you have a fat face and it's time that you're finally starting to do something about it as someone who has personally struggled with chubby cheeks my entire life I understand you over the years I've done hours and hours of research to figure out the best possible ways to get a slim and defined face and you might think that you know everything there is to know about how to get a defined face but really there's a lot of underground information that is kind of gayk kept and hidden so that's what I'm going to tell you guys about today I'm going to give you the best most hidden gatee kept information about how to get the best looking face that you can have by the end of this video you are going to know exactly how to control piece by piece what your face looks like if you want to improve your life improve your looks improve your status anything like that make sure you subscribe turn on post notifications and like this video so that you get more similar ones on your feed on YouTube I would make some sort of listicle video where I'm going here's step number one here's step two I'm not trying to do that right now this is not the style of content that I like to make I'm a yapper okay so I just like to talk a lot and I like to give you guys the best info that being said I'm not going to waste your time but I don't recommend skipping through this video because you might miss an important step so firstly let's analyze my face when you look at me you might notice that my cheeks are not necessarily fat but they're really not too slim I literally have pretty much a six-pack and yet my face is still kind of bloated looking this is due to my genetics and this is going to be the number one thing that impacts the way that your face looks aside from the next thing I'll talk about your parents your mom and dad are going to control your Peaks and your downfalls about the way you look that's just simply how it works so the first thing I'm going to recommend is that you look at old pictures of your parents to see what their faces looked like when they were your age this will actually give you a pretty good idea of what your genetic limit is for example let's say you find a picture of your dad with a shirt off and he has abs but his cheeks are pretty chubby most likely you going to face the same issue now that you know this information I'm going to tell you the number one most important thing to changing your face I'm not going to make you wait till the end of the video and it's very simple a lot of you guys probably know this you need to lose body fat at the end of the day your genetics do play a big role on the amount of chubbiness in your face but you can really control most of chubby cheeks are mostly composed up of fat that's like literally the main reason that you might have a less defined face now there's a lot of other things that most people don't talk about that I'll go over later in this video but having Chubby Cheeks is literally almost completely dependent on your body fat percentage so let me tell you some ways to lose body fat and this is going to lead me into the other points on how you can change your face as well starting off you need to be in a caloric deficit if you don't know what this is this is when you're burning more calories than you consume per day so for me for example I burn about 2300 calories per day so if I eat 2,000 calories I'm going to burn 300 calories worth of fat that day you can track this using apps like my fitness pal it doesn't really matter but for me what I do is I just try to make myself hungry whenever you're in a caloric deficit where you're eating fewer calories than your body Burns that is when you feel that hungry feeling in your stomach and something that a lot of people don't understand is you have to get comfortable with that hungry feeling if you really want to lose fat it's important in my opinion to understand that humans never used to have this much access to food like McDonald's Subway wherever you want to go we used to have to H for our food so we would be basically starving until we caught a meal so aside from just losing fat I think it's important to restrain yourself from eating whenever you want to no matter what and I have a three-step process when it comes to eating foods that will never steer you wrong cuz I could just tell you to eat in a caloric deficit but a lot of you are going to end this video and just not know where to go or what to eat so step one of this three-step process is going to be eating Whole Foods these are foods that are one ingredient for example chicken there's no extra additives preservatives or anything like that it is literally chicken same thing with vegetables and fruits usually when you eat an item that is only one ingredient it will typically be lower in calories and more nutritionally dense to make it as simple as possible the literal only things that you need to eat are fruits vegetables and meat if you eat just those three things you will be fine for the rest of your life and you'll also notice that you will start slimming out particularly in the cheek jawline and entire face area step number two of this eating process is wait until you're hungry to eat like I said we have so much access to food this is becoming a problem obesity in America is huge and I think it's time to finally make a change and cut back what I do is called intermittent fasting this is when you wait until very late in the day to eat your first meal not only that but you also have a cut off time so say I start eating at 5:00 I will cut that off at 8:00 p.m. so within those 3 hours I eat all my food for the entire day this will do a few things for you number one you will get the benefits of intermittent fasting you can look that up if you want