we have here d a n i e l and the green technically is implemented as a bull or something like that that indicates a word stops here but we don't want to preclude storing Danielle as well who's a super string if you will of Daniel and so that's okay too so long as the structure allows for the pointers to keep going so even that works out okay whereas it might not have otherwise and in terms of the running time just to be clear at the end of the day tries do give you actual constant time for insertions lookups deletions and the like because it's dependent only on the length of the input the key if you will and not on how many other people are in your phone or a dress book and now thought we'd conclude with a visual if you've gotten out into the square anyone recognize this okay okay sweet green a local salad place what are we looking at here and what's its connection to today um you're about to become all the geekier in the real world cuz you will start to see data structures everywhere what is this or how does this work maybe in salad form who's been to Sweet green okay either of you so how does this [Music] work okay good so if you order a salad for someone named L when it's ready they put it in the l section here and so this is kind of a set of key value pairs right if L is the first letter of someone's name the value hopefully is the salad and so what you kind of have here is a dictionary key value pairs where it's not words and definitions it's names and salads and you can think of this too as kind of a hash table why even though it actually doesn't fit on one long shelf cu the store is only so big this is really an array and apparently a is missing or maybe it's around around the corner but this array just happens to wrap onto multiple lines but it's still conceptually a single Dimension but suppose two people have the name L what do they do typically yeah so maybe they they well if they run put that much effort into it they might look at the second letter and then the third letter odds are this is not that interesting a problem to solve optimally in that way but they probably do start stacking the salads on top of each other maybe scooching it over just a little bit and so what do you have there well now you start to view the lens through like cs50 glasses like okay you have an array and then you have like these link lists that are sort of growing here but even then you run into a problem why because it's not really a link list because at some point you're going to hit the boundary here so it's kind of like an array of arrays because you can only fit what like three or four salads here and so long story short we started today deliberately talking about real world things like stacks and cues and even though it did escalate quickly into binary search trees and hash tables and tries even those things are everywhere even though they don't call them as such these are just solutions to problems and now with this final week of SE under your belt you have all the more of a technical toolkit via which to implement these things and code next week we'll be able to trust that someone else solved all these problems we'll introduce Python and lines of code like this will finally become lines of code like that so that's the promise ahead and we'll see you next [Applause] [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] all right this is cs50 and this is week six wherein we finally transitioned from scratch to see to now Python and indeed this is going to be somewhat of a unique experience in that just like a few weeks past perhaps for the first time and now uh today you're going to learn a new language but the goal isn't just to throw another fire hose of content and syntax and whatnot at you but rather to really equip you all to actually teach yourself new languages in the future and so indeed what we'll do today what we'll do this coming week is sort of prepare you to stand on your own and once python is p a and the world has moved on to some other language in some number of years you'll be well equipped to figure out how to wrap your mind around some new syntax some new language and solve problems as well now you recall in week zero this is where we started just saying hello to the world and that quickly escalated just a week later in C to see be something much much more cryptic and if you've still sort of struggled with some of the syntax find yourself checking your notes or your previous code like that's totally normal and that's one of the reasons why there are languages besides C out there among them this language called python humans over the decades have realized gee that wasn't necessarily the best designed decision or humans have realized wow you know what now that computers have gotten faster with more memory and more faster CPUs we can actually do more with our programming languages so just as human languages evolve so do actual programming languages and even within a programming language there's typically different versions We for instance have been using version C11 of C which was updated in 2011 um but python itself continues to evolve and it's now up to version three plus and so there too these things will evolve in the coming days thankfully what you're about to see is hello world for the third time but it's going to be literally this none of the crazy syntax above or below fewer semicolons if any fewer curly braces and really a lot of the distractions get out of the way so to get there let's consider exactly how we've been programming up until now so you write a program in C and you've got hopefully no syntax error so you're ready to build it that is compil it and so you've run make and then you've run the program like/ hello or if you think back to week two where we took a peak underneath the hood of what make is doing it's really running the actual compiler something called clang maybe with some command line arguments creating a program called hello and then you could do do/ hello so today you're going to start doing something similar in spirit but fewer steps no longer will you have to compile your code and then run it and then maybe fix or change it and then compile your code and run it and then repeat repeat the process of running your code is going to be distilled into just a single step and the way to think of this for now is that where a c is frequently used as indeed a compiled language whereby you convert it first to zeros and ones Python's going to let you speed things up whereby you the human programmer don't have to compile it you're just going to run what's called an interpreter which by Design is named the exact same thing as the language itself and by running this program installed in VSS code or eventually on your own Max or PCS this is just going to tell your computer to interpret this code and figure out how to get down to that lower level of zeros and ones but you don't have to compile the code yourself anymore so with that said let's consider what the code is going to look like side by side in fact let's look back at some scratch blocks just like we did with C in week one and do some side by sides because even though some of the syntax this week and Beyond's going to be different like the ideas are truly going to be the same there's not all that much intellectually new just yet so whereas in week zero we might have said hello to the world with this purple puzzle piece today of course uh or rather in week one it looked like this in C but today moving forward it's going to quite simply look like this instead and if we go back and forth for just a moment here again is the version in C noticing the very seike characteristics and just at a glance here in Python I claim it's now this what do you apparently need not worry about anymore what's gone so semicolon is gone and indeed you don't need those to finish most of your thoughts anymore anything else so the back sln is absent and that's kind of curious because we're still going to get a new line but we'll see that it's become the default and this one's a little more subtle but now the function is called print instead of print F so it's a little more familiar in that sense all right so when it comes to using libraries that is code that other people have written in the past we've done things like hash include cs50.h to use cs50's own header file or standard IO or standard lib or string or any number of other header files you have all used well moving forward we're going to give you for this first week a similar cs-50 Library just very short-term uh training wheels that will quickly take off because in reality it's a lot easier to do things in python as we'll see but the Syntax for this now is going to be to import the cs50 library in this way and when we have now this ability we can actually start writing some code right away in fact let me switch over to vs code here and just as in the past I'll create a new file but instead of creating something called C I'm going to go ahead and create my first program called using Code space that of course gives me this new tab and let me actually quite simply do what I proposed print quote unquote hello world without the back slash without the semicolon without the F in print and now let me go down to my terminal window and I don't have to compile it I don't have to do dot slash i instead run a program called python whose purpose in life is now to interpret my code top to bottom left to right and if I run python of crossing my fingers as always voila now I have printed out hello world so we seem to have gotten the new line for free in this sense where it's automatically happening the dollar sign isn't weirdly on the same line like it want was in week one but that's just a a minor detail here if we switch back to now some other capabilities well indeed with the cs50 library you can also not just import the library itself but specific functions and you'll see that temporarily we're going to give you a helper function called get string just like in C that just makes it work exactly the same way as in C and we'll see a couple of other functions that will just make life easier initially but quickly will we take those training wheels off so that nothing is indeed cs50 specific all right well how about functions more generally in Python let's do a whirlwind tour if you will much like we did in that first week of C comparing one to the other so back in our world of scratch one of the first programs we wrote was this one here whereby we asked the human their name we then used the return value that was sort of automatically stored in this answer variable as a second argument to join so that we could say hello David or hello Carter so this was back in week one uh week zero in week one we converted it to this and here's a perfect example of things like escalating quickly and again this is why we start in scratch there's just so much distraction here to achieve the same idea but even today we're going to chip away at some of that syntax so in C we had to declare the argument as a we had to declare the variable as a string here we of course had the semicolon and more well in Python the comparable code now is going to look more simply like this so semicolon is again gone on both lines for that matter so that's good what else appears to have changed or disappeared yeah type of variable yeah so I didn't have to specifically say that answer is now a string and indeed python is is dynamically typed and in fact it will infer from Context exactly what it is you are storing in that variable other details that seem a little bit different little bit different what else jumps out at you here I'll go back this was the C version and maybe Focus now on the second line because we've rather exhausted the first here's now the python version what's different here yeah yeah there's no percent s anymore there's no second argument at the moment per se to print now it is still a little weird it's as though I've like deployed some addition here arithmetically but that's not the case some of you have programmed before and plus some of you might know means what in this context so to combine or more technically anyone know the buzz word yeah to concatenate so to concatenate is like the fancy way of what scratch calls joining which is to take one string on the left one string on the right and to join them together to glue them together if you will so this is not addition it would be if it were numbers involved instead but because we've got a string hello comma and another string implicitly in this variable based on what the human typed in in response to this get string function that's going to concatenate hello comma space and then David or Carter or whatever the human has typed in but turns out there's going to be different ways to do this in Python and we'll show you a few different ones and here too try not to get too hung up on or frustrated by like all of the different ways you can solve problems odds are you're going to be picking up tips and techniques for years to come if you continue programming so let's just give you a few of the possible ways so here's a second way you could print out hello comma David or hello comma Carter but what has changed in the previous version I used concatenation explicitly and the space here is important grammatically just so we get that in the final phrase now I'm proposing to get rid of that space to add a comma outside of the double quotes as well but if you think back to C this probably just means that print similar in spirit to print F can take not just one argument but even two and in fact because of this comma in the middle that's outside of the double quotes it's hello comma and then it will be automatically concatenated with even without using the plus to whatever the value of answer is and by default just for grammatical prettiness the print fun function always gives you a space for free in between each of the multiple arguments you pass in we'll see how you can override that down the line but for now that's just another way to do it now perhaps the better if slightly cryptic way to do this or just the increasingly common way is probably this third version which looks a little weird too and probably the weirdness jumps out we've automatic we've suddenly introduced these like Curly braces which I promised were mostly gone and they are but inside of this string here I've done a curly brace which might mean what just intuitively and here is sort of an example of how you learn a new language just kind of infer from Context how python probably works what might this mean yeah able to tell that this is not one of the actual stat inside yeah so this is an indication because the curly braces because this is the way python was designed that we want to plug in the value of answer not literally a ANS w r and the fancy word here is that the answer variable will be interpolated that is substituted with its actual value but but but and this is actually weird looking and this was introduced a few years ago to python what else did I have to change to make these curly braces work apparently yeah yeah there's this weird F and so it's sort of like part of print F but now it's inside the curly it's inside the parenthesis there this is just the way python designed this so a few years ago when they introduced what are called format strings or F strings you literally prefix your quoted string with the uh letter F and then you can use trickery like this like putting curly braces so that the value will be substituted automatically if you forget the F you're going to literally see hello comma curly brace answer close curly brace if you add the F it's indeed interpolated the value is plugged in all right questions on how we can just say hello to the world via python in this case yeah if you do this without the without the F if you omit the F you will literally see c h e l l o comma curly brace a NS w r close curly brace so in fact let's do this let me go back to vs code here quickly I've still got my file called open and let me go ahead and change this ever so slightly so I'm going to go ahead and uh let's say from cs50 import get string and that's just the new syntax I propose using to import a function from someone else's Library I'm going to now go ahead and ask the question uh let's go ahead and use get string storing the result and answer so get string quote unquote what's your name question mark and then on this line I'm going to deliberately make a mistake here exactly to your question let me just say hello comma answer and just this now even though answer is a variable Python's not going to be so presumptuous as to just plug in the value of a variable called answer what it's going to do of course is if I type in my name whoops I typed too fast let me go ahead and rerun that again if I run python of type in my name and hit enter I get hello comma answer well let me do one better let me apply these curly braces as before let me rerun python of What's Your Name daav ID and here's again the answer to your question now we get literally the curly braces so the fix here ultimately is just going to be to add the F there rerun my program again with daav ID and now hello comma David so this is admittedly a little more cryptic than the ones with the Plus the comma but this is just increasingly common why because you can read it left to right it's nice and convenient it's less cryptic than the percent s's so it's sort of a new and improved version if you will of printf in C based on Decades of experience of programmers doing things like this questions on printing in this way we're now on our way to programming in Python anything all right well what more can we do with this language here well let me propose that we consider that we have for instance a few other features that we can add to the mix as well namely let's say some data types as well so let me flip over here to um back to the slides and there's different data types in python as we'll soon see but they're not as explicit as we already saw by using a string from get string you don't have to explicitly State what it is but you solve recall and see all of these various data types and then in python kind of nicely enough this list is about to get shorter and so here is our list in C here is an abbreviated list in Python so we're still going to have strings but they're going to be more succinctly called stirs now St Str we're still going to have in for integers we're still going to have floats for floating Point values we're even going to have bulls for true and false but what's missing now from the list is long and floats and why is that or rather long and double well recall that in C those used more bits well in Python the smaller data types previously int and Float themselves just use more bits for you and so you don't need to distinguish between small and large you just use one data type and the language gives you a bigger range than before it turns out though there's going to be some other features as well of python these data types one of which will be called range another of which will be list So Gone will be arrays we'll actually use something literally called a list tle sort of like XY pairs for coordinates and things like that uh dict for dictionaries so we have built-in capabilities for storing keys and values we'll see and even a set sort of mathematically a set is like a collection of values but it automatically gets rid of duplicates for you so all of these things we could absolutely Implement in C if we wanted and indeed in problem set five you've been implementing your very own spell checker using some form of hashtable well it turns out that in Python you can solve those same problems but perhaps a little more readily in fact let me go back over here to vs code and let me propose that I do the following let me go ahead and create a file called dictionary. let me propose that I try to implement say problem set five our spell checker in Python instead of c and Achieve ultimately the same kind of behavior uh whereby I'll be able to spell check a whole bunch of words so this is jumping the gun a little bit because you're about to see syntax will revisit over the course of today but for now I've got a new file called dictionary. py and let me begin to create uh some placehold ERS for functions we'll see in just a bit that in Python you can define a function called check and that check function can take a word as it's input and I'll come back to this in just a moment in Python I can define a second function like load which itself will take a whole dictionary just like in problem set five and I'll go ahead and come back to the implementation of this meanwhile we might similarly Implement a function called size which takes no arguments but ultimately is going to return the size of my dictionary of words and then last lastly for consistency with problem set five we might Define an unload function whose purpose in life is to free any memory that you've been using just to give it back to the computer now odds are whether you're still working on speller or half finished speller like you wrote a decent amount of lines of code and indeed it's been by design a challenge but one of the reasons for these higher level languages like python is that you can stand on the shoulders of programmers before you and solve very common problems much more quickly so that you can f us on building your new app or your web application or your own project to solve problems of interest to you so at the risk of crushing some Spirits let me propose that in Python if you want a dictionary for something like a spell checker well that's fine go ahead and give yourself a variable like words to store all of those words and just assign it equal to a dictionary or dict for short in Python that will give you a hashtable now it turns out in speller recall you don't need to worry about words and definition conditions it's just about spellchecking the words so strictly speaking we don't need keys and values we just need keys so I'm going to save myself a few more key strokes by just saying that technically in Python using a set suffices again a set is just a collection of values with no duplicates but they don't necessarily have uh keys and values it's just one or the other but now that I have on line one I claim the equivalent in Python of a hash table I can actually do something like this here's how I might implement the check function in Python if the word passed into this function is in my variable called words well return true else go ahead and return false done wait you're thinking if anything at all maybe we want to handle lowercase instead of just uppercase and lowercase well you know what in Python if you want to force a whole word to lowercase you don't have to iterate over it with a loop you don't have to use any of that ctype functions or anything just say word. lower and that will convert the whole thing to lowercase for parody with the dictionary all right how about something like the load function in Python well in Python you can open files just like in C for instance in Python I might do open the dictionary argument in read mode just like fopen in Python I might do something like this for each line in that file let me go ahead and add to my words variable that line and then let me go ahead and close that file and I think I'm done I'm just going to go ahead and return true just because I think think I'm already done now here too I could nitpick a little bit technically if I'm reading in every line from the file every line in the dictionary ends with technically a back sln but there's an easy way to get rid of that uh just like you might in see with an alternative syntax what I'm actually going to do is this let me grab from the current line the current word by stripping off with reverse strip R strip a function will again see that just gets rid of the trailing new line the back sln at the end of that line and what I really want to do then is add this word to that dictionary meanwhile if I want to figure out what the size is of my dictionary well and see you're probably writing code to iterate over all of those lines and you're just going to uh count them up using a variable not so in Python you can just return the length of those words and better still in Python you don't have to manage your own memory no more Malo no more free no more manual thinking about memory the language just deals with all of that for you so you know what it suffices for me to just return true and claim that unloading is done for me and that's it again whether you're in the middle of or already finished this might perhaps suggest some frustration but also Enlightenment in this in that this is why higher level languages exist you can build on top of the same principles the same ideas with which you've been dealing struggling even this past week but you can now express yourself all the more succinctly like this one line implements a hash table for you and all of this now now just uses that hash table in a simpler way any questions now on this keeping in mind that the point nonetheless of speller and P said 5 is to understand what's really going on underneath the hood and better still to notice this this might seem all rather amazing but let me go ahead and do this I've actually got a couple of versions of speller written here and I've got a version written in C that I won't show the source code for but I'm going to go ahead and make that version of speller in C and I'm going to go ahead here and let's say split my window here for just a moment and I'm going to go into a python version of spell really that I just wrote and on the left hand side here let me go ahead and run speller the version I compiled in C using a big text like uh the Sherlock Holmes text which is a whole lot of words in it and on the right hand side let me run python of spell. Pi which is a separate file I wrote in advance just like we give you speller.c and I'll similarly run this on the Sherlock Holmes text and I'm going to do my best to hit enter on the left and the right of my screen at the same time but we should see hopefully the same list of misspelled words and the timings thereof so here we go on the right here we go on the left all right sort of a race to see which one wins here C is on the left python is on the right okay interesting hopefully Python's close behind note that some of the is internet delay and so it might not necessarily be a crazy number of seconds but the system is indeed using if we measure at a low level how much time the CPU spent executing my code C took a total of 1.64 seconds that was pretty fast even though it took a moment more for all of the btes to come over the Internet the python version though took what 2.44 seconds so what might an inference be I mean one maybe I'm just better at programming in c than I am in Python which is probably not true but what else might you infer from this example should we maybe give up on python stick with C no so where what might be going on here like why is the python version that I claim is correct and I think the numbers all line up just not the times where's the trade-off here well here again is sort of this design tradeoff yeah yeah exactly in order to save the human programmer time there's a lot more features built into python more functions more automatic management of memory and so forth and you have to pay a price like someone else's code is doing all of that work for you but if they've written some number of lines of code those are just more lines of code that need to be executed for you whereas here the computer is at the risk of oversimplifying only running my lines of code so there's just less overhead and so this is a Perpetual trade-off typically when using a more userfriendly and more modern language one of the prices you might pay is performance now there's a lot of smart computer scientists in the world though trying to push back on those same tradeoffs and so these interpreters like the command I wrote python technically can especially if you run a program again and again they can actually sort of secretly behind the scenes compile your code for you down to zeros and ones and then the second the third the fourth time you run that program it might very well be faster so this is a bit of a head fake here in that I'm running them once and only once but we could get benefit over time if we kept running the python version again and again and perhaps fine-tune the performance but in general there's going to be this trade-off now would you rather spend the 60 seconds I wrote implementing a spell checker or the 6 hours 16 hours you might be or have spent implementing the same and C you know probably not for productivity sake this is why we have these additional languages just for fun let me flip over to another screen here and open up a version of python that's actually on on my in just a second on my own uh Mac instead of the cloud so that I can actually do something with Graphics so here I just have a black and white terminal window on my very own Mac and I've pre-installed python just like we've done so for VSS code in the cloud for you uh notice that I've got this uh photo of uh perhaps one of your favorite TV shows here with the cast of The Office notice all of the faces in this image here and let me propose that we try to find one face in the crowd sort of CSI style whereby we want to find perhaps the stranton Strangler so to speak and so here is an example of this this guy's face now how do we go about finding this specific face in the crowd well our human eyes obviously can pluck him out especially if you're familiar with the show but let me go ahead and do this instead let me go ahead and propose that we run code that I already wrote in advance here this is a Python program with more lines of code that we won't dwell on for today but it's meant to motivate what we can do from a a pillow uh Library implying a python image Library I want to import some type of information called some type of some feature called image so that I can manipulate images not unlike our own problem set 4 and this is kind of powerful you in Python you can just import face recognition as a library that someone else wrote from there I'm going to create a variable called image I'm going to use this face recognitions libraries load image file function it's a little verbose but it's similar in Spirit to F open and I'm going to open office. jpeg I'm going to then declare a second variable called face locations plural because what I'm expecting to get back per the documentation for this library is a list of all of the faces locations that are detected all right then I'm going to iterate over each of those uh faces using a for Loop that we'll see in more detail I'm going to then infer what the top right bottom and left Corners are of that face and then what I'm going to do here is show that face alone if I've detected the face in question so let me go ahead here and run detect. and we'll see not just the one face we're looking for but if I run python of detect. piy it's going to do all of the analysis I'll see a big opening here now of all of the faces that were detected in this here program okay some better than others I guess if you zoom in on catching someone typical Angela if you now want to Now find that one face I think we need to train the software a bit more so let me actually open up a second program called recognize that's got more going on but let me with a wave of a hand point out that I'm now loading not only the office. JPEG but also toby. JPEG to sort of train the algorithm to find that specific face and so now if I run this second version recognize. with python of recognize. py hold my breath for just a moment it's an analyzing presumably all of the faces you see the same original photo but do you see one such face highlighted here this adversion of the code found Toby highlighted him with this green and voila we have face recognition so for better for worse this is what's happening increasingly societally nowadays and honestly even though I didn't write the code live because it's a good dozen or more lines of code it's not terribly many and literally all the authorities all we have to do is import face recognition and voila you have access like these techn IES are here already but let's consider for just a moment how did we find Toby like how might that Library even though we're not going to look at its implementation details how does it find Toby and distinguish him from all of these other faces in the crowd what might it be doing intuitively think back even to pet 4 like what you yourselves have access to data wise yeah you know pixels in one area area and a lot of that it's a lot of a lot of simar yeah exactly and to summarize for for camera here we have trained the software if you will by giving it a photo of Toby's face by so by looking for the same or really similar pixels especially if it's a slightly different image of Toby we can perhaps identify him in the crowd and what really is a human face well at the end of the day the computer only knows it as a pattern of bits or really at a higher level a pattern of pixels so maybe a human face is perhaps best defined in general as like two eyes and a nose and a mouth that even though all of us look similar structurally odds are the measurement between the eyes and the nose and the width of the mouth the skin tone and all of these other physical characteristics are patterns that software could perhaps detect and then look sort of statistically through the image looking for the closest possible match to these various measurement shapes colors and sizes and the like and indeed that might might be the intuition but what's powerful here again is just how easy and readily available this technology now is all right so with that said let's propose to consider what more we can do with python itself get back to the fundamentals so that you yourselves can start to implement something along those same lines so besides having access to things like a get string function um the cs50 library provides a few other things as well namely in C we had these but in Python we're going to have fewer in Python our library short term is going to give you not only get string but also get in and get float why it's actually just kind of annoying as we'll student see to get back an integer or a float from a user and just make sure that it's an INT and a float and not like a word like cat or dog or some string that's not actually a number well we can import not just the specific function get string but we can actually import all of these functions one at a time like this as we'll soon see or you can even in Python import specific functions from a file one of you asked a while back when you import when you include something like cs50.h or standard i.h you're actually getting all of the code in that file which potentially can add bulk to your own program or time in this case when you import specific functions from python you can be a little more narrowly uh precise as to what it is you want to have access to all right so with that said let's go ahead and see what conditionals look like in Python so in the left hand side again here we'll see scrp and here for instance was just kind of a contrived example asking if x is less than y then say x is less than y in C it looked like this in Python now it's going to look like this instead and here's before in C and here's after and just to call out a few of the obvious differences what has changed in Python for conditionals it would seem sort of what's the difference yeah yeah so there's no more curly braces and indeed you don't use those what appears to be taking their place if you might infer what seems to have taken their place what do you think so the colon at the start of this line here but also even more important now is this indentation below it so some of you and we know this from Office hours have a habit of like uh indenting everything on the left right and it's just kind of this crazy mess to look at frustrating for you surely but C and clang is pretty tolerant when it comes to things like Whit space in a program python uh-uh they realized years ago that let's help humans help themselves and just require standard indentation so four spaces would be the norm here but because it's indented below that colon that indeed indicates that this now is part of that condition something else has gone missing versus C in this conditional what else is a little simplified yeah so no more parentheses you can still use them especially when you need to logically to do order of operations like in math but in this case if you just want to ask a simple question like if x less than y you can just do it like that how about when you have an if else well this is almost the same here with these same changes in C this looked like this and it's starting to get a bit bulky at least if we use our curly braces in this way in Python we can tighten things up further even though strictly speaking in C you don't always need the curly braces but here gone are the parentheses again gone are the curly braces indentation is consistent and we've just added another keyword else with a colon but no more semicolons as well how about something larger like this and if else if else this one's a little curious but in C it looked like this if else if else in Python it now looks like this and there's perhaps one curiosity here that honestly all these years later I still can't remember how to spell it half the time what's weird about this what do you spot as different uh yeah over here yeah instead of else if it's l if why apparently El space if was just too many keystrokes for humans to type so they condensed it into this way probably means it's a little more distinguishable too for the computer between the if and the else to but just something to remember now it's indeed L if and not else if all right so what about variables in Python I've used a couple of them already but let's let's um distill exactly how you define uh and declare these things as well so in scratch if we wanted to create a variable called counter and set it equal initially to zero we would do something like this specify that it's an INT use the assignment op operator and the thought with a semicolon in Python it's just simpler you name the variable you use the assignment operator as before you set it equal to some value and that's it you don't mention the type you don't mention the semicolon or anything more what if you want to change a variable like the counter by one that is incremented by one you have a few different ways here in C we saw syntax like this where you can say counter equals counter plus one which again feels like illogical how can counter equal counter plus one but again we read this code really right to left updating its value by one um in Python it's almost the same you just get rid of the semicolon so that logic is there but recall in C we could do something slightly different that we can also do in Python in Python you can also more succinctly do this plus equals and then whatever number you want to add or you can even change it to subtract if you prefer sadly gone is something you've probably typed a whole lot what was the other way you can add one Plus+ is no more sadly in Python just too many ways to do the same thing so they got rid of it in favor of just this syntax here so keep that in mind as well what about loops when you want to do something in Python again and again well in scratch in week zero here's how we meowed three times specifically in C we had a couple of ways of doing this this was like the more mechanical approach where you create a variable called I you set it equal to zero you then do while I is less than three the following and then you yourself increment I again and again mechanical in the sense that like you have to implement all of these gears and make them turn yourself but this was a correct way to do that in Python we can still achieve the same idea but we don't need the int keyword we don't need any of the semicolons we don't need the parentheses we don't need the curly braces we can't use the Plus+ so maybe that's a minor step backwards if you're a fan but otherwise the code the logic is exactly the same but there's other ways to achieve this same idea recall that in C we could also do this you could use a for Loop which it does exactly the same thing both are correct both are arguably welld designed it's kind of to each their own when it comes to choosing between these in Python though we're going to have to think through how to do this so you don't do the same for loop as in C the closest I could come up with is this where you say four I or whatever variable you want to do the counting in literally the preposition and then you use square brackets here and we've used square brackets before in the context of like arrays and things like that and the 012 looks like an array in some sense even though we've also seen arrays with curly braces but these square brackets for now denote a list python does not have arrays an array is that contiguous chunk of memory back to back to back that you have to resize somehow by moving things around in memory as per two weeks ago in Python though you can just create a list like this using square brackets and better still as we'll see you can add or even remove things from that list down the road um this though is not going to be very welld designed this will work this will iterate in Python three times but what might rub you the wrong way about this design even if you've never seen python before how does this example not end well yeah yeah like if you're making a large list you have to type out each one of these numbers like comma three comma four comma 5 comma dot dot do 50 comma dot dot dot 500 like surely that's not the best solution to have all of these numbers on the code on the screen wrapping endlessly on the screen so in Python another way to do this would be to use a function called range which technically is a data type unto itself and this returns to you as many values as you ask for it range takes some other arguments as well but the simplest use case here is if you want back the numbers 0 1 and two a total of three values you say hey python please give me a range of three values and by default they start at zero on up but this is more efficient than it would be to hardcode the entire list at once and the best metaphor I could up with is something like this like here for instance is a deck of cards this is sort of normal human size and there's presumably 52 cards here so writing out 0 through 51 on code would be a little ridiculous for the reasons you know it would just be very unwieldy and ugly and wrapping and all of that it would be the phys it would be the virtual equivalent of me like handing you all of these cards at once to just deal with and right you know they're not that big but like it's a lot of cards to hold on to it requires a lot of memory or physical storage if you will what range does metaphorically is if you ask me for three cards I hand you them one at a time like this so that at any point in time you only have one number in the computer's memory until you're handed the next the alternative the previous version would be to hand me all three cards at once or all 52 cards at once but in this case range is just way more efficient you can do range of a thousand that's not going to give you a list of a thousand values all at once it's going to give you a thousand values one at a time reducing memory sign signicantly in the computer itself all right so besides this what about doing something forever in scratch well we could do this literally with a forever block which didn't quite exist in C in C we had had to hack it together by saying while true because true is by definition TR always true so this just in uh deliberately induces an infinite Loop for us in Python the logic's going to be almost the same and infinite Loops in Python tend to actually be even more common because you can always break out of them as you couldn't see in Python it looks like this and this is slightly more subtle but gone are the curly braces gone or the parentheses but ever so slight difference toal capital T for true and it's going to be a capital f for false stupid little differences eventually you're going to mistype one or the other but these are the kinds of things to keep an eye out and to start recognizing in your mind's eye when you read code questions now on any of these building blocks yeah I in the for Loop was I re uh it was set to zero on the first iteration then one on the next then two on the third and the same thing for range it just doesn't use up as much memory all at once other questions now on any of these building blocks of python no all right well let's go ahead and build something a little more than hello let me propose that over here we Implement maybe the the simplest of calculators here so let me go back to vs code here open my terminal uh window and open up say a file called calculator. and in calculator. we'll have an opportunity to explore some of these building blocks but we'll allow things to escalate pretty quickly to more interesting examples so that we can do the same thing ultimately as well and in fact let me go ahead and do this moreover I've brought some code with me in advance uh for instance something called calculator 0. C from the first week of C and let me go ahead and split my window here in fact so that I can now do something like uh this let me move this over here here calculator. Pi so now I have on the left of my screen calculator. C or calculator z.c because that's the first version I made and calculator. Pi on the right let me go ahead and Implement really the same idea here so on the right hand side the analog of including cs50.h would be from cs50 import get int if I want to indeed use this function now I'm going to go ahead and give myself a variable X without defining its type I'm going to use this get int function and I'm going to prompt the user for X just like in C I'm then going to go ahead and prompt the user for another int like y here just like in C and at the very end I'm going to go ahead and do print X Plus Y and that's it now granted I have some comments in my C version of the code just to remind you of what each line is doing but I've still distilled this into like six lines or really four if I get rid of the blank line so it's already perhaps a bit tighter here here but there's also it's tighter because something really important historically is missing what did I seem to Omit altogether that we haven't really highlighted yet yeah yeah the main function is gone and in fact maybe you took for granted that it just worked a moment ago when I wrote hello but I didn't have a main function in hello either and this too is a feature of python and a lot of other languages as well instead of having to adhere to these long-standing Traditions if you just want to write code and get something done fine just write code and get something done without necessarily all of the same boiler plate so whatever is in your python file left indented if you will by default is just going to be the code that The Interpreter runs top to bottom left to right well let me go ahead now and run code like this let me go ahead and open that back up my terminal window run python of calculator. piy and I'll do X is one y is 2 and as you might expect it gives me three slight aesthetic bug I put my space in the wrong place here so that's a new mistake let me fix that aesthetically let me rerun python of calculator. Pi type in one type in two and voila there is now my same version again but let me propose now that we get rid of this training wheel we don't want to keep taking one step forward and then two steps back by adding these training wheels so let me instead do this in my version of calculator. suppose that we take away already the training wheel that is the cs50 library here and let me instead then use just Python's built-in function called input which literally does just that it gets input from the user and it stores it as before in X and Y so this is not cs50 specific this is real world Python Programming well let me go ahead and run again python of calculator. Pi and of course if x is one and Y is 2 X + Y should of course still be three hm it's apparently 12 according to python until cs50's Library gets involved but does anyone want to infer what's just went wrong yeah exactly the input function by Design always returns a string of text after all that's what the human typed in and even though yes I type the number keys on the keyboard it's still coming back is all text now maybe we should use like a get in function well that doesn't exist in Python all you can do is get textual input a string from the user but we can convert one to the other and so a fix for this so that we don't accident Al concatenate that is join X+ y together would be to do something like this let me go back to my python code here and whereas in C we could previously do type casting we could convert one type to another that generally wasn't the case when you were doing something complex like a string to an INT you could do a Char to an INT and vice versa but for a string recall there was a special function in the ctype library called a to I like ask e to integer that's uh that closest analog here and in fact the way to do this in Python would be to use a function called int which indeed is the name of the data type 2 even though I have not yet had to type it and I can convert the output of the input function automatically from a string immediately to an INT and now if I go back to my terminal window rerun python of calculator. piy with one and two for X and Y now I'm back in business so that then is for instance what the cs50 library does if temporarily this week is it just deals with the conversion for you and in fact bad things could happen if I type the wrong thing like dog or cat instead of a number but we'll cross that bridge in just a moment as well all right what if we do something slightly different now with our calculator instead of just addition let me go ahead and do how about uh div instead of addition let's do division instead so Z equals x / y thereby giving me a third variable Z let me go ahead and run python of calculator. piy again I'll type in one I'll type in three this time and what prog what problem do you think we're about to see or is it gone what happened when I did this in C albeit with some slightly more cryptic syntax when I divided one number like one one divided by three anyone recall yeah yeah so it would round down to the nearest integer whereby you experience trunc so if you take an integer like one you divide it by another integer like three that technically should be 0.33333 infinitely long but in uh C recall you truncate the value if you divide an INT by an INT you get back an INT which means you get only the integer part which was the zero now python actually handles this for us and avoids the truncation but it leaves us still with one other problem here which is going to be for instance not necessarily visible at a GL this looks correct this has solved the problem in C so truncation does not happen the integers are automatically converted to a float a floating point value but what other problem did we trip over back in week uh one what else got a little dicey when dealing with simple arithmetic anyone recall well the syntax in Python's a little different but let me go ahead and do this it turns out in Python if you want to see more significant digits than what I'm seeing here by the default which is a dozen or so let me go ahead and print out Z as follows let me first print out a format string because I want to format Z in an interesting way and notice this would have no effect on the difference this is just a format string that for no compelling reason at the moment is interpolating z in those curly braces using an F string or format string if I run this again with one and three we'll see indeed the exact same thing but when you use an F string you indeed have the ability to format that string more precisely just like with percent F in Python you could start to fine-tune how many significant digits you see in uh p in C rather in Python you can do the same but the syntax is a little different if you want the computer to interpolate Z and show you 50 significant digits that is 50 numbers after the decimal point syntax is similar to C but it's a little different you literally put a colon after the variable's name 50 means show me the decimal point and then 50 digits to the right and the F just indicates please treat this as a floating point value so now if I rerun python of calculator. Pi divide 1 by 3 unfortunately python has not solved all of the world's problems for us this again was an example of floating point in Precision so that problem is still latent so just because the world has advanced doesn't necessarily mean that all of our problems from C have gone away there are solutions using third-party libraries for scientific calculations and the like but out of the box floating point in Precision is still an issue meanwhile there was one other problem in C that we ran into involving numbers and that was this integer overflow recall that an integer in C only took up what like 32 bits typically which meant you could count as high as four billion or maybe if you're doing positive and negatives as high as two billion after which weird things would happen the number would go to zero or negative or just it would overflow or wrap back around well wonderfully in Python they did it at least address this whereby you can count as high as you want and python will just use more and more and more and more bits and bites to store really big numbers so integer overflow is not a thing with that said python is limited to how many digits it will show you on the screen at once as a string but mathematically your math will be correct now so we've taken a couple steps forward One Step sideways but indeed we've solved some of our problems here all right questions now now on any of these examples thus far question all right well how about uh how about another problem that we encountered in C let's revisit it here in python as well so let me go ahead and on the left hand side here let me open up a file called say compare let's see uh how about a file called compare 3. C on the left and let me go ahead and create a new file on the right called compare. Pi because recall that bad things happened when we needed to compare two values in C so on the left here is a reminder of what we once did in C whereby if we want to compare values we can get an INT in C stored in x a get int in C stored in y we then have our familiar conditional logic here just printing out if x is less than y or not well we can certainly do the same thing ultimately in Python by using some fairly familiar syntax and let's just demonstrate this one quickly let me go over here too I'll do from cs50 import uh get int even though I could do this instead with the input function itself x equals get int and I'll prompt the user for that y equals get int and I'll prompt the user for that after that recall that I can say without parentheses if x is less than y then print out without the F uh X is less than y then I can go ahead and say else if x is greater than y i can print out uh quote unquote X is greater than y if you'd like to interject now what did I screw up anyone yeah L if right so L if L if x is greater than y else this part's the same print X is equal to Y so there's not all that much new there's no New Logic going on here but at least syntactically it's a little cleaner indeed this program is only 11 lines long albeit without any comments let me go ahead and run python of compare. Pi let's see is 1 less than two indeed let's run it again is 2 less than 1 no it's greater than and let's lastly type in one and one twice X is equal to Y so we've got a pretty side by side onetoone conversion here let's do something a little more interesting then and see how about I open instead something where we actually compared for a purpose so if I open up from last uh from earlier in the course how about uh agree do C which prompt the user to agree to something or not and let me code up a new version here called agree. pi and I'll do this on the right hand side with agree. pi but on gree do c on the left notice that this is how we did this sort of yes no thing in C we compared c a character equal to single quotes y or equal to single quotes little Y and then the same thing for n now in Python this one's actually going to be a little bit different here let me go ahead and in the python version of this let me do something like this uh we'll use get string uh actually no we'll just use input in this case so let's do uh s equals input and we'll ask the user the same thing do you agree question mark then let's go ahead and say if s equals equals how about uh y huh how do I do this well a few things turns out I'm going to do this s equals equals little y then I'm going to go ahead and print out a agreed and L if s equals equals capital N or S equals equals lowercase n I'm going to go ahead and print out not agreed and I claimed for the moment that this is identical now to the program on the right the program on the left in C but what's different so we're still doing the same kind of logic these equal equals for comparing for equality but notice that nicely enough python got rid of the two vertical bars and it's just literally the word or if you recall seeing Ampersand Ampersand to express a logical and in C you can just write literally the word and and so here's a hint of why python tends to be pretty popular people just like that it's a little closer to English there's a little less of the cryptic syntax here now this is correct as this code will now work but I've also used double quotes instead of single quotes and I also omitted a few minutes ago for my list of data types in Python the word Char in Python there are no chars there are no individual characters if you want to manipulate individual character you use a string that is to say a stir of size one now in Python you can use single quotes or double quotes I'm deliberately using double quotes everywhere just for consistency with how we treat strings in C it's pretty common though to use single quotes instead if only because on most keyboards you don't have to hold the shift key anymore I mean humans have really started to optimize just how quickly they want to be able to code so using a single quote tends to be pretty popular in Python and other languages as well they are fundamentally the same uh single or double unlike in C where they have meaning so this is correct I claim and in fact let me run this real quick I'll open up my terminal window here let me get rid of the version and see run python of agree. piy and I'll type in y okay I'll run it again and type in little Y and I'll stipulate it's going to work for no as well but this isn't necessarily the only way we can do this there are other ways to implement the same idea and in fact I can go about doing this this instead let me go back up to my code here and we saw a hint of this earlier we know that lists exist in Python and you can create them just by using square brackets so what if I simplify the code a little bit and just say if s is in the following list of values capital y or lowercase y it's not all that different logically but it's a little tighter it's a little more compact so L ifs is in capital N or lowercase n i can express that same idea too so here again it's just getting a little more pleasant to write code there's less like hitting of the keyboard you can express yourself a little more succinctly and using the keyword in Python will figure out how to search the entire list for whatever the value of s is and if it finds it it will return true automatically else it will return false so if I run agree. Pi again and type in capital y or lowercase y that still now works well I can typen tighten this up further if I want to add more features well what if I want to support not just why Big Y and little y but how about yes or yes or in case the user's yelling or you know someone who doesn't really isn't good with caps lock types in yes wait a minute but it could be weird like do we want to support this or this I mean this this just gets really tedious quickly combinatorically if you consider all of these possible permutations what would be smarter than doing something like this if you want to just be able to tolerate yes in any form of capitalization like logically what would be nice maybe whatever theut is you justf over to all lower and then exactly super common Paradigm why don't we just force the users's input to all lowercase or all uppercase doesn't matter so long as we're self-consistent and just compare against all uppercase or all lowercase and that will get rid of all of the possible permutations otherwise now in C we might have done something like this we might have simplified this whole list and just said let's say uh we'll do how about lowercase so y or yes and we'll just leave it at that but we need to force now s to lowercase well in C we would have used the ctype library we would have done like two lower and called that function passing it in although not really cuz in C type those operate on individual characters or chars not whole strings we have actually didn't see a function that could convert the whole string in C to lowercase but in Python we're going to benefit from some other feature as well it turns out that python supports what's called objectoriented programming and we're only going to scratch the surface of this in cs50 but if you take a higher level course in programming or CS you explore this as a different Paradigm up until now in C we've been focusing on what's called really procedural programming you write procedures you write functions top to bottom uh left to right and when you want to change some value we were in the habit of using a procedure that is a function you would pass something like a variable into a function like to Upper or to lower and it would do its thing and hand you back a value well it turns out that it would be nicer programming wise if some data types just had built-in functionality like why do we have our variables over here and all of our helper functions like two upper and two lower over here such that we constantly have to pass one into the other it would be nice to sort of bake into our data types buil-in functionality so that you can change variables using their own default be uh buil-in functionality and so object-oriented programming otherwise known as oop is a technique whereby certain types of values like a string AKA stir not only have properties inside of them attributes just like a struct in C your data can also have functions built into them as well so whereas in C which is not objectoriented you have strs and strs can only store data like a name and a number when implementing a person in Python you can for instance have not just a structure otherwise known as a class storing a name and a number you can have a function like call that person or email that person or actual verbs or actions associated with that piece of data now in the context of strings it turns out that strings come with a lot of useful functionality and in fact this URL here which is in docs. which is the official documentation for python you'll see a whole list of methods that is functions that come with strings that you can actually use to modify their values and what I mean by this is the following if we go through the documentation poke around it turns out that strings come with a function called Lower and if you want to use that function you just have to use slightly different syntax than in C you do not do to lower and you do not say as I just did lower because this function is built into s itself and just like in C when you want to go inside of a variable like a structure and access a piece of data inside of it like name or number when you also have functions built into data types AKA methods a method is just a function that is built into a piece of data you can do s do lower open pen closed pen in this case and I can do this down here as well if if s do lower in quote unquote uh n or no the whole thing I can force this whole thing to lowercase so the only difference here now is in object-oriented programming instead of constantly passing a value into a function you just access a function that's inside of the value it just works because of how the language itself is defined and the only way you know that these functions exist is the documentation a Class A book a website or the like questions now on this technique all right I claim this is correct now even though you've never programmed most of you in Python before not super well-designed there's an subtle inefficiency now on lines three and five together what's dumb about how I've used lower might you think yeah yeah if you're going to use the same function twice and ask the same question expecting the same answer why are you calling the function itself twice maybe we should just store the result in a variable so we could do this in a couple of different ways we for instance could go up here and create another variable called T and set that equal to s. lower and then we could just change this to be T here but honestly I don't think we technically need another variable Al together here I could just do something like this let's change the value of s to be the lowercase version thereof and so now I can quite simply refer to S again and again like this this reusing that same value now to be sure I have now just lost the user's original input and if I care about that if they typed in all caps I have no idea anymore so maybe I do want to use a separate variable altogether but a takeaway here too is that strings in Python are technically what we'll call immutable that is they cannot be changed this was not true in C once we gave you arrays in week two or memory in week four you could go to town on a string and change any of the characters you want upper casing lower casing changing it shortening it and so forth but in this case uh this returns a copy of s forced to lowercase it doesn't change the original string that is the memory the bytes in the computer's memory when you assign it back to S you're essentially forgetting about the old version of s but because python does memory management for you there's no maloc there's no free python automatically frees up the original bytes like yees and hands them back to the operating system for you all right questions now on this technique questions on this in general I'll call out the python documentation will start to be your friend because in class we'll only scratch the surface with some of these things but in docs. for instance there's a whole reference of all of the built-in functions that come with the language as well as for instance those with the string all right well let me go ahead and before we take a break let's go ahead and create something a little familiar to based on our week here in C let me propose that we revisit those examples in involving some meow so for instance when we had our cat meow back in the first week and then second in C we did something that was a little stupid at first whereby we created a file as I'll do here this time called meow. p and if I want a cat to meow three times I could run it once like this little copy paste and now python of meow. py and I'm done now we've visited this example like two times at least now in scratch it and see it's correct I'll stipulate but what's obviously poorly designed what's the fault here yeah it should just be a loop right like why type it three times literally copying and pasting is almost always a bad thing except in C when you have the function prototypes that you need to borrow but in this case this is just inefficient so what could we do better here in Python well in Python we could probably change this in a few different ways we could borrow some of the syntax we proposed in slide form earlier like give me a variable called I set it to zero no semicolon while I is less than three if I want to do this three times I can go ahead and print out meow and then I can do i+ equals one and I think this would do the trick python of meow. and we're back in business already well if I wanted to change this to a for Loop well in Python it would be a little tighter but this would not be the best approach so for I in uh 012 I could just do print meow like this and that too would get the job done but to my to our discussion earlier this would get stupid pretty quickly if you had to keep enumerating all of these values like what did we introduce instead the the range function exactly so that hands me back way more efficiently just the values I want indeed one at a time so even this if I run it a third a third or fourth time we've got the same result but now let's transition to where we went with this back in the day how can we start to modularize this like just like it would be nice I claimed if MIT had given us a meow function wouldn't it be nice if like python had given us a meow function maybe less compelling in Python but how can I build my own function well I did this briefly with the spell checker earlier but let me go ahead and propose that we could Implement now our own version of this in python as follows let me go ahead and start fresh here and use the keyword defa so this did not exist in C you had the return value the function name the arguments in Python you literally say defa to define a function you give it a name like meow and now now I'm going to go ahead and in this function just print out meow and this lets me change it to anything else I want in the future but for now it's an abstraction and in fact I can uh move it out of sight out of mind just going to hit enter a bunch of times to pretend like now it exists but I don't care how it is implemented and up here now I can do something like this 4 I in range of three let me go ahead and not print meow anymore let me just call meow and tightening up my code further but I think let's see python of meow. py this is I think going to be the first time it does not work correctly okay so here we have sadly our first python error and let's see the syntax is going to be different from C or clangs output traceback is like the term of art here this is like a trace back of all of the lines of code that were just executed or really functions you called the file name is uninteresting this is like my codes space specifically but the file name is important here meow. py uh line two is is the issue okay I didn't get very far before I screwed up and then there's a name error and you'll see in Python there's typically these capitalized uh keywords that hint at what the issue is it's something related to names of variables meow is not defined all right you're programming python for the first time you've screwed up you're following some online tutorial you're seeing this reason through it like why might meow not be defined what can weer infer about python how to troubleshoot logically is it me ised after maybe is it because meow is defined after you know as smart as python seems to be Visa VC they have some similar design characteristics so let's try that so let me scroll all the way back down to where I move this earlier let me uh get rid of it way down there I'll copy it to my clipboard and let me just kind of hack something together let me just put it up here and let's see if this works so now let me clear my terminal run python of meow. okay we're back in business so that was actually really good intuition good debugging technique to sort of reason through it now this is kind of contradicting what I claimed back in week one which was that you know the main part of your program ideally should just be at the top of the file like don't make me look for it it's not a huge deal with like a four-line program but if you've got 40 lines 400 lines you don't want like the juice juicy part of your program to be way down here and all of these functions way up here so it would be nice maybe if we actually have a main function and so it actually turns out to be a convention in Python to define a main function it's not a special function that's automatically called like in C but humans realized you know what that was a pretty useful feature let me Define a function called main let me indent these lines underneath it let me practice what I'm preaching which is put the main code at the top of the file and wonderfully in Python now you do not need prototypes there's none of that hackish copying and pasting of the return type the name and the arguments to a function like we needed in C this is now okay instead except for one Minor Detail let me go ahead and run python of meow. hopefully now I've solve this problem by having a main function but now nothing has happened all right even if you've never programmed in Python before What might explain this behavior and how do I fix again when you're off in the real world learning some new language all you have is deductive logic to debug yeah I remember right so the solution to be clear in C was that we had to put the Prototype up here otherwise we'd get an error message in this case I'm actually not getting an error message and indeed I'll claim that you don't need the prototypes in Python just not necessary because that was annoying if nothing else but what else might explain yeah I'm back yeah maybe you have to call Main itself if main is not some some special status in Python maybe just because it exists isn't enough and indeed if you want to call Maine the new convention is actually going to be as the very last line of your program typically to literally call Main it's a little stupid stupid looking but you know they made a design decision and this is how now we work around it python of meowy now we're back in business but now logically why does this work the way it does well in this case top to bottom line one is telling python to define a fun fun called Main and then Define it as follows lines two and three but it's not calling main yet line six is telling python how to define a function called meow but it's not calling these lines yet now line 10 you're telling python call Main and at that point python has been trained if you will to know what main is on line one to know what meow is on line six and so it's now perfectly okay for Maine to be above meow because you never called them yet you defined defined and then you called and that's the logic behind this any questions now on the structure of this technique here now let's do one more then recall that the last thing we did in scratch and in Python uh scratch and in C was to actually parameterize uh these same function so suppose that you don't want Maine to be responsible for the loop here you instead want to very simply do something like meow three times and be done with it well in Python it's going to be similar in spirit toy but again we don't need to keep mentioning data types if you want me now to take some argument like a number n you can just specify n as the name of that argument or you could call it anything else of course that you want you don't have to specify int or anything else in your code now inside of meow you can do something like for I in let's say I definitely now can't do this because like that would be weird to start the list and end it with n so if I can come back over here what's the solution how can I do something n times yeah using range so range is nice cuz I can pass in now this variable n and now I can meow whoops now I can print out quote unquote meow so it's almost the same as in scratch almost the same as in C but it's a little simpler and if now I run meow. P I'll have the ability now to do this here as well all right questions on any of this right now we're sort of like taking the stroll through week one we're going to momentarily escalate things to look not only at some of these basic but also other features like we saw with face recognition with the speller or the like um because of how many of us are here we have a huge amount of candy out in the lobby so why don't we go ahead and take a 10-minute break and we come back we'll do even fancier more powerful things with python in 10 all right so we are back among our goals now are to introduce a few more building blocks so that we can solve more interesting problems at the end much like those that we began with you recall from a few weeks ago we played with this sort of two-dimensional Super Mario World and we tried to print a vertical column of like three or more bricks well let me propose that we use this as an opportunity to now Tinker with some of Python's more uh useful more userfriendly functionality as well so let me code a file called mario. py and let's just print out like that the equivalent of that vertical column so it's of height three each one is a hash so let's do for I in range of three initially and let's just print out a single hash and I think now python of mario. py voila we're in business printing out just that same pyramid there or just that same column there what if though we want to print a column of like some variable height where the user tells us how tall they want it to be well let me go up here for instance and instead how about we'll use um let's do this how about uh from cs50 import how about the get in function as before so it will deal with making sure the user gives us an integer and now in the past whenever we wanted to get a number from a user we've actually followed a certain Paradigm in fact if I open up here for instance uh how about Mario in how about Mario 1. C from a while back you might recall that we had code like this and we specifically use the do while loop and see whenever we want to like get something from the user maybe again and again and again until they cooperate at which point we finally break out of the loop so it turns out python does have while Loops does have four Loops does not have do while loops and yet pretty much anytime you've gotten user input you've probably used this Paradigm so it turns out that the python equivalent of this is to do similar in spirit but using only a while loop and a common Paradigm in python as I alluded earlier is to actually deliberately induce an infinite Loop while true capital T and then do what you want to do like get an INT from the user and prompt them for the height for instance in question and then if you're sure that the user has given you what you want like n is greater than zero which is what I want in this case cuz I want a positive integer otherwise there's nothing to print you literally just break out of the loop and so we could actually use this technique in C it's just not really done in C you could absolutely in C have done a while true loop with the parentheses lowercase true you could break out of it and so forth but in Python this is like the python way and this is actually a term of art this way in Python is pythonic like this is the way everyone does it quote unquote doesn't mean you have to but that's sort of the way like the cool python programmers would Implement an idea like this trying to do something again and again and again until the user actually cooperates but all we've done is take away the do while loop but still logically we can implement the same idea now below this let me go ahead and just print out for I in range of n this time because I want it to be variable and not three I can go ahead and print out the hash let me go ahead and get rid of the C version here open my terminal window and I'll run again python of mario. py I'll type in three and I get back those three hashes but if I instead type in four I now get four hashes instead so the takeaway here is quite simply that this would be the way for instance to actually get back a value in Python that is consistent with some parameter like greater than zero how about this let's actually uh practice what we preached a moment ago with our meowing examples and kind of factoring all this out let me go ahead and Define a main function as before let me go ahead and assume for the moment that a get height function exists which is not a thing in Python I'm going to invent it in just a moment and now I'm going to go ahead and do something like this for I in the range of that height well let's go ahead and print out those hashes so I'm assuming that get height exists let me go ahead and Implement that abstraction so Define a function now called get height it's not going to take any arguments in this design while true I can go ahead and do the same thing as before assign a variable n the return value of get int prompting the user for that height and then if n is greater than zero I can go ahead and break but if I break here I logically just like can see end up executing below the loop in question but there's nothing there but if I want get height to return the height what should I type here on line 14 logically what do I want to return to be clear yeah so I actually want to return n and here's another curiosity of python Visa BC there doesn't seem to be an issue of scope anymore right in C it was super important to not only declare your variables with the data types you also had to be mindful of like where they exist inside of those curly braces in Python it turns out you can be a little looser with things for better for worse and so on line 11 if I create a variable called n it exists on line 11 12 and even 13 outside of the while loop so to be clear in C with a while loop we would have ordinarily had not the colon we would have had the curly brace like here and over here and a week ago I would have claimed that in C N does not exist outside of the while loop by nature of those curly braces even though the curly braces are gone python actually allows you to use a variable anytime after you have assigned it a value so slightly more powerful as such how however I can tighten this up a little bit logically and this is true in C I don't really need to break out of the loop by using break recall that or know that I can actually once I'm ready to go I can just return the value I care about even inside of the loop and that will have the side effect of breaking me out of the loop and also breaking me out of and returning from the entire function so nothing too new here in terms of C versus python except for this issue of scope and I indeed returned n at the bottom there just to make clear that n would still exist so either of those are correct now I just have a Python program that I think is going to allow me to implement this same Mario idea so let's run python of mario. and okay so nothing happened uh python of mario. py what did I do wrong yeah I have to call Main so at the bottom of my code I have to call Main here and this is a stylistic detail that's been subtle um generally speaking when when you are writing in Python um there's not a cs50 style guide per se there's actually a python style guide that most people adhere to um it's and in this case double blank lines between functions is the norm I'm doing that deliberately although uh it might otherwise not be obvious but now that I've called main on line 16 let's run mario. once more aha now we get there now we see it type in three and I'm back in business printing out the values there yeah sure why do I need the if condition at all why can't I just return n here as by doing return n or if I really want to be succinct I could technically just do this the only reason I added the if condition is because if the user types in negative 1 -2 I wanted to prompt them again and again that's all but that would be totally acceptable too if you were okay with that result instead well let me do one other thing here to point out why we are using get in so frequently this new training wheel all be it temporarily so let me go back to the way it was a moment ago and let me propose now to take away get int I claimed earlier that if you're not using get int you can just use the input function itself from python but that always returns a string or a stir and so recall that you have to pass the output of the input function to an INT either on the same line or if you prefer on another line instead but it turns out what I didn't do was show you what happens if you uh don't cooperate with the user uh with the program so if I run python of mario. now works great even without the get int function and I can do it with four still works great but let me clear my terminal and be difficult now as the user and type in C for the height instead enter now we see one of those tracebacks again this one is different this isn't a name error but apparently a value error and if I kind of ignore the stuff I don't understand I can see invalid literal for INT with base 10 cat that's a super cryptic way of saying that c a is not a number in decimal notation and so I would seem to have to somehow handle this case and if you want to be more Curious you'll see that this is indeed a trace back and um C tends to do this too or the debugger would do this for you too you can see all of the functions that have been called to get you to this point so apparently my problem is initially in line 14 but line 14 if I keep scrolling is uninteresting it's main but line 14 leads me to execute line two which is indeed in main that leads me to execute line nine which is in get height and okay here's the issue so the closest line number to the error message is the one that probably reveals the most line nine is where my issue is so I can't just blindly ask the user for input and then convert it to an INT if they're not going to give me an INT now how do we deal with this well back in problem set two you might recall validating that the user typed in a number and using a for Loop and the like well it turns out there's a better way to do this in Python and the are kind of there if you want to try to convert something for a number to a number that might not actually be a number turns out Python and certain other languages literally have a keyword called try and if only this existed for the past few weeks I know but like you can try to do the following with your code what do I want to try to do well I want to try to execute those few lines except if there's an error so I can say except if there's a value error specifically the one I screwed up and created a moment ago and if there is a value error I can print out an informative message to the user like not an integer or anything else and what's happening here now is literally this operative word try the pro python is going to try to get input and try to convert it to an in and it's going to try to check if it's greater than zero and then try to return it all why all of three of those lines are inside of indented underneath the tri block except if something goes wrong specifically a value error happens then it prints this but it doesn't return anything and because I'm in a loop that means it's going to do it again and again and again until the human actually cooperates and gives me an actual number and so this too is what the world would call pythonic in Python you don't necessarily rigorously try to validate the users's input make sure they haven't screwed up you honestly take a more laxidasical approach and just try to do something but catch an error if it happens so catch is also a term of art even though it's not a keyword here except if something happens you handle it so you try and you handle it it's sort of best effort programming if you will but this is baked into the mindset of the Python uh programming community so now if I do python of mario. py and I cooperate works great as