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give us a call you want to we cut Cor weak topic one might as well topic two and it's th night come in on the we going live on the scre [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see us on your T you know is us on t w w w w t w w o t w [Music] [Music] the [Music] you're [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] always keep the feast in remance praising our god with a song my present glorious like a chain with a spirit of Joy I receive send spread to my with Passover right around the corner iuic will now be presenting Passover boom cards The Ideal tool used to teach our prophets and princesses the Biblical history of Passover they are also available in English and Spanish so don't hesitate to grab your very own deck of Boom cards at w. booom learning.com authori [Music] you can tell by my gate that I'm all in you can tell by my fi that I'm all in front line with the truth I'mma fall in even it's a g in going all in you can tell by the things I'm involved in I can lose it all for my call in if I die for the truth it's a win win and go to the end going all in going all in going in going all in going all in going in going in you can the I'm involed in can lose it my call if I for the [Music] TRU got over 300 400 churches but nobody is standing up nobody is helping our youth we won't rest we won't until until we have Justice we have Justice for our brother thank God that we got people now that's coming to help the kid JN movement because for a while it ain't been nobody but our family when he hurt when he hurt we hurt where your brothers where your family Touch One you touch s got that time I feel this a good thing we need everybody to come here no B [Music] people on this Earth that's making sure you remain sin so I'm letting you know on behalf of is united in Christ and other organizations we're here to support you and we're not going to let this down [Music] he [Music] in [Music] come closer hey Shalom family I'm captain M I know it's been a minute all right to my right that's all that's right Shalom family officer eaka Shalom family officer Samson hey shalom shalom family officer obia all right family I'm officer David and this is your place for End Time news all right all Praises all praise to the father all right all right all right we back we back we back all praise to the father we uh we were tabernac in right right tacking you know I'm not I'm not even uhoh uhoh I'm not one up for debate you understand I'm not about strive for B Glory bring it out but I am about the truth understand you got to tell the truth and I'm not here to argue that's right those who know and those who I speak with and spoke with the other day know the truth come on that tabernac was created through the spirit of the Lord through Captain Matas and that's just what it is I am nobody I'm just you know I'm just a vessel of the Lord that's right you understand so hey all praise to the father um but yeah man how was uh how was Tabernacles for y'all going into the closing uh shouts out to Deacon Adon for the closing of the feast class Praises you understand so yeah how was the closing uh Brothers yes sir cap on it definitely a blessing man another Passover to see another Passover day Passover I'm sorry I'm sorry on a day of atonement and all right on the day of atonement and on the day of Tabernacles right all right I'm definitely a blessing to see another year all right on um so but it was great all right out in the wilderness um to on the get in the scripts on with the leadership and everything it was all Praises for another chance all prais all Praises yes great hey great food food um Grill I got AIS brisket you know you read my mind you read my mind so the brisk was on point sh the crackling if you don't know if you don't know about the crackling you just don't know you just don't know but fellowship with the U the brothers uh Brotherhood and unity seeing the family out there having a good time in the Lord that's what we did all praise to the most high God hey all Praises I'll say Tabernacle is one of the best uh High holy day I really like it one of my reason is you get a chance to be very close to leadership and get get the medicine that you need so all praise for that thing I enjoy it I can't complain that's that's right it's it's like those who don't go to Tabernacles you never know how it's going to be right it's an opportunity where you away from the Heathen for seven eight you're leadership going over the scripts going over the end time prophets like it's that's that's an experience you never want to miss hey it y'all got y'all got videos okay let's play some videos you got sound to any sound it that's low okay there you go we just finished doing the horseback riding one of my I think most favorite so far events we had thus far more and more to come so all praise to the most high we had a good time everyone had a horse I had the biggest horse all praise to the Lord pra to the most high and my son had the biggest horse scary but it was fun riding the horse is the best experience you could ever have so if you missed it shame on you hey shouts out okay hey it I'm not going to I don't want so okay put the camera on them I don't I don't want to keep going through this today with this camera angle yeah I all praise the horseback riding I ain't never been horseback riding before I think I did it once one time one time all Praises we should do that one day just get together and go horseback riding you know um tell the one thing I seen though man all Praises on them for all right all around the country the Israelites all right all around the world Israelites is on keeping God's laws again all right up in the north all the way to the West Coast all around the world the Israelites is waking up so all praise for that I tell they in the spirit now are they in the spirit y'all get it all right they in the spirit get the music on okay so I'll just help you out you know what to do you know to make the angle tight y'all know what I like y'all know I'm sorry Israel I'm very particular I want a certain look it has to look right thank you very much I appreciate y'all brothers all right it's been about it's been about a month so I I give him a break all right all Praises all praise to the most high god um give me the one of Corinthians please 6 right 17 right second Corinthians 6:17 is that what I want let me hear that one all right because the officer mentioned about being away from the Heathen for an extended period of time we're not really used to doing those things right all right so read that for me let me hear that yes sir the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse1 17 Ohad wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate right so it says come out from among them now we want to take you through uh down history Lane all right our history as the Israelite so-called black suspenders and Native Americans you are the people of the book believe it or not give me the one in real quick the one in neemias uh 9 and2 or 13 and2 either one it don't matter all right because understand all of the high holy days that we keep that are mentioned in Leviticus the 23rd chapter all go back to our Exodus all go back to our deliverance all right who was our deliverer Jesus the Christ even way back when even way back when Christ is in the Old Testament he comes in the volume of the book that's right so what we're doing when we go to the Wilderness for an extended Peri per of time we are reenacting the same things that our forefathers did that's right and all all of it is in uh servitude all to the glory of the father and his son Jesus Christ all right read that let me hear that one real quick the book of Nehemiah chapter 9 and verse two go ahead and the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers from all what strangers cuz remember when we came out of uh what's that when we came out of Egypt what did we do we came out with a mixed multitude of people right all right and what happened to us instead of uh destroying all of them we continue to join with the Nations and learned their works all right in order to get back with the most high what do we got to do read it again and the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers right and that's what we're doing for example we got to get our own you understand we can't continue to go to the Heathen and ask them can we use your property can we do this this and that no we have to apply the scriptures Zephaniah 2 vers1 that's right all right it's about us gathering together and separating from them that's all right now that's that's really I want y'all to think about it like this you know what when it says in Matthew 10 Matthew 24 how we're going to be hated of all the nations yes sir sir the reason why we're going to be hated of all the nations is not just because we want to be separate not just because we want to keep the laws of our father but fathers forefathers excuse me but the main reason they're going to hate us is because the scriptures talk about their destruction that's right their eradication or their extermination that's what they don't like but it is what it is we still going to speak the truth that's right all right and we can continue to go closer together and and and and stop being so dependent on the enemy the Heathen all right read that one for me the book of Zephaniah 2 and verse one comee gather yourselves together the Bible says we got to gather ourselves together when in these last days that's right for example for example we see what we see the storms right The Tempest the tornadoes the Hurricanes we see the bombs being dropped you understand so obviously if you have any type of spirit in you we would do what we would begin to gather together not in in the spirit of me me me but no it's it's not about me it's about us what Bishop say that's right I but we can you understand we got to get in that Spirit read that verse again for me please the book of Zephaniah chapter 2 and verse one come on gather yourselves together yay gather together oh Nation not desired right oh Nation not desired everybody despises us but they're obsessed with us at the same time you understand what are y'all doing oh I want to be a part of it no for once can we have something of our own all right so go back to second Corinthians 6 mhm all right but yeah all praise to the father I know um ours got ended a little early as y'all know the storms uh the the Hurricanes the plagues of the Lord cancer of Florida and tore it up so all praise you for that right there you can clap it up for that yes sir but he spared his people so giving all praises to the Lord to the father and son Jesus Christ read that for me please the book of second Corinthians chap 6 and verse1 17 go ahead wherefore come out from among them and and be ye separate sayith the Lord go ahead and touch not the unclean thing right and don't touch the unclean thing you know a lot of our people are caught up in things like around this time uh Halloween right right Thanksgiving no those things are unclean the lord gave us seven days straight to come out of the world and face with each other that's right how hard is that it don't get no better than that that's good stuff right there all praise to the father um I know we started late but I don't want to talk about that so it is you ready for the first segment subscribe okay right there right there the Buton all right push the button share the stream all right um yeah we're back on the iuic Tallahasse uh Camp Page page all right normally we'd be on the second page because this one never never works cuz they always shut it down they always give it strikes stri so we're back for the first time and I can't tell when it's been a minute been a few months so Hey we back share the stream for those who didn't get the alert all right so it is you ready all right play the clip [Music] all right y'all know what it is we ain't going to spend too much time on corner of the week this week all right we got to talk about more important business all right but you can go and play the first one what you got what you got yeah this cat so yeah so you never know what you going to get with your man's uh what's his name Charles Charleston white right you never know what you're gonna get I think Bishop played a good clip from him this past Sabbath he was saying some good stuff yes sir but let's see what uh Mr White saying this time don't want to believe this uh the white man is our only Ally in this world the white American man is our only Ally in this world because he will Unite with us under our constitutional rights to help save his country okay our real all right so he started early he started early on this one wait a minute so he say did he say the white man is our only Ally in this world our only Ally sir is our only Ally Only Ally right so last time I check I don't know about y'all if you're checking the Constitution every day but time I checked didn't that Constitution uh say that we were counted as 3 fths of a man yes sir 3th three fifths of a man so meaning what when it comes to the Great White Hope or great white man we only three fths of him you ain't even the whole thing but according to Charleston he says the the white man is our only Ally or our only hope that's our only savior according to the Constitution what y'all y'all got something on that go ahead go ahead yes sir let me say something real quick quick that what's funny about what he says he failed to understand that they had to uh create an amendment to make him uh to make uh uh us so-called black uh free that what you call the 13 amendment and then although we were free we're really free because you couldn't vote they're like okay now we got to create another amendment they come up with another amendment they go for an amendment saying you are now uh consider actually I think it's the citizen and then you have the right to vote just to show you what he's saying is off CU if if they were to consider us as a human being like you just said cap uh uh we wouldn't have to go through all this process just to be acknowledged that we are uh a human being not knowing that we better than them hey yeah we are better than them get the definition uh Dennis it give me that real quick all right so we're not in according to their constitution according to their document that they made we didn't we had nothing to do with that remember we were their property you understand all right according to their definition or their constitution this is what we actually are we're not American citizens as many of you think okay read that definition please definition of denisen inhabitant denisen of the forest number two government a person admitted to Residence in a foreign country see that's the thing about it a lot of our people they believe that this is our home right all right our people believe that this is our home pull