Transcript for:
Conferencia sobre liberalismo y totalitarismo

[Music] Professor how are you today I thank you do you hear me do you hear me yes we can hear you just fine right perfect okay so just so you guys know the conversation is recorded feel free to clip it do whatever you want with okay so we will get started um for our listeners Professor can you give some explanation of your definition of liberal fasc fascism and some examples in current context so uh that when need to to get deeper and the definition of what totalitarian ideology is so first of of all uh we should agree that communist ideology and the fascist ideology were totalitarian that is prescriptive and trying to impose its principles its ideas its its Concepts in the mind of the whole society that is that mean that uh totalitarian ideology uh is considered to be prescriptive so it prescribed what to do how to feel what to think where to go how to evaluate different things so that and that is made by the state by the ruling class or ruling Elite in the totalitarian way so it it uh um reaches all all all members of society and during 20th century uh the the common uh wisdom that the the common wisdom was um conventional wisdom was that liberalism is alternative to that so Li liberalism isn't ideology uh isn't totalitarian ideology it because it doesn't prescribe to people what to think how to how to behave that that is ideology or or system or philosophy of the freedom or that nothing nothing could be prescribed and nothing be pre could be prescribed in the totalitarian way uh using the weapons the tools of social engineering of mass mass mass hypnosis propaganda and so on but what we have today uh there are uh no more um communism or fascism there are no more uh uh classical uh totalitarian regimes we knew but at the same time there is only one ideology that that that rests that is liberalism but when there are no alternative to liberalism because in in our in modern situation and in Western Society or the in the societies who who imitate who follow the West there is only only one option to be liberal and so liberalism there are there are no alternative if you are not liberal so you are you are done if you claim or declare yourself illiberal in the eyes of liberals you are Fascist or communist so you trans transgress the rules and the norms and and and the laws so you are criminal you should be punished canell the platform or erased at all so and what what is it so we have only one ideology on global scale and the ruling Elite of the global scale now wants or insists to prescribe how all the societies all the citizens all the people all the human beings in the world should behave themselves should think should act they obligatory thing is free market obligatory and rically imposed is uh is liberal democracy in party democracy uh at the same time there are some set of Tolerance vist values LGBT uh transgender the progressivism that everybody should is obliged to to accept so that is more or less what I mean when I use the war word liberal faith ISM it is not just just insult it is not just just [Music] um word to to blame the opponents that is scientifical scientifical uh reality of the some transformation of liberal ideology that from uh the criticism of any any prescription any imposition to the society by ruling Elite was transformed now in New liberal version with fully ideological totalitarian totalitarian um um nature so that we can say that uh following for example han arand han Aron has affirmed that is what that is very important in many people for for for forget it that Han arand has defined the totalitarianism as purely modern European Western phenomenon so we could not we could not call middle-age hierarchal Society Roman Empire and traditional societies we could not call properly totalitarian totalitarianism is the new political ideology uh proper to the Western modern political regimes and but normally the people until until recent recently uh believed that uh totalitarian are communism and fascism and now we see that all all uh modern political ideologies including liberalism were and are totalitarian so we can choose one one totalitarian ideology uh among other totalitarian ideologies we still uh stay in the limit of European Western political modernity so we could they say for example that communism was a kind of left fascism maybe that was right we can say that maybe the fascism was Far Right communism or bism maybe that that is right so in that sense modern day liberalism new liberalism with the rule of minorities over majority the other definition of liberal totalit ideology we could call it either liberal communism because it is communist with totalitarian aspect or left farle liberalism or we could far call it liberal fascism because all three ideologies are totalitarian we knew that about communism and and fascism but what is new now that is today liberalism is is uh is quite totalitarian and if you don't agree with that so you either um don't understand the the Deep nature of of of political situation on the world scale and what is hermany political intellectual philosophical Hony of liberal Elite uh either uh either you just on on that on that side so um liberal fascism or liberal communism that that is the same we use these words in order to to emphasize uh the newly discovered nature of liberalism that is prescription that is totalitarian that is imposition radical imposition of uh of uh one thought one model or of thinking that wasn't proper to Classic liberalism we could say we could say that our um our uh new new liberalism is uh some new phenomenon because Classical liberalism wasn't prescriptive but nevertheless how how it has happened that uh non-prescriptive ideology has transformed was transformed transformed in to uh into prescriptive ideology but we could we could think or discuss about that but the totalitarian character of modern day uh liberalism is absolutely clear thank you Professor so in the face of some popular popular right-wing nationalism in Europe especially Hungary Slovakia and and even Romania and Poland How likely is it that the U EU would break apart and if the crafts of divide in the EU grow How likely is it to affect NATO and Western hegemony so I think that modern day uh European Union is based precisely on this liberal totalitarianism liberal Fascism and uh Li European Elite they behave themselves exactly in that way so uh we we have uh kind of rebellions in the Europe um kind of resistance kind of Revolt uh on on different scales in Europe against this liberal Germany against this uh totalitarianism and it uh this Rebellion has different different aspects for example you have mentioned Hungary and Slovakia uh in that here we have two countries two two political regimes openly openly opposing opposing um the main liberal globalist agenda uh I don't think they are too to to far to to right to to far right or right populist regimes I think that they maybe they they liberal uh regimes but but they all liberals so I have spoken I have many times mentioned this example I have once spoken with Francis fukuyama about the nature on of modern democracy and classical democracy was the rule of majority and fukuyama has emphasized that new democracy is the rule of M minorities directed against majority because because the majority is always wrong because majority could elect and vote for Hitler and trans forming populism so we need to fight against majority who we and that's in the case of fukuyama uh minorities minorities uh liberal Elites representative of different kind of sexual perverts uh um immigrants without clear identity so people uh without the center uh eccentric people minority is eccentric and this eccentric in any sensus minority pretend in the European Union to to to impose its Rule and uh classical de democracy or or old way liberalism um revolt against that so it is not about far right or left far left criticism of the liberalism it is just a kind of instinctual maybe liberal Democratic of of oldfashioned oldfashioned liberal democracy reaction against uh the rule of this uh uh this extravagant uh um eccentric minorities fighting against the people against Society trying to to to to impose a kind of mixture of confusion illegal immigration to destroy any kind of identity so this system of liberal fascism is openly destroy is is openly destroying uh the societies the people they want to transform the people first of all in a pervert transgender after that transhuman so their agenda is now clear and Slovakia and Hungary as a society they have managed to to represent their refuse to of this agenda by political means in other countries the the the dictatorship of the uh ruling e eccentric minorities is so hard and so strong for example in French in in other countries that they could not in Germany they could not find a way to to to the people the alternative people the