Transcript for:
Understanding Success Through Automatic and Manual Mindsets

have you ever looked at somebody who's hyper successful at whether whether it be at Academia whether it be at music whether it be at uh sports or some other Endeavor and they do things that look impossible while at the same time making them look effortless it's it's it's like it's like what what that person just did what that person just said what that what I just saw with my own eyes look like that would be impossible for me but they made it look like they could do it as easily as taking a nap but then other people you look at them and they live on The Struggle Bus their entire life it's like every time you see them they're in desperation every time you see them they're in they're in trauma every time you see them they're in drama and and it's not like it's not like they go back and forth It's not like well one day it's success and the other day it's struggle and and one day it's trauma and the next day it's Destiny no it's like it's like people are in a lane and the people you know are in a lane and sometimes you feel like you're in a lane and sometimes you're in a lane that you like being in and other times if I could just change lanes can I get a witness and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to Endeavor to show you the reason that is the way that is so you who everybody tap yourself on the chest say me so that you can do something about it man I'm so jacked for you so I discovered this I discovered this in a conversation with a coaching client probably 20 years ago I was talking to one of my clients and I said how's business and they said I'm really trying and I immediately thought that's fascinating because I am not really trying like like and I was succeeding at what to me at that time felt like a very high level right I might have been making 20 30 $40,000 a month which was way more money than anybody I had ever known in my entire life growing up had ever made right and business wasn't a struggle and there was no trying and I wasn't trying to get clients and I wasn't trying to generate leads and I wasn't trying to be profitable and I wasn't trying not to fail but it was just all happening and so I was a little confused by the disparity between what they said and what I was experiencing in my own life so I called my one of my coaches I called Jerry Clark I said Jerry I want to ask you a question it's going to sound crazy but I have to ask you because I just had this experience and I'll tell you what it is later but I said are you trying to succeed and I'm going to quote him he said trying to succeed I'm not trying to succeed and I thought that's what I thought so here's the here's here's the Crux of everything I'm going to share with you today people who are succeeding in any area of Life are not trying to succeed any more than people who are failing in life are trying to fail and both cases it's automatic that's why I'm going to talk to you today about automatic success Secrets Revealed how do I how do I go from a person who automatically struggles who lives a life in automatic trauma in automatic drama automatic difficulty always trying here here's what I found out people who are failing are trying to succeed did you hear what I just said in in fact not all people some people who are failing they they're holding on to that because that's the only way they can get attention but there are some people many people maybe even most people who are struggling they are trying to succeed so what that tells me is a couple things number one that maybe trying to succeed is a contributing factor to failure maybe you say that again maybe trying to succeed is a contributing factor to failure wow whereas it's not a contributing factor to success it's going to make I I know I'm I know I know I know you're a little confused right now by what I'm saying but that's not unintentional because if I can like if I can if I can like rearrange the furniture in your head a little bit you won't know your way around so you won't be able to find your way back to those familiar places that allow you to stay stuck like Chuck and a pickup truck and so so in order to understand we've all heard the phrase we've heard the phrase mindset right right and I've even said I've even said Ms time SS time TS equals assets and income follows assets y'all heard me say that before right so Ms mindset times skill set times tool set equals assets and income files assets but nobody ever like when was the last time somebody told you what mindset really is what is mindset well before I can help you understand in other words everybody has a mindset every you already have a mindset you don't need a mindset you already have a mindset the question is what is your mind set for what is it set at like the temperature in here is very comfortable for me probably slightly uncomfortable for you but when I came in I knew we were going to have a lot of people in here today and so I set the temperature at 70 degrees so it could cool off before y'all brought all that Florida heat in here right and so that I wouldn't be so hot up here that I can't teach thinking why is it so hot H why is it so hot but I set the ter thermostat in advance and then it produces the result I don't have to keep going back there I don't have to keep I'm putting it on 70 putting it on 70 I put it on 70 once and and and and and the regulator in that thermostat is going to maintain 70 degrees in this room regardless of how many people we bring in here within reason right and so we have to do is we have to figure out we have to understand that just like that thermostat has a set temperature we can set it on but it has to be done intentionally like I can go like if I go back there and close my eyes and start pushing buttons I have no earthly idea what it's going to be said at so I can't rinse and repeat it because I don't even know what it was in the first place right so I had