Transcript for:
Financial Accounting - Lecture Summary

completely consideration and Company codes see what can survived because next is assignment Financial Accounting assigned from the board let's see okay it's fine company we are missing this part with new and trees in multiplication five foreign [Music] a company is made company will be integrated with company board from this node assignment company it says company currency differs from company code currency this is just warning click enter and it will be gone save and this will be okay now next step next step is um financial accounting global settings Ledger basically in hosting periods maintain fiscal year variant uh fiscal year variant and Company code is c45 okay uh we have fields field status variance position c45 okay let's assign this c45 and c45 this is done uh fiscal year and posting periods variants company board c45 c45 is done okay next step next big step is chart of accounts general ledger accounting Master data GL accounts preparations uh assigned company quote each out of accounts c45 c45 is made okay account grouped c45 okay we don't have c45 let's copy double A4 through select these all easy steps a or two copy as c45 c45 16.5 save it now these are accounts that are attached to company code now let's define retained earnings account uh chart of account is c45 X twenty thousand it is not created it's a warning press enter and Save okay after this we are left with one more step in financial accounting and that is a big step before we knew all removed amen and that is business transaction documents collecting uh classified GL documents doubly for properly okay double a four two copy this slash ospro control y select all Ctrl C um financial accounting general ledger this is transaction documents splitting C40 c45 new entries okay zero three one zero two one zero three one zero two one enter 80201 balance sheet account failed down eight zero two zero one eight zero two two one control y control C okay Enter save save now let's move on to the next step and that is controlling maintain controlling area again a finance step maintain controlling area but this is a necessary step 6 45 okay this is made double click c45 currency evaluation K4 int 4K V is the next step c45 um activate components component is active from 2003 commitment one activity based costing assignment of company codes Champion group okay this is done now next step is spro controlling profit Center accounting basic settings controlling areas settings maintain controlling area settings standard hierarchy is triple one no I don't want this set controlling area C 45 controlling area settings standard hierarchy will be c45 now what is profit Center accounting I'll explain profit Center area currency confirm currency will be PKR equal valuation how many valuations do we have group profit Center and legal three types of valuations saved data was saved okay now let's go to master data profit Center standard hierarchy Champion group lower level semi group champion same level South operations North operations save this is the hierarchy of the business create dummy dummy profit Center C 45 tell me basic data c45 dummy save segment is necessary but we haven't made any segment yet defined profit Center is the next step create profit Center uh [Music] uh nonsense North gym profit Center Group North segment segment can what is the segment it is a business segment business vertical is a segment like headphones gift items books fiber networks this is separate business companies and these are segments one company can have many segments like Unity word gift wrapping pattern products detergent okay so we can and these are Independents but profit centers are assigned to segments okay so what we can what we can uh assign here automobile not operations are coming under automobile enters automobile save as inactive continue activate create copied from North South will be the same same features profit Center will be professional group will be South segment can be different and the same [Music] that's 10 chemicals see you as inactive continue activate both are activated okay now how we can generate if we want to integrate a new segment how we can okay I'll tell you that defined profit Center create profit Center HQ Master data head office head office profit Center group HQ segment now this cannot have a segment because headquarter is headquartered head office head office so what we'll see what we'll do go for corporate for for it lp33 she was inactive continue activate okay this is done now next step is where do we Define segment we Define segment we Define segment here Financial Accounting only can Define the segments here segments are not assigned to any node these are independent okay now next step is financial accounting general ledger business transactions uh document splitting practice expanded profit Center activate profit Center Define profit Center hierarchy we've already done this property centered groups assign default profit Center to accounts okay double a four two okay foreign profit Center to accounts c45 new entries S 0 1 will be South n01 will be North and so on HQ it's human entry one zero one zero one does not exist in SKB what is SKB Ctrl C 16n let's go to S to 16 and table skb1 what is the table name GL account Master record okay sc16n I can go to SC 16 also skp1 enter and execute we have GL accounts that are made double click this is the account number okay now let me go to another transaction code sc16h skp One account Master data online okay these are the accounts in company code okay let's say I go to company code 8842 online these are the accounts made in this company code this is how I can check so this is a technical transaction okay sc16 sm30 sm30 SKB fine maintenance dialogue continue Change Control resegment content activation let's check this out to maintain okay so Jill accounts are made here and you can actually check so I've told you different transactions to regard okay now it says this is not made as a Master record so what we'll do 0 1 slash n accounting Financial Accounting general ledger Master records GL accounts in division processing networks zero zero c45 company code new zero one and what is this one zero one is liquid funds account type balance sheet account cash r account cash pick it up account Control Data tax category posting without text allowed open item management no zero zero one okay posting date create Bank interest speed status group g001 most automatically no it will have manual entries relevant cash flowing yes saved and saved one zero one is created enter twenty thousand okay twenty thousand twenty thousand this is balance sheet account account group is equity retained earnings retained earnings Control Data tkr X category posting it or text aloud is not a Recon account sort key will be zero zero one to get Bank interests uh G zero no not g 0 6 7 this is glaring account tax office with State G zero zero one foreign expense accounts three zero two zero one primary cost no not right now primary cost account expense account um internet expenses expenses Control Data text category all text category will be input operator management no zero zero one enter input tax account oh I guess it is enter all text types in status group g001 post automatically no save sixty thousand sixty thousand is I guess okay sixty thousand continue balance sheet account refund accounts local vendor local mm this can be raw material sanitized Goods you can also create separate raw material semi-finished good whatever you can be specific but right now I'm just using very specific General data okay text category will be all posting without tax is allowed and it will be a recall account from vendors sort key will be zero one four zero one four purchase order be it Bank interest you'll start as group g067 and Save you have saved sixty thousand two hundred sixty thousand two hundred is again account okay let me just check what it is four two sixty thousand special Geo local vendor okay 60 200 c45 balance sheet accounts 60 200. special GL Enders mm vendor Control Data text category all uh text category can be input Recon account type for vendors sort key is zero one four create Bank interest p067 and Save it cannot be a tax account save enter eight zero two five zero eight zero two five zero zero balance technology okay let's take it next time right foreign