normal people the majority could not Define a way how to express their refuse so they are uh uh the ruling minorities they try to to separate their protest to to to make the channels or narrow channels of the protest in putting some some people in Far right position farle position ecologist position and everybody is fighting against each other so they divide and they rule and in Slovakia and Hungary uh the uh the people could could was has succeeded the real people the real Society the real majority has succeeded somehow to overcome this trap uh uh the same thing has happened in Italy with fratalia North that were initially really far right populist movement but becoming the part of the ruling system they were transform transformed in the um Min minorities so they behave now Melone and salvini who were very brave and very populist and and uh trying to represent the real real will of the of the majority they were they were kind of transformed in in uh the uh in the instrument in the tools of this uh eccentric exentric ex exentric Elite Professor I just muted your mic because it's causing an echo so okay okay one second there we go okay so Russia is a great example of a country that not only tolerates Professor can you mute your mic ah sorry sorry Sor thank you okay sorry it was like making me dyslexic okay Professor uh Russia is a great example of a country that not only tolerates but Embraces and celebrates her religious and ethnic minorities how does Russia balance between social cohesion while allowing these minorities to thrive within their own culture and how can we use this as an example for the world as we try to move into multipolarity so first of of all um the the minorities existing in Russia they most of them they are original they are organic they are natural uh so these minorities always were part of our EUR multiethnic Society uh society and they have found um hundreds 100 years ago their way to coexist to be part of the whole the part of the system of our state of our society so it is we we are we're dealing we are dealing here not with artificial and perverted uh newly made uh sectarian uh minorities but with uh organic minorities um of belonging to to the same civilization so we have no problem with their presentation they are present in any senses for example if you consider the the ethnic ethnic um ethnic structure of Russian government for example you immediately will see many many people with um different different ethnical ethnical names many Tata from many Bashers many many uh Caucasian people many many people and ukrainians in Russia or Bel B Russians in Russia they we could not um def differ the separate from uh from all Russians so there is a kind of I would say uh super ethnic structure of political rule of political Elite we have have some um some District some some domain some territor some Zone uh zones people with uh the ethnic uh minority group but their representatives feel themselves at ease in their um special zones and outside of them so we have no no no predilection an ethnic sense but that is totally different so uh the minorities in Russia they are organic and rooted with the identity and we have uh just hierarchy of their identities there is uh super ethnic uh identity of of state of Russian patriotism that is proper proper to Chans to tartars to anybody to ciks to all minorities uh but at the same time we have a special region where the traditional traditional Behavior the set of values are are conserved and flourish so we we you you are absolutely free to to pass to from locality with much more clear shape of um local tradition and ethnical linguistic linguistic Society to to to the general General class of R ruling class of the state no problem no problem with the place to leave or work uh but that is the result of of of of history of our Empire and as well of Soviet Union because in sist Empire the ethnical minorities not were not cons conceived as some some colonized territories they were considered as the the population of provinces so they they had equal status with uh original Russians so no there were there were no problem except some rare case but generally that was very harmonious and balanced uh um and that has created a kind of tradition and in Soviet Union the Communists they they they wanted to to say that Soviet people is the new historical formation uh they they uh cultivated the biks they cultivated uh as well National or ethnic minorities and they have created the kind of uh misreading of uh of the place of the ethnic ethnic minorities in the state because they uh labeled uh the ethnic groups as Nations that corresponded to um a historical version of Communism but nevertheless we could say that uh in spite of all exaggerations and ambiguities of uh communist ethnic or national politics F in spite of that all the EIC group were conserved during Soviet time so I think that we have long tradition Soviet and pre Soviet or how to deal with the minor minorities in the organic way and now uh we are bothered by the fact that there is the huge amount of of migration in Russia so uh only uh only in Liberal the time of liberal rule in Russia that started from the beginning of the '90s we we we started to to to feel to experience the problem with migrations because that was not organic migrations that were new minorities coming coming outside of our common cultural and civilizational space and that has created some problems more or less the same uh as in the west but uh the the the the problem the root of the problem in both cases uh is in in the liberal concept that denies the collective identity and promote perverted version of the ideology of Human Rights so human rights as ideology in the the hand of liberals means uh the the denial of the collective identity uh of national um belongingness of or religious cultural belongingness of of the individuals and to put them uh on on the same on the same formal formal scale in order to destroy any kind of collective identity that is idea because immigration is a special not only economic tool but ideological weapon of liberals uh trying to to um to atomize atomize any kind of society and Destroy any kind of collective identity in favor of pure uh individual so we have and we had in Russia totally different uh attit attitude and I think that now we're uh coming back to Traditional Values and traditional traditional ways to solve the problem with immigration because if you want to to to become russan it it is it is always possible but you need to to to to be loyal to our cultural code to to be Patriots to defend our country if needed so if you want to become Russia you you should prove that uh so uh otherwise otherwise the immigration uh will be impossible uh so uh we need to to to restore this organic attitude to um ethnic min minorities with all respect to them but in the context or of to to conserve and to uh reinforcing reinforcing the common uh common identity thank you Professor um for the audience could you draw some parallels between donbas and Palestine if you've noticed any uh it's difficult to say that it's different different situation I think because Ukraine was part organic part of our common common space um the people of uh Ukraine they they belong to two branches of uh uh Eastern Slavs um Eastern slav population uh great Russian and small Russian uh great Russian they populated uh Crimea this har of eastern part of Ukraine historically um and small Russians they they uh they were they were the original population of the western part of Ukraine I I want to remind to our listeners that uh these uh great Russians they they uh were initially the part of the same people but coming uh first to the east uh to the region of Moscow and after after Liberation from Mongols uh rule there were there was a kind of restoration o of the Russian fully independent states and the new new currents of uh of uh this time Eastern Russians or great Russians they they returned to to original original territories controlled for the century by tartars by the way and different Turkish Turkish uh Turkish and Mongolian Mongolian rulers so that was uh reconquering reconquering reconquering eastern part of Ukraine from um golden H H from Turks from no guys tartar cran tartar that uh uh the Eastern Russian have have returned to to to this uh eastern Ukraine so but after that the growing state of Eastern Russians so-called Russian Empire liberated step by step as well western part of Ukraine joining uh two branches of the same people once more so uh Ukraine is totally artificial creations uh there is no deep identity in Ukrainian people because we we have two two branches of um of the same people and um the PO polish um politics and uh um Austrian uh politics they uh would like to transform uh their uh Ukrainian populations in different different people different nations uh in order to to prevent uh uh to prevent the unification