to determine before I went to the thermostat what I was going to set it at before I set it so that I could trust that when I set it it would be set the same thing is true with our mind but in order for me to set my mind at a set that will produce success what is success okay thank you for asking that question I'm going to give you the best definition of success I've ever discovered success is discovering the purpose for which you were created developing yourself for that purpose so you can fulfill it and then deploying yourself in that purpose now often times that turns into money many times I don't know if it's most times because I haven't measured so I can't say that but many times that turns into money sometimes it doesn't though and if I had to choose and I I'm glad I don't but if I had to choose whether to be successful or to make a lot of money I would choose to be successful and then I would trust that the money would come are y'all tracking they're not diametrically opposed to each other unless for your particular assignment they're diametrically opposed for each other but for most people they're not diametrically opposed like people think so I don't have to do something underhanded and mistreat people in order to make money all I have to do is become successful discover the purpose for which I was created develop myself for that purpose deploy myself in that purpose okay so in order for me to set my mind I have to understand the functions the functions of my Minds did y'all hear what I just said I have to understand the functions of my Minds I didn't say the function of my mind I said the functions of my minds and I'm going to go over here I'm going to draw something on the board that I've never um that I've never drawn before so I'm gonna make the body bigger just I mean the head bigger because because it's me okay sorry y'all get that on the way home okay so so what happens what happens we hear people talk about the conscious mind and the subconscious mind but when you hear somebody say the conscious mind and the subconscious mind let me ask you a question does that conjure up a picture for you yes or no does it really it doesn't conjure up one for me it's just it's just words what do you see tell me what you see I don't know what do you see I see like basically spal yeah but that's your brain I'm not talking about a brain I'm talking about your mind see okay so let me let me let's talk about the difference let's talk about the difference let's talk about the difference between the brain and the mind let's talk about that for a second the brain is an organ in your head the mind your mind is in every cell in your body are you tracking so your mind I believe I believe that your mind is contributed to for lack of a better way to say it by your body mind uh by your body your will and your emotions it's how you relate to things in Phil physicality your mind is like your soul it's the part of you that relates to physicality and spirituality it's kind of a bridge between physicality and spirituality are y'all tracking okay but the Minds The Mind as we call it let's separate it into we they call it subconscious I'm going to make it horizontal so this up here would be the conscious what so-called conscious mind this would be down here would be the sub conscious mind okay but I'm not going to use that term because I the the reason the reason I'm not going to use that term conscious mind is because it doesn't conjure up a picture so what I'm going to do instead I'm going to call this mind here we're going to call this the manual mind and we're going to call this the auto a atic mind automatic automa automatic this is the automatic mind now here's what I'm going to say success and failure are always everybody say always are always determined by your automatic mind but here's the problem if you did not intentionally set your automatic mind for a particular outcome come who did because it is set oh snap can somebody pick up the pieces of my brain off the floor and bring them to me please if you did not intentionally set your automatic mind for automatic success is it possible that someone or several someones who did not have your best interest in mind set your automatic mind for automatic failure for you but automatic success for them H isn't that what happened to the children of Israel when they were in Egypt hey guess what their body came out of Egypt and their mind was still there that's why they wanted to go back their body came out of the Egypt but their mind was still there that's why they couldn't go into the promis land that's why an 11-day Journey took them 40 years let me ask you a question is your mind being stuck in the programming that was created by the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism in the past is that what's taking your causing your 11-day journey to take 40 years I ain't swinging too fast em I I didn't mean to come out swinging like this this morning but I've been thinking about y'all can y'all tell I've been thinking about y'all hey hey the bad news is your mind has been set and the other bad news is you didn't set it the good news is you can you can March in there it's so funny because when we were when we were growing up my Dad could have the temperature set at something and if we were too hot or too cold and we changed it while he was sleeping and he woke up who changed that thermostat right just like my dad was protective of the temperature of our house the the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism that programmed you to serve it at your own expense gets frustrated irritated aggravated sometimes even violent when you go touch the thermostat of your own automatic mind okay I I feel like y'all tracking I feel like y'all picking up what I'm putting down so now that the foundation has been laid whereas here to for the foundation hath been laid okay you must understand the functions of your minds first and foremost you must