[Music] welcome to the working genius podcast where we discuss anything and everything related to the six types of working genius and how it impacts your work and your life I'm patlin chony your host joined by Cody Bo and Tracy the regulars how are you guys doing great especially great wonderful and we've got you guys are so excited for this topic and we've got Matt in House of course Karen's here with me and J is just observing she's our audience studio audience okay Cody what are we going to talked about today the depth of galvanizing the depth of galvanizing and why we let's go that's right we did not have to invite people with galvanizing into the room today because we have two of them here and I'll take it from here exactly and we called it the depth of galvanizing because it's easy to see galvanizing as a very surface level thing oh you're just cheerleading or reminding people and it's far more than that and I before we start I want to say galvanizing was at the heart of this very model because it was the thing that for more than 20 years I was doing and it was frustrating me I didn't know I was doing it and I finally one day just said what is going on Amy said why are you like this and what we first discovered was I was galvanizing every day and it was a working competency of mine and I was totally burned out and so I can I say that because it's hard to Galvanize for for me it doesn't feed me and give me joy and energy and when you find people who do get joy and energy from that it is golden or as I said on Seinfeld it's gold Jerry it's gold and so we have two galvanizers here and we want to ask you guys tell us how you get joying energy from the disruptive Genius of galvanizing oh you go ahead Cody I want to hear you talk about it first first describe it for us yeah I I that's a great question so I think the you're right Pat when we describe working genius and we get to the galvanizing phase and people the the mo most common misconception is people say oh I does I just make me a cheerleader and while B is a cheerleader a galvanizer um the the the the depth of it that's what we're trying to explore because it's really about rallying people towards a common goal it's about you know often times we'll talk about like circling the wagons or getting everybody's attention and and and moving them from the reason it's disruptive is like most often people are not all rallied around the same so you have to like get them focused on the same thing and it's not a onetime event either it happens repeatedly over and over and over again all say hey having the right idea discernment is not enough because the right idea might sit there on the table you need to be able to focus and energize and get everybody looking at that idea and moving in that direction something just occurred to me while you were saying that Cody is galvanizing isn't just about getting people to embrace something again and again it's you have to sometimes tell them to stop embracing something else and that's I think that's why don't like it because there's a part and you're much you you don't it doesn't bother you as much that's why you love this but to say no no no don't do those other things you're doing and that's disruptive yeah I I was asked the other day at an event how did you get that affectionate nickname that you have in the office that we've said on this podcast many times and in in fact it was that very thing of yes of I I used to and this sounds terrible even as I say it is we would sit in this little office and I didn't know what it was at the time but it was disruptive I would go and close people's laptops that they were working on and say hey guys we're not we're not we have something important we need to work on and I know it's not on your computer right now and I would go around and close people's laptops people don't love that but but the galvanizer in you guys is much better like you're like it's okay it's worth it and it wasn't to me and so when I did it it would crush me and I felt like that was my job and when we found we have two galvanizers here you guys are masterful at it and by the way it's not not offensive to us no but we're glad that it doesn't bother you to do it because it serves us all mhm I think about that idea that without a vision the people perish and vision is not just the right Vision on a piece of paper of here's where we're going to go I think about Vision it's everybody might be looking in a bunch of different directions or working on a bunch of different things and other galvanizers that I watch have this ability to get everybody again taking all that energy and saying we're going to take it all and look here here is what we must work on does that make sense absolutely and I would even say a tip or trick that I've learned after working genius is one of the best ways for me to Galvanize is I actually go through the widget process I like to I like to say hey guys remember this is the problem that we were trying to solve and here's the solution that we came up with and here's how we made it here's how we know it's the right thing so you go from invention down to discernment and here's why we need everybody's participation in this and here's how we're going to execute and like that I actually use the framework of of that to to Rally people around the right things yeah and you're masterful at that Cody I think that's a combination of your D and your G you having the ability to paint that picture I think is a a combination of your Geniuses not just G but it is a great reminder uh our friend Jonathan says great galvanizing always involves setting the stakes re clarifying the why so even if it's not something that's natural if the energizing or focusing is natural it is a good practice to be able to say make sure you tie it back to ey which is some of what you're saying I think this is another story maybe that contributed to my nickname here is there was a time in our office where we were not as good at conflict as we needed to be you you brought this up you're the you were observing that hey our team needs to get better at conflict and you you didn't want to be the one to say I hat making people do it right so when I loved it you were like hey can you help us get better at conflict and so I went and bought a little rocky I'm looking at everybody you remember the rocky trophy it was like a little snow globe with the Rocky statue in it and I said to our team like I'm going to give this Rocky statue to the person who engages in the most ideological constructive ideological conflict every day and then I was imploring them guys you need to do this you need to do this and for the first 15 days I gave it to myself I awarded myself the rocky Trophy and then I said at the end hey if I get this tomorrow we're going to be in big trouble and then it was Karen actually who jumped in and and it it was like a really a moment where seeing galvanizing happen and it was over and over and over again but it got the team to move in the direction that we needed to move right and I liked seeing it and spotting it and