SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners

Jul 12, 2024

SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners

Course Overview

  • Purpose: Introduction to SQL and relational database management systems (RDBMS)
  • Structure:
    • Basics of databases
    • Types of databases
    • SQL usage
    • Installing RDBMS (MySQL)
    • Writing SQL queries (CRUD operations)
    • Database schemas and design
    • Advanced querying techniques

Database Fundamentals

What is a Database?

  • General Definition: Any collection of related information
  • Examples:
    • Phonebook
    • Shopping list
    • To-do list
    • Social media user database
  • Storage Methods: Paper, mind, computer, comment section
  • Key Point: Computers are excellent for storing databases due to speed, security, backup, and ease of data manipulation.

Types of Databases

  • Relational (SQL)
    • Organizes data into tables with rows & columns
    • Unique key identifies each row
    • Examples: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MariaDB
    • Uses SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • Non-Relational (NoSQL)
    • Organizes data in formats other than tables (key-value, document, graph, etc.)
    • Examples: MongoDB, DynamoDB, Firebase

SQL Basics

Structured Query Language (SQL)

  • Purpose: Interact with RDBMS
  • Functions:
    • CRUD operations
    • Administrative tasks
    • User management
    • Table and schema definitions
  • Standardization: Minor differences across RDBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.)

Core SQL Operations

  • CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete
  • Queries: Requests made to the RDBMS for specific information, written using SQL
  • Syntax: Case-insensitivity for SQL commands, semicolon (;) ends statements

Installing MySQL and PopSQL (Windows & Mac)

MySQL Installation

  • Steps:
    • Download MySQL Community Server
    • Custom or Developer Default installation
    • Configure MySQL Server (user, password, system startup option)
    • Verify installation through MySQL command-line client

Setting Up PopSQL

  • Purpose: Simplified SQL query editor
  • Steps:
    • Download from PopSQL.io
    • Connect to MySQL Database (localhost, root user)

Creating and Managing Tables

Data Types

  • INT: Whole numbers
  • DECIMAL(M,N): Numbers with decimals (M = total digits, N = digits after decimal)
  • VARCHAR(N): Variable-length string (N = max length)
  • BLOB: Binary large objects

SQL Commands for Table Management

  • CREATE TABLE: Define a new table
  • DESCRIBE: Show table structure
  • ALTER TABLE: Modify an existing table
  • DROP TABLE: Delete a table
  • INSERT INTO: Add records to a table

Advanced SQL Techniques

Inserting Data with Constraints

  • NOT NULL: Column cannot have NULL values
  • UNIQUE: All values in the column must be unique
  • DEFAULT: Set a default value for a column
  • AUTO_INCREMENT: Automatically incrementing value for primary keys

Updating and Deleting Data

  • UPDATE: Modify existing records
    • Example: UPDATE student SET major = 'Bio' WHERE major = 'Biology'
  • DELETE: Remove records from a table
    • Example: DELETE FROM student WHERE student_id = 5

Querying Data

Basic Queries

  • SELECT: Retrieve data from databases
    • Example: SELECT * FROM student (Retrieves all records)
  • WHERE: Filter results based on conditions
    • Example: SELECT name FROM student WHERE major = 'Biology'
  • ORDER BY: Sort results
    • Example: SELECT * FROM student ORDER BY name ASC
  • LIMIT: Limit the number of results
    • Example: SELECT * FROM student LIMIT 5
  • DISTINCT: Eliminate duplicate values
    • Example: SELECT DISTINCT major FROM student

Functions and Aggregation

  • COUNT: Count rows
    • Example: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM student
  • AVG: Average value
    • Example: SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employee
  • SUM: Sum of values
    • Example: SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee
  • GROUP BY: Group results
    • Example: SELECT sex, COUNT(*) FROM employee GROUP BY sex

Wildcards and LIKE Clause

  • Wildcards: % (any number of characters), _ (single character)
    • Example: SELECT * FROM client WHERE client_name LIKE '%LLC'

UNION Operations

  • Combine results from multiple queries
    • Example: SELECT first_name FROM employee UNION SELECT branch_name FROM branch

JOIN Operations

  • INNER JOIN: Default join, matches records between tables
    • Example: SELECT employee.name, branch.name FROM employee INNER JOIN branch ON employee.branch_id = branch.branch_id
  • LEFT JOIN: All records from left table, matched records from right table
  • RIGHT JOIN: All records from right table, matched records from left table

Nested Queries

  • Using results from one query within another
    • Example: SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_id IN (SELECT emp_id FROM works_with WHERE total_sales > 30000)

Database Design: ER Diagrams

ER Diagrams Introduction

  • Purpose: Visual representation of database schema
  • Components:
    • Entities (rectangles)
    • Attributes (ovals)
    • Primary Key (underlined)
    • Relationships (diamonds)
    • Composite & Multivalued Attributes (double circles)
    • Derived Attributes (dashed ovals)
  • Types of Participation: Total (double line) vs Partial (single line)
  • Relationship Cardinality: Defines numerical relationships (1:1, 1:N, N:M)
  • Weak Entities & Identifying Relationships: Weak entity (double rectangle) depends on another entity

Designing an ER Diagram

  • Process: Derive from requirements
    • Identify Entities and Attributes
    • Define Relationships and Cardinality
    • Example: Company database with branches, employees, and clients

Converting ER Diagrams to Database Schemas

  • Steps:
    1. Map regular entities to relations
    2. Map weak entities
    3. Map binary 1:1 relationships
    4. Map binary 1:N relationships
    5. Map binary M:N relationships
  • Example: Create tables for employee, branch, client, branch supplier, etc.
    • Define primary and foreign keys
    • Establish relations based on ER diagram


  • Objectives Achieved: Comprehensive understanding of SQL and RDBMS, practical knowledge of designing and querying databases, and skills to create and maintain database schemas.