before try and succeed three Works four works if though I try and fail by typing in cat it doesn't crash per se it doesn't show me an error it shows me something more user friendly like not an integer and then I can try again with dog not an integer I can try again with five and now it works so we won't generally have you write much in the way of these try except blocks only because they get a little sophisticated quickly but that is to reveal what the get int function is doing this is why we give you the training wheels so that when you want to get an INT you don't have to jump through all these annoying Hoops to do so but that's all the library is really doing for you is just try and accept you won't be left with any training wheels ultimately questions now on getting inputs and trying in this way anything at all yeah Tri block it say that oh you could you put the condition outside of the tri block short answer yes and in fact I struggled with this last night when tweaking this example to show the simplest version I will disclaim that really I should only be trying literally to do the The Fragile part and then down here I should be really doing what you're proposing which is do the condition out here the problem is though that logically this gets messy quickly right because except if there's a value error I want to print out not an integer I can't compare n against zero then because n doesn't exist because there was an error so it turns out and I'll show you this this is now the advanced version of python there's actually an else keyword you can use in Python that does not accompany if or L if it accompanies try and accept which I think is weirdly confusing a different word would have been better but if you really prefer I could have done this instead dead and this is one of these design things where like reasonable people will disagree generally speaking you should only try to do the one line that might very well fail but honestly this looks kind of stupid now it's just unnecessarily complicated and so my own preference was actually the original which was yeah I'm trying a few extra lines that really aren't going to fail mathematically but it's just tighter it's cleaner this way and here's again the sort of like you know arguments you'll start to make yourself as you get more comfortable with programming you'll have an opinion you'll disagree with someone and so long as you can back your argument up pretty probably all right so how about we now take away some piece of magic that's been here for a while let me go ahead and uh Delete all of this here and let me propose that we revisit uh not that vertical column and the exceptions that might result from getting input but these like horizontal question marks that we saw a while ago so I want all of those question marks on the same line and yet I worry we're about to see a challenge here because print up until now has been putting new lines everywhere automatically even without those backslash NS well let me propose that we do this for I in the range of four if I want four question marks let me just print four question marks unfortunately I don't think this is correct yet let me run python of mario. and of course this gives me a column instead of the row of question marks that I want so how do we do this well it turns out if you read the documentation for the print function it turns out that print not surprisingly perhaps takes a lot of different arguments as well and in fact if you go to the documentation for it you'll see that it takes not just positional arguments that is from left to right separated by commas turns out python has supports a fancier feature with arguments where you can pass the names of arguments to functions too so what do I mean by this if I go back to vs code here and I've read the documentation it turns out that yes as before you can pass multiple arguments to python like this like hello comma David comma me that will just automatically concatenate all three of those positional arguments together they're positional in the sense that they literally flow from left to right separated by commas but if you don't want to just pass in values like that you want to actually print out as I did before a question mark but you want to override the default behavior of print by changing the line ending you can actually do this you can use the name of an argument that you know exists from the documentation set it equal to some alternative value and in fact even though this looks cryptic this is how I would override the end of each line to be quote unquote that is nothing because if you read the documentation the default value for this end argument does someone want to guess is is back sln so if you read the documentation you'll see that back sln is the implied default for this end argument and so if you want to change it you just say end equals something else and so here I can change change it to nothing and now rerun python of mario. and now they're all on the same line now looks a little stupid cuz I made that sort of week one mistake where I still need to move the cursor to the next line that's just a different problem I'm just going to go over here and print nothing I don't even need to print back sln because if print automatically gives you a backslash n just call print with nothing and you'll get that for free so let me rerun python of mario. Pi and now it looks a little prettier at the prompt and to be super clear as to what's going on suppose I want to sort of make an exclamation here I could change the back sln default to like an exclamation point Just for kicks and if I run python of mario. py again now I get this sort of you know exclamation with question marks and exclamation points as well so that's all that's going on here and this is what's called a named argument it literally has a name that you can specify when calling it in and it's different from positional in that you're literally using the name let me propose something else though and this is why people kind of like python there's just kind of cool ways to do things that's kind of a you know ver it's a three line verbose way of printing out four question marks you know I could certainly take the you know shortcut and just do this but that's not really that interesting for anyone especially if I want to do it a variable number of times but python does let you do this if you want to uh multiply a character some number of times not only can you use Plus for concatenation you can use star or an asterisk for multiplication if you will that is concatenation again and again and again so if I just print out quote unquote question mark Time 4 that's actually going to be the tightest way the most distinct way I can print four question marks instead and if I don't use four I use n where I get n from the user bang like now I've gotten rid of the four Loop entirely and I'm using the the star operator to manipulate it instead and to be super clear here in so far as python does not have milock or free or memory management that you have to do guess what python also doesn't have anything on your minds the past couple of weeks doesn't have pointers yes so python does not have pointers which just means that all of that happens for you automatically underneath the hood Again by way of code that someone else wrote how about one more throwback with Mario we've talked about in week one this sort of two-dimensional structure where it's like I claim like 3x3 a grid of bricks if you will well how can we do this in Python we can do this in a couple of ways now let me go back to my mario. py and let me do something like for I in range of we'll just do three even though I know now I could use get int or I could use input and int and if I want to do something two-dimensionally just like in C you can Nest your for Loop so maybe I could do 4J in range of three and then in here I could print out a uh hash symbol and then let's see if that gives me nine total so if I've got a nested Loop like this python of mario. hopefully gives me a grid no it gave me a column of nine why logically even though I've got my row and my columns yeah yeah the line ending so in my row I can't let print just keep adding new line adding new lines so I just have to override this here and let me not screw up like before let me print one at the end of the whole row just to move the cursor down and I think now together now we've got our 3x3 of course we could tighten this up further like if I don't like the nested loop I probably could go in here and just print out for instance a uh a brick times three or I could change the three to a variable if I've gotten it from the user so I can tighten this up further so again just different ways to solve the same problem and again sort of evidence of why a lot of people like python there's just some more pleasant ways to solve problems without getting into the weeds constantly of doing things like like with um uh for loops and wild Loops endlessly all right well how about some other building blocks lists are going to be so incredibly useful in Python just as arrays were in C but arrays are annoying because you have to manage the memory yourself you have to know in advance how big they are or you have to use pointers and malok or realloc to resize them like oh my God like the past two weeks have been painful in that sense but python does this all for free for you in fact there's a whole bunch of functions that come with python that involve lists and they'll ow us ultimately um to do things again and again and again uh with uh within the same data structure and for instance we'll be able to get the length of a list you don't have to remember it yourself in a variable you can just ask python how many elements are in this list and with this I think we can solve some some old problems too so let me go back here to vs code let me close Mario and give us a new program called scores. piy and rather than show the C and the python now let's just focus on Python and in scores. C way back when we just averaged like three test scores or something like that 72 73 and 33 a few weeks ago so if I want to create a list in this python version of 72 73 33 I just use my square bracket notation C let you use curly braces if you know the values in advance but Python's just this and now if I want to compute the average in pi in C recall I did something with a loop I added all the values together I then divided by the total number values just like you would in grade school and that gave me the average well python comes with a lot of super handy functions not just length but others as well and so in fact if you want to compute the average you can take the sum of all of those scores and divide it by the length of all of those scores so python comes with length comes with sum you can just pass in a whole list of any size and let it deal with that problem for you so if I want to now print out this average I can print out average colon and then I'll plug in my average uh string for variable for interpolation let me make this an F string so that it gets formatted and let me just run python of scores. Pi and there's my average it's sort of rounding weird because we're still vulnerable to some floating point in Precision but at least I didn't need loops and I didn't have to write all this darn code just to do something that you know Excel and Google spreadsheets can just do like that well python is closer to those kinds of tools but more powerful and that you can manipulate the data yourself how about though if I want to um get a bunch of scores manually from the user and then sum them together well let's combine a few ideas here how about this first let me go ahead and uh import um the cs50 LI get in function from the cs50 library just so we don't have to deal with try and accept or all of that and let me go ahead and give myself an empty list and this is powerful in py in C there's really there's no point to an empty array because if you create an empty array with square bracket notation like it's not useful for anything but in Python you can create it empty because python will grow and shrink the list for you automatically as you add things to it so if I want to get three scores from the user I could do something like this for I in range of three and then I can grab a variable called score or anything I could call get int prompt the human for the score that they want to type in and then once they do I can do this thinking back to our objectoriented programming capability now I could do scores dot a pen and I Canen that score to it and you would only know this from having read the documentation heard it in class in a book or whatnot but it turns out that just like strings have functions like lower built into them lists have functions like append built into them that just literally appends to the end of the list for you and python will grow or Shrink it as needed no more Malo or C or Realo or the like so this just appends to the scores array the scores list that score and then again and again and again so the array starts at sorry the list starts at size zero then grows to one then two then three without you having to do anything else and so now down here I can compute an average with the sum of those scores divided by the length of the total number of scores and to be clear length is the total number of elements in the list doesn't matter how big the values themselves are now I can go ahead and print out an FST string uh with something like average colon average and curly braces and and if I run python of scores. piy I'll type in just for the sake of discussion the three values I still get the same answer but that would have been painful to do in see unless you committ it in advance to a fixed size array which we already decided weeks ago was annoying or uh you uh grew it dynamically using malok or realloc or the like all right what else can I do well there's some nice things you might as well know exist um instead of scores. aen you can do slight fanciness like this like if you want to append something to a list you can actually do plus equals and then put that thing in a a temporary list of its own and just use what is essentially concatenation but not concatenation of strings but concatination of lists so this new line six appends to the scores list this tiny little list I'm temporarily creating with just the current new score so just another piece of syntax that's worth seeing that allows you to do something like that as well all right well how about we go back to strings for a moment and all these examples as always are on the course's website afterward suppose we want to do something like converting characters to uppercase well to be clear I could do something like this let me create a program called uppercase dop let me prompt the user for a before string as by using the input function or get string which is almost the same and I'll prompt the user for a string beforeand then let me go ahead and print out uh how about the keyword after and then end the new line with nothing just so that I can see before on one line and after on the next line and then let me do this and here's where python gets pleasant too with loops for C in before print c. uper n equals quote unquote and then I'll print this here all right that was fast but let's try to infer what's going on so line one just gets input from the user stores it in a variable called before line two literally just prints after but doesn't move the new line to uh the cursor to the next line what it then does is this and in C this was a little more annoying you needed a for loop with I you needed array in uh notation with the square brackets but python if you say four variable in string so for c for character in string Python's going to automatically assign C to the first word letter that the user types in then on the next iteration the second letter the third letter and the fourth so you don't need any square bracket notation you just you see and python will do it for you and just hand you back one at a time each of the letters that the user has typed in so if I go back over here and I run for instance python of uppercase dopy and I'll type in how about uh David in all lowercase and hit enter you'll now see that it's all uppercase instead by iterating over it indeed one character at a time but we already know thanks to object-oriented programming strings themselves have the functionality built in to not just uppercase Single Character but the whole string so honestly this was a bit of a silly exercise I don't need to use a loop anymore like in see and so some of the habits you've only just developed in recent weeks it's time to start breaking them when they're not necessary I can create a variable called after set it equal to before do uper which indeed exists just like lower exists and then what I can go ahead and print out is for instance uh let's get rid of this print line here and do it at the end after and print the value of that variable so now if I rerun uppercase Pi type in David and all lowercase I can just uppercase the whole thing all at once because again in C in Python you don't have to operate on characters individually questions on any of these tricks up until now now all right how about a few other techniques that we saw and C that we'll bring back now in Python so it turns out in Python there are other librar you can use two that unlock even more functionality so in C if you wanted command line arguments you just change the proo the signature for main to be void instead of void to be int argc comma string argv Open brackets for an array or Char star eventually well it turns out in Python that if you want to access command line arguments it's a little simpler but they're tucked away in a library otherwise known as a module called CIS the CIS or system module now this is similar in spirit to the cs50 library and that it's got a bunch of functionality built in but this one comes with python itself so if I want to create a program like greet py in VSS code here let me go ahead and do this from the CIS Library let's import argv and that's just a thing that exists it's not built into main because there is no main per se anymore so it's tucked away in that library and now I can do something like this if the length of argv equals equals 2 well let's go ahead and print out something friendly like hello comma AR V bracket 1 and then close quotes else if the length of RV is not equal to two let's just go ahead and print out hello world now at a glance this might look a little cryptic but it's identical to what we did a few weeks ago when I run this python of greet with no arguments it just says hello world but if I instead add a command line argument like my first name and hit enter now the length of arv is no longer one it's going to be two and so it prints out hello David instead so the takeaway here is that whereas in C argv technically contained the name of your program like hello or dog greet and then everything the human typed Python's a little different in that because we're using The Interpreter in this way Technically when you run python of greet py the length of arv is only one it contains only greet so the name of the file it does not unnecessarily contain python itself because what's the point of that being there omnes it does contain the number of words that the human typed after python itself so argv is length one here argv is length two here and that's why when it did equal to I saw hello David instead of the default hello world so same ability to access command line arguments add these kinds of inputs to your functions but you have to unlock it by way of using Arvy uh instead in this way if you want to see all of the words you could do something like this uh just as if we combine ideas here for I in range of how about length of arv then I can do this print argv bracket I all right a little cryptic but line three is just a for Loop iterating over the range of length of argv so if the human types in two words the length of argv will be two so this is just a way of saying iterate over all of the words in arv printing them one at a time so python of greet dopy enter just prints out the name of the program python of greet dopy with David prints out greet dopy and then David I can keep running it though with more words and they'll each get printed one at a time but what's nice too about Python and this is the point of this exercise honestly this looks pretty cryptic this is not very pleasant to look at if you just want to iterate over every word in a list which argv is watch what I can do I can do for ARG or any variable name in ARG V let me just now print out that argument I could keep calling it I but I seems weird when it's not a number so I'm changing to AR as a word instead if I now do python of greet py it does this if I do python of greet David it does that again David ma it does that again so this is again why Python's just very appealing you want to do something this many times iterate over a list just say it and it reads a little more like English and there's even other fanciness too if I may it's a little stupid that I keep seeing the name of the program greet dopy so I it'd be nice if I could remove that python also supports what are called slices of arrays sorry slices of lists even though I get the terminology confused if Arvy is a list then it's going to print out everything in it but if I want a slice of it that starts at location one all the way to the end you can use this funky syntax in between the square brackets which we've not seen yet that's going to start at item one and go all the way to the end and so this is a nice clever way of slicing off if you will the very first element because now when I run greet doy David men I should only see David and men if I only want one element I could do one to two if I want all of them I could do zero onward I could give myself just two of one of them in this way so you can play with the start value and the end value in this way to sort of slice and dice these lists in different ways that would have been a pain in see just because we didn't really have the built-in support for manipulating arrays as cleanly as this all right just so you've seen it too though this one is less uh exciting to see live if I go ahead and create a quick program here it turns out there's something else in the CIS Library the ability to exit programs either exiting with status code one or zero as we've been doing anytime something goes right or wrong so for instance Let Me Whip up a quick program that just says if the length of cy. argv uh does not equal two then let's y at the user and say you're missing a command line argument otherwise command line argument and let's then return cy. exit one else let's go ahead and logically just say print a formatted string that says hello as before cy. arv1 now things look different all of a sudden but I'm doing something deliberately first let's see what this does so on line one I'm importing not argv specifically I'm importing the whole CIS library and we'll see why in second well it turns out that this Arvy the CIS library has not only the Arvy list it also has a function called exit which I'd like to be able to use as well so it turns out that if you import a whole library in this way that's fine but you have to refer to the things inside of it by using that same library's name and a DOT to sort of namespace it so to speak so here I'm just saying if the user types in does not type in two words yell at them with missing command line argument and then exit with one just like in C when you do exit one just means something went wrong otherwise print out hello to this and this is starting to look cryptic but it's just a combination of ideas the curly braces means interpolate this value plug it in here cy. Arvy is just the verbose way of saying go into the CIS library and get the argv variable therein and bracket one of course just like arrays and C is just the second element at the prompt so when I run this version now python of exit. py with no arguments I get yelled at in this way if however I type in two arguments total the name of the file and my own name now I get greeted with hello David and it's the same idea before this was a very low-level technique but same thing here if you do Echo dollar sign question mark enter you'll see the exit code of your program so if I do this incorrectly again let me rerun it without my name enter I get yelled at but if I do Echo dollar sign question mark there's the secret one that's returned again just to show You parody with C in this case questions now on any of these techniques here all right how about something that's a little more powerful too we spent so much time in week zero and one doing searching and then eventually sorting in week three well it turns out python can help with some of this too let me go ahead and create a program called names. py that's just going to be an opportunity to maybe search over a whole bunch of names let me go ahead and import CIS and then just so I have access to exit and let me go ahead and create a variable called names that's going to be a list with a whole bunch of names uh how about Here Charlie and Fred and George and Jenny and Percy and lastly Ron so a whole bunch of names here and you know it'd be a little Annoying to implement code that iterates over that from left to right and see searching for one of those names in fact what name well let's go ahead and ask the user to input the name that they want to search for so that we can tell them if the name is there or not and we could do this similar to C in Python doing something like this so for n in names where n is just a variable to iterate over each name if how about the name I'm looking for equals the current name in the list AKA n let's print out something friendly like found and then let's do cy. Exit 0 to indicate that we found whoever that is otherwise if we get all the way to the bottom here outside of this Loop let's just print not found because if we haven't exited yet and then let's just exit with one just to be clear I can continue importing all of CIS or I could do from CIS import exit and then I could get rid of CIS dot everywhere else but you know sometimes it's helpful to know exactly where functions came from so this two is just a matter of style in this case all right so let's go ahead and run this python of names. piy and let's look for like Ron all the way at the end you know all right he's found and let's search for someone outside of the family here like herion not found okay so it seems to be working in this way but I've essentially implemented what algorithm what algorithm would this seem to be per lines seven and eight and nine and 10 yeah so it's just linear search it's a loop even though the syntax is a little more succinct today and it's just iterating over the whole thing well honestly we've seen an even more tur way to do this in Python and this again is what makes it a more pleasant language sometimes why don't I just do this instead in of iterating one at a time why don't I just say this let me go ahead and change my condition to just be How about if the name we're looking for is in the names list we're done we found it use the in preposition that we've seen a couple of times now that itself asks the question is something in something else and python will take care of linear search for us and it's going to work exactly the same if I do python of names. search for run it's still going to find him and it's still going to do it linearly in this case but I don't have to write all of the lower level code myself in this case questions now on any of this the code's just getting shorter and shorter now what about uh let's see what else might we have here how about this it turns out let's go ahead and Implement that phone book that we started metaphorically with in the beginning of the course let's code up a program called phonebook dopy and in this case let's go ahead and let's create a dictionary this time recall that a dictionary is a little something that implements something like this like a two column table that's got keys and values words and definitions names and numbers and let's focus on the last of those names and numbers in this case well I claimed earlier that python has built-in support for dictionaries dict objects that you can create with one line I didn't need it for speller because a set is sufficient when you only want one of the keys or the values not both but now I want some names and numbers so it turns out in pyth python you can create an empty dictionary by saying dict open parenthesis close and that just gives you essentially a chart that looks like this with nothing in it or there's more succinct syntax you can alternatively do uh this with two curly braces instead and in fact I've been using a shortcut all this time when I had a list earlier where my variable uh was called scores and I did this that was actually the shorthand version of this hey python give me an empty list so there's different Syntax for achieving the same goal in this case if I want a dictionary for people I can either do this or more commonly just two curly braces like that all right well what do I want to put in this well let me actually put some things in this and I'm going to just move my Clos curly brace to a new line if I want to implement this idea of keys and values the way you do this in Python is key colon value comma key colon value so you'd implement it more in code so for instance if I want Carter to be the first key in my phone book and I want his number to be+ one 617495 1000 I can put that as the corresponding value the colon is in between both are strings or stirs so I've quoted both deliberately if I want to add myself I can put a comma and then just to keep things pretty I'm moving the cursor to the next line but that's not strictly required aesthetically it's just good style and here I might do+ 1 949 468 uh 2750 and now I have a dictionary that essentially has two rows here David uh Carter and his number and David and his number as well and if I kept adding to this this call this chart would just get longer and longer suppose I want to search for one of our numbers well let's prompt the user for the name for whose number you want to search by getting string or you know what we don't need the cs50 library let's just use input and prompt the user for a name and now we can use this super syntax and just say if name in people print the format added string number colon and here we can do this people bracket name okay so this is getting kind of cool kind of quickly kind of confusingly so let me run this python of phone book. let's type in Carter and indeed I see his number let's run it again with David and I see my number here so what's going on well it turns out that a dictionary is very similar in spirit to a list it's actually very similar in spirit to an array in C but instead of being limited to keys that are numbers like bracket 0o bracket 1 bracket two you can actually use words and that's all I'm doing here on line eight if I want to check for the name Carter which is currently in this variable called name I can index into my people dictionary using not a number but using literally a string the name Carter or David or anything else to make this clear too notice that I'm at the moment you using this format string which is adding some undue complexity but I could clarify this perhaps further as this I could give myself another variable called number set it equal to the people dictionary indexing into it using the current name and now I can shorten this to make it clear that all I'm doing is printing the value of that and in fact I can do this even more cryptically if I this would be weird to do but if I only ever want to show David's phone number and never Carter's I can literally quote unquote index into the people dictionary because now when I run this even if I type Carter I'm going to get back my number instead but that's all that's happening if I undo that because that's now a bug but I index into it using the value of name dictionaries are just so wonderfully convenient because now you can associate anything with anything else but not using numbers but entire keywords instead so here's how if in spell we gave you not just words but hundreds of thousands of definitions as well you could essentially store them as this and then when the human wants to look up a definition in a proper dictionary not just for spellchecking you could index into the dictionary using square brackets and get back the definition in English as well questions on this yeah location a really good question so how to summarize how is python finding that name within that dictionary this is where honestly speller in pet 5 is what Python's all about so you have struggled are struggling with implementing your own spell checker and implementing your own hash table and recall that per last week the goal of a hash table is to ideally get constant time access not something linear which is slow and even better than something uh uh logarithmic like log base 2 of n so Python and the really smart people who invented it they have written the code that does its best to give you constant time searches of dictionaries and they're not always going to succeed just as you and your own problem set probably going to have some collisions once in a while and start to have chains of length lists of words but this is where again you defer to someone else someone smarter than you someone with more time than you to solve these problems for you and if you read Python's documentation you'll see that it doesn't guarantee constant time but it's going to ideally optimize the data structure for you to get as fast as possible and of all of the data structures um like a dictionary a hashtable is really like the Swiss army knife of computing because it just lets you associate something with something else and even though we keep focusing on names and numbers that's a really powerful thing because it's more powerful than lists and arrays which are only numbers and something else now you can have any sorts of relationships instead all right let me show a few other examples before we culminate with some more powerful techniques in pythons thanks to libraries how about this problem we encountered in week four which was this let me code up a program called again compare. Pi here but this time compare to Strings and not numbers so let me for instance do uh get one string from the user called s just for the sake of discussion let me get another string from the user uh called T so that we can actually do some comparison here and if s equals equals T let's go ahead and print out that they're the same else let's go ahead and print out that they're different so this is very similar to what we did in week four but in week four recall we did this spef specifically because we had encountered a problem for instance if I run whoops uh if I run what's going on uh input T come on oh the okay wow okay long day all right if I run the proper command python of compare. py then let's go ahead and type in something like cat in all lowercase cats in all lowercase and they're the same uh if though I do this again with dog and dog they're the same and of course cat and dog they're different but does anyone recall from two weeks ago when I typed in my name twice both identically capitalized what did it say that they were in fact different and why was that like why were two strings in C different even though I typed literally the same thing two different places in memory so each string might look the same aesthetically but of course was stored elsewhere in memory and yet python appears to be using the equality operator equals equals like you and I would expect as humans actually comparing for us Char by Char in each of those strings for actual equality so this is a feature of python in that it's just easier to do and why well this derives from the reality that in Python there are no pointers anymore there's no underlying memory management it's not up to you now to worry about those lower level details the language itself takes care of that for you and so similarly if I do this and don't ask the user for two strings but just one and then I do something like this how about give myself a second variable T set it equal to s. capitalize which note is not the same as upper capitalize by Design per Python's documentation will only capitalize the first letter for you I can now print out say two F strings here what the value of s is and then let me print out with another F string what the value of t is and recall that in C this was a problem because if you capitalize s and store it in t we accidentally capitalized both s and t but in this case in Python when I actually run this and type in cat in all lowercase the original s is unchanged because when I use capitalize on line three this is indeed capitalizing s but it's returning a copy of the result it cannot change S itself because again for that technical term s is IM mutable strings once they exist cannot be changed themselves but you can return copies and modified mutated copies of those same strings so in short all of those headaches we encountered in week four are now solved really in the way you might expect and here's another one that we dwell on in week four with the colored uh liquid in glasses let me code up a program called swap. pi and in swap. pi let me set x equal to 1 y equal to 2 and then let me just print out an F string here so how about X X is this comma Y is that and then let me do that twice just for the sake of demonstration and in here recall that we had to create a swap function but then we had to pass it in by reference with the Amper sand and like oh my God like that was kind of peak complexity and see well if you want to swap X and Y in Python you could do X comma yal y comma X and now python of swap whoops python of swap. and there we go all of that's handled for you sort of like a shell game without even a temporary variable in mind so what more can we do here how about a few final building blocks and these related now to files from that week four suppose that I want to save some names and numbers in like a a CSV file comma separated values which is like a very lightweight spreadsheet well first let me create a uh phonebook CSV file that just has name comma number as like the first row there but after after that I'm going to go ahead now and code up a phonebook dopy program that actually allows me to add things to this phone book so let me split my screen here so that we can see the old and the new and down here in my code for phone book. in this new and improved version I'm going to actually import a whole other Library this one called CSV and here too especially for people in data science and the like really like being in a manipulate files and data that might very well be stored in spreadsheets or csvs comma separated values which we we saw briefly in week four in phonebook then it suffices to just import CSV after reading the documentation therefore because this is going to give me functionality in code related to CSV files so here's how I might open a file in Python I literally call open it's not fop now it's just open and I open this file called going to open it in a pend mode not right where it would change the whole thing I want to append new line at a time uh after this I want to get maybe how about a name from the user so let's prompt the user for some input for their name and then let's prompt the user for a number as well using input prompting for number all right and now this is a little cryptic and you'd only know this from the documentation but if you want to write line rows to a CSV file that you can then view in Excel or the like you can do this give me a variable called writer but I could call it anything I want let me use a CSV do writer function that comes with this CSV Library passing in the file this is like saying hey python treat this open file as a CSV file so that things are separated with commas and nicely formatted in rows and columns now I'm going to do this use that writer to write a row well what do I want to write I want to write a short list namely the current name and the current number to that file but I don't want to use FR printf and percent s and all of that stuff that we might have had in the past and now I just want to close the file let me reopen my ter teral let me run python of phone book. and let me type in how about David and then +1 949468 2750 and hold crossing my fingers watching the actual CSV at top left my code has just added me to the file and if I were to run it again for instance with Carter in plus1 617495 1000 crossing my fingers again we've updated the file and it turns out there's code now via which I can even read that file but I can first tighten this up just so you've seen it it turns out into python it's so common to open files and close them you know humans make mistakes and they often forget to close files which might then end up using more memory than you intend so you can alternatively do this in Python so that you don't have to worry about closing files you can use this keyword instead you can say with the opening of this file as a variable called file do all of the following underneath so I'm indenting most of my code I'm using this new python specific keyword called wi and this is just a matter of saying with the following opening of the file do those next four lines of code and then automatically close it for me at the end of the indentation it's a minor optimization but this again is sort of the pythonic way to do things instead how else might I do this too well it turns out that the code I've written here on line n especially is a little fragile right if any human opens the spreadsheet the CSV file in Excel Google spreadsheets Apple numbers and maybe like moves the columns around just because maybe they're fussing they SA it and they don't realize they've now changed my assumptions I don't want to necessarily write name and number always in that order CU what if someone screws up and flips those two columns by literally dragging and dropping so it turns out that instead of using a list here we can use another feature of this Library as follows instead of using a writer there's something called a dictionary writer or dict writer that takes the same argument as input the file that's opened but now the one difference here is that you need to tell this dictionary writer that your field names are name and number and let me close the CSV here name and number are the names of the fields The Columns in this CSV file and when it comes time to write a new row the syntax here is going to be a little uglier but it's just a dictionary the name I want to write to the dictionary is going to be whatever name the human typed in the number that I want to write to the the CSV file is going to be whatever the number the human typed in but what's different next about this code is by simply using a dictionary writer here instead of the generic writer now the columns can be in this order or this order or any order and the dictionary writer is going to figure out based on the first line of text in that CSV where to put name where to put number so if you flip them no big deal it's going to notice oh wait the columns changed and it's going to insert the columns correctly so just again another more powerful feature that lets you focus on lets you focus on real work as opposed to actually uh getting tied up in the weeds of writing code like this otherwise questions on this one as well but what we will do now is come full circle to some of the more uh sophisticated examples with which we began and I'm going to go back over to my own Mac laptop here where I've got my own terminal window up and running and I was just going to introduce a couple of final libraries that really speak to just how powerful python can can be and how quickly you can get up and running to be fair can't necessarily do all of these things in the cloud like in code spaces because you need access to your own speakers or microphone or the like so that's why I'm doing it on my own Mac here but let me go ahead and open up a program called speech. and I'm not using VSS code here I'm using a program called VI that's entirely terminal window based but it's going to allow me for instance to import the python text to speech version three Library I'm going to give myself a variable called engine that's going to be set equal to the python text to speech 3 libraries init method which is just going to initialize this library that relates to text to speech I'm going to then use the engines say function to say something like how about hello comma world and then as my last line I'm going to say engine. runand wait capitalized as such to tell my program now to run that speech and wait until it's done all right I'm going to save this file I'm going to run python of speech. py and I'm going to cross my fingers as always and hello world all right so now I have a program that's actually synthesizing speech using a library like this how can I now modify this to be a little more interesting well how about this let me go ahead and prompt the user for their name like we've done several times here using Python's built-in name function and now let me go ahead and use a format string in conjunction with this Library interpolating the value of name there and at least if my name is somewhat phonetically pronounceable let's go ahead and run python ofp speech. type in my name and hello David okay it's a sort of weird choice of inflection but we're starting to synthesize voice not unlike Siri or Google assistant or Alexa or the like now we can maybe do something a little more advanced too in addition to synthesizing speech in this way we could synthesize for instance uh an actual graphic let me go ahead now and do something like this let me create a program called qr. I'm going to go ahead and import a library called OS which gives you access to operating system related functionality in Python I'm going to import a library I've pre-installed called QR code which is a two-dimensional barcode that you might have seen in the real world I'm going to go ahead and create an image variable using this QR code library's make function which per its documentation takes a URL like one of cs50's own videos so we'll do this with YouTube uh /xv f zj5 p g g0 so hopefully that's the right lecture and now we've got image. saave which is going to allow me to create a file called qr. ping think back now on problem set 4 and how painful it was to save files we'll just use the save function now in Python and save this as a ping file portable Network graphic and then lastly let's just go ahead and open uh the with the command open qr. ping on my Mac so that hopefully this just automatically opens all right I'm going to go ahead and just double check my syntax here so that I haven't made any mistakes I'm going to go ahead and run python of qr. enter that opens up this let me go ahead and zoom in if you've got a phone handy and you'd like to scan this code here whether in person or online I apologize you won't appreciate it amazing okay and lastly let me go back into our speech example here uh create a final ending here on our final moments and how about we just say something like this was cs50 like this let's go ahead here fix my capitalization just for tidiness get rid of the name and now with our final flourish and your introduction to python equipped here we go this was cs50 all right we'll see you next [Applause] time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this is cs50 and this is already week seven and this is the week where we'll continue where we left off with python introducing you to a bit more syntax and capabilities of the language so you can solve like interesting problems but a lot of those problems increasingly are now going to involve data in some form after all if you think of most any website or mobile app uh or uh process nowadays that involves solving problems it almost always involves some amount of data and often data at scale lots and lots of data and so what we're going to see first today is that yes you can use Python to solve all the problems past that we've seen and also some data specific ones but sometimes it's just going to be annoying it's going to be a little painful it's just going to be more work than you might like to just get to some answer and so today we'll too introduce you to a new language called SQL structured query language and this is a language that wur is actually much smaller relatively speaking than C and python it sort of does less but it does it really well and it's a language for querying databases storing data in it updating it inserting it deleting it and so much more and it's the kind of Technology that's used nowadays in indeed web apps and mobile apps data science analytics and and so much more it's really good at storing lots and lots of data now this is yet another language and believe it or not next week we'll introduce you to three more languages HTML and CSS which are not technically programming languages they're all about Aesthetics and markup of information but also JavaScript which is in fact a programming language but the goals here in cs50 really are going to be to empower you to program more generally and indeed when you're out there in the real world some years from now invariably there's going to be some new other popular language out there and hopefully in this week and next week and Beyond among the goals is not just to teach you these languages specifically but again like how to teach yourself the future languages that we've not even heard about just yet so with that said let's begin with a survey of sorts if you go to this URL on your phone or laptop cs50. l/f favorites a very simple Google form awaits you that's just going to ask you a couple of multiple choice questions so go to cs50. l/f favorites and that should lead you to a Google form that looks a little something like this asking you first as of now in week seven what is your favorite language among those options here and then further down one more question if you think back on problem sets 0 through six what was if any your favorite uh problem set problem be it in scratch or C or python so answer those two questions and in a moment I'll flip over to my screen here where you'll see and anyone who's used Google forms knows the spreadsheet that's collecting now this data um Microsoft Office 365 can do the same if you use one of those forms and what you see here now is a spreadsheet in Google Sheets enumerating all of the audience's questions language is in column B problem is in column C and each row represents one student who has responded uh a few of you were super eager for class today at 8:33 a.m. eastern time 10:32 11:10 okay so now we're getting into the actual class time here and if I scroll down we'll probably see few dozen couple hundred Answers by now and yeah so we're getting a whole lot of answers here and I'm seeing some patterns emerge but but it's not necessarily obvious to the human eyes what those patterns are now of course you can use Google spreadsheets you can like highlight the data and you can create charts magically out of it but you can only do what Google lets you do with the data and same thing for Microsoft Excel or apple numbers but wouldn't it be nice to just be able to manipulate the raw data relatively simple though it is to just answer questions about the data Maybe long-term create your own charts customize it just the way you want rather than be holding to like software that's off the shelf like this well how could we go about doing this well let me propose that we treat this data set now as what we're going to call for now a flat file database we'll see today that there's fancier databases but the simplest database in the world is really just like a CSV file and we saw that a couple of weeks ago in C we wrote a bit of C code that used F printf to write data to a file using commas as the separator we didn't really do much more with csvs at the time though because it's really annoying painful timec consuming not fun to use see for something like that because of malok and memory and all that stuff but with python it's going to be much easier and so anytime you have access to some data set where you can just like download it to your own Mac or PC or your Cloud environment it's sort of a candidate for now writing code to do something with the data Maybe analyze it right away if it's been human inputed manually maybe you have to clean it up by doing a lot of find and replace but not with your keyboard but rather with code and so let me go ahead and do this let me go back to my uh Google sheet here that has all of the data that's come in now and let me go ahead and download this via uh the file menu here and let's see download and you can see a whole bunch of options of most formats might be familiar but today we'll focus just on this one comma separated values or CSV that's going to go ahead and download it on my Mac here into my own downloads folder and now I'm going to go ahead and do this let me go ahead and pull up VSS code in the cloud here and if you've never done this before there's a couple of ways to do it but the simplest way to upload a file to your codes space so to speak is just a sort of drag and drop that's going to magically upload it to the server there and we'll see that one it has a very long file name which I'm I'm actually going to clean this up because that's going to be very tedious to type in my code so I could either rightclick of of course up here but I'm going to use my Linux command so let's move this file called cs50 2022 something or other and let's just name it more simply favorites. CSV so all lowercase no spaces sort of good Basics and let me go ahead now and open up this file with code favorites. CSV I'll close my file explorer and we'll see exactly the same data as before but not quite as pretty as Google Sheets makes it be rather we see here that I still have three columns timestamp language problem and then all of the values down below including the timestamps and the answers therefore but it doesn't have proper columns it just has commas separating them now we could very easily write python code just like we wrote code to manipulate files like this either to write or read but in instead let's do something that's a little more pleasant which is indeed in the form of python so python actually comes with Native support for csvs it has indeed a package called CSV that just lets you read and write and do a whole bunch of useful stuff when it comes to CSV files so let's go ahead and do something with this file let me go back here to VSS code I'm going to close favorites. CSV for now but just remember in your mind that timestamp was the first column language was the second column and problem was the third and notice because we're using commas they don't again line up perfectly but that's not a problem there are two commas in every line presumably and I'm going to go ahead and now create a file called how about uh favorites. piy so that I can start writing some code to manipulate this data and let's do something simple let's just write a simple program in Python that opens this file reads it and prints something out just as like a safety check that I know what I'm doing even though it's not going to be useful so in Python if you want CSV support you import CSV and that gives you access to all the magical capabilities thereof let me now go ahead and use this technique to open a file in Python which is similar in C but with python I'm going to do this the keyword with I'm going to open a file called favorites. CSV which was the shorter name I gave it this is optional but just for explicitness I'm going to open it in read mode explicitly just like f open took a second argument as well and I'm going to name this file once open quite simply file though I could call it anything I want and now it's just an open file so far as python knows at this moment it's just text or better yet it's just zeros and ones if you want this python package called CSV to actually do something useful with it you have to load this file now into the library and the simplest way to do this is to give myself like a variable called reader because I want to read this file though this too I could call anything else I'm going to then set that equal to the return value of a function called CSV do reader and I pass to that per the documentation the open file so step one I open the file and this just gives me me access to the bytes there in step two now with csvreader tells the python package called CSV to do something useful with it and start analyzing the commas and uh allow me to uh parse it further so let's go ahead and do this let me go ahead now and within this Loop let's say this with sorry within this open file let's do this for every row if you will or line in the file AKA reader let's go ahead and print out now just how about Row Bracket one now what's going on here well it turns out if you read the documentation for the CSV reader function what it hands you back is essentially this special object so to speak that allows you to treat it as though it's just a really big list of lines from the file AKA reader so by saying for Row in reader this is a way more succinct way of saying uh give me the first line in the file plus plus give me the second line in the file Plus plus and so forth that we would have done what much more mechanically in C this is just much more pythonic and English friendly if you will so in every iteration of this Loop row is going to contain all of the data from the current row but better yet what the reader function does for me is it hands me each row not just as a big string or Stir of text in Python it gives me what apparently based on the syntax on line six any Instinct yeah it's giving me back indeed a list and I'm I presume the visual clue for you was the fact that we're using square brackets here and indeed Row Bracket one is going to be not the first but the second element in that list and so just take a guess when I run this code in a moment What's going to get printed the timestamp the language or the problem the yeah oh the language the language because it's the second column that is in the file delimited by those those commas so let me go ahead and do this let me clear my terminal down here here let me run python of favorites.i and enter and there's everything it was super fast but there's a really long list here and in fact if I increase the size of my terminal and start scrolling up you'll just see all of the raw data now this isn't that useful yet I could have just glanced at the CSV but clearly now I have the ability to open the file parse it so to speak that is break it up into its constituent parts and do something with specific Parts therein all right so if I want to do this a little more pleasantly though let me at least least make this semantically a little cleaner and you know what just for clarity let me just give myself a variable it's not strictly necessary but I know that this is the favorite uh for instance uh language so let's just call it favorite set it equal to Row Bracket 1 and now just to be more explicit in my code even though again we don't need the variable per se this codee's of course going to do the same thing it's just using an additional variable called favorite if I go down here scroll up run the program again I get back the exact same data but this is a stepping stone to something that's even more powerful about python support for CSV files is that you don't have to just treat the return value as a list with zero and one and two so just thinking intuitively here why is this maybe not the best design to hand you the programmer back the data in a list that's numerically indexed with 012 it clearly works but critique this what could go wrong what's a little poorly designed yeah you have to always remember what are yeah exactly so if yeah so it's up to you to repeat it's up to you to remember like what column the data is actually in and you know God forbid you're you're collaborating with someone else on the spreadsheet you know you've if you've used Google spreadsheets you can move columns around maybe just because you want to visually reorganize things and if you do this and then someone else downloads that same data all of their code is going to break so that's just really bad design it's fragile just because it's you're sort of on the honor System that one means the data that you want so wouldn't it be nice if we could be a little more explicit well recall that the very first line in this file is actually this and I paused the output this time so that we can see more optionally I just reran favorites St pi and notice one of these things is not like the other every output was either scratch or C or python except for this first one why am I seeing the word language here where did language come from you didn't have the ability to manual input oh no where did it come from yeah yeah the header the very first row in the file which by human convention generally just defines what the columns represent so that there's some human useful information there now that's not really intended to be part of my output at the moment so there is a way to skip this if you want to skip the first row you can actually do something like this you can say next row and that will just ignore that row so that I'm starting really with the every row thereafter but there's a better way to handle this than that that will get rid of the row in the output but let me go ahead and use a different feature of the CSV package that's just going to make this a little cleaner Al together so let me clear my terminal window here let me undo this next thing that I just added and instead of using a reader let me go ahead and use a dictionary reader abbreviated dict reader that's going to now return me the equivalent of all of the rows one at a time so I can still call it Reader just as before but as the name implies what this reader is going to return is not a list after list after list but a dictionary a dictionary a dictionary and remember a dictionary is just a collection of key value pairs so what does that mean what are the keys what are the values well now that I'm using a dictionary reader I can actually do this instead of sort of on the honor System remembering that I want column one I can treat row now not as a list but as a dictionary and that means I can go in here and say quote unquote language and we saw that back in week six python allows you to index into dictionaries using square bracket notation in strings or stirs on the inside just like lists allow for numbers but this now I think is going to be a little more robust if I run this again python of favorites. py all of that worked out fine and let me pause the output to by using this program called more now I don't even see the header so now whoever works it uh with python wrote the code for this package to just analyze that first line of code use the header as you just called it as the keys and then every time you iterate through this Loop it updates the values the values the values but the keys stay the same any questions then on this technique spiced to say this would be painful in C yes Associated exactly so the keys are always going to be quote unquote timestamp uh Pro language and problem but on each iteration of this Loop here uh the row is going to contain a different row of values different row values different row values so you're going to get back one dictionary for every student who submitted the Google form if you will while iterating through it there all right so once we have this ability here why don't we go ahead and transition into how about not just using that dictionary reader which makes the code a little more robust because now if you move the columns around no big deal it doesn't matter if the numeric indices change you can still use those keywords instead well let's actually analyze the data now I'm just spitting it out which is not solving any problems for anyone so let's go ahead and and count the popularity of scratch C and Python and see what everyone's uh been thinking here all right so how might I do this well let me go ahead and do this up here before I start iterating let me give myself let's say three variables and to keep things simple I'll say one variable called scratch set it equal to zero for zero students so far C is going to equal zero and python is going to equal zero there's a slightly prettier way of doing this just because this is like three lines of code to do something very simple you could alternatively in Python but not C do scratch comma C comma python equals 0 comma 0 so kind of slightly more elegant just to fit it all into one line but now let's just do something more interesting on line seven I'm still going to figure out what the current favorite language is and now I'm just going to do some conditional checks How about if that favorite equals equals quote unquote scratch let's go ahead and increment Scratch by one we can't do plus plus in Python but we can do plus equals 1 how about L if favorite equals equals c then let's do C+ equal 1 L and not we could do else this is actually a good design question should I do else should I do L if any instincts here yeah yeah really good instincts just in case someone goes and adds another language to the form next week because we're obviously going to introduce another language today you don't want your code to now artificially inflate the scores for python just because you're conflating multiple languages together so the more defensive sort of better way to write this code I agree would be L if favorite equals equals python then let's go ahead and increment python plus equals 1 and if there's a new language next week we're obviously going to have to update the code but at least we're not miscounting we're just missing the new language so I think that's slightly more robust all right now at the very bottom of this program and outside of the loop when I'm all done counting let me go ahead and print out using some f strings how about the total number of people who uh whose favorite is scratch so this is just uh week six F string syntax let me go ahead and print out another F string for C and I'm of course putting the variables in curly braces all lowercase but the English words I'm doing capitalization for Let's do an final one with f uh python colon and then in curly braces python close quote and I think I'm done so let me just hide my terminal for a second here's the total program same stuff as before open favorites. CSV open it further with the dictionary reader to do that processing for us initialize three variables to zero just so we have something to count with and then iterate over the file row by row and this is just some sort of week one style conditional logic albe it in Python counting things all right so how can we now execute this let me go back to my terminal python of favorites.i and here we go uh as of today everyone who's reporting in live via the Google form their favorite languages are interesting that's pretty interesting too after just one week of python no less so but scratch is a healthy Contender there a lot of C so a pretty good mix here so is this going to be the best way to write this program long term well as you noted if there's a new language next week this week we're going to have to constantly update this and here's where you should let your mind wander to like the future like if we have a fourth language fifth language 6th sth eth which aspect here might kind of have some code smell to it like this probably isn't the best design to set us up for the future what might be better than this yeah add language line yeah we have to keep adding a language to line five and okay not a big deal we could add like SQL today and maybe JavaScript next week but you know anytime a a line of code a line of logic is just going to kind of grow out of control and we've had this chat a couple of times with different syntax there's probably a better way than that so let's do that instead of using these individual variables we could make maybe use a list but a list would be a little confusing because like what does braet zero mean what is bracket 1 bracket two but a dictionary recall is like this Swiss army knife of data structures whereby you can associate anything with anything else keys with values so I dare say a cleaner way to solve this problem that sets us up for Less work or confusion later would be to create like a new variable called counts if that's what we're doing counting things up and just set it equal to an empty dictionary and you can literally say adct with the open parenthesis closed parenthesis nothing or the more pythonic just use open and Clos curly braces with nothing inside that gives me an empty dictionary just like square brackets gives me a list now my logic down here has to change a little bit but what's nice is I don't need one conditional for every language because again if we have a fourth a fifth a sixth that chunk of code is also going to grow a bit out of control too so I can get rid of this here and what I think I'm going to do is say this whatever the current favorite is from the current Row in the file why don't we go into our counts variable at that key and again favorite is a variable it's not quote unquote favorite it's going to be scratch or C or Python and then why don't we go ahead and just increment whatever the value of that count is at that key now this is technically bugy we're really close but there is a bug does anyone want to conjecture what the bug is yeah a good question that answers my question in uh nonetheless so no like the magic you describe will not happen and to repeat the the hypothesis will this automatically create a key for every uh language that we try plugging into those square brackets short answer no odds are this is going to create a key error one of those traceback error messages that you've probably seen by now either in class or in problem sets whereby if scratch hasn't appeared in the dictionary before or C or python like then the dictionary has no clue what you're talking about so I think we actually still need some conditional logic but not that's going to grow longer and longer with each language what I think we probably want to do is this if the current favorite is in the counts dictionary and this is the pythonic way of just saying is this key in this dictionary then go ahead and safely do count favorite plus equals 1 else to your conjecture now else what do I want to do counts favorite equals yeah one so initialize a brand new key to a brand new value of one because I'm obviously just seen this language otherwise increment again and again and now down here I just need to tweak my syntax a little bit I don't need to print out all of these things one at a time manually I can actually get away I think with another loop at the very bottom here so how about I do this for each favorite in those counts and this is again the pythonic way to iterate over all of the keys in a dictionary go ahead and print out using an F string whatever the current favorite is scratch or C or Python and then a colon and then figure out what its count is and you can do that by going into the counts dictionary looking at the favorite key and get back its value so close my curly braces I close my quotes and even though this looks ugly at the moment now this is much more dynamic because if we go and add SQL to the CSV file tomorrow where we add JavaScript next week this will just work it will keep working now automatically all I change is the Google form not my actual code all right let's try python of favorites.i cross my fingers as always and there now is the data as of now questions on this code here yeah really good good question what if you wanted to print it in a particular order uh well I could give you a couple of solutions like if you want to print it out in it's already coincidentally in alphabetical order so you got that for free although that's just by chance here but there is a way to do this and let me propose that we go down here to my Loop and I explicitly use a function you might not have seen in Python yet but it's literally called sorted which is going to take either a list or in this case a dictionary and by default sort it by key alphabetically now if my intuition is correct this is not going to change the output because it's already alphabetical but if you read the documentation for the sorted function it takes multiple parameters potentially some of which are named parameters and so you can actually do this if you want to sort the counts but you want to reverse the order for whatever reason here so that it's reverse alphabetical order now let me go ahead and rerun this and I'll keep the previous output on the screen enter and now it's backwards uh alphabetically if you will other questions on this here here no how about then how about then we transition to changing sorting by value and let me this is going to escalate a little quickly briefly but then we'll we'll tone it down again notice that right now this is indeed sorting by key what if especially if I have lots of data it'd be nice to make like a top 10 list or in this case a top three list and actually see in order of the counts the values uh what these popular ones are so it's not C python scratch it should ideally be python then C then scratch because of the values and the magnitude thereof so how can I do this well it turns out there's another key another uh parameter that you can pass to the sorted function that is typically implemented as a function itself and so I'm going to go ahead and do this I'm going to temporarily Define a function called get value just to make my life easier and this get value function is going to take I'll say a language par parameter and then all I'm going to do is return whatever the count is of that language so out of context this is just a super simple function that you hand it a language like scratch or C or python it's just going to tell you what the count is thereof in that uh in that dictionary called counts but what I can do now down here in my newly introduced call to sorted is I can tell it what to use as its key instead of using literally the key scratch C python I can sort of override that behavior and say you know what to figure out what to sort by go ahead and call this function called get value notice that I have not put parentheses after get value because I don't want to call get value right then and there I want to pass the get value function as itself in argument to the sorted function so that the sorted function written years ago by the people at python can call my version of get value again and again and again when they try to sort sort this actual data so now if I add that and I leave reverse equals true let's see what happens python of favorites. py enter and now I get my top 10 or in this case top three list and if I had more sophisticated data with like more columns Al together that I actually care about I could even sort this more uh powerfully as well but let me clean this up a little bit just so you've seen it even though we won't use these that often in cs50 until the end of the class will they come up again technically this is a little bit H this isn't necessarily the best design to spend all this time implementing a function and then only use it in one place in general we've argued that H you don't necessarily need a variable if you're only going to use it in one place you don't really need a function if you're only going to use it in one place and here we kind of have a good candidate for that and so it turns out in Python if you don't want to bother creating a function just to use it once you can create what's called an anonymous function AKA a Lambda function like the lamb Lambda symbol familiar and a Lambda function the syntax is a little strange looking but you say this you literally say Lambda you literally then say the name of the argument that you want this Anonymous function with no name to take then you have a colon and then quite simply you write what you want the return value of this function to be you don't even say return literally these Lambda functions are meant to be used super turly so that you can in one line Express something like this and I admit this looks more cryptic I think than the previous version but as you get more comfortable with python or other languages that support this feature it allows you to not bother with lines of code like that and just tighten up your code a little bit so this line here lamba language colon counts language is the oneline version of this and you don't even need to bother picking a name for it Lambda tells python I didn't waste any time thinking of a name for this function so questions then on this technique technique of using python to analyze data like this any questions we're almost done with python questions no okay so why don't we make things a little more interesting because we had a much juicier data set with the problems that we've assigned over the past several weeks why don't we go ahead and quite simply you know I think we wrote pretty darn good code here so I think we can pretty much just change a bit of it to say let's see if I don't want language I want problem and if I want to sort by not language but problem I think that's it I think if I didn't Overlook something here just by changing what column I'm reading the data from and then just to be consistent renaming my variables just so I know what I'm looking at what will this program now do after those minor changes what will I see when I run this what would be the first thing I see when I run this tough crowd today yes problem yeah the problem this the top problem so the most popular problem which I'm a little worried it might be hello or just scratch but let's go ahead and see so let me go ahead and open my terminal window I'll even maximize my terminal window so we can see a lot let me go ahead and run python of favorites. py I'm going to go ahead now and cross my fingers that I didn't mess up and hit enter and okay great we peaked early so scratch was the most popular program according to the data at the time I downloaded it I'm sure other votes have come in since filter uh in week four was tied then with tan as well Mario is a close third there and so forth so this is helpful for us on staff that uh not so much love down here at the bottom of the list so it was a bunch of code to write but now that we've written it in this very versatile Dynamic way it's pretty good for just like crunching data and doing some analytics but it's still a decent number of lines to have had to write manually and this is where sometimes it isn't necessarily the right tool for the job but rather the job that uh but rather a candidate for using some other language alog together especially when it's not just a one-time program that you run and you want to see the answer what if you want to take input from the user and ask uh answer questions dynamically like a mobile app would like a website would like Microsoft Excel or apple numbers or Google Sheets would for for you well let's make one final change for now to this version of the program and actually take in some user input so besides just loading all of the data into memory let's go ahead and down below here not just print out the top 10 list if you will but prompt the user for their favorite so I'm going to use Python's input function and I'm just going to prompt them with favorite quote unquote like tell me what your favorite problem what problem uh rather uh you interested in and now let me go ahead and say if that favorite is in the counts variable so you didn't type in something random that we didn't actually assign as a problem then let me go ahead and print with a format string whatever that favorite is of yours and show you the actual popularity thereof by indexing into counts using that favorite as the key and printing this so now it's a dynamic program it doesn't dump all of the data and all of the summations rather it's going to allow me to see what my choice of favorite is and I'm going to go ahead and say uh let's see I'm a fan of Mario here so enter and indeed we see the same value we saw a moment ago but just for Mario but the point now is that one all of this is possible two it's way easier and more pleasant than this would have been in C this is still only 15 lines of code and in C again there's the memory management there's the iterating over the strings trying to find the commas there's just a lot more work but honestly even when you just want to answer a question like this in Excel in Apple Numbers Google sheets you know generally you can just highlight things you can click a button and boom you get your answer for summation or Max or Min or any of those sort of Basics wouldn't it be nice if we weren't taking a step backwards as programmers and being sort of more powerful and yet we now have to do more of the work so maybe sometimes Python's not or any language is not the best tool for the job and that's going to now allow us to introduce more generally something called a relational database graduating from Mere flat file databases like text files or binary files in which all of your data is stored to something more proper but first questions really good question to reiterate if I were to is this case sensitive so if I were to type in Mario in all lowercase and hit enter I actually get no such response now that might be acceptable because the problem technically what is a capital M but that's a little uh ridiculous to be that pedantic about the input so how could we solve this any tips for how we can make this a little more robust yeah okay yeah yeah so we could use a few different functions one of which is called title which will change it to title case where it capitalizes like in most English sentences the first letter of that sentence we could use capitalize we could use upper we could use lower but indeed we could just decide how we want to standardize the capitalization either uppercase lowercase or some combination thereof and just make sure that you change the counts themselves make sure that you do the same to favorite and make sure that maybe you keep a backup of the data if you want to show the original version that came from the CSV without presuming to just capitalize everything for the user but indeed that would be the most common scenario you just make things case insensitive when doing those matches other questions now on python before we leave it behind for the coming week all right well then let's introduce these relational databases so relational database is what like every is a super popular way of storing lots of data like this is what the Twitter's of the world the Googles of the world the metas of the world use to store some of their data at scale there are alternatives to relational databases um indeed today we'll talk about a language called SQL there's so a movement if you will or an alternative generally called No SQL which is just the opposite you don't use SQL there are things called objectoriented databases and the like but if you've ever heard of MySQL or postgress SQL or uh Microsoft SQL server or Oracle or Maria DB or a bunch of other products both free and Commercial this is what they're talking about databases that are designed to store lots of data and what's nice about relational databases is that they're really similar to the spreadsheets with which you were presumably familiar long before today's class so a relational database is going to store as you'll see all of the data in rows and columns now the terminology will thereafter be a little different instead of having sheets you're going to have tables but those tables are still going to have rows and columns and you're going to have even more control over the performance of your data when you start to access it using this structured query language or SQL this is a language you can use for web apps mobile apps uh a lot of analysts would sit down and their Mac or PC and actually ask questions of data to get back the answer and wonderfully even though there will be some new syntax today SQL really just does four basic things crud is the sort of crude acronym here crud is a way of remembering that a relational database supports ultimately creating data reading data updating data and deleting data so even if you're feeling like wow this is a lot of new syntax which it isn't relative to our past languages the only things you're doing really are creating dat data reading data updating and deleting the same now a little confusingly in SQL the corresponding functions or commands that exist that map to crud are actually this so it's still create but there's another one called insert uh it's not read which is more of the computer scientist way of saying it but select which is a little more explicit like select data you care about update is still update delete is still delete but there's another command called drop which lets you drop that is delete entire tables as well so you can create tables using syntax that's generally going to look like this you'll say create table you'll give the name of the table uh which you can call almost anything you want but generally all lowercase no spaces is best then in parentheses you can specify a comma separated list of the columns that you might want in this table so this is the code equivalent in the SQL language of like manually opening Google Sheets or Excel or numbers and like clicking in the top left cell and like typing timestamp and then in the next typing language and then in the third typing problem this is the way to sort of Define what your headers are if you will in a spreadsheet but now it's called a table now we won't use this command manually first let's do something a little simpler we're going to start off by just importing this data ourselves and I'm going to go ahead and do this let me go back to vs code here I'm going to leave behind favorites. py for now because now we're going to transition to this other language called SQL and to do this I am going to create a new database file and I'm going to do so using a command called SQL light 3 which is just the third version thereof and I'm going to give the database a name of favorites. DB there's different conventions but this is one of the most common when I hit enter this is going to create for me a new empty database just like opening an Untitled spreadsheet in Excel Google Sheets or Apple Numbers I'm being prompted do I want to create favorites. DB I'll hit y for yes okay we're up and running now you're going to notice a different prompt I'm not in my Linux prompt per se which is always the dollar sign I'm now inside of the program called SQL light and we're going to use SQL light SQL light 3 as just an interactive way for now of playing with SQL code at the end of today we'll show you how you can use SQL in Python code so that you still write python code to do whatever you want but you can talk to databases using Python and this is exactly how web apps mobile apps work for instance on iOS uh and an i phone an iPad or the like if you want to store data it's very often stored in a SQL database as we're about to do um but you might use a language called Swift or objective c and same exists in the world of Android using Java or cotlin or something else to query the database so we're going to see SQL in isolation for now like an analyst might just use at their Mac or PC but we're going to tie it together by Day end so at this terminal uh SQL light let me go ahead and execute uh this