Transcript for:
Exploring Logia Devil Fruits in One Piece

hey everybody just a quick heads-up before you get into the video I apologize for this one my microphone settings got a little messed up xsplit crashed last night and when I started it up again my mic settings were all like maxed out and I didn't notice so there's times where I'm yelling and the mic clips like really really bad I tried to like drop the audio as best as I could but it's still very prevalent the worst of it is definitely in the intro because you'll see I kind of talk very loudly and that one and for the rest of the video it's better it's just occasionally it does peak so I just wanted to give you guys a warning on that I apologize logia users ladies and gentlemen they come in a cavalcade of different varieties you got fiery you got I see you got gooey you got gassy you got sandy you got smoky you got spooky snowy shiny sexy shocky and magma I guess yeah there's a lot of s words that can be used to describe Logie 'as as I've discovered making this video but there's a single absolute truth when discussing logia users do you know what that is that's right Monay is the hottest so she gets top billing in the thumbnail my second option was an arou just because look at those ABS my goodness you could grate cheese on those things Barry look away the ABS are too hypnotic okay so in today's video we're gonna be talking about some new possible low gears that could be popping up in the one-piece story in the future ona does not show too many of them out there in fact there's only about 12 right now in fact I think actually 11 because in fact 12 or the users including Sabo and ace that have the same exact fruits oh yeah low gears are referred to as like one of the most rare devil fruits out there only trumped by probably like mythical zone and like ancient zones or maybe a little bit more harder to come by maybe not the ancient zones so much because well maybe a day day the reason they're hard to come by is cuz Kaito keeps hoarding them all like every time someone discovers like he has like spider-sense with that like somebody discovered the Triceratops ancient zone we got to find it and then either kill that guy take his fruit or recruit him into my crew because we can't have an ancient zone that's not as member of the beasts pirates right but at least we know the mythical zones are harder to come by but low gears are pretty rare too and we don't get to see that many and I think another reason is there's only so many elements you could really utilize when you come to zones I mean there's thousands tens of thousands millions of different animals out there in the world and various species that you can mix-and-match with the with the zone fruits and even more so when you get into ancient extinct animals and mythical creatures paramecia is that's just otis like imagination you know funhouse right there it's just like any random power that just pops into heads I want a fruit that can make somebody turn into a giant missile that might that be a little bit okay now yeah exactly it's okay that's why it's going in one piece you know I get all these crazy random paramecia fruits out there but logia has all come down to various elements that naturally occur in nature so things like sand and mud and snow and fire and electricity or like lightning you know so there's can't really be that many of them without it getting silly and maybe that's the reason why we had that little bit of a retcon with kata Curry where originally kata Curry was intended to be a logia and Oda kind of changed his mind on that later and made him a special paramecia we still don't know exactly the reason why he changed it but it might have been just because like well you know that doesn't really fit very well with the theme possibly of Logie --is that I'm trying to do here so yeah it's been a while since we got a logia in fact I think like Cesar clown and Monet were both Logie --is that the straw hats fought against at punk hazard I think those were the last cannon Logie is to be introduced into the story Sabo got his Mara Mara no me later but that fruit was already previously you know shown through ace right so in this video I drew up a handy dandy little list last night of just some interesting at least I thought they were interesting logia powers I tried to keep going along with the theme of naturally occurring elements so we'll go into that probably not gonna see these in the future of one piece but I just thought if oda was gonna introduce some new Logie as these are some interesting avenues he could take it also keep in mind many of these might be similar to fruits we've already seen before in logia but we've already kind of seen that even in the story like for example smoker can turn into smoke and caesar can turn into gas so they're both gaseous forms it's just that caesar has better control over the gases he becomes okay so just keep that in mind um the first one I wanted to discuss and I've already made a video about it it's kind of the idea of like metal-metal fruit alright so you look at the periodic table of elements you got a lot of metals on there this metal is like like silver is naturally occurring in nature so that'd be really cool for you to turn into like pure silver or pure gold now we kind of already did see this with gilt Azure Oh in film gold however he was not a logia he was a paramecia so he could not turn his body into gold but he had free control over gold he can switch it back and forth between its liquid and solid states now Gold is not like the most durable metal on the planet in fact I think in its pure form it's actually very very soft but still the ability to just go from a liquid to a solid whenever you want make a giant gold robot that's pretty damn cool right so the idea I had in that video for the metal metal fruit would be like like if you could actually just turn into like a metal statue kind of deal so it's like someone tries to punch you your logia you turn into like I'm pure titanium so suck it can't touch this right um but here's something what about mercury yeah because last night when I was making this list I was also working on another project I was working