understand the function of your manual mind the manual mind is responsible for two things preparation and protection you make your decisions in your manual mind if you allow your manual mind to predominantly focus on protection and you don't examine the thing it's protecting it will protect you from things that would benefit you Moses came and said to the children of Israel like like why are you treating your brother this way and they said who made you a God over us they misunderstood him are y'all tracking see what we don't realize is is protection works against preparation because preparation protection is to keep me safe in my current environment preparation is to transport me to a new environment and the new environment that I desire in my soul to go to my conscious mind my manual mind says uh uh uh yeah I know but what if it don't work what if I leave here and I can't get over there what if I get on the bridge and the bridge falls down are y'all tracking what if I start a business and the business fails you know 80% of businesses fail within the first three and we have all of the statistics stacked up in our manual mind to protect us from the negative out comes that the people who programmed our negative mind our our manual mind told us are possible if we escape the clutches of their programming that's why so many people believe so many things that are false time is money hard days work for a hard days pay eight hours work for eight hours pay whatever that means all that stuff that we bought into so it's going to either protect you or it's going to prepare you like you can decide the manual mind is responsible for decisions so you can decide it's it's by the way this is this is the hard part you can decide that you are going to go against the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism that has programmed you to be sick broke misinformed and fearful and you are going to fly in the face of it and you're going to go in a totally different direction but know that you are going to be challenged thereby but you can still do it it's not going to be easy it's just going to be worth it do you understand that the reason manual mind often times protects us from making decisions that are in our own best interest is because the beliefs we hold to be true in our current state we got them from somebody who loved us but they were as lost as we are I'm talking about daddy them Mama them grandama them H I'm talking about our College professors and our high school teachers I'm talking about pastors and Sunday school teachers and directors I'm talking about friends and bosses and co-workers I'm talking about husbands and wives and children and parents because if I abandon the thing they gave me they're going to feel like I abandoned them if I don't sing the same song and March to the beat of the same drummer that they are singing to and marching to they are going to feel like I abandon them and then they are going to abandon me and what can I do out there in the world by myself I don't know ask Joseph what can you do in a world by yourself all alone misunderstood mistreated H so understand that the manual mind's functions the responsibility of manual mind preparation and protection let me ask you a question by the way do you understand that's the meaning of a stronghold what's a stronghold casting down imagination every High thing exalt itself against the knowledge of God and bring every thought into captivity what is a stronghold a stronghold are the walls of protection that we build around a lie in our mind that's what a stronghold is but the scripture says the only thing that can tear down that wall is the truth of God can tear down those strongholds but we have to understand what the truth is knowing about the truth is not the same as knowing the truth knowing that it exists is not the same as knowing how to execute can I get a witness well that's the purpose of the manual mind the purpose of the automatic mind and its functions it's responsible for production the automatic mind is only supposed to do one thing whatever you said it to but the manual mind has to set it you're making my brain sweat I had to to make a decision a long time ago that I was okay being misunderstood and thought of as pompous and arrogant and obtuse I even got a witness from the [Applause] baby and I had to be okay with being misunderstood some of us desire acceptance so much that we cannot please God nor serve people the automatic mind's job is responsible for producing results period that's all it does if I'm if I'm flying a plane like I'm flying a plane and all of a sudden we get to our desired altitude and we're going to be at that altitude for the next hour and we're going to be in that same air space for the next hour guess what I can do I can turn on the automatic pilot then all I have to do is look around and make sure everything's okay it's requiring no effort from me now if I'm flying in turbulence and maintaining an out so people don't realize that all the stuff that you have to maintain and keep level intentionally right but if you're in if you're in some weather it doesn't even have to be a storm it doesn't have to be in clouds you might be able to see but there's a lot of turbulence and planes bouncing everywhere you have to maintain your altitude because that's what air traffic is you have to fly at a certain height that's in between what the height that other planes are flying at then you have to maintain a certain speed and so they tell you the control tower tells you what speed to fly at and what altitude to fly at and what heading to head on and you have to make sure all of those things stay maintained and so you're even even like if you're setting the trim so you don't have to work so hard you're always moving stuff and setting stuff and looking around and checking your instruments and looking outside it's like this is what you're doing all the time and and and you have you're in a long