Transcript for:
Reflections on Team Spirit and Identity

[Music] we look like the the most undisciplined team ever ever we're so freaking stupid I am so disgusted right now get the ball get the ball do not say a freaking word by rule we have to eject them how many freaking times do we got to tell you to keep your mouth shut don't give the extra push and our home God's first you raised here you grew up here this is home this is the largest single concentration of Arabs in one city outside the Middle East we were living in a safe haven 2001 shook things up first thoughts that came into my mind was these guys don't let them be Arabs we've been called an Islamic school heah high school camel Jacki damn Arab s ugly words and hate and it's real hate you can feel it you guys can call us whatever you want family on three 1 2 3 no matter what religion you are you knock him down make a play wooo fasting the Ramadan if you can do it it means you can do anything his name is Ali and his friend's name is O of course of course it's going to be discriminated again freaking scoring that we got to freaking give them touchdowns they can't find this guy how do you like that put a guy in the moon you can't find OS ban you could do something about it where's K you could do something about you could do something about it we are the luckiest people in the world to be born and live in America where else in the world you can achieve your dream no