on the the black clover magic night squad captains and I was just making folders for each individual one and then I got to know Zell Silva who's the captain of the Silver Eagles who has mercury magic so he can manipulate the metal of mercury and make all this crazy stuff out of it and I'm sitting there like oh my god that is awesome you know so literally like look at it like that's mercury in its natural form I think like at you know a room temperature it looks like it's it's a liquid essentially it is a liquid it's it's liquid metal so yeah for further interesting ways that you could incorporate that into a loggia just go watch Terminator 2 Judgment Day like it's right there like you don't even need me to go into detail with that I'm sure everybody's probably seen this movie at this point if you haven't seen Terminator 2 what are you doing with your life um but yeah a mercury fruit I mean beyond just the poisonous aspects of it you could like literally turn into mercury and just like cover your opponent with it just get in their wounds and stuff and like well yeah you might be alive for now but you know in the future you might yeah yeah so there there's problems with that but also just that uh that that liquid metal you can think you can imagine all the crazy things Oda could utilize with that right and I know mercury doesn't really operate like that I'm cuz in Terminator they like nanobots and stuff inside of the metal that's like molding it around and things but you know actual mercury does not do that but it's the world of one piece and if you're a logia and you could turn into a metal I think probably mercury will be the safest bet because it exists in that liquid state so you can have more fun with it so yeah logia logia mercury fruit that is definitely one thing something else I went to is that alright you got earth lots of different fruits that involve manipulating earth or turning into earth in some type of way alright so for example like you have pikas fruit pikas not a logia but he has the stone assimilation fruit so he does not turn his body into stone he literally becomes one with stone or any kind of rock and he can mold it to his own devices he can make a giant mountain of himself made out of rock alright however that fruit is has a weakness and it's if he's not around any type of mineral or earth then he can't use it so if Pico was ever fighting on top of like a a glacier in the Arctic don't know why he would be there but if he was his fruit is completely useless he wouldn't be able to do anything with it however I also want to keep in mind though that peak up he's an impel down right now I guess all the doflamingo family members that got captured just got thrown and impelled down along with dopey so you might want to keep a close eye on pica because if he ever gets out of those handcuffs the see prison stone and he gains access access to his fruit all of impel down will become his own playground so you better be very very cautious with having pica I would like nail that guy to the wall and like belt him with like C prism straps and oh this again knows getting intense but it was like belt him to a freaking like not even an actual wall make it something that's not made of earth you know belt him to like a thing of like I don't know I sigh I use the ice example something that's not earth I don't care what it is and just make sure he can't come in contact with it like have um ha god there's so many things because as we learned from Avatar The Last Airbender even metal has pieces of earth that are purified and refined so even like chaining him to the ceiling and keeping him suspended and strapped in in in sea prism chains I guess as long as it's sea prism I guess you'd be okay alright so just use a sea prism chain and just chain them handling their like a cocoon from the ceiling with sea prism and you should be okay but it would be very very dangerous to have that guy in touch with any kind of metal I mean many kind of earth and I guess natural metal right because we don't know what he could do with that right but when it comes to Loki as we also have crocodile that could become sand sand is just like rocks and minerals that are crushed up and you know really really fine or just the natural process of erosion that's why we have beaches you know the tide coming in and out and waves crashing on the shore for tens of thousands hundreds of thousands millions and millions of years that's how beaches and sand is a thing right okay cool but it's still earth just like um Caribous numa numa no me is mud it might be two different varieties of Earth but it's still earth okay so with that being said I'm gonna give you my idea for consideration the salt salt fruit so first off the user of this fruit would be extraordinarily salty at all times you know but he would also have abilities kind of similar to crocodile maybe the salt would not be as fine as the sand is so maybe more like gravel like bigger chunks of it and obviously it wouldn't be as powerful because you know crocodile controlling sand you know in a desert country he could whip up sandstorms and all this crazy stuff and he could like dehydrate people although I guess the salt power could also maybe do that as well it would be basically like just a lamer diet version of crocodiles but once again salt is naturally occurring it's a mineral so yeah I mean if sand and mud and you can have these fruits that are both logia that could go that could coexist in the world you can also have a salt fruit as well not sea salt I know it naturally occurs in the ocean but it also naturally occurs just on land - you know alien forms that way you know and and something else to keep in mind is that Caribous fruit is not just purely mud it's the numa numa no mean Numa just means swamp in Japanese so it's the swamp swamp fruit a lot of times what Oda will do is he won't just give them a basic element he'll give them an entire concept around to control so for example with will just use Caribous because we're talking about him caribou is literally the concept of a swamp he's not just like I make mud and fling mud at you know he can like literally make himself into a giant swamp several times