it back up for me please read it again government a person admitted to Residence in a foreign country so who who gave us that permission the white man gave us that permission so showing yeah we frequent this place a lot okay we live here many of us in the GH or slums in the United States of America but we got that permission by the white man so showing you we're not equal according by definition and according to the Constitution as well all right give me that one in uh Lamentations 5 sir bring it sir all right Lamentations 5 just let me hear verse one real quick I ain't even looking at it the book of Lamentations chapter 5 and verse one go ahead remember oh Lord what has come upon us consider and behold our reproach our inheritance is turned to strangers right our inheritance is actually the whole earth okay our inheritance is turned into strangers that's right who's in our land today you got the seat of Esau Adia no is AMC all right they call them Israelis or the Jewish people today all right also think about uh when you read the book of 2 ezas 13 right How are Northern Kingdom brothers and sisters migrated to this side of the Earth the Western Hemisphere okay which is not United States of America who was here first the Israelites were here first so read that verse again come on limitations 5 and verse 2 our inheritance is turned to strangers our houses to aliens right our houses to aliens now they call us aliens they call us three- fifths of a man it all right because we've been colonialized think about the scramble of Africa we've been colonialized and we've been enslaved taken from one nation and brought to another that's that ad right there but according to Charleston he say the white man is our closest Ally what about your actual brother who looks just like you it out all right now I understand M tun I understand why he said what he said but it's not right and that's why we here to clear it up that's why we go over things like this know that's right Lord's will the brother gets it because at sometimes he sounds very intelligent but the next breath boom then he says some mess like that straight all right read that please The Book of Micah chapter 2 verse 8 go ahead even of late my people is risen up as an enemy right it says my people who who is my people the Israelites blacks Hispanics and Native Americans and a lot of times we are the worst to each other we hate and despise one another we uh kill one another rape Rob murder we do all those things to each other but not anywhere close to what the white man has done to us that's right statistically proven black onblack crime it does exist but not at the level of what the white man has done to us doesn't even compare does not even compare read that again even of late my people is risen up as an enemy watch this yay pull off the robe with a garment from them that pass by Ah that's too much go to uh Galatians 6 and10 we only got so I looked at the clock again oh yeah we only got so much time Galatians 6:10 read that for us please yes sir so what what are we showing we're showing that Charleston is an intelligent brother cuz we're not here to down Brothers but but you know what his biggest issue is when he goes out of the scriptures that's his issue when he just starts coming up with things according to his own mind that's when he starts sounding crazy all right read that for you the book of Galatians chapter 6 and verse 10 watch this as we have therefore o opportunity let us do good unto all men watch this especially unto them who are of the household of faith right the household of faith meaning what if I see your married brother I'm not going to try to steal your wife if I see that you got a new house I'm not going to try to break in and steal the goods in your house why because we all believe the same thing now that's the difference that's what Charleston has not gotten to because he's probably surrounded by a bunch of Knuckles you understand now go back to the clip let's see the rest of what he got to say brother uh the white man taught us how to read homie the Mexicans didn't see see see that stop stop stop stop stop see see see see the foolishness the Mexicans is the tribe of is that's right that's your brother that's your own people but he doesn't know that the white man has uh used that stain that same uh strategy divide and conquer he doesn't understand that so he's literally doing the bidding for the white man without the white man have to lift a finger right you understand that's called being destroyed yes sir but because the Israelite does he have the mental capacity to understand what the scriptures saying absolutely right but right now he going off he going brother going off you had something yes sir uh Deuteronomy um 28 and 43 yes this this brother right here he going oh we love our brother but we trying to do what we trying to wake him up according to the words and of God read the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 43 uhhuh the stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high it said the strangers who are The Strangers the other nations the white man they going to get above us meaning what we was on top at one time read and thou shall come down very low and then we going to come down very low but what right now you see the men teaching right now we trying to get back on top keeping God's Commandments going bring us on top read he shall lend to thee uhhuh and thou shall not lend to him why because we transgress against God laws but we trying to come back to that thing read he shall be the head and thou sht be the tail that's why they the head right now because we broke God's Commandments we trying to get back now officer that's a good point that you bring out because Charles and he don't understand that this is literally an act of God right bringing taking our power away from us and giving it to our enemy to the point where the Stockholm syndrome is set in and now he thinks that the same person that's feeding him and giving him uh give me that in Isaiah 32:5 out all right give me that real quick that's an excellent point officer all right we got five minutes so I'm going to make this one fast the book of Isaiah 32 and verse 5 go ahead The Vow person shall be no more called liberal hey shouts out to Soldier Stephan hey the reader soier stepan y'all hear that power that's a familiar voice Stephan read for the bishop this past Sabbath and brother did his thing all praise to the father shouts out to Soldier Stephan Levi glad to have you back on the show it's been like eight years but all praise to the most high father all right read that again read it again yes sir verse five The Vow person shall be no more called liberal right so like I was saying like I was saying as a matter of fact watch this give me verse two I want to show you something so what uh Charleston don't understand is that the United States of America they are vile right all right but they come with this uh Li Al mentality or they present themsel as righteous or allinclusive you understand right all right all in U inviting every culture every religion all sexualities all that crazy stuff to the point where he thinks that they actually for him I'm going show you something give me verse two watch this verse two and a man shall be as in hiding place from the wind uh start at verse one verse one Behold a king shall reign in righteousness come on and princes shall rule in judgment uh-huh in judgment and a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind it says and a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind in these days it's going to get very perilous perilous times are coming to United States of America watch this and a covert from The Tempest as rivers of water in a dry place it says as rivers of water in a dry place that dry place is the United States of America come on as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land now go back to verse five watch this verse five come on The Vow person shall be no more called liberal right because they're vile they're going to be called what they are come on nor the chur said to be bountiful read for The Vow person will speak villain and his heart will work iniquity and his heart will work iniquity all right so now what I want you to do pause that jump down to verse S because Charleston he's under that illusion that Stockholm syndrome all right read verse seven verse S come on the instruments also of the tur are evil uh-huh what is some of his uh instruments read that he deviseth Wicked devices to destroy the poor what are some of those Wicked devices you got uh Section 8 you got food stamps to make you think that your enemy is on your side but what is he doing he's making your situation worse and worse and worse but it looks good thank you Mr white man he gives you holidays you think that's right you say they do uh they give you turkeys on Thanksgiving but all of that is to put you in to keep you blinded straight to sleep come on with lying words lying words come on even when the needy speaketh right even when the needy speak right who are the needy that's us that's right we the needy we the poor but his job who is his job the white man his job is to keep us uh on the bottom and keep us empty meaning what without the true knowledge of the Holy scriptures you have something offic yeah yes sir I'll get something real quick let let me uh guess straight to the point let me get um uh Psalm chapter 64 to go along with exactly what C just said 64 and I think verse four The Book of Psalms chapter 64 and verse4 that they may shoot in secret at the perfect who they shooting in secret us the Israelites that's right they uh aiming they creating secret plot against the children of Israel go ahead suddenly do they shoot at him and fear not they encourage themselves in an evil matter they encourage themselves they come together in the same mindset knowing that as long we keep these people in the bottom we'll continue ruling right goad they commune of laying snares privy they say who shall see them that's the pride of their heart that's how they think they thinking that nobody can can control them no nobody can judge them for what they are doing but guess what the most high I see you hey go back to that clip with uh Charleston go back to that clip real quick please play on the the white man died with us homie to help us get out of slavery Chinese did bu [ __ ] the white man fought alongside the Jewish white Jewish man with Dr King to help us get civil rights stop stop you got you got to understand all of this the white man ain't never ever go to Deuteronomy 28:48 first and foremost we're still in slavery okay we're still in slavery and we just read that in Isaiah 32 and7 it said the instruments also of the TR are evil they got instruments so strong to make you think that you're not a slave there you go Dam that's going into their witchcraft as well all right when you read was that name three right yes sir talks about their witchcraft as well then it says he deviseth Wicked devices destroy to destroy the poor with lying words to the point you got chareston believing he's free damn uh read that one Deuteronomy 28 the book of Deuteronomy chapter 28 and: 48 therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies the Lord says we would serve our enemies go ahead which the Lord shall send against thee on in hunger and in thirst and in nakedness and in want of all things come on and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck until he ha destroyed and we see Charleston's destroyed mind playing out exactly as it was written right right you understand to the point where you don't have to have chains around your neck no more because you saying the white man got your back over any other Nation wow you understand though the white man is the guiltiest that's why he's number one on the Lord's Hit List the worst yes sir you understand uh go back to the clip go back to the clip the king to help us get civil rights the Mexican didn't l the Latin didn't the Chinese didn't the Cuban didn't so he's really our only friend in the world as much as y'all want to believe if y'all leave this country kick you worse in your ass you go somewhere go to Afric watch how them Africans treat y'all n Go some [ __ ] man don't nobody like us but the white boy stop white now hear the thing about it though Charleston I can't say you haven't traveled to Africa I can't say that but it ain't nothing like what he just said now mind you now mind you there is a thing out there with a lot of our brothers and sisters that's the divide and conquer as well you know Africans come here treat us like crap but when you over there it's it's it's love bro right it's love don't get it twisted though you got some negras of course amongst our people but for the most part it ain't like what Charleston is saying all right and that's once again that's one of the instruments of Esau that they use they turn dark against dark oh you from Africa or you an American black American blacks don't like people from Africa Africans don't like American blacks all right but understand who was behind that the white man once again who colonialized the whole continent of Africa and enslaved us took us from over there and BR us over here he has his hand in all of it all right you somebody has something hey real hey on I me real quick cap um give me limitations 4: 17 give me limitations 4 and 17 the book of Lamentations 4 and verse1 17 okay read that as for us our eyes as yet failed for our vain help uhhuh in our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save us so this what's going on with Charleston white already watching already watching for the white boy to save him are the same people that is on killing you in the streets right are this impossible bro so he's been brainwashed all Praises hey go ahead uh to the next one man I'm done with Charleston he's crazy Charleston the brother is crazy all right go uh what's the next one what else we got oh gosh uhoh oh I'm so Holy Ghost happy to be here tonight oh do I have some Patriots in the room man look at the pants I believe believe that in 38 days that God is about to show up he's about to show out how many know that God has assigned America to do great things in the earth and all of us are a part of it come many if you believe that put your hands [Applause] together I need you to do me a favor in 38 days I need you to talk to every PE priest every Pastor every IM every religious leader in 38 days I need you to talk to everyone that has influence so that they can go and tell their congregations they need to vote their values because this is about to be too big to rig how many know it's going to be amazing right here in Michigan come on dear Bor if you believe that put your hands together and give your great God got [ __ ] talking about this country ain't never did anything for it so why why he trying to convince the people to go down there and