flight and you're you're you're going between airspaces and different altitudes and stuff changing for weather it's it's mentally exhausting you said that thing on autopilot man is cake this a cake it's piece of cake just looking around just making sure everything's okay wouldn't it be nice to get to the place in your life where the results you're producing in your business are on autopilot you just set it you don't set it and forget it but you set it and then you get it because that's for the purpose of the automatic mind so you have the automatic mind which fun or the the manual mind's job is to protect and to prepare the automatic mind is to produce a result the unification of your two minds in the right order is for progression for progression what does that mean how do I unify my two minds and you have to unify them in the right order because here's what's going to happen you are either going to use your manual mind to pull your automatic mind back down into struggle mode or you are going to use your automatic mind to elevate your manual mind so that the the auto the manual mind works for the automatic mind instead of the other way around so when you start the automat the manual mind's in control you make a decision okay this is what I'm going to do and everything I'm going to do is going to be in this Lane and I'm not going to deviate from it I was having a conversation with one of my business partners this morning on a software company that we own and so there's this company that wanted a a proof of concept so we sent them the proposal for the proof of concept was more than they expected to pay they're like hey can we get an item itemization of this I'm like okay I said if you're okay with them walking away because I'm okay with them walking away what I will tell them is this is the itemization you are probably looking for an itemization for individual components of our offer but what you don't understand is that what we are offering you is not a bunch of components we are not offering you a bunch of pieces we're not offering you a product we're not offering you a process we are offering you a payoff and the itemization is this if you say yes to our offer or give us a reasonable counter you get the payoff if you say no to our offer and don't give us a reasonable counter you are saying no to your payoff that's the itemization and I'm okay with they walk away because I understand the software that we have there are companies out there we could take it to and get hundreds of millions of dollars for and I don't need the short-term money this company's paying us for the proof of concept if you just because you can't swim doesn't mean I have to come play in the kidy pool with you well okay okay so you have to unify your two minds in this way watch this now you have to unify your two minds in this way make sure you recruit the manual mind to work for the automatic mind and not the other way around because if you do it the other way around and you make the manual mind keep on setting the thermostat at protection protection protection protection protection you're going to be in the same place for the rest of your life if the decisions you are making don't cause you to feel uncomfortable out of control like the plane might crash you will not access the level of creativity that's necessary for you to move to the next level you are blocking yourself from it and going through life believing that someone else is blocking you from so that's first you have to perceive the function functions of your mind you must prepare the facilitation of your methods what does that mean prepare the facilitation of hey you can have all the mindset in the world you want to but you better develop a skill set you better go do something you better learn how to put a a nail in a board you better learn how to put some code in a computer you better learn how to have a conversation with somebody who can say yes to an offer you better learn something how many yall tracking okay so so you must prepare the facilitation of your methods what does that mean that means you whatever your area of service expertise is you spend four to 10 times as much time preparing as you do performing because that's the only way to be a pro at anything like I do my Challenge and it's it's so interesting like I I'm doing my challenge right now we have an hour of Q&A from entrepreneurs from all over the world with different kinds of businesses but I've been studying business and applying principles to my business for decades I Was preparing for you before you showed up that's people like how does he know the answer somebody somebody commented one time my AI I'm not AI I'm RI I'm real intelligence what does that mean that means I've spent decades learning and applying these principles and then observing the feedback and then making adjustments based on the feedback I've gotten I'm not making it up people how does he make that up on the Fly I'm not making it up on the Fly I'm going into the I'm going into the archives and pulling out something I've already experienced why because I I've spent four to 10 times as much time preparing to do what I do as I do doing what I do I I don't understand why every time he talks it sounds something like something different but the same thing in a different way because this is this is all I've thought about for the last 30 years if you think about something for 30 years you going to have a couple ways to say it four to 10 four to 10 times as much time preparing as you do performing you practice the components of your methodology for the purpose of Mastery you you practice the components of your methodology for the purpose of Mastery see here's the big problem with most people in business most people or I won't say most because I haven't measured many people here's the problem the reason people don't want to do business with you is because you're just not good please say now just because you're not good now