with the main the main mass of the of the Slavs of the Eastern Slavs so it was kind new new historical uh um new historical policy uh and that was used um already after the fall of the Soviet Union by the Western globalist and other to to create a problem and to provoke a Civil War in uh between the same people uh uh between um Eastern Slavs between greater Russians and small Russians both of them are belong to the same roots to the same Eastern slaves so Ukraine is geopolitical territory territory uh of the fight between Russia as the main Center main core of East Slavic population against the West against the western civilization so it is not Russians against ukrainians it totally totally false to to regard this uh this situation and uh that is the zones uh intermediary zone between between uh Russia as Eurasian State and geopolitical entity and Western Civilization so donbas is just the part of this eastern Ukraine and not all eastern Ukraine eastern Ukraine is much broader and the other other places in Ukraine as well belongs to the same to the same territory so we we we just uh re unific re unifica uh now uh uh we we don't uh uh we aren't conquering conquering Don B we are unifica this civilizational space the Great Eastern slav space against the western civilization that that tried to cut it in the in the very very dark moment of our history Gaza uh and Israel and Palestine is totally different things because that was the the territory where Arab mostly Arabs population Islamic and sometime Christian lived before the uh the the settlers from uh Europe and from all other part part of the world started to to people it and they they they promised to um original Arab population not to to steal their their their Earth their they they riches they their houses and and they and the Jews coming to Israel they started to violate their this promise and started to to to make violence against the original population and that was one uh one military operation and political operation after the other finally they have defined to uh against all all the humanity all resolutions of United Nations they have put You original people in the two zones not letting them get out of of it as if in concentrational Camp and they they in they have installed in Israel itself the the racial rules racist uh rules uh based on uh on their attitudes to uh Palestinians and Arabs as the the the people of um of of subhuman kind so and now when Hamas attacked the territory of Israel but it is not territory of Israel in the eyes of Palestinians in the eyes of Arabs in the eyes of the eyes of all Muslim world is the Palestine it is their territory they they have attacked nobody and nothing because the Israel is entity illegitimate illegitimate in their eyes so now Israel is destroying is making genocide on the territory um that not uh belong only belongs to Palestinians because all the territory of Palestine including territory of modern days Israel belongs to Palestinians and the the Jews can could find a way to co co cohabit itate with them but they prefer to to behave themselves as batchers as killers as assassins and uh and in instead of try to find some balance between two religious and ethnic Community they with the support of of the western globalists they they just have constructed racist racist State uh in the conquered uh lands so I think that uh two situation are are very different the the the only only remark only observation I could make I could make um about the affinity and similarity between two cases that in both cases we are dealing uh with something much more important and profound and deep than just Regional local conflict uh uh we have two fronts of the five between unipolar Western World Western Germany and emerging multipolarity because our fighting Ukraine is in favor of multipolarity and the fight of Palestinians it is a fight against he Germany against the west and I think that we uh the situation is is aggravating more and more and now we see this strikes against Yemen against hthi uh against Hezbollah against Syria against and the response and answers from um for time being it is just response or answer of Shia world so Shia is mobilized Shia is a core resistance in the Middle East but that is the second front of the same uh Global fight between multipolarity and unipolarity uh logically logically we we would we would have uh mobilization of Islamic uh world as general not only Shia but as well Sunni but what we see now it we could not say that there there is ongoing ongoing civilizational war between Islamic civilization and Western Civilization there there is coming war between Shia civilization as a part of Islam including Sunni Arabs of Palestine but the main main main core of this resistance against Germany is the is the will and identity of Shia Shiite people uh and Russia uh is fighting uh its war against the same enemies so we have two uh two two front fronts of the same War Russian Western in Ukraine and Shia Western in Middle East uh starting from Gaza because Shia po has reacted uh radically against genocide and other Islamic countri were much more tolerant and they it seems that they observe they are observing the the the martyrdom and uh the the death of their uh their um brother brothers Muslim brothers without any any reaction I am a little bit astonished of such passive reaction of the Islamic countries against genocide in Gaza but I think that Shia and Shiite they they are saving the Dignity of Islamic civilization and today they and nobody else deserve the real name of hero of of of Islamic poll of Islam because they now are real Islam uh uh Islam they pretended the from H time to be the Aang guard of the Islamic world but nobody nobody or almost nobody believed them now they prove that that that were much more than just wordss and I think because in sh Shia is leading power in Iraq as well somehow Assad government is um a typical Shia thank you so much for that I actually have a follow-up question uh I wanted to reference a tweet of yours from 2022 uh Orthodox and Muslims are united in the battle against the Antichrist of the West can you elaborate on this a little so we can understand it from a political perspective thank you so much oh wait hold on one second we have to bring him back up yeah something happened um everything okay I don't see him in the space I'll go um I'll message him I make sure yeah using a a VPN so he might have dropped so all right so like yeah I mean I definitely have some thoughts are a lot of questions right I want to ask about this because what he said was very interesting about you know this this Shia poll that is resisting Western hegemony Etc which is a question that we've been discussing for a while it's a conversation we've had and a take we've been criticized for heavily in the Pro Palestinian Community unfortunately but it's great to hear that um he feels the same way does anyone else have any thoughts while we wait yeah I was um you know it just was very apparent to me that when he was discussing the you know sort of Greater slav and lesser slav uh communities within um you know the former Soviet Union lands you look at Ukraine and and uh Russia and and he spoke of all the different communities that live in harmony inside of Russia now um I mean it's you cannot possibly not see how the West has weaponized the Western ukrainians against the Slavic community in the East and tried to differentiate them and and use that in order to subvert the rise of of a a great slav state again I I think it's quite apparent that that they would love to break Russia and that if you look at is their official policy their official policy is to decolonize Russia and to stop Russian imperialism by balkanizing Russia in on ethnic lines and they say this openly yeah and and when you look at all of the actions of the West since the second world war you can see that they used this exact same tactic whether overtly or covertly I mean we know it was covertly in Ukraine for for de ades ever basically never stopped since the second world war but when you look at other countries where we have color revolutions the same tactics are used it's it's all the exact same thing happening over and over again and they use it because it works um and it's just unfortunate that for the people of Ukraine who you know if you look at uh the Kiev independent I've posted this numerous times over the last couple years um the k of independent uh had a couple of different um polls that were taken uh one I believe was in 2012 and the other one was in 2019 and it was about support for Bandera and uh zukovich and uh how many people were in agreement with the actions of what they did during the second world war and and uh before that and it was interesting that there was only a 1% difference between the two different polls that were set like seven years apart or so and um what was interesting about it is that