[Music] hi hi adele nice to meet you nice to meet you too well um i suppose i should start with congratulations thank you uh it's really a really great record thank you very much thank you i appreciate it it's so uh personal and vulnerable and yeah but it's also like just a lot of really interesting textures and i kind of want to talk about the sound of the record and i want to talk about some of these songs where they come from but i can't get over how big it all is you know because there's like a convenience store next to my house in toronto and there's a big 30 posters up everywhere there you know and so how are you with it all i'm good i mean i'm kind of settling back into it you know it's been like maybe like three weeks now since i've felt like it's all kicking off and stuff like that at first i was like exhausted and overwhelmed a bit teary all the time i don't want to do it but it was too late so i just have to sort of get comfortable with it and ride it is the trepidation because it's so personal um i just i don't i don't do anything for such long periods of time that it's just even though this would now really kind of be well now it'll be my second time really because it wasn't as big of a deal before between 19 and 21 um but i feel like i'm a bit more used to just going from zero to a thousand you know in in a matter of sort of a couple of months really but it's just i don't know like i spoke about i don't like being famous you know and it's coming out of nowhere after so long i know it makes me more of a big deal so you think really i put record out every year but i also don't want to do that um it's just hard to get used to you know um everyone being talking about me again really like you know it is a bit strange isn't it yeah it's really strange it's not normal no it's really odd it's not a normal way to live no and i live very normally like you know normally so normally yeah but yeah it's i'm getting used to it it's okay i suppose we should start with the song the first time and uh it's again it's it's gorgeous and it's it's beautiful and why did why did you want that one to be the one well i just thought it was a good um indicator of what to expect lyrically from the rest of the album it was the first song i wrote for the album it's a very calm record easy on me like you know obviously it's talking about like things falling apart and stuff but it's also very grown up it's a very grown-up way of sort of you know knocking down your life and having to have those very big conversations like you know it's never going to be like 21 or 25 was a bit more about myself really but like in terms of me in a relationship but me blaming someone else um but it just felt like it just felt like the right tone to be where i'm at in terms of relationships falling apart now so yeah it's the right tone for where i am with relationships falling apart now yes for you as well i suppose so i don't know declaring that about yourself or asking me just before i'd be like you [ __ ] is i'm in my 30s now that gets me nowhere if i'm like that like you know so it's sort of you having to sit down as two absolute grown-ups and talk about how you're going to split your lives apart but you know it has to be out you have to be respectful with each other you have to be calm otherwise nothing's ever going to get sorted out and it's not a song about anyone hurting each other it's a song about being like it's just we love each other so much but it's not working so the tone of this is is kind i think maybe you disagree i know think it's oh no i do no i don't think it is so i think that's a good tone i felt like for me to come back with like you know i thought it was very hopeful yes exactly yeah yeah and i would say you don't hear many songs in the canon of of pop music with that with that sort of like um like respect between all parties exactly that's exactly but that's what i mean by the tone of it that's that's what's been going on in my life you know it's not it's not argumentative it's not um bitter it's not like [ __ ] you and all that like it can't be like that there's a child involved and stuff like that so and i think a lot of people thought i would be feeling like that because there's been all sorts of rumors online about why we broke up that he got all my money i said i'm not stupid to let someone have all my money and not that he ever would even ask for it just i think a lot of people thought i was going to be an angry divorced woman yeah and so i thought that easy on me was it was a good tone of being like well i'm not so listen to my side geez you say it's hard it's weird being famous yeah it must be somewhere to break up being famous it must be weird breaking up being famous yes well yeah a little bit like having to sort of announce that you're separating just because otherwise it would start looking like things are dodgy if you know you didn't tell people then a pat might you know catch you with someone else or whatever it was yeah it was very strange but i feel like we navigated it quite well considering the the sound of the song is is lovely you know when i first heard it it was very you know adele too very me yeah yeah but then when you listen to the rest of the record it's quite varied you know the first song sort of sounds like this old 1935 like a dream was a wish your heart makes sort of disney song sort of devastating yeah it was weird yeah it's dark and it's like oh yeah cut from cinderella but yeah but i love that you have no idea where the album could go after that musically what did you want the record to sound like just all my favorite types of music kind of the same vibe as always the kind of artist i've been i'm i don't ever want to make well it would be cool at some point maybe down the line to do a record that all has one sound going through it but i'm not there yet i'm not you know i still don't have a favorite type of music i like listening to i like all types of music so why can't i still be a fan when i'm when i'm being an artist you