to but basically it's good for your body now number two and the more important thing is that you're just going to eat less throughout the day a lot of us overeat because we're literally eating 16 hours a day if you limit that to three no matter what you're eating you're going to eat a lot less so intermittent fasting look into it I could make an entire separate video just on that alone if you guys want step number three is very simple but most people don't do it read the calories there's no point in playing this guessing game on the foods you eat everything is trackable through apps so there's absolutely no reason to just blindly go at your diet literally all you have to do is look at the back where the ingredient list is on any single food item and it'll say how many calories and how much a serving is if you abide by that rule and track those numbers you will have no issue losing weight whatsoever this is the part that most people don't know this is the underground information that you actually have to really look into to see and if having Chubby Cheeks is a real insecurity for you I think it's good to just figure this out now rather than having to do a lot of research later so the first underground piece of information that I can give you guys is that your testosterone heavily affects the amount of fat content in your face so if you're younger say you're in your teenage years watching this video this is a good sign for you because you're testosterone as a man increases as you get older so if people ever say that you have a baby face or something like that usually once you pass your teenage years that will go away simply because your testosterone raises making the fat dissipate from your face to other parts of your body now this affects everyone differently but this is the main reason for a lot of people's glow up like when they go from this awkward teenage phase to being an absolute gigachad it's all in the testosterone now there's other ways to raise your testosterone other than just getting older and that's what I'm about to tell you right now number number one is just eating a good diet I already gave you guys all the information on that so just abide by those three rules that I gave you earlier number two and this is the most important thing in my opinion for your testosterone and hormones in general is getting sufficient sleep I don't know how many of you guys are watching this video late at night but you need to go to bed and try to get at least 8 to even 10 hours of sleep per night not only for your testosterone but your entire Health as a human being can dramatically change just by increasing your sleep by 1 hour something that I find pretty interesting about human health is that during daylight savings when we lose an hour of sleep the heart attacks in the overall human population increases over 20% and on the other note heart attacks actually decrease by 20% when we gain an hour of sleep which really shows how much sleep can truly affect your body's health so try to get 8 to even 10 hours every single night if you can it'll make a world of a difference and a pro tip for you guys try to make your room pitch black subtle lights in your room say a little red dot that you see on the TV that will actually affect your body and make it sleep sleep less or not necessarily make it sleep less but the quality of sleep that you do have will be worse so try to cover all those lights in your room and sleep in the absolute pitch black now moving on to the next thing you need to start working out or at least exercising something that you might notice in say bodybuilders is that when they start getting massive you'll notice their face changes as well this is partially because they're absolutely pumping steroids in their body but aside from that lifting weights will actually increase your testosterone a very large margin there's actually a common misconception as well about when you can start weight training you can actually start at a very young age now I'm not going to say a specific number cuz I don't want to make any parents mad but if you're a teenager most gems will let you use their free weights and that's when you should really capitalize on training not only is this going to slim out your face by increasing your testosterone but you can just build muscle in the process and develop a healthy lifestyle oh and to make things even better by using these last three tips increasing your testosterone while you're still going through puberty you'll get the maximum results of your puberty to make this as simple as possible basically when you're going through puberty that's the most developmental stage of your life so having high testosterone at that time could not only improve the way your face looks but also make you taller by increasing your bone density giving you the ability to grow a ton of muscle mass and so many more benefits it's absolutely insane so if you're a teenager watching this video you found it at the right time now getting even further down the rabbit hole we get to things like chewing gum chewing gum actually doesn't make your face slim out whatsoever but what it does do is increase the width of your jaw it does this by causing stimulation to your muscles in the corner of your jaw known as your m passers although this doesn't actually slim out your face when your jaw gets wider your cheeks look smaller it's all about proportions so my friend Brett Maverick he's actually huge in this industry he has this jawline gum I want to give a quick shout out to that even though this video is not sponsored I'll put a link in the description if you guys want to check that out but yeah the jawline gum makes a pretty big difference it's really hard to chew and it really just grows your