command first I'm going to first put SQL light into CSV mode because I'm going to cut some Corners initially and I'm just going to automatically import all of the data that was submitted via that Google form which I exported as a CSV and uploaded to my code space and I'm just going to automatically say turn this CSV file into a SQL database for me just so I don't have to figure out what those create table commands are so to do this I'm going to say mode CSV so that SQL light knows that this is the command uh knows that this is a CSV file it's literally mode so the dot comes before the keyword there and now I'm going to say do import and then the name of the file I want to import which is favorites. CSV and now the name of the table that I want to create with that data and just for consistency I'm going to call it favorites I could change these things to be anything I want but I'm going to do that and voila nothing seems to have happened but just like in C and in Python in Linux when nothing seems to happen that's usually a good thing it means I didn't mess up so if I want to see what just happened there's this other command and these commands that start with dots these are SQL light specific which is indeed a lightweight version of SQL they're not SQL per se so if you're using Oracle or something else like that you're not going to use these exact commands you'll see the ones we use in just a moment and here's the first when I type schema the schema of a database is the design of the database what are the tables what are the columns and all of that so when I type schema this actually in this case shows me that create table command that was automatically run for me by just doing this import line once I get more comfortable with SQL I could literally type this out myself or use some program to generate that as well but what it's creating for me is this create table if it doesn't exist even though it's more tur than that I want to create a table called favorites and then the columns for that table are going to be timestamp which is going to be text comma language which is also going to be text comma problem which is also going to be text that was just inferred very trivially by the do import command to just figure out that yes just give me a three column database table based on the Google form okay questions on this these are commands you run once to get up and running you don't run these commands frequently but we have them on the slide just for reference all right so now let's do something a little more interesting I'm going to clear my SQL light terminal here but I'm still in SQL light I'm going to now use some of my first SQL commands which recall were uh were among them uh select so crud c r UD D the r was select this is maybe the most common the most useful the most powerful thing to use with a SQL database selecting data to answer questions akin to the ones we were trying to answer with python this is the general syntax anytime you want to select data from a SQL database you literally say select you then specify the column or columns that you want to select data from you literally write the word from and then you specify the name of the table you want to get that data from semicolon in this case everything that's in capitals here is a sequel keyword strictly speaking you don't have to capitalize things but we would encourage you to do so stylistically and especially as you're learning and even as you're writing it it just helps to distinguish SQL from like words you chose like the names of the columns and the data there're in so uh do adopt early on this convention so let me go back now to my code space here I'm running my terminal window with SQL light 3 inside of it suppose that I just want to get all of the data from the favorites table which was automatically imported let's do this select I want everything well I can do timestamp comma language comma problem but you know what here's a uh convenience already if you want everything there's what's called a wild card character in SQL which is just a star in asterisk which means give me every column without my knowing even what they're called let me go ahead now and say from favorite it's semicolon and this is the SQL way of opening the database iterating over every row they're in printing out every row therein done so those three steps which was like nine lines of python code give or take earlier is now one line of SQL I hit enter there is all of the data so I see now all of the data just outputed as a CSV here but it's not the CSV file it's now actually the table and in fact just for good measure let me do this CU you'll see the behavior a little different the next time we open the file I've just exited out of SQL light 3 I'm going to rerun it but I'm not going to reimport the data or do anything like that because my file now exists in fact let me take one step back if I type LS at my Linux prompt there's my favorites. py from before there's my favorites. CSV from before and here's a third file that I did create a moment ago when I first ran SQL light 3 so the data is persistent it's not using Ram or memory anything I do now is save there so let's go ahead and rerun SQL light 3 with the same file but I'm not going to I don't have to reort everything because the file already exists let me now do that same thing again select star from favorites to get all of the data and what you'll see now is the same data but it's a little prettier now because I reran it I effectively disabled CSV mode this time and what I'm now seeing is the entire contents of this database table called favorit now there's nothing new here but you're just seeing now like an asky or Unicode version of all of the same data from that database well suppose I want to get a subset of the data well let me clear my screen and just like in Linux I can hit contrl L just to clean things up aesthetically suppose I want to get just the languages so I could do select language from favorites and this will now select not all three columns AKA star this will only select the language column and all of the data they're in if I hit enter voila now I just see those there no time Stamps no problems it's just a slice of the table if you will all right not that interesting still still because it's just a big column of data but now things get more interesting it turns out in SQL that there are functions that come with this language just like C just like python in SQL some of the more useful ones some of the simpler ones are these here average count distinct lower Max Min upper which pretty much uh do what they say and count is a particularly useful one let's start with that you know it's a reasonable question to be asked uh how many people submitted the Google form by the time I actually downloaded the CSV well why don't we go ahead and do this let me go back to VSS code here in my terminal window let me select not star but the count of star so give me the count of the rows that are being returned from the database called uh the database table called favorites now when I hit enter I'm not going to get all the data I'm just going to get simply a number 430 rows came back so that's pretty good I now know how much data is in there well what languages were in there well I could do select language from favorit just as before but that's not that useful especially if I'm inheriting the data like I'm the analyst who's been handed a data set by my boss and they want me to like crunch some numbers okay I could like load this into Excel I could sort it but you can use SQL now to answer pretty basic questions too if you want to select the distinct languages in the data set because you didn't you weren't privy to the Google form let me go ahead and select only the distinct languages from the favorites table and now I hit enter and I get back a much more succinct answer just the three languages in question not really that useful since I created the Google form but certainly if you're inheriting data from someone else you've just downloaded a data set at least now I'm arguably wrapping my mind around what's going on now this is not necessary for such a small data set but I can combine these things select the count of the distinct languages in this data set called favorites and now I should get back what answer so hopefully indeed an answer called three and what you're getting back notice aesthetically too is like a mini temporary table when I asked for uh just the distinct languages what SQL hands me back is this temporary table in memory that has one column called language and then two row uh three rows now this is not saved anywhere it's just executed ephemerally like this but that's why it's depicted in this way what you're getting is subsets of your data smaller tables containing some of your data and same thing down here this is like a crazy long uh column name you can rename it if you really want uh but uh that's all we're seeing there and in fact if that's a little ugly we can actually Alias These Things N is a common uh name for a variable a number in any programming language so I can actually alas this to be a column called n hit enter and now I'm getting a tiny tiny table whose column is called n that just has the one value there all right questions on these application of these functions here no questions yeah say a little louder as oh as as literally in English so name this column rename this column as this technically it creates an alias for the column so that's all yeah exactly distinct will operate on whatever you handed in parentheses and get rid of all of the duplicates giving you back just the unique correct other questions here yeah good question when you define an alias like n which I just did does it become like a variable you can reuse short answer no in this case but you can reuse it within your same query even though these these queries are getting a little longer admittedly statements that they are uh you can actually reuse n in even longer queries so later in your query and we'll see a few that are start to going to start to grow in length so it's a a nice way of nicknaming things just to be a little more tur in your query so we can transition to some of these more sophisticated queries because it turns out there's some other uh techniques we can introduce as well here are some other keywords in SQL and again even though like this is another list of things there's only four things fundamentally we're doing creating reading updating and deleting data these are just allowing us to like fine-tune how we do it exactly so where is going to allow us to filter data as we'll do in just a moment like select data where this conditional is true uh like is going to be an alternative to an equal sign so instead of looking for exactly scratch or exactly python or exactly C you can look for something like dot dot dot and it can be a little bit of a fuzzier match if you will uh with other characters as well order by is going to deal with sorting limit is going to just let me limit the total number of rows that come back to one or 10 or finite if I don't want to see all 400 plus rows all at once because I'm just trying to wrap my mind around it and group by is best shown by example so let's play with just a couple of these as well let me go back to vs code here I'll clear my screen I'm still in the same SQL light instance and let's count how many of you likeed C without writing python code as before so let me go ahead and select the count of the rows from favorites where the language in each row equals c and the convention in SQL light is to use single quotes anytime you're surrounding a string that's meant to represent a literal piece of text uh as opposed to C which was double quotes or python which was either so this is selecting the count of rows from favorites table where the language in question is C enter and this gives me 98 notice though if I omit that predicate like we did before you'll get back the total number of rows that were in the table so where is what's called a predicate that just allows me to filter things just like an if condition or the like in a language that we've seen before you can be a little more specific like how many people really liked C and the Mario program uh problem specifically well let's do this uh let's go ahead and do select the number of rows from the favorites table where the language is C and so it's uh still literally the word ands and or just like in Python but not like in C uh and equals Mario so let's see if there's any fans of both C and the Mario problem and three of us really like those two things together in this case all right what else can we do well more compelling might be to see kind of like in Python for each language what was the popularity thereof and at the moment we don't really have a way of doing that except in Python where we had the loop and we had those variables with the dictionary that did all that counting for us you know totally doable but tedious especially if your job is to analyze data my God like even writing 15 lines of code to answer simple questions is kind of ridiculous SQL can do better for us so let me go ahead and do this let me go ahead and select every language and the count thereof from the favorites table but this time Group by language so this was another one of the keywords that we can use in this abbreviated list of extra features of SQL and this one's a little takes a moment to wrap your mind around but this is going to give me a two column temporary table where the First Column is a language and the second column is the count thereof from this data set and group by language just means that only show me scratch once only show me c once only show me python once that is group all of the identical values together but keep track of how many of them there are and so now if I go over to SQL light and I hit enter now I have in SQL version the exact same output that I had from python that took me what 15 plus lines before now we're down to just one because SQL structured query language is all about constructing queries like this to answer questions and get back answers quickly if we want to clean this up a little bit you asked earlier about sorting order well we can do that too there's another uh key phrase we can use here we can order by the count of those rows and then run that query here so now unfortunately they're from smallest to biggest but we can reverse that it turns out and my query is starting to wrap here I'll I'll zoom out for a moment if you want to order by count the default is in ascending order abbreviated ASC if you want to reverse the sort in SQL instead of using reverse equals true like we did in Python you say DC for descending order and now we get almost the same output but flipped in Reverse so it's just a lot faster to answer questions once of course you get some muscle memory and some comfort with it well what else can I do you know what if I just care about the most popular language I don't care about the second place or the third place languages or anything else well let me add one more Clause here limit the answer to one and no matter how many rows should come back now I just get the number one language as of the data set we collected with 27 uh 270 votes for it questions on this any questions here no well what if uh you know we're starting to introduce SQL and it was kind of too late to make it into the this the Google form so it turns out there Syntax for this too you can create data of course not just the tables but the data they're in and here's like the typical Syntax for inserting data into a SQL database you literally say insert into the name of the table and then in parentheses you specify one or more columns for which you have values that you want to insert this is to say you don't have to give values for every column in the given row if you only have answers to some of those questions you can enumerate them here like this but the values you insert are going to be these so you literally say after the closed parenthesis values and then in a second set of parentheses with the same length comma separated list you specify what values do you want to insert so it's a little verbose and frankly longer term you're going to use like python code to automatically do these kinds of insertions but let's go ahead and try this right now if I do select distinct uh language from favorites again we see this just these three candidates but we've now taught you a bit of sequel so let's do insert into favorites the column called language uh and you know what let's I'm going to give a problem here the values for which and let me Zoom back out are going to be quote unquote SQL and quote unquote 50v you'll see soon see what that's all about semicolon nothing seems to happen but that's usually a good thing and now if I scroll back up in my my queries in SQL light three you can scroll back and forth in time and uh to avoid retyping things now I should see indeed four candidate languages here now suppose that you were never really a fan of c and maybe you uh programmed a little bit in high school or in the real world and you liked C++ well there's a whole lot of answers for C so select star from favorites where language equals quote unquote C so here's everyone who submitted the answer for C let's presume that no they didn't really want C they wanted C++ which is not a language we teach in the class but I could also now do this you can use the update command to set a column or columns to different values where some condition is met so if I do update table name set column name equal to some value filtering it perhaps by where some condition is true so suppose I've changed my mind or you know what let's go ahead and do update uh favorites set language equal to maybe C++ where language equals c now this is destructive so you generally don't want to do this unless you have a backup of your data too overriding what people's answers are this seems to have been successful because no error messages and if I rerun the previous select that gives me all of the favorites where language equals c now indeed I get none but if I search for C++ now I get a lot and if I get rid of that wear Clause altogether and just look at the contents of my database now you see that indeed C++ is comingled with all the other data this is not what you all intended of course so I can undo this let me go ahead and undo what I just did let me set my favorite language to C where language equals C plus plus but the predicate is important this I'm not going to do what if I accidentally omitted this predicate the wear Clause how would that screw things up might you think uh yeah I'm back it would set Every Rose language to indeed see and this is dangerous and if you start googling around for like sequel mistakes or the like people in the real world have accidentally run commands like this and without naming names a former member of our teaching staff at one point accidentally re ran a command like this and changed every student's name in our database to Bobby I think it was the same name for every row because they simply forgot a predicate so here to two like there's dangers in code and you should adopt The Habit quite quickly of always one backing up your data like with CP for instance in Linux or any other technique or just making sure before you hit enter that yes this is indeed the query I want to execute and generally speaking in the real world there should be process controls in place like the intern should not have access to the datab the production database the live database and the like but you have a lot of power now with these queries so just be all the more careful cuz very easily can you do bad things so let me undo this where language equals quote unquote C++ and I'll Zoom back out enter and now I think we're back in business C is among the answers yeah is essentially doing what at the end replace it's essentially find and replace yes in like lay person's terms this is find and replace implemented with SQL and in fact the authors of Microsoft Word or Google Docs might very well be using language like this sequel when you go to the nice graphical userfriendly find and replace box this may very well be what they're doing underneath the hood or of course they could be using some other language altogether there's one last uh syntax that's worth knowing delete which for better for worse is even more destructive whereby it allows you to delete rows from tables it's distinct from drop which lets you delete tables themselves this focuses on rows so suppose that you really really didn't like let's say uh tedin was a little challenging if you adopt if you tackle that more comfortable problem so if you really don't want to even think about t in anymore so why don't we do uh delete from favorites where problem equals and I won't execute it for real tiamin this would have the effect of deleting every row including the language therein and the time stamp where the student answered tiamin worse than this would be this why might this be bad okay chuckling because like there's no predicate there's no filter which means literally this would delete all of the data so again with great power here comes great responsibility now this has just been a data set of what 430 rows by us dynamically created there's of course some really juicy data sets in the real world and one website you might have heard or an app you might have used is IMDb the internet movie database which wonderfully makes some of their data available for download as CSV files or technically tsv files tab separated values but what we did in advance of class was download some of that data for both TV shows in the real world and movies in the real world and what's wonderful about this data set is it's not just dozens or hundreds or even thousands of lines there are millions of rows of Juicy data TV shows and movies with which most folks are probably familiar at least with the subset and we'll see in just a little bit that this data comes in the form of now six different tables that we've given you and the tables and question for today are going to be the people in the TV business the Stars they in the shows that people are producing and the like this is a picture we'll revisit to let enable you to wrap your minds around what the actual data is this feels like a good opportunity though for a snack in fact in just a moment we have a whole lot of Rice Krispie treats out in the lobby but if folks could perhaps acknowledge uh this mini wedding cake here cs50 own Carter zeni is getting married this week so congratulations to Carter as well congrats all right there's only okay there's only one piece of cake in that box but a lot of Rice Krispy Treats in the transip let's take 10 minutes and we'll be back with Internet Movie Database in 10 all right we are back so if you've never been like you can actually go to I right now and play around or download the mobile app and it's just big database of a lot of TV show and movies and actors and the like but what indeed is nice is you can download some of that data and that's in what I've done in advance and what we've done is we wrote some python code to convert some of the uh flat file databases that they let you download and we converted it into a SQL database with six tables so not just one but six that ultimately are these here and let me just help you wrap your minds around what this picture is which is a entity relationship diagram which is just to say each of these boxes on the screen represents a table and each of the arrows or edges represents some kind of relationship across the tables because up until now the only data we had were those three columns in the favorites table but what's gets really useful about SQL databases just like a Google spreadsheet or an Excel file is you can have multiple sheets or in a database multiple tables and so what we're about to see is that in this IMDb database for TV shows there's going to be a dedicated table for all the people in the TV business there's going to be a dedicated table for all of the TV shows that are in their database as of right now there's going to be a dedicated table for writers in that industry for the ratings of uh shows for the genres to which shows belong comedy and the like and then lastly there's going to be this table which somehow Associates people with the TV shows that they star in and vice versa and so let's consider first what this looks like in code and we'll see that it's going to overwhelm intentionally at first but I'm going to do this I'm going to go back to my terminal window and during the break I downloaded from the course's website a file called shows. DB which we made in advance for you and if I type LS I'll see all of my favorites files from before the CSV the DB and the python file but now there's shows. DB so I'm going to go ahead in my full screen terminal window here I'm not using actual tabs or code files now I'm going to run SQL light3 on the file called shows. DB and I'm just going to see this version information here let me clear my screen and run the one command I ran earlier to show us the schema of the favorites database now we'll see the schema for the shows database and there's a lot going on here but let me scroll back up to the very top the beginning and we see this here so when I run. schema we see a dump really of all of the SQL create table commands that were run in order to create this database for you and one of those tables is called genres and another people ratings shows stars and so forth and the columns therein even though it's formatted a little more prettily than the automatically generated create table statement for favorites whereby we have one column per line of output here uh in the for instance people table there's going to be an ID column like unique identifier like a Harvard ID a Yale ID or the like uh a name column a birth year and then some other stuff if I scroll down to shows every show in the world is going to have a unique ID as well a title of course the year in which it debuted and the total number of episodes as of the time we downloaded the data and then what else is there some of these are a little less obvious like ratings here so ratings don't have an ID column but they have a show ID column and a rating like a fivepoint scale or 10o scale or the like and then the total number of votes that were collected to contribute to that rating IMDb allows people to like up vote and down vote uh shows and movies and the like and then similarly is genre structured there's a show ID and then there's a genre which is going to be like an English word like comedy or drama or something else and then what else let's go a little further at the bottom here for stars and writers if we go to the very bottom here stars and writers are similarly structured too they have a show ID and a person ID so show and person and then this writer's table has a show ID and a person ID and there's a whole lot of other words that we'll come to in just a moment but what are the what is this code hinting at well if I go back to the picture from earlier here you'll see that this picture captures the relationships among these various tables so for instance if we focus on shows for just a moment a show again has a unique ID a title a year in which it debuted and a total number of episodes if you want to figure out what genre or genr a show belongs to cuz some shows are just comedies some shows are just just dramas but you know some shows are arguably comedies and dramas depending on the episode or the like so you can imagine wanting to associate two or three or even more genres with a show this line here in this second table allows us to do that every Row in the genres table we'll see has uh two items a show ID which relates to the ID of a show and that's why these lines literally line up with that specific column name and genre which is going to be like quote unquote comedy quote unquote drama or something else now with that said design question why have we deliberately not just gotten rid of this genre's table and made our lives simpler by just adding a genre column to this shows table and again a table is just like a sheet with rows and columns at the moment shows only have four columns ID title year episodes why not just add a fifth column called genre and put the show genre there any intuition here why not just keep things simple like yeah and back exactly if you add a fifth column here and call it genre then you have to pick a genre specifically you have to put in that cell presumably comedy or drama or music or something else now you could write multiple words in the cell but generally speaking that would be sloppy bad design like every cell just like in a spreadsheet should really have one value it might have multiple words but it shouldn't be like a weirdly comma separated list of multiple things it should just be in a different cell in that case so if you instead were to design this with just a single column called genre you're imposing what a computer scientist would call a on toone relationship every show has one genre and that's not necessarily a good thing or strictly speaking it would be a many to one because the same genre could belong to multiple shows but each show could only have one genre in that case what a relational database allows you to do and relational is indeed the operative word it allows you to factor out some of your information and then have maybe one show here in one row but then in this genres table you could have one row for that one show genre or you could have two rows in the genres table for comedy and for drama or if it has a third genre you could just add another row here so you still have one row for the show itself with all the juiciest details but a variable number of rows by having this relationship with another table meanwhile ratings work the same way at least in this case a show has ID title year and episodes but if you want to figure out its rating you have to kind of Follow the arrow here so to speak and look up the corresponding show ID in this table find the rating of that show and the total number of ratings so that's been factored out Two For Better or For Worse um now let's consider people people have just three columns ID name and birth but there's no mention of the TV show in which people have starred or the TV shows that a person has written well why is that well if you just had a fourth column here called show well you would have to decide what show is that person in and no one could ever act again in another show because there's no room to store the data but if someone of course a popular actor can St star in multiple shows well we could have one ID for that person one name one birth year obviously like there's only one Steve Carell as an actor in the world of people but Steve Carell in this example could have his person ID whatever his Harvard ID equivalent Yale ID equivalent is appear in multiple rows in this table so that it can be associated with multiple shows and this allows you to create what's called a one to many relationship or technically it's bidirectional it's a many to many relationship why well one show can certain certainly have multiple people in it and multiple people writing for it just in the real world but conversely one uh person could certainly act in multiple shows or write multiple shows so this is what you get with relational databases you put your sort of canonical data for people in one place for for shows in another place and then you use these additional tables to relate one thing to another so we won't dwell on the pictures that's just if you sort of uh can wrap your mind around the data set better that way that's one way of thinking about it but recall that the code we just saw for the schema again escalated quickly like there's a lot of keywords I haven't mentioned yet but some of these are perhaps familiar they're capitalized differently here but integer is on the list here null is on the list albeit technically not null so let's tease apart some of these key words and consider what they're actually doing for your database because now we're in exploring features that do not exist in the world of spreadsheets alone so it turns out in a SQL database specifically SQL light which is the version of SQL we use in cs50 and which is commonly used for things like mobile applications nowadays it's like a lightweight version of SQL it's when you aren't trying to run Twitter and have billions and billions of rows necessarily you've got hundreds thousands tens of thousands maybe even a few million but not crazy uh numbers uh crazy amounts of data in the world of SQL light specifically there's these five data types so just like in C we had int and Char and the like in SQL we have these uh BL which is kind of funny but it just means binary large object so it's like a binary data type zeros and ones that aren't necessarily uh fitting into the other categories integer which of course is an integer as we know it numeric which is kind of a catchall for numbers that are formatted specially so like a date uh would be like year year year year-month month Dash day day um and this is actually a wonderful thing depending on the country you're from you might think your date system in your country is great or it's horrible the US system is horrible because we have month day and then year which is impossible to sort it is the wrong way objectively to store data and yet here we are using this at scale other countries have gotten this better numeric and SQL itself standardizes that stuff so it doesn't matter what country you're from you're storing your data in this particular way for instance times are standardized and other types of numeric data as well real is synonymous with float so something with a decimal point and some number of uh digits thereafter and then text is just uh for strings and the like with other even fancier databases like MySQL postgress SQL Oracle and other products you might have heard of there's even more data types where you have to make even finer grain decisions but for SQL light it's indeed pretty lightweight and you or we just have to decide the data types for each column in a table but there's these additional constraints in the world of SQL you can additionally say that cells in this column may or may not be null so if you want to protect yourself from yourself so you don't screw up and insert a null that is a blank value you can explicitly design a table to have a column that cannot be null and so in fact someone came up during the break to ask me about my having manually inserted SQL quote unquote SQL into our favorites database you might recall that I kind of cheated I just inserted uh SQL quote unquote and 50v the name of a new problem quote unquote but what did I not insert into the database a Tim stamp and I could have I could have put like the current day in time a few minutes ago but I didn't and that's fine if it's uh if it's acceptable to you and the product you're building but I could have prevented that if we had defined the table to have a timestamp column that isn't just text but it's text that's not null SQL would have complained and would not have let me complete that insertion so there's these kinds of built-in defenses that you don't necessarily get with a spreadsheet alone and unique means exactly that if you want to make sure that every Row in that column is unique maybe for email addresses or in the US Social Security numbers or anything that you want to make sure you don't have two versions of you can specify that the column is unique and there's other such constraints as well but again this is just a list of features that you get from a proper relational database but perhaps the most intellectually interesting one and the most powerful one is what's called here a primary key and a foreign key and let me go back now to this output if we look at shows you'll see that a show again has an ID a title a year and a number of episodes and now the data types might make sense the ID it turns out just like a Harvard ID a Yale ID is going to be an integer so a simple number the title of course is going to be text but not null like it would be weird if a TV show had no name like that can't be like every the whole world would break or your TV gu and whatnot so that makes sense there to say not null uh year is numeric so it's a standardized form episodes is an integer like how many episodes have been produced and then lastly notice this the primary key of the show's table is apparently the column called ID mentioned a few lines earlier this just means that the database will use the ID column as the unique identifier so it's similar to the unique keyword but primary key just means the database is going to treat it as special too and make sure that it is uniquely identifying your data but what's interesting is this notice if I scroll back up to people people were sort of similarly structured but with different attributes like up here we had a person has an ID a name a birth year and a primary key of ID so a ID is again integer name is text but not null because it'd be weird to have a human with absolutely no name textually birth is going to be numeric but the primary key of people is ID as well so those are the unique columns that the database will just treat special why well we just looked at shows we just looked at people let's focus now on this one down here Stars how do you determine who star in a TV show well we had two columns the show ID and the person ID this is the ex the Incarnation of a many to- many relationship one person could be in many shows one show could certainly have many people in it or writing for it but notice this within this table of two columns show ID and person ID there's what's going to be called a foreign key called show ID that references the shows tables ID column and then another foreign key called person ID though I could call these things in parentheses anything I want that references the people tables ID column now you're not going to often have to type commands like this again you set the database up once in the beginning typically maybe with some help from a TF maybe with help of Google or the like but once your database is designed it's back to the crud like create read update delete the selects the inserts the deletions and the like but what's this implying these keywords like primary key and foreign key are what are doing in code what this picture was painting a moment ago these lines here are drawn literally to line up with the corresponding things people's ID lines up with person ID Show's ID lines up with show ID and so you're just seeing graphical version code version graphical code that creates these relationships now given that let's actually see what these things look like so let me go back to vs code here let me clear my screen I'm still within SQL light with shows. DB let me go ahead and do what I do with like any new database if I ever download something or I'm trying to wrap my mind around a problem you know usually it doesn't come with a pretty picture or uh you know a three-hour lecture to explain what the data set is rather you just have the data set in your own knowledge of SQL so let me play around so schema shows me all the tables that might be a starting point okay this is interesting I know PE what people are let's go ahead and show me all the people so select star from people I'm just trying to wrap my mind around what this data set looks like in a more userfriendly way okay okay that's already a lot of people as you see the years flying by there's been a lot of people in the TV business so this was maybe not the best query to run but this is indicative of just how large this data set is from IMDb okay when in doubt and when whenever you lose control over your computer control C is your friend to interrupt what would have been better because I don't think I need to know all the million people in the world I could do like limit me to 10 people all right and that's enough now to get us sense of like Fred a stair has an IDE of one first person ever um birth year of 1899 Lauren ball and all of these other uh people from yesterday year you see that they are the first 10 people in the database so there's an example of some of the data now if I want to rep my mind around what a show is you know I know it technically I know it from the picture but let's just look at some raw data so instead of saying select star from people let me go ahead and select star from shows limit 10 and okay I've only heard heard of or seen a couple of these but these are older shows at that but I see that every show has an ID a title a year in which it debuted and a number of episodes but perhaps most opaque is going to be this select star from Stars where this is the table that Associates people with shows am I going to see any names or show titles here not according to the definition we saw earlier oh I should have done my limit let me interrupt that let me do that again limit 10 no and this is where now you're definitely in the programmer world because like this would be the most annoying spreadsheet to use on your Mac or PC ever if you just had like a sheet with all of these numbers that Associates one thing with the other like my God how do you figure out who this is or what this is you have to like manually control F or command F looking for the data but a database doesn't care once you know SQL you can sort of Stitch these things back together so what you're seeing here are foreign Keys foreign Keys why because show ID corresponds to the same numbers from that other table called shows that has an proper primary key called ID person ID is a foreign key in this context because it refers to numbers that belong to really the people table and its ID column so this is just a way of somehow linking them and so if you think of I always like think of um this in my mind's eye is this if this is like the people table this is the shows table and there's this middle table in between the Stars table there's some way of like stitching those two together by lining up the idas of one with the other and getting back some more data so let's actually play with some of this data how about we start where we emphasized earlier genres so let me go ahead and take a quick look at all of the genres in this database so select star from genres star is usually going to be a little overwhelming but it just gives me a sense of what the data is but let's actually look at um uh let's go look at all of them there okay that's a lot these are all official genres from IMDb let me oh okay it went okay it wasn't terribly long let me filter that down so from genres where genre equals comedy uh Capital C just based on the data I'm seeing okay so what am I seeing now and in fact let me limit this arbitrarily to 10 though I could limit it to anything I want here are 10 comedies what are they well who the heck knows like all I know are the 10 show IDs now I could do something like this as we've seen before with SQL I could do all right well let's figure out what this show idea is Select star from shows where the IDE of the show I'm looking for equals what 62 614 semicolon so I could like manually look it up by cross referencing the other table okay so that was the show in question there the first comedy in the data set let me look up the second one so instead of that let's do 6 3881 enter okay so that's that show and let's do one more and suffice it to say this is just getting tedious and vulnerable to mistakes quickly this is not this surely can't be the way to do this and indeed SQL is going to let us do this a little more powerfully instead let's do this instead of getting this table temporarily with all these show IDs and all these genres let's refine the query so let's just select the show ID from the genres table where the genre equals quote unquote comedy now I have a big b list of show IDs all of which are comedy how many well I can combine ideas from earlier I can just count all of those show IDs and or Star if I want to just do that too but I can count all those show IDs 4876 comedies and IMDB's database for TV shows so feels like a lot but how can I now use that information and get back the titles of comedies in the database without doing it manually well let's do this I have a moment ago this query select the show ID from genres where the current genre is quote unquote comedy um what if I kind of Nest these queries kind of like grade school math in parenthesis what if I combine this whole thing in parenthesis and now let me select what I really want let me go ahead and select how about uh the title of all shows where the idea of the show is in this list of show IDs so if you agree that the shows table has an ID column which is its otherwise known as its primary key the unique ID that identifies it just like our Harvard IDs our Yale IDs and you agree that per a moment ago this shorter query will give me back just the show IDs of all of the comedies in the database you can actually combine or Nest these queries together uh it's going to respect SQL light order of operations with parentheses just like grade school math so the thing in parentheses will be executed first that gives it back a list of IDs like what 48,000 IDs and then this query the outer query is going to get the title from all of the shows where the ID of the show is in that big list of 48,000 so if I now execute these together I think the list is still going to be a little long but let me execute it together now I see this long list of outputs a little overwhelming let's go ahead and maybe limit it to just 10 as before for discussion sake and now I see 10 comedies ordered arbitrarily from however they're in the database that happen to indeed be have comedy as their genre if I want to do this a little more cleanly I could do this let's see uh why don't I order by title ascending order which is alphabetically or the default is also uh ascending limit 10 now I see the top 10 I mean weirdly named things with hash symbols presumably to get their titles up to the beginning or maybe these are hashtags uh here now we have alphabetically the top first 10 shows that are comedies any questions on these kinds of queries it's kind of a lot but at the same time it's just like composing the smaller ideas from before into slightly more useful queries yeah do for Keys have to set the relationship when you create the table the programmer or the database administrator would create that relationship by using those keywords primary key and foreign key that create that teaches the database what is related to what per the picture so you do that once and now I being the sort of programmer who's familiar with the database I am just using these foreign keys in a way in a manner consistent with their design but and this is where it's useful at some point even if you no one hands you a picture to make sure you understand the database because that's going to inform literally what you type in SQL to get the data you care about about well let's do something a little more precise how about very reasonable question and honestly this is exactly what in the app are for what if you want to find all of the shows that Steve Carell is in like kind of a reasonable query like literally something someone might type into Google or more specifically IMDb it's not really obvious at first glance how to do that though because right like from my database if these are my six tables well I can pretty easily get Steve Carell from here but I can really only get his ID number whatever that is his name which I know already and his birth year okay interesting but has nothing to do with the shows that he's in I can look at shows over here but there's no mention of Steve Carell right because there's no person ID here where is that relationship implemented well it's implemented down here so how do we do this well here's the perfect example of a a lesson we've trying been trying to emphasize for weeks of taking these baby steps like break larger problems down into smaller ones and let's do something like this let's just get everything I know about Steve Carell from the database let's select star from people where the name of the person is quote unquote Steve Carell I just want to see what data we've got and here's what we have okay there's only one Steve Carell born in 1962 and his unique ID is 136 797 according to IMDb this isn't some like Global uh actor identifier per se all right well how do I get now all of the shows that Steve Carell is in well I could do this select star from Stars not to confuse the two one's the symbol one's the table name uh where person ID equals 13 6797 so I think this will now give me everything from the Stars table that relates to Steve Carell okay and you'll see person ID is the same because I'm literally searching for just Steve Carell but there are what like 20 or so shows that he's been in all right well here's where things would get tedious what are those shows well I could do Select Title from shows where the ID of the show equals and here's you know whenever you copy paste you're probably doing something wrong okay he's was in The Dana Carvey Show familiar with that let's do another one we'll copy paste this uh where ID equals this over the top another and if we keep digging we'll probably find the office but my God like that's going to take forever to do 20 queries manually it's not very Dynamic but what if we just Nest these queries a little more dynamically so let me start from the beginning again what if we go ahead and select everything we want we know about uh people whose name equals Steve Carell that gave us earlier this data I don't need all of that data I know his name I don't care about his birth year so let's change this to just be give me the ID of Steve Carell and that gives me back now this smaller temporary data set all right can I now use this uh inside of another query well let me wrap the whole thing with parentheses and now let me say select star from the Stars table where the person ID equals this so I'm Del liely not using in because I'm assuming there's indeed only one Steve Carell in the world so I'm not getting back a list of Steve Carell I'm getting back the one and only in this case so equal is fine in is when you have multiple equal is when you have one let me go ahead and hit enter now okay that's more data than I need I don't need like 20 copies of Steve Carell's person ID so let me hit up let me go back and let me just get show ID from Steve Carell and now I have a list of just the 20 or so show IDs that he has been in all right how can I now use this well let me hit up let me put the whole thing in parentheses and now let me select what I really want Select Title from shows where and here's the final flourish the shows table has an ID has a title has a year and has an episode and what I really want though is to check which shows have ID that is what anyone want to finish the thought I just want to yeah exactly ID in this and this is getting ugly and when you actually write your queries in like a text file you can format them nicely and indent them my font is just getting I don't want to make it too small to fit everything but now we have three queries one is in doubly nested parenthesis then there's the middle one then there's the outer one so this last query is going to get me the title from shows where the ID of the show is in this big list of 20 or so show IDs that Steve Carell is in and I knew that because I looked up his name here and notice what I did not do this time is I didn't manually hardcode his ID number there's no need that would be kind of a bad way to implement a website uh if you're using a database underneath the hood you want the IMDb for real to search for whatever the human typed in and no one's going to know Steve Carell's person ID or anything else so here we've done this all dynamically and now if I hit enter I think I get all of his shows let's go ahead and order this by title just to make it tidy and you probably will see at least one or more shows that you know and probably the most popular is dot dot dot the office so this is literally the kind of query that's being executed underneath the hood when you go to uh websites or apps like IMDb your textual query is probably being plugged into a longer SQL query like this where some programmer at IMDb probably wrote this whole query in advance weeks months years ago and they're just somehow plugging in the value that you the human type into the search box or the like questions now on finding this data or any other no okay so where else could we go with this well let's consider how else we might combine data suppose that the next question actually perhaps appropriately would be focusing in on not just like people and shows and these stars but how do we kind of like gather more information about the shows themselves like the genres the ratings or the like so indeed let's focus on just these two tables here recall that every show has an ID a title a year and episodes but it also might have one or more relationships with rose and this other table is called genres and this is so that a show can be a comedy can be a drama can be any number of other things one row per so you would see the same show ID again and again and again with a different genre written in English like comma comedy drama or the like well how do I kind of Recon subtitute that data Well turns out there's a few different ways to do this and let me propose that we introduce this keyword here join and this is really the most powerful of the keywords in SQL itself it doesn't have to be used we've seen with uh nested queries that you can still select data across multiple tables but here is another way so let me do this let me go back to my SQL light database and let me select sort of in one uh breath exactly the data I want select star from shows and let's just limit this initially to 10 to see what it looks like all right that's again the shows data select star from genres let's limit that to 102 just to wrap our minds around it and now this is not that useful however the data in the leftmost column here is the primary key in the shows table these are just unique IDs the data here in the genres table recall show ID is the foreign key so it's the same numbers but just copied into another table so that we can have this relationship across them how do I kind of line up these numbers with these numbers to get back like a wider table that has title and year and episodes and genre and heck ratings and all of that too if we want well you can join these Tables by just telling the database what to join on what so let me do this select star from shows join that table though on the genres table well how do you want to join those two tables and again the two tables from the picture looked like this how do you tell SQL programmatically to sort of you know put one of them right next to the other line up all of the ID so that you just get one larger data set well we can use indeed this this query this uh syntax called join so back to VSS code here and let me join these two tables sorry typo here join genres on the shows tables ID column AKA it's primary key equaling the genres tables show ID column aka the foreign key so in other words it looks a little cryptic but I'm just telling SQL how to line up these two tables and what column to match with the other so that the numbers line up and I get essentially a wider table let me go ahead and hit uh semicolon and enter and this is now going to give me a lot of data we might have to interrupt it but notice even at a glance we're getting the ID the title the year the number of episodes the ID again redundantly but that's to be expected if I'm joining them and the genre all the way on the right let me hit contrl C to interrupt let me just limit this to the office so where title equals quote unquote the office so we can focus on just one sample uh datum and here fun fact there's been more than one office the one that you all probably like is this one that started in 2005 with 188 episodes its ID in the shows table is 3866 76 that's confirmed over here too so again we've just joined the two tables how by lining up those fields but now that we can see that almost all of the offices produced over the decades are comedies except for this one there was a version of the office produced in 2001 that was considered more of uh a drama no unsure if it's related to the other how can we Link in other data well let's go ahead and Link in ratings too or instead so instead of joining this with genres let me go ahead and Rewind here and join shows on ratings on shows. ID equals ratings. show ID and let's limit it to the office 2 for discussion sake where uh title equals quote unquote the office semicolon and now you can see that among the various offices it looks like the one that most of us probably know and love is the highest rated also with a 9.0 with like 585,000 people having cast votes for whereas these other shows seem to have been less popular perhaps that's why indeed you see fewer episodes for them as well so even though we've put the data in multiple places you can still kind of reconstitute it by lining things up in this way and rejoining the tables questions now on this like this is the heart of what SQL does and what relational databases do for you questions all right a few final features like there's not all that much that uh you know SQL takes practice like anything else but in terms of syntax and capabilities let's just introduce you to a couple of final features here and how and problems that arise and how we might solve them let's do this uh as well so let me go back into VSS code here and let's just find out um Steve Carell's information again last time we did it with this nested nested query by getting his ID and then the show IDs and then the titles for those show IDs with join you can do it a little differently and any of these ways are fine one might become EAS easier to you mentally than another let's go ahead and select the titles from what let's select the title from uh the people table but and I'm going to hit enter and when you're using SQL light 3 interactively if you ever find yourself with a prompt that says dot dot dot angle bracket it means you're continuing your thought onto the next line if you didn't intend that you can sometimes hit uh semicolon to just end the thought and hit enter and just even if it triggers an error but this is one way of formatting my queries now a little more nicely I'm just going to add some wh space so that it's a little easier to read what do I want to select well I want to select the title of shows from the people table joined with the Stars table on the people tables ID column equaling the Stars tables person ID column so in other words if you think back to what people are and what stars are one has an ID one has a person ID I'm just now connecting those two tables I'm joining those two but I want to do this as well with with another table let me additionally join in so now I only have two hands but now I'm putting a third table joined in together here join shows on stars. show ID equals shows. ID so this is now linking three tables together but I only care about this for one person so where the name of the person equals quote unquote Steve Carell so more cryptic to be to be sure but what we're doing with this query is just taking all three tables that we care about and we're joining them them all together at once using this new join syntax literally telling the database what columns to line up with what and then we filter at the very end just like before to get back if I hit enter the answer we want which in this case is a little slower at the moment but that same list of uh 20 or so shows that he's been in there's one other way to do this and again uh these are all in the slides online so you can repeat them without having to jot down everything and we'll put them in the notes too but there's another way to do this I could also use an implicit join so that was an explicit join because I literally typed the word join multiple times at that but let me go ahead and select the title from these three tables people stars and shows and this might just be nicer because if you know what tables you want to select data from just enumerate them separated by commas which you might prefer in your mind where the people ID equals the Stars person ID and the Stars show ID equals the shows ID and the name of the person equals Steve Carell so this is an implicit joint and honestly I constantly reference my notes for some of this stuff too it's not the kind of thing that's going to come like this to you after just one day but it's just a different way of expressing the same thing I want to select data from three different tables and hey SQL here is how I want you to line those tables up so that I can get like related data for Steve Carell and this now will achieve the same results ultimately let me hit enter H and there we go so a little slower and performance might vary based on computer based on uh implementation of SQL but I think I still have the same answers now suppose as I'm often do and I had to look it up again last time suppose you forget what uh how to spell Steve Carell's name is it two RS two L's or the like well I could also do something like this select well let's just keep this simple select star from people where name equals I've been deliberately getting it right so as to not embarrass myself that's the Steve Carell I keep querying if you forget well you could try searching for just Steves but there interestingly there's a bunch of Steves we don't know when they were born uh but that's probably not the Steve Carell we want if we don't have his last name so I could alternatively do well it's Steve and then it's starts with a C I think well it turns out there's another wild card you can use in SQL we used the asterisk to select all of the columns you can in quotes use a percent sign to say see something so there's some zero or more characters after the letter c and now this doesn't work cuz now I would be literally looking for Steve space c something but recall earlier I mentioned that one other keyword which is for fuzzier matching so to speak where it's like not exactly what you're looking for but it's like what you're looking for if you instead say where his name is like Steve space c something now we'll get back a whole bunch of Steves but I think now I could probably find the one I'm actually looking for if I don't remember his name you can use multiple percent signs if you forget what his first name is you could reverse the order but that too is a uh very powerful sequel feature at that questions on these queries here yeah sorry what about it oh yeah sure so the query I used here there's a lot of Steves whose last name starts with C oops too far uh the last query I executed was this one here so where the name is like quote unquote Steve C percent sign so that's just another tool for your toolkit here but you'll you'll perhaps have noticed that those two the prior to that query the joins I did were sort of slow and honestly this database isn't even that big like yes it has tens of thousands of rows in it but like in the real world and most of the apps you and I use a lot every day or websites like there's Millions even billions of rows of data and like if I had to wait on like my computer here or my code space like a second or two to get the data like that's not going to work for millions of users or customers certainly so how can we actually improve things well it turns out another upside of a proper relational database is that it's not just a spreadsheet where the onus is on like you to like find the data you're looking for you can also tell the database to index the data for you an index is an an efficient uh cheat sheet for Finding data fast like books in the real world often have indices at the end of the at the end of the book where you can look things up alphabetically and then you can cross reference it for the pages that that topic appears on same idea in a database if you tell the database in advance that you want to search on a certain column frequently you can tell it to build a fancy index that will just allow you to search that column Faster by default these columns are going to be searched most likely via linear search like not even binary search because the data might not be sorted because it came in in any order but if you create an index you're probably going to get something closer to logar rmic than linear and that's going to be a big plus overall so let me do something simple here first let me turn on a SQL light specific feature that just is going to time all of my queries by writing do timer on I just want to keep track of uh how long each of these commands takes this one is not a slow command so this is just going to be relative but let's just select everything from the shows table where the title thereof is the office let's see how long this relatively simple query takes all right not very long at all in real terms like less than a second .035 seconds so not slow by any means but if you've got hundreds thousands millions of users like every one of those milliseconds could very well add up so can we do better well we can if I do this if I use syntax like this once in the beginning of the design of my database I create not a table but an index with some name on a specific table on one or more columns I can give a clue a hint to the database in advance saying please optimize with some Secret Sauce searching or selecting on this column in this table so that my searches are faster so let me do this let me go back to vs code here let me create an index called how about title index I could call it anything I want but I want to search faster on titles so I'm going to call this a title index where uh rather uh title index on the table called shows and then in parentheses is the syntax the column called title so again I've just borrowed this canonical syntax and I've just translated into something that's TV show specific all right what is this going to do for me once I hit enter this is going to create in the computer's memory the database's memory something called a b tree it's not a binary tree a b tree is actually a potentially more efficient data structure that we didn't talk about a few weeks back in week five but it looks a little something like this which looks similar to a binary tree but does anyone notice what makes this not a binary tree exactly binary tree by implying two has no more than two children per node but here's a perfect example one two three and there could be four children five children or more but the effect of that if you have a very wide tree the upside is that it's like very short like it pulls the data higher up closer to the node to the root node and recall that the root node is where we began our searches in the past whether it was a BST a binary search tree even a try or data structures we always began at the top so the higher up you can pull the data even if it makes the data structure very wide you're going to be able to do boom boom boom look up queries look up data probably much faster certainly than if it's just a very long list like a column by default so with that said let me go back to vs code I didn't create the index yet let me go ahead and hit enter and create it all right it took a minute a moment it took like half a second which obviously is not that slow but with more data that could have been even slower but it's a onetime operation as of now and now let me hit up and let me select the same data from shows where title equals the office last time just a moment ago it took 0.035 seconds no not slow but also that's going to add up if I have lots of users of IMDb let's go ahead now and execute the same query again how long did that take 0.01 seconds now I mean practically nothing and so that's the sort of opportunity now when you've got lots of data and you want to really speed up these searches these indexes these indices that just create for you these magical data structures in the databases memory it allows you to search on columns that you are pretty sure you want to search on more effectively Now by contrast if you've ever used like Google or Bing or some search engine that has advanced search some of those text boxes that you can search more precisely in might very well be slower why well probably you don't want to go crazy and just index every column on every table why well what might be the intuition like if logically indexes speed things up why not index everything there's always going to be a tradeoff here what might that be yeah yeah it's going to take a lot of storage right this is just a slide on the screen but like this has to go somewhere like this needs space in the computer's memory or on the hard drive or the like and that's fine if you have unlimited space but odds are like you don't and that's going to get expensive for different reasons so maybe you only want to index certain columns and certain tables and not all of them because you know what even if a user really wants to search maybe VI advanced search on some other column or table altogether fine if once in a while a query is slow like we're probably getting the bigger bang for our buck by optimizing the common cases the more popular queries that people actually care about too all right so let's come full circle and bring this now back to uh how how we actually began which was with some uh python code so it turns out these are not either or decisions it turns out in the real world developers are constantly using one two three languages at once in fact next week I rattled off HTML CSS and JavaScript one of which is a proper programming language but those languages are often used together totally normal and common to use Python and SQL or Java in SQL or Swift in SQL or any number of different combinations with a database language you might use use your preferred programming language Java python C++ to create the user interface and the logic that builds the uh the that implements the program itself but for your data like SQL is a really good candidates and indeed we've seen already that SQL can just speed up certain operations you can change you can uh collapse 15 lines of code into just one and you can use these things together so let me come back to I'm going to quit out of SQL light I'm going to minimize my terminal window and here's where we left off before with favorite .p with favorites. everything was being stored in uh favorites. CSV and recall that we eventually imported that CSV file into favorites. DB automatically with import just so we could start playing around with SQL but we can now tie these two together and a way to do that is as follows um cs50 has a library for python you might recall having available uh get string get int get float you don't strictly need to use them in Python because it's much easier to just use the input function and then try accept and convert things to int or float or the like but it's a lot more work to use SQL in Python without a third-party Library a lot of the commercial options or popular open source options are actually just complicated to use so cs50 does have a very useful function inside of its library for python that you should use and must use for the problem set that just makes it easy to execute python uh execute SQL inside of your python code but it's built on top of a very popular open source alternative so you can use that too in the real world so the documentation for that at this URL here but I'll show you what we need to know here by focusing back on favorites.i so what I'm going to do here as follows is this let me delete everything from favorites. py except for let's say uh this from cs50 import SQL in all caps so that's importing a SQL feature from cs50's library that's going to allow me to open a DB file in code how do I do that well let me create a variable called DB for database though I could call it anything I want let me call this SQL function and pass in using special syntax that's not cs50 specific it's an industry thing SQL light colon slash slash slash unlike every other URL you type this one literally has three in this context here and then the name of the database which in this case is favorites. DB so this is just a way of telling this SQL library that we wrote but that works exactly like third party Alternatives openen favorites. DB using the SQL light technology if you will all right let's just ask the user a question give me your favorite um uh problem so we're going to use input instead of get string but we could use get string but they're pretty much the same for our purposes let's ask the user for their favorite and now in Python code let us select from favorites. DB all of the rows where students specify that problem as their favorite so in SQL alone it would be this select uh star from favorites where problem equals and I'll do um well whatever my favorite's going to be like problem equals Mario for instance so if I were just using SQL I would literally write something like that but I'm in a piy file now like I have to use Python syntax but python supports strings SQL is just text it's just a string so I could certainly just put my SQL code in a string perhaps and then pass it to a python function and here's the bridge between the two if you just treat SQL as any old text we can put it in a string and execute it so let me actually do this let me go ahead and create a variable called rows which is eventually going to contain all the rows from the database let me go ahead and uh select db. execute this is the one function you need to know about inside of cs50's library and it literally executes a SQL statement and then in quotes you pass it literally what you want to execute and let me go ahead and close the parenthesis at the end there and now let me just try this so for Row in rows let's iterate over all of the rows let me go ahead and print out how about uh row quote unquote and what do I want here uh let's print out the Tim stamp of that person for kicks all right let me open open my terminal window python of favorites. Pi crossing my fingers here for sure enter uh uh there we go favorit so I'll type in Mario okay so I got back it's not very interesting but I got back all of the timestamps of students who typed in Mario that we imported into this database well what I really care about is how popular Mario is so let me change this a little bit let me change this to count the number of rows and let me keep it simple let me give an alias like I proposed earlier like as n where N is a number so that now down here I can actually just do this print out the value of n all right let me go back to my terminal window run python to favorites. py let me type in Mario enter okay 39 now technically I'm cheating like honestly if I'm executing select count we've seen before it only ever returns one row not multiple so there's really nothing to iterate over but it's working fine it's just just iterating once but I'm getting lucky so technically what I should probably just do is this I should probably give myself like a variable called row set it equal to the very first row and only row that came back and now print out that rows n column let me rerun the program I'll type in Mario again enter and I still see 39 so this of course I don't strictly need to do this I don't really need a variable I can do Row Bracket Z instead but let me focus on what this library is now doing so per the documentation what the C what the cs-50 execute function always does for you is it returns a list of dictionaries so if your query returns nothing like no matches you get back an empty list like Open Bracket close bracket nothing in it any Loop is not going to execute anything useful because there's nothing in it if though you get back one row you're going to get back a list of size one in inside of which is a single dictionary that dictionary is going to have keys that correspond to whatever you selected be it the columns or the count so when I selected star before I could have like I would have gotten all of the columns that's how I was able to access timestamp here I'm just selecting count and I don't want to have to type this down here that would just look kind of atrocious it would work but it would look weird to just keep retyping count peren star close pen so I just created an alias called n just to like make this my life easier or cleaner down here so to be clear the SQL the cs50 execute function returns a list of dictionaries when you're using select and that is how I can now get back the first and only row and then print out that Row's n value it is identical to let me do this let me highlight this whole line of text let me in my terminal window run SQL light three of favorites. DB like we did before break let me just copy paste this query enter that that's the table I got back earlier when we played with SQL manually and so when I get back this table here's the key here's the value and I only have one row which is why I'm just blindly indexing into rows bracket zero because I know there's always going to be an answer there it's going to be zero or one or more but I know now it's going to be called n because of this here so what have I just done well this is SQL down here and this is just me being like a data scientist asking questions about my data just using like black and white SQL queries this is me now being a python programmer who wants to talk to a SQL database using Python and The Bridge we're using happens to be the cs-50 library but again there's third party free libraries you can also use as well ours is just very simple and indeed the documentation will explain how execute behaves a little differently for inserts updates and deletes you don't get back a list because you're not selecting anything but you do get back some return values questions on this that's the last of our python code that ties everything together in spirit yeah uh what this this one here yes so db. execute by definition returns a list of rows and each of those rows happens to be a dictionary because it's convenient key value pairs if I'm selecting the count of rows I just know from Having learned squel an hour ago that this is always going to give me a single row whose column in this case is called n so if I know it's a single row I can just blindly just like in C go into that list or an array in C and go to the first location and then treat that as the single row what you don't want to do is this even if you the human know the query returns one row you can't just magically change the variable name to be singular and expect to have only one value you will always have a list so even if there is only one value in it it's up to you to do something like this to get at it or if you prefer more succinctness you can do rose bracket I bracket n that'll achieve the same thing without a variable yeah good so I have been misleading this whole time and cheating because this is only ever going to return Mario I'm ignoring the favorite that the human typed in here on line five so let me fix that and that's going to lead us to some of the problems that arise ultimately with SQL the right way to solve that problem let me get rid of my terminal window here the right way to solve this problem is not to use an F string like we did in Python generally because SQL queries as we'll see in a moment can be dangerous when you want to plug in users uh data into a query that you've written most of in advance you should you must you had better use a placeholder namely a question mark in this case this is somewhat specific to cs50's library but we just borrowed the convention that like every other Library uses too in the world of SQL single question marks are used as placeholders and the way you do this is as follows if you want to plug in a value for that question mark just like in print F in C you specify as a second or a third or fourth argument all of the values you want plugged into this so in C weeks ago we were using percent s same exact idea in SQL it's a question mark that you use instead this now if I open back my terminal window and I run uh python of favorites. type in Mario I should still get 39 but now I can also type in scratch perhaps and get 44 for that very first piece at zero and that one is even more popular here so this now is correct it would work to use an F string here and then plug in a value like favorite here but you'll see in just a moment don't do that you will expose yourself to potential hack or attacks um by trusting the user's input and so in fact let's transition from that to exact some of these kinds of challenges namely two before we wrap up so in the world of SQL especially when it's used at scale at the Twitter and the Googles of the world like a lot of lots of data is probably coming into the database all at once because multiple people are opening their phones at the same time around the world they're clicking on the same links roughly at the same time around the world when you have thousands of people all using your site at once like order of operations is going to be important but unfortunately in SQL and in other contexts of computing there's this risk of what's known as a race condition so for instance has anyone ever seen or liked this this is like yes the world record egg or it's like this thing that was very popular while back it's still kind of going strong but if you go to the Instagram profile for world record egg uh the goal was to make the most most liked Instagram post ever and they did pretty well it's just this it's just a picture of an egg now at the height of the popularity like there might have been hundreds thousands tens of thousands of people clicking pretty much at the same time on this egg so it actually creates a potential problem with the Integrity of Instagram's data why well if you're have all these requests coming in at once how do you possibly keep track of all of them and update your counter in a way that can keep up with all of that traffic why well let's just hypothesize what meta formerly Facebook was doing underneath the hood with Instagram if this were their code so suppose for the sake of discussion that Instagram servers are using a mix of python and SQL probably not using the cs50 library but they could absolutely be using those two languages or two others together um suppose they do this in order to update the number of likes for that post they first execute a SQL query like select the current number of likes from a table called posts where the ID of the post equals whatever the unique identifier is for that spec specific egg in the table and then they store the result in this row variable just like I did and then they do this they grab uh they create a variable called likes they set it equal to rows bracket Z so the very first row in the result set and they get the likes key so this is literally what I just did with the count let me hypothesize that Instagram does something similar with the total number of likes why are they doing this because they then want to execute a third line of code that executes update the posts table set the new number of likes equal to something where the ID of the post equals this other thing now notice just like in printf there's the comma separated list of values they want to update the current number of likes from the current value to the current value plus one so it's likes plus one and then we plug in the ID for this so suppose this is what Instagram's doing unfortunately whenever you execute multiple lines of code independently and you're so popular like Instagram that you have thousands hundreds of thousands of servers potentially it is quite possible that if you and I and everyone else in the room clicks that egg at the same time it's not going to be the case statistically that like three lines of code are executed for me and then three lines for you and then three lines for you they're probably going to get interspersed like this gets executed for me and then this gets executed for you and then they get back to doing work for me and so forth just to kind of multitask just like a human might but at a super speed here the problem though is if these lines of code get interrupted what could go wrong well suppose that Carter and I both click the egg at the same time and suppose the current number of likes back in the day is 100 that stores in this variable the value 100 but if we click so close in time we might get back the same answer to this select query as of that moment in time when David and Carter clicked it had a 100 likes but then this last line of code is executed for me and then maybe Carter because that answer the state of the database was stored in this variable then both Carter and I will result in this line of code being executed with the same value update the post table setting the likes equal to 101 for that post's ID why because again if each of these lines of code running on different servers are checking the value of the current number of likes but then getting interrupted because Carter clicked the darn thing too and then resuming their work on my behalf we might have a race condition where the code is sort of racing to finish but getting interrupted by other users clicks and the problem with that is that if you are inspecting the value of some variable or in this case a database cell and making a decision based on it like how to update it you might now lose data and Instagram probably not good for advertising if they're losing likes and so that's probably a problem not to retain the value 102 and instead insert the number 101 twice it's actually similar in spirit to a story that uh was told in a databases course I took myself years ago whereby uh it's somewhat analogous to kind of a contrived scenario involving like a refrigerator and this is the closest thing to a refrigerator we could get on stage but imagine you've got like one of these little dorm fridges in your dorm 2 and your roommate and maybe both of you as the story was told to me really like milk and one of you is at class but the other of you comes home and you open your dorm fridge and you're like oh darn it we're out of milk and so you close the fridge you walk across the street to CVS or some other store and you get in line to buy some milk Meanwhile your roommate gets out of class they come back to your dorm room they're really thirsty for some milk they open up the fridge they say oh we're out of milk and then they take a different route perhaps to CVS or some other store nearby get in line to buy some milk fast forward some amount of time in this very contrived story and what happens oh damn it we now ended up with two gallons of milk and there's no way we can fit gallons of milk in there let alone two of them so that's a problem but what's the relationship to this here well both of us yeah did what exactly exactly so to summarize both of us had a very similar thought process made a similar decision based on the same information not realizing that the information the fridge was in the process of being updated and of course in the Instagram World happens like this in the fridge World it might take a few minutes but the problem is ultimately the result of our having made a decision about the state of the world and the state of the world was in the middle of being updated the queries got mingled with others or in this case someone was already on their way to the store so what's the solution in the real world well you could you know very simply like take a Post-It note and put like gone for milk so as to communicate to your roommate that they should not inspect the value of that variable and make a decision on it why because it's not yet consistent with the