Māori Language: A Gift from the Ancestors

Oct 1, 2024

The Māori Language: A Treasure Passed Down


  • Supporter: Soni Ngātai
  • Tribes: Ngāti Rangi-u-Wihi, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Whātua
  • Topic: Māori Language Week

History of the Māori Language

  • Before World War II, the main language of the Māori people was the Māori language.
  • After the war, the percentage of Māori speakers fell to 20% over 40 years.
  • Laws punished children who spoke Māori in schools; speaking Māori was not allowed.
  • In families that moved to cities, the language faded.


  • 1972: Groups united to address the decline of the language.
    • Ngā Tamatoa, Young Māori Leaders' Conferences, and Māori Language Week.
    • Submitted a petition to Parliament with 30,000 signatures.
  • Birth: Māori Language Day, which later became Māori Language Week.

Revitalization Efforts

  • Goal: To give the Māori language a presence in New Zealand schools.
  • First Kōhanga Reo: Pukeatua Kohanga Reo in 1982.
  • First Kura Kaupapa Māori: Hoani Waititi in 1985.
  • Established the Māori language as an official language in 1987 under the Māori Language Act.

Government Goals

  • Main Goal: One million Māori speakers by 2040.


  • Acknowledge those who fought for the Māori language.
  • The Māori language is a treasured heritage; we must strive to speak it.