know i suppose so what were you listening to i was listening to a lot of marvin gaye yeah yeah i was listening to a lot of donnie half away a lot of our green um a lot of a lot of soul a lot of soul music and like but like certain eras of it sort of like you know late 60s to mid 70s and stuff like that um and just a lot of music that they never tried to get the best take they wanted to get the best like as in like actually how someone was playing it was what was the best take with the best feeling in it like you know i was really trying to kind of organically make the record really in terms of how they made those records yeah it was surprising in texture sometimes you know the acoustic guitar songs were surprisingly they sort of came out of nowhere a lot of some you know um more electronic sounds came out of nowhere singers are spectacular oh thank you that's all me i think i really set my game up on this album i made a big point of all my split personalities should all definitely come through yeah now i wanted to ask you about a song in the record but i i want to be gentle about it because i'm not in the business of getting you to talk about anything you don't want to talk about but i wanted to ask about the song uh with you and your son in it my little love yeah i don't know if i've heard a more affecting piece of music in a long time and i suppose i should set it up for people who are listening to this who haven't heard the song yet but it's it's it's a song punctuated by recorded conversations yeah between you and your son and um and then it ends with sort of um you speaking personally yeah it's a voicemail that i left with my best friend yeah tell me about the decision to put those recordings on the side the first time he you hear his voice he says i love you you know i love you a billion percent it says oh like you know but then by the end like he's sort of being like i feel like you don't like me like you know so it's going on his journey as well as my own i thought was really important made it more personal i thought it would be nice at this stage in my career also to like let people in a little bit more you know because i don't share very much of my life i normally only really share my music you know and people have been sort of so curious about where i'm going and what you know where i'm at just in my life not in terms of being nosy just be like i hope she's okay or you know sometimes i guess people might think hope for the opposite i just thought it was a really important song that i wanted to capture people's imagination as much as possible that's why i put me and angelo in it at least and at the end you know i wanted angelo with the voicemail that i included that night i'd put angelo to bed when i'd recorded that and we'd like to have a really good bedtime and stuff like that and then i fell apart afterwards and i kept up my strength like you know and i was consistent from that one evening and afterwards just completely fell apart and i'm not ashamed of that like you know and i think a lot of parents hide things from their kids as we should you know in most cases but i couldn't hide from him he could see me even clearer if i tried to hide from him like you know so um and it's actually i've actually found it affects men more than women um like people that i've played it to or that have heard it the women are like god yeah i feel like that a lot of the time i feel like i'm struggling in my motherhood whereas i feel like the men i've played it to have never considered how their mum might have felt outside of being their mum and it seems to really really touch them um which is great really because i wrote it for angelo you know and i wrote it just to shine some light on i didn't always have it together and stuff like that but it is very personal and he probably will go through stages of hating it you know when he's a teenager and stuff like that but it was an important part of the puzzle i was trying to figure out you know my life not the right not the album um so i had to include it that moment is important you know i like the moment you find out that your parents are human because i think when you're growing up you would think that they're just mom and dad or that they're like all knowing god yeah well that's the thing in the song when when i say i don't really know what i'm doing imagine hearing that as a six-year-old what do you mean you don't know what you're doing like you'd panic and your whole life would implode but you know i was just trying to be clear with him and just you know and just be honest with him but you know it was it was intense it was very very intense for sure and at the end i think you say something along the lines of you know i'm i find myself to be very lonely but i'm not a very lonely person yeah at the end i say it's the first time i felt lonely and i love being on my own but i'm just really really lonely that's quite a gift to give to people yeah maybe yeah i just definitely by making that song it it sorted out some of the clutter that was going on in my ability to talk about how i was feeling you know so it was definitely a big breakthrough emotionally not even just musically for me i don't want people to think that this is all one song or one style of song because there are joyful songs in this record and there's like there's happy songs and there's my favorite songs are the songs where i feel like you're talking to yourself okay uh hold on is one yeah i am talking to myself in that one yeah what was the story that you wanted to tell yourself oh hold on my god you talk whatever you want i wanted to i just wanted to sort of the only way i could access how i was actually feeling was was by doing my music like and i think for quite a number of years maybe actually straight away after 21 up until i started writing this record i think i'd forgotten or i was ignoring like how much music helps me and what a gift it is to have such an interest and an ability with music that i can like have you know when i posted