less than 31% of ukrainians were in support of Bandera and chucovich so what you have now in inside of Ukraine is a minority of people who are in support of this fascist idealism and they are in control over the majority who do not agree with this and this is U an example of how the West weaponizes these fascist ideas and these extremist ideas to you to hold power over populations that um you know want no part of this they basically want to live their lives and yet you've got these extremists backed by the West in order to enact all of the uh geopolitical designs uh to to seize power and and control everything yeah I appreciate that um do you have any commentary or sorry Barracks then we'll go yeah just uh cuz the when you brought up uh that this point that uh Dugan made about Shia leadership in the resistance against the Zionist entity this being a problem in when we bring it up in prop Palestinian spaces and Dugan's point is made not just in West Asia but also here in the United States like when with Biden's reaction uh uh punishing Dearborn Michigan like the highest per capita Muslim population in the United States which I believe correct me if I'm wrong Samira is unique in the United States and that it's also majority in Dearborn specifically in Dearborn specifically such that the Wall Street Journal will publish a whole article on the day that Biden visits Dearborn saying that Dearborn is the Jihad capital of the United States because the Shia population specifically is uh is denouncing him for his uh green lighting of the genocide in Gaza like Dugan is on point I I am keeping track of all the people with their hands up I have a list we're just uh prioritizing panelists right now yeah I I think it was interesting when he said that uh uh in the Neo democracy were basically ruled by um enforced by the uh minorities uh their power is enforced uh and I think you know it's crazy because they're doing it through victimization and this whole system is basically holding on Impressions lies um stretched stats basically all all we're living in Neo democracy is like a false narrative that just keeps us going to work paying bills you know uh but yeah I really found it very interesting thank you just to address that don't you think um that when it comes to all of these identity politics being played to sort of keep us fighting amongst ourselves rather than looking at what our governments are doing that um you know they're trying to enact laws that give uh supposed protections and rights to these people of different uh interest groups special interest groups groups but they don't address the fact that people are already protected by law by our constitutions and by our charters of Rights of different countries we already have the freedom of expression we already have the freedom of speech we already have the freedom to worship whatever way we need or want to worship so all of these uh different uh problems societal problems so-called problems that they they bring up are just manufactured to keep us in a state of uh of uh anger towards each other would you say that's fair they're made I do believe Tyler they're made by decrees of Kings you know that that come to the top of the democratic system so they they they rule by decree so they change our Charters they they manipulate the the the the the laws to include things that go against the charter or the um uh the Bill of Rights in the US I do believe so um I think that um uh it's it's it's it's really made through uh the mechanism of of of of of administrative let's say uh democracy you know like legislative and the executive and we take a a few few notes into laws uh and and basically we can we can like eliminate uh certain rights in the charter or in the Bill of Rights so and and it's done I think I do believe at state level so yeah uh that's that's what I think Tyler and uh Jimmy don't have your hand up anymore but you did have your hand up for a bit if you just wanted to yeah I think he he are correctly pointing out that uh Professor duin correctly pointing out that the world is transitioning from uh unipolarity to multipolarity and he uh and actually I I read his uh article the green green dragon and The AC Green Dragon he's basically saying that uh the Beast I mean the Beast of globalists they are cornered and a cornered Dragon a cornered Beast is the most dangerous and he actually is a kind of feering uh if if it's correct uh to say so to say so he's basically saying that 2024 is a very critical year uh maybe we should just defeat the waste and free the Mankind and could be third world war and I'm not sure if I agree with his viewpoint on this because we have a mechanism so-called a mad right Mutual assured destruction and in this sense if the uh if it is a war between those P5 Powers China Russia United States UK France that is impossible because it involves nuclear nuclear weapons and hydraulic weapons right and that it will spill the destruction of mankind is impossible but in the sense that um proxy wars the third world war already began in year 2014 the moment of mid right that it already began in Syria in Ukraine and so I'm going to ask him about this and I will also ask him about his first political theory in which he is he was creating a political Theory other than liberalism communism and fascism he tried and I think he is a legitimate intellectual trying to create a new ideology transcending all the previous three and in his mind the previous three liberalism communism and fascism all failed but I disagree it doesn't fail communism is alive and ass kicking right now in China although a lot of people do not uh do not agree with my viewpoint and they basically saying China is also a socialist country which is so not to all the lines are uh all the lines in China are owned by the states and the S soe I mean State own Enterprises still the pillar of our economy how would you say that we are a capitalist society that is impossible and also I would also ask him just hang on I just want to get to some of the other uh speakers but I mean I I agree that I I mean I also have uh I I had a couple questions myself about Dugan's fourth political Theory because I do uh I did enjoy that book um sorry to cut you off but uh Joey I have Dugan back I'm just trying to get in back to panel so just sit tight but go ahead and and talk while while while while we get him back into the room yeah we also have a lot of requests right now and uh being we're working on getting panelist so bear with us you what I haven't really got a I haven't really got a question I just wanted to basically say you know this little break that's happened very impromptu I think it's a gift from God because we've been able to basically unpack um what the conversation has been so far so although it might look and sound like it's been a glitch I kid you not this is the best thing that could have happened today like I'm totally loving this um so that's literally all I wanted to say uh feel free to drop me down to the listeners and then you can bring someone um else up I think Angelo might have some very interesting question so I I would really want to hear um anything that's coming from that side but thank you this has been brilliant I love this little break that we've had yeah there is a lot to unpack even after just four questions I know DD has at least two more questions yeah I I have another one question I'm going to ask him I wrote you down I wrote you down Jimmy no worries we gota I gotta gotta rotate gotta rotate the the panel because you had a couple minutes to speak um hold on I'm trying I can't see him he says he's here but I can't here's what you can do you can send him another invite via DM and have him click the invite itself and then that'll bring up bring him up just make sure there's enough room on the panel sah are you thinking that Russia also has the great F the war preventing booking from from from ding in yes but I don't think it's called The Great I don't think it's called the Great firewall in Russia I think it's called the Iron Curtain the iron iron fire curtain no IR curtain is a word coed by Winston Church basically saying that Iron Curtain is boring uh from St to uh to to where I cannot remember okay he's back in the room just bringing him up to panel now right I I would also ask him about the uh orientation of the Russ wait let me let me ask him my question first and then perfect he is back all right and Samir take your question and then I have just two more and then I'll give I'll hand you guys over to Samir and the barracks perfect um okay let's yes we can hear you thank you so much do you hear me rejoining yes we can hear you loud and clear thanks much do you hear me I I could I speak yes we can hear you can you he I speak could I speak Prof Professor can you hear me yes I hear you I hear you and you go ahead go ahead so so very interesting so many many questions