outcome that's about to happen you could be more traumatic and you could actually lock the fridge somehow put a pad lock around it or the like so they can't even get in there and that would achieve the result uh the same effect too and that is actually pretty much the solution to this problem in code too it's not safe it's not sufficient to only execute three lines of code like this rather what you probably want to do is use additional SQL keywords that we won't spend much time on in the class itself but these there are solutions to this problem you can begin what's called a transaction and you can more explicitly commit to making a decision like updating the database to 10 1001 or 10 1002 or if you realize wait a minute Carter's query inist interrupting mine let me roll back to the previous state and just uh rewind let me undo contrl Z if you will there's also another keyword that's not so much used anymore in SQL which is locking you could literally back in the day lock the entire database table preventing anyone from updating it or making changes or even reading it while someone else was accessing it that was a very heavy-handed solution because it slowed everything down but in short transactions are now a feature of SQL that you won't necessarily need to use yourselves that do solve this problem by doing the equivalent of saying while David's like counter is in the process of being updated keep Carter at Bay ideally briefly and then let his data go through too it's equivalent too to putting a note or a lock on the fridge and indeed I mean lock litter they they were Once Upon a Time called and still are in some texts called locks on databases 2 and the last Pro and the code for which you might do this is almost the same you simply wrap the three queries uh with a transaction statement and a uh commit and the term of art here is that this makes your uh your uh statements Atomic so Atomic means they're either all executed or not at all that is they're all very tightly coupled together without interruption transactions solves that problem and avoid having two gallons of milk and the last problem that arises that Is tragically so darn common in the real world today is what's called a SQL injection attack and it's what I alluded to earlier with the question mark So suppose you're in the habit of logging in uh to Yale websites with your net ID or password or at Harvard your Harvard key and password as well suppose for the sake of discussion that the people that implemented like Harvard key login allow you to type in your email address of course and your password but suppose that they are using SQL underneath the hood to check your username and password to make sure that you are David menen or Carter zeni or whoever you claim to be I haven't shown you the syntax yet but it turns out that in SQL Das Dash is a special way of indicating a comment it means ignore everything to the right so it's just like SL slash and C or the hash symbol in Python dash dash just means ignore everything to the right and we've of course seen single quotes So one way to wage a SQL injection attack is to try to inject malicious SQL code into someone else's database without them realizing it how do you do this well suppose I log in as M single quote Das Dash I'm not double quoting anything clearly and there's nothing to the right of the dash dash anyway but it this imbalance is going to be useful why because if I'm a hacker and I'm presuming you know someone at Harvard probably is using SQL uh single quotes to wrap the user's email address and wrap the user's password what if I try to like complete their thought for them and close one of those quotes for them what might happen well we could do this here for instance let me hypothesize is the code that Harvard wrote hopefully not underneath the hood so they're using CS library and Python and they're using SQL inside suppose that they have a query like this select star from users where username equals uh question mark and password equals question mark and then suppose they just plug in whatever username and password was typed in and then if they get back some number of rows dot dot dot they assume I am David they assume Carter is Carter if both the username and password are in the database just end of story there this is good this has the question mark placeholders we discussed earlier but what if you don't quite remember that you don't quite take that to heart and you use your more familiar last week F strings whereby we use these curly braces to plug in values what if you do this instead so it's almost the same idea it's still DB execute but now it's select star from users where username equals and now notice I'm doing the single quotes which is required by SQL but I'm using F strings with the curly braces and the password equals single quote password and then close single quote the problem is if you're just blindly pasting equ effectively the user's input into that web form into the username field and the password field there's nothing stopping a malicious user student faculty staff from including a single quote in their name or maybe even an uh uh you know benevolently if their name happens to have a single quote as some last names in particular do so this is very fragile why well suppose that if we plug in my malicious value Ma at single quote-- notice what happens to username here the username variable inside of the curly quotes will get replaced with this and notice single quote which the Harvard programmer wrote M an single quote which I wrote dash dash which I wrote single quote which Harvard wrote and whatever else they want after that what's the implication though of the dash dash everything to the right is going to be ignored so the password is never even checked in this scenario I'm tricking the server into ignoring everything after the dash dash but I have constructed very cleverly very maliciously a syntactically valid query why because I provided the single quote that's going to finish the thought of that first single quote and now I would only know how to do this if I saw the code or if I just randomly try putting apostrophes into web forms and see if things break that's often how adversaries attack systems they type in potentially dangerous characters hit enter if something breaks they're not necessarily into the system but they know that there might be a vulnerability and then they start trying more methodically things like this so This Then is going to be bad because it effectively Grays out the rest of the query and this query is surely going to return some rows without even knowing my password and so this logic here dot dot dot means well if a data came back from this query Harvard is presumably going to assume that men logged in show them uh show him like uh his account or whatever is being protected here so in short using F strings bad using any equivalent like p uh percent s in C bad when it comes to SQL using question marks or whatever a thirdparty library like cs50's prescribed is the way to solve this why because libraries like ours are designed to at least be smart and be paranoid and what we will do is this when you use the question marks and the values are plugged in we will escape any potentially dangerous characters inside of those placeholders and so effectively the single quote will no longer be considered a grammatical single quote it will just be literally a character in the username or password so the library takes care of this for you because you're plugging in the username and password as separate arguments and then we or the third party you're using actually sanitize that is uh clean up the data and prevent those bad characters now this is kind of an internet meme that went around for a while um if you've ever uh driven a car been in a car where there's like the automatic reader for tolls uh this person thought it might be funny to try doing something like this what are they presumably doing the presumption here is whether or not it worked as unclear is that here's like the end of a actual license plate number but here's an interesting single quote and a semicolon that's especially bad because it means you can maybe execute a second query on the database this is someone having fun trying to drop the entire database table for whatever municipality is scanning through cameras uh their license plate code and I would be remiss if we didn't end on this note at least in computer science circles um there is someone named no relation to the TF name we put in the database earlier um little Bobby tables which ends with this XKCD comic and if you chuckle if you laugh you're now legit SQL programmers nice nice like every CS student out there knows about little Bobby tables so if you name drop little Bobby tables now like you're in all right that's it though for today we will see you next [Music] [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all the way to the top and then you're passing down this is for you Yale we love you Yale we're here to Har go har [Applause] down it's going to happen it's actually going to happen I can't believe this what do you think of Y they don't think good can't does everyone have it does everyone have their stuff does everyone have their stuff probably that it's going to beable very small I know what houses how many exra how many EXT no F forer yeah just make sure everyone has pass all the car distributed all right we can do it [Applause] [Music] now what do you think of Y sir go go one more time one [Applause] more there goes [Applause] again [Applause] all right this is cs50 welcome to week 8 last week we learned how to create read update and delete databases using squl but this week Adam everyone happy Halloween all right so this is cs50 and this is week eight already my thanks to Adam on today this happy Halloween uh in the coming moments we're going to learn all about how the internet itself Works which of course is a technology that like we're all take we all use every day probably using in some form right now but we'll see that if you start to understand some of the underlying building blocks that power the internet itself we can actually start to build interesting things on top of it and a lot of the apps the websites that you all use every day should become all the more familiar things that you yourself VES can create and honestly when things go wrong you'll have all the more of a mental model for how things work or are not in fact working so that you can ultimately diagnose diagnose all the more issues yourselves so if we take a look at the internet in the early days it pretty much was just this this happens to be of course the geography of the United States and just some of the first uh points on the internet were these here this was so-called arpanet back in 1969 and indeed the internet had its Origins here in the United States with just a few computers interconnect somehow initially that of course began to grow over time such that we eventually had the West Coast connected to the east coast and nowadays what you can think of these dots on the screen is representing are these things called routers sort of computers or really servers that somehow have wires or maybe wireless connections between them that allow data to flow from point A to B to C and then this of course has been now magnified across the entire Globe um and even above ground as well so that we can connect all the more readily uh to systems anywhere now in order to Route the data from one router to another we need to somehow make routing decisions and this is the kind of thing that the internet service providers the isps of the world just handle for us you and I plug our Macs our PCS into the network here at Harvard or equivalently at Yale or we somehow get online via Wi-Fi or cellular technology and then some of these larger entities these bigger companies or countries handle most of the data getting from point A to point B and if you think about what these routers present they're indeed just servers somehow interconnected not unlike this grid of tiles here for instance back in the zoom days and in fact here we have I claim a grid of routers implemented here by the courses teaching fellows and course assistants and Tas and if the goal at hand for instance is for Phyllis to Route some piece of information maybe it's an email maybe it's a request for a web page in the bottom right hand corner all the way up to say Brian here in the top left hand corner suffice it to say each each of these tiles represents a router a server that can move the data back forth left and right that packet of information so to speak from Phyllis to Brian could take any number of different possible routes up down left right to go from the one corner to another so let me go ahead and hit play on this video here we're in the teaching fellows play the same [Music] role all right so in this particular case the data was routed pretty straightforwardly up and then to the left but suppose that one or more of the staff were a bit busy maybe one of the routers is congested that is to say just got way more envelopes at a moment in time that it can handle thankfully the design of the internet is such that there's often multiple ways that data can get from point A to point B maybe going through Point C or Point D instead and so there's a resilience there even as some of these servers themselves might go down so allow me to propose that we use the same grid of routers now to Route the data in a slightly different way this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] time so success you'll see perhaps later just how many takes it took us to actually get that routing right but it does in fact manifest that you can uh travel different paths in order to get the data from point A to point B so as we talk about routers as you think of the internet I mean think of those humans as just representing these routers points a to p and everywhere in between now how did the teaching staff know to route that packet up and then down or left and right in order to get get to the destination well all of them were programmed so to speak to understand protocols it's called TCP and IP Otherwise Known together typically as tcpip and you've probably seen these acronyms at some point in the real world on the internet on some kind of documentation a text even if you haven't really thought hard about it but IP is certainly the more common of the two perhaps in common culture so what does TCP and IP do for us well really two primary things any computer or any teaching staff member who understands tcpip knows how to get data from point A to point B but how well let's break down what that problem to be solved is IP otherwise known as Internet Protocol is a protocol that computers speak that allow them to know how to address computers on the internet and a protocol is just a set of conventions that computers adhere to so someone wrote code that probably has a whole lot of conditionals that tells the computer what to do if something happens like if I receive a packet then send it to the next server or something like that in the human world we have protocols too you know pre in healthier times it was quite common to sort of extend your hand to another human in order to greet them and if they're following human protocol they would presumably grab your hand and shake it at least in a a culture like this one here on campus and now that is a human protocol in that someone initiates it someone responds to it and you both sort of know what to do you're programmed to know what to do so same idea with Internet Protocol computers just know what to do when they've been programmed to do so so what does this mean IP had decides that every compter computer in the world will have a unique address just like uh a the science center around the corner might have a unique address of one Oxford Street Cambridge Massachusetts 02138 USA IP dictates that every computer on the internet have a unique address of this form and this too is probably something you've seen in the real world even if you haven't thought too hard about it it's a number and what's called dotted decimal notation which means it's a decimal number do something do something do something so four digits separated by convention by decimal points although there are newer and bigger versions of the same and these so-called IP addresses that might be as simple as uniquely identify a computer on the internet uh the numbers have to range from 0 to 255 each and that's a bit of a hint just as you start to think more computationally if each of these is a number from 0 to 255 how many bits does that suggest each number is using feel free to shout it out how many bits gives us 255 256 total possibilities so eight bits that should just be sort of a heuristic in your mind anytime you hear something that's in the range of 0 to 255 or 256 values total think back to week zero which gives us eight bits plus another eight bits another eight bits and another eight bits which is to say an IP address typically is 32 bits in total now if we do another bit of quick mental math or think back to week zero if every IP address is 32 bits how many computers can we have on the internet at once give or take roughly 4 billion is the ballpark and we don't need to be super precise for discussion's sake but roughly 4 billion is how high you can account assuming no negative numbers if you have 32 bits in total now that's not terribly uh many number uh numbers of addresses especially considering the number of humans in the world the number of us that do have laptops or desktops or devices more generally phones in our pockets and the like so let me just stipulate for today's purposes that there's even a newer and improved version of Ip otherwise known as version 6 this is version four but still super popular version six uses 128 bits which is a huge number of possible premutations I dare say I can't even pronounce that number it's so big so there are ways around even this limitation already so every computer has an address like this what does that really mean well suppose that I was Phyllis in the story told visually earlier and I want to send a message to Brian well both Phyllis and Brian have I IP addresses and suppose that Brian's IP address happens to be in that top left hand corner well phyllis's Mac or PC or phone would essentially do the equivalent on this human envelope by writing the two address in the middle of the envelope as is our human convention like this so this is an envelope a piece of information an email a text message whatever destined for Brian and so she would have her computer put Brian's IP address in the middle her IP address is Maybe 5.6.7 do8 so just like our human convention I might write 5. 6.7.8 at the top of the envelope 5678 thereby indicating what the return address is and this is helpful because if Brian's computer needs to acknowledge receipt if he needs to reply in some form this way the envelope has all the information we need but in the real world servers do a lot of things nowadays not just email but maybe chat Maybe video conferencing maybe any number of other services as well and so it turns out that an address alone might not be sufficient because how do how does Brian's computer know when he opens the envelope so to speak that this should be interpreted as an email or interpret it as a chat message or interpret it as like a video attachment that Phyllis has sent well we need some other mechanism some other hint on this envelope to distinguish one type of Internet service from another and so that's where the other acronym in TCI pip comes in which is TCP so this stands for transmission control protocol which is just a different set of conventions that computers adhere to in order to solve a couple of different problems one is this problem of distinguishing one type of service from another now what does that mean well humans decades ago decided as they started inventing all of these various internet services the web being the first one how they might or the web now being one of the most popular ones they decided to assign different services that can be used on the internet unique numbers and so two of the most common are these 80 is the number that a bunch of humans decided years ago will represent what you and I know as HTTP and we'll talk more technically in a bit about what HTTP is but obviously it's the thing that's in the beginning of every URL nowadays or https which of course has the S added to it and that has its own unique number and for now the S just means secure one is encrypted or scrambled somehow for privacy sake and the other is unencrypted it's a little more vulnerable to interception so these two numbers are what the world decided when implementing TCP shall uniquely identify those services so what does this mean well this means that if Brian's computer in the story from before is hosting not like an email server but maybe he has a website and Phyllis is requesting Brian's homepage or something like that she would have her Mac or PC or phone not only write Brian's IP address in the middle of the envelope but also the number otherwise known as a port number that she wants this envelope to be routed to now 80 would be insecure nowadays HTTP col is sort of p and we almost always see https colon now so I'm just going to go with best practice and I'm going to add a colon and then the number 443 at the end of Brian's IP address so now I have an IP address for Brian the port number for the service that this is relevant to and I'm not going to bother writing it but it turns out that phyllis's computer would also choose a port number maybe a random port number so that Brian can conversely reply and then the computer can know which response is in uh coming back for which request but the most important one is this one in the two field whereby this distinguishes this from like an email a chat message a video conference session or a zoom or whatnot from anything else happening on Brian's computer at the same time so all this time if you've seen these terms TCP and IP those are really two of the most important things that they do but TCP does one other thing that's super useful too it turns out that it's super common nowadays especially to transmit a lot of media on the internet internet whether it's an image or maybe it's a movie file and it would be a little obnoxious to say the least if you're downloading a really big file meant that no one else in your dorm room or your household could actually download anything until you're actually done so of course multiple people nowadays can be on the internet at once even if all of the connections are a little slower but like one person's usage does not block someone else's now how does this work well TCP in conjunction with IP can also allow you to take like a really big image of a cat which is the internet of course is filled with and take a big image of a cat or a big video file of a cat and fragment it into multiple pieces so I'm just going to sort of roughly tear it down the middle and then maybe tear it down the middle again so now it's four different fragments and I'm I'm sorry but the computer will be reassembling these for us and what phyllis's computer could do now if she's like uploading this picture of a cat to Brian's web server well she could put one fragment in this envelope and then have three separate envelopes for the other three fragments and what you could then do on the outside of this envelope is just kind of number them somehow and in fact this is something else that TCP and IP together would do for us this first envelope now might say something like one out of four in the memo field so to speak of the uh metaphorical envelope here now this should be enough information because now if Brian gets all four of these envelopes he presumably knows how to reassemble the picture of the cat in order top to bottom left to right but more importantly suppose that one of the routers one of the TFS in the video is sort of distracted and they sort of drop one of the packets and that's a metaphor actually in practice for when a router gets really busy it's got way too much data coming in it might metaphorically drop packets what does that mean in practice I mean it literally just ignores the zeros and ones it doesn't save them to its memory because there's just no room left so it's equivalent to sort of dropping the packet so suppose now that Brian gets one of four three of four and four of four what can his computer infer now after receiving those three packets one of four three of four and four of four what's the use there yeah I think you're you're signaling with your fingers which one did which one can I call on you yeah so he's missing two out of four the second of the packets and this is useful now because you could imagine he can send some message back to Phyllis saying hey please retransmit number two of four without having to redownload the entirety of the cat so there's there's an efficiency there as well so tcpip allows data really to go from point A to point B while solving a bunch of these problems along the way so nowadays if you ever see mention on your Mac or PC of your so-called IP address that is the sort of problem that's being solved questions now on these protocols these conventions called TCP and IP that's the extent to which we'll need to understand them won't have to implement them per se we'll just take them Hereafter for granted any questions that you've ever been wondering wondering about your home network yeah a really good question uh how does TCP know that a user got a message another aspect another feature of TCP is that Brian's computer by design of this protocol will also acknowledge the packets that he's received and it will do it efficiently if Brian receives all four packets in a pretty narrow window of time his computer will send to phyllis's computer a quick message saying essentially received all four otherwise he'll say the opposite which is that I'm missing for for instance two out of four and that just ensures ultimately that all of the data is indeed uh arrived so that you're not missing like uh a quarter a quadrant of the cat in question all right but th that's not the only problem that needs to be solved ultimately we also need to make the internet userfriendly if you will and it would be really tedious if you had to visit websites for instance by way of of their IP addresses right is pretty memorable but there's like 4 billion other possible addresses available and it would be super tedious to remember those it would be bad marketing to advertise those in fact most of you probably don't even know the phone numbers of your closest friends and family members anymore because you instead store them in your contacts you're in your dress book associating with numbers that are completely opaque with actual names or strings if you will the same is goes for the internet too even though every computer does have and must have a unique IP address numerically why well routers or computers computers just crunch numbers very readily but we humans work better with strings of text we need some system for converting userfriendly strings like or or to the underlying IP addresses and that's where the next acronym comes in today which is DNS domain name system so this is just another technology that's been in use for some time now and it's a collection of servers on the internet that whose purpose in life is to convert domain names to IP addresses and maybe vice versa as well so let me stipulate for today's purposes there are some root DNS servers in the world that long story short know about all of the Dooms all of the edus all of the dot dot dot all of the other top level domains around the world as well as in the US and then there are some smaller DNS servers owned by companies owned by universities and even in your apartments or homes most likely indeed if you have a home router plugged into the wall somewhere that's not only routing your data in and out of your apartment or home or dorm room it's also typically serving as a local therefore faster DNS server a cash if you will it's sort of locally saving your most frequently accessed websites and their IP addresses just to avoid bothering the bigger more expensive busier servers all day long so there's DNS servers all over if you poke around your settings in Windows or Mac OS or Android or iOS you'll see mention of DNS and you'll probably see the IP addresses of the servers whose purpose in life is to do this conversion for you but this is a requisite feature if we just want the internet to be user friendly and allow us to use words instead of numbers alone what's inside of these DNS servers you know it's essentially a spreadsheet or if we can say it more geeky it's essentially like a hash table of some sort which it has keys and values like the key is the domain name gale. edug and the value is the corresponding IP address or in many cases IP addresses plural of the corresponding servers so here already even though I've drawn it fairly abstractly like you would on a chalkboard it's really probably implemented as some kind of table maybe a hash table maybe a database table maybe SQL or something like that or maybe it's even just a link list or an array we just have to somehow enable this computer to convert one to the other now just to be super precise DNS servers actually convert what are called fully qualified domain names which is generally not just but more verbosely and so the whole thing that you would see as a substring of the URL so that's what DNS does and that's what your University your company your home router are doing for you let me pause here to see if there are any questions this to is just a technology now we'll take for granted just works questions at all all right so let's now transition among our protocols really to the last for today which will set the stage for actually solving problems with these and writing some code ultimately um HTTP this is something that you see or hear all day long even though you rarely have to bother typing it anymore odds are if you go to you don't bother typing HTTP let alone https manually anymore why because your browser Auto completes that kind of thing just to make life easier but it is officially at the beginning of every URL you visit either HTTP or the more secure https whenever you're using your browser to access some website so HTTP stands for hyper text transfer protocol and it's uh easily one of the most popular dare say one of the most powerful features of the internet nowadays but the mental model to have here is that HTTP or the web more generally is kind of a service that runs on top of the internet and maybe Zoom or Microsoft teams is another service that runs on top of the internet an iMessage and Technologies like it is another service that runs on top of the internet so the internet is really like the lower level Plumbing the tcpip stuff the DNS stuff that just gets data from point A to point B but now and we're in a a software development class ultimately here in cs50 HTTP is the application Level protocol it's sort of what programmers use what companies use what uh developers use ultimately to use the underlying Plumbing to build interesting and Powerful things so what does this mean when it comes to accessing Services via HTTP or the more secure https well here is a representative URL even though you might not type the whole thing if you poke around your address bar this is what's up there with that said a lot of browsers nowadays are kind of simplifying if not dumbing down what you see with your human eyes just to shorten the strings especially on mobile devices but almost always if you click the URL or highlight it then you see the whole thing but on many browsers you might only ever see but all of this information is there it's just getting more and more hidden just for user interfaces sake well it turns out when you visit a URL by default especially if you type nothing after the do com in this case you're technically implicitly adding a single slash so a single slash denotes the root of the server that is the default page or folder in the server and the slash whether or not you type it or not is implicitly going to be there and that just means give me the default whatever is at give me that page or that folder but URLs can be longer than this and more generally there can be a path so to speak and this is a term of art a path is some sequence of folder Andor file names after a URL like this and so you might see more specifically that a URL contains a very specific file this isn't as common nowadays anymore though we will begin to today by using this technique but if there is a file called literally file. HTML or something else on the server that file is going to be what this URL pulls up on the computer meanwhile you might have slash folder slash which just means show me whatever is inside of this folder or you might have more verbosely folder file. HTML which will show you that file in that folder and meanwhile just to give some other terms of art this is the so-called fully qualified domain name and again these vocab don't matter all that much but you'll hear or see them over time we generally colloquially just refer to this as the domain name which is a little less precise but gets the job done certainly in conversation and this part here I described briefly earlier what's the name for this suffix at the very end of the fully qualified domain name the yeah yeah top level domain or TLD and this is just some form of categorization of the URLs now the internet in got it start within the United States and a lot of the first websites of course came from the US and so For Better or For Worse the sort of steak was planted in the ground so generally do indicated at least early on that it was some kind of commercial Enterprise a business that owned a domain name edu is a educational institution net was some kind of network. goov was the US government now there are also country code tlds cctlds like UK or JP every country in the world has its own two letter uh TLD um that might very well be restricted to only servers or companies or people in that uh in that country many of them can be used by anyone you've used a lot of URLs in this class ending in cs50. that doesn't mean input output um it actually is a TLD from another country that lets anyone on the internet um pay for and on an annual basis using that domain. TV for instance you might see in some cases like and the like um that too is owned by another country that allows others in the English-speaking World in this case to use it as though it connotes TV but those are just different types of TLS that roughly categorize where the domain lives but it doesn't necessarily mean it's commercial anymore it doesn't necessarily mean it's a Network anymore for the most part there are hundreds of tlds now for better for worse most of which are less common than these big ones um but most anyone can buy most of them with just some restrictions on things like edu and goov that are still very much regulated this meanwhile is what we might call the host name www it's obviously a super common convention like almost every website uses www as its host name but that's a human convention it's not a requirement and indeed some websites don't even bother having a host name they just use their domain to advertise their websites this now is going to be the scheme or the protocol and this is just going to indicate via what protocol the computer your Mac your PC your phone should use when accessing content at that address because indeed there are other protocols you can use but for the most part will'll only focus on HTTP or equivalently https all right any questions now on those just definitions building blocks of URLs just so we all sort of share a common vocabulary any questions at all yeah what is the local sure we'll come back to this actually later today there's a a technical term known as Local Host which is a generic name for your computer your Mac your PC your phone especially when you're doing software development and by convention your own computer has not only whatever IP address you get from your University or your internet service provider it also has a reflexive IP address one that just always refers to itself which is and that's just a human convention humans decided that shall refer always to your computer and it's actually going to be useful today and onward because we can use that when development on our own computers ultimately other questions on URLs IP DNS or any of these building blocks all right so what do we mean by HTTP being a protocol when I extended my hand earlier as a human handshake you know a typical human in healthy times would know to respond in turn well how does Brian's computer know to respond to phyllis's envelope whatever message is they're in well assuming that Brian is indeed still a web server in the store and Phyllis was trying to upload a cat or maybe download a cat from Brian's web server inside of phyllis's envelope would have been a message literally in text and it's English for the most part and it would contain at the beginning of that message literally one of these English verbs either get which means just that get me the homepage get me a picture of a cat get me a picture of a dog or a video or anything else or post which often means post that is um put that is um upload a picture of a cat or a dog or something else to the server instead that's not strictly the only use cases for these but you can generally think them as one is just getting information and the other is posting from the client from Phyllis to the server in this case Brian so those are the two keywords that we might see and why is this useful well it turns out we can start to see in our own Mac or PC some of these very same messages for instance if Phyllis were visiting not Brian's but that web server inside of her metaphorical envelope there would be a textual message that literally starts with get slash then the word HTTP then the version she's using 1.1 is very common two and three are becoming more common but HTTP generally looks like this the next line of text in her envelope would probably say host colon then literally the fully qualified domain name of the server she's accessing just in case and this happens super commonly especially on small websites if one server is hosting multiple domain names multiple websites this just distinguishes which one she actually wants and then there's usually a whole bunch of other lines of text as well so where can you actually see this well let me actually go ahead and do this give me just a moment and I'm going to open up on my computer here uh an empty Chrome window in incognito mode generally speaking incognito mode or private mode is used when you don't want there to be left remnants of what websites you visited and it has the effect for software developers of just forgetting any things you might have tried already within your browser including things called cookies more on those another time uh your autocomplete history and the like so for development purposes incognito mode is especially helpful because it's sort of like starting with a clean slate every time you open a new private or incognito mode so there's not going to be like any remnants of previous testing or code that you've been playing with and I'm going to go ahead and do this I'm going to go ahead and uh right click or control click on Chrome I'm going to choose inspect and it's going to pull up this window sometimes on the side sometimes on the bottom I'm going to move it to the bottom just so we can see it a little more readily and I'm going to zoom in and it's going to look a little Arcane at first and I'm going to just highlight a few of these tabs we'll see here along the top that there's elements console sources Network and whole bunch of other things as well this is sort of the advanced mode in Chrome and Safari and Firefox and Edge have their own equivalent of these features they've always been there even if you've never clicked the right button to enable these features and I'm going to focus for a moment on network like this this is a feature of the browser that's going to allow me the programmer in this case so the the engineer to just kind of look at what messages my browser is actually sending to a server so let me go ahead and do something like this let me go ahead and visit uh for instance uh in my browser here and I'm going to shrink the window just a little bit so we can see it exactly I'm going to visit https uh and now I'm going to hit enter and a whole bunch of stuff just happened along the bottom of my screen and I'm going to try to pull my window up just a little bit so we can focus on a subset of this let me pull this up covering up really the content of the page focusing on these lower level details down here and what I want to see first is let me oh sorry let me go ahead and reload this page here after retaining the log so that we can see absolutely everything on the screen and to be clear I just checked because I forgot earlier preserve log because I wanted to preserve everything on the screen I want to see everything all at once and we'll see this the very first line of output is completely overwhelming with detail at first glance but what you'll see here if I start to scroll down and down and down and down are the so-called request headers and let me zoom in here and what you're seeing inside of chrome inside of its Network tab in its so-called developer tools again this is just for engineering types you'll see all of the headers all of the lines of text that magically were sent by my Mac to much like from Phyllis to Brian server in that story so I can see exactly what messages are being sent and a lot of this we haven't talked about yet but we do see some mention of get and we see some mention of Slash and a bunch of other Arcane details but notice they're all sort of key value pairs with the here indicating what the corresponding value is now most of this is not going to be interesting and we're not going to focus too much on the weeds of of all of this but it indeed gives us a sense of what's inside of that virtual envelope now is one thing but there's other uh websites we might visit as well um and no matter what they are we're going to expect ultimately an HTTP response so in addition to a computer like my Mac or phyllis's computer sending a request containing gets and host and those details too you'll see here in my slide form just representative response from the server and notice that key here is that the server is responding in the same version of HTTP in this example it's sending back this so-called status code just a numeric code that indicates in this case that everything's okay and it includes this header this HTTP header which again is just a key value pair saying that the type of this content that's coming back from the server is text/html more on HTML in just a little bit but for our purposes now this just means that is sending me back a web page and indeed if we hide all of this techn techical stuff that's the web page that we saw up here with all of the usual imagery and the like and in fact I can see this if I scroll back up not to request headers but response headers you'll see up here that we get back responses including the date that the server responded and a whole bunch of other details as well and honestly this has always been under your fingertips and it will soon be useful as we start making web-based applications ultimately but this very quickly gets overwhelming quickly and so better in this might actually be a tool that we can use within our code space itself so let me go back to vs code here I didn't open any code tabs I'm just going to use my terminal window for a moment and I'm going to run a couple of commands that are going to allow me to actually see what is going on when I request one website let me go ahead and use a command called curl for connect URL and this is like a command line black and white program that's going to pretend to be a browser and it's going to connect to the URL show me the headers but it's not going to show me the images are the graphics which might very well be useful to the humans but not to me right now as the developer so I'm going to do curl I'm going to do Dashi and then I'm going to do https as though I'm pretending to be a browser requesting the home page and what's nice about curl is albeit overwhelming too you'll get back a whole response from the server containing only those header values the key value pairs inside of the envelope and we'll ignore almost all of these but here is the response from the server it responded using a new and improved version of HTTP in this case version two and it gave me back a 200 there's my content type text/html and then this Char set happens to do with the encoding if it's Unicode or asky or something else and then there's all this other overwhelming detail for now but this is the beginnings of my ability to just kind of poke around and see how the server works and it turns out too that we'll be able to see other potential responses as well so for instance uh HTTP might not only return 100 what if I do this instead let me go ahead and visit c-i HTTP colon uh so notice I deliberately use the insecure version of the URL which maybe Harvard's Administration system administration doesn't like anymore well how can they ensure that I the end user the student nonetheless use https even if I didn't type it myself well let me run just that command with just HTTP not https and you'll see that everything is not okay it didn't come back with a 200 it came back with 301 in this message saying Harvard moved permanently but here's where you can look for another clue among all of these lines most of which I don't care about there's a location header colon that's a little hint to me that says where Harvard University has apparently moved too on the web and what's different about this URL just to be clear it has the S included and what your browser will do by default because Google and Microsoft and Mozilla programmed it this way whenever it sees a 301 response instead of 200 it won't show you any web page it will look for a location header find that URL and then automatically quote unquote redirect you there to so this is why it doesn't matter what we type in the browser Harvard can have its server send these semi-secret messages to our browsers and then it will just visit a second URL all automatically and you can do this with host names as well suppose that Harvard does not want to standardize on why they just want it to always be www maybe it's a branding thing maybe it's a technical thing we can see the exact same response here this first tells me when I visit HTTP with no www Harvard minimally wants me to be using a secure connection if I then okay fine cooperate let me go ahead and clear my screen let me add the s but not the www you can see here that it again responded with 301 up here and the location now adds the www so it's just a way of bouncing users from one place to another and this is all thanks to http boiling down to relatively simple messages inside of the envelope that tell the computer the browser in this case how to respond now odds are you've seen others besides 301 even though you've probably never seen that actual number unless you've done this kind of thing before but there probably is a number that like everyone in this room has seen if if You' never really wondered why is it that number I think you're smiling what number are you thinking of yeah so 404 why is 404 well 404 indicates by convention not found and now why the world decided years ago to show us normal humans on the internet 404 is anything significant is unclear that's sort of like bad design like what do I care if the status code is 404 but it's common enough on the internet that probably all of us have seen it but that just means that some server when you visit a URL that's incorrect maybe it's outdated the URL has been changed if you see a 404 it just means that the virtual envelope that came from the server back to your Mac or PC or phone contains not 200 okay not 301 moved permanently but 404 not found instead and it's usually accompanied by a technical message maybe a cute picture of a cat sort of hiding because it means not found or something like that the Aesthetics are entirely up to the server but that's what the 404 means and there's other codes too a few of which you'll use in the coming weeks as we transition from commandline programs in C and python to web-based ones we've seen a few of these already and several of them are kind of variants of the same thing like these 300 ones here but we'll see others like 403 Forbidden means like you probably forgot to log in or you need to log in or something like that uh internal server error right now no in the coming weeks you will absolutely encounter 500 errors and they're always your fault it's going to be the equivalent of like a segmentation fault in C a 500 error means like you or I screwed up when writing some code so we're going to see that but it's just going to be an opportunity for us to fix it if a server's overloaded you often see 503 like something's unavailable because something's too popular uh or is maybe worse getting attacked um this is an old uh um April Fool's joke 418 is not actually used in practice but someone like took the time to write up an entire formal text technical proposal so that servers can respond saying I'm a teapot so it's kind of part of Internet lore and there's other ones of these status codes as well but this is useful because eventually we'll see in code you can use this understanding uh high level as it might be of HTTP to do some interesting and Powerful things so for instance we can even send fancier URLs to servers it turns out as we'll soon see if you send a message like this get/ search question question mark Q equals cats and then HTTP 1.1 or whatever version and you send that message to Google server this is how you can specify not just the path of a web page that you want SL search in this case the question mark it turns out is going to be a convention in the internet in the web specifically for passing hum human uh user input to the server as well in fact you've probably never paid close attention to URLs but they very often have question question marks they very often have equal signs and indeed even supports a certain key Q in this case for query and you can put anything you want after that in order to search for actual cats so if I actually go back to Chrome itself here for a moment let me pull back my uh pull back open my Chrome browser here previously I was using uh incognito mode for I've gone ahead and Clos that window and opened a new one so we can start fresh by visiting Google normally you and I are in the habit of going to and searching via the form or nowadays you just type like your search query in the browser itself and it brings you automatically to Google or Bing or something else but I can really be pedantic here let me go ahead and zoom in and I'll manually go to https search question mark Q equals maybe cats now this would not be a very userfriendly experience if all of us had to manually type out something crazy like that but that's what the form is redirecting you to when you type in more user friendly cats into like a text box if I hit enter here we'll get back indeed a whole bunch of search results about cats if I zoom back in and maybe I change it from cats to dogs that too is going to change and notice it's pre-populating the text box because Google has written its code in order to do so as well now appr propo of the video with which we began today from yester year one of the better uh Yale pranks over the years um has anyone one actually ever been to uh and to our friends at Yale watching live hi so it's kind of fun if you actually visit it uh depending on who you are so if I open up a new window here and I go to https zooming in enter my oh my look at where it goes now how does that okay okay thank you this is not a cs50 thing someone out there who I don't know who they are for like 20 years has been paying annually for that domain for just this joke uh but if I now go back into VSS code here in my terminal window and a little more you know sophisticatedly let me do curl dasi HTTP col andsafety the browser of course immediately redirected me to the website but what's going on under underneath the hood well 20 some years ago someone bought the domain configured the server quite simply to spit this out safety for years has moved permanently to so just a little demonstration of what you can do with just a little bit of understanding of HTTP that's been a lot already we've laid the foundation for understanding how the internet works now we're going to use it with a language called HTML hypertext markup language CSS cascading stylesheets and JavaScript a proper program in language but first it feels opportune to take a 10-minute break we have some wonderful Halloween candy in the transcept and we'll be back in 10 with those languages we're headed up to uh Austin checking out the stadium for the prank a few years ago I was at a math conference and I was sitting around at the table at dinner with a few other mathematicians and uh one of them went to Harvard and started telling the story of this amazing prank that was you know against Harvard and at that point I felt I had to interrupt and said well actually I can tell you a lot more about that okay okay the idea was perfected in a dorm room came up with the idea actually to prank them with signs at the football game we threw some ideas out there as far as what what the signs would say we uh eventually settled on we suck and my immediate reaction was no this will never work however the problem solver in me started thinking well maybe we can make this work the problem they had to infiltrate Harvard Stadium without getting caught sneak in 1,800 placards distribute them to unsuspecting Harvard fans and then convince those fans to prank themselves it's great we thought about basically every possible thing that could go wrong and tried to come up with a solution for it and then you put two Reds on top of it they made fake Harvard IDs and fake backstories fake placard designs and a 28 member fake Pep Squad on November 20th 2004 a fake Harvard student smuggled the placards into the game what do you think [Music] [Applause] [Applause] of but then trouble what houses how many how many extra are I you know just showed him the front of this ID and all of a sudden he just ran away and he felt so embarrassed having escaped one confrontation they couldn't risk another it was time this just looks like a total mess we have absolutely no idea if this is going to work look at the it's going to happen it's actually going to happen I can't believe this what was once a prank became a legend and immediately we started hearing chance from the other side you and I think it was at that point in time that we knew we had pulled it off on there it goes [Applause] again I really think it didn't matter that Harvard won because of the prank for a lot of Yale students in alumni we definitely won that [Music] year all right happy Hallen thank you all okay thank you oh here oh all right little Halloween candy all right thank you all so glad I wore the same thing today so in just a moment thank you okay so in just a moment we'll transition to understanding all the now what we can do with this underlying infrastructure so again HTTP and below it TCP IP is all about just getting the data from point A to pointb in some standardized way but now let's talk about HTML this is the language in which web pages themselves are written hyper text markup language now some of you might have used this before to make personal homepages some of you might have dabbled even if using some website to create your own homepage but understanding this language is useful certainly for creating the Aesthetics of a web page can vying data that's of interest but at the end of the day it and the language we look at next CSS uh are not programming languages there's going to be no functions no Loops uh no programming logic but we will end today with a teaser of a proper programming language called JavaScript via which you can manipulate all of these various uh other languages as well so ultimately HTML has like two features and this is a language that we spend very brief amount of time on because it really boils down to just a couple of basic ideas and then vocabulary that you'll build out over time just by Googling looking up references looking at other Pages source code but tags and attributes are what characterize HTML now what do I mean by that here for instance is the HTML code via which you can make probably the simplest of all web pages one that quite simply says in the uh browser window hello title and hello body for instance now what does this actually mean if you imagine opening up uh this code in a browser be it on a Mac or PC or phone you'll see typically like some kind of rectangular window and there's usually a tab that has the title of that page and then most of the rectangular region is the web page itself what you're looking at then is the code that's going to put hello title in the title bar in the tab at the very top and down at the bottom hello body is going to be all that's in the big black and white box that composes the rest of the browser window itself now what are the Salient characteristics here that we'll now start to take for granted well first whoops uh first let's go ahead and give me just a moment here um and actually do something with this code so I'm going to go ahead and do this back in vs code here I'm going to first create a file called say hello.html and in this tab I'm going to go ahead and really repeat exactly that same code now I had this line first DOC type HTML then I had this line HTML Lang equals quote unquote n close quote then I had inside of that head then I had inside of that title then inside of that I had hello title and I'm doing this quickly because we'll tease apart in a moment what it actually all means and then down here below that so-called head I had just the text hello body so at the moment I that I claim is the entirety of a web page but it currently lives in my code space so to speak in a file called hello.html that's fine if I want to create it but how do I how do you how does anyone on the internet actually view it well to serve a web page you indeed need a web server and it turns out that codespaces comes with one of these pre-installed because we cs50 staff uh did so for you and what you can do in a terminal window once you have an HTML file ready to go that you want the world to see you can literally run in your terminal window http-server single command and what that's going to do for you is start a web server that is to say a program whose purpose in life is just to serve web pages and even though probably up until now for years you probably if you're like me equate server quote unquote with a physical device server is really aie piece of software it just tends to run on big fancy devices so when we say server we often all think of in our Mind's Eye you know big expensive devices perhaps but a server is just a program whose purpose in life is to respond to requests with responses and that's the vernacular there now once you run HTTP server and I'm going to do a bit of magic because I set this up before class just to make sure it goes smoothly you'll see some output like this whereby your server is now available on a very long URL mine here uh uh is a very long URL that will be different from yours but what this is is a unique identifier that your codes space has temporarily generated so that you can now access and ideally only you can access that file using your browser now if I flip the URL or you flip the your all to public by right clicking or control clicking the right features of vs code you can enable anyone in the world to visit it but we're not going to ultimately host our websites in your code space because as soon as you log off for the night and the thing shuts down like the website will go down but at the end end of the semester particularly for final projects we'll show you ways that you can put your own website your own code on the actual internet 247365 even with your own domain name if you want to get one so that it lives uh independent of your own sleep schedule and usage schedule of vs code here so I'm going to go ahead now and visit um this URL in another tab of my browser and what I'll see here is this this is the output of that program called HTTP server and essentially what it is doing is it's using TCP and IP in conjunction with HTTP to just run your very own web server on gith hubs own servers as well and that's because of different ports again we won't go too much into the weeds of the TCP the IP and all of that stuff but recall that different port numbers can allow you to distinguish one service from another now one of the services is of course your code space VSS code in the cloud that we've been using for weeks but if you want to use the same physical server that GitHub controls but actually visit your own web server that I just ran in my terminal window in another tab that's fine they're just going to be using different TCP ports and you and I don't have to care what they are but just that this is a feature that TCP supports so what you see here is somewhat Arcane this is not like a thing that most people on the internet should ever see I'm just doing this for development purposes but this is the index that is the directory the the folder contents of my code space and because I deleted everything from prior weeks already all we see right now is hello.html which I just created so if I click on hello.html within this folder listing you'll be a little underwhelmed and I'll zoom in just so there's something more interesting there but now you see hello comma body but what's interesting perhaps is that after this long very cryptic and uninteresting URL notice at the very end of it and I'll zoom in in a moment what do you see slh hello.html which follows the convention I claimed before break is how a browser would allow you to to access a specific file on a server by doing slash and then the name of the file name everything before it is very cryptic it would be better if I you know uh buy a domain name that's a little more easy to remember and set that up some other time but for now let's just focus on only the file names that I'm actually creating all right so the code is up and running underwhelming though it might be with the body in the middle of the page and let me zoom in up here too hello comma title is indeed in the tab just as promised so what's actually going on with code like this that we just created well let's go back to the slide version of the same and let me just highlight a few of these lines the very first line is what's called your document type declaration doesn't really matter to remember that by phrasing and this is just something you copy paste or do from memory at the top of any HTML file that you create when making your own web page it's a implicit indicator to the browser that you're using the very latest version of HTML which is version five you don't mention the number five just browsers now nowadays are program to look for this to know that you're using the very latest version of the language languages just like human languages evolve over time we're up to version five of HTML but new features get added every few years so indeed this lecture this class has been evolving over time too so let's now focus on the next line as well as the bottom line and you'll notice some deliberate symmetry here this here is what we're going to call a tag and it's technically different from this this is a document type declaration it's got the weird exclamation point that's the only anomaly everything else follows pattern this is a tag in HTML and it's the HTML tag and a tag generally both starts and stops or opens and closes at some point so this is the so-called start tag or open tag and this just means essentially to the browser hey browser here comes some HTML the language in which web pages are written this here with the forward slash after the angled bracket means hey browser that's it for the HTML of this page so that's what I mean by symmetry I started a thought here finished it down here what's in between those two thoughts well here browser or rather let me clarify one thing this thing here is that other uh keyword an attribute an attribute is something that modifies the behavior of a tag so it's similar to an argument in C or in Python like a parameter to a function these aren't functions but it's the same idea it just modifies the default behavior of something instead Lang equals you can probably guess just means that hey browser assume that everything Hereafter is in English and that might be useful for like Google translate or just search engine optimization so that just the server the browser know like what human language you have actual content in like hello title hello body even though a good computer can probably infer from Context often all right so that's an attribute that's a tag and the whole thing here everything in between the start tag and end tag we would also call an HTML element that just means everything related to that open and close tag all right now notice indented inside of so to speak the HTML open and close tag are another pair of tags the head tag and the body tag or the head element collectively and the body element collectively and same idea hey browser here comes the head of my page hey browser that's it for the head hey browser here comes the body of my page hey browser that's it for the body the head is essentially the tiny little strip at the very top including the tab itself the body is like 95% of everything else the big rectangular region what's inside of your title at the at of your head of the web page at the moment just the title so this indicates hey browser Here Comes My Title hey browser that's it for the title the title of course is literally quote unquote hello comma title meanwhile if we bounce back out here is the uh second element inside of the HTML tag uh this says Hey browser here comes the body hey browser that's it for the body and hey browser this is the contents these are the contents of the body itself now the indentation is a stylistic thing I did it just to be sort of neat and en TIY because it suggests what is inside of what but it also suggests a sort of hierarchy and in fact we'll use terminology from like the world of family trees if this is like a parent so to speak head and body would be the child elements of the HTML tag meanwhile title is a child of the head tag or equivalently tital is a grandchild of HTML so you can use the same sort of vernacular as in the human world when it comes to uh familial relationships too and that just H set again the same hierarchy so we have tags and they include HTML head title body and that's it for now we have attributes we've seen one example of them Lang but we'll see many other examples of the same idea but these building blocks are exactly the same generally you start a thought you finish a thought and you might do something in between questions on this basic structure of any web page any questions at all no all right so let's now now allow things to ramp up a little more interestingly and do something with these building blocks but so that you have a mental model for everything that's going on here on after think of this same HTML being related in spirit to week five when we talked all about data structures if I really wanted to I could take to heart this idea of children and parents and grandparents and really depict this thing graphically and in fact this tree here if you will and it's not a binary tree it's not a binary search tree it's just a tree uh used week five's terminology if this special node here represents the whole document well the root element as I called it is HTML HTML has two children head and body the head tag has in turn a title uh child and in turn has some text just as the body has some text and so this is what your browser is doing you and I the programmers write this stuff the browser reads this code top to bottom left to right whenever you visit a website and inside of the computer's memory Chrome Edge Firefox Safari what what not they build this data structure in the computer's memory so as to know what it is you have told them to do and we'll see over time at the end of today you can write code in an actual programming language JavaScript to maybe dynamically add or remove things from this tree and this is how things like Gmail work when you open up your Gmail inbox if you're a Gmail user if you just stay there long enough you'll probably get more and more mail and what happens you don't have to like reload the page or rebuild the tree per se it just all of a sudden appears at the top at the top at the top what's happening there is that Google wrote some code that just keeps adding more nodes to this tree every time they realize you've got a new message again and again so that's the relationship now even with this world of HTML with all of the programmatic ideas we looked at in the past all right so let's go ahead and do something with this that's a little more interesting than just hello itself I'm going to go ahead and hide my terminal window because the server is now running and all I want to do now is experiment with uh hello and other examples as well let me go ahead and actually before I do that let me go ahead and run uh code of paragraphs. HTML just so I can keep my code separate and now I'll hide the terminal window again um paragraphs. HTML I'm going to do almost exactly the same let me go ahead and start with something familiar and eventually I'll start copying and pasting just to save time so doc type HTML is always there open the HTML tag and now notice I didn't type the rest of that just like with C just like with python we try to save you some keystrokes by closing parentheses adding quotes the HTML support in VSS code is pretty good too and it tries to finish your thought when it comes to tags as well it can screw things up if you if it does something you don't want it to do so sometimes you have to delete but it's just autocomplete as we've seen before uh let's go ahead and let me add Lang equals as all of my examples today will be let's add the head tag let's go and proactively add the body tag and now let's go ahead and give this a title tag uh which has a I'll just call this paragraphs just so I remember which example is what now notice all of this white space and all of this neat and tidy indentation the browser ultimately is not going to care about this is just for us humans to kind of keep ourselves saying when we look at the code it's just easier to read but strictly speaking I could minimally delete all of this white space and I could just move all of this tag up to the same line both I think are fine I'll just going to follow a certain convention but this too would have the exact same meaning but we'll see where that detail about whites space could potentially get us into trouble later in my paragraphs tag let's do this in advance I've written up some Latin like text a really long paragraph of Latin like text like this it's actually random nonsense it's not real Latin even though a couple of the words might look familiar and so here we have three paragraphs of text and I've deliberately hit enter in between them so that just like an essay in Google Docs or Microsoft Word hopefully I'll see three separate paragraphs let me now change tabs and I'll close hello.html from before I'm going to go back to my other tab here I'm going to click back to go back to that index of all of my files which I started at earlier and you'll see now that I have two files because I obviously just created a second file called paragraphs. HTML so let's click on this to see our three paragraphs of Latin like text and voila I'll zoom out all right first bug if you will this just looks like one massive blob of text not three Blobs of text and why might that be borrowing the the hint I offered a moment ago why are we not seeing break yeah so we need some kind of line breaks here because the browser turns out is only going to take us literally and if you just give it text text text it's just going to show you text and anytime there's more than a single white space whether it's two or 20 or 200 it's going to just assume that you did that just to be neat and tidy and it's going to collapse them into just one space visually like this so there are in fact a couple of solutions one is this here I could add some explicit line breaks and it turns out that there's a br tag like this and just for uh visibility sake let me do two of them so like hitting enter enter on my keyboard I'll do it here too BR for break break and now let me go back to my other tab nothing's changed yet but that's because I have to reload I've changed it on the server but now I need to change it in the browser by reloading and now it looks a little better albeit nonsensical but you'll know is a curiosity per this BR tag this is kind of poorly designed it's a little hackish to just say enter enter and make the browser do this breaks line breaks don't actually require Clos tags or end tags so not all tags need to be closed at least those that it just makes no semantic sense to close them right like the break is there or it's not you can't imagine like starting to move to the next line and then eventually getting around to finishing like it's either there or it's not so some tags do not have closed tags as necessary but there's a more elegant way here I dare say not just sort of hackish putting in these line breaks let me do this instead I'll delete those and let me go ahead and as the name of this file suggests let me add a paragraph tag now here I need to fight with vs codes autocomplete because I don't want to finish the sentence uh the thought there let me go ahead and open the paragraph tag and close a paragraph tag and just to keep things tidy I'll go ahead and indent two even though the indentation itself doesn't matter let me go ahead and create another tag for opening this paragraph and I'll close this one here and now let me see sometimes it's fighting with my auto complete but that's fine because I did this sort of the wrong way at first and now let me go ahead and finish this thought by closing this paragraph tag here and I've manually fixed all of my indentation so now on line 10 I have the equivalent of hey browser start a paragraph and then it does the Latin like text then on line 12 hey browser that's it for this paragraph and repeat repeat repeat if I now go back to my other Tab and reload again shouldn't be all that different but semantically it's a little bit better why because just saying break break doesn't really mean anything but by saying paragraph paragraph paragraph now there's some more semantic information there now if like Google is analyzing your page or if the programmer is trying to understand what it is you did in the past when writing this code you just know semantically oh this is a paragraph This is a paragraph This is a paragraph just like in a book or or an essay so it's a little more clear focusing more on what it is not how you want to display it any questions then on these paragraphs now all right so a few more tags and indeed these first few examples will really just be like sort of bang bang bang just a bunch of different vocabulary words in the form of these new tags but we won't go through the entire laundry list of tags this is indeed the thing for which web references and books and the like are ultimately helpful just like a dictionary in the real world so I'm going to go ahead and do this let me go ahead and copy this let me create a new file called headings. HTML just so we have a new file for this to save time I'm just going to paste that exact same code just to get me started I'm going to change the title of it for clarity for the code online to headings and now just like a book or an essay or a thesis let me actually put some actual headings here now if my first heading like chapter one I could do something like this up here I could have a paragraph like I just learned and I could say something like chapter one here but that's not really a paragraph and so it's sort of better designed to tell the browser and really tell the world what it is so it turns out there's another tag I can use like H1 for heading and like most important heading and in here I'm just going to keep it simple and I'm going to say something like one and in fact this is so short here's a good candidate for just keeping this all on the same line but this has no functional difference but it'll just make it a little tur more tur on the screen now let me go ahead down here and I could have multiple headings so H1 2 and down here I could have another one H1 three and if I go back to my other tab I reload it now we should see just like a book or an essay now we have some proper now we have some oops I have to go to the right file sorry if I go back to the index now we see the new third file called headings. HTML and now we indeed see some fairly pretty if simple headings as well now if these aren't three chapters 1 two three but maybe it's a chapter then a section then a subsection such that just visually you want things to get smaller and smaller well those exist too and in fact you can do H1 through H6 H1 a little paradoxically is the biggest and boldest H6 is the smallest but still bold so it might make sense to make this H2 both open and close and maybe this H3 open and close if again this is a section or a subsection inside of that chapter if I reload now notice just gets a little smaller so it's more similar to what you'd see on the printed page but this now is just another three tags that I might use in my own code all right well how about lists of things I have three paragraphs here but let's do this let me go back to vs code I'm going to copy this code so I have a starting point I'm going to create a new file called say list. HTML here I'm going to copy paste I'm going to change my title to be list just for clarity and in here I'm going to go ahead and get rid of this whole body because let's move away from these massive paragraphs and keep it simpler for now if I want to have a list of things uh for instance uh if you haven't seen these already a computer scientist when they're fishing for just some arbitrary meaningless words uh they often use Foo bar and baz just as their go-to just like a mathematician might use XY Z for variables so Fu bar and baz are on three separate lines and maybe this is like my to-do list or my shopping list but you can probably imagine if I go back to my other tab go back to the index I now see my new file list. HTML but it's probably going to look wrong I think I'm just going to say yeah Fubar baz all in one breath if you will the not on new line and you can try to fight this like you can be like really want to put some line breaks there go back and reload it's still not going to make any change how do I want to fix this well I can do this in a few ways I could make them paragraphs but they're not really paragraphs they're a list so I'm going to use a different tag instead I'm going to create for instance an unordered list using the UL tag open and close inside of that I'm going to use the list item tag Li I and I'm going to say Foo inside of another tag I'm going to say bar inside of a third tag open and close I'm going to say baz so it's getting a little verbose but it's still relatively succinct Li is all you need type for list item UL is all you need type for unordered list so there's some shorthand syntax here that's adopted if I now reload you're going to see a so-called unordered list like not sorted which means by convention to show it as bullets though it could be displayed in different ways visually as well if you actually change your mind and you realize oh I'd really like to number this well you could obviously like just add one and two and three but that's going to get annoying especially if the list grows you want to change something insert something in the middle then you have to reorder it I mean we using computers here they can do this for us so we can change the UL to any guesses o maybe for ordered list which is sort of the opposite here so let's try changing that to O let me go back to my browser and I'm just hitting command r or controlr to reload the page instead of clicking the button every time now I automatically get 1 2 and three and you can even override the Aesthetics using different numera bles or symbology instead but that would be perhaps the most common there as well all right it's a lot of tags quickly but any questions on lists paragraphs headings or the like no all right so let me go ahead and propose this here um let's go ahead and create what we'll call a table so let me copy and paste this into a new file code of table. HTML and in table. HTML let me again rename the title to table let me get rid of that ordered list from before and let me now use a table tag open and close this one's a little weird but inside of a table you typically have a head of the table so uh I'll say well let's say the first row we'll keep this one simple a table row or TR inside of a table row you would ideally have columns but that's not the nomenclature instead you have data so TD for table data and let me go ahead and just have the first datm be one I'm just going to arbitrarily do 1 two three just so we have something to play with and you know what just for demonstration sake I am going to deliberately copy paste this twice and I'm just going to manually change the numbers just so we can see what I'm creating 789 and then maybe just for good measure if you're seeing where this is going let me copy this one more time and give myself a final row with an asterisk a zero and a pound sign if maybe you see where this is going let me go back to my other tab let me go back to the index there's my new file table. HTML I'll click that and while it's not very pretty I'll zoom in it's indeed a table of data I happen to mimic like a key uh a telephone keypad but you could imagine this being much juicier much more interesting scientific or financial data or the like laid out into these rows TRS and these columns AKA table data as well so we have that ability as well for structured data now of course the internet um has lots of images on it and in fact this is all just text how can we introduce images well let me go ahead and do this let me first uh sort of semi secretly copy an image file that I brought from uh earlier just so we have something to play with and I have in my account here now an image called harbor. JPEG and I uploaded this semi- secretly a second ago into my account so that I can reference a second file let me go ahead and copy this HTML just to save myself some keystrokes let me go ahead and do code of image. HTML and let me paste that code and hide my terminal window I'm going to get rid of all of this table as just uninteresting now we're going to make this even simpler by changing my title to image to keep all these demonstrations uh separate and now if I want to make a web page that when visited shows us a picture of Harvard well there's an image tag abbreviated IMG for short I can specify what the source of that image is and if my file a JPEG in this case is literally in the same folder I can just say quote unquote harvard. jpeg if it's in a folder I should mention the folder name in a slash or something like that if the image is on the internet somewhere with a URL I could also have a whole URL https colon and then the URL of the image but I upload it in in advance now this is just going to visually display on the screen but not everyone of course can see images screen readers might need a bit of assistance and even search engines might want to analyze the page and know what this is an image of now machine learning and artificial intelligence are maybe getting better to be fair at figuring out just by analyzing images what they are but they're certainly imperfect I am a human I know pretty well what I took a photo of for instance so maybe what I should do proactively which would be good for accessibility is have this alt tag for alternative text and then literally say like Harvard University so that someone who can't see or so that a a server can actually know with higher probability what it is uh they're looking at and I could be even more detailed than just a phrase I could describe the image as well all right let me go back to my index in the second tab let me go back and zoom back out there's my new file and there's my new JPEG that I quickly uploaded before I can click now on image. HTML and albeit a little overwhelming that is a really big image of harvor now apparently it's too big to fit on the screen so this isn't the best user experience to have to scroll up okay so there's the image horrible horrible design if you will at least in terms of my code but there's going to be ways where I can sort of rein that in and affect the height or the width as well but for now it's just deliberately a little overwhelming instead now we can do something a little more fun and topical today uh which might be to use an IM a video instead so let me go ahead here and very quickly grab another file today which is uh I brought in advance and that you might have seen briefly earlier which is an MP4 an actual video file and what I'm going to do here by revealing vs code again is I'm going to code a file called video. HTML get another demonstration here I'm going to change my title to video just to keep these things straight and instead of the image tag you might imagine using now indeed a video tag and this is a relatively newer tag that has increasing support among browsers so it's good now to use and inside of this the syntax is a little different you specify and this is weirdly annoyingly in consistent not SRC for Source you literally say source and then in Source you use a source attribute horrible design semantically but like this is what we're stuck with halloween. MP4 is the name of the video we uploaded in advance made by some of harder Harvard's digital artists and the type of this video so that the browser knows for sure is video/ MP4 that's a so-called content type that you just know or you look up to figure it out and just so that this is as animated as possible I'm going to tell the video tag with a few attributes to autoplay and it turns out that attributes often have key value pairs whereby it's the key the attribute name equals quote unquote some value just like Lang equals quote unquote for English but not all attributes need values in fact if you read the documentation for html's video tag there's an autoplay attribute where you can literally just say the key and it needs no value it's just going to mean autoplay and if you don't want to autoplay you just omit it alt together so so you don't necessarily need a value on or off uh I want the thing to Loop just so it keeps going I want it to be muted so that we don't hear any sound in fact there is no sound but browsers nowadays for anti-spam and advertising reasons often will not play a video if it has sound because it's just kind of obnoxious if you visit a page and all of a sudden your speakers start blaring so I know this from having read up on this that I should mute it so if I want it to actually autoplay for real and then I'll set the width manually for now to be