vote for another oppressor to rule over our people for a system that got nothing for us they say that we 35th of a man that we the denn that if you go back to jail you still a slave give me that Deuteronomy real fast when it says about the voting the book of Deuteronomy chapter 17 and verse1 15 thou shalt in any wise set him King over thee whom th the Lord thy whom the Lord thy God not what America say that should rule over he said whom the Lord thy God just over us more than that shall choose one from among thy Brethren of who thy Brethren it shows you that why are we still voting it doesn't help us and and it never will help us that's the same mindset like oh let me go down to Egypt get some help but I'm not going to go to the Lord for my help though that's crazy that's right hey there's something that he said there's something that he said he said said that America's going to do great things in the earth and he said that the Lord was behind that thing did y'all hear that me your favor it rewind that find that for me he said if you believe that America's going to do great things in Earth that's Bishop just bring us out this past Sabbath you'll never hear a Christian Pastor ever talk about the destruction of America because what you realize if you did not know Christianity and white supremacy go hand and hand get the it pull that up were youall able to find it play that for me please how many know that God has assigned America to do great things in Earth stop this is crazy this shows you that Christians do not need the Bible that's right give me Ezekiel 35 real quick just start at verse one we going to read down a little bit or believe in God exactly or believe in God he says that God is going to uh make America do great things in the Earth all right read that the Book of Ezekiel chapter 35 and verse one moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man set thy face against Mount sier against who Mount sier against Mount sier who dwelt in Mount sier Esau Edom right all right through throughout history Esau was the Greeks they were the Romans you understand and they are the present day Americans okay understand that thing read on and prophesy against it and do what prophesy against it so according to the Bible we're supposed to prophesy against America that's right we're supposed to prophesy against Mount sier Edom right but he's saying that God supports them is that it is is that verse three uh no sir that was ver let let me hear three to verse three and say unto it thus sayith the Lord God come on behold oh Mount sier oh what oh Mount sier go ahead I am against thee he is what against thee God says he is against Edom yes right so showing you what these pastors and you you could hear them they're nothing but motivational speakers that's all he all he was doing was getting the crowd hype as long as he was Pro Amer he was going to get a round of applause they don't care nothing about God God says America is going to be destroy give me that was that Revelation 18 And1 9 and 10 all right according to the Bible Babylon the United States of America how do we know Revelations 17 and8 D give me Revelations 18 and9 and 10 come on watch this The Book of Revelations chapter 17 and verse 18 just to see if we making this up come on and the woman which thou sawest is the great city uhhuh which reth over the kings of the earth which does what reth over the kings of the earth uh-huh that's the answer that's all I want yes sir all right so guess what who is the nation that Reigns Over All Nations on the face of the Earth out it would be the United States of America Now give me verse 5 and six because somebody could say it didn't say Babylon give me verse 5 and six watch this The Book of Revelations 17 and verse 5 and upon her forehead was was a name written cuz it said upon her was that city right in verse 18 so it said upon her forehead was written come on mystery Bab Bon my what Babylon the great come on the mother of Harlot so it's saying in these last days the nation that rules over all of Nations which is the United States of America is Babylon the great that's what the Bible says that's right now go to Revelation 18 9 and 10 let me hear that the Book of Revelations 18 and verse 9 go ahead and the kings of the earth who have committed fornication and live deliciously with her and how has all the other naans live deliciously with Babylon United States of America by trade you understand who who gets Rich you got the Asians the goose you know they come over here and sell their technology and all their damn t-shirts and stuff and get rich that's what happens read on and shall bewell her and shall do what bewell her they're going to cry why because of all of the money all of the millions the billions that they've made by being in bed with am Amer so for example you've always heard that term oh they're in you're in bed with this mob boss or you're in bed with this company or this nation that shows you that term is biblical because it said they committed fornication with her when you're in bed that means you're a doing business or you're doing something illegal with them so read the verse again verse n verse N9 and the kings of the earth who have committed fornication they've been in bed with America come on and lived deliciously with her shall bewell her and lament for her when they shall see the smoke of her burning uh-huh standing AAR off for the fear of her torment come on saying alas alas the great City Babylon that Mighty City for in one hour is thy judgment come it says and for one hour has thy judgment come that's right so according to the Bible God does not behind America to do things that's right all right he allowed them to rule that's the thing he allowed them to rule to do what to chastise his chosen people you blacks Hispanics and Native Americans that's right but he's not behind them he don't support them at all who would support the killing of your own people come on what's the one in Zechariah Chapter 2 ver 6 let me hear that all right he is not supporting that he's just allowing it to happen so we can get our minds right that's right it could be six or eight but follow me give me that the book of Zechariah 2 and verse 6 come on ho ho come forth and flee from the land of the north sayth the Lord for I have spread you abroad as the Four Winds of the heaven right God has scattered us how did he do it by the method of transportation called a slav ship you understand the Lord allowed us to be scattered across the four corners of the Earth come on sayith the Lord uhhuh deliver thyself o Zion do what deliver thyself how are we going to deliver ourselves just like it say in Philippians 2 12 we got to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling meaning what if you have an addiction the only thing that's going to get you over that is your fear of God that's right you saying you can't look hey I need the magic precept you can coun so you can get exhortation but when you're in your lonesome you got to click nope you got to turn the phone off or you got to make sure you don't go to the hotel room that's your responsibility deliver thyself o z come on that dwelleth with the daughter of Babylon so it's telling you it's telling you something right there that's right blacks and Hispanics where do we dwell today in America that's right y understand come on verse eight uhhuh for thus sayth the Lord of hosts after the glory hath he sent me unto the Nations which spoiled you uh unto the Nations which spoiled his people the Israelites come on for he that toucheth you it says for those Nations that touch the Israelites come on toucheth the apple of his eye touches the apple of his eye meaning what the Israelites are near and dear to God that's right bring it up you understand so this particular Nation Babylon is responsible for beating down raping robbing murdering the children of Israel so you uh Mr Black I'm going call him Pastor black BL he says that God is behind that God ain't behind that thing let's read some more let's it say verse n for behold I will shake my hand upon them he will do what Shake mine hand upon them that don't sound like he's supporting and pushing them along no no he's mad he's angry with them come on and they shall be a spoiled to their servants and they shall be a what a spoil to their servants come on and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts have sent me there you go that's do you see that he is it so the Lord is not that's a false prophet right there that's right Matthew that's it bring it out that's a false prophet 24 and 24 that's he is a false prophet that's what you got to be able to do for all of y'all who are caught up in the Sunday church Clapping Your Hands stomping your feet you understand right the Lord is speaking to you right now if you watching us if you hear the sound of our voice the Lord is speaking to you today you may have never seen it clear because of all of the musicians and all of the fornication and adultery that's going on in the church it out don't get offended just be like yeah you're right yeah that's right maybe you wasn't able to see it but now you just heard what he said message he has been found a liar liar the Bible don't support none of that that's right read this the Book of Matthew CH 24: 24 go ahead for there shall arise false Christ and false prophets and what false prophets so there's gonna be people running around saying that they're Christ and it's going to be people who say they com in in the Name of Christ come on and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect talking about those signs and those wonders was those Miracles that fell from the sky after in World War II on yoshima and nakasaki yes sir to the point where what once again Christianity is white supremacy because he made you believe that God was with him right right now you got M Pastor black over here doing his business right over here Dam preaching in Michigan and stuff he's a false prophet I'm sorry officer got y' got anything on that defitely go ahead off uh you know what he remind me of uh Coming To America that Pastor uh oh yeah yeah yeah SE sexy cha oh that's what that's what I remember uh but I'll take a scripture though I'll take a scripture that was Randy Watson yeah that was Randy wat that was Randy Watson okay I think you talking about the perm the one with the perm no no no he talking about coming to America but you said Sexual Chocolate that was Randy wats okay I thought I remember he said there's a pastor in it that introduced Randy Watson to the stage give it up yeah yeah you right on you right on it right on it uh but I do want to get a precept though uh cuz to go along with what you were saying cap let me get Jeremiah chapter 3 and verse1 15 cuz a lot of these pastors they not doing the Lord's bid they're not doing the Lord laws work they trying to lure our people to stay asleep go ahead read that for me the book of Jeremiah 3:1 15 and I will give you pastors according to Mine Heart uhuh which shall feed you with knowledge you see that it says he will give you pastors that will uh according to his heart according to God's mind and will teach you knowledge what kind of knowledge God's laws go ahead and understanding uh-huh and it shall come to pass when you be multiplied and increased in the land in those days sayth the Lord that's that's what the Bible say so these pastors you see that doing all these uh jumping up and down they not of the Lord go ahead I'm done you heard that Samson oh they jumping up and down in the Lord yeah jumping up and down I wonder what tribe you talking about hey hey hey that's all tribes bro yeah that's all tribes that's all tribes BR yeah some tribes jump a little higher some tries can jump higher that's all I'm saying do jump high Jeremiah 289 I'm sorry Jeremiah 288 but B do jump out yeah yeah yeah read the book of Jeremiah chter 28:9 the prophet verse eight verse eight verse eight the prophets that have been before me and before thee of old prophesied both against many countries that's if he were really a holy ghost fi that's what he would be doing he be prophesying against the United States of America and against Great kingdoms of War you see that because it's it's a shoot oh somebody somebody help me please but you got you got all the war that's going on C this the class is coming out from the leadership like you know and what we go out every week it's it's the end time that's what he should be talking about but come on read end of evil the evil that's going on and of pestilence uh-huh the prophet which prophesieth of Peace when the word of the Prophet shall come to pass then shall the prophet be known that the Lord hath truly sent him that's not going to come to pass we were talking about you know the Lord is with the United States no he's not he ain't when he get blowed up in flames and you see the Chariots coming you like you know oh you know what I should never listen to that [ __ ] it's too late now too late yep you a listen to the uh the ones who you despised and on damn they going to have to F like it's saying wisdom of solom they going to have to swallow that pill give me that let's read the Bible read let's read it better read what's that wisdom of Solomon 5 right yes sir all right let's get that yall know what I want start at one the book of wisdom of Solomon Chapter 5 and verse one then shall the righteous man stand in great boldness before the face of such as have Afflicted him go ahead and made no account of his labors when they see it they shall be troubled with terrible fear come on shall be amazed at the strangeness of his salvation right they're going to be amazed at the Strang of the Salvation and they going to remember what they have done and how they treated the true prophets of the Lord in that come on so far beyond all that they look for uhhuh and they repenting and groaning from anguish of spirit shall say within themselves this was he whom we had sometimes in derision you see that thing right there they followed behind Pastor black but it should have been following behind the true prophets of the Lord and a proverb of reproach we fools accounted his life Madness and his end to be without honor right and to our end to be without honor they they count us is crazy they really think we're a bunch of bombs that don't know what we're talking about go ahead how is he numbered among the children of God and his lot among the saints therefore have we ear from the way of truth and the light of righteousness have not shined unto us and the son of righteousness Rose not upon us come on we wearied ourselves in the way of wickedness and destruction yay we have gone through deserts where there lay no way but as for the way of the lord we have not known it what have pride profited us or what good have riches with our vaunting brought us you see that thing right there so the most high he going to change the tables are going to be turned