Logging Essentials for Test Automation Framework

Aug 6, 2024

Lecture Notes: Logging in Test Automation Framework

Overview of Logging

  • Logging: Recording events in text format during test execution.
  • Purpose: Helps in tracking application behavior and debugging.

Types of Logs

  1. Application Logs: Generated when users perform actions on the application. Useful for tracking unauthorized activities.
  2. Automation Logs: Generated during automated test execution. Helps developers understand failures.

Advantages of Logging

  • Tracking: Helps to track user actions and system behavior.
  • Security: Logs can track unauthorized access and allow for immediate action.
  • Debugging: Enables developers to analyze issues based on detailed logs.

Types of Log Levels

  • Trace: Most detailed logs, including all events.
  • Debug: Detailed logs useful for debugging issues.
  • Info: General information about application flow.
  • Warning: Indicates potential issues.
  • Error: Logs errors encountered during execution.
  • Fatal: Critical errors leading to application failure.

Logging Framework: Log4j

  • Log4j allows configuration of logging behavior via a log4j2.xml file.
  • Appenders determine where logs are written (file, console, etc.).
  • Loggers determine what level of logs to capture.

Implementing Logging in Automation Framework

  1. Add log4j2 Dependency: Update pom.xml with the required log4j dependencies.
  2. Create Configuration File: log4j2.xml should be placed in the src/test/resources folder.
  3. Modify Base Class: Update setup method to initialize logging using Log4j.
  4. Add Logging Statements: Use logger in test cases to log various actions.

Logger Usage in Test Cases

  • Use logger.info(), logger.debug(), logger.error() etc., to log messages.
  • Log messages should be meaningful and help in understanding test flow.

Parallel and Cross-Browser Testing

  • Create separate testng XML files to configure tests for different browsers and to enable parallel execution.
  • Use parameters in testng XML to pass browser and OS details to the tests.

Sample XML Structure

<suite name="Suite">
    <test name="Chrome Test">
        <parameter name="browser" value="chrome" />
            <class name="TestClassName" />
    <test name="Firefox Test">
        <parameter name="browser" value="firefox" />
            <class name="TestClassName" />

Configuring Properties File

  • Purpose: Store common values used across multiple test cases (e.g., URLs, credentials).
  • Create a config.properties file in the resources folder.
  • Load properties using Java's Properties class in the base class setup method.

Accessing Properties

  • Use properties.getProperty("key") to retrieve values from the properties file.


  • Steps to follow in implementing the framework:
    1. Setup logging with Log4j.
    2. Configure cross-browser and parallel testing.
    3. Read common values from a properties file.
    4. Continuously add logging in new test cases.

Next Steps

  • Begin implementing the next test case and integrate logging.
  • Follow the structured approach provided in the lecture.
  • Complete the assigned steps before moving on to the next.