take 8 hours to do that little thing we got to move that on faster okay so we don't need to have chitchat we just need to do what we need to do okay I want everybody to come up right here with our let's go let's go let's go [Music] okay what are you to achieve this seon you have to have Team goals right what you got to have goals okay what are you trying to achieve St St champion that's about as bad as it does okay everybody's playing for a ring is that correct okay that's the ultimate there is how many teams are in your league classification number 20 25 there's 25 other teams that are playing for a ring also okay I'm going to tell you something that you have no idea what it takes to honestly I did that with our team um when I first got here that's what we were like five and four whatever what do you guys want we like stuffy by bar what do you guys want coach we want to ring we want to ring I said the same thing to them you have no idea what it takes to get R I do we're going to do what I'm going to do start this way I want you to take the Rings look at them put your name on those there that's actually one from vergin Valley hopefully another one's coming pretty quick about two weeks okay just look at it and and visualize what you're going to have on that R all the stuff except okay so to pass around I'm not okay that's you know just look at him Grand get a get a vision in your mind what your ring is going to look like don't take don't take too much [Music] time I okay that's what they used to look like around we got about two more minutes okay on check it out [Music] [Music] okay let's pass them up you can set them right here and if you want to look at them later okay okay so you want a r that's that's the first thing those kids two years ago to and I told you have no idea they didn't they were a bunch of misit they didn't run off thei they didn't C was one of the first guys that I called out the second day so every day i' go okay if you want to what we tell you to do you need to do it okay sure so the first thing first day okay you guys do that do second day warming up I'm watching Mason okay and he's playing cats like this I mean he's it's all over the place and then I just got pissed there's more balls hitting the fence than there was catching so I went out there in fact American Fork I've done a lot of camps and everybody call it the ho okay so if we're playing catch I thr by you I Sprint you sprint back to this okay what and then you know you if you're throwing hard and you're you know running you know 80 yard s it gets old I did that when I was a cent it was like breaking forces they played catch way better after we did that okay and these guys did too okay because in baseball or softball it's playing catch we win games I'm sure that in all the other sports there are certain things simple that you do every day that wins and loses games and we take it for is throwing you know accuracy no you can see huge part so you know these coaches will hold you accountable and that's the main thing accountable for what you do I'm just going to tell the Coes right now you can't be the friend okay these are not your friends players these are not your friends that's the problem with the small school because you see them all the time you whatever and sometimes um people [Music] so because a coach do you doesn't mean they hate you you understand okay if you don't you're you're going to have a problem rest of your life your work anything else the coach stops yelling at you when you make mistakes you're done because they go my breath okay so um yes good count it's got to be hard we'll go over that a little bit later [Music] okay what makes you here we got one one ring out he stealing the oh maybe I don't oh yeah still haven't got that okay all right hey hey I just want to say real quick before who gets going any further hey silence all your phones right now and while we were taking the test guys and doing like the grading there was way too much doct going on we were a couple times says get the papers to your coaches and yet people still asking where the pap okay don't talk you're here for 45 minutes listen the coach you write the words down you do what he's saying you listen and you take it in it's not a time right now to talk to your neighbor and to fraternize and talk about stuff that doesn't matter okay listen to coach let's get through this and turn your phones off right now okay this today is the most important lesson that we'll ever have and it made a world of difference last year for us okay unbelievable and this is the thing you guys would have been doing this those two years I guarantee you you one two states you guaranteed okay you had the studs the horses do it um but mentally I could see the years tough okay um that's what happened to us two years ago we were good right there whatever that's why it says you you know people don't have any idea what it takes to win a state championship it's all the way through not most of the games or you know 30 and one or 30 and2 or whatever state championships are hard to get and you have to have some lot you have to have a lot of things okay so okay trying to win being the best you can be on off the field okay in that pain trust is the most important thing Trust is the most important thing number one without trust marriages break up without trust companies fail and without trust teams are not successful okay in the Jewish faith just before the rabbi pronounces the bride and Grom you know husband wife okay they have a tradition okay he hands a glass to the groom okay then the groom puts it in a towel then he puts it on the ground and breaks it and then the rabbi tells them write this down this this is to REM remind you how Fragile Trust really is he could never put the glass together again what's it I mean there's no way to put that glass back together yet if you take care of it and you guard it it will last you a lifetime actually it's a symbol of fragility and strength fragility f a r g i l t i e I don't know okay lifetime actually it's a symbol of fragility and strength so it's fragile and just think about that you don't have to write this part down but just think about that how fragile trust is in everything in relationships in everything we do dayto day whatever when you're working trust is fragile want it's strength I mean people know that you are going to tell the truth that's Prett powerful okay it could be broken so easily okay so in a moment of weakness or meanness what was that