that's right give me um Isaiah 66 and 5 watch this n Isaiah 66 and verse 5 just one verse 5 that's it yes sir sir the book of Isaiah 66 and: 5 hear the word of the Lord ye that tremble at his word this means simply those who fear the lord and keep his Commandments all right when the Bible speaks about something that you're doing wrong because you feel the Lord you're going to change your ways that's right all right read it again hear the word of the Lord ye that tremble at his word read your brethren that hated you it says your what your brethren that hated you the Christian church all you apologetics out there and all of you Wicked ones who know you Israel but you don't keep no Commandments they say all of your brothers that hated you come on that cast you out for my name's sake you see that that count count cast us out for keeping God's Commandments by teaching the destruction of Babylon you see that thing read it again hear the word of the Lord ye that tremble at his word come on your brethren that hated you that cast you out for my name's sake said let the Lord be glor come on but he shall appear to your joy and they shall be ashamed you see that thing right there they going be ashamed right right that's hey get the most high Round of Applause that's good news that's good you see that thing right there so the best thing is stop listening to Pastor black black black and listen to your brothers that's all you guys do that's it play a little bit more Pastor black oh Lord Pastor black Holy Ghost fi Lord have all of us are a part of it come many of you believe that put your hands together where's his [Applause] Bible I need you to do me a favor can't even stand straight with them tight pants I need you to every priest every Pastor every stop you see what he's doing right oh you see what he's doing that's that one world religion give me that give me that what's that uh first maab right mhm you know what I'm talking about somebody give it1 yep there you go read that sorry sir what chapter 241 yes sir the book of First mccabes Chapter 2 and verse 41 that ain't it one 1 and 41 41 read that the book of First mccabes 1 and verse 41 moreover King Antiochus wrote to the whole Kingdom that all should be one people starting once again showing you that Christianity is white supremacy they're the leader right and they they their uh goal because they are Satan on Earth today right their goal is to bring all nations together and go against who against God right that's remember the first kingdom was Babel Babylon yes sir what did they do Genesis 10 yeah right what did they do they try to bring everybody together right Genesis 10: 11 right they tried to fight against the Lord so they're going to do the exact same thing how do we know that when we read second EES 13 let's get that get it so it's saying the same spirit is in the Earth today brothers and sisters your Christian Pastor is not going to teach you this but you found out all of this in the span of about 10 15 minutes right all right 2 EES chapter 13 and give me verse 31 the book of 2 ezras 13:31 remember they're trying to bring the whole world together under their one word religion right right watch this and one shall undertake to fight against another on one city against another one place against another one people against another and one realm against another right one realm against another cuz Christ is coming back with a multitude of angels come all right and they're going to do what they're going to try to fight against Messiah let's read some more and the time shall be when these things shall come to pass and the sign shall happen when it showed them before when I which I showed them before come on which I showed them before and then shall my son be declared come on whom thou sawest as a man ascending and when all the people hear his voice every man shall in their own land leave the battle they have one against another right so this battle World War II as we know it all right they're going to be in one part of the earth okay fighting against one another come on and an innumerable multitude shall be gathered together as thou sawest them willing to come and to overcome him by fighting who's the him the Son of God Christ and that multitude of angels they're going to try to fight against Messiah come on but he shall stand upon the top of the Mount Zion and Si shall come and shall be showed to all men being prepared and build it like as prepar like as thou sawest the hill Graven with hand without without hands okay read verse 36 again yes sir and Zion shall come and shall be showed to all men being prepared and builded like as thou sawest the hill Graven without hands and this my son shall rebuke the wicked inventions of those Nations y'all see that thing right there although he's trying to they trying to sneak it in remember the pope we didn't get a chance to go over it but the pope he's on a uh Journey going from land to land pushing oh if you serve Allah we serve God together that's what he's saying whatever religion it is he's saying everybody serves God that's what that Christian Pastor black remember he's doing the bidding of the white man so whatever the white man say hey and this is what's going to happen watch all of you devout Christians out there that go to the am the coic United Method all of that y'all going to be saying the same thing just wait right a lot of y'all going to say no that's not right we're not supposed to serve a watch what you about to start preaching in the next year too bring it out bring it out if hey that's the truth yes sir that's the truth a lot of them was like no I would never say that yeah right because at the end of the day your God is not the God of this Bible your God give me that in D Daniel 11:39 this is your god this is your god right here watch this The Book of Daniel 11:39 come on thus shall he do in the most stronghold uhhuh with a strange god with a what strange God though white man your God is the white man cuz Christianity is white supremacy go ahead he shall acknowledge and increase with glory and he shall cause them to rule over many you see that who's ruling the Earth United States of America who's must of Christianity and democracy United States of America you understand what are we reading the Bible that's simple it's that simple so listen up Pastor black and all of you black Christians out there shut your black lips shut him shut him shut your black lips time to repent and and fear the one true of this Bible what else we got what else we got longest [ __ ] of the week in history come on oh my gosh read it I want to do Hood gospel Christian rock on her new journey to being a full Christian woman tears up after praying for blueface hey so Christ this word Christian gets thrown out thrown around very Loosely give me that acts 11:26 who the true Christians are because the Christians in Christianity those are not Christians remember what Christ say give me the one in 1 Peters 2:21 this is what a true Christian would do okay watch this the book of 1 Peters chapter 2 and verse 21 M the book of 1 Peters chapter 2 and verse 21 for even here unto were ye called because Christ also suffered for us right Christ suffered for his people come on leaving us an example right so listen up Christians Christ believe it or not believe it or not when he walked the Earth and through his Spirit what the Bible was written by the prophets believe it or not he left us an example what is an example well if somebody shows you how to tie a shoe they're giving you an example how to tie your shoe you understand if somebody is an instructor or a professor at a college and they do a math equation in front of you they're giving you an example for you to follow so you can figure out that same mathematical equation y'all with me yes sir so read that part again leaving us an example leaving us an example so when Christ left guess what he did everything he did what we supposed to do follow that example come on that ye should follow his steps we should follow Christ steps let's see what he did go ahead who did no sin who did what no come as you areow but here it is ain't nothing wrong with you know that as long as you don't stay the person you are right Christian Church don't cause you nor do they require you to change right they say come as you are and stay as you are that means what you're going to remain a not came we were all called in the midst of sin right so okay you say come you okay I can understand what you saying all right but what next right there is no next nothing they allow you to do whatever you want and come and go as you please read that the book of Romans 11 and verse 29 for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance right so we understand you going to be messed up you're going to be you is the laws of God Psalms 19-7 all right well sh repent we going to play her version of hood gospel all right she going to show us what it sound like too all right 19 and verse 7 come on the soul it does what converting the soul right when you convert that means to what change that's right all right so talking about the Christ oh yeah acts 11:26 watch this the book of Acts 11 and verse 26 uhhuh and when he had found him he brought him unto Antioch and it came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church and taught much people and the disciples were called First in Antioch there you go these are the true Christians the real Christian they don't follow Christ's example they follow the white man so play this right I'm doing a lot and starting over pretty much I don't want to do worldly music no more and just do like a gospel oh like H gospel I would say uh what is Hood gospel I want to know what H gospel is like yah way yah way there's only one way in it's go away y way yah way there's only one way in it's go away took my baby to get BL and they said this for cl I'mma do my best for me and mine that's from here on trying to change my life but all these Dem keep attacking me ran back to my ex the world saying it's toxicity but they don't know he blessed me me with my only son that's why it's hard to let him go but now I think I'm done who would have knew that a bundle of joy would fix my heart I swear he gave me that fire when I was in the dark on stop I'm crying out to God to help me with wait a minute wait wait a minute we a just going to run past that like uh my brother wasn't in the in the worldly Spirit over here yeah what the hell is wrong with you know no way Bo you did it two times your what the hell was that I was being petted huh I was being petty get the scripture in Corinthians about evil Communications this brother already corrupted by what's her name on the blue face or Christian rock I don't know I'm old hey don't read that the book of First Corinthians chapter 15 verse 33 uhuh but be not deceived evil communication corrupt good manners so brother please on don't be deceived on by blue face Christian rock all right it'll corrupt you okay all right y'all all right play play play it play it again don't want no drama s throwing up the peace Son bro take somebody I can't to y got nothing y scriptures I I'll take something man let me let me take a jab at what's going on here this sister uh at least at least I'll give her this much as far as the fight that she used to have with that uh I don't know if it's husband or whatever of her at least they don't fight as much anymore but nevertheless it's just to show you how this system is pushing for unrighteousness she's thinking that she can do uh uh music you know kind of like the same thing what's her name um the one that that that that played a song W um what you say you said the the the W song why you bring no I no that's that's the same that's the same uh foolishness I'm saying um the system promote them doing this type of they okay with it and the the Bible is telling you that's why we have we have like the scripture you have brought out I'll take that again um um to be separate from um those type of people I think it's in uhans yes let me get that because that's what you're seeing they they okay it and even Christian Church don't mind those type of foolishness you know we we that for me the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 6 lost it the book of sorry I mean First Corinthians I'm sorry the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 17 for we are not as many which corrupt the word of God but as of the sincerity But as God in the sight of God we speak in Christ that's not what I want uh second Corinth you read second Corinth 17 6 and 17 yes 6 and 17 y'all all right the book of 2 Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 17 wherefore come out there you go come out from among them uhhuh and be ye separate so if she really wanted to show a change her change would have start by step away from all these foolishness how about you start keeping God's laws how about are you wearing dress become modest how about you learning your true Heritage that you're an Israelite that you are God chosen people come out from among these people that try to corrup ing you go ahead and touch not the unclean things the unclean things goes into their um uh thing that they giving uh the the the the money that they promoting all these foolishness that she got to get out of that go ahead that's what I got yeah get let me get U first I mean um Psalms 107 and 20 because the Christian Church they accept anybody anybody and guess what you going to be the same person you walked in how they di in the water of the baptism you going to come up if you're a crackhead you going to come up as a crackhead same person wet crackhead a wet one right right read the book of Psalms chap 107 and verse 20 uhhuh he sent his word and healed them that's the only thing is going to hear you the word of God the one that keep the Commandment like we said in um Peter we got to follow Christ steps read and delivered them from their destruction that's what we going to deliver you the word of the most high God keeping the Commandments not going to the Christian church that lie and Scatter the flock of God people but the ones that going to teach you what you need to know about yourself to get you right out of your sins that's right you all right you all right hey all right who's it going to be man cuz this is what we got Charleston Pastor black cran Rob who's it going to be might get it but it might be music music was that Charleston that Charleston fella Char let's go crazy what charlon said it the music oh it could be charlon too Char I vote Lorenzo Lorenzo Lorenzo oh his name is Lorenzo oh I didn't know he had a name oh where P the black from lenzo Black Sea well like Anthony I take uh I don't know it's Charleston they was crazy yeah that was crazy cran she need to go to rehab she she do man she ain't all of that she ain't all the way right bro she damn but what Charleston said was crazy though oh yeah like he gave all his