announcing it once but I didn't want to be the one to keep doing it again and again and it reminds me of the difference between a genius and a competency because the truth is one of my competencies is galvanizing it's my third and I when I had to do it I will say I was pretty good at it I I didn't like it it exhausted me and so I could do it joyfully whereas you guys do it really well and with joy you're like yes I get to do this and when it's a genius it's like I get to do this when it's a competency or frustration it's like I have to do this they're very different we're recording this live when we're all together in the office and I think this is really on point when we come and visit the office here in California and we were talking about this yesterday that there's a lot of responsive Geniuses in the office and you can come in us galvanizers can come in with one of two perspectives one is oh I feel kind of guilty that I'm galvanizing them and they probably don't want that the other is oh they actually love my genius they love that we're different they see that it's needed and I can step in and say this is actually a gift that I'm giving them not a inconvenience to their sure uh I'd love to hear you talk about that well actually sometimes initially I think you would walk in and you guys would get frustrated like oh my gosh how come you guys are like this like no no no let's point back to working genius we are not we're all responsive we all have it in our frustration except for Pat yeah and I and we solved that problem before you left I was like Yay I'm not the only galvanizer and then you moved and Bose's out there and I'm like oh no I'm the only galvanizer no but we love bow to your point when you guys come in the office we welcome it never hesitate we we're like bring it on you know move us you know get us to move and I think about other galvanizers that I work with they they it surp it seems surprising because we seem energetic and probably seem confident and driven is we love to hear that a galvanizer also loves to be affirmed for the fact that galvanizing is work that it's necessary and that it pat to your point a few minutes ago it's actually difficult there is a if you don't have galvanizing it's so draining to do and it's needed you know what's funny I I think about this we have our like we have a holiday part Christmas party or or a gathering and every time and this has happened for the last 10 years I would go we'd be sitting at a big table and so we wouldn't get to sit with with with everybody and talk to them so I would say we're going to move plates every course we're going to stand up and we're going to slide down so every moves around the table is serting with different people and every time we do it people complain and every time at the end of dinner they go I'm so glad you did that and yet I would be frustrated cuz we got to the next one I go we're going to do that and go oh no whereas you guys it wouldn't bother you you'd be like oh they're going to complain that's fine it's going to work out well oh true so so you guys can actually work through that and Karen just wrote a note she have galvanizing it's a frustration for her when you don't have galvanizing even as a competency and you do it you feel like and actually you are perceived as kind of a nag yes wow CU my wife hates to Galvanize at home yes and it doesn't and it doesn't it's it shows oh that resonates with me and we're also ease so we're Pleasers so in addition to having it in our frustration we have enablement in our Geniuses and it's it's painful for us but the whole nag thing I completely feel that right because it's just not natural it's not that you're doing that you're like I'm actually frustrated that I even have to do this that comes out you know as we're having this conversation I I think there's a unique part about the way we run our business that actually lends itself to the right type of galvanizing and I mean this because there's probably people out there are like how do I know what to Galvanize you guys seem to already have clarified what the most important thing is and so because we run our meetings because we sit and do Wonder invention and discernment to figure out what the most important things are it's easy to Galvanize and get people keep make sure people are on the right page or the right track because I would imagine if you're in a company that you don't know what the priorities are then galvanizing can kind of feel like you're running around starting fires in a bunch of different areas of the office and so the idea of hey this goes in order you don't skip right to galvanizing you have to go what's the problem what are we solving with in invention how are we figuring out how it's going to work and then move into galvanizing and that's why if you're a GT or even a g in other words where your first letter is G you might be prone to just Galvanize people right away and what you need to do is go wait a second let's make sure that we've wied something before we just keep people moving and Jackie who we love to pieces and she's a GT and you know when in doubt it's like come on let's move and which we love that but but the humility and this is the other thing all of these Geniuses humility is so important because Bo you're an IG which means a new idea you go from a new idea to selling it and getting people excited about it but your humility is if one of us goes hey Bo I don't know if that's such a great idea you go that's okay let's do a different one then it's not like you're insistent on doing it you actually invite discernment into between your I and your G and so like and Jackie's guys has great humility she's like I know I'm rallying us to do something it might not be the right thing but in the meantime I'm just going to Rally us yeah bias towards action exactly and that's okay as long as you're willing to be informed that maybe I'm galvanizing us around something that doesn't need to be galvanized yet I would say the relationship with the discerner and galvanizer is really important and also the relationship with a galvanizer and enablement is important when when I am when I Galvanize something and there's nobody with enablement there to help pick it up figure out what's next how to include people to say let's go it's it can be very draining but boy when you have a great I have a great colleague named Ashley who is a discernment and enablement and so it's just this great Synergy of I'm galvanizing she's picking it up I see it let's go in that direction right yeah and I do want to shout out to the enablers without people with enablement galvanizers are toast yeah AB you need that response you need people to oh it's a great respond to the call you know and and and like there is no success without the people the glue of a team to say Mr or Mrs galvanizer I hear you I'm ready you're the other genius that I think benefits from a great relationship with a galvanizer is a Wanderer because sometimes a Wanderer can be a bit quieter or sitting back and noticing something and sometimes they need a