his own body size and he can drag stuff down into it's like a bottomless swamp kind of fruit that's the whole concept that he has so he could store weapons in there he could capture mermaids he can take entire ships and he could just like make himself big enough like a giant mud puddle and just drag it down all right said he's the concept of a swamp um then you have like al-qaeda he's not just the ice ice fruit he's literally the concept of cold and he reigns over cold that's the power that he has with the he a he that chili chili fruit all right so yeah just keep that in mind going forward with a few of these let's just go into that one right now so we have the salt fruit um this one is gonna be very very similar to Caesars but it has a different concepts that's why I threw it in there because we already had Monet that has the youqi youqi know me that can turn into snow I'm thinking all right well you know weather patterns and stuff like sand storms snow storms all right what about rain what about a rain zone how the hell with that even I mean you're not a rains onna rain logia how would that even work I'm like all right well what if you had the user turn into a storm cloud all right so yeah it's a gaseous being just like smoker and Caeser but literally just like a black storm clouds so you punch them and they just disappear and like they're literally a little thunder and cracks in there so it's like a side thing kind of going into an aru's territory but the main focus of the fruit would be to turn into a storm cloud and maybe like the lower half of your body can like rain down on things like you can you could fly because you're a cloud and the whole concept around the fruit is rain rain specifically all right so it might have other things that connect it back to other fruits but rain is the focus that that's what I was going with there um you know at the end of the day devil fruit users are weak to only liquids that are standing and they come up to a certain point so I think a rain powered fruit would be okay because it's not standing water it's rain so devil fruit users can be in the rain they can take showers that's fine they can have water dripping on them it's just you know coming up to a certain level is the thing that actually damages them and if the user of this rain fruit were to get dunked into water they would still get weak just like every other devil fruit user it's just that their their power is literally rain I also thought you know because we know dragon can control storms and stuff if dragon is in fact a logia and he could turn into like maybe a stormcloud he controls wind and stuff all the things that come from a storm cloud just an idea that's out there something else that is connecting back to a current devil fruit user so we have a Pooh we don't know the name of apu's devil fruit we know it's a paramecia and he can controls musical instruments so that's like the concept of his fruit musical instruments he can make his arm into a trumpet he can you know the piano teeth you know the symbols on his head you know and he uses sound in order to damage his opponents all right well what about a logia that is like the literal concept of sound so not creating instruments to create sound the concept of sound itself alright meaning that the person literally turns into sound waves now that might be kind of abstract because you can't see sound but maybe in the concept of one piece that's actually really cool you can oda could spin that like somebody goes to punch the user of like the sound sound logia and their body just disappears and you're like what the hell and they literally turned into sound waves and they can travel at the speed of sound and they could just reverberate in your ears and they're like maybe maybe the best way you could depict them in the sound form is just like their bodies are like just shimmering so it's like they're not entirely invisible you can kind of see the air kind of like shaking where their vibrations are located like they're like just literally like like um and I'm trying to think of a good example here not really I was I was gonna say shocker from spider-man but it's not really he has like you know sound vibration like the devices he wears he doesn't actually turn into sound but something like that you know where you can actually like you just see them shimmering in the air and then they could just travel really fast and just blow out your eardrums so something like that kind of like an upgraded form the advanced version of app whose instrument fruit because he doesn't have to create instruments to create the noise he just is the noise alright so there's that um going into other things in nature like so for example we have like earth we have snow we have electricity what about plant life a lot of a lot of nature fruit ideas in fact a lot of people think me included that a green Bowl admiral green bowl is going to have some kind of nature based fruit so he's essentially gonna be Hacha rama from naruto maybe to control trees or something but more specifically than just like a tree tree fruit let's go with just Leafs just leaves just Leafs he turns into leaves and the leaves can like you know scatter places and maybe like turn into like razor Leafs from like Pokemon and like slice you up you know I'm gonna punch you just explodes into leaves and just Shh I mean I can see it you can see it work I mean there's weirder fruits in one piece than that right I mean yeah um I mean the leaves they might have a little bit of moisture in them so they would be a little bit resistant to fire at least a little bit if you keep like the flamethrower like a vase just just lit them up they would eventually burn and wither but like initially it wouldn't be like something immediately um so yeah I mean that's just an idea leaves something else though what about this what about moss a Moss fruit yeah I know right um you turn into moss like your body can literally turn into like a shapeless mold like a slime of moss and just I mean for stealth and reconnaissance that would be perfect because no one would notice Moss you know just like there's a bunch of moss on the side of that building all right who cares