Transcript for:
Fortnite Update Review by LaserBeam

I missed update night I missed it I missed the whole thing parent Lee there's a new shotgun now because we needed more of those you know what fortnight's said we can't just have one top shotgun we want five of them turns out fortnight is actually laser beam in disguise no but I missed I missed update night because you know personal stuff I've talked about it so I'm basically going to update night but the next day they included an extra new gun there was a sniper rifle mean fresh play with it for for a few minutes the leaked weapon it should not be in the game fresh has contraband FBI open up you have contraband young man young man this is Superman Jedi police coming in dude do you have contraband drop it drop it with your hands up the storm scout sniper off yeah you can see with us you are on the map Wow is that it does it kind of shows you you're not in zone I mean it's cool in the sense that it looks cool it's not supposed to be in the game that's kind of cool but outside of that it's pretty trash of all the update nights to miss I miss the one where epic doesn't up see they put these new skins in for the World Cup in the item shot put your banner and stuff on them make sure you use code laser to ace obviously I put the gingerbread face on it you know the best part about doing update night the next day we're doing it solo baby per since when is there Power Rangers in for 9 I leave for one second and there's a damn Power Rangers crossover yeah leave a like on this video otherwise that giant robot becomes your stepdad yeah just realized I flew at the robot but I don't actually have anywhere to properly LAN let's just try it down here we're looking for a new shotgun guys look oh that's that's a combat they actually nerfed the combat in this update so I have a nerf combat and I'm playing solo we got it we're gonna first chest and I'm playing solo there's no one to revive me if I die focus up buddy yeah we'll see if I can even remember how to play fortnight I've been playing a lot of Minecraft yeah look at the size of that thing can I get in it no it's someone here instead already I've blown it I've learned it ladies and gentlemen I'm almost dead it's okay I'm bandaging up I'll be fine I'll be fine I'll be fine I'll be fine I'll be fine I'll be fine how are you just say that you're fine you're not really fine all right give up that easy get you a kid why I find it in my first chest and all right it's not even update night and I still blew it these guys don't want this smoke they don't want these hands time to get myself a shotgun you want this smoke boy all right well that was pretty easy all right we got the new shotgun boys all right welcome to laze beam has a shotgun part too yeah I'm a Minecraft for you to burn out where the creepers at all this player over here oh he's cranking he's cranking my boy is a crank up it's upkeep on ah gotta watch out for damaged chief don't get ahead of yourself young man all right well I still don't have a kill with the shotgun yet but [Music] oh this guy cranks [Music] god damn it I blew it again does anyone have the location of this shotgun no one does anyone have anyone have the shotgun I'm risking it he's got it I've got the new shotgun in a top-ten situation I'll make it I have terrible ping right now he's gonna take this war [Music] sometimes in life you just have to admit defeat and say you need help look at that a stream sniper has given us the gift of the gods and he gets a crab dance this has been bad luck for me trying to do a solo fresh let's see if you changed my life every time I've caught in this thing I've died I haven't got to kill with it yet now you have an epic gamer on your side you know I thought don't update night the next day would be easy but it still ended up the exact same way I kind of just want to go play Minecraft right now where are our enemy combatants do they want these hands imma give them these hands okay you don't have to kill them all dude it is a curse every time I get this gun I am incapable of killing people this has food ooh magic on it it's got voodoo magic I wanted this to be like a day or actually get kills at the weapon to do it solo and this is going terribly all right I've got enemies in here this will be this will be the fight where I break the curse you ready this would be a fight where I break the curse there's too many open up I have a shotgun my demands must be met tell me when you want me to come in they come see sides and stuff Campo don't edit there cutie I go on it is cursed this God is cursed this gun is cursed I do you have a launch pad or something otherwise were going to die I thought because it was an update night I would be fine I thought I could do it solo I thought I could get a win I thought I'd be fine but this God is cursed this God is cast this God is actually cut rashly still Todd bring me back I started out wanting to get 5 moon solar I started out wanting to win a game solo I started out wanting to get a kill in solos now I just want to get a kill in two thought not do an update night would give up my sadness and yet here we are I'm gonna kill all the remaining place let's go up I build get ready for epic gaming moments right as gamers here on the railing me he's a freaking army man misguided gods this God is the best gamer in the world fresh if you don't win the gums curse dude how are you not dead to stall how are you know that's such a scam that's such a scam dude a lot of guns cursed fresh couldn't even win with it the guns cursed look at him young Kade yeah see cut me this shotgun what a beautiful boy oh I see someone okay this is the guy this is the guy that breaks the curse this is the guy that breaks the curse here we go I'm doing three damage oh this place down here here I go time to break the curse baby boy breaky cars the curse is broken oh my god oh my god I drink it a chug chug to celebrate its lace babe he's true blue oh we got some gamers up here oh you think you got think I'm scared you think I'm scared gamer you think I'm scared of you I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm just my god the curse might actually be broken since I started playing Minecraft I don't actually have a victory Wario I started caring about melons more so than victories melons yeah I'm landing on this guy the curse is broken now I feel like a sweat I think he was an epic guy I'm not sure he might have been a stream sniper oh you're not ready you aren't ready for these hands young man you weren't ready ah yes another stream stuff up you better does he have one this gun may actually be too rare to get fired oh you're um insane yeah this gun may actually be the first gun that's actually too rare to get fired I think it might be scientifically impossible just like when Snow White kissed her prince charming my curse has been lifted look I got stopped by 140 meters this thing is cursed hold it to stick the rest you secure s well this is I'm dead I'm dead all right well the curse is like half lifted like maybe instead of a snow white getting a tongue kiss she had a peck on the cheek shockwave presents bring back stick it bring me back you can do it you've got time a lot just drop that shotgun and put a launch okay we're coming back can we truly live the curse there's a tree in the way oh okay I mean that was like the most insane reboot ever ha ha ha oh this might be last guy I think he's lost his last guy that's nice let's go until I'm gonna get into will the curse be lifted snow white got a tongue kiss baby snow got a tongue gasps okay so we went for a that was a very sweaty ending skip most of it we went from getting no kills over the course of like 20 games so I probably just go like eight please go like eight kills with it every games just epic games curse is lifted