the letter about my album it was my ride or die it never left me when i you know my ability to make this album and to want to go and be musical that feeling never left me and every other like ambition to do anything completely left be like i didn't even want to wash my hair i didn't want to get up one morning like you know many mornings like i wouldn't go to my friend's like anniversary party like i had no desire to go and do any of those things but i wanted to go and do my music you know it was reliable and it was consistent and stuff like that for me and i think i really disrespected that that feeling that i have that friendship that i have with music i don't feel like i utilize it very well for sort of like for the last not decade but maybe eight years of my life because it frightened me my hobby became my job yeah so it's hard to have you know normally you have a hobby outside of your work that that's where you go and let's steam off and that's where you're going to have your fun but to me i i was unable to differentiate the two so why do i want to go and do my hobby with my hobbies my job what's my work the whole time like you know and i think i just you know you know fame scares me and you know fame comes with my job and stuff like that but having that comfort having that that best friend and being able to do the music is what i wanted to explore i didn't know what i was going to write about necessarily all the time like you know there was a few songs they didn't make the record but i wanted to i knew that i could work through my personal issues if i was just near a studio you know didn't mean other people had to hear it necessarily but as as i was like making the record for longer and longer i realized i was really making progress like emotionally and i had a story to tell that with the songs which might help other people that either need to start doing the hard work on themselves or people that might never ever do it but it can give them comfort by listening to someone else trying their hardest to get through the process you know um so i didn't really want to teach myself or you know tell myself anything other than that i could still get out of bed in the morning and go and do what it is i love to do that was that was it really that was the only thing i was trying to tell myself but with hold on which is definitely a song where i'm clearly i think it's obvious that i'm talking to myself but i do think a lot of people will listen to that as in like she's talking to me as well which is wonderful was just you know having nothing left to sort of prove or i was doing everything i could to survive you know in terms i'm not talking about my music i'm talking about in life and i might you know i think probably around the time that i wrote that i was feeling better and my anxiety are gone and stuff like that but also just being like well at least i've done the hard work at least i haven't avoided it you know and it might take another 10 years for me to feel like i'm okay and stuff like that and safe again um so just hold on like you know i've done i'm doing a good job like you know just because you know rome wasn't built you know in a day it was that kind of thing i've always was like when am i going to feel better like it better be tomorrow it better be next week and there was like no there was no deadline anywhere in time so that was all that was it was just being disappointed in some of the decisions that i'd made but also knowing i was making some progress yeah and i think progress is the word i think people yeah it's a misnomer to say that this record is about an ending like in some way the record is about the middle yes you know what i mean like i think we we tend to polarize relationships yeah beginning there there they begin and then they end but my god there's so much in the middle and to me i've never heard a record that's so much about the middle before that's really i definitely i definitely agree with the middle thing yeah it was just but you know i've got my little mountain that i climbed that's what might happen it's a mountain it's just i feel like i'm always on a mountain is that a tattoo right now oh yes i thought it was the stamp they gave you to get in yeah you know right now i'm never gonna legally walk down here but soon there'll be another bloody mountain so it's like i need to learn what the tools are you know to make my climb up a man up the next mountain easier each time like you know and it's so yeah i would agree with the middle thing very much but life is life never like the living of life never ends when you're in it you know living this life never ends when you're in it well you know when you die obviously life ends but like living is constant like for us like it's like every day there's something or other that we have to deal with or someone else's emotion or turmoil that we have to like you know hold their hands like it's it's it's always something else like you know so this album i think isn't just about my relationship with my family it's mainly about the relationship i have with myself which hasn't been a great one for most of my life so far and i have to have a great relationship with myself to have good relationships with other people my friends my romantic partners my child you know my colleagues like whatever it's like you can't have good relationships if you don't have a good one with yourself you can't and you can't fix your relationship with yourself through a relationship with somebody else no yeah all you'll do is just bleed into other people yeah you know all like like makes someone else's life a bloody nightmare for the hurt that you've experienced before from someone else wasn't even that poor bloody sod's fault you know it's constant it's never ending are you a different person now than when you started the record well i started this record yeah yeah very well very yeah it was early 2019. uh yeah very very much i'm way calmer um i've learned what learned habit of patience in all areas um and i'm