preparing for introduction to kinesiology 5th edition so to summarize our textbook will help us to understand as a kinesiologist how we can promote equality how we can use research for evidence-based practice how to continue to learn from scholarly knowledge and from our experiences and certifications and organizations to help us become experts in our fields as well as how we can continue to challenge ourselves or overload ourselves to continue to grow in our experiences these are the four common issues that kinesiology professionals address each chapter illustrates how kinesiology knowledge can be applied to make professional decisions in these issues all three sources of knowledge are illustrated and key references are cited professional issues in kinesiology sidebars provide examples of different formats and styles of scholarly citations and references so again to summarize throughout your exploration of our textbook keep in mind that this textbook is designed to help prepare you to become a professional in kinesiology and how to be able to handle being a professional how to be able to handle making sometimes very difficult decisions and how to be able to move the field forward so that our field continues to grow welcome to introduction to kinesiology