Investigation into Adnan Syed's Case

Aug 12, 2024

Serial Podcast Lecture Notes


  • Sarah Koenig introduces the podcast and mentions a new show called S Town hosted by Brian Reed.
  • The podcast is produced by This American Life and WBEC Chicago.

The Case Overview

  • Sarah has been investigating the alibi of a 17-year-old boy, Adnan Syed, accused of murdering Hae Min Lee, a high school student, on January 13, 1999.
  • Adnan's motivations according to the state: outraged by the breakup, double life (good Muslim boy vs. secret relationship with Hae).
  • No physical evidence linking Adnan to the crime except for fingerprints in Hae’s car.
  • The case against Adnan primarily hinges on the testimony of Jay, a friend who claims Adnan confessed and involved him in disposing of the body.
  • The importance of Jay's changing stories but consistent core claims.

Issues of Memory and Time

  • Difficulty for people to recall minute details about their whereabouts after a long period, especially teenagers without social media records.
  • Interviews with teenagers demonstrating how hard it is to remember specific details from a day weeks or years ago.

Key Individuals

  • Adnan Syed: Accused of murder, maintaining innocence, remembers bits of the day but not enough to provide a solid alibi.
  • Hae Min Lee: The victim, a senior at Woodlawn High School, described as smart, beautiful, and responsible.
  • Jay: Key witness for the prosecution, claims Adnan confessed and involved him in the crime.
  • Rabia Chaudhry: Family friend and advocate for Adnan’s innocence, contacted Sarah for help.

Investigation Details

  • Asia McClain: Possible alibi witness who claimed to have seen Adnan in the library during the critical timeframe, but later becomes uncooperative and contacts the prosecution undermining her own statement.
  • Library Details: Investigated potential proof of Adnan’s presence at the library via security tapes and sign-in sheets, both unavailable or destroyed.
  • Letters from Asia: Two letters written to Adnan shortly after his arrest, detailing her memory of seeing him in the library but not pursued effectively by Adnan’s original defense attorney.

Trial and Legal Proceedings

  • Adnan's Trial: Convicted primarily based on Jay’s testimony and cell phone records, despite no physical evidence tying him to the crime scene.
  • Post-Conviction: New lawyer's attempts to use Asia’s affidavit were unsuccessful; the judge ruled against Adnan’s petition for post-conviction relief.

Themes and Reflections

  • Challenges of Memory: Inconsistent and vague memories play a significant role in the case, making it hard to establish concrete timelines.
  • Investigative Journalism: Sarah’s role in uncovering new information, interviewing key individuals, and piecing together a coherent narrative from scattered and conflicting sources.
  • Legal and Ethical Implications: The importance of a thorough defense investigation and the potential impact of lost or overlooked evidence like Asia’s testimony.


  • Sarah’s ongoing effort to untangle the complex web of testimonies, alibis, and the legal process to determine the truth behind Hae Min Lee’s murder.
  • The podcast’s mission to explore if Adnan Syed was wrongfully convicted or if the justice system worked as intended.