Transcript for:
Combo Strategies for Flunderee Deck

for the basic combo you'll need rabbena normal summon rabbena search for Eglin then normal summon [Music] it eggin will search for empen then normal summon it chain link one empen chain link to rabina you'll want to keep egin banish so you can chain link block next turn Rabino will add itself back to hand while empen will search for dreaming Town set it with this end board empen prevents attack position special summon monsters from activating their effects including Link monsters dreaming town can summon Aven for an omni negate dreaming Town also flips the whole field face down when you tribute summon so during your opponent's turn when your opponent has a monster you want to flip down activate dreaming Town normal summon rabina from hand chain link one Reina chain link to [Music] eglan Eglin adds itself to hand then rabina search DD Crow then normal summon egund from hand egund search for Aven then tribute summon Aven this will trigger dreaming Town engrave to flip your opponent's field face down and rabina to add itself to hand with Eglin and field spell do this activate field spell use its effect to reveal Egan in hand banish rabina from deck to extra normal summon eglan chain link one Egan chain link to Rebena Rebena adds itself to hand while Egan searches emping them summons rabina from hand rabina Sur for DD Crow than normal summon empen from [Music] hand chain link one empen chain link to [Music] edin edlin adds itself to hand while empan searches for dreaming Town set it this end board has the same disruptions as the last combo also always keep in mind that you can summon Risa instead of Aven [Music] risea returns two cards to the top of the deck one from field and one from graveyard then you can also return an extra card on field to hand which can be your riser to use again next turn Advent can search for rabina if you have a terrible hand then you can do full combo Advent can also be used to dodge cards like imperm and veiler you normal summon Egan and activate to search they activate imp perm you chain [Music] Advent Advent then searches for rabbena while Edlund searches for empen then summons Rebena [Music] chain link one rabina chain link 2 [Music] Egan Egan adds itself to hand while rabina has to Now search Stree then normal summon it Stree can banish the Advent from grave to then finally summon empen chain link one empen chain link to Rebena Rebena adds itself to hand while empan searches dreaming Town set it and you have the same disruptions I showed earlier now the same combo with rabina you normal summon rabina they imperm you chain [Music] Advent Advent searches egin and it's the same combo from here small small world can also search rebina activate small world reveal Maxi in hand jet synchron in deck search [Music] rebina alternatively activate small world reveal any level one flunder in hand reveal jet synchron in deck search rabina as for unexplored winds if going first it can Shuffle up to two wi beasts from hand to deck to draw two drawing into rabina or more hand traps unexplored winds can be searched with Jen so if you have dreaming winds in hand make sure to search unexplored [Music] winds then during your opponent's turn when you activate dreaming town and you want to Tribute summon unexplored winds will tribute a card your opponent controls instead of one of your own monsters to counter flunder Ash Bloss is perfect if you use it on either rabina or egin veiler and imperm also usually stops their combo but you have to hope they don't have Advent in hand to dodge it and droll is a great counter since it prevents searching and all over bana Egan and empen search here's a ranked replay [Music] did I mention that plunder doesn't care about maxy since all of its summons are in fact normal summons [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] subscribe if this video helped here's my deck list thanks for watching [Music]