So, if anyone has any doubt in what we have read till now, we have to see a little that basically we had seen what parameters are called, we had done all the things, we will focus on what is a constructor and when we had created the objects of classes , what we had done. It is said that we had created something like the name of our class was Animal and we had given it like this, in which we had said that whatever fear is there before the new keyword on the right side is actually a constructor, okay initializing the instance and An object of a class means that basically what we call the constructor is that we use it to slice the class or to create an object of the class, it is also like a method, but what happens in it, what happens inside the constructor. What is said in our sector, there will never be any return type in it, constructor does not have other return types, meaning like what were there in our method, what was there in it that we had to write public word or public string or public if. If we go a little bit here, then all the methods of our constructor are there, which have access modifier, return type, there is no return type inside it, so this is straight forward, what is called public, the D name of the construct will be of. D constructor Mast B onwards D class name means the name of the constructor will always be exact from the name of the class, what is said, if we created it here and there, then it will not construct it, it will tweet that object, that second method and then Will give second error and in some cases what is called private can also be what is called private in this how are d method of class method let me tell you how we can make private I had seen earlier also that how the class is divided then its Again, the example given here is that we have Animal class inside which Dog is an object. I write here, sir, we can name it as a variable. Instead of name, let us give the variable name equal to it. What is that called? There are two types of assignment operators , similarly we also have two types of constructors, one is the default constructor, whatever is said, we assume that there is such a constructor whenever we create such an object . So what is it called? We will consider it to create it without any other problem. First of all, we will create our own construction when we have to pass some parameters, that is, when we are creating an object, then what is said, we have to pass some parameters. Let's take the example that you went to the pet shop, okay, you have shop owners from the pet shop or you told whoever is in the shop that I want a dog, okay then if you go like this in a normal way and say dog, something simple like this one. Statement: If you tell him that I want a dog, what will he do? He will show you all the dogs in his shop, whether it is a Pomeranian or a Rottweiler, whatever he has, he will show you all of them. Okay, but if you go to him and tell him that you don't want a Permian dog or you want a Rottweiler or you want a Golden Retriever, okay then when you tell him the specifics, what will he do? What does he say ? It will only show you the specifics. Okay, we are saying that if we create such an object as a dog, then what will it do to it, but whatever the dog is, we will show it, but if we pass any parameter inside it and tell it what we want. Do we want a dog? It means where we say that we do not want a dog, whose bread is what, what do we say, then Marianna is fine or what is it, what do we say, is it a Rottweiler, what do we say, it can be anything , our friend can be someone else too. Can So, how can we keep him in it? By default, we are already telling him that whatever you have to do, whatever you have to do, you will carry this particular bread only, meaning you will carry only this bread and this only. What will you do, whatever operations will be done in the future, whether it is to put him to sleep, to feed him, to come running or it is to say, to bathe him, if anything has to be done then whatever it is, what is said, you will do it in this bread only and accordingly you will take the thing forward . So what do we say that we will definitely need a private constructor and if we talk about real time today developer life, then what we say is that it is 50-50, what do you say, you can also parameterize this constructor as well . What else do you say, you can do it in the default constructor also, one thing is that you do it in the parameters constructor, you do it when you have to force it, that is, if a user like you have created a class, okay, now he has to create the class. There are many methods in the class, we just take the simple example, it is okay, inside the car, it is start, stop, change gear, it is for opening the rooftop or what is it called, from C to up and down, a song for walking. This saree is functional for walking, okay now what is it, what is called a simple object, that is, inside it, so much saree has become our behavior and its status, color etc. Now if you tell it that whenever someone does something , If you create an object and create an instance, then what is it called? It is necessary to give the name and type of tax, otherwise it cannot be made the object of tax , how in that, what is it called, you must have created a parameter, how in this you are forcing it. Be it any user, whether you are creating an instance of the class later or someone of yours has clicked on spread, he is creating an instance , you have to force it, basically, if you become an object then you will have to give this information. Sir, something will work only on its basis, otherwise nothing will work, then you will use parameter constructor. What is called instead of parameter constructor? What is said in it? Yes, when you have to set some default value, meaning default value or draft value, then also you can use constructor. You do it and what do you call it? Based on those values, what operations do you do next? Doing that, performing it, what is all that called? We will do it slowly and