word the moment of weakness or what weakness or meanness meanness meanness mean okay a player drops the ball or glass and cracks the ball or glass this is really important the core of the team seeps out okay your core of your team seeps out can can you read that last part again okay the core of the team before that okay um in a moment of weakness and meanness a player drops the ball or glass let say it's a ball and cracks the ball the core of the team seeps out thank you okay I could never get it back together and push it in back in there so once it go you can't just put it back together you can't push it back in it's it's gone okay I could get a new team next year but the one this year will never be repaired so does everybody understand that how important trust is accountability and something happens and you don't own up to it we all make mistakes we all do things that we you know regret bit but you have to own up to it and you have to be trustworthy and every person on that team needs to be trusted okay and sometimes it's hard it's really hard okay okay trust is a human quality so is distrust trust is transferred from one person to another can't see it it's just like you can't see germs you s okay um transfer from one person to another you can't see it just like you can't see germs but would anyone argue that it is transferred from one person to another germs just like trust when trust is present on a team the players have great Freedom players have great Freedom pres when trust is present on a team the players have great freedom to be themselves and an environment is created in which to take risks okay and any of your sports if you're aggressive you're always going to take risks that's part of being any good team being aggressive okay taking risks whatever yes right would you say after environment and in envir environment is created in which to take risks so they know if they take a risks everybody trusts them you got that trust I mean and we'll talk about that here in just a bit to take risk disagreements and fail and still feel good about their decisions because they know they will be trusted and loved by their teammates yes where do you want me to start rks okay let's see take risks disagree and fail and still feel good about their decisions because they know they will be trusted and loved by their teammates everybody good okay all right so what makes trust so tough is that it's digital like digits on a clock the clock says 6:30 or it doesn't or it doesn't huh or it doesn't yeah or it doesn't it's either 6:30 that's it it's not 631 it's not not 640 it says 6:30 right it's digital it's it's you can't change it okay it can't be 635 okay a woman is either pregnant or she is not that's you're either pregnant or you're not not kind of pregnant right okay the light switch is on or it's off it's not kind of on it's not kind of it's either on or off you can't be 90% trusty It's All or Nothing okay remember this part you can only receive what you're willing to give you can only receive what you're willing to give you have to be trusting to earn trust some other words you have to write this part out um you earned the trust it's like when I started the first time at baseball 3 years ago you know I told first day or second day or whatever I said um you don't have to respect me I says I have got to earn your respect Vice ver versa I'm not going to respect you until you earn respect remember that those things you earn everything okay you earn when people have negative thoughts about you okay you earn when people think you're great you've earned that okay you own it people it's like I we had I always had great chicks and usually our yeah GPA was like a 35 36 you know up there but I always have a couple Knuckleheads that in fact one kid's actually in a there a so team sex guy right now they go and he'd get like a C+ EAS you just show up you can get a be and no jump Dum go but you're not dumb well he was really dumb but um and then then always always have guys go um how come you got a D in this class the teacher doesn't like me okay let me think about this you walk in the first day and the teacher looked at you and go I hate that kid that's kid well I don't like it doesn't happen that way you earn I says you've done something to make that teacher not like you so don't ever use the excuse that teacher doesn't like me yes transfer a bland okay if you're going to be a good person not just in athletics but in everything you do take responsibility for it in fact when I was pleas all had to have a sing on top of our door you know as everybody walked by and that's what m was take responsibility for who you are and what you become okay it's you you make your own breaks some guys some people have a you know get lot of breaks or whatever okay eventually it comes around okay good people that do good things will eventually be good and then Athletics I always say you know what goes around comes around and usually might take two years or three years but some got to try to run up on something payback okay what goes around comes around remember that so you treat people right you treat your teammates right you teach your coaches right okay um so okay okay you know when trust is present and you know when it isn't present when trust is present on a team players have great freedom to be themselves and an environment is created in which to take risks I think we oh yes excuse me I just okay never mind was okay yes ABS that's I'm emphasizing okay I was okay I got I did all that okay oops forgot to turn the page okay when we talk about trust trust there are different things we need to trust number one trust the process you may not have immediate success what's that start again okay number one trust the process and this is part of number one don't if you don't have immediate success but if you keep doing things number two no this is all number one all number one don't trust the process don't if you don't have immediate success but if you keep doing things the right way eventually the plan will all come together so let me think of just a second okay your coaches have a program an idea of what it's going to take to be successful okay the worst thing you can actually you don't have to write this down okay I'm just talking right now okay okay here go to right uh to number two number two trust in your coaches you all have to buy in okay not partially I don't care whe they say okay we're going to stand on our head for 20 minutes and then we're going to run backwards