they were all visible signs you could see the arab either in harf sorry either or in roof now what he's mentioning here or even in the noon for example he's mentioning certain scenarios in certain cases where all of the harakat are all or some of the harakat are not visible we just assume that they are there they are not there because of enunciation purposes or certain other causes so for example he says here tokadaru kadarum is assumed or hidden so we say all of the haruka jamie ul harakat are assumed or hidden so all of the harakat are assumed or hidden in words such as so for example we have first example is ghulami in the likes of what is kind of really show well i mean my slave he used this read this book long time ago before emancipation when there were slaves around meaning nicely but what's the example we have here what kind of structure is golami what kind of structure is golami correct so so let's look at this one first now the thing is when you have them when you have the zamir muthakalim it is ya what does ya need before it it says tested it demands what does it do it demands that the word before it must have a kasra just to make it match now because of this because of the yamutha kalim demanding a kasra before it the word itself cannot manifest do you understand so when you have a word which is then of kasrul so let's say for example i said this is my son so waladi has a kasra what kind of castle is this kasra too much and the actual haruka which is but you can't say that so you add it if it was man sub state you would say i saw two waladi of appropriateness meaning to match it not too much and what's the actual arab on the the harakam if you said i look towards my son i look towards words what kind of kasra is on this what kind of kasra is a nadal what do you call this and the actual haraka should so in all three cases when you have a word which is therefore that will have a kasra and in all three states the father or kasra will be mukaddara which shows the arab you can argue that what you're saying his argument is why can't we say this question is actually the kasra of the majority state i'm sure some scholar have not said that but the majority don't say that so we'd have to stick to this so when it's written in the book to know what it really is but what your argument is makes sense why can we not say well it's a and in major is actually you could argue for that and people have argued for that but the scholars have now agreed more and less upon the fact that it is not when you see in the books you will see it written as such okay okay of the word which can't be dropped off so the word fatah has what at the end in alif now the harakat has to be because what's the rule can alif have a haraka can alif have a haraca can alive no he can never have a father the what what does it have to be so in any word which is or if the word is an ism then we say that this is this world will have its in all of its states state you following any questions muhammad regarding that abdul rahman umar okay now this is so basically in the previous sentence we had all letters all harakat will be hidden in these words it's not mentioned but only dhamma and kasra will be mukaddar in a word such as and this kind of word is called is versus what do we have kasra and this is called proceeded by kasra any word that ends in this structure is called what ismun is already all this this already in nahua what will happen if it's you would say for example or let's say for example [Music] what will happen now we could say the u but because this is so we say v is a sukun it should have been a dhamma and it says but because is deemed to be harsh in enunciation hard to pronounce so instead of saying we say correct if you see the quasi what would it be it becomes now here you can actually see the fatah because if on the yacht is not difficult you can pronounce it quite easily so here the arab is so in here we say the arab is mukaddara the haraka is mukaddara here is you can actually see it taking place [Music] and then you have here another two i look towards you can see when you're pronouncing it is very harsh so then even here the era will be the era will be assumed and hidden you will hide the kasra and just have another understood okay everybody following so in words like kadhi which are called ism understood everybody following yes now basically now he's going on to the verbs now what he's saying here if you look at it these are narcissist verbs i.e verbs which end in a heart of an illa so if you look at them there are a few types of heart of an illness okay so what do we have here we have let's say for example we have a verb we have here marfoot state then we have mansoob state and we have madzoom state correct we have three states okay and then we have different types of not words the word ends in an alif for example the word yaksha what is the ending an alif or it ends in a now what happened when it's the what would you say should actually be you but then you make it so the you've done all of this before in bitcoin books already the yeah drops off what will happen here me and jedu your me should really be what my food stay here it should be hearing me you but because you say you're me it drops off when it comes to what should it really be is it easy to pronounce on a wow miya what should it be when you have a land before this becomes what yet is not difficult you leave it as such and then here the lamp the harmful ella will drop the heart will drop apparent unclear correct so in words like basically when it's actually yakiri and these two words is one mukadder and these two is haraka understood what he's saying yes yes it should be but when you have a fat when you have a heart for the fat and the word before it has a father then you have to change it to yaksha alif again that's the rule will be apparent and ismul what kind of word is this what can noun is this ismun when correct so now if you look at this here he we can now his classification is not as good as some other books but uh so this these are what here then you have arab okay so when you have a normal noun or a normal what happens if you have one of the six nouns what happens with the noon the noon drops and if you have a malaria which has a heart full yes correct and then the arab is when you have a word which is ur two of the three states two states are in yaksha and one state is which is a and this is how he's explained the arab table understood any questions so far yes so what we do inshallah we will summarize the arab again before now we'll move on to next section is what makes so what will happen throughout the book we'll study what makes nouns motherfu what makes nouns manchu what makes nouns major but there's no section in the book specifically for what makes nouns more footman superman zoom so he's going to mention that right here the next section we have is what makes the verbs motherfu or what makes verbs and what makes verbs and then after that we say so all of these things will come but before we start that we're going to just understand what makes a verb motherfu what makes a verb sub or what makes a verb okay understood foreign