see one thing in practice, but also write this. Let me make it clear to everyone about the method and the difference in it. There are methods in the method and what is the difference in this. First of all what is said is that there will be no return type inside it whereas the return type of the method has to be written but it has a return type . Okay, there is no return type in the constructor. The name of the method can be anything, but the name of the constructor will always be in the class. Ok, whatever they say, the method will be there, if it is third in the class, then you will have to do it with the class, and if not, then you will have to create the object first. After creating the object, the method will happen tomorrow. Okay [ Music] [Music] [Music] Look at the parameters in this constructor like the first thing which we say which is good because it is useful when you have to create your object. Need some value, now want to inform it, Jumble to the user , I said that my class is fine, let's take another example, I created a class, what do you call payment processor, it is fine, late, I created a class, payment processor is responsible for the payment, example of my website. I can accept payment from I can accept payment from debit card or UPI is Shakti or whatever they say, I can do it later. Okay, now whenever I create an object of this class, I want this. I am that I need this As soon as you make the class an object, you should know what the object is, what payment it is making, which payment is going to be made to it, credit card is going to make it, debit card is going to make it, UPI is going to make it or what is called payment later. The one who does it so that it becomes clear to me what is next for me, what do they say, which method does he have to meet, what is there, what do they say, the class has to be done tomorrow, based on condition, good, anything can happen, previous logic now. Let's not go to that, anything else can happen there, what else is there, what is called an example, but the example, now let's take another class, we have objects, how from solid, we have created a class inside which there are some variables, variables. What are they saying can be [Music] Meaning who is the customer how is it okay now what is this what are the variables inside this class now what are they saying I want that whenever any variable of this class is an object of this class If it is made then it should pass all this stuff to me. If it doesn't pass then I will not let you create the object. Now what do I say next on this wrapper ? Maybe I am performing DML or maybe I am sleeping or else . Maybe I am sending this data to some third party system, whatever is next to it, what is it, I do n't care, you pass this to me, what is it, now what am I passing in the method, what is it, what is it, what is it. It has nothing to do with it, it is called at one place and it is its default parameter because you can achieve some extent through it also. Abstraction means that you have taken values while creating the constructor but when in actual its methods If you are doing it tomorrow , then what do you call those methods? If you are not passing anything, then the person in front of you or any developer will not know what is actually being done by the method. Or what parameters are you passing, then the implementation is there, after hiding it to some extent, you become what you call it, what you call it [music] becomes successful, you get it, okay, one is this, the other is that my What do they say, there is a class to whom I give status after drinking, it is okay, inside this, what am I doing inside this class, I basically now what do they call me, I want the previous one on the basis of country, now the pick list of India, the pick list of status is different. The people of Canada have become different, the people of Japan have become different , the pig list of contradictions varies according to the pick list of saree status, now what you have to do in this class, now the object of this class will be created based on On Meaning Cont. Like if you are in India then you have to show the status of India. Like if you are in India then you have to show the status of India. If you are in China then you have to show the status of China in that and then of that in UK. Now what can you do in this class that You will do one less, it is okay and you have stored the story behind in your system, it may be a custom setting, maybe some customer has told that this 28 status of India is okay, so many X numbers of China are now okay here. And in the same class, what do you say, you have created another variable, the status of the late list will now give the name of the country, where ever I will have to show the state list, where ever I will have to show what this state says. What is this, that whole thing is called clear , hello , be on mute, if you are speaking, then we have told me now [music] Okay , at this time you create a class which we call laptop , its construction will be like this, its construction is clear to us now. If we want to make an example , then we need the name of the laptop, that is, the company name, that is, if you go to Chrome or Reliance store, then you need a laptop from this company. If you want a laptop, then you call a place, you will go there and say, okay, give me the laptop, then how will you do it, you will say, okay, you can do anything inside it, okay, now I definitely don't have it here, so this is what I am doing here. By copy pasting, now I say company name with method. Now if I print the company name here, I don't have any information. How will I print it, if I do it with this, it will give me an error. Variable ten note exists company name. Because I have not created the variable, neither is it in the parameters here, nor have I created it at the class level, I have not created the story, so if I have to print it, what will I do, I will create the variable here, public string name can be anything Company Be it the name of the