Allegiance all right how we looking it power oh his last name [Music] white man you stupid oh man oh Lorenzo [Applause] black the black take take past the black down all right all praise to the most high hey just another [ __ ] of the [Music] week all right he before we get into our next segment make sure you share the stream it's not a stream anymore because we had to keep going cuz YouTube hating we going to re-release it all right so make sure you share it uh get the likes up comment all that good stuff all right it you ready for the next uh segment yes sir all right play the [Music] clip this is the world WEA report brought to you by the writings on the wall radio show that's all right you know know what time it is we about to get straight into it what we got it what we got hurricane Milton live updates at least 12 deaths confirmed after Monster storm slams into into Florida right so they got 12 deaths confirmed so far y'all remember the last one the last one got like over 200 now but that's how it started it was like five and then they just kept finding body after body after body the most high hey he is tearing up the State of Florida I can tell you that right now right and a lot of those places a lot of those uh hurricanes uh the cities where the most destruction uh was had I know with hurricane Helen is uh was in what you call Sundown towns right if you know the the history yeah let's get the most high Round of Applause y all right it got me tearing up tearing them up wake it up back there that's all right cuz the evil that they did against the children of Israel the most high is not pleased with that thing that's right all right so what is he doing he's jacking them up shaking them up drowning them doing all of that give me that in um what was that job let's get a scripture in job real quick think it's job 18 let me get there with you all right all right because these nations they do believe that they could do any and everything and the Lord is going to forget it right uhuh Carl uhuh wrong wrong all right give me uh yep watch this give me verse I actually want to read a lot of it start at verse 11 watch this The Book of Job 18 and verse 11 Terrors shall make him Afraid on every side we about to find out who the H is come on and shall drive him to his feet go ahead his strength shall be her her HOH yes sir verse 12 his strength shall be hunger bitten and destruction shall be ready at his side it shall devour the strength of his skin come on even the firstborn of Death Shall devour his strength his confidence shall be rooted out of his Tabernacle hey what do you do in the Tabernacle what you do there you you dwell there you live there that's where you reside come on and it shall bring him to the king of Terrors who's the king of Terrors Christ Christ Christ is the king of Terrors all right uh give me verse 13 watch this verse 13 mhm shall Devour the strength of his skin I'm sorry verse 15 my apologies verse 15 uhhuh it shall dwell in his Tabernacle your mic too loud bro they y'all got to balance that stuff back there I thought it was just me that's what I'm saying his might can't be louder than the teachers all right verse 15 come on it shall dwell in his Tabernacle because it is none of his wait a second wait a second uhoh uhoh the Lord just revealed something remember this is the robber give me the I think it's John 10: 10 I'm shooting from the hip uhoh let's see if I let's see if if I'm on something see if I'm cooking it cooking up let me hear John 10: 10 real quick The Book of John chap 10 and verse 10 go ahead the thief the what the thief it says the thief go ahead cometh not but for to steal but for to what steal to steal and to kill and to kill and to destroy ain't that what the white man did when it came to the lands of America and Israel right he did cuz last time I checked this don't belong to America this belong to the Native American Indians which are the Northern Kingdom of Israel read that one more again thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy I am come that they might have life right through Christ is how we are going to gain life right now we're living in Hell brothers and sisters I don't know if you knew that thing go ahead and that they might have it more abundant cuz this pay your property taxes and getting your house taken away from you you think that that's life that's not life we're supposed to rule the whole planet Earth that's right that's how we going to have life and have it more abundantly hit the go back to uh job 18:1 15 watch this The Book of Job chapter 17 and verse 15 wait 18 The Book of Job 18 and verse1 15 it shall dwell D in his Tabernacle because it is none of him right so he going to be terrorized as long as he's in America because this land does not belong to him that's right you understand come on Brimstone shall be scattered upon his habitation his roots shall be dried up beneath now before let's get let's get to the Hurricanes all right let's get back to the Hurricanes understanding that the Lord like he say in that wisdom of Solomon he going to meditate tear on him little by little you understand little by little all right so let's get this hurricane Milton don't forget last week it was what uh Helen hurricane Helen this week is Milton and then next week is supposed to be na naen yes sir yeah supposed to be naen next week so the most high he ain't playing no games in these last days read that he turning up yeah come on the dangerous storm spawned a tornado outbreak ahead of landfall millions were without power after the hurricane made landfall as a category 3 storm all right what else you got what else you got so this is some of the destruction can we get some volume uh believe this is Tampa Florida right here wow look it looked to be a parking garage I believe yeah no game you know that's what Tampa's like right off of the go the Gold Coast so all of that water golf is flood Tampa right in your apartment now d Y what else we got it just keep it rolling keep it rolling uh all right keep it rolling keep it rolling let me see no no if I say no don't play it no all right read that hurricane Milton caused Flooding at Disney World amusement park in Orlando yeah people know about Disney they know about Disney let's see what that's we'll see what that's looking like yeah all let get [Music] [Applause] cuz remember Disney Disney the same one that be uh throwing all of those uh inuendos in they little cartoons and stuff like that bunch of pedophiles Bro Look at now look at your magic King getting affected now sh it up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right put it up all right that's Disney Road right there flooded look at him look at him that's all right that's all right all right what else got it Florida men casually stand in the middle of a street submerged in water as police pass by in an airboat in Tampa Florida mhm let's see it yes this is Tampa Tampa damn wow this the street yeah I think that's like a school okay I think it's like a school right there to the right I can tell by those uh yellow signs right sir yep told y'all this was real ain't nobody capping people say crazy take somebody take this guy down give me second Ed was 15 man he say nobody I don't know if that that could have been I don't know you know es be influenced give me verse um give me verse 10 second 15 and 10 watch this the book of second ezras 15 and verse 10 behold my people is Led as a flock to the slaughter come on I will not suffer them now to dwell in the land of Egypt right so these are the birth pains right here these are the plagues letting us know the Lord is soon to come that's right he said he's not going to suffer us to dwell in Egypt like when you read Revelations 11 and8 say that great city which is Babylon is like Sodom and Egypt because of homosexual marage marriage and we were slaves in Egypt so the Lord said he not going to suffer us to stay here forever it's only for a dispensation of time right all right because what we sinned against our God right all right go ahead but I will bring them with a mighty hand and a stretched out arm and smite Egypt with plagues as before so he's letting you know this is not the same Egypt he said as before read it one more again come on but I will bring them with a mighty hand and a stretched out arm and smite Egypt with plagues as before come on and will destroy all the land thereof I tell you right I'll tell you right now uh Florida shoot how many more hurricanes can Florida take right he's doing it little by little that's right you yes something officer hey yes sir cap um so that remind me of the Prophet on the so let's go to uh he uh real quick he One n on the one and three all right on God is on to try to show his on the Vengeance and his anger all right to wake up his people uh but he all right on judging other nations as well all right read that the book of nah chapter 1 and verse3 read the Lord is slow to anger uhhuh and great in power and will not at all acquit the wicked the wicked ain't going to get off scott free all right but at the same time the most high trying to wake you up 12 tribes that's all right I'm going spare you until I can't spare you no more read the Lord haveth his way in the Whirlwind in the what in the Whirlwind and these storms out here that we see all right the Lord is trying to speak to both sides all right if you're Wicked hey all right I'm Coming For You H but if you're righteous wake up read and in the storm re huh read and the clouds are for the dust of his feet read he rebuke the sea so he talked to the Sea read and maketh it dry and he say you going to get up on the land so you see all this flooding go ahead C hey damn real quick you said the whirlwinds um this particular hurricane had not just hurricanes had over 126 tornado warnings which is a record all right record record breaking wow uh do we have some of those tornado yep read that breaking 126 tornado warnings were issued in Florida today which is the second most of all time in a single state in USA history mhm uh yeah play that I don't know if y'all can really see it there you go wow that's three right there but they don't understand that's the spirit of Christ right now that's right they don't understand that we do that's right that's that's why that's why we when we see these things what's the one in 1 Peter 3 and uh 11 or is it second Peter 3 and 11 sir let me hear that okay yeah second Peters 3:11 cuz we're going to get to it in the war report but you you see them talking about nuclear capabilities right we see the most high visiting the Earth like all the time down here yes sir all right we better we better recognize read that the book of second Peter chapter 3 and verse 11 seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of person ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness better get yourself right right all right get yourself right most high ain't playing with none of us that's right and that's what this is for the Lord is for example he sends this this is as a warning all praise to the most high the most high has been sparing us right you understand but you don't know when your time is that's right understand that thing you don't know when your time is because everybody's not going to make it to the return of Christ some of us will lose our lives so we got to be holy in all manner of conversation we got to be on it every day all right and that's what should motivate you like damn I'm I'm not motivated today well something wrong with you right something wrong with you you don't realize what's happening today you don't realize that uh uh Lebanon and Israel is going back and forth Iran got nukes now like know you don't see that you don't know what the hell's going on you understand you barely show up oh okay let me stop all right let's go back it out come on watch the American flag fly strong as the roof was torn down at Tropicana Field in Tampa home of the raay you go those Grecian Grecian uh Grecian WS sports that's a baseball stadium right there that got tore up wow [ __ ] baseball right above us hey that's a Clos in like a roof uh that like it looked like it like a dome you talking about a d sir yeah I think so I think so but that thing is to D get the most high round Applause that's all praise that's it that's impressive right there all praise to the father Le today what else we got it the breze from Hurricane Helen in St Pete Clear Water about to get hit by 150 mph wind from Hurricane Milton right so we uh taking a step back cuz last week cuz we didn't get to touch it hurricane Helen was uh the week prior M Play that video please can you imagine all of this flying around at 145 miles an hour okay wow say something that's a lot of debris right there it's a lot of debris rubbish they call it rubbish in London rubbish that's a lot of rubbish that's a lot hey did um did it sweep up that way like that knat or they um the tractors or something oh camera was sleep goad so that's that was a lot of U Rish right there you say Rish Rish rubbish rubbish rubbish oh rubbish rubbish that's a lot of rubbish rubbish that you know you can build but Christ he going to tear down he going to tear you down don't tell them no matter what you Bild if you want to T tear down he going to tear down give me Isaiah 296 uhoh Isaiah 29 and6 bring it out let's get that the book of Isaiah chap 29 and verse 6 uh huh Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts so what you saying with these um tornadoes and these um hurricanes is the Lord of hosts he the one that in it he the one that's in the midst of these storms let's see read with thunder uh-huh and with earthquake and great noise and great noise because when you hear hurricane you hear all the wind blowing and stuff like that and all the um the things that in it like U all the um the houses be tow up roofs CS be flipping read with storm and Tempest and Tempest read and the flame of devouring fire because that going to come soon right there the flame of fiery fire it going to come down and burn this Earth up one of my co-workers was telling me cap like just seen the rubbish like um the from Hurricane Helen that a sign sir said that you said that good the rubbish yes sir yes sir from the UK um but the sign that had nobody asked you where you was from hell all CIS but they was saying like a sign had through a flew through a car and like cut off a lady head just saying yes sir so seeing that rubbish right there and I'm telling like what they went going to take and do with it you know when it hits itation type stuff yes yes now you had a scripture you was done I okay hey that's crazy right there Lord have mercy crazy right there but uh I wanted to talk talk about what you said officer Samson um you said something that triggered my thought but I they got forgot it cuz I got kind of hyped about what he just said but I'mma bring this scripture out give me Isaiah 13 because what many don't understand