now talk about our secret plans in front of the moss you know no one suspects the moss the problem with the moss fruit is that you can only focus a snore that any given time that would be the downside of the Moss fruit now that's actually an urban legend that actually doesn't happen your Moss can grow anywhere it doesn't have to grow north I remember when I was a kid I think I watched an episode of like Scooby Doo where they said that like moss always grows north and I actually believe that for longer than I care to admit this was in an era before like you know Google existed all right oh yeah you forgive me there but yeah like leaves or Moss other kind of plant life that you could just turn into that'd be pretty useful there and also the Moss fruit think about like AG whomping somebody like you touch someone and then Moss just grows on anybody like zaps their energy or something like they're being infected like the freakin pod people or something that'd be actually kind of terrifying a glass fruit because glass like volcanic glass naturally occurs in nature I think that counts but more so than just a glass fruit because you think that might be kind of fragile right well yeah it would be except if you're talking about what if the once again going back into like a grain sort of like you know crocodiles say kind of fruit what if it was like powdered glass like so you have the glass fruit you could turn into like like powdered glass all right so once again you wouldn't have all the advantages that crocodile has like being able to create sand storms and like dry people out but this might be getting a little grisly and kind of st. in for one piece but powdered glass someone attacks you and you cover them with that and it gets in their eyes and their mouth and goes inside of them that's horrifying that is absolutely horrifying in fact I think that was a weapon back when ninjas were doing their thing in Japan they had these things called black eggs where they would take cos you know they were farmers ninjas like originally were like you know if peasants and farmers you take an egg and you use a special technique to like blow out all of the yolk and so you have a hollow egg and then they would coat it with like a special kind of like black resin to like increase it's like durability a little bit and then they take crushed glass or something similar like a powder and they like put it inside of the egg seal up the hole with the resin and then you basically have a weapon you do have a weapon because like you know samurai come and attack or there's somebody attacks your village or something take the damn thing and just you know like you have powder glass in your eyes and then what's the first thing you do when you get powder when you get anything in your eye like something's in your eye and like you know irritating you what's the first thing you do it's like oh you know yeah yeah your eyes are done you're just done at that point they were probably already done but you know when you do that you just oh you know like I said maybe a little bit too grisly seinen ish for one piece but glass is natural that's how I would use a glass fruit if I had a glass fruit I'm just saying you know so the next one I have is kind of similar to the other ones I've talked about probably the most similar to a fruit that already exists smoker can turn into smoky as the mokume okuno me so I thought okay what about a steam fruit because smoke and steam are different things you get smoke through combustion when you have like a campfire and smoke has chemicals like co2 in it and steam is just like you know like water vapor it could be like steam you know not like if you make like a water and you boil it and you get steam coming out and the steam is just the water like the chemical doesn't change it's just changes form from a liquid to a gas all right so you don't have like co2 in the steam or anything like that right um so you could have that it wouldn't be as dangerous as smokers I guess although maybe you could like superheat the steam like geothermal energy like you have like geothermal vents and stuff maybe it can get really really hot steam so you can like spread it around the battlefield and like scold people so there would be applications for this but I really don't think this is ever going to happen though even less so than the other ones I talked about because smokers fruit is the moku moku moku is the onomatopoeia in japanese for things like billowing like clouds all right so it's already kind of in the name of the fruit and also mokume is actually an anagram for combe o mo coo coo mo kuhmo is japanese for cloud alright so I think it might be too similar for Oda to get involved but if he really wants to include it fine fun fact kuhmo is also japanese for spider it can also be read as spider so who can we get a spider logia up in here I'm not even talking about like the spider zone that onigumo probably has he you make the spider like snow like I'm talking to logia that literally turns you into a giant glob of spiders and then you just expand and like little spiders go everywhere on the battlefield that would be the strongest logia easily by far or it could just turn you into wrack naira that that also would be okay all right I wonder if somebody I wonder if like instead of onigumo that's like this grizzled old Marine guy if like a sexy young girl had the spider zone she would basically turn into wrack naira I guess okay all right that's that's that that's another one of my fantasies put on display I'm just throwing that out there Oh plastic just because as human beings we've certainly incorporated plastic endure in our environment so why not a plastic fruit I mean we kind of already have well rubber is naturally occurring in Luffy's already rubber so plastic yeah and maybe not too much that was more of a reach but whatever a the thought crossed my mind so there you go um there was a non caning character in one piece in the second movie clockwork Island honey Queen alright she was a logia in fact she was the first non-canon logia i think to ever be introduced in the story she was actual defeated by nami of all people in that movie so boom nami takes down a