12 Factor App and Command Line Concepts

Oct 15, 2024

Lecture Notes on 12 Factor App and Command Line Programming

Introduction to the 12 Factor App

  • A methodology for building software-as-a-service apps.
  • Covers areas such as codebase, version control, and dependencies.

Midterm Project Overview

  • Develop a command-line application.
  • Due after spring break.
  • Must address several design patterns and factors.
  • Includes a written paper explaining design patterns with code illustrations.

Importance of Design Patterns

  • Design patterns are part of the vocabulary and habits for professional developers.
  • Key design patterns: SOLID (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution).
  • Helps in building robust and maintainable code.
  • Design patterns are crucial for industry standards and expectations.

Command Pattern and REPL

  • Command Pattern: Used to manage input and output in applications.
  • REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop): A fundamental programming model similar to most interactive programs.
    • Takes user input, evaluates it, prints results, and loops.
  • Example implementation involves Python command line with simple commands like exit, hello, goodbye.

Abstract Classes and Interfaces

  • Abstract Class: A template for classes that implement its functionality.
  • Interfaces: A contract between a class and its expected behaviors.
  • Abstract classes in Python require implementation of certain methods, enforced through inheritance.

Practical Application and Development Tips

  • Branching Patterns:
    • Development branch is for current work in progress.
    • Feature branches for specific new features.
  • Plug-In Architecture: Possible to automate command registration using plugins.
  • Challenge to implement a plugin system for automatic command registration.

Error Handling and Code Efficiency

  • EAFP (Easier to Ask for Forgiveness than Permission): Error handling strategy using try-except blocks.
  • Alternative to using if-statements for handling predictable errors.
  • More efficient in scenarios where errors are less likely.

Software Development Mindset

  • Industry requires conformity to certain standards and practices.
  • Design patterns and a structured approach open opportunities for advanced programming tasks.
  • Understanding and using these concepts enhance employability and coding proficiency.

Homework and Practice

  • Create a new repository for midterm project.
  • Implement at least one new command in the project.
  • Start learning about design patterns using resources like Refactor Guru.


  • Focus on mastering object-oriented design and understanding software development fundamentals.
  • Future classes will cover programming with data and using libraries like Pandas and NumPy.
  • Importance of combining understanding of design patterns with algorithms for complete proficiency.