like 128 pixels across just from some trial and error earlier and that with attribute does have a value now I'm being a little um a little uptight here by alphabetizing all of my attributes not at all necessary I do it just so I can skim things faster and know if something is there or not so for me it's just a matter of style let me go back to my other tab go back to my index and you'll see two new files again the mp4 file and video. HTML I'll click on the ladder and if I did this well here we have thank thanks to our friends in Harvard U our artistic friends at Harvard very like an oo would help with the drama here but okay but we have a very dramatic nice Halloween type view here as well so we have videos embedded as well and suffice it to say there's ways to embed YouTube videos or Vimeo or other services as well using yet more tags too but the web is of course all about hyperlink Hyper text markup language where you click on something and you end up somewhere else and this is how the web is so powerfully interconnected so how do we start creating links from one website or web page to another either that I made or someone else well let me go ahead and open back up my terminal window and let's create a file called link. HTML just to demonstrate what you and I know as a link I'll hide my terminal window now let me copy paste just to save myself some keystrokes and let me get rid of the video tag so we can focus now on links suppose that I want you to visit Harvard virtually well I could say something like visit uh Harvard period this is uninteresting because it's just going to be text I probably want you to actually visit instead more specifically and I'll lower case it just to be consistent with what browsers do in the address bar all right let me go now to the video uh back to this video Tab and go back where we now see my index I'll Zoom back in and there's link. HTML unfortunately when I click this and I'll zoom in you literally just see the text that I wrote and yet on every social media platform nowadays except like Instagram when you type a URL or what looks like a URL even if you didn't bother with the HTTP or https it usually automatically links it for you on Facebook on Twitter and other sites as well that's just a convenience Discord and slack do that too but they're just doing it to make things more userfriendly but they have to generate HTML with the proper tags and attributes so to get this to actually work it's not even good enough to say https because if I go back now and reload now you'll literally just see all of that as text if you want the browser to treat this as a link you need to use the anchor tag it'd be great if it were called the link tag but it's not it's called The Anchor tag or a for short and the way you reference the URL to which you want to lead the user is via href for hyper reference this is one of the earliest tags perhaps among the most Arcane now but if I then put that whole URL in quotes and close my tag I now have to opportunity to finish my thought in between the start tag and the end tag for this anchor and what I put in between the start and end tag is whatever the human's going to see so here I can say Harvard I can go back to my other tab I can reload the page and now you see the familiar blue underline this now is an actual link and if I click it I'll be whisked away to the actual Harvard websites but there's a risk here can anyone imagine pretty simply after like what 60 seconds of the link tag of the anchor tag how could someone an adversary misuse this tag alone How could a website run by an adversary How could a spammer misuse this tag do you think yeah yeah absolutely you could have it say one thing but lead another lead elsewhere so I could say Yale in here nothing stopping me as the developer go back to the page reload now it says visit Yale you click on Yale and voila you end up applying to the wrong place instead now there's some hints of this I could hover over this and super small like this isn't very good for your anti-hacking techniques but way down here you can actually see the URL that it's going to go to in most browsers indeed do this at least on desktops and laptops so it's a little bit of a hint but what you're seeing here even though this is kind of a silly um uh playful example this is exactly how fishing attacks work p i sh iing work whereby an adversary tells you to log into your PayPal account but it doesn't go to it goes to some other random website that they bought and built that then tries to collect your username and password and stored in their database so now they can log into your PayPal account as you and it boils down to that simple primitive and you can be even more manipulative to you can even say the whole URL for Yale like or Worse htps reload that and now who I mean who among you and people in your lives are necessarily going to be so paranoid as to not just blindly click on that URL this is why just being a defensive real world person nowadays digitally is just ever more so important so these same things that can be used for good or uh benign use cases can also be used for ill purposes too and it is literally that simple questions now on any of these tags thus far just a few more to offer up any questions on this here no well let me open up a couple that I brought in advance just so we don't have to type all of them here um if you for instance have a web page that's got quite a bit of code let me go ahead and grab from the website a couple of examples real fast here namely one that we'll call how about uh meta HTML and in this example here give me just a moment to full screen it we're going to have a file So codem Meta HTML I'll open this up next no relationship to what we now know as meta the company but rather this is going to be a page that I copied and pasted the same chunk of Latin like text from earlier so it's going to be a really big paragraph of text and this is an example where if you were to open this web page not on my own Mac or your PC but on your phone the font might actually be really annoying and difficult to read why because your phone's going to try to squeeze all of the content onto the tiny viewport the rectangular region of your phone instead so it turns out there are ways pretty easy ways to make your website mobile friendly as well Otherwise Known technically as responsive and the easiest way to do this is to include this tag here a meta tag again no relationship to Facebook this has been here much longer and this case here this meta tag online five has its own sort of approach to key value pairs this is a good example of where it'd be nice if it looked just like everything else but this is what we have historically you can have a meta tag with an attribute called name that refers to the name of some feature of the browser in this case viewport is the technical term for like the big rectangular region to which I keep referring the body really of your page the content for the viewport you can say some AR esoteric details like this the initial scale should be one that is no matter who visits your site it shouldn't start zoomed in it shouldn't start zoomed out it should start at just the default sizing and then this here with equals device width is a very arcane way of saying if the user has a small screen show the text proportional to that size don't just try to cram it all into a tiny little window so it's super simple but if for the next problem set or future projects as well you find that just things look really bad on mobile like this kind of tag is the place to start meta there aren't terribly many of these that you'll use but they're useful for other mechanisms as well in fact let me go ahead and semi secretly pull up one other example as well whereby I'm going to grab another example that uses more of these tags and in just a moment I'll reveal it here give me just one second here I'll have I'll propose that in this example of meta we now add these properties instead so I copy pasted this from an existing file just so as to not waste time typing all of these out if you've ever shared a URL on Facebook or Twitter or slack or Discord order any number of websites nowadays that automatically show a nice preview where you sudden instantly see like the default image of the page maybe a few sentences or words of text or something like that sometimes those applications those websites will just choose like the first image it finds on the website or the first sentence it sees and show that but that might not be very user friendly or search engine friendly and so a prog a developer might want to control what it is that slack Discord Facebook Twitter and other such sites show by default for that can use nowadays what are called open graph tags which is to say there's other uses of the meta tag and you just look these things up even I had to look this up to remember what the key value pairs are the meta tag can also have a property attribute that can be these very specific strings OG title OG description OG image which denotes open graph which again is this standard that's evolved in recent years and what you can do here is tell browsers and in turn servers what you want them to show as the default title of the page P the description of the page and even the default image just so you can exercise more control when sharing things socially nowadays as well again it just boils down to these key value pairs this is absolutely the kind of thing you look up as needed to cross check but those capabilities are there and so literally the next time you paste a link into slack or Discord or any online site that then displays it in embedded fashion just know that all this time a little bit of textual code like this in HTML has been there by whoever authored the site all right let's do one final example in HTML alone before we transition to just cleaning up the Aesthetics and improving the visuals of everything we've been creating let me go ahead here and close meta HTML let me code up a new file called how about search. HTML and see if we can't draw some inspiration from our cursory understanding earlier of how URLs work to see if we can't reinvent itself so recall that a canonical URL might look like this here and in particular if you want to pass in user input to that URL again you can potentially have a question mark and then a key equals value pair or for that matter you can even have multiple key value pairs that by convention are separated by ampers sense these things are everywhere like later today when you pull up almost any website in your browser look at the URL and you'll just see a lot of this a lot of noise too and distractions but there's going to be some equal signs most likely Andor some ampersands as well and those are just separating key value pairs now what can I do here well if you think back to how we manually searched for cats earlier let me quickly do this I'll do this one manually doc type HTML as my very first line HTML tag with how about my Lang attribute for English up here and then inside of this I'll have a head tag inside of this I'll have a title I'll call this example uh search and then down here I'll have my beginning of a body tag and now let me introduce you to really a final tag for now uh a form tag which will create a web form the thing with text boxes and buttons that you and I use every day on any number of websites inside of this form I'm going to have an input like a text box whose name is going to be Q for query because I'm trying to re-implement Google here uh the uh type of that I want to be a text box or if I know I'm using this for search I can actually change this to a search box and it's going to let me it's going to generally put a little X there so you can clear it quickly that's a nice little enhancement as well and then I'm going to give myself a submit button by doing input whoops I'm going to give myself a submit button by doing input type equals submit and then I'll leave that as such here all right now I need to do a little bit more but let's see how this looks let me go over to my other tab let me go back to my index and if I zoom out there is search. HTML I'll click it and there's not much going on here even if I zoom in but I do indeed have a really big text box and a submit button but I haven't in my HTML told anyone anywhere that I want this input whether I type cat or dog to go to so for that I need a couple of more attributes and I know this from having done this before and any online reference will say the same you can add an action attribute like what do you want the action of this form to be and you can put the URL to which you want this form to be submitted and I know from tinkering that it should be hdps search I don't need to put any question marks here myself but I do want the uh browser to do that for me so let me go back to my other tab let me reload and nothing visually has happened but watch this when I now type in cats but before I hit enter notice that I'm currently at some long crazy URL search. HTML is expected if I now go down to the submit button and click submit watch what happens to the URL and the page itself I'm whisked away to the actual and indeed there are those same cats and if I zoom in here you'll see that my URL has changed to be indeed SL search question mark Q equals cats so this is just how web forms work when you submit any form on the web in this way the browser automatically goes to that action URL adds a question mark puts any key value pairs that you manually typed into the text boxes and lets the server do its thing now here's where Chrome is starting to simplify things Safari does this too if you double click on your url now you see the full URL but if any parts are missing that's just a UI thing to eliminate visual distractions nowadays meanwhile if I go back to my own form if I search this time for dogs and hit enter now again the URL changes to be Q equals dogs and it all reduces to this basic building block of using an a form tag now I can be more explicit if I know I want to use get it which is actually the default I can literally say quote unquote get in all lowercase even though the verb earlier was by Design in uppercase but here now I'm just being ever more explicit if I don't want the label of this button to be very generically submit maybe I want it to be Google search quote unquote well if you read the documentation for forms you can actually change the value of the button to be quote unquote Google search and if I now go back here and reload I get a fresh form and now I get a button that literally says Google Search and if I tinker with this further because this isn't very user friendly there's even more attributes I can do I can add on my t uh search input a uh autoc complete equals uh off if I don't want to see my own history for whatever reason I don't want people knowing I'm searching for cats and dogs on this page I can autofocus on the text box so that it shows the cursor blinking in that box by default and I can even do something like this I can have a placeholder attribute that says something like query or some other documentation for the user and if I now go back and reload you'll see notice it says query and it's subtle but my cursor is already positioned there it gave it focus and I can type cats now without having to click in the Box manually which is just marginally better for the user's experience any questions now on all of this here any questions all right that too was a lot why don't we take a casual five minute break and when we resume we'll take a look at CSS add in some JavaScript and then wrap up so 5 minutes only for now all right we are back so that's technically it for HTML like here on out it'll be up to like online resources and references we point you to just to fill in your vocabulary for more tags and attributes but like conceptually that's it there's attributes uh there are tags and there are attributes and the rest of it really is just kind of a laundry list of capable uh possible features but it turns out too you'll see over time that you can even see the HTML for websit so for instance if I go over to in my browser which I'll go ahead in just a moment here here and do here and do https enter it again will pull up today's version of Harvard's website and if I rightclick or control click on it again and go to inspect you'll see those so-called developer tools and earlier we focused on the network tab just so we could see the HTTP stuff going on but what I glossed over earlier was the so-called elements tab which actually shows you the HTML underlying any web page on the internet and so for instance here is the underlying HTML for Harvard's homepage as of right now and aesthetically some of it's been collapsed so if I click on these various triangles I'll see what's actually inside of that is the children of some of these HTML tags but here on out if you're ever curious as to like how a web page uh made some feature visually you can just literally use these developer tools built into your own browser just to see what the uh web developer actually did and you can do things too like this like if you really like maybe uh let's see if you really like this menu in the top right hand corner of Harvard's website you can even rightclick that or control click that specifically choose inspect and what browsers will do is jump to the HTML corresponding to that visual element on the page and here you can see though we've not talked about this tag before there's a button tag there's an ID attribute and there's some other attributes as well that Define that button um you can do other things too in the web page let me scroll down for instance here and let's go actually let's go to another one like here in today's theme and suppose we want to do something like uh change the Aesthetics of this website well let's do how about this over here life at Yale let's rightclick on this choose inspect that's going to jump to that part of the page and notice what you can do here in this elements tab we can be a little a little playful in return today life at Harvard and voila we've now changed Yale's website it would seem so have we really like hopefully hacking is not actually this easy what did we actually do based on today's mental model like I have changed the page but yeah just changed how it is for me right because my browser just like with Phyllis and Brian from the GetGo requested Yale's web page I got back a virtual envelope containing that HTML as we've now called it my browser has a local copy it's got its own tree otherwise known as a Dom document object model built up in its memory and yeah I went to town and changed my copy of it but of course hopefully I've not changed the actual server and in fact if I reload Yale's website now hopefully it will revert back to indeed yep what it should be instead life at Yale but this ability in your own browser be it Chrome or Firefox or Edge or Safari to have these built-in developer tools are very powerful because it's going to enable you to not only diagnose problems that will invariably arise in the coming weeks with your own code but is also going to allow you to learn from other sites like how you can do things and Tinker as well but up until now we focused only on tags and attributes and on the structure of a web page let's now focus more on the Aesthetics and fine-tuning that it turns out that HTML has very limited support for anything aesthetic like font sizes and colors and so forth and in recent years people have used necessarily a second language called CSS not a programming language again a markup language if you will to just fine-tune the Aesthetics of a page font sizes colors margins and all of that so CSS is going to allow us to define a whole bunch of properties which is just another group of people's terminology for key value pairs indeed ever since week five like key value pairs are everywhere in the world not just at like sweet green and restaurants but indeed under in line code and languages and Technologies like these so properties is the new word in CSS for what a moment ago we called attributes in H but it's the same idea just different vocabulary that you get used to over time a few phrases I might use now and you'll hear in the coming days would be these type selector class selector ID selector attribute selector which just refer to different techniques we're about to see that are going to allow you to control more precisely the Aesthetics of specific things on the page and the way we're going to do this is we're going to take our basic HTML like we saw earlier and we're going to introduce in the next few minutes just a couple of more tags and or attributes one we're going to introduce you to a tag called style which nicely named allows you to um allows you to control the style the Aesthetics the visuals of the web page or we're going to introduce you to a link tag which very confusingly does not give you a link that you can click on it just links to another file that then gets automatically included or imported to borrow our language from C or in Python but same idea this will allow us to include secondary files and we're going to ultimately show you how you can leverage third third party Frameworks libraries that other people wrote so as to not get stuck in the weeds of all the fine tuning of Aesthetics and just make pretty things fast so you can focus really on the intellectually interesting part if that's your choice of building the content the site out the application out yourself all right so with that said let me go back to vs code here and let me go ahead and create a simple example called home.html like a very simple homepage for John Harvard for instance let me give myself three paragraphs initially the first of which is just going to have uh the person name the second paragraph is going to say something like welcome to my homepage uh to greet visitors and the third is going to be like a little footer like copyright uh how about John Harvard 1636 or something like that all right let me go back to my other tab as before reload my index there's my new file home.html and I'll click that and you'll see okay I mean this is sort of 1636 style web page super simple all text nothing really interesting going on there but we can start to style it a little differently like if the title of the page is John Harvard and then it's welcome to my homepage and then this less important footer why don't we have the text be large then medium then small so something arbitrary but a little more nuanced so let me go back to vs code here and in my home.html file let me introduce not yet the style tag but what I'm going to call temporarily the style attribute both indeed exist this one's simpler and it's going to be correct but we'll see in a moment not as well designed arguably as is often our narrative so inside of the style tag you can put this language called CSS key value pairs otherwise known as properties the only way you know what properties exist what keys exist is by taking a class reading a book looking at an online reference and we're going to give you just a sampling of what's out there so suppose I want to control the font size of this first paragraph I can literally say font Das size in all lower case colon and then a word like large or I can specify 12p point or 18 point or something more precise like that like from Google Docs or Microsoft Word and suppose I want to make this text down here uh medium well uh I'll do quote unquote font size colon medium and down here I'll do style equals uh font Das size small so I'm going to start with just these three key value pairs same key but different values I'll go back to my page and in a moment I'll reload and it's going to be somewhat subtle but watch how the font size do change when I reload now all right so got a little bigger middle one's about the same and the last one is a little smaller what if I want to center it just like many web pages have the text like this centered well I can separate these key value pairs with semicolons and I'm sorry semicolons are kind of sort of back with CSS but I can do text-align Colon Center strictly speaking I don't need the last semicolon if there's no more key value pairs but I'll just do it to be consistent uh text align Colon Center and then down here after another semicolon text align Colon Center all right let's go back reload now it's going to be much more obvious the change and we now have the beginnings of a homepage still pretty basic but at least it's a little more interesting turns out we can do a little better with the copyright symbol like most computers actually have support for a circle with a c in it but you can't just do that with uh text like this there's different ways to do this you could copy paste it from like a website that already has it so you don't have to figure out the mag iCal keystroke on your Mac or PC but there's also in HTML what are called entities and you can actually specify using heximal or decimal codes numbers like this H1 169 semicolon after an Amper sand and this is a special symbol that you can look up in any online reference for like special characters that are hard or impossible to type manually at your keyboard and this let me zoom in just so it's obvious if I reload now instead of being two parentheses and a c character now it's a proper Copyright symbol so you'll see these out there they're not necessarily that frequently used nowadays but it's good to know that they exist but let me go back now to my code and propose that while correct uh this is arguably not very welld designed and even if you've never seen HTML never seen CSS before what Instinct might you have for why this is poorly designed yeah there's repetition right in general in the past several weeks see python SQL like repetition generally bad and and sloppy and it's not going to scale well so the repetition I think you're probably alluding to is textalign Center textalign Center textalign Center well we can factor that out in CSS the C in CSS means cascading and this means that if you move some properties to like a parent or a grandparent uh the children or grandchildren will inherit those properties that is they will Cascade down the family tree so to speak and so so let me go ahead and remove all of these since I claim they're indeed redundant and let me preserve just one of them by well let me do this it's not quite right to put a a paragraph inside of a paragraph like that's just not a thing in English writing or in writing more generally so I'm going to do one thing first it turns out that these two are arguably not paragraphs right this is like a header the body the essence of the page and then the footer so if a paragraph isn't quite the right English semantics you can actually use more generically a tag that's all over the internet called div for division of the page and this is just a very generic term for like a big rectangular region that divides the page again and again just so that you can think about different regions now that I have div which really has no more meaning than that it's a division of the page interpret as you will now I can have multiple ones of these and let me go ahead and open a div tag here let me close a new div tag here and then just to keep everything tidy I'm going to highlight everything in between and hit Tab and that just automatically indents everything for me now I have a three divs inside of another div and that's totally fine this is very commonly done now I'm going to do this style equals quote unquote text align Colon Center semicolon or not and now I have some cascading capabilities now the parent of those three children John Harvard welome to my homepage and the copyright will now all inherit that property so when I hit reload nothing aesthetically has changed whoops sorry um I should have done reload slightly earlier when you use a div instead of a paragraph it actually gets rid of the par uh the space between those paragraphs it just sandwiches them a little closer together I can fix this in another way but that aside everything is still centered and the text is still large medium and small but I should have called out that change in the paragraph spacing but we could bring that back before long if we wanted now what more could I do to maybe improve this well strictly speaking I don't really need that parent div right because these three divs inside already had a parent so let me actually get rid of that new div just undo what I did I'll highlight this and if you haven't seen this trick shift tab will unindent nicely which is perhaps helpful I could just put that text align Center on the body tag so text align Colon Center quote unquote this two would work as well so long as you go up the family tree so to speak reload and now indeed there's nothing aesthetically that has changed this time but it turns out nowadays the web is getting a little more sophisticated and even though you will see so many examples online and tutorials and books using div div div div all over the place there are newer semantic tags semantic just means they have more meaning than this generic notion of a division and if you look up the a documentation for HTML you'll see that if you want to have a header on a page not a heading like H1 H2 but a header there's literally nowadays a header tag and this is marginally better because it now says what it is search engines like Google and Bing can detect oh that's the header of the page maybe we should use this and give it more prominence in the search results you can then have a main part of the page so literally a tag called main nowadays you can literally have a footer of the page and again these are often useful for screen readers to help recite things verbally for folks who might otherwise not be able to read them and probably these screen readers might highlight the header and the main part but maybe not might not spend time for the user on the footer which is arguably a little less important semantically usually um or search engines again now know what's the header what's the footer what's the main part of the page so they know what to search and analyze so this would arguably be a a better design nowadays as well but what else remains as a problem well this is now getting a little bit more subtle and takes some experience but this practice of putting HTML and CSS all in the same file it's a little sloppy why because it means I'm co-mingling my data with the presentation thereof like the juicy stuff I care about like John Harvard and the phrase welcome to my homepage and all of the Aesthetics that I might want to change over time and honestly because everything is currently in one big file it's going to make it really hard for me to collaborate with a classmate or a colleague at work so that maybe I do the HTML they do the CSS like uhuh not if you're all working in the same file it would be a nightmare even if you use vs code sharing feature like Google Docs and both are typing at the same time like you're going to mess up somehow it'd be nice if we could separate these two languages well one way to do that would be as follows let me get rid of all of the style tags sorry style attributes that I've added up until now on all four now of these tags and let me introduce the style tag that we saw on the slide earlier instead I'm going to go up here into the head of the page which is where technically these style tags must go so that they're already loaded into memory before the body is even analyzed by the browser and inside of the the style tag I'm actually going to select the HTML elements that I want to stylize if you will so if I want to change the body's Aesthetics I'm going to literally type the name of that tag body and then I'm sorry curly braces are back also from c u inside of these curly braces I'm going to put text align Center so the key value pairs are the same the only new thing I've done is I've moved some of the syntax up to this new style tag in the head if I want to now control the header tag as well I can use the same curly braces this is convention to put the open curly brace on the same line the closed curly brace on another the browser doesn't really care but this is a common CSS style convention I'm going to do font size large semicolon then for the main tag I'm going to do font size medium and then for the footer tag I'm going to do font size small so same exact thing and it's admittedly a little bit more verbose it's taking up more lines of code it doesn't all quite fit on the screen but if you scroll back down now and you'll acquire an eye for this this is just better like it's just more compact it's more readable the the content the data jumps out and there's no visual distractions like the CSS properties as before upside here too is that we don't actually need to uh this doesn't actually change the Aesthetics if I reload the same page it still looks the same but I've taken a step toward some slightly better design but let me propose that there's other ways to do this too we just selected things by way of their uh type so that was a so-called type selector when I literally just specifi the type of tag body header main footer but there's other ways that now we can lay the foundation for making reusable CSS that you and colleagues and classmates can use and reuse in multiple files and even in multiple projects so let me actually go ahead and do this instead of just very explicitly saying I want the body to be centered let me invent an adjective if you will and let me change this to do centered and this new uh this new vocabulary word centered will literally mean texal Center let me go ahead here and I'm just going to create a new adjective called large a new adjective called medium and a new adjective called small they are deliberately consistent with what the properties do but these are now my own vocabulary words and they are called classes so a class is just a collection of key value a collection of properties that you get to invent for yourself and what it lets you do now is this now if I want the whole body to be centered I can add this tag which we actually saw briefly in Yale's HTML class equals centered down here in the header if I want this to be large I can say class equals quote unquote large down here on Main I can say class equals quote unquote medium and down here I can have class equals quote unquote small now I have taken one step backward by read addding some of the Aesthetics to the page but it's not the actual properties it's not the key value pairs it's now more semantically nice because now I just know from reading the HTML what these things are going to look like whereas the implementation details for all four of those adjectives is now relegated up above and these are literally my words I could change it to Fu and use class equals quote unquote Foo but obviously that would not be the best choice of words in this case all right any questions on this this now is what we would call a class selector by using literally the dot even though the dot does not appear elsewhere but dot means this is a class these are not always the best syntactic design decisions that the world makes all right well one last trick then notice that this is a little Annoying that I'm still working in the same file and if my classmate wants to clean up my Aesthetics make my homepage look way better if my colleague wants to do the same wouldn't it be nice if we could actually move all of this code to a different function file like a python library or a c header file well you can let me go ahead and delete that whole style tag let me add a confusingly named link tag the href of which let's call a new file styles.css and let's say that the relationship of that file is that of stylesheet so this is a term of Art in the world of web development a stylesheet is a text file that contains lots of styles lots of CSS properties let me open my terminal real fast and let me do code of styles.css enter and in this file I'm going to paste all of those same lines as earlier but now they're in a separate file and indeed if I hide my terminal window and I give this file to a colleague they can now work on the Aesthetics of the page and make things a lot prettier than this maybe use specific font sizes maybe add colors and the like whereas I can focus entirely on the HTML because this file now will reference that other and if I go back to my other Tab and reload Cod the content's going to be exactly the same but now I'm using some separate file instead any questions now about these techniques here no all right so with that said let me show just one example now of what I called a moment ago Frameworks and this is where web development gets kind of fun at least if you like this especially if you like the sort of logical design the presentation of information you care about but you really don't want to struggle with like font sizes and colors and getting everything Pixel Perfect so to speak let me propose that I open up here an example in just a moment in vs code that I prepared in advance and this one is going to be an opportunity to consider how you might take some of the data from last week which we had wherein we collected everyone's favorites and lay it out in a really big HTML table so I wrote this out in advance because it was a huge amount of data but it's the same data from the Google form from last week and you'll see already the hints of a table tag and these TRS and I added a few other tags for Aesthetics it turns out when you have a more visually interesting header for your table there's another tag called T head there's another tag called T body these are not all that intellectually interesting I just read the documentation and realized oh to make things prettier I need a t head a t body and so forth but what's interesting here is that if I go to my index here and open this file called favorites. HTML here is all of the data from last week's Google spreadsheet which we exported as CS and I manually before class converted to just HTML it's indeed a table but it's really not pretty like the columns are really close together it's kind of hard to distinguish one row from another but this is just raw HTML written by me now I could use CSS and some of the tricks we just saw to maybe change font size there's ways to change color background color and a lot of things like that but honestly other surely other people in the world have presented tabular data in pretty ways right I've been to many websites that have prettier tables than M can I maybe use someone else's framework someone else's CSS include it in my page but then stand on their shoulders and just make my stuff look prettier well I dare say I can let me go ahead here and semi secretly open up vs code again and let me grab a slightly different version of favorites. HTML that I also opened in advance wherein I add this line of code instead give me just a moment to foreground this version and the data is is all the same as before but I've added one of these link tags and I'm not linking to my own styles.css I'm using a popular Library called bootstrap and bootstrap is just one of many popular libraries out there free at that that has a whole bunch of CSS files and soon JavaScript files that you can just use for free in your own projects personally or professionally that just make things look and behave better without you having to reinvent Wheels now to access their CSS I had to read their documentation and grab this very long URL here but it's the same idea link a forre equals quote unquote something and I read their documentation and they told me to add this they told me that if I want my tables to be prettier I have to add a class attribute to my own table tag and specify a little weirdly but this is what bootstrap told me to do a class called table and that will make it a prettier bootstrap table and if I want to stripe it like every other row is gray instead of white just to make it pop a little more visually I can also add a second class separated by a space called table striped that's all I did I added line five and I changed line nine and that is it the rest of the hundreds of lines in favorites. HTML are the same but if I go back here now and reload the browser now thanks to bootstrap voila like it's much prettier now I can zoom out and that changes the font size just locally for me and even if you don't love their Aesthetics I mean this is easily better than my own there and it turns out we can can do even better by adding interactivity to this too but to do that we're going to need one final language for today and this one is an actual programming language and we won't use it all that much in cs50 but we introduce it here as we begin web stuff because there's just so many free libraries and professional libraries that you can use just to make your web applications fancier and more interactive mobile applications as well increasingly use HTML CSS and JavaScript to power our iPhones and Android devices as well so a quick tour some syntax and then we'll conclude with just some hopefully inspiring examples to give you a taste of what JavaScript can do so JavaScript supports conditionals just like C and python before it if we rewind to our scratch days here of course is a conditional here is the corresponding JavaScript code as of today it's pretty much identical to see with the syntax here uh if we had an if an if else in scratch it looked like this in JavaScript it's going to look like this instead so it's a bit of a regression V ofv python like the the parentheses are back the curly braces are back the semicolons I mentioned in CSS are also back in JavaScript potentially but it's familiar is the point here and it's a different language that's frequently used for the web whereas you can't use python in the ways we're about to use JavaScript it just wasn't designed for that purpose meanwhile if you have an if El it's else if else in scratch well in JavaScript just like in C it's going to look like this instead variables in JavaScript of course are a thing too and in scratch we might have initialized a counter variable to Z in JavaScript a few different ways to do this and just the for now the keyword is let it's sort of a polite way of asking for a variable let uh counter equal zero semicolon so you don't mention the type but you do use a keyword here in this case called let if you want to increment counter by one few different ways in JavaScript you can do this just like in C in JavaScript you can do this just like in C and in Python in JavaScript you can also get this so plus plus is back so maybe that counterbalances the other syntax as well that was was not the case in Python Loops are back of course in JavaScript whereas in scratch you could repeat three times like this in JavaScript it's pretty much just like C the only difference here is that you say let instead of int for an example like this meanwhile if you want to do something forever in scratch in JavaScript just like in C you say while true in this case so this is to say we're sort of comfortable spending relatively little time on JavaScript at least for today's purposes because syntactically it's really the same as we've seen before with maybe a slight variance here or there but what's interesting today arguably is just what kinds of things you can do with it so with that said what kinds of things can we do it's all comes back to this picture if this is a simple web page on the left and this is the corresponding tree or Dom document object model on the right that is the tree the browser automatically creates in memory or RAM for you JavaScript is now a proper programming language that lets us dynamically manipul ulate like read data from this change this and this is how Google for instance implements your inbox they might have uh in your inbox it's like a table so TR TR TR TR probably something like that or heck maybe div div div div using JavaScript anytime they realize someone sent you new mail they can create a new node a new rectangle in memory and you the human see a new div or a new TR again and again and again so with JavaScript you just have the ability to control the user's experience and instead of like I've been doing constantly hitting reload in the page to see some new content to see some new content JavaScript can be running 247 so that you can actually see all of these changes live all right let's go about writing some JavaScript code now instead of writing it on the server and executing it on the server we're going to actually use a very common Paradigm whereas JavaScript is actually executed in the browser client side that is to say we can actually start writing some JavaScript code inside of our own HTML file so that when a user visits that web page with their browser not only is the HTML and any CSS downloaded to the user's browser so is that JavaScript code so that it's executed indeed client side on the browser rather than server side as has been the case with python in previous weeks well where do we go about writing some JavaScript code let's go ahead and revisit hello.html which previously was a completely static example that literally just said hello title hello body indeed if I open this up using HTTP server and view it now in a separate tab all it said was exactly that hello title in the tab and hello body in the main part of the viewport so to speak well let's make this example a little more Dynamic so it doesn't just say hello body but maybe says hello to an actual person so let's go ahead and do this let's go ahead and remove the hardcoded hello body and let's actually go ahead here and use a form tag but we're not going to use this form in the usual way whereby the data gets sent all the way back to the server we're going to Leverage control over this form client side instead so I'm going to go ahead and create this open form tag close form tag inside of that let me give myself a text input that's going to have autocomplete equals quote unquote off just to ensure that what I previously type in my examples doesn't reappear accidentally we're going to autofocus it so that the cursor is blinking right there in that text box and this time I'm going to go ahead and give it how about a uh placeholder of quote unquote name to make clear that prompting the user for their name and then the type of this text box will be the default or more explicitly here text and then I'm going to have as we've seen before a button the type of which is submit also our typical default and then inside of this button is going to be the label how about something like uh how about we'll call this greet so that's what the button will actually say well let me actually go back into my browser tab let me reload this page and we should now see a relatively simple form whereby I have the cursor blinking on a text inp input prompting the user for their name and then a greet button that I can click but if I click this button now it's not going to do anything useful because I haven't written any code to tell the browser what to do when I click that button but it turns out there's all sorts of events in the world of JavaScript that you can listen for so to speak in fact here's just a list of some of them anytime something changes in a form field anytime the user clicks or drags on something anytime the user presses a key and maybe lifts their finger up anytime the mouse goes down or over or up on top of something or anytime a form is submitted those are events in the same way that we talked about events back in week zero in scratch and in JavaScript just like in scratch where you can do something when green flag clicked in JavaScript you can write code that actually listens for any of these events or more so with that said let's go back to vs code here and let's make a couple of changes instead let's go ahead and add to this form a new attribute that's not the best way to do it but it's perhaps the simplest for version one here and let's say onsubmit do the following so onsubmit is an HTML attribute and curiously its value inside of the quotes there can actually be some JavaScript code and let's go ahead now and let's assume there exists a function in the world called greet and what I want to do is call that function right then and there well now in JavaScript how do I go about making that function exist it doesn't come out of the box just like print might or say might in python or scratch respectively but I can do this let me go up into the head of this page inside of a script tag here both open and close let me actually write some JavaScript code and just so it stands out I'm going to give myself a couple of blank lines though not strictly necessary and let me Define a new function in JavaScript called greet and this is the syntax in JavaScript for creating your own function similar in Python instead of saying defa in JavaScript you just say function then the name of the function and any arguments within the parentheses thereafter but I'm not going to pass in any here then inside of curly braces what I'm going to do is use a built-in JavaScript function that comes with any browser called alert it's not the best or prettiest user interface but for now it's going to get the job done what do I want to say to the user well let's first just say something simple like hello comma World close quote semicolon thereby alerting the user with precisely that message now what I'm going to do down here is make one other change I don't want this form to actually get submitted to the server just like we've seen in the past when you submit a form it often goes to something like search I actually want my JavaScript code to take control over the entire user experience of this form so that I'm just using the form as a user input mechanism not to actually send via get or post this data to some other server including my own so this is going to look a little ugly but after calling greet I'm actually going to do this which I've read the documentation about and I know that if you actually hardcode return false here that just tells the browser please don't actually submit the form only call the Greet function all right well let me go back to my browser here let me reload this because I need to download the latest version of the JavaScript code and I'm just going to go ahead without even typing my name I'm going to click on the Greet button and you'll see that Al be it a little cryptically at the top we see an alert that says hello world there's my ugly URL of my code space there at the moment but we do indeed see that string but what I haven't of course done is taken any actual name from the user so how can we go about doing that well ideally I want to alert the user with hello comma David or hello comma Carter whatever a name I type into that box so how can I go about doing that well let me create a variable called name and let me set it equal to this function call document. query selector that comes with JavaScript itself let me then in parenthesis pass in an argument that is going to be huh the ID the unique I need a unique identifier for the thing I want to select so let me actually go back to my HTML code here and instead of giving this form field a name like Q for query let me actually use another HTML attribute called ID where now I can call this anything I want and for clarity I'm just going to call this input element uniquely name now up here in query selector just like in CSS where you can use hashes and dots and other symbology in order to select certain nodes in your Dom that is rectangles in that memory tree well I can go ahead and select hash name which again is just the Syntax for uniquely selecting the element whose ID is in this case name so you have the hash up here you don't need the hash as the value of the attribute down here on line 20 and now if I want to actually get the value of that text box I literally just say do value so document refers to the whole web page itself query selector is a function that's built into that object so to speak and the value accessible via value just like a c stru or even a python class allows me to go inside of that text field and get whatever the value the user has typed in now as I've uh been able to do in languages like python pretty Le fairly readily I can concatenate this name onto the string hello comma space so as to form a complete phrase and you'll notice here that I'm actually using single quotes in my JavaScript double quotes in my HTML this is perhaps a common convention in JavaScript the language does not care if you use double quotes or single quotes but I dare say single quotes are just more common and so that's what I've done here all right now as always I'm going to cross my fingers go back to this page I'm going to reload because I've changed the JavaScript and I need my browser to download it and now I'm going to type in my name for instance David click greets with fingers crossed and voila now I see hello comma David all right so it turns out that while functional this isn't the best design and co-mingling your uh HTML with your JavaScript script code AS with this onsubmit attribute isn't particularly clean it's better as with CSS to keep your HTML over here your CSS over here and your JavaScript now over here so to speak and better still perhaps even in some separate files so how can I go about changing this a little bit well let me go ahead and actually let's go ahead and delete all of this code for just a moment and let me go and get rid of this on submit Handler down here and really just distill my HTML only into the HTML and the attributes therefore and what I'm instead going to do now is do this I can use JavaScript to achieve the listening for that submit event or that onsubmit event I don't need to actually use HTML for that I can use JavaScript entirely so it turns out I can access some other uh member of this document by doing document. query selector again but this time let's select the actual form tag and it doesn't have an ID because it has no ID in its HTML but it does have a tag name so just like in CSS when you can Target Elements by way of their name I'm just going to select the one and only form on this page by using that same query selector function and now I'm going to use another function that just comes with JavaScript in the context of browsers whereby once you select an element like that form I can call add event listener which is similar in spirit to scratches when green flag clicked or any block like that you can then tell the browser what event you want to listen for I want to listen for the submit event so you don't say onsubmit here now that we're in pure JavaScript you just say submit and now I can do something like this I can go ahead and say call the following function and I'm not even going to bother giving this function a name and that is allowed to in JavaScript as we saw briefly in Python and what I'm going to do now inside of curly braces after that keyword function is the same kind of code as before I'm going to do let name equals document. query selector I'm going to select that same IDE uh same Name ID as before and get its value and then I'm going to do alert and then pass in hello comma a single quote again after that concatenate with that the name and then semicolon but I need to do one other thing it turns out that this function and if you read the documentation for this technique actually takes automatically a special argument called by convention event and this is just an a variable if you will that refers to whatever event just happened in this case it's of course going to be submit but in other contexts it might be a click event a mouse down event or something else entirely so this allows me now to do this which is a little cryptic but you get used to these conventions I can use that event whatever it is and then prevent whatever the default behavior is by calling a special function called prevent default with a capital D this is the alternative to that Messier return fall semicolon that I had inside of my HTML before so all I've done here now is I've left all of my HTML as pure HTML down here and I've put all of my JavaScript code as pure JavaScript up here this sort of separation of concerns similar to what we started doing with CSS just a bit ago in order to keep those two languages separate too well let me go back to my browser here reload the page and unfortunately there's a subtle mistake I've made here let me go ahead and type in David and click greet and unfortunately nothing actually seems to happen well maybe it's just my name Carter greet and nothing seems to happen that alert does not come up well why is that well let me go back to vs code here and point out that order of operations in zscript matters similar in spirit to C because on line seven I'm selecting the form and trying to add an event listener for submitting that form unfortunately the form had better exist at that moment in time but it doesn't because just like in C and in some cases python where the compiler or The Interpreter reads the code top to bottom notice that the form doesn't actually exist and therefore get loaded into the computer's memory until line 19 so we've got to kind of reorder these somehow now maybe the simplest way to do this would just be to perhaps do something like this let me scroll back up to my script tag and perhaps a little more explicitly move it into the order in which I want it to be executed so I'm going to go below my form and inside of my body which is actually okay for JavaScript here and just use that same code and assuming I didn't make any typos let's go back to the browser click reload again to get the latest typee in my name again using that purely JavaScript solution and the only change I made was I move the code from up here to down here clicking greet now and wow it's now back we get the alert with hello comma David so those kinds of things those kinds of principles matter at least when we're back in this world but there's other Solutions too and just so that you've seen it because it's a common convention in libraries as well let me undo that change and put that script tag back in the head or really anywhere else in the page where it might be and let me propose that there's one other way to solve this problem to postpone that code on line 7 through 11 getting executed until really the whole Dom the tree is ready to go and the Syntax for this might be as follows I can do document and I can add to the document a an event listener that's going to listen for something a little special and I always have to look this up myself to remember the spelling and the capitalization but it turns out that the browser itself once it's done loading all of your HTML top to bottom left right it will raise an event called Dom content loaded capitalized exactly as such and if you want to call some function and I don't even need an event argument in this case you can open curly braces just as before and put inside of those curly braces the code that you want to execute only once the dumbs content has been loaded top to bottom and now let me just finish my thought with a closed curly brace Clos parenthesis and semicolon it gets a little Annoying to visually line all of this up but I think I'm still good and now even though this code is at the top of my file or really above the form tag itself I think we're okay so let's go back to the browser here reload the page type in David and click greet and we still get the same correct behavior and so this is just a very common Paradigm to use these kinds of events to listen and listen and listen for something to happen and then only do something once that thing has transpired all right well let's take one more step with JavaScript code before we take a look at what's really fun about this language and what you can do with browsers in particular by just cleaning things up a little bit further I'm going to go back into the code here and I'm actually going to remove uh or cut all of this code out of the hello.html file itself and I'm going to change my script tag to have nothing in between the open and close tag but I am going to give it a source attribute and let's go ahead and call this for instance hello.js sojs would be the convention for the file extension for a Javascript file and even though this is a little weird that we have the script tag and a source attribute then nothing in between the open and close tag this is indeed the convention when you want to put all of your code in a separate file and let me go ahead and do that let me go ahead and open my terminal window create a new file called hello.js and then in that file I'm just going to paste the very code that I just cut from the previous file so no changes to the code all I'm doing is factoring it out and now I'm doing something just like our CSS factorization before which confusingly use the link tag this uses the script tag this just now allows me to collaborate with someone like Carter or someone else so that they can do the JavaScript code I can do the HTML maybe a third person can do the CSS and indeed maybe we can build even grander things by uh designing things in this way all right well let me go back to my browser again reload the page I shouldn't see any visual changes but if I type in my name again David and click greet this still now works and what my browser has just done underneath the hood is not only download the uh hello.html file as always because there's now this script tag that's referencing the source of another file just like an image tag might reference the source of an image the browser is automatically helping me out by loading that into its memory as well and now how about one final example and for this one I'm going to go ahead and not write it live but open it up as prepared in advance just to show you what you can do by listening for some of these other events as well like the key up the finger going down the finger going up and listening for exactly that so as the user is typing something you can do something interesting as well I'm going to go back into my directory listing here and I click on this Source a directory which has all of the examples that I wrote here in advance and I'm going to scroll down to one called hello 5. HTML and in hello 5 now we've gotten rid of the button and we just have this text box but notice now what happens if I start typing my name as d a v i d D I'm not typing enter at all and in fact if I start deleting and I change my mind and start typing Carter's name notice now that the web page the Dom inside of the computer's memory is now automatically updating itself so it's not even listening it would seem for a submit event anymore but maybe for a key up event instead so let me go back to VSS code here open my terminal window and in my source a directory let me open up hello 5. HTML inside of the script tag you'll see some code that's similar in spirit to before whereby I'm adding an event listener to the document waiting for the whole Dom's content to be loaded but then inside of that function I'm now doing this I'm creating a variable called input and selecting from the document the one and only input tag that we saw just a moment ago I'm then adding on line 11 in event listener for key up which is exactly that gesture so that I can execute some additional code anytime the human lists their finger from the keyboard after typing a key what do I then do well I'm going to go ahead it seems and declare another variable called name and I'm just going to select some P tag on the page and now we didn't really see a P tag so I think it's time to look at the HTML if I scroll down to the bottom of the page where my actual HTML is you'll see that there's just a form tag and no onsubmit Handler anymore as before there's just an input tag and no button at all but there is on line 29 here an open and close P tag just so I have an empty placeholder in which to put something like hello David or hello Carter so that's why now on line 12 I can define a variable called name and I can select that P tag so that what do I want to do well if inside of the input there's a value so this is essentially checking for null or the absence of a string so if input. value does not equal nothing that is there is a value in that text box well this syntax here on line 14 is a very clever way of doing the following go into that name tag that is to say the empty par paragraph change the inner HTML of it the HTML inside of it to be literally this hello comma and then just so you've seen an additional piece of syntax this is similar to Python's F strings the syntax is a little weird in JavaScript you actually use not single quotes not double quotes but back ticks which on a US English keyboard are typically the top leftand key of your keyboard or thereabouts and using dollar sign curly braces just like the curly braces alone in Python allows us to plug in whatever the value is of that input however if there's no value there it looks like I'm just going to say hello whoever you are and in fact we can see that behavior now is I delete delete delete delete delete delete and nothing's there now that if condition is no longer true and so we see this default value instead so this is only to say that by harnessing these various events that are constantly happening on most any web page we can now register code just like we did way back in scratch to actually listen for those events and do something with them now it turns out we can do some interesting things even using third party coat and just as we used bootstrap a bit ago to make our table prettier allow me to propose that we also take a look at this version of favorites as well let me go back into my source a directory and open up favorites 2 which I made in advance which looks almost the same though I've zoomed in here a bit but you'll notice somewhat subtly over the leftmost column in this table you'll see now this arrow in Gray pointing up and pointing down previously those were not there all I had was a static HTML table with all of this data sorted in whatever order it was inputed the other day in that form but now notice what I can do if I want to sort in uh one order I can click this Arrow or the other order I can sort in this Arrow so essentially doing it chronologically forward or backward now how is that sorting happening it's presumably based on all of the timestamps that were registered when we submitted that Google form just a bit ago um uh when it was live but now using JavaScript it turns out that we can use some logic somehow and sort this data by the same and you don't get that automatically just by using HTML alone now how did I achieve that well it turns out if I go ahead and close these hello files and in vs code let's open up uh favorites 2. HTML you'll see that all of the HTML is actually the same if I scroll down and down through this file but I added a little something interesting at top I copied and pasted the appropriate URLs and HTML tags from bootstraps documentation and you'll see here that I have a file called not only bootstrap.css but also bootstrap.min.js as well as a couple of other things as well that allows me ultimately using third-party libraries to add some special HTML attributes that those libraries told me to add and then as soon as those libraries detect the presence of these attributes now on my own raw data they do their thing and javascrip defy not a technical term the entire table and now make it interactive and not static so you'll see here that the Aesthetics of the table are as before table and table striped but I'm adding now another HTML attribute called Data toggle whose value is table and I know that only from the documentation of these libraries indicating that's that's how I can now enable this table to be interactive as I can too by adding data sortable equals quote unquote true on specifically the timestamp column and the only thing unfamiliar here perhaps is I'm using t P for table heading as opposed to TD as I do elsewhere but that's all that it takes to now focus on the raw data you want to present and let someone else do the heavy lifting of actually implementing the logic well let's end with just a look at what more you can do with Java script and just how powerful it is when you combine a language like this with the data and the uh user interface you want to convey let's go ahead and open up within Source a directory something called background. HTML now this interface here is quite simple it just has three buttons RG and B and the background of course noticed by default is just white but when I click on the r the background turns red when the I click on the G it turns green and the blue it turns blue and again and again so how is this working well if you think back again to the available events perhaps I'm just listening for a click on those buttons and then doing something with maybe the CSS of the page to allow me to see those different colors so in fact let's go back to vs code here and let's open up background. HTML and in here you'll see some simple HTML at the top just three buttons but I've given each a unique ID so that I can reference it in code and then inside of a script tag here below because I didn't bother with the uh Dom content loaded event here notice that I'm doing the following I'm creating a variable called body that lets me select the body tag I then have in these three line some code that handles red what am I doing well I'm selecting from the document whatever h HTML tag has unique ID of red and then I'm adding an event listener for any click on that button and anytime someone clicks on that red button I call this function anonymously it doesn't even have or need a name and this syntax here is powerful because now in JavaScript I can alter the CSS of my page by doing body which is the tag that I selected two lines ago accessing its style accessing its background color property and setting it equal to quote unquote red and I do the same down below for green I do the same down below for blue and the only thing worth noting here is that in CSS it turns out it's the case that the CSS property for the background color of a page is actually background Das color in all lower case with a hyphen in between unfortunately in the world of JavaScript a hyphen would be mistaken for subtraction like background minus color which would be wrong so the convention in JavaScript is when you're trying to manipulate CSS you take whatever the property name is uh font size background color and you change it into so-called camel case here you get rid of The Hyphen and you capitalize the subsequent words like color in this case here all right how about another well it turns out back in the day back in my day there was a HTML tag that would actually allow you to do this create blinking text on a screen it's rather unpleasant at this rate certainly but how might this work well it turns out in JavaScript if we take a look at the blink. HTML file here we'll see that you can in your HTML do something literally as simple as hello world in the body but then you can call this function here turns out just like document there's another Global special variable you can use in JavaScript and browsers called window which refers to all things related to the window itself the window comes with a set interval function which lets you do exactly that set an interval in milliseconds and after every expiration of that interval some function will be called for you so in this case it's saying every 50 milliseconds but let's actually slow that down now to 500 milliseconds or for one half a second call a function called blink notice I do not have parentheses after the blink name because I don't want to call blink now I want to tell JavaScript to call the function called blink every 500 milliseconds now we'll see in a moment what that code looks like but let's go back to the page and reload and you'll see now that it's a more pleasant blinking if that's even the case every half second because I'm now firing that event that is I'm uh calling that function now every 500 milliseconds instead how am I doing that well this same script tag I've invented my own blink function this is has the distinction back in the day of actually being an HTML tag and among the few tags that the world removed and got rid of so that it's no longer used because it's not all that user friendly but down here what am I doing I'm getting the body of the document itself with this variable and then I'm checking two CSS properties that we didn't talk about before but it turns out that you can check and set the visibility of an element in JavaScript by going into that tag checking its style and getting its visibility uh property and if it happens to equal hidden the next line of code here 13 sets it equal to visible instead else if it's not hidden it must already be visible and so line 17 flips it the other way and changes it to Hidden here left hand right hand clearly not talking no idea why the opposite of visible Is Not Invisible it's indeed visible and hidden but this just allows you every time this function is called to change the property from one value to another achieving that blinking effect you can do even more powerful things that you and I take for granted every day let's go into Source 8 and go to autocom complete. HTML which I wrote in advance and this is a page that also loads into memory a really big dictionary that you might recall from problem set five and if I go ahead and type in something like c a t you'll notice dynamically an unordered bulleted list appearing below the text box that shows you all of the words in that dictionary from pet 5 that start with c and then CA and then T just like the autocomplete you see every day on your phone in Google or websites like it how is that working well probably I'm listening for the key press going up as soon as that key is pressed I'm probably searching through a big array uh really of all of those words maybe using linear search maybe binary search if uh faster than that and then looking for any string in that array that starts with C or CA or c a t and then I'm generating automattic IC Ally the HTML therefore but perhaps most familiar nowadays is just how much your phone and your laptop know about you and let me go into a final example here in Source 8 called geolocation HTML which is a term of art that just refers to figuring out your geography for instance your GPS coordinates now here we have a third and final Global variable that your browser provides you with called Navigator and in Navigator there's a special object called geolocation that comes with a function called get current position so if you call Navigator geolocation dog getcurrent position and then pass in a function of your own that doesn't need a name but does take an argument in this case I called it position as soon as the browser or as soon as the phone has figured out where in the world that user is with that browser at some latitude and longitude the browser will automatically call that function for you and you can do anything you want with the position that comes back the latitude and longitude respectively so I'm going to use a function that's not often that help but for our purposes today it's just going to write to the document itself to my big rectangular region whatever the latitude is then a comma and then the longitude as well so if we go back with this final flourish into Source 8 open up geolocation HTML you'll see that my browser first wants my permission to let this website my own know my location I'm going to go ahead and click allow crossing my fingers because it might take a moment for the phone or the laptop to figure it out and it looks like according to Google I am right this moment with my Mac at latitude longitude 42375 comma 7111 let's go ahead and highlight and copy that let's go to a website like Googl crossing our fingers if you've never done this you can search for GPS coordinates too let's hit enter and amazing we are indeed in Sanders Theater roughly there standing on this stage on Halloween and that then is week eight we will see you next time happy Halloween nothing go buffering okay Josh [Music] nice it's Moy no oh wait that was amazing Josh uh um Sophie [Music] amazing that was [Music] perfect I think I hey to you [Music] oh that was amazing thank you all so good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this is cs50 and this is already week nine which is our second to last indeed this is really the last week where you'll learn in this class how to program but indeed it's this week that's really meant to be the the pedagogical climax of like all of these various languages we've been looking at all of these various techniques all of this syntax so that at the end of cs50 in just a few weeks you indeed feel that you didn't take a class on C and you didn't take a class on python but you really more generally took a class on programming because indeed we know already about half of you uh will go on to study computer science further but half of you will not and indeed all of your programming chops here on out theoretically will have a foundation in what we been doing these past many weeks but here on out it's really going to be up to you to learn some new fangled language when it comes out or to follow some new trend when some language eclipses the ones we've been using as more popular as more appropriate for problems you want to solve and so today really is about synthesizing so many of the past few weeks but doing it in the context of web programming which For Better or For Worse is so very much invogue nowadays both on our laptops and phones and indeed the languages we looked at in recent weeks are used not only to make websites but also full fledged applications and app stores and the like so this really will be the culmination of those past several weeks and indeed we'll even talk about some familiar Concepts like shopping carts when you're on Amazon and these things called cookies when you're visiting websites all of those topics too will come into play and you'll have an understanding of what all that means from the ground up so how did we get here well just last week we focused on HTML and CSS primarily which are not programming languages they're just about Aesthetics structuring your data presenting your data and so forth um and we served the web pages we wrote using this program HTTP server this is just one such program there's dozens hundreds of different web servers that you can use out there this is just a super simple one we pre-installed in your codes space for you in vs code so that you can just serve up web pages at the end of last week two though we teased JavaScript a full-fledged programming language that you can use to manipulate the users experience for the better to make things more Dynamic and interactive by actually running code in the user users's browser on their Mac their PC their phone as opposed to server side which up until now is where all of our code in C and python has been written so you're writing code on a server you're serving code from a server but now with HTML CSS and JavaScript it's getting executed in a browser but today we're going to give you one final feature of python or really languages like it that you can also use code on the server to generate automatically dynamically the HTML uh the JavaScript the CSS that you actually want the user to rece receive you don't have to hardcode everything as you have when making your own homepage well let's consider what what some of the building blocks were last week so here's a sample URL and over here slash is sort of the default page on any web server it might be index.html it might be something else that's just a convention but it refers to whatever the default actually is you can visit of course when any browser like a URL that ends in file. HTML or something else. HTML and that literally means your browser wants this file on this server or of course we saw that it can be a folder and inside of that folder is presumably some default file name like again index.html or you can be more explicit like folder file. HTML and these more generally we just called paths and indeed a path is just a location on your Mac your PC or on a server of some piece of information but today we're just going to rename this only to use other common terminology but they're really just synonyms today we're going to refer to those same things as routes because now today we're going to ultimately replace HT PTP server which just serves up static content that you all write with your own web server like now you will be the ones controlling what it is the server does in response to the user in uh requests so that you can respond interactively and dynamically but we're still going to see techniques like this these were our so-called HTTP parameters they're everything that comes after a question mark in a URL and it can be like key equals value and an example was what when we played with Google what was the key and what was the value that I first tried any recollection I was searching for cats and so the key I figured that was Q because that's what Larry and Sergey who created Google years ago decided the name would be of the HTML text box that you type your query into and if I type cat for cat the value of that would end up in the URL for Google as being question mark cat equals value and I mentioned that it's often the case that you want to send two different inputs to a server and this is why I propose that you just keep an eye out for Amper Sands and and Ampersand separate these key value pairs but again this is the same darn Paradigm as before and we've seen this so many times right key value pairs in dictionaries in Python we've seen uh HTML attributes and their values we've seen CSS properties and their values it's all the same thing associating something with something else even though every language every person seems to have their own uh vernacular for it it really is just the same idea this associating of something with something else we'll continue to see and here to be concrete were the HTTP lines of text that were in those virtual envelopes if you will if I were indeed selecting trying to search for something like cats on Google this recall was the message that got sent to the server by my browser in order to tell Google to please search for not dogs but in this case cats now what is HTTP server been doing for us well it's just been serving up HTML files CSS files maybe some js or JavaScript files but it has been ignoring any HTTP parameters like HTTP server does not take user input why well what's it going to do with it because you already wrote the HTML you already wrote the CSS like there's no decisions to be made until we introduce a proper programming language on the server and so we're going to move away now from this simple HTTP server program and introduce you to your own server that's going to handle the parsing that is the extraction of these key value pairs so that you and I don't have to write python code all of a sudden that like analyzes this stuff figures out what pages requested the key value pairs all of that were still going to get for free by just using the right framework and so today we revisit python uh which we've now used in some form the past few weeks and indeed it's kind of been the glue that allows us to stitch together some of our own logic we saw it with SQL we're going to now see it with HTML CSS and even JavaScript if we want and we're also going to see another language today not a programming language called Ginga and this is going to be a common Paradigm in the real world whereby different languages different libraries different Frameworks often like borrow from each other or they use uh technologies that someone else wrote just so they don't have to reinvent that wheel so flask is just a framework that is a third party Library it's pretty popular nowadays it's relatively simple which is why we use it in cs50 if you've programmed before cs50 Jango is another popular framework or library in the python sta space but it's a little more complicated so we focus on flask and Ginga we'll see is not a programming language it's just going to be some syntax thankfully familiar with curly braces that allow us to use placeholders in our actual web pages so again you'll wrap your minds all eventually around where the lines are among these various Technologies but these are not the interesting ideas the interesting ideas are the ones we'll focus on in code but starting today instead of running HTTP server to serve up a static website we'll have you start running literally flask space run in your terminal window to run your own web server that's implemented in Python using this flask framework so bootstrap was a library for making your CSS and JavaScript prettier and more interactive flask is a framework or library for just making your python code more pleasant to use since you're borrowing features from someone else all right so how can we go about doing this well if you are to write your very own web application your own your own in Python using flask minimally you need to have a file called by convention which is where all your python code goes and then a folder called templates which is where all of your templates go and for now your templates are just your HTML files so if we're going to now start building more interesting interactive things like or we need to be able to execute code on the server and so this is the convention it's not index.html anymore necessarily it's these two things at the top level with that said we'll quickly see that there's some other conventions and in my examples online and in the uh problem set nine you'll see another file called requirements.txt which is just a text file that allows you to enumerate all of the thirdparty libraries your application might want to use it's a convention so that the server can like automatically install things for you without you having to do it manually and then static is going to be where literally your static content goes so if you've got images for your web application if you've got JavaScript files CSS files by convention that goes in static these are just conventions like all of this can be changed but this is like the way to do things so we'll introduce you to the defaults all right so what does this mean how for instance could I go about implementing my own web application using python that somehow spits out a message like Hello World all right well turns out just this now we'll tease this apart in just a moment but this is the content of a sample file that apparently uses some Library stuff like familiar syntax from something import something else we've seen that before with csvs and other libraries this is somewhat new syntax but it's kind of copy paste for now this is definitely new syntax and kind of weird with the at sign here but we'll see this again and again today and it's just copy paste initially until you understand what it's doing for you but at least there's some familiar stuff here like index.html is still going to be with us but it's going to be up to us when and how to show it to the user so let's make this more real let me go over to vs code here and let me go ahead and create a how about we'll do this in hello let me do makeer hello to make a new folder called hello and I'm going to CD into it just to isolate all of these files to the same directory so that we have different apps today and different folders and now I'm going to do code of let's do this actually let's do our maker templates. HTM ah sorry not templates. HTML let me rename that to templates using the MV command this has nothing to do with web programming this is me making typos so if I type LS now I've got a folder called templates all right in there let's create a