i'm just sort of i'm just very chilled out in in any scenario that where normally i would definitely be frazzled you know and i also won't do anything i don't want to do like at all ever again i don't think i find that that's a hard one yeah no i definitely won't i know it's a hard one for me oh no i mean i've always said a bit no but like i i will always trust my intuition going forward as much as this is a very personal record i can't help but imagine that there's so many people who are going to listen to it when they're going through their own challenges [Music] whether it be a divorce or you know trying to explain something challenging to their child or you know something that they're not sort of yet ready to understand how much of that was on your mind like what do you want them to hear in this in this record i wasn't really thinking about that when i was writing it yeah yeah yeah cause you said something like that you said the 21 was a record that you were happy to give to everybody else yeah everyone else everyone else was to have that i also had no idea that that album was going to be i mean no one had any idea that album was going to go on to do that's absolutely good every day we were like what this is insane and that's when i started to like coil up and be like i don't know if his life is for me um but it was that one it was just it became so massive like out of nowhere by such surprise that i had no choice but to be like hey you don't have it then like you know um 25 i don't really i would you know i just had a baby when i started writing i don't remember what my thought process was going through all of that and then i did a huge chore so i would say i also gave that record to everyone as well but this one like i said it i was i was in the studio for myself like you know um i wouldn't have been surprised if i you know towards the end of writing i would have been like oh this is my record let me let me now write my album i'm going to put out next like you know it was just part of the process was writing that album but i definitely took comfort in it when i listened to it at the end and i had so long to listen to it because the last song i wrote for it was hold on which was a week before lockdown so then i wrote that and then we went into lockdown for like nearly a year yeah and um so i was just listening like normally i'd finish the record and i'd get going you know with all of the launch and stuff like that and i had to sit with this bloody record for a whole year like you know which at the beginning i was mortified and like scared by um but actually it was a great gift that i got to really think about the chat listing probably think about you know other bits of arrangement that i would want to do or that i would want to change which normally i don't really have the time um and i just i realized in it that all this all the inner turmoil that i was going through and i spent a lot of time on my own in 2019 like you know just at home everyone was being forced to do in 2020 how was that well i had no choice really like i also yeah i was really my anxiety i couldn't really it was it was really bad yeah it was really really bad and um hearing my friends in 2020 tell me what they were going through and stuff like that and being forced to sort of look inwards because they had no one else to look at mainly like you know because they'll be on their own in lockdown and stuff i was like actually i feel like the process that i just went through might actually would be quite helpful to some people like you know and just i think it's a very hopeful album i think i don't think it's just easy on me and stuff i think it's a very is someone rolling up their sleeves and getting on their hands and knees and like falling through [ __ ] to come out the other end yeah i don't i definitely i'm definitely not uncomfortable in sadness i feel like i'm just a naturally sad person yeah but i don't want to live like that yeah that's not how and i don't want my son to see me living like that and i don't want my son to inherit that just like okay cool i'll just sit here there and just feel like [ __ ] all the time like you know and let other people know that i feel like [ __ ] so you can sit in my [ __ ] and all like that's not a trait i like about myself and i feel like i really did the hard work and i feel like you can hear it in my lyrics in the music and i think that a lot of people put that journey off a lot so you know like i said hopefully you know people will feel comforted by the record on their journey of it as well as for the people that will never do it like my little love for example i remember when i listened back to it you know early on and i was like there could be like a 40 year old man who is so traumatized by his parents divorce that this song will make him feel seen for the first time or that you know my divorce really humanized my parents for me not that they were married but like that's an incredible thing like you know i was i was so like angry at my dad for so long and all these things and in my divorce i was like we're all [ __ ] human like you know we can't just only live one way for our children which i'm sure a lot of people will think is very selfish and stuff but in that i thought i've got healing with my dad before he died like it's just if you just slow down and just like really kind of hone in on something you really can conquer it that's how i feel you know and everyone needs a soundtrack you know every day of life needs a soundtrack so if anyone wants to listen to my album and it helped them on their journey then great beautiful yeah i think i i i had a bad anxiety run too when was yours 20 i was 20 i'm 34 now yeah i was 28 then did you you're able to like link what it was about or yeah my dad died when i was 24. okay sort of suddenly so i think i had health anxiety and then i took on this job and there was so much um it's a lot of like stress and you know and i ended up pretty much anyway i ended up i ended up in bed for like a