is the reason why this is happening because the spirit of Christ is working through His prophets and this is being prophesied every week every day so now the angels are that's why I can't remember ever when there were three hurricanes in the span of week after week after week right I've been in Florida my whole life except okay majority of my life right just never happened bro we've had like category fives which was crazy but it never happened this week that week next week it never been like this so understand what's taking place uh Brothers Let's increase how about that yes sir how about we go even harder maybe it'll go quicker oh come on remember script say make the time short so now this is what this is building up our faith and realizing the scriptures that we bring out cuz it's not us we bringing out the words of God we're not making it up right that's why we always go back to the scripture to show you that this is in the Bible how about we increase and we can get the hell up out of here so we just want to show yall what's taking place by the Lord putting the spirit on His prophets and we literally just reading the Bible this is why this is taking place read that the book of Isaiah 13 and: 3 mhm I have commanded my Sanctified ones didn't I say verse two sorry sir we appreciate you yes sir I'm sorry sir Brothers read for the bishop now now they just think they can call verses hell is going on give me verse two watch this come on man the book of Isaiah 13 and verse 2 lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain that's where we wanted to go first that's where we wanted to go first it say do what now lift Jes up a banner upon the high mountain go to uh Jeremiah okay go to Jeremiah uh chapter 51 and 25 the book of Jeremiah chapter 51 and verse 25 go watch this behold I am against thee so the Lord once again remember uh Pastor black the Lord is against Edom he's against America watch this I am against thee oh dest destroying Mountain oh what oh destroying Mountain cuz that's all America does all right they still kill and destroy they're destroying Mountain they are the great Thief come on sayth the Lord which destroyeth all the Earth and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee right so God stretching his hand upon America by doing what Isaiah 13 and2 Bring It Go the book of Isaiah 13 verse 2 come on lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain what is the banner this Bible all right the Bible has been lifted up in that destroying uh Mountain which is Babylon the great go ahead exalt The Voice do what exalt the voice that's what we do when we prophesy we exalt The Voice come on unto them uh-huh shake the hand shake the what the hand shake the hand point the finger that's what it's talking about correct our people let them know that they are in the midst of sin warn them give them warning from the Lord come on that they may go into the gat of the no right we're going to teach so much with boldness you I'm saying without fear we're going to teach the destruction of America to the point to the point where they have to go to the magistrates where they have to go to the ADL when they got to go to all of these different people to get us locked up that's all right God told us was going to happen so that's our comfort that's our hope in the scriptures come on right I have commanded my Sanctified ones I have also called my Mighty ones we are the Lord's Sanctified ones understand we sanctify ourselves by what keeping God's Commandments and when we prophesy now because we Sanctified ourselves the angels can hear the voice and now they can be activated come on I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger for his what anger when you see three hurricanes back to back to back that means the Lord is mad that's what it means that's what it means so we got to understand what's taking place it's not a coincidence and it ain't harp all you freaking conspiracy theories out there it's not damn harp stop giving you glory to everybody except the one true God right that's who it is it's the Lord yeah yeah yeah all right all right where we at it what else we got Spruce Pine North Carolina residents break down in tears as they tell you the aftermath of hurricane Helen yeah the video play the video cuz remember hurricane Helen it kept going past Florida Georgia lot of people died bro a lot of people read this let me play that landslides took out entire like you know Gatherings of homes um the lady here was can y' turn it up telling me that they still have 163 kids in the school system that are unaccounted can you run it back cuz we could hear nothing can't hear nothing landslides took out entire like you know Gatherings of homes um the lady here was actually just telling me that they still have 163 all right so this Edomite she say she say pause it pause it oh gosh I don't know what we going on with them but said 163 children still unaccounted for you understand all right and that's not part of the death toll where's the death toll at for Helen y'all pull that up death toll from Hurricane Helen Rises to 227 as Grim task of recovering bodies continues right remember like last week it was five you feel what I'm saying but what be happening is the they call the storm surge all that flooding and there's a lot of trees be falling on houses and then a lot of times in the flooding they they finally find the body you get what I'm saying so you the people's they got people's jobs is to literally go out there and search for bodies bro crazy that's crazy what else we got out to you come on we have Aid money for Lebanon but not for North Carolina now you see that right there they said they have Aid money for Lebanon but not for North Carolina meaning North Carolina's like jacked up from last week right yes sir you saying Georgia got beat up too all right Tampa they just got freaking smacked twice now watch this what's your little press conference with uh uh oh that Haitian sister uhuh yeah watch this yep sure the Administration has money to send to Lebanon without Congress coming back but Congress does have to come back to approve money to send to people in North Carolina do I have that right thanks everybody oh what she walked away hey she man that's that's some funny stuff but hey and this is the nation you put your trust and hope in sir the Lord is he's manifesting and showing you hey lifting up the skirt they not who you thought they were that's right you understand they not who you thought they were let's listen to uh your friend and yours Biden Jim Crow Joe himself play the video I'm proud to announce a new $2.4 billion package of security assistance we we've G given them all the the all everything they we have we're on the ground ahead of time so we're working hard are there any more resources federal government could be giving them no we've given them we have pre-planned a significant amount of it even though they didn't ask for yet so you say they just gave 2.4 billion in one breath and then for American citizens and and uh from the hurricane right no more resources y'all see that right and they remember they're the number one funer for uh Israel in their Weaponry billion by billion trillions but they don't got no uh resources for the the families and everyone without power and the flooding and all of that showing you they are hypocrites they are hypocrites right this uh what else we got it we almost done with this segment we almost done with it help me out now I can't see cannot see it and they print money they there you go they print money thank you officer they have no more resources though they a they can't give them nothing all right what's that hurricane Helen victim says people are driving around in big trucks robbing victims homes now I would play the video but it's very long and drawn out but remember what happened during Hurricane Katrina same thing you had the US government in Blackwater they was over there freaking killing people robbing raping and all of that so understand the Lord allows these things to happen why so we can prep think about it you shouldn't have to prep for a hurricane if you've been listening to leadership right there you you understand you should already be ready for it you should already have your resource is ready why because we prepping for something more to come that's right and that's for all of you who believe if you believe that's what you going to do message all right uh what else we got actually take it down all right CU we about to wrap it up all right for the sake of time we about to get into the war report all right hey put the Subscribe and share button put it there come on push the button push the button Buton all right go ahead and like share subscribe to iy Tallahassee we back on our regular Camp Page we clap it up that's all right you understand we see YouTube we understand you out there but we fear God that's right we fear the one true God yeah all right so do me a favor without further Ado it is you ready all right play the clip it s all dead they be all right yall know what it is red background it's been a while it's that time you understand this is the wars and rumors of wars report brought to you by the writings on the wall radio show let's get into it come on let's do it Kim Jong-un threatens using nuclear weapons against South Korea with World attention focused on the Middle East and fears of further escalation between Iran with its nuclear program and nuclear armed Israel the rhetoric from North Korea's kimjongun is getting less International attention this week he repeated a warning if South Korea used Armed Forces against his country North Korea would without hesitation use all its attack capabilities and he said the use of nuclear weapons is not ruled out though he later said we have no intention of attacking South Korea this week saw a massive annual military parade in South Korea now you could take that down right there hey the world hey you know black people don't know none of this that's going on right now right that true serious that camp and that's like you know about what's going on with Israel and Iran Hezbollah Ukraine Russia is like nah what's going on a lot of our people are in the dark that's right right they're not paying attention to anything that's going on but that shouldn't be named amongst us what's that one in second Thessalonians 5 all right that should not be named amongst us scriptures the Lord told us we got to watch yes sir okay got to watch and pray as we uh see the signs of the times we got to know these things brothers and sisters read that for us 2 Thessalonians 5:1 the book of second Thessalonians H first thess oh first Thessalonians I'm sorry I don't know why I say that first Thessalonians 5 And1 The Book of 1 Thessalonians 5 and verse1 but of the times and the seasons Brethren ye have no need that I write unto you right so there's no need for us if you say you believe hey another thing we just said it if you say you believe don't no nobody should be telling you the stock pop nobody should be telling you to prep if you believe that these things these things are going to happen read that verse again but of the times and the seasons Brethren ye have no need that I write unto you come on for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comest as a thief in the night three hurricanes in three weeks right you know good and well that that's the Lord that's about to make his return that's right but you still playing video games uhoh damn that cut somebody I didn't know who it cut but I felt the tension in the room yeah all right read on verse three for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not Escape but ye Brethren are not in darkness right we not like them that's right we shouldn't be like them a lot of our brothers and sisters in the Christian church they in darkness cuz they they got Pastor black up there teaching safety that God is with America that he's going to bless America God is against America according to the Bible drop that uh go back to where you was at we had something pulled up right yes sir all right uh Israeli forces blow up mosque in southern li no no no that was uh Korea so give me the one in uh second EAS 15 and 20 all right showing you in these last days you're going to have the wars the actual Wars like the um Russia Ukraine you going have rumors of wars cuz remember uh the Israelis they keep going back and forth what they going to do to Lebanon what they going to do to Iran you understand uh Kim Jong always threatening somebody with a nuclear bomb that's what he do that's all he do that's all he do read that the book of second ezis 15 and verse 20 behold sayith God I will call together all the kings of the Earth this is the Lord doing this so we know when we see the plagues when we see the the wars and rumors of the war the Lord is behind all of it brothers and sisters come on to reverence me which are from the rising of the Sun from the south right the rising of the sun that's over there with Kim Jung om and all of them that's the east go ahead from the south from the East and libanus Lebanon come on to turn themselves one against another one against another one against another Lebanon as of late has been playing an intricate part in all of these things all right Lebanon they got some they got we went over there I think like uh 3 weeks ago about how Lebanon is going to get the business they are according to Bible props they are all right and we're starting to see the beginning of that okay that was it on that and repay the things that they have done to them right remember the them this is talking about the children of Israel all right the evils that they have done to us uh in our various captivities over the course of time it's not just America remember ishmail what they getting in Gaza right now what they getting in uh Lebanon guess what that's very deserving because of what they did to the children of Israel that's right come on verse 21 like as they do yet this day unto my chosen there you go so the most high is making good on his promise that's right that's what he's doing that's a beautiful thing right there now let's go to uh the Israelis bombing that mosque in Lebanon video captures moment Israeli forces blow up Lebanese mosque so what's that called is that called anti- ismism that would be called anti- ismism right right cuz they would call if they blew up a temple in uh Israel for the Israelis that'd be anti-Semitism right so they have to be practicing anti- ismism ismism message yeah but guess what God is anti all of theism that's that's a word that's a word that's what he is R back give it to him being scared that's all right to clap for that that's why they going to hate us go ahead off right give me Romans uh 13:11 because what we seeing all these um tornadoes on whirl winds and um Tempest hurricanes and Wars like this guess what it's time time for us to wake up soal blasing this Spanish