Transcript for:
Understanding Contemporary Global Governance

so we are going to discuss the contemporary global governance so the word that could really help us understand the topic is the word governance we have we have heard several times the word global let's say global look at the picture there is a table a round table the round table has different chairs that share symbolizes each representative from each country so that symbolizes the connectivity of the connection the relationship of each country of the world which is put into one table and we have the word governance governance from the word government so we have our own government but there is what we call international or global governance we still need that government or governance in the international setup because that could be a basis no if you try to remember president duterte our president did not recognize did not recognize him when he was being asked that the international court of justice will be going to send a representative to conduct an investigation of extrajudicial judicial killings and we also have the human rights violation of our president and nagala we are a sovereign state again in here that's the claim of our president president duterte he said we are a sovereign state we have our own judicial system my long-coming surveilling do not uh forget that the philippines is part of an international organization called united nations we are a signatory when you say signatory if you try to look at the picture right now we have one sit there in narrow times of statement united nations no i don't like the united nations to enter to our country i don't like the international court of justice to investigate us here in our country because we have our own judicial system and why they will interfere we are a recognized sovereign state so there is a point like out of there so allah so what is global governance so that would be a great question particularly the united united nation okay so global governance refers to the various intersecting processes that create the world order philippines so the purpose of government is to implement peace and order but in the concept of the scope of global governance and evidence i merely which is to protect and also to to promote peace and order in the entire countries in the world but their second bullet it encompasses the institution of policies norms procedures and initiatives through which states and their citizens try to bring predictability stability and order to their responses to transitional changes according to un in 220 2014. right now we are facing a challenge a territorial conflict war between china between china between and other disputed territories of the philippines against china and we all know that china is one of the biggest country a powerful country military power and who are we we are filipinos so i am not saying that we should not defend our country as a filipino we should defend our country but try to look at the power of china i am not against to force to implement the ruling of [Music] global governance sources of global governance we have manga or treatise an organization like un international non-government organization nabaha parent yuan so let's start with the i o or the international organization like to look at there are landfords land pools of different countries excuse me international organization i can't believe filipinas so international organization often refers to international intergovernmental organizations or groups that are primarily made up of member states so alas organization which is very busy right now finding solution for the world pandemic so that's an example of international organization like us we are uh also experiencing the problem of pandemic but we need to follow the world health organization in their different advice so that's that's one way of implementing a global governance uh rules and implementation guidelines that was given by the world health organizations our organization are also followed by our internal inter-agency task force against scoville no the iatf the is a world health organization so just a simple example of global governance so the powers of international organizations an international [Music] of that but let's try to look at the powers of international organization let's classify the power the international organization can invent and apply categories there are eight powerful standards for example for the refugees no for example we also accept refugees because we are partners we have we consider a country which are our allies the international organizations spread ideas across the world establishing global standards for example in the recent time we are experiencing the pandemic the kobe 19. one of the international organizations who manage this type of pandemic is the world health organization we are dependent of their standards is per individual to avoid the spread of the virus it should be one and a half meters so we also follow that one because that is a reference that was in uh that that that norms is spread and used by the world health organization which is considered to be an international organization okay a nasa international organization it could also have a negative effect you know the cross and the pawns let's try to check what are the pros and cons of international organization let's start with united nations so the history of united nations we have discussed this several times in the second in the some of our discussions the most prominent international organization in contemporary time even today united nations is international internationally acknowledged by each member state it was founded in october 24 1945 after the second world war in san francisco california usa so the prime mover the prime mover of the creation of the united nations of course is the united states on january in on june 21 1942 the united nations was coined by president franklin d roosevelt so minister say by the word of the term united nations was created by franklin d roosevelt the u.s president in the 1940s the u.n charter was signed in august on june 26 1945 in the 24th of october 1945 50 nations drew up the un charter in the united nations conference international organization poland was the last original member to join it has now um almost 193 member states since the 51 original members okay so we have here the present the night secretary general took office on the 1st of january 2017 for former united nations higher high commissioner for refugee antonio gutierrez gutierrez is the secretary general of united nation as of today so there are some groups and organizations under united nations there are six the general assembly the security council the economic social council the trusteeship council the international court of justice this is one the international court of justice which was very controversial controversial when it comes to the conduct of investigation the violation of human rights and extrajudicial killings in the philippines under the uh leadership under the presidency of president uh duterte that was mentioned available and of course the sixth one is the secretariat so let's have uh this one individually what are their functions the main deliberating policy making body and the represented organ is the general assembly enrique manalis the permanent representative of the philippines in the united nations so we have a representative from the general assembly in the person of enrique a manager security council considers the most powerful organ consists of 15 member states five permanent and 10 elected by the ga for the general assembly for two-year terms security council permanent members now imagine china is the permanent members of security but then they did not recognize that the the international ruling when it comes to the territorial dispute against the philippines usa france russia uk are the permanent members of the security council of the united nations the ecosoc or the economic and social council this is the central body for coordination policy review policy dialogue recommendations and social environmental issues and the implementation of internationally agreed developmental development goals here comes the international court of justice which is very controversial when it comes to the philippines right now we have zen an investigator already here in our country about the extrajudicial killings and of course the violations according allegedly uh violation of human rights translation council this was published in 1945 the u.n charter under chapter 13 of the of their constitution and violence the secretariat consists of the secretary general and 10 thousand ten thousand of international u.n staff members the security the secretary general is a uh administrator administrative officer so basically the discussion was all about the united nations because that's the international uh or the global governance that is ruling the entire country the entire world which our member state of this united nations so i think that's all for our international government