Understanding the Depth of Galvanizing

Aug 16, 2024

Working Genius Podcast: The Depth of Galvanizing


  • The podcast explores the six types of working genius.
  • Hosts: Pat Linchony, Cody Bo, and Tracy.
  • Special guests include Matt, Karen, and studio audience J.
  • Current topic: The depth of Galvanizing.

Understanding Galvanizing

  • Misconceptions: Often seen as just cheerleading or reminding.
  • Key Insight: It's about rallying people towards a common goal repeatedly.
  • Challenge: Includes stopping people from focusing on non-essential tasks.
  • Personal Experience: Pat encountered frustration from overuse of galvanizing, indicating its depth and complexity.

The Role of a Galvanizer

  • Involves rallying people around a common goal and redirecting focus.
  • Challenges in Galvanizing:
    • Often mistaken as a simple act of getting people excited.
    • It can be draining if it doesn't come naturally to the individual.
    • Need to address the right issues, avoiding distractions.

Importance of Galvanizing

  • A necessary skill for ensuring ideas come to fruition.
  • It's not a one-time event; it requires continuous effort.
  • Vision and Focus: Effective galvanizing involves re-clarifying goals and focusing efforts.

Strategies for Effective Galvanizing

  • Widget Process: Utilizing a structured approach to remind teams of their objectives.
  • Setting Stakes: Reinforcing the importance of goals.
  • Team Dynamics: Understanding the complementarity between different types of genius (e.g., Discerner, Enabler).

Challenges for Galvanizers

  • Frustrations:
    • Lack of action from the team can be disheartening.
    • Navigating between prompting action and allowing discernment.
    • Struggle with non-responsiveness or inaction.

Advice for Galvanizers

  • Recognize the necessity and value of your contribution.
  • Embrace humility and openness to feedback from discerners.
  • Collaborate closely with team members whose strengths complement galvanizing, like enablers.


  • Galvanizing is crucial for maintaining momentum and direction within teams.
  • Essential for bringing out the best in others and facilitating teamwork.
  • Encouragement to keep galvanizing and leveraging this genius for team success.