galvanizer to be able to say hey everybody Matt's noticing something he sees potential he sees maybe where this might go off let's all listen let's spend a little time wondering do you resonate with that yeah yeah of course of course it's interesting you're like a megaphone for the team but but you don't want that megaphone to just be you you want to be magnifying everybody and making sure that the right stuff comes out you know what's interesting when you when you said that the W and the g connection I was I I didn't know where you're going to go with that and WG is the most unique type we have and even to this day it's hard for me to describe it because the the idea of being a galvanizer and a wonderer is it seems kind of opposed to one another I'm curious as to what you guys think about that this is in real time why is it why is the WG so mysterious I do think cuz the I think the galvanizing part seems to infer confidence and and assuredness and the wonderer part seems to is way more nuanced and and not ready to land on something confidently so they they oscillate between a a Nuance thought with lots of possibilities and then needing to articulate and get excited about we called it the philosopher right or the excitable philosopher I can't remember exactly what the the label is but I think it's that I think you're right I think I have a son who's a WG and it's really hard to decide and we know Mike and Daniel other people we know and what I used to say about Daniel as a WG is he's the guy that would be like on the playground there's a bully and he's like Pat you can do it go take on the bully you go you be the hero get up there and he'd be he'd be encouraging me and pushing me out into the middle of the playground cuz that's the G yeah and then just before I walked away he goes but he might kill you you maybe you shouldn't I don't know about this there's that nagging thing like uhoh but so they they do kind of seem in opposition there's tension but there's always tension in our in our we call it the philosophical motivator and the description is a unique combination of eagerness and caution and that's exactly what you've just described yeah good I know that yes my son is like that yeah let's go do that oh but do you think that's the right idea I think it's worth going back to you know we did you we discovered working genius related to galvanizing and you're it becoming a burnout level of frustration because you had to be the person doing that and then I got to fill that gap for a little while in the office and now I've moved and the office definitely still feels a not just a lack of galvanizing but we we talk about the culture being responsive as is but because we have the language for it like I love this Matt is in charge of the podcast right it's his responsibility to make sure we do these things and he's a wonder discerner and I I we sort of jokingly do this thing I I wish it was a video podcast cuz he he acts like he's casting a Spell on You by shaking all of his fingers at you and goes galvanized galvaniz so to get everybody in the room to do the podcast but and in some ways because we know we need that it's effective yes and a lot of teams are like well we don't have it let's just do the right thing it's like no no no you need some way of rallying people around the most important and right things and Matt has hacked it what by casting a spell on people that's a hack that's great and and and Tracy and Karen who who are double responsive and don't Galvanize they will say people am I going to have to Galvanize you to start this meeting yes and that's their way of saying I can't do that start that's right wow cool I wonder probably as we're close to wrapping this conversation up especially from Tracy and Pat what advice would you give to a galvanizer and then maybe what advice would you give to somebody working with a galvanizer I know that's two questions let's start with the first one what advice would you give to a somebody with the genius of galvanizing well I mean I would say first of all understand that your team needs it whether they tell you that or not you know they they need it and they like it and and in your case you guys get to hear us say hey we love that you do that sometimes it doesn't even look like a job there's just a person on your team goes come on everybody let's do it so understand we need it we like it please keep doing it I think the other thing I would say is Karen just wrote me a question is tell us what frustrates you because we don't know like what is your what is the thing that drives you craziest huh or or leaves you most deprived as a galvanizer yeah no just in life though I like he's right here do I have to say it in front of him I'm sorry I'll do better well one we've talked about that we're crushed by inaction or like a lack of response a galvanizer a galvanizer actually I would rather someone push back and fight because that is a response to my energy versus do nothing or be indifferent about it that's one thing the other thing is like movement like you know if if people are just nodding their heads in the room but you don't see actual action yeah you know that can be crushing too because then it's like um I'll do it again I'll do it again I'll do it again I had a you know Julie's in the room the other day sometimes it can frustrate a galvanizer to spend way too much time in discernment because it's like okay no hand me the hand me the thing so to get Julie to move I this probably not the I'm not advocating that someone said this that you should say this so I said hey I'm going to die on this hill so you just decide how long it takes and and and so that meant like I'm ready to move let's let's move even if we don't have the perfect plan so those are the two things that I think yeah yeah yeah I love what you said about a response in fact we did a virtual event recently and we had the chat as part of that and I was kind of hosting the event and like is if you see the chat B is that going to be very distracting to you and I'm like no it's not going to be distracting to me I'm going to love it and I think that's why is I feel like we're doing the event and galvanizing and I got to see in real time all these comments coming in and they might have been somewhat distracting but it felt like this like oh people are engaging they're participating there's energy there's like it's being seen they're doing something with it yeah that makes sense so just understand if you're a galvanizer out there we know it's more than just sales but that's that denigrates sales really good sales means you're you're mobilizing people and you're really tapping into what they're thinking you're reminding them so in the best sense it is sales likee but it's so much more than just reminding people or cheerleading it's really bringing out the best in others and disrupting them in a way that they need so keep galvanizing and thank you for not making me Galvanize appreciate all righty all right that's it for this episode of The Working genius podcast thanks for joining us God [Music] bless