Transcript for:
IEP Team Process for Parental Advocacy

your role as a parent is wonderful and sometimes challenging experience you more than anyone are responsible for all aspects of your child's life including their education research tells us that children learn better when parents and families support what is being taught in school reading together talking with your child about their day asking questions and paying attention during homework time these are positive ways to be actively involved in helping your child learn but what if your child has a disability or special needs if this is the case you as a parent will need to play an even more important role in shaping your child's educational future hello and welcome to the IEP team process a framework for success this five chapter DVD is brought to you by the exceptional children's assistance center North Carolina's statewide parent training and Information Center each chapter in this DVD is designed to give you information tips and strategies to help you participate effectively in planning your child's education program and also to help you become your child's best and most valuable advocate please join us as we explore the following topics the federal special education law known as the individuals with Disabilities Education Act or ID a the individualized education program or IEP the IEP team what's included in the IEP how to get ready for your child's IEP meeting and the IEP meeting itself let's begin by taking a look at where IEP s come from and how they relate to your child's education I DEA guarantees that eligible children with disabilities will receive a free and appropriate public education this is also referred to as Fabe through an evaluation process children who are found eligible for special education services must be provided with specially designed instruction and appropriate support at no cost to their parents that meet their unique academic and functional needs and that prepare them for further education employment and independent living the needed services and supports are provided to the child through a written plan called the IEP when the US Congress created IDE a and its regulations their intention was for parents of children with disabilities ladies to work closely with their child's school to create an effective education program for that child in the eyes of the law your participation as a parent is an essential part of the process every step of the way to learn more about eye-dea your rights and your child's rights under IDE a visit IDE AED gov or call ECAC at one eight hundred nine six two six eight one seven and ask to speak with a parent educator we're now ready to move on to chapter 2 where we'll discuss who makes up the IEP team you