Transcript for:
High School Life and Persona Reflections

High school is not the way Persona said it would be because every day I take the train to school, right? I have these headphones. I literally have the Makoto Yuki headphones. It's a Persona 3 reference.

I have them in my ears and I'm listening to Color Your Night. I'm listening to all the soundtrack. Within the inner yard, I risk for you to edge to me. Like and then like I show up at school right And in the past couple of days I maxed out my stats Okay my Riz stats and my Charm stats Maxed out my Riz Unmatched and my Courage Every time I go to Calc class bro My Courage it goes up you know You gotta be brave for that you gotta be brave these aps bro and like especially like my intelligence stat oh my god my 4.0 gpa my 2000 sat score my um my 20 100 act score i'm literally this is a persona reference but the problem is where where is the beautiful redhead coming to talk to me i've asked all my stats guys i've asked all my stats where's mystery what's going on why can't i date like why Where are all the people? Why can't I choose who to date?

What's going on guys? Why is life not persona? What am I gonna do? If life is not persona, what am I even doing in high school?

What's the point of all this? I might just like pull on my coat, you know, like where's my persona? Life is not persona and I'm listening to-I go everywhere, I have my headphones and I'm listening to persona soundtrack.

It's not working!