and Native American you are Israelites it's time for you to wake up out of your sin read the book of Romans 13 and: 11 uh-huh and that knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep not I'm awake it said now it's our time to awake up out of sleep God showing you his power he's showing you he is the true God the god of the Israelites read for now is our Salvation nearer than when we believe it's near it's near family uh Salvation of the Lord is near he trying to wake us up hey the Lord say give me that one in second ezas 2 is it 2 and13 the Lord said he was shorten the time he would make the time short and a lot of us don't believe that a lot of us don't believe that because deep down a lot of you got the spirit of Lot's wife lot you got the spirit of Lot's wife you over here trying to chase and still uh chasing that dollar in America not saying it's it's not okay to have a job you need a job but a lot of y'all are chasing like dreams and Ambitions that don't align with these holy scriptures is that the what I want yes sir yes sir all right read that for me the book of 2 ezis chapter 2 and verse 13 go and ye shall receive pray for a few days unto you that they may be shortened the kingdom is already prepared for you the kingdom is already prepared yeah but a lot of us don't believe a lot of you I I do believe that a lot of you don't believe that right a lot of you don't believe that thing right there how do we know by your actions the way you are when it's time to do work you don't want to do it okay by your actions when it's time to come to the uh what we be having have sabath sa Sabbath how about that Sabbath sickness sickness syndrome I got I'm self diagnosed a minute don't worry about my medical records I know what I got Savage sickness I can't come stop calling me damn you know who he is right you know who you is yeah you understand read it again go and ye shall receive pray for a few days unto you that they may be shortened the kingdom is already prepared for you that's watch watch that's what it say that's what it say yes sir it say watch watch watch so understand this family that's what we got to do we got to believe it though when we pray we got to believe it the Lord going to hear our prayers then he hear the prayers of our forefathers when they were in Egypt that's right he did right yes sir sir that's what I read so he going to do the same thing in this captivity that's right so when we pray we're crying out to the Lord hearing he's going to hear our cry and our prayer just like when we was in Egypt you understand what else we got at T play that about the uh the mosque updates next I don't know so they over there bombing mosque so basically they're uh poking them that's what they're doing they're like I dare you to do something you know what this is they go hand in hand they're hand they're the same people so when you read about Babylon the great you're reading about uh Little America as well that's what it is they're the same people give me the one in uh Jeremiah 50 is it 50 yes 50 and 20 2 23 watch this the book of Jeremiah 50 and verse 23 read how is the Hammer of the whole earth cut aunder and broken how is Babylon become a desolation among the Nations cuz they're bullies you understand that's how they're going to become a desolation by going around you are you are they literally targeted that mosque on purpose right that's what they did and they they're going to be surprised when somebody Rises up and actually goes against them God is telling you because uh you move like that you're going to reap what you s that's it give me that one in Revelation 13:9 bring it up there's some good stuff right here when you hear about prophecies pertaining to Babylon or America they talking about Little America AKA Israel as well that's the Israelis I should say amalekites I should say read that the Book of Revelations 13 and verse 9 If any man have an ear let him hear come on he that leadth into captivity shall go into captivity CU remember it wasn't just America that did it who funded the Translating slave trade AMC they funded it you understand come on he that kills with the sword he that go around bombing mosque and bombing Lebanon and in understanding all these places Reed must be killed with the soul so the same thing is coming back to you and guess what we prophesying that because we ready to see that destruction that's all praise to the most high god let's go back what else we got it updates Israeli strikes hit Central area of lebanon's ber killing 22 Beirut killing 22 mhm read some of that is there is there any yeah there you go an Israeli attack has hit Central beout Lebanon outside of the city's Southern suburbs where attacks are regular killing at least 22 and wounding another 117 people sheh an Israeli attack on a school shelter in central G who does that and they know what they it's a school shelter these are the people of God you got to be kidding me bro read that again and is Israeli attack on a school shelter in central Gaza has killed at least 28 people and wounded many more Health official safe IU and ifil says Israeli troops have repeatedly open fire on its positions in southern Lebanon wounding two peacekeepers Israeli forces have killed four Palestinians in Kan yanis and three in the jabalia refugee camp as a siege that forced the United Nations to shut down schools and hospitals in Northern Gaza let's get that hcky 217 so you can understand this is Bible prophecy man that's right Bible prophecy let's get that habc 2 17 the book of hcat chapter 2 and verse 17 for the violence of Lebanon shall cover Thee the scriptures prophesied about this thing remember these are the same people who had us in captivity who killed the children of Israel Israel the Arabs or the ishmaelites they C Ishmael according to the Bible come on for the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee and the spoil of beasts which made them afraid because of men's blood and for the violence of the land of the city and of all that dwell therein now watch this watch this let's go to Daniel 11:14 all right Daniel CH 11 and verse4 watch this The Book of Daniel 11 and verse 14 come on the Book of Daniel 11:14 and in those times there shall many stand up against the King of the South right we're living in those times all right we're living in those times this right here you know when you read in job 11 how the the scriptures are double that's exactly what this is right here all right during the time of when the Greeks were in prominence when they were the the the leading Nation after the death of Alexander he splitted his kingdom uh and imparted it to his four generals one of them was named toomy right okay and his region was the South which is Egypt at that time so it says during that time it says many would rise up against toi okay but that's not just for this time this is also for present day all right read the verse again and in those times there shall many stand up against the King of the South uhhuh so Egypt is the is the South that region who primarily inhabits that region the Arabs the the Arabic people the Israelites right so read it one more time for us and in those times there shall many stand up against the King of the South don't you see many nations who have a problem with those guys over there cuz they're wild men like it said that Genesis 16 they have a problem give me that Genesis 1611 sir the Book of Genesis 16 and: 11 come on and the angel of the Lord said unto her behold thou art with child and shalt bear a son and shalt call his name ishmail uh-huh because the Lord hath heard thy Affliction and he will be a wild man come on his hand will be against every man will be against who every every man you see that and that's why go back to Daniel 11:14 watch this and in those times there shall many stand up against the King of the South why because the ishmaelites the Arabs will be against every man that's what the Bible says you understand come on also the robbers of thy people so in addition the amalekites the Israelis they would also be against the Arabs come on shall exalt themselves they shall exalt themselves why cuz they're bombing those mosque why you think they bombing those mosque why you think they doing that to Gaza they're trying to form an independent Israeli state they're trying to exalt themselves as the real Jews to this day that's what the Bible is saying right there read some more to establish the vision to establish their Vision their Enterprise come on but they shall fall God say it ain't going to work because we got next not them going to be the no it's not going to work just like they shouldn't be in America they shouldn't be in Israel either so the Lord is going to root both of them out of those lands thus sayith the Lord that's what the Bible says get the most high you know what I'm saying clap good right good stuff that's all you got to do is clap that's good stuff right there that's right all right what else we got it come on Nan Yahoo threatens Lebanese people with destruction and suffering like we see in GSA if they don't overthrow hezb now that's the thing it's going to happen we just ready HC 2117 Lebanon is getting beat they're going to continue that for some time all right Lebanon is is going to be destroyed that's what the Bible says yes sir all right uh what else we got World reacts to alleged Israeli attack on UN peacekeepers in Lebanon mhm the UN intern Force scroll down SC scre down read that UN peacekeepers in Lebanon have accused Israeli forces of firing at some of their positions as Israel expands its attack throughout Lebanon the UN interim force in Lebanon or un ifil said on Thursday that the two of their peacekeepers were injured when an Israeli tank fired at a watchtower at the Force's headquarters in Ras an nakora causing them to fall right so when it comes to these guys you know they're going to say that's anti semitism right you can't tell us what we're doing is wrong you know how they do they're going to flip the script but people are starting to get k a clue they understand it's a genocide they understand give me that give me that one I want to on Dem man uh toid I told you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah give me that video Yeah Bishop bring this one out uh this past Sabbath people are starting to see them for who they truly are man the the damn Devils that they are play that clip that's what you want people to think no it's what it's what people are saying well there no response and that is that is a narrative that you wish to pursue which is fine but then you're going to be struck with reality ultimately ANS is not retreating the Israeli regime and the Americans have failed in the Red Sea they the ansar survived seven years of genocidal War backed by the US and your government again against their people they defeated the the people who carried out the genocidal War you think a couple of air strikes from from the Israeli regime is going to change anything they will continue to enforce as they say Anar in Yemen enforce the genocide convention and you your governments are the terror organization they're the ones that are funding this genocide they're the ones giving the bombs the bunker Busters to go and bomb homes and civilian tow in Gaza and whenever they carry it out the Western media will say Hamas strongholds Terror centers stop hey you heard say in the media that's they going to flip the script that's what they do America does it and Little America does it play some more L strongholds why because they want to justify these Terror attacks no the terrorists are in London and you and Washington and Paris and elsewhere but since you think that somehow you're more civilized and that your countries are better than ours whatever you do has justification no the terrorists are the ones who are supporting the Israeli regime and who have been carrying out Terror for a year Hamas Islamic Jihad they are the native population that have been brutalized for 76 years and Hezbollah has been trying to help them they voluntarily entered this battle last year Hezbollah to draw the Israeli Army away from Gaza so they would be able to kill less people they are hero contrary to what you say and your government has been helping the Israeli regime to slaughter they've been giving them intelligence political support financial support ammunition and of course the weapons they have to and most importantly the intelligence all the all of the five eyes and Western intelligence and the awax that fly and the drones you take that there but no we wanted to play that clip just to show just to show how they flipped the instead of calling it Spade Spade no you can't tell us what we're doing is wrong in fact if we do something that's wrong you look like you're the bad guy like you're the enemy that's what America and that's exactly what um uh Little America does give me the one in Jeremiah uh 51 and 34 watch this Jeremiah 50 and 34 excuse me the book of Jeremiah 50 and: 34 m their redeemer is strong the Lord of hosts is his name come on he shall thoroughly plead their case cuse their cause that he may give rest to the land uh-huh give rest to the land cuz right now the land is not at rest it's at War because you got some damn uh aliens over there go ahead and disqui the inhabitants of Babylon uh-huh a sword so it says the land the land referring to what Israel right and this one it say and desquite the inhabitants of Babylon come on a sword is is upon the Chans sayith the Lord and upon the inhabitants of Babylon uh-huh and upon her princes and upon her wise men my bad that land's Babylon go ahead a sword is upon the Liars right the sword is upon the Liars come on and they shall dote a sword is upon her Mighty Men uhhuh and they shall be dismayed but the key that we wanted from there is to show you that America and Little America am are both liars that's what they do what else we got it let's keep it rolling Iran finally has the weapon that could destroy Israel in one hit right it says Iran Iran because Iran it's it's been talked about for some time you know about the the nuclear deal they wanted to make sure that they never get it that's what the nuclear deal was all about what's that one in uh Isaiah 13:17 let's get that actually I want want to save that one I want to save Isaiah 13:17 do me a favor it do me a favor I want to line these up good so give me uh second e 15 give me that room ready yes sir all right and then I want second no didn't I want Isaiah 13-1 17 but there's a particular article I want right after this one and I'm going to post it right now this one right here so after we play this one I want this one next watch watch this the book of 2 ezras 15 and: 28 behold an horrible vision and the appearance thereof from the East where the nations of the Dragons of Arabia shall come out with many chariots I want verse 30 verse 30 also the carmanians Raging in Wrath right the carmanians