many opinions um and uh interesting about um about the the the problem of how we could and should act in in the year of green dragon so I think that's the the idea is that uh um the history is open that is very important there are two two version versions or to understand what the history is and one version is mechanical one so there is the kind of the the the chain of the causes and the effects and it we could not change it so we we are in IND in Indian tradition there is the concept of Karma so if we are under Karma under this flu law of causes and effects we could change nothing and in that sense if we regard what we have now the rule of globalists the the rebellion of the rest against the west and the peoples against Elite we could say that some negative exit is inevitable that we are doomed to to fight to to to fail to to lose the battle but if we can well to uh we can as well have different version of of his history understanding of History because the history um can be regarded as something organic as a living so spiritual so the there are no such thing as as inevitable mechanical law of historical development everything depends on our will so we could find what seems to be Invincible uh and uh that is the image of uh the hero fighting the drag Dragon for example you could consider how great and big the dragon is and how small comparing to it hero is but all our history all our mythology all our religion uh teach us that uh it is possible everything depends on the will and of the uh decisiveness of the hero so the system has a a weak weak element and I think that that modern days liberalism globalism has its weak point and if we are smart enough if we are wise enough if we are brave enough to find and to hit this weak point we will win it so I I think that one of of of the of the weapon to to overcome it it is not to follow their uh their divide and Rule Logic for example they say oh uh that bad Putin is fighting against good ukrainians but it's totally totally um false it is it is it is not so so if we if we consider the situation we immediately find out that it is about uh um defense legitim legitimate defense of sovereignty of Russian civilization against Western Germany and all this conflict was provocation of the West in order to stop the growth of of Russia the same with uh Middle East the same with potential problem between uh uh China and Taiwan so we should stop to to to let them divide in r rule we should pro pro uh uh we should um propose a kind of alternative strategy because maybe the the west and liberal Elites are stronger that ourselves put isolated for example the the NATO is stronger than Russia alone stronger than China alone still on the military way stronger than Islamic worlds than Africa and Latin America but coming together you in India joining all our efforts in order to stop Germany as the kinds of plague a kinds of disease kinds of epidemia coming from the globalist West we could together uh adding our resources our possibilities our capacities we could together stop expansion of globalism so we could win for example we need to make a kind of Alliance and that is multipolarity it is not about restore bipolar system that existed before the end of the Cold War the other things we need to to to find our allies in the west and I think the Western people peoples and West and Western societies the the Western masses uh can be important player in this fight against globalism because the the Western population is is taken by liberal Maniac as a hostages and uh we shouldn't hate the Western people including fighting against the West we should understand our brothers and sisters who uh are the victims of of that of that Beast so they are prisoners of the Beast and not um his Aid so we should make carefully this distinction between hostages and the terrorists so we should fight terrorists but we need to liberate and save the hostages so I think that that is very important important attitude so we need to find a weak point other point I think that the agenda of globalist uh was declared openly too early because I think that absolute majority of the humanity including Western humanity is not ready to accept LGBT transgender uh postum transhumanist post-humanist um attitudes so it it is scandalous it is too early to to impose on them uh such perversions as pedophil and many other things legalization of incest all that uh all that liberals claim to to to be Progressive values so I I think that humanity is shocked Now by this demonstration of perversion and moral degeneration of the western liberal Elites so we need to use all the weak points of the green dragon and hit it in the weakest of the point cooperating together and a force political Theory you have mentioned uh that is precisely invitation to to get out from these uh three uh of the logic of three ideologies of liberalism communism fascism because they are the products of the modern West West they are totalitarian all three of them concerning China uh I think that China has elaborated by now the very special version of political system where some socialist elements are combined with traditional Chinese Confucianism and this Confucianism uh is very clearly uh felt when you get in touch with the Deep level of Chinese Society Chinese Society is based not on the social ideas or or economical ideas but on the ethics and this ethics um transforms Chinese ethics deep confucianist ethic transformed deeply maoism socialism communism as well as capitalism economy politics government everything uh in China loses its Western meaning and obtains very original and very special Chinese meaning so uh it is I consider Chinese system a kind of force political Theory not just um Orthodox communism or socialism so it is not just a mixture between capitalism and socialism but something complet original so the same with Shia structure of Iran so Shia politics is neither communist nor liberal nor nationalist it's something different so we we need to to to think more uh on forth political Theory not as um CLA and complete ideology but rather uh or as of invitation to to get out the narrow rules of Western modern political thought so for example there is no parliament in China and that is very very good because Parliament as obligatory element of liberal democracy uh but sometimes it is is totally ineffective and just that creates the image the the perversion and the wrong feeling of democracy with total total absence of it so uh but at the same time China China is more described correctly in two books that I would recommend to listeners first of all the book China China's model of Daniel Bell a Canadian Canadian uh scholar living in China very very good book very very clear and very correct and a new book of uh Eric Lee that is called party life great great book I would highly recommend uh you so we need to first of all uh in interpret correctly what we have uh for example in the Northwestern areas uh when we are dealing with capitalism or communism sometimes there is something totally different so we need to be we need to decolonize our minds first of all and to to understand what is hidden uh um behind the the curtain of imitation of Western political thought and uh I agree with first question about about Ukraine that West fermented this this Nazi and artificial uh artificial identity of Western ukrainians it is correct totally correct remark and that was geopolitical things and why uh the West fighting any any elements of patriotic feeling nationalism and so on why the West has permitted uh and radical nationalism Nazism and racism in Ukraine there is the answer because they needed to uh to impose this false and artificial identity uh at um high speed they they had no time to to to to impose it uh in the smoother way so they need they needed immediate effect and that was possible only with radical version of nationalism so modern days K regime is pure Nazism pure racism and uh I think that nothing of the kind would be tolerated in the west but that was the West who has uh originated this perverted ideology so in order to to to to uh to violate violate the consciousness of Ukrainian people that is all as well as the Western population hostages they are not enemies they are hostages of this click of proest prol liberal group that have group that has created a kind of dictatorship in Ukraine um Samir can you do me a favor and can we allow H to speak because he has of course go ahead H uh hello can you hear me yes you're fine thank you um I just had a uh and it's really an honor to speak uh with you Professor Dugan I've been following you for a long time but um I don't want to go too long I wanted to say that you mentioned that uh the three ideologies of modernity which is I don't hear anything oh has I'm going to rotate you really quickly and then um okay okay Professor can you hear him no no oh um unfortunately no okay H do you want to ask and