Transcript for:
Where People Get Stuck with Framework Thinking

Where People Get Stuck  With Framework Thinking   Instead, understand the base logic of frameworks.  All frameworks do three things. First, I was just   preparing for my next thinking framework cohort  happening this month, and this one thing kept   popping up when I was going through all of your  survey responses. Thank you for sending them,   by the way, letting me know what you're stuck on  and what you want to achieve. And that one thing   was a lot of us seem to want a way to search and  remember all the frameworks out there. It seems   to make sense on the surface, right? We learn  that there's something called framework thinking,   mental models people are using them, and we find  out and we say, okay, so how can I learn this?   Let me get a list of 100 frameworks, right? And  the answer is no. Think about it; when you have   100 frameworks, it's basically like sitting  down with a textbook. What do you do? You're   bored. You can't really retain the information  because, you know, we're reading this giant   list of 100 frameworks, maybe we're doing some  highlighting, maybe we're even taking some notes,   but scientifically speaking, all of that is not  enough for us to retain that information and be   able to recall them. And even with the ones that  do manage to stick, how do we actually apply them,   right? We know it in theory, but in real life,  how do we translate it? And that's why I see   so many responses that correspond to these  subsequent problems. I don't know when to use   these frameworks, which one to use. It's also that  I don't actually actively use them even though I   seem to know them. And also, when I'm put on  the spot, well, I can't recall any of them,   and I can't think that quickly. And a few  of you were really courageous and candid,   and you called it out, you know, I feel stupid,  you know, maybe I can't do this type of thinking,   maybe it's just not for me. And all of  that is not true. You're not thinking in   frameworks because you're doing it backward  and making it difficult for yourself.   I've talked about the base logic of framework  thinking in multiple videos. Don't start with   a list of frameworks; it will just overwhelm you.  Instead, understand the base logic of frameworks.   All frameworks do three things: first, they  break down complexity. They simplify and have   smaller chunks so we can work with the problem.  Number two, they prioritize, right? Not all of   the chunks are made the same, so you want to  pick out the ones that are important for your   use case. And number three, they structure in a  way that makes things easy to understand. Let's   think of your framework knowledge as a tree. If  you have 100 frameworks, those are just leaves   on the floor. Which one do I pick up, you know,  when do I use the solution, which I don't know   because they're all scattered and there's no  base logic to hang them all together to show   how they are connected. But if we do it the  other way, where we start with fat branches,   those that simplify, those that prioritize,  and those that structure, and then within that,   we focus on the essential frameworks first.  And then once we get those, then we start to   add on more use cases, you know, for different  areas. We start to fill out our tree this way,   then everything will be connected. You have a  web of ideas, and they will strengthen as you   practice them, and you'll be more able to adapt  them over time. It will improve recall, it will   build confidence from day one because you're  going from zero to one. You're not going from   0 to 100 in one leap, and there's no overwhelm  because there are so much fundamentals.   So, the same thing happened in management  consulting. I won't go into the details,   but we didn't start with a list of frameworks.  It was on-the-job practice as you go, and we all   started with the first one, 80/20. We use that  first before you get to experiment with others.   We're going to do all of this foundation building  in my cohort, thinking frameworks. This time,   we're focusing specifically on clarifying and  communicating your thoughts. I've curated the   frameworks we are going to walk through, that  base logic, and then we are going to immediately,   from day one, practice so you can get that win, so  you can build that confidence, so you can see how   you can use frameworks in real-life situations. In  the end, you'll know when to apply which framework   when you clarify and communicate your thoughts.  You're going to be able to do them when you're   on the spot. We're going to be practicing that a  lot, and then in the end, you don't need all those   100 frameworks, but you know how to build up to  those. I've even got a GPT build for that, so if   you're interested, check out the links and details  below, and I'll see you in the next video. Bye.