Coordination Compounds

Jul 3, 2024

Coordination Compounds - Class 12 Chemistry


  • Coordination compounds are complex molecules consisting of a central metal atom bonded with neutral molecules or ions (ligands).
  • Importance: Medicinal chemistry, industrial processes, biological systems (e.g., chlorophyll, hemoglobin, vitamin B12).


  • Coordination compounds look complex but can be understood with basic concepts.
  • Example:
    • Metal ion (Co) bonded with six NH3 ligands тАУ forms complex coordination compound.
    • Coordination number: Number of coordinate bonds with central metal ion.
    • Examples: [Co(NH3)6]3+, [Fe(CN)6]4-, etc.

WernerтАЩs Theory

  • Alfred Werner (183 A): Developed theory to explain complex formation and valency concepts.
  • Concepts of primary (oxidation state) and secondary (coordination number) valency.
  • Primary valency: Ionizable, secondary valency: Non-ionizable, using square brackets notation.
  • Experiment: Silver chloride precipitate formation to determine valency.
  • Coordinating ligands, counter-ions outside square brackets: Example formulas.

Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds

  1. Naming Order: Cation name first, followed by anion name.
    • E.g., K4[Fe(CN)6]: Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II).
  2. Ligand First, Metal Second: Ligands named before the central metal atom.
    • E.g., [CrCl3(NH3)3]: Triamminetrichlorochromium(III).
  3. No Space: In the complex name, no spaces between ligand and metal names.
  4. Ligand Rules:
    • Neutral ligands named as usual (NH3 as ammine).
    • Ligands listed alphabetically.
    • Prefixes for multiple identical ligands (di-, tri-, etc.).
    • Polydentate ligands use specific prefixes (bis-, tris-).
    • Enclose polyatomic ligands in brackets.
  5. Oxidation State: Indicate oxidation state of metal in Roman numerals.
    • E.g., [Cr(NH3)4Cl2]Cl: Tetraamminedichlorochromium(III) chloride.

Theories to Explain Bonding in Coordination Compounds

Valence Bond Theory (VBT)

  • Hybridization: Metal ionтАЩs valence orbitals hybridize to form coordinate bonds with ligands.
  • Types of hybridizations (sp3, dsp3, d2sp3, etc.) determine geometry (tetrahedral, octahedral, etc.).
  • Limitations: Doesn't explain color, magnetic properties quantitatively.

Crystal Field Theory (CFT)

  • Ligands create an electrostatic field, causes splitting of metal d-orbitals into different energy levels.
  • Splitting pattern depends on geometry (octahedral, tetrahedral).
  • Splitting energy denoted by ╬Ф (╬Фo for octahedral, ╬Фt for tetrahedral).
  • Strong field ligands cause large splitting, weak field ligands cause small splitting.
  • Diagram for d-orbital splitting:
    • Octahedral: eg (higher energy), t2g (lower energy).
    • Tetrahedral splitting reversed.

Magnetic and Color Properties

  • High spin complexes: Weak field ligands, small splitting, more unpaired electrons.
  • Low spin complexes: Strong field ligands, large splitting, fewer unpaired electrons.
  • Color: Arises due to d-d transitions, absorption of light's energy where electron jumps to a higher energy level.
  • Complementary colors observed depending on the absorbed wavelength.


  • Biological importance: Chlorophyll, hemoglobin, vitamin B12.
  • Industrial processes: Catalysts in reactions, photographic industry.
  • Medical: Cancer treatment drugs.