Essential Steps for Personal Devotion

Sep 6, 2024

How to Have Personal Devotions or Quiet Time with God


  • Personal devotions can be confusing for new believers.
  • No set way; it's about building a relationship with God.
  • While methods vary, certain steps are universal.

Step 1: Create a Space for God

  • Reference: Matthew 6:6.
  • Find a private place to focus solely on God.
  • Example: author's personal routine includes walking and specific spots for praying and reading.
  • Importance of intentionality in devotionals.

Podcast Announcement

  • Impact is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
  • Includes audio versions of content, whiteboard videos, and live streams.

Step 2: Choose a Reading Plan

  • Reference: 2 Timothy 3:16, Ephesians 6:17.
  • Scripture is inspired by God, teaches, corrects, and empowers.
  • Suggested reading plans: 4 chapters/day or pace yourself.
  • Importance of mastering God's word.

Step 3: Grow in Your Prayer Life

  • Reference: Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:1.
  • Avoid vain repetitions, focus on sincerity.
  • Use the Lord’s Prayer as a guide.
  • Detailed breakdown of prayer components.

Step 4: Know What You’re Applying for the Day

  • Reference: Matthew 7:24.
  • Apply God's Word like building a house on rock, not sand.
  • Use the "Spectrum" acronym to find applications.
  • Ensure you have takeaways from your reading.

Step 5: Respond to God in Love

  • Reference: Romans 5:8.
  • Motivation should be love, not obligation.
  • Recognize God's love to foster a genuine connection.

Step 6: Make it a Habit

  • Reference: Luke 5:16.
  • Jesus often prayed; highlights the need for regular devotion.
  • Importance of prioritizing God amidst busy schedules.
  • Regular devotions prepare you for challenging days.

Step 7: Learn How Others Follow God

  • Reference: Ephesians 4:11-12.
  • Learn from others (apostles, pastors, teachers).
  • Personal devotions can change over time.
  • Seek fresh perspectives from strong Christians.


  • Recap of the 7 steps:
    1. Create a space for God.
    2. Choose a reading plan.
    3. Grow in your prayer life.
    4. Know what you’re applying for the day.
    5. Respond to God in love.
    6. Make it a habit to connect daily.
    7. Learn from others' practices.
  • Emphasis on knowing Jesus loves you.