couple of days i ended up going to see a therapist and you know meditation oh yeah same thing lovely stuff yeah sound buffs but i tell you what sound bad yeah i was saying earlier to someone anyone that like anyone that would listen to me be like oh i think i'm gonna like i think my world is about to implode have you ever tried this have you ever tried that pilates you know anything that someone else found productive on their journey of life to feel clearer i'd be like give that a go i had like a full i like a full day sometimes like therapy meditation sound baths like an hour bath reading like like a self-help book or something i've got a lot of those i could have anything you know what really helped me crucial conversations that's that one it's about like how to approach a conversation that you need to have and it could be there's like different chats it could be work it could be love life it could be children it could be friends it could be therapists just sometimes we come in like like you could be like imagining a scenario right you have to go and talk to your boss so you have to go and talk to like i remember i did it with my dad when i went to go and see him when he was sick and in my head i was like i just know it's gonna be like this it's gonna be like that and i remember like my friend said to me like everything that you think is gonna happen is not gonna happen it'll be the opposite he was like the color of the front door is probably gonna be different to last time you were there and it was just and when i got there pumped myself right up ready to go and be like and i got there the door was a different color right and it threw me off because that's what my friend told me and how you approach the situation is what decides the outcome you know if you go in hot-headed like steaming in you're gonna have to leave steaming out you know as opposed to going and being i don't know what's going to happen and i'm open to what's going to happen like presents that's the one that really really helped me like it's crucial how i approach a conversation that i need to have presence is the big one for me even getting ready for this one with you just like i was just like i don't want to have any expectations going into this yes but i think that also comes of getting older yeah because if you really start banking it all up it's exactly my friend was older if you really start banking all the times you've built yourself up to like what's it going to be like it's never like what any of us think it's going to be like you know but i think what also helped is finding out that other people had gone through it oh yeah you know what i mean like i thought i am alone in this i have never ever no one has i can't talk about it because i've never experienced and that is a great gift on this record i agree with that thank you but you know what i mean yeah is when you talk about hold on or when you talk about um there's a great line in the record something i'm like forgive me i'm gonna try to put your lyrics back to you but it was something that like i can't believe i fell victim to something that i sell oh in love is a game as uh how unbelievable of me to fall for the lies that i tell the dream that i sell as you but i do i think that any time you can give people like even me you know i got you know i got these flowers and you know people adjusting my boots for me uh even i yeah which is my dream buddy i did i didn't ask for these flowers and pomegranates i wondered if they were tomatoes and everyone laughed and didn't tell me what they were what was that was that one i think it's oh it fell off sorry i didn't ask for those but yeah i had to get someone home i think that's one of the greatest gifts we can give people is um yeah i i've been there yes i said that as well um with you know when 21 blue i remember people always being like why do you think it's like so successful and stuff and i think when you're going through and now then i wasn't i did have anxiety then i just didn't know what it was like you know but certainly not as bad as i had it a couple years ago but like when you're going through anxiety or when you're going through a heart ache or like just you feel like you're the only person that's going through it but you also thought you're the only person that exists because it's so consuming those things that you can't even pay attention to everyone else and what's going on so i always put down 21 being so successful was because it made people feel less alone you know and but when you're in those like dire moments of like despair or self-despair you just you're not opening your eyes you're not communicating people properly so someone can't say to you oh no i felt like that before as well like don't worry about it so but again that's why i think music is so powerful in general i certainly you know i was listening to donnie hathaway the whole time where i thought that my life was falling apart like you know there were moments where you know he's his life he felt like his life was falling apart and in some cases it bloody was bless him but you know it's just music is there for that reason it's there for us to feel less alone so i try and tap into that because that's the kind of music that i listen to so drake put out this thing and he was like i'm so proud of my best oh yeah which is lovely what i thought was meaningful about that was you're in such a rarefied place in culture right you know i know you don't like to think about yourself as famous but you are yeah and he is yeah and there's not many of you yes there's a dying breed and it must be i wasn't going to say that we are a dying breed i don't think there's ever going to be no there was like 10 of us you know i don't think there'll ever be that many of us again at the top doing it the way we were doing it everything kind of destined well it's just so we were we came out when people before streaming we came out before streaming we came out before all the social media frenzies of like you know you've got