laptop, be it the company name or what do you call the name, you can do anything, it is not necessary that the label of the parameter inside the constructor and the level of the class created inside it can be anything. Sorry, the company name because Now what I have to do is whatever value has come in this company name variable, I have to store it in this company name, so if I do it like this then let's see what now I say, first of all here I put the company name in . Printed it in the constructor and what it says, here we printed the company name inside this method and here we signed it, what it says, now let's reduce it, what it says, create an object. To create an object, we will go and copy the name of this class, depot open execute if because I have created a constructor which accepts a parameter whose data type is string, then if I create such an object and I execute it, if you have created your If you have defined a constructor which is a parameter constructor then what is the default constructor which is what is said does not reduce if you want to reduce the default constructor then you will have to create a default constructor like this then only the default constructor will reduce otherwise what is said If you have not created your default constructor, then what is it, your constructor will not reduce such object, whatever is it, it will not be created, then here also what I was talking about was repeatedly saying that if Whether you are creating an object, I am creating it from a user or some other user and you want him to pass some parameter on the basis of which you will do something further, perform some logic, it can be DML, it can be integration, it can be any And data manipulation can happen then what is said is that you will never become the default constructor and will become the parameter constructor now because here it is saying that you give me the name of the laptop company only then I will reduce it further so give me the name here. And I have to pass the same value here, I have to pass this type of value whose date time which data type is here on the constructor, if it is a string then it will pass the string will not accept number or teacher or decimal and anything else because I have made interior When I passed and executed it, I got an error that Constructor is not defined, that is, wait and accept, if it works fine , then I will put Apple here, okay, now as soon as I execute this line, whatever is written inside it should be executed . The first thing that will come is whatever code is there inside it, that is, it will be done tomorrow, so one thing, as soon as this class is created , the constructor will be done tomorrow, okay , if you don't know how to print it, then let me tell you about the method, so here it is said, there someone has some idea. It means that we have passed the name, here we have assigned the variable , whatever is the value in it. Okay, let me tell you [Music] First of all. There can be any variable, if I create something like this here, then it also has a default, okay, so we have to tell which is the variable of our class and which is the parameter of its method or constructor. Now because our Company name is also written in the class ' From Deto', the same is written in the company name line number 11 inside the constructor ' From 'Deto' to 'Company', he is not able to know whether this one is a class variable or this one is a class variable, so to tell this Which of our variables belongs to the class, we always use the word ' what is it', so whenever we say 'what is it', we will take any parameter in the constructor and we have to sign its value in the variable of the class , then we always write this dot class on the left side. Give the name of the variable, give it equal, what we say is its variable, which is the parameter name of the constructor, we will write like this, so now if I call it like this, then this dot class variable name constructor parameter name, when you do this then only What does it say? It will know that this is the value of the company name. I have to assign this value of the company name in this variable of the class. Now if I go here and compartmentalize again and execute here, this time what is it say? The value will come from both the places. If you look here, here also Apple has gone and here also Apple has gone. Okay, line number 12, line number 18, this is clear. The constructor should not be private because look, inside this class I have a There is a method which is fine, ok now let's see what will happen, any idea Aman, will the object be created or not and if it is not created then why will it not be created and if it is created then why will it be created [Music] Hello [Music] Okay, that inside the class. Only access will be available , so now if I made the constructor private and the constructor is less, creating an object means helping in creating an object, then if I made the constructor private, then it will not create the object itself. Now as I execute, basically that is why I said. That you cannot make the constructor private unless you have a method which you want to be publicly accessible which will be accessible only through the object, meaning you will become an object only then it will be accessible, okay that means through the object. It will happen tomorrow Aman, your confusion will be cleared when you watch the previous video, when you watch the method etc. then many things will become clear, that 's why I am speaking a little less, that is, I have to do it slowly and at the same time, I am saying whatever I want. The methods of the class should also be made accessible so that anyone can access them, how will you do it, what will you call what is there, you will make your method a class method, which we also call a static method, okay public static wide, I have printed the name here. I have done this and I close it, I will copy and paste the entire thing from here and paste it here and print the name here, I will change the name of the method , so