then we'll try to relay it to him and then we can just you can just listen to the answer yeah yeah sure um yeah what I was going to say is that um when we understand the Triad of the three ideologies of modernity which is liberalism fascism and Marxism uh I don't want to be too biased as a a Marxist myself but I I do think it's worth observing the fact that it seems to me that in contrast to liberalism and in contrast to Fascism the Marxism seems to be this Gateway and this opening for the um assimilation of modernity or the integration of specifically technological modernity but also elements of the sociological modernity uh standardization and so on and so on in terms of uh modernization of the economy it seems like Marxism uh is kind of an Open Door when it comes to what kind of uh political social cultural Etc system that corresponds to to briefly give an example of what I'm talking about we obviously have the Marxism that's been cynz when applied to the Chinese context but it's also been true that Marxism has adapted to other contexts as well uh for example this is uh in uh North Korea right with the ju uh system and the specific adaptation and interpretation of Marxism there obviously in the case of uh Stalin's Reign within the Soviet Union we have an application of an integration of Marxism I think in the Russian context as well so uh in liberalism and fascism don't appear to be able to have this adaptivity one can make the argument that this is the case in Germany or Italy but I don't see a case of the adaptation of an ideology organically to National context but rather the employment of similar uh methods of dictatorship so basically I would say what do you think is perhaps unique about Marxism in its ability to allow for different civilizations to integrate Western modernity without uh without fully compromising their values and uh their unique uh character but that's pretty much it but I I see he's I think he's disconnected or um I'll get your question to him has and I'll get the answer since this is recorded so I'll send it over to him after if that's cool yeah yeah no problem I know you have to go sure yeah thanks for having me appreciate it thanks for coming h and while we're trying to get Professor Dugan back up uh yeah we've also you want me to go through the list of other people who wanted to yeah I need to get Alex in for Serbia and Tyler and then after that it's good to go and Samir is coming back I guess she had some uh a audio issues you guys are free to discuss whatever I'll just work in the back end to get the two of them back yeah Alex you're in the you're in the panel you can uh you can give your your thoughts well I I appreciate the opportunity to be on the panel this is I think this is fascinating and uh exciting to have Professor Dugan on uh an xace just shows you how how the platform is completely evolved from from what it has been in the past I don't think we would ever had the opportunity to hear from Professor Dugan in this way and ask him directly questions like this without having the uh narrative the mainstream narrative that demonizes Professor Dugan and and that's kind of one the questions I wanted to to ask him about essentially regarding Serbia and and getting his perspective because I think a lot of us things that apply for Serbia and the Balkans uh as a Battleground itself can apply to a lot of the other other well I think you're gonna get to ask he's he's back so I'll I'll I'll let I'll give it over to you to ask about Serbia because I'm definitely interested in the answer and then I just have two more questions um I think he's back one second okay we have him back okay can I speak yes go ahead okay so uh I I I have uh listened the question uh question of uh has and that is very interesting I think that first of all if uh Marxism is in real opposition to liberalism and if left left ideology is concerned much more by the real war of uh Capital against capitalism then then or different minorities as is the case many many situations now so I I I am very uh I very glad that there is still some left Marxist or not tendencies that seriously understand the necessity to fight the liberalism and capitalism because the the majority of the left movement now are rather uh they became the kind of tool of um of big Capital serving Soros and its uh its uh color trevolution using images of chivara but in the reality uh in the reality they they they they fight on the side o of the killers and the enemies of so if there is communism that still continue to to fight Capital the capitalism it is very very good and as long as I know the tendency that is represented by H belongs to this uh rare in our days uh Tendencies so I um I agree with the ethical ethical aspect of the um of the uh Marxism and against capitalism but we need to understand the kind of kind of limitations of marxists for for first of all uh the theory of progress uh that is common to liberalism and Marxism the uh materialism atheism idea that only only the Western Civilization is a example of development and progress by and uh denial of the multiplicity of the civilizations there are so many ideological elements and Marxism that that prevents that prevent these elements to to to to consider Marxism as um reliable reliable version of of real anti- capitalist uh struggle but nevertheless I agree with the idea that ciz of the Marxism in China or some Russ russification of the Marxism with b bolik and above all with Stalin and CH J theory of Northern Korea uh this this examples or for example the Marxism in Latin America they are examples of the positive positive adaptation of the Marxism to uh the different societies but we need to to to observe very important elements according to the classical Marxism uh the Socialist Revolution revolutions are possible only in the capitalist fully developed industrialized Society with big uh City probably urban urban proletariat and the uh established established bouris and the in the reality in the reality the the the victories of the Marxist parties were uh just just opposite to Marxist ideas because uh all successful Revolutions of socialist type were produced were were succeeded uh have succeeded in non-industrialized uh agrarian um countries without enough of urban proletariat and very undeveloped and local boura V system so uh uh the best best um criticism and denial of the validity of Marxism as Theory were the re real um socialist Revolution basing on on Ma Marxism but radically contrad in contradicting Marxism itself itself so we need to maybe revise how much these revolutions uh were eped to Marxism or they were uh or the Marxism was just the the covert the kind of um the facet the kind of uh surface of the deeper uh struggle for Justice and um and fairness of and the progress in in the in the spiritual way of traditional Society maybe mous Revolution was the was the fight for the new uh renewed Heavenly mandate as in the ancient uh Chinese history maybe uh ethnic and religious uh um disagreement with capitalism was the main uh main main driver of Latin of Marxism in Latin America and chuch North Korean Doctrine is the kind of religious cult me Messianic eschatological Korean religious cult that has find a new new uh words new Concepts in socialism but in this in essence it's something different as well as in Russia Russian national bolism what quite something quite different from from the classical Marxism so uh but nevertheless I think that has has has has uh has touched in in important uh important thing and if we if uh we we have we deal with um antire and sincere anti- capitalist anti- liberal anti-globalist ideology so left or right uh so we need to to explore its uh potential possibilities to be transformed the for fourth political Theory and the same I think the same with fascism because I think that fascism could be transformed uh in different context the wrong racist version fism in Germany was a kind of betrayal of some spiritual elements developed by haiger defended by yunger but um the fascism we know it is based on the totally wrong uh supposition it is anti-human it is racist is Criminal so that was the big perversion uh in the fascism Bing on the superiority pretended superiority of Western Civilization Western race and that is common to uh to liberalism so I think that the liberalism RAC liberal racism and biological racism of national socialists is more or less the same the same thing and that the origin of it were not in the Germany but in the England uh because the racist was developed and social germanism was developed in the Anglo-Saxon liberal racist culture so uh but um it is very very difficult and uh uh ABS absolutely absolutely uh not needed uh idea to rehabil rehabilitate um far right ideology or far left we need to go go beyond uh the limits of classical political theories uh exploring uh exploring the in the depth but um because they