master and muscles more than almost anything I've ever tried next we're moving on from the Ms and getting even further into the rabbit hole this gets a lot deeper guys the next thing I'm talking about is lymph FL fluid there's fluid that basically sits in your face known as limp fluid and you can help move this around your face and actually even get it out in a way using something like this Jade roller or a gacha if you've ever heard of that you can basically move the limp fluid out of your cheeks this has no long-term effects so doing this every morning isn't going to make your face look different in a week but during the time when you're doing it it will make a pretty big difference so literally all you do is you take this or you take a gacha and you roll it against your cheeks and what you'll feel is it'll help relax the muscles in your cheeks as well as moving around that limp fluid a lot of models use gachas and Jade rollers in order to get a Slimmer face before their photo shoots I can pretty confidently say this works but once again it's very short term if I do this in the morning it's probably going to go back to normal by the end of the day but say you have pictures for prom or whatever it is that you're doing using this before can actually make a pretty sufficient difference moving on to other fluids in your face this is also limp fluid but there's also bloating which is pretty much water retention bloating or water retention in your face can be caused by cons consuming large amounts of salt or sugar when you consume sugar or salt that goes into your body and those little particles allow water molecules to attach to them because of those water molecules it can make your face look a lot more puffy or bloated once again using something like a gacha or Jade roller can help with this but if you really want to notice a big difference you need to stop consuming as much salt sugar and carbs this includes things like candies sweets bread pasta honestly most foods that aren't meat fruit or vegetables are going to give you this issue which is why I also recommend eating those foods but yeah to notice a substantial difference you're definitely going to want to cut down on those processed foods so pretty much anything that's not a whole food could give you this issue now even further down the rabbit hole if you're still here I think you're going to look a little bit better than most people because most people don't get this far the next thing that will make a pretty big difference on the way that your face looks is the activeness of your banator muscles that's right there are literal muscles that sit in your cheeks that allow you to do sucking and blowing motions pause but yeah ideally you want your boot inator muscles to be as small as possible now this is something that a lot of people aren't going to have the time and effort to put into this and truthfully you will not see a massive difference unless you are very keen and spot-on on doing this to deactivate your Boost Ander muscles you basically quit using your cheeks to eat instead of moving around the food in your mouth with your cheeks you use your tongue instead I mean when you think about it simply when you stop using your muscles for example if someone's in a wheelchair for lack of a better example their legs get really small the same thing would happen if you quit using your cheek muscles so do what you will with that information moving on to the next thing moving even deeper down the rabbit hole I'm going to talk about meing this is actually just proper mouth posture and no this doesn't really actually affect your cheeks what it does affect is your jawline now your jawline is an extremely important part of your face so I'm not just going to tell you guys how to fix this and not fix the areas around it basically to mute properly all you want to do is say the word sing hold the G sound so sing and then hold your tongue there at the roof of your mouth if you look at my jaw you'll see a difference when I have my tongue just regular and then when I put it like at the roof of my mouth it basically tightens up your jawline instantly I'm not going to go too IND depth on this there's a lot of videos out there you can watch but Mee will make a massive difference in the moment it's not shown to have any long-term effects that being said I still recommend doing it whenever you're taking pictures or just chilling throughout the day now for the absolute final way to get less chubby cheeks you're actually not changing anything about your cheeks whatsoever what you can change is your hair including your facial hair and the hair on top of your head when you look at my hairstyle you'll notice that it's very big and poofy and this creates a taper effect giving me better proportions by my hair being very big it makes my cheeks look smaller because the rest of my head looks way bigger so basically what I'm telling you is that you should probably grow your hair out if you have a round face and you have a buzz cut there's nothing to hide those proportions you are pretty much stuck looking like an eggh head and finally for my older audience you can grow a beard growing a full beard can completely mask this whole entire port of your face so if you don't care about working on any of that literally just grow the facial hair out I will tell you I don't know if you guys are doing this for girls or just to gain confidence whatever the reason may be growing a beard a lot of girls don't like that so do it at your own risk ideally a short beard will suit most people best because it's not too much it's not too little it shows you that you're masculine and you will make a lot of guys jealous that being said you guys now have complete control over your face