loggia you would think because her name was honey queen that she could turn into honey but that wasn't exactly true we actually never found out what the substance she turns into is she never called it anything but it's definitely not honey it's a lot more like liquidy than honey is you know honey is a lot more like you know well I have some right here how that's convenient thanks Barry I just happen to have some honey in my room at all time and the substance she turned into was like more like gelatin or like jelly something that's a little bit more fluid it could pass through like us water spouts and stuff like that so yeah you honey is a little bit more viscous right but then you also had gas Baradei in the fourth movie dead end adventure that can turn into like literally more of a candy syrupy kind of substance it was a syrup and then his weakness was flour to get flour on him he can spread all right so with that being said with like different food products and stuff that like naturally exists not naturally exist that that's the point they don't naturally exist honey does but like the candy syrup and stuff I think that's man-made mostly um maybe there is like a naturally occurring syrup out there I'm not really like I guess like yeah you the sap from trees I guess like a SAP SAP fruit I guess you could work with that yeah yeah yeah you could work with that but like I think the substance that gasps Baradei was turning into was more like corn syrup you know like literally like that kind of stuff right so yeah I guess there's naturally-occurring stuff like that in nature but if you want to open up the door to all that stuff you got honey you got like a peanut butter logia it turns into peanut butter peanut butter logia you got the sauce you can turn into South tomato sauce and you could just keep going the mustard mustard fruit behold my power I turn into mustard but only Dijon mustard yellow mustard is another another Logie all together I actually hate that guy but whatever so if you're gonna open up the door to that kind of stuff you know you know you just keep stacking on different low gears you can keep that going for a couple you know dozen more users I think in that case the ketchup logia the mayonnaise logia yeah yeah alright but yeah I'm gonna end this out with probably the coolest one out of the bunch here I came and I'm sure many of you probably have already come up with it as well if you're just looking at the periodic table of elements kind of like I did last night you just you look at the periodic table of elements in your like I what could what could be a new fruit here I'm looking down the options and I'm like a helium fruit and it's kind of inert a tin fruit tins kind of lame a plutonium-based fruit or like a uranium based fruit or just radiation or just raw energy itself like not even getting into elements in that case but just like the gamma gamma know me you know I literally turn into like The Incredible Hulk but I also radiate gamma radiation yeah did the Hulk ever actually rate because the the Hulk is because of gamma radiation right so this is that does that mean the Hulk is constantly outputting gamma rays that actually would be like even more devastating than the muscles in the brute strength be able to listen lift up a giant tank and like crush it and eat it like he just outputs gamma rays wherever he goes that's way more deadly but no okay yeah so an energy based logia um that is the one I think Oda probably would be considering the most maybe for like later stages in one piece when it starts to get really really intense we could have a really powerful character introduced and like one of the final arcs that is a logia and he literally just outputs radiation so you can't even get close to the dude you know like it gets so hot it just burns up everything around him or you know the rays would just make you sick if you even get close to the thing like read up on Chernobyl and you got like that elephant's foot thing in the basement of Chernobyl the facility that's just glob of just like cement and just the molten magma that's like you know come you know cooled down but it's just so damn radioactive you can't even get close to the thing without getting a headache you know something like that that's that's the power of the freaking you know the radiation radiation fruit or the gamma gamma fruit or something like that I have no idea how you would even fight against that thing but if you're gonna like if ode is gonna sit down and be like alright we're getting into the final stages of one piece I want to make a logia that is like objectively the strongest logia I guess also Blackbeard's darkness fruit well he's more darkness gravity would also be a contender for the absolute strongest but even even the logia the darkness fruit it has a lot of drawbacks to to it but you have a radiation fruit that has very minimal drawbacks and just outputs that the drawback is it kills any the guy has to be alone or it kills everything that comes in contact with them or even close to him that would be the downside but beyond that the user of course would be unaffected and just radiation powers you know like your camel beam boom does it make sense it doesn't have to one-piece cosmic ray beam boom radio beam Oh actually radio waves he can like Trant you intercept transmissions and [ __ ] that would actually be really neat too so yeah those are just some ideas that I was thrown out there salt glass clouds radiation leaves plastic honey take your pick and let me know below on some other low gears you think would be well they could give me some ideas for Logie --is that like you would like to see in the story but also talk about things that like I could actually see this happening like the nature themed ones like leaves or moss I could actually see green ball having something like that or maybe just a fruit that controls wood or nature in general that's feasible but a lot of these other ones I'm just spitballing ideas but like the rain concept maybe I'm just throwing it out there anyway hope you guys enjoyed the video everybody have a great one here Zen aru's abs to close us out signing out everybody I do my own Foley bye everyone