file called index.html that is going to be super simple and pretty much copy paste from last week let me hide my terminal window and let me just very quickly whip up a simp simple hello world page using my HTML tag Lang will equal English then inside of this I'm going to have a head tag inside of this I'm going to have a title tag and I'm just going to call this thing hello uh I'm going to then have a body and in this I'm only going to say something simple like hello comma world and just so this is mobile friendly recall that we touched on these meta tags so just in case you after class play with your mobile device instead of your laptop I'll do name equals quote unquote viewport uh viewport and and content equals and I never remember this I'm literally reading it off of a cheat sheet initial scale equals 1 width equals device width and this is just this magical incantation that says to the browser like size things appropriately for the size of the device it blows up the font sizes a bit all right so that's what I would have done last week and I would have served this web page by running HTTP server in the same directory and boom I would see that HTML but let's now start to take some control over the user's experience and for now it's going to be underwhelming it's just going to always say hello world but in a moment version two is going to say hello David or hello Carter a bit more dynamically and we'll quickly escalate from there to just more interesting applications as well culminating with things like cookies and shopping carts and the like so let me go back into my terminal window and as promised let me create another file called and this is where now I need to implement the web server I'm going to run using this flask framework and for now I'm just going to kind of do some copy paste from uh what we saw on the slide a moment ago from the flask Library which we've pre-installed for you I'm going to import a uh function called flask capital F it's subtle but it's important there and I'm also going to import a few other things a function called render template and another variable called request and the only way I know this is from having taught this before read the documentation followed a tutorial like you wouldn't know this unless someone told you or you read how to do this this but what this means is that this Library called flask has three things in it a function called flask capital f a function called render template and a variable built into it called request and this is going to be all the building blocks I need to implement my own web server the convention in flask when you want to create a web app in Python is you create a variable by convention called app and then you assign it the return value of that flask function capital F and pass into it underscore uncore name uncore underscore which is weird but we have seen this before a few weeks ago anyone recall when and why we mentioned uncore uncore name uncore uncore yeah I think was it name or something yeah if we wanted to check if the name of the file was itself main so that we avoided a situation where if you're writing your own Library code you don't want your code to be executed automatically you want to potentially execute the main function and that was a solution to that problem here for today's purposes this is just the way you do it underscore underscore name underscore uncore refers to the current file and so this is just a little trick that says turn this file into a flask application that's all it is and for now uh that line suffices all right what do I want to do after that well now I'm in charge of the web server I need to write the code that decides based on the browsers request what file or files I'm going to send from the server to the browser last week http server did all of this for us just based on the file name but today I'm going to take over control over that process and the way I do that is as follows I say app. route with weirdly an at sign in front of it this is known in python as a decorator and it's a feature of python not a flask that we just didn't introduce in weeks past but it's a special it's a handy trick to do what we're about to do the route I want to Define is quote unquote slash so that is here is code I want the server to execute whenever I user visits forward slash the default page of the website well what code do I want them to execute well I want them to execute a function and I can therefore Define in Python a function I can technically call this thing anything I want X or Y or Z but because they're accessing the default page otherwise known as the index of the site I'm going to just more reasonably call this function index but just a convention you could call it anything you want but X Y or Z is probably a bad stylistic choice it doesn't need to take any arguments in this case and the only thing this code this function is going to do is for now let's go ahead and have it return hello world quote unquote and that's it all right now let me go into my terminal window let me go ahead and do flask run in the same directory that has appy and hit enter I'm going to see some cryptic output but including a URL of my code space and if I open that URL after hovering over it I'll indeed see hello world as you might hope but let me do this let me go ahead and rightclick on the page and click view page source which if you haven't done before shows you all of the HTML for a page however pretty or messy it is and that's it there's no HTML that I've spit out it's just quote unquote hello world well if I actually want to spit out a full web page which is not a big deal here because who cares it's just the text anyway but if I want to spit out a whole file let me do this I want to return essentially the contents of index.html which have all of the tags I want the mobile friend stuff and all of that well I can't just return index.html but I can return this render template quote unquote index.html and per the documentation for flask this render template function will go find that file for me in my templates folder by convention it will open it up and then it will spit the whole thing out to the browser for me so I can keep all my HTML in one place and all my python code in this one place so now if I go back to my browser and reload I don't think I'll really see a difference because it's the same text ultimately but if I view page Source now notice that ah there is all of the HTML that was just sent to the browser so this is only to say we have the building blocks the puzzle pieces if you will via which to now store all of our HTML in one place and presumably CSS JavaScript and so forth but then serve up whatever we want even though I'm just blindly spitting out index.html so before we proceed any questions on this which again I claim is like my manual version of what HTTP server was doing for us automatically last week but this is how you do it yourself any questions all right well let's make it more interesting which we could not do with HTTP server and HTML alone why don't we go ahead and do this let me visit the same URL and I'm going to zoom in and your url will differ from my code space but it's going to end similarly here I'm going to do slash question mark name equals David for instance or Q equals cats or name equals Carter any key value pair I want I'm going to append after a slash and a question mark thereby providing user input to the server albe it in a very user unfriendly way no one's going to normally do this in their browser enter nothing changes here it just says hello world but wouldn't it be nice if it says hello David or equivalently if I zoom in here again and change David to Carter and hit enter wouldn't it be nice if it says hello Carter instead so we need some dynamism there and here's now python is going to be our friend if I want to access the HTTP parameters that the user has provided via the URL be it Q equals cats or name equals David I can use this special variable I already preemptively imported earlier and I can do this if there is an HTTP parameter called name in what I'm going to call request. args then I'm going to go ahead and create a variable called name and I'm going to set it equal to request. args bracket name else if there is no quote unquote name key in this special variable called request. args I'm going to just assume that the user's name is World by default now what's going on here well it turns out that flask provides us with this special variable called request. ARs and in there is all of the key value pairs that might have come in via the URL so if you had to guess what type of data or what data type is request. args that's its name and here is in context line n might provide a clue in Python what data type might request. args be yeah uh it's not going to be an array or a list because those are always in every language we've seen numerically indexed but you're close someone else it's a dictionary so a dictionary is similar syntactically to a list in Python but instead of numeric indices like 012 you can literally use strings like quote unquote name now that's a bit of a white lie it is a dictionary but it's flask's special fancy version of a dictionary but the syntax via which you can access it is exactly the same and I actually this is a typo I didn't mean to say names there I meant to say name singular but otherwise I think the code is correct this is going to on line eight check if there's a key called name in request. ARs and if so it's going to set it equal to that value otherwise it's going to default to world I deliberately did not do this I added this IFL and did not do this why what error might happen if I just blindly grab name exactly if there was nothing at the end of the URL that was of the form question mark name equals someone then there would be no name key and this is uh you know a couple weeks back but this would give you one of those annoying key errors when you get a trace back because you screwed up because you used a string that doesn't exist that's why I'm just proactively trying to avoid that situation just like I'm might have a couple of weeks ago so even though it's more verbose this is just much more defensive so that I don't accidentally index into a dictionary where there is no key but we'll see how we can tighten this up to be not four lines but one but I think now I can do this wouldn't it be nice if now in my index.html file which recall is in my templates folder wouldn't it be nice if I could do the equivalent in C of like a percent s here for instance or in Python something like this name well it's close and this is just because different humans invent different languages invent different uh Frameworks the Syntax for this in flask is to actually do whoops two curly braces and then name of the variable inside of it why it's just probably someone figured what are the odds that a normal person is ever going to use two curly braces at once versus just one so this is probably decreasing the probability that people actually want to Output literal curly braces like this so it's similar in spirit to Python's F strings it's similar in spirit to C's percent s it's similar in spirit to sql's question marks same idea slightly different syntax and this there is ginger so it's not programming code per se it's just a template and indeed that's why this folder is called templates it is sort of like a a blueprint for what I want to be spit out to the user but I've got these placeholders like this variable that I want to plug into that value now this alone is not enough watch what happens if I go back to my other browser and I reload the page after changing up here let's do name equals David again enter nothing outputs after the hello comma so it seems that the name variable doesn't exist yet and that's why indeed if I do view page Source you can see what was sent to the browser something's wrong with my placeholder but I just need to be a little more explicit as to what I want to send where so it turns out that the render template function takes not just one argument the name of the template you want to spit out but it takes after that with commas all of the placeholders you want to plug in so for instance if you want the placeholder to be this literally placeholder inside of those curly braces you can then specify as the second argument to rep uh render template a placeholder named argument equals whatever the name is so name is the variable in the lines above placeholder is the name of my literal placeholder in the curly braces and so now if I go back to my browser and reload this with still quote unquote with still question mark name equals David in the URL now I indeed see hello comma David and if I zoom in here and let me move over here let me type in Carter and hit enter now I see Hello Carter instead now this is a little unnecessary to explicitly call the placeholder placeholder especially if you want to have two or three of them so you can actually call this anything you want and I'm going to change it back to name which is a little more straightforward the only weird thing here is that now you'll see that you're writing code like this and this is correct and this is the norm it just looks weird but the thing on the left of the equal sign is the placeholder you're using in the template the thing on the right can be any value you want including a variable so even though I'm naming them exactly the same which looks stupid admittedly like this is what people tend to do just because it's uh simpler than introducing another word like placeholder any questions now on this any questions on these placeholders no all right well let's tighten this up a little bit and see if we can't get things to be more Dynamic still let me propose now that instead of outputting instead of using this condition which made a very simple idea like very verbose with four different lines it turns out there's an easier way to do this you can actually still create a variable called name and you can set it equal to request. args but instead of just blindly indexing into to that dictionary it turns out that request. ARS comes with a function as well called get you can pass it an argument that tells you what value you want to get and by default if there is no key called name in that dictionary this function will not throw a key error it's just going to return none an O the special V the Special Value in Python so it avoids a bug in your code but it tightens up four lines into one but even nicer if you read the documentation the get function can also take a explicit default value so if you don't want none to be on the screen like hello comma blank or I mean that would be weird too you can just put in a default value per the documentation of this function like world so now we've gone from four lines to just one so arguably it's better designed and if I go back to the browser now still with Carter in the URL and hit reload same thing happens but we notice this suppose I uh get rid of the name parameter altogether and hit enter now it goes to the default instead world so it's just a little better a little better designed than doing it the other way instead all right how about we take things up one more Notch and how about we introduce multiple routes and actually introduce perhaps a form to the mix because again no normal person is going to like visit a URL and add a slash and a question mark and their name like that's not how browsers work uh well that's how browsers work that's not how humans interact with browsers you and I use a form to quickly instead so now things can get a little more interesting when making our own web application cuz maybe we could do something like this let me go and zoom out again let me go back to my code here and let me move this around and focus now on the index.html file instead of just this placeholder why don't we go ahead and give ourselves a form like we've played with a little bit in the past be it for Google or something else and let's do this uh form and inside of this form let's have an input and the name of this input will be quote unquote name so that too is confusing but inputs have name attributes but this is a person's name so I'm saying name equals name here so just a messy world of semantics and let me go ahead and make this a text box by default and then let me give myself a button whose default type will be submit and the name of this button will be greet for instance so let's see what happens here but let me change to just be the original simpler I'm not passing in any placeholders now and I'm going to even get rid of this I'm just going to rewind to the first version of this for Simplicity let's now change the url to get rid of Carter and myself so we just go to slash and hit enter and now we have a super simple form again all right this is not super userfriendly but there's some nice enhancements we can make for instance like we can uh for instance turn off autocomplete especially if I want to type David and Carter manually and I don't want it finishing my thought during class uh we can do autofocus which puts the cursor there BL linking by default which is nice cuz then the human doesn't have to deal with that um and then we can even have a placeholder attribute placeholder equals name so that it's like built in instructions for this thing and so now if I go back to the other tab nothing's changed yet because I have to download the HTML again reload okay now it's a little more user friendly it says name and light gray the cursor is blinking and I'm sort of ready to go but this form hasn't been wired up to go anywhere yet and so let's do this let's for instance say that the action of this form is not going to be something like which we did last time with for cats I am now going to be both the front end and the back end of this website the front end is what the human sees the web page the graphics the forms the back end is the stuff the human typically doesn't see the python code the SQL code the server itself but now I'm in control of both sides of the experience the HTML and also the routes so let's just propose that we invent our own route and instead of calling it SL search like Google does let's call it SLG greet and let me specify that the method this form will use which is technically the default will be get and confusingly it is lowercase get even though in the envelope we keep talking about virtually it's actually capitals again left hand wasn't talking to right hand when these things were decided all right so all I've done is create a web form that's going to submit whatever the text box value is to a route called SLG greet by default because there's no HTTP or htps or no domain name SLG greet is going to be assumed to be not at but whatever my own serers URL is so whatever my code spaces URL is that's going to be the implicit prefix this SLG greet is just the route so now let's go back to VSS codes file how do I now Stitch this together well I think we're good to go with index.html if index. html's purpose in life is just to spit out this form we're done with one of my routes but if I want to have a second route greet that actually spits out some greeting to the user well let's prepare that template too let me go ahead and highlight all of this HTML let me go back into my terminal window and into my hello directory and then into my templates directory and let me create another template called greet HTML whose purpose in life will not be to show a form but to greet the user with hello so and so so in this file I'm going to paste all that same HTML but I'm going to get rid of the form and essentially revert to our previous version hello comma and then using the ginger syntax name so one template index.html is for the form the second template now is for the greeting of hello comma so and so but otherwise these files notice are almost the same except one has the form one has just the hello so now let's finish this up in app doop High let me go down here after a couple of blank lines stylistically let me do app. route quote unquote SLG greet but I could call this route anything I want I'm just using a a reasonable verb then let's define another function I could call the function anything I want X Y or Z I'm going to call it more reasonably greet no arguments and then now is the code where I want to render the template so I do return render template greet HTML but but I need to do one more thing what else do I want to do if I want greet HTML to have access to the human's name just to recap I think we solved this already but I deleted it but what do I have to add back yeahh yeah so I got to pass in the placeholder somehow so I can do this a couple of different ways I I'm going to keep it a little more elegant this time I'm just going to put my name uh argument there and I'm going to set it equal to request. ar. get quote unquote name comma world before I used a separate variable but I only used it in one place so that's not strictly necessary so this is fine too but if this gets a little overwhelming notice that I can alternatively do this I can create an actual variable called name and then I can pass in an argument called name with a value that is that variable but again what's really the point here it was kind of prettier all on one line so these are the exact same things I'm just trying to tighten things up further here all right so what just happened if I go back to my form this is still index.html if I reload it nothing has changed if I type in my name to this form notice again the URL I'm currently at this is Chrome hiding things it's technically slash by default even though many browsers are just hiding unnecessary uh characters these days but Watch What Happens now if I scroll over here and I click greet on this new form notice my URL my route changed to SL greet question mark name equals David and the body of the page at top left says hello comma David so this is exactly how works and it's how we implemented search. HTML last time but instead of submitting the form to Google via the form I'm submitting it to myself my very own route so I'm implementing my own backend for this same front end all right any questions just yet much less interesting than Google certainly but we kind of have all of the wiring now any questions no all right so what can we do to further uh tighten this up and adhere to some conventions well let me propose that in this version we solve one problem and even if you've never done this sort of thing before I dare say we have enough weeks of cs-50 where if I show you index.html again and greet HTML again odds are to someone's mind there's a opportunity for improvement why is this web app super simple though it is arguably poorly designed at the moment and the answer lies somewhere in these two templates index.html and greet.tolowercase probably did necessarily for your homepage why because when you have HTML only maybe CSS and even JavaScript that's all you can do is copy paste copy paste and just make sure that you have the same structure maybe you have the same CSS file the same Javascript file the same third party libraries but it makes it very very annoying as you might have realized already to just m make a change that affects everything so wouldn't it be nice to like factor out all of this and all of this and just let the body change so here too is something that flask and really other equivalent Frameworks let us do it allows us to create what we're going to call conventionally a layout instead so I'm going to go ahead and do this I'm going to copy one last time all of the same HTML I'm going to go into uh my terminal window and I'm going to create by convention a file called layout. HTML this is truly going to be a blueprint of sorts and in layout. HTML I'm going to paste all of that same code but I'm going to use now some ginger syntax to indicate that I don't want to plug in just a variable like name here I want to actually plug the contents of a whole other file so instead of just using curly braces two of them left and right I have to use slightly different syntax to say I want a whole block of HTML here from some other file and the way to do this even though the syntax is a little non-obvious is you use open curly brace percent sign block then you can call the next word anything you want it just has to be a special type of placeholder for an actual file not for just a variable I'm going to call it body only because I'm in the body so I'm want a placeholder to be the entire body and then outside of this you then say in one word no space end block so it looks kind of stupid honestly and why do we have yet more ugly syntax again just different software developers in the world are all choosing their own Syntax for their own libraries so they all kind of look different but are all kind of similar in spirit and you just get used to seeing the different syntax this now is not nearly as pretty as the pair of curly braces for variables but this is how I can say plug the contents of an entire file Here and Now what does this let me do I can now go back into my index.html file which at the moment still looks like this but almost all of this is copy paste the only lines that are interesting and different are these four lines here in the body so what I can actually do now is I'm going to highlight that and cut it and then I'm going to highlight everything else and just delete the entire file and I'm going to use some of that same syntax and say curly brace percent sign extends quote unquote layout. HTML and then I close my thought with a percent sign and close curly brace so this syntax as you might just be inferring is now saying please extend whatever layout. HTML looks like that's the original blueprint the mold out of which I want to make this web page and now here the syntax is a little weird too but similar at least from before I can now say the block the body block that I want you to plug into that layout is going to be everything between these two tags which we already saw earlier but in layout. HTML they're sort of giving a placeholder in index.html this is what I'm going to plug in to those other placeholders as well so I'm just going to give myself some extra white space I'm going to paste the HTML that was there if I want to make clear what's going on I can indent it although this has no no functional impact but it just makes clear that just like in HTML you can open a ginger tag and close it but in ginger here we have this here hey uh Hey python here comes the body of this page hey python that's it for the body of this page and all of this stuff should be plugged into this main parent layout if you will so super ugly admittedly but now at least things get way less redundant because I'm going to do the exact same thing over here in greet HTML it looks like this but now I'm going to do this extends layout. HTML also just as before uh the body the uh the body that I want to plug in is going to be everything inside of these tags here and this body is just going to be hello comma name in curly braces like that so again ugly syntax got really ugly fast but it's really just following these patterns now and we have two types of placeholders two curly braces for variables and now this kind of syntax with the percent signs and the single curly braces for like contents of actual files and so now in this world or in the world of a homepage if you were using flask and python to make your personal homepage with all of those various Pages you would probably design one main layout with all of your pretty logos and colors and fonts and like what you want the site to look like and then each of your smaller Pages would now be distilled into just these smaller fragments and whether you're using python or Java or Javas script or other languages too all different programming languages have popular Frameworks that do things like this the idea is the same across all of them all right let's see if it works let's go back into the browser let me go back to my slash route there's that same form let me type in David and type and click greet and indeed I see hello comma David I see that greet was automatically added to the URL by the browser when I submitted the form followed by the key value Pairs and if I view the page source as I did earlier you'll see that you have the entirety of that layout with hello David plugged in meanwhile if I go back to the form and view this page Source you'll see the exact same layout but with the form tag plugged in and here's where you can be a little less uh nitpicky with styling okay yes this isn't technically indented inside of the body but it was relative to the original file so at this point in the game you don't need to worry about your outputed HTML looking super pretty you want your source code that the see to be pretty not the browser this is not a stylistic concern okay questions on these capabilities then a flask or problems that we've just solved and why yeah uh okay so if the files in question are in different folders for instance if I go back into my uh index page which has the form um the routes here are entirely dependent on what is an there's no notion of a folder when it comes to implementing a web application anymore they are more generically routes however and we've not done this yet you can put your static content your images your video files your CSS files in a folder called Static and there can be subfolders therein and that would affect what you use as your Source attributes for images or your Source uh tags for video or any of those kinds of assets and we'll see that eventually in the home in the uh the problem set next other questions on what we've just done here yeah good question how do I how did I ensure that the web app starts on the form and then goes to the hello page so whatever you decide your default index route is like the implicit slash that is what is going to be pulled up when a user visits the domain name where your website is hosted so if I go back over here to app Pi because my slash route is designed to return index.html that's exactly why that response came back good question all right so beyond this let's consider now issues of privacy and we'll touch on this too as we get to issues like shopping carts and cookies if I zoom in on the URL here even though the URL itself is a little long and ugly and cryptic but when I type in my name and hit uh greet of course we keep seeing name equals David in the URL in what sense might this be bad design or in what kinds of web apps might you not want the name to show up in the URL like that because this is what Google does this is what my app does yeah yeah so if I'm logging in with a username and password I I could imagine that they show up in the URL after the question mark where username equals mailin and password equals 1 2 3 4 5 but then all my you know like nosy siblings need to do is go through through my browser history and boom like it's right there for them to copy paste so that doesn't seem particularly uh secure or if someone's walking past you in a cafe they can just look at your url if it's revealed by the browser and they see it too so get is not necessarily the best verb to use even though it's the default when submitting forms typically when you've got anything remotely sensitive or anything large so be it a password or credit card number or like an image or a video that you're uploading to uh Instagram or to YouTube or any such site like that you don't want the data going into the URL and thankfully there's actually an easy way to fix this I can go into my form which is currently in index.html and I can just change the method from get to post in lower case here but the verb in the virtual envelope we discussed last week would itself be capital p o St now unfortunately Watch What Happens here let me go over to my original form by going back to the Slash rout and I'm reloading the page to make sure I get the latest freshest HTML and just as a um just to confirm here yep if I view Source method is now post so let me go ahead and type in David now and click greet and before we saw hello David but now I get method not allowed and this is somewhat subtle but in the title of the tab notice that it's a 405 error which is not familiar probably almost all of us have seen 404 file not found turns out 405 a little more Arcane is the method the HTTP verb is not allowed why because by default my only currently supports get by default how do I support post well I just need a little bit more syntax so let me go back into vs code here let me go into now and after changing the form I just need to inform flask that you know what the method I want this GRE route to use should not be the default which is only get I want it to use these methods and it takes a second argument called Methods the value of which is a list the default of which is quote unquote get so that's the default this has not made any changes but if I want to support post instead I can explicitly pass a list with one string in it P instead and now what does this mean we didn't talk about this in any detail last week but inside of this virtual envelope typically is that line like get slash search Q equals cat after the ex after the question mark if you want to hide that kind of information for privacy sake or because you want to upload like an image which just doesn't make sense to put in the URL essentially the part of the story would be well the computer looks deeper inside of that virtual envelope and anything submitted via post goes below the htdp headers like deeper in that envelope so they're still there they're just not obviously visible uh for prying eyes in the user's own browser so just by making that change in the HTML telling the browser to submit the data via post and changing to tell the route to expect the data via post I can now go back to my other tab let me go back to the original page let me reload just so I've got the latest HTML and indeed view page Source it's still yep it's still post but now when I type in DAV ID and click greet now it works but but but notice the Privacy implication I'm at the SLG greet route but where's my name it's not actually there it's still went to the server but it's not in your autocomplete or your history now for privacy sake questions now on post yeah oh No Just scratching all right can you the programmer see this well let me show you a couple of other features of Chrome's uh Chrome and Safari and other browsers as well I keep going to view page source which just shows you like a readon version of your HTML but recall that last time I actually right-clicked and went to inspect or viewed developer tool tools and this brings up a much fancier version of the developer tools and under elements here you see everything and it's nice and pretty printed it's hierarchical it collapses things into these clickable triangles but it's the exact same thing it's just more interactive but notice what I can do today is this if I go to the network tab here and let me zoom out a little bit let me go ahead and re uh load the form here and type in David again and click greet notice now in the network tab of Chrome's developer tools I see a few things as we saw before one I see that the request method is post two I see that the server automatically without me writing any code for this returns 200 when it's successful but I can scroll down down down down down and you'll see that eventually after all these cookies more on those later if I click on payload the second tab next to headers you can see as the developer what was actually sent to the server so indeed this is going to be super useful like when doing problem set 9 maybe your final projects if you want to see what's going from browser to server you have complete control over all of that information even if you're using htps because your browser and you the developer can certainly see all of this so again these developer tools even though there's a lot of tabs and buttons you probably won't need anytime soon some of them like elements and network and with JavaScript console are going to be super useful to start to get familiar with all right any questions now on this implication of post anything at all no okay how about one final hello example that ties a few of these things together how about now we try to tighten things up further only in anticipation of something like problem set 9 or really more complicated web apps where you might have not two but 20 or maybe even more different routes it might might be ideal to just minimize how many total routes we have so we don't get a little too overwhelmed and I dare say that these two routes are so short maybe I can combine them into one and maybe I can keep the user at what seems to be the same URL but just a kind of Tidy things up so let me propose that we do this instead let me get rid of my greet route and let me go into my form in index.html and let me go ahead and just have the action of this form still slash so I want the form to be visible at slash the index of the site but I also want the form to submit to itself if only because I don't want to introduce another route like SLG greet which eventually indeed will be compelling so you don't have one route for everything you want your website to do so technically this is the default to and if I omit action the exact same thing would happen as well but let me rewind and let me now go into to see how we can make this happen well if I want my one and now only route to support both methods I can say methods equals and then a list with both get and post in any order but I'll keep them alphabetical like this this now tells python hey this route should handle both get and post requests at the same place let's now go into this function I kind of want to say the equivalent of this if get then I want to return the form else if post I want to then return render template of greet Doh HTML with the user's name but this is not yet complete code but I think I can do this I'm going to go ahead and say the following I'm going to go ahead and say if request. method equals equals get then indeed return index.html L if request. method equals equals post then go ahead and return greet HTML this isn't quite enough though because I still want to pass in that placeholder so let me again add back name equals request. args doget quote unquote name and then a default value of world what does this Now do for me well let me go back to my other tab here let me close the developer tools let me go back to the form here let me reload to make sure I have the latest let me view page Source just to make sure I have the latest and yep I have the latest because it still says post but it now says slash and let's see what happens now if I type in my name David previously this submitted bya post so I didn't see any name or value thereof in the URL but I did end up at SLG greet but if the action is now slash and I click greet notice that it still kind of works I see hello comma World although that didn't quite work so we'll come back to that issue in a moment but notice the URL ends in just slash and again Chrome is hiding the slash because that's all that's there but it does not end in name equals David in this case or name and equals world now notice this too if I reload I'm going to get this warning do you want to confirm form resubmission the page you're looking for used information that you entered returning to that page might cause any action you took to be repeated do you want to continue you might have seen this on websites you've actually visited where you hit reload and you're prompted wait a minute do you want to do that odds are you've been prompted to reload explicitly because why whatever you just did was post instead of get and by convention besides post being used for privacy to like hide your username your password your credit card number or the like besides being used to upload bigger files like images or videos post is also used by convention to make changes to the server to add something to your shopping cart to add something to the database whereas get is the name suggests is all about getting information not posting or sending information instead so this is Chrome being a little careful because you know if you just checked out on Amazon and then you hit reload you don't want to accidentally like buy the same book again so to speak even though Amazon and fancy websites have other defenses for this too to avoid this issue now there is a bug though here it says hello comma World instead of hello comma David and it actually would have said the same a moment ago and I just didn't retest the code and reveal as much to you or if I did I didn't even notice it said hello world instead of hello David it turns out that request. RGS is only used for get when using get request. args is a dictionary that contains all of your key value pairs but somewhat confusingly when using post with flask you have to go into request. form I have no idea why these are not sort of more obvious opposites like request.get or request. form and sorry request.get and request. poost would be sort of sensible names in this case though we have request. args for get and request. form for post all right that's an easy fix though if I go back to vs code here let's change request. ARS to request. form let's go back to my other tab let me just reload and you know what I'm going to say okay continue to resubmit the same form because the form was okay it was my python code that was buggy hitting enter now it's accessing David okay but watch this again if I hit reload command r or control r i get the same warning are you sure you want to submit the form yes if I do it manually with the reload icon I get the same warning as before but if I want to manually induce a get request well that's fine don't hit reload and send the same request instead go up to your URL and just put the cursor up there and hit enter and now notice same URL is a get by default so anytime you and I have typed URLs into browsers get is always the default only when you click on a button typically that the programmer has configured to use post are you actually adding things to your shopping cart or the like all right so we are back and if I go way back in time myself like this is actually like the first web application I made back in 1997 I believe uh so at the time this was would have been what my sophomore or so year I had taken cs50 I took a follow- on class called cs51 which is a different type of programming and then I pretty much taught myself a language called Pearl which is somewhat less popular nowadays but it's another language like python like Java like JavaScript like others that can be used to make web-based applications and the web was very young at the time and the process via which students my classmates could register uh for the first year intral sports program AKA Frost's was to grab a piece of paper and like write your name and email address on it and walk it across across the yard to Wigglesworth I believe where the Proctor lived and you'd Slide the piece of paper under the door and like that was how we submitted forms in my day um so this was an opportunity even back in 1997 is to like move things online and the website went on to live on until I think like 2007 I found this online and then it's become something else since um but this was a website via which people could register for sports and people could log in the scores for various games and whatnot and so underneath the hood I didn't even know anything anything about databases at the time it was just like CSV files that I was storing the data in but there were HTML forms and there was with pearl the language at the time the way to do the exact kind of stuff that we've just been doing already with flask and so what I thought we'd do is Implement a slightly less ugly version of this um repeating uh graphical backgrounds were invogue in like 1997 as you can see here um but this is where these were the Aesthetics of the day uh including the the so-called blink tag so let's at least focus on the functionality of this website and not so much the Aesthetics and see if we can't Implement some of the plumbing for actually solving like a real world representative problem be it for freshman inal sports or something else like it where you're getting data from users and processing it somehow so let me go over here to VSS code let me create a new directory called fros IMS just so we can keep all of this code in its own directory let me CD into fros IMS let me proactively make another directory called templates in which our templates our HTML files do need to live and eventually I'm going to go ahead and create a two files minimally and index.html so let's do the first of those will live in my Frost im's directory and I'm just going to recreate something very simple like we have previously so from flask in lowercase import flask capitalized render template and also request so same first line is before let me then give myself a variable called app set it equal to calling the flask function capital f with underscore uncore name underscore uncore and then let me give myself a route for slash as before with an index function though again I could call that anything I want and just for now let's return render template of quote unquote index.html as though that exists so this is not really a web application as much as it is at the moment just a recreation of HTTP server for one file let's now in another tab create a templates file uh called called index.html and I'm going to save myself a few keystrokes I let me copy paste from earlier almost all of the layout from before I've change the title in advance to frosts instead of hello but this is essentially the same template and for now though because I'm in an index.html I'm not going to use extends or any of that fancy block stuff yet I'm just going to go ahead and create a relatively simple form via which back in the day my classmates could have registered for interal Sports so let's go ahead here and I'll propose that we do this um in this page we'll have a form the action of which will be a route called SL register though I could call that anything I want it'll be somewhat private so I'm going to use post instead of get just so that people don't accidentally maybe register twice by hitting reload uh without warning uh inside of this form let's go ahead and give them an input uh where autocomplete will be off as always for demonstration sake autofocus so the cursor goes there initially the name of this field will be literally named because I want my classmates's name if they want to register for some sport the placeholder will again be quote unquote Nam just so they see some gray instructions and the type of this field will indeed be text as before and then I need to give them the ability to register for a few Sports why don't we keep it simple like back in the day basketball soccer and Ultimate Frisbee were three of the sports that we supported and so let me do this and you might not have seen this before uh unless you dabbled further on with forms on your own but I can create a select menu otherwise known as a drop-down menu in HTML inside of which are a whole bunch of options and each option typically follows this Paradigm the value of the option and then the actual text that the human sees so the value of these options will be how about we do uh basketball as one and I want the human to see literally the same thing though just like with a link in HTML they could be different but I'm going to keep them the same another option will be uh let's say soccer and whoops let me fix my quotes and this human will see the exact same thing though it could say something else and then lastly the value will be quote unquote Ultimate Frisbee and the humans will see the same thing there ultimate frisbe all right so this is going to create as we'll soon see just a drop- down menu with three separate options if I want the students to be able to submit this now let me give them a button the type of which is submit and this button will be like the word register on it so I think we're pretty much good to go like this is all just HTML no python no flask per se except for the rendering of the same template so let me go into my terminal window let me do flask run inside of this directory because I need to serve this app instead I'm going to see some ugly output including my own URL and if I hover over that and then open that URL I should now see a more interesting form it's got not only a field for their name but also this drop-down menu with all three Sports now this isn't maybe the best user uh experience thus far because I feel like I'm biasing people to registering for basketball maybe because it's checked by default I mean a lot of forms nowadays have like a blank placeholder for the form so this is just an aesthetic thing but I can do this let me go back to the same form and let me give myself just a a blank option at the top that in fact I'm going to disable so you technically can't select it proactively but I am going to select it by default and so we probably haven't seen those HTML attributes before but if I want to create the equivalent of like a a a title for this dropdown I'm going to literally create a disabled option that's automatically selected called sport so that you can't select it per se but it is there at the top so if I go back now to my other tab reload you know it's just marginally prettier than before and I'm not biasing people toward accidentally registering for basketball alone and if I click on this you'll see that sport is great out and therefore not manually selectable but I can select any of these other three still all right well un unfortunately if I type in David and I try registering for instance for soccer and click register I do end up atreg and there's no question mark or name or sport so it's probably indeed post instead of get those are hints but not found notice the tab here very uh uh uh succinctly says 404 not found well why is that just to be clear why did SL register give me a 404 what's the logic here perhaps just State the obvious or it doesn't exist right we haven't done that step yet all right so something as simple as that and so I actually U sort of belabor that point because as you're learning like a lot of these conventions and some of this new syntax like honestly you're just going to make stupid mistakes something's not going to work but again go back to First principles why is it not found all right/ register should be a template maybe called register. HTML oh I forgot my app. route so that should be the kind of of thinking as you try to diagnose these problems moving forward all right so let me go into app. and let me give myself a second route here uh so app. route quote unquote SL route then let me Define a function called anything I want but I'm going to call it oh sorry not SL route SL register let me call the function just to be consistent register so but I could call that anything I want and just for now let's not do anything too interesting let's just return the rendering of a template called success .html let's just pretend for now that registration is successful no matter who you are or what you do now I need that template and I only have index.html at this point so let me actually now do my best practices let me copy all of that let me in a separate terminal window let me do code uh let me go into my Frost im's directory and let me create a new template called layout. HTML just like before let me paste all that same code let me delete the form and just put in that big placehold folder so block body and then end block is all I did earlier this is just kind of boiler plate now convention everything else I'm going to leave the same but if I wanted to make it prettier I could add my CSS up top if I wanted to add like this crazy repeating background I could probably do that up top too so I could make every page look as ugly as it did back in my day but we'll focus just today on the text all right so now that I have layout. HTML let me clean up index.html I don't need all this redundancy I don't need all of these tags at the top instead recall I think I just need extends quote unquote layout. HTML with the appropriate percent signs and curly braces I then have the appropriate block body though I could call Body anything I want but I'm going to stick with my convention earlier and I'm going to delete the tags down here that I no longer need why because if I go into layout. HTML I already have all my open tags all my Clos tags the only stuff I want in index.html is is going to be which belongs in the body so end block down here and just to be pedantic let me go ahead and highlight all that hit shift Tab and that will like unindent it just to line things up just to be tidy all right so better even though it looks a little cryptic now but now I've laid the foundation for making a third page a fourth page that don't have all of that same copy paste all right so now let's go back into success. HTML is where I left off so okay let me open my terminal window let me code up a template called success. HTML whose purpose in life is literally just going to be like to say you are registered just so that we see some informative message on the screen so this part I do still need extends layout. HTML so there's a little bit of copy paste still which is a little ugly but so be it block body for this template and I'm just going to say you are registered exclamation point all right and then end block so super simple it's just an informative message claiming that the Stu the student is registered all right let's go back to the original form which is this let me reload to make sure my HTML has reloaded type in David I'm going to register again for soccer and click register and oh interesting method not allowed so I'm not getting a 404 anymore I'm getting 405 at SL register what's the deduction here how did I screw up this time 405 is progress yeah the placeholder uh so it's not the placeholder I think is okay this is now about the underlying HTTP stuff the method was disallow was not allowed say again so get purposes post thing too so by default all of these routes in flask just by default assume get because it's safe it doesn't allow you to send information to the server in quite the same way but if I do want to support post recall that we changed this to be methods equals and then a list with quote quote Post in it so I just need to enable support for that method that that is that HTTP verb all right let's go back to the form reload just to make sure I haven't screwed up type in my name David select soccer from the dropdown click register and now I'm not only at SL register in the URL it claims that I am indeed registered now of course I'm not I've done nothing interesting there's no database there's no CSV file we'll get to that in a bit but at least I now have the plumbing in place to do something Dynamic based on that sport all right well how can I now improve upon this how about we go ahead and implement store the actual registrant in a dictionary in the computer's memory so instead of just claiming that they're registered let's actually make a notation and the simplest way as we did weeks ago in Python is just store things in like a variable in memory like a list or a dictionary a set anything like that all right well let me go back into vs code and in and I think what I'm going to have to do here is change my register route to actually do some useful information but before I register the user let's consider where I want to actually put them and so let me propose that how about we do this at the top of my file let me go ahead and declare a global variable called registrant uh and set that equal to an empty dictionary so we've done this before when we were playing around previously with using dictionaries to store key value Pairs and I'm going to propose that we store the registrant as a dictionary why cuz I'm going to keep it simple like the name is going to be the student's name sorry the key is going to be the student's name and the value is going to be whatever sport they registered for so David and soccer and Carter and basketball and so it kind of makes sense for like a two column dictionary so to speak as we often depict it on screen so how can I use this dictionary well let me go ahead and do this down here under SL register let me go ahead and initially do this how about we get the user's name from request. form. Get and set it equal to whatever the value of name is and I'm not going to give a default value now because I don't want to call the student world or something strange like that I'm just going to assume for now that it's there let's then create another variable called Sport and do request. form doget quote unquote sport to get these students Sport and then let's go ahead and do this in the registrant dictionary let's index into it using the student's name and let's set it equal to whatever the sport is so I've got these variables just to keep my code tidy and I'm now putting a key value pair in that uh into that dictionary all right well what do I want to now do and I'll I'll go ahead and say success. HTML sure let's go ahead and do that but now I think success. HTML means that so let me go back to the form reload let me type in David and soccer register okay let me go back and say Carter and basketball registered okay now let's see what I want to do next how about I go into um Let me give myself another route and let's play around here so app. route let's give myself another third route called registrant whose purpose in life is just to show me who all of those registrants are just like you would expect from a website like this and then let me Define a function called registrants or anything else and then let me return the rendering of a template called registrant H ML and let me pass in this is kind of neat I can do registrant equals registrant which again looks weird but what am I doing I'm presuming to pass in a placeholder called registrant the value of which is this dictionary that I've been collecting all of the registrations in so similar to the name placeholder before but it's a little more powerful because now it's a whole dictionary not just a single string so I think now let me be creative here let me go into my templates under uh my templates folder and let's do this uh let's go into uh my terminal window let's create another template called registrant HTML that's actually going to do this displaying of all of the registrant for us so extends layout. HTML just so I can borrow all of the same HTML as before and let's define block body just like before and inside of this and block I want to put I don't know like a bulleted list or an ordered list list of all of the registrant so how can I do this well let's do uh an unordered list ul and here's where Ginger and flask more generally get kind of interesting like I want there to be something like this An Li uh and then like the students's name and then an L uh maybe Li yeah like that and then maybe like sport something like this but I didn't pass in a name I didn't pass in a sport I passed in the entire dictionary of registrants now in Python if we were just doing something at the black and white terminal window and doing a command line program you know I'd probably have some kind of for Loop in Python Ginger does allow you to do this so a templating language tends to come with very lightweight mechanisms for doing placeholders doing Simple Loops doing Simple conditions so python like syntax and it's almost identical so watch what I can do inside of this unordered list let me not start to manually output a single Li let me use this syntax the same Ginger syntax that I used for Block so curly brace percent sign and I'm going to say this for name in registrant so this is just like python Syntax for iterating over a dictionary and now this is going to look stupid but the opposite of that is end4 so in HTML you use the slash in ginger you literally use the word end no space and then the name of the keyword so end4 is how you close this but this is where templating gets really cool you can now do Li and in here I can do something like that student's name and that's it I'm going to leave it like that and what I'm doing here is using really a template as templates are intended I've got like the basic building blocks of what I want this output to look like but thanks to this little for Loop here thanks to Ginger syntax the curly brace and the percent sign I'm going to iterate over every dictionary printing out name name name name and so if I've got two kids registered now I'm going to see two liis David and Carter respectively so let's see let me go back to uh my Frost IM tab here and I don't have a link yet so I got to do this manually uh like a developer would let me go to slash registrant and I'll zoom out and hit enter and you'll see what you'll probably see two when making mistakes for the first time in this world so where is the error message unfortunately internal Ser server error is not all that useful but we do tell you you see terminal window so if I go to the terminal window I haven't been paying attention to this for quite some time and in fact I have two terminal windows open so that I can still use commands at the prompt but if I go back to my first terminal window AKA bash there you'll see in your terminal window When developing web applications like all of the mistakes you made in the terminal itself this is one of those python tracebacks that's related to me screwing up here now let me go ahead here and let's see uh type error function is not iterable and block for name function is not iterable all right so what mistake did I make well this is what happens when I don't follow my notes and make changes on the fly so I have this variable on line five called registrant in all lower case but what did I then do on the Fly here in line 22 I defined a function called registrant so like newbie mistake like I shouldn't have done this I can't have a variable and a function of the same name name because the symbols are literally identical so just to make clear that this variable up here is actually Global we'll use our convention like we did in C often when we had a global variable we'll capitalize it all just to make it stand out like a a constant value up there and so down here what I'm going to do is pass in registrants in all cap so that was stupid didn't mean to confuse there but the reason for that error to be clear is that you can't have a function that's the same name as a variable I could just change the variable name alt together I'm going to go ahead and just capitalize it to make it really stand out that this is in fact a global variable up top all right now I'm going to go back to my browser let's do David and socer all right but there's going to be some other mistakes here so on line 17 let me go ahead and change this variable to be capitalized there because indeed I want to put the key and the value in this newly named variable as all capitals registrant let me now go back to vs code here let me go back to the form and let me start adding some data fresh let me register David for soccer clicking register now and we should see you are registered but hopefully now it's indeed in the computer's memory let me go back and register now Carter for basketball clicking register again and hopefully it's now registered if I now change my route manually to B SL registrant which is this newly added route that I made and hit enter now I see thank God now I see the unordered list containing everything in the computer's memory so when I say you are registered I kind of mean it now because the server is still running and in the computer's memory is in this registrant Global variable a dictionary of key value pairs of course we're only seeing the keys at the moment so it might be nice to actually see the values in as well so let me go back to VSS code and let me go into registr trans. HTML and I'll just do something a little messy I'll just say uh how about let just make it a sentence is registered four and now another placeholder I'm going to say registrant bracket name so just like in Python if registr is itself a dictionary registr bracket and then the key you want to index into is perfectly valid syntax as well so now let me go back to SL registrant let me click reload again so why isn't it working everyone what's the bug that I introduced earlier if David is registered for none and Carter is registered for none but David and Carter are in the dictionary like that's a good thing so some of the data is in there so why are there no Sports Associated well the first thing I literally just did in front of you all was I went to and I stared at line 17 thinking like how did I screw this up I'm putting sport as the value of the key which is the student's name all right line 17 looked fine to me a few seconds ago so I looked then with my eyes at line 16 and this too looked okay my first thought was oh did I use request. args instead of request. form instead because that would have assumed get instead of post but no like that looks okay too so then my final Instinct was oh my god did I screw up the HTML form and so that's why I went back over to my tab here I went to the original form here I then view page source and this might not be as obvious to you if you've never seen the select menu before what is apparently missing here that might explain my mistake yeah yeah I didn't name this form field quote unquote sport now to be fair you haven't seen me do this as a select menu before and it's different from this input when you have an input tag you literally say name equals whatever on the input tag it turns out I don't know why I skipped this earlier I probably meant to come back to it the select tag also can take a name parameter so if I go back to the name parameter here and go back and add the name parameter let me go into that template which is index.html let me add name equals quote unquote sport in all lowercase which is different from the visual aesthetic of this temporary disabled option that's just there to make things prettier for the human now let me go ahead here and first I'm going to go into my terminal window and I'm actually going to hit control C to stop the server alt together because I want to throw away the contents of memory and therefore get rid of that dictionary that had David and Carter and those nun values so this is sort of me clearing the computer's memory I'm going to rerun flask run I get that same URL as before so I'm going to hover over that and open the new tab and just to be sure I'm going to do view page source and here I see now okay now the form has both a name and a sport in it all right now I'm really going to cross my fingers because I intend for this now to work David will register again for soccer register claims we are registered I'm going to go back and do it again for Carter and basketball register we still don't have a link so I'm going to manually go up to the URL and change/ register to registrant as before zooming out and hit enter and thank God now I'm actually registered properly for this so oh thank you so what is it like 20 years later I'm still struggling to implement this site okay so um so here now we have for the first time in Python and web stuff like now we have a proper web application and it's not just echoing back hello David hello Carter this could now work for any of you and it's currently served privately but if I made this URL public I could put this on the web now and let anyone in the world register but there's kind of some issues here there's some security flaws potentially and so for instance let me go back to the web form here and let me open up the inspect tab the developer tools and just remind you that anyone on the internet not only you the developer but a an adversary can see all of your HTML see all of your CSS see all of your JavaScript but more importantly because this is all client side in the browser there is literally nothing technically stopping them from changing the HTML or at least their copy of it and I did that last week with Yale I changed their website but no I changed my copy of their website but when forms get involved you could maybe be actually malicious now because even though this drop-down menu only has basketball soccer and Ultimate Frisbee suppose I really want to register for how about uh let's say uh name your favorite sport volleyball we really want to register for volleyball but like this website won't let me well there's nothing stopping me from going under the elements tab in my browser going into this select menu here and you know what no one ultimate for me let's change this to volleyball and let's change this to volleyball enter I'm going to close the inspector now and as requested now we support volleyball in the form now now it's not changed on the server to be fair but think about how HTTP works when I fill out this with uh say let's see Bernie's name Bernie really wants to register for volleyball as well at the moment my code is just going to trust that what's in request. form is what was in the original form itself no matter whether the human adversarially actually changed it so if I actually submit this form and click register for Bernie and volleyball even though that's not one of the supported available Sports if I now go to registrant my website nonetheless has trusted that uh Bernie and perhaps you are registered for volleyball so what's the implication of this this has surely happened in the past when like really poorly implemented websites um allow you to uh specify the price of an item for instance in your shopping cart and they just trust that when you click submit or add to cart it adds the price to the backend server if you're not validating the price and making sure as with a database that wait a minute that price is valid valid or wait a minute those sports are valid like who knows what people are going to do to your site and it's that simple to actually hack a website accordingly now we can very easily fix this with some um some week six style python we really just need to do a bit of logic here and so let me propose this let me go into here and at the very top let me also create how about a uh Global variable called Sports in all caps and I'm going to set that equal to in square brackets the list of Sports I actually want to support so I'm going to put in basketball here I'm going to put in soccer here and I'm sorry no volleyball officially I'm going to put in ultimate frisbee here so I've got this Global list of supported Sports now think about how I made this form a while ago I just hardcoded these Sports here well I don't have to do that I can sort of draw upon my own official list of sports instead so let me scroll down to my index.html rendering template here let me say that the sports I want to support are are these so just using the same placeholder trick as before but I'm now telling the template what sports we currently support now if I go back into index.html I don't have to manually do any of this let me get rid of all three of those options which I manually inputed earlier let me use my new trick with ginger syntax and say for sport in sports then let me proactively say end for just to finish that thought and then in here let me do option value equals in curly BRAC is Sport and then so that the human also sees the same words I'm going to say sport out here so I've completely changed what was hardcoded manually typed to something now that's completely Dynamic so now it's not going to stop someone adversar like me from changing the HTML but watch this the behavior on the form if we go back is still now the same drop down as before so aesthetically it looks the same but you know what why don't we be clever now and let's go into and the/ register route and why don't we say this uh if how about sport not in sports then let's return render template uh failure. HTML now this template doesn't exist yet so let me just quickly make this real fast I'm going to copy that code from before let me create a code file in uh failure. HTML I'm just going to paste this here so I have a super simple error message and I'm going to say you are not registered just to that's what we mean by failure and now in consider what logic I've added Sports in all caps on line 22 is that same Global list as before by asking pythonic if sport not in sports well then you hacked me like you tried to inject volleyball or some other sport into request. form so I'm just going to say no failure not letting you register and I can do this a little more uh verbosely too why don't I also say this if if not name so if the name is blank let's similarly return a render template of failure. HTML in other words if you didn't give me a name you left it blank that's not useful for me running the sports program let's also consider that to be a failure so if I go back to this tab now I'm going to reload just to make sure I have the latest client side let me be lazy and just click register enter you are not registered because I didn't give it an actual name all right well let's go back how about I now type David but no no I'm not going to choose a sport I just want register myself nope that did not work now let me go ahead here and choose soccer this I think does work let me go back now and try this hacker trick whereby I go into the drop- down menu I go into the select menu I change as before Ultimate Frisbee to volleyball and I'll change this one here to volleyball let me close the tab now this looks like it's available now but when I click register this this time it says you are not registered and this is much better than relying on other techniques you might see or have seen online with regard to HTML because there's also this trick let me go back to the screen here let me go back to index.html and you might have seen online or you might eventually see online that there's other attributes you can use like required you can literally tell the browser uhuh this field is required you cannot leave it blank if I go back to the browser now reload and I again presume to be lazy and I don't type in any name and click register okay so that's kind of nice like now the browser is being a little more helpful for me saying no no no this is required you have to fill this out but again if you know what you're doing okay well I disagree with your requiring a name of me let me go in here let me go over to this tag let me delete the required attribute and now I slip through but I didn't slip through on the server and so there's a difference here and an important distinction and so many people in the real world still screw this up there's client side validation like actually checking that the data is as you expect on the client side the browser and there server side validation and even though client side validation like adding that required attribute makes things more user friendly right like that was a pretty little popup it tells me that it's required it just looks better than the previous version it is not trustable you cannot trust any input that ever comes from the user because clearly with like a an hour or so of cs50 like they can learn how to turn all of these defenses off so even if you like the user interface better client side you have to have to have to do server side validation always users are not to be trusted and as soon as any app or website you make becomes popular unfortunately then you have to deal with all of the adversarial possibilities as well oh good question could the adversary potentially access things sensitive like theoretically no like if flask itself is buggy then sure maybe if you're running some other software on your server on your laptop then sure uh it it's possible however if your server is properly configured theoretically they should not be able to get access to that with that said we'll soon see or You might with your final project if you do something web based you're never going to want to write like usernames and passwords in your actual code you can put them in what are called environment variables so sort of in the computer's memory but not in your code just in case you or someone screws up there are uh still ways to defend against those kinds of possibilities however slim yeah a good question and this comes back to First principles just like in C and in python as soon as you return from a function that's it nothing below that line of code executes and so to summarize the question even though I'm returning this failure. HTML template how am I making sure we still don't accidentally put volleyball in that Global dictionary it's because for instance if you don't give me a name on line 22 at the moment I'm returning the failure template and that's it lines 23 24 25 26 27 never execute in particular 26 never executes and that's where I would have been saving the name similarly if we do we get a invalid sport that is either blank or not in the original authoritative list we return failure. HTML is a template in line 25 we never get to line 26 so it just boils down to return and what that means in Python 2 good question other questions as well no all right how about we make one more enhancement here or so because the problem with storing everything in this Global dictionary might be what we've got it all working finally but why is probably a global dictionary not the place to store Frost's registration data what's the implication of this okay might slow the whole process down but that actually Ram is actually good memory is actually generally a good thing so not going to be a deal breaker here why might I not want to store that data though in that variable you can perhaps infer how I fix something earlier yeah and back yeah it gets it's the memory gets deleted garbage collected if you will as soon as flask stops running so if you so much as hit control C like you've just lost all of your freshmen who registered for the sport probably not a good thing I did this deliberately a moment ago and I hit control C because I did want to clear the dictionary but trusting that your server will never crash and your code will always work and the power will never go out like that's not the right way to build any kind of web application with persistent data so what we probably want to do is reintroduce csvs and we've played with those in C and in Python could totally use csvs but we also now have p uh SQL at our disposal and let me propose that we do this in SQL in instead and for this let me go ahead and open up a version of the program that I wrote in advance so let me go ahead and close these templates which will look very similar but a little different from the ones I wrote in advance and let me go ahead and open up uh in today's let me go into Source 9 let me go into Frost im's how about version four technically in the versions online and let me go ahead and open up as follows so here is an already made version that does just a little something different at the very top I'm importing cs50 SQL Library which you might recall we used a couple of weeks past just to write python that talks to a SQL database and this feels like an opportune moment to bring that idea back down here on line eight I'm creating a DB variable that opens up a file called frost. DB using syntax that we've seen before I did create this FRS DB file in advance of class just so that we have a couple of columns in which to store names and sports and such here's that same Global array a global list called Sports and let's just see what's going on down below if I scroll down to Index this is the same as before as we wrote together on the Fly let's skip deregister for a moment and go now into register so this one's a little different but let's see what I've done I've got some comments in here because I wrote it in advance and I think this logic is pretty much the same though I tightened it up and I'm asking two questions at once using on line 38 the or keyword here just to say if there's not a name or the sport is not in sports that is what we'll call now a failure but what's fun now is that on line 42 I'm using the cs50 SQL library to execute some actual SQL and I'm going to insert into a table called registrant two columns name and Sport what names and Sport well these two values with placeholders plugging in name and Sport notice I'm using the question marks absolutely necessary so we don't get one of those SQL injection attacks because that too could be possible if someone typed in some dangerous words or keywords like delete or single quotes or semicolons in the form here I'm letting the library sanitize the data and then this is a trick we haven't yet seen and it's really going to start tying things together I can also use a redirect function in flask that has the effect of doing the the if you will uh trick again whereby after the user registers if I want to automatically show them now everyone who is registered atreg I don't have to manually expect that they'll change the url like I've been doing for the past few minutes I can just redirect them anywhere I want on my app or heck I could redirect them to any URL on the internet using this function call and it's just a nice way to send them to a different route if you want them to see in this case those registrant so let me do this in the same directory let me increase my terminal window size let me do SQL light three of frost. DB and let me type schema and you can indeed see it wraps on to two lines here that each registrant has an ID which will be automatically assigned one two three on up a name which is not null text and a sport which is also the same and the primary key is just going to be this unique identifier so that I made in advance but if I do select star from registrant semicolon there's no one currently registered for any sports but let's try now running this let me go ahead and close my old version which we wrote together and I'll close that tab let me do flask run in this version four here all right I'm going to see some similar output I'm going to open the URL now and you'll see that I made a couple of Chang changes before instead of using a select menu I used what are called radio buttons now which is a reference to Old School radio buttons that were mutually exclusive in cars back in the day and we'll see how to do this but it's just an alternative to a select menu and I'm going to go ahead and type in my name again here so I'll do David I'll do soccer by selecting this radio button and I'm going to click register now and notice what happened it's a little ugly the formatting but so again was this 20 years ago here I have now now at the slash registrant route instead of an unordered list I'm just using a simple HTML table so I'll show you what this looks like in just a moment too and I'll show you this deregister button which is sort of unnecessarily large I also have functionality we'll soon see for how you can unregister someone from a sport as well so take your name out of contention well let me go back to my terminal window here and I'm going to click the plus to give myself s a second terminal so I can go back into Source 9 Frost IMS 4 I'm going to do SQL light of frost. DB I'm going to do select star from registrant now and now you'll see that indeed there's David registered for soccer and in fact if I quit the flask program with control C and rerun it again no big deal because that next version of flask will just use the database as well so I'm persisting keeping the data in SQL light whereas I'm actually grabbing it using my python code in flask all right let's put one more person in here so we can delete one of us too Carter for basketball register and now we see both of us here all right so let's see how we did this let's go back over to VSS code let me shrink down my terminal window let me go into the actually let's go into the templates directory and let's look at for instance index.html so previously we were using a select menu turns out radio buttons use the input tag but instead of having input of uh type equals text like for the human's name you have type equals radio and so long as each of your radio buttons has the same name the same name the same name that's what makes them mutually exclusive so checking one radio button turns off the others because they have the same name the value I want to assign to each of these radio buttons is just the sport placeholder this is what the human sees on the screen so it's almost the same as the select menu it just looks aesthetically different but there's my same button so that's all the difference I made there and I added a heading tag H1 just to say register to make clear what it is but let's take a look at another file uh this one now being how about the SL registrant route so if I open up registr trans. HTML here now it's way more verbose than my unordered list but this is just kind of boring HTML here's my table tag table head table row table heading this makes things bold as the first row of the table name sport are my two columns I've got a third empty column just so I can fit that button as we'll soon see again T body for table body here's the same for Loop trick again so that I can output for every registrant a whole table row and there's this weird form in there but we'll come back to that but there's the registrant's name there's the registrant sport but notice the slightly different syntax here recall that cs50's select uh cs50's execute function when it returns to you a list of dictionaries you can then get at the individual columns by way of those keys so let's go to the/ registrant Route let me go back to scroll down here and it's actually super simple here I have a SL registr route that first executes select star from registrant so just old SQL stuff give me everyone from the registr table let me then render the template called registr trans. HTML and just pass in this list of dictionaries and we haven't quite done this yet but if you go back to register. HTML how do you iterate over each dictionary in that list well the syntax is just for registrant in registrants that makes this a dictionary one at a time in the list just like in Python so registrant name and registrants sport is just another Syntax for using the square bracket notation it's just a little cleaner and slightly more succinct than having quotes and square brackets everywhere and then the rest of this is just HTML so what happens now if I want to uh like Carter has been cut from the basketball team if you will so how do we do that well we want to click this button deregister next to Carter's name but how does this work and think about now any website you visited that has something like a shopping cart uh where you can remove things from your cart or update quantities or add more quantities to your shopping cart on Amazon or anything else well let's actually look at the HTML that my app has spit out let's actually look at this here and we'll see the following we'll see that we have here in the HTML that reached the user not only is David in the first column socer in the second notice that my register. HTML form is also spitting out a tiny little web form of its own it's ugly but I only care about its functionality for now and notice what I'm doing here every registrant in this database gets their very own deregister button and that form has a button that says deregister but notice what else each of those forms have there's no text box there's no drop down menu there's no radio buttons rather you have a hidden input field here so there is a way with HTML to have a form that will submit information but you don't have to give the user the ability to change that information you can just go ahead and tuck it inside of the form invisibly if you will hidden in fashion and so what's going to