Maximizing Willpower with Behavioral Economics

Jul 14, 2024

Lecture Notes: Maximizing Willpower with Behavioral Economics


  • Problem Statement: People struggle to maintain habits like exercising, reading, quitting smoking, losing weight.
  • Previous Solutions: Habit videos didn't work for some.
  • Promise: A new, more effective solution is introduced.
  • Solution: Behavioral Economics & 'Nudge: Final Edition' to change life.
  • Modes of Brain: Conscious and Subconscious.

Key Concepts

Modes of Brain

  • Conscious Mode: Manual Operations
    • High energy consumption
    • Inefficient for many tasks
  • Subconscious Mode: Automatic Operations
    • Low energy consumption
    • Efficient, quick, but prone to error

Behavioral Economics

  • Nudge: Uses subconscious errors to prompt actions, e.g., framing self-introduction to avoid prejudice.
  • Practical Use of Modes:
    • Balance use of both modes for efficiency.

Strategies to Enhance Self-Control

  1. Simplification Strategy (Structuring Complex Selections):

    • Eliminate minor obstacles (e.g., shortening menus).
    • Simplify workout plans to avoid decision fatigue.
  2. Default Strategy:

    • Create environments where desired behavior is the default.
    • Embed new habits into existing routines (e.g., showering at the gym).
  3. Forecast Error Strategy:

    • Plan for unexpected obstacles (e.g., oversleeping, weather).
    • Develop scenarios and responses for emergencies.
  4. Feedback Strategy:

    • Provide immediate feedback to prevent errors (e.g., reminders).
  5. Incentive Strategy:

    • Use both incentives and disincentives.
    • Bet or create contracts to ensure accountability.
  6. Mapping Strategy:

    • Anticipate outcomes through data collection (e.g., tasting corners, game demos).
    • Gather detailed facts on the benefits of habits.


  • Application: Use strategies collectively for better habit formation.
  • Customization: Adapt techniques to personal situations.
  • Call to Action: Stop self-blame; use learned strategies with provided tools.