five seconds to entertain otherwise get out yeah we existed in in the old school no so the industry that we grew up watching and aspiring to and you know our favorite artists were in it they weren't in this i don't think my little 11 year old self would look at the music industry and be like i want to get into that oh no really no i don't think so no but again you know i've been what's that generation z i get so confused i'm a millennial right oh yeah i think i found that out recently and i was like hyped about it because i thought i was i don't know i thought i was like internet generation whether that is but i said before the internet so would you live with the same age so that's what i mean we all had normal childhoods where we weren't attached to a screen all the time you know so just that's what i mean of like no one's gonna be able to pull off the things that we did because those things won't exist anymore that's what i mean by we're dying but that being said he is able to understand what you're going through and so i thought that that's the whole reason that we're such good friends is like having access to someone else that knows exactly what it's like to be in a certain position sometimes if i try and talk to one of my other friends about it there'll be like no idea what i'm talking about but i can't relate like you know so they just switch off yeah you can still get buddies back back home [Music] my day ones are yeah but like just i can say something to him and he won't judge me for it you know in terms of terms of work or whatever like you know and whereas other people might think i'm moaning like you know so to have access to someone that's in the same position as you is like one of the biggest gifts of of my entire career but it must be nice to have the crowd back home too yes of course yeah but but yeah i don't but i'm saying i know lots of people that are well known but i'm not close with any of the others that came up at the same time as me and know what it's like to be at that level when you release something like you know it's a real a real gift for me our friendship i got the wrap i'm like can i ask you one more yeah it's been lovely to talk to you is that it well we don't have to be but i got the wrapper let's ask a few more questions let's have a look i'm having a great time can we bring in a burger is that something i drank a bottle of red wine last night because it was sunday so sunday's like you know it's start i'm relaxing yeah dying towards succession i'm like hyping everyone up i'm like all right it's coming it's coming around in like 10 minutes the minute i i'm trying to order i've got too much work to do like literally i missed the whole thing i woke up at like 11 15. i did daytime margaritas yesterday i mean i did oh i was drinking all day and i was drinking the red i drank the wine throughout the day and then i passed out so i'm trying not to drink so i've got work to do what do you hear when you hear this record back now after all this time what do you hear when you hear the record back to you actually had to listen to back to the other night actually on friday because listening parties like you know and did one for sony and berber you were sitting down though i figured you'd just walk out i didn't win the sony one and also it was just i was so busy actually have a meeting like next door but i did one on friday just for my closest friends and family and would've been a bit weird had i walked out from like my closest friends in my family so i sat through it and um and i heard it again i heard like i got quite emotional during it because it was like i also remember how i felt when i was writing them and it was horrible you know it was horrible like really lost so hindsight is what i've learned and you know i guess i'd probably quote myself as being like just hold on because it is worth it in the end like you know i'm glad i stuck with it and i rose to the occasion and didn't get lazy or too scared to run away from from addressing it also i i have rarely heard a record um with such candor and um and for someone in your position uh courageousness and i mean that oh yeah i agree it's you know a lot of people that i don't know are going to hear it um sadly a part of my career is tabloidy with the press like you know it's not just cool interviews like this and you know like music magazines i'm gonna get to that but it's like you know um they'll well actually they do tend to write the whole story but their headlines are clickbait yeah like you know and so i'm i know i'm i'm gonna get probably slaughtered by some of those headlines but also i'm used to that and all it's been like 12 years i think it's i think it's worth it if you're giving people oh i i agree i agree i agree i just even yeah even if it's just even if it does just end up explaining it a bit more to my son when he's older than i think my job is done has he heard again yeah he was here at the listening party the other day and you know he put blanket over his head and was playing a game on his iphone but he's only nine bless him but he was um he's very he does he's a feeler as well like me like um you know if he puts a pair of headphones on and listens to whatever it is you can catch him sometimes like lost in it like you know which i like i like that like he that he can he stops and listens to the lyrics or some people just hear the music like you know i remember like some of my friends with like rolling in the deep they thought it was like they listened to it to get pumped like you know like i'm gonna go and do this i'm like but the lyrics don't say that like it's like the opposite like so i know that he can tap into lyrics which i like certainly didn't tap into them on friday night but yeah yeah well he has a he has a great gift coming his way if only if only we could all have that kind of clarity about those things in our lives yeah that's right lovely to meet you very nice to meet you great interview thank you thank you so much thank you very much [Music]