Comprehensive Guide to Learning C++

Aug 30, 2024

Ultimate C++ Course Overview


  • Comprehensive course covering C++ from basics to advanced concepts.
  • No prior programming knowledge required.
  • Instructor: Mosh Hamedani, software engineer with 20 years of experience.
  • Teaches through Code With Mosh platform.

What is C++?

  • C++ is a popular programming language for performance-critical applications.
  • Common uses: video games, device drivers, web browsers, servers, operating systems.
  • Used by companies like Adobe, Google, Microsoft, and NASA.
  • New versions every three years, latest being C++20.
  • Relevant despite newer languages like Java or C#.
  • High demand for C++ programmers (average salary: $170,000 in the US).

Mastering C++

  • Two main areas to learn:
    • C++ language syntax and grammar.
    • C++ Standard Library (STL) for pre-written functionalities like data structures and algorithms.
  • Course will cover major functionalities of the STL.
  • C++ may seem extensive, but learning key concepts is sufficient to write substantial programs.

Tools for C++ Programming

  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) needed:
    • Top Choices:
      • Microsoft Visual Studio (Community Edition - free)
      • Xcode (for macOS)
      • CLion (cross-platform, 30-day trial, then paid)
  • Recommended IDE: CLion (can use others).
  • Installation guide provided for CLion.

Writing Your First C++ Program

  • Explain structure of a C++ program:
    • Starts with main() function (entry point).
    • Case sensitivity is important.
    • Function must return an integer (0 for success).
  • Intro to printing output using Standard Library:
    • #include <iostream> for input/output functionalities.
    • Use std::cout for printing.

Concepts Covered

  • Variables:

    • Temporary data storage in memory.
    • Declaration syntax: type name = value;
    • Importance of meaningful names and initialization.
  • Constants:

    • Use const to prevent value changes.
  • Naming Conventions:

    • Snake_case, PascalCase, CamelCase, Hungarian Notation.
  • Mathematical Expressions:

    • Operators: +, -, *, /, %.
    • Importance of operator precedence.
  • Reading/Writing Console Input:

    • std::cin for input.
    • Validation of user input and handling floating-point numbers.
  • Standard Library Functions:

    • Use of cmath for mathematical functions (e.g., floor, pow).
  • Comments:

    • Importance of comments to clarify code without overusing them.

Fundamental Data Types in C++

  • Built-in Types:
    • int, short, long, long long, float, double, char, bool.
    • Memory sizes and value ranges for each type.
  • Data Conversion:
    • Narrowing conversions can cause data loss (use brace initialization to prevent errors).

Random Number Generation

  • Use of rand() from cstdlib for generating random integers.
  • Importance of seeding with srand() and using the current time for different results.
  • Example: Rolling a dice program.


  • Course designed to give a solid understanding of C++.
  • Provides exercises to reinforce learning and build confidence.
  • Encouragement for students to explore beyond the basics.
  • Call to action: enroll in full course for in-depth learning.