Essential Principles of Sports Writing

Aug 26, 2024

Sports Writing Lecture Notes


  • Speaker: Cernan
  • Focus: Updates on sports writing
  • Key Idea: Love and passion for sports enhances understanding of the game.

Technical Guides for Sports Writing

General Principles

  • Writing in sports is similar to other writing categories.
  • Understanding the game is crucial; one doesn't need to be an athlete.

Writing Components

  1. Headline

    • Rule 1: Follow SVO format (Subject-Verb-Object).
      • Example: "Serbia upsets Brazil in FIBB finals"
    • Rule 2: Use active voice (present tense) in English headlines; use past tense in Filipino.
      • English Example: "defeat, beat, destroy"
      • Filipino Example: "pinata, nilampaso, sinunkit"
  2. Lead

    • Most important part; should summarize key points in one paragraph.
    • Rule 1: One sentence, one paragraph.
    • Details to include:
      • Winning team/player
      • Reason for the win
      • Losing team/player
      • Score
      • Name of tournament/event
      • Venue
      • Date of game
    • Rule 2: For Filipino writing, start with the verb.
    • Be cautious with wording, especially when describing close scores.

Example of Lead Writing

  • English Example: "Emus bombers came away victorious after taking down the host Das Mourinho's spikers in their game one of the best of three series..."
  • Filipino Example: "Thailand and second seated in South Korea 2-0 so 29 Kings Cup..."

Structuring the Article

  1. Second Paragraph (Supporting Lead)

    • Include statistics and contributions from top players.
    • Individual sports have a different structure (badminton, tennis, boxing).
  2. Third Paragraph

    • Include quotes from players or coaches.
  3. Fourth to Tenth Paragraphs

    • Describe highlights of sets, quarters, or rounds.
    • Focus on strategies and significant moments.
    • Follow the format of one sentence per paragraph.
  4. Eleventh Paragraph

    • Detail statistics and contributions of the best player from the losing team.
  5. Twelfth Paragraph

    • Include any additional quotes or interviews from the losing team.
  6. Final Paragraph

    • Wrap up the article with concluding thoughts.


  • Emphasis on the importance of structure and detail in sports writing.
  • Good luck to everyone in their sports writing endeavors!