were uh they were um incapable to to to to stop liberalism they have failed so and they because they belong to the same totalitarian totalitarian Western political culture modern Western political culture I think it is easier and much more useful to to to start from from from from outside of this context because we could be when we will be trapped we can be trapped inside of political modernity uh speaking about what was better communism liberalism or Fascism and but how what versions of it is acceptable and or not I I my idea is to re them in Block everything every three political theories uh maybe they they had historically some welled elements but in general they uh the these positive elements were embedded and much uh in incurable uh failures atheistic materialistic mechanistic basing on the modern science and all that we need to overcome in order to decolonize our political thought well thank you Professor I'm Gonna Save my last uh last two questions for the end um since uh there's so many hands so I'll turn it over to Samira and then Alex thank you so much um my question is regarding a tweet that you posted in 2022 which I found very interesting and very relevant to today's situation especially what you discussed about the Shia pole resisting Western hegemony so it reads Orthodox and Muslims are united in the battle against the Antichrist of the West I'd like to hear more about that especially from a geopolitical perspective thank you so much uh thank you thank you uh do you hear me yes I can hear you great great uh so uh I mean uh by that um different things first of all there is a kind of war between multipolarity and unipolarity the Western head Germany represents clearly uh uni poity and Biden's Administration uh wants to save it to prolong it to to secure it to to still keep it this unipolarity and that is explanation of the war between Russia and the West it looks like we lost audio from uh Professor Dugan again oh no getting some yeah I'm getting some reactions I'm thinking we lost his audio I think that we need to clear the some of the requests maybe that'll reset things and it'll make things easier if that's okay we're going to start bringing everyone back up once at the Q&A session no yeah as long as we keep uh Alex Alex was a special guest keep him on the panel uh no offense Jimmy but uh Dugan did answer two of your questions Soul um has to go to church good or no are you saying that Dugan already answer my question and he definitely did I'm not sure whether when he dropped out I I I I I ra my question whether he was listening in we make sure you get to talk to him if he comes back Jimmy don't worry oh my goodness this is uh oh yes he's back welcome back Professor welcome back sorry for the tech issues yes go ahead Professor oh sorry uh I I would like to finish my response I I have spoken about how uh um Shia Paul and Russian Orthodox pole could be United in the fight against unip poity on the geopolitical level of is it is evident Islamic world and Russian Russia we are fighting against unipolar hammany in FA in favor uh of of multipolarity but as well there is spiritual religious eschatological uh dimension of this fight because in the eyes of Orthodox people Orthodox civilization the West modern liberal Ultra liberal uh West capitalist globalist West represent Antichrist the figure that uh uh a a kind of enemy of the Christ enemy of the church enemy of the humanity in the situation of the end time and the same or almost the same vision is proper to Shia tradition in Shia religion uh they say about Dalal the the liar he will appear at the end of the time and he will represent the the worst uh aspects of the uh of the human culture and the duty of the real Shia Muslim or real Muslim generally is to fight thatal so we are united not only in on the on the level of geopolitics but as well on the level of the eschatology in the the level of the religion because we identify both Russian Christian Orthodox uh and um and uh Islamic Shia we identify in the modern W West in the globalist the same negative figure the figure of the Antichrist or the Jal so we are united not only on the geopolitical level but as well on the deeper religious uh level thank you so much that was very informative and I believe that uh Sunni chin also believe in this in this particular View and this is completely in line with Islamic eschatology go ahead Alex Al so I have finished my answer oh thank you so much uh thank thank you again for for the opportunity to ask Professor Dugan some questions here Professor it's an honored to have the opportunity to speak with you especially after uh reading a lot of your work he dropped again dropped again oh I I don't think he was able to hear me either that's yeah okay we're dealing with a Russian VPN so it's pretty it's terrible for Twitter it's really bad for Twitter space Russian VPN very bad for Twitter very bad for Twitter spaces Chinese VPN seem China China's VPN is better for Twitter right knew say that go ahead okay Professor thank you for coming back go ahead Alex Jimmy and then after Alex school so he can go to church thank you so much uh as as I was saying uh Professor s honor to speak with you um unfortunately I think you've been unfairly demonized in the west I think that's putting it lightly uh and speaking as an American I I believe it's important that Americans actually take the time to understand your unique uh your Asian perspective directly from you uh because you provide important insights for Americans not only about the Russian ethos uh but also about obviously the multi-polar world that's currently evolving a and its implications and how we should move forward after the uh era of modity I say that because uh I think with a better understanding of your views I firmly believe that Russians and and average Americans can come together to fight against the warmongering uh anti-human globalists uh as the natural allies that they are and I think they should be uh however the questions I have uh for you are related to the Balkans as you might notice by my name I am of Serbian eth although I American uh and so specifically regarding the serbs who were unquestionably used as a test case uh for the strategy of balkanization and nation building that was refined and now being applo against Russia I I especially think it's important to get a better understanding of the Balkan specifically because uh it remains a critical Battleground between the globalists and those who respect National sovereignty and see multipolarity as a system of Global checks and balances uh so if I may I'd like to first ask just a broad question about Serbia and then a more specific question about Serbia's Southern province of Kos meia and Republic of cska and Bosnia heroina uh first given the rise of the New multi-polar World Order uh what do you see as the main challenges and opportunities for Serbia and the Serbian people in balancing their relationships with both the west and Russia and the global South and how can serbs navigate the current complex uh geop political Dynamics to protect their national interests uh particularly considering their uh geographic location professor professor you have to unmute your mic if you're there on my end it looks like he's still connecting oh I can see him as a speaker same it's showing up as muted for me as well I guess Chinese vpn's are definitely better than Russian vpn's what about Jimmy get us that connection with the with the Chinese vpns we'll and we'll uh about VPN could you let me speak and and uh Professor duin can you hear me no's still connecting you can talk if you want but you I mean it's it's a 5050 probably less than that 5050 so um if he's not able to answer hold on one second Su if he's not able to answer your question do you want to send it to us and we can ask if you have to go to church or I'll go to my question is 15 minutes Jimmy just wait by the way Jimmy can you co-host when I host Carl on Thursday would you do that Jimmy oh yes I will of course I will be your co-host on December the 8th actually when uh yesterday when you asked ask me to uh to to to to do the speech uh Professor Dugan has come back so oh so good so maybe he can hold on it's gonna be yeah be quiet and then we'll get to uh Alex's question about I want to talk about the Balkans please please please uh Professor did you hear the question about Serbia yes yes do you hear me yes okay okay uh about um ideas of um your asianism that Alex has asked me so I have published many things on internet and Force political Theory site uh the site 4 pt. suu so you can find in any languages 45 languages uh there is the Sens censorship censorship in the United States that doesn't let me to my text to to be read by uh American Americans and the global globalists they prevent American people from knowledge of my ideas they make the radically radically caricatured vision image of my