for 60 yards girls you don't have to write this out okay you know whatever they think is going to help you okay you do and you buy in okay believe in what you do will eventually pay off is that still number two no yes part of number two trusting your coaches you have to all Buy in and believe in what you are doing will eventually pay off and here is what a term that I've used my whole life especially in baseball because there's a million ways to do it there's more than one way to skin C in other words there's more than one way to do it okay I would go to clinics I mean I change my philosophy a lot of times okay we're going to get off the front foot now George BR now we're going to get off the back foot now we're going to do this now we're going to do that whatever okay every one of those was successful yet sometimes they you know one year cter from the other year and you know why why do you think that that was successful if we have an idea well you trust the process and keep doing it keep doing it right and you buy in you buy in this right here is so important in fact I've go to camps or you know I've had coach to with a bunch of guys that have been really big- time coaches and they'd come with me and I'd go to them and they' be in the cage you know I go hey just tell him that he looks good that's what we want this is what we want that's you know even if you can't if you if they can't get it sometimes because they don't know what they're doing physically just tell them yeah you know build their confidence it works confidence is everything okay so my point is on this one is no matter what your philosophy is no matter what you do unless it's just so far off that you know it's like really I'm sure your coaches go to camps clinics whatever have learned a lot of stuff you know to teach you if you do what they say and you perfect it and you have confidence in it and you trust it can go a long way trust okay so the most important thing is to have to change a mindset this is yes three no two this is on two till in most important thing is to have change is a mindset All In okay the most important thing what's thaten the most important thing is to have changes on mindset is changing mindset okay okay everything's a mindset on you know and a mindset is a different way of thinking things okay you know onire makes us bad color whatever our mindset is going to be whatever who cares okay it has to be everybody everybody okay number three trust your teammates through hard work sacrifice and knowing nobody is working harder then each and everyone of you holding each other accountable so last year okay I'm going to let him talk a little bit more cuz he implemented most of the physical stuff throughout the year okay but our guys I'm telling you trusted each other so much I trusted them so much when we got to the state tournament and they got this guy thr a 92 best team they this church Hill's ever had and they've had some really good teams they're all this and all that of it I deep down I was not nervous I knew were going to win and I kept telling him for a couple of years that's the key when they sacrifice together when they their guts are you know they want to PUK they want to do everything they've done everything they can and they're all going through the torture and whatever it is together every one of them all 14 of them or where there was that's unstoppable that's Trust in your teammates okay they trusted each other like you could not believe it was the agility thing was you know every day out in the sun you know 98° and they were sometimes I'd go I don't know I think maybe we got to cut a little bit short today no this what we're doing we're doing it up all the way up until you know last day of whatever um the weight training I saw some videos on the weight training 100% every one of them every one of them whether they're the best player or the worst player they every one of them did it and and I it's like when we got done before the state I go probably every one of those guys every one of them I would trust to put out there because they've done the work there is no no um substitute for working hard none that's one thing that everybody has the same everybody has you know three or four hours to practice everybody has the same amount of time nobody has an advantage over that nobody had the advantage over Kobe Bryant practicing or Jerry Rice practicing or all those guys that go do that everybody's equal it's those people that go the extra mile and do it 100% okay so I want coach to tell just a little bit about going through that and what he felt um on that absolutely well I think I told you guys the the other day after we lost that second year we made a commitment I made a commitment that our team was going to be more prepared more C than any other team in the state of Nevada so we came up with this plan to lift weights three times a week early in the morning all through Christmas break through everything we we would do agility let's see well we lifted weights before the season Once the season started we were still lifting weights twice a week and doing agility twice a week as well um and the thing that the thing about it that coach tr's talking about is as that trust was building and as that as the hard work was kind of building on top of each other these guys were were SC they didn't want to be the one to let the team down they were scared to drop the ball for the rest of the team there there was times in practice when it got to the point where I would just say something like it being like okay before everyone leaves tonight they got to run five polls which is where you get on the the over here in the foulon and you run from pole to pole five times I never had to double check or ask them if they did it because I'd be getting in my truck ready to go and I'd see a couple guys out there running their polls after everyone else had gone and they didn't want to be the one to not so uh you know whether they forgot or whether they got busy doing something else they weren't going to be the ones to not run before they left the field that day okay everyone was everyone felt that love and felt that trust and felt that Bond because of all the hard work and effort they put in that they didn't want to be the one toh to let the team down so we could have asked him to do anything I could have said like who say I could have said hey stand on your head for 25 minutes and then you know sing the national anthem six times in Spanish and they would have