happen is if I click the D register button next to Carter his primary key is two mine is instead one so what's going to happen if I click his deregister button it submits a form with a ID parameter whose value is two and it submits it to the deregister route so what do that mean well if I go to VSS code and I go to let's look at the deregister route that I skipped over so if you access the deregister route via post this code gets called I grab from request form the ID that was submitted in Hidden fashion if there's indeed an ID that is it's not blank it's not zero it's an actual number like one 2 three or more I execute delete from registrant where ID equals that value with a question mark Place holder and then I redirect the user back to registrant now if I go back to this form here I click deregister we'll see that in action gone is now Carter and in fact if I go back to my terminal window here I open open up uh SQL light 3 of frost. DB and rerun select star from registrant Carter is now gone so again using very simple HTML forms you can get buttons and links and other such UI mechanisms to like do things on the server that you want but there is a danger here this now is really meant this example is like an administrative website like it was some 20 years ago just for us internal staff to be doing things technically this is dangerous what I've just done two even though Carter's ID is two and hidden and mine is one in Hidden what could this allow an adversary to do if they had admin access to the same site any thoughts yeah yeah yeah they could change the value of that hidden attri by opening up chrom's like developer tools change the number in the HTML they could delete anyone deregister anyone want from the database now in this case I claim this is fine because this is only meant for us staff who were running Sports back in the day but it's indeed a risk so wouldn't it be nice if we could actually ensure that only those users who are authorized are allowed to execute certain actions I think for this capability we're actually going to need to introduce something a bit more and so here of course is an opportunity to talk briefly about really what you and I do all day long every day we log into one or more websites or apps or at least until uh you're logged out automatically and you have to do it again so here for instance is a screenshot of Gmail when you type in your username you type in your password maybe your to factor code that gets texted or sent to your phone then you're logged in and thankfully you're not prompted to log in again typically for number of hours or days or weeks depending on the website like Gmail keeps you logged in for ages your bank probably logs you out within an hour or so for safety sake so that is completely configurable on the server but how does g Emil know how does Google know that even as you're checking different mails again and again and again how do they know that you're still the same person who logged in well it turns out that using these same building blocks as today HTTP and HTML and more you can actually implement the notion of a login feature by doing the equivalent of something with something called cookies essentially what happens when you first log into a website for the very first time successfully with your username and password a cookie so to speak is planted on your computer and metaphorically this is kind of like taking a hand stamp and your hand is now stamped in this case a smiley face so that every other time you click on a link on that same website whatever unbeknownst to you your browser is constantly presenting that handstamp just like going into a club or an amusement park or something like that where they don't want to check your ID again they don't want to check your ticket again they just want to quickly see the same hand stamp and so that is one of the things that a browser is always doing for you once you're logged in any cookies that have been planted so to speak in your Mac or PC or phone are constantly represented to the site every time you click a link or make another request to that website and mechanically how this works not just metaphorically and ink essentially this is what happens here is a example of an HTTP request to something like Gmail and suppose for instance that you've logged in typically as of last week we said that coming back from the server would be another virtual envelope containing like a 200 okay message and then like the actual web page or the picture of a cat or whatever it may be but Google can also if they verified that you have some username and password correctly inputed they can do the equivalent of stamping your hand and the way they do this is they send an additional line of text in that virtual envelope from the server to your browser literally using another HTTP header not content type which just mundanely tells you what kind of content has come back they literally send an http header called set-cookie and then they set a key value pair on your Mac or PC this is the technical equivalent of this smiley face handstamp and what your computer is designed to do because your computer and intern browser are supposed to implement HTTP anytime you click another link on Gmail or click on another mail or the like your browser unbeknownst to you presents that handstamp and how it does it technically is in the envelope it sends to Google from your browser it doesn't send set cookie it just sends cookie colon and the exact same thing and so long as Google is smart and they have a database or something of all of the session Valu session is the technical term for this maintenance of information across HTTP so long as Google has a big database that knows that my cookie value is one 123 and your cookie value is 456 they can infer from this virtual handstamp whose emails they should be showing mine or yours or the like so this is just scratching the surface but if I really wanted to enable only Carter to deregister himself I just have to make sure that I log him in somehow username password and all of that I stamp his hand or really put a cookie on his computer and only if his cookie lines up with the user ID he's trying to deregister should he be allowed to in fact do so so all of this is quite possible and indeed the technical term for this is session and what we thought we'd do in our remaining time Today show you some examples of exactly how some of the most familiar web functionality is implemented today some of which you'll use in your own uh problem set 9 uh which itself will be a web app or perhaps even your final project so let me go ahead and do this let me close my previous tabs and all things for ashs and let's move on to implementing some notion of login so in just a moment I'll switch over here to VSS code and what I'm going to do is indeed in my source 9 directory I'm going to go into a login directory and if I type LS here you'll see requirements. text which just refers to libraries I want to automatically install and a templates folder as well I'm going to go ahead and stop the previous server and close that terminal window and I'm going to open up this version of so there's a few new lines here and we'll give you these lines for problems at nine but I've got some of the familiar stuff up here including this new redirect function we just used and I have a session variable that comes with flask 2 so what's nice again about flask is that it deals with all of this cookie stuff for you it sets the cookie it checks the cookie and what flask does for you is it gives you the abstraction of a variable called session so that anything you put in the session variable which itself is a dictionary will be there again and again and again whenever that same user comes back a session is how you implement essentially like the proverbial shopping cart uh if I'm logged into Amazon you're logged into Amazon Amazon knows which of us is which by way of that cookie and Amazon if they're using flask provides the programmer with a dictionary called session and flasks make sure that when Carter is visiting the site the code uses his session object when I'm visiting the site it uses my session object but it's all implemented with those same cookies this is the same as before these lines are new and you'll see these in problem Set n this is how we enable sessions in a web application and I'll just wave my hands at the detail there's different ways to implement sessions whether you use cookies on the server cookies on the browser or other things these just ensure that we're storing the the session information the shopping cart on the server itself now down here let's go ahead and do this let's go ahead and run flask run so I can see what this app does if I do this and visit the URL that gets outputed you'll see a very simple web page here and if I type in for instance my name I'm not going to bother with a password and click log in you'll see that you are logged in as David and now I can log out so I'm going to go ahead and click log out and now it seems to know that I'm not logged in again I can log in as Carter because I didn't bother implementing passwords for Simplicity but now the site knows I'm logged in as Carter better yet if I reload reload reload or click this button again and again notice it still knows that I'm Carter uh until such time as I log out all right well how is this working well let's go back to vs code here and let me scroll down to first this route this is a very common Paradigm here whereby I'm checking for the index route if there is not a name in the session redirect the user to SL login now what does that mean well let me go back to vs code here let me go to the slash route so again your url will be different but I'm just going to go to slash and hit enter notice that I got automatically redirected to login and so many websites do this if you go to a website and you're not logged in you're very often redirected to SL login or SL account or something like that where you're prompted the code for doing that is right here if there's no name in the session if there's no name in the shopping cart if you will go ahead and return the user to login that route otherwise implicitly if they are logged in show them index.html so let's go down that rabbit hole let me open up in VSS code a second terminal window let me go into Source 9 and go into this same login demonstration and let me open up the template called index.html and here's all this is there's some layout but who cares at this point it's just the boiler plate generic HTML here's the body block I have this and this two is ginger because of the curly brace and the percent sign if there's a name in the session this is just python syntax then say this sentence you are logged in as whatever name is in the session in the shopping cart if you will and then I just have this HTML link for logging the user out else if there is no name in the session logically just say you are not logged in and give them a manual link for logging in instead so that's all this particular template does but how does the slash login work well let's go into this other template code of login. HTML to which I'm redirected super simple this is just copy paste from HTML before I've got a login form that's going to have an action of Slash login submits for privacy sake just via post and then the rest of this is just a simple form and I'm using using an input type equals submit instead of button equals type equals submit but same idea here too and if I go back to well let's see how login works all right it's a lot all at once but they're relatively simple reapplications of the same idea so if the user visits SL login via get or post call this function login if the user has submitted via post and we saw this technique before go ahead and do this on line 23 store in this special session variable that comes with flask a name key and store in it the user's own name so quote unquote name will have a value of David or Carter or the like and as soon as you do that redirect the user back to slash just so they see the homepage again and this is how Amazon and all these other websites work too otherwise if they visit this page implicitly via get and even though I didn't say equals equals get anywhere that's sort of the implication because if you can only get here via get or post and we already handled post logically All That Remains is get well then just show them the login screen instead but there's half a dozen ways we could express that same logic and then for log out this is kind of straightforward if the user clicks that log out link and ends up at SL logout this route well just change the value of that key in the session to be none effectively no Carter is gone David's gone there's no one logged in so that is all that's required to actually implement the notion of logging in and logging out of website plus the password thing which should probably involve a database but one thing at a time and really session is sort of like the code version of a shopping cart whereby if I visit the same code I get my own session object if Carter visits the website he gets his own session object and the way flask Keeps Us straight is they put one cookie on my computer a different cookie on his computer and uses those to line up with making sure the right session gets shown to the right actual user questions on this notion of sessions no all right how about a couple final examples just to tie this all together let me go back into vs code here let me quit my previous version of flask let's go into Source 9 and go into store which is a separate app Al together and let's start by just running flask to see what it does let's hover over the URL and open it in another Tab and this is pretty ugly too let me zoom in but it's a very simple bookstore like an early for each of these seven books here Each of which seems to be like maybe this is H1 this is H2 H2 H2 H2 and then there's a button underneath each well now let's use this as an opportunity to kind of infer like for any website how this thing works let me go ahead and do view page source and you can do this for any website on the internet let's try to figure out how this bookstore adds things to a cart well here's the H1 tag uninteresting H2 H2 H2 so the juicy part is in these forms each of these forms has an action of SL cart so that's the route that's going to be interesting in a moment and it uses post for privacy sake each of these forms like the deregister feature for Carter has an ID attribute an ID parameter that's hidden visually that has a value of one or two or three so like the unique uh uh like barcodes for the books if you will but super small numbers in our case and then each of these other forms just had each of these other books has an identical form except for the value of this year now in this case this isn't such a big deal that a user could technically hack the HTML of this bookstore and change the IDS because whoa what's the worst they're going to do like buy more books by adding more IDs to their shopping cart like that's not a problem there's no prices here it's just the unique ideas of books so whereas the deregister was maybe worrisome because you're changing the server I think it's okay because the user can only at worst buy more books than then uh they might via the buttons alone so how does this now work well let's go into vs code again here let me give myself another terminal window and in Source 9/ store let me open up which is where all the logic is so I'll flip through most of this quickly because we've seen this before these Imports are pretty much the same as before this line is the same this line is almost the same but the database now is called store. DB instead of frost. DB this is the boilerplate code for just enabling sessions this notion of a shopping cart and so let's see how the index Works how is that I'm seeing all seven books at once well in this index function I'm using on line 19 select star from books to get all the books from the database and then I'm rendering a template called books. HTML passing in as a placeholder all of those books all right let's go down that rabbit hole for a second let me open up books. HTML in my templates directory and here again even though it's you know new today it's probably increasingly familiar syntactically here's the H1 here is my Loop here's the H2 which is going to Output the current book's title in that Loop here's the form here's the ID of that book that's going to be outputed in the form so I didn't manually type out seven long forms I just did one in this template so that it gets generated automatically literally what a website CL Amazon would do to show you 10 books at a time or 10 search results or more at a time all right well let's go to SLC cart which was the juicy one and this one's longer but let's see if we can reason through it if the user submits via get or post to/ cart well we first do this and this is just necessary in some boilerplate rewrote we're going to use the session object to store a variable called cart that in this case is going to be a list so session again is just a dictionary you can put anything in it you want previously we put students names and sports now uh what I want to do is actually sorry prev previously we put uh the student name the user's name in it now I'm going to actually store a cart key whose value is a list why because I want to aggregate more and more books in this list all right so that just makes sure that I have at least an empty shopping cart the very first time the user does this if they visit this form via post let's go ahead and get the ID of the book that they posted if it is not empty if there is a number like one or two or three let's go ahead and go into the shopping C cart which is a list per this line and just append that ID so this list of books in your shopping cart is going to contain like one comma 2 comma four comma six whatever books you're actually buying and then the user gets redirected to cart what if though the user got here via get and not post well this one's relatively straightforward if you just visit slart we select star from books where ID is in okay so this is interesting this list and and this is a syntax you might not have seen before but if you read the documentation for cs50's Library if you select something and use a question mark placeholder and the placeholder itself is a list we output a comma separated list of values just like you would use maybe in problem Set uh seven for doing SQL queries on your own so this just means show me only those books in my shopping cart not Carters not someone else's not in the whole database only show me the books in my shopping cart and then render it as such so we only saw what the catalog here looks like at slash books Let's go ahead and in slash let's go ahead and add maybe the first book to my cart and now I see at SLC cart only that first book whose ID is one let me now go back to the bookstore here scroll down to maybe the seventh book and add that to my cart and now I see this here too meanwhile all of this information is stored in my session and so when I reload this cart again and again the reason I'm only seeing my two is because we're checking only the list in my session and flasks make sure again that my session is different from your session is different from Carter's session as well but you write the code once and it works for thousands millions of people in parallel any questions on this this yes in the back sorry say a little louder uh so to recap so users will never have the same session values theoretically the cookie that gets planted does not look like a smiley face for everyone each of us gets a big random number that's assigned to us so it' be like each of us gets a completely unique hand stamp that no one else can see the reason no one else can see it is because if the website's using https every time this hand stamp is shown every time this cookie is sent back and forth It's all encrypted as well so each of us can even if we have the same contents by coincidence because we like the same books they will be separate cookies separate memory separate sessions behind you yeah really good question when does the session end totally configurable typically it ends when you close the tab or when you quit the browser or you can also configure cookies to themselves be persistent for a day for a week for longer so for instance when you log into um uh say Gmail they plant a cookie on your computer probably for a week a month a year something like that because it would be annoying and probably drive you to like Outlook or something else if you kept having to log into your account whereas your bank account might actually wait for you to just close the tab and then for your own Financial safety they just automatically delete the session far sooner but totally configurable by default as I'm using it it will typically be thrown away when the browser itself quits and here too is another reason to develop websites using incognito mode because if you want to just throw throw away all of your cookies you close the incognito window mode open a new one and now you're starting from scratch you don't have to manually delete all your cookies which could log you out of websites you actually care about yeah a good question when using sessions if someone maliciously changes the value of sub forms could it affect other people theoretically no because the worst you can do is like add books to your own shopping cart that you don't want there so at that point even though it's on the server it doesn't affect you or Carter or anyone else unless there is something more globally happening like registering or deregistering for a sport or removing books from the Amazon database that would be problematic but in this case we're removing things only from my own session that the website is giving me all right the last topic for today is this thing here which is sort of everywhere nowadays these things called apis or application programming interfaces and this is a very generic term in fact because any function you've used in C in scratch in Python in SQL are all apis like there is a standard way of interfacing with those functions they all have names they sometimes have return values they sometimes have arguments and an API is just how you use a function or more generally an API just specifies how you interact with some service and so nowadays there's a lot of web-based services that you can use to get back data like the weather or the current time or the database of Amazon books for instance all might have apis often web-based that allow you using URLs or some other technology to just get data from someone else as though it's a function you're calling remotely but HTTP is very often the mechanism that's used to actually get data from servers and the way the data can come back can be as follows let me end with one final example using some of our familiar shows from uh weeks past let me go ahead and close the old flask version version go back into Source 9 and go into how about an example called shows and the first version of this zero I'm just going to go ahead and run with flask run I'll hover over my URL and open it here and you'll see now that I have a very simple form as we keep doing today I'm going to type in like o f f i c office into this search box and click search and you'll see now that I ended up at a URL ending in/ search question mark Q equals office so this is like my own baby version of but I implemented it myself and for any title of a TV show from a couple of weeks past that matches o i I spit it out into an unordered list how is this working you can maybe imagine even if you might not be able to program this off the top of your head certainly so soon let me go into Source 9 let me go into uh show zero let me open up and in this file you'll see that that I'm grabbing a uh file called shows. DB which is like a simpler version of the one from a couple of weeks past uh here is why I see the web form my first route my index is super simple it just spits out that form and my search route like you can think of this as there only like four lines of code so if the user sends data to SL search this function called search is called I declare a variable called shows I execute a SQL command that is Select star from shows where title like question mark and the syntax here is a little crazy but I want to prefix to the user's input percent sign and suffix it with a percent sign as well putting in the between those two values the actual input why in SQL what is it mean if you have a percent sign to the left and to the right nothing to do with Ginger today yeah it's a it's a wild card so it means match zero or more characters on the left or match zero or more characters on the right you have to do the concatenation as the second argument to this function you can't do something clever like put it here around the like the is the placeholder that you plug these values into but this just means hey SQL show me all of the titles that have o f i somewhere in them that gives me back an a list of dictionaries I pass that in as a placeholder for a variable called shows and if we look at search. HTML let's look at that in my templates directory there's something called search. HTML super simple I mean this is like the essence of search results I'm using an unordered list to keep things simple but I iterate over every show in the shows list that came back and I output An Li with each of those shows titles and that's it now Google has like Blue Links and like little previews and other text the first sentence or so from each page but like that's the idea like this is really similar in spirit to what search does for you now how is this working there's no API involved here yet this is just very basic HTTP I submit the the form I go to another route and I get back the results but check out this version Let me close these tabs here and open my first terminal window let me go into shows one from today's Source 9 directory and do flask run this time let me go ahead and hover over that URL and open it here and gone now is the submit button now I'm going to make an user interface that uses a technique called Ajax for asynchronous uh JavaScript and XML which is somewhat of a data term because we're not using something called ml anymore but Ajax is a technique whereby you don't have to submit forms anymore to get more data from the server you can use JavaScript per last week listen for an event like the key press coming down or up and as soon as you hear such an event you can secretly in JavaScript code send a request to the server to get back more data and then plug it into the Dom the tree in the computer's memory and this just makes for more seamless experiences like autocomplete on any website so now let me try typing o okay we got auto complete super fast f f i c e and you'll see every time I add more keys to my input I'm doing another search another search another search and the data is changing now how is this working well let me go back to vs code here and in my other terminal window let me open up uh and in you'll see that there's still a search route down below that turns a search template but watch this let me go into templates search. HTML and notice here that we're indeed getting back an unordered list of shows again and again and again and this HTML that's coming back let me go here let me open my terminal oh sorry this is the wrong version uh sorry I was in the wrong folder let's fix this and shows one code of it's almost the same thing inserch here okay well I changed this slightly let me show you this version of search if I open up here's my search route I'm getting a variable called Q giving it the value of whatever request. RX has from the user like Q equals office and then I'm checking if the user actually typed something in execute this SQL query select star from shows where title is like that using the same and this time just to keep things efficient I limited the total results to 50 instead of an infinite number otherwise if the user type nothing just to be super safe here I'm setting shows equal to an empty list so if you don't type anything there's nothing to show and no matter what I render this template called search. HTML well let's look at that if I open up templat search. HTML this time there's no layout there's no inheritance of that layout. HTML I am literally generating just a whole bunch of Li fragments why well let's see what what's happening in the browser and this is the beginning of an API if I wanted to make this API available this application programming interface I could tell the world that if you want to search for TV shows in my database go to URL that's something something/ search question mark Q equals office or cat or dog or anything else and what I will return to you is this enter I will just give you a whole bunch of Li tags which almost looks the same but let me view the page source only am I going to hand you back a fragment of HTML I'm not giving you an HTML tag a body tag a title tag a head tag I'm not giving you a web page I'm giving you a fragment of HTML that you can now do whatever you want including insert this into your own unordered list so notice what happens in this actual app if I go back to vs code here let me open up my index template here and you'll see some JavaScript magic so in JavaScript here in my form that only had the text box and no button what am I doing in a script tag here I am creating a variable called input and I'm using this function called query selector that just gets me a reference to the input text box on the form so I can see what the human typed this is a little different today but I'm using input. atevent listener which is a way in JavaScript to tell it just like in scratch listen for something to happen like the green flag being clicked but in this case listen for an event that involves input that is like typing on the keyboard whether it's by a copy paste manual input or anything else then whenever that happens call this function and async stands for asynchronous this is a term of art which means that this this function might take like a split second maybe even a second or two to execute so it's going to do it behind the scenes like in the background so to speak and what is it going to do well it's going to call a JavaScript function that all browsers now Support called Fetch which is a function that uses HTTP to go fetch more data via the from the server it's going to fetch data from a route called SL search question mark Q equals and whatever the value is that the user typed in so I'm just sort of manually creating my own mini URL and telling JavaScript go fetch me that HTML when it comes back via this line of text here called response. text and let me wave my hand at await await just means this might not come back immediately let's await the response and when it does come and then let's execute this code I'm going to do this I'm going to search the document the whole web page for this UL tag which is somewhere in this page that we'll see in a moment change its inner HTML to be that fragment of Li Li Li of all of those matching shows and where does this all go well if we scroll up here you'll notice that there's my usual HTML up at top head tag body tag and all of that there's the text box that we've talked about already there's no button for submitting cuz it all happens automatically but there is by default this empty UL that has nothing by default until we start using that API and the final flourish here is this this is kind of a uh ugly sloppy way to get data from a server to just get back like a fragment of HTML like what if I'm not using HTML I want to store these uh TV shows in a PDF or in some other wet tag in a table or something like that it doesn't really make sense for the server to be presuming that I want Li tags surrounding each of my data better would be to get a more generic format back and that format is almost always nowadays called this our final acronym Json JavaScript object notation and let me do this let me close these two tabs here and open my terminal window and C cancel the previous version of flask that was running let me close this version and look at our final version called shows two and do flask run on I'm going to hover over that URL and open it in a browser and I'm going to manually visit after zooming in let's do again slash uh search question mark uh Q equals Office enter and this is what Json looks like now at a glance this does not seem like an improvement like this looks crazy that it's just this Big Blob of text but it's just enough text for the computer to be able to process it reliably notice that there's a cur a square bracket here and if I actually scroll to the Bott botom there' be a closed square bracket like way down there inside of that square bracket is a curly brace then ID colon and then a number then a title quote unquote colon and then the title and then the closed curly brace so what you're seeing in JavaScript object notation is a very standard super popular format that's just text that still uses square brackets for lists AKA arrays that still uses curly braces for dictionaries key value pairs so what you see here is a massive list up to 50 I think think shows that came back from this API Each of which has a dictionary if you will an object of key value pairs what keys and values an ID key and a title key Each of which has a value respectively and this is the same data from IMDb some of which you might be recalling visually this is just a very raw computer friendly way of returning a whole bunch of data that we humans don't need to see but I can use this data by going back into vs code let me open another terminal window and go into Source 9/ shows 2 and in here let me go ahead and open up how about uh templates index.html which previously just used that inner HTML trick and this is not going to impress you're not going to be pleased with this syntax but let me just at least explain what we're doing it turns out that Json is just the better way in general the more generic multi-purpose user agnostic language agnostic way of returning data from a server because it's just text so it doesn't matter if you're using python or C or C++ or JavaScript or Ruby or PHP or something else like all of those languages can process Json information and indeed here is some JavaScript that does just that same code as before initially I declare a variable called input that gives me access to the user's text box I listen for input like key strokes going up and down and when they happen I call this Anonymous function uh I fetch data from the server using the exact same code as before search question mark Q equals office or anything else and then this is just now new code that I use to convert that Json data into my own HTML format be it an unordered list an ordered list a table or anything else what am I doing I've got a variable called HTML initialized to nothing so I've got no HTML initially I then iterate over every ID in those shows so every one of IMDB's unique identifiers I iterate over them one at a time and then I go into the show at its ID location and I grab its title and this is forget this for just a moment I then take this HTML variable concatenate or join onto it my own Li tag plus the title plus the close Li tag and I skipped this because it got scary pretty fast but it turns out that if some TV shows have actually angled brackets in that could break my HTML entirely so it turns out you might recall super briefly last week we had the copyright symbol using an HTML entity using the Ampersand and the hash symbol and 169 semicolon it turns out there are other such cryptic sequences of characters that represent otherwise dangerous or untypable characters like this which could confuse the computer into thinking it's at the beginning of a tag and an Amper sand which could similarly trick the computer into thinking that it's a entity which it isn't but long story short there are libraries thankfully that handle much of this for you for our purposes the takeaway is that now that you understand a bit of HTTP uh now that you understand a bit of HTML CSS and JavaScript all of which they have their roles you can use them ultimately to start assembling your own web applications as you will for problem set nine um stitching together all of those languages and building full-fledged web applications mobile applications or anything more and for that I think we are all set and if the first one up here uh can have these cookies as well we'll see you next time for our very last cs50 [Music] [Music] lecture [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon my name is Sarah and my name is Grant and we are the Harvard crocodillos and pitches now Sarah and I understand that today is the final lecture of cs50 it's been a tough semester we made it through pets four five and even Finance now I know this is an unpopular opinion but I particularly enjoyed Finance I spent a lot of time with my flask the P set there was a p set well um at least things are looking up um today is our last lecture and look how far we've come if I were an emoji right now I'd be the face with tears of joy sorry about that we're just trying to work some cs50 references into the uh intro I I mean uh boy I sure hope this uh tide man doesn't run off my Mario filter you could say that for Loop x equals Open Bracket one comma 2 close bracket boy I sure wish we had checked to see if these jokes were funny when we wrote them any who we hope that you'll enjoy this brief [Music] serenade your boot [Music] KN House of well there's friers Andy truck barbecue ribs Tri [Music] the boy boy bo boy bo bo boy boy down at the house the house of well your root and you walk on down to a knock down Shack on the edge of town There's a l there just quit you see fall down the house the house [Applause] of up your boots and you walk on down at the house the House of Blue Light to your down at the of light [Applause] good afternoon everyone we are the Harvard crocodillos and it is such an honor to be here with the Radcliff pitches performing for cs50's final lecture congratulations to everyone and we hope you'll enjoy this our tribute to cs50 one two one 1 2 3 4 C is for the language I once knew O is for all notation I must do D is for dynamic flask run and finance it is even more than David May in canor so code is all that I can give to you to youe debugging it since PE soon deadlines I'll make it hit compile and please don't break it code was made by [Music] foru I for notation I must do is Dam even more is [Music] I is for the language 0 1 0 1 0 oh is for otation 0 1 1 D is for dynamic flas run and finance e is even more than David mail in canor so C is all that I can give to you debugging it since PE soon deadlines I'll make it hit compile and please don't break it code was made by me for COD was made by me for COD was [Music] by all right all right this is cs50 and cs50 this was the Harvard crocodillos and the Radcliff pitches if one more time we could thank them for joining us today so this is already week 10 our last and indeed among the goals for today are to hopefully give you all the more of appreciation of truly just how far you've come recall that in week zero we began with this this visual here whereby it was described this class as a bit of a fire hose whereby drinking from that fire hose or really a fire hose from a water fountain uh is not unlike getting an education down the road too and so this is to say that if you're feeling like you didn't quite get it all down like that's actually okay and that's to be expected and even if you felt that with each passing week 0 1 two all the way up now till 10 it never really ever got easier perhaps just consider that what was once hard like Mario and like getting hello world to compile is indeed the right measure of the Delta between week Zer and now in week 10 in fact you might recall that again in week zero 2third of your classmates had never taken a CS course before now of course you all have and indeed if you think back too to this final sentiment from week zero that indeed what ultimately matters in this course is not where you end up relative to your classmates but where you end up relative to where you yourself began so I would take some pride take some satisfaction take some relief even though a little bit more work does remain at really just how far you've come since that week zero and recall that in week zero we literally started with just zeros and ones and by now many of you might have gleaned that these 64 zeros and ones have been spelling something week by week in fact today is our very last message here in binary uh encoded on stage but then quickly we introduced scratch and we started to assemble some building blocks of programming Loops conditions uh uh Loops conditions functions and the like but without all the distractions of semicolons and curly braces and all of that which admittedly we introduce the next week when we introduce you to C but even now that we've transitioned to python hopefully even those kinds of Curiosities or confusions are hopefully starting to just get more familiar and so you finally start to see the missing semicolon as opposed to spending time on that kind of struggle recall too that in week two we started talking already about memory and like how you can manage things in arrays that later became of course in Python lists uh the week after we talked not only about uh debugging uh bugs in code but how to debug those same programs um thereafter we started talking talking about algorithms and we took a step back from code and looked at the bubble sorts and the selection sorts and the merge sorts and all of the searches as well that go hand in hand with that and indeed this ultimately is what a lot of problem solving moving forward is going to be about just solving problems with some form of algorithm and you have so many different languages um in your toolkit now with which to approach problems like those we talk thereafter about pointers which are not likely to come back in any modern languages that you now use but hopefully you have an all the better of a sense underneath the hood of like what's going on inside of the computer so that when you're designing something you're using something something crashes you at least have a mental model for what's going on and it's no longer that week zero black box as it once was I mean you built things like this think back to week five when you built your own hash table and those things are everywhere key value pairs whether it's in python or in C or if it's now in CSS and JavaScript and even HTML like that principle of key value pairs is really everywhere and so of course now code doesn't necessarily have to look like this it now wonderfully looks a little something more like this but eventually you're probably not I'm not going to use Python anymore something new and better is going to come along but odds are like a lot of the building blocks from these past 11 weeks are still going to be useful for wrapping your mind around those new worlds and indeed SQL we introduced you a little bit too and even if you don't feel yourself yet an expert hopefully have a sense of like what you can do with it and what problems you can solve uh it's of course a better alternative to something like something simple like a spreadsheet and now of course like web stuff is everywhere whether it's on your laptop or desktop or a lot of the mobile apps that you use on your phone even though they're native applications like you install them from Google Play or the Apple App Store like they're implemented increasingly with HTML CSS and JavaScript but they're put in a little rectangular window so you don't even notice that that's actually really just an embedded browser and then of course you can build things as you might for your final project that to might very well be web based if you go that route I mean I'm still clinging to like the very first like web app I ever made years ago um but honestly I do that in part because I was just so darn proud that like I taught myself how to do something and it actually worked and was used by other people so whether it's just used by you or your classmates or your roommates or your family or your company down the line there's a great sense of satisfaction that comes despite all of the the pain that might be along the way when you just can't see or fix that bug now of course we'll transition as you'll see in the coming days to try empowering you to code client side as well up until now you've been using our own vs code installation in the cloud which is nice cuz you got up in running super fast in week one focusing only on code challenges not on technical difficulties but among the goals now if you so choose and want to program after this class even if you never take another CS course before you can use these same real world deao standard tools on your own Mac or PC and so pictured here is a screenshot of like vs code on the Mac and even though yes you're going to have to like jump through a couple of more Hoops to just get python or some other language working on your own Mac or PC like that's what programming is ultimately going to be about and we deliberately transition you to this at terms end so that now you have 11 weeks of more Comfort under your belt with which to solve sort of silly technical support headaches that might have been deal breakers so many weeks ago so there's still more to be done uh in the coming weeks and indeed a support structure there for the cs50 hackathon of course will be this 700 p.m. till 7 a.m. opportunity to dive into your final project well really continue diving into your final project ideally at that point uh alongside classmates perhaps your project Partners if you're working collaboratively uh and awaiting you will be such memories and excitement hopefully as these even as you then turn your attention back to your final project there of course will be several meals during the day culminating with 500 a.m. uh shuttles to IHOP the local Pancake Place uh if you are so awake at that point or even if you get there uh this is not an uncommon site as you might recall from week zero and then lastly is the cs-50 fair which is finally back after a couple of years now of it not being on campus and this will be an opportunity for everyone to present their final projects to passers by classmates faculty and staff and really just Delight in what it is you created on your Mac your PC your phone in the cloud or anywhere else and indeed it's just going to be an opportunity to bring your laptop to a shared space or your phone and introduce your project to passers by such as might appear and ultimately celebrate what you all uh accomplished and indeed will you be handed at the cs50 fair your very own I took cs50 t-shirt which I dare say I'm still wearing all of these years later and so you to we'll have that uh ahead of you as well so for what's on the agenda today we thought we would not only look back but look forward but first we wanted to thank so many of the team members that have been helping both on stage and off who've made this course and these sections and so much more about cs50 possible of course um the building that we are now in there's a whole team downstairs in Memorial Hall who helps us get set up and organized each day our thanks to them there's the education Support Services team who makes everything look and sound so well down here especially when we have all of the more microphones as well our friends the harbard crocodillos and the redcliff pitches most recently and then of course cs50's own team uh but butter cs50's own favorite restaurant Chang show down the road indeed if you find yourself in Cambridge for the next one two 3 four years or visiting from out of town uh do pay a visit to our friends just down the road and in fact we'll have our very last cs50 lunch this Friday if you're able locally to partake and then there cs50's own team um both on stage and off in thanks truly because not only do they make the everything run so smoothly they capture it for students here who might not be physically present here for our friends down in New Haven at Yale and certainly for anyone online who might be tuning in as well and then lastly wanted to thank of course the huge team of your classmates your peers that make cs50 possible in sections and office hours tutorials and more allow me to share with you the outtakes so that even we the teaching staff sometimes struggle with computer science here are some of the clips that we captured when just passing packets via tcpip a while back you saw the finally the the nicely polished version but here are if I may if we could dim the lights are some of the outakes nothing go buffering okay Josh nice [Music] Helen no oh wait that was amazing Josh uh um [Music] Sophie amazing that was perfect B I think I what you oh nice [Music] guy that was amazing thank you all so good indeed and that moment if we could just one round of applause for everyone who's helped out this semester so back in week zero uh we introduced you of course to this idea of computational thinking which is to think a a little more methodically a little more algorithmically and by way of these various languages hopefully that is something you notice maybe not in the moment but in the months and the years to come that you do find that your thoughts are indeed a little more cleaned up and you're just able to express yourself a little more precisely and even spot illogic in someone else's document or statements as well but at the end of the day really a course like this is also about critical thinking and indeed rewind again to week zero when we frame the entirety of computer science is really just this like problem solving and any problem in the world be it CS or otherwise has some input and we decided how to represent those inputs it needs some output the solution there too and then all of what you focused on doing and learning and applying these past several weeks is in that proverbial black box which hopefully is not such an abstraction anymore but is indeed something that you know how to harness and know what could be going on underneath the hood even if it's in some technology or some language that maybe we ourselves didn't cover because a lot of those first principles remain the same now along the way we talked about the quality of solutions to those problems we happen to focus on correctness just does it work design which is a bit more qualitative and subjective and then style the Aesthetics of it all and these two are characteristic maybe not with these same words of just how you might write or evaluate other creations in life be it physical or written or the like so think about too as you solve problems just how you can sort of frame for yourself like am I doing a good job or not by quantizing it along these or perhaps other axes as well and we thought we'd highlight just two topics from that week zero that have really been manifest for the past several weeks namely abstraction like taking complicated things and ideas and trying to simplify them so that we can sort of operate at this level and like solve problems we care about without getting into the weeds of implementation detail so to speak but there's this tension because you know now from all of these different languages that code is fairly unforgiving I mean even omitting a stupid semicolon sometimes breaks everything and so Precision is sort of at odd sometimes with this idea of leveraging abstraction and so we thought we would try to tease this apart especially all these Weeks Later here uh with a bit of a uh live demonstration so on the way in you probably all received a sheet of paper if not but someone near you did just tear theirs in half and borrow half a sheet if you can or any piece of loose leaf paper or the like will suffice so long as you have a pen or pencil and for this allow me to propose that we invite up maybe two final cs50 volunteers this semester and like a lot of hands are going up in this okay a lot of hands how about I saw the first hand there uh yes yes who's yes who's pointing at herself now come on down we just need the one hand for now but oh wait oh wait uh you'll be our number two well okay we have way too many volunteers now no no please please come down yes in the black shirt and if you guys we will okay we'll do pair programming in just a bit if you want to hang out in the wings here we'll have our second demonstration as well so okay now maybe a round of applause for our three volunteers oh come on up first oh second and third okay you come first we'll do order no uh this is a q okay Q here okay what's your name I'm Danny Danny okay take this mic okay so we will DQ you momentarily all right so Danny come on over to the middle here and in a moment I'm going to hand to Danny a sheet of paper that has a picture on it and this picture is going to be something that I'd like you to verbally program the audience to draw you can use any words any abstractions any PR level of precision that you want but you just can't make hand gestures or sort of show them what to draw But first you want to tell us a little something about yourself including everyone here I'm daddy and I took ts50 okay wonderful wonderful so I'm going to reveal the picture only to Danny and if each of you would like to take out that sheet of paper and just make sure that no one else can see this if you want to hold it up this way everyone here is now holding their pen or pencil and in some number of steps give them a verbal algorithm for drawing what you see and you can say anything you want but no gestures okay so you're going to want to draw a square in the center of the paper with the diagonal pointing to the center of the edge wait no actually I scratched that draw a rbus in the center of your paper and for those who forget what a rhombus is for um a d Diamond a a square that's on its side and then from the bottom vertex draw a straight line down but not all the way to the edge of the paper okay and then keep your pencil or pen at that point and you're going to want to draw a line that's parallel to the line of the original rumus to the right and then keep your pencil or pen at that point and draw a line straight up connecting to the side vertex yes and then go back to the line that you drew from the bottom vertex to the bottom of the paper and then draw a line parallel to the left edge of the rumus and then then keep your L your paper your pencil at that point and draw a line up to the vertex of the rumus again the end the end all right well thank you to Danny hang on to your paper thank you so much and if you want to step off to the stage there we will reveal thank you a round of applause if we could for Danny that is not an easy task I'm sure and if Carter wouldn't mind just grabbing a few samples here let's actually take a look on the overhead if we could I'm going to pop down over here real fast we don't need to collect them all but if you're feeling either good or bad with what you drew happy to collect a few of them okay okay thank you thank you okay hope you won't mind if I can't reach everyone just a couple more okay over here okay all right that's that's okay this one's really funny okay I'm going to go with this one if I may and Carter has some too okay thank you so much okay so just a random assortment here let me turn on a camera so I can show you what I see here for instance is one classmate drawing which might resemble perhaps what you drew here uh here is the beginnings of a house it seems nice this one okay this one is larger and how about a couple of others that were getting closer I think okay so more edges and vertices there this one seems a little similar in spirit if not proportional this is uh Zach's the best one but it turns out if I may Zach you're not all that far off here Denny is what you were reciting to everyone algorithmically indeed it was this here Cube and so Danny can you come on back up for a moment so if you'd like to share for just a moment like what were some of the thoughts going through your head and why did you choose the words that you did okay so what was going through my head when I saw the cube um I didn't know if I could say draw Cube so I decided to start with the top and so draw a Remus in the center of your paper and then draw a line down and just like do the first part then the second part then the third part and then you would get a cube like Zach yeah and so had you said and you could have said draw a cube which would be more of an abstraction even that's not necessarily sufficiently precise right because you don't necessarily know what the orientation of that cube is the size of it the positioning on the paper so you instead took a lower level approach which is not unlike scratch if you think about scratch being able to move up down left right turn 90 degrees turn 15 degrees and the like I mean that is ultimately how a lot of graphical programs and games even might be implemented by really focusing at the level you do but of course there's this tension with us humans whereby we prefer often to think at this level but even that might not be sufficient which is to say here in week 10 like these are still going to be in our hard problems uh but a hand if we could one more time for Danny for getting us that far along thank you so much let me give you a stress ball here all right and if we could have both of our volunteers come up here we're going to have yes come on up come on up and let me uh have you guys introduce yourselves in the middle here hi I'm hey there I'm sadik from Turkey nice to meet you all wonderful welcome and this time we're going to flip it around so as to have the audience do what Danny just did for us the only catch here is that the only means we have for showing the audience what they need to tell you to draw is like literally right above the chalkboard so on our system here that your eyes must stay on the chalkboard and not look up and in just a moment if you guys want to both stand in front of the chalkboard back to the audience and as you're talking with each other other verbalize it through the microphone if you will I'm going to show everyone else in the room a second and final drawing and we'll just go rapid fire around the room give us one step at a time collectively and we'll see if these guys can't draw exactly that same outcome so is there another chunk what's that is there another chunk or just just the one so you'll have to collaborate and let's give you a clean slate here literally all right so no looking up that's the only rule for you guys here we go for the audience here is what we'd like them ironically to draw step one from anyone in the audience yes draw a circle draw a circle anywhere not anywhere not anywhere okay that's step one step two someone else yeah in the middle draw a line down from the bottom of the circle about halfway down I think there was a hand in front of you too number three [Music] okay okay the overarching goal here for those unable here is to draw a person fig okay it may be a SI figure draw the left leg of the person of this person okay good job all right next step four yeah of line up Circle okay the left oh sorry to the right draw a v okay to the right of the vertex at the bottom of the circle draw a v draw a v um like what V nope not interactive draw a v um no no well yeah it seems Weir weird let's get ready for maybe something like step five okay we'll go with that step five someone else step five someone else someone else yeah draw the right side of the leg okay nice step six step six happy face six six yes erase the line erase the line that you have on the left on the okay okay step seven yes instead of like that line that was before going up make it go down instead of that line before going up make it go down mhm okay step eight step eight step eight yes connect that line to the hip connect that line to the hip not like not touching not touching something like this maybe okay compromise not touching okay not touching okay all right step nine almost there I think step nine step nine step nine yes in back uh write the word high on the top left of the circle here okay and step 10 almost there line draw a line pointing to high so like a spee bubble basically yeah okay and step uh 10 11 yeah erase the exclamation point nice 12 do we want to give them one more 12 or we good yeah last one erase the erase erace the right arm okay I think we're going to need a 13 then and then yeah repat repeat the left arm but rotate it by 90° that feels wrong wait how would you like as an organic human being how put your arms like would you put your would you ever structure your arm like that that would not be a stick figure CU would you do this or would you do that or a little hint maybe get a get a give me a step 14 step 14 and final step 14 I think we just got to tell them what to do step 14 yes think of a walking man and and have the left the right hand walking to your right all right so like it's like where could the hand go where should the hand go on that arm but yeah yeah okay yes no yeah I mean look look look like right here look right here look right I yes sorry thank you 14 St that's pretty close so congratulations to you guys and thank you as well all right so I mean these these things too are not yes Round of Applause then sure so so this is to say that these ideas of abstraction and precision and really every other term of art that we explored this term are sort of omnipresent and can be easier or harder to implement depending on exactly what the problem is but what we thought we' do now in our uh final day is try to now similarly prepare prepare you for life after cs50 and this is really going to be a list of really potential to-dos so that you can stand on your own after the class after the class's infrastructure write actual code and then we'll come full circle one final time with our friend Jennifer 8 Lee to look at the world of emojis and how they relate to all forms of representation that we've talked to uh talked about up until now so one how can you go about programming after cs50 so one you can actually install command line tools on your own Mac or PC perhaps unbeknownst to you Windows has what's generally called a command prompt Mac OS literally comes with a terminal program in your applications utilities folder and so even if you've never run those programs you've actually had a sort of blinking cursor black and white prompt available to you might not have all of the same software installed as your code space in the cloud but you have that command line interface even within today's graphical tools and among the tools you can install within that command line interface would be something called xcode on the Mac which comes not only with a guey IDE integrated development environment but also those command line tools and Microsoft for Windows has something similar as well learning git so we've used git only unbeknownst to you underneath the hood for the most part but git is a very very popular tool if challenging to pick up for the first time that makes it easy to push code to a website called GitHub or any equivalent and then collaborate more effectively with classmates there's definitely a bit of a learning curve but thanks to cs50's own Brian youu you can start for instance with a video like this and this indeed is going to be one of these deao standards in the real world at least for the next several years that you'll probably encounter if you work in Tech or really any company where you're doing some programming vs code itself will walk you through this process in the coming days but you can indeed install it on your own Mac or PC and what can you do when you write code well you can certainly write software for your Mac for your PC for your phone or of course per week 10 uh week nine you can host uh your own website be it static as in week uh week eight um hosting it at websites like these which gener generally have free or student-friendly accounts via which you can put something statically on the web at a real domain name that you might choose or you can host a full-fledged web app and using uh student tiers on Amazon and Microsoft and Google's cloud services or others you can sign up for being a student certainly a whole lot of free software free hosting so as to if nothing else um experiment and uh perhaps maximally get your own app or website up and running so know that those are resources available to you and this is by uh certainly a non-exhaustive list if you'd like to geek out in the coming months in the coming years these are just some of the places that people who take computer science classes who write code might tend to hang out and ask and answer questions of each other um so keep an eye for instance on these here and then cs50 has its own communities as you'll see if you go to this URL here via the open coreware version of cs50 which is open to the world do uh is there a Vibrant Community uh thanks to time zones that's pretty much active 247 365 talking about not only cs50 going on in problem sets and projects but really technology more generally as well so certainly feel welcome to partake either asking or answering questions now in speaking of asking and answering questions a couple of weeks ago you kindly gave us a whole bunch of review questions which we called through and picked out our favorite 20 of them these of course were multiple choice questions and in preparation for this week uh in preparation for life ahead we thought we would choreograph a bit of a a quiz show here and ceed as you came in at the start of class you might recall being invited to go to this URL here cs50. either here in person or if you're watching live from home at this URL here you can use a phone or a laptop and if it's easier on a phone you can point your camera at this 2D barcode here we'll give folks a moment to pull that up and again that URL was cs50. l/p and once it looks like most folks have it up and running our friend Carter here will help us dive into this uh review session if you will with a bit of fun along the way all right Carter if you'd like to take it away what do we have as our first question you should see on your phone or laptop this same question being asked the first question is how do you print quote un quote hello world in Python so among the possible answers are these here buzz in on your phone or your laptop we've got a few hundred responses are ready 7 Seconds to make your decision this is question one of 20 go to it with some confidence I think we're down to zero on the clock and Carter it looks like 98% of you uh indeed said hello world and Carter per the check mark That's indeed the correct answer here now to make things interesting in know that you'll see some number of points and we've deliberately anonymized it so only you know what number you are so a whole lot of guests have a perfect score of 1,000 at the moment hopefully we'll see over the next several questions things start to bridge out uh but know that the speed with which you buzz in will also factor into how many points you now get So the faster you move the more points you get question two if we could what does DNS stand for from just a couple of weeks back domain number system domain name system data numbering structure or there's no such thing as DNS few hundred responses are in 8 seconds remain fewer points now but still a chance to buzz in and now as we hit zero the responses are these domain name system which is indeed correct and 84% of you got that one correctly and indeed exists we talked about it a couple of weeks ago so we're still seeing a whole lot lot of ties at 2,000 we'll see if someone starts to pull away before long question three what is the upper bound of merge sorts runtime so that escalated quickly Big O of n log n Big O of log n Theta or Omega of log n or Big O of one what is the upper bound of merge sorts runtime that was the last of the algorithms we solve for sorting and in 1 second we'll see that the correct answer is is just edging out everyone else indeed 46% it is n I know it's n log now if I may as the teacher it can't be login because login is strictly less than n and you can't possibly sort n elements unless you minimally look at or touch each of them so it's got to be at least greater than n intuitively we still have a whole bunch of ties let's move on to number four what is stored in ARG C back to the language C is it in Array of arguments the maximum size of an array the count of arguments given to a program when first run or how much memory is allocated to a function again you wrote all of these questions and we have 5 seconds for the reveal ARG C is indeed the count of arguments given to a program when first run think back to C when we did command line arguments there was argc and arv argv was the array but Arc was indeed the count the CN AR save all right we still have a whole bunch of ties at the top here but let's move on then to number five what is the duck debugger favorite hobby according to one of your classmates dressing up like Dracula swimming across the stage filling up the entire bathroom of a guy's house and sitting quietly on stage the third of course is a reference to a YouTube video that was on the course's website that week but according to your class mate number two seconds remaining sitting quietly on stage is its favorite pastime so a little harder perhaps than the others 5,000 now we're starting to see some spread so we only have six six guests in contention for first place and the next question now is six what is the function used to open a file in C F open open file open file what is the function used to open a file in C 7 Seconds there's some differences between C and python here and the reveal it is indeed fop it's 77% correct too all right let's see the rankings now if you are guest 15 9715 6171 3753 or 3273 you're now in the lead as we move on on to se question seven how does Sterling compute the average sorry how does Sterling compute the length of a string in C it looks at how much memory the string uses it counts the number of characters until it reaches back0 it counts the number of bits in the string or it creates pointers for each character and counts them 10 seconds Sterling in C recall that we implemented this ourselves in class but then we used the library thereafter and in indeed with 85% it simply counts the number of characters until it reaches that Sentinel back sl0 AKA null and in this case we have five four four of you tied now for first all right question eight where does Malo allocate memory from the stack the Heap the pointers or the temp where does malok allocate memory from responses are coming in 8 seconds a good review question at that in two seconds we'll see that malok allocates memory from woo close one the Heap is correct the Heap is correct the stack recall is where functions store their local variables and their arguments and that just happens automatically the Heap represented in our pictures up top is where malok draws from now we have guest 15 has made its way to the top here but others can catch up if they don't buzz in fast enough so number nine how many people flew from 50v to New York on the day of the crime 16 29 8 or three anyone with a laptop perhaps has an advantage here 5 Seconds and the answers are but the answer is 16 let's see if guest 15 got this they did not goodbye to guest 15 at the top all right question 10 we're about halfway there what are meta tags used for in HTML to describe a web page to Define parameters for an element to group elements together to translate content into machine readable format at what are meta tags used for in HTML we saw a few of them for different use cases and with one second we see that indeed the number one answer was to describe the web page be it for a mobile device be it for screen scrapers like Facebook and Twitter and other such apps that grab images and descriptions thereof all right we're in the second half now guest nine guest four 669 has edged ahead guess 15 is now in sixth place all right number 11 is how do you find the address of a variable in C think back a few weeks star dollar sign Ampersand or ask from one of your own classmates how do you find the address of a variable in C and the number one answer is ersan which is indeed the address of operator at 62% nicely done let's see who's the top of the list now guess 4669 has retained their lead so we move on to 12 what does the arrow operator mean in C a hyphen and a greater than sign nothing starts a comment replaces a star and Dot operator declares a pointer what does this Arrow operator mean in C again from a few weeks back 3 seconds harder assortment perhaps and it's oh replaces a star and Dot operator the number two answer was indeed correct this was just a cleaner way syntactic sugar for collapsing what would be a star and then some parentheses and then a DOT into quite simply something that looks like an arrow itself all right Carter who's in the lead now still that same guest and let's see what 13 has for us which of these is not a data type in SQL light blob string integer text we used a few of these more commonly than others but not all of these are for real 5 Seconds to make your decision and the results are blob is a thing string is not in SQL light it's of course called text as we've seen it blob as goofy as it sounds is just binary large object but indeed it's how you might store a binary file in your database all right the rankings now oh guest 8444 has Eed ahead so we move on to 14 which of the following is a valid way to print Exclamation point Exclamation point Exclamation point Exclamation point in Python I'll let you read these yourselves which is a valid way everyone got quiet in is thinking all right 6 seconds few hundred responses in so far all right and yes nicely done 78% is correct you can use the star operator to essentially multiply the character at left all right who's in the lead Carter we now have still G guest 8444 and so we move on now to 15 what does the free function do D allocates memory from A Primitive deallocates memory at the given pointer terminates a loop or returns a value from the function what does the free function do all right 5 Seconds what does the free function do call it's the opposite essentially of malok and it deallocates the memory at the given pointer as well and in C that's on you in Python you don't need to worry about allocating or freeing aik all right we now have at the top still guest 8444 and seeing more and more spread 16 which is not a step of compiling think back now to week two compiling pre-processing linking or threading which is not a step of compiling we use it as a catchall but it technically means a few different things collectively all right and threading is indeed not on the list that is a technical thing generally meaning a program can do multiple things at once but that is not related here to compiling all right guest 8444 is still at the top we have just a few questions left and so 17 what was the surprise at the beginning of the Halloween lecture according to your classmates someone scared me someone hid candy under every chair someone dressed up as me the entire staff dressed up as Carter interesting litmus test of who came to or watch lecture perhaps let's see which guests got this correct someone someone's really dressed up as indeed me at 64% so I think we have attendance here essentially from that lecture so let's move on now to the final few questions after seeing that guest a 8444 8444 is still doing well can anyone Dethrone them why is it incorrect to use the equals equals operator in C to compare strings it's computationally inefficient you comparing the locations of the strings strings don't exist using equal equals will lead to buffer overflow why is it incorrect to use equal equals in C to compare strings 3 seconds we saw this live and it motivated like an entire week because you're comparing the locations that is the addresses in memory of those same strings all right let's see if this leaves the rankings the same guest 8444 is still at the top and pulling ahead two final questions 19 what is the difference between null one L and null 2 L's they null and null mean the same thing nulls refers to back sl0 whereas null to L's is the zero address null is the zero address whereas null to L's refers to back sl0 null is null but lazier 5 Seconds subtle not the best design perhaps to have in technical terms but indeed 62% of you got that NL is the first thing we talked about when we talked about back sl0 and N is a pointer it's the zero pointer same thing same number but different context all right Carter guest 8444 is the person to beat with our final 20th questions what do the binary bulbs on stage spell today and these are your four choices different from usual we usually use 8 bit asky today we are using utf8 which is a form of Unicode which is the larger subset that uses one or two or three or even four bites to spell a single character and the answer wow close close is indeed a cupcake indeed a cupcake well done and let's see the final results 8444 is the winner are they here in person perhaps 8444 you're 844 come on [Applause] down thank you here you go congratulations oh you're all right so today if we may give me just one moment all right all right so today we are so pleased to be joined by uh Jennifer 8 Lee who's an of the college a dear friend and is actually really the reason why there's evidence of Muppets in cs50 in fact some years ago I was visiting her and she had on her shelf like this custom Muppet it wasn't one that appears on TV but she had somehow gone on a website former toy store called FAO Schwarz at the time and you're allowed to configure your own Muppet whatnot choose the eyes the nose the face and the Torso and I just thought this was the coolest thing and so in the taxi on the way home I was like going on the website trying to purchase our very first Muppet I then woke up the next morning thinking why did I just buy a puppet in the back of a taxi and so it sat on the shelf for really 2 years and then a colleague of mine within cs50's team decided after I brought it into the office to sit on a shelf there to actually bring it to life and indeed if you Google around cs50 Muppet and puppetry online you'll see in fact these as characters not only over the past couple of years in coid times when really there was next to no one actually here and so they were instead um but indeed she's brought not only this this educational element this pedagogical element this playful element El to cs50 and we have her here today to speak to exactly the sorts of encodings that are here on stage Jenny is the former Vice chair of the Unicode subcommittee on emoji which is to say that she and her colleagues have been influential in taking emoji from what was a very limited character set early on and by far unrepresentative of much uh human emotion in speech into really an initiative now to capture digitally all of the world's languages past present and future as well as the range of emotions that might see here in the form of that pillow or even in the cake that awaits so allow me to introduce Jennifer 8 Lee thank [Music] you I much drink okay clicker hi all right hold on I have to hide my drinks I might need more water all right um I'm really excited to speak to speak here last time last year I was here uh one I was wearing a mask which is like a real bummer if you're lecturing and then the entire like front part was all Muppet so I'm really happy to see humans actually um and it's always an honor to speak at Sanders and and then Dave and I were actually classmates way back when so I do remember him when he was an undergrad much like you so I um I'm going to give a talk on the world of emoji and how I kind of became an emoji activist so it kind of all starts um with my friend e inl who is a designer who's well known for doing the Twitter fail whale which was kind of laid to rest except now this week it seems like it may be like may be necessary again um so she and I one day were texting this is back in 2015 we're texting about dumplings because we are Chinese is women and we like like to text about food and so I sent her this picture of dumplings she was like yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum um and then she was like oh Apple doesn't have a dumpling emoji and I was like oh that's kind of interesting and didn't really think anything about it because like you know people Point things out to you all the time and then you just like forget you just like move on but then half an hour later um on my phone appears this like dumpling with hard eyes and you don't see it in in because it's a still shot but it actually had like blinking eyes so she liked to call it like bling bling dumpling so she as a designer had decided to like go in and like make her own dumpling Emoji um because she was like I'm a designer I can fix it but that actually got me thinking I was like where do Emoji come from and like how is there not a dumpling Emoji cuz from my perspective dumplings are this kind of universal food right so and there are a lot of Japanese Foods on the emoji keyboard and I I was not this was like back in 2015 I was like not a big Emoji user like at all so I mean you have things like Ramen you have Bento boxes you have Curry you have tempura you even have like kind of obscure um kind of foods like this thing things on a stick turns out to be fish fish things on a stick then this pink and white white swirly thing is also a fish thing and there's even like that triangle rice ball that looks like it's had a bikini wax all well represented on the Emoji Keyboard but no dumplings and it's very strange cuz like all cultures kind of have their dumpling right whether or not it's um kinali or ravioli or aanas like essentially everyone sort of like discover the idea of like um yummy goodness inside a carbo hydrate carbohydrate shell whether not baked or fried or um steamed so I was like okay I literally Google I was like who controls emoji and you discover that they're actually regulated by a nonprofit called the Unicode Consortium and um it is you know and I just like went on their website and I discovered that they had 12 full voting members as of 2015 so this is 2015 and they were like mostly us multinational tech companies it was Oracle it was IBM Microsoft Adobe Google Apple Facebook and Yahoo and of the three that were not multinational US tech companies they were let's see a German company called sap a Chinese Telecom company called Huawei and then like the government of Oman like those were basically the 12 full voting members of the US multi-national tech companies so they at that point paid um $118,000 a year to have full voting power on the you know Unicode committee and I was like oh that's a that's a lot of money and I kind of felt indignant about this and uh but then like if you kind of keep on digging on their website you found like there was this kind of interesting loophole which is you could join as an individual for $75 um you don't get voting power but it gave you the right to put yourself on the email list and also to like attend the quarterly Unicode meeting so I was like I'll do that I had no idea what I was doing but I'm like I'm going to go fight um for this dumpling Emoji because from my perspective dumplings are Universal Emoji are kind of universal so uh the fact there was no dumpling Emoji meant like something was wrong in the universe and I was I was determined to fix this so um you know I was on this email list and then a couple of like maybe even like a couple weeks later I got you know they they they kind of sent out this note that's like hey who's coming to the quarterly meeting and I was like um I looked at the calendar I looked at my schedule I was like oh I'll be in like you know Silicon Valley that time so I basically like rsvpd and I was like I will be there and took um cow train to an Apple building it's a legal building in I think it was sunny Veil so I just like show up and I don't know what I was sort of expecting like with like you know the Unicode I think maybe thought it was going to be like a baby Congress like you know like with a little you know very formal seats people with gabbles um that is not what I found uh basically it is a it was a conference room full of people who skewed wider skewed older skewed Mal skewed engineers and this is basically the room where it happen so this is 2015 these were the people who decided your Emoji um all very nice and um there was you know one one even had a daughter who had a sense of humor and made him a shirt that said shadowy Emoji Overlord um so I just kind of listen to them debate things like milk emoji and beans emoji and it just seemed like not quite right to me that like it would be uh This Global visual language that were basically decided decided by like a a small group of people inside a conference room in Silicon Valley so I decided to former group called Emoji nation whose motto is like Emoji by the people for the people and it basically advocates for more kind of Representative inclusive Emoji um you know we we we we start with a Kickstarter campaign uh dumpling Emoji process trying to like you know write the wrong in this world and uh made this little cute video sort of advocating dink for one of the most universal crosscultural Foods in the world Georgia has Kali Japan has giosa Korea has Mandu Italy has ravioli Poland has barog Russia has pelman Argentina has empanadas Jewish people have kler China has pot stickers Nepal and Tibet have Momos yet somehow despite their popularity there is no dumpling Emoji in the standard set why is that emoji exists for pizza tempora Sushi spaghetti hot dog and now tacos which Taco Bell takes credit for we need to write this disparity dumplings are Global Emoji a global isn't it time we brought them together oh yeah and while we're at it how about an emoji for Chinese takeout so uh I did put together a dumpling Emoji proposal I wrote this uh I remember Thanksgiving Day 2015 on a plane and uh actually and we got it past basically dumpling takeout box Chopsticks and uh fortune cookie I have to say I don't think fortune cookie would have made it on its own merits but it kind of like slid in on the clo tails of the other ones um and so these were the proposals as we submitted them and then these are the ones that kind of uh exist now on the Apple keyboard and I have to say the dumpling looks really really realistic um oddly realistic and whereas like the fortune cookie is think it's like a big fail because first of all there's like it has no it has no Gap it looks like a dead 3D Pac-Man so I'm very disappointed in uh the manifestation of that but that's okay that's okay um and so it's kind of interesting like what is the process of getting an emoji um ped and I will sort of walk you through it so first of all you come up with your idea right and then you kind of write this proposal and then you submit it to the Unicode Emoji subcommittee who then kind of gives you comments and then sends it back to you and you kind of go around and around in the circle um and when so these are things that we consider so somewhere in there I also like fought my way on to the Emoji committee and then also became a vice chair became a vice chair sort of a extracurricular that's like completely run a muck in my life um um so things that matter uh popular demand is a frequently requested Emoji um multiple usages usages and meaning so that's actually kind of very important for something like you know certain animals have meaning so we did you know sloth a while ago and that also has not