doesn't mean you have to be not good forever like you can get better but you're not going to get better incidentally you're going to get better intentionally eventually but not incidentally and so you have to start with a decision don't you like here's the reality people like I don't know why nobody's listening to me I don't know why nobody's following me I because you ain't good by the way I'm not patting myself in the back saying I'm good here's what I'm saying I've spent Decades of my life working on getting better and I may not be good yet but I'm better than I was and the stuff I know that I teach people helps people and I know that it'll help them before I give it to them because I've already done it and I don't teach Theory you want people to show up for you and you don't even show up for you I'm gonna do what my does well you can't you can say what I said but that ain't the same thing as doing what I've done cuz I'm going to tell you something I'm not bragging I'm just telling you an observation my gravitropic roots are two to three times deeper than my phototropic fruits my tree is way deeper than you can see not because I'm so deep but because I spend way more time studying than I do talking way more time way more time applying than I do pontificating you want to go read a half of a book understand three of the paragraphs and then come back and do a dissertation okay sorry you practice the components for the purpose of Mastery amateurs practice until they get it right professionals practice until they can't get it wrong which one you GNA be professional or an amateur because here's what's going to happen you're going to get out there in the marketplace you're going to start making noise and people are going to show up and either you've prepared and they show up so you can show out or you didn't prepare and they show up and you'll be showed up your rep congratulations your reputation preceded you and exceeded you then you practice the combinations of those individual masteries for the purpose of Mastery stacking here's why people who are great and make things look effortless make them look effortless because they've mastered one component at a time they didn't attempt to master all the components at the same time in basketball they mastered dribbling then they mastered passing and then they mastered shooting they didn't master all of them at the same time in golf you want to be good at golf Master putting then work your way back and master chipping and then work your way back and master your short irons then work your way back and master your long mid irons then work your way back and master your long irons then work your way back and master your Woods you want to master business start out by mastering lead generation and delivering something for free that's so valuable they would not have been disappointed if they had paid you for it master that and when you have the attention of a bunch of people who you've already helped for free you offer them something for pay and this is what they will say to themselves if this person helped me this much for free I can only imagine what they'll do if I pay them by the way I I'm pulling back to curtain I'm showing y'all the real for real for real this is not Theory this is what I do and when you practice Mastery stacking like very few Ma you you you master lead generation then you master sales then you master marketing then you master branding you master fulfillment you master building teams and hiring people and managing money and paying people so the out so the in so the outgo doesn't exceed the income so the upkeep doesn't become the downfall you just keep on adding Mastery after Mastery after Mastery after Mastery before you know You' got this ginormous well-oiled machine that works so seemingly effortlessly from the outside looking in that people look at you and think oh my goodness how does that even happen you started with one Mastery at a time and then you must produce the fruit for your Market the whole purpose of the manual mind and of automatic mind and then unifying those Minds together with Mastery is to produce a fruit something that the market desires so you must produce fruit for your Market the fruit must be fruit they desire here's why so many businesses fail they produce the fruit they want to produce and not the fruit the market wants to pay for like I only sell stuff people want to buy but my you don't understand I've got a great story and I want to tell my story great then you and your mom will read about it and she will not want to read about it she'll just read about it because you're her baby like nobody cares I I like somebody has to tell you truth I'm not being mean nobody cares about my story either but my from the trash man to the cash man is your story no it's not from the trash man to the C see it seems like the title is from the trash man to the cash man but I'm gonna tell you a little SEC the title is the subtitle and the subtitle is actually the title what's the subtitle how anyone can get rich starting from anywhere that's what the books about book's not about me the book's about you the only reason I even talk about me is because everybody believes they're smarter than the trash man and the trash man got rich I know I'm going to get rich yeah y'all picking it up so you produce a fruit they they desire but you only promise to produce a fruit that you can deliver if you promise to produce a fruit and they pay you for it and you can't deliver all you're doing is showing everybody the scam artist that you are there a lot of them out there make you a whole lot of inflated promises when it comes time to deliver you can't find and if you perceive the fruit they desire and produce the fruit that you deliver to them then they will deliver the fruitfulness of profit to you and your business and that is how you have automatic success thanks for watching appreciate y'all I hope this video blesses you beyond measure