done without even asking they would say coach if that's that's going to make me a better baseball player I'll do it okay but but no one wanted to let the team down they didn't want to let each other down okay and that carries into everything they're doing it carries into to going to class listen if you guys are out there working for 3 hours of practice and the next day you decide you want to skip class and not do your homework you get a D in class and that's breaking the trust in your team okay it's not just on the field stuff it's off the field stuff too okay if you're a coach your basketball coach says hey you need to run everyone on the line we running ladders and you got 12 people sprinting their guts out but you got two or three kind of Loaf in it that's damaging the trust of that team okay if you you know if you're if your coach says Hey I want you to you know shoot 10 free throws before you leave and one person decides just to shoot six well guess what that's damaging the trust of your team and if you're called out on it and you lie then you've broken that trust okay so um it feeds on each other and as you put in that Blood Sweat and Tears and as you work hard you guys uh like like he said you can it's not something you can touch or quantify or say oh look there's trust over there no but you can tell when it's there and when it's not there okay and when it's there it's a beautiful thing and you you seniors you leaders on the team you take the lead in this you treat everyone on your per your team with just the utmost respect on and off the field okay you can't have complete trust in the team go to class the next day and make fun of your teammate in front of the class and embarrass him and say something stupid about him you can't do it okay there's got to be complete integrity and Trust from the top to the bottom they're your family you treat them with respect and you seniors your leaders you just have a vision of where you want to be and you don't let anything get in the way of getting there and you bring everyone with you okay and not hustling not you know running that last lap you know talking negative about your team or gossiping all that stuff will just put you right into the tank okay complaining about your playing time complaining about this that the other if you have a goal of where you want to be if we're right here at the beginning of the Season we want to be here with all those rings in the season if we're talking about stuff that's down here playing time you know who you like who who you like at school and who they like at school or this that the other you know what what uniform you don't like if you're talking about anything except what's going to get you to the top of the head Hill you're wasting your time and you're breaking your trust okay it's from here to the top of the hill doesn't matter if you're playing one minute or 50 minutes of the game doesn't matter if you're the star if you're the leading story if you're the worst scorer in the team it doesn't matter if you get all 15 people pushing to the top of the hill regardless of who gets the credit and who wins that's when it becomes special and that's when good things happen and it's not something you can it's just something you can feel you either have it or you don't absolutely and you know do you want to be that person who brings the team down it's only three or four months that you Haven them make those kind of sacrifices or okay so um youall have to buy in okay the next number four is trust yourself through practicing 100% game likee situations in practice you will have confidence to perform in clutch situations sorry did you say after game like game like situations you will have confidence to perform in clutch situ situations and I just say something to the coaches okay if you're not practicing at game speed how do you expect them to perform when the game is on the line what have they been they've been practicing 70% 80% or you know ground balls like you know oh that mental thing you've got there's I mean there's sometimes where it's like you don't have but most of your your practice time or your team stuff or whatever has to be game likee don't for the confidence and them knowing it and having confidence to do it and perfect example everybody know Bryce okay okay really good talent really good pitcher for two years he was a mental okay and he he didn't trust himself at all okay you get PCH throw a fast ball whatever he'd be fine but you know you can around good hitters you got to start throwing some breaking pitches and curve balls or whatever and you know there were times that led to his downfall um so his finally senior year I mean I call pitches and then shake off the curve shake off the curve good God boom you know hit or whatever cuz he he he could get in practice he could throw it you know we get him up out there on the on the bound the year we got beat two years ago he wasn't throwing it very well we get him out through a night practice oh my goodness it's like like he's got it now until he walked between those two white lines and then it was curveball you know you know he was afraid to throw it afraid to make a mistake okay and he got lit up that night okay afraid to make a mistake till he started throwing up more he still had a little bit of problems with that this year but not and now I guess he just throws it all the time because he got he's playing in a really competitive league that you have to have a curveball whatever and he you know I guess he doing really well but he he would get out there and he would have first pits he throw hang it up and that was it he was done no confidence because he didn't trust it okay whatever you do you've got to trust okay what time little over an hour okay so we'll stop there okay so um giving you a lot this time and coaches you need to breed that breed that trust okay and players sometimes it's hard to be trust you know to it's hard to admit that you know you don't have trust in yourself you don't have trust in your teammates but one thing once you start doing this and you trust everybody everybody's on an equal setting okay everybody's trusted everybody's important and one thing about um I've been very fortunate and I think we breed that kind of stuff is that the last guys may not be whatever but we always have guys that'll stay after and help chice and Kurt and those guys were like that they would stay after and give guys you know help you know hit with them do whatever that last person is just