Oh take these off first thought those are on my face hey guys it's taya and welcome back to my channel I have a very special video today and it is a bit different than I normally do so on Instagram I actually asked you guys what your best advice for stuttering is and I got a ton of responses it was I didn't expect that at all so I'm just going to read through all of the advice now I didn't want to make this video too long so I'm just gonna give a brief explanation to a few of them and mostly just read through them and see how that goes alrighty so let's begin so that this video isn't too long number one take your time speaking practice exercises and read out loud 100% agree I feel like practice can really expose ourselves to face our fears and overall facing our fears can make our stutter a lot better it's such a weird thing though like exposing ourselves to what makes her stutter worse will actually in turn make it better it's such a strange thing but it works I guarantee it next be able to laugh at your yourself people will remember to laugh more than the stutter now this one is a bit I don't know if I fully agree I do understand where what they mean a lot laughing about the stutter can help to bring more of a positive outlook about it but I think that if we laugh then other people will think that it's a funny and they'll think that it's something they're allowed to laugh at as well which in my opinion I don't like when people laugh at my stutter so I usually don't laugh or sometimes and make a smirk but otherwise I'll usually just continue talking as if I never stuttered oh I do understand what they mean but I don't think I fully agree so next you should have fun when you speak copied that the behavior of other people to help speak without blocks now this one I at first didn't understand but I think what they mean is that kind of channeling somebody else in your mind to to copy the way that they speak and I guess this can kind of be said about different actors and actresses who stutter when they act as a character they don't stutter and this is kind of a strange phenomenon I feel like if we are acting as if we don't have a stutter it can sometimes work to not have a stutter it's strange but I think it can sometimes work now I did get a ton of responses saying talk slowly and I 100% agree I feel like there's no better way to take control of your speech other than talking at a slower rate because then we can take our techniques our speech techniques and put them into the way we speak I feel like if we're talking at too much of a quick rate then we can't remember the tech techniques and put them into practice so yes talking's slowly is such a big thing next also a big one don't stress out and just breathe this is something that I forget about a lot and it's so strange that I forget to breathe like who forgets to breathe now it's basically that a lot of us get worked up about our stutter so we forget that taking a deep breath but between words between a sentence that is so so important and the more that we don't breathe correctly then the more our stress will go up and up and up so keeping an eye on the breath and on your levels of stress is so important as well next don't be afraid this is such a huge one as well being afraid of a situation will only make you not want to want to be in this situation more and by avoiding these situation as I mentioned before by avoiding it we are building up these stress about it so it'll make us more and more stressed about going into that same situation so facing our fears and not being afraid and taking everything head-on is so important the more we expose ourselves to these situations the more our stutter will get better and better don't beat yourself up and that's the worst thing you can do and I completely agree I find that every once in a while I will have a down day where I feel bad about the stutter and how awful it makes me feel but the more we dwell on these experiences and it is negative thoughts the the worse our feelings about the stutter we will get and I totally believe in the power of positivity if we believe we can do it then we will if we believe that everything thing is OK then it is believing that our stutter is not a big deal then it won't be and that is that I believe that positive thinking is such an important thing I'm gonna read through the next ones because it's kind of becoming a long video already practice saying what you want to say but but beforehand to eliminate fear this helps a lot drink public speaking yes it can help but I feel like taking control of the anxiety and of the fear is also very important to try to accept your stutter and find other stutters to talk to yes important again don't let yourself think it defines who you are don't care so much about it always be yourself I like reading movie scripts aloud practice this one I was actually written by a friend of mine and she said we don't notice it as much as you think that we do and that is such a a relief because I find that we always think that our insecurities are so noticeable by other people when in reality they don't really care as much as we think before talking think this is very easy to say and go ahead learn what type of stutter you have and exactly how it affects you practice every day surround yourself with other people who stutter I got a couple of these saying that talking with your helped and and I actually find that it does speaking with hand movements and mannerisms can actually take the pressure off of somebody focusing entirely on your speech and will in turn help these stress a little levels a little bit tried deliberate stuttering or pseudo stuttering to get a better sense sense of your speech prepare conversation content but beforehand don't hide your your stuttering talk openly about it to relieve the pressure of expectation train your speaking techniques and do deep desensitization against the anxiety and that once again is talking about facing your fears and taking it hat on instead of avoiding them somebody says it's different for each of us I just take my time and repeat words if I need to and exactly I don't think people really care if you repeat a sentence or repeat a word it's actually a common thing for people to rip rip rip he a lot and I don't think they'll really care meditation is the best way for me with meditation we can achieve at anything in this universe which I agree with I met I meditate pretty regularly and I find it helps to Beto be totally calm control your emotions and show them who's boss yes I totally agree try not to let it stop you from speaking just be brave there's nothing that you can't do do not avoid the conditions that make you stutter more just face it never let the bad days define your whole life your voice deserves to be heard it's okay to stutter be confident and love yourself your your stutter is not a downfall but your strength it's important to observe your feelings and emotions learn more about stuttering the more we know the more the stutter won't be as unpredictable which I agree with - I actually love educating myself about stutters and about psychology and I find that that just it gives me a further understanding of the human mind and it's such an interesting thing that this person says that they use CBD as well as lion's mane capsules and I actually had to look up what lot lion's mane was but I guess it's a mushroom that contains compounds that stimulate the growth of brain cells and protect them from damage it can help with chronic inflammation which could be a major factor causing anxiety and depression so I would say this is something that can work but it also says that there isn't enough evidence on humans yet yet so it might work or might not I thought that this was a very unique and interesting response how I wanted to include that as well so I hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to give it a thumbs up and if you have any other advice that I missed make sure to leave it in the comments below I hope you're all having a wonderful day and I will see you all really really soon bye [Music] [Music]