Lecture on Building RESTful APIs with .NET Core 🌐
Instructor: Progen
- API: Application Programming Interface
- Purpose: Transmitting data and communication between multiple applications
- Course includes real-world project and database integration
- Common error messages and resolutions included
API Basics
Definition and Example
- API: A way for multiple applications to communicate with each other
- Example: Ordering food at a restaurant
- Menu (API documentation)
- Server (API) takes the order (request) to the chef and returns the prepared food (response)
Real-World Scenario
- Websites like Kayak or Expedia use APIs from airlines and hotels to display rates
- Client Request and API Response model
HTTP Requests and Responses
Request Components
- Verb: Action like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH
- Headers: Metadata about the request (Content-Type, Authorization, etc.)
- Content: Optional data like JSON objects
Response Components
- Status Code: e.g., 200 OK, 404 Not Found, 500 Internal Server Error
- Headers: Metadata about the response (Content-Type, etc.)
- Content: Data like JSON, blobs, etc.
Common HTTP Verbs
- GET: Fetch data
- POST: Create new resource
- PUT: Update an existing resource
- PATCH: Partially update a resource
- DELETE: Remove a resource
Building API with .NET Core
Setting Up
- Use Visual Studio 2022
- Create a new project using ASP.NET Core Web API template
- Configure for HTTPS and enable OpenAPI support
Source Control
- Add project to GitHub for version control
Creating API Endpoints
- GET: Retrieve all items (Villas)
- GET by ID: Retrieve item by ID
- POST: Create new item
- PUT: Update an item
- PATCH: Partially update item
- DELETE: Remove item
Return Types
- Use ActionResult to return different types
- ProducesResponseType to document possible responses
Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)
- DTOs act as a wrapper between database models and exposed API
- Create VillaDTO class
Temporary Data Store
- Create a static list to store data temporarily before using a database
Data Validations
- Use data annotations like Required and MaxLength for validation
- Dependency Injection for logger implementation
Database Integration
- Use Entity Framework Core
- Create DBContext for managing entities
- Add NuGet packages:
, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
- Configure connection strings
- Create migrations for database updates
- Use commands
and Update-Database
Testing with Postman and Swagger
- Used for visually interacting with API endpoints and testing functionalities
Key Concepts in EF Core
- DbContext: Managing entities
- AsNoTracking: Optimize for read-only operations
- RESTful API basics and CRUD operations
- Dependency Injection, logging, and database integration
- Practical steps for using Swagger, Postman, DTOs, and EF Core
[Music] thank you for attending