only the literal meaning but sort of like um like um connotations there are visually distinctiveness it can be recognized so this was a blocker for one of the uh emojis that I have worked on before which is cave which is kind of hard to do I think you know meaning wise is pretty good but it's really hard to get a cave down in emoji sizes and then it filling a gap completeness so a good example for that is like for some reason for many years we had Red Heart yellow heart green heart blue heart purple heart and uh no orange heart so so somewhat so you know you would do the rainbow but people would substitute the pumpkin in so You' like you know have a have a rainbow heart thing with a little pumpkin stuck in the middle so orange heart obviously should be added and give a sense of completeness um and then something else is existing vendor cap cap compatibility and so a good example for that was um many years ago what's app decided to uh add the gender non-binary emoji and then once it did that then all the other kind of vendors um jumped on um so what kind of knocks out an emoji so too specific or narrow so we'll often see that with like very specific animals or a very specific group it's redundant so one year oh my God who makes that Butterball Butterball makes the turkeys Butterball submitted um a an emoji proposal that was like a cooked turkey but we already had a live turkey so it seem kind of redundant have both like a cooked turkey for Thanksgiving and a live turkey so so not visually discernible um this is a struggle for things like I don't my friends have kind of proposed kimchi kimchi is is really hard on emoji sizes for many reasons and part of that but part of that tension is because it's not visually discernable then there are no logos Brands deities or celebrities so no Nike swish no McDonald's M and then this is one that we kind of decided in the last uh year or so which is no more flags flags are a very complicated thing um and as a result Unico does not want to be in the business of deciding what is a country or not a country uh so like you know when you get a proposal from like Kurdistan you're like yeah so right now the way that the Emoji flags are decided is they kind of depend on what the UN recognizes and then those get passed down to the international standards organization and then and then Uno just does that like it does not want to be in the business of kind of you know geopolitical Affairs um so once it comes out of the subcommittee it goes to the full Unicode technical committee UTC those were the people that were in the room that I showed you um and they vote once a year basically to pass all the Emoji and takes a while there's a lot of like coordinating with the international standards organization and like a lot of working with the companies and eventually it takes a long time but it ends up on your on your devices and that historically is taken about 18 to 24 months from when you put in the propose to when you get it in it's going to be a little bit longer um going forward probably is my sense as we were're going to Unicode has decided to sort of space out some of the Unicode releases so yeah Emoji Nation you know kind of has done its thing so of the weird things is like how did Unicode this like kind of nonprofit organization based in Mountain View California end up controlling this like Global visual language um so a lot of it has to start with has has to do with the fact that emoji started in Japan uh back in the late 1990s one of the this set from dok 1999 is considered is widely considered sort of like the first like color Emoji set it has been collected by the Museum of Modern Art and um so these the Japanese telecom companies would use basically would have their own sets of emoji and then they were different companies so they would have different sets so you could basically only send these like visual characters with someone who is on your same carrier so it's like it's like basically equivalent of if you were on like Verizon you can only text people on Verizon with like Emoji or if you were on um T-Mobile you could only do that so at a certain point they um decided they were they the Apple and Google came into Japan they wanted to start selling smartphones and they realized that it was a hodgepodge of systems and they wanted to unify it and so in 2007 they went to unic code and they're like okay help us unify the Emoji um like kind of like basically all the Emojis so that we have one standard system and part of the reason is why Unicode because Unicode basically has this mission is to enable everyone speaking every language on Earth to be able to use your languages on computer and smartphone so it basically unifies um all written languages into one ginormous set and that was not the case actually when I was uh growing up there was a point where like if you you were Japanese on Apple that would be different than Japanese on um dos or like Chinese or Arabic so it drove everyone crazy and they basically decided um around the late 80s early 1990s that they were going to come up with one standardized system that sort of encoded all characters in in one ginormous set so um there's three main projects for Unicode if you care so one is encoding characters including Emoji now they're about 100,000 characters aside assigned so that includes like like Chinese Japanese Korean uh Arabic cilic um actually all the hieroglyphics all of the Emoji um a lot of things like the Bitcoin symbol or like copy left or whatever those all assigned were about 100,000 uh characters even those languages that are basically out of use so the other thing it does it creates um localization resources so things things so that you know like oh if you're in this country this is this is uh you're using the Euro or you're using the pesos or something so there's a lot of localization that is that data that is needed depending on which um geography you're using your device from or like that you know you you know that the time is used this way or the dates are shown that way so that is called um the common local data repository or cldr as they call it and the other thing they do is they kind of maintain libraries for developers in order to do all um to kind of so they are not building everything from scratch and that is called ICU so it's very funny cuz like it's called cldr and then one day one of our friends girlfriends made him this thing which she called a seal deer because whenever he talked about cldr he thought he thought she thought he was talking about seal deers so now this is his little like mascot for like Unicode related things so what is um how does Unicode do this so it basically asss code points and each code point is a unique number assigned to each Unicode character so uh face with tears of joy can be written like this with a code point or it can be written like this in terms of decimal numbers and it can also be written this in binary numbers so these are all basically the same and the key thing to know at least about Emoji is that when your device if you're talking your iPhone with um someone who's on a laptop or an iPad or like um an Android device it's not sending the images back and forth it's sending just a number back and forth and then locally your phone or like your laptop decides like oh this number correlates with which image um in terms of our emoji font and then pulls it up so this is really key to know why different Emoji look different on different platforms so 2007 to 2010 it took about three years but Unicode 6.0 came out with a first our first little baby set of emoji um and it just kind of hung out there for a year like no one it wasn't doing anything so 2011 though Apple starts adding the emoji keyboard and it it just like explodes like I feel like in some ways Emoji are were not like invented they were discovered they like obviously touch something very very Primal to um to like our human desire to like communicate in like little colorful glyphs on electronic devices and you kind of have what's kind of really interesting is like the ambiguity that comes with what emoji kind of mean and so one of the you know this one my favorite emoji is sort of like an upside down smiley face very very ambiguous clearly very ambiguous because if you start typing into Google like the top hits are like what does it mean from a guy what does it mean from a girl like it's clearly something that a lot of people are are using in like complex situationships between each other so um so so one of the fun things is who can propose Emoji technically anyone can anyone here can normal normal humans can we have basically Google doc uh or Google form that we throw up uh historically between August sorry April and August in the last two years um and uh so this is one of our my our favorite examples this is Ru aumed she was a 15-year-old Saudi Arabian girl who was living in Vienna at the time that she proposed the um hijab emoji and then you know then she was like Time Magazine like you know coolest teens she got like a whole bunch of different things she got into Harvard and Stanford and she went to Stanford um and uh so this is a PR we got then there was a group of folks from Argentina who got the mate Emoji kind of they you know similar their national drink then we worked with um there was a a nonprofit that really wanted to like get a menstruation emoji and so what they proposed to begin with was like bloody underwear and I was just like no no no so many different reasons why this is a terrible Emoji uh but so we did get blood drops so then you can do Moon and blood drop or underwear and blood drop there's a lot of different ways actually it's really funny cuz I was ping my friends beforehand what they would use to indicate menstruation before there you know there was a blood drop so there was like red wine there was like kind of that Rose um with the like falling petal and then my favorite is actually um my friend who used a Japanese flag as a way to indicate that she was having her period so um one of the biggest contributors this uh skin tone Emoji appeared I think in 2015 it was amazing it is and it was proposed by a mom Katrina parrot she is a entrepreneur and a mom who is just like at home one day and her daughter comes home and is like you know I wish there were emoji that looked like me and her mom was like that's great honey what's an emoji and so she like me I guess Googled and just figured out that uh Unicode controlled emoji and she just came up with a proposal saying we should not only have the yellow you know skin tones at that time everything was sort of Simpsons yellow um it's really interesting to see how race and like nationality are like depicted in different parts of the world so originally in Japan everyone was yellow um but this these were the non you know by default everyone was just like like you know human or Japanese but they had like a couple things that were like not like one was you had a blonde person so there's an emoji called like blonde blonde woman or whatever that represents all westerners okay so that was one and then they have one that's like an Indian guy with a turban so that's supposed to represent Indian people and then there's like a like a guy with a little like um little hat that's supposed to represent like Chinese people so that was like that was the view Japanese view of race which was like default then you were I then you were like blonde Western Chinese or Indian and and that is all there was and um obviously in the United States we care a lot about race and then so she came up with this system with five skin tones um like just like normal people some guy in Germany decided that he wanted to do a a a face with one eyebrow raised or as we call it the coar Emoji um and oh this one's fun so woman's flat shoe I have to say not highly used statistically at this point but I really kind of appreciate it because it was a mom who was very offended that all women's shoes had heels even the sandals so this is her she had like three kids at the time now is four she was very fertile um and she also did um the women women's flat okay she also did um um one piece bathing suit because she was also um offended by the fact that the only kind of bathing suit you had was like this like little itsy-bitsy polka dot bikini thing which is not great if you're like taking your six-year-old so I have to say that got passed but like it didn't go over like super well with everyone um so you know unic Cod because it's very public submits things for comments and um we got this comment back so one piece bathing suit why a person want to indicate the use of swimwear can't use existing bikini is this really necessary what about a Victorian bathing costume or a wet suit or water rings this is like literally in in like uh the records and like do not encode um and so the person who did it's actually very impressive he's actually the person who created the middle finger emoji and actually you ever seen the Vulcan Emoji he he the Vulcan hand emoji he's actually very active and I have to say this is actually I think one of the more impressive Emoji so so obviously obviously we have a lot of active debate um sometimes you get like whole countries submitting so literally the government of Finland as in like their equivalent in the state department their diplomacy kind of thing uh submitted a proposal for SAA and um these were so creepy and so weird so much is wrong with this and but I I I felt where they were coming from first of all like they're naked they have no they have club feet and so we decided to help them we're like okay we see where you're going with this let's see if we can like help you like come up you know like we had the spoon like should there be like steam around them like should they be naked or wearing a tow towel it's like super like dicey but we wanted to help them because it was like literally a foreign government coming from an Unicode advocating for the sauna emoji on behalf of their ENT country so then this is um is sort of evolved into just basically person in stey room which is which is the most sort of like the PG version of sauna no and there's no spoon they're all dressed it's very odd but um so you can see the evolution of what it started out what we submitted and what it ended up so there's a lot of like Evolution throughout the entire process um and like companies can submit Emoji proposals too so Google actually worked on this one I love this one okay so just to give you some context as of 2015 there are many ways you could be or have an occupation as a male on the Emoji Keyboard right like like for example you could be a police officer you could be a detective you could be a Buckingham Palace guard you could even be Santa Claus like these are so many jobs that you could have but if you were a woman as of 2015 there were four things that you could be you could be a princess you could be a bride you could be a dancer or you could be a Playboy Bunny these were the sum total of all the occupations that we can have so so we there was sort of this movement at that time there was like this like video on YouTube that like went viral there was like a New York Times op that was like where are the women with professions so um basically they came up with a set of emoji for professions and what's nice is not only did women have these professions now men have them too so of emoji Nation Emoji these are some of the ones that we've worked on I think about 130 of the Emoji on your keyboard probably came through touched our system in in some way including I I have to say uh microbe or virus I think I have the opinion that every Emoji has its day right like it might not be like today it might not be next year but I have to say virus was not doing anything then came 2020 and that was like such a good moment for it um along with soap we had also done soap so um you know among the other emoji that we have worked on are sari moon cake llama like uh teddy bear there were no toys I felt really sad for toys we have like giraffe um there was Hut bubble te bubble tea was very controversial actually I have to say it kind we tried to slide it in originally with the um takeout box and the dumplings and people were not not having it I understand that CU there's not a lot like compared to like beer or wine like bubble tea does not is not long does not have a long history on this planet um but I will say that um they submitted again actually kind of originally proposing that it was not just bubble tea but but like a black ball and milk and tea it was It was kind of cool and I I have to say there was definitely a generational divide between like the Asian women who sit in that room and are like this absolutely is a thing that we consume like almost like every week of our life and people who are a little bit older who are like that looks like a parfait how do you not know that's a parfet and we're like we absolutely know it is uh not a parfait and so so it got in eventually so it does sort of influence it kind of shows like who is in the room influences you know the decisions um that get made or sometimes in the room now sometimes more more likely in the zoom um I actually I just say beaver Emoji if you see Beaver Emoji that's one of one of the ones I'm most proud of so that is actually co-authored by a professor here at Harvard um who is both lesbian and was married to a woman from Canada so it was very important to her to get um the beaver Emoji passed and she promised me it would always be the first line of her bio so and indeed if you go to her Twitter handle uh it's like Joan Donovan creator of the Beaver Emoji comma is headed research at the shoren scene Center at the Harvard Kennedy School It's Kind it's pretty impressive um and then we did greens actually greens was really interesting because people this was also like a generational cultural thing people were like why do we need greens we have salad and I was like we're Chinese we don't eat raw greens cuz like you don't know where it's been or if it's clean so we cook our greens so salad is not something that we have So eventually I got my greens and um so that was kind of fun and then so these are some of the people who sort of have contributed to our little Emoji Nation things including a number of Native Americans who help get feather so why do I care so part of it is because I'm Chinese I grew up speaking Chinese and English at the same time and it's really interesting to see like Chinese and English characters in terms of emoji and Chinese together right so this is fire you have like Fire characters and now you have the Emoji things and it's kind of It kind of shows that there is a longevity in The Human Experience of something that was designed 4,000 years ago as the same visual cues in the human experiences as now so mouth Tre tree Moon Sun you can mix and match them which is super fun um so you know two trees kind of make a forest oops sorry oh well okay then the um Moon and Sun together means bright which I like um I like this one so if you stop and you think about this so this is a basically a pig under a roof and what does that mean it does not mean Farm as you might think it um it actually means home or family so in the Chinese kind of structure and outlook on The View it's like where you keep your pigs is actually where your home is and what your farm is um so it gets kind of weird in all kinds of ways so one of my favorite radicals so this character means woman uh KN and as I was learning Chinese you kind of notice like how it shows up so so this is a woman underneath a roof and you're like oh it means mom or wife or or like whatever like home um it does not it means peace because things are at home when the woman is or things are at peace when the woman is at home underneath a roof which I always thought was a little bit odd um then there is also uh woman plus child so you're like oh and actually specifically Boy Child the connotation there is a little unclear so you're like a woman plus child family mom you know whatever um it is not it means good so the standard for goodness in ancient China was a woman who had a male child child so that kind of kind of just like kind of irked me um growing up and then you know three women together means evil which is like very like MCB this character means greed this character means slave this marriage let's see I think this one is jealousy and this means means adultery or betrayal so like definitely not loving the way women were P you know portrayed um on the emoji keyboard so uh in case you're wondering we just came out with a kids book called had emoji that kind of Compares emoji and uh Chinese and I think I I think they sent a bunch of books so that you guys can do some kind of contest some like later on with cs50 um so but the mixing and matching is really interesting right for example the skin tones are actually the same yellow character plus a layer of skin tone on top of this so I kind of took my lessons from Chinese in terms of seeing how things can be binded so there's something you should know about which is zge this is also an invisible emoji character it stands for zero with Joiner and it was actually originally created mostly for I think Arabic where you would you would basically kind of force something to have like be in the beginning of of a word or an end of the word by kind of having this like invisible character so the rainbow flag for example is actually a rainbow plus the white flag um and we we could have all kinds of fun combinations if you look at polar bear it actually is if you have an older device or it breaks apart it is bear plus snow which is really cute it was originally I had bear plus white and then we decided that bear plus snow made a lot more sense so uh another one this is new I I think if you guys should have it if you've updated your phones in the last year or so so mending heart is heart plus Band-Aid um um what is this one oh this is interesting um there was a breastfeeding woman for a long time and people felt like there was not gender par was actually really interesting all the people who wrote it and were like I want to I want to be a dad showing that I'm holding my baby why is there only a woman holding my baby so so we kind of created a whole set so this is man plus bottle Tada um and so this is and all of these occupations are actually often times a woman plus like you know the fried egg or like um a school or a tractor and that's how you got the occupations if you if you if you send an emoji over into an older system sometimes you'll it'll break apart so one of my kind of favorite kind of contributions in this in this world is interracial couple Emoji which we did with um Tinder which is super fun because then you could have you know different couples that are and and like so many combin this is like this is a fun if you guys ever have to do a combinatoric test um this is really fun because you have two genders plus a third like gender plus two people plus five skin tones plus yellow like how many Emoji couples can you come come up with when you introduce this Factor so this is um and underneath it it's just a wige sequence it's like two people standing together that are like glued together now this actually gets interesting from a cs-50 perspective because in many cases even though you only see one character underneath the hood depending on how your system works they're counting each one of these as an individual character so your string length actually might be five and instead of one and this this kind of became a problem with things like Twitter where things had a hard skin um length so gender inclusivity um is actually one of the things that we've been dealing most with um in the last couple years so it's kind of interesting if you think about both what a pictorial language looks like versus the abstractness of a of a spoken language so because you know we had boy and we had girl but there was no way to say a generic child right like if you were on you wanted to say child you had to pick a boy or a girl but not a way to say like just some little person and that's really key cuz in English at least there is no gender implied by child um so how do we mimic that and it also is key for something like doctor right doctor and teacher those are those have don't have gender implied but when we have them on on the Emoji Keyboard you to pick a male teacher or um you know a a a female doctor or whatnot so there was actually uh a guy at Adobe who can considers himself non-gender binary also The Man Behind the orange um the orange heart he fought and got basically uh the first three non-gender uh non-gender binary emojis so child adult and old older adults so those are creative and then we started having to propagate them through actually all the occupations so these are the gender neutral versions of many of those um but then uh we got into this whole thing where every emoji that had a gender originally had to be mirrored so originally we had bearded man and then we're like okay well we actually have to get bearded woman so that is on your keyboard there is pregnant woman there is now pregnant man which is interesting um there is you know woman in a bridal gown there's now man in a bridal gown um and then there were ones that actually had to be created that were neither man or woman so this is a mer person so there was merman there was mermaid and there was M person it was really interesting to figure out like how do you draw a gender neutral M person like a bunch of them in the beginning actually had the arms crossed around sort of the chest um Monarch so there was prince and princess and now there is monarch and one of my favorite actually is there was Santa Claus and there was Mrs Claus and now there's MX Claus like the name of this character literally in Unicode is MX claw so I feel like it's sort of like a very official enshrining of gender non biner in like the world um not everyone loved it New York Post did not love this that they like you know we're we're cing into like Emoji woke Wars um so some Emoji stats for you this is very fascinating this is sort of like the Gen the General Distribution by far the single emoji that used more than anything else is the face with tears of joy about 10% of all Emoji scent is that one character and then number two is heart red heart and then it kind of goes down so um there's a frequency of emoji use these this is sort of done by um order magnitude so one is half of two two is half of one so it's really interesting it's a very very steep drop off after the first couple um in case you ever want to go onto the the Emoji kind of Unicode website you can you too can see all the frequency things so I think it's really funny so basically it's green going this way it increased in usage between 2019 and uh 2021 and it's red going this way it drop and so pleading face which is a relatively new emoe you just sort of shut up on the charts um and whereas actually like smiling face with heart eyes like kind of kind of slipped which is interesting so we just closed our Emoji proposal round for 2022 these were sort of the breakdowns people love submitting Smileys and food and beverages animals and nature da da da I don't I mean these are very googly colors um so what is the future of emoji I will um I will tell you because we just had a meeting two weeks ago so I can now publicly talk about it so historically there was this whole idea like Unico doesn't want to be in the world of like encoding glyphs for like devices everywhere like there was very controversial when it started doing that because mostly what Unicode used to do was you take an existing language could be dead you know and then it would just take it and digitize it right it took languages that existed and just digitize them and uh then when it kind of wandered into Emoji World Suddenly It's like deciding what deserves to be like an emoji decides to be digitized so um trying to get kind of get out of it and they have proposals over time where it's like oh maybe we should like come up with a a way to just send pictures back and forth where you you it's a fixed picture and you like use a hash so that you know like we would look at the picture and then like go do a lookup somewhere like that did not go over well then there was actually a really interesting proposal I kind of like uh didn't go over well which is using something called the qid which is in Wiki in the Wikipedia world so in Wikipedia World items all have uh numbers across the different language Wikipedia so Obama human Earth they will have an ID number so that the page in English and the page in German the page in Chinese all know that they're pointing to the same thing so the question so one idea came up like why don't we use the numbering system so we can use like Eiffel Tower in you know see the number and then like oh people know like oh you're trying to say Eiffel Tower that did not go over well so those are both both of those proposals seem dead as of yet um and it's too bad cuz and you'll see kind of what's happening okay so what's coming in 22 so these are the Emoji that I actually sort of thought they would be on your phones by now but cuz we're in mid November and they usually update early November so three more Hearts people love hearts like uh wing blackbird Goose Birds also purple flowers jellyfish moose face donkey donkey was a little bit late for the kind of Elections um Ginger peep pod Wireless cond shaking face um folding hand pan that one was interesting cuz when people first proposed it they proposed it as like an electric fan and that didn't like who knows what electric fans will look like in 100 years because the thing is Once An Emoji always an emoji they never retire so they're always looking for things that have a long visual longevity floppy disc did not actually do that so there's always like we don't want another floppy disc um and then hairpick is interesting so there was a whole debate about how to convey um like afro African hair like the the curly hair that they introduced a couple years ago was supposed to do that and most of the vendors actually have it in a sort of Afro way except for Apple so there's a lot of complaints but um hairpick was sort of a an interesting way it means both comb but also has sort of an interesting historic connotation and it's been around for about 2,000 years uh a couple music things maracus and flute uh Beyond 2022 one of the things that's going to die oops can I go back no I can't oh well uh we're going to retire the the family Emoji um they didn't go over so well there were so many of them combinatorically if you had all the everything in in uh you know all the race all the races all because you wanted to have skin tones because you didn't want to imply that families can only be one race it was such an ordeal uh essentially we're all like no one uses them and there's so many and it's like the fonts like in terms of the load is like too large so they're just going to make them all into like basically little like bathroom symbol Type U folks um so I think that is those will disappear what what's actually really interesting about the family Emoji is they had gay when they introduced the family they had gay family emoji and the Russian government went berserk and actually you can Google this in 2015 you'll see a bunch of articles about like the Russian government considering it homosexual propaganda to Youth and there was a big debate about whether or not they were going to ban Apple devices and what so you can see a lot of the media coverage from that time but I thought it was really interesting how upset a national government can get about little pictures on your phone um another thing that's going to that's on the agenda as of you know a couple of weeks ago is directionality in terms of emoji so as you know most emojis kind of just flip one way or another and the reason why it matters is because not all languages run in the same direction so for example Arabic so we are used to left to right but a lot of languages go right to left um so and this kind of It kind of changes the meaning of emoji for example right to left I send this a lot to my friends when I'm going flying from the Bay Area to New York um if you do it from left to right however that is what it looks like so it looks like um you know you're in NE Bay but the plane is still going that you know kind of up and to the right and then now it looks like you're going from New York to the Bay Area the other place is like oh it's it's a girl and she's running really fast right uh that is left to right to left in our world wait left to right sorry sorry that was that's that's supposed to be left to right and in here it would be she's like behind like pollution or something like that so sorry about so so an example this is actually in The Proposal like in one case if it's left or right you're running away from a line of cars and the other one it's a warning to not run behind car fumes so they are trying to figure out like how do we mirror a bunch of the Emoji um but the LA the main thing that I think sort of I don't know when it's going to happen I'm really hopeful is going to happen is trying to come up with a system that supports little stickers in line that don't need Unicode so this is like slack or on um twitch you can embed little pictures on in line and all all all the vendors have to get together and agree to come up with a standard way to do that they have not yet come up with that but that is sort of one of the ways that unic coded like want it wants to back away from actually being like a global regulator for like little colorful glyphs and so if you ever need to reach me um on in my emoji world you can find me um Jenny EmojiNation org there will be um the it will be actually a while I think before we see a next generation of emoji showing up in it used to be like every year they would get new code points it might be a little bit less than every year now as they work on things like directionality over time so that uh if anyone has questions you can ask questions you can find me afterwards I think I've I feel like there's supposed to be some some hubub right now about maybe maybe um microphones but maybe not but maybe I'm just done and if if there are questions or if David is around I'm happy you know he can I'm I'm happy to to answer any questions that folks have yes hi yes I was wondering what were your thoughts on the emo so the question is what are my thoughts on the Emoji Movie you're talking about the Sony animated one yes okay my thought on that is it is better than a 6% rating on um Rotten Tomatoes would lead you to believe so that's my one thought and my my next thought is that um that was a rush job from an animation perspective that was that was was about 18 months of whereas a typical animated movie takes four years so in my spare time I also produce movies and documentaries so one thing that is key to know about about movies and animated movies and this is very important they take a very long time but you can always fix it because you haven't shot anything and a very good example of that is I assume you guys have seen Frozen if you haven't seen you seen of the age you would have seen Frozen um I do not understand like how huge and a phenomenon or why it was such a huge phenomenon but um they actually did a original cut of Frozen and it did so I don't know you guys know the the Eye the the sort of Snow Queen thing but she's like super dark and like not fun and like kind of evil and like not someone you want to like get behind as a character so they actually did sort of a rough cut of that of Frozen and they came out of that with um it's just storyboarding and they're like that is not good and they killed it so they were like we can't go with this and then started from scratch more or less again starting with the song um Let It Go which is actually written by a kid from my elementary school Bobby Lopez or co-written by Bobby Lopez um I also actually fun fact I also went I would took the school bus with uh Lyn mmel Miranda so I was a fourth grader when he was like a kindergartener so we had a very musical Elementary School in New York City but the thing is they could fix it because they had enough time and have enough money not like movies where you shoot humans much harder to fix so you have the footage that you have and you can do little pickups but you can't fix it so essentially what happened in that case I think um it's 18 months and it could have gotten better and a lot of the movies that you see with Pixar like it's very it's actually sort emotionally similar to the movie called inside out and uh but inside they just have more time and so it's better so as opposed to 18 months which is not long enough to make a animated movie good but uh the other fun thing is is it was the it it was so weird cuz they sold sponsorships it was like like oh my God here comes the Bots and the malware let's go into Dropbox and protect ourselves and was so I think that it got a lot of like bad kind of um kind of uh vibes from the from the press for doing things like that but from a kids perspective it's it's fine I think if um I don't know that I would like put into my top 10 of animated pictures but it's better than 6% on Rotten Tomatoes and then actually if you guys ever care we we have done uh I did a documentary about Emoji so and all the people that create helped create emoji and uh we did a cs50x movie night I think during the pandemic was it during the pandemic everything sort of like blurred together but it was during the pandemic yeah Are we more questions yes um I wanted to know you mentioned that one of the criteria for AC do or there's demand yeah yeah that's a very good question yeah so the question is one of the propos one of our criterias of of um getting an emoji accepted is to sort of to demonstrate demand and how do we demonstrate demand and I would say in a in a pretty um clumsy way actually at this point so the main thing that you have in our in our current proposal process is we have um a median Emoji which is elephant so elephant is like if you stack ranked all the emoji for popularity elephant is like right there in the middle and it's also a concept that's like universally understood across all languages so um elephant shows up somewhere between 500 million and 700 million in Google search results like if you type it into a laptop you'll see you know elephant 500,000 uh 500 million search results and generally you're you're trying to when you're comparing your term to elephant you want to see very roughly how many Google search results B search results sometimes Instagram so actually something that was really surprising to me was someone proposed hummingbird I think hummingbird is uh a good proposal and um but if you look at Hummingbird it's only like 21 million in terms of the stat so which I thought was like very surprisingly low so that's one of the main ways that we kind of we kind of see like is it also visually used and all of that yeah any other questions are we good I didn't even need my water or anything oh can I take I'm going to take a picture I'm going to take a picture for because now you guys are actually human and not Muppets so I'm very very excited about this so I will send this to like my block mates and be like I just lectured at CS you know in Sanders Theater my thanks to Jenny Lee thank you yeah you can stay up here for give me one second so if up until now thought it would be appropriate to toss this up on the board if up until now you've not yet gotten cs50 stress ball on the way out please do grab one we got some extras as well off to the side but I would also keep in mind back in week zero where again we began we asked you to categorize yourselves as to whether you are among those less comfortable those more comfortable or those somewhere in between uh please know now that you are officially all some uh please know now that you are all officially among those more comfortable and indeed even though a couple of more Milestones await we cannot wait to see what you accomplish with your final projects in the meantime as always this is and now this was cs50 [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Mr when I in CS I'll say truth be told I thought i' be real coding hero because I did so it picked up so fast turn out that harder scratch hell world and goodby [Applause] [Music] because Mr I was on the trying so hard not fall behind attending section and wanting a stuck in the in void of my computer to pyth in why on because this is [Music] s Mr s we completed JavaScript sequ CSS and every language our to reset don't [Music] get again I repli obviously because cie [Applause] because [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so this is cs50 my name is David May and this is Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual Enterprises of computer science and the Art of programming and this of course is our special family weekend wherein not only are cs50's own students here in the audience but also some family members as well now you're showing up in the semester a little bit late we've just tackled week eight which is really our ninth week since computer scientists start counting from zero so we've done a whole lot of work over the past few weeks as you might have heard via emails or text messages home including a language known here as binar so on the screen here of course is a lot of zeros and ones and suffice it to say let me sum up the past nine weeks with this is what's going on underneath the hood but of course today we thought we'd make things a little more accessible a little more broadly applicable and indeed our Focus today will not be on what these patterns of zeros and ones represent which in astute eye might notice are replicated visually with these light bulbs being in a pattern on and off and as your child might have hinted uh before class or perhaps now this might very well spell a word up to eight characters long because you can encode even in the real world things digital too but today we'll focus on things much more high level this notion of cyber security like our the security of our data our privacy of our systems particularly on the internet nowadays because presumably all of us are carrying Technologies around in our pocket using laptops and desktops every day and so the goal today is to stipulate that this is what's going on underneath the hood but let's solve some problems at a higher level so that your homework when you go back to wherever you're visiting from can actually be to apply some of today's Lessons Learned so with that said perhaps the most common familiar defense uh of one's systems and data phone and laptops and desktops would just be these simple passwords unfortunately you and I are frankly as humans not all that good at choosing passwords and this is in itself a relatively weak form of Defense even though each of us has dozens hundreds of passwords nowadays or at least dozens or hundreds of accounts Maybe fives or tens of dozens of passwords indeed if you're in the habit of reusing passwords we'll see today probably among our first Lessons Learned so for instance if we look back at the past year 2021 thanks to security researchers who take a look at data that has been hacked or leaked online by way of public databases we have a sense as computer scientists of what the most popular or equivalently what some of the worst passwords are that you and I are choosing for our system so as of this past year according to one measure the most commonly used password in systems everywhere was 1 2 3 4 5 6 all right number two password in our top 10 here list was only slightly longer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 after that we took a turn in the other direction 1 2 3 4 five alone after that got a little more interesting quiry which might sound pretty cryptic but not if you look down at your US keyboard and it's the top leftand row of the keys on a an American keyboard so also not all that hard uh perhaps not surprisingly uh a little disconcertingly number five was password meanwhile number six returns us to digits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 after that really less effort 111 111 uh after that a little more variation but not all that much 1 two 3 one two 3 after that it's getting even less interesting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 890 and then lastly topping the list is just 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so this is not a good top 10 list to be on so among today's first takeaways is if you see your password on the screen like you didn't make the list in a good way this means hundreds thousands millions of other people probably have that password of yours now in of itself that's not necessarily worrisome because I don't know who has these passwords in a room as large as this but just intuitively why is this a bad thing either parent or child welcome to raise a hand here why might this be intuitively yeah access to it so access to it like I mean we literally as computer scientists now have a database of really common passwords and your your thoughts password and can just find it out quickly yeah you can just find it out quickly I mean you could imagine trying to guess someone's password by just typing in random letters random numbers random words but not if you have a top 10 list like the the adversaries in the world might as well just start with this list now you'll notice that even absent from this are slight variants like some of you might be thinking I'm not on the list cuz I do something clever like I use an exclamation point for the number one or a three for an e or a five for an S and based on the smiles in the room right now you're not all that clever it turns out because other people are smiling too which is to say that an adversary can take those same fistic that you might think are making things more secure by just tweaking some letters to numbers or vice versa but if you're doing it and other people are doing it the bad guys so to speak are going to be doing it as well so unfortunately when it comes to passwords better is longer and random and really unguessable but that's not what most of us have in fact case in point on our phones whether you have an Android device or an iPhone nowadays you know odds are you have something relatively simplistic protecting it if you have anything at all but at least Apple and Google are pretty good at least nudging us to choose these kinds of passcodes now and a four-digit passcode is quite common nowadays and so here's where we have an opportunity thanks to uh the URL that you saw on the screen earlier to conjecture as a group just how long might it take an adversary someone out there who's out to get us or get one of us uh how long might it take an adversary to figure out your phone's 4digit passcode this is a cs50 is on Carter Carter if we could switch over and poll the audience here if you take out your phone or laptop whatever device you might have used a few minutes ago to scan that QR code or to visit that same URL you can see these questions on your browser and if you can't that's fine we'll share some aggregate data nonetheless but you should have an opportunity to tap one of your answers and we'll give folks a few more seconds if you'd like to play along at home and here in just a moment probably have many people reporting but why don't we go ahead and take a look at some percentages it looks like most of you 67% are proposing just a few seconds so that's not all that good news if it's a four-digit passcode some of you are hoping it's a few minutes uh 8% are hoping a few hours four more than 4% of you are really hoping perhaps it's a few days well let's actually consider how we can answer this question and make today not just conceptual but a little quantitative too and see if we can't slap some numbers on questions like these so ultimately you can make more informed decisions with your system security so for instance when it comes to four digigit passcodes rather than just consider how secure it is well let's make it a more precise question like what are the forms of attack well the simplest attack might be just someone grabbing your phone be it in your family or maybe at Starbucks or the airport or the like and just starting all possible combinations maybe 00000000 then 00001 and 00002 we could maybe automate this a little bit so for instance I might potentially be able to do something like uh roboticize this here let me go ahead and full screen a quick video here that's just going to paint a picture in just a moment on the screen of how if we're a really clever adversary and know how to build things well at least maybe we could automate some of that process so here's an Android phone on a counter here's a very simple tripod and a little touch device robotically doing all of that hacking for you starting at 0000 Z probably all the way up to 9999 now that too wasn't necessarily all of that all that fast but at least you the adversary can step away and doesn't actually have to be bothered with the time involved the cost involved in actually hacking that particular device well let's go one level deeper a little more interestingly and consider here um the how much much time really this so-called Brute Force attack would take and that's actually a term of art much like in yester year when maybe there was a battering ram trying to brute force their way into a castle or something like that a Brute Force attack digitally is just someone trying manually all possible codes or maybe robotically trying all possible codes but generally automating the process in some way to go through all possibilities well if you've got for instance um a 4digit passcode let's ask maybe a follow-up question here not how long will take but how many possible 4digit passcodes are there because then maybe we can do some quick math and if every passcode takes me a second or a few milliseconds or the like then I think we can try to extrapolate from that whether the first answer was seconds or minutes or days or hours or something else so how many four-digit passcodes are possible if you take out your same device it should have just changed automatically if it doesn't seem to have maybe reload your browser with some menu option and then tap in here how many four digigit passcodes are possible four total 40 99,999 10,000 or unsure is okay too so let's see we'll give you a few more moments how many four digigit passcodes are possible and shall we reveal the results so now it looks like uh a a few of you uh 2% of you are saying just four passcodes 40 99,999 there's definitely some contention here and 6% are un sure well how do we wrap our minds around this well let's just kind of do this real simply here let me switch back over to doing a bit of math and if we have here 10 possibilities for each digit if there's four digits each digit can be 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine so that's 10 possibilities so if you think about the number of permutations that's 10 possibilities for the first digit times 10 for the next time 10 to the for the next times 10 for the next and so if we do that out 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 or 10 the 4th there are indeed as 66% of you uh found uh 10,000 possibilities and so now we can kind of work backwards and decide how long is it going to take for an adversary to hack into this phone because if it's one attack one guess per second well that's going to map out to 10,000 seconds but maybe not if the adversary isn't a roboticist or a human what if they're like at a software programmer someone who's taken even a class introductory like cs50 and learned a little bit of programming well a little bit frighteningly it's not all that hard to hack into systems if you just know how to code to and really have the computer do your work for you so in fact let me go ahead and change over to another screen on my computer here um this is different for students in the group from vs code this is just a black and white version of it that we've used briefly in the past and I'm just going to go ahead and create a program called crack.pie to crack something just technically means to figure out what it is figure out a password in this case and dop means I'm going to use a programming language that we here in cs50 have been dabbling in in the past couple of weeks with more to come next week as well so it turns out and you need not understand each of these lines of code if I want to try maybe generating all 10,000 possible codes I'm not going to bother with a robot I've got all these cables coming out of my computer and odds are one of them is a USB cable or a lightning cable surely we could figure out how to connect like laptop or desktop to phone and just like automate the process nowadays by just sending all of the numbers into the phone until one uh unlocks the trick just like in the movies or TV well in Python I could write a program that does this as follows I can import so to speak all of the decimal digits 0 through n and this for students in the room is just a slightly better version of typing out 10 different numbers manually I can also import from a library so to speak called iter tools for iteration tools which means to do something again and again I can import a function called Product which means the cross product like combine this with this some number of times and then it's just two more lines of code I can use what's called a loop and programming so for every passcode in the cross product of all 10 of those digits repeated a total of four times let me go ahead and rather than bother connecting my phone and hacking my own phone let me just print out every one of those 10,000 codes on the screen and we'll see how fast the hacker could do this let me go ahead and print and with an asterisk which is a little trick to format it nicely I'm going to print out each of those passcodes and that's it four lines of code maybe 40 seconds of talking but maybe really four seconds of code if I actually did this without the audience and now let me go ahead and save the file and I'm going to run as we do every in class of late python of crack.pie and when I hit enter I should see on the screen all 10,000 possibilities from 000000 to 9999 so let's see is it a few seconds minutes hours or days done so barely even seconds plural if that so that should be a little disconcerting because all that adversary needs to do is grab your phone off the counter plug in a cable and boom they're done like there's no ticking clock or worries as in the movies or TV that maybe you're going to come into the room you don't need that much of a window of time so what would be better than this well let's consider what our options might be if we don't want to just use four-digit passcode some of you indeed might have better passcodes than that and maybe you use four letter passcodes instead so A through Z maybe uppercase and lowercase that starts to make things a little more interesting so should we pull this question too if we upgrade from four digits to just four letters English letters a through z uppercase and lowercase why don't we go ahead and pull the grip here and ask how many four letter passcodes are there instead so this time the range starts at four still not the right answer though this time how many four-letter passcodes are possible not just just take a couple more seconds all right almost a couple hundred responses in already few more seconds and why don't we go ahead and reveal now the answers which are Okay so we've solved a couple problems at least so we well we well okay someone's just messing with us now all right so it looks like most of you 76% of you have claimed it's 7 million plus possibilities so that's encouraging cuz that's a whole order of magnitude more than before well let's figure out how we might do this mathematically so if we've got 26 lowercase 26 uppercase that's 52 possibilities now for each of those four digits so that's 52 times itself four times which indeed either off the top of your head a good guess a calculator on the same device you're using right now indeed gives us 7 million instead well what might be slightly better than that well maybe four characters and this indeed is what your Macs PCS and phones are urging us to do nowadays not just numbers not just letters but like really annoying punctuation so it really looks cryptic not just to the adversary but also to you and me unfortunately and that's the downside but here now we have a mental model and really a computational framework via which we can evaluate the security of these and I'll go ahead and spoil some of the math here if we've got 52 uh letters of the alphabet uppercase and lowercase 10 digits and if I count them out on my keyboard about 32 punctuation symbols in typical English grammar that actually gives us 94 possibilities now which is up from 52 which is up from 10 so now we're really moving and now that would give us 78 million possibility so another order of magnitude now it's still going to be relatively fast because you know what I can actually do this let me go back into my code here let me reopen the same program and I can point out just how easy it is to make these changes instead of importing digits as before I can import as your uh child might know asky letters which are a through z uppercase lowercase and I can just change this here asky letters and so this was that first version where we just changed to letters let me now rerun the code and instead of seeing numbers we'll see letters flying across the screen and if I walk over here to the screen we'll see that by the time I get here we're halfway through the entire alphabet lowercase if I now start walking away I think yep we're already done now with uppercase as well if I upgrade this slightly further let's go ahead and take it one more level and perhaps do let's say ask letters and digits and punctuation and this would be the pythonic way to say that and I'm going to add to those letters those same digits those same punctuation symbols let me shrink my font just so the code still fits on the screen and what we now have is with a two seconds of changes a program that if I run this version whoops without the typographical error this is what we call in cs50 a bug so now we run the same this is what we call in cs50 a second bug punctuation okay this is where I cross my fingers okay so now it's going to be a little hard to see as it flies across the screen but you probably are seeing glimpses of some weird punctuation characters as well and I won't waste our time trying to talk through this because this is going to take longer we're still in the lower case I'm still over here already we've not even gotten to n now O then P so this is going to run longer but let's end with one final question on the security of all these systems I'm going to cancel that by hitting contrl C on my keyboard and let's ask the question instead if we use eight character passwords so twice as many characters but even that is not terribly long right this is eight characters alone on the stage eight characters using letters numbers and punctuation might be better let's do one final vote here if we could on your same device how many eight character possibilities are there now for these passcodes and now for didn't even make the list this time all right few more seconds about 100 responses so far how about we go ahead and Carter if you would't mind let's reveal the results based on the vote a pretty decent spread here although the quadrillions are quickly buzzing in and they're contending with the others here looks like 44% of you said quintilian 34% said quadrillion and this time for the first time uh you overbid so indeed if we go back to the math here at least the majority overbid if we have eight character passcodes that gives us 94 times itself 8 times or 94 to the eth power and in fact that gives us roughly 6 quadrillion 95 trillion 689 Bill 385 mil 410,000 and 86 possible passcodes now what does that mean well the adversary's algorithm the step-by-step code that they write to try to hack into your phone is no different and honestly if your passcode is eight characters long but there're zeros 00000000000000 you're no more secure fundamentally you really want to be somewhere in The Sweet Spot of that massive range of values so that if the adversary tries this Brute Force attack just running through all possibilities they will eventually reach your passcode just mathematically it will be there hopefully though well maybe not hopefully you and I and they will be gone from this world because that much time will have passed and if we fact if we do out the math here uh this number of seconds for instance is long past uh when uh uh we will uh no longer be here so that's the sort of measure is we don't sort of fundamentally change the equation for the adversary it's still the same risk it's still the same attack but you significantly drive down the probability of success on their part or conceptually you drive up the cost to the adversary and indeed even in the physical world this is true you just want your passcode in the digital world really to be better than someone else's because you want someone else's passcode to be the one that the adversary does something with with just like in the physical world even though it's a bit uh uncomfortable to consider your house doesn't need to be 100% secure and indeed it's difficult to make it such there's always going to be a a point of weakness maybe it's that window the door or something like that but if your home is more secure than the next door home just probabilistically you are more secure you're not secure and indeed any website you see down the road that says we are secure because we do X Y or Z like that's nonsense security is really about comparisons and Val ating things if quantitatively relative to some other system relative to some other code so what's the takeaway here well hopefully a non-trivial number of you we'll go home this weekend on Monday and change at least one passcode um but there's going to be a trade-off here and we talk about this all the time in cs50 anytime we improve something we pay some price in time and performance and cost somewhere else so what's the downside then of this advice that you should use minimally eight character passcodes why might you want to say nay and not do this say again you have to remember you have to remember it right and so here there's sort of some sociology there's some human behavior you know some of you might have colleagues if you're working in the real world at least back in healthier times when you had colleagues with desks and cubicles and there's probably one person in the office with like a Post-It note on their monitor with their passcode you know it's a bit of a cyber security offense but it's also a sort of real world side effect maybe of corporate policies that aren't really calibrated for human behavior so we'll see if there's some other defenses and indeed let me propose that we talk briefly about one that actually tends to kick in automatically even if your passcode is not as strong as we've just seen one of these six quadrillion possibilities well what could we do instead well as anyone and I'll zoom in on this here accidentally locked themsel out of their own phone before like when does that happen yeah when you try the password too many times yeah so too many times maybe your finger's slightly off maybe you're slightly off and you just don't input the same passcode correctly after like five times 10 times there's some reasonable threshold and why does that happen well Apple and Google equivalently figure just probabilistically if after 10 guesses you still haven't typed in the right passcode probably you're not you you're someone else who's picked up your phone so we're just going to go ahead and lock you out now what's the effect of this well this means now that each of those possible passcodes no longer takes roughly 1 second now it takes roughly 1 minute so the attack is still the same but if it's now one passcode or 10 guesses per minute we have significantly by a factor of 60 in this story slowed things down and unfortunately does anyone know what happens if you screw up again after a minute yeah it goes longer it's like five minutes and then 10 minutes and uh Google is kind of obnoxious about it they don't even give you a time frame they just say try again later and so that keeps not only the adversary out but also potentially you so there in lies that trade-off if you've forgotten your code if nowadays your finger is slightly wet so the screen isn't responding correctly these could be usability downsides too so security is really just about finding The Sweet Spot among these various tradeoffs here but there's other mechanisms too and some of you might recognize this screen from Gmail via which of course you log in but after you log into Gmail or similar websites or apps or systems at work nowadays especially you might be presented with uh what's called two-factor authentication and what is this in a nutshell in Lay person terms most many of you if you do anything digitally at work might have to do this now yeah exactly you get texted at your phone an additional code that's not your same password it's typically a numeric code maybe six digits long it expires after a minute or 10 minutes but why is this a good thing well one it's no longer just a piece of information that you know or that you might have written down it's information that changes every time you try to log in but more importantly it's a fundamentally second factor which means it's not just something you know now it's something you have so you for instance are the only one theoretically that should be receiving that code and so now the adversary if they want to get into your account not only have to guess or brute force or maybe read off of a Post-It note your password they also have to physically have access now to that phone so there's still a threat absolutely but it's not everyone on the internet with an internet connection now it's only the people in Starbucks now it's only the people at work now it's only the people in your home who might have access to that second Factor so there too it just raises the bar to the adversary making it harder more timec consuming more geographically impossible for them to attack you but what's the downside of two-factor authentication whether it's a device or even nowadays it's in software whether it's on your keychain or on your phone where you're prompted for this code what's a downside as some of us have probably experienced too forg you forget your cell phone absolutely right the the factor that you have you don't have with you or maybe you're in a basement somewhere don't have reception you're on a plane you can't get the code and so there too are these tradeoffs and even it departments need to keep that in mind because what does that mean for them well if you don't have your phone with you and you are in the habit of calling it to help you fix this now there's a a cost a human cost maybe even a financial cost and so it policy nowadays is really just about finding the right balance and where we want to spend our resources but at least raise the bar to the adversary but of course there's other ways too and this is going to be one of our homework assignments if you will after today there's this software called password managers and no need to buzz in on your phone but maybe with a physical hand how many folks here use a password manager okay let me ballpark this at 10 20% perhaps Okay so we've got 80% upside here and a lesson learned potentially so a password manager is just a piece of software on your Mac your PC or your phone nowadays that manages your passwords well what is that mean when you go to a website for the first time or you download an app for the first time and you have to create an account you can can still use your email address or David as your username or whatever your name might be so you don't have to change that methodology but instead of typing in one 2 3 4 5 six as your same password for that website or app as well as for every other now you use the password manager software to generate something difficult to guess for you that is you tell the password manager give me an8 character random passcode not 0000 but something with punctuation with numbers with letters and better yet the password manager is the name suggests remembers that password for you and the next time you go to another website you do it again with a completely different password maybe same username maybe two-factor authentication but different password different password different password and it doesn't have to be eight I mean I'm in the habit of using a dozen two dozen characters in total and at that point I can't even pronounce the number of possibilities because it goes well be Beyond uh the quadrillions so the probability that someone's going to get into one of those accounts for me now is very very very low and they're going to take less interest in me and maybe more interest in someone else that's not using as good of a password now what does this mean in real terms well when you go to log into that managed site you don't manually type your password anymore in fact you don't generally even need to know it nowadays I probably don't know 90 plus 99% of my passwords I entrust them to this password manager now of course you'd like to think that the password manager itself is secure so what might that mean well those of you who do use a password manager how do you access that software itself what's protecting your data in your understanding so maybe Biometrics like your your face ID or maybe your fingerprint or maybe more simply what else password maybe just a password and hopefully that password that primary password that gatekeeper is not itself 1 2 3 4 5 6 otherwise it doesn't matter how secure all of the others are but if you're willing to put in the effort and pick one pretty long somewhat random very unguessable password that you just promise to commit to memory and maybe for backup you literally print it out and put it in a safe deposit box or a safe or just kind of hide it somewhere physically that there's very low probability someone's going to find the backup copy that might be Al loan but of course the flip side is now if you forget that Ma that primary password you've now lost all of the eggs in the basket if someone gets that primary password now they have access to everything so that's rather the trade-off but I dare say you're probably less threatened depending on your family uh uh by the people immediately around you than the billions of other people on the internet that have access potentially to those same systems so there to it's a trade-off and it's up to you to decide whether or not to manage your passwords in this way but if you were on that top 10 list or even if you're not but you can think of several accounts that all have the same password you're probably going to benefit from something like this and why is it bad to be clear to use the same password on multiple sites in case that's never sort of dawned in thought why is that a bad thing to reuse a password on different websites different apps any intuition yeah and back exactly once it's attacked you can the adversary presumably by transitivity can see oh well if this user's username is mailin on this website and their password is foolishly 1 2 3 4 56 or even something way more complicated they can probably just assume with high probability that if I'm being a little reckless let's try access mailin at other accounts other apps using that exact same password and so by transitivity essentially you're putting your other uh Accounts at risk so what's maybe a takeaway minimally here I would start to reconsider your passcodes on your most important data Maybe it's medical maybe it's Financial maybe it's email anything remotely personal that you really wouldn't want to have access uh do you necessarily need the same form level of security on eCommerce sites or sites that you don't really care about or that you signed up for once and after that H that's it probably not so you can decide for yourself but again software like a password manager and these are just some of the possibilities out there um are probably to be your friend a couple of these are free they come with Windows or Mac OS a couple are commercial Harvard has a site license for students for uh one of these as well so there are options out there but what else do people use what else can people use to keep their system secure so most of us nowadays have probably heard of encryption this technique for just kind of scrambling information so when you want to send a message an email or upload a a photograph or use your credit card hopefully it's not just being sent out for all to see but there's some kind of scrambling going on and some fancy mathematics ensure that encryption ensures that only you the sender and someone else the receiver can theoretically see what that credit card number is what that message is what that photograph is instead so encryption is sort of Common Place nowadays both in websites and apps and ATMs and other such devices but how does it work well back in week two of cs50 uh your child learned learned a little something about encryption otherwise known as cryptography and one of the algorithms we talked about was quite simply something like this this is what we might call uh not only cs50 but plain text so very plain text that in this case is English and obviously everyone in the room can read it but what if I wanted to send this message out to someone in this room or out on the Internet or maybe equivalently back in the day maybe write a message down on a scrap of paper in grade school and pass a secret note a secret love note to someone in class with hopes that the teach or any other students in the class can't intercept it and read it well you probably don't want to say this is cs50 or I love you or anything remotely sensitive but rather maybe you want to encrypt it and let's change the the T to a u maybe change the H to an i the I to a j the S to a t the I to a j the S to a t again the C to a d the S to a T and we'll just leave the numbers alone even though I worry someone could probably guess what this now does say nonetheless but what was the algorithm as I rattled those ch changes off whether student from week two or parent from week now yeah a on shift just a onlet shift and this is more sophisticatedly called a rotational Cipher or a Caesar Cipher after Caesar back in the day it's relatively simplistic but back in the day it's not so simplistic if you're the first person in the world to ever use it or think of it but nowadays this is not actually what we use but it's similarly mathematical in nature it's not quite as simple as just adding one or subtracting one to go from now what we'd call text to plain test but it's similarly math that's involved and let me just stipulate that the way the math works is that the sender and the receiver just have to have in mind some kind of secret and the Secret in this case would very trivially be one but it could be a much bigger much more unguessable number or maybe some other secret we share the presumption being that my classmates my teacher in that grade school classroom if they don't know what that secret is that number is yeah they could try to brute force it and try all possible mathematics plus one plus 2 plus three but that's going to take them some time and they probably don't care enough and so my data might be therefore relatively secure but we use encryption all the time nowadays and so for instance this is at the start of most URLs nowadays even if you don't type it yourself with that said Safari and even Chrome now or kind of simplifying if not dumbing down user interfaces to just hide details that you and I as sort of normal users don't need to see 24/7 but it is there and if in fact on your phone or laptop you click on the URL even if it's super short initially you'll probably see the whole thing starting with this and the s means secure the s means that encryption is being used but there's other forms of this not just when you visit websites there's this endtoend encryption which is being talked about more nowadays especially during coid times with so many more of us on video and talking about uh more sensitive things tele medicine talking to doctors things that you also wouldn't want to verbally or visually get out into the wild just like text what's different about endtoend encryption versus HTT GPS and the type of encryption that most of us use every day on websites alone end to end encryption is sort of a better feature that you want to increasingly seek when using services like Zoom or Microsoft teams or Whatsapp or the like any instincts here yeah over on the right good so the encryption the scrambling of information happens in The Source the sender and the destination the receiver without a so-called middleman in between and this is actually very different from most contexts nowadays that use just https because when you're using https to buy something on Amazon securely with your credit card well of course Amazon needs to be able to decrep the message at the end of the day and so that's fine but even when you're using services like video conferencing or maybe text messaging nowadays well if you're using Whatsapp that's owned by meta and if you're using Instagram that's owned by meta there's a lot of middlemen in these apps that we're using and if they were only using encryption period or only using something like https yes your en your connection from you to WhatsApp and in turn to the recipient might very well be secure on each end of that channel but meta in the between the company and any other company in between could theoretically For Better or For Worse be looking at that data whether it's to mine it for advertising purposes whether it's to Snoop on data that you're sending that is not end to-end encryption if the middleman a company typically has technically access to that data now zoom and Microsoft teams and WhatsApp and iMessage and other services with which you're familiar increasingly are offering stronger guarantees of encryption whereby it's indeed between parties A and B and not the one in the middle now there's downsides here and you can actually see this kind of functionality manifest in certain settings for instance besides iMessage uh which just does this for you on iPhones or Macs besides Zoom um you can actually fine-tune these settings indeed within Zoom itself s so here's a screenshot that I took last night of just what the user interface looks like today to create a new Zoom meeting with the latest version of Zoom software and maybe unbeknownst to you there's a choice of buttons down here and most likely yours is by default on enhanced encryption which is brilliant marketing speak because it's just encryption it's not enhanced it actually ironically means worse than this um but they want you using it most likely why well it's a little easier to implement it's a little less expensive for them computationally and to be fair enhanced encryption does scramble the data but not in a way that Zoom can't see it Zoom can indeed see it but that's actually a plus in some context because if you want to do like Cloud recordings and you want a meeting recorded not on your Mac or PC but like let Zoom deal with that if you want automatic transcription nowadays so the words to appear whether it's English or something else on the screen well you can't really lock Zoom or any other middleman out of that because someone needs to save it to the cloud someone needs to translate the voice to those English or some other language words so enhanced encryption enables those features but they also allow a bad actor malicious employee someone who's just nosy at Zoom or the equivalent middleman to just kind of poke around your video conference and hear what you've said or see what you've typed as well unless you instead check this box as well so increasingly look for mentions of end to-end encryption or give that some thought when you choose a technology via which to communicate with someone whether it's within your family or without as well now last but not least there's other applications of encryption too and this too might be a lesson learned as well full dis encryption so a dis is like where your data stored in your Mac or PC or even your phone and full dis encryption just means ideally that all of your data is encrypted that is somehow scrambled now hopefully your password for your computer or phone is good enough that even though the device is encrypted with that password at least you'll remember it and your phone or your Mac or PC will automatically decrypt it for you of course you can't scramble the information and hide it from from ourselves one of us at least for these devices needs to have access but full dis encryption typically means that at least when you close the laptop lid or power down for the night that even if someone else steals that device opens the lid unless they don't unless they have your passcode they can't even plug in fancy cables to the device and just rip the zeros and ones off of the device and see what's actually there full dis encryption means they could do that but they would just see seemingly random zeros and ones now there's a downside here too this might slow things down potentially but it is a feature increasingly that's offered and is absolutely something you should consider enabling um in general especially if your laptop or phone travels with you and certainly your phone does or if you plan to donate or sell or give away a device you don't want to leave all of the zeros and ones the remnants of your own sensitive data passed on there so Windows has a feature called bit Locker Mac OS has a feature called file Vault there's commercial options as well but generally we're at the point now in 2022 we're clicking a button is suff efficient to enable these features with that said don't rush into all of these decisions I would make backups of your data and don't maybe email cs50 if something goes wrong with that process but I would do your own due diligence but this too would be a menu of possibilities and now the bad side the downside of what seems to be great this notion of full dis encryption unfortunately just as we can encrypt our data to protect it from the adversaries so can the adversaries if they get into our devices encrypt our data and do what not tell us that secret key and so this is generally applied in the context of ransomware which tragically you increasingly hear about in Hospital Systems school systems municipalities where systems are getting attacked and the data is not just getting stolen because what is the adversary typically need with like local municipal or even Hospital data the value to the adversary is encrypting all of the hospital all of the mpali data preventing them from accessing it if they have no backups or the like and so ransomware is liter Lally about trying to convince someone to pay you money or pay you Bitcoin or something like that to give you that secret key and this key in this case is surely more sophisticated than the number one but it's really the same idea so here too yet again a trade-off just as we sort of invent something for good it can also be used for evil and so to speak as well but it's really the same underlying principles even though we keep seeing it and hearing about it in these different forms and lastly if only because folks are generally familiar but don't necessarily know what it is that it's doing for them browsers nowadays have what's often called incognito mode or private mode which has nothing to do with encryption but does have to do with cyber security or really cyber privacy keeping your data from prying eyes uh incognito mode if you open it in Chrome for instance looks a little something like this and we use it in cs50 when introducing students as we did last week to web programming because it in effect lets you start with a clean slate like a brand new browser that has never visited any websites before which is good for just diagnosing problems but it's often commonly used if you want to log into maybe your Gmail account on someone else's computer and you don't want your password being saved or you want to visit some website where you don't want the URL or the Search terms ending up in your autocomplete history so there's multiple uses for incognito mode but what does it really do well it doesn't stop your company it doesn't stop your University your internet service provider be it Comcast Verizon or the like from knowing what websites you go to because ask your student a couple weeks ago we talked about actually a week ago we talked about how the internet works and unfortunately computer has an IP address which is unique identifier which goes out anytime you go anywhere incognito mode or not so this isn't really covering your tracks outside of your office or outside of your home or outside of your company but it is at least throwing away local information and so we'll talk in fact in cs50 is week nine this coming Monday about cookies which you might generally know about and what are called sessions and so long story short what incognito mode does is it throws away when you close the window any locally stored information to the these things called cookies which are sort of like virtual handstamps that just remember what you've logged in as or what's in your shopping cart or the like but it doesn't hide any information from anyone outside of your own Mac or PC it only prevents those local prying eyes so there too even though we have tools that many of you are probably in the habit of using or thinking you should use to um be more private be more secure on the internet what we do really in cs50 boast week's uh past and future is talk about how these Technologies work so that ultimately we have all the more of an educated citizenry um here among undergrads and here as well as on line so that you can apply these same Lessons Learned to problems you'll encounter in the future so as promised the homework one should probably use a password manager doesn't have to be one of those ones on the list but at least starting that conversation maybe with someone who does maybe the you know it's often the you know the the the student in your family perhaps who can advise you on some of these Technologies consider using a password manager to using two-factor authentication whether it's your phone or some key fob or or the like but at least seeking out that feature at least for accounts that you really care about your email social media Financial medical anything where you'd be embarrassed at best or really violated at worst if that kind of information got out and then increasingly using not just encryption which you kind of get automatically for most Technologies today but increasingly choosing technologies that offer stronger guarantees that keep those middlemen those companies out of the way if only so that you can trust with higher probability that only party B knows what party a has said or sent now this of course was a whirlwind tour there's so much more that you can do online indeed this course cs50 can be taken for free online via platforms like edex at cs50 I thought it might be appropriate to end on this note if anyone would like to conjecture before we start playing music and adjourn for lunch what our final message here is if we reverse the plus one and maybe start minus one here minus one here and indeed thank you so much for coming this was [Applause] [Music] [Music] cs50