Understanding Use Context in React

Sep 30, 2024

Notes on Use Context in React


  • Overview of the use context hook in React.
  • Best practice tips included at the end.
  • Mention of a full React course available in the description.


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Context in React

Creating Context

  • Use react.createContext to create a context (e.g., themeContext).
  • Export the context for use throughout the application.

Setting Up State

  • Use useState to create a toggle for dark/light theme.
  • Create a function to toggle between the two themes.

Implementing Context Provider

  • The context provider wraps components needing access to context.
  • Use a single prop called value for the context's value.
    • Children of the provider can access this value without manual prop passing.

Class Component vs Functional Component

Class Component

  • Utilizes themeContext.Consumer to access context.
  • More complex nesting required to access context value.

Functional Component

  • Use the useContext hook to access context directly without nesting.
  • Simplifies code significantly compared to class components.

Custom Hook for Context

Extracting Logic

  • Create a file themecontext.js to house theme information and logic.
  • Create a ThemeProvider component to manage theme state and provide context.

Updating Theme

  • Create a second context for updating the theme.
  • Wrap both contexts in the ThemeProvider to provide theme value and update function to children.

Using Custom Hooks

  • Create useTheme and useThemeUpdate hooks for easier access to context values.
  • Import and use these hooks in components instead of accessing context directly.


  • The ThemeProvider cleans up code by managing state and context in one place.
  • Custom hooks streamline access to context values.
  • This approach simplifies working with context and enhances maintainability.


  • Encouragement to explore further React knowledge and check out the full React course linked in the description.