your class, sorry, which are class methods, which are static methods. What is inside says that only static variables or class variables will be accessible, meaning if there is any static method then it can reference only the static variable and not the object variables. This is what we have mentioned so far. These two variables that have been created are instance variables . What is this called? If I have created an objective method and have created a class method, then I will have to create a class variable also. If I want a free defined value inside this particular method, I already want the value, then what for that? It is said that here you will become a class variable which is a static variable inside the static method, otherwise you will not Can even clear the confusion inside some laptops, now how will you do it tomorrow, if you see it while doing laptop, then what you say is class entrance method, it can access any variable, but in your class, it is only class variable. That means we will access only the static variables. Okay , you can make it clear, like there is one more thing inside the laptop, it is power, not the public string processor and you have a laptop , I go home and I will tell him directly, what is called string company? Name string process, now I told him the company name and processor and lastly I told him the company name, processor and size . Okay, now what did I do? I said that either I go and tell him to show me Appa's laptop or I Go tell him to show me the laptop whose company is Apple, whose processor is what is it, our RAM will be of the same size, okay so now what is it, you can create different objects of the same class. Defending on different different types of constructor, now I will give this to Aman, I will give you an example, the whole thing about the constructor which has different different parameters, you will be clear to both the people, okay now you have said this, what is the developer meaning never. Sometimes you must have written code like this in which you pass the name and give Gola 's test account. It is written like this : Hello [Music] [Music] If you evaluate the constructor by passing parameters directly, then how many constructs will it have? Now it will get a permutation of 500 . There are so many constructors created in this class in combination , that is, every object in Salesforce represents a class, be it a high standard object or a customer object, Account, Contact Library, Librarian, Teacher, Student , University , Invoice, Payment, whatever it is, each object is a class. And inside each class, as many constructors will be created as it will have fields inside the class and their format will be combination. Okay, so that's what we have done here, we are creating constructors, we can create any number of constructors here, there is no limit. Is defending on how do we want to utilize this in our code ? Okay, I have created these three constructors so basically, by doing that, it is a real time example of when you go to the market, how do you pick up the things . According to this, we created a constructor here that if I have only the company name, then I will take the company name and whatever is here is called blue, I create a method and I want to say public wide and I said List of laptops Okay, now at the back I can have an object of laptop and I can put a different here that if there is only and only name then this is the name and if there is a processor then this is the name then this is its According to him, I can show him the list of laptops. Okay, clear [music] Name of the company is taken, okay [music] Why will it burst? Method, already defined voice, laptop, it is a unique method, okay , but its methods are different, its less is different. So here it says method already defined, okay now if I change it like this, done in teaser, sorry why number of parameter is in both of these constructors, same parameter is being passed in both but the type of parameter is different. Meaning, its type is wait, okay, similar concept is also there in our method that the number of parameters can be given from B, the type suit is also different or the number of parameters is different or the position and parameter are different, okay, if those things are there then this I It was going to be shown that you can make it in such a way that if you have the same variable and pass it in a different way then you can make that also [Music] Now like it used to happen in childhood, rather than mom used to say what if If you wash clothes then you will go to play cricket and if you do not wash clothes then what do you say when will the animal not go to play cricket, meaning basically let's study, what we just saw in the example is that if we say the name of the computer then I will go to the name of the computer. IF Computer _
_ _ _ List all the laptops according to the name and processor. List the processes of this computer. Okay , now here is a simple example that we have created a variable integer It may be okay, either it may be like this, we have like we just talked about two-three conditions, in this way it will always return the bids, it should always have true and false, so in this particular state, if I ask you X This Greater Than 10 If you know the value of _ _ Doing the method tomorrow, doing the class tomorrow, all those things are power. Another example we have is that if there is a fruit game then in which place it is said that it will be printed . It has become very simple. The statement is as simple as it is in every house of ours. There are switches, there are lights, fans etc. So what is there in it, if it is on then the fan will run, if it is off then the fan will be band, this is the thing, here there is this statement and this expression is actually your value , so what is inside it. The code must have been written, it will be executed, it will be executed when the value, now if we talk about it, here it is called region example, so if you look at the examples, we have put this here, we have