ideas and uh it can be it can be overcome only if enough people in United States would like to know more about my ideas and about your reism about Force itical theory about the criticism of hermany and about multipolarity so I think that if we we we we have the the we wish to you wish better you wish to to know that that that will happen so in in Internet there are many many form to find anything and I have put an internet everything that I have written in many languages not only in English and but but uh concerning Serbia I think that now I agree that Serbia was a kind of example the test of of globalist expansion uh and destruction of alternative uh Eastern camp and that is why the the the the the the destiny of the Seria was so so tragic because it paid the the high price of Independence and unity uh Integrity because of its identity not so much because of its strategical position in the balcans but as well because of its deep identity the Loyalty uh to Orthodox tradition so and that is why I adore serans and but I think that uh that we could revise the situation in Serbia only after um Russia coming back after our Victory inevitable Victory but difficult difficult inevitable but difficult victory in Ukraine after that we could uh return to the Balkans questions now we are not in in in the position to to really change the balance of power in kosova but we will return for sure when we uh will be great again and or maybe when uh the in the west U the revolt against these globalist Elite stats because I I I I see the future in the new future many black SWS because these black sworns are not uh just irrational factors of the history but they are the kind of necessity to improve for the uh tragical situation where the West is so thank you very much for for for our conversation sorry for these problems with um with sound because sometimes I didn't hear well uh the questions and other in other cases I did uh uh uh here well and uh sometimes there was the problem with the mic so thank you very much for inviting me and bet wishes for all of you we will win for sure oh thank you so much Prof Professor um if you have time for one more question uh Su go ahead I I hear I I'm here okay great hello uh are you are you able to hear me Mr Dugan Professor can you hear Su no all right so unfortunately no I hear your voice but I don't hear here here question now I can try again all right hello Professor are you able to hear me okay he's not I'll ask um [Music] second uh previous Professor previously you've stated support for azer Ban's territorial Integrity over the question of nagoro kabak due to armenia's Pivot towards the West yet it seems that azer Ban's conquests have mostly aided the interests of the West and NATO how are Russia Iran and China prepared to deal with Britain's middle Corridor into Central Asia and what threat does this type of pan turkism serve to your asianism uh first of all I don't think that aeran can be considered to be direct support of the western Powers Armenia is much more uh this pasan involved in the western politics but that is that was everything that has happened in uh Armenia and aeran last time that was tragedy because we we wanted Russia wanted to keep the good relations with both uh friendly peoples obviously the kabak was occupied by Armenians after uh radical ethnical cleansing of Turkish population of kabak that was unjust and some some rever some reparation and reversal of this situation was really needed uh but pasan that is really really really uh failure for Armenia because he want he he is the puppet of Soros and he has betrayed Armenians he has betrayed kabak he is the the the real the real criminal figure in the Armenian history because he he sh uh to uh to harmonize the situation inab between uh Moscow Yan and Baku uh and that was possible and we we work we worked on the very very operational plan and everything that was destroyed by the masters of pasan in the west so pashinyan was used against the interest of Armenia Armenians by uh the the same the same Powers as that has created Ukrainian Nazism so that was Soros and the globalists so they have used uh pasan in order to to to weaken Uh Russian presence in the C uh and that was tragedy for everybody uh in that situation but we could not say that the victory of the aeran is the same as the victory of the West not not at all T turkey as such is not being member of NATO is not a direct direct puppet of the West it is very very um in independent I would say uh Regional power and obviously that Russia and Iran and China should not be very very happy with the situation in nagor kabak we we have lost bit cred credibility in the solutions of some Regional problems but the blame is on totally on the pasan pasan has destroyed all multipolar strategy in the Caucasus uh and the southern caucus and I think he is to blame for what we have but I think that we don't should not demonize aeran neither turkey uh and pan turkist project is very very bad it was created by CIA in order to to to to Pro provoke the hostility between turkey and Soviet Union in in the but now in the turkey almost nobody believes really in pism one thinks is cultural Unity of Turkish people it's very good every every people has all the rights to promote it its uh ethnical identity uh but uh the other totally other thing is the use of the concept of uh pism in the geopolitical um sense so uh but I think that maybe you you don't remark how how disastrous how uh the politics of pashinyan was because he has signed signed the agreement to to seed to give um away uh kabak at the same time he blamed Russia for that and all that we could explain only by the fact that he was put to power by by by Soros and he is supported by Soros so he is the the worst representative of uh Armenian politics but we need to deal with what we have uh we are not in the power to to control totally Armenia we consider Armenia our friend and not our vessel not the puppet so uh but if if uh uh it um uh um it is us who control Armenia there will be Soros who will control it we need to to to to to understand the situation the sovereignty between um unipolarity and multipolarity uh at the end of the day is impossible so sovereignty we should try to to establish our sovereignty either uh on the side of multip it and that is one line or on the side of unip poity that is another line alternative so Georgia for example of sakash and Armenia of pashinyan and Ukraine of parena and and zansky they want they wanted uh to establish their sovereignty on the Western unipolar Germany and they have failed all of them they have lost their integ and those who who choose uh those who choose multipolarity uh on the other hand they receive they receive the support of the emerging uh future political system so and and Global World Order so who uh whose option is ending world order they are losers uh those who um are in tune with ongoing and emerging and growing New World Order multipolar world order they have the chances to to conserve their inte integrity and to uh reinforce uh their sovereignty thank you Professor um I'm going to let Warren speak because he has a question also about Armenia so Warren if you're there go ahead uh yes thank you very much uh hello Alexander it's lovely to meet you um I have a question uh because I'm an investigative journalist and we found that French military was crawling around in Ukraine since 2020 uh and we actually have the paperwork that shows that and now the very person who was crawling around in Ukraine in 2020 has now been just been made the French military defense attache for Armenia after living in Kiev only 200 yards away uh from the Armenian Embassy uh this is not a coincidence is it no I I don't think that is coincidence I think that now that France is playing their part on the side of the globalists and uh I think that um that means that it's not about France and French interests that is about globalists interest and uh macron is just just one of the puppet of globalism I think we've lost him again just think that you know there will one day be a future where we won't have to have Alexander Dugan use a VPN because America and Russia and China will all be working together okay I've got him back you and we'll just let him have the floor to answer um the question the floor is yours Professor when you're ready to speak can you hear us Professor are you there do you hear me yes go ahead okay uh sorry but I I I did miss um I did miss the last questions so uh I I I just I wanted to to say about some words about France that modern days France doesn't serve the really French interest because macron is just the puppet of the globalist so and unfortunately I now I need to go and thank you very much for your attention for your very very interesting question and I'm uh I will be glad to to to be with all of you in other occasions thank you very much thank you so much professor