Understanding the Bone Repair Process

Oct 13, 2024

Bone Repair Process


  • Bone repair is a natural process due to the vascular nature of bone tissue.
  • Typically takes 4-8 weeks for a bone to heal if set properly.
  • Initial step before repair is realignment of bone ends (Step Zero).
    • Realignment involves setting the bone ends correctly.
    • Complicated fractures (e.g., comminuted fractures) may require screws and plates.
    • Proper alignment is crucial for optimal healing.

Steps of Bone Repair

Step 1: Hematoma Formation

  • A hematoma is a large mass of clotted blood around the fracture site.
  • Causes swelling and pain in the region.

Step 2: Fibrocartilaginous Callus Formation

  1. Granulation Tissue Formation
    • Forms a soft callus, serving as a temporary placeholder.
  2. Fibroblasts and Osteoblasts Activity
    • Secrete collagen, forming a cartilaginous callus.
    • Hyaline cartilage grows, causing a bulge in the fracture region.

Step 3: Bony Callus Formation

  • Spongy bone begins to replace the fibrocartilaginous callus.
  • A bony callus is formed, which continues to develop as new bone.

Step 4: Bone Remodeling

  • Removal of bony callus over time.
  • Compact bone or appropriate bone type replaces the callus.
  • Remodeling can take years, and perfect regrowth is not guaranteed.
  • Healing prospects are better in younger patients, though some issues may persist regardless of age.

Key Points

  • Realignment (Step Zero) is essential for the healing process.
  • Each stage of repair is crucial for proper bone healing.
  • Bone remodeling is a prolonged process and may not fully restore original bone structure.