taken a variable fruit, okay, we have switched it. Took instead of which what do we say here ? What did we switch on fruit means we will have fruits again and again and again and again we will keep picking. We first switched on whether the fruit is apple otherwise it will not go here. He checked the value of fruit orange. If it is not there, it will not go here [Music] So it is simple. I had copied the switch sometime, so I inserted the switch here. Okay, this is our switch statement. If we want to make it, then we said it is fruit, now we can write it like this also. If I want to write it like this, note equal tu null means I'm checking to see if this fruit has a value. From here, let it be apple for a minute. If I add this above it and I say note equal tu. If it is apple then it is orange then print this, if you want to make it then execute this, then that is illegal assignment kid of thing is going on, it means you have called string as bullion there but you call bullion inside it. Yes, that's why it was created, right, so this thing is done, if I make it like this [music] it won't be possible here, so we come to that, we said if name it note equal. You tap , if the name is not tap then we will print it, fix it, print both and give it here because We put this static method inside it, okay , if there is a name, then the name and if there is both processor and name, then the process, okay, company name and here also we give the company name only. Okay, we were discussing on which basis the laptop will show you. Do it and bring it, what do they say here, meaning I will put a where condition here and write here and the processor has run as if and is done, now you have just done and, there are many operators, so what do they say or this Which means basically what we want is that sometimes we would like to check all the conditions so that everything matches only then we will do it and sometimes we will check that there is a value in any one of these, I am ok , company is not equal, tap And by doing this [music] , then everything will be done , so he will go from his shop, take out something for you and give it to you , and this is what they say, this is an account, this is a contact, this is what they say and so on . Inside, all the data that you need is kept there , basically, it has become a method, so from yesterday you said, I want this now, so what will he do, that guy will do it , he will know where and what society is there. He will pick it up and give it to you, like he will say, here is the account, here is the phone number, here is its website , here is its type, what is its rating, all that stuff, then it just goes to the letter on when we will only read its entire form, we will have one tree for one hour. I will also finish it in one day in two days, then everything will be clear. Okay , now this is the condition written in it, whenever you have to write the code, you have to write it like this, always keep it spaced above and below so that So that it looks a little nice, that is, basically its readability, how to write what should be written, then what happens in it, which is always like you, there are multiple conditions in it, you always start from the left and then move towards the right, so if that check. Will do the company name note this equal tu null only if it is found in the company then it will do the next check. If this condition is not found in the company name itself then it will not check further. If there is another operator here then it is ok meaning if the first is true. If it happens then it will go to the other one because if it is true here then whatever code I have written inside it, execute it and what am I saying here, if all of these are true then execute the code I have written inside it. Two , he will first check the first one, if the first one is true, then he will check the second one, okay, what is the point in this, because if he has to check any one, then he will check me, the first one is true, if it is true, then he will go inside. Will not check further and if there is water then it will check it and execute it if it is cleared then it is ok and according to the constructor you have to do the valuation and according to this method like by printing the information then everything will be printed in it. It was made in this . What is the model of car? Audi Q3 is defender automatic car name and air meaning name of car and in which year it was made name and model meaning of car what is its model what is the name of car and type meaning name and type meaning what is its type to be assigned And I have added the resources here and now I have added the above also, I think everything is for everyone, but if it is not there, then you can access the resources from here, so it is okay [music] and whatever is there, what do you say? Any that means yes, any doubt question, whatever it may be, I will also post this link here, okay then it will come, you will ask and if there is no doubt, then we will not touch these now that you have read and you do not like all these things. I want to read something Meli Like reading has become equal, multiplication has happened , there is some problem in something and something that I feel has to be done, then it is okay to do it. One last thing that came to my mind in the assignment was that Vaibhav had asked why modal. If it was not done then I give it and modular like you have wait And friend him, now I have tried it and he is giving problems because of this [Music] What both the people say in this is important, I am giving it here because you will do it to him, you mean 10% 20% you will do it to him tomorrow. We had discussed that day in P and the Absolute Apps, so this return model is very important, if you do it on a daily basis, it means that all the necessary notes will be done in a single day, you may have all the resources, but some time may be consumed. Take time, you do it. After that, what do you say? If there is any doubt, there is no problem, what do you say? We will do it.