Supreme Court's Ruling on Coach's Prayers

Jan 10, 2025

Supreme Court Ruling on Coach's Field Prayers

Key Facts

  • Case Title: Joseph Kennedy vs. Bremerton School District
  • Ruling Date: June 27, 2022
  • Outcome: Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of Joseph Kennedy, the high school football coach.
  • Issue: Coach Joseph Kennedy was fired for praying on the field post-game, which was argued to violate the Establishment Clause by the school district.
  • Court’s Decision: Kennedy’s conduct was protected under the First Amendment.

Court's Opinion

  • Majority Opinion by Justice Neil Gorsuch:
    • Supported by Chief Justice John Roberts, Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Amy Coney Barrett.
    • Brett Kavanaugh joined most of Gorsuch's opinion.
    • Rejected the argument that allowing prayers violated the Establishment Clause.
    • Emphasized that pluralism in society involves tolerating various expressions of speech and prayer.
    • Dismissed the precedent of the Lemon v. Kurtzman case, suggesting courts should reference historical context.
    • Stated that Kennedy’s prayers were private acts during a time when staff could engage in private speech.
    • The school district's actions were seen as discriminatory against religious observances while allowing secular speech.

Dissenting Opinion

  • Written by Justice Sonia Sotomayor:
    • Joined by Justices Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan.
    • Argued Gorsuch misrepresented the facts, portraying the prayers as quiet and private.
    • Highlighted concerns about public, communicative religious displays in school settings.
    • Emphasized the need for school neutrality in religious matters to prevent coercive environments for students.
    • Warned that the ruling weakens the separation between church and state.


  • Event Timeline:
    • Kennedy prayed at the 50-yard line post-game, initially alone, later joined by others.
    • The school district objected, offering alternative options which Kennedy declined.
    • Kennedy was placed on administrative leave and his contract was not renewed.
  • Legal Proceedings:
    • Kennedy sued, citing violations of free speech and free exercise clauses.
    • Initially, the 9th Circuit ruled in favor of the school district.


  • The ruling is seen as a victory for religious expression in public spaces.
  • Critics argue it could undermine religious freedom by eroding the separation of church and state.
  • Perspectives:
    • Supporters: View as a victory for personal religious freedom.
    • Opponents: View as a potential threat to religious neutrality and diversity.


  • First Liberty Institute & Paul Clement: Celebrated the ruling for restoring Kennedy's rights.
  • Americans United for Separation of Church and State & Rachel Laser: Condemned the decision as damaging to religious freedom.

Further Reading