or carmania is present day Iran okay so read that verse again verse 30 also the carmanians Raging wrath shall go forth as the wild Boors of the wood watch this and with great power and with what great power right that great power is the nukes that America never wanted them to get that's right all right that's what that nuclear deal was all about cuz once they get that at any given time it could pop off that's what America's been trying to prevent the whole time now let's play this video that's why brothers and sisters we are closer than what you think now now we're not going to say okay it's going to happen tomorrow we don't know that remember even Christ doesn't know but we're closer than what we think because everything is lining up exactly as the scriptures are saying all right play that I ran finally in possession of most destructive you got to read faster run it back run it back read faster yes sir come on a play that Ian finally in possession of most destructive the weapon that could destroy Israel in middle Egypt stop how they know that how they know well we know that because give me the one in uh uhuh Obadiah chapter one was it five or six or seven one of them I made these small give me that real quick cuz remember would that be smart for Israel to be bombing Lebanon and beefing with Iran would that be smart if they know they're surrounded by these cats read that the book of badiah verse two behold I have made the small among the Heathen Thou Art greatly despised everybody hate Israel over there cuz there was a Arab Nations they hate them they steadily bombing their mosque the Lord's made them small to show you the reason why they so big and powerful cuz they got America backing them you understand that's that's the end until that destruction comes right uh now go back to that video run running back from the beginning some good stuff right here watch's thisle a moderate earthquake struck both Iran and Israel on the evening of October 5th now you can pause that just to show you they've been watching this thing closely right right right because remember they understand the prophecies remember Ezekiel 28 that're wiser than Daniel right now play that next video that I wanted wasn't enough watch this Iranian lawmakers chant death to America Iranian lawmakers chanting death to America uh that is clearly how they Isaiah 13-1 17 it don't matter what you do it don't the nuclear deal it don't matter all that money it don't matter they were made to do this right right so it don't matter what bribe it don't matter you cannot sway them to go against the Lord's will that's right read this the book of of Isaiah 13 and verse 17 get that video ready again that from the beginning so he could read the 6 billion read this behold I will stir up the mees so who will do it I will stir up mes is talking about the region that land it's not talking about the ancient Persians of me it's talking about that manans read against them against them it's talking about America when you read up but remember America and Little America they're one and the same right okay read which shall not regard silver which shall not what regard silver go back to that video and read that I guess 6 billion wasn't enough there's not enough silver there's not enough gold there's not enough money that you can give them they not going to negotiate they're not going to listen to it what the Lord has put on their spirit that that's what they're going to do that's right behold I will stir up the me against them uhuh which shall not regard silver and as for gold they shall not Delight in they like that because the Lord put it in their Spirit to bring death and destruction to America that's what they're going to do you what keep it rolling y'all read that for us must watch reporter explodes at State Department Spock after claiming us is abating genocide in Gaza watch this so uh Israel is still poised to strike Iran and in July blinkin said that Iran was one to two weeks away from developing a nuclear weapon so I guess for all we know they might have one by now and meanwhile in Ukraine they've struck deep within Russian territory several times as deep as 300 miles from the border and in that case we don't have to guess we know that Russia has the largest nuclear Arsenal on the planet as many as 6,000 warheads and so one of the risks of arming militaries that are striking in the territories of nuclear Powers is that one one of those gets deployed and then it could escalate very quickly from there so it's rarely discussed but it's important to address that the nuclear risk is real and it could very abruptly mean the end of you know what humans have worked for thousands of years to collectively achieve and uh us today are very lucky to live in with the fruits of that achievement and I feel like we're treating the risk kind of brazenly so my question for you is you know we often hear in response to these concerns that well Putin caini you know they're war criminals they're terrorists uh as if they're too inherently evil or immoral for us to negotiate with but meanwhile this Administration has financed a genocide in Gaza for the last year and every day you're up there denying accountability for right so not only are the other nations seeing it their all people see that to the damn devil give the most high Round of Applause right there hey you seen his face like hey he looked up okay this is over and finish that play some more play that some lecture other countries on their Mor so if you have a policy question for me I'm happy to take it if you want to give a that Deuteronomy 29 right let's get that let's get that one real quick yep get that yes sir 2929 is that it yes sir the book of Deuteronomy no what is it 29 and it is somebody find that 30 3329 3329 thank you sir watch this the book of Deuteronomy chapter 33 and verse 29 watch this happy Art Thou o Israel who is like unto thee Oh people saved by the Lord come on the shield of thy help and who is the sword of thy Excellency and thine enemies shall be found liar right that's what the Lord is revealing that's not for them that's for us to see right that's what's black people you got to do you got to you got to pay attention that's the Lord is doing this to open up your eyes so you can see that the people Charleston white you understand this is for you to see that the white man not your friend he is a liar according to the holy scriptures all right go to uh give me one SE if I want to no I don't want that right now let's keep going what's next it Iran makes USA's biggest Arab Ally Ally chain size watch this impact of Iran nuclear bomb test USA's biggest Arab Ally change of size he RAB you turn after Iran's threat to attack us allies allies in the region allies allies in the [Applause] region big a rap Powers try to win Iran's favor amid n test rumors right so check it all right remember it say that the the dragons of Arabia they going to join with the carmanians that's what the prophecy say y'all that's right that's right now what is happening they're they hearing that Iran got the nukes now they like okay okay now I'm trying to I'm trying to get cool with you run that back a little bit impact of Iran's nuclear bomb test USA's biggest Arab Ally changes size come on aab you turn after Iran's threat to attack us allies it in the region [Applause] allies big arap Powers try to rent Iran's favor amid nuk test rumors stop just keep that on the screen a little bit big aab Powers try to win Iran's favor let's go back to Second ezis 15 29 and 30 please the book of second ezis 15 and verse 29 come on where the nations of the Dragons of Arabia shall come out with many chariots and the multitude of them shall be carried as the wind upon Earth that all they which hear them may fear and tremble read also the carmanians Raging in Wrath shall go forth as the wild Boors of the wood and with great power shall they come and join battle with them and what and join battle with them one more time and join battle with them so read what's on the screen big aab Powers try to win Iran's favor amid nuke test rumors more play some more come on a read it come on Iran's nuclear power changing mid East ending us dominance wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on wait a second wait a minute read that again Iran's nuclear power changing mid East ending us dominance right because if Iran teams up with the Arabs the you only thing that's dominating the Middle East over there is what Israel Israel they know what this means right yes sir they know exactly what this means is this do y'all understand what this means okay do we see the signs of the times this is literally literally playing out exactly as the Bible said it was going to happen hey is it's it's not crazy God said it do you believe it or that's the thing do you believe it come on read verse 31 2 EZ 15:31 the book of 2 ezras 15:31 yep and then shall the dragons have the upper hand no I want 30 again verse 30 also the carmanians Raging in Wrath shall go forth as the wild Boards of the wood and with great power shall they come and join battle with them and shall waste a portion of the land of the Assyrians right waste a portion of the land that's that's talking about Israel so they already understand they haven't even like joined but they understand what that means that's what God wants and that's if God wants it I want it to right you understand so and you know that's right go back to that last thing that's on on the screen Read that read that little uh title yes IR go ahead Iran's nuclear power changing mid East ending us dominance so what are we witnessing today brothers and sisters we're witnessing the fall of the United States of America right that's what's happening it's falling right before our eyes right okay you can take that down what else we got it we almost done oh Praises y'all all right yes sir all right watch this turkey joins war against Israel aodan warship enter Lebanon amid bombing for this reason it says turkey joins war against Israel go to that article go to that article that's right after this it red read that a at present no read the title NATO member countries NATO member countries read it again NATO member countries Now read that paragraph at present NATO has 32 member countries scroll down to the bottom all right so you saw you see Albania Belgium so on and so on I'm scroll down a little bit more little bit more at the bottom oh who you see right there turkey turkey turkey turkey turkey all right go back to that YouTube video read that title come on Turkey joins war against Israel huh question question mark wait wait wait wait wait wait NATO is supposed to be concerned with the same interest as America what you mean uhoh what do you mean here H message let's replay some of that video real quick let's find out what it's talking about rodan's big decision amid idf's ground raids in Lebanon two Turkish warships in route to Lebanon turkey to evacuate 2,000 citizens foreign Ministry turkey has sent two Navy ships to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon [Music] Turkish foreign Ministry explained how the evacuation will take place in its state turkey said around 2,000 Nationals will be evacuated from VC routes now we almost done we almost done we going to end it on a good note two warships are reaching ber from a port stop two warships are reaching Beirut from a port in southern Turkish Province come on evacuation process will continue in the following days if necessary the ministry said the two vessels have a combined capacity of approximately 2,000 passengers evacuation details will be communicated to citizens who have already MH contacted the council a call call center the forign ministry statement added apart from evacuations The Vessel will also carry humanitarian Aid to Leon all right so stop so what do you see you see turkey having a you know possible change of heart right now I just want we going to end on this right here all right uh I want Revelation 17 and want you start at verse 11 watch this The Book of Revelations 17 and verse 11 mhm and the Beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and is of the seven and goeth into ption right this eighth Beast is the United States of America that seventh Beast is Great Britain America stems from Great Britain right let's go to verse 12 watch this verse 12 and the 10 horns which thou saw which thou sawest are 10 Kings right so those 10 horns which thou saw us are 10 Kings European Union the military side of it is NATO okay come on which have received no Kingdom uhhuh which has received no Kingdom why because the eighth Beast has the kingdom they are the leaders of it follow that's come on as yet but receive power as kings one hour with the Beast right so their power comes from what America does now mind you America supports who Israel mhm Turkey saying like uh uh no I'm not really feeling that okay jump down to verse 15 verse 15 and he saith unto me the waters which thou sawest were the where the horse sth are peoples and multitudes and Nations and tongues right cuz America you know sits on many Waters right different military bases you understand come on and the 10 horns which thou sawest upon the Beast these shall hate the [ __ ] so it's saying is something's going to happen where the NATO members of NATO begin to hate the [ __ ] if they hate America they're going to hate Israel it's one and the same right come on and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire so NATO all right turkey being a member of NATO was starting to see I'm call it could be a possible brexit you know they right get the hell up out of there you understand go ahead verse 17 for God have put in their hearts to fulfill his will come on and to agree and give their Kingdom unto the Beast unto the words of God shall be fulfilled so just like it said that the US Powers is weakening that's exactly what we're saying they were going to be in agreeance when I say they talking about NATO they will be in agreeance as long as the Lord allowed America to rule but now since you see Iran rising up and having nuclear power this is now weakening their grip turn sees it turkey sees the genocide this is the beginning the other ones they're going to see it too and they're going to they're going to start pulling out one by one how do we know cuz that's what the Bible says all right so hey it's been another episode of right on the wall radio show ain't no run now today we had to give you the the the good stuff power all right the stuff that's going on in the Earth today I'm signing off we signing off I'm captain M th to my right Shalom Israel also Hezekiah Shalom Israel off Samson shalam isra officer all right Israel I'm officer David hey Lord's will will be back next week send up prayers for us that our equipment works we'll be back next week with another show and with that we say shalom shalom [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music]